VOI,UME XVI• .._,.... •_ _ PITTSRHIGH 11(lithiNG POST. 7 7 ' !• • W . : ( : , ri . 7. , r;:!•Ig . ( S, i nth.....).l,rcri le 1) 7-„It u; it,, , tatent'at e.l tno pr)prletors to o ff er EXTRA omens li.r any aluize lots of White ur Red Wheat. 'They intend to make very ceipertor Family Flour, and are willing to pay a i• - .. ~ ,,,ium to the farmer, in the shape of an extra price, to in t are him to rate' a choice quality of Wheat, and to bring it to market in got.' order. .1 e 16,1 vdirw R.. T. KENNEDY &. BRO.. . --- -. " -- ; - '` .-----' '' 77-- - - ;=-7_s-- .-- • ,it: = 4 - 7,- 1 1 _ , - - 16—, ; ----- - , JOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, °'•CS.tiUF`ACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS weighing epirits, the cheapest and beat articles ever brought to !hid city. TEIEIi.MOMETER6 AND 8A.11051.11.111LRE, lacy ug iu price from $8 to $3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, A ND ,liIIII.VEYOR'S COMPASSES, al ways cn hand at G.E.SHAR'B, Fractical Optician, 68 Irh ,oo anat. ht , 113 opposite M ilia Hall. B. C. & J. El. SAWYER, :111AMITPAOTURIB.8 01 LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, No. 47 . Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. F. J. BIISIIA, BUSIIIA & GUTENDORF, DIANUFACITUBXELIS or STEAM 801 LERS, And all kinds of Skeet Iron Work. Pons str,..st, hoar Water, Pittsburgh, Pa. OPDLITPi P6C7.(7 , 1.17 Arc wrosto fo. ffisaal JOHN EthER & CO., FANCY DYERS AND ISCOURERS, av- c ,„ .SSt-x-e)et, .13IT'wESN WOOD AND LLBEILTY All kind© of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and every description of Silk and Woolen Goode executed at short notice, and on reasonablo terms. Inp2B:3m °thee of Seater off Weights and Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND ArRASUREs, hlay be'found henceforth, In Cherry alley, betstion Third and Fmirth streets, whore orders may he loft. turl3:tf CHARLES BARNETT. - LARD OIL.—We have commenced manu factoring Lard Oil, and will bo pleased to receive or ikre for ft. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar k.'.. We will TIN I,Arrels returned when dealred. 11.0. A J. Ei. SAWYER, t=!Pl • T.1, , , t . 417 Wood serr.et. (INK/NS ---1(1 bbls. Onions for sale by A., oral *LUNY N. GOWNS. h. ft- ~.t, ..:]TT. 1 00 1 [ 2 50 00 4 50 o JO o : 0 U 00 12 00 10 00 • - _ - _ AND ROSIN SOAPS C. GUI'ENDORIf. PITTSBURGH, PA. 1 Jr . / . ~,,' ... ~. :, , •,.. - .1 ''',- - ' % ' `z - - 4, '''''4_,.. ' 1 -4.., , '-- : 1• z ,/ -koi • PUBLISHED WALLY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THR "POST BULLDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD &ND FIFTH STREETS AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. INSURANCE ItEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATUENS, BltMWliltll COUNTY l'A., 131,1. 1 presented to thu Stockholders, aud 111,,ii” Out to comp!' tilco with the State Laws of New York, 011ie, Indiana,lllinois,:tc. lEEE= . . The name of the Company ie the FARMERS' UNION IN SURANCE COM ?ANY. located at Athens, Fa. Chartered April 13, 1853, by the Lett,iilate re uf Fonnsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is al' paid up $ 200,000 00 Surplus in addition thereto 53,485:51 AHSETi. Fifty-four Bonds and Mortgag,e. at six and seven V cent. inter.s,t, amounting in the aggregate G , ...5162,3 lb tio Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real e , tat •, principally farms, recordel sod first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than wort gaged for in each case, and in no CaBo less than fifty V cent. more, exclusive of farm building; and Bo certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tors M. the Staten of Ohio and 111 noie. Is.ineteen six V cent. Bonds amply secured 17,100, 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6449 13 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transtubsion, secured by bonds with saretios 18,761 6 , , Due on loßste re-insured, .. 1 / 4 c 7,336 51 Bills receivable, viz: promissory I.otes payable at hank and to the Company 8,246 82 I atereat accrued, (princi.,,ally due January 1, 1858,) 12,191 46 Oslo and otHce Fixtures and Furni ture 500 00 IM/OELE FOIL TILE YEAR 1857 Amount of Premium, received during the year d 85,231 00 interest received during the year . 11,442 05 En't received from all oilier 'sourced 2,450 00 ZIPENDITURIG. xpeuses for the year, including rnmrulasi , ,ns, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxed, and all other expenses $ 19,109 66 ividonds paid during the year 17,000 00 .ottba paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1856 7,674 6.9 i 098013 pail which occurred during the year 46,561 54 LIA.1:11.;110.. .oesdbq adjusted and not doe (sluce paid) 4 , 12,504) Sid Loosen incurred end in process of adjustment 9,307 00 Losses reported, on which no action has been taken 6,500 00 Lasses resisted, on ground of insur ance after lire, property transfer- red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, 4tc 12,100 00 :i3,4.j7 4 , , 0111011 tof risks taken during the ycar...55,429,862 tw ',Vholo amount of risk at. date 4,861,440 00 TATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OP BILADPrJED, st. 0. N. Shipman, President, and J. E. Canfield, Secretary the Farmers' Onion Insurance Company, Doing severally , Wy morn, depoeo and lay, :tnti each for bi,,elf says., that he foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the .ffairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de. .cribed ofPcers thereof C. N S'YIPII AN, President. J. E. CAN PIM D, Secretary. Bribticribrod and sworn bcf de me, this 28th day of Jann ry, 1818, H. C. BAIRD, Juati..e of the Peace. T. .T. HUNTER, Agent, No. 00 Water street, Pittsburgh. F 1 ttE INSUR INCE, B 1 TELL Rekkance Mutual Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. IN BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, MEW:MAN DISE, FURNITURE, &C.. IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. OfUee, I -0 :o. 30N We.lnut street. ~ 7APITAI.„ 0177,9'26 .A.5.`.1./,/S, :3252465 ti 0. Inv,htt,im.. 011. wr, viz liTut Murtgage on Inlorif,eil City 1'; oparty, worth !no tilllo El t 12.0.200 F".. ncyl voni.s Rain !eel 6 par cent. 31 ,rtgage Luau, 1,30,000 coot 25,50.1 Ou .I.llegher.y County c per c.-et. L'eun'a 10,00 J Chi ttrailroad Co.'s StecF, 4,000 00 4 t4.ick, o. ILo Reliance 3int nal I neurone: C,) 19,150 0o stock of County _Fire Insurance Co . 1,0.50 00 scrip of - ondrr 11231111.1 . 6, CUmpaniee 475 (P.J Bills ue.ceivaA. , ,bnsin€da ....... ..... .. 52,711 50 3ook ..kccounts, accrued 15terewt, eu. Josh on bond and in hank t252,46.5'89 CLEM. TlNti LILY, President. DIRIOTORN. Clem Tingley, Samuel .I.3ispbam, William R. Thompson, Robert Steen„, David 8. Brown, William 51nsaer, Cornelius Stevenson, ';enjamin W. Tingley, John R. Warren, ',Jar:shall Hill, H. 1,. Canon, Lo:hr ,, p, Robert Tolaud, Charles Leland, Mows Johnson, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James S. Woodward, I Wm. Id. Semple, Pittsb'g. mr3 B. M. 111.tiCHMAN, Secretary. J. (JARDINE COFFIN, Agent, n-rth-east earner Third and Wood etreet9 MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY, Of ,cm. V. PETTIT. .Presiden' D. T. f.PCANN, Secretary. amount of Capital Stock paid fu and investad...s2Go,ooo 00 iurplue 03,42.3 30 '2.63,42S is tr , s Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mhisisedpid RI V and Iributaries. insures against 1,41 a or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils et the Sea and mined Navigation and Trantrpor tatio . =EI Wm. V. Pettit, J. C. Moutgonwry, John M. Frnroy, B. J. McCann, E. F. Witmer, Itene finillon, B. L. Woolston, John A. Marshall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Eiwood T. Pusey. OPFIC.2I,ti: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Presi.64;s::. E. F. WITMER, Vice Pranient. D. J. McCANN, Secretayp Ear Britualis: Philadelphia: I Steilunitz, Justice E Co., LBuck, Morgan tle Stßifole, Pulnroy, Caldwell E Cu. 0.137 WATER STREET. W. POIN DEXTER, Agent. WEST BRA_NCEI in Philadelphia': Bolger, Lamb a Co., Truitt, Bro. 6 90., A. T. Lane it Co., PITTSBURGLI OFFICE, ap9 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN; CLINTON COUNTY. CHARTIC,RED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA Ca:7i Capita 2... ...... $300,00C, j Premium N0ter...5132,313. ri nis COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise. Furniture, ac., in town or DIIIBOTOBS I lion. Jn u. J. Possca, Hon. G. 0. liar vey , ICharliz A. Mayer. .I,,ia B. Hall, ()harloa Crist, ,IPeti,r Dickineou, 2. T. Abrams, D K. Jackman, IW. \Vint., Thomas Kitchen. 110 N. G. 0. HARVEY, President. T. T. /Umtata, Vico Presichmt. Tuos. SITOKEN, secretary. Re /383NOZS: iiarnuel H, Lloyd, I Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. A. Winegarduer, John W. Aasuard, A. Updegraft, L. A. Mackey, Hon. S Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggie, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFEIGIi--NO. 85 FIFTH. STREW, PITTSIIIMMI. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE AL COMPANY, OF PRILADE_LPHIA. DtutotOss—Charles W. Bauckor, Thomas Dart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob P.. Smith. Geo. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph E. Borie, David S. Browne, Mok. ria Patterson. Cass. PI. Bstteksca, President. Cam. G. Bettossa, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or lhatt..hi, ou every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are'consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, .2hich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, at ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1851, as pr.b• lishod agreeably to an Act of Aeaembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 68 Real Estate 31,377 78 Temporary Loans 88,966 17 Ftocks 61,889 01 Cash, 44....„ 64,340 81 :Alice their incorporatioo F.:4lnd of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of dile Million Faux Hundred Thou. sand Dollara,l Daley by tiro, thereby affording evidence of the c.dvantagas of ineurauc,e, az well ad the, ability and dlspoeition to meet with proniptuesa all J. GARIMNr3I.B. COFFIN, Agent, Office, north-43m: cor. Wood and Third eta. WESTERN IN SU It), N • PITTSEMItr; rt:6iderit; GEORG. I 3 , r. M. Corson. 3,czetary. OFFIGH No. 02 Water street, (Spang a Oo's Warehouse,) al e stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all Uncle ol A. Home Institution, ma"Lagoa by aro .. eii known in the community, and are are promptness and liberality, to maiubtla the :rr cur h they have szsumed, as offering the beat prob• sou n, those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBHB, 31st, 1357. Stock Accounts,- Mortg - cgc,_ Bills Receivable,. Office Furniture" Open Accounts,.. Cash, Premium Notes,- Bills Discounted,. D1M1C702.8 Miller, Jr., George W, JacUou, Alex. .3er, Wm. Knight, Alexander Kindel, Wm. H. Smith, P. M. GORDON. Sprrotirry George Darsio, J. W. isutler f James lloAnley i . Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmes, D.M. Long, C. WJ Ricketnon. novg4 1V0:W . 7-3000 lba Country Bacon, f t oieTale by (e 8) WU. H. SHIM is 00. O,IIFE. FIRE AND AL:AH.Ii NE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 {PA TER STREET, PITTSESUR - IGH, PA. ItoBIPItT i'reddent A L&X.. EifiADLY.Y, Vice President H. A. RISSEWIT, Secretitry. A7Z-This Ourtipany mute, cxciy ki,pertalniri c r connected with LIFE RISKS. Also, against auLL AND CAR , .4 , 1 tb, faul Mississippi Riversand tributaries, and MARINE vuerally. Aud against Luba and inuaago by Fire, and against the Perils of tlir and and T!..T ,rtation. Policies tr,r,. I at tilt+ lon r,tes n.foty to 211 partie. g2b.3, S 6 61 , i'(..:l((rkc,,, Joseph P.(3 HIILaL , , . Jr•hn Setltt .:/ . 9.11108 J... U 11,3 W. Lieliltua,. 011arles h_l( , Y.ancivr Job Fullortun, N. F. David 11.(iltur:11”,, - .. it,but 1: :I te2l.• Eureka Insurance Company of Peasylvnia. ..o. 90 WATL ,, ST.. l'ITTSI(Ult(11( iltock, Due Bills—paynb:o on ,:oru.nd and F....71:1 - 13 O by two approved name. $ 7d.500 00 Cash in Pittsburgh Trust OoLups.uy 02,280 37 NOte3 62 993 90 11.11 s Receivable 15,906 Ul 122 shares lidxchaugs Bank Stoc!..—cos. 5050 00 99 do Mecha-ica' Bank : 4 tock--cost. 5,490 1,3 :'.OO do Iron City Rand Stick--amount paid. 7 GOO 00 200 du Allegheny /tank Stock— do do COLA/ 00 hook Accounts 13,25, 34 $ 253,485 51 $99,1'13 Jo J. IL L. 1 - 10 BERGEII, Preti.deut. Secretury. ms:t m TIZEICB' INSURANT€ I ,E CONIPAik,I OP PITT ;BURGH. WTLL..17.31 It ~ .{.14,..L;zy, Pc-L.:Medi A.IIU ; ;A.P.i411 ;:!curz.r.a.-y. PF/C.L': A 4 Triii:r Itrtec, ber:urvs, _ 4 ",yr kr,: acid . .1,6e- Insures HULL AND CAIiUL, ItlBKtt, ou the °Lir Lad Mississippi Itlyors and triuntarics. insures against Loss or Dancag, by Also, against the Punic, ;;1 the sari L.'34lgatln L.cLt c:raueportation po 435 Br 6 PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY No, 149 Cheilinut Strzet., Opp site dm CuAmu 147. ILL MAKE A.LL: KINDS OF ThSii- EANCE, eith,: . Pr•r1,, , ,,11 or Limited, .m 1-tcriptiou of PI oiierty oreliAtidie,, st rea2miable rat pro:utum. 1 I` S t RESTA 11. i 1. - 1 NTS. FACI - lAr. ' tiGE HOTEL, LOITYR Propaletor, Ma in .fired and. roughtoL, / y the RarirrAd Del e 4 WEST NEWTON, PENN'A. I ABOVE LIOTEL IS NOW IN COM• order fd the resdipti of 7iihters It bean• t LPG located en the hazilde, Yrdiglidigheuy river, and reecho i 1 every duy from the n;ti . Ly iLo Coniodleville •lailt, , d• The re , are edry Ind v,oli furnie,i—dand I no could be no ply learfter place fora few weeks P. a nailer ,-, sidence in th•• country. A few be ace:man - - I tied. Terns moierate. AddreE , A A. LUWIIY, roy2s:if Weet Ziewtoid THE NiTiOltil, t4111400N, Cutter M'oster'l "New National Tikealre, a BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, V - AS FITTED Li'ii\ A T AST EFUL and cent - , :..,n• 001) FELLOWS Pith a-•ot, AS a FIRST 12!.A8!' , .tItSTAURANT AND ilaviu,.; had many years' ,xp , rience.iu the huali,otia, he 0 lit , paroi io,upply the b.a t hln market affords. Bar sill hr furnished at all times the best Ligthilt , s AND ALES. The or- : , uce to the Saloon. Is iu centre of the toot rt tr,stnueuLi, turni6ll,; at all erne,, DAY and :.ItillT tuo(loye eximptetl.) apl4:ly HOUSE, ()OR. PENIVA AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., %. P. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, t,nrn.cr Irwin Street and Dutluezne Way, PITTIzBUROII, PA. 1). MARK ER, - - - 1-'I;.OP RI ET OR , (Formerly of Ps.) H E SCOTT HOUSE 1S Now COM i'LETED AND OPEN FiR biliE:tsTi. It is ~ituatni la a central tart of the city, being ,no ceniont tJ all ltailroad .4 , 243ta and Stnaniboat Landings. "an Ilonon caut built in 1856, with all rnodnra Improve.- ,n-ats, and hund up in ~ pltendid style—the ea tiro Fnruitare. *.ring L1451,7—L,111:i Will in ovary reepect Li, a tin , . rlazd e:.rn attached to the 3 S te ) c S al_ 0 f ir 1 1 4 1 !A 9 iippocitc the roman,. Railroad L:S43Ot, 11ARRISBURO, PA. jjelo VY Ai, IS N N 'IV (th E foitmEitLY P _l7'l'S" 1.; G I'. A. BRABING.' 7 Proprietor. • plilS tiOUSE IS LOCATED ON TILE corner of P' and WASIIINGPON Streets, between tho CENTRAL, AND WESTERN 11.511J8 lAD DEPOTS. J 1..14 nudurgeue r tll , / rollgb 1111pr:seinen:, rencodeled nad :„inilhed with new furniture, and ei now the :neat ~act Clot.d 1.1 11. lit gh, to; Fre..elere by Railroad, :.ant , . West. ucyn:ly AN SIO N ILO USE, GEORGE AIJREN TZ. PROPiII2IOI4 Nu, 24.4 Liberty street, Juno; beaide the Paaatenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which malice it the mom conleolaut 1.100-3, 01 the city !or r.aiwengers arid. by that r proprietor having, at conaiderable ezponae, StGtd Lp, in ezccllent ~t yh, , the M UNcION 110W3E. would reepcct tally eolicit a share of public patronage. There la attached t. , .plenditl STABLE and extetative WAGON YARD, afford ,rig ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. ilie Larder and Bar will be furnished with the bout the marktt, ;an e... - f , rd. feblty The attention of Merchants fe c te... 4 4Sitt3' and others is directed to thin'" establi,hment. which has 66611 recently nttod " 9' up for the parpose of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL HATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION Country folks attending market ere particularly invited to Everything permining to an EATING SALOON will ho found. of the freshest the market affords. ap:29ffydAw $1,n2,708 4.A EXCehil.ol' IteStallrant, .11 3 IVOO/: Street '''`Nkitt WHOLESALE ILLIA IL bEA_LEIL LN LAKE AND KASTEIiN FISH. COMPANY undersigned has Jut iron.; ;he ;z,,astern mar ket,, !elected with great care, SeiELT, HALIBUT, IiADDOC ti, FRESH COD FISH ; F.ASfEL , ..N SLIN FISH, SEVERAL tARIETIho OF LAKE FISH, New York Prinoe , a Boy, Egg island, Bgg iforbbr, Shell eyotora. The fluea;; bin)i bit.,..ght L, th,” cit,. 1-Lvery delicacy of the nutL , • , ll torved up at the EXCF;LSIO it.L6:-ALTRANT. $1'21,500 ou 2,1t23 Cr. 4,161 67 240 00 0,448 04 14,611 46 40,246 60 125,008 79 ,:orner Penn and St. (flair stleete, Pn nntiers:gnen, larmer• 17 ,•• ' I:ruvirt's Laker. this largo and ccaimo di,c, 110TFL. and rellt.ted it in magnificent style, wotud iosinctfally iuv hio ineno.3nud the traveling public to him I, mil. Issnreal, u-ith !h.. cnnieniencn of the hoar, nod hiß lur, is ex.p•erience in the DC,111e.14, n give entire s , tinfaction, and lib. charp :t tuudsrato CC'NNELLY. Lippincott, Shoo-ten & Parson, NO. 104 WOOD STBRET, NEAR Valli MANUFAVTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va licw, Est and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, keep constantly (It hand a xarge stock, We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay. ing facilities- to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods be• two purahating elnawtyzu x tti. INSURANCE. PITTSBURGU 13=1 Amaets--liay 1, 11458 ri I hiaJc M. Pennock, W. W. Martin, K. T. Leech, Jr , )avid McCarlleat. •Jeorge S. Selden. J. IL Shonnberger, W. K. Nimick, John A. Carighey, C. W. Batchelor, It D. Cochran, James J. Bennett, Win J. Anderson. M1E8931 'veilhum James Park, Jr., lor.ac 1f Porru,rk, Cau zi'azara,, 1 7, 7 JOllll CAL! WO!: :14..)1i.ERT tr..:NCi, M. W. 6A1,1)W12:+1, VictePrevitian; TALECTOELi. ..1c...1:ff. W. CLE. - 1, iia e; E. '.•s Etl4l,bn, P. L. nirVl.tr.Y, C. Sherman, S. J. Magmr,,o, k •,1 hti Clayton, ilor. P1TT:.131.511 , 311. WASHINGTON, U. H. W. KANAGA COUNZICOPEE RESTA kinAtiNlT. BY FLI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, THURSDA Y:. JUNE 3. 185 S $258, a 4 1 13 No'Eiji', AI, it DhAieLb zst: Li•Pt:rtteuit C14,311111g Lt. . .. ttu t tett:llH, and mta tutu • Ltr.teuoti ties at rein untirative prices ALL,attend ti• ".; tit_ Nutai _ T LIOLMES tc, SONS, 12: , nkers and Es in Drafts, ancbii, Gold, lily, and yank N.jt@Ll. exchi,nr, • and C,L . I Cant ly ibr Mad.' • %T.art.cd • .I _l2', 7Y.1....._)1.)5, 311:nut.; Kier, JvLn S. Dilwort". Millen) S.. iia, John Shipton, Lryant. it ()BERT A. _,0t1,3i (L , tl,:zz,aor B. 2. PATJO., Cit A:.l , I N !. E,, i ,.. 1 . _j,: 9ttel.tr. F.,3aid of 12 Trr,e,tc;es—Faculty of 14 Teachers STUDZY:S. ATTEYDING, .14NUAILI, 1858. I , ung Men Prepared for Actual Duties of Le Counting Ito 'n .V.ST LTO TION \ - 1:N IN N LE and Doultle-;Autry, an rated In every do p, rtment of ltuAt neva. Contatercial..k HU, met:c, Rapid Boot- Wr.ttug, Nlercantila Corneupoutlenco, Commercial La-o. Ltotecting Counterfeit Aloney, Political Economy. Eddcurioa, Phonography, not ad other aubjecte f4r the thor eduction of a practical buonc,n; Wane 1 SMITH, A. ui., Profcg•dt- cf ;ling and dcteuee of Arcot:Luta. J. A. ilaYi,iilCK and H. 4. EiCIS,./N. _VisiAll.7,l, Teach et, of Book lior.ping. ALEX (70WLEY, T. ittill'filrdlT,aud 11. A. HUTSON, of j',•,n o - o .ry prt.nnumni over all t . oznpotition for belt !'nit and Int: Writing, 4-trir AND arc 19(1P. J. H. POIITER, Prof of Mattn-matim PROPRIETRESS Terms, dr—Full cuurio, time notitutted, enter tt nuy time —Pb. A vttrage t S to 12 week, Board about Entire C7'3t, 4 , 60 to S7O. ss—t.sl Itiainin4 eituatiou. Spi.cinu-na of unequalled writiug and tireut.ws rot free. Ad ;rum, F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh., SiTHY WILL YOU BURN UAMPIIENE A ND FLUID, when you car get a the per and bet ter light. Pere Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Carmel C produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe vortahle light ever offered to the public, and no damn - ut explosim ; more brilliant Lunn roe; sad quite as cheap; Lamps of the meat simple end eerily managed eon. :art - lotion. got sale by T. P. s G. I.I,rDiIINSON, Beware of a eonnter eit alread. in the market, made ir•iat Catnehene, with a Little C:al scant it. ' COOKING BY GAS. Nc: olt D ri , 0 TIIE LAD I_ . Till; HEATED TERM IS APPROACH !NO end we the attention of the I_lA', a to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can 6 , 1 dung with without upt.te,sio4 'teat, witii o,t urd with despatch—the are tteing alwuy ;ea moineut—by using Illusgraveu Gas %J./oohing Stove, To which we realutctfully your attenn 1,, at No_ 7EI Gmithfield street. it. A. !tills:SOY ttt BRO. rh Coutrty and City [tight, htr Salo upl2:Bru R ES' IWO 2;t:tra CONFECTION , C • it; FEe'l'lON, 00 NFECTION,OuN • ECT.I.ON,CONF 11,CTI0:/,0C:NIFE ONION CO.NFE C TION,G OW 0 tr 10;4,60 N F E C T O N,CON C T -Ai_ N , GO NPFC T t N CO N FECTI',N b. STELNEITOK t 2l:r BANKS. fil; OL6, A Pa S A n :Tt, No. 155 11 , u7ll. JONI:6 i3LIILDLEC (PEN DAILY, front Ito 2 o'clock; v_y o t; Nev,,,d,,dae and Saturday eveuingn, from Mny let to November let. from 7to o'clortt; end from lccieini.er let to ',lay Ist, from o to S o'clock— De.osits received of all mule not leas thou Ott. bytt..tri, and a dividend 01 the profile de :eyed ewe.. 0 3 , 0: In June and December. Interest weis declared at the rate of siz per cent. per on the first of December, 185 E. ol e o In June and nucero ner, Inn,:. nod In Jane and December, 1857. interest. If no: th;ilA to 1.11 , credit of the depositor as prinenpul, mad beam the some interest front the first days of Jnne and Deanne:, compontolim: twice a j%J.IC ithout troy! 'ink. 'he derve.it. to cal or even t. prt.-.eut his pose boo:. At this rote. money will dmillo in n, • , 3 than tool • yerr,i, In the noc..eirate octet Ano P2lt CENT. 1 1-All. t „1,/ , 17.3. • — ll`.. 1. a.go- Itttiona, 84.;dication of Clio oftic i'rcebitielti--UNO.ELGE A BiEtNE 14.0i,w0:1 Akr.,11,! , r Kracil,y ,e 1; wilt, • . it Albort Cu!te, Jutin It. Car.ifibld, I. Clarainvi - Alc.nzo 4. Carrier, Davit Campbell. CLarles Dnthr. VV.!, I,t F :ven, 2r, BANK 0W A. J. STEIrENS & Ii.ILLECTIONS 31A1>E and proalliu ; mated. LANDS 6elocto.: Lad ecute.'. Capita:!:[, wialO og to make inve6tzneuti h the Welt, can do tbrt.r.gh eis uon-(4ip0ud,11,...0 tur2l:Ma! I.OOHIb D. LUOIIII6. S 1: IN I.OO I IIS Dealerti in pr.au,eviy otody,Buud„, ;‘) l aecuriti•.y • •:••••1011,..y .lortey VIA rh.ll „It ,tit.oCt with ..._. , iu„ of !!-L,l 'llor , l 1:13,i earOot, 1: 4 " OLIN \V(/0 D 0.7 ,•• r • ~•, N k TAT lONER Y EMI= f" .. = rine, itait p. r Itf-14 - 1 , , ate* lit , 14' ti. 'f LiRS, B I .; .3i a:I tifacTlAl'zi.t4, Joli LI N'TPl..'..n, 57 Foqrth, TOBACCO AND SEGARS vai ft'I3M;CO, tiNHF CIUARS -(4 41.30,q, . Colliege, /, •,.igh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. Safely and Econoaly in Light. ll:he most pleadant, safe effectual trio 1i.em,..1y now to nae. 'Et Prepared and Hold, wholt-Hale and ratt,a, by ANGELL a HALT. Cor. %Food and eta., i - o.tebur,in, Pa Aud nod CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- ki The nia;oraii.idael has bought the lease theaiac , nwaied hoialca, tc v;it h portiou L., 0. sive stock of Homes andk.;arrisges,-.71 lain the pra-,cerry Tarn Mathews, deceased_ la addition to the stock beliire.nieutioned, he ha , also 3.dd:A Fl naulber iiNE HORSES, !ES; CAIik.LAGES, villicn were formes') ./11Ut:yvli aL /lid LI Ver Third, below Wove Fitp,2l. A, Le. bias his personal don to the 1 , 1 , i I ; Cos vitrollagv WhiCh eet he has hitherto rived is solicited. JACOU GARD:CEA, 61. is .arlca very Stableo-. Cd.l.l.li.i.AGE6 can b“1, iT.tiFz tkro cur .! ft, FTl7.l,rai•J - 11)UCKWUEA'r F 1,0U1i,.-20 sacks Buck .", NI neat Flour, 50 lb - 4614, jur r,ceired a - .d for ialo by McCA:NDLE., MEANS a CO., fe.ts ar.e. WAAL.; ntro,-tti. .FLOUR. --25 bids. Sziptrziine E'iour received and for salo by MdiAlirlif,e,BB, is CO., feW W 0 3 ,1 and ',rater !treats - - - EMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable and cheap waapea, at _OWN E; TETLEY'S, !in III? Abe-4 rtrr-tt. ARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in ju barrels and kegs, just received and for sale by McCANDLESS, MEANS & CO., tarp Corner of Wood and Water streets. SPICES.- 25 bags Pimento; Grain Pepper, fast received and for sale ?ELLER is IIICKETSON. tiss. :al and 223 Liberty street. :f. i4rltttaTl KePy, ie.,lll.4!!educe:; IFF• In, , I• A. Juh❑ itell,6, : - Vt.:•.er P. 14 - 1 1 .1un A. M. M. M. S...lcvyer, A! L; Lita,ru. 11.„ory It. e.. E XCU A NC mercirkl 1;111,.4 ivCriot.9 ‘ - `l , `L lII= Pd: STlt'Elf? J. 79 Stnithli , A,l Strout 1 1XX_MI REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Q . CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market street, fur the sale and purchase of Real Estate, routing houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, Atc,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, ac.; writine letters and corresponding with parties abroad, dtc. oclB BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance At - r o ent , CLEVELAND, OHio. itaintar.scis.—fvkanre. Haulm, Garretnon er. Ca., Robert Park, EDT W.ZSTERN LANDS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 50 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has fur sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin, 'Minnesota, Michigan and lowa. He will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, gm., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me as above. arahly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE, FIN UNDERSIGNED WILL EXPOSE to public sale, on the pranthes, On the 18th day of June next, the Real Estate of SAMUEL JONES, late of Robinson township, Washington county Ya , deceased, cornisting of a irect of hunt situate in Roble. son township, in said ciensty, con tanning 163 .SCR Di, rose lend. Thin harm is I/ o.it/ PIL/1111 , [1n41/.44.4 Rallr/ , ad / /8 miles frdin Pittsburgh, .g well im proved, and is convenient to Charclie3, filc Imola and OtiEsighird of the purchase moue) will remain lu the land during the lifetime of the wid..w, the filtered thereof to t.?, paid t., her annually. One-half the remainder to M 3 paid ofi the first of Api il, 1859, when possession will be given— the remaining half in one year therefro.d, without inter,ei JAlllti JONES, , myl:ts JOHN JUNES. .issecutori. I NLY FIVE DOLLA.E.o I—k'or rent, a new and comfortable Cottage Home of four rooms, with an acre of ground, abundance of fruit, garden. chaile trees and shrubbery, situate about threeepateri of a mile from Allegheny Cemetery, near the residence of Samuel Douglas, seq. Rent $5 per mouth tay2o A LOT OF (.11tOtJN1) irt F.a.st Liberty, netts the Railroad station 30 by 100 feet will be sold for one-fourth in hand, remainder at six years' credit. S. CUTHBERT k Si.;.N. 61 :ilarkut street. eVENING OF NEW ,;001:10, j. BUSH'S, No. 85 Maris.et Streei, Ai Splendid Stock of 'frintualogs, Ji [M. latent oattants, oat to cult mot art v 1 - 3UTT.:N , , OF ALL DEBCHI['TI•,:i the noceitleil in Triucalings, when will End the R tt. 01!il - U3.11 LACE, The li.:cll6st Trintmlut fur bilk Dred6. H. CHANTILLA Ltt..CES F,R MANTELS AN APE 6 A full gistortrueit of I:ll.Bft'lliPaßriN sold at I.iiv prices MA re.sErz,LE's' CAPS FOR CHILD R P 711 Ei? LAC AND b,}:111)1, , e SKiltTB, COlicET6 ai,;D u lent Felection in the Cu;., and WL he T 11,.. cheertmly nuwn to tin. La:ilea, by J myl9 No. 64 :-ark , : GENTLEMEN'- DRESS GOODS. lIVRAB.LAND, MERCHAN T TAILOR, - )ornor of Fourth anti:.'.lntrixtlelci Sireetu, ESPECTFULLY :!;OUNCES TLIAT wv Lc Lac r..coivc Ac. ...Ft of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, , f the ueweet etyles, best quality a. d - otot t leguut doactip t;oua, NV Loch h. to prepared to tutuultftv tuna to order iu the LATEST FASHIONS, A rol with ouch a character of work filaa chip, as cannot fail satisfy and Please the 11104 t li itHionn tastec, [mule _D I S SOL UTION OF PARYNERSITIP.— Tho firm of fLAWURaIi OHO. a B at.) WSLYth wll3, the 3d of May, 1958, dissolved by mama; cunsout, by th withdrawal of JELIII ILA vilAtTti frum the abort, firm. Tne luitounoi of the lute firm will be sottled by LIAWORTH ,f; BROWNLEE. agr JEHU HAWORTH, in withdrawing froui the above firm. kindly thanks hia former patrons and ale, the patrons the late firm, for the very liberal tatronago ho has re t'vot, and wenid kindly recommend them to his ..ileeessorti, ii NLEE, as they Pre determined to sell .1 ' . having a very large assortroimt of CHEAP It' . and LlQUottd on hand. JEIiU I.I.4IVORTLL 8.1 VI T) HAWORTH and JAMES BitOWNLEE hove this day aliocinted Lyetner, dnd wi'l continue en the onsiness ut the OLD OT AND, eon:, of Diaruand and Dia mond alley, under the style of HAW 'EtTii SHOW - NE PIE, whore they hone to receive twit patronage so lib.nall givou to the old firm, as they are determined to sell CLUAt'EIt than any other Store in the city. my Li filidE CII.I4.IMICAI OLIVE ERASIVE jt SOAP, manufactured by B a. J. h. 6twyer, re ceives the preference over all Mier Muds ever offered for iomily tine. it, advantages over other .Soap., are:-Ist. It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to throe of common rosin • .-040. 2d. lialf the time need nuly be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. 3d. Labor in washing can he nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding theh. wear on the wash-board. 4th. .mailing the clothes is unnecessary le-n this Soap is used, and bard or salt water answers oy sally as well as soft. 6th. Printers, Machinists, Painters ...r; others, find it far sup,rior to other Soaps. it Speedily re. m., - ;es grease, tar, paint, printers ink and dirt from the I,nds, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor or rubbing the clothes, and the use of at: wash-board, the following directions should be followed: the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one nerd of Soap, out it into shavings, and dissolve in one ~:11on of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ten gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soup, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse in warns water once, cold tat -r twice. A very dirty weir:-cacti, or seam, cr grease may require a slight reibblng, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean end w hue, without rubbing or toiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, ih.iniring about double time ha soaking. Observe our name on each bar. q . sale, in any quantity, at Mir Wart.l.lo , l3e, No. 41 }Vuu.l :Ind at our worka, upputiltu the ilnur,; Petal. :vanie. avenue. B. C. 8 J ii. SAWYER. ap2l SALE.-SEVENTY THOUSziND AClltliS of choi e Prairie and Timber Laud, situated *: orthern 10 , a and !ionthern Mir nesota, embracing the ,t lot of farming lands over ~.flored in Oil market, as it. Ire located conveniently ti Mille. Towns and linos of II ,droad. Pamphlet! containing information of value to ..trauts and catalog-all giving location,* description and pr.cu of the land, with a brie; deacilption ut the countio, .n it'ji they are located, eau be hid 0 , 1 application at oar d Sup, and thee will be ae 't free by mail to persons Bending ro. their arldres!. W 11.1,12014 FRAZIER Fr Co., donna' Building, No. 67 Fourth street. EED SWE E'r POT AT,OE S.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to close consign !:t