BU SINESS CARW AMUEL C. WIN - GARD, - A.TrEORAI4I" AT LAW, Premtraan, Onnoz, No. 71 tilt kNT street, between Fourth street lad Diamond alloy. aP6 111§1.ES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, (if offica fourth stroct. L'ittaburgh, betwout Sinithlelti and 011, :.'y sll y. d,:c11:13- ? AUL, Surgeon Dentist, 811.0116E.:,1* to O. w. 13aldio, S. 144 laiithheld btrutn. •,1- twuri Crows Ira cicioct, and ft ora 1. fe!,ll3aly sane Dentist, th street, five doors wiE.ictt Market. 4 k 7.otlice hone from S o'clock A. M. to IS de-10:y SC'IIOONMAKEIi, Manufacturer of qj 0 White Lead, nod Lead, Zinc, Paint, Lithargo, Putty, le. Wholesale dealer in Oils, Paints, 'Varnishes, Turpentine, /cc, No. A. N‘rlod ttre.tit, Pittsburgh. I 06E1'11 FLEMING, successor tc il tp cox it Co" cornor of Market stroot and tits Dialooud, Corps constantly on hand a full aaiortinent of I)IIUGE., MEDICD.Ih an,l all arti cles pertaining to his business.. rar Physicians' Prescriptions carLfaily alt JO:y I W. 01.1.ADWICLi., dealer in Kentue Loaf TOBACCO, BAGS and PAPER, street, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. . /re The blithest market in cr.pb, ;mid - _ WAITED. P. MAILSHALL WP. MARSHALL & Co., Importers aid • dcalera In French and Auwricbh PAPER HA:7- INGE, No. a 7 Wood atreet, Pit abuibh. Z:3-Se for the ce!rbraTxd uuluut6ctui , b , ' MAlCOrrit Co., Psair.. DAVID CAAPBELL a; SAMUEL POL- Loch - . have m.ociated togethor under arc style of C3A3IBELL k POLLOCK, for tLe trausactan: of a grin rob Variety and Dry Goods hu,out.,, and t plsiu and Waved Lao Gilt %Soule:tug,. inhl9 POTTY arattiu "01,1 MT J. ANDLIISON fILEYNIER & ANDERSON, (suceestiorki to Joelun lthodei & C 0.,) wholosale dealera in FORKIGN rRUILS. NUTS, L')PICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, No. Wood ttrevt, oppcs:ite the St. Charles Hotel, burgh. S. J. 91LLT...7130i. VINECELNI. J. GILLESPiE C 0.,., Lbollitt, lass Slanufactiareri., and dealere in Lrxdf.ini - , Pb. •s, Plate En gravingi,, Gmbh:3 eli.iFeucy - Goods, No. 7o ii axl stoce , ,, Pitto• burgh. On hand and rnatto Co ardor, Gut Pio: a. thahogany, - Rosewood, Walnut rind Gilt I.', .la,, lug, of every description. 321..••• Stea . ..aboat OabiLs..:aerated nn , i unt BOTTLERS.—Join 4 & Jo., 6ortler:., No. rB7 First sCroat, .c .ffid inform tin, :lc that the} have constantly ,u brang a large 3n t HARSAPA.RILLA, MINEIIAI, iTER. ALE and of the best qaality. The atention of faminea .11rect , i. to fact that they bottle WAIN E.R.4 ALE :a !Li Physicians rsooliaricud it to canulle i n ESCCOMJC of Ira some and Mien:aliening qualities. J. Mt. RATTLE, MERCHANT TAI LOR (Dr. Irish's Naw J. W. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED from cDr,nor of Fifth and Woo') to ...AIR STREET, In Phillips' no:: building—continues to preptro and Bpecifteations of, and to Suleycintcnd the Erection et c7cry description of Building.. do'l;J:iv's A PULTON, BELL AND BRASS 2316, FOUNDER, No. 70 SECOND streot, Pittsnurgh, le propared to furnish to order CHURCH, STRAI%.OOAT, FACTORY AND OTEER Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,00 IN. CHIME BELLS made to order. STOP and UAI/GE C04:1&"3 of all eizee. fer Steamboats. MINERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER RAILING:', and every variety of Bran Caetinge finished 10 the heato,t manner. BABBIT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL; FULTLIN's TENT MRTALLIC PACKING, for Steam Pliagiuv3. jap'2,3 LOUGIIRIDGE & MAXWELL, MANUFACTUP-E.R.9 ow Louislng-Glarees, '.ure Fraincu, alitt Bruen,. a Ana Dealers in Cloaks, Mass Furnishing Goons, !Lc. No. 3.510 1.7,7eG5 , street, abovc Firth, PITT. SIIU iv; mh3:l7 I Machine Bruehee made to order EDUCATION AL Si. Franlig Akeadee.my for 8.a14 - !4, UI , IBL'L..' TILE Cf.ILE or THE FIIANCISG&N i11i.f.) Lareir •, Cam.brir.. Coudel y, Pa. 1 1 1.1. I S I . STIT. (.1 'PION, NATURA).,,Y 2 3 1 6. eitnat,i to. Educe:donut purpo:Jee, ~.fl.a- M i ali .., ..L d ucerr ante trim.. ;in b.• de.iired lor IA CAtiluile ll,' IIII:,..1. tt is l a h a t b Liu th .1 ino..t healthy and picturesque pd-t..,. .: the Ail e gheites,cdetaut four miler from Cre.mu : ..ce , 1, •.I.c. .drect ma:lv - Lite between Philaielphia and Piershm - ,.h. The Bcholustic 501,* a-1.111/611Cillg the dret Monday in cieptenthol l will ulnie the )5t. ,- .. of July following. : - Thu Tonna foi Baird, including a thorough lingl,eic bo , o, tide Connie, are n OO per annum. for_ Clasalc an ~,.Modern LauguagH) for nu cntru cl.urge of SIO per arm -• , :,,,,,...p, ,• r Lim, : . Ens ) yisualia . . 3 'aud vie of Bedding $lO. go: 'urther pa!ticutu..:: apply to t. 1 ., ant , ,,ricr r.% the Accii, 4.4ENERAL Cattl.tiirSSlOli f rzi LaCEANTS &any. itefecence3 cr.r. ')..3 rritl:l, to the lit. Lou. Dr. O'COV:ICO3. AS„ .._ i ; • .r, ; oh . 1.1 r: ;.:;.A LE UP ap%rkiyetkr: puptivrs I' l ,llliEll A,'l) SAFETY FUSE, ut.rl s, Pray: aunt C.:tII43ICIC- PIN' etey BALTiMOR Ft, ~reefer 011 C01,1V11113 nt All kill , il .11 VV. , ,11t , 1 - 71 1',......400, CoViege arid ziesufaary., UNDER MR CARE CP TIM ERNI:DICTIN- Near 1..,a.t.r0be, Wearno.rolB43.ld county, TN-TILE COLLEGE ARE TAUGIIT Tliif, üßuo branches of rln.Tlish Education. ra the TIEMISAII.V, the C16,..9;{CA., Itiatiterios, ?hilutoph3, eta, and the different branches higher erudition necessary or useful to those aapirine: to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tmtion are $BO per paid semi-annually, strictly In advance. German and French and other languages, Drawing, Pam t lug and Mu.iiciferm no aura charges,excepting some rc, can ptmaatior., for the ace of instruments. Medicine, Books, Stationery. etc., form eTtra charges. Vor particalare apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year begins on the let of September. sad en - IF on the ad of illy folloo.ing. I , ATHEit 0. B UMM, Director of toe College. DRY GOODS. Retrench! Retrench!: ANOTHER CRASH—IN PRICES I—Be frig determined to aell our stock, though " the Ti mob are Tight," we hate made a general sweep— MOWED THE ENTIRE ;STOOK To still lower prices. the time to bay ' , rhea tlO anaor unbroken, and the Prick's Pat Dowu I *Own!! arra SIORNr., 77 Aorker.iitr,i. r• LAST CHANGE IN FIUURES.— Si- Bonnet P.ibbona, worth 75 ct-ntl,d. 0'44 por yard. do do do t32!,‘ at 50 du do do do 50 at 37 , A d, do do do 07% at 25 cc JOSEPLI. HORN:— 77 'Market street. RICH VELVET.,TRIMISIINGS, AT REDIJORD PI:EIE, , , G. choke maurtment on band and for solo at invu L;()B.N.E:P., 77 r4,3,Tha 1 , 7( ,t- GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS- Wool, silk, Merino nod deavy Cotton 1.71“1: -, r dhlrto nud Drawers—a ireqh ['ripply rocnived . 1.1.U.E.N.1226, clel9 3.l‘rtiet mtreet. TJIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the Price of BItA.DLEY'S YARNS.—Wholesale Buyera and Peddlars will tia furnished with BRADLUI"S TLIRRE'rPLY fiNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Conti per pound, by the bundle, after this date, For Gob, and Cash only. JOB. 1101INE, 77 Harket street, Agent for tra,!Jailufactnrei- EMBIWIDEBJES.—Our excellent stock of French Faubroiderits, and the tow prico9 at which they we marked, offers ran Inducements to ladies wishing o purchase the latest stylot JOSEPH 1101LNE. 77 11 arltet drlCat NVONEYI MONEY II —PRICES MARIC ja. ED XiigriGr , at rocinction in the pried of hiii:woitiositer. Wo have gout, direfully over oar stock of CII-WOlt KED fIOLL sI,EEVEt;, etc, ete And t& ;ie prices to mutt Ole Time;' Th. 1.03.41it,it na.ty rely on gettiug rriritiouti ac oca7 77 ~i,trket iao et. WE WILL SELL tri; - 2, tae prerient tnne, un commonly ch,ap For. H. Plead, calf acd a_am no oar !stock. C. HANSON LOVE, oct2o PQrnierly Lore Bros.. N 0.74 Marizrz p -- RINTED FRENCH MEKIN LIS O, for 62 an d 75 ceritn, worth $I and $1.45, estiort.ineut lnthecity.= C. IL&N8ON LOVE, (formerly Love Brother:), No 74 nerke-i 3troi,t- BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS.- A full assortment, Tory cheap. O. HANSON LOTJL, formerly (Au•+o Ilrotnen No.. '74 ita:ket. at ifc EVERY Economical Purohasar of Llre6.:. Goods, Shawls, ..ILantloa;d , c..; alau Domestic and t3t ple Goods, trill find it to their advantage toad! and ,:x.ami our New Stock rf all and Winter Dry Goads before ugreha lug elite when,. 0. 1.3AN8 1 .)N LOVE. sell P.' , :r,- ,. 14 Love 8t , ) , ... 1' , :., 71 s rk-; . IIIAIV LS.! 543. A_WLS I—Wool, Chenille, lirocha, kk.., both lof.g and equar, thc. 7.2,y beet iii tl,, salty, mid at very low nricee for C. DA : ,, SON fortva,t Lir Love Broa., 74 7 , 14,r1t.et atreNt. pIQuE IkIARS:ILL.'S, Fleeced, for making Easflrtom. A Ihrge, 2,.s,orunent 'At dare R. ; I , er, at.a. BONNET VELV ET.—livery variety of Bo net tn,iterial, Silks, Velve , ;_i and S:ttins, for ralo of novl3 130iCi FE NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- 20 bows a :,rted b'ef awl sperm Caudltd GU hand and and for sale by It C. k J. El SOAPS. - 1000 boxes Raein Soap, in 2 lb. and 3 lb, b.irs. 1 .1 5 , 00• " No.l Palm llland 3 DI. bang 4 500 " Chemical °bye Soap, in /h. lumps. 209 " Oloinu Oxide " " 200 " Gorman 200 a Castile 50 " Pan:A. 4 1Am On hand and for sale by jail GrtJA,llil—fkiTlid, CALF AND 12LU'll , OVIIRSEIOf3t offered of —The Peoples' bb6e store," No, 11 Fifth street, near Market. felS DITYHNBA.OLIER & 00. _ ONLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel kif Linz Hone°, of four rooine, with lot of ground •2..) feet trout on t•touterey Area, Allegheny . city, by 110 deep to an alloy. Terme, $403 iu hand, balance at one, two and three 8. OUTLIPERT & SON, yeare • 31e.rket etreet. nem -10WFALO SIIOES.---A splendid article of 1..11 Genu? wet Ladies Buffalo Over Shoes. Also, Gents' Calf Over Shoos, at the People's Shoe Store, N 0.17 Fifth exeet, nein : Market , . nov2l hir.tt • NO. 54 ST. CLAIR 5T;41i.,1, =l . T rl r.'t:l4, ear, to be ^ut n yO iu 31b. I.l,re_ - in 1 rz. " Is. C. It J. H. SAIVYtW DI 11 a 00. EM==l= GROCERS WM. H. 13111711-......". WM. 11. SMITH & CO., Vi 7 l-1014 - i'‘,S,A,LE HS Second .N.. 11-11 First sts., .1? ,719SBURGE, PA. BAGALEY, CO 'AVE & WIIOLES - 111Z. , Gii3OCERS, anai '2O viloocii Street. \S I'll4l iL E IE.E'SCN WIEOLESALi GROCERS, ' Al) 1:4 K,tCl IRS OF WINES AND SECIAII7' BRANDIES, id ecitd '223, Otyrinzr of Ltbzrk y and S'ireets, .A_ `c L. wearmr's City Grto:vs PITTSI3ORGI, PA. NAIL', C•Yer ON HAND MEANS CrCCI:3SOP-ar) WWI A feCANDLI , i. faQL EAL kt,-; 0 C IRON, NAILt,, F ITT,BT7hCicsiANI r.A.CTUP.I:b' GEV,I:I: ii)11\11 d /o - q_ hilt; ;gerchants, I=ll=l WAN' PILLi'.7I:I/rgil, !if aaktvallie tB F.,ric , ij ANAL Li it } - 1; S No,;. 114 A:3D 111 WATER Witt: OA', Th7Tiidli.lqirs, PA itiIIIOII7ES, E.H.A.GIIN CO„ ISORWARDING AND COMMISSION iO t:' , SCAMOIIh rT J. D. HOUSEMAN, (LATH OP Ll'Al SNI(TiI,) COMMISSION AND FOitWAttI)ING No. 9 N. Second Street, iLpB.3ru'6l% LOUIS, ?t1.163.)UR1 • Oil LtultrataTs, C. J. Uu' .301-11; tit RIGHT klumpttreys, Hoilitv 41, Wright, LOU R _1 101{S 5 PRODUC .P.; A N NE.at A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 75 N , )RTH. 1 1,1 1.1AAV ES AND 155 NORTH. WATER „c Vine btreet, TLICI.IIW,LI SL Cu, Clark k YLAILLE, Sitor, Price & Co., • Ou.lob Cope t W.. ' Beadier 8 •:tr, J:whv, 3cxiile s titlZhi , e. 51. 1,..W13, Cuahirr I'. dM. flituk, Cie,ihier ieh',l Uidiuwell Cr: Cu., Mc:Cute:le , , jul,u , A 0 h.:. NV. MIIIIIMI „:”.1 ! A.L.1.117 L. WLItL A. L. WEBR az, BRO. tr, Itch . .Lce, 1: 11 11 N Gee. W. ST-11.i Gin JOSEI 't.l. S, L,Ei.;.jili& (; .test. 41- ilnii, 244 ii...llbetf•ty .: •it.ll, 1?A /FA VA' ea -N ti iio . 1 4 MISSION ..'ll. - .:.!:',_1.;.1 IA I:! 'zi, 4 - .' IL R:t A. N LP Tti at. i R I: .6, A.. L H. 1.1% tfr& it ENEE A 1., C 0 N - : : , I 1 6 i.- - . 3 I 0 IN ii - '()R , ,VA - .DiNt_i..M.l:i.A3 , c l4 . / la.NTs , Levee elect Ikvz alley id V.A.N Du r i " N - CITY, KANS. , \i. TE,rttruni JBtipti gurt,ra.l±.,. ENRY U. C(iLLIN S, Forwarding and Coulali9Fiun Mbrchaut,,ku•l iu SE.t.ut, GLASSW A ii,ll - . ;I,OIIUL' E....3141.1401i. lIITP.E.TDCIg I. Li LA IN , 110 t,rer” of Cm. l'reved an -- .11,A2tirr . W , ..6.i I- It l,pl A 1,3.3 J. ... • ..• . 7 0b1.?1.1 EDLIE Lr. Suot;e6cOlS to :11.111V 11 y ..E d 4 k 1,-,11,0, tr. \cufh , ....urur.k -f Cut. 3lofildc,l arA . 17 ,I!.t Ittld lef.f,y Colored GLizi.e lA A ILE, i , l u.,1. of 14inr`,0, ?Irok.t. .tfal corner have wise added their writtdn to-itb . a.my in e-iidenei of its In comilusiod, then, we . r.vonld respectfully ask of Liirk.k,' afflicted with tiny of the above iiisLaues to give the lUera a will nicer be regretted. of the I.i..item..rit- ,borc , rill are invited to stteutive.y the published or,orthily by the pr , :- :Ir.. :or, lot and FalniG.cs,c tar digs ET,,. .t her of usefil. cci I.n, in addition to the testimony in laver f the Bitters, from the most prominent and known in iduale in all parts of the Colon. Agents for the Bit sr.• h, distribute the Almanac gratuitously. Cifflie and Manufactury.bd Arch /dant, Made' lin, only phiu, As, , by Dzuggi.sts !n 811 the prtncipal And at ertAil by .A.p.Ahnt - Atritqi and Sturcke.epers is eNAry to :Tv , a the esited Stave' , an: , CaL.,mht, and by B. L. Eft..H.NESTOCIR fi co End D 7,.. CFA*. tl Pit gh. 1 - 4 1 F NOT VU.LIEN A UURE IS GUARANTEED IN Iv all 51.21 6 ,34 111 SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Ner v, ••, estricturea;.Gleets, Gravel, Diabritia, Diseases d .ue ls.hivays uul hl.uder, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scro ta..., l'am,l in the lic.e,s and Ankles, Diseases of the Lunge, ..t. N fro and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bodyor Limbo, Can . Di ops y, Epileptic its, Sc. Vita's Deuce, and all diseases fl'oal a derangement of the Sexual Organe, each az trembling, loss of memory, leas of power, general fe..tlmess, diume , :s al vistuu with peculiar spote appear in 0,,10ie the eye., Lou of eight, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptiuns upon the face, pain in the back end head, (emelt, irregularuies and all improper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what muse the disease origins, tee, IIOWNTO long standing or obstinate the CUB, recovery is certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure can be ..f-cted by any other treatment, even after the disease hes moiled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all the r ue ans of care. The medicines are pleasant without odor, 2. , rlng no sickneee and free from mercury or balsam. Due .l.; t vienty years of practice, I gave rescued from the jaws a-at'u many th,..m3angs, who, in the last stages of th.l. ineutioned tiiw,aeas haul been given up to dbe by their which ila.rlanta me its promising to the &dieted, may place themeelves undar my care, 2 perfect and speedy cure. .tveret diseases see the greatest enecei,s to health, kW they are the Met 1211:1113 of Consumption, &ro t tea and many siher d1,3“abt....:, and should be a terror to the uniau limniy. As a I,,mmuent cure is scarcely ever 0111;.:- ..1, a riaiiii - tsy L.f tL asec tsLiinki luso thy head', cU iticiim -I.7.tirnt - only lad to cure the g11 , :13::13 IdLt :1111 Lite filling the sytite.n with inorcui,, with !Is , hestsur into a rand I and tho tre..atinent not cause ntarric:•, in eataik, V:Le):iro urn (-;:.7r , Dt c ••• ~ .rioptod by r. Niru4 which Eruptioal and other •. r., ar.d ontruhug LL. 1.1. of suffering and conriguing tbrom t 111 ... i i 1, Lnidar.ir (=nerdy Lo haLdth, .0 '111,t2 1.• lit, i, ,!r a in L.puL, Byatem, drawing its thou . vears euLlering down tu .La IL her Cana ti) tittoul, rapidly ot Oleutni derangement, Lee pr. ,Le,e:epmunt of LC, a).itum, diScilitaLitt ttt Itt/Ct• , ..n rarally hep , tees u".'t Ilttt ~11rtt•rt't rt. tat bday and rated. to Cumumlof more to tt ~ cath ll,:tlf. With the fulleEd colifichnce •• ;Mr ueL•rtrdedu;..L.df-AL•Lum ti,l•Z r: I,f2flllan t cart ca, eM-,ted. an I with the übtintionw , ltt t -.1 t sty Ittoort - ct, Crala -"" • L.• ~~,..et;•x~~~r t ,v. L. . . r• 120 , V ill 11F, tirki ySr , ' yigrw::utpurecn - . , 5, c;11.3 do not under , «ad cccu trio Alp •tlL , t'.' of the matuia wad aro c CIL': t 1,1 11U) of tuo kl1111.1H1113.):51,ill, 171 :11t11161.1101105 r.3gt,t1.1• . _ xent tc auy cart of la , J •, , :•••H nr Car,s..la4 by p , communicating tln-ir 1x:1.•1. Bltyllloi3e c , ..crevuntici; co strictly Lur.• Addro.,,,, J. SUMMERVILT,D, M. D. _fie, :All Filbert ti.roc,t, (Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. 'ill F I_ll O 3T 11 Y.; (.I:3' (.21ilitTAiN J LA'1:10-.S ONE PS:it E'llAltiS.—Forty thousand dollars ortt. of .111111. We Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, A . -. 4 al:_d ;Shier I'lated Ware, with a.graat variety kt&a, , il;ll eerya.ld :3tapie Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou -I,nu duxes, at Olt(' deilar per .Mare, as follows:—Upon the p.i.yment of one dour, 1 will send the payer a numbered re will entitle trim to one share in the above property. When the shares shall have been sold, the JIT ele.dders a hall be notified of the fact, by mail, or through tiewspaptra, and a meeting of the Shareholders shell a lc hull in tPe city of Phiirdelphia, and the whole of oi or distTiliiited =um; thorn ; in such eholi be determined cliou by thorn; each Shareheld • shall entitled to one a Committee to be selected T1*11,13i•4. • • tht ,I.alders at sni.i m,eting, to conduct or Gl:mot-in ;. tit]. Litt Lti.1,11.1011 the property, according to the clirec :...:lle of th, ;Si:J:l4loEl,re, and I will then deliver the pro -,-ty to such I r drsou or persons as the Shareholders may 1. , th.. Eanie. The Real Estate consists of taick dwelling home and lot, valued at $2600, two tnr,e story ihyases and lots valued 2700 e,:ch, in the cit.) of ...Oda, clear of all incum ,..ne , at.i titt, i ' ,atahlo; the otter property consists ' thk whole ntc,:k andllitures of one of the largest Watch .1. PIIILLIPti a"S 141ie NO. 44 IFT II EtT "C MEDICAL Of all disease: tno great, ern cause Springs trom ae%lect of Nature's laws 1,0 of atelli Mod , 1:617•1`41 , e it, cAureint I,', Ihe tin , yary hlnitn-e7n ,tn.tittorn; rile 7.1 t ,ickliciut.a and find [1,41; j , !11:1 - ~i:~i MEE= IL.AL) .•t . Ord - r , Jsiv? Flublnata. which ~ 1 unaTrzy and a deadla e.nring the diaezian hl , L r, agli;at :1 ,- . a , . ' 114 , 31,.. - , 111L1 , ..1 aud fcqualen treatA by tw,b.t.y :, - ,21.111; of practice, t/;.. curie.... k'nzel.e2ce tithe y Jewelry Stores cf Plitla,lelptai, now, and for • :! Lune past kept the ,itee-flber. The at:7,ekcons'ist , ot ,ory tja.,e ie..," Watch -, v.try One Ladd and Patent Lever, Lopiue and other Gold Charon Pencils, Beals, Lockets, Ear Rings, t,„ch a .. ltracelets, Diamond and other Rinln and Pine, :3 on . Sleet.: Butts, I-c, Ay., Gold, Silver and Stool Spec- Quid end :dry: Thinibl,9, Silver and Silver Plated 71,re, uonsiAting of Tea Seta, Castors, Cake Buskete, Cups, Lc. Also, French Cloche, slnaic Accordeona, and a great variety of other goods. The .1.2 , _tY1 , iv not one of rhuce .2C-101TAEi which are devised to cu rt top the unwary, but te and will Lc a lair sale of the entire :ccperty belonging to the 3nID-eriber, persons are pobitivola .Adred tho stock nim nut boon purchased for the purpose of :.t-eption, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated .Jewel:,,,, nee Gold, none inch will be distributed, the inchit respect pemous are given as references, to those disposied to per shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will promptly attended to, and roceipta forwarded to the ad •t, 010 seeder, ty r , turn mail. Any person sending • c.,,ilarr. at oie3 time, etli.:ll recd, _leven separate receipts, many aeparmo Ls :lei if deaire,i. puy In writing for shares, pleane write the name of Ile to which you wish the answer directed. Tie, is greatest chance of getting a large amount of valnab!o •roperty, ter a small sum, as has ever before been offered to Send ou yonr orders, as 'shares GTO selling rapid ) , and it is coaddently er.pected the distribution will soon u>_sdo. Articles allotted to per.cons at a distance, will be Ain: to [0.1511 at their et pease. wanted in diary town and village. All com munications must be addressed to L. R. BROOMALL, No. 50 South Second street, above Cheannt. Philadelphia. LOVERSEED.-25 sack juet received, 2alc! by !fall HEN TIN- COLLINFI TILiFF'S 1300K.-I(EEPINLI, lilankY, and Duncau'r, nyatent of for hale by W. 13. IMVII1 1 / 4 1, um:« Cornar !farlia azie, SPec.u , :i_ !Meta. dip (iaussHAVEN'S No. OE PENS received and fel t.pile by VT. S. ELAVIM Corner Market az d tecond RtroaLa. !) iDRUMS COD FISII. for eale by k BAGALNS:, COEGRAVE CO., IS ez,i '2",a Wd i atrocL ;7 ; UOLLE,I"S SALVE for sale whuieslae r,:tt,ll 7'ne Drs Store of JOIN BAIT, ! truer f EiStb Pittaburcla. ! QT Y SEED-10 hush. Good Timothy 24. c Or by JAS. A. FETZER, r iLOUR..-15 bbls. just received and far ale ty jair3l HENRY 11. COLLINF. .6ble. fresh Eggs just receiv ; and for nolo by 1 1 ;‘'' ,3 1ri COLLII.:. :•:•:L ,, ..` , !"7:',;' , . - L'. , ' MEDIC 2U, DR.KLANE i S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS, WE beg leave to call the atv-.-:.r.t tion of the Trade, and More especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu r remedies now before the public 'e - refer to Dr. Chas. llPLanes Celebrated rmifuge and Liver Pills. re do not recommend them as .7ersal Cure-alls, but simply for their name purports, viz. THE VERM I FUG E, - expelling Worms from ~.he :lan system. It has also been inistered with the most satis results to various Animals . --L.:.;..ject to Worms. THE LIVER PHIS, *5 the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE., preparatory to or after taking - nine ; they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BIZOTHLRS). PITTSBURGH, PA. :to dispose of their Di ug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Tv.cnol :Years, and they will now give their undivided time and .attention to ~47 - - manufacture. Ard beinn - de termined that Dr. i\i'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high - 1 position they now hold among. the ,g-reat remedies of the the'y will continue to spare neither time. nor expense in procurirg the I.iest and Purest material, and corn pound them in the most t! - :olcugli manner. Address orders to FLEMING 11110 S. Pittsburgh. Pa. 1• • 1 • I • to 1- ~them t`l'm v.,11 II m ordar, fl.f.tly. :opt I 11., nom.s. t M , ll j 1,)/17:. 1. , ;.1u I.l'i,', kill for \vant wain. •mi. m any t. r• , rio• I..flua stamps , . or ~ 1 1, Vial • V.. , 711! , .. tm ,- for a. • • • irul ,sfomt •. All ,ArM.o• !rt•m mute by tlVelliy tt. 7,lk,Al'l,ANE's LIVET PLLIS.-7,5 f rrom a..“ 1 9AL. by B. L. FA °era::: Wood Ltnci :LCZW Priv:,te E id Colif.c!c_,nll KefF.cal _ _vi.4B+ A T TILE lIOSPI T.:' , ; - ,--'utr..}...shrt.i for tht cur: ,nt" , O:130 , 3 anti thr arr:n; Intirriut;‘ , : Yr , nt , l t4llll N tit - Cray, t , y Ur. Ar.lOS N. Y. .•orn.-3.7 f,f end Qrsay (up akar].) A to inst: coast fer the cure of Clonital fh.`,:iity, or INcetur- Ernistio,..a, more properly known ,!,:mnitiel Vire,tkness, Can he norm..cmently cured in from ti .tern to twenty jay=, by the r. 2, Cm. ihrrrnim wn..l with YO NO MEN TARE PARTIOIIL2,..B. NOTIC-.. Cr. AMOS .k t.;ON take ph,asuro ,ie. minionuclag t' .t they have invented a most nrip,rtv_iti 1., - nm. ont for the 0: the above dieease.s. It mm burn subjected to a b..at by the eminet:',...,rh:,aiciana in LC71:101:. Paris, Philac Iphin Now York; it bee been declaied the only mere] iuntrnment ever yet invented, for the cure of llietnaallVealruels,or any ,111.10 of the gcuical organs, camp... , by the. cetr-A hablte o: youth. Dr. AMOS SON, isorikr to satiifr the ncio.,t ss to the merits of their Ma:mum - it, pledge themaelvol that in any instance where they may r.rove um,,,,t.hifactury after fair trial, the money will be rt,fLide,l retrirnir_ , F, the in. strument in good ceder. Per,onk wishing the r.bore useful Instrmar.ut rill ebeervn that the price, with the accompanying direction,i, 2e c.-nroly racked and rent by eipre.3.ii, it ten donate. NNW itl M:z..1.4.1.fs . 4.U1C11 CUIcES. Dr. AMOS k SON may be consulted from eight o'clock in the morning until nine at night, in every stai_e and syrnp tun of the Venereal Disease. Oonorrinea, Gleets, Secondary Symptoms, Seminal Wer' - ,:aiesti, Impotence and Strictures of_ the Urethra, etc., with inviolable seeseey. The treatment they adopt is the result of ups-.rd cf thirty years' extensive cud successful practice in London. mo-st inveterate cases of Venereal Did:363od eradiated in eight or nine days, and citwe of a alight nature it, two or three days, at a mod erato expense. The cure effected Cri , ..horit confinement or hindrance from hi:alines% also, nodes sad pain,. In the bones.. and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CORN WAI:RANTED. Dr. ANIOS Is SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently boon enabled to realer to their feitew-eretstute r fully testified and greatitilly acknewledzed by convalca centpatients and others daily arriving in mown from all pints oftho country, for the express prirpoett only of consultationss while their exertions have bona crowned with the most sig nal advantages; yet from. what they have experienced I - inquiring into the causes of these infections complaint (from their most. simple condition to tb.t.t of the moat dam gerans and inveterated) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, rind likewise in variably found that the moot horrible and mangnant forms ell disease could almost alt - syn "G. 3 traced to ono of the fol lowing causes :—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of un tkliful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. A3IOS SON have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their 1 - einedica, a safe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character, hs.well whose prom:lmre or injudicious application. might be productivs of had consequences in the hands el t.rivate Individuals. In el.oa the landible end of their ro medieS IS the lessening o f a groat nand of human misery by ;Le atlenlatlon, relief end prevention of those grievous af flictions that aro in reality the secret foe of Life, end which, they so extremely surround thi, call aloud for our skill ..M1 interference for their extc-rminatton• COUNTRY LNYAbloi.'S. Poeccus In any part of the world may lo•-: eueoeesfelly trests-d by forwarding a corrist of th.iir 1 - 11 Q, Wqll ,wittarice for medicines, Ae. Address 601.:, cwt.,: :dein and Qur,y cent, itaffalo, N. r. I aZ3:(1.3., 1? ORIVATE DISEASES.-Dr.. isktk.)wN's .f7i. h. - L.IO'OAL and SURGICAL Ofihna, Ni. 60 SMITILEIBLD :ntrglt, Da. BROWN In an old citizen of Fitts. bm-gb, and hits been in practice for the • ~:t;y la4t. twenty-five years. ate but.ineel has 4:4 ni . „1„1, been confined mostly to PriTatO and 8U- riArii: , ^ AO4 , 5" • gical Diattasea. OITInNS' AND BTRANODRI3 p 4 4. in need of a medical Mend, should noNr,..T,Cot till to find out the sure place of relief. t The Doctclr is a regular graduate, and 1 .7 . Lis experience in the treatment of a certain claim of diseasea id a sure guarantee to the sunrerli of obtaintng pArmanent rnlief, by the M3O of his remedies and fellou-M,3 his advice. DR. BROWN'tiIitESIEDIE3 never fail to cure the worst form of Venideal Disease Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all discaaa.i ::rising from a hereditary taint, which ma-P , ets in the fq - m of a totter, psoriasis, and-a great resey forms of rialci ).seasua„ the origin of which th ,, patient /3 entirely ignorant peracins so afflicted, Dr. 13. offers hopes of a stirs ar.d claesdy raceTalT. - . SEMINAL 17/IAIiNBS3. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming tremble, brought on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification which t'm young and wmit.mimied often give way to, (to their own dsitractiom) are the only reliable romedieo known in Li/ill country—they are aafe, end make a cpsedy riatoration to health. Dr. Dr ire , a's Tea:lc:Eau cover fail to CAI IC di!.- c..,,t0 in a/ex day:—lio will ‘varrant cure. Uo al2o treat Pile. 3, Gloat, Gonorrlio3a, iltr.cture, Llretla,l rPar.barzet., Pc Lablo Weak.nea, Monthly Bn , , , pr,i,iiot, of th, Pf.4tult , In Ann, .1'1.:11 in the Dad: un:l ilidnoys, Irritation of 6 to:.:.;tLer v,lth oh of an impr.ra A letter dat,crl:.,ir.G ~yliqitc,37,3, crzataining a NIB, di ',cud to BROWN, Pittdbargh, Pi., will be itntca.4l- , 1i , 1y , lealwcinz-J.. Medicine Etrat tc, any eaf,ly pack snc; frwn .2q.lico and 000*VW.ftM, A N D ~.._,, ap9 AM.—Le“:.:. a JC , 56211 1101iNt 77 tdoirkst eras!