CF 'Praia!) 41105 i. JAMES I'. BARK, Editor and Prnintadar. PITTSBURGH NI , )KNING DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS FOB BOPRELMEI JUDGIS, WILLIAM A. PORTER, OP PIIIIADELPIELA FOR CANAL 0011111B81011EII, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE COUNTY 103. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY OOMMITTEE OF Col. RESPONDENCE. The Democratic County Con, mitten of Correepeudooe will meet at the ST. CRAILLEB Pittsburgh, WEDNESDAY, June 16th, ISfei, at ntsvi...N o'clock, A M. Punctual attendance is requeeted. JAMES A. 0113:50N, Chai ft JOHN Le STUN, Secretary. Thu following named gentlemen COLlipakeid Chu a b.., t• C... , 1 ID I ttlq, , , viz: J. N. 141cOlowry, Jame.l A.. Gibskm, IL B. Sinclair, Thomas Farley, Joseph Birmingham, D. D. Bruce, L. B. Patterson, It. li. Patterson, Charles Bryson, Dr. Wm. M. Herron J. B Fulton, it. Ji. Guthrie, Itobert Morrow, of Rows, S. C. Wingard, John Layton CAMP SUSQ,UEHANNA Gov. Packer, commander-in-chief of the forces of Pennsylvania has ordered a Camp of Instruction, which, from present indications we judge will be the greatest military gather ing ever held in the State, at least, in time of peace. The proposed military gathering will take place in Williamsport, Lycoruing county: and will be called "Camp Susquehanna." It will continue from the 7th to the 12th of Sep tember. The orders of Adjutant-General Wilson un the subject will be found in our advertising•celumns. All the volunteer com panies of the State are invited to participate in this grand military gathering, and if no more than one-half of them attend, the dis play cannot fail to be a most magnificent one. Three months time are given for pre- paration, lung enough to get ready for a war ; and certainly long enough to prepare for a peaceful gathering of the citizen soldiery on the beautiful banks of the West Branch of the Susquehanna. The advantages to our volunteer companies of something which resembles actual , ervice, at a distance from the luxuries of cities and towns, are obvious. Street parades and ar mory drills, make up about the total of mili tary service which most volunteer companies experience. It will do them good, as well as afford them an agreeable and exciting plea sure to make a few days trial of regular dis cipline and routine similar to those of actual service in the field. The excitement of a life in tents, the military regulations duly en forced day and night, and the pleasant gath ering of people from all parts of the State, so that friendly feelings may be cultivated, will make "Camp Susquehanna" a thing of note. Such gatherings cannot fail to improve the military system of the State, and to render those who take part in them better prepared fur service in the field when their country may require such service. Alleghenny C'iunty there are large number of well equipped and well drilled military companies. We hope that every one of them may make arrangements to he at Williamsport in September, and show their fellow•soldiers of Pennsylvania a " touch o' their quality." Benefit of J. C. Fortcr To-night has been set apart for the benefit of J. C. Foster Fsq., who, for so many years has devoted his energies and means towards the amusement of the citizens. He is cer tainly entitled to an overflowing house for what he has recently accomplished, in having constructed a large and elegant first class theatre. The money which this theatre has cost for materials, labor, and decorations, has heen'expended among the mechanics and fur nishing men of our city. Let this class re collect the fact, and he present to-night. The Odd Fellows also have a large interest in the beautiful hall which Mr. Foster has con tributed to finish ; and they, one and all should show their appreciation of what he has done, by attending his benefit to-night. And the citizens generally, who wish to see a well-conducted place of amusement sus tained in the city, which is a benefit to the place, should also encourage Mr. Foster's en terprise by their presence. Let his benefit to night be a substantial one ; it ought co be, and we have no doubt that it will be. 'rhe 43ritsh Outrages The Eastern papers bring us the informa tion that Lord Napier has not received any despatches about the recent outrages, as has been reported ; but advices received there trom Lieutenant Rodgers state that Lieuten ant Pym, of the Jasper, had informed him, that ho had orders from the Admiral to search for the Styx, and stop her high-hand ed prodeedings, and that the Devastation was at Havana fur the same purpose. Lieut. Pym expressed the greatest surprise that the course of the British cruisers had caused any irritation in the United States, and informed Lieutenant Rodgers that they were acting under no new orders, but only carrying out those issued in 1849. This statement of the commander of the Jasper is the more curious, as he is the officer who first began these search es, in firing into and overhauling the Black Hawk last November, while on his way from England to the coast of Cuba, and when far from either Cuba or the coast of Africa. The Derby government have already sent out or ders to the West India fleet to stop all visits in future to American vessels. Population of Mintictun The Belle Plan Envirer, gives a table ex hibiting, the population of each county in.thi State, the number of square wiles contained in it, and the number of dwellings in each county of the State, showing a total of 153,832 inhabitants, 75,46-1 square miles of territory ; nearly half as large again as the State of New York, and 31,62 U dwelling. a splendid inheritance now added to the ar. rangements of Uncle Samuel. In 1646, ten years ago, the territory contained but,.4.844) inhabitants. 1=11=133 A t' , - lii.uow A Feligioun Novoi —try ate istltho , ul " Winch Th, !tight 4,4 thti Lett Pi icv, 'Lt. trick 5l Vitznerulti Pittsburgh Him.- h Thllut The lovers of thie kiwi of. literature of which, wr, VOlLlt•ritA, we. :Ire nut one, will un doubtedly be ‘.ieliglited with this book. "A 'Poor Fellow," tlir.ugii its retiiiivkahle hero, with his ups aril downs, his triumphs and lueriser., his eiliauiet. dud cuuitien, i ,y ;, liio- Cure I life mid a iiiiriraytil nature, trliieb will be read with ititer,"it by 101 read ers whose taste lies that way The ho„k tterl gotten up. 'Ph e+ Indisuat Senator• The Senate of the United States adopted the report of the Judiciary Committee, affirm• lug the right of MesSrs. .Bright and Fitch as Senators, from the State of Indiana. The Senate refused to concur. in the House's amendment for ten sloopii, and they coin promised on seven. The Disbtandol•tat of the ottepubllean" In noticing the recent call ul a Convention .1... Vut to be held at Harrisburg, on the 14th ol July, "I ) '11'"" I th sl.::oos it I. •11i wing 7 6 1••,t ut to make another attempt to unite the disjoint-ie , yet ill‘ , l eattbraut 1.;;1 ‘,, the 1 , 0;1 ,1,, of tli, ed and dissimilar interests whic h oppose the who;•• oemory, for .1 aun, once, ine tritunp!, ci National Democracy, the Cincinnati Enquirer , lb,: Utah policy polsiont hy the administrati,„,l The troublesome prebion, ut Nlornierositi has the following very sensible remarks : In Peuti,ylvania, the second State in the Union iu point of population and woalti, the "Ropub beans" have disbanded their organization, and gone with their whole strength into the " Peo ple's Party." A convention under that name is to be held at Harrisburg on the 14th of July, for the nomination of State officers, which wiil be participated in by the conglomerate 3 " fu sion " of " Republicans," '' Americans," " Re publican-Americans,"-" nierican- Republicans," " Niaine-Lawites,' •• 11,i1-m's Rights Men," " Abolitionists," Frec Lovers," and °vet). other organization of pestilent heresy which has disturbed the country lot the past four years • Chest. , f Lctions or , - llil io be consolidated :nto one party, dubbed the "People's," which, like Jo neph's coat, to composed of many colors. The • Anteri , mh and " Republicen " partios bad provimply called State Conventions, but with drew them simultaneously, inviting their fol lowers to organize under the new combination and name. JUNE 14 18fit4 This suicide of " Republicanism" in Pennsyl vania is a severe blow to that faction iu all the free States Chase and Seward, of New York and Ohio, are doing their best to keep vitality in it, at least until after the next Presidential election, conscious that with the reconstruction of parties is destroyed their own influence; but it is very doubtful whether they will succeed. The Kansas question is settled, and the most of the opposition are getting heairtly sick of the negrotem and desire a new organization, which shall make it subservient to other inatte-s Be sides, the:earne of Republican " has bccome odious on L‘Co.ol.l.lit of the crime-4 aed f. flies thieh h,vc taid!ed it siuee they assumed it as a party, and they are qusious to get a more popu lar and respecabledesiiruation The opposition have alwa, , , been °bilged to assume a rii.w name every few years which should db , guise their prin ciples, in order to maintain any contest with the Democracy, and hence their late move is entirely in character with their antecedents. As the Whigs admiuis , ered •,n thsheld "Anti-Masonic" org.a:lizatiou, and the " Republican" upon the Whig," so the "-People's party " is to settle up the political estate of these deceased parties in Pennsylvania called "American " and ' Repub lican." That the Democracy of Pennsylvania will he able to put down this huge political dragon, with its feet of clay, its head of iron and its face of brass, so suddenly sprung into being, we do net doubt. A vigorous blow next October will shiver the ill-cemented fl.bric, to pieces The announcement of the concert of this great basso, on Thursday night next, has cre ated a great excitement in the fashionable and musical circles of our city. The sale of secured seats and tickets will commence this morning, at Mellor's Music Store, on Wood Street. Formes last week at his concerts in Philadelphia created an immense excitement, and so will he here. He will be assisted by artists of distinguished talent and celebrity. The multiplication of banks in Wisconsin needs watching. The Central Wisconsin, published at Wausau, in Marathon County, cautions against several banks in that county. The banks named aro the Tradesman's Bank, Marathon Cuen " ty Bank, State Security Bank, the Osborne Bank of Gemekon, and the Mara thon City Bank. Besides these, the Bank of the Interior is mentioned as a bank supposed to be, but not really, located in Wausau. Of the Tradesmen's Bank, the paper referr ed to says : • This bank 6. e, uo legal existenc. , ; the bills are A tiara without any place of redemption, except at a ruinous shave; the securities deposited with the Controller are t)Lie of the best, and measures should be taken to get the bills redeemed by the Controller before is a depreciation in the value of the securiiie , , n•l snub money driven out of circulation. Party Alit Penn yvanta Karl Formes' cOncert Banking In W laconson The Marathon County Bank purports to be boated at Eagle "titer, Marathon County. The Wisconyin saysjliere hi no suet) place in that county, and al, itittik has no place of doing business, nor'agent nor otlitte for the redemption vl its hill, in Marathon Comity. As to the t lemekor Band, the name paper says there is such a place as tiemekon in Marathon County, where the bank is profess sedly located. There is also a place with that name near the northern boundary of the State at Eagle Lake. There the cashier of this bank has been carrying on a " logging busi ness," The Wisconsin says : The best " bullion " the bank officers have to redeem their bills at Uemekou, i..s good pine tr*.V7 logs ; they Are a lawfal tender, however, in the pinery, and the bill holders of the other wild cat banks of North.: ra Wisconu, will no doubt he glad some day to get. even es good currency as pine logs for ‘• rags." The Osborne Bank of Oemekon professes to located at the place named. Of this bank the Wisconsin reports : Hudson Bidwell of Beaver Dam Wisconsin appears to be the owner. The amount of capi tal stock is 40,000. The bank exists only is name. It has uo banking office or place business at Gemekon " logging shanties " or a any other place iniMarathon County. The New Office for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company The new fire proof building, for the use of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Third street and Willing's alley, is now completed and occupied by the company. All has been stated heretofore, the building has a front of 42 feet and a depth of 156 feet, Laid is four stories high; the front and first story on Willing's alley being composed of New Brunswick stone, elaborately ornamented. The cornice on the side of the edi fice is of iron ; the roof is arch , td with brick and covered with tin. All the joints throughout the building are of iron, the ceilings arched and the floors laid with tile, so that the entire edifice is completely fire-proof, and constructed in the most substantial manner. All the rooms, with exception of the first and fourth stories, are oc cupied by the company, the others being rented nut. The second floor is divided into offices for the Treasurer, Assistants, President, Vice Presi dent, &c. The one for the Treasurer fronts on 't bird street. and is 30 by 50 feet, and has been titled up handsomely with oak furniture, as well the President's room. The DireOtors' room, au the same floor, is well proportioned, and pre :-lents a rich appearance in consequence of the handsome walnut furniture with which it is supplied. The third story is devoted to the freight and ticket department, and has also black walnut furniturt' On the same floor is located the Superintendent, telegraph department, &o. VI of which, rooms are furnished with an eye to ta al taste as welt as usefulness. The grand sistrease, leading from Third street to the upper part of the building, is of stone ; all the rest are of iron, with the Pxoeption of a small stairway I ~ ding to the janitor's room in the rear. In the construction of tilt- buil:ling, no exrense has been spared in reo.tering it entirely fire-proof, „tt well no making it an ornament to the portion iif the city in which it is located. ---- Philadelphia II E IS ONLY A PRINTXII. - The Elliewing tribute to the nehle preservative itrt we find iu a c.tetu porary, and we e, , ,inniend its strong, Sontritst to intelligent reader : He is only a printer Seel, w ; ,,, the Hueerint it :mirk of it leader iu a airole of :tristocracy— the codfish quality. Who wit-3 the Earl of Stan hope? He was only a printer. What is Prince Frederick William, just married to the Princess Royal of England ? He too is only a printer. Who was William Caxton, une of the fathers of ;iterntarey He was only is printer. What was P Morris, N P. Willis, James Gales, ChEtrle. Richardson, James Harper, Horace Grteley, Bayard Taylor, Charles Dickens, Thiers, Douglas Jerrold, hicorge I). Prentice, and Sena or, Dix, Cameron and Niles? They too were priuttzt:s What was Benjamin Franklin ? He tie was a printor. And last, though not least, what is James Buchanan, who occupies the most enviable position on earth? Vuly a priuter Every One cannot be a printer—tipatus are neces sary. Vrom Wi041,1110 l'k I'~ ;1, »utv.,l by the pr,tripute, , , , irotni .0 qu...1 reboluie tirtune,t tiumb.,ltah. The to• tering sore, the clacrrous weer of lialmo.:al licentiousnosn. has been subjected to the k. if. and actual cautery. The experiment has proved perfectly sucoestfal. 'rhe disease is cured The country will hail with Intense s th• news of the Mornaou ,obrutsstot: to th,• law otlioers of the United State, Si long as the forces sent t.. Uti,b quate to overawe the Mormons, they tuk scruple to commit uiy act of rebellion and Indeed, by unanimous votiU• ef their legislator, , these deluded people adopted .t.n aMtr.--, to greys, so treastmabM and disrespf , ctiul that was treated with ;Lie greatest indignity by ihs. body While General Johnston's little coalman.: seemed to lie beyond the reach of succor or sop port, nothing but vengeance w . r.s the tabernable of the Mormon Prophet ; but no sooner had the ample preparations been made march a crushing and overwhelming force to the City of the Saints claim a change was obvious in the demeanor of the Mormons. Day by day their resolution grew fainter and fainter, until the banners of our advancing c o lumn; had scarce ly been fairly unfurled to the witidt, of the prai ries, before Brigham and his dupes fairly cu and run " Tue sixty thousand saints suogly eht. , conced in the centre of inaceessible moun tains, and au almost trackless desert, with their ten thousand diseipiini troops, have succumb , to the majesty of the law, backed by the airily. and enforce! by the resolution of the Presioent The wisdom of the policy is fully vindicated, tho thorough preparation for enforcing -til• mission has pr,,ved a mo s t plan of wise economy : To the Senate dad House of Representatives: I transmit the copv, of a despatch from (inverter Cumming to the Secretary of State, dated at Great Salt City, on the second of May, and received at the Department of State on yesterday. From this there is reason to believe that our difficulties with the Ter ritory of Utah have terminated, and the reign of the constitution and the laws has been restored. I coo gra.ulate you on this auspicious event. I lose no time in communicating this information. and it expressing the opinion that there will be no occasion to make any appropriation for the purpose of calling into service the regiliaents of two volun teers authorized by the act of Congress approved c c the 7th of April lust " for the purpose of quelling disturbances in the Territory of Utah, for the pro tection of supply and emigrant trains, and the sup pression of Indian hostilities on the front tier." I am the more gratified at this satisfactory intelli genes from Utah because it will afford some relief to the treasury at a time demanding trom us the strictest economy, and when the question which now arises upon every appropriation is, whether it be of a chars aster so important and urgent as to brook no delay, and to justify and require a loan, and must probably a tax upon the people to raise the money necessary for its payment. In regard to the regiment of volunteers authorized by the same act of Congress to be c..lled into service for he defense iit the frontier of Texais against lo diau hostilities, I desire to this question to Congress, observing at the same time that, in my opinion, this State can be defended for the present by the regular tre , ipis, which have not yet been with drawn from its limits. JAMES BUCHANAN WASHINGTON CITY, June 10, 1858. The London Timer. IVe make the following extract relative le " British Thunderer " from an interes ng article, by Dr. R. Shelton McKenzie in,m Englit:h whieh we find in tin Mr. .John Walter, M. P., for the borough of Nottingham, is principal proprietor of the limes newspaper, holding, nineteen shares out of the twenty-four into which that Valua ble publication is divided. The publisher, who is responsible fur all libels, &c., has one share. Mr. John Delano, the editor, has one share ; and Mrs. Carden, mother of Sir Robert Car den, the present Lord Mayor of London has three shares. It is estimated that each pro prietory share is worth over $lO,OOO a year, making the agreeable sum of $240,000 to $260,000, per annum out of all the shares. Mr. Walter's individual receipts from this source may be averaged at $2Ol ),1)1 ) year. Mr. Robert Lowe, M. P. for the borough of, Kidderminster, is the leading political writer in the Times. He is now 47 years old, anq in many respects, rather a remarkable man: His father is a country clergyman who could only give him a first rate education, at Win chester school. He there won what is called an exhibition to University College, Oxford, on the small emoluments of which, with assis tance from teaching (" coaching" is the regu lar Oxford phrase ) idlers and dullards \VII:, tears as to being able to graduate, he lived while he was an under graduate. At the de. gree examination be came out first-class in classics and second class in mathematics. This was very distinguished answering, and no doubt greatly influenced his success, in 1835 when he was elected Fellow of Magdalen College. The emoluments are about $l5OO a year, but he must have made twice as much more soon after, when, having forfeited his Fellowship by marriage, in 1836, he became a private tutor at Oxford, He became a barrister in 1842, and immediately after went to Austra lia, where he was made a member of the E ecutive Council in 1843, which office lie retain ed until 1850, when he returned to England. He had the good fortune to obtain an engage• ment on the Times, early in 1851, and soon became known as a very able and par ticularly well-informed writer. In Judy, 1852, Mr. Lowe succeeded in becoming M. P. for Kidderminster, a small manufacturing town in Worcestershire, with fewer than five hundred electors. He was not quite new to legislative work, having represented Sydney, in the Australian Parliament, for two yeais. He spoke so well upon general politics, and with such clearness upon matters of trade and commerce, that, before be had been six months in Parliament, he was made Secretary of the Board of Control, with $7,500 a year, and, in Augnst, 1855, was advanced to the Vice Presidency of the Board of Trade. Mr. Walter, who owns a landed estate in Berkshire, as well as nineteen shares in the Times newspaper, has long been ambitious of obtaining what is vulgarly denominated a handle to his name. knighthood, which dies with him who receives it, is too fleeting a dis tinction to satisfy Mr. Walter's "vaulting am bition." It has long been understood in Brttish political circles, that both parties— Whig as well as Tory—have evaded compli ance with his desire to obtain a baronetcy. But with this difference,—the Tories have given him a point-blank refusal, while the Whigs have held out glittering hopes, which, somehow or other, never blossom into matte rity. Lord John Russel thus temporized with him, and so has Lord Palmerston. At the present crisis, if is said that they have given him a distinct pledge, to be fulfilled whenever one or both shall resume office, as Premier.'-i Thus, the support which the Times has giv en to the Ministry may be somewhat account ed for. If Palmerston or Mussel return to office, Mr. John Walter may pretty safely calculate upon becoming :!Sir John Walter, Bart," with the red hand.At- Ulster in his ar morial quarterings, and succession of the ti tle to "the male heirs of•his body lawfully begotten." Therefore, Mr. Walter has a di rect personal interest in making his journal strongly back up the partisan pretensions of Lords Palmerston and John Russel. SPURGEON AND THE LADY.-A witty litera ry lady, well known in London, was travel. ling the other day, in a railway carriage.— The only other occupant of the compartment in which she was seated was a fat, vulgar young man, with a white neckcloth (soiled,) sleek hair,prominent teeth,and a self-satisfied air. The individual contrived very adroitly, to make the conversation turn upon the Rev. Mr. Spurgeon. The dialogue soon became exceedingly warm and animated, the lady expressing the utmost aversion for the preach er in question, as an illiterate mountebank, and the gentleman extolling him to the sev enth heavens as the most glorious man of the age, and the Demosthenes of the pulpit. On arriving at the station where the lady's Journey terminated, the gentleman said: "Good morning, madam." And the lady replied with a bewitching smile: " I wish you a pleasant afternoon, Mr. Spurgeon." The Park street phenomenon wan horrified, and drawing his hat over his brow, rejoined in a very penitential voice : "I own I have been betrayed into vanity, but the devil prompted me—the devil prompt ed me." THE LATss 'lll.4ws tcV TEL T!3 RTY-elFa'a k t.sS zu t tir0...5 ti Thu. n c,Stu:d udteiar v MIMM=I the wentiment f. ,r t.•rl •.i.. .or c the Dctlc,cuey I , II " 1 8' II hang iLe 611, k;rt.nti[4. - ,tilet.o)s Sirs. .I.q.e. SEEM tid l'to ,in Appr, i_r been un 12 o't•iuck, P M. - t tr. T rac•oily ; n in,t r,• 1-. r. dt , Ty SdVorlii Dp01 ,, P 4 mij-urn has LATER.—!The See-to , too ierand, cacti .>,•d ~• the. i , orti7nic,ty of the Hone, on the Poet Oth, , e Very unexpectedly a 11100011 to adjourn was wade and carried. This action necessitate of the aession HOUSE OF :i.EPRE:itNIATINhn The President': message, requesting a p -tpenc ment of the t'me for adjournment, was received. J. Blaney Jour- said tho message was tit.ft,l on the supposition that the 'louse will tact tinicth action on the Appropriation Mlle till a late tfdir night. The ioan bill t.. been kept back from to consideration of tiro House for the simple purpo. that the executive branch may a, , eurtitil, -ut,i , te • the e3titzate. the Secretary r.t . the Te tssur, wh atunuot , y required. 13t, dldivikte the programh.e re.,,•ic t the action on no pood!tt measure, by •10 liner could af:t A,oiu teiligently by lour .p'oJ t—n.o , rrnw adjourn on,Monda; neat Ott muti,n the Lut,,e and ordered to ia, princnd The Ranee then a he Senate, wi t.a auw iw •n 'or the collection t V 2. revenue Mr. Barksddle, ot "ri:t ttssippi, ssiti the C,tottlitte-, on Foreign Affairs .i. - : now ready to report a Litt relative to the Britt , : ti,z:4 - essiott , In hot opinion Congress should u t oiodirn witriuut towel - ire. to resent the.tu our right,. - Mr. Sickles, of Scw York, wad ready to report hi.; bill, but the House not eunsont to it , • , , , n-ptiva at thin The bill fur a ioan i;1::),000.00l1 was r The Huse then concurred In the rep , rt ; tt. Counitt , .• Coc.turence on tile Naval redoein the eloupa at war to score, and a the Chia seas. . _ . The Light House Appropriation Bill pttBsed Thu !louse concurred iu the report of the c mitteeit of conference on the revenue tiobecfio. , nil and the ocean wait hill. The House udjuurned ro , rily R:ter tn,raignt From \Vasillulzt 021 WA: 4 I-11NG7031 CITY, Juae 12.-9'ho Psesidem municated a message to Comres, t. day , , in whicl he says it is h s imperative duty t call the attiatim of Congress t, the condition of the treasury. 0' the 14th al May the Secretary of the Treasury mated that seven millions of dollars would premibi: ba required for the first two quarters of the LOX( ha cal year. Thin dotis not include sorb MIIIIJU.IL3 may be appropriated over and above the estimate then submitted. The probably deficiency eat.t. t b ascertained till all the ap:ropriation cud i rivio bill he passed. hie reeoromendr , to Con tress to preii,ido toe it•tems nary means before 'ho adioureinent ; that the t tiler, to do so would U. •a. disgrace which should not 1,11 on the country. It .Itt b< impto:ittle tor hi n to ..acr , r lain the amount rt.quirt boloro Mitiolay !text, i now biting eleven it'vitteis. on Saturday. ;to tepaa• tn.) statement in hi. bnnutil message that r 143 its CP:ter minth to approve at no `Mils whieh he htd n.t de liberately rotatnined, and adds that be will nt . de part from this rule einpt in extreme t_a•ses. He a , lrit postponement the time of adj urnment for a hr of period, for the reasons staled. .116 t iil u..: di tale Cotigreii, sic ur beyond the time t ascertain the t• amount of appropriations. Cungri::). way toiga.4,A at a Lite hour (11,, • sevorhi rteptti - zi, from emderonce Committees ttti,titt tea appropri ditint.l &Lars tor fbrtitlea i d. in various ptirr•r vi the e“untry, peopri • tbs for custom houses. Ati the latter,. oSeepttn..t !or Chorlestut. and New V.or, _united to c , tte amount of choir comp!etion Toe Houee refuHz,d to ooneur to the Senate an end mont increasing the rate) of portage tad [Le Ann luiou of the frauhing 'loge, amondalnit giving 'll, i) , 2 • • it, !CI t • tilutit;r6. Butt' t,),usea ha.; a -truggla ON Con N. :At th.) , i t delir.!t , , net i n ASHI.I`II.4TOII CITY, •1 ;weer:. Scti,ttui , i Ow; through F.Lo uffor!, NVilsou,ll:t,r rcer r Dawn, which Mr. Gwy 3,301.):0,1 Co .nt:; , ment itl rit,ich. 11,± ~ Fa) Mr. cryD, Nfr al,'.'l,ug .-o, i•JF: ills/y V,Ort3 tj6 , 3 tiullAbit3 ; and cu; Lncans jti3tlli,; • is r. lne very :I,od. ALe. t are p0zi;“5,:1,1 L, pf,r, Ur% Gwyn, bu. ••,' up r, urse In g,riatwa 1,, 1,, Mr. IVl.son deemo , :, ext•AN.,.f.std. pres 9 i u n is :,t,;c , ti 3n: acs ils• honorable construction, with ( , I, vle. ui r ad .l,'.ed uy Mr. NViiAen, tdc huiii Ihe. M.. U yri ty Letthd to withdraw 'the disrespectdul language in wiueh ha re to Mr. Nilson. The uisalew d rcquirtd by Mr. Wil t. and the withdrawal from Mr. tdtvyn, sh , til he deeinc.t to have boon made by them rmpec ly, Ith , r tlley shall have expressed in wridng tlamr assent to ois report. Messrf. tiv.yu and both signet: the document last night. :.ben. Scott has been in consultation with the retary of ‘Var 9.3 to the artuy 1110170L1101113, in view of the late occurrences in Utah. Orders have be e n sent by express to a largo portion of the i.roop: aow on the march across the plaibs, to turn in the direc tion of the various localities requiring protection The immense magazines of supplies will, howe.or, b. forwaided to Utah, as a considerable body of troops will he kap+. in Umh for a long time The Hinaso has refused to aliolish the frankin privilege of representatives, but are quite wiliiu that the Senators strould divtist iiimuselves of tba right. The $15,000,000 lot.n bill with the House amend went tunktri, , amount $20,000,000 was passed. Latest :rota California—Arrival of the Star of the Wez.t. NEW YORK, Juno 12.—The Star , o the West ha arrived with nearly him 5 million riokars treasure The California news is unimportant. T`in mining and agricultural rep .rt, Iry mitit.fac , ry, and ahum. dent crop are pre.deled. Considerable in , oniiiiquence recent discoveries or gold ,o Fr izer river, in tb. British posaesnime; fifteen tramired perimb Francisco for the mines. 'rho advice: , are highly to vorable. The :Ethane are tr,ublesouatt. At l',uut ta a tight occurred between the savages and whites; twenty Indiana were killed. Twenty gamblers nave beau indicts. at Sacramen to, including Ned M'tioisan. Cul. Fremont has entered a et•inpiaint a.einyt the Merced Mining Company fur trist„i.a. wa- , te on Mariposa, involving very important mining in. forests. Tho nogrues of San Franciic: are preparing to emigrato to Vancouver's island. The rep.,rts of pio nears aro highly favorable. L. Galley, a French importer, was ustoiszmated by his mistress. Tao news from Orpgto and Wai , hlngtun IS unim portant. The Frazei - river gold exci eraent prevailed At the, Sandwich Idianda hublness is unusually active. Later from Mexico NEW 011 LEAN, June 12.--The Tennessee has arrived with Vora Cruz dates. The government has imposed a loan ;he rtipittil 04 foreiguera. Affairs look vary gloomy. 'A tight is expected between the rival forces. Pu cula, Racconal, Echeguri v • are basieged. Pirate was obliged to retire. Miramon, of the Zuloaga faction, has been twice defeated. Juarez is at Vera Cruz. The Pope has sent a lottor to Zuloaga, in which he thanks him for restoring the olergy. Indian ravages continue iu Durango. Tampico end Mazatlan aro the only , eaporti not in the hands of Juarez. . Zuloaga is suppressing the newspapers. Afternoon Telegraph Fteptorti Letter trout V.,itr , :pe---Arrival of the Steamer Nova Soot-tan. Sr. JOIIN, N. F., Jun pany's screw oteami.iiiip Nova Scotian, Capt. lki'Mas ;are, hit, passed Cape Rion, on her nut voyage to Quebec. She hao tw., hundred owl ninety fuur pus sengors. The steamship Europa, &um Boston via Halilas, arrived at Liverpeut eu the 2d. GREAT BRITAIN In the Hens° of Commons on tho ler., Mr. Lindsay asked the Government if it was true that the United States vessels, in the Havana, or western coast o f Africa trade, had been tired into, boarded, searched or detained by British cruiser, and if so, by what authority, or whose instructions did the commanders of those ships so art? Mr. Fitzgerald ed l the arnment had no official . information on the but he had reason to' belieN , the reports hnd , ixasr,gerated. They wet:, Is anxious as the American Government to avoid alt cause of °wen/alai, sod strict orders, had been issued to the Allows, and the atattotut , to be eapoeially cautions. The\ingurri an d 1, 4 3.:n0ti0 ,, a, vilth tiro tologrnph , .1, P. 2,11, 1, •, come, tor Liu truiilE Lt. INDIA. Ciao fol'„iviug, was rurviced May .., tilt M.5.1c4, 30th : I IIU GAnge-i, with tho Boruhay Arfive , l at , uez ye i rd y. I a:wander-in- rn , l Gun. Vi'ffilpvie CitU, ,u the, 30 , 11 liqrclay on I'm: 2.1 M 1 •T,l,rei,, Wert . 11 , ;11).4 . , baCt. M.,,z lace, In U. 2 it, - 111 ~,t tir witn tae t.. in ,, cad ut tIVP, ;in:7 rit p ;Mt, 1=1531 7v3z, t,tid a.. Psi, i roturr,od , iug appr. , pr,o i,.1 Chc d b Afl u u L~~ uacu :uutni,4 .11r E•••,!. t•• malt • ,•..• Ignt. arep, up reaul.rk lIIMIMiI 111/111131 INZEN=ISEM ciu~, ..y ~: .i ESIIIIM Peirciny. Tho litch.e. , t.o e tri.-3:):1h}, but the Nlussolluert tier,. A.tria. 11 A (4 ,, , rk o. , lU`lar. C told t>tlei itet.:ty .trrit.t• i •tt. April. and Diuretic' ate titc, t jottt t n OULL i-r :t-t. • A tii , pateh Eutleg btu, ti,,tati Ve, 2 t'at. ee I,!Lowed v..a.s kilted, but the et.eutt• tvts- •leteat3d itY itt, troop, kalif IA .ioing , for Like Bic it. .:-ebeehmen, Esq., the well Ltt.heg. have frequently used Lherh,,,,',, if I Bit 41,1 fin 1 1: invariably relieves :ndige.sti , u and debility." Hoc. Samuel Babcock says: " i tound special re lie! from its use, for a severe headache, with which I Lad long suffered." J. W. W dwell, Esq., says " I have used Beie have'e Holland Hittr, myself, and recommend it t, others, knowing it to he what it is represented." Alderman Jonathan Neely, cf Lower St. Ula,r. Rt.c-: "1 b,iVe derived great benefit trod' i , s use wei,k uena of the st,Luaeli and indigestion." Jame.: M. Murphy say, : " After several iny.-ioiatis Una !Alma, therhare'4 Holland Bitters removed the pad. 'row and ride, arising fr,ul ,117 i the Kittanning Free Pres., thy. j t h e --s. physicians in the place , had 11a3rhave'm Holiarld /fitters cured the o r the worst .one Francis Felix, only mr.nufactiirer of the I " Extract of Cuffee," say : I know that j .ur I.ind Bwers is one of the best Wedini LW, in ,rdure i :,t.duaen or lir^r' Dr. Ludwig, editor ,d 8t...11,m,1e, r zi.,u e cee it ei ,codicine losers lag the .2, ntidente the public. Di. Earhart, the leading Herman physician l' , lnnylvani , L, bus prescribed it frelusntly the last three yours, with marked success, in debl., tuted states o. the digestive urgand, or et the ziy.,tc.i.o 12.9cteraliy. The Manager cl Bantle's a i , agar factory says: - I. used it myseti, ..t, therclore triddee:i to try i effect upon to \vie, (tr , üble I with the debility -ow n, i't all •,1 1 ci.nsaLipuve I,abit,`, and reu,iy it IC her more ':111u anything sou has over taken : , ..s ition Oftretu', c , ) aAlt for iliariave°4 1.1 it:( 71. 01St.; sl par iottle, or stab.' tle3 for E, by iee :vole Pr rietore, Benjamin Page, Jr., A, rje N .97 • 4t.reat, dec.') st• Dritrcriete fre.,3r,>11%, ..NoTfIEIL (1• 1 0 D I,ADIEB OF ul_ It ^:ity rind. etlic (.!. t E!,1.• :+A 'kit EItNILFU.•E—Prtt-sr,4l I. v Flequing, lima, Lrt lk 1 is horelii certify to [lie pit ni t , the a child t f mine, I,ur yews cld, I.teitig tr. with 'Wornle, I W 3.4 lons, n bti.t.le of 1 r .11' Luler's 'eiebrat'd Vitfirttf Fit:111111 , 4 I 1, PH, which I 3,111111.- 11.11,1 the rt It b!.."141 . : 1 , W,3 ell ii ,, aber of WWI/61 totntf 'LUAU" 1.0 . 1 , 1 CIIV:11 • p2ltraLle.n of hellig, cut to pi. My chit 1 t .y III„ 1.11 , Mt. , X , 011,1.1t 1 I , lVV,lllrll iu rectettnei dog it to butte young and toil, tt, vuu of the beat UlmliCitall .11D1I1ON, 11titullt !street. :lirobastlr3 will be careful to ask :or Illy. Ut:LEBItATIsII utuuniactureti by 1Lr..‘11.N6 l'ittdLurglt, otber in cop, 1,--rtion are wortbitta. Ur. Sl'Lltte'n Rolla Verrnitntre .12...; bet rel.:l:rated Liver PP_ln, can bon b.. bud nt all re -914--ctble. drum: tit,rem lotho.e: +ifjti , alur. rf p‘11.1%-dsw it, V , , H ,;., anno.tawc th.,. 11-1.-; ft li K ..\ li !.. F t.' , RAI ES , .r ,Alll 1.18 Iv .1 !I.:1'11,1y ow: GOBIGk - FRT tr,4 PITTSBURGH ThEtt-r7tia3 , Ifl .4 114 , .i'outaav 11 - o le, (j T l 11 ,‘, \l.\ :\ ':II A NiAl,l L. .1)4(11,1t III.• UL.(. .t ...I t 1,•: i•t SIGN()11 CARL() l'Alit t , litHL ):J=d"t M2IMInIMNMJ 'AUT RIG v. STRAKOSC I 11,. 11-Ti.v,;• I tul.ktuultv. that li, la. a groat tray, •••11, I,•rr Karl F,a; r H, `0,11.1 ntil It %cid, t,34tt1. , uuauitucua it.lguleat • , I ' , URA .Nt'W Rus T.) W ~•, advrtui coke, ,•otabia.: t ..• m .at extraordiaary OW, ',lll WWI WitllA yiuver Itwy t nark A impression cu ilia ml - A. Mr. Ft I ranee. The CAU4II may pHrhtips. ti - ac. r.l 1,1 .r y Id tt)tt Fof 'i•A • e4 eut gar, jut All /L. t v,..litiernau, is pv,ri,, 1111t1 a phi .t.raitruitittt. ILI the rte vi .;ht ligtAlt.g for tilt Ithorty of tioriii,ny oil tilt, I.trricadoi iu tilD .11 tvrCv c tat:minded, he he'd in e::o. day, four Au,drlou until, bier.dmy nun, lie wile c,rried H' Lt. OitiEl Pt Trout ti Id bi ski In ip , t1.10,. Ito made inunen,e le'cuniazy ciaerla:t , taju the G.," au ro., And I.tet winter. is New Y ry. ;ho ostra , rdivary furore r. fuel, lie crusted, 'laved the maan,ger or the Oo . ,,deruy Mime Iran later ruin. NotwithsbLudiug this en-rmonli expuiues tt, which the ‘lare.7..rneb, I,ai been saljt ca , d in pr,cortliz rr Feu miles..tud the ./t,,r mril,tt, At Culllv3r.l3 iu ,it hiss been entbluded to throw open the Llall et n ad- C' form brace. tiN M i. , ll.l,A't—'w. ill he the price to ell parte .1 tho • extra charge tor aecured temt, Seale can be ee ired at .101,11. , ; Ii VELD Music Store, cornruerkii3,:, thid itiurlillt..; it: 41 tiCluCk P. M. $i Do..ra open at 7 Ckalcort t,. com:1,1 t 5. KARL Ft. 7d brand Concert Book, con no n Cu Likeness and authentic Biography ut Ilklltlt K l itl. FORM. S`. All Song - , and Lia'laaa muLn.; w his Concert t.d rata at the Bail on toe c, erring of the Concert. cents. .1-1.3: S 'f 0 N E 4iI.ISS PATENTED 1 'I , Z. N prc•4l4r, mg. n 1; kanl4 vt t n,lg Fr totl, Vogt tti'olo, )1.1.11: sti•r-, ,L.:.t nil •ucli atm:. NcLNI tn~r l and f.,r ~a WATr,lt and 140 YlitiTl Cltr.t.'Pzi, Pittsburgh, ia. Tin. m un secret of presi reing f - uit in a ft ,h rendi tion, consists in having it thur,ighly heated when sailed up, ntel in expelling all the air there may may ire rii the crersel, non that when the frill c•.. Ir. ri will forma VLICIIIIIII. undersigtiol having procured Ibe right to mintlfaC tur- these Jars, respectfully call the atte.itinn ut de.ilins t‘there to thorn The greal superiority of ovor any other substance f - r the pro; strati o" fruiV. etc., etc. is so well known. that , cumment+ut eit are catirely unnecessary, to I the p,eprietors feel c thw any Co,. altaa - havln4 • rice seen these Jan, xv!II Dever 1,0 t , a ere ' to us; au; eviler. For salt, wholesale an: retail by CUNINGHANIS A - C.). le1.1:34) No 104) Water litr - pi D FRUIT TREES AND FLOW FRA —Ou TUESDAY MORN! 7)G, Jon). 15th, ))) ten be the cloaing ealo -,f choic- . lectlon ul fait Prase , rhf tilts, Bustle, Root-, 4 C inip-rtil direct from France; embracing numerous varieties of Pear Flum, Peach, Apricot, Cherry and Grape; Raspberry, Currant and (I.i.iaittrorry, with an extensive fl-tilq fluent if the finest do acription of Itlt,erti Pamphlet est. - A:4lles can be had at the Auction Rooms. J.-I/ P. M.. DAVIS, Auctioneer. 1 - 4 1 0 R SALE, l'tlE LAST AND BEST 4: COUNTRY SEAT .F TIIE PRADDOCVB FIE' D FARM —Cu TUE:SLAY, June 15th, at the Commercial Sales Itt.ionis, 51 Fifth street, at 6 &duct P. 31., the Camp Nit,l.• mg Grou'ai contaiolug 17 acres. Mr. John Mitchel, on the farm, will show the property to any perdu:at wh r may call. For further particulars, inquire of jel4 lALLLEOLIENY BANK. STOCK, AT AUC TION —On 'TUESDAY EVENING, 16th inst., clock, at the Comtnerci Sales Rooms, 1.74 Fifth street,will hi) share:, Allegheny Bank stock jel4 P M. DAVI°, Auctioneer. fig_ 001 i RESTS—Made of Mahugany and ALP w.-11 finished, for W. S. HAVEN, jel4 Stationer. BILL AND COLLECTION BOOKS—A larne F.saurtmeut HlVirt ou hand, or made to order. W. S. LIAVEN, .0113 Coruei Market and Second street, _I_AA WYER'S SEAL PAPERS Vari,,us Hill - V. and cobra always on hand, at W. S. HAVILVS, jel4 Corner .larket and Second ata. GiNGLISII. GLASS INKSTANDS —Cu 1 .,3,A, with wad., alt.! BrUCIZIJ Tops NV. S. IFAVIIN, Stattuuer. jell TIIE LOCUST.—This is the Llama given to a sty w:1 ,pht up the Gael.. lo t6u et Flr of the insect., the 1:11110 0( which it OLltird. The advatita,tai 1 thhi g3rmeuc rt the way ventilation, are ot. , vion6 ; but Use style i; eLzant. For garment,i that are at ~n,, elegant and Loth adult genti aIL u ~uuths , rt to. GuTille HALL, jer! 11 , ,ruer N , d Rtrcut and Diartioud VON 1S THE TIME TO 131T1 B OOTS AND SHOES, Otwap• for ()ash, at tla , troll Known store of 9b si ttr k ,t., tl ~ 111 Fifth . 1 I ){l PI )IZT WI NE, for medicinal put 1.1 the le t In the DI um o ,t • gyAR CANDLES.-75 boxes extra Ada- W.:, LilalloElo Star Cat •,arrunt...l superior It, any In the market, on hind and tor Bale by myl.3 .13. U. d 1 J. /1.. ;1,0 t.• I NEW YORK, FebrUar7 7, 185:: =MEM ~.~~ .1 , ~.~.~~u, y. & 1.3 U , P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer Jo!.43PH If. NEW Ai DVIERTIM4IFENTS. THE ' • W I thLIA.M AI, 21, PR() PRI ETOR, P'oth &reel, Pest Dour to 'lle Pat.4 4 ourgh ir• house ie, uow, 1111 it. .33pecially foi the purposed of 11 Ilia 4, -k•t 4 , 4,4 'Want and end the proprietor have .I wan, eX[l , 4 lo the bIISICILNIS with keep 4 ' a Inu,d tit , bust th..t the tuarkets offord. Hid 11: .it , i A the fret quality. He want.; LI the putilk; K,,,uerally to give hill a alp ut lap,lu"' Ljel2.:ly t%. I McuEE AS] 1AIL) ti i),3lorti Mad , ' tuug awl kioutlowun'A leiit LAM :11.1r1.8.0 Stiunre All. ht• jo12:ly C AR 1Y . z:161111' & YOUNG, rittiss mANUFACTURERS, No. St; Wood Street 12e' Par ._!1 , 6 NIODER ATE F . 0 it 1 S 111 N 'l' A C isoVVThi & TETLE.'N'S, SPLENDID CHANCE 11) A HOME NEAR THE CITI 7E' ICI IEL I_2 140 IS ~S. ]La . . OF BUILDING LOTS. THE, 'I' , ..)WN OF P_ITNA, NEAR A ii.P:IBURIi, ONLY i'titiEE MILES FROM THE 2ITY, t!ie Sat urtemy Jane 19Lh, ISSN, 110 ,::.111 , 1 4 114Lii. , 1 will Neil Kpuit tlto prennina, at tho • -lia; the BoroughFartlll,l.lllllW _ BUILDING LOTS FIFII tl.l. /14,1 4,11 t tie 11.0li of Chu 1 i..• anown ,• A LLACE'S A, l• a all r...4pvc, muitald. , and dtatiralgt: tur u,1,11a,„ aa • . 111 1.,0 11, I :tr,uud the city. It is ca,y Lt ;11,4 ti:. , LAY. re`CCOVilid SilarptibUrg, - I ' 111 wroch leave the city every Uo•a, and :a t') r•rla au.l ,Liriving rota:nullity. : lit • 2., tty lUU lect. ,(11111,4 [lO grad:ug, and th • n. ,•:ai•, I E raora n , adily 01,4 unable thou in Lawr. neeville and iduarpsburg Plunk Road runs di re Ely in ill. is also easily accessible by the Butler Plank and ito. canal front Duquesne Borough ioei Allegheny Yity. The Allegheny Valley Railroad as r Wion al the end ei the Bridge, where the trains stop twlt.. ii day The in enemy will be 201.1 iII fee sample, and the ti t., is unexceptionable The lociition Is well adapt el either fur residences er nlfrnll - uring purposes. t'l.l,ld ,)I the 111,1) I, at the uffiCe 01 the under gned, when pel - HDCIft who m..y wish to select and purchase at pliV3l , a;thk will t.e ,;.cm matedated. 1" , ,. Pm.bc will tal place so SATURDAY, JULIO fah, premises. Terms easy, and will be made known at tt,M ;e JAMES C. RECHE'i, Item hatate Agent. No. tis Fifth street. LULIN Sl' 1 GS.—French, German, Alliclricaa, and °ermine Roman Strings, pule ,ilver Violin G. String, :mil Martino Superior Guitar strings. l'ennom at the de tango wishing en ex ra quality et ,trings, by OD io-1111.4 Abe moduy ur pin stamps with their s t et icy return mail, free of postage. C BLUM°, t• rll Eiglib'iThell Plans, Depot," ptl co. US Wood street, 2d door above Fifth at. ANT!., }ne good Wagon Smith and tme .‘l.llcer, to go to Ruiaellsvild., Ky., hderid wages and constant employment will be ~ is en, Noce but good workmen coed apply. Fur {patien t inc, iiddr, RS BOX 1:5, Russellville, Ky. j.ll:3tebo I)ELIVERED EVERY MORNING.— Pees, itutille Ledger, N. Y. 'fimes, Herald and Tr.bune, and tiro CM, innati dorernercial, are delivered in every part of the eit). 'frado supplied by leaving your itddri-ft9 st HUNT & ICHNER, jell Masonic Hall. L AK E FIS 11.- 1.5 u Ilia Bba. White F 11111; roc,vetl nn•l fur sal., by jt•Il DRY APPLES.Me Dry Ap , by Li E.NRY U. GULLINS. BEA S. - . Di hl'lo small White Beans for .=ale Ly 0,41 LI. H. CULLINS. lif hbls herring for sale by j,1:2 LI. 11. COLLINS. .I‘l U 1. i L L A S, 1..7 , • N• f: . 4KKIETS ,„ „ IsLhlloritlC, fIANSoN LOVE, • 74 11,,ket =IMME=I BAR Irac , ii E TRIMMINGS A • tit Aty rut,irud and fur s .I IA NCAM 1-) ,1.11 NT I EA S.S.IL VAN/A. EXECU r/VS OiIAMB liarrisburg, June 9 , 1558. .1 t that n " Camp of Instr uoti " irl 1 tt W.ll ~ t I,)coninn.; county, Pennsylvania, Lith caul ..r, slid LI, A , Uat int Genersl of th, Commou ._al;h is directed t ti m.• thereof—to take charge of "le errangstnsuts —to attend lu yonon, and to Issue the .171itIr1 I.; III.; euorul Staff, and other Military the Com !Ilona oaPh in rehttOn to - ae same f. PACK' RR, ADJUrANT GYNKRAL'S flarrisburg, June 3, 1868. eheeience t.. the aLoe order frown Head-Atnarters, u Cutup Irodruetluo " will Le hold at Williamsport. Ly - o ..nuty. 1 1 0nnoy1 vania , crduntencing :It 12 is., on li.'neeflety, ite rt It dray at September, 185 8, anti SATU GUAM, ill.. 11th day of eaid woad., , day, to to Camp ..irtsquehanua." rid, 1 ,. .,;e1taq La 'II: lut,•11,1,1 !ucludo the unitarud -0.1 •11.1..aui tir.ou,; . aoll: Cur ntat, who are earnestly ee qu,-,ted b.. iu prompt ultra dance. .1 ±ll.lO tieueralii, and Brigade 1n..1.0..tin.,01 the u_o,oral icieidos and hrigado.., are rogaired 0 roDort w my Out e . ..Joh poasible, what companies and del .1 di .oi, wi': De I 2 di....,dan:e trunk their r,,iptcLiVt• command,--with the Litnt, vf mem in etch company, the names of the Captains, and their Pout 0111ce address. 11,. The aidoole-Camp and all other likens of the Grand riff of Go , Commander-in Chief are ordered to hn in at aUCti n ,irroini and equipped in full parade dree. ! V. A!! iu iwetidazice ere required to bring ,ith them 3il I , Mltt..tod camp equipage they may have ti Tio• lietpocror , , of e eery brigade, will report !!.., •ray !!e-co, a hat equipage helongiug to the atate lip... nin: • ~f 01,1 r "olinn , inii. - - VI. fru. ,f ihr seventh Division, Gen. Ii hal; h At'Ulur un duty, tind he i e!targ wick tit linmediatu arrangements f.,r salt EistAnimminii., sad ii t;r•ieroti to ropori. to this office fir l ur Cher tuntr, , rions. ity ordcr of the Commander-in-CLief. FDWIN LL WILSON, Adjutact tioneral of Pounlylvania Light Cream AIIe. FrilE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY ILLILIOCLUCe to their customers and the tblie , that ow ing to toe pane of Parley and Hops, and toistat the times, tic q• are brewing a light and delicious ilavor .d CREAM A..E. which they aro soiling at s.l l p barrel, and have KEGS, TEN GALLONS each, to inzommodato private families They have al, n, X ALE, at $11; XX at $7, and superior K EN NET at bbi., and smaller casks in proportion. Also, v . :colleut POUTER AND 1.111.UW11 STOUT. 4,iyr Olden mout t their Brewery ou PITT STREET, will reN , ivu prompt. actuutiuu. NEW ICE CREAM SALOON, ANL) LABIE6' ,LAUILANT, FIFTH STREET. Thai AUbSerliXr 1.111.4 it 18E4, fitted up several cominedi- Ullti roams, nearly opposite the Exchange Bank, on Fitt:. street, which are ut,.w for the Bummer Beason. La cots and gontletrion can always find an abundant supply of Fitt:SU EON ErcrcioN &BM, CREA WATER ICEd, aui all the retrushinents of the season. All are respeotfully requeotod t, cis!: the rarxia, and test ler tnernsulve, g j.,10) Si. McdiNLEY. tri, i l ANS! FANS! !—Palm Fans by the case, dozru, ur single, nt tern pricea,with uthor varieties of Vaucy Funo, tur nt fiuit.NE S, eIEN'rRAI, BANK OF PENNSYLVA hereby,.iveu that the CENTRAL 43ANu °if PENNSYLVANIA, at Lielli Liy3burg, will bo ,p-I1 for bumues'd ou IYILDNEBDAY, the 16th halt. ivo J,YBEkqi. BROWER, °wilier. THIRD ARRIVAL CEO. R. WHITE Vii. CO., Nu. 59 .Y.larket Street, WILL OPEN OIN MONDAY, T 1.1::: 31,it iost., A COlnploto aqt 4 ortment of E'R GOODS, CtiMPRIBINCI DEE:, slLKd,everj variety, ItoDEd. tIVR. ry variety, BAP.EGE Flualicud and Aquille, POI L DE CH.EVBEL, MUUtik,l IN El. , DP: Ohti A NDIES, J AL;UN El S, tIiINT'LLS, &c. WHITE ROODS OF ALL KINDS, HOUSEKEEPING, A LA EWE ASSORTMENT. :'hey have also paid particular attention to their stock of MOURNING GOODS, they think will coieparo favorably with that of any uher bou.•e in the city. Atau, a great variety of every ~..crie t ivn of Embroideries, English and French Lace Goods, To all of which they would incite particular atteutiuu, it 1,4 th.•o Inns ituportatiou thin gell4oll. Je2e2wil A It 1) U 1 L . tot) brlfratin f .I.tre N. 1 Lu - d ; J.l COFFE E.—lust received a lot of ncrictlY Imr ,, Old Lik.orttrumaat Java Cutrba. guyra and lttiu Oottoe, at. J A YNNS' TEA STORE, Jab Sa Via& lismet. U. al. DOSCH C 0 NO. 138 WOOD 6TREET Trout; ;lerring S Inion ; Pick rel 6A KY 11 CJLLI',B Jit EPP. MArk,t xtroe I EC). W. WAITII S crs. 77 Market street 2 1.,.1,1 Oil, on hand oad far gale, B. C. a J. 11. SAWYER. INs=TTEA I , ll"vtililJe,u LI ki Mil- Lint. wail Bth Pittsburgh Agency for 1.38er /Btki Lterbott Good& $ 600 00 Wan. ..... 500 tit) Frank W,,111. .... 100 00 51. Hasa 196 00 W. W. tH) John Heath le 7 60 J. J. Hunan tit 330 07 Nuwmyur A Grad-- 1,682 71 John Thompson 200 00 Henry Feldbusch... 20 00 John Watson 23 00 J. M. Hass 10 00 Phelps, Carr dt C 0... 4,600 00 J. 1. Howe C 0...- 61 00 Jas. Woods, - Esq..- 29 00 Wiii..llValy uu... 2,579 17 James 1 1e11inger.....1,000 00 C 0..... 750 00 'l'ol.ll ..... STAYSI t Cit:, or Vittalinrgli, ae Before me, au Alden:min in and for nil city, personally came ThIMMH J. Hunter, Agent 01 the Warmers and file. chanici,' 1 twin:tic. Coca! any, who t, aug duly sworn, ea cor,atig w law, Jvth tinpusu arid iciy that the foregolat, statement id 1.11, TLiuS. J. HONTER, Agent. do urn Utl.l sub/x;cll,rl Louloro mu, April 7, 1858. = an LXUNAILD J ups, 91dt:zoo-in. . A Vir Al I S.' IL . "A 4) T tit COMPANIt 11 , „ I/ r , E. yt,^4 LVANIN, 1141.15. - - - iu Eli 7'll.llt.Li A.XD WALNI L. 111LAbtLP1II.A. hitARINE INSWIANCE. N V EsSk2.. s. pat INI.ANI) Ly itiv•kr, Canaln, and ts, nil purtm of tt/.., F I k: vi . etlalltliew gr.:W[lll.y. . 11611.4Ln, A.,. ASSETS o.b . THE CUM PAN . Norottibor 2, 1667. UNlii I, Eut,is, lio.tgaguE., and kcal liatate stot,aso iiilli Philadelphia City, and. other towns 137901/ 941 Stock in Itauks,'..thilroads and lunurance i 12,588 88 tu Onpaniee Bide •.Roceivanie. .... ... . .. ... ..... 220,2 01 95 cash on hand 39,89 A 55 Bill11111:0 in hande of .Igenta, Premium., 0.. Marine l'uliclee recontly imared,oi. 0t . 4730 5'4 other debt, due the Company Bebticription Notew !=rl ii . a 12.1 du, James U. Liand, Joseph 1.1. heal, 21teophilu3 Paulding, Eldruund A. Bonder, 1 James Tram=lr. John C. Davis, William Byre, Jr., John It. Yehrod ~ J. F. Penision, George G. Leiper ' Joshua P. lyre,, ildward Darlington, liamnel ill Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, I Henry Sloan, William U. Ludwig, James B. hic.F.arland, Hugh Craig, . Thomas 0. band, Spencer t itobert Burion, Jr, Charles Kelley, John Si. Semple, l'lttsbnrga H. Jones 13rooks, I). T. ,t; gt,a, Jamb P. Jones, J. 'l. Logan, IA 112,1 ,7•1 A WV, N, President. Lout. Taos. 0. HAND, Vlc. Proel MUM! .1.1r1.31J8.5, THE GREAT WESTERN Mire end Marine Insurance Cog, OF PHILADELPHIA. Ogice in Company's Busidtny, No. 4U3 {Yakut., Corner of Fourth Street. AUTIIOIIIZED CAPITAL Capital paid La. Surplua, Junary lid, 1868 $277,5i4 FIRE INSURA NOE—Limited or Perpetual. MARINE LNSURA,NCE, on Ve.sels, Cargo and Freight& INLAND INSURANCE by Rivers, Canals, Lakes and Land Carriages Diuyoroaa: Chance C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut street. William Darling, 1.510 Yine street. Alesandi•r Whillden, Merchant, 18 North Vona. lama Liazlehurst, Attorney and Counsellor. John C. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter & E. Tracy, firm of Tracy lc Co., Goldsmith's Call. John R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White & McOurdy Thomas L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie t James B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith dt Co. Hon. Henry Sl. Fuller, wilco 2117 South Third aft,uL John C. Vogdes, (Alice corner of Sev.tith and Saueutz Junius Weight, late Cashicr Bauk of ioga. ^llyedTalor otuce Cairo City r'roper ty. Jona J. Slocum, mike:LW South Thit d street. C. C. LATH vie(' President LEWIS tittEtlli.Y. r 11 J.,lice 8 '6'411 tit 11. Y. Second Vice J AXLES Wltllf HT, t•etn. , ...tcy an.l Tr , nAire.t. fl. Feeretury. IL W. ruI.,;,_,EATEIL Agent. 147 1.V..t0r Pittbburgi.. ecansyivania insurance Company (1 F l' I '1"1' 8 B NO. 63 pitroet. Uiltli UTUBBz Hod) , Pattor.,,, W. ;4. 1. Urit A. C. S,..u.upsu.,, Henry Sproul, 111.1.1 i D llAltlNC c. p.ii),-1, (Ivo. W. hautn, i......i. Colton. A. J. Jonos ' ..!., kJ I.:,:priug, Wadi liamptuit liobbrt Patrick. Julia Taggart, J 11. Jut,,, Offl , C L'reeldeut—A. A. CA:... • 1,. Vice Preeitieut--RUDY 1... secretary and Trcactirer—l, : MON 01 4 i GAIIELA NSURANCE COMPANY, OF PITTSB JA,SIEB A. 11E/Polll' N, 'resident. FINERY M. ATWOuD, Secretary. OFF/Chl--No. VS Water Vtra•t, WILL INSURE AUAINST ALIT RUN kIRE Atli M/tA.ll‘l;it. 1 8 t. ASSETS—MAY ::urn, 1868 Stuck, Due Bills, payable on demand, us two approved CIELIGn9 ..$140.000 00 Premium Note& 47 003 29 Bills Receivable U,4od 'll 116 shares Mechanics' Bank stock, cost 0,186 UU 6U do Bank of Pittsburgh do do ... ;160 00 40 do Exchange Bank do .10 . 190 do Citizens Bank du do • • • 5,176 00 Balance of Book Accounts 8,058 al) Office Furniture 1190 Clash. 10,863 7& - ittllleff A. EiutchiAou. tieorge A. Berry. Win. B. Holmes, Robert Balza, William Rea, Pnoma% Olarke., Wllaou fdlllei, John al'Devitt, my 22 Wm. A. Callw(-11. gt. Al. C.C4titlll6l4. & PITTBBIII3.OII GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Galata' Itepromented, 03,000,000. iiO.IIPANIEB OF MODEST aTANDING, Chartered bl Pannsylt unia and other States. FILL E, MARINE AND LIFE RIS.E.t TAKEN, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. No. 63 VOURWIR STR]GIc c, t. (,11.3111,14 P1T78.231111013, o. (de3U-Iyi TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER, PIPES, From two to six inoh calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents ier Foot ALSO-ROCIIESTEP. PEARL 6 ARCH For Sale Wholesale at illanulacturare Prices by iENENIELIC 11. COULNAS, FORWARDING AND cOMMISSION NIERCII;ANT, AND WHOLILYAIS. DULLS LA BUTTER, 5EF,113. 4 t, AND PRODUCE CIENLRALLY. No. 26 WOOD Snaire, Pirrsnur.all. Jo JAMES MeLAUGHIL N, MANI:QUM:n[IM OP ALCOHOL, Cologne Spirits sand - Fusel On, Noe. 167 and 170 Second Street. op10:1vii ,•1;k FISH! FISH! Our462ANTLV oA I.IA.ND A PULL 11UPPLI OP WHITE FISH, SALMON, iilliilLLN 0, /kr Orders accompanied by the CASH, will moot pratript IMMErI nyl4 uyl 7 2p . SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER DEALER IN 141)REIGN A.N.i; HARDWAfiE. '4". IS Wood - street, between plat - awl:4 alloy and Fourth street, PITTIBUIWII, aker - Vie subscriber l now opening u well selected , leeor rant of foreign and domostic Ilardvu . e, all now,and will b, s• •Ll on as good tense as any other how% In tine atty. fie always keep on hand n general assortra".'nat LIARDWARiI, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' %VOL.'', which he, retpecardlytnvites the attsntict, of I,• • chaeci rAll Alta.( OE PIULI,JUEDS, HUNT & CO., Cominursion and Forwarding Merchant 3 WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS Of Illi no i s Central Railroad, Cairo, Llinola. .lark Goods In all crier to oar care. jolanidici GE-RAILIN DRAWINU I APER—I n ro u e for Bosrovoro, for Bala by_ J. WIILDIN, W4°4112 '1 0 4 fruir Foarti. ADE 1. e tiLL No. 9) 1 ,5 r .t r. K dTltltS i. TEO& 1111NTItady, Agnat. 'uw tho paid at the tram Juli., itioeyto ALA B. aim .‘; Ou $ 1613 ) Hoch' r JlnnuL C 0...... 63 Ulf Wm. Mug)* ' 76 Ou J. flcward & Cu....ACM UJ W. Dilwo , _ th, 1,125 .0 J.ll. Irwin, Esq 864 i .•u Edw. '.'ponco, Esq... 5t , 11.1 C. H. Paul Len lib AO ichrird'u 19) & Co.. IL 1,11 a" C. .......... - 4. f.x Wm. .'.1'1.6.,,dry R. Sill di Co Spau4 & 0, 1.) Sitivit,..," on steal:war Arcola '1 11 Adam Al'Clintock 4D OY D.Ba..riard 64 06 ......... ..........$20,101 80 100,000 1051,785 3'd 5.1.6i)X1it.t 3 Agent . , 95 Water arrest, Pitt9bo-.1411 600,004 .s=,' 300 00 . 55,277 05 -3300,000 iletxriptioni $237,710 66 DIJLICIOBB PIOKEILEL, MAOK.EflasiL HENRY H. comass, 2i5 WOOD 81111011' `OMESTIC