BUSINIf,SS GAIiDS 5.1117 EL C. WINGARD, ATTOkiNtLY AT LAW, 'lstuunea, Plane. 0/71011, No. 71 GRANT street. 61:TeUt aatnotai alley.apt-, jES A. LO W — lftE 7 7ktTort7ey at Law, 1,0111-til Srrt,L, 1R3V.V,t,11 A li L r • - • , )r) on - al4l; ' wie,er'.7r^ , r c( , L. [l, o ,Vl.ltio; ",-u dl .- e, t,ttothl.)old hours fr •rot, to 1 o'clook, and . Loin 2 to . Ul I).mtist, Fourth street, five dourh Lot Market. 4„7-- lalco hours tro:a 9 o'clock a FLE.MING, titicceBsor to L. 1 4 4 ,ii- Cu., corner of Mar of Street snu the lunruoti, onpn un.t.Autly ou hand n full aanortmentot COIN \SKIUCINE otiEsTz! , • thltllug to his -011 r i'ros,43 - odl.lotn• ,Arofuily r,rnpulao,.: hi TALTEI P. IM/P,z1.1.4.1.L \V P. MARSII.A.I.I.. a, C.,., imporwrr , ~nd 4 , decilori, in Fr zuli mi.! .. , i ,ii. ric,ii I'l PEP. 'il.,io - No. 87 Wood dirout, Pitai,l.Lristi. •,,,,r, , , ,, ,, 0 tLIZ. , IIt. 6.•1 1.i) , • l.t•'“..' Cot. •1 Dlut.1114el:11•••• • • .• • .....• Deltmut t.S. Co., Parts. ~,...:: PHILIP REIRJIL. ;. EY \ I & A N 1)1] h' ON (Huccestiorr , 1.4) I. ,IvAlers to )t;k: : PRUTTS,Ni; SPICES. CA C`: C:C'r AII Y, SUGARS Nu. uy Woc.ll atrr, Ito t hi , sl, Cht, 1.4.•1 burgh. • J. in. RATTLE, MERCHANT TA! LOH A 54 sr e1,.411,' ( Dr. , IiERR, REN.IO \ 7 1,1) ,or_tor, lift and Wc.•rl AIR 6T It P, In tmlitliuK--colitiutivs to propsrr mid to 6tiporint,,,nd ~1 dr,..icriptton ~t A U LTo N , BELL AND BRA;-;- , fouti DER, N 0.70 S'ACONI) strot•t, ale preptr•d to turilieti to ortlor 0:1111t01.1, STEAMBOAT, - FACTORY AND anifr.tt it a Of all dIZOII, Crow 10 to 10,000 ibb. 0/I I .11 E iiELL3 tuadn to ardor. ,STOP mud 3AIi«E CO , of all sizes, for Steam beets. MINERAL CtiIiSTER - and every variety of 9 rasx Cal[lLp ei the eeit•- maiiner. BABIfT'S ANTI ATTRITION M ETA T,; PA. TENT METALLIC I'ACIjI NC. for :•,t.1,1 14!7141,... LOUGiiiii DUE w MAXWELL. NUYACTUILE:II, LooklaK-Careasev, Pt_ 'Aire Vranken, au,* Brush:al And Dealers in Clocks, House Furnishing - Lloedi., ac. Ar.o. Ar.c. 1 4 .10. 046 Wood stre , e4, above eft!. kt Plii;;ECllli LI, h3:IV BruHhus ma k!, U uk.de EDUCATION AL. St. Fran -is Aca.denty for Bop., UNDER TUE o.kltF. OF THE FaANCISCAN IstulTialLe Loretf.o, Cambria County, Pa. 11. I S INSTITUTION, NATUB.Ar, g situated fo. Educational purposes, affords 1111 a, ii.- ilnonnents Mat desirrd for a Catholic las'itu ire. It is located In the most healthy and ;.1. - ..turerilar p.,rtina 'he Alleghenies, distant tour Miles from Cresson tar Area mail route!!/ . ..Aween Philadelphia and Pitt.sbur•,:h. '2ll • scholastic year commencing Clio first Monday in Suptiim:a r, will close the 16th of July following. The Terms for Board, including a thorough Pr.:Ban title Course, ore $lOll per annum. Ttio Classic and Modern LanguagrA to of $lO er annum. Wis h ing and use of Bedding $lO. tt;.ply to tiv• Ace,. dewy. Reforetwoe ~mt the Rt. . Dr. •Yewpv.a. ap3o:lyriw Vincent's College and Seminary, UNDER TII3 CA.BE OF TEE BENEDICTINE FATIIEhrI, :II ear Latrobe, Weumorelaud COULD ty y Oft. 1 - . N COLLEGE AltE TAUGII.I"I - LIE brAncl, • E•lnc2itiva. In the .I.EMINA,;:, the ela,nc, , , ‘l.theinaticm, Bhetorice, "didosophy, etc.. nod the different branch. ..t higher erudition necestutry or useful to thuee mpiring Priesthood. The terms ter lidarn sun Tuition are $BO per ;3,1r, t, paid semi-annually, strictly in adv.i.ace. German and French um! otlrar lanAudAes, TJ,na lug and Ausic,leriu n extra Charge a, excepting analn , .1 pelliiatluti ler fire use ..)t . instruments. Niedicole. Walt/lug, Bootie, rkatiooery, etc., wren charge - 5. Fur particulars apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year Oeglua ~ 0 the let of S, pt. Law, ends ou the 3d of July followidg. DRY GOOD 6 'Retrench ! ANc IdEli, C NPI JC !- lug det , rmiand tt, sets our suck thaug:. " • ~,,,, are Tight," We have wade a 6,-uvral To aill lowor pncus. rhr, Now 1, , tht• ti ac Lk) troy at... 0 Ll,Lit I tro Pric., Pc: 1)1 w,l It.N I.:, 77 Mark.: itr, • , itilE LAZSI eIIANUE IN i Ili I ii. E-- Bot,u,t iii 4 .6..tiit, worm 7k ct24....5. ILL 1$4::, pt, yal 1 -1, at, do o. Sl. ;A:r to do 41.1 do bil at 6758 ,I 1., de lu .37 , / t at 'lb do JoiliT Li 1301:1 ,, i.:, I. ..[Lsalkt•l str,•l.. ,-- a iIiaVELVEI , ili.l.ll.NliN 0,1), Al tlEliUCkai Pit: .!.. A .71101:).t.tli. , :rttlintlt 06 ile:alli ati•l for ~...it ENTL F,N Ni , r;K Nu' wo4A, suK, CoLt,, z•hirt• ... L , a i Drawer. troith 6apply reCc.l%ed I.l.)lLN.b.'n, • 1 4 - lIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in thy, Af PT/Ct. of liltA.Llldelr6 V.A.H.:l3.—Wholeeski Ito:for a 11,1 Poddlare will be forne.ued tvith i'Llttl:F.-P Li KNITTING YAItN 6 ei a reduction of Five flouth per pound. by the bundle, after tote deco, l'or Glatt, end Ow& cr..l:•. 1.191t.N b, 77 Market ictreet., itt,l A r rfl t..r toe Menai' secure , ENIBI:OIDEE.IES.—Our exeollera stock Frebra Embroideries, LTA the low I.rie..:s at Is Lich they are marked, offers rare loducemetite to parchaee the lareet st.) MONEY! MONEY I! I.ID DOWN. 44- G real reduction in the prian ut We have gone carefully over our handsome et o.- .t FRIINCII-WORE ED CULL altS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc., etr And dzea the prices tc suit tlie Stant Tittles." The Ladies may rely on i 4 ,-sting betri;hiris at ,'oct.27 LiO Nh';., 77 .l.larket WE WILL SELL trona the present tilm• un cennuont cheap CASLI. Phalan call au.] °caul no our stack. C. 11.ANtii_lN 0cr2.0 Lova Brun., Na. 74 e: a DaiNTED vitENcit MEIII NOES, fnr 6 j and 7h cents, w , 71 Ia Ad sl,:ts, tie. best as/moment In the city. !YE, • (formerly Love Brother:), dn2l No 74 Market atreet_ BONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon net material, Silks, Velvets and Satin,, for tale at novIS FroftNa'ig FLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.— A full asoortmest, very cheap. U. HANNON LOVE, formerly Love Brother,., Na 74 Market atr.i.44 EVERY Edonoinical Purchaser of Drest!, hoods, Shawls, Mantles, &o.; also Domestic and pin U uuiß, will nod it to their advantage coll and 6Xtllili our Now Stoma ri . an.i Winter Dry Go:Asbeforepurch.: lug tiffewn.-r, C 11.4.N50N L F.„ *alb `:ms.. No, 7 ; ) [IAW LS 1 611 AW LS —1,;(001, Uhc nine, ky iiruchn, t.c., both long ,end quaro, the y host in the eitr and at vary tow urico9 fur C. II A 'N LOVE toi - uierly , ve uor'l,l No. 74 Market str,ot. pitiU.F. and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making lissu, A larg, Moor LIII. , Lit CEO. IL WHITE t OD'S TO N'PEI-IS.—The subscriber liar now ou h tnd, and is dolly rec,iviag, from the manufac turers, F. large assortment of Priuter'e Stock. IL vi Potter's Printer's Cords, from Nu. 1 to 7. 6otin Chum, • orcelaiu Satin Enamelled, and color,l Crud hi shoots; McCreery'sCelebrat,, , •l colored auks tv Brae. Vernish niel Size Colored Printin g Papere ; Pamphlet Cover Papere : Glued and Plated Papers, red, green and yellow Stool Blue 01,zed Papere, and n largo' alr.ertint.t.t 1,1.11 u Note, t•o , ..t.er Cap, and Fe in Pont, blue my 1 1 6:3 %Sy:A 51st-et, near Your; :. QI 10 ULI ) you ask me, should you. wonder, 10 Where to buy your Situ,: and Gaiter s 1 fla:fltES for your rest in dpriugtinio, Boor.; with ',vela, and pretty BUNLISS. ic • P . M:NO!' : 4 111T6119 fur the summer, patent Leather, Glove-ilid Mona:nine: Where to buy thane cheap arid good too; Ehonld aLol , (fr, I a'-raid t e ll you, :t o tug sToaE• To the Pe , ,ptete Cheap Shoe Store, To the Store of DI e FoN , AoHEit. al" No. 17 Fifth street. _ N- BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- 20 box.alsorted 4'e, h'e and 6'e, Sperm Candlan on baud nnd and fur 2alu Ly )411 SOAPS. -- loro 1' 2 lb. 3 h5OO " No. 1 i- , tahl A."4,-, it, lb, lb. 1. bard „500 •• Chemical Oliee i rb I , n uutpe „ ii,rrnan 200 " 60 " Pure Pain, On hand an: ft r xald ty C. et :71.1 UM, BUFFALO, G:ILF AND cLuitt ovEat-ihrr:S, Offered ivW, fit "1:1, P. ,, p1. , n' : 4 114. Store," No. 17 Yaw ntrtet, übar blur kat felB Dlits*.K.NßA.' 7 lEl, t ;, ;. --- ONLY $750 FOR A TWO sToRy 110118 u, of four:oou:n. 01 gruut,.l Ron: on Mouterey street. Allegheny r,ty. b 3 1 lO nbuy. 'ferrud, .$4OO ia haul, balance oue, two 00 , 1 three years, CUTIIBER.: & SUN, nov24 f. , 1 ' , tart tart,el. B _ UFFALO Filendid article of Gears' anti Ladies Buffalo Uver .Shoes. Also, Gents' Calf ()ye: - Shot's, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Filth street, near Market. lk - bi 131. CARB. SODA —lOO kegs, just 3:24 ro.einvod and for ludo by II I BARNESTOCE & 00. o cloct WHOLESALE GROCERS, BRANDIES, WiNE:-, A.ND SEGARS Nor. 441 and 243, Corner of Liberty and acetzr.vr's City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. Cial.)N YARN.. , ; -TA's I IA oN HAND ~ L+:~n ~; ~ . sn~stw 111 , CANDL2SS, MEANS &4 44 .2 rill cititrge P AT 111,a B I 7 Markr: streol 3 OS .It r: at! r.tt Plt I( .TS MARK h. U. & J. ii. NAWYI,4t. min. GROCERS WM. Li SMITII WM. tB. OHM & CO., Wil OI,FS A LE G11:.)C FR' S - econd 141 First sts., PITTSIBITB.G.II. PA. BicaALLY, Si CO., ROL:J:9 t1,,L1A;4 No, giNi pinti 29 .voowa9 StirP.pt, NIILLEFL. 115LLIER & IZICELETs'ON, Irwin Si rears, SOLEU AGENTS. Ft hiK,G41.10641 V • INTL It ...kjekNl)!.r.4tr, I 1101,11, - NALt: it 40C 110, KO N, :24 A NI , i'ITI-.I3LJEL(Iii BEIM Vki.VirAft.DlNN t't ND Uf.JINIMISSIOIS ;`(;1 Cuitirinswin NierchavtN, ul t. , 1" ,• s tablargln, Mi wadvllte 6.5. iGriA CANAL LINES. ti Du. I f An LI 11D WAIT.R EiTELP,I3.I . , PlPTHRllitfill, PA n.4)3110131)1E:S 9 aIAGEN & CO., IUFWAhIiNU AND CoMMISSIuN 91ERCUAN '5, .`i U. '6O f UAMO 9 T., ClNULtilitt'l 1, J. D. ROUSEMAIs, ( LATE OF THOU -EMAN & ~ N IETEL ) COMMISSION AND PORWAAWING lii alo. 9 id. Second. Streak., apB:3ra LOW:4, \LISS CuA'. 111.;51PULLE1%, J. AN. JOLIN Humphreys, tiollup a & Wright, FLO Li A ,"10 RS - O'fftflDDliCEAND GE 31 re; la AIL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7. Nu1:111 WHARVES AND Fob FORTH WAThli Al,v, mrt,t, li. F. E z T l) Tll,Aupsk,a A Co., Thoulpzou, l.lark A Young, Sitxr, Price Co.. tSt i;,1,1,,:t \ ur& Cu , - u,,, CAL,Ip.or 1 M. bank. ). rch'n Baub. Stone L HA-Ahy/AI &C. Nl:CL.tclaocol A J• ..,uouy i Co. Pickett, Lib,thc-it, `•lirtlW4l , ll - :. L PrJco, I.,twrence a .Mathis., A I) 15,u , locir ,t Cam., ,I. Cu , • --;ray, A. L. WEBB & BRO. (EL' th LIL COMltli66 LRUILANTS ALE DLPONT'S 1)11‘ IJI id) SAFETI FUSE, Pre; al.ti Cgt,“IIIC7CC :trey; v., El it T WI 0 R , Mite: !‘.• . 111.10. ,h , ' ft E t 7 f Smith ;Jo. tiarre. ti, I=l Et i t .- rs. 2.511 Fume. 1.44 :wt ITTS3URGH, •ra e? CZ h 7. ti 3,LE: , ..6 41 R Nip :1 8 0 N pixfr. A :',l) WK. 1 •1) c - • S Gll .%\ .Y A 4, '4' 13 it: 'ALI'a l & Ll.J4fr., OEN bk,AL POE. y A III.ING i\el hi-LC N i.eyee cud W ash agt ont, e. , NI AN 1) , . )1'1..1:.; Cll'l, rk • 0:1 KIiVXMINCY-4.—. yit-1) 1 i , i,••••i , t 0 , , a.: Pitt:ll:2 11,i1 , ' ater:hant... zfAueraily. j3.11.p..k , i'Ll EN BA 11. CuLLINS, Forwarding il,roi . 1 , 1 i OnumlllalULl Mon„hant, :tad wnoi:miaie d,:a.l, iu % lt1:11. :E,EI , E, Lit:l7lM., SEEP: , no:l PlillflUf V :::::.' ralli . ';,.. 25 IV u , t Etr. et, ill llbti rizl.. :••-:r al GLASSWARE. I nti. , CL11!.11 , 3 /wt., ked , .IiNItY L. 11.11 , 1 WA .E.LANG, IWBEETSt_N & CO., Ai;i.nu k„,/ facturern vl Cut, Prentod and Pillll.l Hint GlatinKWAB.Y., vitalmuuse No. 17 {Wood Itrtot., in: of ieruut, Pittsburgh. All other kinds of and Window Glans, at low Market price), apll:di v E_DLIE ESE. ULAA.t, SuocessorB to INlulvany ! IA .t tamale, marinfactrirsra of Cut, Moulded and Plr.in irlint aud"tancy Colored (.31.,A.86NVA_RE, and dealers to all kinds of endow titans, Plana!, Vials and Bottles. Ware haute corner of Miitket and Water streets, "alhaVny UP.),U )R ,S JOELN BRVAR & 00., WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No, 155 Liberty Street, Pittdburgh, Pe. Always on hand, Wines, Brandied, Gins, muaun g ahelu and iteetilied IVhi.i ree—alms, than 'Jerry, Wild Cherry, aephe ry, :ud 11:uger Uran-em. Lap11;:1y EINEM itiE LIN & hEY.NEL Y, Wholesale Wine nud Liquer .Nterchuute cud Itectifyiug Distillers, No. rtutteti,lti street, Pittsburgh, Ptt. ap3:ly DRYb.APPL rec'ivc, ES. , —,) t f rO bbl b ~.p3anor dam s. bright Dry Ap !istills H, COLL,NfI ORN APPLES. —l5 bble. (Melee Apple ruc).3ivo-).1 and fur nale by apt ELENRY U. CIOLLJ.N6. EAN S.-20 bt)l6. small White Beans, jwit .LEF 4.1.41 G.r it/a:0 n coLLINF,. TIMOTHY bags ree'd and cl for 1 s.le by (4,3) liEgall IL CuLLIN6. ,V1 4 .1, , V WALL PAPERS CilEAP.—Still they W. I'. MA.E.SLIALL d.) 1 p`• ) 87 Wood strei)t. 1 ESV GOODS FOR SPRING SALES. - ,re daily receiving from oar own and Eastern la.:dorms, additions to our stock, which consists in part of Floor • al Cloths, Cart lag,. Oil Cloths, Ynruiture Oil Cloths, Table Oil Cloth., Crash Oil Cloths, Transparent NI Cloths, Transparent Window Shades, huff lioliands, and Shade Trimmings Med - chants, housekeepers, and utlitrs, requiring any gouda iu our tine, tr 3 lnvit-d to call and czaanne the stock, and jridgefortnoinsolvets in regard to the quality and J. I . :LILLIi's, Nos. 2.43 and 2S St Clair stmet. PINE APPLES.-500 received this day and for sale by RIMIER. & ANDERSON, No. 3S Wood street, St. Charl,o Hotel. BOARDS—FOr Paoking Joints, doll by V 751. O..IOIINSTON tx 00, 17 f`nr:t.r re•li. , , , 11,7 4 , , , ISH, 150 pkgs. \YhiLo Fish, Trout, Sal t pi' iILITH tI. IM 4 t,E. --iot) barrels fresh Lime just reCi I tural lIIINIIY H. COL INS. C riisiN t 1 CUPS of various patterns, for ~,,If. ~ ,y I nr2IIJ • 11. 11. COLL:NS. , a 1 u BACCO AN D C I agARS.—A large assort .,lL meta 01 t0.,,,1.11, Lrttutin, oici hnitd and for tulle by aulti W5l. FL. SMITH & 00, .. __ _ _ 113 hocowl, acid 147. Virat streets nllElE6E-225 boxes prun e W.:li. cutting J Chem) received and fur saleViti tua2 litY Li. CeLlaiiit. JOS. I:. HUNTER PITTSBURGH s.l P,ttsb'h ~ r Atart,4l PiP:',,SUEI4II, I PIiILELDELPH,',A l'hiladelpbm ily Byrne, y I M I E M EMI lillo. PILL, burgh, L't, Vi , 4 n1:(11 Go., N , lll!er rt.bou MEI= BY AUTHORITY. N O. but the President of the United pursuance ;al% BANAL`, hold .ile 111,(1.•1.lax.1[1(111 ,1 Laud IrtrlGt.B TLLIIITUItY I Ily% Itl At L.nlnud )1 • El. At 8.. nt ••., , V ILL JL.uuua, LB , . a xt, ti.ap p Clh:frr r thi , 1 , ,,L,tt • 131,, H ILb tuwuihipe, L"Le .r roi That la t: 1.1 tA/V,lolhi Fi% uu held, or the Sat' alai Fox. z. 11,1 I t•tuniu. 17. Itatpi, , '2, 3, dud 4 outside of the tint' and I , of., all fit eekf, Nat.alx, r.aortation, and fir. 1.1011/11 LOH 1111ittprt o utrd It, of r • uge id. ..fi.at pa, t t.i town,llip tilG outside ul the Ex. ;old 1 , ,x rue not ; township 1, toe parts of townships 3, 4 and 01 tilt` half lire d, :sentahlt reservation ; and true. tiuual Ilefllp 0, of range 15. That t , srl tow rn.hip one outside of the Lie and Fox t.t.rN,it ;to Vallitlll.l, 2,3, and 4; that part of tow 51 1 o[. 5 euteule tne flail Breed, Netualla reeernr•.ion, ant town etup ti, of mug, 14. Tow 1, '2, 'u, 4,5, and 6, of rouge 13 TostuAopi 1,2, 3,4, 3 an i A. TowLedups 1, 2,8, 4,5, and 6, of ran•ge 11 Towtusaitt4 1,6, 4,3, and 6, 01 raogr 10. 'row unclip, 1, 2. ;;, 4, :4, ran,i2e O. At the land ettlee litsti.Ach.A CI t 1 . , coutuieue;ng :11,,iid.ty, Cho stalk tidy 9. September next, f,r the disposal et thr public lands within the fu:acing n .,n l ect townships: of tile ha. WWI eaSt Of the 11..etiL prt ncipa Me"ZULU, 01 Towurdlii , 7, mild trw.t.l.lu,tl toskilablp, 0,9, lu, 11 , and I'2, MESE Towuhiipti S, b , 10, tI, and 12, itud Iructional townallip 13, of ratigt• IS. Nv‘.,.,:3; , , 7, h, 11, nud frtictioual .3‘l 13. “I lu. aud 11, and tractlimal Luvinship 12 T t,t ni rL I— 1l .1. 9, 10, 9u,1 11, tractioual Lownnhips 19, 4. r tu_,• lu . J. 11,1 Ij, nut! frakAiulial U, MIMEO Yl.l IP I, !RI!, ul !,.),Ni Cu:11111°m i:1, t,l: :! ti• 1 y v . 4 1; , 101C1714...' f.; tilt+ • ! Lho putqw till.. tlrc fulluw Lug 1145110 d tow North oj Uu Laze /irk: and e,,a/ J. £i4 aixdig. principu: 11M2221 Fractional tow ushlps 10, 14, 16, and 16, of range 14. Fiectieual townships 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, of range 10. Fractional townships 12., and 13, townships.l4, 15, and 10. sad tractional townships 17, 18,19, and 20, of range 12. Fractional [owning, 12, townships 13, 14, 16, 18, 17, an! 18, and fractional townships 19 and 2U, of range 11. Fractional townships 12, 13, and 14, and townships 15, If, 17, 18, and 20, of range 10. Fractional townships 14, 15, and 10, and townships 17, Pi, 19, and 20, of range 9. Lands appropriamci by law for the use of selloo6,militiir), and other purposes, will be excluded from the sales. The uttering a: too above lands will be commenoodou tits days appoitth,d, and will proceed in the order in which they Ore 114 , ertiaiki,, Limit the Vftwde shall have bees tinered, and the sales thus eleecd ; out nu sale shall ha kept , pea L Ldsr than two weeks, and no private entry of any oh We lauds will be admitted until after the expiratiou of tile two weeks. (liven tinder my hand, it the city of NVashingtozi, turn thirtieth Clay of .Uart.u, Anus Domini uue thousand eight liftyasght. 1.i . ) the Preei ent: Trios. A. HENDILICKA, Commissioner of the General Laud Office NOTICE To PRE-EMPTION CLAIM 6NTB livery person c tattled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships above enumerated is required to establish the same to th, ctiou of the register and receiver of the proper land chi, 0, and mut c payment therefor as noon as practicabis uftsr Cie sce, and bolero the day appointed fortlit, com mencement rc the public sale of the lauds embracing the tram claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THOS. A. HENDRICKS, aplC3:3lthi Commissioner of the General Lau Unice. Proposals fur Naval SappHeti. DE.PARTMENT, Bureau al Lk.ustructlou, Equipment., Htt.C., May 13 , ..U, sEALlill I'itOPOSA_LS to furniall naval supplies fur the fiscal year surliag 30th jcuae, 1859, o ItCol)ed rt i:11.1 Bureau uutii 3 trtat,ck, J Lo r,,ez, pr,44,0861 IlltiOt Lr euar,rod •• Proposals for Nara:. Supplwx, Burma of Courfruati n, .Etc" that they may utner business letters. Too 11,1,11 - 1113 sae articled embraced iu the oianoes name.' are particularly deocri ued in printed schedules any of which wilt be tut - unshed to ouch as desire to offer, on application to the commandants of the reicpective yards, or to the navy agent nearest theret uud trios° of atl the yards upon ap plication to this bureau. This division into cluosts being for the CuLivouletice of des [ere in each, such portions will o e turiushed as are actually required tar hide. nip COMRlll.2id ant slid navy-agent of each elLetlull will have cr copy of the ecbedulee it tau other yards, fur examination only, Irma which it may be judged whether it will be desirable to make application tor them. utl_ttl moat 11.1 ALL tit: the whole of a chits at any 3io 11,1 in nu el the plltlied em.lieKltilen, or in otrict conformity therewith or .hey will hut to CutihiereAl. he cohtruet..-1 , 1 t.Vitt: tic, Cu the It", uSt. &Intl j 1 ,1,! Lui der o bo F l.e. proper etc...mt., ter Ito The do bias; ve, U., I lit to reJ(N:t all the bida tor any riaai, if deemed ...tholoitoot. All article mu .1 lee • t , .ry re be deli 6 uutl .4,, 11,(1 12 I, AN the nc,c may 0., Llh - t Ay. hr, suit fine, 01 the ~ ./litiltelka, cud iii ail reopecto -nt h , .011,:111/11. 111,11: 1 .1111 , 111,1,L, CuLll/1. A, 1,4111., .1, yens where tet,elV,J, mei to the i l it 11113 d, r- a,e 1. - n. .r i,..L.1/.; .1", LI to or: I na , L, • Ohr loWk,gu. t, ,IL•7 tte 11,:• 0 tt) • w• ,1 LI , .L 0 ILLUb, vil r. rung accepted will Lr.,,0•111,1, I tr_t• 1 .. ;!:r•y will L.p. - I -gall • , 1 C.l,tL latiCe elltl 11.1LIJod ~) tavIIL al 1., IUII 1.1,1101L1L tie required th rig., he C.ollradc, /Lc fir II I ...b..bdibility curtifl.l.l 1.. I y di yua,;e, Uhrteu 1 . 51.,L. .lidtire: /.1.1..•cn0y, ur, or Italy .1.3 Wit-be/.1 Irvin lire atauttut of the .11.111 . have boon ..:‘,ll/1....11 Efit.l etgnt. I. urn .11 ..14111 bin, approved iu triplicate by ...15 ....L.- / a, of the respective )arils, will be paid by the navy - ,61.-13 at Wt. 1./../lULd of delivery within thirty days and, fin prmentation to it 13 3tl plllated in the contract that, if default be made hy the parties ul the first part in delivering all or tau et toe articles mentioned m any class Dll.l for in the contract, of the quality and at the time and places above provided, then, nod to that imse, the cuutr tctor and his sureties will (*orlon and pay to the United States a sum of money not exceeding twice the amount of ouch class, which may be recovered from time to time, according to the act of Congress in that case provided, approved March 7,1843. Classes 1,4, 0, 7 to be delivered one-fourth part on or before the lath may, .m.-fourth part on or before the :hi: ti July, onotourth part by the 2Utit or September, and the no- uminder by the lot December, 1859. Classes 3 and 9, the whole by the 15th May, 1859. the remaining ciaasea t.. ire de ivered iine•fourth port On or helOre Eh.lst Sentellll/..1 111,a, part im or before the let Ihltlidlnhef isistourtli part i.n or hbiur.• the lst April, and the remainder ott nr before the 30th June, 1759, unless earlier requited with a notice of twelve days, comprising at each delivery' a due proportion of earl. article. Class 10 and all following, if t1.110..11..1 quantities of any of the articles named therein are demanded. they arc to be furnished on like terms and runditiona previous to the expiration of the fiscal year, upon receiving a notice of fifteen days In m the bureau, the coin maudaut of thy yard, or navy-about. Ftrrm rj Offer t, , of , in the State ut , ob) agree to furtush aid deliver, iu the rCt3pUCLIVe, tray) kti the articles flawed iu the classes hereunto awn:xi-ff, ngi rt,eiLly fif the provisieLe of the cs,L,-dults therefor, and in conformity with the advertisement of the Bureau of Cou structiou, Sm., of the 13th of May, 1858. should my fitter be accepted, 1 request to be addressed at-, and the contract seat to the navy-agent at -, or to -, fur signature and certificate. (Date.) uignature. A B. The schedule which the bidder i-ucluses taunt be pasted to Ms offer, and each of them nigued by him. Opposite i.uch article in the schedule the price must be sat, the enuoilet car. led out, the aggregate footed up for each class, and the amount likewise written in words. Form of Guarardet. The andertagnea, of lu„the btato of , and , vi , in the State , hereby guaranty that iu cane the foregoing uid ul fur any ul tne classes therein named Lie accepti'd, he or they will, within ten days after the receipt of the con tract at the post office named, or navy-agent designated, exe cute the contract for the same, With good and sufficient sure ties ; and in case odd -- shall fail to enter into con tract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good the difference betWel3ll the offer of the said - and that which may ue accepted. • Signature of two guaramtore. O`L JS I hereby certify that the above named are known to me as men of property, and ablejo make good their guarantee. Date. Signature. ti U. To be signed by the United States district judge, United States district attorney, collector, or navy.agent. lho tullewing are the classed required at the ,respective navy yards: EITTEItY, MAINE. Class No. 10. V: h.to pine. Clasa 11. Ash plank. 131a021: walnut aud cherry. No. 2.1. Irou. No. 22. Spitteu 2.1311 No. 23. Le.d, zinc and tin. No. 27. Painta, min, etc. No. 32, Leather. Nu. 33, 1:1.30. No. 37. Pitch, tar and L-min. N o . 38. Tallow. SOLT and oil. GRARLESTOWN, I.I.IIiBACHILBETTB, I: l .lass No. 1. B , hite-uak. 3. Waits oak proreisco um) timber. Nu. to.. White pine. Na. 11. Ash and cypress. No. i 4. Hickory butts, elm timber, and white wood. No. 15. Staves. ' No. 18. Black spruce. 1:1 Iron. No. 22. Spikes and nails. No. 23. Lead, sine, and tin. No. :o-.1. Pig ',lron. No. 2d. Hardware. No. 27. Paints, oils, etc. No. 28. siar canvas. No. 29. Cotton canvas. Nu. 30. Flax. and cotton twine. No. 31. Glass. No. 32. Loather. No. 33. Hose. No. 31. Brushes. NO. 35. Bunting ant: dry goods. No. 37. Tar, pitch and rosin. No. 38. Tallcw, soap, oil. No. 39. Ship chandlery. N 0.40. ititionery. No. 41. Fire-wood. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Class No. L White-oak loge. No. 3. White-oak promiscu ous Limners. No. 6. Yellow-pine plank stock logs. N. • 0 White pine. Lie. 1L .eh, cypress, whlte-oak boards. No. 12 Black wahaut, cherry, t.c. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. VPtite ash oars, hickory bare, and butts. No. 16. White-oak et.=ves act heading. No. 16. Black spruce. No. 18. Idguuuo,ltD2. Au. 21. Iron. N 0.22. Spikes and wills. No. 23. Lead,fitinc, end tin. No. 24. Pig iron, 25. Hardware. Nc. 27. Ltc.. No. 28 Flax 'canvas. No. al. (lotto!: eau ins. No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. No. 3L GiaS4. Ne.. 32. Leather. Nu. 33. Hose. N 0.34. Brushes. _;0.;;;',. pr,l eg and ary oxsi. Nu. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No. 35. ra,low, soap, oil. No. 38. Ship chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Fira.wood. - - - Y.l-1 I LADLLPHIA, P.F.-NN6YLVANIA Cltig9 Nc. 1. White-oak logs. No. 2. White-Oak L. ilk. No. S. WLute•ual: piorui3cuous amber. ..io. 6. Yelloi. jibe plank stock 100. No. 1. Yellow.pluo beams. No.lo. V,..tute pine. No. 11. Ash. cypress, white oak boards. No_ 12. black walnut, cherry. No. 13. Locust. N 0.14. Whit:. azb oars ~.nd hickory bars. No Ld. Black. spruce. No 3.1.. oninvita3. No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spikes anlnnda. 22. Lead, zinc, and tin. No. 25. Hardware. No. 27. PrJats. oils, &c. No. 22. Flax eau , at. No. 29 Cotton C.IIVa4. No. 30. Flax and Cotton twin'. No. 31. Glut, No. .-2. Leaester. No. 33. Lioee. No. 34. Brusuel. Na. 35. Bunting ant dry goods. No. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No 38. Tallow, enema, oil. No. 39. Slap chandlery. No. 41). Stationery. WASHINGIoN. DISTS.ICI' UN COLUNIBIA. Mos Nu. 10. n. 9.8 h, cyprotts, white bots. No. 10. 131, - 11. Spruce 21. Imo. No. T 2... ispikea told Kr3lte. So. 2.3. Lead, zinc and WI, No: 24. .Kg iron; • N0:215. Ilardadre. No. 27. Faints and:tills. No. 2J. Oottoa cowl= tie. 813. ales and cotton twine. tio.Bl. Glam N 0.82. Leather. No. 37. Pitch, tar and roam. No. 38. Tallow,aoap,oil. Nu. 39. 91.4c:handloo. No 43 Tank and galley iron. No. 44. Chain iron. Nu. 40. 11.1.4.. a copper. \o. 47. itiacellatwoun. . ,1 Bt_:- LZ•ti f Au i..JI ,u:, i ~.', . tA, !, r I J d+,l xs BUCHANAN the teepe.a nr. v . 1 Wliittr,,,,tl O. 1.• , ..1 .k stuck logo. No. 11 I,, t — ;••."'• •'' r•YIII• No. 12. Ilistok. widow. ch.. rr,, ...;.,t oar., • 18. Lzounivit.re. It., •C.• • No. 23 Ls.ul, 11, add •• war... N.. 2 .• 29 Uott• cinvn4. • (Bain. r. •••• No. a. 5. Bunt ng and dr , 'o. :A. 1!1 NO. J.. 1 Ciyea No. 1. IV tc•-, .n tin.' r. a \ IS. L.,' LIC Iguittn N 2.5. ....r myl7 li!Elill 'floe 0 6: di - . 0 au ill) COMI'AN W ITLi .01PE L .1,1 tin prt- U. transport hasscin. , tr,.n 'll DELPiii, !Jr!: ..I • 4/ A. CIA Y. OS L, with it griilit "l lit. Li-it I talc hi , L'aidbUl k Aut., that 'll,l, I. t• ; •. tin 1 `IN it Mu.. •-•• ' . 1,. ' L.II 01111 rtxrd will 1./Ai pi); . PAi46142`..:1:A1 I litiAVE t ~1,1 , 7 t)1) A A. I' / . 40A. 11. I / 1 . 1 /.1 _.l . l' ..1 A 1.30 P. Al. iiEAi'Ll n 7n. 1.111. AL: it.T. 1.1.4 lb *el' • 11 iireittll.fij P. hi. t i,„ Lan C1L1C11111.3.1, illti Wat.iaah isua)etts:, (Italtrnl ..id . al, Trains oil alit. DI. It. it L..,liit ail, I . itu Dii)ton nod Michigan Knit rJs:l• S. 3.1 ,c LYpr,mn, ~,&}A. ', ... , I .......%1 ~: 'i , .1 i .:',_; . ' %; ... .01. n .se i ' rains, I , ilaltdmare Neel" tar,. gort . Ll Truies CI tllsir , il bus make close connections ni Crentn.,- ttli all rtur .. l..i.; rralea. fit ,l'ort L uuu,CoLlll a. in uJis, Lafayette, and tun. , I o I out'Ct 1 , 1"11.11 lA' 011 Tnilll , l. AL Furetit... t. uua cti , ii.. .u ' , wd , +;tl1 1 . (:111„11 Li iron/ Cincinnati, springin , l Inly tun. Ino U. S. , lef2_ from l'ittaburgh to Crestline, being ,t 1 L an OVert.llkeLs by the 5t,..;,,,j AC005111.01 1 ATIOl: 8•--.Laaave New 13rigutui. tor Allegheny City at 0:40 A. an., and 1'4:36 gheny City for New tinglitou et 0:4.5 1..11,1:1 P. M. TLIICOUGEL and no charge or handling. Travelers or perionsi intending t./I..irchicle ticket. is I tte nrgh ler the Wiest, will bear in mind that the. only .ijenz authorized by the P., F. W. 'it. C. lt. E..; C. rt. P. R. R., and lilteutieuville and 'lithium Railroad Cutupaniee, is riE.Oltilki PARKIN, at the Union T.C1,1, Uttlee, Connected with the Pcurfa R. 11 Parit..!cgcr IMJVA, Corner Liberty end (drool !street,. liAlitrAGE will not b< checked :or person. , purchasing, tickets at any oilier piece in TV CO,‘I3I.ENCE Vti 31t.N nal . , May l,ic. enu COLII,IIIO 13 will tartear notice. J. J. , l'am'e. and AL:L. D. W. licti3B, agent, Chicago. JOki. 11. :11001L.K, riiiperinterir!ni. EIPV %VEST ;.E , TU CL. , ,INNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. L1)1 1b VIA I'IITSI3LTIZGIi, F WAYN CIIICAGO t :NDCINCINNA.T.I,IIANIILTUNti IAY VIA. DELAWARE CUT-OFF gol. Distance only 3'2.9 t.-nm Pittsbi:rytt to Oincirmat's r LINE is compobed of Itoz.as of we First Clas,t, arta t beautiful aud cultir.ltt Li lAA - null ,_.l* t:,tatc. llireCt runner:li, at Cr-,...tit, with LL, tracts of the C. H. a U..U. A if. Ktaitht, being coun,teh, for I...outartlte, rt. EvarwriLle, t:atro, Mendplaii, Vicksbnr„;, Natchez, ..teti Orleans. Councction made at cit. Lulu woo the Pa. itic guiirond nud .4.ll,nocri ittv,,r Parker, NANSA:3 AND NYORASKA, ti ash W r.t•-tu ,- I:;Utqatnil SC tl .•_ mad call potuta k:etauc.:y Tram. kayo Pnuy E. .... 11A13(. A ; C ;_t /Lai L.uac a. ...ay ut,itt . r it•t• / t 4-41 - Pne,ubtit re rk,f .1 yin • r J. F vei g - " , J ;.; .ati.,=l,ll Wneeling - Pittsburgh, Coiumblir.!4 (1. CiiAciiiiiati RAILRI)AI) 1. i N Charagr'_.lll3l. A 1:1'1: Al.uiN, ,MA 1 1 th , u, ON ~.A.NI.) 1358 Tt5i1.15 1(3.v, :11t 4 PclItitly:1,11141 1.,:0.,[rp,1 EviCO3.ll 10110VIT. I),EVG:Lk \ i;•TROIT 6:45 A. 111.1 CaICAGO ANO T`..l WEST. WiIEELINki 7.I.N_OVILLE. h'or L.EOO, 1).11,,T, DD p a win, 00.L'Olt rt, 4:00 P. k .v,,, t.N t:Ees Yati,uLgerd dewing • .r ond ILIUM to.mk , or I u;6 o:1 t,i ,;iuvtuund TSBU LIGII, CO LLI Itß D ZS '1 _V Al' (via STEUBENVILLE. 11 . 4 11, 11 0.11) !MANGE OF TIME.—On anti stior AWN DAY, thy , loth, of Mny, 1858, Trains wili love Cho of :110 Vo:111-1:vs.- nii. C..atrsl Rsiiroad, foilaws:— NOT STELI,II..NYILLA, ‘2,IL'.IIDLIN, DAY lON, 3:00 A. r INDIANAPOLIe. CAIRO, 111:L'- 111 PillS AND kW. CHLILAN... CiNor.s.N.,Tl LDLIA, Dna ALL 2:35 P. N. SOLTH AND WAAT , Through to . ...:tuolnuati without L.:tango DI CIIVA .'anzieugra . , ,1,,,ir10g Lu gu i. 11.1111.1, a LC., or any poinur ooyouti t.:o.tuubu , ‘ l, for tickots via Stoubouvillo. 6uporiutendera C., P.& W. IL V. %V. BAGLEY, ulyl2j Supozurtt Lik,ellL s' ca A C. L. PITTSBURGH & CoNN i,SViLLE ;LA ra-. AIEUR ON and after Monday, the it)tlA ivat. l'asti ougur Trains will ,• ,•i , t taili irulD LLn Polinitylvanis , 011,, Trani haves Pitt6uur_ Ir 7:ui ExpretH Traiu haven Pitt.t.,r k ;h 3J A... 1. Maillrn u Express :a H. Arriving at Pittsburgh 6:-1,3 Ticket,' to he hwl nt e,undylVal_ll.l k9L 'from connects at Cutinolinviii- With ',outing & Uoadied for Uniontown, 'Frostburg, Unuitufnuirl, and at West Nowtou with Coached f. , r Mt. Plea-I:tat, tioutormet, Bodin, We. Freights to and from Pittsburgh alai titetli,u. on Pala burgh And Counellsvdle wth tie ri,eiv.,l and livered in Pittsburgh, at the lia;div] [ i 0pp0 ,,, e "Duquesne Depot." S'acepting such as th- Lieu, 1.,..ba1•ec, Stone, eto., which will be. lo .doil or tia-ohi ' ad Ue pot, of at the canal Depot, as Way be at r.xllgu,l with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad, at Pittsburgh Sup't. Transportation Departm , nt , P. C R. Connellaville, .11a} 13th. 18d8. f LUyb New Route via River and Railroad. Cilleinuao itailread CIOisiNECTINU AT INDIANAPOLIS with I ;4_, Terre Liaate, and lerre Haute aLd Alton Rai irOada, to It. Loma and Lafayette and 1_11 , 11.-.u.clpolia, New'Albany and Sa.km, and Mioniga.a R0a.:16 f. - ,r tali° tliu, RUCif, ISLAND, BURLING2O.::, Al as intermediate points. Through Y: ;ht Tittill to LNDIANAPOLIS, 1111tRit HAUTE, and rp.1:1; Freight carried :roue thricinuau or Lawrenceburg lu lees time than any other route by -A house, cud at a, low ratei. The only road by watch ahunuenti can be made f rom ow. cinnatl to the Weat, wttmmt tireakiog bulk. I.:omaigumeni omit: E. GiBB.ZINS, Agtm at t1,0;:in• nati; o{, 13. I.I . CZING, .4.1v.71; Lawrencuurag, tau r.oelve prompt utteuti,m., and no charizu for concumasiou; no charpsfur clruleagt or y.7.rnt.istotsuZ Ltstonmeebtsrp. If or tartl,r tatormi,.. ,1!, .2ply to "P.iit.ist.lB ddTTlir i 2:. tht, who is pwod to way," i Dada &het, .oit C./co. P . u, 1:Ir an,stlo, Pm,. .m 1 MMM FUItNIT k.: iiiii N .1n..•-4. • . -„ _•SIi SPIKE Mitt.4.l , ;•! itletq, f?ar.Littre. which they mill s. than cnbterzury OGDWELL'S '11;1-LE • if • 1 11 MS, 1V r} ; atyl.a Parnii - nre3, ..k.hogutr- uud WEllllllt, sat .nn iable for Patleri, ead Dwing to Lc New York taThihid , iphia.,..,l.o. Hr I.r r scr estlble mule by Lend, (.bill!-att.there a i.tied %111 any Tisntityt,llA LES, ue. :Gay:Cain tams. Uuttla , nrn• shortest nod( 77 { It briber, rittsbargli, or,'_' _ TARCii.-25U ben itoulleciter Poarl Siaruh, • oxelved awl for Bala Ly us.Nai 11. ocuazi. 21=31!=1=M .1 , it) • it il =TB 1:1.) i rt:. ' 6P. L:111C11.1aL I • 111/ •I , v, ,L(l::.lGrt ) ' ,-, =EMI V., a tL '1 tt. li MMI O. It ' anti a I cinCy lower 1i 1(' n . i LI Sumae•. r %rrstsugezur.nt N AND A I:Dit FEa T f . 4 1 5. a ;:.. 11:3,11. :11 • a L. 2.3 P.:.`.. ar f:',•Jp: A uuly In c' :f,i, ,: I 1 N Like S.Latiou en; t,(•all - 4. ,oulbarg. ._ I.•..jk•bnn- MOM1151•=1 ~N 1 r • ;%1 :RAIN for rr% ),,,Igt II...I: 'Sunday ACC TF. zor Tur I, (Jr,.m (tltc•Jpt 4.:21) P. M. 11.111:1, ThA_LN ru. day.) a.: P. at. I !NG IRA] pat_ t bu r , - • •, t-; •, r ; ~. LI , Lt• 11. - HJ A. M.; Fulit.Turtin C rt tF 5'2; A. It.. Second Act:unit:rt-dation. f. 3- &P O, P. x. Tr...n.: 1..: litA I,LA. ti. 4.1 with null • train . :. 1:54t, Lre.ili utt I .t.t. .I•Jhn..3town ,ccornrYhth.ii ;Taiit Snot amid V'is.V. Li Als 1., °UN :‘ , l ELI'S i'LLE TR.A MIL bt.115i1315 On the Pittabingh rind C.,)L.To 51:1U itoad, 155 V t, ( bity allay excepted , )folluvs -, • MAIL TRAIN 7, 1 ,4, a. 2,fIsATItE62. , TRAP' _3:30 P.); 11,1i1 VlLuibiar.4x, anti ;I: 1.,. S. ata ,s t a. i'llts.tturi,h, Lt. and etsiO P. It. : 1-111...111•J Ire... pul.Lic will laud ii el,:,utly t.. r iii ,t t. it, it Wrot, t. r,tvel L , y th, as the iveconnuodations now nit, oti CJlLlnirt 011'- 1 C/o any ether rout;. Ac tho lioad is ballast , .: s , ith Ito and la ,ntirely hen] dust, wv csu promise 3andy, And c.dlo , t to all Wit, truly favor litii 1S"14 a 1111 tl.•dr .:ARE : -...51a,00 I To PoLltiwore ••• 10 ," , Lancaster liarrieburg, $7.45. patrcuage. Nyv, Yor I Stati-in+ nu the Pew , , , ylvalli:i tni 1,, :up! New Fork. howenglirei ticknta in curs, will 1 , ..• I 2r: tscidit.loll t, rate's, excepl. Irtna .••1 1..10A. it GaS, of 110 ‘j0111;k.illy ill 1.010 0,11 s , iYefs re1p.,1110, - .10 fur Verticls:l hay:gage 00Iy and I. ir 02k•kkilL t•L.Ort:ILIg Ettc,ttiet .I:linibus Li., has ties a sidpieyee Peesen,rers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a 'OLITO 00: [l , O for each pa.MittLigt-r 1,100 bag gage. Per tickets apply .1. 61IEWA_RI12, Agent, At the P. IL R. Passenger Stall it. on Liberty and Cirisnt stieis. ill, PEN NSVLV A.NIA RAIL Ae O THE Li R EAT CENTRAL Ith/UTE. Lion Electing . 4 - Atli,,. t • Cities with Western, N eider', and Month-w,- tern si•atis, ',t KIS Pita itoad aim contacts at Pittsburgh with U, sot titeathers t all poi on the Wow, cAIOI Lind and banlusk, with ti_. pate 0:1 the ti.. DIRLeT, FEST and atuAsii: noelsw ItEIGIIT can be forwarded to and from the fihnar Wur.7. Hate° between Philadelyiktaati; boots, tiltues, Hats and Caps, Books, Dry Liosids, (in • h a l e s sod trunks,) Drugs, tin lioxise,auil ldes) Feathers, Furs, Ac. 'JECONDCLASS---Donlestic Shooting, Shirt ing and Ticking (in original • ales), Drugs (in caskiii, Hardware. Leather (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Pelts, Eastward, Ac., THIRD CLASS.—AnaI,, 0.1 casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted (looen or in sacks), Tobacco, inaodface Lured, (except Cigars or cat,) gc , CLASS--Cculee, Fish, Bacon, Duet una Pork, (in casks or boxes Eastward,) Lai it and Lard Oil. Scala Ash, Get - - Visit Clay, Tar, Pitch, ails, bbl. until further notice. GRAIN in cur 10ad5,35 eta. 100 tbs. until 11.11{.1..f notice. c6T. - .2oN—s2 /I bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further 12o:ice. 41" Ir. shipping Goods from any point a:am. of pqat, be jmrticular to mark packages Thianni, , ,avi. 4. , ..11.2r0ad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this m.,3 s. Pliilalphin or f - ittsburgli., will be forwarded without l'ar.nawz Aourra—Harris. Wormley &C,,:ll , .mpliis, s., . F. fora A. Co., St. Louis; G. Ciritil,y & co., Evt,1,,,-114. ; 8.,! so I 32a.rt. , r y.; it. C. 'llidrum, Madison, Ind ; H. IV. Brown d Co., and h. Co., Ciiirini!ati, N. IV. Graham & Co., 7..aw.3-';‘ii,, & Co., No. 54 Kidby street', floeton Leech 2. 2 Amax Ltou.iii, Nev. , York; No. I William ~ t reat, aro! N., Battery Place, New York; E. J. = rJeder, .tiagraw ;1 ..EO-011t1. Baltimore; U A. Stewart, I'ittelair,2l:. it. IL LIOUSTi...i . o;41:. .11. J. 120;i1B.Iii:;I7 CARPETS AND OIL C EMOVAL.—J. 11. PHILLIPS have r, u new hail Nua. ereet., welt Bide, t...11W6E , 12 Penn atra6t a,nd the 4n n. I, IPS, U FACT L1,21.:J:, t - IN OP la • _ i ISEIREIIMIIIIIIMI 2191111 Li. •'4):11 !Trk...! : • r I "I • - •^aIY to moil t :714' in 442; ;:1 4 :4 -4 3 4 ' , y 1,4; .•' - • :in:: in p2t2 -4 , VAN't i. 4;•••••:C) 4 .4 4;11,1144:1 B1111,•irl, 1)R1114. 44 . 4. 4 1 d CAKPETS. I, FOE. Siattn.g: I . ,rn anti line uart.ta ; I .enit.,nL! [',ant. 4 4 . Itltl 4,1 41 ;4reon 114,;414t11.4:;:•liidell. lr witi :11Ve L. , all 1 . .]0 , toOk.ing, I , llf , tot.lo , c,doter mil.. I :der Ilitirt7oiobitt.ti to ally :to with tt .•., it ~ he old !'.; twur Wood. in. & it.. 52'JALLI"il „ is 1111.\ 1 4 - -Of all 1.r..111(1.-3, `,?! -; • 1.1 aLlo y. f , r el!.. ZI.O A. . •;. I.ILL,i, ;21,0'1' /1 Fo '!'lit: FALL T t)!•;. ,i,ret • Our d{ therinanufactutlen, •t do - ge Flocir LinruitUr,, T-Ininting,Tablo C0 , er.1* ,, :••••• an,l and al! tit, nse liunsefaminiu,•:, dtdi utter pnr k iores. &leo, Trann;.:.'• ni Whitlow in border•d other had tuiuw Stnide Trlnuni Mercht.qn... anri orbs-, will liar: :t to tholr wiranthg• • • :wilt,: on- ,tuck Ht.! l•A'ore narking their ;01 , eleuwher - J. 1 11. MILL' . a.. 0 25 and 2,5 St. Clair 11 4 iLtY..44t. 011, CL+YEW_-,,- ..g_ Of cmr own All / euatern tuanufucture—oll ntOn, and cut 1,, 1.1/:t auy or rix.rul or 1114119— AZ the Oil Oloth Wire rece:wa, 7. , ; 24 St. Olaf r Btrto.t --- The Best and Cheapest hi Use. N DAM, 6RINT & HARTMAN, AUFAUTURERS AND DEALERS IN WARREN'S impra ed Fire and Water Proof Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofer Elastic, Fire, & Water Proof Canvas hoofing, RU - )FINU MATERIALS. OFFICE. NO. :ail FIFTH STRI:IIT. Sumo of our Oauvaa Roofs may be eu at the hiller:mg places:—C. U. ;Amway t. copper wet k:.; nein, Parke it Co.s carriage factory, .\lauchesier ; Oran', Rennet: is Co.'s new t- robing mill: Robinson t. Miol3l-. , I 'tin dery and Allactouo tamp; James Slillingera new planing mill, South Pittsburgh; Gen Robinson'e dwelling, Al. iegheny; P., Ft. W. at C. ti. it., and C. , C. 5. C. It. R. freight house, Crostlinc, Ohio. P., Ft. 'N. A C. It. IL buildings, at llochetter and Sewickley Kittanning bridge. ittnilisiti has been in use fifteen years. and gives lictir•itcti,in. Cali, dr send to our Mlle, fur a circular, tai nit over let mrs,teiti tying supenor • ity see entre., ot Warren's Routing on Duquesne Depot, St. Charim towel , .et Dispatch ftuildinyc , Poet Building. Chron icle Redding , St...lnd:ow-3 E. ()bored. Hand street; Mansion House, Glues Works, C. Ilimsen's Glass ‘Varehouse, Chess, WIPOII et Co.'s rolling mill and tack factory. OUR ELASTIC OCIMENT, W e apply on IRON au l TLN ROOFS, which makes them ea good as new, and better 'hater proof. irtp'2B:6m Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGD4I_:S AND BUGGIE:S, 6'ALE: AT S REPOSITORY .1111. F. RUN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE. rrHE SUBS , c:RIBER. OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange, !)n the moat rfmsonableterma, a fine assortment of ilarouchee and second-hand Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some but little used. Also, twenty-one new Bugg,bm,made in my own shop, from the vary beat material purchased in Eastern market. A fine lot of Trotting Wagons ' new and sooond.hand. Also, lot. of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linda, Germantown Wagons, , Wagons and Bockaways, two tine ?hastens, seats for four persona, ono of them Watson's make, ant the other New York make. Two fine Sulkies, one made by Mr. D. Rodgers, Pailadelpida, and a fees CM:Malt/11 Daggi,b, suit.bte le- I.4ht marketing. The subscriber flatten himself, that as can make it to the interest of leaf tOfii r•ishms to pur chase, to give Lira a I. fhe establlslim(nt is ciwv”liit,ut to toe city. tho Escs!sior ,daibus Li.. it Li 'a rs peosing the door e% .NIILL—F,,r Sale, Mt.. ran, tat; order, ran of tttone. smut L ,1 rah eca , ,ker, tc. Ale II IP::110.1g ~; 4 r, a large et td 2 tote of hound, ...taut,- Ili .t,utit will Le at a bttr,.; CUTilitibtt'l rat a. art Atrevt. W t !Ni P.A.:ei,ii,S—Of every de ri ray 7 3 , 7 'tt et, (..1 OAP POW 1; KiL-50 bows Soap Powder of oar f,ven InArnullctara, WillTilUlC4l sup_ cur 1., any n,kknre•i I,: hale la market. on knead a d Jur by fell B. 0. 8 J. E. SAW _ ou, j huge., received and a.,s Ee i ea Water Arm* - k 3- -! OR LiOOFLAND'S €1 a ra .4 7.4 rE"V Pyr...i,TYA, bel,;:tually CHIC DYtiP VPSTA kair:Lki D pAr'rf, =MEE =MEE 111M111111111 n."•• of it, ircoati - io:as c.rlginatr..--, Dr. flooLe_al, among ail ~f amiety, tmd iron: the immebee claae ei :rum aii parte of the Aineritar. oluttneut. during the tact ten yeara, in the himda ci the prae. 0t, , ,i.0r The prevalence of diaeacica to which the of iera are 111111pLe1.1, it IL with sorrow we say it, la al -1 rzi , indeed there is scarcely a family tarot:Oa-sot illy l._tent o: our country in which there cannot be I ;,- , 1 tacmhern that pq..amliar siditna an iangt,isd , !cnoting •!i_aeaaed Liver, or all emaciated and 0: iinie , use':olix'rtance to Calm claw al ert.lll: anti r diaLle remedy rthollid i place.t. Wit " . .,v L. 'a'• in which no latnefol ~r iujnrioua dreg er.• ter,. tot o,llll,sitiou; n I - 01110(1y ell which the patient e:af.: / „Lieu6t.eoureience anti certainty, and be assiured l run, vi trlai and Tdoofs that the article he is using -all", 1,1 , ,ete ee the rtrt tate attributed to it. finch a reniod!., 'I.IOOI. , LA.NIYB (LERMAN 131TT.i11a5." r Phousande o (. 4 Jliers bet,ll expended in Its Toonnfacture and diffusion 01 this COI/them:, and the proprietet t , el , the c.reattet Retlefertion .n statino that there in tic 3 county, or oven village, where the I ,. .iedicitte be 4 i..l.tit,itteed, that awn - ete.i. e. , 11111..ere willing t Ite virtue, h. the. C.( e- rt i.roulleeet Its Lite , 1 •Allttry, e their ita [noll, a- s ; :.f :Lon , Of Ow nborn diii.iasee t., gri tn.? Itt:Tl' a ;rl.u, and 70 , .t. W.31111 . 1.4U will never be rognitte.l. presit of tie Ntiecit• to ittaburgia 700. Ti Bu, 11100 ba Its 40c. `f, 100 ID EM=INZI 11111 r_ :a v2ir y • '•i " ..:. ~. I ...r,= •ail: j-:., inch V, LIAO asst for rof:l3 td. ' CL,. aulzh,P , ,c,.:Eruct:- 11,a.,, DifiCniti2 no to:tiC g or Ant:bald:l3 002ntatt; Faegheiligd IML crud .IDopre=ion of MIA retioydj. allic .impl}. itatud ~„„L , cc , nclur.ively by the c, eor tr3n.ita freaa Liao, ander . ALL0111.:,,,3 pU.W.t...,1 an i.ualiy : , y the i.ro. rietor, f,.r i t :lnner - a anoeliy.free,contailithg ,;rl.-e..t untn• f . . 11 rt,e12 , 1,. in ad t, thr. ti It Cl] , 1 , 5" ill :AV, nit Bitters from /Ali stoat prominent:wed ',it time; e im in ait i,a,- - tet of the I.:hiun. All A the Ent, t. are autnorn to tiistribiate the Alinacec whttlitcuely. Pt incipel Office au. iffsnitfectory,9o Arch street, 'lt ilndel. itia, Pa. F a r cat, ..:Atcsali. i., i.)raggiste In all the principal tidy, e. Lt retail iej and Storekeepers In r,ory town the ?Jutted trait an - t Canada, and by B. L. r'.I...H.NESTOOK h. CO. and Dr. ONO. ittabargii I I.2aydaw or 11/I tlifle,t23 Tinn. Spr lugs trom 1., , ,F1ct of Natura'a law: . 441 • N e WHEN ACU IS cIUARAN'I'EED IN ail sta g es of EASES, Sell-A Gravel, Diabries, Diseases roe 'Sidney, 41,1 I s id. r, Mercurial lititannalimu, scro ds, emus in the Boaz; and Aoki;,, tr.t.,..0e.3 or the i d ungd, brow, ddb roe aud Eyes, Ulcers upou the Bodyer Lamb.‘ Can- Drupgy, Epileptic Nits, St. Vita's Dance, atid all diseases rtd,ug from a dtrangemrut of the Sexual Organs, each as droom fromolimf. lode et memory, love of cr•teer, general -tiknebl, dimness of vision with p4.,-ctiliar spots appear iu ion. , the eyes, luso of sigh:, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver ecae,s, eruptions upon the face, pain in the back and head, •inale irregularities and all impioner discharges from both It matters not tram want Cantle the theease origitaa , however lung standing or obstinate the case, recovery -rlaai, nod it a shorter time than a permanent cure can be .fected by any other treatment, even carer the disease ban allied the skill of eminent physicians and resisted ail the r ut cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, musing meet and free from mercury or balsam. iJnr .tg twenty years of practice, I have rearmed front the jaws death many thousands, who, in tile lam stags of the ni,;l;:,,ucd disea,es had been given up to che by thole ;..3,1,:r111.4, which warrants ran in promising to the afflicted. L., Luny plate ft/anisette, under my corn, is perfect and lost apettly core. Secret dieeases are th- _ — eat' - t: mammies !.hey are the first cause of a mmptiuu, Scro i!.l iii many other diseased, _mil bliouid b. a Gel ear to tha dm an a permanent cure is scarcely ever eB'ec t a majority of the cases falling into the hands of Mown tout personi, who not only fail to core the diseases bet i ,ot.e..:tr.tion, filling the system with mercury tt •lisame, lidstend the saiterer tato a r2.;+: ~,uatimpton, t:nt Htnelld the disease and the treatment no: cense d.e.:l `N,, , 1 the - . - Icunt ni,krries, the dirkaeo is entnilrri h the eAltirea, who Are ocru with forble -rid the curri3.ut., 4o .l, Itlo corruptoti by a virus which betrays ~11 to ocrotutit. 'Totter, Ulcere, Eruptions and other r.ttec t of to-_ ~on. j throat and :nags, ~ntatting Dein e hnot cmuteuce of tutlaring and consdg-ninr, them =TEC .7.13 l'zt 7.3 utt..):1..,.r I . .Amidelle ehenty i- the dr..e..t.t,htle,crie of huatart tr t:. hi.tr, the Hyetem, drewleg itS tLoa ... t e.tt rupli,i, ev, - ,sy :h. ener,.tite • t I.t.“l,:er.thgent.ent, Stu the , a r des el-teeent of the ~ ) .etele..;hlleehtic.3 . • L 151.1-. hepp,pee,.. ~ ~ „L~~ , :i:, ~, ~ . qua.. ~.,.~ ~, ~,.0~ :hug i X ll, ~ 111 . 1 j, :.,; • !kt , Obj,et Vi• .1. • i rgl:ll,lritit.3 1111 t ti of males uud tomales treuL , e, u I ,rulciplra eatabl.Med by twenty years u; practice, um' -,....ctioned l y tbousaods of 1.11%1 Incaremarkable cnrei. Me.ticluvs, with seut to ;my ;.art 01 011 Z 1 11,t1 LAtos or , :lareto3s, by patients rommnuicating ;Jae; 1111110 RM by letter. Business carrusp9ndeurd ;;;;..nolly con drum'. :I.dilress J. sumai t, - tia,c, M. D.. Office N. 11:31 Yilt,. t street, (Old below TIV 4...rewt itla4.ke intenes. 111 E BEST AN 0 MOST CER SPEUU LATIoN OF THE TIM uti , t ft TU SHARE.--F-rty tho .sztffil d.,s!!ln • • • - • • • w CZ . , Ur Rex! I:te oweiry, n::1 with a grN . l% varit.ty ,:r"A ; Fah. si. to Ito disl ieud of in 'fort} ain't slots, o, p, r • !!arr, :is fk)1111,, ay tri ll ou• als7, I will :toad the payer a cumbered r pt, which will entitle liira to one share lu the 'Med property. When the shares shall have beta dolt', Lilo .;nor, holders shall be notified of the fact, by mail, or thriamh Lilo newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall h• it he hold in the city of Philrdelphia, and the whole A he 'property dieposeil odor distributed among them ; in such • i v an 813;111 be determined upon by them; each Sharehold •r shall be eoliths 1 to on, vets, a Committee to be selected the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or Emporia ..,.: 'be ditpositioh of the property, according to the direc t ":- , d:the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro-- meet , ritch pes-3•41 o r persons as tie Shareholders may recuive the same. The it: Estate coo:date of ,me three story brick dwelling house and kg, valued at .V.2.51/U 5 opt two throe story trick dwelling houses and lots valued ...telt, in the city of I'hiludelphia, clear of all incum aoS title hadigmtable; the • thet property consists of tit,. whole stuck emit fixtures of one of the largest Watch emit .;coeds ,Ot tea is the city of Philadelphia, 210,, and for g time pas: kept by the subscriber. The s'ock coo of very doe Gold and Silver Hunting Cam, Lever Watch -, vary lino Uold and Silver Patent Lever, To...pine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Scale, Locket - a, Ear Rings, Ito -e_hos, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pins, Stow', Sleeve Cottons, etc— Feti,, Gold, Silver and Steel Spec , whys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated t urn, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cape, Knives, Forks, ac., Ic. Also, French Clocks, Music Accordeous, and a great variety of other goods. The ,l , ove is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire vroperty belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively :,mured the stock has not been purchased for the purpo,:e of doception, and to palm off Common (lilt and Plated Jewelry, for fee Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress .Jf the sender, by return mail. Any person reading ten dollars at ou - . rue, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names if desired. In writing for shares, please write the name 44 the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small sum, as has eyer before been offered to the public. Send on your orders, as shares are selling rapid ly, and it is couddently exported the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted topersonaat a dlatanco, will DO sent to tk:m at their expense. all. Agents wanted in every town and village. All cona i.:•micatlonii Lutist ho addressed to L. R. BROOMALL, No. 50 South Second street, above Chesnut, Jy2B:ly Philadelphia. _ fILOVERSEED.-25 Backs just received, aud for tale by jfelll HENRY H. COLLINS . _ FLUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Wanks, and Dancem's system of Pen , nanabip, for arde by W. 8. HAVEN, Curnor Varket and Second 9 treets 500 GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS Just received and fel 631 e by W. 8. HAVIIN, mr24 C.)rner Market ~,ed'eecond streets). 10 DRUMS COD FISH, for gala by BAGALEY, 008GRAVB C:)., tries 9 Noe. 18 siod 20 Wood street. WVOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslae and retail at the Drug atoro of JOHN HAFT, JA., _de::di Corner f went and Slitb ate-, Pittsburgh rpIMOTUY SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy ..a. 3rd for ogle by JAR. IL FETZER, YE FLOU.II.-15 bbls. just received and At) for ;ale by (ma] FIENRY U. COLLINS , IUGGS.-10 bble. fresh Eggs just received ES --; aid for gale by finr - Ail Wif:!ty a COLLI:4O__ XPANSION SKIRTS—St,mI Spring, and the ()alb' , elebruted Bkirte, f.,r .ale at)26 JOS. HORNE 77 Market street. ___ • 9 L A LACK LC E 11.1 IT I'S.— I le.ro CS v stock of excell,nt ..ty e+, with and A ioo,at ting ,- ;rn, very cheap (u 1.1.6) .31 , .4. TT , . it N E'S 77 Market ”teeet. .-- CUT TC , N . Li (~ :; 1 I.: it . —kt.:vory vanaty of C. Lt.,. lt,!, ligi and Half 11.c,se ,:t. the lowcst p riced, wb,i, , ale Cr t•• , :l at JCS. 1I .11N111 1 , Ati.,6 77 ''carter stree'.... yRuP.— Iv bbie . N . 0. 'yrup for sale, on , ,• . ii COLLINS. - •- - $60(1 FUR n twu trune dwelling lin grurtud oU re,T hylah rloa." utly ,Ittiateh `41 . 0,1,i,,4 a. Terms stir. frit 4.:I , I•HIfIq:;CP A z.ON 51 .;tst.• IIL:ili CRAPE VOILS--01 extra size 'l . l And quality—very cheap, aL U. 11( NE'' aP) , _ 77 ' , litrk et Burvet. QTAitilli.-3(10 bxs. li.oellriter Pearl Starch tuetrod aa :7 r sole by EU:: tilt £L 0ULL12413. tut:' irr tuc , -ttro.s P=S9 “1”4 ruil °tin f 11 y t I t I 1!1!!!!!!1!! and. e 0- V 0111111: 32.11 J, R. M'LANE'S CEDE / BR A TED. VFAIFUGE A. Ni) LIVER PILLS, 'WE beg leave to call the ati,n tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of thy 4 - ,:ountry, to two of the most popu remedies now before the public. r ir refer to Dr. Chas. M'Lane's Celebrated -.1-miftto-e and Liver Pills. ',Te do not recommend them a , ; :7 . .-;-Tersal Cure-alls, hut simply for their name purports, viz.: E Al 1 FI:( E, expelling Worms from ..he :lan system. It has also been :inistered with the most sntis Dry results to various Animal, iject to Worms. THE LINER. PILLS, J:1: the cure of Li vER Co M 1 I A 1 N't BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In CISCS of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent' cure. As specifics , for the above then tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularit has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, Pa. to dispose of their Drug busii - L•fs, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Tw c nty Years, and they will now give their , undivided time and attention to manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, ti-.ey will continue to spare neither time nor e.:tpense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. p s nnenlet ins fists 'diners lennin,; . nll 'l n n v.. 11 In. In rite thed c erdera 0l v. andlno s•no, ?.nnt .IfLdrin prepared by 1 •±, I.srm 'Y.. Pa. TO tllO,l, ViVO nnrward iner snail. peal (odd, Inn any n 1 Stn,,.. nane inf Pink ra n taelve • • nn.n. ol ooo, nnr one ci:d \ ilsifuge tor e. n! nnrder, frets Canada inset t.:. e•xtrs. N'LANE'S V RI lilV FB piLLI3.-.. 5 t. , 111 ha , lll 3:=l :J.llO by B. i . %HOCK 8 CO. "51 . ,• F..m.rth nt-cettl. a T ]q.¢~.l • K'H 'riv,te and 1,111 Lia:: Ifedical Advice' tt,A T TfiE lIOSPI- uess az, d caa lurirraltita , ut Yuuth and Maturity, Dr. AttV 'S 1 yUN. hutr.l, V. uffic , coruar .01 Matt, i Quay t,Lr-dtP, (up stain.) A 31i)a - r .tr. intiVEllll6ltt k.r din rn re of Gonital Nix-tur a, Erat,nena, mar:, pl:o!,..erly known As 6eminnt Weaknene, Lo pennatuently cured iu from liltwn to twtinty by lip n;•• of tl n. inotruinent. when 1 - 12V41 LLI,IIuIIIE.2. 1 , .12 , G lIEN 'VARA; pli:1011(..; 444 4 .31.0UL1C1, that they 4 . 44, 4 ".111: 3 moot imphrtanti I , r nment for the cure Cl elun, II .e.t.tvt,.. dt no beer aulthq•ted to a test b y the :0 cunuent phyr.idalla Ir. 1.144.1411.141. Paris. P10,4,1001;8 and tines York; it has beet declared 71 e , Juiy ti,efc: instrument s, r . vet invented, for the cure of E , er,iinnl I'Veßkneen,or any disesao of tin. , getiitai cguua,earne by the secret habits 1.4 youth. Dr. AMOS A. to order to satisfy the most skeptical •:I the inoritsi of their instrument, pledge themeolves that ,1 any instance lc here thAy may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money ell te• rsfrinde,l by returning the in. tremens in god order, Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe .hat the price, with the accompanying directions, securely ached and tent by express, is ten dollars. NEW REMEDIE) , AM) QUICII CUREti Dr. AMOS it SON may bo consulted from eight o'clock iP lie morning until Mao at night, iu every stage and symp mi of the Vonareal Disaaae, Genorrhma, Gleeta, Secondary 'ymptoms, Weakn,ss, Impotence and Strictures oy he Urethra, etc., with inviolable secreay. The treatment liey adopt is the result of upward e I thirty }vary' extensive ad successful practice la lund , .•e. The most invotenate area of Venereal Diseaaea eradiated in eight or nine days, canna of a alicht nature three days, at a mod rate expense. The core effected without confinement or indrance from huainees; also, nodes and pairs In the hones •nd limbs, etTectnally eradicated. A CURE WARILANTED Dr. A_KOS & SON Itav« devoted the.! attention exclusive ly to this poet - ilia: clavier maladies, am' the relief they have • onsequently been enabled to render to their fellow-creature , fully testified and greatfully acknowledged by convalee .-eu [patients and others daily arriving in town from all parts f the country, for the express purpose only of consultations chile their exertions have boon crowned with the must sig ,al advantages; yet from what they hrtve experienced i - oquiring into the causes of these infections complaint from their most simple -condition to that of the most den :erous and inveterated) they have always entertained the possibility oh their prevention and remove!, and likewise ln variabl.l fouiel that tho mat horrible and imingnant forma •I thecaee could almost •iihrays be trac , tl to one of the fol cztenee :—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of our ovd improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMOK at :SON have succeeded in disco , . ering, in the selection of their irnedien, a safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting al , umbination of remedies which boar an equivocal character, well us those whose premature or injudicious application, •eight he productive of bad consequences in the hands of ;•rivate lodividnale. In short the landible end of their re medies is the lessoning of a great mass of human misery by ,lie aft:mintier., relief and prevention of those grievous at detiorus that are in reality the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extremely surround no, call aloud for our skill. ,ud interference for their extermination. 00UNTRY INV/ad-Ds. Persons in any part of tho world may be aticcess f a tly reatod by forwarding a correct detail of their ewe, with a ::_maittancn for medicines, &c. Addroes Dr. AMOS A SON, corner :lain and Quay streets, ihiffido.N DRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. iilioWN'S MRDIOAL and SURGICAL Offices, /4t• SMITHY/TM I) Street, Pitts- •,,,s• argh, Pa.r. DP.. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts -,nrgh, and has been in practice for the iaut twenty-fins yaws. 1113 business has een confined mostly to Private and Bur ical Diseases. • • CIMUNE3 AND STBANGEBR•••,'" • • lu need of a medical friend, ahould not all to find out the sure place of relief. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and , d 3 experience In the treatment of a certain claw of diseasaa k a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaining permanent mile!, by the use of his remedies and following his advice. . _ DR. BROWN'S 11E111-Mad :lover fail to care tho worst form of Venereal Dbeasea-- I;npuritlee and Scrofulous Affections. Al s o , a ll If %rising from a herediLry taint, whkh manifests itself in the 'arm of a totter, paortu. , ,is, and a grkat many forma of akin .isoszes, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant persona BO afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a earn and :sooty recovery, fig3IINAL Iv:ray:ass. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on often by that solitary habit of soasual gratillcation which :ho young and weak.minded often give way to, (to their owa lontructlon,) are the only reliable remedies known in this country—they are safe, and make a speedy restoration to health. RIBUSIATUM Dr. Brown's remedies otier fail this painful dia. ease in afeio days—he will warrant a core. He also treats Files, Weak Monthly` o rictnro, Urethral Discharges, re male Weakness, y Suppressions, Diseases of the Fistula in Ano, Ncr - vons Affections, Pain In the Back kind ilineys, .irritz.non a the Bladder, together with all diseases of an unpr.reuri in A letter dsecribing the symptoms., containing a WIZ, (11. raltod to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield etreet, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to any oldress, safely panted and secure from observation. °ince end ifrivate Rootivi, No. 50 ;Smithfield street., Pitts burgh, Pa. ep9 ANOTHER supply of Low ct Son's superior Loud'un I:s4n.pn r.cuived t -day, by JOS. PLESILNG, • Coruor Diamond and Market, atre,t. 10 SACKS FE ,, A AG T A I L n IER . : :, fur eale by 'COSGBAVE TIRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choioe Dry Applee. n.ceived and for ,ate, by. ,- OB PRINTING -- IV Cal., Circa'Eds. Pr:,- Lis::. ctrl tat 1t.1.r. Lett, r :leads, bilow 81119, Latelsot, eriutod lt: Srtt, r:, style ,it -.bort ootiet, by li'M G. JOHNSTON A: co . Pr;td , r4 Blank Bout Alauulaccurt . ra al.ol st,, t e„ nr ... 57 Wood taro, • L ACK Oka PE COL LARS.-- B eaz tif if y 1,4 Knie, ut JOSEPH ROHN 1. - .":1 Ilsrius stint 4 N' :h and :cidNyi ear* 0- ilorfler Mork et old ill It