LOCAL AFFAIRS Sleeting of Councils. The City Councils hold n lipec.ial mooting on Thursdkt,, night, Juno Bd. In Soloist ,(bunch, protein, Messrs. ribuuett, .Iturger, gorditan, Hammerer, Kiln, Kincaid, ,sorrow, Wed and M'Anley, President. The President stated that the obj•ct of the special call was tltik the Treasurer found that the taxpayers were so fast that the asaistauca of clerks was required; and at the request of the Finance Committee Councils had been COLlvelled. Mr. Barnett offered the following Reareved, That the City Treasurer be and is y authorized to employ two competent clerks for sixtyhereb thys, to aid him (the Treasurer) in the performance of his duties, and that said clerks shall be such as may be approved by the Committee on Finance, and said Committee shall estab lish the salary to be paid said clerks; the city in no wise to be responsible for the honesty of the clerks. The salaries to be charged to appropriation No. 13 . Mx. Kincaid moved to amend by substituting the fol lowing licsolved, That s,ltOn be allowed to the City i for the purpose of employing clerks during the time of ay. =tit of taxes for the year ISbS, said clerks to be app; dyed by the Finance Committee, without prejudice to the. city. Mr. Morrow offered a substitute, which be afterwards withdrew, and Mr. Bennett uiao withdrew his origivai Mr. Kincaid's resolution was thou, on second reading, dis cussed by Mr. Ward against and President M'Auley For t. Uu the motion for a third reading, Mr. Ward calle,l the yeas and nays, which resulted as follows: Yeas—Messrs. Bennett, Berger, Hardman, Kammerer, Kim, Kincaid, Morrow, Moorhead, and President-9. Nay—Mr. Ward-1. A !notion was then made to suspend the rules, upon which Mr. Ward called the yeas and nays, and the motion ass carried by the same vote. On the motion for the foal passage of the resolution, Mr Ward called the yeas and nays, and the resolution “dupted by the name vote WI before nincil then adjourned. 'etniriou Cuuucil, President M'Kelvy In the Chair , torthag, of the Fit:l,llC° Committee, presented a re :, .1 c, ~Latllag that it was iiiipessible for the City Treasurer to attend to the business of the office. The report was ac-coni panted by a resolution authorizing the City Treaiuter to employ two clerks for a period not exceeding ninety days , who shall be acceptable to the finance Committe. While the resolution wits L. LI secoud reading, Dr. IPliau•!- leas spy ke against the resolution, as he thought the TrEaFil rer should employ and pay his own clerks. Mr. Dixon thought the duties of the Treasurer had b.'- come more arduous since his election, owing to the fact ..1 Las beiug obliged to collect the taxes without the interven thou of eellectord. Mr. Thompson would oppose any further expense to the city when there was a possibility of avoiding it. Mr. Errett stated that the application did not cum° trod the City Treasurer, but from the Finance Committee. He thought it was merely a matter of convenie.uce to the pule lie, in order to facilitate the payment of the city taxes. After remarks from several gentlemen on both Bidet, Nlr. Xrrett moved to strike out ninety days in the resolute. and insert sixty days. The amendment was adopted. Mr. Hamilton moved to amend by appointing u clerk k. each Werd, which was lost. Mr. Krrett moved to have the renolation read •• one r wore," instead of tw•o. On re-consideration the naleudnient was adopted. The resolution was lost on third reading The President read a communication from the Philniel yhia Board of Traoe, Wilting that a committee of five had Leen appointed to confer with the City Councils of Pitt,- burgh, relative to the repeal of the Tonnage Tax. The com munication was placed on 610. On motion, a committee of Live, three from the Common end two from the Select Council, was appointed to receive the committee. Messrs. Campbell, Errett and Sterling \vele appointed on the part of the Common Council. S. C. Ceti• :.erred, and the President appointed Messrs. Kammerer and Ward on the part of S. C. Mr. Errett offered an ordinance increasing the salary of the City Treasurer to WU. Laid over on second reading. suspensioa of the ruler was called for and lost. Cu mc tion the further consideration of this ordinance was iudotl- uitely postponed. Ou motlou the Council adjourned BRILLYIT ‘,P BILLY Heaths.—lt is with pleasure we an nounce that Billy Morris, the well known Minix) "iu the Morris, Pell and Trowbridge Minstrels, takes a benefit at the old Pittsburgh Theatre this evening. We have no heeite tion in predicting with confidence that the house will be ill:- ad in every pert. No one who has listened to the many quaint and original sayings he has put lorth during the stay of the troupe in our city, will fail to be present en this occasion. The bill presented for this evening is a very at tractive one, and decidedly the beet programme yet offal ed it includes the song of the Mocking Bird, Peter Gray, Burlesque Shakers, Burlesque Circus, Spirit ilapplogs, Sli ter's trained dog, the new songs of the Lost Child, Jenny Lane, &c. In addition to these Billy will sing his inimitable song of Peter Gray, and present each person in the audience with a copy. Wu defy any One to go to the 'Theatre and nut enjoy a laugh at this really excellent company. Their stay here is rapidly drawing to a close, and we would say to [biota who have tat yet visited the Thestie, stand not upon i he order of,Lotir going," but go at once. MSBOY HOSPiTA, —QUARTERLY REPORT.—Ttie following 14 a summarised account of the Mercy Hospital, since the date of publication of the last Annual Report. It comprises 'a period of over three mouths, and brought down to the close of the present. Duping this period there were in the Hos pital Sixty-eight patients:— Discharged duritig haute time 33 Died Remaining at proseot iu the Hospital The expeussi of the Londe for raid period were seven hundred dollars, and the receipts one thousand and seventy dollars. Leaving a balituci3 of receipts over expenditures of curee hundred dollars, , Lich has bc,,o appropriated to the paying of the debt of the Hospital. iIANTIFILD —lt Wii I be remembered that John Davis, the young horse thief who was arrested on Monday, had in hie possession a bundle of clothing suppoded to have been stolen from a tailor shop in Warren. Mr. D. L. Byrer, of that place, came lu the city yesterday, mid uu examining the goads, identified them as his property. A commitment was lodged against Davis for the theft. He denies taking the goods, but admits that he stood outside while the other mem whose names tie gave, took the goods. Mr. Byrer says that the men mentioned bear a good character and are entirely above suspicion. THE TROT/IMO Lho clerk of the wkather dues nut send ua more rain to-Jay, sport may be anticipated at Collins' Park. A splendid set of harness, worth SSU, will Le given t, the owner of the beat trotting horse. The hones are to gu mile heats, the beat three in five. A tine saddle and bridle, worth s3u, will also be awarded to the owner of the horse that will trot one mile nearest to three minutes, to go as they pleadr. LtOrdthl to start ut four precisely train will leave ttie Pennsylvania Railroad depot at 3:21, o'clock, running to the grounds; and returning, leave East Liberty at ti o'clock. Quite a number of horses Lave Leen entered, and the contest promises to he exciting. hoe ad ,iertlsement under head of ama Elements. tut ItiTE.icEtiTEC, PAI —UII Wedtwaday evutting, Aldurtuau i • .uwla roceisul lulurulatiun that a party uf vagralita had Alaliumbic,l at a house uu Pennsylvania avenue, whore they wain waking th , night hideuus with their revels. one wan declared that a d..,zeu ynarts of whisky were taken these during the afterwwu and evening. The officere wade a du , scent on the lwatfe, wher., they . talJte,rial Cwsar Lint ton, Adaw Beaver, Jane CULall,r, Hiraw Swearinger, Wm. Wick. tine and Mary NVaters. They Were sent to jail for terms varying flunk five to thirty days. P.T.LtduNS Yalu wish to buy cheap Carpets, for cash, should boar is mind that A. NPTighe, corner of Grout and Fit th atroeta, has now on hand a !next excellent assortment of those goods, all wool, and extra heavy. Imported carpets he °flora at arty to sixty cents a yard ; halt wool at thirty tive cents, and hemp carpets at twenty. Parchment will also and, in gloat variety, Mantillas, Silks, Dusters, Shawls, Hoop Skirts, and a most excellent assortment of Dross Goods, and all at wholesale New York prices. LIIIOGN r.-A colored man named Joseph Blanc was tom mittod to Jail yesterday morning by Alderman Itogere, for the larceny of a pocket book from a white woman named fermi:mos Scott. The two occupied the same house in a den in the upper part Of the city, and in the morning the pocket book was missing. Ball in the amount of three hundred dollars was required, which thane was unable to give, and was consequently committed, OHL&P OLOTIIL'iii.—As the season is at hand when every ono wants now clothing of some kind for summer wear, we would recommend those of our readers who have uut yet supplied themselves to our neighbor, Z. L. Eisner. lie has on immense assortment of summer clothing, and purchas ing his goods exclusively fur cash, he can supply them as low as any establishment in the city. Call and examine the assortment, and if you need anything Mr. E. can satisfy you in every particular. BOWMAN 6 V.IciArsALS BONPoOND.—" I would recommend Bowman's Vegetable Compound to all Physicians who aro at a lost to find a remedy fur Asthma. I believe it la as honest a medicine as ever Was JO9. fi. Paaar, M. D., of Philadelphia. For sale by all the Druggists. MUCIEHILLD, the yuuug man man char r ed, with young Grier, with the assault on the German Vueiker, has been released on giving security in the emu of $l,OOO fur his op- yearance at Coml. !ELAM Hera., alias Baird, committed to Jail on Wednesda3 by Alderman Lewis, for keeping a house of ill-tame, was re leased on bail yesterday. MARY KELLY made information against Mary Conley be• fora Alderman Lewis yesterday, fur assault and battery. She states that the latter Mary abused her very badly. She was committed to jail for trial. HARM STUOIDATII, of Allegheny, had a single case of die orderly conduct before him yesterday morning. Fined an discharged. BODY Bourn.—The body of a man was totmd In the Me aougahela river, at the foot of Short street, yesterday after auuri. IL bail Lug beau recygulati. Country Memo. On last Salida), while Cul. Dickson, of Greensburg, and a number of other persons, wore visiting a burial ground in that town. a little sou of Mr. Dis.,n, (illy three years old, while playing about endeavored to climb up,m a stone w hi c h hod not ben properly set, when the stone fell upon lino and injured him • ionsly In the abdomen. With proper medical attenfiou was relieved, but hi, re co, et y is doubtful the house of M.r. George Lenthird, near A.i.tru4buriz, Westilvirelited eannty , vas liceitroied be lire last week, Mr. L I\ gold wurli and dome thoLey. Hi+ Leis will reach A gentleman in Kittanning, who was In the habit of keeping a small supply lager Leer always on baud, as a tonic for his atomach's sake," tilscuverod, a short time ri-Zo, that they, were oaten) levying contribution upon it, ea 1,, supposed, tor the love of it. Procurlcg a smart doge ~, tartar erni tic ho qui, tly ivaerted it in the, keg, Enticing it with the remaining lager. Ina shun tinae tie. keg Meat,' pared, hut in 11110 [0.11,4011 the medicine did Ito duty. ,t, v oral bop, got very eMk. at the stomach, and their lute for lag, audd my tug 00,1 to diaguat. They were dibCoVoled, compelled to iickuovdedge ,be t,..er, and had to take the keg home he 1,11,, , 0 .........it the Lit t may 1. rout hy it. Mr. Jolie Wolf, ng,,l years. died lately at Ilk residence in Hr ustivalle) lowiodup, ludiana county. lie was one of the rind - tai re of that county, and tr, d the ground uu aducti the town of lUtlicaLat ntiflldii before a build- ing Wee a r ecte , i n it, Jo.epli Pittman. seventy-live years iit Lig", died al, iit the rainy He ee dad iti Iliac minium iii On Monday evsning !ii t, A Wel:thrum) named Isaac Blank ord woo drowned in Stony cr. tear Johnstown. He was lig-aged in catching ilrift wood, for which purpose he abed rope ed rouLd Li, wniet, with ri OULU. lied to the her end. lJnuug ihiou a [him over a large lug, lie 4411.9 ragged Ity itd vielght to .1 rho loon of the current under Le ro uter, while the rt vented him trtan extricating We Lod y c,v,r4 d Llc 1,11 n 14-14, Ml , l CIII t• 11. 50‘..1 /II 01 L. I ItcrCLlllel oICIII/led in ht. ny etlCLip d dr,, g FO , TIWA n ATIONAL :tud Mr, Florence had another good house at Fl , st.,; ' , Theatre I 4ot night, and war w mired by the audience ie then ( inimitable personation& A splendid bill ie uttered for thin • 'coning. The new comic drama by Charlie Eey ,of New Yurk, entitled The Mormons, or `alt Lake Life,' will tie presented fur the first time, Mr. and Mill t'iorviwo appearing in it; Mrs. Florence also appears in five i:haracterH w :lie farce of 'The Young act t c g's , •11tortainmr , nt couchiticH with The Irish Lion '"l'fils 18 a rare bill, and we expect to see a full honye. Ti, marrow er,rcing Mr. and !re. Florence take a I , eueiti , which will cauclude th e r I E0'...1) LARCLN 1 - A titan Nair T,d,uss i:runk W:1B be- Curti yest.idity. charg•ii with btealiug thiveu thillarti from a Mr White, who keel.; a boarding 110 U. on Water ,trert. Tli , i moue) was nut inn ud un hint, hot the idonce b,re strongly against flue, end the )lay or required Jail hi /Ito auto of SIOO, which he lard but obtained 'alit * HE DINTRICT COURT wItS uut is ti m3iOIJ yeBltirday. lts diol.l bits nearly clokoi MAY,a WI:A.VER h,•! tou comui,,u caßus yvnierday tuuru mg. Six tof them pant weir flues. awl the remainder ware twat to the hill. Ir is a fact worthy the notice of all wh, buy clothing either ready made or ordered, thst Carnahan, Allegheny City, hawing built up a I.rgu bselueison tae cash system, is now furnishing a illilliOUlll,lo garment of superior quality at pricey bolo:•. th; regular rates Th. , se interested will du well to give him a trial. Cz:11; DR. '010.11,101i “BILTERS,” fur Dyspepsia, I'latuiPll,,, Heaviness of the Stomach, or any other like atlectim, is second to nun.: in America ur abroad. T 0 he able to state confidently that the " Bitters" are a certain cure for dyspepsia and like dis• eases, is to t',e proprietor.: ii source of unalloyed pleasure. It rem ;yes all morbid matter f,om Stomach, purifies the blood,imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy so indispeniable for the restoration of healt i. The numerous no of its superior excellence and beneficial results, have maned the proprie tors that it cannot but prove a seat cure to the afflicted, and impart vitality to the thorough system. For Rail, by Irug4ist-f,aILI cb.ab.r, vi,,ry - Rhere and by 's .STETI'ER & .I;lbilib,eturora Proprietom f).4 Water Front utre,lll my22--I. Tali GREAT SUCCESS whick hqs ever attvuded :he ate of J. M. i)liff'ci C.lebrutcil 'tad the nu• inuruus cortificatiti which i:re daily their fay.fr, show n mchnively that thy ate Op , tiro t and most n.lin- Llr pmparatima k to I ever lutro the public \I at this sue-som when It-e, of appetite Ili so prevalent, to; cunlutting thc,ir own incc•r,ic C.c.!) tiff crd to do w ithout them. Th •lb t7 , •ri ito pl,arant to the to-to and agreeable in their utlee As a fault they co - • delightful ; they are II reliable remedy for C etc., and a titre preventive of moat of the icr,vailing dice-1 , :c.• of the day. For salt, by J. !LI. ULAN, s ile pr.priutor and manniactun r t No. 267 ['Eon qtreot. Pn; rif,F\l.,fr WIZ 7; eif tiAr : 'e Li I=lllll It, j., ~, IMMESIENIII Treastsrer , 1.‘,;?,e, j =MEM ')' I (bmmitt, of Arbitratifni Jr, May. 1811 IA FI DICK EY. Vi, PrHidelit EDWARD GREOG U. EL PAULSON, Weekly Review of Pittsburgh Markets! bb-porbq by Jo,E. :1 „xi.r. , r;r..2e-rbh7.( of 31:rchan,ts' Lzcitanjr PITT,BUFLOII„Juno 3, 1858 There is a general falling off in every department of trade, and the markets ar., almost entirely devoid of feature. It is evident that the business Beason is nearly over, and that we are approaching the "dull The rivers continue ui,th, but there i 3 little doing. along our wharves. The Money market continues easy, and our banks are readily discounting all the good paper offered . The rates of exchange are unaltered ; Philadelphia and New York sight drafts we quote at premium Elr par and for currency ; Ba.ltunore par to per cent. premium. APHES—The mat ket is dull. Pots are altogether nom inal at 5Ac. Petris are selling at 5 , 4a05 1 4:. Soda 3!4@4c. Nitrate of Soda 0!". 2 " . . COElColltrutnd Lye 140. ' i 9, lb. APPLES... Thereare no recii.pis, and the supply ie quite short. The quotations are nominal at $3ap.1 7 6, bbl, its in quality. 9U r supply ill market, is moderate, but the de mmd is not large. Choice roll in so . llirmg at 11(ajlc., 76 th. BACON—The market continues deli, the large supply of country having a tendency to depress tho prices We (plots ..Liintry it tij.“o , 3 3 .Ajc. for Shoulders, 71;,:a117!..,',c. for Sides, and dassi,-42c. for Dams. City cure! sills 111 4111.1:1 lots at 7c. for shoulders, 9c. for Sides, and fur ILIUM. Sugar Cured Hams FAN t little &main], and prices have de. chued ; we have heard of a few small sales of prime small white at 75c. 'l3 bushel, though holders are asking $l. BKooslS—There in a good supply in market; sales of common are regularly made at i 1,25 and v hotter kinds $2 ; fancy luta committal $2,200r452,50 dozen. BUCKETS AND TUBS...The Beaver manufacturer& prices MO as fullows Buckets, common, f 1,60 an doz.; Buckets, throe hoops. $476 I..r.tra largo 'rube, three hoops, $7, 711 l doz.; do. do. twu hoops, $6,75 do ; No. 1 Tube, $6,00 d u , ; No. 2 do. $5,60 do.; No. 3 do. $4,76 11 0 .; N 4 do, $4,00 ; No. 2 Keelers, $2,76 do.; Half Boidiels, $4,76 du.. CORDAGE... Manilla Rope, coil 13 lb Manilla Rope, cut . 14 "t./lb Caned " " 14 V, Ib l White " " 167i1. lb H u mp " " 15 70 lbl Tarred " 16 lb Packing Yarn, 5ue......13 70 lb Packing Yarn, c0rn.....12 a lb BED CORDS— 'Manilla $1,87, $'2,61(65;3,75 56 dozen ; manilla, coil, 16c. 'p lb.; Hemp $1,57, V2,75,(05,.3,75V dozen ; Hemp, IS coil, 12c. lb. PLeuuu LlNES—Manilla 87c. zS dozen. Hemp 70c, par doz. COTTON COnnsar....Cotton Ropo a and upwards, 20; do below rpf i , 22; Bed Cord }72,503,62(d..4.75 V% dozen; Plow Mei $1,25; Sash Cords $6,60. • OANDLES...The following are now the current rates of city manufacturers: Moulds, 13c. V lb.; Dips, 12 , ,4c.; Star 204Z2c. lb. supply of new W. R. is unmoving, and sales are now making at S(8 1 ,::,c. IA lb. CRACKERS—The price e have undergone a further de cline. The quotations are now an follows : Water Crackers V lb 5c.; Butter do. tic.; Sugar 7,4 c.; Soda 6;4c.; Boston tic, pilot Bread V bbl. $4. DRIED FRUIT...There are n t many Apples offering; sales are now rowdily made at 51 23 1.1 bushel. Peaches con tinue soiree and firm at $3 6203 75 V busied. EGGS...The market Is not so well supplied, arid the price has consequently advanced, sides being made at 834@9c. dozen. I:WWI—Tim market continues dull and depressed, wish out any material change from last week's prices. Sales, from first hands, are made at $3,25(43,40 for superfine, and 4;3,75(43,90 fur extra. From store the ruling figures are 4.3,62 for superfine, $4,12 for extra, and $4,50 for extra fam ily. PHBD...Thero have been considerable sales at the mills and on arrival at from 40 to SUL.. 6l 100 lbs. for Bran to Mid dlings. FEATHERS...SaIes of prime Western ire made on arrival at 45c. V lb. in small lots, and from store at 61.1 c. Fllill...Mackerel No 3, large, ar , still firm at $12®12,50 bbl., and $8,25W,50 half bbl.; Halifax Herring s6® $6,25; White, common, $10011; Lake Superior $l2; Trout $9,50®10. Codfish 4%@5c. i lb. FIRE BILICII....BaIes are regularly made at $28©40 M. tll RMAN CLAY...The prices have materially advanced in consequence of the light supply in this and other mar kids ; sales were made lately at $45®50 "til ton, some having been sent eastward. GRAIN...Gats are In good supply, with a ready market; sales are readily mule on arrival a 27c. 00111 Is scarce, a nd i d wiling on arrival at 45 ii.47c. ty , ., row first hands, 48c. Harley umiinal at 45(4:500. AVbeal 70,4,5uc. Li a r. Penn sylvania, and 75(05c. Seuthern. GROCMRIES...Sugar is selling to the city trade at 7%© and to the country at Bc., it is lees firm. Molasses stead at Sac. to tli. country. Ootree, Riu,1.2@1234c., and Rice 5 1 4@tic. 61 lb. LARD...The market is quite dull, and the prices have declined; country is nominal at 10 ,Cfslo4, and city 11c. fur No.l. HAY—liogular salea from tub liCakS at from $9 to $l5 t 1 ton. HOKINV...A. few saleB have beeu made at "0 bbl. RIDES—The market is firmer, Dry Fliut we quote at 1010170110 k Green are steady at uo, au d Green Salted at IRON AND NAILS—The quotations of manufactured Iron aro as follows :—Common Bar 2% to 2%c. V Ht. Nal23 aro Boning at $3@3,25 for 10d. to 40d., according to quality ; the terms aro six months' credit, or 6 V cent. discount for cash. LEATHER...The market is improving with an advtuaoe in prices to the following quotations : Rod Spanish Sole fil tb 22&28c. e Slaughter 26@280. Skirting.... . ...... .. 28fg80c. Harness ..... ....... - 24@260. Upper 7, , d,rl , ~ $80@39 $38@12 LUMBER, Seasmied...Tho following are the quotations of seasoned lumber, from the yards in the city:— Common 1 inch Boards,l3 1000 feet. $l6 00 Clear do 82 00 Flooring dressed do .. Shingles, ll 1000 8 50 Lath, 2 25 Oak flooring, dressed, 1 inch-111000 feet ... 80 00 ,to do 11,4 do . 82 00 _ • • LUMBER, Gre.en...The market Is unchanged; sales are making at the river at $lO per thousand feet for amanou and $2O for clear. Shingles, $2,50 ip thousand. m p.SA PORB—Sales of country have been made during the week at $l7 "0 Dbl. and of city at $18; some retail rialto of tun lacier have been made at $18,50®5.1.9. METALS... Pig Lead has IT' dined to 6, and Bar to ear(a)7; Sheet Copper 85036 e; Sheet Brass 82c tb. OlL...Lard oil No. lis stead, at 85c. Linseed Is firm at au advance; It is now held at '7oc. 8.11419 of Allegheny No. 1 have ie evtly been made at s2l@)s2s ton, 6 months. PIYTATOES...The market is now well supplied and dull; sake on arrival have been made at 26c. for reds, 30c for mixed and 36c. for Neshannocks. From store the prices are 30c. for reds, 35c, for mixed and 40c. for Neehannocks. POWDER...There has been a decline in the prices f 76c. on former quotations of Blasting and $1 on Rifle; tba qao tatious now aro for Blasting $4,25 "0 keg; Rifle $6. BAND STONE...Regular sales of Rnutingdon county, at $9 Vl ton. SALT—The manufacturer. have recently reduced their prices. Allegheny No. 1 and extra may now be quoted at $1.@1.1.5 bbl. SEEDS...The season for Clover and Timothy is now over, and there is nothing doing. FiLadoed is in good demand $1.12@1,15 7z.1. bush. SOAPS...Tho following are the manufacturer's prices b , No.l Patin EiA; Chemical 5%; Caiitileand Toilet 10e. lb. SELK.KT NOS, Y. 4 NS, he_ Thn pricve have declined, and I,llot:ring tut, ziuw the rutud: Eagle kil.ntitigi 8%40. ff ttrd , NiatgaratilA No 5 10 i❑ cluAlvo. 1b... 22 4 . Nos. 11 and 12... 43 (E 6 13 . 24 (a) . Nu. 14 *25 Nu 15 26 © DuY.F. No. 41.. t, , 9 ••• No 500, t , .6, 11. No. 600 10 ( . 0 Nu. 700 No '..00 S No. WO No 1000 8 Coverlet Yarn 29 (0) _ _ TALLW...The pricx;S have advanced; we quote rough at 7 %c.0 lb, and rendered at 10%c. WHITE LEAD, LYTHARGE, Scc—White Lead is firm and in steq.dy demand at $2,50 '0 keg for pure oil, and dry Gc 70 lb, subject to the usual discount. Red Lead 93.6('g90, net and Lytluirge 8%. IirINDOW CLASS—The prioea for city brand& have ed• vanced, and we correct our quotations as follows :-4.t8 and 7x9, box of 50 feet, $1,80; Bxlo, $2,15; 8.T.1.1, 9xll, 5x12, and 10xl2. $2,40; Bxll, 9r13 and 9114, $2,65; 10x15 and lurlti, $2,75; 10 ? cent discount off. Country brands tOc. lower. WHISK Y...'rbe market Is steady and not vory active; raw is sailing at 17%418c.; rectified at 20g.21c. 0 gallon. The markets during the week were rather dull, the de mand being ..ntfruly local, and the prices a shade lower. The offerings at both yards amounted to 403 Beeves, 1081 3heep, 179 Lambs, 1160 Hogs, and 60 Yeah/. The following are the details : 10. offered 19 J. Reed . 42 Gray & Corwin 21 Thomas Alexander 15 John Kei•win 25 A. M. Clarke & Bled 18 E. Clang 17 T. D. Titbits 55 J. Myers & Bre 20 D. Crabb 41 Marks & Cu 7 A. Robinson 9 Paxton & Wilson__ 18 P. Stunk 8......J05eph Allen 15 J. Zeigler 8 J. Wilson 40 James Bullock 16 James Morgan 10 Transient dealers—. 403 offered The offerings at both yards amounted to 1061 Sheep and 179 Lambs, of which were sold 611 Sheep and 179 Lambe. The cnices obtained fur Sheep at Allauder'e were from $2 to $3 head, and at Veach'e $2,90 "til head The Lambs brought from $1,60 to $,2 head, as in quality. .2ciu head otivn.,d; 90 Bold, the balance sent east. The prices ebtalned were g 4 (a}4 gross. .A.l.elut Go head %ere offend at the yards and railroad platforms, all of which were sold at from $3 to $5l head. About 26 head were shipped east from the William Peo❑ Yards, (IlletMer's.) Yoax, June 3.—Cotton unsettled; 1200 bales sold, the quotation, nominal. Flour firm; 15,000 bbls 'old. Wheat ~noyant; 100,000 bus sold; Milwaukee Club 1381:484; Western trod 976341. Coru firm; 42,000 bush sold; mixed 59C442; White 92@c75; yellow unchanged. Pork heavy at sl.4@ 14,25. Bacon steAdy at B@B% Sugar steady; Muscovado 5;,5@5%". Freights cm Cotton to Liverpool Srlfid; on Grain co Liverpool 7@B. NEW Yons, Juno 3.—Stoclis higher. Chicago and Rock Island 75; Illinois bonds 87.", i; Michigan Southern 93; New York Ceutal 76%; Reading .1-1 .2 '; Virginia 6'e 9a; Ishuari 6's 84 1 /,'; Galena and Chicago 88%; Erie all; Cleve ;and and Toledo 3616 . ; La Crosse land grants 3314 CINCiNNAU, June 3.—Flour, 1000 bbls sold at $3,70@54 ;he market is unchanged. Whisk v has advanced to 18c, with sales cr 900 bbls, and an active demand. Provisions dull and lower. Bacon tildes 814. Mess Pork $lO. Bulk 3ides nominal at 7%. Money is ealy at 7@lo. Exchange to unaltered and is dull at 5 , 6 premium for eastern. W. W. MAIlt, DAVID CAMPBELL Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 42,1 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, attention to UNDERTAKING. Hearties and Carriages furnished. Pittsburgh Water Cure Establishment. 1 41 08 THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF "teases, located at EIAYSVILLE STATION, on the Pittsburgh, Furt Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ten miles West of the city. For the healthful exercise and amusement ,f patients, and others friendly to the syetem, who may wish to spend some time with us, we have lately erected One GYMNASIUM. and BOWLING ALLRY. Address Box 1304, Pittsburgh, Pa. EL CHILD S & C 0054 AVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR Urge SPRING STOOK OP BOOTS AND SHOES, c insisting of a great variety of seasonable and fashionable geode adapted to spring and summer sales. Having been purchased for cash, at reduced prices, they feel warranted in saying that they can supply Western merchants, by the package or dozen, at as low prf cos as the 8111:118 quality of goods can be purchased in the Eastern cities. Particular attention given to orders. WO" Also, a good supply of New York and Spanish Sole Leather. INTENDS FORMING A CLASS OF YOUNG LADIRS, su.lt 17 • . lh J. TARN Curp,t , :teu.as.col. 28 (ci) " white2Bto3s 21 26t4,44 lArluo 24 flatting, No. 1.... 17 (g) No. 2 ... 16 @ Family Ratting— 18 @ eraabing 10 @ L ISCCI/1 N Y CATTLE ittikßiuvr. ALLIGHENT CITY, Jane 3, 1858 B 'E.bVES Offered by SHEEP AND LAMBS HORSES New York Stock !Market Cincinnati DlA:frit:tot JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF PITTSBURGH[, PA 1,;,•-• in addition to the Furn'turo buninese, I also devote J. LIIIRFORD M D., taylo:3:ndaw-1.41 PIIDASK, M. D. Phyeiclans Juk, 11 1 .41 . . „ 'fie feti7 ig .." 1 . I'il liii % IA a ILL I IE4 I•ii ', 1 g 1,7 11 1 L p 4, 4 :4 , 7111 ,,,, , 4 , 7,1,- , ---:.-4 ~- u----- iy' -- ',4 NO. 133 WOOS STRISIET, PITTSBURGH, PA., FRENCH CLASS. MISS BLAKELY Wialtingto receive instructions in the 'ranch Ms 2% 33. gia. es.. Apply et No. 163 Third street. mylo:tf A GOOD CHANCE TO SECURE A HOME al . THE WEST. Several tracts of GOOD FARMING LAND, In Illinois and lowa. Also, some CITY LOTS in Chicago, and other west ern cities, will be exchanged for improved property in Pittsburgh or the surrounding towns, or for a good lot o Furniture or Carriages. Apply soon, by addressing J. C. S., Pittsburgh P. O. my2o2w-is M AIRBLE 1 MARBLE!! JOMJ e - 10 1 0 ..ffge HAS A lITIAIIT/FUL saronoN OP MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures, Posts, Sic., &e. The public are respectfully invited to examine our stock. Primo low, end work warrant ed. 1/10-44 gla WIWI MIMI% CuMPLYING WITH THE URGENT REQUEST r. F HUN DRIIDS OF THEIR PATIENTS, DR& C. Al. FITC.EI AND J. W. SYKES PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURG , and may be coneulted at their office, No. till Penn ztreet, t.LAIR Daily, except buudaye, for BRUNURITIB and ALL 4 ME I: A itON CO VPLANTB, complicated with, ur camilug pulmonary diteile, Catarrh, Heart Dmease, Affections of th,, of Ctitefamtiou ie LAlStlti upon the fact that the disease exists in 0 • tiltApi and system t , uth b• . lure and dorini its dreozopment to the lungs, and they therefore employ tttwhau- Icitl, Hy giuuic and Medical retnediev to !nutty the Iduud and etreugtheu the system. With these, they uco ALI N. EIALATIONB, which they value highly, hut only e ; Pallia tives, (having no Curative effects when used alone„) and I r, su lids arc earnestly cautioned against wasting the time of curability on any treatment based upon the ;dined ble, but tutee idea that the . 663 t of the disease can be r, oohed lu a direct manner by Inhalation," for, a before tented, the teat of the disease is in the blood and its effects Lrray al the lunge. Akir - No charge for consultative. A list of quirstloas will be sent to those wishing to as by letter. my'29;dAw YuIING MEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.—The Library of thiri ingtitution having been t.-iiiadtlifieti, the Librarian will be prepared on and after THURSDAY, the 10th 'fiat ,to furnish books to members. By order. myl 8 LIBRARY COM t' NIONONIidiIIiLLA SAVING FUND COMPANY.— NOTICE—The Stuck r , abscription Books of the 1 ustitutiou, will remain open for a short Lime at th , office, No 69 iiraut street. Auy pt.CBOl3 cAlling on 0.1 Seci•rtarl' i will Li furnished with a copy of Charcor by-i incouut dap, every Muuday, uctua Lutist te4 ott, , re.l before 3 o'clock, p m. , same day CORONER.—The undersigned otfers himself ll candidate before the next Democratic OOLlVbEltiou for the office of Coroner, and asks the support of tha De mocracy [jell LEbTOT RED. OFFICE MONONGAHELA INSURANCE CO., Pittsburgh, May 21,-1858. DIVIDEND. TEE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS of tho Men ongahela Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh, have thin day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS PER SHAER, to be app led to the reduction of the Stoic Notes. tuyiaidw HENRY M. ATWOOD, &oratory. OFFICE OF PENN'A INSURANCE CO., 011 PITTSBURG , I, May 18th, 1858. 1:&a THE DIIiECTuRS OF THIS COMPANY HAVE this day declared a dividend of FIFTEEN PER CENT. on the Capital Stock paid in, out of the profits of the last six months. FIVE PER CENT. payable in cash, and TEN PER CENT. to be applied as a credit on the notes of StockhOlders. I. GRIER. SPROUL, ruy2l:lln , -Secretary. TILE VERY THING VOR TUiLPID lAVRIL.—EaEnnoI B. Roblßon, sap,:— Having sold Hooßaud's German Bitters for two years past; In this community, and having witnessed their offecta upon weak and debilitated constitutions, and them much troubled with " tot bid Liver," I have no hesitancy in Baying they are the thing each people should use. See advertisement. No. sold, )9 $4 42 $4,60 21 $4,37% 15 $3,50@54 25 $2,75 ©3,50 18 $3,5':@3,873! 17 $3,60@54 56 $3,60(44,26 20 $3,60@54 41 $3,514)4,25 7 $4,50(43,75 9 $4(g).4,60 18 $4,25 tl $3,60@3,75 18 $4,37@4,60 8 $3,60(454 . 40 $3,75 aver. 16 $4,50 1 u $3,60(44,50 :Put' sale by FLEII:Jt4 MUM,. kud ;Jr. li. kti7ytt4g, Pittsburgh any73ardmr. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY. Al SO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield Rod 11 , `ront Streets, apllj PITTSDURGII, PA. tkgy.,Bagn bought at market prices. tuyB REMOVAL. OHN MOORHEAD has removed to N. 74 - Wia: or btru.n, b..ilevz Market mr22•dly—!n N 1 HOE W.iil 21 0. . 4.61 L' il[ gl p.. 1 4 C SPECIAL NOTICES. PERMANENT OFFICE,. Have concluded to remain Dyspepsia, Ga.atilia, Female Complaint,, tt sitz , Uai .t BYI F 8 %you' stato that tile, t. t-atiLvut BOARD: WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Pretudent DiltteTußs: J. It 1. 1 ; Joshua iihodes Jaults my27:ltu hihrarannsuono, Tenn., April 9, 1856 BCI&NESS CARDS. J. &'l'. GROUTT, I=9 S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTINO, JOB, AND ALL RINDS OF VYBAPPING 1 ::111 FL Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. JOHN ISIOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, I=l PIO METAL AND BLOOMS, No 74 WATER STREET, EiEI2 I W MARKEL writ) PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. SAAO JONES JNO. L. BOYD WM. McOULLOUGH JONES., BOYD & CO. MiECUrAOVOIIIIB 03 '43 FED. A LBO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross nod First Streets, iYah PITTSBURGH, PA MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER __OF American, Plain & Corrngatefl, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, Nor Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, Etc. AGENTS FOR WOOLS PATENT SHEET IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 136 First street, mr26: y is PITTSBURGH, PA. b&LC JONID D. L. Avant D. ROGERS CO., IANUITACTIIEHREI Oa' ROGERfP IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEE,TII, CORNED RoBB AND FIUIT EITREIITS, PITTSBURGU. WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AQUOR MERCHAsNTS, NO. 87 DLA3IOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, Alta?- Atwayu on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Palladian, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the ed beet (malty. dele7delt JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Conimission Merchant YOR 11H 8&1-1/ 01 tour, (}rain, Bacon, Lank }Suitor, Seeds, Dried Prui and Produce generally, Corner of Market and First streets. PITTSBU tIGH, PA. RIIIII To—Francis G. Bailuy, William Dilworth, lir, . Cuthbert A Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Heiskell weariugen, 8. Brady, Cash. M. & M. Bank. List & Howell, Mangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Donlo Paxton & Co. Wheeling. mylita./ptf China, Glass, and Queensware. SPRING STOOK JUST OPENED, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF XX 3E2 ZIT 3EL -sr ME X 41:5:- 33 "Er , 1.22 Wood street, Pittabuxgb, Pa. vv -Ho IS NOW RECEIVINii FROM Europe and Eastern Cities, a choice assortment of articles in his line, comprising new and tasteful shapes of Pearl White Stone Tea. Dining and Toilet Ware, and the BMW> in Plain, Gold, Lustre Band and Flowers; Fine White. Vitrified Iron Stone Table Ware, known to be the most due able now in use for Hotels and Steamboats, French China of new styles, in Pure White and Gold Band, either in sets or single pieces, Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sets; Brit. tennis and Plated Castors, German Silver Tea Table Spoons, Soup ladles, etc., plated with silver; fine Ivory Handled Carving, Tea and Table Knives and Fors.% Tea Walters and Trap; Shaker and Sea•grass Table Mat% Japaned and Deo. orated Tin Toilet Bet. Also, a o)mplete and fall assortment of all articles suits ble for the 09IINTRY RETAIL 'MADE, at prices to please the public, who are respectfully invited to examine this stock_ mr27:3mdrw TCE CREAM! ICE CREAMII - The undersigned having Just fitted up his ICE CREAM SALOON in a very tasteful and comfortable style, would re spectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he furnishes them a delicious ICE CEEASI of different fla vors. Soda Water, Fresh Cakcs, Gum Drops, Bruits, etc., at all times on hand, at the Confectionary of FRED. A. hUEBSOH, St. Clair street, opposite St. Clair Hotel. Particular attention paid to orders for Plc-Nice and Pardue. Summer Lager Beer. ripLIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO 11, inform his friendstit s the public in general, that he IS in the daily receipt of delicious Beer, from the well known Brewery of J. N. Straub, Allegheny City, it having been pronounced to be the beat that was manufactured here for many years, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and PURE. Give me a call and try it. JOHN ROTH, ap2Alf At his old stand, Yo. 26 Diamond fiTIESTEAK ,Borders and circles for Tes t" be eals ay ANSI] W. P. MARWIAL.I. A 00. A. M. Pollock, Philip &valor, A. 6. Mclichtuu. '8 S. NOON, Secretary and Tr.uplurer PITTSBURGH, PA MCJC:PINTC:O3I4I.7ir ISE4 INDEsTRUCTIBL',:, a. USSEL 1 4 'S PAT EE N `IP CONSIbTIING OF CARIVA.s .:i,.ll.TUßAl'lriEllb WATER REsINOUS SUBSTANCE ETC, I[ l llE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Ji . Roofs, with Russell's Mastic. This composition is adapted for all kiwis of floors, Rat or steep; it can also be applied oe Tin. Iron, ur 0d 4 incise, making a perfect Job. This composition is not affected by atmospheric chati,tes; it will to ither crack nor run ;‘it is impervious to water ; FIRE PR 101? and more durable than any other kind of '' of lug. This roofing material used in vas quantities throughout the United States, on Rouses, Bridges, Rolling Mills, i t Railroad Cars, and steamhoe giving with' satisfaction, and is Ca, umiderod a perfect protection from the elements. Although this roofing was only introduced here in 1866, it can he seen on many of the buildings iu the city. Ale:, 01l must of the Railroads. I her, refer to a few places where this Roofing is in use, and can tee semi--Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad ; at Belle Air; Bridgeport; Martinsville; Portland; Lagrange; StenbenviLe; McCoy's; Wellsville; Liverpool and Rochester Sta Lions, and the Manchester Depot; Pennsylvania Central Railroad ; Spruce Creek Astoria Station, Mill at Tipton and Par sonage et Altoona; Allegheny City, Westminster College, and many °the. P.oildinve; Pitaitairgh, J.iMcCully's h care hoes, rteu. rrimble's Hotel; also, numerous others in this city. All orders left at No. 247 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where sC6inplc.B of the :no terial can be teen,) will receive prompt attention, hy apt W. F. FAENESTOCK, Agent. . . . A JCTION SALES. LARGE SALE OF ()LASS AND QUEENS WARE.—Ou FRIDAY MORNING, June 4th, at 1U o'clock, will be sold lu the basement of the Cutnmerciel sides Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street. a large And complete as surtwent of lirst quality White Ili sun Wares, comprising t'eas, with and withetit handles; Coffees, with end wi•liout handles, Clap, Brealifsst, Dinner and Soup Ptat,ss nom 3 to In inches; Dishes from 7 to 25 inches; Tiqs fouls, bugars, Creams, howls, Pitchers, Covered Dishes, Turrets, Bakers, and Bantus, Brush and Soap Trays., Toy CULOI, Castor Sept, Decanter., and 20 boxes Tumblers. The above is all desirable stock, to Allie-1 the attention of the trade is re spssonfully invited. P. M. DAVIS, i i i uctioneer. MANTILLAS, SILK DRESS GOODS, BUNaISTt, STRAW RAT At: ,AT AUCTION— On FIb:DAY MORNING, June 4th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at the Commercial Sales Rooms, NU. 54 Fifth street, to close consignment, superior Silk Mantillas of the 'atest Sl)11,1, Silk Dress Patterns, DUC.II9, Poplins, Grenadines, Hosiery, fashionable trimm,il I.l.innets, and Men and Chß. dren's Straw Llats. Will be added to the sal:. 2.060 ) inlet of il,iirable Prluta 50 duzen inau's Cotton 'out:s 8. jet P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. LARNE SALE OF PROPERTY IN AL LIWEIENY CITY, on the West Common and Ridge urea, on TUESDAY EVENING, June sth, at 8 o'clock, in second story Sales Room of the new auction house, No. 54 Piftn street, will be slid, that very valuable and beautifully located Real Estate of John Irwin, Esq , well known as the "Rope Walk" property, situated on the West Common, First Ward, Allegheny City, which has been sub-divided into lots of large size, the better to accommodate those desiring to erect fine residence and and a range of smaller tots adapt ed for comfortable homesteads, viz : Six lots fronting on the West Common or Irwin avenue, between Ridge street and Water lane, each 25 feat front, ex. tending back 198 to a 20 feet alley. Nine lots fronting on Ridge and Central streets, (each of which is 60 feet wide,) said iota being about 60 feet front by 285 feet in depth. Eleven lots, each 30 feet front, and one lot about 80 feet front, on Central street, each extending bark two hundred and sixty feet to a forty feet street un the line QI the prop erty of Richard Bowen, Esq. Forty•tbree lots, each 26 feet front on Central street, extending back toward Water lane 140 feet, to a twenty feet alley. For the satisfaction of purchasers, the lots have been staked off and numbered; of which, plans Ca CI be had at the auction store, and the premises shown on application. Terms at sale. (my 27) P. M. DAVIS, Anct'r. I'ILOSING OUT. PC°ITIVELV TIIR LAST WEEK Of the great Auction Sa.e of Gold and Silver We•ches, and beautiful gold Jewelry, at M'Cartney's Auction House, No lto Wood street. We have yet left unsold a large end desirable lot of Jewelry, &c., in great variety, all of which must be sold. Grinds may be had daring each day, whole sale and retail, at very law prices, and all shall prove as re tKesented and satisfactory, or money refunded. Among this stock may be found ono Magic Watch, valued at $2OO . • about one dozen Fine Patent and Detached Levers in Gold Hunting Case.w, and a tine lot of Silver Watches of various kieda. Also, Gold Guard and Vest Chains, Gold and Silver Pencils and Pens; Cameo, Geld-stone, Mosaic, Florentine, Lava and a great variety other kinds of Breast Pius and Ear-Drops; Gold and Silver Thimbles, Bracelets, Sleeve But tons, Finger Rings, Lockets, Neck• Chains and Crosses; be sides many articles in the line not here mentioned. Re member that Saturday evening will most positively be Ili, last of the auction Bale. But if there should be any goods to ft after that, they will be closed out at private sale, as we are determined to dispose of the entire lot. Now, for bar gains I The Show Cases in which our Jewelry is exhibited are for sale; also, three or four Jewelers' Trunk and Sam ple Boxes. Sales commence each evening, at 8 o'clock. SPLENDID CHANCE TO SECURE A HOME NEAR THE CITY. I='' ICJ Mil i_si I4D IE3 AL .ILa 30 OF FIFTY BUILDING LOTS. IN THE TOWN OF ETNA, NEAR SEARPSBURG, ONLY THREE MILES FROM THE CITY, On Saturday Jane sth, ISSS, 'rho undersigned will sell upon the premises, at thu North end of the Sharpsburgh B•idge, in the Borough of Etna, adjoining Shur; sburg, FIFTY BUILDING LOTS Beautifully situated on the bank of the Allegheny river. The property is known as WALLACE'S EXTENSION OP Errs: A, and is in all respects as suitable and desirable for building purposes as can be had around the city. It is easy 01 access by means of the Lawrenceville and Sharpsburg Line of Omnibuses, which leave the city every hour, and is surrounded by a brisk and thriving community. The Lots are 25 by 100 feet, requires no grading, and the materials for building are more readily obtainable than iu the city. The Lawrenceville and Sharpsbnrg Plank Road rune di re tly wti property, which is also easily accessible by the Butler Pla,..k hoed and the canal from Duquesne Borough and Allegheny City. The Allegheny Valley Railroad has a Station at the end of the Bridge, where the trains stop twice a day Thu property will be sold in fee sample, and the ti tle is unexceptionable The location Is well adapted either fur residences or menu tadaring purposes. Plans orthe Lots may be seen at the office of the under signed, where persons who may wish to select and purchase at private sale will be accommodated. The Public Salo will take place on SATURDAY, June sth, u the premises. Terms easy, and will be made known at ho sale. JAMES 0. 13.10 HEY, 111717:t31 Real Retato Agent, No. 65 Fifth street HARDWARE- L . AMIIEL FAIINESTOOK, No. 74 WOOD k, street, Pittsburgh, has ou hand a large STOOK OF HARDWARE, lihich he will sell very low for CASH. In addition to hit L,ckei, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large 1- , sortment of C:arpenter's Tools, he has received a large se p j of Saanige Cutters and Stuffere ; Shovels, Tongues and iokers; Sleigh Bella, and lilnameled ,V 2.0 Preserving Kettles. Light Cream ale. amiE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY announce to their customers and the public, that ow ing to the price of Harley and Hops, and to suit the times, they are brewing a light and delicious fiavorld ()REAM A.f.E. which they are selling at $4 "ft barrel, and have KEGS OP TEN GALLONS each, to accommodate private families. They have also, X ALE, at $1.1; XX at $7, and superior ENNET at $8 1 p LW., and smaller casks in proportion. Also, excellent PORTER AND BROWN STOUT. 4qir- Orders sent to their Brewery on PITT STREET, will r C 'IVO prompt attention. nrlo:Rm O KO. W. SMITH A 00. GO AND SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind FActory., iiORNER THIRD AND MARKET STS., PITTSBURGH. riIIIOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR A, House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give we a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is gi7eu to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work ta,ranted. No. 72 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. I myS:lyis DAVID H. WILLIAMS, 4 lIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR FOR THE ERECTION OF GAB WORKS, for trom five omen and upwards, and for Heating Buildings, pnblio or pr..i.te, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. mtra:lrts PITTSBURGH, PA SAMUEL GRAY, ERCHANT TAIL R, No. 52 St. Clair Street, 4trsir Is prepared to furnish his customers and buyers gen• erally, with the latest and most fashionable styles of Spring tied summer Goods of every variety, which he will make up to order to the entire satisfaction of those who may favor him with their patronage, myl7:lm CARTWIUGHT & YOUNG, (successors to John Caretoright,) mANUFA.CTURERS AND IMPORTERS of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burgled and en 1 Den tal instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. S Wood street. They give special attention the manulactur• ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and liainiring ith punctuality and despatch. aplT CIIESTER'S BOYS' STYLES, Chester's Boys' Styles, Chester's Soya' Styles, Chester's Boys' Style; Chester's Boys' Style; Chester's Boys' Styles, Chester's Boys' Styles, GOTHIC HALL, b e had onlyChaetster's Boys' Styles, Are to my 2.9 Corner Wood street and Diamond alley Xl5 LT ANY HOER OF THE DAY AND EVENING, AT THE SHOOTING GALLERY, No. 188 Wood street, BOWN & TETLEY CHEAP FOR CABII, No. 98 Market street, second door from Fifth GIVN 118 A CALL ply LASS.-500 boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and 10x12, _T for tale by (K(1 HENRY H. HOLUM. BUTTER. -3 bbls. fresh roll, for sale by mai HENRY H. COLLIES. riOTTON TRIMMINGS.—Cotton Fringes NJ and Braids for trimming Basques and Old Wren's Oisthhig--all widths reosived, at JOB. HOME'S, siiSa TT BLiels4 stmt. J0813.1.1A GRAY, dalewmau W. G. M'OARTNEY, Auc't. PITTSBURGH, PENN 'A., S HOE S, A.? JOS. U. 110B,LAND'S, ROOF I IN G . MASTIC i es a e dYi I', I, i ; t"). THE GREATEST ICAL :..•,\.\\ DISCO yy OF THE AGE. R. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has disc ,V orod iv 01.. of QUI COLII4IO/1 panturt3 ic(,:cis a r ell that rm..« Svery kind of Humor, FROAI THY WoRST SCROFULA DOWN TO A alfd-111, _ . He hak, tried It In y.. , r elcvt, , ! revel?, and nt- , cd 'Out,: 111 r-C C. 11.41, ( 11011, 01111010 r hotpot. I 110 t, now in hia v.tnehaiun uv..r Inlutirt.4l , ortitioato, value, all 'within twenty run," ..t lieatcu. Two hottli , B are wßrrwited to Corn n Loraing Ono to tt..t . . bottle 4 mill c urd 1110 u ,, rut kind ur Phut • on the Two or throe bottled will clear the iiyetuto of Wee. Two bottle, an wrirraototi to cure the won't cooker lu mouth or stomach. Three to dvu botth, ere werrented to rare the woretkl...l of Erydpelos. J - e rq tw., bz,ttle, Ore vicu - rmutetl to cure ell humor 'Lithe eyre. Two bottles are warranted to care rnantag of the earl" ao blotchom among the hair. four to sit bottlo Ale vartanteti w VIII', corrupt and running uleara. One bottle will cure scaly eruption of thank:a. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst klao of ringworm. Two or three bottles are Ivarranted to care the moat (1,, perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt-Ahem', love to eight bottles will cure the worst casa of ecrofule. -- - • A. benefit is alwaye i-xperienced from the first bottle, ens e perfect cure Is warranted when the above quantity ii taken ROXBURY, MABS Dun Hants,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery In curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I vend not say anything on the subject, as the most skilful phytd clam and the most careful Druggists in the country are an animons in its praise In presenting the Medical Discovery to yunr notice, 1 dc it with a fall knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing molt of those dilleag BR In which you are no fortunately to liable. That most excluciatiug disoosa to s, affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, is cm ed ua If by a ruirhel,. sour owe temper ii restored II its natural E0....,etu0e, b. 0., mon Rltcrt mad fretful asps to CAir- . , and t ..•r4 • iirpf the Medic Al D,acove ry bo.oomeo fan . cm , nczn.a.) eed Lonseho!d Ili ut t; AN tE ft It t • =11:111E9 Y 8 t' A, whim!' nothlug Fait cooler tt,o atom ; thou !o the lutestfuos and tiIDNE 6, creating o bluktug, and hIl th. , 11M31 , 11,1, o eo itt th, carob of your family. Your stomach Is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distroi.-e you, and .00 Can only take certain kinds. and ev...n of that your system dire not got half thi , no u rialitueut it Gun talus W, the ecriinunoula fluid of th e eats it up; thon your complexion loire its Mono and be. (*Hied sallow or greenlan, and yogi' best day Is guno. Fur want of nouriehment your system beomucei lame and flabby and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a UAW of kiGearatie widen the Medical l)lccovery Is poonliar4 adapted to CURE Palpitation of the neart • p..in In the aide, weakliest of a)? spine and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregularity of the tyaiels, and sly,, th a t most u xu r c. ciatlng of dig... 5010., the PILES ;low many tlean.autis of poor women rse snuering from this disease and pining away a in:mumble lily and their oar t door neighbor does not know Om cause. 1 wish to impress ue your mind that good old proverb, An ounce of proven is better than a pound of core." In the bIEDICAL DISCOVERY yud have both the preventative e. 141 the cure, with this grea and good gar-My, th.t it will eove Illide/ asy dreams tanote do you any injury. N o change of diet ever oet.e.i...,ry--mr the ti,st you can k,l and enough of it. DIELSOTIONS rof. CJ:—ddcdtA o”, ULIe SLuourul per day— Obildren over ton yeaes -1111iiren trona fi v • to eight years, tea epoonfol Ltireotlona can he appll imblesto all conetitutiona, take antThi.mt to operate on th• tWico a day• Yl/lii, VONA LD FLIONNKLY Prica $l,OO p,, sale by D:. GRO. LI. 11.1SY8Ett, 140 Wool s Plasburgh, ;•.. A BEAUTIFUL HEAD Vial GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO THE GUEATF.ST AGE. And who that ia gray would uut have it restored to It. former color, or bald, but would have the growth restored, or troubled with dandruff and itching but would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scald head or other eruotioos, but would be cured, or with sick headache. (neuralgia,) but would be cured. ft will also remove all pimples from the face and skin. Prof. Wood's Hair Resto rative will do all this, s •e circular and the following: ANN ARDOR, November 5, 1855. Pe P. O. J. 110rel—Dear Sir :—I have hoard much said of the wonderful effects of your flair Restorative, but having been so often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, &c., I was disposed to place your Restorative in the same category with the thousand and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some month. since, when you gave me such assurance as Induced the trial of your Restorative in my family—first by my good wife, whose hair had become very thin and eu tidy white, and before exhausting one of your large' bot tles, her hair was restored nearly to its origival beautiful brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upou, and entirely over the head; she continues to use it, not simply because of its be,utifying effects upon the hair, but because of its healthful influence upon the bead and mind. Others of my family and friends ar,3 using your Restorative, with the happiest etiecte ; therefore, my skepticism and doubts in reference to its character and value are entirely removed; and I can and do most cor dially and confidentially recommend Ito use by all who would have their hair restored trom w i.e or gray (hy re.a. aeu of sickness or ago,) to origival color and beauty, cud by all young persons woo would have their hair beautifel and glossy. Very truly and gratefully yours, SOLOMON MANN. FAUNA %ICrUD: It wan a long time after 1 saw you at Blissfleld before 1 got the bottle of Restorative for which you gave me an order upon your agent in Detroit, snd when I got it we concluded to try it on Mrs. Mann's hair, as the surest teat of Its power. It has done all that you assured me it would do; and others of my family and friends, having witnessed its effects, are now using and recommend• lug its 1160 to others as entitled to the highest consideration you claim for it. Again, very respectfully and truly, yours, SOLOMON MANN. I Lav, used Prot. J.J. Wood's Hair Restorative, and have admired Its wonderful effects. My hair was becoming, as I thought, promattir.dy gray, but by the use of hia Restora tive it has renamed it, original color, and, I have no doubt, permanently so. B. BR %SSD, ex Senator, U. S. 0 J. WOOD A CO., Proprietors, 312 Broadway, N. Y., (In the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment) And 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by DR. GEO. H. KEYSER., No. 140 Wood et., Jea:3mdaw And sold by all good Druggists. J AMES C. CUTLER, ON CINCINN ATI, Says he had to gait business for eight years from Astbuin . . Several Physicians gave him up — he used Ayer's Pectoral and other Cough Syrups, but still grow worse. BOWMAN'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, Completely cared him of every eetubl anon of his old disorder PREPARED BY BOWMAN & CO., ALLEGHENY, PA For sale by J. P. WLEMINO, Allegheny City, And Druggists generally. ray2Endirw ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, P. SHILDECKER, No. 212 i Diamond Alley, between Wood St. and the Diamond, HAS OPENED HIS ICE CREAM SA LOONS for the 138/IEOII, and is prepared to supply all who may call, with PURE ICE CREAM, of all flavors. He also to constantly supplied with CAKES OB ALL KLND`,3 and Confectionary of his (,wu manufacture, made from the beat materials. FAMTivRB AND PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ice Creams, and Confectionary of all descriptions. Saloon open at all hums—Day and Ruining. [raylfiam DOINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSIIA A GUTENDORP litive,lnet fitted up in complete order, new machinery of the latest improvement, for the manufacture of Boxes of every description. We on prepared to make to order at abort no. lice, Boxes suitable far Soap and Candles, Packing Boxes for Hardware, Variety Goods, Looking Glue and Picture pre mes eta Orden promptly filled. mvtilfrt COVERED CANE HOOP.—An excellent article for Ladles' iildrta. A large lot open at 14323. MAUS% IT Mattes el. Chill-IL/I, 111., Juno 28,1852 GEO. H. &BYBEE, Pittsburgh, AMUSEMENTS. FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. Sole Lazaeo and Manager.. Acting and Stage Manager Treaeurer 130 AI IC OP PIIIO/8. to hold six persona Diesii Circle s ite...soc. Upper Tier. ..... .......»...96C. 7 1 „ , .. o'clock. Curtain to rise at si, tcr 8. FRWAY e..• .kaLhe ad, 1858 5 will be performed uow comic cutaltql THE MORMONS; OR, SALT LAKE LIFE. teddy o'6in lIIHG ..... ...Mr W. J. Florence. Pend, p•i At, u, a Yauk•ui &Jai Vrow Duudermiirit 7,11, Mrs. O'Gortuou 131te W J, Florence. No. OS Also, will Lu performed. the i - elebrated protuna fume of THE 1-011:e6 ACTRE,S Maria Crussbeck. ...... ..... Paul Bertha E 1 Weatherbliouiunis Mrs W J. Florence. l'ar tiny Gray ........... ...... Jurusho Joyful .... Mr M. J. Florence The perfunuauci• gill rummer/co ith the comedy of TilE I ftlsll LION, Tom Moore PITTSBURG H THEATRE. K IMBERLY Benefit of BILLY StORRTS, allm PETER GRAY TLIIS FRIDAY EVENING, June 4th. and positively the last uight but ne. Every per.eu w i,tl faveri the MOCKING BIRD with a ca I will b , •I with tb uordi of PETER GRAY, as rung by him. The very legit 101 l i f •• the New York Levi- ger e, y n " IIIh;LE,Q SJAKER I I . I.LFISQUE CIRCUS. curd ,+y ~% , a.t ut ch trcupa, and I.Ik.NRFIT I DICK S • I I, It 1 tick at b L I th, IA) u ).l• ...Ittirtp, for iecuto.l t D . pon ut y, —cowman( 0 vt‘tt: d nt !htl Lai °Mc. through Z . /Si L. 'Pt IL I L.• L.. fiereivell Matinee, when i 1,.• , el.e. IIAC , t111:1 unit part,and I i. OF ..`7,l'F,El).—On FRl kir i , l 1 Premium of a set of I ' • . ii,vou at Collins' t u, the bast Trctting It at, +hi ee In live, flamers. Also, tit), h.), S I: , S '.Ni it ILt,S woith $3O, to lowlier the Lll, 14 the t will trot Late mile nearest he three ae the} , pleivae. Open Co ill horses. En traticu fee lieu per cunt floiseiii to start at four o'clock, P. M., pree.eoily Cave Nell! leave the raieenger depot rf the 'rune !vie a liailrord at 3:2.6 o'clock, P. M., running to muds. t hin leaves frvit Liberty station at 6 '1 All enti 1 , 6 the 10,10 nituA be node the d 1 1 ,0 ' 411,1 .111.1 my3l:td fIOLI,INS' PA RR TROTTING ASS() lATION. "HE 1.558. :•01/..v..,11 Tic ketl it.r. iu. 0 0 Lki Pair. 1 ,, •140 0101 i , uggV riursoll,D, .10 stritu.b, Ladle. . Free Pt , m.lis nut hug, Will be charged One Dollar esiro, for the privia.g e 01 driving or riding on the coorbe each trier Tick.efs can t..• had at c-rucr c I Liberty and Wayne strewn, front U 13. U.a I, 'A' AV,or at tna gate, I tny2l:lm GRIND NUSiCAL FESTIVAL. G ERMA N WITH A IVIERICAN M LSICA I. ASSOCIATION c,.1,4,r5t0 Its 1,111 ALII i%er4ary to [till city on JUNE 9th, 91h and 1101 h 742 NS.L, 6 Y F 1 V EN 1 NU, TUN EiTH, N 1) CONCEILT IN THE NEW NATIONAL THEATRE Over two It4ttidretl anti Fifty Vocal and I notrulneoral Parforforni•ra, joini)risillK duffle, of tio , Lear rn uncut tßiollt in the country.) , 0 which ocea , ,iou wi!l - pert rued. ter the tlrat time 16 the Unitei flon, the Cc lobrate..l Siluaic , 4l Tableau, ON TILE SEA SHORE, by the dietimmisite.l eempeatir, Junes Otto. Thle bean- ON; tuna usuptiend de.suriptivo of the e•ea and the life and habits t Fishermen. has mot the great est 1 , 111,0`113 in &Island, France a:td Germany. 'Vt.O Cmacsrt will be under th, dire-titian of thu eminent tre,:tor, PLLOF. SCHWAB. , A'11:1):41 4 :81JA Y aITERNi IN, gttk, 3 u'clvet PRIZE CONCRT 'l' 1. A 1. A Y E 'l' 'l' E 11 Al, L , X4l Will. 11 u,ce,luu t ho :3uilutlea bolouglug to the will corai,la fur a miliviiticont silver goblet. UVEN.NO, E7.111T O'CLOOK., A SPLENDID BANQUET V.'lll Le 4 tl ttoi iu the 6/IEIIO 1 4 1.11 i. RSDA 1, the 10th, pr:.cesaf..o thru igh the prittelpal stree :kJ of the city, Pie Nic at Denny's Grove VEN [NU, 8 u'c.ool,l, Cho iPstiviTio,i will clod. with s GRAND BALL to. I.alufayetta Hull 4a- Pric,i, to Uraud Ooucurt, Drees Circle nud Parquette, $1; l.ppei Tier, 50 coats Prize Curer!, 50 cents. tlikequet, $.5. Pie :Vic Urounde,lo centa led! $l. del JOHN W. iII'CARTHY, !POSTER! WILL ATTEND 1u THE POSTING and DIST ttIBUTI till kirolts of Kl LL:. Foil. CONCERT: , L RE:4, EXHIBITIONS, &o. 4.11 c , cmummicatt,u, ‘ , 10,r by milli, tolegraph, or other , Itio--(iirected to Ow ofh'r, Morin Post, will receive prompt attmttion arer DAGUERREAN GALLERIES. IL Al. CARGO & CO., hotograpiters and Ambrotypists, NEW YORE GALLERY, No. 21 Hilth street, and dUNISE.ANI GALLERY, W t ,ttroot uod Diamond, l'ittabargti. t'E.lokB TV t , UIT ALL. 12:1Y/9htS-3p HOT psL fOGRAI 3 IIY.—Tuts ART HAS BERN brought to such u,-rn,..tf,u that pictures taken by this proses~ have been pr.unJunc. - ,d perfect Ly the scientific world. They can Lu had iu all their beauty and artistic elegance, at WALL'S PIOTURC (.I.‘LLERY, on Fourth streot, Jnes' Building. tmylfclw AM B U 'l' I' E A BEAUTib'UL ANL) DURABLE PICTURE Afti:ANTED, , AN 11A11 AS LOW AS AT ANY Ei C CLASS Es I'AIII.ISLIMENT IN 'L UI coU:-,TRY, Removed to 21 Firth Street. GIRO° s CO.'S PH f_Y roURAPIII.O AND A. , ll;ll.oTrpi.: .ALLSRY hr. a,eu removed from 'a Fourth gtro , t, to Nr, Firth strut, n 2 2 Market. Thi-e rooms having 1•••••:, Mutt for the purpose ; wati alto , larg • are not surpaased ID the city for comhirt, convenience an i ioccollunc, la arreugemeut. tqr Oar &jowls: and patron& and thow wfahing Era. p-rair likenesses , ale invited to call. iteception Sprain end I,tl the ground floor. ap7 t: li; W D AGUE 13.14.ii.;_•^ , _..\1 AND ANIBROTYT'I4 Y AND aiDA',LiGHT 5... L ER Y , rierEl 8 rt} AM, V OP THE POST-01i7Ka, tu ,i 1 vartoc.4 styles, In sal sys•ti,s, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. v:rson2 thtsu at their realdenna. 211.1 y LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL SMV_;L,TING WORKS PARK, M'CURDY 4r CO., ANUFACTURERS OF SHEATHING, 13j_ . Braziers' and Bolt Copper, Pressed Copper Bottoms, Itai3ed Bottoms, Spelter older, dc , alio importers and dealers in Metals, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire, &c. Constantly on baud, TiLIIIICEI'd Niachinei and Toole. Warehouse, No-14D Piret. and 120 Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. dpecial orders of Copper ent to any desired iktteru. mr29:lydaw NOTICE TO ARCH ITECTS.- In pursuance of a rear lution itiMpti.d by thou Niimunitsnt ComMissiOntre, at a meet ing, at Eiarrisburg, on the 13th 'natant, Plana, Specifications and estimates Sr, invand for the erection of a MONUMENT to the memory of Citizer a of Pennaylvania, who lost their lives In the lute War with J.lexiea. The coat of which, I not to exceed the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Communications to bu addre4sed to the Governor, at liar rieburg. Persons inraishiog Plana, will please scud their ESTI MATES under seal, as they will be for the 1.140 of the COM` missicners only. For the Plan which may be adapted, a prom Pain of Two Hundred DOllllll3 will bo allowed. By order of the Commiasloners. 7 , 1' TN W il A RV. ilerrotar-ir. myl)tl•I C. WEST Si, CO., Mt M.LNUFACTUR CRS O CARR.' AGES, ROCEAWAYS, ISIIUUIY.9, SULIttES AND SLEIGHS N. le7 Penu street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Iry AU work warranted Co bu u: the tk ,, at materiad3 and werkmanzhip ruptklytile &„ CO. (sucww.A.., Lluvrataa, Nl'Cr.ovisv &. C 0.,) VORW ARDING AND COM SIISSION MYRCIIANTS, Whokaale llealero in Produoo, PlOur and Wool, No. 111 Second street, eittoburgli, Pa. B spring.' liarb.t.gti, Joseph C.. Fidel, St,A,,otdo; . Plttelougik , Fent , 11 ehad3 co., Cornell & poney, 13...ltimui a; Bagaley, Cosgrove a Co., " Garret & Martin,PMladelphla; &lei:landless, Means a Co., " Janice, Kont, Santee& Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver & Graham, Geo. M.& L. liotd, Cincinnati lit , t3ll(), Sterling & Co., " A. b. Penton & Broa., " Yard, Gilmore Es Co., J 0. FOBTZR. A. W. YOUNG. GEORGE B.TEGRIST Mr. W. J. Florence. LktixMs Anti 91.1114.11131.1129 a Axiou Box Tiakt.ta u'.l Tier, 15 cent.; 1. L'S, 104:1 - th otreot