it Periling 411. est. JAMES P. BARB, Editor and Proprietor. P!TTSBL9RCH EDNESDAV MORNING DEn OCEANIC STATE NOM I N A.TION S..' roR surnewr. JuDGr., I rl P., Li AM A. PORTER. OF PHILADELPHIA Pon CANAL COUNISSIONSR, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTH COUNTY Apologetic The machinery of our Power Press has been somewhat disarranged for a Wet 4: or two past, which has rendered it impossible to supply all our mail and those residing in the suburbs of Kw city. with their papers as promptly as usual. We hope a day 'or two will relieve us from this annoyance, and meantime we must beg the indulgence of our subscribers. THE RtCPUBLICAN CONVENTION The nominating Convention of the Black Republicans assembles to-day at 10 o'clock- The candidates are all as busy as bees, and some of them are getting " very mad" as they see their chances for preferment gradually lading away. Sonic very confident ones, who soy they have a "sure thing," will have long faces before night. For two or three days, the excitement has been waxing hotter and hotter, and toylay we shall not be surprise , i if some of the patriots boil over—those that succeed., with joy, and thi_ise that do not, Before sunset several people will be stlaiding on the e, rnrr. complaining that they have In -n a‘vlully cheated. - the seeupd edui,n of the P•xt, whieh will h e issued at ti:ree afterneun, we shall give the p roc eedin,2.:s of the Convention up to that hour, and the political fever rises to fever heat, we may issue a third edition. St look out for the afterurffin THE 5,1 E RBUN II We publish on the first page of this morn ing's paper t , ie ent' re programme of the Saen gerhund Festival, which is to take place in this city next weeV. Our German f el 'ow citizens certainly take the lead of all other's in the matter of ration al amusements. Their Turner Festivals, their Singing Sdc'eties and Festivals, and their other assoeiationni for the pu pose of amusement and whnlesome pleasure, might well be imitated by all classes. un the:occasion of gatherings like that which is to take place in Pittsburgh next week, the German pont/1;1,6,m devote their Undivided attention to the entertainmept of themselves and their guests. As a nation, the Germans possess a high degree c,l musical taste, whien they cultivate t,, a degree of rare ex'cellenee. Mussic is to every German a source of unal loyed enjoyment, and the Faderland fur nishes the world with a larger number of profes-donal musicians than all other nati , ,n , put together. This taste for music exerci- ,, s a. w holes,,me and humanizing influedee up ,, n them as a people ,'lass of our citizens is as caroful, indo-lriousJind prosper6us, as the Germans. Unohtrusively and qui( tly they attend to their own business, and rarely intei— 'fere with that of others. They are generally intelligent and well informed, and make good citizens. Crime is rare among them, and the vices of drunkenness, gambling, &e., are not met with except in rare instances. Their national beverage, the Lager Beer, lurid. hes a wholesome substitute for the stimulus of ardent spirits, and among themselves the use of it is never so deleterious to health or mor als, as the "native whisky" is to its votaries. Pennsylvania is largely indebted to her in- dustrious and thrifty German population for much of her solid wealth. They are a pros perous and most valuable element of our On the occasion of this Singing Festival next week, we shall probably have an oppor tunity of witnessing the largest gathering of German intelligence and musical talent, which has: ever taken place in our city. Large numbers of Singing Associations, from all parts o f the country, have announced their determination to attend, and thousands of visitors will be present to enjoy the festivities ofrthis musical gala. In Greece, the strongest man, the swiftest runner, and the most skilful in the arts of war, bore away the prizes awarded to suocess : in the English and Scottish Border tianics, the skillful archer, the strongest wrestlerand he, who was speediest of foot, won the laurels. The prizes here to he contended for eail for the exercise of a more refined talent, and in dicate a wore cultivated taste. It is the vota ries of Apride, not of Mars or Hercules, who are here to contest the meed of excellence, and the skilled vocal and instrumental per formers will celebrate in glorious paeans the Arts of Peace and not of War. We refer our readers to the first page of this day's pa per, for full particulars of the Musical Festi val. The translation, there given, of Julius Otto's celebrated Musical Tableau, descrip tive of the life of the Fisherman, has been made at the request of the Committee of Ar rangements, I,y Mueller, Esq., =a mem— ber of the Pittsburgh Bar for many years, vile of the editorial eorp.: city, and a gentleman of classical education and culti vated taste. lie has labored as far as possi -_hle to preserve the peculiar force as well ttiS metre of the original , iri whicli be has most happily succeeded. Importah Dectgloes The United States Supreme Court have made a very important decision relative to taxes. They decide that as to the (invert' ment. parts with its title to lands only, %%hen the patent issues, that public lands are not therefore taxable by States or Territories until the actual issue of the patent. This is a de decision of vast importance to Western set• tiers, and all they have to do to avoid the pay ment of taxes is to let tree patent lie in the othoP, or, if necessary, get a friend to contest it, so as to delay the issue as long as he may desire to s.void taxes Unantmouz Against lg.. The proposition whieh was broached in the Louisiana Legislature, to introduce African coolies into that State, has been denounced by nearly all the journals in the State. It was the absurd holx, that the Louisianians were actually landing cargoes of Africans for their plantations, which induced the British cruis ,. .rs to ov,rhaul every American vessel now in the Gull. After swallowin g the giahoax, a genuine John Bull can swallow any American absurdity, especially if it re flects upon the character and standing of the people and their institutions. Pittsburgh Bonds A thousand dollar bond, issued to the Char tiers Valley Railroad Company, bearing six per cent. interest, was sold in Philadelphia, on Monday, for $5OO. —Did you ever Bee the umbrella t‘gain, which you lent for "only ten minutee?" DEATH OF A NAVAL eorrimononz. Commodore Thomas Ap Catesbv :Jones, of 01 ' N''''"): 7° ' --1- ` the United States Navy, died on Sunday night A gr'''"' :Lty • Ileu Cw.i,plre to force upon too U ytuts suiect of last at his residence in Georgetown, D. C. oi*ir it. (,),„; of tha test duties As his name indioatds, Commodore Jones was of the ~:to •- prittectl.:n to The nt Welsh descent. Ile was a native of Vir. o ' l ' p; '' , 20t1013. is (he very presence f re.Aire r immedi peel".; • •:: •11 tae d it be ginia and was born in the year 1.7 K). entered the Navy as a midshipman in the *he duty • ; 1.1',2t:Cl peripi year 1.8113, and received his commission as il'Jtn a:":n toltow- I; its cuty 111, 4 0 Li/ b uvepaied ; 1 , t,,A. thew In a Captain in 1829. Ho Was first brought dui, to pii,tect H,:- prominently into public notice in the year I grant il(tr itnpoet,a (31(i0 the de: v, '•in time it 1814, at the time when the British naval ex- peace to 1.10 pi, pared f,,r Wn ; ,ore that the _iidtrat.iim are pedition against New Orleans entered Lake II deeply sensnae of ttos duty oi Borgne. Commodore Jones, then a Lieuten- and of the pros irtsuffichmoy ef iia prepari , — ant, had command :of a division of five gun tions for the contingency of tifil”. At the open boats, carrying ,ind IS3 men. The lug of I J r ie t P r i o! "' n! 'ef ,- - thi et l u of Congress, an iP- British force that he was appointed to inter" t S “ ct s ecretari t es P, P‘ ' ‘ r l t , wastue and urged r e o b n cept, consisted of 10 or 50 barges or boats .re tiiie,d by toe Ihelso recommends I built for this special duty, carrying 42 guns werc trade with ref.ireucc tl the getters. the ii,ioner, !lad not to 'llly and six or eight hundred men. After a gal are riteigeucy I.7:: , iteed, however, or th fiv• lout resistance, thb little American floatilla :•cau,:nts:t regin..r ditCC6 usiced for by the was compelled to surrender, Lieut. ones D, p.s.ituient, three regiment of Kiiititin have been grirrAed by Cony:reds ; d, msteau reu email having been early: disabled by a shot. His tti °env,* steam enryettes asked fur by tle induct in the affair was universally cour Navy Dctiartment, 0, 1 1,-±ve oat Cougress vended. That the victory was dearly bought etlll to a state of sel tte iacunatze. , cv •r half )3* the British is' proved by the filet Aluat doze!: sloops. L., ~u[rages u l :•7. our commerce in (ft(' :10 . !1',7( Cd . Florida ebil [heir loss, as officially reported, was 94—more Cuba, toe Secretary of in , . Niivy, with commend than half the number of Americans engaged, able pl'011IpITIC(.!( sod (.:1-'rgy, h - te ordered " the dlsposabie roma forco .if the country into the and . by American witnesses of the affair, the irite , va! r," priyect r loss is even said to have been 31)0 or 100. 5.,. t the h.g;i frow oe:aeher In 1812 Commodere Jones had command of ii.--ndition tie t'•• • i . uy artier n, the Pacific squadron, •and under a false im- ":n;" i " 'Ol :7;i - a ciqi-tou pression surrounded the Governor of Monterey t:iin ir.c ,:,rise C0.11d!r , : , :-, the to surrender, which tie did on the 211th of lug insnropertion n tnrise waters October of that year. resp.2w7,dy f the protective p.m! aggressiv Ti„ n ext day, Commodore Jones discovered that he had been entirely mistaken in the infor mation which lie received that a war existed aril that contemplated a cession of ter ritory ta Great Britian JUNE 2, 1858 A, soon as the news of the affair reached Washington, tic Was recalled and has not Leen engaged in active service, though he again had command of the Pacific squad ron in 1: , -1S. For this indiscreet hut well meant seizure of Monterey, in a time of peace, Commodore Jones was suspended from ler vice for a time, and in 1855 was placed upon the Reserved List by the Naval Board. No one ever doubted his valor or his skill as an officer, and be was highly esteemed by his brethren in the service. He has resided in Georgetown since iris retirement. —Those who 13.,,ve any kiwi faeilitics fur fortuing an idea about the wealth of Willhimft Astor, estimate that ii 6mcunts to $.10,000,01)1) ~v zi.50,000,00U. It i- in;).stly to real 11,2 lives plainly, bdt still is not niggardly lie has five chtl•lren, three sons and two daughters. The , wo daughters married rich, as also did the The youngest son is mentally weak. Air. r himself is tio:w in Pali , . He and his u divide their tlu e in living la),..twee . this ittu r; fUlj Earn e —A statement. [Liu , just nlad: 3 that W O 0111 V..- Itwenty tw , yto , the Blpti9tB the Stale. have maue cle:tr 6,565 4,"_'l mini,ttqq, ;in.) •Y,J;4,630 mymb,r,, PT. ip0 , d.g..40 of 335 churches, 192. and 27 521 members. low It! 1 , n he hsnge. ou the 1' h f ,CT,rl.lll.q' btßy of pr-cee,l - '4 view tr)d.' .'aiber. Of court this 18 hut f.r )t , nlug Ica i ff A.ltorz,tll-r. Thy E;.. -0;4;1 C.)nv,ntlon Afinne , tj{,•—yr.y Z:sL t I,:j•Atrucd , Ithe,nt .:Bishop, r.=.dical kl.fft‘cen,e ~t .T) -• r • bel'WeCTl Ole, a:- or:Ca.r.Dr.rirr, _A:a:r Clark, r.!: I ent 9 v:e,i ed. Th 2 (3 ;0117. cul,. I ,f ‘ll.litolir The pliblie attention is now being drawn to this olistrnotion t 6 the navigation of the Mississippi rivet, iu such a manner :is, we trust, will speedily secure an abatement the nuisance The Senate Committee of Conference have reported in favor of removing the bridge as en obstruction to the navigation of the Mis sissippi river. In the House, the Committee .)f Conference have presented a report, thro' Mr. Wa,hburne; of Galena. The Committee were instructed by the following resolution That the Cummitee co Copmerce be instructed to inquire if the railroad badge acr,,es tho. Mississippi et Rook Island, Illinois, is a serious obstruction to the navigati , n of said river, and if to report to this Housa what action, if any, is paces• nary on the ,• art of the Government, to cause said obstruction to be romoved. The Committee, in their report, state that " they cannot doubt but that the bridge, as at present constructed, is a material and dan gerous obstruction to the navigation of the Mississippi river, but they believe that the Courts have full and ample power to remedy any evil that may exist in that regard. At present they are disinclined to recommend any action by Congress in the premises : but whether, at some future time, it may not he expedient to direct the proper law officers of the Covernment to proceed against the bridge, t this Committee will not now un rtako to de- Cnliilal Ptintslintent Restored In WIN- We observe that both branches of the Leg islature of Wisconsin have passed a bill fur the re-establishment of capital punishment for the crime of murder in the first degree. We are not surprised at this movement, and that the peopleare very much excited. The Ropublican Governor, Senators and Repro :-,ntatives have lately been found guilty of r ,bbing the State of a million of dollars in• passing . a railrbad bill. It is about time to begin to talk of ropes, fur Van Diemen's Land would be too good for a majority of these fellows. VAlt.lo US TII iGS. -In, St .ut, tur Eiur,itter Twig;•i Ler The Rack Island Bridge. termine." conain Onieers of tlae Pennsylvania. state Medi- cal Society At the se-, on in Lancrveter, held thiH wucit, the f veer,! cbuseu officers, ctc, Gar the r.l!ow , nz po• ningham, Beaver Vh l P O(vr,UttlettScer; 0 . L p e cs ) ; \C m. Nlca-gomery; W. H. Guakle, Cuesier. CorreBpouthfig Secret?—Joe. Uursou, Phil; Recording S4cretm.i. , : , •— Henry if Irtsbr„ ai : Philadelphia; K Raub. Lancaster. Tre,a.urer—it;. P. '.11,11:11,13, Philadelphia. Censers—.Firat and Second Districts—A. j. Bare, Lauctisttr e. uuty; P. 0. 13,.rt0i-,t, li.rk ; Win. D. Hartman, Chester; Hiram C.u.ton Niontgoznery; Chas. Martin, Lebanon; Horace Ladd, Carbon j3ratou Biuhardsuu, Susquehan na; Wm. 111Thybnry, Philadelohio Third and Fourth Districts—Wm. R. Findley, Biair ; J. B. Luden, Huntingdon ; C.J. Hir'st, Blair; Thos. Woods, Lycoming; Jus. Bendersqu Nliedi , ); James Galbraith, Perry. Fifth and Sixth Districts , —J. Wishart, Wa,h jag:on counv : G. W. Allison, Beaver; D. Ler ura, Lawrence ;1. P. Gazzam, Allegheny ; JJhu. Lefllr.ll, Cambria. Delegates to ;the American Medical Associa t-Th —P. CassidDy, Lancaster; W. W. Townsend, t,eeter ; P. G. Bertolet, Berks; S. Cunningham, Braver ; John ,Schrock, Montgomery ; D. S. il4yes, Blair ; La Roche, Philadelphia ;L. A. Smith, SuNuAarina; J. E. Singer, Perry ; Her act Ladd, Carbon. Committee on'Publication—A. L Kennedy, W. B. Atkinson, and C. Percy La Roche, of Phila-: delphia. Delegates to 'Reform National Pharmi—J. Aug Eider, ' Lancaster; Wilmer Worthingtsm, Chester ; W. IL Findley Blair. j From thy IVaßilinqton o;4.1 Aincric , ", Fleece 1,. the Gulf M=l of $.... , ...4...1. 011.1.+. i Name. of veigyel, (Jung. , tai,n- Geier do 40 1 StPatner Artie 2 5ti.......r Fult , . n 5 i Sloop Stivannnr 24 si e.ett:tr NV ab.,,tl 40 ;Sleep Jamestown q 4 Ste,tuier Weitur Witeu . 2 Brig Dolphin 4 '10:;.1. Lumber .1 guh6 :s; Nr-.6,.1. vo,etd. Avmanche IS ludu,s 7S J,,,s.eur, swam g. boat. 1 Japer, steam gun boat I Leopard, ste , .rner. 18 Sliipjack, steam g. boat 2 bt...mer Tartar, steamer "1 17 1 Tenor, mttawor 721 16 B: siliax, steamer 6 Buzzard, steatuer 6 C.lutuberl.tud 70 Dera. , taLi,n, .termer... 6 Forward, st,aua g. bout.. 2 ateaLll , 2l' Tutu! A tlat i The condition of our coact defence is more un promising non r von onr nav rl set vice. The up eratlons of our apivat Utah have required everr. f trtificatiou on our Atlantic se:i.- boti.r.l t i nc rlenude i„:* troops; cud riot one of our tutu hot , been tort to sufficient force to man it Fun:. rr Tesa> Mateo iin. total )111111 - 11e'r c.t army torcea now guar Lug cur extensive rib or-ti T, ,H- .iii put) no pror . rty depornied to rheum, nr leas than eight huudrr.d men bc , lides three troops, to protect the pioneers of our vast vieetern domain along, ten • t.f frontier pu , ,, in guard the Rr .t linos ,f out!, emig,r;r,ion whim, Irene:J . ,te our HAI IneW . t! cuutineni from a hundred tribe- of 11 1:11t1 to reduc the rebellion of ten '..h , usam.l Mormons itt Ural! w e hrve a force of lan then-4..n coon- :ud men. The etfc , ctiv , . force f our navy is no g,e,tter thtr, twenty years ago; tat, in r, 11. r Illy I Ltuu:, has peen cnlj tv n: f ft n giniente. yet, while thb .lofeuces the n,itt , ,n have remaiu.ii thus t'ati,liary, lie great i , ,,terr4;s have been I.ll3glllii ed in.:led;bly. We apptn , i a cumparative aate raPta of the iee ling interests of the country for the yen , 1 1556, resp4;etiveiy, es ex titbit , ed by authentic statistics: 1.111tn , 1 1.•(. , , , F. 1,4 1h56. vPopuimi cl 17,1169,453 27,41104100 Tifilutige , ouni,eki 2.136,761 4.071,862 Tuyortu• t q 1 ,,, ‘J.:th. ' 1 1117,141.019 $314,639 942 'Exp,rtaii ,n 9, v,,112e 1:12,0,,,.1411 320,964,90 n Cott6-1 , r , p, 1,1.1,-3 2,177,7:15 3,527,845 I.M.nal tt449, N. Y. St ac... 8"1.77.),7.17 X 2,748.212 1 F:b:g'uL, varrie , l " I._, 1,417,046 4,1160°2 ii,:l.lkS' ,ye, :r..1.e,i. ........... 2,1117 21,t6,9 7 ,1 " ,. - 1 - 000 . 111111 $737,415 Owl - irk _ I l liar, 6: cai,i*fly $200. ,, 0 01)01, $:543,874,2;.! T.7rritorl 1,7h5.i6i) Otifi xl.,nt of se•th.,ar , i, 3,1;011 NEW STATES ADSIrTTLID INTO TIIE r Flond I . N\ e( GAME.rXiC M,. 1 , 45 Der!. 2:4. , IS4 L4c.. 1-It3 9 15,A) May 12, 18 In fall view of thin imuieuse auguieutat',ll cr all the gt eaiiuterests of a country, of a _formi daoic rebellion in the far an,i of j uHu iil t , cur oJaltil) 01. Jai t great naval pcwer,prov„k ed t e titnti.:u.iveuems of our little navy,aral the known want of •tuthority in our Execunvt; to ratien' tte.m by pro pt and effective In... , asur,J of redress—we th!nc . country will hardly be CODr , :,t 7flth theLbjei- regiments of t:,.t . , i)cps, which its legiOators, in the p. mnu l an ,,... 3f tneir generosity have voted to the .:Atuluistr-ition AN AFFECTIONATE Hil..iliAND.-1 - Inrle,n of Greenville, Conn ,lost htstnird wife one year ago. About a week since he wont to the cemetery, dug open the grave, opened the coffin and took out— what a set of filse teeth, Joe the sake of the gold plate 1 Hyde cJafesse=, aLd justifies himself. lie is ahaut fifty e4rs of rige, a house carpenter by trAe, d.tahl-• cic..urostauces as to pro :o..2mber of Christian church It ie eurret.tly.,ported that he tried to get the Meth dead in his 110:19e before the fut.:Tot, hut rigid muscles would not r2.laz. The wo..,eu Gr , ,.-nville wish to tar and feather him. Me ViLLETTE, of La Sale, (Mich.) was purled mornieg Cathuho huryint ground She was 112 years of age at the time of her death, and h,.0 lived in this region the brt ter ltr , of a century, Her husband—the third or Lurth one—is still living, aged some 90 or "70 years. It is laid that she made her will iu the Latter part of last century, and what is moat sin gular, ehc has outlived all the persons to wont she had hequeathed her property. She was a wc:nah, and very active for one of her ag., —Monroe Commercial. THE man whose better half told him oefore their marriage that she wa worth $20,000, wheu she was worth $200,000, as he found out after marriage, has forgiven her for the falsohoou oho told him. —When are writers like cattle? When they are abooluiely driven L.: the pen. EtrAlroati AcCitiraL-.A. Mau Killed ZeziwviLLE, Juno I.—The eastward bound express on the C. W. and Z. Railroad ran into a wa g, n Vi'!tiell was crossing the track at Circleville, kill ing a man and seriously injuring his wife. Both horses were killed. The Traveling Community A remedy such as BERIIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS cannot be coo highly recommetiaed. Tu the traveling community, especially, it is certainly an invaluable remedy; having ditto or nu exercise, constantly exposed, and subject to the effects of a change of climate and water, they reqnire some pleasant medicine of this kind to regulate the bowels. te.ret -- - . 1 t e..10_ ivr L'an-have's liolianer: Sold at id per bottle, or six bottles fOr $6, by the Joie Propnetore, Be!jelniu Page, Jr., & No. S 7 Wood titl'e.t.i.-etwoien &Toad I.yeetr, and Druggia:..; rter.ortu:y. W HAT. OR 14111C11 IS THE BEST, VEB.IIIIHIGE Ott \SURI I.)l , l6TitroY ER ?—ls a question daily and hourly a..sked by parcntri ~uxiotiq for the health of their children. All v. %“ ere at ,iti ,e-quaintel with the article, will immedi ately amiwer, D R. 311...A.A E'S CELEBRATED VEIII}IIFUG 11, Prepared by .F - L.lf DitAlS, Pittsburgh, Pa. It has never Ue. u 1,1.,, Ito WI, of the safest remedies that can A !need ot on-o lately handed us the follow ing ritatenit.rA :u 1 - L•i•,- tti Vernlialge: :—.A y,alug lady of ray acquaintance trod ben for a I , SO time Very much troubled with worms. I advised her to try Celebrated Vermifuge, prepared by Flr•raiug, bros., of Pittsburgh. P. :ibe accordingly ,par- chased and toot: one vial. which caused her to discharge au unusual large quantity of worms. he was intreediatefy re lieved of all tee dreadful symptoms accumpanyiag this dis ease, and tepidly recuver , d her usual health. The young lady does not wish her unme motioned; her residence, holvecor, is 320 Fifth street, and she refers to Mrs. flardie, No. 3 Manhattan pith,. purchasers win he careful t oak for Dl'. !!Pl.attia: CELEBRATED VERMIFIIGE, rnanufactared by FIA:MTNG BRO. of Pittsburgh, Pa. All otbor Verunfugos to cam parison aro worthless. Dr. APLane's genuine Vermifuge also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had et all re epeotable drug storen. 117onsgessesine without the signature of royalwdscir fLBEISEN BROS. :59 268 237,5u1 ;')(ljil4- ,424 155,41.)0 166,025 111,798 ME= N ;oF,R, S,pt.‘tuber 1553 BY TELEGRAPH THIF.TY-fIFTE CONGRESS FIMT 6,10 Youtertlay'D Procce.iialgy ,I. 1 I. Mr. Mild , Jrl, fret,: the C.iouiltz..e on Foreigi. Af u 144 aath the Eleeutive to employ tc..•t the rights of our (I , llsene frhru out rage t re; natione, hr.iting L.,pectal re'..orttnee Cet.tral A.*.nericti and Soutti America. This is the I/1;i recently reported L . Mr. Douglas, with slight alter:l:ion by the contmittre. Messrs. Masan, Gtt in 14 Cal tornit, and I.louttrh of Texas, argued the iwpor;tmce of non, so ac to ehtst., the concurrence of the itou. 0 aujourriuu-nt Mr. Seward bit pre6,3eki his strong ilt.,apprtLation the measure. lie WAR unwilling to tuvulvo the country in a war with all the nations of km .tt • south of cur e•.ec. Mc. Slidell, et Louisiana, introduced o moot, (11VhOTIZit14 thO PrChltiClV, in cer:au , Fuspehd the Ntutraltr, An attempt mite the hi,l the - , peel. T,urrow no n was voted hy 27 n, .j eo .cell;;nuou Appr...i,rt:,tvon bill "•r__ t....rther ESE= _ . Mr. Seward moved an amendment, that tee krill in lianas shall not be offered at public :mkt tintit the expiration of one year from :no first of November next. Negatived—'yeas 'l7, nays 34. Yeas—Mesers. Broderick, Cameron, Chandler, Dixon, Durfee, Fessondez, Foster, Hamlin, Harlan. Ken nody, Rice, Seward, Sin:alone, Stuart, frutabull, Wade, and Wilson-17. Nays—Messrs. Allen, Ben jamin, Bigler, Bright, Brown, Clay, Clingunin, Crit tenden, Davis, Fitch, Fitzpatrick, Green, Owin, Ham mond, Bayne, Houston, Hunter. Iverson, J Amami of A.kaneae, .3ohnson of Tennessee, Jones, Mallory, Pearce, Polk, Pugh, Reed, Sebastian, Slidell, Tliomp• of New Jersey, Toombs, Wright and Yulae--34. The Appropriation bill was &bated at great long h by the friends of internal improvements, especially 100 Northwestern Senators, who introduced meend meet after amendment for appropriatious to lake and river harbors. Nothing was accomp ished; and at f o'clock the Senate tows recess till six o'clock. On remsseuabling, the debate was resumed. Mr. Seward, of New York, made a powerful rppea'. for Western interests. The proposition under consideration was to appro priate $5.1,000 for the imp•ovement of the St. Clair Flats. It was lost by a tle vote—yeas 20, nays 20. Mr. Pugh, of Ohio, moved en amendment virtually t engraft the whole ri.-er and harbor hill as an addi tional section t ) his bill, and asking an appropriation for the harbors of Milwaukee, Sheboygan, St. Josephs . , Monroe, St. Cirtr Flats, Cleveland, Hu rond, Orand River, Ashtabuis , , Lanenburg, Buffalo, Crennesee, Sudar's Bay, Oiwzgv, Burlington, and a few others, and over $llO,OOO for the Red River raft. Mr. Jones, of lowa, asked an additional ii:i0,000 for Desamir3es and Rock River Rapids, which was At—yeas 17, nays 30. Mr. Pugh's amendment w than voted on and re jected—yeas 23, nays 20. Mr. Pugh moved to strike out all the applopria tions for life-boats and's-hie-saving stations on the Atlantic coast, with the view, as ho said, of ascer taining whether the Northwestern States are to have justice, or to ha treated as mere mmquered provinces. Mr. Seward declared that he could not sop!)• rt any such proposal, and the Senate voted it down—yeas 17, nays 31. Mr. Polk, of Missouri, moved to reduce the apprc , priation for a, survey from $250,000 to $150,000. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE& Mr. Morrill spoke of a great wrong having been done in the sale of The reservation. A frank and honorable man, placed in the positioa of Secretary of War, when he found that he made a blunder and a mistake in the appointment of agents or superin tendents, would have frankly admitted the fact and corrected it; but instead of that there watt no: only a remarkable peretitem aad studied effort to justify wrong, but au attempt to persuade us he Wile HO, in doiiberate cooceamient uf the prelimineriel, pre ceding the sale. No corpse i , the Catacomb: was more cl rely tucked up to ti that transaction No one could worm out of ye Secretary what was going on. Mr. Merv... the testimony, condemn. ing the New Toidi and Virginia cca.binatim, rgu iog that the property was sold for leas thou its atid insisting that the I.l , maa would place the <^al of disapprobation on the who.e manner by whirt the sale was rsE:,:ted. Mr. Faulkner oxpreesed hie disapprobation the :one, temper and spirit of the report of the of the Committer, in which tots transaction w, ; pro tented to the e iuniry in a light wholly different fcitin what the testimony iVllrranted. As a report, I , i had no hesitation in .i.,a . ying that it wee more chastu.or iced be pariz in ter.r.ini, than: any document t —•1,• t, re made in C , •agce, , , , :pc oh ut the guru . , from Vermont (Mr. Murrill) was :narked by the i_u. pit:t Can spirit. The document was lose am: curate in its Aatemetits of :71., Cl'llklloi3. The tnittee omitted to do ]act c- to tic 3 Secretary to only virtual hi_ti p re quired to aacerta,n whet:sec an, ; s corruption existed 1 - t high plat e 3 nt :it, iVVeI [1:1101.. : M.A./ , t citing the 06eriticr to punishment. Not .i. iv otti or s . J Liable in the testimony ',Juno:l,ly affectit ti.., official character and purity of tho ~f War, and this fact ahau d nave be-art cheertu;' 2 . art. nuanced to ,114 -I H..ota. tie _ti :wed that th • Fort Satiating reservattst, aan Ustir . t r pur tt uois tho Govercuicnt.. The Leg,slative and the Constitutional C011.,11:1,1 erittor,ed the tinverliminit t.. sot; it. t tie larol ans. mantled a hinter prtcs any nom. inene em, Ju t of the tioverr.muct. except a l~ttl pl. within the corporate i1t1311.6 . Coinago. Mr. Morrie, of Idinois, urolorstt.cii that the 1 1 ) Jett's Point investigwting Committee would report to.morrow, and as twat subject and ta, were tam' what connected, they thowd be conodered together. the same parties wils purchased the Fort Snelling reserve ion, only it tee' de.. It., r:ho ernmer.t the V, tiled t Point properly. Mr. Florence acid that Mr. Moire knew more that: he dul,il tho wllO it., report to -tu ' -row. Mr Morris %pitied that cc was so informed 'u; the Chairman of the Cuattnittee. Mr. Hawue, of .Nla..s.ichrssetts,ra ports and-evidence, he had c.,mo Cue oun&uolott to support the condemnatory resolutions of the majori ty. The sale of Fort Snelling, for the price, t cer coin persona, and, at the time, was the consuls:km ,tion ts: a schema laid in the pest administration, and car ried out in the present, under the u; es of the Secre tar; of War, in such a manner that blindness to it was a grievous official fraud. He did not care what the property brought; the House bad to do with the secret solo, and the special favorites who take rich slices of the public domain to their heart's con tent at any price. Mr. Bishop, of Connecticut, said that this move meet was set on foot for the purpose of gratifying a spirit of public dishonesty which seeks to establish its own purity and perfection by heaping disgrace upon those entitled to the highest confidence and respect. The whole report of the Committee, from beginning ti ertae--its statements, arguments, ae ,mdeptions and conclusions—hears unmistakable evi dence of a deep-laid party scheme against see of the chief officsrs of the Government, whom he be lieved to 1. , 0 as honest a man as was ever honored with the position of Secretary of War. Ho con. tended that Secretary Floyd's course was in accor dance with law, and, therefore, no: void, as the Cum. mittee assert. The Secretary was bound to dispose cf Fort Snelling, it being no longer necessary for mili tary purposes. Mr. Grow, of Pennsylvania, refuted the defence made by the gentleman from Connecticut. He re garded the Secretary of War as a second Jackson only in being governed by his own whim ant ca price, against toe advice of Genera .s Scott, Jessup and others. The Secretary hid be t,, oil any military reservation unless properly ascertained to be useless for i,efensive purposes; otherwise he is subject to impeachment. He has vioiated the low of Congress and trampled down the rights of the pto ple, udder the sanction of the President. Mr. Phelps, of Missouri, replied, saying that the law gives the Secretary auth.mity to dispose of reser vations by private or public , tor it sometimes occurs that better prices are obtained by the former than by the latter mode, and the case in point show e d that a portion of the Fen Snelling property was pre. viously sold at public sale fur a dold.r and a quarter per acre. With this example, it was a wise policy that the Secretary pursued the course for which he is now arraigned. Mr. Cavanaugh, of Minnesota, defended the Sale of Fort Snelling, which the Republicans made use of as a cats-paw to pluck their political chesnuts out of the ashes. Mr. Stanton, of Ohio, would not say that the Sec rotary was guilty of an overt act, but that be was surrounded by such associations as to throw suspi cions over the transaction. There was a fraudulent combination between the agent of the Government and the purchasers of the reservation. Mr. Burnett, of Kentucky, said that when the Re publicans charged fraud, they ought to remember that history shows that all the frauds and eorrup. tions of public men are found on that side. He de fended the course of the Secretary. From INaalkington WASHINGTON CITY, Juno I.—Letters from Arizo nia to Lieut. _Mowry, the delegate fro o the Territory, state that itsis prol;dble teat Peschieva, Governor ut Sonora, will declare that State independent in tho event of the success of the Zuloaga government, or of Santa Anna's return to Mexico. The news con firms the p - evious stateuteuts regarding the corres pondence between l'echieva and parties in *le United States. ?•rizonia contindes much disturbed by Indian depredatdons, murders and robberies, arm there being no courts of law, violence remains un checked The from the silver mines is highly encouraging, fresh discoveries having been made. Tuezen was nearly deserted, by the neople going to the new placer geld diggings at Canoda del Ora, forty miles dlstant. The emigration from Cali fornia was en the increase, and a press was about being brought from San Fr ncisclo for the establish meat of a newspaper at Tuezon. The public were anxious y waiting for tae °Tr:at.:LOA territorial gov ernment. The Secretary of War has iv.dieated his intention of sending troops to Arizona, as soon as there are any at his disposal. Mr. Burlingame's report, which has been unani mously concurred in by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, is accompanied by J. resolution requesting the President to obtain redress on account of the conduct of the French government re'ative to the American bark Adriatic. The report also recom mends a revision of the laws in reference to colli sions at sea, and an arrangement by which damages determinedcan be iin Bach eases. Battle betwaen the SiGUM and Cblippewap CHICAGO, June I.—The St. Paul papers of Satur day contain an account of a fight between u band of fifty Sioux, encamped near Shaitoper, and two bun dad Chippewae. The battle resulted in favor cf the Sioux. Four of the Chippewa; were killed and six dangerously wounded. Two of the Sioux ivero killed and tivelvo woutolcd. ADVEH,TS.KnLiM THIRD ARRIVAL. CEO. R. WHITE No, 59 Market Street, WILL OPEN ON m.)NDAY, fl 1 3H1 loM. A tkl , St. anti C.)ll3l)lCte t4; I I[ T MLNIER GOOD UM= '6l LK P.:43 cv. Tv i• y, BAREGE RORK& ethd L C :I'..VRIC,L, MOUSELI NES LE Ft,' E. ORGANDIES, JACONETS, CELLNTL.IiS, Ac. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KIN DS, 110 USEKEEPTNG, A LARGE ASSOR T.4IEN They have also :,Rid particular ath a i,m h, their ah,ch MOURNIN:,C COODS, tht,y think ‘vill r,,a,parn Ala: that of any itlicr in this ciiy. v ty ui oveu df.scriptiou ~1 Embroideries, English and French Lace Goods, ,p: which they Hull ,;;.it ; artirula I..a[ 4 2,2w , 1 A BI AU '1 U EilH RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO TEEM G n. - ! ,- . ATEST AGE- And who that is ;,ray would not !Mt', it 1,,:0r0d tU former color, or Laic!, but wenkr hove the growth 11.:Jturi.,1, or troubled with .I.,driol h .t. hove II tr,..1 i.L ten 1111, a did, h. r mho.. eruptione, ;Alf wouid iv• cum , (tletirNlgitt ) hot v,U111•1 I ••'yard 't wol olv. r•-..ova pimples 11.10 the I ddo . P.M!' rative will do till this, s v yeti C., wing: ANN A ithm, I voidvr ~ 1856. Pit Rood—Dy-ir : the wonderful effecis of your littir eiciiitorative, but havb t i been no offer, cheated by quack. ry and quack 110!TrIltu hair dyes, &c., I wino disposed td pence Your lteatoitativo the same cafe-gory with the the u.i.and and one loudly trum peted quack remedies, until I runt you is t iiwrence roust some month, s l ime, when yen al3SlWini, ne ILAIDC,II the , trial of your liestoritriim ill my :..roily—first my good wife, whose hair Mei beta me very thin and eu tirely white, and lief re me of y o ur lard , boo tie., her bah - van t, hmred nearly t original oo brown color, and had thickened and bee ,nllO 1,11:.1111 an glossy upon, and imticely user the bead; the cntittuueo to use it, not situp') because of its tiemiifylim effects upon the hair, but because ct its healthful infloruco aeon the head and mind. tnhors of my family and triends are your dtatorative, with the happie,t effects; therefore, my skepticism and double in referent, to its character and vidun are enttrel', removed; and .1 can and do Inubt cor dially anti confidentially reerminend its use by all \rim would have their hair from w he or gray ( 1 y aim of sickness or ago.) to .•rigi•lul c for and beauty, Lod by all young persona woo would have their hair beautiful am! Very truly ami gratefully yours. 5...)1,01V0N ROOD: It wts C. . •: g time after 1 nay: you befoco I gut In, 1.. tw ul Itenter.ltiVo for whit yun gate nie uu on.l• r up o. : , nd ~ tte I got iL we coneinded to tt, sinciit tent i•oWer. Lf. ;inn ali )011 in,, it would d.); and r.tii..l4 fan....; and fi'lelltin having . tvit!e-tAni Ito of-. ts.:l.le n ne timing te.!oMnlit.l ilny its Ilre IL) as co t;t; yen claim fir It. rrt.poctit;:;:,. ac. , l ; 111,, •,;.I , s, oJL,~I~I': I tdAvo usv.d J. - i;9 wond,rllll v •'- rii • . th.)ught., p-atnaturvi) : h , - ' c It 11:t1 y no J Sti. , ol) h CJ. Pn,prat.; . t. N. '1 • •.;) I, -1,.% T•Nk l in - T :KAY; ; s ." I —• • it, • 4. I' • the hOWIII , r - ?•'•f }',Lt I '1111111.1.d -11'5 -itt t • I EN ti'l'D LS, I' !i • t 1,;:. o' ,o, b 2 ',,,• , 00, o 1 . 1 • "Air' •r..4lrriute; n •!quo 111•1, , io•r.. A !!1 • r nitr ,1 • ;" 1: g.t OU:•2E,l,k_a.P AN() Tlf I I TUti... Ai rslT.N. thoi Ell:- 1-.*DA A!'•1:! - ' NOON, Juno 2d, at 2 t.', ai:l sold tb. Connootclal Solo:t tto nt,o, N. 51 7 tth t. crtanti , ; Fiou:ottok: hntl ill'n Pornitur. , , o Cta,k ;.,tor es, wi!h Bt,akid.nt a •1 Card L. rr.ra u !:a t ; F,-,1!:••7 nud Z'tr,Nr B .blantol i L ck.A,Cl,l‘ll - 4. L.,,w Ilurr;:ua Kilchcu T , 0 ,1 Clots a,ad $750 FL, h,ql,;e, P 1 t ;'.II /:/..uu t . ,./1 , in the boron;; is / /1 :lnirl/ A/0 I,r, I,llSe C/•11Z,ILli 1, ur ro. - nini and a c.diar. Tic t )110 1 ,d 7i Lost by 1.0- on an ally, 1,1 tow. grapo yawl : frllj, tr,va, ete. Wlll ne /it the at:/•)Ve kW pries, as the i 9 rumoring Vitiet. & , 61 Market sl r, BROWN'S ESSENtiE OF JAMA.IC,A GINIGEtt.-5 /144 eiVW: thia dcv and sal, etieclp at .1 0 S T.EM I t , .:; jaS, Corner Diamond and :day list it. D RFUMERI .—Lubin':, Ezzin's, Wright's, (31,iin'o and flarrdion's Eit.'se`a iii th , handkorchn , f, c , ..distantly hand at FLEMING'& . , jC2 C .fluor Dialll,l , : and Nitltk,`t Et. C N E K.' ,S PULMOis.;IO SY ELT P --A largo supply of this f`X.celltlllt comedy for , ougha and colds just rucairk•ti I.l', \I S;t; , Ceram Diomon,l anfi tlur l:.•t it. W M. W. la NI d T ‘ViII , LIALE AND RETA,L FIRST PURR HMI RIDE STIOCK JIANUFACToIIY, 606 ARCH STREET, x?HI,.AD !4erl.Uo Impl Cotton t, and Draw..r4, Lr vats, Scath e :aandk,rr'll-fi, ice, lirv.s.an4 :Shirts, Wrappors, and Dress Lii•elo ti) nretuent, and warranted to giro sat' sfactiou. E. P. IM iIE➢IIBa.ETO Ct 0 , IMPORTERS OF 'O/VINES, BRANDIES, &C,, ALio DeALEI-.r FINE' OLD WRiIt , , , IRYS, NO. 5, NORTLI FRONT STREET, j•1:1yd PHILADELPHIA P 1:117 & CO., Commission and Foi icardind Merchants, WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS, ND SHIPPING AGENTS of Illinois Central Raarnaii. Mark. 00,,,is in aa C,6.!, to our Cant, GENTS' SHOES A.: - ; D GAITERS, L C A a U E I A E P 8. ii pEopLE'S inkloli No. 17 FIFTH ST j6l! VORSETS CORSETS I 1 ECLIANIC, EAiLROAD, BREAKFAST, EMBROIDERED, _ With a fall assortm ,, pt of INti AND SHORT FRENCH CORSETS, In Colored and Whit, for , 431. , oduc2,l prica3 at J.. 1 SOS. is 011. ti WS, 77 Market n: SY-1113P5.- luJ blirrrid U , i(ll', 33 I lip ; I . L;,na." Firm: tiaalay Sjrup; Junt recired rind for dole r y M ILLEti RICH ETSON. Nei. 2'21 1.1n,1 2 - .23 Lit , erty _ _ DESlGNS.—Arcl:ic?,etural and Decorative for d,,ign, p.untila.;ll . ..ll:..slarble. and b) ,rny3ll W. I'. - I ARSUALL a Co. RUBBER AND LEATHER Leatl,r, Belt Hooka, Juot the India !lubber Lb pot. 26 'IS St Clair atroat, my t.;9 .; 4 11. P1111,:.IPS, SUNDRIES.— , i.),,ch, U. CAAJIIIIy Banco • I'3 kegs Pagkel Fin:t,r , 75 bushels Bri,..lit Dried Apples. 25 " " " Peaches 100 bushels Rod P. , tatoee.; 200 " abused Just received end for ~ale by JAN. A. IeSTZER, fuy3l. ___Corner Market, a .1 Second dia. -- - WIDE BI.,ACH", FRENCH LACES of superior Ttility, for making and trimming I 11., from narrow to extra wide, received at royal Ur ,RN;.'S. 77 ;l- r 7, t .3t. 171LECTRIC - PR.EPARATIOSS.—A. fresh supply of all kiwis lusr received and tor sale by B. L. 11A13NEBTOOu k 00., No da, Corner Wood and fourth ara. 1 maral iIE=IIII =IIIIII I'. M. I , A H, j I.3mi:cJ I. A 1 CHEAP. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A -7 0 MECHANICS, AGRICCILTiiitAI. IM PLE,ENT MANUFACTURERS, AND °TILES'S.— The subscriber offers for sale all those largeand convenient buildings situated at Latrobe, Weettnereland county. Pat, forty miles oa,t of Pi , tsburgli, on the main Hue of the Penn ey 'verde Railroad, known as the Pennsylvania Car Works, consisting of a three story Back Machine Shop, 60x80 feet, Foundry 40250 feet, Frame Car house 100)60, ditto 6C , x30 feet, Smith Shop, Engine and Boller house, with a full set of machinery suitable for Car Building or the manufacture of Agricultural Implements. The whole will be sold to got her with a considerable stock o - iron and lumber on fa vorable terms, only a small amount of cash be'ng required. These works being in the midst 01 a section of country where iron and lumber of excellent quality are abundant, and labor and provisions cheap, afford an unusual oppor tanity to practical men to engage in business under moat favorable circumstances. Eor terms and other information apply to 0. W. BARNES, jet".:lmecd Latrobe, Pa. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. —The partnership heretofore existing between the uuderuizned at the Pennsylvania Oar Works, Latrobe, , Westuur eland county, Pa, under the firm of W. H. Barnes di Co , has been die' ‘,olved by mutual consent. O.W. Barnes Is authorized to use the name of the firm in settlement. EV ERY DESCRIPTION of Dress Good: :nhav,l4, Mantles, Mourning Goods, White Goods, Hi > . ,c AlPo a large end vary creep stock of Domes!tic o;da. 0. HANSON LOVE, • 0 RANGES.-200 boxes Mountain Frui , receiving this day and for sale by RSYMER & ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, 12 Opposite the St. Charles Motet, Fr?, CORONELL—Tha undersigned otfers himself es ,-; candidate before die next Democratic Convention for tio• ..ftice ~.f ut-r, end asks the support of the De mocracy bjel i LENOT RIW. ____ CIGARS I CIGARS I—l have received this ‘'ay a large lot of gennineiniported Davana cigars, of t ~ d -ufl v,ll known Seneca" brand Thom wishing a b. rigare should call and examine my stock before arch .41n; ni.,owher, JOS. FLEMING, Coiner Diamond and Market at. CAF{ lERS' AND MECHANICS' AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPA CURNE.R uF StILUND AND WALNUT ST/ISCTS, PHI LADE LPHIA Aasyra—ssBo,693. PIr.fSBURGII OFFICE, No. 90 WATER STREET. Taos J. LIUNTER,Acer The following list will show the amount paid at 0' Pittsburgh Agency for losses from Jane, 1.856, to Apr I'Bsn: barber!. t,50dn1.......j 500 00 Woo. ayiden 500 00 Frahk. Wolff 400 00 M. 11u9s 196 00 W. W 8 00 John Ileath 117 50 J. J. 11 ,u9e & 330 67 NOWIII,r & rail—. 1,682 72 John 'lh uepeun 200 00 Fleury Feidhusch... 20 00 John Watson 22 00 J. M. 1.1103 S 10 00 Phelps, Carr & 00 J. 1. Homo & C 0...... 61 00 Jas. Woods, Esq.... 29 00 Wm. M'Ctilly & to.. 2,579 17 Jamie Mellinger-- 1,000 00 & C 0..... 750 00 Total Z+TATE OF PENNtIYLFANLI, City of c:tbAmrgli, es. B:-ti re me, ea Alderman caran Tlione+s J. limiter, Ag lusurancs Company cueing to law, doth deposi ,iatement is true eubicribed bolo Av.:3 DELAW A_RE MUTUAL SAFETV INSURANCE CaMPANV INCJKPOItATED IsY THE LEGISLATURE OF I Ste* SYLVANIA, 1835 0 FP] CE., S. E. CORNER THIRD AIVD WALIn2 .5 PIIILADELPHIA. NiARINE INSURANCE. ESSELS.} cAittio, To all parts of the world t'ILEIGHT, INLAND LNSURANOES Jll C;oods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages al parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES Uu Merchandise generally. Ou Stores, Dwelling Rouses, /to. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 2, 1157. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate $101,350 94 Philadelphia City, and other Loans 137,011 25 Sleek in Banks, liadroads and Insurance 1 12,50 B ou Companies Bills Receivable 220,291 to ~,,,11 on hand... 38,894 de Balance to hands of Agents, Pre:alum; oo Marius Policies recently issned,oh 92,731) C. other debts due the Company l Subscription Notes _ .._ _ __ , I 1:;.:C; T OR B. Janina O. Liana, : Theoplailus Paulding. James Trarmair William yre, o' Jr., J. P Penision, Joshua P. ICyre, Samuel E!, 1 Henry Slcan, James B. McFarland, i Thomas C. tiand, 1 Hobert Burton, Jr., John B. Semple, Pittsburgh I). T. M ,sn, .4 J. T. Logan, . WM. MARTIN, President. dent. 4 ry. Jc.ltell li. tietsl, Peartku., LiilOrgc U. L,ipc,r, ;)6i;k Li.. 211 , n, 111. riff nigh rucliva!❑ !!hark, ~? J~a~:~s H: uv}r~, .L~,. ~. . I'. .b ~~nv. kietth, ',tea Pi LYLHup.x, E—eretiv (Pill: UREAT WESTERN Fire and rdarine Insurance Co., OF PHILADELPHIA Cltee en Company's Building, No. 403 Ufalnn Corner of Fourth Street A Uni: RI 'GED CAPITAL_. Capital paid in ..... . ..... .in - plus, .1 anury Ist, ISSB $277,674 issult NOE—Limited or Perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE, on Vessels, Cargo and Freight, I. LAM) INSURANCE by Rivers, Canals, Lakes sod Laud Carriages niasoreas: Cli,:rlec C. Lathrop, 1123 Walnut street. Wiliam Darling, 1610 rine street. Lexonder Whilldea, Merchant, 18 North Front. Inane liazlehurst, Attorney and Counsellor. John C. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter & Co. E. Tracy, firm of Tracy b. Co., Goldsmith's Hall. John R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White & McCurdy 'Thomas L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie & Zeller. James B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith & Co. lion. Henry M. Puller, office 227 South Third sire , L. John C. Vogdea, office corner of Seventh and Suns, James Weight, late Cashier Bank of 'hogs. ifred Talor office Cairo City Property. Jona J. Slocum, office 226 South Third street. C. C. LATHROP, President. W. b&ItLINO, Vice President LEWIS GREGORY } , ' Branch Office, 8 Wall st. Second Vice Prts't, JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasurer. H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant Secretary. It. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. 97 Water street, Pittsburgh '6_ , 9. , .aspivania insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH. No. 63 Fourth street, DIRECTORBI P.:. ter =MEM !. 4i rit run .0 r,proul, ix:lTC:used Cis.pirnd 9300,000 Ciic AND MARINE TAR.EN, cs aI deezriptiou FrosideLc—A. A.,'lt. Vice President—RODY Secret - Ars and Treasurer—l. ~ !t. •• '• i_ MONONGAHELA NS URANC E COMPANY, OF PITTSBURGIL JAMES A. HUTCHL , N crealdent. rr..NRY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. OFFICE—No. 98 Wat.ev street./ WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINI't YIRE AN MARINE ASSETS—MAY 20113, 1856 Stock, Hue Bills, payable on demand, sn-.ured by two approved names 4140.000 00 Premium Notes ~ 47,003 29 Silly Receivablo 9,460 21 115 shares Mechanics' Bank stock, c0at......,6,185 00 50 do Bank of Pittsburgh do do 2,750 00 40 do Exchange Bank do do ..... 2,050 00 190 do Citizens' Bank do do • 5,176 00 Balance of Book Accounts. 8,056 39 office Furniture 690 98 Cash 1, 15,853 78 James A. Hutchison. George A. Berry, Wm. B. Holmes, Robert Dalzell, William Ilea, Thomas S. Clarke, Wilson Miller, John M'Devitt, mv22 Wm. A. Caldwell. A. A. CARRIER & BRO., PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital Represented, 1103,000,000. 00!..t.PA.N1ES OF HIGHEST STANDING, Chartered b; Pennsylvania an 4 other States. vTRE, MARINE AND LIFErRISKS TAKEN, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. rdo. Oli FOURTH STREDLIT, A 1. PITTSBURGE, Pa are`..:l•ll. I --fde.3o-Iyl TERRA TTA OR STONE WATER, PIPES , From two to six inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot. ALSO-ROCHESTER PEARL STARCH c,r Sale Wholesale at Manufacturers Prices by IENRY EL COLLINS, FORWARDING AND t7,OIvImISSION NIERCHARIT, Fyn WEIOLL4AI3II DIAIIII 11 SE A BUTTER, SEEDS, FISB AND PRODUCE GENERALLY `:u. 25 WOOD STREET, PITTSBMIGH. 1J JAMES 111cLAUGHILIEN, MANUFACTURER OF ALCOHOL, Cologne Spirits and Fusel 011, Noe. 167 and 170 Second Street. vbki.:4l.4 moomootaomoalMv6WM. 1491 _ • WM. LIENRY BARNES, 0. W. BARNES. Formerly Love Brothers, No. 74 Market street: B. Hill .fc............$ 156 Hoch'r .Ilannf. C 0..... 53 J M ape , ' i 5 0, J. Liewaid & C0.......2,500 9 ) W. Dihrol th, 1,1'25 0 J. M. Irwin, E5q...... 855 0 Edw. Spence, Esq... 0. H. Pau15en......... 85'. English 1.7. It lchard'n 190 .1 Brewer Hind & Co.. O &LUC& C Win. M'Headry...... 9 H. Sill & Co Spamz & C0............0 Salvage on steamer Arcola 7 1 11 Adatn.k M!Oiintock 49 (A D.Ba 'nun] 64 (IL $.20,107 St in and f.,,r acid city, personal; sent of the Farmers and Ma• y, who b +Mg duly sworn, Fc• -e and say that the forogolat THOS. 3. HUNTER, Agent, ,ro mo, April 7, 1858. °NASD d. JOEINS, Aiderlll9 Et. 100,000 OC 702,785 a A. MADEIRA, Agent, 95 Water street, Pitt3bn •gb , 600,000 4222,300 .55,277 05 J. P. Tanner, Goo. W. Smith, C. A. Colton. A. J. Jones, Jae. Li. Hopkins, Wad. Hampton A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick_ J. .d.. J0n0.,, John Taggart, Nictea Voeglitly, $M7,710 55 DIIIZOTORS SPECIAL - N'C'T P `s PP . 00141PLYIiiti N'llll I.IIF. tRI 14,U r o h' aux. DREDS OF THEIR PATIENTB, DRS. C. H. FITCH AND J. W. SYKES, Have concluded to remain PERMANENTLY IN PITTSBURGH, Awl way be consulted et their °lnce, No. 191. Penn at.recst, OPL'cidITE. CLAIR HOTEL, Daily, except ‘,.undays, !.'r ' A. , • ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS end ALL 'THE : COMPLANTS, complicated with, or causing pulmonary, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Comp/clines, ttc. TJE9 fITOII k SYEES wont./ aut., that their treatment of Ccnlamption is band upon the fact that the disease exists in tl c oLocl and sy eeza at large, both I, , fore and during its dcreoprnmt in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Ikgienic and Mettles' remedies to purify the blcsocland •tirengt hen the aystznr. With these, they use MEDICAL IN. LIALATIoNS, which they value Itighly, but only as Italia trees, (haying no atratioe ejects when used atone,) and Intro,- ' lids are ee.r:n•stly cautioned n:.-iiinet tvaetin,4 the procloue time of curability on any treatment beeed upon the planet. ble, but false idea that the "seat of the di3etiae can bo reached in a, oireet manner by Inhalation," for, ea:before stated, the seat of the diieeze is in the btoo , t aml only in the lunge. Ae-• No euargo for , A lie t of qtwatiu4s Will t t)&).i.o , A _ titling to c0r161,11 A bp lett, It •24 IJULLA.b. BANK, No. 65 Fourth street. Lespoaits' made with this Bank I,,f,re the 'first (lay of June, will draw inte.est trent that d R (s my23:3t C Trt,:‘surer. - - lus MONUNGAL , iIf, INC( FUND t.)IIIPA.NY. NOTICE—The .0 hooks of tho abovo Institution, till remain dpan [into at the office, No. 69 Orant street. Any pera)u the Secr.ettlty, will ha furnished with a copy of till Chat t lo n.I By-Laws. viscount ilsys eve;y-Atnday, acted TIM P t, otnrell before 3 o'clock, P. at , same day WILLIA.SI PIIiLLIPS Preeidunt DiasoToze: J. It. Weidin, Joshua lihodus, James Stddlo, my ZT:lm 11.7 YUCINCi `ALEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCIATION.—Tho Library of this blititution having been re-classified, the Librarian will bo prepared on and after TIIIIRSDAY; the 10tb inst ,to furnish bt)ok.3 to member]. Ry order. my 18 LIBRARY COMMITTEE. _ OFFICE MONONOAHELA INSURANCE CO., } Pittsburgh, May 21, 1858. DIVIDEND. 11 v -Y THE PRESIDENT AND IdittiV3R. of the Mon ongahela Insurance Compaq, of Oil tAiurgh, have this day declared a dividend of TWO DDLLAIIS I'ER SHARE, to bo app ied to the reduction of the Stoll Notes. my22:2w HENRY M. ATWOOD, S”cretari. OFFICE OF PENN'A LNSUBANGiI CO., +IF PLLTSBUROFJ, -Slay 18th , 1858. fl. TUE DIRECTORS'fIiLS CaIIPANY EIAVE this day declared a dividend of FIFTEEN 'EIt ()ENT. on the Capital Stock paid iu, out of the profits of the last six months. FIVE PEE CENT. payable in ca&li, and TEN PER CENT. to be applied as aCr i t on the notes or Stockholders. L OILIER SPROUL, my2l:lm Secretary. 41Qr - THE VERY TILING FOR LlVRA.—Samuel B. Robison, says:— MUHISSISBORO, Tenn , April 9, 1855. Having sold Ifoofland's German Bitter; for two years past, In this community, and having wittmeled their effects upon weak and debilitated coz,nstitutioes, and there much troubled with " torbid Liver," I have no hesitancy In haying they are the thing such people should use. Zhee advertisement. Vor sale by FL.10.3111X6 'MICb. soil Pittsburgh BUiJkjN ...:., ! x iJ a. ~_ J. & GROUTT, • IHUOF.TZII:I / BRANDIES, GINB, WiNES, ETC., DEeis YS IN FINE OLD MO: ON , ; t A. 'LYE L'e.Aoll AND Also, ItECTIFIERS AN D I)!zITILLE.I.I.S, Corner of Smlt3tlleld out! !`. , rooi strezts, upl4] PITT6I'W.-tlll, S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, PR)NTINO, JOB, A'NJ ALL 11. - : 213 F JtAPPING --- 74.- RL Warehouse, No. •A"ouei Sireet, P.l bough i, iourket 03 ,1k 11.. JOHN MO ORH EAD ba rerruive i co No. 7-1 Markot JOIA N COMMISSIONiViEh6I-IAN T, I=l PIG METAL ANFI LILCOMti4 M. 74 WATER r3TREET, 1u mARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGLI, PA PITTSBURGLI STIITEL ISAAC JONEos J1;0. h. BOYD JONES, BOYD & CO. LIU mr;.lG-!:,11.11.:.1 C AST Sl` -2 SPRING, PLOW SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corr Rolm and Plrir.t. Strccta, PITTSBURGH, PA MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OF American, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED hH EET IRON, For lloaling, Guttering, Spouting, two. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 136 First street, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. eA.ic JONH, D. . ROGERS s FL ti) „ kt-iliIIFACIVCI:211?, C T .:SOGER' IMPROVED PATENi STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETii, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST STREY.23, 2.l.T'rellUß3/1, WILLIAM CLA.I/TON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR Al E C H A'N T , NO. 31 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, Aliat^ Always on hand, blackberry, Cht.rty, and Cognta, Brandlea, Old Monongahela anj itectitt,•,l ‘Vltla s aly, of the vollt pc:intr. - - JAMES A. .VETZre.P., Forwarding and Conimissioia WOE TM% 6 AI/ OP lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Scadß, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of Illarket and First streets. PPPfBBTI tIGH, PA. Rita ro—Hrancis G. Baitsy, William Dilworth, . Cuthbert tc Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd 3; Ott, wearingen, S. Brady, Owl.. Bank. List & Howell, Mangle & Co., George W. Anderson, Dont° Paxton & Co. WhstUnsr. ruvOlantf FISH! CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY OF WHITE FIER, SALMON, MiIIINo , .tom -Orders accompanied by the CASH, will meet prompt attention t❑yld:tiyl— Pittsburgh Water Cure. Establishment. FOR THE CURE Ok' ALL KINDS OF ieeasta, lied at LIAYri VILLE STATION, on the liittaburgh, Fort Wayne sad Chicago ki...ilrusd, ten miles West of the city. For the healthful exercise and amusement. iif patients, and others friendly t. 7' , e sistern, who may wieh to spend • ome time with or., V.O I)Witi I,tely erected a tine GrAINASIUM. and BOWLEG Address Box 13i14, Pittsburgh, Pa J. Iltiltl:'oP.D. ' 'D I " Physicians mylo:3indtvr-lei a FBEAS4„ N. D. ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, P. SHILD ECKE R 9 • No. 2 Diamond Alley, between Wood . fit. and the Diamond, HAS OPENED TITS ICE CREAM SA LOONS for the season, and is prepared 1:4, supply all who may call, with PURE ICI.' CREAM, of ail flavor'. He also ls constantly supplied wits ALL KINDS and Confectionary or his from the best materials. BAAItiITS AND PAP:ILES sappll,..l ,with Cakes, ICI, Creams, and Confectionary of all descriptians Saloon op at all hunrs—Thie aud Sste_eintr : [ . 9- 1 115:1n1 POINT BOY FACTORY. — 41- 1it1:311. 4 . d GtTENDORP Have lust fitted up in comploto order, now machinery of the latest improvement, for t he rirannfoccuro of Boxee of 0v ,.. 7 description. it a are pro: erred to make to order at short no. tice, Boles emitable for i3oep and Candles,T . 2 •"=-. 1, 14 11:...xes 10/ Hardware, Variety Goods, Looking Gland and t'lcturci Frames eto. Was saula/Pgi 1/11011 * luSiabik _,_ ,_ ...... w. .. _ ~ _.. A. M. Pollock, Philip Roymer, A. 2. Nithulaon. '8 8. Secretary and Treasurer J. 1:1/YEDE. zn:y7:2wating 'N:. ,:icOULLOUCI AND A. B. STEEL TSBURGLI, PA FISH! PICKEItEI, MACKEREL HENRY H. COLLINS, Z 5 WOOD STREIT.