'.(I . CAI, AFFAIRS Country Items On last enturday night, as the express train from this cit) was approaching Ravenna, on the Cleveland and Pittsbnrt:h Railroad, a tree was found lying across the track, winch h:ol evidently been placed there for the purpose of obetructlnc the train. find it not been discovered in time, the vane would have been thrown off the track, and the loss of life and prop,irty might have been great. The perpetrohn ot this fiendish act should be found and punished to the extent of the law. Thestablo uf Mr. Armstrong, ul , [Mtn township, 1-% sslt tngton county, uear Burgettstcwn, was struck L) lightning on Monday last, and, With its oontenn., e lUrel• A valuable horse holonging to Mi. Alorgiin, of the In', Joining farm, was kilh•d in the 1111, Ultioller at iht. At 1.11 , , HAIM' time, I tt. Mr. Caldu ell, f fAliod W tt 11111.11ner. ! gt•n 1.1.•in/gll lurt. it I L., hurses trues t!,,• 11==!= i , lt,t 11/, .41) ,11.1 OflL. tlauryFutter, :•••Nt Brighton, left Iron, a 1 illar ill Ls num building, lir...Lion, i:18 1,,1ng 1118 b...t mutated by u brace Trlolllll4i tot' county, nap the Way Repxthlican. killed a clack make ou hie ffttht,r's farm a foi day, "lace, which tmeLlured eleven feet Biz length, and twelve inctn-c in ci fe r e n c, t, Some aluait,a Uit. A WU: ui 31r. 'DIOIIIII3 of I. .(111",try lieRVA , r o.llEity, tsbutit twelve leant, Weo , drown,: in IV. ,Ii rum tiboot a mile hack of that town. It is intpm , eti Hhe fell Irmo a birch tree, where xlie had gone for the put- Iwxe getting some bark. disabling herself e. much ehu , A . 2y linable to extricate herself. h • totui train from the west rail over a cow a uric thin ii! • . f erestlim• ifit Tuesday evening, thr,wing the man track, and somewhat breaking it. The •! • ..I, uonr Salem, hod the .•XpreelA Ca: thrown ! • V a law rail Thee! , accident!: throw I•or 41. A.. %•11! nn, 110111 H A boy lit- ",1 11.IWIC) ...11/.• t or twelve yeara of fail into ono of to.. pas In Cm isweli's lir'ek yard. at, Belle., ir, !eat week. The idr had been tilled by water by the late freshet, and time bui was nearli drowned, as was Olio a Rent!, Luau who resell,' hum, whoa, heavy overnozit almost di:bat ed him hurnane pa , pose, rout !rear() deprived him of ois own lite. Un MOLItiI) f01t 4 111,, , 11 tht. GrEIVOI and W0.,•1 tr.inH • n the 11a:burgh, ,2,•lumbuil and Cincinnati Itailrod cam, •I ildam durtng n .avon storm which was raging at Ow Thera u, sn g •I,and Iluitql] up" titl'i Cal tur hauds on apt trattt, with uuc , XCeptlOD, egeapitte. utiltt,P t Icilhatu Moan, wh., tv,,e rvatt.d t,n t,no of the hittdrito< ,tt - Laid W. E.)t Lk ol Hpp/ us. - 11 of liuo • her ti 11111 uitil tt struck, acne t-,,LlN]dertib!y Injured The refit . tt hau,i seeing acts reverend the unglue and juinpe.i fur life. The locomotive on ti e train going vveid can lit,- ally mashed t., pie . ea, rind several of the care very much brolton The leoutrodiS r vtiSt,tl train Wag aim, I.IIL injured. Tht ,everay i.f tt.e ninth ptevent from disc,vrring the t Mud moetiog them, mail it xrai., late to proieut a Cul I cumpauy should such regulations es wdl prtv,,ut a rieUrrmfleo of awl. aocal.,i4rH. The hur. k of Monday txcasioneil comideratde dam age in the vicinity f Cr.nonsbur:. The rook of the dw, t ug, ton:n, and staid • ‘,l George illnlnide, flour till (Own, tiers blown oil, rc were also the rJo's of tic Loans of Henry LiAnet and Will non 'too. Tae bridge over Cliarthd's 11-tidt , i a tuna, Udd di, touch injuied by it Ittr,, t•lnt it u« * 0 bid Utt i cri) Udel,sB. .A130:11 ei tui th-r !twit., cannot pure , v,r it The Morris llroi hers, Poll and Trovv- bridge Miniarilii IVv regi t beau; oblige tMalley that this e‘euitig e ill chi - se tho thia Ininstreld 111 our city We ”I.lbl wire them whoa they tire goon, as their &ol! ,•ityiugs and fa• sullgti 10:0 whiled away many au hour that w 0.11.1 otherwise hove been tedious. The et.- gagetuent of this troupe has been one unprecedented in the annals of negro ininstreisy in this city—they having per formed here fsur c.n,ecriti7e weeks, during which time they gave twenty-eight concerts. The public did nut eecw to weary of them, foe, notwithstanding the weathel was ru .inently ncfavi ratite, they we, e w,lcomed by a lair audioce at each and every cmcert, and oftener with a house crowded to Its utmost capacity. Their concerts have been ettenced by the slide of the city. especially their matin,s, given Ihr the b -neat of ladles and children, who could nut attend at night. Last night, 'en the c,casiJu of Billy Morrie'e benefit, the 11011111 wee tilled to repleti sn, end the regelpts were as largo as ou the first evening 0f their engagement. We Are happy to say, what is nut always the case, that this sac roes is merited. The talent ,tnabiued I_, this c any any of tees that tadur, vi rr.l bull! at illi/SICitIUS soil 1101111 , 11[0[S of negro rharacH:. M04 , r1. Pi - oBc.iti and d'r.dvhridgc, Mnetrr Rentz and Mr. 'dr.:l:way, takt• a high rar./. a; Lon Mom, inn xu ILltolll,lliry pt•ri.Prni,r on ra: barij P. Curl Trautman 1: a 1 cv r,Ord:L.l ry vfdinist, and Johnny I' , and Bill, . ' ilorrig Id, bolt reidt•gentativoi of the negro cidir- Tll. - _ , ii , ong of tho Mucking Bird and tine I=ll pathetic L, 11 i of Peter Gray a, snug by the latter ere inimitable, and the urightal cirAieries, wittlciirns and bur lesque:3ot both them: t tuntleinuu, are irrehhttiLly remit—or at leant' no nnye the Ledger." Dinh Sliter ie ltnuieu evor) - where, kind oti 10 only ue -,hary fur kin t say that he is the lAvkatimult r of the world. And havit,. given our viuiC,' U. 990TOi!Ony ai artist,H Wt , muet ad one word de to their lededual quAlltie J. In our iulercou rtit with thorn, we hay, louu I them, out I‘,l 611, intelligent genial, ebligind denthunoldalw Lye meeting their oblig et leu promptly, and pds th it -or virtue, 00 St`hloll.l fic il i`stroliintt pi i iyiirs”—tunt uF pilyiug the printer. Com mending them Lii[ehiiJh of ~ur brethren of the CVl3ry pubibi gooer.Cy, we bid them adieu wishing th,:n na iunetc,,,r .r., elleWhOrt , , eth they had here. The Saengerband Fentivitle• We hop,- that a lively interest boo been aroused among uur citizens oa behalf o the If tided Association which is to assemble here next week, and that the efforts of our her man fellow cit;zeni to make the C.T.C:Clied interesting to all will be duly.approciated and encouraged. They have incur red an immeu-e expenditure, toe are credibly informed it will re omit Min Ad. three that - aimed dollars,) and we hope they may ho reinibui sett. Wu Mel satisfied that those who attend the Grand Concert at the Theatre and the Prize Concert at L'afayette flail wiLl ba matlstiod with the musical entertain- Meet, and th.me who Minot more In food Mr the body will toe suited nt tit bang act tel 1.0 sic. We understand that the utimbet of tingle expo.:ted to be in attendance tt ill reach two hundred and ill*. Tour. me still a large num be. of Brats at the Theatre, and many desirable one., though a great many have already been secured. Feats which have teen mils:veil will net be hold after eight o'clock, as persons coming lu after that hoar will materially mar the effect of the MUSIC. The books containing the English translation of the piece ,o be psi fermiti arm now ready and can be fur- melted at the book mores. linmenee preparatienB hav Weil :natio for the pic uie at Denny'n Grove, on Thurbfluy as it is estimate 1 that too thouoand persong will be preden The membura of the Aatinciation will form in procesai , ri on the corner of Fourth and Wood streets Thurdday morn ing and march through the principal streets of the city, and then to the grounds. The admission to the grounds will be ton cents. hafa)ett, [tall will be handsomely dec i,reted fur the reception et guests on !ilonday, and we auti. cipate dirt the whole week will be a COUtillaatian of gala day H. of . A PUI.IAL_ATEJA — Tho Uult,l Stat•-u Nfqrkitotl fur the Wo.gtorn District of Peuuilylvariiii, committed a wan named (JeDrge. Rush co the ,unty jail, yesterday morning uu a charge at purloining letters from the United State. mail. no wag P., a niatitor .Eti.u, lu this county, emd is charge i wit , detainin , minuing, rifling and atmiling from /sties to bin Mit a, at variom, Lmer., rummy and Mbar C.CI:I - tiro LlAldr. , l 1101larb iu u,liey, drain, nod other articles of villen were tuuud cuurmiled In Llin he, Was comtuittr d by ordcr of the bolted btatol and will be dehtioei for a further hearing, which will tale place next w. vk LAHCZNY.-A man from Butler named Samuel Sykes made information 3 esterday against two buys named Patrick and lirAlliter, for stealing some five dollars worth of to': area, from his wagon at the Red Lion Hotel yesterday. They were arrested and taken before Mayor Wtaver ; they were both very small, told neither of them mere than ten years old. On being paid for his tobacco, he withdrew the prose cution, and they were discharged. it may prose a lesson Ter them in future. ROBBM—Billy Morris, of the minstrel troupe, Wab robbed of twenty dollars ou Thursday night. Ile had hung up his clothing while representing some character en the stage, and during his absence a $2O gold piece was iobstracted from his pocket. A gold watch and some other money wee left untonchep. The thief has not yet been detected. It is supposed he was frigatened before he got through, and took to his heels. Tut. nottomes.—Mr. and Mrs. Florence appeared for the first time last night In the drama of "The Mormons, or Salt Lake Life," and were received with boisterous applar.ge. This evening they take a benefit and make their last spear slice, Mr. Florence personating three characters and .Mrs, Florence ulne. " rho Mormons " will be repeated, with two farces, "A Ltti.9^l.l f. pr Husbands," and "Tbe Happy Man." We wish them a lull house, and a profitable one. FALSE YE ET 6:1 cEs. —A man name! Michael Maloney, re aiding In the Fourth Ward, Allegheny, was committed to the jail, yesterday, by Alderman Neillie, on a charge of Salsa pretences, preferred by William dnpbrink. Ile alleges that Michael succeeded, by making false repraseutatlons to him, in obtaining boarding. " A GOOD ARTICLE at a fair prim," and " terms strictly cash," are the means by which the business of J. L. Carna ghan, Allegheny city, has rilon to its preient magnitude. Those wh. , aro buying either Men's or I:oy's Clothing may Lind It their interest to 0.1.11111iD0 his stcck and prices. OnP/15./(8' COURT.—The Orphans' Court will meet this morning, when a decision in the case of Judge Irwin and George S. Seldom Esq„ will again he brought up. A de cision may be expected. TEE 01,7%1(7T •OUBT WU? nut in NCBSiOII yesterday. It will probably moot to-day, and endeavor to wind up the business al the term_ Board of Trado—irae Tonnage Tax, eza. t I ti e Board ot Tr, t. h, Id yesterday after noon of the Merchant Exchange, o cont o:mutual:ion from the 1'1111.o:1,4,1m 11,:u: 1 :•1 Trttdo Wah Mtlitil4.; thiAl ou the 17th ult. 15t titr Luet2ht•r, coushtting of wru IL N '11101111,:oli, A .1. Derbyithire, ht:unti A r u i. Edward C. were a:tpointed 1 !„ I.tt: 1 , ,e.• of “ilh the l'it) Gonncile I to 'isit thin city with tl , w olttnuling 00-,pt.t . nLit , n of tho,” bucileg in ,•• t• removal Eh, t tin , w, tax. A lotter 11 Esq i•li I it h) lC N Th , c hatrinetu of th, Plith,telphla comunttee lid, read, •tttey. That the el II b,1•1 of said comt.;;Vre v..;lo;lvNit Pitt,tmr!!!..; ut, Thule y, ;ho 1011; ;wit., for th, p r; • w.hritt; ;1, r.,d ,1;;;J with a u•-w - Olt,: If in ,r, tr.,•tito tveliDg n . I Ih.• ‘,ll l'h , imi4 .l .l.hiu 41 - • . ILO IMMI=II r tho 'ti•i tmaltig itell:!!, 1 tili• it.. i 111111111111 ti he held ' , II 1,1•1.11,. -!.'j• f . 1,11- mt• ri lug with 111,11: h.. SC r.v~. I•xa~ W. It. kk A 1,4t,..r. from , nr 1,1.100. ! I . 1,!!!!:ti.8.i, 11!!11. 10, on thr 0111* - t ,It ,r• It I .11 - 111 r) was ulna , rend, =ME THE: LAST ( nitrk /10,/1.3 nud eveuitiF, t o i , oor r !,vo to witn.,, tin rn II: • 1 4 . P- IL iii Tr.,N4 •,.I. .1, 1L Ii t h 1 r• ..m liact• rodoc dto 3 liv• b•f childr.,. A. t I. I, i.t.t ow, wht. tuv+ n. , t "t 4 'ld r. ttl,lem - in th, , tlrtit part ~,Lnit3lllvcliatl ll, tiqn• Dick Sliter, Witt. fit, itrlitti , %% LI. 11:tr , .,11)1•• HI .r t•.•-t 11.•-ifutt• t.t arty Li.' 12EIM=M111 1=1111111E111EIZIIII"i111111 ,w,lt .1 ht its tr-t•titt•-•:.•• Ito:, • t 1.• t.., sv r. 3t . tint] LIAM r ~~„~_v~ nuJ ~;~~ud uurK I3itZ=llll=EREM=l/1=1119!11111 k Liz •n- .• tv, wary ptiV.lt , I rlB timd, Int" Irvri !,tl , l (11V' ii•.l ' , IS First Vurd, Alle. to 1.,< , a.dd by nix Ths-dity iu Se.iss Nu. b.l Fiith strt.t. This die- f Our city ii clr thy iirti.umtvidy improved with lIIHIP • l'itt.thurgh broi rn••i,. w'i• •• Hi b...auty of y , /11, C The,. c•.rupleted and .( 1.I! .Ito 01 I 1../11111F.ie• • ~ Viitikr. I/I•- , 111 r;.k . Aile t.• 1 1 ,1 th 11•1,_ . 1.. • C011:ilill -US pnvate iinj+—thaki,.. IL .• ; [I. • ' 'on ho tv. r r 1(o.•,--thie ontir•.: shop .•1.1,4,11i.. ht• ,, t. , 1 to . n etru•loro 'Jo .1 lc . 1.,t• 1:1 , Aro ot t.. 51111 I U! floor 11111-r,ll 1:121•Lt.c.; Ihr 1,1,11 L., htrt,t,. Or , 1 ,1.1111,1 rn,t In- .1 , IltilvtU Louitd,iy •LI !1V,1,11c .nd, A:: • .. I:.t. tilliu I, or, aer, I g'on/p, I tI t• Wroth. V.lOl 11,114 tie, :1•I i!, r • lk . 1 1 1. •. “ • il. • (it r. =ZEE J dial Eli , ill 11,101 r rh , ;...roprio r t. x, th•tt•rtniu• I , k v ill•••• Tull • ur cittz-ns sylinitt4 t tue tt,ul..stc,rl, gull flint this tun-1 .1, .nr , : v. 7., u !.I„!.:u,eur !..r 1.. 1I,! All, ,ild mho, t., O,ITIViLY 111 , 13n: ,t• !tuf•rricr reas Silk , , Linea anti Law, takv t ;14- . ) ),) 1 , .. 1))..„ .Igoe kb, ut 54 Nillb tiro, t. BOWMAN I s I ~,. Lath' recomitietia Icw",latau l s C m pun t • •II PlCtliClaa9 wh:, arc t a lass I a r ,, 111 , •,, 1y L)r Asthina. I tti4iac,, it it ii,3 tie ever Wei trit-t). , "ti of Fur Halt, by ,tII ihr Drug r;t 'llllllll , h do' 1:1:y ltd g(0, f itu.l mem.i. 1 , , , • tr. tlp• fermi: if too lilt W." tay Dr, j, !Tic T L ELL , : 5Tt.01....CL1 s11."1' Slid cur - tit vlil L ctlrr,l .• 1.11111,,, ,upuraJr to !I,- t:. A t 4.— su(;(•,:,, wt., 1. 1-ttend..dth aLli LI, till ucruui •t,t,+ which !kr,' ,1311). r .r• 1, u •nclu,:‘ cN Eli., 'no.; 7, •iI I • I 'la • L p Awl at thin n•-ati.iLl, lieu I Ul tippet I, iy n pr.-yak-at, nif boat =UM IMIIIIIIIIIIII rcr:lL eeni , r.; geu • JOSE I 1 MANUFACTURER OF 'alley Piaikt Funsiture &Chairs, W2L'efoolll . 4, -121 tt"eaton .Areet, Al3l/FE filf . 1.1.:,10.. 10 01 t.tir. ;[. 1/11.•`. IMININEII=IIIII MEE! Pittsburgh Water i)unl Establishment. 1 4 -1 0 R THE CURE cE . ALL I),INUS OF HAY - i ILLE ,_;TA•ttkiN, ou tho ' , 'lt'sburgi, Furl, 11 ftyLe th 'en [n" , We,t of the eit.c. Fur LIMU,IIII,IIt MIA utti r 1, L • 4 tem, may Wish 1) worud falls tittle W:lrtl nn, 1.0 1111Vtl laid j .trod :f flae LIYNINAP3IUM. and 01V, - 1 .11,1,'.Y. Arid relel B ix 13 it, J'ltc,!Jurgli, i'a J 111J( ph y , ' ilyll):3Fn FRENC~4 CLASS. B.L.\ K B L Y INTENDS FORM IN6 A (;LASS OF v I.; 1, D! 6, 15"i4hiug to rt,,ivt• it 4 the .17 2 a 4:2 21 (3 /1 Mai T 3 c; /2. EL E' • t'a.. Apply 3t, N. IG, T h my 1 , I.tf G6OD CHANCE TO SECURi'; A ukimE ~muTA.I tract! of r.1!"1! v; Lt N I), 111114,1.1.:), soul., CITY iu», 1 utbur suet will bn rcchun¢rd for impruv , d property in t guod I u eiddr,ming J. C. Fur uituru or Can kgr4. A plrl Pat.sburgh P. O. x: . —cif,'*'--TAT,717 , :!.; - ~ t:, -..). r) . --- - - i'it:!: • ''' Al- '''' ' ?7,...: , c: - !: - 4 1. ,. ... av ellf: 4 14 1 ,.." 7 1-1-- c .. .. f., , Q ~ -:::: :' , .L.- ' ~ _ A , .ii- --, ...,,,,„ :,-..7,, .7 , ,,;!--, t , ,, , , A t : - , ::: - :'1?... 4.11iit i,iP..sli , - 44 - ._ -. 4., ' ~";•. ,„' - '7" - _ -., r- ~r , _ 7 „..,,,, . ,-",,,„,„„,„, _....._ , -.. ~ ,-_,-,. ~,,, _ • - ..; ----- ..:L-- - zio_. - --:-zr.\--..4-€Ol , '..w., ---- R,Pi ILi I i BL E! .... , ....A/A .. eff 0 LILT it &IPI 1 e a it G 0 HAS A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION ()I NONUMENTS, GgAVN STONES Enclostarem, Pdnitit, 4c., &e. The public are respoctfully invited b, e.,:anain , , our at k, Prlces low, and w , rl4 warranted. WINDOW SU ADES--Of styles—also, Green and Buff WI (11,,t1, constantly on band, and fur sale by J. IL PHILLIPS. 2d an St. Clair street. INDIA RUBBER BELTLNII—AIEo, llOho and Packing—a large atocs Jeer received at th, , India myl3 20 afal 28 St Clair street r li ll ' d la ß t ook an ya. M ED I , ) i ldP3 l dap l i ) v e rai. 3 : Pa lore, and every description of printin,i; materials, or sale W. S. HAVEN, Job Printer, al, ra and :18 Market street. Zi/ ALLSI IiA.I,LSI----A large as ,rtintlit of Fo .solid and Bat Balls, Just receive 4 and for sale, wholosa e au I retail, at the India Rubber Dopot. 26 and 25 St. Clair street, my'-"I J. & H. PHILLIPS. WINDSOR SIIADES.—UoId bordered, plain and tancy. Also, alaittlu Trimmings, &c., always on hand at rind tor sale cheap by E. PHILLIPS, my 29 26 and 28 St. Clair street. TNDIA RUBBER HOSE.—From inch to 2 . to 41( . 11. , in dinuest r. A I,Lr;.• supply just received at the India Rubber Ds.f.,,t ~t J. H. PHILLIPS, my 29 26 stet 28 St. Clair street. W);• , LL PAPERS.--Waii Papers of all 1-+LIK4 for sMe at reduced pricis, by If. P. MARSHALL A CO., Wood street. WHISKER BLONDE.-500 doz. Whito hisker Blond, for lhanne. Borders, received, and Will be told very low to Milliners by the piece, at own It 7 . 7 %Dirket Or. . COFFEE. —2 l _ l o bags Rio Coffee, for sale by wm. Et SMITH A. CO., IDI Second, and 137 First streets. Q,,..POND - l have just received a large lot L, Superior Batting Spong , e, of r.vory siz• and price. Those wishing a gaud article is this line, should call and examine such before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. FLEMING, Corner Diersozui end Merkel street. In= 1, - Iqvr (he k to -day IN i I (.11ded rd, .to.ll.rquvtZe, and l!alf =ENE lIIIIMII t— ,to (Mat ' `per callil . d tt:St we can .111,1ctl, a..a4 r w ••.I; , •.r.t•lt' 1.1141 it Ii Ill= =PAM 1,1 rA•kl th-y •ire a DI EL^ I , pi '1 r, .`. B li R P ❑d Carriggos rl,-c & 1L PHILLIPS I.'i , i)ti rirD 4 rl`r;' r. 4.4 fS -v li. WILI I =OE 'itapr r vif`adr,; lIMET ik,rnmr/ie, A rut , r4lll(ra fin" May. 1r AIA Li DICKEY, Vico Proeldent EDWARD GREGO, C. IL PAULsoN, Mew York Market a AIN' Yowl, June 4.—Cotton heavy; 1500 bales sold; the yu dations ,re nominal at 11% for middling uplam:s Flour nrou ,vith tales of 16,5110 bbls; St uthern has evivitueoci sc; sabre at $4,3,544,70. Wheat is 1.)110y 9 nt, with sales of 93,M0 bosh; osteru Red 97@51,05; IVliito $1 07(41,10; Boutnert Ito $1,20®1,34; Chicago Spring 88487. Corn firm; 87,- 105 bush ..;)1d; mixed 57@75; white 72(c070. Mess i'ork has oecliord toe; sal eat $17,50. Bacou quiet; Shoulders 014(4/ 0%. Tallow dull at 10@10,14 6 . Lard firm at ll!" 4 "411 . ,S erniFtty dull at 21. Sugar is more active; AILISCOVIII,, to tl ClUtt-d at 4%,©0 1 4. Cetfee is steady at 10% for Rio. Rice , I.l' Linseed Oil is quiet at 61@63. Spirits of Turpentine smady at 47, , , , 1@45. Rosin steady. Hides quiet, but firm; Western 18. Freights on Flour to Liverpool is dd@Za %d; ou Bruin to Liverpool 6s(g)7s New York Stook Ittarket NEW YORK, June 4.--Stocla lower. Chicago and XOCII Island 7.1% . ; La Cronse and Milwaukee 1011?4, Mich. 3,llthern 221 A; N. Y. Central 84%, Readiug Milwaukee and iiiy tennippi 26; Missouri ti's 849;1; Galena and Chicago 87 V 4,; Erie 12!,: ; .:: Cleveland and Toledo 36N; La Crosse laud grauta 32%; C difornia Vel 85%. China, Gass, :mud ctueensware l'itlN.i JU.-T AT THE OLO K`:TABLISHIffs'ATT OF 3UL 30. 1X 7Ft. 'Tr .... I 7E3 - 72" , HIM Wood street., Pitlabitrarl) lityLlU IS N( !W RECEIVIN F ! tOM r?p I Li,tot Cit 1,, t hol -not I.,nwllt of IL ;I,l'l , in lin , lin YIP] sl.apol 01 MEM ro ..r.d Toilet War , • etol the I.flle mP is gold, I.li- tro Band and viewers, file, I triti.l in a btone !',c,io Wlre, WII to be the an.st dor aide no, iu flee for 11,dela and Steauthouta; Finch Chiva of new styles, In Pero 'White and Gold Hand, either ill Mete or Ringic pieces; Richly lblt and Decorated Toilet Sets; Brit taunla and Plated Castors; German ziilver Tea Table Spoons, Soup Ladles, etc, plate] with silver; hue Ivory !landled Carving, Tel and Table Knives and Form Tea Waiters and Drava; Shaker and Sea grass Table Mats; Japaned and Dec. orated Tin Tot:fq seq.. Mae, c ,mpleto an , i full 11,aurtruout of all articloa aulta IA" fur the COUNTRY' ILMTAIL TRADE, prices to ploaak. public, wtp, are roapt,tful,) luvitect to examino tale C= LADS & CO., „-. 4.., . - 11-4--,1-1 " , .: ---iA l 1:-..1 xi nr , _. t-- , '' ' - ' , gl . SqE WAROICUSE 1 : 4 - 1 - , -.4f Ir.l , I q .,, , , , , r,_-; 4 - , 1 , v-. ~..? 14 L.,,, ! ...,., , a Aft la Li. ilb , • 'F - L ~, , r -' 1 . . 1- 4..-. , . , .- '• q', : ..-.' 14 CHILDS Ix C 1 i ' L . 7.7 PF YLEFo a. t.. ~.i. R.,-; ,4,, ~...._._ ? 1 , ...4 1 leigP.P ri'e,4oR F. l'fig:P.ri). [ 1-•••• 14 ..,,-•.,, :10 ,e 1 It# 4 pH; iTiPi .1 kP t C . ...:.:.;',4.. ,- .!„ . .,. ,- 4.6°.! ___‘.--•_44, j , 1 5 ••,',F4,7•11 1 -,..,1;” : ;yi r..jii -T:,l , • a , -r ....,Jthr ~..,1,75-4:67,V.4 . ,..": ~ Z,..., ~ .; k1i.z77.7 . • NO. 1133 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., [JIVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR large SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, c assisting of a groat variety of seasonable and fashionable goods adapted to ei:ding and tilillurn - a- sales. Having been purchased fur c nth, at reduced prices, they feel warranted a saying that they can supply Western merchants, by the ;...tkage or dozen, at as low prices as the same quality of goods can be purchased In the Eastern cities. Particular attention. given to orders. 41. 1 :3- Alen, a good supply of New York and Spanish Sole Leather. apiffini...6 NOTIC U.—Tho Commissioners appointed to perform the duties required by the act to estab ; ish high and low water lines, ie she vicinity of Pittsburgh —give this public notice that they will hold a meeting on : 11 Ult:rDA V, June 1" th, 1855, at 10 o'clock, a. at., in the Commissioners Room, No. 3, of the City Councils Chambers; .t which time and place they will hear any parties who may ,e int. rested iu the matters specified in said act. WILLIAM WADE, WILLIAM DILWORTsr, JOHN NIORRISON, 7 ----- ‘ Commissioners. A\ AOT Ti) RSTABLISIVIIEUEI AND LoW WATER LINE - la the Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio rivers, iir the vicintty of Pittsburgh, in Allegheny county. Wid MICAS, The lines of lauds on and along the shores of he rivers at and near the city of Pittsburgh, in the county f Allegheny, have never yet been clearly ascertained, and 1 it i- important to owners of such lauds, the persons nay. ,p.ting the waters or and the corporations atij +cent to such were, and to . parties interested, to know and have their -veral rights r"., privileges in extension and limitutiot, us ertaited and ed , then-lore, Sectron 1. Be at emteterl by the Senate and House of Rep -..tentatt wee of the Commonwealth rf Pennsylvania in ere:- -ti A,struhly ruit, arid it is hereby en icier' by authority of - to statue. That rue inarict Court . f the county of Alio ..lieuy be end it is hereby auttarrizzd and required, at any . mo beirre the let day of June next, to over and appoint rliree discreet and disinterested treehoidere as commission era, none of whom shall reside on, or be the owners of testy .and abutting on the said rivers within, the said county aforesaid, who ahall take and subscribe an oath or affirma tion before sonic, competent authority, an 1 well and faith : ally to perform the duties required by this act, to the beet of their ability, without favor or partiality; and in the case of :i.e death, resignation or inability to act of any of the tom miasioners appointed atorwaid, before the intended purposes of thin act shall have been fulfilled, it shall be lawful for the said Court to appoint anotheror other persona to supply 'rich vacancy or vacancies, who being qualified as aforesaid, 'hall proceed and act et if eppointod in the first inotauce. Sec 2. That the comtuisuonore appointed and qualified atoresaid, alter giving due public and timely notice of their time and place of meeting, for at hest ten days, shall proceed, taking to their assistance an able and competent aurveyor, .tad examine the 'shores, eurveying and marking thereon •ines of ordinary low water, and lines of ordinary high wa h•r, along the rivers Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio, within the following limits, namely: From a line crossing tie Allegheny river, at the INorth-eastern line of the lair ,, ugh of Sharpsburg; from a line crossing the Monougrthela river, uppoffte the mouth of the Four Mile run; and from a lice crossing the Ohio river,opposite the mouth of Woods' run: ..ad around the shores of all the ielau.s In the rivers afire -aid, excepting such parts of said shores where said lines have been already establials:. by law; such linen of low and high water to be laid o .t along said shores afo.esai :,in such manner and position as will moat perfectly eecure and per la tuate the navigaile channels of said rivers, and beet pro. mote the safety and con. erneace of vessels, rafts, and per ...us navigating the same, and as will be most bailable in tit respects for the general benefit of the public at large. fee. Li. That the said commissioners may hear parties in terested, and examine under oath, administered by one of . heir number, experienced hydraulic civil engineers, ecien tine men, and other pere us, if they shall deem it necessary to enable them to obtain more accurate information In re gard to flowing water in navigable etreame, and in regard to the location of the linea aforesaid. a Sec 4. That the said commissioners, when they shall have completed their surveys, and shall have determined the Fruits and located the said lines of low and high water mark shall cause to be made a correct map ur plan of the ..ante, with such descriptions and explanations as may be necessary to a perfect undarstentling thereof, and shall re turn the same authenticated by their respective signatures, are! that of the surveyor to the District Court aforesaid; and . shall Le the duty of the Prothonotary of said court to re ceive and file said map or plan In his office, for public in .yaction and examination; and to give notice in at least three daily newspapers published In the city of Pittsburgh, that on i day certain, to be appointed by the court, the Bald court will hear any objections which may be made thereto by any , rs or or parties who may consider themselves aggrieved by the. adoption of the earns: and the said court, atter hear log the objettions, shall adjudge and determine whether the same shall be fully established or be returned to the I idninissioners, either in whole or in part, f r their re-exam :nation: and if ei returned, the said commissioners shall ric.ed to consider the same, and thereafter shall return to i. e said court in the manlier aforesaid, said map., with bun ;tin r Mons and amendments, if any, as they shall deem ne t ...nary tend proper. The said court, after such determina te. , shall direct Bald map or plan, either with or without sus , . alterations as shall have listen made, to be recorded, aid thenceforth the !aid map or plan so recorded, shall be token and allowed for the purposes herein mentioned and .ontained, and the lines so approved shall forever after be corned, adjudged and taken firm and stable for the pur poses aforesaid. Sec.:). That all riparian right now vested iu the State, lying between high water lines and the rivers, within the district aforesaid, shall from thenceforth thereafter be vested in the several corporations within whose limits the same now is or hereafter eball lie. Sec. ti. That the commissioners who may be appointed under this act, shall be entitled to receive live dollars per day for their services, and the expellees incurred in carrying into effect the provisions of this act shall be paid out of the treasury of the said Allegheny County. , I ;:en. 1. That all or any acts of Assembly that conflict here with, either in whole or part, be and the same are hereby repeated. ' G. NELSON SMITH, Speaker pro tern , of House of Representatives. WLLLIAM H. WELSH, Speaker of the Senate. APeaovnt.--The 'sixteenth day of April, Arms Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty.eight. je4 d ICE CREAM! 10E CREAMII- The undersigned having just fitted upins ICE CREAM in &LOON in a very tasteful and comfortable style, would re• spectfully inform his friewie and the public generally, that he furnishes them a delicious ICE CREAM. of different fla vors. Soda Water, Fresh Cak•is ' Gum D:opa, Fruits, etc., at all times on hand, at the Coufectionary of FRED. A. MIERSCH, St. Clair street, opposite St. Clair HoteL Particular attention paid to orders for Pic-Nics and P4rdes. my2eelm—me fiIIEAP WALL PAPER.—A new supply of new patterns for sale by W. P. MARSHALL & 00., 87 Wood street. L. C. lIMPBURri, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER 0FP1,73 F'R'r. a. 110-38131111 Na 00 Entire) ntrzet OOTTON TRIMMINGS.—Cotton Fringes and Braids for trimming Basques and Children' Clothing—all widths received, at JOS. HORNS'S, Summer Lager Beer. ripilF, UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the public in general, that he is in the daily receipt of this delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be the best that was manufactured here for many years, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and SURF,. (live me TEAM MILLS FOR SALE —A Steam a Call and try It. 1024: JOHN ROTH, Flouring Mill, situate in Beaver county, three run of ap tf At his old stand, N 0.28 Diamond. Stone and all the machinery complete, 120 bble. of flour ITIESTERS.--Borders and circles for Tee can be made in 24 hours. Also, a Saw Mill In good order, g tore. far sale by fuivBll W. P. MARSHALL It CO. with all the latest Improvements acres of land, etc. Terms I . LILL:3B.-500 boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and 10x12, easy. Apply S. CIPFHIMCRT SON, my uma k e t e t ceo t„, I Zoirjaks try WU OOLI•INB. ,0i23 J) UILDINU LOTS-12 Lots, each 30 feet front by 100 deep, eituate Inplast Liberty, near the Railecad Depot. Prices from $275 to s4oo—terms, one fourth In hand, balance at 6 yeare credit. Call and Bee the plan. tnv2B S. CUTHBERT SON, 61 Market at. OOMPLYING WITH TUE URGENT REQUEST OF LIU:N DitEDS OF TFIEIIt PATIENTS, DRS. C. M. FIIVR AND J. W. SYKES 1111 1,,,i!K.t.,V (LAl)lnrri L, Daily, except ?nada)°, , ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS and ALL ' Tfl N:. Ii I.ON IC OOMPLANTS, compile.; I with. or fau.ing pulmonary including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Li ver , flyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints. itc. W. W. MAIR, DAVID CAMPBELL MT` I 1tp.,1 th , Left that t,'. d.e,. 1 , 1 , 4 p ., both b'ffre ,no e l cieritig etrl,pment in the Iw-we, aed they titeret.ire entitle) , Niertien euli, iii gienic and Medical remodies bateirify the lit .iid end -trengt hen the eyvt , ni. With these, they 114.• IN• EIALATIONS, which they value highly, but only an Prallia t:oes, (having no Curative effects when us,d nl, n+,) fuel It, ye lida are ersrnestly cautioned ngaitust waotlng the Pre , teen time of curability ,m any treatment based upon the ,le, but false idea that the "seat of the disease can be re,, , 10.d In a direct manner by Inhalation," for, as before stated, the seat of the disease is in the blood and its effects only in the hinge. .V.c)- No charge for Couaunation. list of hind will sect to Cherie winlang c.noiti It us by letter tuv29: I w NOTWITHSTANDING S UPER'S, inr27:3mdai. YuIING ,ILEI'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.—The Library of this institution having been re-classified, the Librarian will be prepared on and after THURSDAY, the 20th lust ,to furnish books to members. By order.' mylB LIBRARY COMMITTER. L?, MONONGAIIELA SAVING FUND COMPANY.— NOTICE—The Stock Subscription Books of the above Institution, will remain open for a short time at the office, No. 69 Grant street. Any person calling on the Secretary, will be furnished with a copy of the Charter and By-Laws. Discount days every Monday, notes must bo offered before 3 o'clock, P. ti., same day CORONER.—The undersigned oilers himaolf ae a candidate before the next Democratic Convention fur the office of Coroner, and mica the support of the De taiDeraC LENUT RED. OFFICE MONONGAHELA INSURANCE CO., Pittsburgh, May 21, 1858. DIVIDEND. L-•••• THE P.RESIDENT. AND DIRECTORS of the Mon• ougahela Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh, have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE, to be app led to the reduction of the Stoic Notes. mr22:2w HENRY M. ATWOOD, S..crotary. OFFICE OF PENN'A INSURANCE CO., OW PITTSBURG 1, May 18th, 1888. THE DIRECTORS OF TILLS COMPANY HAVE this day declared a dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT. ou the Capital Stock paid in, out of the profits of the last six months. FIVE PER CENT. payable- in cash, and TEN PER CENT. to be applied as a credit on the notes of Stockholders. t. GRIER SPROUL, my2l:lm Secretary. 441- TRH VERY TILING l?Oki TORPID LlVER—Samuel B. Robison, nayn:— Mt USICESBORO, Tenn., April 0, 1855. !laving sold Goofland's German Bitten for two years past, in this community, and having witnessed their effects upon weak and debilitated constitutions, and those much troubled with " totbid Liver," I have no hesitancy in Baying they are the thing such people should use. advertisement. rQr gale by IfIEILLING P..1.!.1?8.:111.1 Dr. G tiEYSTIR. Pittsburgh. uty7e2ardaa9 BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., PINE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY, PEACH /IND APPLE BRANDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and i'ront Streets, pl PITTSBURGH, PA. Rn T 7 Ma,ket etrvet SPEC lAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE. Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, ',.11(1 may be consulted at their °Mee, No. PDL Yenta !Areas., Y at, adult ntatb that Omar ti • .itta,,.t ISMEMBE C It El A NI S )1' It I ! I • tlll.l. ABLE: To 11UPYLY THE br,MAND CHARLES H. SUPER, Corner St. Clair cual Pent! !street:, BOARD: WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Preaident. DI/L.20100 b: J. R. We!din, Joshua Rhodes, James Bhiclle, A. SI. Pollock, 11.synier, A. S. Nicholson. JAMBS S. 1100 N, Secretary and TreaHurer my2l:lm BLI biN ES6 CARDS J. & GROUTT, 1.31P01LT111..9 OF DEALERS IN S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURBILB OF PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS CF WRAPPING 3F 2) ..ta. 2E 2$ Ft. 9 Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 2a..,Rage bought at market prices. tEMOVAL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 74. Wotor 8 trepA, below Marko JOHIN 3100111.1111EAD, UOMMISSION MERCHANT 7011, TIIIII EiLL3I OP PIQ NIETAL AND BILO9IVIB, Ni.. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. BAAO JON Be JNO. L. BOYD WM. frIcCULLOUGH JONES, BOYD & CO. IMAITU7A3II OF CAST STEEIL. ALSO, - SPRING, PLOW AND_ A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. curt:Ler Roos 'slid First Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA MOORHEAD & CO., ISANUPACTUREIR OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SELEET IRON, gor Rooting, Guttering, Spouting, the. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 130 First otreet, mr26:ly•is PITTSBURGH, PA 1). 11. BOGER D. B. ROGERS & CO., IiditUFACITUREELB OP ROGEIG9' IMPROVED PATENT S'VEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH., IMEMEM CORNER ROSS MID FIRST STREETS, WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ILI44UOR MERCHANTS, NO. 37_ DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, 44,- Always on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the ve. boat quality. dnleydel: JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, 108 THI 6d1.3 Or lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Frni and Produce generally, Corner of ESlarket and First streets. PITTSBII AGE, PA. B.Milt To-11'mnd] G. Bail.3y, William Dilworth, Sr„ . Cuthbert A: Bon, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Heiskell & wearingen, B. Brady, Cash. M. a M. Bank. List & !dangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Donlo Paxton & Co. Whiling. myStadpt,f mcz,c).llgc:Drul-Er - wm.a...mermx .9. IN DE T RUCTIBI ,E ROOFING.. Ete I.TSS EL PATENT MASTIC CONSISTING OF CAN P4AILTIEJiI ATED WITH RESINOUS SUBSTANCES, ETC, 3E. 7c)g N 1 El a 43 UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF AL Roofs, with limFsell's Mastic. The composition is adapted for all kinds of Roofs, list or steep; it can also be applied on Tin Iron, or 0,1 Sliirmlets, making a perfect Job. This composition is not affected by atmospheric changes; will re itlkor crack nor run; It is Impervious to water ; FIRE PROOF and more durable than any .ether kind of leg. This ro 'hug material is used in vas quantities throughout the United states, on 11011503, Bridgua, Rolling Mills, Kaili . oad Cars, and steamboats, giving entire satisfaction, and Is considered a perfect protection from the elements. Although this roofing was only introduced here In 1856, it can be seen on runny of tile buildings iu the cite. A , so on must of the Rail-oads. I her. refer to a few places whore this Rooting is in use, and can be sewn--Cle., land and Pittsburgh Re trout' ; et l'-die Air; Bridgeport; Martinsville; Portland; Lagrange; Stenbenvilre; McCoy's; Wellsville; Liverpool and Rochester °'a lions, and the Manchester Depot ; Pennsylvania Central Railroad ; Spruce Creek Astoria Station, MIII r t Tipton and ar sonage at Altoona; Allegheny City, Westminster College, and many other Baildln; Fi; Pittsburgh, J W are house ; hen. Trimble's Hotel; also, numerous others in th:s city. All orders left at No. 247 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where samples of the ma terial eau be Been,) will recaive prompt attention, by apl W. F. FAHNESTOCK, Agent. PUBLIC PROPERTY AT AUCTION.- The following United StnteJ Property not being re- quired for public service, will be so!,1 at the Allegheny Ar senal, near Pittsburgh, Pu., by order of Major John Syming ton, commanding, on THURSDAY MORN I NO, Juno 10th, at 10 o'clock, viz Ten I'2 pounder Iron thins; One 6 do do Seven Z. do Iron Llowit'Arrs, Leary Two 24 do dpi du light 24,460 lbs. Scrap Twelve pair Gun's Carriage Wheels ; One Tubular steamer Boiler ; Booty-eight Flint Lock Muskets; Seven do do Pistol,; Seventynine Artillery Swords; Ninety-dye Cavalry 811brea, various patterns; Twenty-three Non-Commiesioned Officer's Swords; Seventy-three Hell's Carbinoapermisslon and breech load ing parte, email arms; Artillery and Gunner's Implements Accoutrements; Scrap Steel ; Strap Leather; a variety of Toole, Ac., Ice.; ale.) a first quality Eastern Made Rockaway and set of one-horee Harness. Terme eash—specle IE 4 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF HAND STREET LOT.—On TUESDAY EVENING, June Bth, at o'clock, on the second floor of the Commercial Sales Ro,ms, No. 54 Fifth street, will be sold, by order of Dr. Robb. Wray, Executer of Wm. Terse, deceased, that valuable lot of grouud un Hand street, near Duquesne way, having a front cf forty feet on Eland street, extending back parallel with Duquesne way one hundred feet to a four foot alley. The above adjoins the fine warehouse of John ulack Cu, and from its central location ie very desirable for bus-- OM purposes or private residences. Terms—One-third cash, residue in one and two years, with Interest. P. M. DAVIS, .1 63 Auctioneer. LARGE SALE OF PROPERTY IN AL LEGHENY CITY, on the West Common and Ridge afreet, on TUESDAY EVENING, June Bth, at 8 o'clock, in second story Sales Room of the new auction house, No. 54 Fifty et•eet, will be - Id, that very valuable and beautifully I. rated Real Estate of John Irwin, Esq , well known as the "Rope Walk" property, situated on the West Common, First Ward, Allegheny City, which has been sub-divided into lots of large size, the bettor to accommodate those desiring to erect flue residences; and and a range of smaller lots adapt ed for comfortable homesteads, viz: Fix lots fronting on the West Common or Irwin avenue, between Ridge street and Water lane, each 25 test front, ex. tending back 198 to a 2i feet alley. Nine lots fronting on Ridge and Central streets, (each of which ie (2) feet wide,) said lots being about 50 feet front by 286 fret in depth. Eleven lots, each 30 feet front, and one lot about 80 feet front, on Central street, each extending back two hundred and sixty feet to a forty feet street un the line of the prop erty of diehard Bowen, Esq. Forty three lots, each 25 feet front on Central street, extending back toward Water lane 140 feet, to a twenty feet alley. For the satisfaction of purchasers, the lots have boon staked off and numbered; of which, plane can be had at the auction store, and the premises shown on application. Terms at sale. (my 27) P. M. DAVIS, Aect'r. cILOSING OUT Of the great Auction Sale of Gold and Silver Watches, and beautiful gold Jewelry, at AllGartney's Auction Hones, No 120 Wood street. We havo yet left unsold a large and desirable lot of Jewelry, ac., In great variety, all of which must be sold. Goods may he had daring each day, whole sale and retail, at very law prices, and all shah prove as re p[eaeented and satisfactory, or money refunded. Among this stock may be found one Magic Watch, valued at $2OO ; about one dozen Fine Patent and Detached Levers in Gold Hunting Cases, and a fine lot of Sliver Watches of various kl de. Also, Gold Guaid and Vest Chains, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens; Cameo, Gold-atone, Mosaic, Florentine, Lava and a great variety other kinda of Breast Pins and Par-Drops; Gold and Silver Thimbles, Bracelets, Sleeve But tons, Finger Rings, Lockets, Neck-Chains and Crosses; be sides many articles in the line not here mentioned. Re mem her that Saturday evening will most positively be the last of the auction Sale. Bat if there should be any goods ft alter that, they will be tit - Hod out at private sale, as we are determined to dispose of the entire lot. Now, for bar gains! The Show Cases in which our Jewelry is exhibited e for sale; also, three or four Jewelers' Trunk and Sam ple Boxes. Salop commence each evening, at 8 o'clock. Balesman. inyal W. G. eNI'GA.ItIVNEY, Auc't. SPLENDID CHANCE TO SECURE A HOME NEAR THE CITY. FIFTY BUILDING LOTS. jN TUE TOWN OF ETNA, NEAR SEIARPSBURG, ONLY THREE MILES FROM THE CITY, On Saturday June sth, 1858, 'fho undersigned will sell upon the premises, at the North end of the Sharpaburgh B.idge, in the Borough of Etna, aijoining Shar:Jsburg, FIFTY BUILDING LOTS Beautifully situated on the bank of the Allegheny aver. The pr,,,,,rty is known as WALLACE'S EXTENSION OP ETNA, and is in all respects as suitable and desirable for budding purposes as can be had around the city. It is easy of access by means 01 the Lawrenceville and Sharpsburg Lille of Omnibuses, which leave the city every hoar, and is surrounded by a brisk and thriving community. The Lots are 25 by 100 feet, requires no grading, and the materials for building are morn readily obtainable than in the city. The Lawrenceville and Sharpsburg Plank Road runs di e:,tly to the property, which is also easily accessible by the Butler Plank Road and the canal from Duquesne Borough and Allegheny Oity. The Allegheny Valley Railroad has a Station at the end of the Bridge ' where the trains stop twice a day The property will be suld in fee sample, and the ti tle is unexceptionable The location Is well adapted either for residences or mann lecturing purposes. Plane of the Lots may be seen at the office of the under signed, where persons who rosy wish to select and purchase at private sale will be t.ccriumedated. The Public Sale will take place on SATURDAY, June sth, on the premises. Terms easy, and will be made known at the sale. JAMES 0. MOREY, inyl7:ts] Real Estate Agent, No. 65 Fifth street. PITTSBURG'', PA PITTSBURGH, PA L. G0T102 , 1 SALES POUTIVELY Tag LAST WEEK J' 117 Mt T_a XCD SI -a. I_l 30 OF HARDWARE. .AMOEL FAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which he will sell very low for CASH. In addition to hie Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large aisurtruent.of Carpenter's Tools, he has received a large sap ply of Sausage Cutters and Stuffers Shovels, 'Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Bells, and Enameled Preserving Kettles. Light Cream ale. 711 E SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY announce to their customers and the public, that ow lug to the price of Barley and Hops, and to suit the times, they are brewing a light and delicious flavor •d CREAM which they are selling at $4 'ft barrel, and have KEUS OP TEN GALLONS oach, to accommodate private families. They have also, X ALE, at $8; XX at $7, and superior SI.NNET at $8 bbl., and smaller casks in proportion. Ako, excellent PORTER AND BROWN STOUT. Iqr (Mere sent to their Brewery ou PITT STREET, will te. ,, ive prompt attention. cirlikßm GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, ItNER THIRD AND MARHET STS, PITTSBURGH. rO I IIOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITLA.N BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interest] to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got tip by the Lest mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is gi:cm to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work viarisotod. No. 72 THIRD Street. Pittsburgh. (myiklyris DAVID H. WILLIAMS, CIIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR THE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five qurners and upwards, and for Heating Building; public or prlcato, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. PITTSBURGH, PA. SAMUEL GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 52 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A., 4e-hi prepared to furnish his customers and buyers gen erally, with the latestand most fashionable styles of Spring and summer Goode of every variety, which he will make up to order to the entire satisfaction of those who may favor him with their patronage. myl7:lm CA.RTWRIGHT Si. YOUNG, (Successors to John Oarturright,) MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, 13nrgic 31 and an S Den tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 80 Wood street. They give special attention the manufactur. ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and Repairing ith punctuality and despatch. apl Alderman's Office. TAMES S. NOON, ALDERMAN, EX ep OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 69 Grant stree; nearly oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Probates taken; the Records examined, Deeds. Bonds, Mortgages, Wills, Leases, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Solemnised, and all business in the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. eau. Office hours, from 7% A. n. to 1 P. at., and from 2 to 6 P. IL ap&ly JOB PRINTING.- Cards, Freight Bills, Circulars, Dray Receipts, Bill Heads, Labels, Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading, With every other description of Job Printing, executed with promptness and at fair prices. J. B. WELDEN, Printer and Binder, Wood street, near Fourth BIIT TT TEB.-3 fresh roll, W forß. sale b y UM R. KENN L ON, of Roxbury, has .li!ie , V ored in one of our common pasture weal, a re.w. that cure, Every kind of Humor, PROM THE TVOP.ST SCROFULA WW? TO A COMM. N He haa tiled it in over eleven hrunirod ewes, and nett failed except in two caaea, (both thunder humor.) Ho I. n.a. in hii poaseaston over C.ao hundred , rtific.afe.• 0( c. Nettie, all within twenty tuilvi of It.etoo Two lx)ttlea are warranted to cure a nureing sore moat:. One to three I,ottlee ufil erne fl, wor,t bind of P)n;1 • on the taco Two or throe Gottlot will clear the eyeturn of blleo. Two bottloa are wqrrontod t., rnre tlu tc oret conk,. In mouth or stomach- TLrea to tivi bt.tti - t-I aro • r9f! r W1)1 ,t kJ or Erysipolai. e to two bottles are warrants u to cnre all humor triple eyes. Two bottles an warranted to c o re rr,tAr4l4; of th, ears blotches among the haft.. Four to eix bottles are warranted Ic enre corrupt it running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the Pk - in . Two or three bottles are w, ranted to cr. - e the worst Liu of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted e can the moat porate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warrantod to :tiro &Alt ii!.e um. Nye to eight betties will cure the wore c‘no 01 benful,:. lacuent ie alw err , •z p_rlerte from the drat bottle, aed a perfw t cure he woo-rants,' when the above omit: illy i. taken Dr.A.a !tunes,--Thu reputation of the Medical Discovery, In curing all kind of humors, is et.) well established by the nisanimorui voice of all who have ever used it, that I nee , ' not say anything on the Aubject,ll4 the most skilful physi. clans and the most careful Druggists in the country are no• animorts in Its praise. In presOntir.g the Medical Discovery to your notice, Ida it with %fail knowledge of the curative power. In relieviup all, and coring most of those diseases in which you are nn fortunately so liable That most excruciating disuse to at, affectionate mother, Is cured as if by a miracle; your own tamper Is reetoredtu Its natural tove•otneus, and year babe Crow short and fretful naps to calm and em - eet sloal',ers; and th. Medical Disowse ry beoomes a fonntAin or 1, n& and household. In the more adv.. stoe.Aa of UANKEP. it extendt, .f)YSPE - E 1 II A, which is DoLilir,j, .Itow t'. Intestines t,r.ri °mating a oinking, feennw ecd au India - aroLac ',Yen '4' thf carne of your family. Your iitociach it, your food distres7, a you, and !„,Ail rau only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment It contains as the sorimonoue fluid of the canker eats it up; then year complexion tries its bloom and be 00hieS mallow or greenish. and your beet day is gone. For want of nourishment your .yetom becomes lortie and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow train of diseases wh!ch the Medical Dilouver) , is peculiarly adapted to Palpitation of the heart, pain in the efde, weakness of the spina and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when yon retire, irregularity of the bowel,, and aleo, that iiioSt excru ciating of dieeacea, the How many thousands of poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does nut know the cause. I wish to Impress oe your mind tbat good old proverb, " Au ounce of proven Hun is better than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the cure, with this great an,! good quality, that it will ;lover, under any circom.steneas do you any Injury. change of diet ever r cry—.at; the best you can get and enough of It. DteioTlott roe IIBE—Adnl•o em , tut 10 spoonful per day— Children over ton yeass dessert 5p,,,,r Mi.—Children from dye right years, tea spoonful. 4 _.; die , ^tiollif can be appli cable, to all constitntious, take endb lout to operate on the bo-weds twice a day. You, truly, RICH_ GLOSSY HAIR, TO THE 6i . H.LATEST AGE. And who that is ...;ray would not have It restored to its , furmor color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it runioved, or troubied with scrofula, scald bead or other eruptions, but would be cured, or with sick headache, I (neuralgia,) but would be cured. it will also remove all pimples from the lace and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, s e circular and the following: .AOlO At/MOD„ November 6, 1856. 0. J 1,1 ned—Deer Sir :—I have heard much said of the wonderful effects of your Hair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery awl quack nostrums, hair dyes, 6cc.. 7 I woe disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the tbouvand and ono loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some month, since, when you gave me such assurance as induced the trial of your Restorative In my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and en• tii ely white, and before exhausting one of your large bot tles, her hair was restored nearly to its original beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head; she continues to MY, It, not simply because of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful influence upon the head and mind. Others of my family and friends are using I your Restorative, with the happiest effects; therefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and ; value are entirely removed; and I can and do most cm dially and confidentially reconamepd its ti.se, by all who would have their hair restored from w ice or gray (by rea son of sickness or age,) to original color and beauty, :.rid by all young persons woo would have their hair beautiful and lossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. 00. W. SMITH tt On THE GREATEST p i Ail \(tt fIE 1 , bah DISCO I OF TEE AGE. PIMPLE NURSING SORE MOUTH '& 1) NE Y RAN'v AN INFLAMED, CUB& PILES D4.).N LI) KENNEDY Pricer $l,llO ruAr or sn.b. by DI. :4;0. H. HEYSE.P., c.l.l:d.sw N. 140 W&, - u eJt, Pitt:An - 1..0) P. BEIIITiFUL HEAD Completely Preserved FIIIZND 11 COD: IL was fl long time after I saw yen et Blisefield befPre I got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an circler upon your agent in Detroit, and when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest test of its powur. It has done all that you assured me it would do; and others of my family and friends, having witnessed its effects, are now using and recommend ing its me to others as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours, SOLOMON MANN. CI BLUE, IIL, June 28, 1882. I have used Prof. 0. J. Wood's Bair Restorative, and have admired its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, pramatnrely gray. but by the use of hia Restora tive it has resamed it, orh;ival color, and, I have no doubt, permanently O. S. BR3SSE, ex-Senator, O. S. 0 J. WOOD * CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, N. Y., (In the great N. Y. Wire piling I.l3tabliahm mt) and 114 Market etreet, SL Louis, Mo. Sold by DR. GEO. H. KEISER, No. 140 Wood iL, je2:3mdew And sold by all good Drnggists. J AXES C. CUTLER, OF OINOINN ATI, Says he had to gait business for eight years from Asthma. Feveral Physicians gave him up—he used Ayer's Pectoral and other Cough Syrups, but still grew worse. BOWMAN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, Completely cured him of every semblance of his old disorder PREPARED BY BOWMAN & CO., ALLEGHENY, PA For sale by GEO. IL KEYSER, Pittaburg,l., .1. P. YL.F.SILNG, Allegheny City, And Druggista genortilly. my2B2dAw ICE CREME SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, P. SEHLDECKER, No. 22 Diamond Alley, between Wood St. and the Diamond, AS OPENED HIS ICE CREAM SA LOONS for the season, and is prepared to supply all who may call, with PURE ICE °REAR, of all flavors. Ile also Is constantly supplied with CAKES OP ALL KINDS and Confectionary of his own manufacture, made from the best materials. FAAIILIES AND PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ice Creams, and Confectionary of all descriptions. Saloon open at all hears—Day and Evening. r- POINT B OX FACTORY.- BUSHA & OUTENDORF have Just fitted up in complete order, new machinery of the Latest improvement, for the manufacture of Boxes of every description. We are pre, wed to make to order at abort no tice, Boxes suitable for Soap and Candles, Packing Boxes for Hardware, Variety Goods, Looking Gime and Picture Fru mee eto Orders promptly SUM. mvitOlm COVERED CANE HOOP.—An excellent article for Ladles' Rine. A large lot open at mirlil MUM, IT Mute* gt. FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. Private 13 , izea to hold six persons. Dresa Circles Pariimette...soc. I Upper Tier 250 Dooru oi,orl at 7 1 4 o'clock. Curtain to rise at to b U DA 1" El; VNIN(./, Jum:Gtb, 1858,wi11 be performed A new comic Ix. entitled TEE NIORM.qs:S ; OR, SALT LABE LIFE. r,ddy )'Garman Mr. W. J.... Florence. Poo.lol, A uu, ft Yank,- Gal • Vrow Duudor, ,, pritz,ll, Mrm.k.fGarman Mrs. W. J. Florence. No 6.3 Previ.: a t \v It Ix performed the protean farce, entitled LES ON FOR E.INDS Tim u'bleury.. away Totten Welholminw Killota Mad'] Jul:a Urzekiall SI cum—. Melly Loaf... Tildes ...... . Tom TioTrn• .... To commence with , tnedielta of T Pad y Murphy... P I TTS ; EI T 1-1 E .k 'FRE. \l l B.B KIMBERLY --- Benefit of BILLY MORRIS, ailas PETER GRAY Saturday evening, last night of the troupe, and BENEFIT of DICK ST IThlt. Box tickt-tz, and 11:: extra charge fur gecut ea ~ , acs. O C0i1d . 24, c. c 1)- J ,:ru 111,11 at 7 ki—commeuc. at BCc lock. 8,8 c:to ecc: - . dat the Box Office through t ho day. a:: r F 1 Urn,' Flrowell Matinee, , allina , h'' C..rP 3 nY %OP (• in ling part, and I'll4ck.ti i, liar, 15 c...nta. CO 1.1,1;:5'k" IL K TROTTINU AS:-;()CIATION. MCC, Nf UP 18:,d I ' l rt. Laoi 1,1.1 r.)1131 . . r, f.O th. pri coune ,neti t.ll I h.,: A: • hi , 12.1 u-r nt Liborty and Wu) rke, streets, from U rt AY, or it th( gate. Irii,21:11:11 THE GERMAN NORTH AMERICAN tt .II ,I,t,r.tt• ut iu tl,Lj cloy UT N 8 1.) V F. NINO, T H F. 3T II 1) ONCE , T Over two Ilnodred and Fifty Vocal and k Hai romeotal Poilforformers, of tli hoot lu i Icul talon t iu the country.) , )n w).i , l. n Il I. • < ;ned, f r the first time its th, Titbit:an, ROXiiIIRY, MASB I:y tit.. , It•ttitt_z% .itte I c.ttript cer, Julitt-t Otto. This beatt• tjl,! .1 c. , clvecriptive of the :lea t.ttd Litt It .• rind 11.thics i,hertneudiatt met the great- P.m;.dau.l, .Vram:n 11.,1 Germany. 'rho .rt vrII r. tt•ttle thre.ct ion of tha eminent Dtroctur, 11. 11'EDY:"ND.1Y 9[l:, 3 o'clock, Al' I,AFAYI , ,IIE HALL, c'ie which oc,issiore the •'itree cot Stecietioa belonging to the Association will ecnergem tore magnificent silver goblet. %Fill be kotiVell in the tan, THURSDAY, the lUth, n thro, Kb the prlucipal ,tree:e of the city, at bafafavette Hall 4,11lli•-don to t}, - and Concoct, Dreai Circle arid Parqnotto, Cpper Tier. 60 c,uts .•oeetet,•6o cont.. quet, s.o. Pie Vic (.'rounds, 10 cente It AI id. Jet P• 1 LL 'POSTER! wILL ATTEND 10 THE kOSTINC2 L , :sTioLLI- , • • of 8i_:,1_, , . , 1?...i1t CONCiELI'6 coli.o.oilicati,,, , - I, tolograph, or other wiee---directoti t. tho Morilint; Post, will rocetvo prompt attoat , c7a ap7 DAGUER : , ,AAA GALLERIES. I.{. M. CARGO & CO., Photog,rapherp4 and Ann brotypastm, NE YORK GALLERY, Fi th utre