Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, June 03, 1858, Image 4
BIT Lii. NESS CARDS. A.NILIEL I), ATTOrtrikav A's LAW, i , cresstruia, Piamt. ' L:27101, No. 71 Gi.ANT fftrvet, between Powith street blhlllollli LOW - k , Law, , fsek. F,,vo-th httnburKll,l) , t ,,, , [mid it , ( 1. :3urt -, ,con I )oTlti9t, t3113:t1 _f_ d •., ! 6tttlit3ftelti 33. irtoa3 t t 3 . 0 ( Irtt:k, and front t, , luurch titreet, five dio:yrß 01, .)iat6 froni, b o'c.ock _A. P.,. to 6 u'clocti EPII I'LEl‘ll.\it), successor to L. Wil d. Co., "rni. , r of !i•lartlet otroet nut thci liinmort, 00 11;:nd n lull natiortuiont of DitliGE, MEIA- M PiIItFUMERY, and all aro 'tea pertaining to hie bttiner... Physicpno , ' eln.rat.3 ,outv 1111 ........ •• -1 , 6.111 7 % Wi DC.IV.OI;rI. , C/1111P FLI:1 , 0 , 41,1,..2 ?Ai r :. AN or.a.do:J 42,.t . . Et . .I ' . ~1E I i, SZ. ANT i..).61'...50..\;, ( sue cesHors to AN Or.l .t., ttncnit.. ,%. t...,) Wlt.rkoi,alt) demure to F' )It Eli IN 7P.1T1T6,.:..L.T.E:-.4 StqC.E. :',.):.:F . .',CT.10.N Alt , _:, F.Liti AR' .'... . No. SP, 1.70 , •1 etrc , .:., ~1.[....,.., . Ow :-• .: .0 ,, P.,4- 1 . • 'l. te• 5nr;11.. ~i.,'• _ J. A. LSTT ERC RANT T !LAW =MEE •• - • W. If] k.;" C , R MO V I Loin csicLifff - ,f 1" f , fttlf and Wootl to A I It T iu i•tt.iiips' t ,tidtag—Colltintleli to proper., Petty, aua of, t.u.l is Suporiutt•utt Fre•ctify. of f;eaffi.y. -'ULTON, BELL AND BRASS I , OU!'IDEIC, No. 7U S'E.V..n.;ll street, PittAburgh, Pig., Is pr..par.-ii to furfliell to order 011U1:014., L;TE.:s.:4IIOAI:, FACTORY AND UrLl.Eit from it) to 10,000 tbs. 0111S11i BELL?, made to ardur. STOP and 1, A UG E Cow, t of ,ill sizes, ttr Ettknlbuats. and overt' vi,..rioty of .br.,,6 Castings Luistiod 11r. - atior. i U rtNT :or t't,,,tig” tt;r2.:l 7 0 UG11.1.1,1 D G ..)i A Y. ‘Ar .L, 1,, a A t CT I, a I ,cto2l.l4..s.G.latucr.s, 'Aire =nu c Di - yaler7, la Clocks, Ei,two ?crulshing Goode, &c. ,Z 6 oe(1 street, :•-•bire In ifth '2... - ,..i;-, =1 claw , bra,' EDUCATIO: A L. ••46. ffrlatt 4cademy itor 04 I) .4. 111.6 fdE CI Z`1.).5 \ ttoril Lori. , '), Cambria Cotiiity, rf l ll i S i TSTI'I'UT LON, N ATURA' .ituttl,tl to - liductitioltal pli rdoAL.A, AltorclA .1, 11.-. ,iflcer.lol,fs :ca: •i,si,d for ti C. holic 11.W f tt picturt , ,qnt, pJrt f •1), in! liAtr fr,ll , :rove , th ;j,,'± nwil runt, t , Cl',.• !I PiN.3llll 11 ' lllO ,ear LI, urn , . :...t I, .I tile ISLL! .J; lor i ; it:tinging A . t., aro t 1.0,) ILALLuEIy Clansic out . it I.', .0. 1.10 j - ,:r 00 , 20 , . and el:•, of iledditof furtht , r pt. :iculari Apply tii ,r . , • al., : 5 )10 dL. .v L , r. U 1..10:.": Wincet3t , r 4 Coigege and Seltnina-15 :T:( in!..2. 113 1 , 1 a NSEDICTIN E: YA TB E Zifia.r Li:Ea - 01)e, IN qunturclarati courity, Pa. T.. , 4 ARE T A.Ut_3ll"l"..i n..ln In Clio L'rll „ L 1. 1 .111.4 tot ,I,ltl TUIL:Oti cire 1. .i-u etrictiy it, ,Irtvance. vii.r a... ;11/I . a , 11rP.v. - ,irii..;, 1.114 • 11. , - 10 - 1% tr. 7.4.1t)0'l 101" t.", , flue ' J 1 toc COlir . year ;-"c•ptentl , • . •-1.•1 c IDla Old t Jii! DE ,YUU iltetrentozEt : 7~- _ L. 1c..~.r .-4ye^ it , to : 1.,1L - ,l' 1::c ttl . WO' . II 1 . 6 (di:llZ, tit tltl.j:d • Ht • d: '. , .larlret. can. .t. .V 'ER i2d R •- 11 0 1111.1.71.1t,k;i) . chow , e.ocralen , u 1 uau , l nod fur 77 .tiarS.L. , t E N LE :y1 'S UNDER GAB.2IEN'CS - Wool, Merin" and ...envy Cotton Under Shirts en,lUrnirerr.— [roan eityp:y rueeieed, IioRN.E26, dolt.) .7 Marhet street. i'ound Reduction in t'neo of Iao,ALL,E,I": - . AiiN ;1.—'.V11,1f,11410 Blue. re at Ifii6nl will b ferohd,r i 7.11.1 7 1' Alt:4 ;; ,du , , nun of rico Cents per d, by the bundia. cit. - ,r For Cash, and Cash ono. . 77 Market streoL., Ant for the Mauuiect -Our excellent eteck ot be low prices at ',Ali, i. uffers rare iiiilllCeLtiont6 1,3 ludo:fa WiLdiln,:. p . nrcbet, thy .at of styt, .10nE,Y11 77 I'de.rimt acreet N o it Ez 1 i\-101.N; E I I --PI-110Es11AKh 13. A. 1 417,- Great redact:Ju In Etnbroidonw tn.', have &mt.> caralally over our Intudsome Nit.KNOil-WOItXED UNDER 81.,E1LVE6,, knit:LlS BANIIF!., oce , t, ;AL. prams to Butt the " Llard Timm " The Lash: , rosy re !y ou gmtiug tsr z Tain2 at ilt.ti..tVtn - , 77 Mat ret E WILL SELL rill.; present un V V c , nno,,Lc,) cheap F I'. CASIi. PlttAii43 1 . 311 and 0•.1i.11 tlAigatelti LOVE, Lose, ft . .os., No. 74 Aleut:tr. of M.EIS,INuES, for 62 :t eeeeo, worth j,t dad the beat sts. ortueent LOVE, tionntrly Lev, broth..,:.;, al 'la Me:testi 0. Viet. I . ONNET V EL V.ET.—Every variety of Bon g net ruatereal, Velvets cud :imam, for dale at •'1•••,0• ••• ••• LAt_;ii. AND Fik_Nt.',Y DRESS SILKS.-- A tut . sh-etrtuesul, er3 ctese,- 4 3 'ie._ tie.rket *tee-. EV.E.RY Et - IQ:WM.10BI Purchaser of Dre,, 11 , 1 P. it, Ste tyre., lfsate; ; also Douleatic end -t-e -pie will Sad it to their advantage Locale and e,..tsmi our Ness Seot.t. re - 0,0; " -- ,Vect..et Dry Get . ..,.•.et-ef,..to VllO.O tn.{ Nrd , N 'Vie:, relie e etr --. t t. In tbo rrr \'‘' LS `'L Itir LS 1 . 3 ito,tia, 00l pit}. lu.. at v , ry vi• .14 \ihrlict fILE • 4 J La .etlee,li. fur ItUtfo tuan T ., I YCIE nu: sub:ieriber has now , I krgc• , gent CI I lint S' tuck . IL Piitt.,r'd : Nu. 1 t,i 7, orcelitin Sis colored. CiLi it 11 nri, in she-0i ; c L...y a iiru , V SiZl3; Cr3lnred Priatiag Vapori ; 1•11.0.,;h1 , 1 Gov, rod, g - onn aud ‘l.lbi a..,brun, otter 31, iut lu Pult, Mul J. my 1 Wutr,i rtA, rth. L 9 you ask me, should you wooden, V. bore our SI; , BAIA Oltitertl ? fur . r r in iiiirti/gilritii Viith BUNIONS pica rEENt'lt ru rrex, for '.rut bon, W o,ly tia • ii [Lk, tvti yo,;. To 00" , •. To tido Et,, , of DI r N • o. 17 Fifth atreoll. 1441 . BEDvOI - t1) SPl 4 .:itM CANDLES.— • 11 1001 6'14, .Averll./ bdi baud and Ilrid for rnit. by jail ' A P . -- • •t-p. o r: 1 to, 1,55 " 1 15., and 3 lh ban 17 - 1:1,1 •25it uortuan CIX' •• 60 " Pura ?al= On baud au.l or jail ;. C. L: 1i.1:75". u BUFFALO, CALF AN ODA H 0 - ,v w. 100 , 0 St,N, sl r dear Markot. feta DT 1.10 , :t; c rl WI FOR A 'Y V.( 01i y [Ntg HouF'., ot r rr. Utvi f,,,t AiL , ,,h • el( i. 1I) lnnp tI KU ,1•• o q.• two arl i fler24 \ v.! Viari - v , dplonclid article )1 ovAr rit 11'3 i'oupl.'.l Styx! Store, ;7 1 , ...!th Erott, near Market. - 01\161. I CTRB; - S, OITA: 7 -100 kegs, just CIEMESE.-225 boxes prime W. R. cutting 74 rt. Ika Chew received end for eale, by I.l..ised and for eille'by niy2l BAHNESTOOK & GO. lea 'MNRY H. COLLINS. - o. i . sT.: Larx ~rr. MEM =MEM ll3=llllllllllllllll 1.11, ,:f Gr un-tril =NNE !' • Li Chrniie, J. IL ~AWYYIE. in a 5. tx , ...-ri " Lu IRL GROCERS WhL H. WM. H. SMITH & CO., W iIOL ESALE GROCEIO, US Second Sr. 141 First Om., inr26 PrlrralranGEL, MAUI, WHOLESALE GitOCERS, No. 1114 and . 240 Wood street, Wm. '111.1..KE., MILLER Si. n3.III2KETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, A^i.l) IMPOHTERS OF' BRANDIES, IVI NES AND SEUARS Nos. d'All and 223, Dormer of Liberty and Irwin Streets, AND SOLIN AGENTF, rt ~ i evetirCr'S City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. 11,40 N, NAILS,curroN YARNS, dc, , CJMTNNT V HAND trIKAII3... •.rtYT, D. , . vll, HkIANDLUtta. 'YAW ALIN D LESS, MEAN; hi St. CO_ 61/0C15301t8 TO WICK IA leOA-1DL.F49,1 W HOLEhAILE GROC El RON , NAI LS, i..;' LA6B, COrrON YA11.7,--.,. PITTSBURGH :IAN JVAOTUI I 4S ORB LP, Cknier of Wood and Wator wtroota ill. ',. w iiii,Dll'it,; AND CONIMISSIuN ,i; 4 ?, - 1. -, i;:.s , i, - 4.5 it, L.E.:ii!....3 ‘ ;liiiiiig, ail!). UOL - ordlssion itiereli.ial7, PiLtaburgit, rasadvitie a Firie ;;ANAL LINES. 7-';. 114 API! , lib WATER. S'fitlZET, P!rriiii u, PA, itEltOiliES, IMAIL4E:I% 8., CO., i'()MVARDING AND UOMMIssioN EzIELC 1.1 A tel 'SO SYCAIIIOE-E BT., CINCINNATI, j. D. iIOUSEMAN, LATE OF 11,12 COMMISSION AND FORWAIDING 2,111E11:1“ANTS, No. 9 E. Second Street, Louis, 111~c HUH! Dues- liGriF6i cYS, L. J. JOILN milipttreys, & Wright, FLOUR fr4 1 A "_ I IORS, PRODUCE AND GENE R. 401, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 76 etiLLAILV ES AND 155 NORTH WATI!..E. Vlut. t‘trok.t, tin F C.Jaraki, Tikkoupauu 'l:UoLnp:wk., Clark s I . k.ukkg„ ,SITA`T, Price & Cu., Calob Copc & Ilarcrvlr Beaver & Canby, Neville t 13 ugh. II:. M. LOWiS, Callra,r 'F. a. a H. tiaui Jos i'nethit•t - It r ctill 810 k rill 1.. ilallowoll 111cOutcheuti CA , Il,io. Jo .0 11. •C. , arkekly Liar,4rkei h Cu., Pickett, 'frlathewo. : , hrewsuury 'W. 11. Utngloy wreuco A, Muth Ir., U. Bnil_lr k , tiUttlltthm CeJ & A. L. WEBB & BRO 0 4 1!Cet . ,..... • GENERAL COMMISSION ivitittiliANTS ..,_ NI , A!,; , ..: ,- .•;.', ' , ..:fr".. .: 6i: ; 4 .1LF1 ').}, 111.3tIVI"S PO 'bIIIER AND S.IFETI FUSE, Corrasr Pr.a(: and Cokutuert:c ,iraec BALI lib` E., li IL-5,,11, Ut It I uml ILIALC 1,1711L1C,i Lb, 0.,11. IL It F t tt . U Et ro a (Jo., )1 iticLetBol: alr-4,3t-11.-`3 l gin !,111 .f,. J osx • IA Btl JOSEPHJ. LhhC, )., 1.4.2 elni4ll 244: L.ibertl, %;.• T'ITTSISUBkit - 1, PA JO IL AN 14.- G ROI CI:, AND Ci!MMISSfON NI.EBeiTANTS. 0 tt.; AL L$ i,a€Jo , TIN PLATE AN' TINNEI:B' A.“) ETTS G 32. CTI_R. f' M! ALPltti OEN E L , A L .1.; () M `,l i i.-:, b 1.. • N 13'0IWARDING ME - RUH/IN T 6 Levee goad Wtibtatiagton Avs 'Luc, ANDOTTY: CITY, KANSAS 'rEPAllf()iti RuizazNcgo.--Juneph S. hooch Eti Zilorchauts goneredly. ENRY ii. COLLINS, Forwarding and 19Cummineiou Islerchatit, rind r;.O iLIEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS cirri gs.ut,rstll2., 205 Wkl!Ni street, Pittsburgh. matt GLASSWARE ii." 2.111.4 3 LtCf:• i iii KOLL:F.7 itoL. • APS; ..... ......... ILENLY L. GINGRALT. RUBEILTSON & CO., Manti k.„) tea - lire - Ili of Out. Pl',6skla awl Plum Flint 0 LASSWA Rarehoutie Nu. 17 Wood eii.reet, corner o, Front, Pittsburg &If - All other Linda of 3118.e.E1Vitil b end Window (lime, 4 iow-Marliet pricer,. LEDLIE JO PH J. EDLIE & ULAM, Successors to Mulvany a .L.,e4111 ,,, , maaufactururs of Out., Mouldod and Plant and Faucy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers in all muds of Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware bonne corner of Lttr..ket and IVater etreetz, WINES ANDIANCRS BRYL.B. 4ir. CO., WLIOLES&LE LeII3 t:: WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, Nu, 155 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on tiand, Wines, Brandiea, nine, 11,nouguilela and tiectidod 'Whin: iz.s—also, BlucLiwro, Cherry, Raspbe ry. %ad lfing , r Brdadieb. Lanl2,ly. DAVLIti n.EUNNEDS:. DEVLIN &KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine .u.l Liquor klerchantb and Rectifying DlAillt.rs, Na. Sink:titheld utroet, Pitniburgti, Pa. y FRY APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry Ap -4_ .1 ,1 plea, received and for sale, by sp3 11/ANIII H. COLLINS ORN APPLES.-15 bbls. choice Apple received and for sale by .ep!, HENRY 11. OOLLINS. 0 EAN S.-20 bbls. smmll White Beans, just kill received lend for sale by ILLaiitY H. COLLIN*. rfillqi)ThY" SEED.-10 bags rec'd and for rave by (n. 3) HENRY H. COLLINS. 74j EW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.--Still 1.1 they cone. W. P. IIARSHALL & CO., 4i.'d 67 Wood street. IS I , IW GOJOS FOR SPRING SALES - are daily tech's-lug from our own had Eastern factories, aiditions to our stock, which cousistu iu part of Flour nil Cloths, Carriage till Cloths. iturfatz - e ill Cloths, Table On Ciotti , . Crash oil Cloths, Transparent Cloths, Tntasithrent -halts., Buff flotatrth, hod Shude Trimmings ‘lorcharatt, Housekeepers, and ollitrra, requiring any KOOti3 in our lino, are invited to call and examine tuts str.s.at., Judge for tttomselyed i.t rug'mrd toJ. the quality and prices. Noh. 26 and '2B St Clair street. PINEAPPLES.- 500 received this day and fur Bale by RI:I'I'4ER et ANDERSON, N, 39 Wood street, niT27 • •pi.rute St. CA:allot. t, i BOAS )S—ForPacking Joint:, jr hold by W3I. iz. JOTINS'L'ON a: CO, .1- p,, F Wt,.? ,t, LiiBll.-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, ba tn,u, Lc. ap7 LLIN E 1N1F,.-100 barrels fresh Lime just rec'd fiar3l HENRY IL COLIiN fOPS of various patterns, for n.tb• by Rur29l IL 11. COLLINB. poBACCO AND larva assort aient of favorite brand,, on hand and for sale by W5l. U. 8111. TO a CO., 118 Becond, and 147 First streets. JO3. R. HUNTER. 'I%E CO.. PVFTSUURUki W. liace.wrs,::. ITTSBIJILUiI , PHILADItiIL Pill A 11iiatit e pin )iayaville, &y Niadisca, Inv/ uAkiiimus, ohm. Cincinnati, Obi , . Pitteournit, D EALillto IN jy :::,111k . _~=+s..:~,c~.-:.cam»~: +.~; BY AUTHORITY. ~~_~'~~ 'N. ). 61)2 By the Prc36ideant `ll e,s N ~tv .'t. do beret), di_J kr ...id m.,6• I.M at ti a, tt "de:" ,' ‘., !pi villrr • y cwt• ,Ly 72. , ..zt, for lb, po,Li t,f LI it. 1.111. , 11 , 1:.•i,!•4 If uoti i : ua r: 6 . 1 (ha part lilt , SAC hail !•ro-0., N,,,zl.l:k• , „•l'Vi,Zl 1,, htlit; , . IT 'l hat par ,it tutill,fl.4 , 1, 3.,u„1 4 outside of the r.ac and Pox; and Halt 11tted, i tiahn reservation, acid frtti ttUual toeilistops J add range 16. That pal t LuW . lktitlp tynd OUtsitit• the Sae and Fox ; tee isinip tt, MC parts of treshehips 3, 4 and Hall Breed, :Nelll3lllL ; and Irnc tintial t,,,, nahtp 6, of rallg, 16. That part of tcavit , lop on outside of the 'lac and Fax re 6, arid 4; that part i 1 township outside ut the Hall Breed, Netuttha rteiervattou, and Ids , n ;41 , p 6, of range 14. t WO:LC.1110 3, .1, a, and 6, nl range I 3 Towushipe 1,3, 4, b ant ti, of 12. Townslups 1,2, 3,4, b, and b , of range 11. Tow uelii pa 1,2, 3,4, 5, and d , nt r.inge I U. Townshipe 1,2, 3,4., o, and ut range At the land office at 1, 11,11h,II:h CI I I", corutnencleg 01. Monday, the math day of At'..ptitatocr ncri, for the i1ut1 , "" , .. 1 "' the public lauds oithui tin- billowing awned bat viz : North of the has. Itne ce,t E.he principal mtraitart. Fractional townships 7 and S. ot- range to Township 7, and tractional township+ h, 5, 10, 11, and el range 14. 'fowl/Alio c, U, LO, 11, Lind 12, of range 13. T0W,13111p6 7,5, 0, 10, and 11, and fractional townships 17 and 13, of range Townships 7,5, 5, IU, and 11, and tractional township 12, ui range 11. 'rutytistitl.,.. 7, n, U, 10, tvid 11, and tractional townships 12, 13, and ;4, of Town:imp , 7, o, and 13, and tractional townsiiiits ;aid It, •,I I . l•Lgs - 1/ At tL. it a, ~t udnlln Cl'i'Y, colnulenclug uo .1101,Iny, tilt .11,,n ,Lay. tin' the dinpurml et :he pi/L,;• IA ir,l•t, the Lowing named towastdpo, -Vrnlit v/ tilt ouse. 1111 C e" , st rf th.•!. Sixth vrincipat rand ta,e. Fryajm,i L‘.,oAlip! Ic. 11 14, nod 10, of range 14. motional tea tedaps 13, 14,13, 10, and 17, of ramp 13 racti:mal towoalopi 12. and 13, townships 14, 15, and 10, and tractional township, 17, 10,19, and :20, of range 12. Fracticmal township 1:2, townships 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, and IS, and fractional townships 19 and '2O, of riume 11. tractional town ,hips 12, 1:1, and 11, and townships 15, :6, 17, la, 19, and :Lk), of range 10. fractional townships 11,14, and 10, and township , . 17,15. 19, and 20, of raugo U. Lauds apprupria.ed by law for the use of s~huuls , military, and other purposes, will be exciudt•d from the sales. The uttering at tne above lands will be cummouced on the days appointed, and will pima,' in the order iu which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed ; Uut no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and to. private entry of any of the tan-.s will be adinitten until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under toy hand, at the city of Wamliffigton, this thirtieth day of a:arch, Aram Domini oue thousand eight hundred and fifty-aught. By the Preni nut: Thou. A. LlEuuuteli.,, GJutaiinsinuer ut the cle,cral Land °nice •,u'ilUlt T,, 3?i:it-i LrrL N CLAI.II:._.T:S i:very person t.ut6d tt, the right of pre-uniption to en)" ui the landu w,iltin the iuwitstiipu awl party of towudlip , At../Ve cutratertt.ted it required to eat:sottish ;he same to th, r.ct/on of the re:4l:ller 31,1 v.:A.:elver of ins proper 'Loll Alice, find c/er us 11001 101 practicuideafter . ait4~ tots Fe LCC, ire Ilia day uppionteii far. the cull! ltieliCeLttettt et Inc p::: au: .MOO of Lii' eltllltlittlt. tile , curt clatwtd, utu.ns.ne mUCII with us forfeited. 11.0_:i. A LI.ENDRIOKS, avh3:311,1 C..,unninaioner of the General Lou Otte,. Proposo.is ior Naval Suppileti. AA V 1: 01...;1,,A1LT1L,;:,1 bur. Ulaldti lizy 13th, I.Bbs. SEALLO i , ..0?U:n11,6 to furnitth naval sup) :: , e. ler the rascal yea:. emiing 6WII botl,w :11 ee received it /111.9 e'clock, NI., at 'tie Itith .1. re hest Must be elmoreed "Prepo:a/.: for .I.\avai. Mi:rrrrcatt is, that they may •e didahmisoe.t I.uW iii The cte...to, wad .uses deb , pi'llaciiiizeilt•dilitA any ul wnieh will be t'at malt, G 4. • ,uch as eu s;•ikticatlo, eu the r , p , e:t :ye yard::, et c • the tsesy agertt mat, IL liff,r; et e.. 1 ,ire ye.t , l, Lip JCL al ,innbici belun riff' LI, i cl k ecu such pert lode will he tntusha,l a:, ',that ly tics. he command ant 55,1 navy-mt;iiliii ,a , he: .11. , .: nave n copy 4.t the schedules of the yuia', tiff tsamillatmu only, Irian whit!: :t may ::e)ile..terl whet: art it e`!' be eaLrab le to make Applteutim: for h. 1 , 1,1 i , fl iJ! it Clit, tlrull it. iLi strict e , Julelmity therewith -: si • e • .1,1. w the coe4. act • 1.1 lily L 1 .1 xi Jruit If.trt 1,1,1 An hr.. 1,14. Mtict, ,t1:0 vaL :1: II i / /I/ Li t /1 . I (I, - L, tin, I' t' • -• tCIII,I, IL ol „ 7`; _ prole r,tt.tt t ' alit:Ulf: 1 1. In,)' ...AP!, n tillll-1: 10:11 .1: 1.,111. i~r,Lr[Klo4; id ••,. ..uly sd utf o —ily acctip., si be DC/tined. Hl,' tile ootrit I.• I Heat:, Hi/on liteCcatte. - I:ot) H.,: u, n_T . tit I IttC,CLILO 0,1.111 ii tea days alter . ! H teceltit at tbd itted. Ottlite or navy-sour , let,te I.) (AWL.. intrelit,l L., II" t , ill I, p..inint.it to yig:: iii contract, dud tili•ir res,toil,lo.llty e'er by a sines dist.t tot judur, Muted ot.i.t,t district attrney, lector, or navy Cln twenty j,er eitLifLIIII o,l'll lie WlCoileio fro, 1110 itinotint of the Lnilo tile cunt ante boon coa.linted , and eighty per ,Leu!unt vt ItitCHl bill, approved iu tlllilieute by too row oandants of tile respective yards, will he paid by the navy • agent at ~he points of deliver) within thirty days nitre its pretentation to hum. It I.lBtloUlat , i In ti,e •*,otroct toot, if delimit be mad,. by the parties of the first part in delivering all or any of the articles mealtime,' In any clads hid for iu wu uuutrae I,of the quality and at the tune and plac,a above provided, then, :Lod in that mite, the coutroctur and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the United Stars a snm ut money not eXceediugr twice the amount of such class, which may be recovered from time to time, accordltig to the act of Congress in that case provided, approved March 3, 1843. Classes 1, 3, 4, ti, 7 to be delivered one-fourth part on to beture the 15th May, t et-fourth part on or before the Itilth July, one-fourth part by the dULu of Seplembisr, nod the rt. moulder by the lot Deecouber, 165 T ,. litaiiiteti 3 and 9, the whole by toe 15th May, 1859. the remaining clases to be theivered ono-fourth port OLI or before the lot .88pttallbet next, one-fourth part oil or butore tau lot Deceni‘ber tux:, oatetourth pert ;_u or before theist April. and the remainder oil or betore the ;:etth June, 1849, unless earlier required with a notice of twelve (Jaya, comprising at each delivery to due proportion lii eu it article Claus 10 and all followinv. it additional quantities of any of the articles named therein are dumuwled, tie:y tare to be furnished on like terms and conditions previous to the expiration ui the fiscal year, upon receiving o notice of fifteen days Irma the bureau, the eum maudant of the yore, or navy-ligeut. 1, ---, uC , iu the btati, of , hereby egret to turniel, end deliver, iu the respective navy-y a rds, tirticti the classes hereunto agreeslily tu the provisions of the schedule" theretur, anu in conformity wrtu Life advertisement of the Bureau of Con etruction, of the lots i in.e.y, 1358. elioulti my otter be accepnit, 1 icqueitt t. bo addreesed at —, and the oohtract scut to the navy-ageut at r ~igna.ture sucl cu.rtalcatk, (Date.) Thy schedule which the bidder tuclueee taint be punted his offer, uod each of them eigued by 'tarn. t.ppoeize arti,e , iu the schedule• cue price LllllBl be let, the limo cot car to: our, the aggregate touted up fur ouch clan, and too amount lilteirtee written in wurde. Thu updcrsigber.i, ut alld , hereby guaranty that )u case the foregoing bid m fur any ui the clas s es therein named be atv-pted, he or they will, witlau Len dnyti alter the receipt of the non tract at the post ottice named, or navy-agent deeiguateo, ext cute the contract fur the eanto,',vitu good and artitlment .un ties; and to cane acid shall tail to enter into con tract ac bluresaid, we guaraoty to make good the thlrowunce bemoan the otter of mu said and that which ma:. be act, pled. Oiguaturo of two guarauturs. It h. 1 tp,aeby certify that t h e i e -named are hzuvin to me Ile 'ilea of property, uud able_ to make good haeir guarali tee, Date Signature. U U. To be signed oy the United Stated district judge, United taws district attorney, collector, er uavy-agent. The following are the classes recoiled at the . respective navy yards: New Route via River and Railroad. CIiARLE:STOWIN, MA36ACJIJICBETT6, aufa li , , 6 ii. indls clikeinuati itadreadi E..1:1.4 NO. 1. White.Oas. .ozs. N 0.3. 'White Gag. promawa. - 101NNECTiNti AT INDIANAPOLIS with ..us timber. No. 10. White ;nue. So. 11. Isla and cyp..ess id yl : N.. 14. ilits . ory butts. elm timber, and white wood. NG. 16. Terre Haute and ';errs Halite and Alton Railroads, i to St. Louis and I.;layette and Indianapolis, New Albany ;nave, N0..1h. ihaoh - spruce. Nu. ;SA Iron. So. 2.2. iig.ike6 ~r‘a nails. ,0..23. Loaf, „du, and tin. N ,,. „ 4. Pi g 1. ,,, t , soil :411e1a, and Michigan Central Roads for CHIC WO, ntili.LlNGl'u ...„ and ail intermediate No. 2.h. Hardware. tio. '..Z7. Vaults, L,Li, e tc. .r. ‘ , „ ..s. m d ,_ ii , ..G.3 ISLAND, ~ti n l b.. :so. 29. Cotton C7invits. Ni. 30. Flax and ,rttou , 1 """ s • Throngh iereiglt 'rrui:i ro INDIAN !..POLIS, Tliii.B.F. t.: inc.. No. 31 ii Ms, No. 32 Lea ther. No. 33. Hoer. No a AUTE, LAFAYITTI;, end Yhti.B. 34. bruit :';o. .s 5. Bunting an, dry goods. No. Si. 'i ar, Ireig:it ca..ried irtnil Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in less path mud i.ain. .... 34. Tali, w, soap. oil. No. 39. Slit} :La, :ban .iny oidier route by :1.4 nuns, and at as low caws. cila.u.ilei . , ,.. .1•_. 4U. •3tstionery. No. 41. Fire-wood. Phe July road oy which sh]plaJnt can be made front Clu lilliJ,JKLlN, NEW 1(011.R. tiunat. to.the Woe, without breaking bulk. Clang .N. 1. 11 Liite , aii logs., No. S. Whit , :-oak pramisco- . Cimaisanien; a made to J. E. tiitiliONii, Agozw at Lllncin r.tu, um;. ..n. Su. 6. Y,llow-pins plank stock toss. N, 0 non; DI, W. B. CI.1:1•Na, &Twat at Lawrenceburg, will 9, nip pint. '3 11 ‘,..,11, cyp,as, white,-oak bards. No. 11 rec.,:ve ()romp: , ititeuti , n, and no cilarae I,r comum , wm isinii.. , al, ~t, .11 , rr:. , t , ...:. N -.• 13. 1 , 663 C. NC. 14. Vr !up, FLO Cii'lrye,rut J-ay:tot o: .:-.40 - aisztan to I,7.4.7relttetlri. ik Nn ~,,,,, ~,, ,r, i,,,, toil nous. No. lb. Wllit•, rt ou : . .tv .ert P , 7 n,N•o•• p. ~ To7clo. ' 0..1,,1.pi,. co .1:11)11.1.5 r'.A.1'1'1.t.3A:.,, ",•,,-. • o - 111,H: s rues NO. 18. lAguaia-ritie. ~':,..1.8:„ .. ..7,r .;:r_e ,) ~...p at 01 tho tit._ pang, who u.. pr. ' J . -,- .L...imis. J. , . '...".3. Le.ia,•;inc 1.1.,-j CO t p ..• ".7liito:.; , fl: 1- , :etiltS tC) Ludianapods, Tia.r, o. 20. hardware. N:„. .i. 7. slant., Laf , piti;„ : , ..;!iica;..... i'urti, .3re:2o:castle, Crawford , canvas. No. 2.9. Cotton can- ... CM.ii....a...zi ; les, A, and Jstiaon. i. talus. N.J. CI. dines. N; . 312. .i. il. LoaD, er,starts. _ :.,.. ,',.1. linlstien. .2,0.3r5. ilat_li.ir.f.; ..10. ' .. 'C‘i'..c:i. , :, ttel,'l I.l,lglit Agent. ..”. 1. , ,,1, tar, ro u te. No. 35. Tr.tiow, 5...,:5ar..........0....... - O•' , V <l- , :,01,r . , ... No. 40. Stationery. N.. ILITTNI3.I", .11. Al N Claes Nu. Ui. Whao pine. Cans IL Ash plank. Nu. 12 Black waluut and cherry. Nu. la. Iron. No. 2.ll.Bpilfi-i and nails. Nu. '.i.5. Lead, zinc and tin. .No. Paints, cae, tt,'. Nu. 32, Leather. Nu. lie, Hose. No. 0.7. Pitch, tar and No. soap and oil. aud t.w. \u. t, . : nutx;., 41. Eir,wo,l. Yli 'LAD:: I.P 1112... .'1:7.:7; , Y LVA\IA. elm; N. • 1 . ''CL -,- - - •,.., •~., . , Wi11t...-.CLui, 6 o k N.. U. NVlii[,-,,./E. prop ,-, 0., •. ~, :•.•, 6. 'Vt . : iu;.. /.I.i. ~ , , ~,, pl.ok. Bt. c 1:. logt 7 , 0. 7 y, , i .,„, ~,,, . 0 ,, ~,.,,,,,.,. ...,... iu. ~..iii. r .k, .in -. N.. 1 1 \,'. '':• ' -- ~. -•i •• ...k bc,nrds. Sc. 12 o 1....-1 i wol o !11, cii,C. . L ' , . i . : ~,,,, ....,,,. 14. w 12 1,.., ~..i. . „ .... _ . ....„, Est ,,i 10 4.,r) 1.., -.. :• , l'. 1:... k ~ , ,0,. Nu IF '..0 . .;,- r i„ ' , U , U ,l " : ll. 7lTn . C., '' ll. ° ;l , 2l a ~ ill''''':' , .. ,:' .:, -',.,!,,',.- '', ' '::','. ',' 7. ~,,., ~,, ,L : : 'v. t., 4 ,if - 00Dr W E . , 1, L' S I' il ii....\ i'l: URE AND ' GriAlitl!, l i i , end ~-ii.dil. eln l ..iracing every 'llo' 14'• N' .46. it". c" ' 711 L."''' ' ''"V" . ..e. of FIJI niturc., I. i':....- - ,F•ac,d, kinbt , g , , , l* - i , ad Walnut, ; 3 ‘ ) • I '''''' " d '''' ttx "' ''''''';'' N ' :: ' I. ‘--'" '• : 1 1-'• -11- 1, ... :, : r i : bie --„, 0,,,,j,,,,,.. Ciainil,:rs ntid lacitie 1:00r,, equ, t , N' 3.d. ii.)ge. NO. 64. l''''"'" N". 6.' S il r a' L ' U g' "" ar •Y •• ,‘ ~..a l u Nat; iorli.d.Pnilui.liiipLar- and nt lower p, - ,,,. ',vet., No. Nu.i'llch, tni, i ~........ '_aik,.v. , ioai r , "CI. , „,. c . , , , ~,,,...., b.) ~...a , ~.,,,t ~.a ri a r., ,,,,d . 0 , 1 „,,,,,.. k , r „ asp plied 39. 6 hip chandler). Lv0....9. elationery. plied with inay quantity of PITILSITUP.i: and CIISIBB, on WASILINGTON, DisTLICT Ul IiOLUNIBIA. o. .naliln terata. "otelt. and Stenluboatt• furnished at the Class 50.10. White pine._ zit). 11. Ash, cypress, white Elio:teat notihe. Waremoi..3, tioa..":7 and 73 I.IIIFID Street, oak boards. No. 16. Black Spruce No. 21. Iron No. 22. i . i . .....iliargh, Va. 0c22 s l ams and Nalla. No. 23. Load, lino and tin. No. 24. Pik; -, ~ ~„- ~.,, „. _ ... , hon. .Na 26. Hardware. No. 27; 2airda and Oils. N. au. §Nall.a.-"U.L.L.ZSU bas Rochester Pearl Starch, . at= . alill4lll. No. O. iila and canon twins, No. kit. 10 mobbed and Coy sae by HENRY H. OOLUNB. EFEIMMES Clues No. 1. Whit&-Juk. _ Togo. No. 1 , % V7-bit:2-pitt:-. Nu. 11. AeLl Kud Black wAllio: clorr., mahocany Lnitst. 14. the CAtilted hickory ' bYTR. No. 16 tileck apru N. i s. Li, , Jinr. WO. N. -1. Lien N. , . 31.01100 and Lail, h.- .sine t 11.1,1 Iron. :v3 '25. !lard ' - worn. No .27. 1.51341... i. o'llo, Sr. No. 24 FiaX. •'• I 'At. Cott3BTs,. 53. Fl ix ow! t..00,..1 toil,. No. :1. No. 32 N 0.32 hot, NL. 34. iSto,lioa. N 0 .3 5. 131.1111,ng :.1111 dryN .37 tor. No. 38. 'l , 2llt.iv, uuap, m5l oiL Nu. 39. Ship ti a. 40. St.Btautiory. ES •r• th , =a x 4 p, II VJW11411i1) BUCIIA:,;AN Lone fide. tt , I.•uu st..• la 14 I , JI 11.31 y d.ro, r..,d U, c Forst of Offer Signature. A It P'vrra of Guarantee_ 15=ITM=11 1 ( MEWS. No. 82. Leather. No. 37. Pitch, tar and roxin. No. 33. Tallow, soap, cii. No. 39. Ship chandlery. No. 43. Tank and galley iron. No. 44. Chain iron. No. 45. Ingot copper. I No. 47. Miscellaneona. 1 GOSPORT,ViRGINIA AKB tti TON, FLORIDA • (.1151.e. , 1.,, 1. NVloie-,sk logs - :1. White-oak prahneocu -01d1 timber. No. 4Lio-o LK n:431 plects4 and rtulde t ioosH . NO.lO. White pane. wali.uttud ehsiTy. Fu 13. Leoust Nu 14 11114,-asli b5,,111 , 1 baste No. 10 . I.lguatuvhoe. N, head, zin:, tin >: 1, . 25. Hardware. Nu. 17. Paints, 0110, Sic. niyl7 q 7 NIDTICE. Tike k } kits?'ti, ft.. %;,. que & i:114..1ig,0 01,111 tid L 0 OMPAN Y, W 1111 ITS `AMILE E,OLLLING blueh cquipateut, and it. tarout4,ll count CLiOuS,Li prc por-:7 to and irright Irvin Phi LA DELP id LA and P. 1.1 t obi.; t. , 411. to elliltd.4.lo, 81. L0E1.4, id A( Pt. 41.16.. t. 7t. and all I.lllooBWObt and 1,4,111 withbre/AL al and expedittot. The tact that t 4. Rona tdrn., n direct and conbolidatpd betwoun Pitnahurgh and Chicago, is a atUhiclorlt gllui • mart that its Traina will tualtp good time, and connection, with train, on other itend. ON ANU AUTEI'. MONDAY MAY 10th, 1858, the On. Ono [owl will leal/t. the UNION DEPOT, Pittsburgh, daily, (outplay. excepted, as 10110411: PAESENGE.E. TItAINO LEAVE Pittsburgh. Cr.stlinp. U. J. Mail . 7:011 A. M. 7:n7 P.M Firat A. M.. 10:00 P.M 5:04: i'. M. decond 4 , 2,1. , T. 31. 14.111:3 P.M 4.60 11E-SCII ell; UAL/it—En - id 14..itprittil, at 7:OU A.. Itt„ 0 coad xpreis ga e. ItEA , II CENCINNATI—Far6t bapress 6:20 P. ay .X.1.re,8 7:25 A. M. i T LOUl6—i - urbt Expro,6 5:00 ♦. M.; tereutil, press 413 P. it. Ali Trains make close ~..intecthats. at Oreatime for Leiam- Las, Cincinnati, Illtholillpulle and St. Louis; also, ci Fort Wayne with Trains et, V 1 at , :ah and Western Ital. fur Lafayette, Central Illinois aud sq.. LOUIS ; wee, at Forest mttlt .`ratus on the .1. IL a L. E. IL. IL, and Lima with Trama 430 Dayton and Michigan flailread RETURNING. r rum Cuic,.w. I I t 11',..yite. I Crestime I .I..rr.P.igifz - , 11.1.11,..10,e0 Y.M. 12:40 P. It. 8.52 F. L.:. I let (sprees, 2:Do P. M. I 9:12,1'..11. I 6.10 tt A.ll 1:15 I' 11". These Trains make c.use ColllleCtlotle with Trains tot t 34, Buituuere New York and &Listen. Trams from St. Louis, Indianapoik, a.tti C../id.2i- L•lle make close connections at tirestliue with ail retuTnli.4; 'trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains tram St. 1.01.11 b, Oetitre I Lafayette, and intormouiate places, connect with atom:: ;Tams. At °rest, connections are made with Triune to auC trove Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. rho U. S. My:, in m Pitttbnrgh to Crestline, being a train for local boo: , ur.s. Is evert:Mon by the Second =opts==. A.CCOMMubATION TUALI4I,--laaave ew 13rigoten for Allegheny City at 6:40 a. '4., and NI. Leave .411e gheny City for New Brighton at 9:45 cad o:00 P.. 0. BAGGAGE ouiwt , ..ED THEOUGIA, and uo charge tor handling. Travelers or pereuni lute-acting t 7 purehaSS tickets in titts i,urgh for the West, will bear in wind that the only Agent. authunzed Ly the I. E. W C. it. it.: U. a , It. it., one J tetlbent Ills and Indiana findruati Companies, Is . GEORG 'ARAI N at the Utl jun Ticket Office, Uonhocted with the Puun'a It. K PaiN(llger D t .pot,: : ',„,: - Curnvr Liberty uhd Urant struetu. 13AlitlAUE will nut be checked Inc pereone pucchmuiu; • ieltutii ateuy other place In till. city. cumm.L.NeL - , oN .NIi, , NDAS:, Ray 10th, hod ectltinli unul further hotaco. iTuusToiN, Gen. Fasa'r. and Fr't. A g't. G. W. ;AIES., Paza'r. Agent, Chicago. j OS. Supurinttthduat. NEW ViESTEIt "aOUTE, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE an,i ST. LOUIS VIA Ft:. WAYNE and CUICAGy, NeaNiN ATI, LIANtiITaN a Delaub. ltA1IJO;ALB i Sltli CUT-ofi ihitancx. only 3 . L9 from Pthidb , trLd, nci Itn 'III'S LINE it, e,ouiposed of Roads it t Fun! Ita;ated througo boauttto and cultrrate4; 1,4,0 ,tt c• dteir_ Doect coutieCilk , O is luAde at L.ouonati with the 4.t0 . AUG . 416,01.11,pi t!Lt• Inscks of too. C. IL aD.a 0. 1. RufVIR, being Cvall.Cl ,, :l, ft, Luatsvlho. littoßphia, Natchez, wildo LULL.' tun eacuic bat , ud MI ouri nicer Packet& tar KAN a AND N ,ti all volute cont.ac.ta at o.ll , : ant.act a.-t.tnch.y Cautrul tar timut.turt ud uL11.01. - nta tu Central tiaticnct.:•. Tra,us Lean° l'enn atret.t, .Scattan an tottov.d : ;W .~ o gtp_ LIAGG t: Cii r,l , T1110.:L Pea,,rc, at, L..a..vr a* ~ray .tr.r iti.et.tto For Ti • Office, corner Mollo2lgilhol , L U or l'-‘1:1 •.. t. .4-e" V•im,eligura deurotls ‘,lll Ft. !or ELI liut-4)11. .1. U. Vi() , .. F..E, ST.ll,t. H. W. dC. r t. DA.N'L .211.1"9E.EN, Supt. C. Li. /.:1.). ,213 Catevetaiad, amid Wileskin' 'Railroad, A N I. Pittsburgh, Columbus 6, Clueintiat alga. RAILROAD Change of Time ON :AND AiPrEtt 'MONDAY, MAY luni, Tri,tria wtli krru the 1./epot of the fleriusylvAilia G.Litrai Railroad Je followst : For OEVALND, BUFFALO, BETiturr, 11 6:4,5 A• M. CHICAGO AND THE WEST. WHKELINU AND ZANESVILLE. 1 Vim - 4,,LEVELAND, 1,11.11D0, DETROIT, 2:35 p . ig. ~,,,_,.,CiinCAGU AND THE WEET. 1 h :., trein cennects at CIev,DIDI wit!, Detroit line of utennters. 4:00 P i For ALL WAY STATIONS ON TOE. Itlvn. f Lest:. YaitiengerLa deiii-iug to go to ChloWo, or points beyond Chicago, LUILit tidAl for tickets via Clevelauii 1' I ITS LIG AWL', COLUMBUS A_SO CI NCINNAT I (via STE,UBENVILLE,) It AIL ROAD CHANGE OF T131E.--Ou and after MONDAY, the 10th, of May, 1858, Trains will leave the Duput of the Peatahylva um Central Railroad, as follows :- - TEUREINVILIL , , COLWIDUB, DirruN, 3:00 A. 111.}Eur.r141:1ANAPOIJ3, LOWEIVII.III, C:11:a0, MEI", PIUS AND :;.EN tigu,ANa, FUR CINCLNN , TI AND PT. LOUIS, and ALL SULITII SND WEnT. 2:35 P. id • Thrcxigh to ClLlCilinati without ch , tuge of care ""R.,.tienger.l desillug, to gu to Goltuubus, Cincinuatt. etc., Roy poiet, beyond 4.24..unibu.i VU iitenbeuville niu,t U.ita ticitet.l netibenville. JAALEn FAIZMEIt, Superintendent C., Y. d W. It. It. W. W. BAGLEY, Superintendent Y., C tC. K. It. PiTTSBURGii & GUN.Nk.ILLSVILLE Ag a ~ ~y ~-- th3iaC R. A II ON and after Monday, the loth inst. Pass taigi•t- Trains will be ruiiami), Sundays,) from the Peuaeylvun si bear. ol Pasaeuger Depot, a.. follows : Stall Train leave,: Pittsbur_h 'ISM A. Si. Express Train bales Pittsburgh -8:30 13E111ENINO: Mail a'ra n loaves Connehavillo... 2:00 e Express alai A Arriving at Pittsburgh 8.45 A. ai. 'rickets to be hid ut ?elms) Ivauta itai.road Ticket Dface. Train connects at Connellsvnie with Duntiug (..buches for UIIiJULOWLI, Frostburg, Cumberland, MC., cud at West Newton with Coaches fir Mt. Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin, etc. Freights to and from Pittsburgh end Watkins on Pitts burgh and Connallr.ville Itailrsad, will be received and de livered in Pittsburgh, et tile Baldwin Depot," opposito " Duquesne Depot." E.scepting such aa Pig iron, Lumber, Stone, etc., which will be loaded or un.aadoti at timer Des pot, of at the canal Depot, as may be arranged with Freight Agent, Pennsylvania Itailroad, at Pittabnrgn. 1 li. BLACKSTONE, Sup't. Transportation Department P. it C. it. 11., Connell.eville, May 6th, 1858. f myB UU. have on hand, at 0 nit Y. .; .u i.. Li Lr AC. --.tor&toolt& of aucy Q.4,11L AV , " t: ' Il===Zl fellow-1,1110 111111{ bL. I•Vki 19, C3ir V tcluiburg, New orleauz. Craculr..:• ISIGU MI( Oi '6" P tlr r1V11.14 CI,STAILIO j L 1N E IL (i.s A ITURNI . I2 6.','lE. 3,2 , ..11..:410 &_L).;-.7. SUMUCOI r r raaa3euaoaxe ON AND I.l , lrit !TIONDAY, MAY 10 N S - Y INAN IA C RILL RAILROAD T Ili ,t 16. .4. N .l. uLe Pas:it:age: every ne•rilink;, ii• at. i'.3l) Pittsba.gh time. arriviug in Pheadelphie 11:1;..) P. M. THE FAST Lt xctt,lt. :mu lay, at legs ar ividg Eat:lolphi. at 5 o'clo:s A. ti., and stopping only rinncipti t EC l'lt.r,Ss it..s.vie. in , It tattoo evening at It. g = ac Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns ttent,Altoona, &c., connecting at liar risourg with the Train dii:ect for Baltimore. and arriving 111 I'lailadelphin or Baltimore at o'clock, P. 11. AOOOI.IiIriDATION TRAINS: TILE JOIINy POW N ACCYALM.ODATILiN wally (except Suutlayo at 3:30 o'clock. P. ill. topping al .11 stations, and running as far as Conemaugu. PiRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Tget le Ca tabs Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at A. ill. SEtiCk)ND ACCOAEMODATION TRAIN Inc Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 1 .1'..W t'. X. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN 1 . ,: 'le.rtle Creek. daily. (except .SllO day,) at 13:20, P. M. 11.3T1IfINING TRALNS arrive in Pittsburgh as tot lOW'S P.R.; .:1.11111,3:10 .1..1"1... Fast Liu- A. 51; Accommodation, 11:00 A. U.; Fares Creek Ai cpm unklation, essO; A. in; Second Accommodation, P. ni; Third Accommodation, 6.10, P. M. TrWrati fur Blairsville andfllndiana connect at 131Wrsville lutersectWit with mail train. Itlast, Flpress train West, and the Johnatuvw accermodatimi train East and West. Pl'rIbliURGLI AND COiliN P.LLSVILLE 'FitAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh atel COunaLs- Road. leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN 7:00 A. M.I EXPRESS TP.A1N..3:30 RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and 3onuellselle Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, Self, A. M. and 6:10 P. a. sitA, Toe traveling public will Ind it greatly to their in turest, in going East or West, to travel by the Peurtsy vania dailroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be stir. passed on any ether route. AB the Road is ballwited with atone, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, speed and cum tort to ail who may favor this Road with their patronage. —FARE:— TO New York SIB,OOI To Baltimere " Philadelphia 10,00 " Lancaster To Harrisburg, Baggage chucked to all Stations ou the Pit.ii,s;ilvanni sail road, and to Philadelphia. Baltimore and New York. Passenger, purchasing tickets In .mrs, will oe caarged tee count to additloll to the Station rata, except fr Jill Stations where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—In case of lose, the Company adi Wed [nem selves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an I_amount nut exceeding poo. N. B.—TheExcelsior Onwilitut Line has bee: , employed to convoy Passengers and Baggage to and trim the Depot. at a charge not to exe, , ,,1 '25 con''s for each pw,ainger and bag gage. For ti-Lebt Pi J. STkIWA RT. Agent, At the P it. it. Passenger `cadre., myll on Liberty and Grant irtreei;. TflE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. rA THE GREAT CENT rtA.L ROUTE, connecting Ntithe Atlantic Cities with Western, North-western and South-western States by'a continuous Railway direct. This Road alto C. `.13 , :1ei Pittsburgh with 1 - ) 01 Steamers to all ports ou the Wes, C:lt•Vt land and Sandusky webs steamers all ports on the North. western Lakes; waking List. moat 1:11L.."1.1J,.P.J1.:r% by is ittli FRS:lOin con warded to and from the (31.151 AT Ei.a.tcobetweeta Philadelp,a2a E; i'ltt.obctegYl, FIRST CLASS.— Bouts, Shoes, Hats and; Caps, Books, Dry Goode, (in boxes, bales I . 0 and trunks,) Drugs, (in bumesland bales) - Feathers, Furs, Ac. SECOND CLASS—Domestic Sheeting, Shirt-. 1 lug and Ticking (in original halos), Drugs (in casks), Hardware. Leather (in }60c. 1 11 100 Zs. rolls or poxes), Wuul, and Sweep Pelts, Eastward, Ac., THIRD CEASSI.—Anvils, C 1121 ,, liemp, Bs, ru cod Pork. L , ,Mese or maliask - - I un-- ' - Lui - .3d,(O.T.COPT.Cizat aor cut,) ice Ac. YOURTII CLASS--iiee, Fish. &WWI. Beef ) and Park, (in casks or btiXed Eti,it`h aido Lard and Lard Oil. Nails, Soda Ash, Ger- r an. 100 tbs. til luau Clay, Tar, ?itch, Rusin, to.. ) FL , JCR-75c. bhl. until further notice. ORA:LiII in car loads, 35 cts. - 0 100 lbs. until further notice. COTTON—S'2 bale, not exceeding' iioo iba. weight, until further notice. q'ty -Il shipping Goods from any point East of Fhiladel phi,a be r :.articular to wark pitekages " ebs .1-'ennryirdon , Ratarood.'' All Gr.ro,lB COIIaiZIIV.I to tl Agocir, of this actual st Philiutalphia or Pittsbusgii ill be forwarded without Et:morn: AGE :VW—Harris, ialey A. Co.. :uemphis, .: it. F. Sam A Co. St. Louis; P. C,.:Yitile'y A co., Evansville, Dtenesuil, Bell S. Co., sad Carter X Jive::. . 11. C. Malin:on, illailisou, Ind ; H. W. brown ii Co.. and Irwin Chiciunati: N. W. Gee-in A. Co., Zanesville W.to; Latch Cot, No. 04 Eilby street, I - e.g. - ill; Leech A Co. do. Astor ',loose, New York; No.l William street, and Ne I:ig ter:, :axe, New York, E J. Sitebtler. P :ph ia Mitzray.' urge. ::. DOCISIttp .aril /..5:55 5,.. CARPETS %.ND OIL C.. 0111.8 EMOV_ I f .-J . P;.! , their new t and 28 O 1.2: e'r,,t, tlit. t . -11Ati I.:E-'1"..71 . -'111'..1 , . 7 ~, t .- . 7 .1..t TA ki LE Ili 4' i'v,Wii:; . WV S:1 Ii_ITY! 7 :, •!).. , 6,ll.,trit'r:i t:,* Jf cv:r7 •n. wit, in li.D1): rt 1i,!;.:,:,•1:u.:11,p.ut , ;,, 11 11061.: ; 4. •., Pb.INT; . . an 4 '2. t. ..ti vu Mr; J,t.V• P__4. OIL ~ .;LOT11;- ? ,'114'.&T i'INC.z, az EAgA 'lb C AU: Store,. TX - D. A LLU Si respectfully 1"v e iflVitt , the riftelltfoll of their former CLIStOII,I and the Lain:: gio,rally to their preerut iTi2t [1(11. , 1 4 •C for ipriniz sake, ointiraciag the very leteet stylei of F...1' yip., sud 11911 , M 11111.11.44 7 111 1 ,, 1,12.-lit g in pert et Velviiicii . • orusatils, CA.IIIIIOII ingrain: OA.I.Sd'ETS. CiLi2i'LL? FltiDsl I TO :It FEET WIDE. CQCO, • darn nd Kett LttrpetA B“: 1 Fwd , Ireeu It will .dvi, rut pleasure to shot', 6 0064 t• - . 1 all ti 1.0 111 , / b.. dosirour f plIrrilti:1111g,1111 , 1 nY, nro kiv(t•rtai I, .1 offer induct-gavots to any who may Savor us with a c.lll, at the old eL.ud, lie. 57 POIJE.TiI Strom. evar Wood. ruylikly W. D. .4' ii. .I.I'CA.LLUM. OIL OLOTII CLOTLII VU —Of ail Lands. black and yel luvi, f,r at the lod:q yet at 2.3 e,t, Chia r deU! L. ft H. Pli IL. Lli 8. 01LfiL01.'11" S FOR TILL We have on hand. and are daily I,,:klit thereto Gram our own and ether tueoulacturiet, of Floor Ilarniraaru, Carriage Trimming, Table Cover, T-an.. parent, Given and Buff, nod all :lauds of Oil Cloth, tor Li ot uefur-aisSing and ether prlrpOSea. Ale-:„ Trans.,: rut Window Shades, of dry and nil tinle.h—gold bordered end other ety , aa, and W . :ad:so shade Trimutiuge. Murcia...As cud otuers will dad their adv,tow,..; , • . • ex.- amine one stock and prices before inakiu , r their p.•. 1 elsewher, J. S it. PlilLi.l I . aelo do and 28 cf.. L. U 3 LO(it Oil, CLOT HS,— Of t-ar CWT, ita I taster!: ol.taafactu. , . - t--111 r.idths, hod erit to MIN any atiA , of roorpd or liailt—n' toe o O'..)th Ware rooms+, '2.6 acid IS l3t. Clair street The Best and CheapesteEE Use. ADAIR, GRAINT & HARTMAN, FACTU RE RS AM/ DEALERS IN WARREN'S Imipro IA Fire and Water Proof Felt, Dement and Gravel Eloofa, Elastic, Vire St, Water Proof Canvas ltdofing, ROOFING MATERIALS. OFFICE. NO. 34 FIFT.II STREET Some- of our Canvas Roafs may be seen at the follovrlng places:—C. G. Hussey a Co.'s copper world; Phelps, Parke h Co.'s carriage factory, Manchester; Graff, Bennett 4: Co.'s new rolling mill ; Robinson faun. dory and machine shop; JIIII2IOJ MiiiiLlpeB now planing mill, South Pittsburgh; lieu. Wm. Robinson's dwelling. Al legheny; P., Ft. W. Lk U. R. IL, and C., 0. C. IL R. freight house, Crestline, Ohio, P., B t. IV. A C. IL R. buildings, at Rochester and Sewickley Kittanning bridge. WARRTZ'S ItooFliuti has been in use fifteen years, and gives esitiiiPtction. Call, or send to our orte, for a circular, containlng,over sixty lotters,testifying its superior durability See soma of Warren's Roonng on Deg eons Depot, Sc. Charles tiotet,tieve Dispatch Building, Post Badding, Chron icle Building, St. Andrews li. Church, Hand street; Mansion House, O''Oarit Glass Works, 0. Lhnisen's Glass Warehouse, Chess, Wlton 4 Co.'s rolling mill and tack factory. OUR ELASTIC CEMENT, We apply on OLD. IRON an I TIN ROOFS, which mattes them es gr...,d as new, and better water proof. [ap23:em Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand C,AiedttAG,l42 , s AND BUGGLEs, FOR SALE AT WHITE S ii.EPOSITORY, T 0 LI LE I UN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE 11iE SUBSRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchangeo:m the most reasonable terms, 42, a Mae assortment c 4 Beroncheo and second-hand Buggies made by Zvi noon, of Philadelphia, some but tittle twenty-sue new Buggies, made in my na - n from the very beet material plarchusen in Eastern :uarLot. A lice l o t o f hotting WagLms, new and foacond-hand. Alen n lot of goat Wagons, Jenny Liuls, lierrnantown Wagon-e, .3, , rsev WV.Znah and loc`zawr.ye, two tine Phintoto,, seats me tour persons, 0/P3 of them Wat:en' • make, ahl the other N. w York make. iwo this Solis - los, one snide by slr. e.cdg,:rs, Philadelphia,_ and a few Cakmanton Eugglee, suitable tor light marketing. Thu sufr-E7riber fiatt,vti himself, that he tan make it to the interest of persons wishing imr• chase, to give him a call. The ostaldbilittient is ...,11170'llent to too city, the Er.ct,sior ~ m a_tbas Lane of Orel.t . .ee poseing the door every ten minutes. ' rne.:24lydr,a; J(..:2EL'U TEAM LL, oii d 11 itili LL—Pur Sale, , ,t, , ~..1.44 44 t . _t4. 4 441 u..,J1441,1,,i4• rua,Llg urdar, ten of Etaa”, =teat ulactun••..l , cob cracker, etc. , -, -1.54), a 41 , 4i,11.114.4 i141:14,4 , . 4 1 T ge arable and 2 lore of grouna, aitaata i.40t1 , 14 Pltt6l , lll",n. will he cold at a I)arge:a. d. C'TJTIIBER'r is EON, mylo 51 , 11arket street. every deeerip Hold or retell. by F . , M. ln :OLINS'N,N & UO - -7Soper Dnslein, uud ntreet. LOAF POWDER.-S(J boxes, Soap Powder 10 of our own manufacture, warra.:cd atip,rior to any offetrod for tale In this maiket, on hand and for 04. b ., by folB B. C. E J. H. SANVIEE.. OG'i.—Dreseed liege, jnet received and I. Raw by JAMRS FinZER, Avail iffatar West, -OMl:.\ I'M , . t. F . , ILl' =ME z toR , T T. Li A J. a. PHILLIPS MEDICAL. - nOfITOR HOOFLAND'S OMRBIAII BECTRE.I32 Plop IBl{ , "T DR. C. M. JACKSON, PECILAVA, PA, Will °teacart) , cur, i r:OMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA. ;JAUNDICE, 01f2-... OR ..R.I 7 OT.TS DEBILITY, DISPASF.S OF Tli_E KIDNEYS, Gritire frllll ZdZIV :M4l* Such ue Constipa• lion, Inward Pilea, uaues a. or Blood to the deal, . 4 .ciddy of the Stomach, ;.k.r4eac, Eleartbare, Disgust for Food, Wu linc. - 4r. or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructa mtioun, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the SW of the Read, Hurried and Difficult - ff. Flurtern4; at the Heart., Choking or Suffocating eeniatioud when in a lying posture, Dimneee of Dots or Wobe before the Sight, Fever and Dell Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel-7 of the Shin and Limbs, Pain_ Back, Cheit, Unca, &c., r.ddeu Fluihat cf ile.at burn _ jog fu the Fleih, Oonstani Inuwirlii. , , , ze of Evil, and grass Dept - ea:4cm of 8 I' i 11 i v a. h attributing arch valuable properties to nu, remedy, r •I?JwarrantFtle tt&sertien is roade,:bat it simply state.] rude:nobly and concinsixely by the extract. ....1:1,r , , cu= es. end LenefiLl derived front its utee. under the al rec.lon of , tr, illustrious originator, Dr. lloodand, among all of .turopean society, and front the immense Maid 01 testimony, front all parts of the American continent, stun mule ted during the last ten years, in the hands of the pme e, -, , roprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which the C.c. - man Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is el east universal; indeed there is scarcely a family through the a hole extent of our country in which there cannot be found among its members that peculiar sallow and languid appscranct denoting a diseased Liver, On an emaciated and hug Dyspeptic. 'rhea or what immense'lmporcance to this class Of in gall t1, , .t n certain and reliable remedy should be placed witai tl.• or :oath; one in which no baneful or injurious drug en. teo - s lulu Its composition; a remedy on which the patient can rei o v-otti the utmost contidence and certainty, and be assured frca ,ctual and tangible proofs that the article he is using really poseessm the virtues attributed to it. Such a remedy an "1160. F LAND'S WOMAN BITTERS." Thousands o dollars Lave been expended in its manufacture and diffusion throughout ail parts of this continent, and the rfrpprietor fem. , the greatest satisfaction In stating that there is in state, county, or croon village, where the _Medicine has been Introoltmed, that there cannot be found numbers willing . , testify to its virtue& It is r1H.01.1 constantly to the praccce of a lerge numba. the most prominent Physicians in the country, who thivt aieo added their written testimony in evidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, we would respectfully KA: 0 , all those tallicted with any of the above diseases to gi the snd rest assure :it will never be rer:r,tted pr .ot of the stateuienta above made, all are invize(' ad ettentiv,ly the ...t_luiatiac published annually by the pre ~ .ator. .e.onilies, col:Mining :,th greet .ium• of useful noC,ipta, in addition to the testimony in :avoi tram the most prominent arid well known in of the Union. All Agents for the bit secs are riletrinntin the Almanac gt - atnitonsly. ?rinzipal 00-e and %Ihnufactory, 96 Arch strut, Phitadel Pa. For pate ‘4tiole , sale by Druggists in all the principal citiot at remit by Apothecaries and Storekespere in every toot lit tie iluited States and Canada, and by B. L. PAIINESTOCE t CO. and Dr. GEC. 11. Eli; TblLg, 1 ' claw Pittabi••;h Of U diseast-1 tar great, tint cause riprieogs trvu, uegluct of Nature's lau-s SUFFEILi, wiIEN A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN all stages of SkCItET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nei , .ous betelity, Strictru . es, (fleets, Gravel, Diabries, Diseases at the Kidneys and Blad&r, Mercurial Itherunatism, der°. ,u 1.,, Yaiue in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the LGI.1:003, throat, Nose and iiyes, 'Ulcers upon the Bodyor Limbs Cam cers, Dropsy, r4deptic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, land all diLases arising front it derangement of the Sexual Organs, such as nervous trembling, loss of memory, loos of power, general weakness, dimness of vision with peculiar spots appear in before the eyes, loss of night, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the face, pain in the back and hoed, Mamie irregularities and all improper discharges from bete deiceit. It matters mu from what cauie the disease origins- Led, 110 V..nTer lOUs standing or obstinate the case, recovery :I ,;ertaln, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure can be ,ffeaed by any other treatment, even after the disease has baflled the skill of eminent physicians and reunited ail the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, „:ac.aug no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. Due twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the pane if death many thousands who, in the lest stages of the thole mentioned diseases L: had been given up to die by their. I d yeioitine, which warrants me in promising to the altict , od.„ may mince themselves under my care, a perfect aid speedy core. See ref diseases are the greatest enemies health, as teen are the first cease of Oonsunsptiou, Dora tail many other diseases, and o:mid be a terror to • .t.tuau faimiy.A. a permanent cure mcairecly aver ,o, it of the cocoa falling into the hand: of hicorr oeldni pose.,., who not only fail to cure the GiMaSCS but constitution, riling the dyetem with niercnri , , abirb, with the d'lctiae, ittodterati the trefferer into a I.:11 :amsunips.,m. e beet chenbil tee dise ,- ..ise and the treatment net cause death • , :tira married, the use ti e are born with feeble condzitutions, currobt ‘id lio cur/opted by a alma which betrays letter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other alfcc , dint, eyed, throat and lungs, entailing u,x,c, r4.,:ence of suturing and consigning theca :0 La 1.1 one' ,tuotitt.: formidable outitny to lieitlta, . . on it tiret.to eofatogue of ltucnau ditietuies car.h•ite• ,trut try, a orate. upon the aybteru, drawihg Its thud t. limn tt.t.,tutet a fuse yuarauf buffering down to 1111 gr3V_. It uervou ••••. uv:a. , „• the ehergtes ot CltUncl turllL3l 11treL136 , , , .... - .2 I, nit Lae proper tievelopmeut 01 the dystem, tarn ,nt K.iit, 1.13111e33, end lit , iOlll-_rer vireteto,l it L_-9y and. mind, gredia ....1 1 (.ousuoititiou and a iron of 10113 more to be .1 • .0.,t. at.. it tett. With the tUlleat confluence I at..- tit,. it, et.h.rtithato ti , CL , LII.3 ;felt-Abuite that a permute. . c 1,1 be, ao.l .• ; toy relt,rt , l 10 agd:ast the !ma of Pateot Medi ., tor 1.;••• ,, urt. Willy /114,1101Nenaree to the C0R1:12'32 973.4.1 rob too ill1W11.73" 3Rilerel:e; ,unti Lao I:,,er couatitutiona raioud by the • of guar k dor, 00, 01 the equally pob..oirmil r.,., - rruccd t'otent Hudiciues." I have carefully Ana daby rub,. bal.ed Paterit Metlicu,...a and find ih ..: d: theautz,ntaiii Curroarve 9ubliorate, ol the etro,uge,o i•riparistionk of inercury and a dr, ,d pda.. u, ,d . ,•uring the dieente the ;en, La - life. 'dire.-fourths of the patent nostruzuz now in use are unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not un,h:r ...awl even the zdphabet el the aviteriu medica, and are ey ae destitute of any knowledge of the human syi,tem,t,av ,ng one object only iu view, and that to make money rei,ar lees of consequences. Irregularities and all dis,3ases of males and females treated priumpies established by twouty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousand', of the n, et remarkable Cllra4. Medicines, with full directions, Bent to uuy part of the United Statea or Canadae, by patients communicating, their lymptouis by letter. Busineas correspondence strictly con iideutiel. Address J. SIIMMERVILLE, 31. D., °llk , ' No. 1131 Filbert street, (Old No. 10P,) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. 46reak tuPlance t Ilittake Moue. rrlIE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF TILE TI IS--ONLY ONE , uULLAR PER HISARE.—Forty thousand dollars ;tic: - ,; ; worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety o..tnia of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty then aaud shares, at one dollar per share, m follows:—Upon the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re eept, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares abed have been sold, the shareholders shall be notifled of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held tu the city of Phfirdelphia, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to oue vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro ,erty to such person or persons as the Shareholders may *dole!. le receive the same. The Real Estate consists of r 0... three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2600, .nd two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued t glee each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all Menne beance, and title indisputable; the other property coueists A the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch el.d Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for leng time poet kept by the subscriber . The stoc k ? core,ist nig of very fine Gold and Silver limiting Case Lever Watch- te, vary line Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lupine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings. Breeches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pins, to to, Sleeve Buttons, Lte., etc., Gold, Silver and Steel ;epee teeles, Gold mid Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cape, ip'ooas, Knives, Forks, Ac., Ac. Also, French Clocks, Music baste, accorde-.m.,, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for tine Gold, none ouch a-ill be distributed, the most respect able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur 7h:tee ,hares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress of the sender, by return maiL Any person seeding ten dollars at one time, ehall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names if desired. eXfi.. In writing for shares, please write the name of the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, fur a small sum, as has ever before been offered to the public. Bend on your orders, as shares are telling rapid ly, nod it is confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. _ . . Articles allotted to persona at a distance, will be sent to thorn at their expense. It3..Agenta wanted in every town and village. All com munications must be addressed to L. it. Bit.OOllA_LL, No. 50 town Second street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia. Jy9.3:ly triLOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, and for aalo by (fall] IffiNICY H. COLLINS DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Wm) .a, and Dnucan's system of Penmanship, for sale by W. 8. MAVEN, mr24, Corn.r Edarket and Second Strath. 500 GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS Just received and fol axle by W. E. HAVEN. rne24 Ccrner garket, and 2 , econii atreeca. \ DRUMS COD FISH, for gale by I ki BAGALET, CONIPAVE ;0 r Noe. Noe. 18 and 20 Waal eLrer.t. 370VILfb I thia_padufrd , twe t 9 apt:, ricyr--be cttr,, Gle.q, Genorriepa tot, r.t Oral Diecliarged, Fe -1-(ne, , , Muutbl3 , I.l:_teleo3 of Chi, L?L,EviLi. v. Awr. vt tnd [(Wu ey-1. lrrir , tte , o 10,,,uttier sith sll rpiMOTIII SEED-10 bush. Good 'timothy , .iten te sit etkpur• lotto: claserlo.e Set,d for u,lO by JAS. A. FETZEFt, rooted to D 1 . ilitt) , iiN be 1:1:,1. .1q Y LOUE..-15 bbls. just received and 1 ~in tv for rale by fmr3i HENRY IL COLL:11 , 4 . uSL.I IaTOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslae V and retail at the Drug Bore el JOHN HAFT, JFL, Genie/. I Wo: - .:1 and Sl.r.th eta., Pittzhnrßh fiiGOS. - 10 bble. fresh Eggs just received ' '''''-"".h , P" , ____ and fcr 'Jain bY imr26l rtlll'illl E. COLd.r , i , --- A NOnIER GU . Ol)ly Of LfAy & 'ol3.'li superior EXPANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and IA I. , ..ndeu 'lollet ; =' , lpt r.-celve, - 1 t c -- . by oil the other celebrated Skirts, for sale -by jus. -4 0 - . . 1T . , „, na, ap'..ln JOH. 11.0KNE, 77 Market stric.t. :el6 '.....117. rl• in.,..* 1 ..1 >;,r; ,... __ . p LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of i SACKS -- ---- 0 S FEA 1 iii.R S, i'.1..„1,3 t,,,- . . 3 7: excellent atyle3, with and without fingers, ver7 cheap. ; at (ap2d) .106. HORNE'S. 77 Maskat street. ! . .o.•A.L.t;',', Ca.-ARA , ,,u .'t CO., •,:', ' , 4 , ..'. '',Cl‘ '%'uo , l wrep. , COTTON 110S1Lit.1 .—Every variety of .. _ _ ___ received e ... DRIED APPLES.-150 but% choice, PrY g-3 and non' ii,,00 at . tho 10w... prices, Cotton Stocsin JOS. EIJII.NE'S, Appi ,Liolenile or retalApplel,d f•-,r 24-1.., by 77 'qarket btree'... J k'S .`,.. 1 , 1:ILIAC, (1..-not ~! ,,t,- • , .......1 'F.•-• t' r-0". Gl :-'--L--------- --- N. 0 YRCTP.-10 tibia .N. . Syrup far sale, on - f „ .) , vr ,i,tuni , int, by (up 7) HENICT H. COL LINE. iOB PRINTING - • . 60( ) FOR a two story irame dwelling 0 .. Y earl., eircui.,,,, , wage and lot of ground 60 feet by 100, pleas . Price Ls:2. ni.l Lt,Lniz, qtly gituatod on Mt. Weahington. Terms easy. Letter ?Nadi', :now liiii,Le:iitliolt f.,:d S. CUTHBERT At AIM. 57 if arket t Printed in sur,riQi - iityli, at , 1,.,..c I.o:icc, b, 1) LACS CRAP VEILS—Of extra size E - ~ vm ci. JoiiNsruzi a CO., Printer, Maul: ;took - A...nut . ..rt. arers and Staticntris, .' i:' and quality—very cheap, at HORNE'S m:-.l ET Wood rtvr. aPttO 77 Market street. = EILACK CRAPE COLLAttS.—Besetif.. STARCH. -300 bas. Rochester Pearl Stara .11.1 etylon ler Halt, nt Jrnxt:Pll riOltNk r•CINVed and for aL I* =MX H. aura s& Nag rr smut We ' MEDTI A DR. MIL CELEBRATE VERMWUCFE LIVER P7LLS. A -^, 1-, WE beg leave to call the at.,:n tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of th, - - country, to two of the most popu 12i- remedies now before the public. We refer to Br. Chas. IPLane's Celebrated t-frmifuge and Liver Pills. `,Ve do not recommend them as Cure-alls, but simply for their name purports, viz.. THE VERAi.IFTTGE, expelling Worms from die ,pan system. It has also been anistered with the most satis .,)ry results to various Animals -4ect to Worms. THE LIVER PILL F,, :-L-45thecureof LIVER CoNIP A 11\1'1":;, BILIOUS DERANGEM t:NTS, K HEAD-ACHE, &C. I.in cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above r.,:n tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with tilt_ directions. Their unprecedented popularit , , has induced the proprietors, 1 -1 LEMING BROTHE Rsl PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their 1)1 - u. bus use, in which they have been success fully engaged for the T\ Years, and they will now iv, tl - .en undivided time and attmnoti.„ .. tk; manufacture. A:ld iii- ter-mined that Dr. - 1\41.:1 brated Vermifuge and Liver Pill shall continue to ()calm - the high position they now hold L,1110114 great remedies of the c e ti will continue to spare neiLllcr tune nor e-Te:.se Ln procuy:7l ,, , and Pcia:st matcrial, and coni- pound Cnena in tic most t1.0:- ni:Lnner. , o IMMIIIII Illif=lll =MEM WANE'S Y ER:O ~ i s 1, '?2 .71 :I T .esk CREME .) Lir:AMOS t. uu Quay (14, n!'bi A 1 1, 10:-. 11 1l SCI I the , L (jua.L.l 111ler, 1,.1,,rty kr. Cau t, I:ern:ante •:. tat .1, by the unr tl3l , wick medic TAKE 1 AILT1.01: ...kit Pr. A MOS t Fio iiltasnro .h 3 .• they insc.-Lnoi 3 DION: i3.111 , rt30 i ler t!1,4 cure (3 ,Lure ,ne.-.4.1. It brow oublechn ton L.at by the In mt clone at libykliceine iu Lon..lun. Furia. Plii;ndelphia and New York; it hr.r, been ....niared the only nErfu: inetrnment over vet invented, for .-nr: c.f I , Aminnl Weal.nes4,er any 3L:33.33 irenil:4l ca 1 1.. , - -1 1 1Y tho if youth. Dr. AMflii lati,iy Lou Eltoptical id to the merits of thoir ti - o.uivolotiq that in any inatarae iony ,c:ory anon fair trial, tho inioo. , will r., the la q-rumen: in i;ciod Pennine whilliug 'ln.iirnycour will observe chat the price, with the unr.onrpanying aocurely packed awl snit by i• , ..priu„ is r, n 41,,harn. N E it :MEDI EB AN L , Q Cilit Dr. AMOS k SON may be consult/ NI from eight o'clock in the morning until nine at night, in every stage and symp tom of the Venereal Diren,e, it... 11 r:1 2fxoudary Symptoms, semi aISVr neoe,ltn;;tt , _ece and ritricturta of the Urethra, ctn., with invielr.blc cc-ere:FT 1 - he treatment :hey adopt Ia tea r.,2.zit of .. e ; tbirry yEliVe . extensive and successful practice in LoielLia. Th, moor inveterate cases of Venereal DiHP.9.911 d ur nine days, and cases of a Blight nature in tie , re.. three clays, at a mod erate expense. The cure edei.iteti without confinement or hindrance from business; also, node and veiny in the boned and limbs, effectually ersdieated. A CURE WARRIN'fIi.II . Dr. AMOS k i401 , .1 have devo , e. l fb ,, r attention asduaive ly to this peculiar clms of main ri.lief they have consequently been enabled to re“.l,•t their fellow-creature s fully testified and greatfully c.cknowlodged by convalen centpatiente mid others daily iirrivinc in town limo all part of the country, for the exprms purpmfe only of consultations while their exertions have bean crowned with the most sig nal advantages; yet from what they have experienc-,di - inquiring into the Clanial of thes,) iniec'tiodi complaint f from their most simple ectulltion to that of the most den ;intone and inveter.ated) titer have tilWayll entertained the possibility of their prevention and rria ,, ial, and litewise in variably found that the most horrible :,on mi.ngnitut forme, of disease could almost al4 ay, be of the fol lowing catb , ..2.A or the 11l einca of un , skilful and improper treatment; therefore, hr. AMOS A,: SON have ancceecx:d in diacovering, in the ~.3l,ctibn of their remedies, a safe, effectual, mid cautions course: o mit t ing a ll combination of remedies which bear an egurvt.:iticharacter, so well as those V7llOBO p1,111 , 0:111•0 Or lnillalcioni application, tight be productive of La:: in are hands or orivato individuals. in short the Mud/tile cud of their re medies 11 the lessening oi a great Masi of human misery by :he athmiatiom relief and prevention of thee() grievous af flictions that are in reality the Eiecret fee of Lite, iind which. ..chile they cc extremely surround ns, call aloud lbr our skill and interference for their exterininatim. ::.s COUNTB, , Y DI VALID& fertens in any pert of :he ~O / may ea cc trilly -Touted by forwarding a cmrect of :heir with e -onsittance for medicines. Addrees Dr. A:JOS 50 slain and o_us., ctreets, driffs.lo. N. Y. DRIVAfI DISEASF;S. —Di•:. isitoWN',:-. ii. IifEDIOLL and SURG I 0. , .. L. t.,tErz 0.. t, ..tir... , to. E 0 SHITILWIELD Street, ?itt4.. . ~ ,urgh, Pa. ' ' : -...' ,- ..` 1 DR. BROWN lb au uld citizen GI in;i:- I. i.;::: , °.',4114. 1 . , urgh, and has been ill pruCtiC, for a, ~ .-;t:V, aat twenty yi..ars Eon bl:blllitt., ELLS ~ ,t ,7 , 1: f,_44 , 1i,t*:„. oeen confined mostly to Private and itur.gl?.t.V.e,::— "FS' . 7 zical Dial/Well. Vl i tigt,i4 IS I . ' -rte: in aYD etit.t.::CIZEIS "xi, *';(: '';'lst , ILI need of a medical friend, should not . ,„„:„.,i . .± 'ail to find oat the .9111 . 12 viSCO of relief. ~. • '!.7 i' The Doctor la a regular graduate, and 'C''' v. ' 1 .. ale experience in the treatment of a certain cleat of diseases is a anre guarantee to the hullo:era of olitaintng permanent culla, by tho usa of hie remedies and forowing his advice. DR. BROWN'S R.E.N.IIIDLKB never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal DiSi;as,6..- Impurities and Scrofulous .Aff?otioui. Ale°, all diTeasea .Arising from a hereditary mint, which roz..n ileum itAelf in the form of a tater, piuria-;3, ,cud 1.,,^y ferias o f akin liseasea, the origin of which the p..t:ent e entirely ignorant Eo persona so afflicted, Dr. B. ofe.re hepea s ,ore and ,piedy recovery, SMIIN AL Dr. Brovrtee relay - dies for chin alarming tiouble, hron,,,-ht ..a often by that solitary habit of keugnal gratification whith young and vieak-tuio.l , lo;t , a giro way to, (to their ows lostraction,) are tho only reua-thon known to thin ....rountry—th.y aro safe, on•: s‘edy rcltoratlon tt .4 ..0, 11 i'u MIME ' • E:. ••• ' ' E • • • 11‘1,' fir 6 -11.1liSt 1,1: 1 - TE1 I ,r,,ZIL efi 110:SPI- ::; I .1 , 4.6, 461flinti.; . 6 . ..4! r464tnrity ; -.,:06 I'vittly. i:H . ; ~3d'i': m• Ishii dtrc-,t, ' Lk.ot - Z.o an. treat, apt