BUSINESS CARDS. SA...NIUEL C. WINGARD, /LT TORIMS . " /LW 1.41.16 r, tialnunmal4 leuraL. l'Oincri, No. 71 DE ANT etrect, between Anerth atreel it • Diamond alio, AA.AIES A. LOWRIE, Atwrney at Law, of:duo fourth etroat, Pittsburgh, buttt.,•on Smitbilold and 011,7-y allcy. (4‘c1.1,:1y - - AIIL, Surgeon Dentist, sueue - 6Fifir to O. w.;nddw. No. 144 filuithfleld street. q.;,-• Once. hours from to I o'clock, and from 2to r. o'ciooL. ro'.l6ll' 1 kSt_NYIT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors went of Market. firer (Vico hours iron 9 o'clock A. td. to 6 o'cloei, P. a.. sco23:y JUSEPII FLEMING, successor to L. Wil cox it Co., cursor M Market 6t.n.rot and the Diamond, keep constantly cn hand a full assortment of DRUGB, MED fOLNES, MEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY, and all art', dee pertaining to hie business.. Air Physicians' Preacriptione carefully componuthA at all 0011 re. 1117‘2111x WALTZ: P. L!,1Y..;:11 ALL VitlP. MARSIIA_LL & Co., Importers and • dealctra in French anti Amoricalt PAPE:It , !ic..:40- INGS, No. r Wain etrect, ttziWo o ugzotq for Ow mannfactnita of worn_ Delicourt Paritt. aug.7 PERU? Rif Y.lth ROBERT J. LI , EY NJER & ANDERS(i)N, (sucessurs Lt i JOBb .ia itticsie3 c C 0.,) wholi•salii dealers in FOREIGN NUTS, SPICES, CON I RCTIONA.RY, SUGARS..ti No. a ,D wo!toe st. burgh. _ hi.511"r5,E, iIIERCRANI"FAILO“ NO. /14 .!+ CII_,ZI2I: (Lr. Irisle3 Nez - • • I W. Ii.ERR, ARCHITEU'r, REA.I.O lii) rrow cotLar c.f Firth and Wtoo4 tc .. AI It STILLItiT, In Pnillipe :Judding—coutinues to prepare !'lane and Bpectdeationm et, and to Superintend the Erection of every description of Buildings. AIi'ULTON, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, N 0.70 SEUuND street, Pittsourgh, la prepared to furnish to order CIEfIEIII,CLI, STUAMBOAT, FACTORY AND Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. CHIME BELLS made to order. STOP and A Liu t. ,CE: , of all sizes, for Steamboats. AILNEA‘IL WATER PUMPS, and every variety of Erase Casting 3 Linishoqi manner. BABB - IT'S A NTI•ATT111:210:: LTOIY: ! TENT lIETALLIC Luc OUGLII3.II)GE & MAXWELL, .41.4 1114.1,E7PACTUEERei Lontrang-Glasses, ',ure ierarne a, Brush s Ar.O. Doalerr in Cloche, House Ftirraolung Goods P. 19/15 Wood street, above Fifth, !thichiuo Brushes ur.av EDUCATIO N AL St. Fraar•Tds Academy for Boys, UNDER THE C 'F.F.I OF THE FRANCISCAN BKOTLI.,'Rz Loretr - i t Cambria. County, Pa... H S IN.IATURAr g situated' fo - Li.ducational purposes, affords all ducements that rem be desired for a Catholic Ins'dtu,loo. It is located in thl most healthy and picturesque portion vi 'he Alleghenies, Mutant four miles from Cresson Station, the Arect mailronte between Philadelphia nod Pittsburgh. The scholastic year commencing the first Monday in t3epteuiber, will close the 15th of July following. The Torras for Board, including a thorongt , Modish S,ien tific Course, are $lOO per annum. The Classic and Modern Language. form an eztra charge of $lO per annum. Washing and cos of Bedding $lO. Yor further particulars apply - to the superior of the ice. demy. .11..efereLX,S can u made to 11.10 Di. ;yekozirtou. ap..3o:lydAw Vincent's College and Seminary, urrnEn THE CARE. OP TUE BENEDICTINE FATHER 6 Near Latrobe, ,Weamoreland county, Pa. IN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGLET TCIE usual brauchee of English L'ettication. In the SE3.I.I.I , IAitY, the Classics, Nlathernatics, History, Ithetorics, Philosophy, etc., and the diihjrent branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to those aspirin.; to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition are $Bl per year, to be paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. German and French and other languages, Drikwing, Paint ing land Mnsic,fonn uoextra charges,excepting some re,.on, pensation for the use of instruments. Medicine, Washing, Books, dtationery, etc., fern, entrt. charges. For particulars apply to the Director or th,,c , .,11, g ,. The Collegiate year begins on the Ist of Sept: moor, sue ends on the :Id of July following. eATTIEB. B. 13 f..IMM, Director of t DRY GOODc:. Retreat:9i! iiteteceakclz:: ANOTHER djitASII—IN iug d,torznitml to sell th , ,egt, are Tight," Wt. hare war,, sweep-- REoIiCE,T To stdi lower prices. - Noe to !WA: tn.. I u - Unbroken, ood tat, Duo uutcul : cct22 tiN le, 77et I rff I E LAST CIIANDE IN Bonnet, worth 75 cont,, at d 2.;.; pur yat,!. do 1 du Z.l du du do 60 at 37ji du do do do ST , A a:.26 do .1 1 .1:.‘Ed'il HUHN L., uct:3o 77 Market street. Well VELVET„TRI.NIMINUS, AT :i.EDucis., A choa.eliark,rtuteut oh baud and ior bale at .o'll 77 ld .ro e ;, •c. GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENISJ-- Wool, silk, Merino and .ibury Cotton Linder Shirt, and Drawerk—a fresh bupply receive.! If WO E'r, del9 7 51.zraet street. piVE Cents per Putuvi itieduction in the PricoofBILADLErB VARNS.—Wholesale Buyer,. hua redditu - s will be ftunal,hvd with littADLrli'"d THREE-PLY KNITTINti YARNS at a reduction of rive Ceuta ror r ,und, by Cho br.udin, atter this dots, ['or Cash, and Cash osd t. I.lolt..tik, 77 Market street. Agent Ittr 'ilarn.:actu--,t- E.NIIIROIDERIES.-Uur excellent stock Of French Embroiderien. and the lOW price e whit', they are marked, offers rare inducetannm imem , to pure:man the latest etylet rpygio I ,tION EY MONEY v,g. Dt)WN. tom` 13:eat veductioLi Ili the prihe of il.inevei.ier We hare gore curoially over our handsome IRENCIi-WOIIK ED OiLLAILS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN Be"....NDS, etc., e:c Arid fiz,i the prices to suit th, lien: Times' The Loden, may rely uu e„tcly; hu b . ..alt.:a a: oeer 77 )I.t.rk-1 Wi W I.Li, Ssi, truin the present tr,uo un •lont.l - dy cfn—la s,)n CA4II. 1.' , ..a.ta Luc, uur ti StiSuN LON 00:40 Foi:aerl) LUVO bron., N 74 DRINTED FRENCH NIERII.' , :tiES, for 62 and 76 cuts, worth $1 and $1,4 tha b,dri In. the city. C. iLANI , O.7: LuvE. f,fornattly Loco firrAlans), .Nc. 14 Unrkti civa BONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon net material, Bilka, Velvets bud Satiub, for aaie at .novl3 Roar:, v"r. BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.— A full assortment, very cheap. 0. HAINFAJII LOVE, foruarly L•ovo Brothera, 740..7 4 xtre,t 0e.V.11 EVEItY Economical Purchaser of Die Goods, Shawls, Mantles, ac.; also Dozaestie and ple Goods, will find it to their advantage toed!! and exam' Qin New Stoc:ri Zall and Winter Dry Gooch before pur.:z., Ing et 1.), ll•rruenr ten,. 7; WLSI 6 AM LS I— \tio:ft, Broeha, both long al.d squArc, tI. city. Fool at very lour Urlee4 (Or C. HANSON DiVE, forrup u: v2l .rl‘. I, , ve No 74. • ,l , •.!tarket. atronL I cLUS amt. , .A.cb. --- EiTeLL ES, leoced , tor A largo ILL G KO. P. WHITS: h W'S 131.(111.- r-) PRINTERS.—The subscriber has now ,:s h ud, su , i ia ilatl , reeeiving, from the inanufac t.' era, a bozo aadort ',out of erinter'd Stock. It: W Potter's Priuter'd Carde, from No. 1 to 7, Satin Chinii, Porcelain Satin Enamelled, and colored. o Card Wiardn, in eheets ; tlcCrocry's Celebrated colored Inks; •' Card rt Bras. Varnish and bizu; Colored plizaiug Papers ; Pamphlet Cover Papers; Glazed and Plated Papers, red, groan and ; Steel Blue Glazed Papers, and a large astortment plain Nme, :otter Cap, and Co is Post, blue and white. J. K. WELDLN, gill he 594).3 street. Ile ,r Fourth. "H 6011) you ask me, shouid . you wonder, vtiluxr., c.. Guy your Sh, and Gaiters? C. rem for our .not iu springtime, 800 T.. ., with Lech:, and pretty :vice FRENCH SLIPPERS for the summer, Patent. loyte.ghl ItL,casiosl CS here to buy Lhe. , ..3 cheap and good too ; 6houlti answer, 1 would tell yon, 'Jo auto the PEOPLES' SHOE STOKE. To the Peoples' Cheap Shoe Store, To the Store of DI 1 :AI El: ap'LL No. 17 Fifth street.. NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDI:Es.- 21 boxes it..4ortod h'n whd iiprrn Candles on hand and ..u.l for call; by Jail SOAP S. 1000 Loses i osin ric.ap, in ib., O ib. and 3 tb, bars. " No. 1 Palm to ps, in n., 2 lb. and 3 lb. bare. _WO " Chemical Olive _cap, in 11i. ininrm 200 " Oleino Oxide XLO " German 200 60 " Pero Palm Oa hand alio tor aide by Jl,ll - G r LTA, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLol 3 ii, OVEItt , HOES, offered low, at "The Peopled Few. Store;' Store;'No.l7 Fifth street, pear Afirket. DIFFENBA.CfIEtt k 00. ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Lislvel lioz douse, of four rooms, with lot of ground 10 Lou: eit 51.onteray Arcot. Allegheny city, by 11U to an alley. Terms, $4OO in baud, balance at one, two and au., yearn, el. CUTHBERT h : 7 44 ‘N, coY24 E 1 ~l!arl-iet tilt UFFALO SELO BS.—A splendid article Bents' and Ladies Buffalo Or, r Also, Gents' Call Over Shun% at the People's Btol,, No. 17 Fifth Street, ucar:Market. DISTENBACIIKII h .". Mr. 46 81. CARB. SODA.-100 kegs, 311.8 t 4 CILE 01. r. 6 ES. E.— ; ` ,, l ..5b4 f o r by m e R. cutting re.lynd and for sale by iale is t/L it myXI. B. 1.. PA.H.N.EBTOOK dir 00. urea Y 9. 001.1.12114 PIT% hBLELIE, ”A. nah3:l3 =EMI ,Ith.,l.,Pii 11.)IiI, Is. 77 A.! , .artut Etrt,c -PttiCE6 !,lAitF. :afniile, y t,st th,3 E. C. & 7. Ei. 4AWYI•_Ii IL' 3 ED. towv. " in IZ. .4 0. tc 3. 5. ELYNYLit. GROCERS WM. H. SMITII-..--- WM. IL SMITH & Co., WIIO ;, SAL E G CF, RS, LIS Second & 147 First sis., PrETSBURGEE, P 4. • - BAGILia, COS , AVE' 41, WHOLESALE GROCER% o. B.S attad '2O Wood Street, W,4. L CEETS 0 , WHOLESALE GROCERS, TMPORTEh BRAS:DIES, WINES AND SEGARS. '4'4l and 223, Corner or Ltbcrty and Irwin St recta, 9i e a P'er'S City GiaSS P!ITTSBURCH, PA. 11.1LN, :NAILS, COTTO.N Y.A.1,4\ , lENIZIEM 'll.,Lib • ... 1r...1..1A ?ILI. 1 1 , CisiNDLiESb„ TiEEANS r•i. . I •A;"ftll7.‘ , 6)1*(..LPD1..r..1,1 dS El WLE6A.L.E. 6111ACER,S, D 2.1 1.1:11b Lli IRON, NAILS, OLASS. COT FOS YARN 1 PI TTE , BITP.GR ANT FziO LB IALL Corner of Wo alil Wut.f itreuta, F'? .;-.-. VII :i `Ii.1)11';.: .A.:) ii COMiWi.llo..,\ .: , ‘,..•. , trt!i-;- 4Cri.4-g.,1,.ii 9.:' ,4 ::C.r 1 ;. , , and i.;iifillliki,iioli !Aereftants, •••• 4 '** iiirte tJ NA f. LINES. Nos.. II- A.I4D 1 1.5 WATI;L: STI-0141', PITTSBUIitib, PA. Li:LA(3)0,1:o, eiiii:L4EN & Cci).., ` , C. RW ARJ)I Ni.; XNI) c, OMM I S SI() N al nut; IEE A P; 'A` r. 1.1 fJ 10.4_1610:6.f.; d T., J. 1), HOUSEMAN, (LAPS OF LI,L; LMANTIi,) COIII3IiSSION AND FORWAitDING M.E.R.; , _ 4Z Z 1 xrrs, tdo. 9 ia. Second Street, apb:3m EMUIS, MISS AJ1..:1 JOHN,H7. Humphreys, Hollow t it Wright, FLOUR I'A _VIORS, PRODUCE 4ATD GENERA l e COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 76 Nouni 'WHARVES AND 155 NORTH. WATER BT., eb .ce Vlr ?.trot IRE!ELMIIII Thouipsou 5 Co., Tbomoon, Clltri. L . ,,tivu Cop< Z.: Co., POlrCrOtt.l;-aver s C t , .Voviilt LiPA'l3, Clsettler F. and M J,3. 0. NI itCll-1!. M rL 11'4 !..I,,trus 1.. .7.lcCutcLeot, 4 Colin's, Jot,. M. I.; o, Co., Kalgutl ?ickett, Alatltewe 1, 1,11611110, Ky. XL:distal, Enu ‘V Lo .1 ..11 . v (;,] I rt. •• .!'/Nothitki. 1/91.1i11‘ ilk, OLIO . A. I, L t - tPlo W. ti,,,n,os.t: , Plittimargh, / ..pagravt, A. L. WEBB 6 BRO. SUCC,:eOrtiLJ 0 ;Lllt:lt . ;.1..311,) COMMISSIOii ANL, LI„L;N:: 1 ., F,-,,,t •1:!i_, :!ALL OF IKPONT ' S P(MA)Ea AND SAFETY FUSE, ti,oriatrl. - eatt r.titi otreeta, 13ALT:,111OR E, :tr .t:i ;.:•.,: • Urcr_.l.le 1:1•.io• C.:. rizu l!MINE=111E MMMIJ - et2l 9 ITT:6iiiiiiiiii, 1 3), L. 6 1:6 N E; A 0 A Tr, ! , . r. Witicki, A.:4D ' r t. ti E f .1a Et ie. .7r ~ 4 1-41..,Y- -1 . Z., -- _ CU.... k!' OR Vir A :;'. - D IN G ME _KC 11.A.N T 6, Era 6 'titia.a.liglag , Lom A a aL. CITY, KANSAS TEP,RITOLLY Zt•s~:i.r.nrl i .rz rail r. El- _EN RY Li. UUi i.OO, Forwarding,rd and PnODUCE ge r nerully, Y . 25 Wood tared, laisn3 GLASSWAi?,,E !I: tiLiNtJ. 13.0BEE,TSOA'. t Alauu g.../ fm.turtA - H , A CAA, laud warolpoo!! Nu. 1S )4 0.D.1 otzool, c,rzlfir ui Frout, PittaLuigt,..! other `6.AItIH Cla:3 , ,A,ar, and Yricdor.- t ic at Martet price!. ap11:11y JANRS C. LIDLIL JCSEPLI KULL E & ULAYI, SI-Y;:e:clE6ors to Mulvany Ledijo, tuanafNeter(tr;.o of Cut, 3.1.0u1d,N1 and Plain Flirt and Fumy Co',,rEf and dealore iu , kink's Viala and Bt,ltias. Ware nous° Corner o f : -. 1; , ;-,1-xt and Water atruez.a, Mb2Pday - WINES A._2 , lt) JOEN 7aRB & CO., WINES AND LIQUORS, &ND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, L. lab Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. .I.lways on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, t.ud Bincabtrry, Wild Cherry, thspoe ry. ud 0.1..ng0r Bran lies. MESEEI DEVLI.I.N; & IiENNEDY, Wholesale Wine net - cloud, aed trifyiba, Di.itiLlors, Nu. rimithroJd street, Pittsburgh, Pit. LARY APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry Ap ples, received awl tor . sale., by 0 1)3 ilEiNit.V EL (=OLLIE:9 _ _ tARN APPLES.-15 bbls. choice( Apple and fur bale by BANS.-20 bbls. small White Beans, just .received ant] to !ale by MEN P.Y II COLLLN 6. lIIMOTHY SEED.-10 bap reo'd and for Salo by (A. 3: HENRY H. OOLLINS. iNEW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.—StiII (.11.,y coma. W. I'. MARSHALL & 00., &I Wood stmet. MEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.— We tee gaily receiving from oar own and Eastern tactori, , , tuldtti., - 69 to ear stock, which consists tu part of Floor Cii Clothe, Carria g e oil Cloths, ttnrintnte Oil Cloths, Table oil Clothe. Crash Oil Cloths, Transparent ^il Cloths, Transparent Wiudow dha,es, Buff Unhands, and Shade Trimmings -haul.;, Liomekeepers, and oth,rs, requiring any goods in ou r line, are invited to call and examine toe stock, and judge for themselves in regard to the quality and prices. J. d H. PHILLIPS, St Olair Street. Ir 1E APPLES.-500 received. this day a cd for sale by REY.SI.EIt & ANDh'RSON, Yo. 39 Wood streot, .ipposito St. Chartra GAB', AFT BOARDS—For Packing Joints, so h 1 by WM. G. JOHNSTON d. CO., P ,, rnr DVOPT4 B ' 7 T.V. ,, 1 Am), lifffEC. —l5O pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal ._ • 111011. etC. I apTl HENRY U. coma-Ns. -lOU barrels fresh Lime just recd I in's: lIKNILY 11. COL! INS. i IME.— ',..0f b, - I \IN . E Y ruPS of various patterns, for nolo 6 y [curll9l 11. B. COLLENB. (;, N D large assort ment 1 ivuriu,, on hand and for role by WM. U. SMITH .4 00, 118 Strxad and 147 First streeta. JOE. IL HUNTER. i PITTSBURGH LCICILLTS , N. Pit PHILADELPHIA. Pl iladeiitia =l3 otSou !HEIM il,ll:y,tetw Ml= @ESTEE HENRY IL COLLINS BY AUTHORITY. NO. GO2 By the President o the [intuited ..t47.tek IN purtmancto ut . law, I, JAMES 81.1- cLiA,A:%., pr,..,icht of tLe unitArd ;-I,,Lt-ci of America, do hereby declare Ll•ti 11.1,..i, ::r , .:,„ I lIAL Labile hales will be held at the underwrothmed hind ellh-e6 in :he 'fsiourrottY Or IsTnlnEcialt-t; at trio I.:mods:la,raCtex dehiF.uatvti, to wit: • At the lauttofflec at I tltti W.....:, V I 1.1, .:‘, ‘..olumencing on Monday, the A,:dit duy r,f .'iep .77/the nest, for the dispohal of thu public lands wititia the following named teweetepe, viz:— urtli qi the t1.1.4G I.IIIZ and eani to,' the Sit:ll. principal MEE That part ~ f township tee de of the Sac and Fox., and Ban 1- ce,h, Jeutanu le. - Via:kilt, range 17. that part of townstips 1,2, 3, and 4 outside of the Sac and Fez; nod tall Breed, kinuana reservation, and froo tional townships e and rf, of range ld. That part toy:atop one outside of the Sac a nd reservation ; township 2, tee ports of townships 3, 4. and 5 outside of the Ilan nre,al, .euratla• reservation ; and :finial toe hship d , of range 15. That pall of tow indop true outside of the roc and Fox re servation; I.l)ValdhiPli 2 ,3, and 4; that part of township 5 out cf to 11,1 f Breed, Nenaalia reservation, and town ship 5, of range 14. 1, 2, 3,4, 5, Lud i , ol range 13 Townehips 1,2, 6,4, a au.. e, of rsu,t , 12 Tow,,bhipa 1,2, 3,4, n, and 6, of range 11 Towublapa 1,2, 3,4, 1, and 6, ~f range 10 Tounahipa 1, 26,4, 1, and o, range 9. AL the land ~nice Ct t t, COLLIMOLICII4; on Monday, the si-zth day of 6eptember for the eispoaal of the public Lunde within the following n,aued North. 4 Ute base tuaz and eas: of the ,rizth principa/ Fractional townsidpa 7 and 8, of range IE.. Tow'netrlp 7, ,nd iractinual towuoteipa s, 9, 10, 11, and 12, ct rau6.• 0, iO, 11, and 12, and fractional township 13, UI rangt, 13. Tow tirhipb 7, '3, 9, 10, and 11, and tractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. TuwitJtriiiii 7, S, 9, In, and 11, and tractional towuslaip 12, of rang. 11. Town,ld}.., 0, lu, and 11, and fractional townships 12, 13, ,tnd 14, a • 10. 7, b„ au.: la, ziad fractional towuelkips 14, 15, end it, 4JI I o; (311 Y, commencing on m..L.m.), ; 4. dug S-r6x.ber 1.21, for the diepoeel of put,“, Nititla I.IIU toilowing named townships, _V ,run -j ( ane alai east of Uas sizLi principal, Fret nta nsifips 13, 14, le, and 16, of range 14. motional to% uslops 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, of range 13. Fractional townships 12, and 13, townships 14, 15, and 16, and lia..tional townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 12. Ft - actional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, and 18, and fractibnal townships 19 and 20, of range IL ractional towiamips 12, 13, and 14, and townships 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 10. Fractional townships 14, 15, and 16, and townships 17, 18, 19, and 29, of Lange 9. Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools, military, and other purposes, will be excluded from the sales. The offering of the above lands will be connuencedon the days appointed, and will proceed iu the order In which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thos closed; but no gate shall be kept open longer than two weeks, snit nu private entry of any ut the lands will be admittsu until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Warhington, this thirtieth day of Srarch, Anon Domiui one thousand eight hundred and lifty-eight. by the Pres' TIIOB. A. 1-12Nymcas, Commissioner 01 the lim,eral Land Office NOTICE TO PRE-EUPTION CLAIMANTS Every persou entitled to the right of preetanption to any of the laudi within the townships and parts of townships eumaerated IA required to ratan Hell the same to the ction of the register and rt.:elver of the proper laud und therefor as soon as practicable after ..wei,g this ci. and before the day appointed fortho CO LII menceineut of the public of the lauds embracing the ...act claimed, otherwise such daim will be forfeited. TLithS. S. iiltVi)ltilai9, ap•L'3:3md Commissioner of the General Lan Office. Proposals for Navai Supplies. • AV I .i.:EPARTSIENT, Bureau of Construction, Equipment, SW., May 13th, 18.68. .1EALI11.) PROPOSALS to furnish naval euppLes ter tne tiscal year ending 30th Jane,lBs9,.will ceCeiVed at this Bureau until 3 o'clock, P. ti., of the pith June next. 'Una's pruposala must be endorsed ** Proposals jrrr Navut Bureau rif Castructi , n, Etc" that they uni . , be etstingnie.ied trom other business letters. The tuateii;is and attichia efnUra..eil in the classes named me pal L.,„ hied ileset,uesi p cal teii exited ules any of which will be iurnbilien to such as deaii , to oiler, on application to the ccruinandaura of the respective yards, or to the navy agent nearest thereto, and taw° of all the yards upon ap. tilcatam w the bureau. Trite division into classeti being for thi. colivi.m...hce of dealers in each, Ruch portions will be furni.b.ed ae are actually required for bide. The command .lol and navy-egeht of cacti liwtion writ have a copy of the schedules of the other yards, for examination only, from setoch it may be j edged whether it wilt be desirable to make AppLcatam tor diem. ullere baud be mad, lb. the whole of a claza at any yard upon un ci we printed dt.liedulez, or in strict conformity LLieiewith or they wiil out be considered. l'he contract will lb awit:ileu to the ioweet bcna. fide bid der w ho proper secur,ty fur its fuifilmeni. The United :Rates iieb. Otis tee i st to r_,:cct ail the bids for nay Obis, if deemed exlaurlatent. Alt articte , roust vtry Gent qualitp, to bo doh v red In . gued order, add L. auite.Gto t - 44.4,1s and packag,tt, tt ca:.e may be, at lid ,xp,:tze and rtNk of the eduttactur, and in at. resp,cts _uut, odspectiou, conat, svcight, etz., ut the yard whete tue:eived, and to tt,e B,thitaettua of the Loattuattatoot. thereof. isidde. are refined t, the cotetolitietiLde of the Itl3pc,,LiV6 y 31,1.74 • sae•.pls, 113SLTUCt.011.4, or particular utscription of ~td. a,. ~t u.,r th.bp boiag cgcal, preference to articles id AIL:I:WW1 luauulacture. Liery ctrer, reap - area y law of lath August, laid, ',lio be aicumpailenl by a written 'guarantee, tne faint of which is herewith g,IVEL,. rho9e eu y wn ne utItTS lady bd accopted will be notified, and the contract will be forwariletl as eoon thereafter tea practicable, wilier, they will be requited co execute within ten Jaye after t vi receipt et the putt wilco or navy-agency named by therm. Sureties in the lull amount sill be required to sign the utract, ,m 1 certitioa to by a United J tut.a ti.t.iut , )ud,',u, United st..te, dritrict att .ruey, Cut ur Ae aerurtty, twenty per ceuttvrt e,il un wltbheid from the amount of the Mile mail the cunt! act shall have been completed; aid eighty isx Leutuni ot each bin, approved w trtpueate by toe com mandant; of toe respective yards, wilt be paid by the navy agent at the pututs of delivery within thirty days utter its preset:lmam to tam. It of stipulated iu the cuniract toot, if default be made by the parties of tau first part in delivering all ur any of tho articled meutiuued in any class bid fur in the contract, of the quality and at the time and piano above provided, then, atid cam, the eoutractur and his daretied will forfeit and pay La the putted Struts, a 80.111 of money nut ex:ealiog twice the stimout of inch class, which may be roCUVerml trona time to time, according, to toe act of Cougreds in that case provide], approved March 3, 1643. Glassed I, *l, 4,6, 7 to be Imivered uue-fourth part ou or before the 15th May, cue-fourth part ou or before the 20th July, part by th, '2.lltht el September, and the re mainder by cite Ist December, 1559. Chieeee 3 and 9, the whole by ton Toth MAy, 1859. Che remaining L 4118.908 to ue deavered uueduurth part en or befuro the let September next, one-fourth part un or bolero the let December next, eim-tourlh part on or before the let April, and the remainder buio, the :deal dune, 1059, uulum earlier required with a uoti:u of Mel.") thlye, comprising at each delivery a gut, pruport;ou et each muck. , j14,i8 le and all following, if addittounl'qUatititlei. of any et the ctrildee mulled therein are downfall..l, they att., to be turnithed on like tonne-and wielitume preview, vJthe expnation of the fiscal year, upcni irt.e,vhtg a notice of fifteen daye trot the bureau, the ;_airu nittudant of they drd, or navy-agent fl.rta ,t Offer. 1, , 7 ill- - 11 - (1Z of , hereby agree to fa: ia the respective navy-yards, .‘ ll too urt , ck , a .tnined fu the cbmses hereunto annexed, agreeabAL-Jl3 — Ebe,. provisions ot.the schedules therefor, and I L L 9.- C, i7vt Linty with tue advertisement of the Bureau of Con or the Liu. of .11.ty, 1.858. t.hould my otter Le awepted, i requ -st to be addressed and the contract sent to the mivy-agent at fur aignature and certificate. (Date.) Signature. A B. Tile schedule which the bidder encloeca must be paned to Sis offer, and each of them signed by him. Oppoaite each artice, iu the til.t.dalu the price must be wet, the amulet care fed out, the aggregate footed up for each ciaeri, and the amount liliewiee written iu words. Furrn of Guarantee_ The undersigned, -, of -, in L the State of , and , of , in the state of , hereby guarahty that it, case the foregoing hid of for any u; the CiWelei therein named be accepted, he ur they affil, within ten days alter tho receipt of the con tract at the post office named, or easy-agent designated, ext.- cute the contract for the same, with good and sulliment sure ties ; and in cane said --- shall fail to enter into con tract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good the difference between the utter of the said - and that which may be accepted. 6iguataru of two gaaraators. Op. I hereby - certify that the above named - are known to me as men of property, and able ,to make good their guarna ee Law. Signature. a a To be signed oy the United States district judge, United States district attorney, collector, or navy-agent. The following are the classes required at the ,respective navy yards: KITTERY, MALYE. CI No. 10. White pins. Gaya 11. Ash plank. Nu. 12 Black walnut and cherry. No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spiker; and nails. No. 23. Lead, zinc and tin. No. 27. Paints, oils:, etc. N 0.32, Leather. No. 33, Hose. No. 37. Pitch, tar wadi-min. No. 22. Tallow, soap and oil. CHARLES' TOWN, MASSACHUSETTS, (Mass No. 1. White-oak logs. No. 3. White-oak promised -011.1 timber. No. lu. White pine. No. 11. Ash and oynr cm. No. e 4. Hickory buns, elm titutror, and vitae wood. No. 15. Btacei. No. lti. iilac6 Spruce. No. 21 iron. No. 21 8rAk. 0 , 3 end 11,1 W. 310. 23. Lued, sinc and tin. No. 24. Pig von. Nu. 2.5. iiardware. No. 27. Paints, oils, etc. No. 28. ,filar. canvas. No. 29. Cotton canvas. No. 30. Blaz and cotton Mine. No. 31. Glass. No. 32. Leather. No. 33. Rose. No. 34. Brushes. No. 35. Bunting and dry goods. N 0.37. Tar, pitch and 'rosin. No. 38. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 39. Rut, chandlery. No. 4u. btationery. No. 41. Niro-wood. 8.110015. LYN, NEW Clues Nu. 1. White-oak logs. No. 3. White-oak promisPn- UM timbers. No. 6. Yellow-pine plank stock logs. Nu. 1U White pine. Nu. 11. Ash, cypress, white-oak Doards. No. 12 walnut, cherry, d:c. • No. 13. Locust. No. 14. Waite ash oars, hickory bare, and butte. No. 1.6. Whitemiak sVaves and heading. No. 16. Black spruce. No. 18. Lignamarint. Au. 21. iron. Nu. 22. Spikes and nails. No. 23. Lead,zinc, and tin. No. 24. Big iron, ss Hardware. No. 27. Phints, oils, &a. No. *4B. Flax canvas. No. 29. Cotton can- vas. No. hi. Flax uud cotton twine. No. 81. Glass. No. -. 32. Leather. No. 33. Hose. No. 34. Brushes. o. 86. Bunting and dry goods. No. 37. Pitch, tor t resin. No. 33. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 38. Ship chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Fire-woocL' PHI I.ADELPHIA., PENNSYIJANLA Chita Nc. 1. Whit.-oak logs. No. 2. White-oak No. 3. Whitcookk prornisc.uous timber. No. 6. Yellor. dine plunk stock. logs. No. 7. Yellow•pine beams, No.lo. Vollite pine. No. IL Ash, cypress, white oak boards. No. 12. Slack walnut, cherry. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. Whittrash oars and hickory bars. No. 10. Mack spruce. No. 18. big nuinvitei. Nt. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spikes and nails. Lead, and tin. No. 25. Hardware. No. 27. Pr.luts. oils, Sc. No. 28. Flax cauvaa. No. 29. Cotton canvas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twins. No. 31. Glass'. No. 22. Letktier. N 0.33. How. No. 34. Brushes. No. an. Booting ao( dry goods. No. 57. Pitch, tar, resin. No. 38. Tallow, Boni ' , oil. No. 39. Ship chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. yiAfiIIiNGTON, DIETILLOI2 UB CULUSIBIA. Class No. 10. Whito pine. No. 11- Ash, oyprens, white oak hoards. No. 10. 81.”4k Spruce. No. 11. iron. No. =- Spikes and Nails.' No. 22. Load, zinc and tin. No. 24. Pig i C ron. NO. lb. Hordwaro. No. 10r..2ninta and Oihs. N 0.20. Ol= No. a moo=Btl.Mika lad Goo= twine. No. at. Glam. N 0.32. Leather. No. 37. Pitch, tar and rosin. No. 88. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 39. Ship chandlery. No. 43. Tank and galley iron. No. 44.. Chain iron. No. 45. Ingot copper. No. 47. Miscentuaeois. Clear No. ]. NVliito-oak logs; No. G. Yellow-pin, plank stock toga. No. 10. NV hitolline. No. 11. Ash .sud cypr..l. No. 12. Black walnat, cberrF, mahogany Lutst. No. 14, White-ash oars, hickory bars. No. 16. Black Hpru, . No. 18. Lignumsita;. Nu. 21. Iron. No. 22. opikeii anti nails. N 0.23. Lead, zinc, and VII. No 24. ! i.t iron. N... ware. N 0.27. Paint,r, .00. 20. Fni.xCt. 1: a,. 20. Cotton canvas. No. 30. and utto , , Glass. No. 32. .Leatb• r. No. 23 N 34. lire-ti' s , Na. 35. Bunting and dry g,od , . 37 5. tar, ... , n No. 38. Tallow, soap, arid -it. No. 30. chand.• r N , I 40. Stationery. WAP..I3.I.:` , .:'JTON, FLORIDA_ C 1.82 No. 1. NVoito-oalc. I,gn. •. W'12.1t , _ , -01'. ous timber. 1 0 .'" No. 10. White Ono. 12. 1/..L . K•lv3itiat wd Cnerry. Nn 13. Locus:. No. 11. 1)1. , L, :Ala I No 18. Lignutnvo.7s. No 21. 1 rou No. :Z. iinrthiare. Nu. :Li. v. 14, .0. myl7 l'he Pittsb'h. 9 lq, i n:,,'Lle t` . _ , l - i'llit :,..-.-: IL.A.ILRO Ali_.o..\ll - 'AN - Y., W11:11 1.T6 and equipweta,ttad its itt,,a pared to tran., , ,orr l'as,cuEteft ?it d.,,A• DisILPHLi andi'll'l'lltlitt3l . l t.`'..t;Auo, ANAI•oLIfs, CI NUL:: :rest, with la peat dedoee 0: 11. y end The tact that cutlcv.,u I,qm. a um,,t nail line between Pittsburgh au.i CLic,ago, Id , tmr• antee that ite T 11111 J will MA, with ''rain on other Road MUZIIJAIi XIAY luta, iStd, r.., 1.:.:117 on this road will leave t,tio Dc.POl, PitteLurgl,. daily, (Saia,:aya ~I.cepted, Li; lodowe: PAC'SK_NEIER U. 6. Mail, First biprens,. lib,Aoll It:AL:kJ—Firs:. °it "..UL , A. !u., Expees P. rd. itEAUEI CLAUINNATI—ieIuit r.2i,retz 6:20 I'. H.; - Exprecs 7:26 a. Lt. HEAC d. 6T. LlMid—Nirst 31.4, bIICOLII. L. pre 4:63 P.ll. All Traho make clime conncetwn, hi Ors , tline for C6:1:;=- CillCl/Inati, IndlaIMPULa, 1:11d .1.1, , ) at Tort Wuyae with Trikins oi, au , i Iluilrun Lafayette, Central 11111.h/in /1.111 ~ , ; 'wrest .eraiae ou the M. ac..l Litay wit t, QV. Day 1,011 and .I.llchigau Itanroaci. From Chicago. r t Way LI., iCI ...11.11.1.te. I , A....? , 1.. ..4i O. S. 11a11,.1u,U01'..11. 45: - ..:41 A.:6. • i.2:-tu P. M. , 6.5 . 2 1 . :I. let Exproaa, t),3u.k..31. 2:00 F. :IL 11:1'2. I - . M. 1 o:iu L 1-: i'd " i:23 A M 1:15 I' Z. These Trwas maize C.)di, Cl..ilileCtllJlld Volta .eralLs Jri ;1%1. adelpiaia, Baltimore Now York and Ltustc,a. Trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis, J 1 waati tont t'Aintt bus make close connections at Cre,.ttwe with all rt turL'L:C. Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from .tt. Lows, Castro. I ml nois, Lafayette, and intermediate places, CIIIIIICCI with W Trams. At Furst, connectiow , are wane with 'rrsins t • sue front Cincinnati, Springfield and Pa} wo. The U.'S. }LA!. from Pittsburgh Grestline, being a train for local but-- news, to oyortaltua by the Second f.xp.toss. ACCOMMODATION TitAlNt , ..—Lhave New Brighter. for filleghouy City at tiflo A. M., and P - gbany City tor Now Imightou at 4:45 tr.i 5:01) P. M. BAGGAGE CHECKED and no cmargt ter handling. JAMES BUCHANAN GOSPORT, VIRGINIA t ; L'ltthbUrgh. l CI t. " 1,10 A. ; WW 1 A;. P. 4.,11 ItETURNING Travelers or por,..a:ka iateudiug t_ t:uch;:ee tic [cots in I *I burgh for the Went, will brur iu iainci lo,,tt - the only ...19e/..! authorezed I y the P., F. W U. it. it.; 4. P. and Steubenville end Indiana ltatir , ..atl GEORGE PARKIN, at the Unien T tltet Contlected with the l'ehu'a H, it Pe.....eger C..ruer Liberty anti 13AGCIAUE will 4101 0, checked tor tickets at any other place in Ibis c.t . y. TO COMMENCE uN MONDAY, i 0211,510: 4.1 until tarther uotiire. J. J. /101.18 L.). . ,!, iirli. r. Eaul D. W. LOSS, Pe.Y.s' , . Agent, Chicago. Luyil JOit. 11. 31ou8E, Fsupertnt NEW WESTERN ROUTL., TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE end oT. LO‘ VIA IITTSBURG - 11, Fr. WAYN.N., And CiliCAUto AND ATI, LIAM! LToN I , A O RAI 1,1•:u VIA DELA ARE OUT-0 Fit Distance cp, - .4i mite. 3 • TIIIS LINE is uompozsed of 1-:,uitti3 uf Lae First Class, and is located t1 , ,,r.,45 a beaatif , jl aad Ithtlaly cultivated portion of SLat,. birL,t connection in WWI" h 7 (7;11, N 2,01 Uhr And XlissiaJippt Ituilretel, (the tree:La v. CLe L. li. tc Hotels, being counecto.l, tor Lunfavilie, , el.. Lou,U Metaphis, Vlckaburg, Natchez,::CA ConnectJou mette , st ertth (!;e raid Sliasozr! R.3701' rer KANSAS AND DIEBILASKA, A LAI all polo(. • •i • (.41 . A AZ. Ctac.::::,l Z., : :'.outucicy R. ht.,t:m - Dtiavukt, . I ...'rrinE tort and all pointa C,ritrai Truing tante Pun .5:1 - ret • Tin.. 11 ell it. I._:lncillnati :'11: IA • 4 1 /.1 1? 1;v11., • L'. • • ) t.. • 6:00 t;;*._ BAGGAUE Fare as 'Loss y> .11.2.:ty Eta ,. tc. Fur all laforala:ioL, al::I Li Picket 01110 , 7, et.rilvi.. •u:v. ;.7 1 . .-” r. , .5 Pas,eu,,urb .lea,tvum ....• 't r Tkk.... ES Vitt Delaware Cut-011. z , Li.L C. E. ..t.) uuv:ld The C,ievelarizel, atid aitaiarc,.ad, Pittsburgh, Cuitaiilbus•&, Ci2telutthii iiii g-t4•&.',14.4c-Iff-i-V.A.I D LINE 01. iV ;AN D M N .1) A. 1 , iTZit 1. i rfi, 1 - 2 , 5438 Truing will le,Vt , lil ,1 , 4 ... thy use. .n:u Ucutrul aailrond ra fu:lo,7d For BUtePAI,O, inT110; I, 6:45 4. IHE WEST. WLIKELI:VJ ZIN,L.,VI .Ll.. Fur CLtvELL.A.ND, 'L'OLEDO, 12,TEOF:, 2:35 P. M. 44" 1.1,.•11 cuuuee'n of Cleveland, WILL dr, 4:00 P. Nil 1. UN • Pits,misrs tit-:6li lug t...) 0.. Chicago, Via thovolarid, must. usk Luc cicmits via iJisv,.i.lho F TI'S Lit EGLI, CO L tr.llß ~1 D I S TE,UB.E.VV/LL h' A IL ~ : eo A D CIIANGE.UF Tl:A.E.—uu and niter DAP,LI, loth_ of hay, 1858, Trains will of Luc iva nit Railroad, us lolluaa For,BE,NVI....L.L. IJAI 3:00 A. M. :tIJ: Ptilb &NO Fun GINCINN. ASL , I. Lows, and du. ,'UINTS SU la Li A.1 , 1D Vt, 2:35 P.M . Through to ‘2lncinnaL. afloat clisugu of cola naasengets decittug to go to Coluatous, k..tak.lnuat:, etc., or any points beyond Cloiunibus vie istuutalc ;Ile ' c.ust ask for tickets via nteubonsille. JA ARNI k, 1., 6uperintenueo: W. ,:. k. W. NY. RAI2LI a, my 12.1 6uperiatcudent P.. C & C. PITTSBURGH. & t;OIiNiiLLSVII,LE R A 11. . ON and after Monday, the 10te indc. Pms ougur 'frams will be rub .11Y, .34 ti.layE,) lEviu the Penusylvanla follow, Mail Train leaves ?ittsbur_ h i:uu A. is. Express Train lames Pitt burgh REP r.t.¢NING; Mail Tra n loaves Connelisville ' , OO A. n. Express 5:00 A. at. Arriving at Pittsburgh 6:05 A. n. Tickets to be had at Pentiiylvatan Mail Train connects ac C'unnellsville with D:ihtzug :LA T& Coaches for Unkutown, Frostburg, , at West :Newton with Coaches for Mt. i'leasant, 3utnerset, liorlin etc. Freight , ' to and from Pittsburgh and Ststi on I:Ls burgh and oc.unellaville Railroad, will be rece, red t.nd livered in Pittsburgh, at the " Baldwin Depot," opposite " Duquesne Depot." Excepting such en Pig Iron, iyaldher, titone, etc., which will be loaded or nu:Da:tett at Outer De pot, or at the canal Depot, as may be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh. H. k:LA.CIiSTONE, Transportation Department P. A 0 R. Connellsville, May 6th, 1618. f myB New Route via River and Railkaad. ladieetapolis4, Cincinnati Railroad 'CONINECTING AT INDIANAPOLLb with Tetra ante. and 'wire Hance and Alton Railr,aae, to St. Lone: cad Lafayette and Indiantipoh3, New Albany and Salem, end 11icnigan Central Kuala tor IfilC Wu, ROOK 'ISLAND, 151.11tLINGTO s, and all intermit bate, polutH. Through Freight Train to LiNitLiN TEMLE HALITE, LAFAYZITE, and ettlt.l3. freight cornet from Cincinnati or iie....(renceburg in teen time than any other route by *itthor,rz, and at a., low ratee. The only road which alnipmenta oat, be made tram Oh, cinnati to the Went, - without breaking buik. Consignment a114,1t., to J. 1 1t1.111UNS, nati; ot, .B. 1 1 111.`FLNiti, Agent at Lwiert,acerarg, receive ;trompt attention, and ue alim•go , no char/pi for drayage, or UNAITIV2OII at L'..liDrerrUbiiry, For further inform a to THOMAS (No. 115 :Velar etre-r) A ,, efr. of the d.;e:.epaily, who is pre pied to give rzticunu 1 , 1:C51278 Haute, Lafayette Lit.izago, ?erg, eenv.—stle, Title, Chmrleaton;Parat, end Idattoau. ti. a WILD, intetidottt. it:reign? Agent. aced o= a, FURi'qiT LIRE MILLIK.EN Lavt; on hand, at a Wyk -:.!2-.IIINET CTIAI No. 64 -zattllt.l,la:e.:;: , la.tgo fancy Nan oitme, thoy will aen b por ettut.. tower idiaa ratz.G. lormi t cash only. 1,10c.27:y WOODWELL'& FURNITURE AND (111 AIM, Wb,eleaale and Detail, embracing evtrr style of EnrniMrre, Rodowdod, Mahogany and Walnut, suitable, for Parlor; Chambers and Dining Roving, equal to any in Nov/York or ithiludelphie, eutl ut lower priuer. Every article made by hand sad ,iatetseted. Cebint-malteru sup plied with any quantity of FORNITURI..; and CHAIR®, c.n reasonable terms. Holelt and e,t-cAmtmats at the shortest tictize. Virreroonis, Nu.. 71 and 7 fli HID &r et, Pimebargh, Pa. - - - STAICC 0 b.s.B Rochester Pearl Starch, rewired and far Nab by LM:ill.% 1L COLLI—NS. I'4 SYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD leevea the V...r.-eogue 5.1.:030r, • very ue.,Lay., nt 6:32 o'clock, .1.11:e 11:30 P. M. Ll:v 1 :: Daily ; 'rept 6unaas, at 1:23 P. m. P , liethepkia nt 5 o'clue. A )1., ni.l:7l.opping only 411 I the Station every nvettini,, 'p n.g oniv Ciri.'.7ilaubllrg, Latrot,e,J01:1111:1- t', i•. Liar :l7-g uitli th fir Seltltnere. ttrriving in .` , ,'clock, P. LICUL;:,I:4, ;DAT E ILE P,\ _ r' F. d. ruaunki,; far as (.3)a , 2naangh. '• ACkIliM1101) ATI ON for 'l'l.rt:o (etc-pt Suudav,) a, M. ACCO11:110DATION Tki:ALN for 'iurlo Creek, •, ay, (Vl:a pt. Satlav,) P. H. ill , Ac,:—)l Jr.-Pve, rkily (,xcr,Dr )).;,,, P. „ki_ .1 1:11A1.2,6 Pitt.brirzb 301.1,,w .- MEM Tratat I;thoreatlo audjodialla, _I with 11:Ali FLxpre.i.• Ernia Load the, JOhIiXtr , NVII t 110.1.1 IlDd l'iT - .172.b , :ii.611 A 5 J CONNELLSVILLE ~ , •ranius On .he Pattabusgh. and Uennelle vino nave. daily, iSiinday excepted,} an foil 4:.A I 'URA 1,1 7'oo A. M EXi'RES`I T1CA1N..3:30 P. Tli and arrive al l'ilLeldurgh, e. M. and 0:10 P. M. a!" The tr.:welt:if, tiul2lic will "ind ir. ;7c:tidy 7.4) their in Lir.:ar., et t: - argil by :he Peaady.Ysant ad, Yd thr !iccon,tatgicaiOnn now °fl e et . eae.not he ,nr.. 1/1•1111 -r rvt t^ ith and (feu ;rub. ,111:11., try C,LI pr-JlLtod - ~ ..orafort to all who may favor :him Road with thoic P:uteene.orii purcintelog tick,tg In cars, ,:narmal ten • enie in addition to the Station ratite, eiteei.:t from Stationt ..acre the Cu.i.iumay 1.13 i nn Agent. N'YrlCE — Tti , 71.411 of Men, the Company aril nold them respunsiflu far persoutti aa.tgage utiiy, and tar an onionnt not oxceeding $lOO. N. ildcolfiur Oninfooe Lint, hua tx , ea tuipluyeri to Paxson ,r' tirsi:,4:igo r.tol If,lll the Dltf,t, at a Cb...?Z;Z• cot to olco,ti cutua fur each pwp,rig.Jr and ba,s gag€... tici t uts c . .1 t, J. tiTEIVA.itT, LLo 1 K. L. itneeenger tinatii•u, on Liborty and Grant et, rota. s , i•lt kr TAT, r vaN IA ROAD., GIiEAT CENTIt E, con wiicting :1.1.10 Atlantic Gitit with Western. Nartb-western KTlci ntat,iti Lyn coat:al:lona Railway direct. "rid, Road aleo con rec.e4 at Pittsburgh with U •ut BlN:morn to all porn- • tia the Wes, .iou et Clove laud and Sandusky with 2tefiLtlerli to all porta on the North we-titer:l waking tho moat CHNLPIST and ~ , itu„,:gp.,- ) c, 2 3 by which FttiiitlGLlT can be forwarded to and frori. thi? tle Z!".7 V7gSl., RAILROAD Summer Arramgentant. ON AND AFTER r.:IONDAY, MAY 10 . . * 4- - v 4 Ci T / . MIME Lfo, e 1.1.'.j 1. L.. .lief li., 1?..-W, P. :1..; l". 111. P. H. 41a,t.. , T0 13:2.11.ir0ur0 10,utl I Lknatmetur 'Co liarrieburg, $7.46. to all tho Pon UK y'orania Rail tialtinture and New Yurk. at,.t.calottivtan Philadelphia PtAtsbargh Boots, tihOes, Hats and) C;xl4, Books, Dry tioods. tin boxes, bates' oc um. aLd tranks,) Drugs, (in boxer;aud bales) Furs, ,t.c. DULASS--Domestic Shoottnit, t,irt- ilig and Ticking (in original sales), I Drag.. (in c- , ...skaL ',..,.cher On } 60e. /1 100 be. rolls or boet), Wool, op , : ;ineei... Pelts, V.ustwartl, T1.111a./ Sce,l, Chains In ' CI , ceal- Hemp, Boson and Pork.., or in ea:1;c ; (o.z.;:xpt Cigar n or coto &c., YOU Bacon. Beef; and iir‘railia 1.,X . 1.4 Elmtward.l L A , Car.; and Lard Oil. Nails. Sods Cia}, Tar, )'itch, &c. btu. until turtner avcick. (311...rJ in ear loads. 35 cts. la 100 tbs. until farther notice. il-2.2 41 be le. not exceeding 500 tbs. weight, until fartii iaaur , Jf l'hiladel ,hia, be aiirticii.h.r Inar'E pikikag,i3 "via Peuns-ytranuz Railrov - ! " All Good coni.i . , ruld to the Ageutii of the Road Phliu or i-Uth , burgh. ill be :orisarded without I uilev & Co., Memphis, Tenn.; ,E. kzr.t...0.1.; & Co., Evansville, ;id.; Dumosuil, tioll & Co., and Carter & Jewett, Louisville, , Iy.•B. C. Nluldrtuß, 51adiaun, led \V. Brown a C. 0., and & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. iiruhlim tJo., Zanesvillo, Croon <4 U..., Nu. Eliby arrest, 'Liston ; Larch & Co., _ , Sew ';orit : No. 1 William street, and No. • - •Besse, s Flace, New Yuri; ; Z. J. Speeder. Philadelphia; 4 ...0.47re15 , StOWatt, oralwremtit AgE•or. J. 1,..r! , 113.A.ERT, ap3 ;,„dn't-ki . A.tit, A1tc.41,0. Pa. CARETS AND OIL C.OTEIS. 11. PIIILLIPS have etkove , l tohoh hew Dni I.? eud Lai P. e's J(11, went side, between P•2!‘; r treet :tad the Bridge. 0.44 El:Ult.. IFS, A 0 11... , I:. MIS OF FLC•Jit, FUII2 , ITU Li Z., CARRIAGE, ~:0 Tit.i.::± I'AP,ENT i orAqu F. - ,11 5 IP; Ef. Y 9 Z.l a",(ST Rs OIL 1 Of every C,....:•;1r.z.n.:11. RIT13131:1: CJODS, e LoJ d). the ‘.ll .:os;r~lD.c4, fer the :, .1 • ,i).•:10 - ; . . .ttl ttIVC:g. oillo i; and natty. L. '.;Att.!:".J.t;, i . t., i_t .11,1 t;L;•r. trl.Lly, J. P1111.1,1P7. -• .1E - ; } I . 01 114 {PO ItIEP.I OIL iILAT C.:2,7itet Store, M'CALLUM res-Jectfc.' \rt! attuati.., forai.E.r c..l.ltoult .71,1 th ,, 'ir resentjiiAt 3tlCCLed very 3:1.1 Mgt, 2 Tu lE 4 ."1: {VIDE, _)ll,{ , !II .5 i u:111 ; Plllllt,l. BLlff . Mid MMM IL W,l. nil WllO 111,y •: kroLint; aro anlornilV. - .1 W iL.I) . ,toy with a cal!. I hoar r!st LI 1/ LIA; i I C LLYI: all k_ s V !Is az.l- J.Lutthor Cl=l Lid of L() LIS EU ii. i I j ‘ 4 1,3 Oa hand, and aro doily ro.-elcing . rhon3t.n 1 , :i1.1 oar own and other maritifactorien, a large :'urniture, Trimming, Table Cover, T mrl,l Buff, and all kinda of Oil Cloth, ured ~,r llousetninlohing and other pnrpose4. Alpo, Transpa. nt tVliniow I:fisier;, oe dry laid , a, Uri:Al—,old t.,-idered and and Wia,in.v SAlsdo Trimmtngi. Altireholtz4 and oti i i itl find it to thoir ai rah ta. , ,e ~..., •a , tad br,P,re making their ?Ili . I.DSPE, Ases:ner- J. PEI 1.f,1 i t.,14) 4d and St, Clair at Tif tx•=it Oft CLOTHS,- Or :::tr 41.1. ,Ottvillrii,P. , l2lsCtrl d Tit. to Alf':•hev. , ,— , xt the 4_01! ~ .;!•)th Ware r,Jte..a.t,,1:1,-,'.lber.4, 'IS St. Clair etreet. J. E H. PHILW'S. The Regi am! Cheapest in Use. - AD.tht, GRANT & MA , tJ FACT U AE RS AND DEALERS IN WARREN'S imprc and WaLer Proof Felt, Letnent, and Gravel Roots, Elastic Vire, & Water Proof Cauvas hoofing, ROIFING MATERIALS. 021.10 k; NO. '44 FIFTH STREET Some of our Canvas Roofs may be seen at the fuilufriug phice.....% U. fIUSHOy A Co.‘a copper WOTkE; Parke ft Co.'s carriage factory, .I.4anchester • Graff, Bennett ec Co.'s new rolling mill; Robinson foun der), and aesoLius shop; Ji1L1113.3 Millingers new planing mill, South Pittsburgh; Gen. Wm. Robinson's dwelling, Al 't•gbiemy; P., Ft. W. it C. R. it., and C., 0. C. R. R. freight house, Urestlinu, Ohio. P., Pc. W. C. it. R. buildings, at Rochester and Sewickley; Kittanning bridge. WARRR,N'S ROOFLAG bus been in use fifteen years, and Kites tatixitction. mill ur Bend to our offie, for a circular, cont.:Min:l 311E1' sixty lettUrS,Leitifying its superior durability ben 801= of Warren's Rooting on Diuresne Depot, St. Charles lit tel,New Dispatch Building, Putt 13nilding, Chron id., Winding', Sr. Andrews E. Church, Hand street; Mansion 11..u.50, &Tiara Glass Works, C.lhmasn's Glass Warehouse, Chess, Widen A Co.'s rolling mill and tack factory. OUR ELAikTIC CENIZNT, We appij on OLD IRON tu.i TIN ROOFS, which makes thew as trod ay uew, and patter water proof. [ap23:6m Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand RRAGi . d'aS AND BUGGIES, FOR BAL' AT W ! RITE'S REPOSITORY, Tl-'0 MILE RUN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILIPE THE :AIRS , DRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or excrainge, , a the most reasonable terms, c: Bar ,uchea and second-hand :lt- 'at '. Boggles mad,. by Watson, of Philadelphia, 801110 but little maw.. Also, t wet:4 aise new Buggies, madam my own shop, from the eery beat materiel purchased in Eastern market. A lit.t lot of :I , lLtlng Wagrms, now and sizond-hand. ::tot of Boat Wagons, Jenny hinds, Germantown Wagons, Wagon; and Recks. , ev, rwo nue Phonon!, state for four pelsous, one at them 'in m's make, and the other N-w York make. TWO tin • 6ulkiee, one made by Mr. D. Pnitadelpimi, sods few Common Buggies. suitable for light marketing. The suuscriber flatten; himself, that ho can make it to the interest of persons wiithimr to pur c^..e, to give him a call. ,Sta.i)hAlfilt . rlt lb oq..iveMent to the city, the Exce!Eior ..emititeasLtue of i'dtlaCfsert ikaaripg the door every ten minutes. JOSEPH WHITE. I„,Z(TEAM MILL, SrEAXI ;NIILL--For Sale, tiriet cotnpien, in good rannicg order, run otetane, Brunt macLo,e. a corn P. G cob eraczer, etc. Alen.a dwelling twuso of 4 looms, a large stable and 2 lots 07: ground, Etuate in noutli Pictabero, will be cold ut a bargata. S. OUTLIBkIIa Lk. SON, my 15 51 Market street. WRITING PAPERS—Of every deBerip don sold whelp-ale or retail, by Ni G JoaNsToN llealete, E,7 street. O Q,OAP POWDEdi.-5U boxer Soap Powder of our own manufacture, warrautrd smrrior co any care red for bale DA Mt., market, ou ham: and tor p,aia by , lelB B. e. J. Q.,ti....111 , VE ,11 .. idOCP'4.—Dressed ilug - s, received and IL: . Sala uy JAIILS' Walla'A. i1a4.103' Pai Mid& DOCTOR ROOF.I4A/N.V6 °ICEMAN ktirrrilliii.b, PaZIPLILIIED no Da. 0. M. JACKSON, PHILASeA,Ra.., effr4tnedly cure COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA JAUNDICE, °HBO OR `;!.'..1t 1 7015:1 , DEBILITY. DISE.A.S.ff OF TIIE FrONEYe, ~,,I nfiLfrOtn, 6:',iron der r.,1, jieer 4i5 k.f.W.34 oe 0011/14Z, j l-7" 7. 'W" ; @ . : lEilL7 : : : 6:ltil v dii:XJ: i ° ,.. -Yart t r7 .. o .. l°°(l6 l .! ..,o : l4les nf t :C a' l : l4 l. tth , u r aG eo p r nr i : .°°d. .F i rui li c e ts s i .„ Swi ' li !shoes, gin n g . of the Lie-L'd Hurried and Difilenltli Fiattertzi., t.t the idea; Ch ok ing or Sufiocu '^ otitickwlency2l Li.Pervaestirlia. !a lying poat t : n ., .e the Head, Dots or Woke J'lnd°3lo""f ietau the Saae, Bach, Chest. Limbo, Etc, Sadden Illushow. of Heat burn. fug iu the Fick, Constant Intagiminge of Evil, and g , eal Depraftion of a.oung sum valuable propertie4 to ibis rented ) , Sao or on warranttele easel - Lien Isteads.ibet is simply at-tad fsct . moron.a. l concluelv,ly P. oho eztrnor• aad bonen= derived from its ate, under the da. 1,1(113i,i1U1 lin4f:nuti.a azi g ne...o.r. Dr. Hot... &Leong all of E - iTopean society, and from th ,, tunr,enea neon of - .-F.timuny, Item all parte of the America continent, ace-, am It...ed during the het ten yearn, in the hands of the out proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which: . the Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we not it, le al• ind.,ll there Is scarcely a family througlauur, th, , , whole ei:cnt of our country is which there cannot he `.ound .:tong Its nomthers thrat peouliar ra.7ets and tatujuil app-ar::..,ce denoting a diae,iged Liver, or au emaciated and ring fr:. - ?.peptic. Thou of tyhat hum-use - importance to this clam of Invali tLOt and F. bleronacdy should ho placed withl :11k”: Jai in which no baneful or injurious drag on. iers Into Its corupo:iition; a remedy on which the patient can rely tel th the utmost centdence and certainty, and bo asznred from actual and tangible proofs chat the ..rticle ho i 3 using teary p058C98i..3 the virtues attributed to It. Such a remedy rn HOOF LAY.D'S 81T.!"...,11.8." Thousands dollars have been el.p,oded in IN manuf:r:mre and diffusion through,ut all parts of tide amtment, eind the pipprletot lends the greatest satisfaction in slating that thbro to ar stato, eouuty l or c•ViII ?Meg-, where the Medicine has been intruduaud, that mere cannot ho found numbers willing ..4.43tify to it, virtues. It it nail eunstaut'y to the practice of 6 large rineat.,:t 0. tile most prominent Physicians in the country, wb. an.o added tneir werittsn testimony In evidence of it. great virtues. in conclusion, then, we would respectfully cnL of all those afflicted with soy of the ::Love diseases to give the , ;I:oto a trial, and rest assured ht will no :or be regretted. proof 01 the atatemonts oil=to made, all aro in% rood atteutaveqy the Almanac published annually by the pre vrietor, for 15 armeis and Families, coutaimet; great num. of useful I,coipts, iv addition to the testimony in favor •1 the liitt,rs, from tL moot prominent and well known in ”Inals itt all parts ot . the Union. All A:mtim ft.- the Bit sae authorized to dial-Nate the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Oftc, and Manufactury,.99 Arch str:-...t„ plata, Pa. Fur tale wecle.ale by Druggists in all the primipsl and at retail by Apotbecaries and Storekeeporo in every town in the United :.rates and Canada, and by B. L. OAIINESTOGE. CO. and Dr. 020. Id. KEYal:11:, Pittsburgh ITEM Lit. Gruok, yli:lydew 1 41 N 1 11. 1 lIE A (JURE IS GUARANTEED IN all stages of SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nor ':011a Debility, Strictures, tileets, Gravel, Diabries Diseases of the Kidneys and :::.udder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Vero- Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bodyor Limbs, Can ;en:, Dropsy, Epileptic Bits, St. Vita's Dance, find all diseases ,racing from is derangement of the Sexual Organs, such as ..:evens trembling, less of memory, loss of, power, general Neakness, dimness of V itii,l4 with peculiar spots appear in aefors the eyes, loss of sight, wakefnlnees dyspepsia, liver .i 5,111.3, eruptions upon the face, pain in am back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both It matters not from what cause the disease origins. however long standing or obstinate the case, recosery sa certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure can be ~decta..l by any other treatment, even after the disease hats ~aftled the Fi]dll of eminent physician and resisted the r miens of cure. The medicines are pleaSant without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. Dar mg twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws death many thousands, who, in the last stages of me above mentioned diseases had been given. up to die by their physicians, which warrants tae in promising to the atlEcteo l ale may place themselves under my care, a perfect anu .nest speedy care. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of Consumption, Seri, min and many other diseases, and shorild be a terror to tho unman family. 2ta it permanent cure is scarcely ever effect a majority of the cares billing into the hands of 'neon:- ;.etent parsons, who not only fail to care the disease) bey t Mu the constitution, filling the system with mercury, -rni,th, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into is rapid , :ansumption. But sit,' LIM the :111,-.21.39 and the treatment not cause death speedily, cull the victim marries, the disease is entailed ',nen 'ji children, who are born with feeble constitutions, The current of lift-corrupted by a virus which betrays .ts.‘it in Scrofula, Tatter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other ancc• dons of the akin, eyes, throat and lungs, entailing upon them a Wet' isist,ut-e of suffering and consigning them to -.a early grave. 6H;12,1 another formidable enemy to Mulch, ba uothit a 0.4 e in the dictacats; ague of human . di2,liSi causes ,•J destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou is victims through a few yoarsef hindering down to an ',it -110,4 gl,.Ce. it deity the nervous system, ispidly a.,tin away L., enerzics of !ifs, c.csses dez sugement, ccurse the proper development of the by;ti-m., disqualifies xiety, t.umitiebi, and all eArthiy happhr.:.3e, thy: autierer in lr,dy and wind, predis a train of es,ia 7.llJrk) to I, .1; W:Lit the fulluet cualideacul. a- V..1:.\, , 0 i. - V "6 id.t Dlt,, .1,:;..r21.1 .-.!,..11.•_ 4 ..bu,r v.rnian,llt a.OI, and wit'A 1 ill J t• 1 , ...C...11t.:1 can bu to ruia.ek, roadtittitiGr.l Uy Utvile y111,C3 ur Lae ,ItIL111) - pt;i4oll UOS -4Lit••lcar,':s. • aria . . _ . . . uf ~.1041 Pllll,lll rqe.trleillc . . - ± a2d Lad tia,t o: WLiCLI :9 pr,p;krutiloi of ruercut) r.ui i, deo. u.t...1.1 toeteloi coring the di, - ..emo ...ALL tor 'fitree-fourth.! of tke p ',teat n.)atruzno th.. hoe arc pat !11:: II oad ignorhht p,ruoht. LOA of :110. ore 04 - 114.,:- y o Li,attute of aty knowl.edge of the ahu,so dyatetti,huN ..; our 121)j ct holy tu view, and that to make oteue.vre6ord ,.3 couzequeneea. rogularitios and all diseases of males sad ie ask troated orinc;:ac, .:sta•..lislie-,1 by twenty years of pr.mtice, and wn,tiouod icy tttou.l.:ads oC the moot remarkable cures. v.ith tall direction:7', gm: to any part of the , 2,sited States Cr Denudes, by patients communicating their ymt 1an.13 by letter. Business correspondence strictly con. AiltireSs J. SUM33Ifi.b.VLLL.fiI, X. D., Office No. 1131 Filbert stre,dt, k • Old rgc. 1000 below Twelfth, l'hilkdolphia. to Lllts.ti.e Money. - 6 - 11 IE BEST AL MOST CERTAIN SPEC IT , 6 L. I'ION OF T 11.11; TINiEd—ONLY ON,F. LOLLAIt PER 811.11 LE.—Forty thtmsand dollars of valuable "teal Ezrate, Watches, Jewelry, frt....5 24.., ..•er and Silver Plated Wait, with a great variety fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed 01 itt forty thou .nei shares, at on., dollar per ~ .lsare, ca follows:—Upon the •nt %i one I will send the payer a numbered tte ,;eict, which will entitle him to ope share In the abort) until- Mod property. When the shares shall have been sold, the tharenoldera shall be notitted of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Snarelmlders shall :hen he held in the city of Pliilrdelphia, and the whole of tho property disposed of or distributed among them; in such y at shall be determined noon by them ; each Shareliold ..r ?dial' be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be seliscted the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin- Lend the disposition of the property, according to the three tl.e Shareholders, and I. will then deliver the pro -77 3 rC' h persrm or portent at the Shareholders may. iot u: rez.eivo the 0/11:110. The Real Estate consists of tlir,e house Enid lot, valued at $2500, au throi story brick dwelling houses and iota valued .200 in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all tumuli- ~ ance, and title indisputable; the other property consists f the whole stock and ilittires of one of the .sad Jewelry stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for .„ kw; time past kept by the sut2crlber. The stock consist 's: of very tine Gold and Silver Hunting Case Lever Watch ,very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and other W,:tches, Gehl Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pine, utlr is. Sleeve Buttons, Bc,, &c., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles. Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated yr are, , on,istm of Tea Seta, - Gaston., Cake Baskets, Cups, „,eons, Bmives. Forks, .tc., do. Also, French Clocks, Music Accordeons, and a great variety of other goods. The s'o..,ve is not une el those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire ,r„perty belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively tssured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for d e Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect. able persona are given as references, to those disposed to poi , . chase, shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress the sender, by return mail. Any person sending ten dollars at one time,, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names if desired. - OIL. In writing for shares, please write the name of the Peat Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small sum, as has ever before been offered to the public. Send on your orders, as shares are selling rapid i3, and it is confidently expected the distribution will soon he made. 'Articled allotted to persons at a distance, will be sent to th.m at their expense. Agents wanted in every town and village. All com rannicationa must be addressed to (ILOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, and for dale by [foil[ miNav EL COLLINS DUFF'S BOOK -I( EEPIMir, Blanks, and Dunchn's ay-atem of Peatnaneldp, for gale by W. S. HAVEN, Corner Market and Second atroeta. GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS Just received and fin sale by W. B. HAVEN. Corner Market and Second streets. - 10 DRUMS COD FIST•. - , for sale by BAGALEY, 00SGRAVE & CO., Ne2.1)3 and 20 Wood street. WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslas and retail at tho Drug &Lora of JOELN HAFT, JR., Corner f Wood and SiZth eta., PiUolourgh T IMOTHY SEED-10 bull. Good Timothy Seta for gala by JAS. A. FETZER, - UGGS.-10 bbla. fresh Eggs just receiv„ and for solo by rw....-2s , BEN9Y 11. COLLINS I'XPANSION SKIRTS-:—Steel Spring, and ha the other celebrated skirt:, for ealeby ap 26 • JOS. lIORNE, 77 Market street. LACK LACE MITTS.—A large to or. exeAkut atyle3, with and without fingers, veil' cheap (ap'26) 77 Market street. COTTON HOSJERY.—Every variety of i Cotton ntacl.lng , and Lialf 11.0.10 :Lt. the 11./W.3t, prices, ! wholesale or ro:arl. JOS. EIURNES, 77 Market street. ap2tl Iffi 13. b Is. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on r-oveignmvet. by (ap7) HENRY - IL COLLINS. _ FOR a two story frame dwelling ik.nso and lot of groasd 50 feet by 100, pl fi m ilt 1: 11111 : — .1 .-- iPulted on Mt. IVAahlngton. Terms easy. let P. CZTEMERT a FAN. 51 l'lsrhot t. IpIaCKCRAPE VEILS--Of extra size Y and gnedity—very cheap, at HORNE'S ap2O 77 'Market street. STARCH. --300 bag. Rochester Pearl Starch recarec set ferailips MIRY FL COLLINS. MEDICAL. ltf all diseases the great, first cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws f MOE- A:1)- _circa tr.: colranus qui) r.t d roe. t :111Wdry .Alll'l'ol,l L. R. EBOOMALL, No. 50 South occond street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia. YE — FLOUR.-15 bbls. justrreeeived and for talo by fmr3J FLENRY IL COLLINS. ILEDICAth. R. M'L,- . .NE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE A Mc . -13 LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atn tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the ccuntry, to two of the most popu -3.P.27 remedies now before the public. refer to • - Dr. Chas. 111'Lane's Celebrated rmifuge and Liver Pills. NTe do not recommend them as 74 . -ersal Cure-alls, but simply for t their name purportz. THE VERIMIFUGE, expelling Worms from .he nan system. It has also been '....inistered with the most results to various Animals -,;3ect to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, .1-" , JIT the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, ail BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD - ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success . - fully engaged for the last Twenty , Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to - hi-- manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. Mtane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and. com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa, P. S. D san 1 1 s, •lam: dorm.... from °there than Flernint i3ru will 6 • well to write their orders do:tint-Cy. and I ft, beet ...!r Trrpared by Pro.. in. to give thorn a trial. ym will forward Tor mail. post riff. to any poi I ••; the United States, ono box. of Pills for twelve •-66 , _ • -lan•nn , or out' vial of rormifuge for • • :; • -e• or „tamp , . All orders from Canada must twenty rent extra.. M'LANE'S VERMTFUGE AND LIVER PILLS.--75 grvis on hr.m.1...i for gala by , I'ALINIUTOCE. k GO. Comer Wn,.(l stroate. NMV , %5XLE.A,..7"14T. Private and CoDiklential Advice 1 AT TTIE BUFFALO 2RI VATS tbr the cur, uf tsyohilir., Seminal 17;:a6r.neeN and the Secret lufinnitic3cr Youth and Maturity, ! , 37 Dr. AMOS w SON, tint alo, N. 1. Olden corner or Main •ad Q:a3y dtrebt.i. (11P Etairs.) A !JOST SCIENTIFIC L4VN An inatremr,nt for the core of Gi.nit...l Dotditty, or Nectar •.at %rnis3i mm, more Noperly bilown 03 Seminal %FeaknoaN .:c. Can be permanently cured in from tittcn to twenty `aye, by the one of thii in3truraeut, when mind conjointly TJUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NCTIO.K. Dr. AMOS a SON take pleasured a announcing that they u3VO invented a most impertanti unient for the cure of lie above di9ensui. It hue been telbjecn d teat by the .amt eminent phyeicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been declared the only - dieful inacrunaent over yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Weckness,er any :Q.Boatie of the genital orz,ar.3, CALIte,I by the N..cret'bohlts :f youth. Dr. AAIOS b SON, to order to riattffy Liao mcat skeptical to the eaerite of their intitro_r.l,4l:, pl‘‘,l6e, therneelves that :n any instance where they may pre.ce nu.atinfactory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning tit:. In. itrament in good order, Pereotte wishing rho above meal', heei.rumout will observe :hat the price, with the accompanying directions, seciarely 'me - gad and cent by exprtaa, is ten doilers. NEW RE11101.7,.2. AND QUICK CURES. Dr. AMOS a SON may be consulted from eight o'clock in he morning until nine et night, in every stage and symp ,om of the Venereal Disease, Goner:tees, Gleetc Secondary symptoms, Seminal Weaknesc, Impotence tint! Strictures of the Urethra, etc., with lnvioleble secrecy. The treatment they adopt 19 the result of upward of thirty years' extensive .ind successful practice in London. The most inveterate curia of Venereal:Dia:Ng:ea eradiated in eight or nine days, ,-.nd cases of a sligait natare in two er three days, at a mod erate expense. The cure effected without confinement or landrance from besinettr, also, nodes and pains in the bones , sad limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURE WARRANTED. Dr. AMOS .1 SON have devoted their attention exclusive !y to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have !onsequently been enabled to render to ;heir fellow-creature 3 fully testified and weatfully achmewledged by convales centpatients and others daily arrivinz in town from all parts of the country, for the express purpowi only consultations . vhile their exertions have been crowned with the most sig uat advantages; yet from 'what they have experiencedi - , nquiring into the causes of' these infections complaint ,from their most simply condition to that of the most den and invetarated) they have always entertained the possiblli:y of their prevention and removal, and likewise in ,ariably found that the most horrible and manguirnt forms disease could almost alw“._ve he traced to one of the fol lowing causes :—lgnorance, neglect, or the 11l effects of un ,§llful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AUOS 40N have enocooded in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautious course; omitting all ..ecubination of remedies which hear an equivocal character, so well as those whose premature or injudicious application, night be productive of bad consequences in the hands of private individuals. In short the :audible end of their re medies is the lessening o f a great mass of human misery by she edema' than, relief and prevention of those grievous tlictions that are in reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extremely surround no, call aloud for our skill And Interference for their extermination. 00IINTRY INVALIDa, Persons in eny part of the world may be encceaefully :rented by forwarding a correct do Mil of their cose, with a romittanco for medicines, &e. Addrees Dr. AMOS SON, ocrner Main and Quay street', Buffalo. N. Y. ja:23:awly DRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. IsituWN'S . A . I , rEDIOAL and SITRGIOAI Offices, ~-ety, T . Yo. 50 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts. ~(..;•.?.% ..,urgh, Pa. ift,ll-';' , ' ---,...... W DR. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts- - •,urgh, and has been in practice for the II „,. 4 1 , act twenty -fire pears. Ms business has 44,t :4 1 - 4,, „e.n confined mostly to Private and 5ur....,#.,..r..h 0 ~, gical Dtmases. .-Aec e .: 4::. I . CTITIZENS AND STRANGERS -,,,: . '5.55• 7 . r . • to need of 11 medical friend, should not •;: i t:,,, , ,141:,e; • !all to and-out the sure place of relief..,' ", - `.-Itili • , The Doctor is a regular graduate, and ~.. •n ~.. ;:is experience in the treatment of a certain class of diseases ',i a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaintn permanent relief, by the use of his remedies and follovinghieadvice. DR. BROWN'S I=EDLES never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Musses— Lmpurities and &Tofulona Affections. Also, all diseases arising from a hereditary taint, whichinanifeeta 'Wallin the form of a totter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin diseases, the origin of which tho patient ig entirely Ignorant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. ofti.n3 hopes of a nre.asul epoedy recovery. _ . WEAZNI:B.B. Dr. Brown's remedial for this alarming trouble, bran& .in often by that solitary habit of acnsuai gratification w the young and weak-minded often give way to, (to their own destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known in thin country—they are sale, and maim a speedy restoration to health. lIHEW.L = 2M Dr. brown's romedfes never fall to cure this painful dia. ssoo afew days—he will warro.nt a core. -3e also treats (Beet, Gonorrhies, Strictr_ro, Urethral Discharges, Po male Weakness, Monthly Suppre,sions, Diseases of the Joints, Fiffinhi in Ano, Narzona Affections, Pain in the Back ond. lilidntle, Irritation of the Madder, together with all choowes of an impure ore A lotto:: describing, the tlynaptoma, containing a liy di. rooted to DB. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, pa., will be answered. Medicine sent to any ,ddress, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Itoclas, No. 60 Emithbeld street, Pitts. burgh, Pa. alp ANOTIIER supply of Low & Son's superior London Toilet boapa meived to-day, by JO3. FLEMING, fold Corner Dial and and Market street. .AOKS FEATHERS, for eale by RAGALEY, C0A1116.111 l c old =Wool 11.110 t. DRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Pry Apples, received owl for E.s.le, by JAS. A. FETZER` , tipa 003130 r Market and {tiro . tiWIR. TOB PRINTING.- ' : ,. 1? Cards, CircaMTH, Price Lints. 13111 Lading. Lotter Heads, chow mu, libels, Printed in enperior style at Alert notice, by "X3l G. 30IINSTON k CO" Printere. Blank Book.M.,nufactarers and Stationers, myl 57 Wood street. BLACK CRAPE COLLARS.—Rea u tif, i i stylea for rate, at JonTa EICEINEIS, 1100 TT Market atm