BUSINESS CARDS RAMITEL O. WIN( i A.. - Kii, Le ATTORNILI, A'A:' LA, ~Iyrr_irtrzatt, PINML. .Fri.:a, No. 71 I.Ir.NNT street, bemoan Foarth street n , N,lnouti a11..5. itp6 V t r iEs A, LOW Ki.E, At tornev at Lav, F . 11,l'L .3trtsCit. l'it,..51Jurgl,.1,11ti.•11;;11111.111.101,1 bald Ch. -ailed. 0.0413.5 Au L, Surgeon i)entiht, t3uoU:-.':r v, 0. W. bid. 11 , ,, No. 144 Sruithllotd btr.-, - .. 1. is:ly ..;k.r.uf, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors webt Market. - On, hours f r h o'clock el. 14. zo 5 o'cloch P. n. - lc. '10:y 'SERI]. FLEMING, successor to L. Vv Co., corner of Market street and the Inatuoud, on baud a full ane.ort merit of Dlttlee, MED tOi MEDiCIN& CLIEIiTcI, I'EItFIIMERV. and all a! ti - lua pertaining to his husineas.. hl . '" Physicians' Presciiptio carefully ciinipou wh.; a: 1.11 flours. HALL 10 0- Ft+ ti WP. MARSHALL & t 0., importere • dealer - a m French sud r‘ca,. p No. Fittfitrtnyn. 1 , 1 , 0 Nii..mirt N 0.)., I , A Ell & A :I.SiiN. t Llta 'lt 1:!t3 fitUITS,N Z;PIC )7:FECT - 1N AI:V, , co. Wo ,tr,•,. • Chu. MERCHAIVI . fS,II, IV. i i E VEI c. from ~•,4 - ,,r 2j, of Wift h nut! tt; AI It ST I: I:, T, u t ulding—cotr-inues to preptu,.. ni,ltleations of, an.l to Sl•perinte.:),l ~L ,v2r) lescription of Ittificlings. A vi.TLTON, BELL AND BRAS FtRINDE.II., tio. 7 litrOOL. Piteli In prepttred to furnish to order , )1113.11.011, STEA.HI3OA'r, FAi TOICY A^IU till: l It I+ Of all trliZtA, Iron 10 to 10,090 iba. CUT:dB BVILLS math , to ordor STOP ,a 4 f• AGO E 'L'P 6,11 Rune, for Steamb.ata. WA'l EP. PUNII'S. owl every variety of ;_;,,a; jait,ug , lit •,. ntaonor. PA.BILFT'S •,; rfiLToV , t iI;NT METALLIC PACK I lot r• ()U(31.1.1t1 . 1) ( 2E i‘ll.X NN'ELL. li_A 11.kf4171-7.1.11:11,,, of - • _.oohing-Glazzel, '.ire ar,o Bruahsai ,t :d Dnalers in Qinlis, Hones Furnishing Ciocris, tc. &c. iiils7 Woe _t cAreet, nifov* , b tfl 1.. Pcrrscuae”, ?ritir , tlno BruHatA, 11,71,(t. r EDUCATIONAL St. Cram ;ens Alcaciexay foe ':PEIt THE C 07 THE FitA::CIi: , CAN BROTIII.Rt= Loret , a, Cala 1.'71 15. County, F'Sn. ( LATE, t li.•L ..MAN T 2 ‘ ; '.‘ l. s llAT - " Y ; Si() Wri S ON AN . 1) FORWAAIDING ail • •• .luctunonta that rain be tleatrod for a Catholic us' it'll' . HIE Ell.;111. 1 •1; tt; in lucutcd DI moNt and pic turedqUe porno., No. 9 SCCOltd Str:Tet, • A:,,...-Iteniee, , .:]at.unt lour from Creason Station rim ire ,- t route . ..twee, ~•11,- • Ap s..3n, T. LOUIS, MISS:UItI, silt • ;oar ccn,50 , ,•10,4 " :I. .111 CI, the loin of .1 u!y Tilt.. ,',ll/S fur eioard, o. cu. I. .1 O llnc Couran, hro $lOO per annul!!. The ei:ViSiC aue Modern Lungt.,.gea ao .01 .$101.,...r tkUUIIII-. I,l,iug and rt., of Bedding sic.. Our itirther pa' ,IC:11211,1 • . ,•• t.. vdfl:l_ydicw Vincent's o,;oliege and Senaliisa.icv, UNDelt. TIIR C.iitt; OE' TUC BEIiEDICTEIL Lcar L=trube, Vil , :armoretiand county, TN THE COLLEGEAktE TAUGHT usual brAnchei In the tjt...,nca, , !atnernaGcl, ...Ilia , Rhe-oricif; l hil.suphy, etc., and the thzier , nt 1.-xnJha urtalitiou 11.TrBc.ry or IlutC.l to ti,, 1.,011.1:1.4 Yr. Prieuthood. terms fur huard tntd,.o are ve ear, I inthl Strict ky to advanco. German and French art i Oth, r Inz, and ' , ltti;::lt•rm no extra charg. t.,excei•ung Nl , lll , 7:rnaation tc the 1.1.6 e ut aotrumente :,ttt - Ltari;en. 'Vet particulk:t e.ppty c .. thk, Dimas of the Gulk7.,_, yoar th, I Ht ,uds Du the itd of July folio G. 1. IT i'n•rt•lr : .• 1 • OW: DR, I Laettreuch: Iletrellic[111.!! NUTHEii. . 4 1 6 _ inK !•• tvt,- ItSLL.:EU 't , }. K:N.1•;,:i: L.,. ,pci..l, ,Dd. the }'rimy Yu. .D.,.. v. h , D,,,, .t 1 .I• 'S ?.•• I. N E,77 Mai, •t 4 .. ' ,... 1 11 I : , 11ST Cll.ll , kj.LA i/), il6 C. .1,. L. I. huauat ht',ll.lht, wui - t., 75 c.•-.:!e. 1. t 12 , ,,,6 p , :., (1,, ~: , tie tr.t>. 2 at be do (1,- ~,, 30 at 37 1 A do 45a do d , 27 , ,,: at 25 du .:106E'!. II , ItN ; -•:_io . 77 7,ltti hut atreat. VELVET AT REDU . CItI) sett: 1. chon7A• ,snortineut on nond awl for ~att, yoga a. l!.JitN Ern', 77 .tia.r,t, t. GhNTLEMEN'S UNDER IiARNIENTS Wool, bilk, hlerinc, nud Cotton Ilndor Shirt. and Drawera—n fresh aupply to.,ived ,t /hilt del9' Mat - ',ict street. • _ s r;_.4 .I IVE Cents per Pound Iteduction in tn ,, Price of Bit AD LEY'S l'ty Cr, l'eddlara will be inrubdled with itEE-i'l,l S at a radar at Ceuta per pot n by the bundk, attar cow or 0,-L. and OaaL Ilarit,t dial ^-2,nt tor t./y3:danutn,tx-,- liIMBiiOIDERIES. -- Uur excellent btock ol }trench Embrohlorl,, the !ry - x ft: they are marked, every rdri, wr2r:p.r, to parchare• th” latrgt ,r,) Jo, . 11 081..Pi1. r.c.;vlo 77 'Marko; 3trort, j ‘;'; MONEY• - ritlCEs" , ' s AJ lib DOWN. Asir GroatrviiictiOL to Ow ;Tic*, of Wo Lave gone cal - 0 . 1111:i over our 111144/1,1111 , 1 !It k COLLA UNDER SLt,EVES, MUL , I,I^4 BANDS, e. . Aud fi 1,11,7.4 , 3 to •• rho may rely ma guttlng bargunir. at oct47 wE WILL SELL .troin the present, Lime un ,:,<.urn,Ally :Lew,: t.' ... i.t., f.i. ri.,.. , ... c... 11 il,l ..,..ill tne our au.;cl:. C. 1.1.,.N5W: 1.... JV ;-„ °et/A) ; 7 0rTnerly ~,,v.., 8r0t..., ':0.74 Nlarkei '..t ILINTED FRE?LkI AlLitILN':)i , .;S, for 62 .L. uud it, ,:elute, worth V. ii4.i :1;‘..., ta, ;.,,s:. !...9.,rtic.. 11 t I n tbo city. U. LLAN.-)N ;,.) \ e., (formerly I..avt, nfottlim.,), SS 4r C. , i .7.t.....-..t.. that BONNET VEL VET.—Everyvarioiy of B.JII - material, Silica, Velvets and satins, fur lade at tcoitNu-ei BLACK. AND FANCY DRESS St LK S.-- A full in.ieortment, vary NC0:. , 1 tn., turrurc 1 4 v Ilrottora. ect:d. elo .74 '" s•-mt Furchc.ser of Drt - 2. Go,, , ts, frt.: also Donitsstic. and Sta ple Hoods, will find it U. , their aiNaL:Lise Le call and (.I.lllnl our New Stock ri and Winter Dr; iloods:adarii lug edges:her-. I:. IiANS...N etalhl. 71 ,I,eGtet a IIIAWLS! :••••; A?V I,`", ! Chenille, ,Brocim, !cc, both !cm the 5,••3 ',est he the °lcy, and at very C. 11.6i.‘SoN L•Ard, dior:a N,..". ptu,,ul:: and M A R.:•iEi LL S, i'lee(3oki Jr. making B . +u}c . • hlur • .42, .rtr 2,•,:t ni W. k. W TO PHi.' haN now on h aid, :UPI is .1411! IS tic, I rout the UeltlU:a.C.- tu • ,-ar:':,,lt ' lint r'• iF l'ULtur'd Prl uur,U , 7, , China, f orcelain Satin !Vrialu ,., l , -.1, and colored. Card liJards, is shunts ; McCreary's Celebrated Co;ored Czar I Varnish and Size; 001ortfl PriLitslig Pup.. PaelphNt Covet PeperH , tilneel and Plated Papers, red, green cud feel Blue 01. zed Paperb, Ru ti a large asNruneuL IsIo:e ter Cup, and Fe in Pogt, Nue and .iote. J. it WELDIN, 1E1).11 63 Wood ~r Vourta, E 10111.1) you atik me, FlIOUld you wonder, Whera to buy sour and Gaitere? ( foe your :net In spriegtlrne, Bool'i with heels, and pre,t:„ Silupgas fa: tho summet, Patent Lember, MoetNiuu I v* , Nee is be, the', eLtv[ip alit g , o I too, .:hould unewer, 1 , youht fait you, tko unto :711. S Cyht B. To the Peop,eti Chap ,:itoe Store, To the; ,‘Aure of DI:-:\' illllt No. 17 Fifth street. NEW - i3 . .a)FORI) 61-141 IN CANDLES.— and ti's, Sperm Candle Ou hand and and for tale be J. 51,1 OAP 6 . k 7... Low •'••••,,, • • ,7,1.1 ID, bars. ,51}o " 0. 1 NI.Im fn., •;. anti M.•• th. :71tripm bai u 3m Luau YAJo " b 0 " Pure raim Da 11lind at. Sur U . ; jel.ll ;1. C. .4. J. E ; A:O.4 CAUI T ( 31 - - ov N itt,LioEs, off,n 1 w. tat 11 11' Peoplt,' 111; , 0 titoTe," No. 17 fifth atreet, near Market. fat 3 1)1 .:ffE.NBAL;111:;i: 4 Co. ONLY $750 FOR A sioßy D wel. hu g floadL., of tour roon,i, t.itl lot of ground hunt on %lout,rey streot, Alltglumy city, by 110 alloy. Tunas, s4o l lu 11 , u01,1,,lanct. St on, two in,: tl:rc'e yearn, CUTHBERT A tAUN, 130724 1.1 Nltrltct atr. t. BUFFALO 611.0L' S.—A splendid article of (huts' and !Juin% Buffalo Ovor Shuen. Aku, Gent,' Call Over Shoes, at the People'e Shoe Store, No. 17 Pith strekt, near Market. NO. 81. CARS. SODA.-100 kegs„ just A rscalved and for Bale by ray2l B. is. ➢AHNEBTOOK 4 CO. riiticlutnetar , .vi E!1!B=11111 At. Lk) t MIME IMMO 'l'ltßiMl is 11. IMMEI9 in In 1 L. DIPONNBACHEII GROCERS WIL H. Wlll. 11. SMITH & CO., t- SA IY, , icy Rs ! Second & 1.17 First Os., XTTSEMIGB, • BiiiALEL COS: 'AVE Ai. CO., WHOLESA.LE GitOCERS, 7to. IS avid '2O - Aood SEreet, N,Vm. 11111:1i, MILLER. Ri RIICIMETSON, 1101,ESALE' , GROCERS, A' D IMPORTEt t RRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS 6411 ono 00r.,:f of Liberty and trwin Strects, A:1 , SOl. l ACIENT, 4irearer's City Giass, PITTSBURGH, PA. COTTON ho. A T:•Y \ HND ISMEEM IvEraNDLESs, WEAINS k4;cr.5.1.i08,F,, TO 'Vac E BALI it 0 V, S, IMSZIE 1.11.( )1 , 1, kiL,‘ '..OTTON , Tr 1,30 IttA s W•.• 1 .I.;K'il.i ki , ii.iif?'.:: 'IN I) intilli\llSSii_Y:•; •- I : , : irp,,;',liiii. •y s ill (;:.iiiiis,ion ftiertliagS, EICISNEE butsic. Ile nay kilt ,