BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL C. WINGARD, Aorworalcarir AT LAM?, PlTranntail, PHIAL .41i.Onitct, No. 71 GRANT street, between Pourtb strv,t imfl nd Diamond ailalley. AM ES A. I,OW RI E, Attorney . I at Law, Alm) Fourth street, Pittsburgh, lietweez Attorney and 4-g_-!411'5' dNUAN :L I - -_ .MIL, Surgeon Den t ist, u(1,3c,E. - ... - - - _,r to G. . 'A'. Ilidilic, No. 1.1. i t3iiiiiiithqd aticei. Si- Guise Imam from S to 1 o'clock, and from lit...)::, o cloo '.,, tbbls:ly s(2(r Deutiet, Fourth street, live doors, of Makttet. cake bonrs from 9 o'cloch A. M. to decZky SC Ill)0 N MA_K ER. Manufat:turor of V' • Whit,. Lead, Rod Lead, Zinc, Paint, Lithargo, Putty. &c. Wholett,.'e (Mater iu Mite, Puinti, Varui.,theq,Tnrpenum, &c., No. 24, 1i ood street, PitUtburgh. my 1 OSEPI! FLL'AIING, stioutts,..f.ur 1.. Vr li t, cox it Co., corner of Market street acrd we rnaniond. keeps constantly on hand a full tuvortnient o [DINES, S.IOIILCiNh; Clil4•a'f:,t. Pli;lottiM Matti, ?" , 1 all ,r • :lea pertaining to his businem.. Aar Physicians' Preecriptione carefully cow, noon. -- - - W. IMADWI(JK, de.:iler in :ikelituel: I :, . ;kat TOBACCO, BAG: , ant! i'A PEP.. ''- ! •, W. ctteut, below Himth, Pittsburgh. I ~;,1, 4 :13 "Pr' Tlie highest tuttritut I. tc,, iti cash, i.e.) for ititgi Tl3grA.L.5l P. iiiiniALL J:lttiil . ll 1.. FRI , i 1.., .07P. NIARSIIALL & Co., IniporLert , and • anilinrEl in French and Aieri:nn PAFF:It HA NU [NOS, No. 87 Wood Aroet, Pi ttal.ur4l.. 44-801 e i.. , ..*,m It4t for the 47 ,,lebrat.i - mantifActur;•A ..1 M olflt ii Deilcoart .t. Go., l'exis. nag 7 DAVID OAAPBELL & SAMUEL OW, pooK ltavo afflocilt ,l tagetlirr nr,der the , atylt• Elf CANIBIML POLLOCH, jr. tLa traunactinn of a g,ia,ral Variety and Dry licnxid I,lV,ilLioia, and am lain and tV.rrod Uri , (lilt M.ulding«. lath rp RITIfSh "0117.11 T J. A.NII.IiIaNGN El . ‘lElt (k, AN 'JERSON, (successors to Jollo us !thud,. C 0.,) whologalt , dealers in FOILNIIGN 713.11133, NUTS, 'SPICES, CON F ECTION: AUX, SUCI A ItF., kr_ No. :14t optice,itt. the 6t. Cher Uri llottl. Pip, burgh. 3 .1. (11LLES1'11.:. A Looktna •Inag Stannfactur,, ,, , and dealer hi ticitiliing Gime Pia re, Plate (liege, in graving,:, °oaths and Fancy tleitile, Isie. 7 , Wieei etreet,Pttt, i•org,h. On hand and math , to order, Gilt Pier a,. Lantio Mahogany, Ittalowood, Walnut and Gilt tug, of every /Mr Elteitintiont Cabine :.ertorateil and Gilt. r t 9 B OTTI.E Itti _OH tlui,iN , (Jo., Bottlers; N 0.187 Fit lit 3E1..4, atom tie. in f.- ?de that they have conatatitly on hand a large supply of SARSAPARILLA, MINERAL ‘'e ALE arid PORTI.:K, of the Lent quality. The Attention of fainillen is iyri ticularly direct,' t., ract teat they liattle WAIN HI (.1 1i - A 1., , L; pllroat revemirienr! it te riecirrint an 0 he— VOlllO and 9Ll , ql,:thening qualitien J. . LITTLE:, MERCHANT TAILOR (Dr. liz.aidtuu..l e131111 , 3E1. .1..1 W. KERR, ARCI_IITECT, REMOVED from sig,uur of Filth and Wood to STREICT, In Phillips' new uuildiug—continuos to prepare ilauti cod Bpocitioatious of, and to Supermt*•nd tho Eruction of ev,-ry description of Boildiuto. A PULTON, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, No. 70 SECOND street, Pittnbargh, Pa., ht prepared to turuish to order CHURCH, STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND cyrnEß Of all SiZOR, from IU to 10,000 Ito. CHIME BELLS made to order. STOP and CIHE COCKS of all alma, for Steamboat, MINERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER RA ILL:soi and every variety of Braze.] Cantinga 1111W:1,d I.J tne !tea,anner. 13AIIBIT'3 ANTI-ATTRITION METAL; FULT..)7 , .'S i'A TENT METALLIC PACKINO, for Stoilii Entnwe. LOUGIIRIDUE & ELL. 131.LAUFACTURSA . 8 . C.? A• 4 Looking-Glaraer, Pl._ 'cure r min e - r. xn rUS 11,0 ; 'tilers in Clock'', House rarnishlng Goods, Ac. Ac. Ac. Mo. 1568 'Wood fritrest, nbovet twitta, qrA.. Machine Brno Lea mode to order EDUCATIONAL St. Fratinis Academy fOr Boys, UNDER TIIE CARE OF TIIE FRANCISCAN LIROPO ER! , Loretß4, Cambria {County, Pa. H 1 . S INSTITUTION, NATURAT,.„‘ situated foc Educational purposes, afitirdß all duce:mint-1 that mu be desired for a Catholic Ins'itutioi, It is located in the most healthy and pictareagne p.orlien i.l 'he Alleghenies, distant four iniles from ()reason Stall , the Arect MPH route between Philadelphia end Pittsburgh. The scholastic year rommeucing the first Mouday in September, will close the 15th of July tollowing. The Terns for Board, including n t tikough English P den tific Genre., are $lOO per curium. The Classic and Modern Languages form yen elltra of clO per Washing and *so of Bedding $lO. For huller pa-qculars apply to the if the Acar demy. itlereric-3. HI)::0:1y<16 en COlfieipit au4l UNDLI.R THE CkRE OR TUE ITENEDICTIII , 7. FA.TI3E, Near Latrobe, Wesmorclarld county. Vrt. I N THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE nauul IlnkriCht, of Engli,..h Ednuttioll. ID the SENIINARY, the CI3SAiGS, Mritherus , ics, II ktery, Rhetoric', Philorophy, etc., and the different branches el higher erudition necvesary or nseful to these aspiring to Priesthood. The terms For Board and Tuition are i.'3o per year, to paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. German and French and other lanKnar,c4;, Drawitts , . Pair. t. ing and Music,form nu extra churges,e-zc.,pti,g; eo,m, pensatio.n for the use of instruments. Medicine, Washing., gooks, Stationery, etc., form extra charges. For particulars apply t,; the Director of tie College . The Collegiate. year I...gini on the let of .i ends on the lid cf July I,•ll,lwing. IIR Y GOODS iletrendi Retrench!! ANOTHER CRASH—IN PRICES !—Be ing deterrainrit to Holl our stock, though " tho Tie 1 , ara Tight," wo hawo mode a general swoop— REDUCED 'ILIE ENTIRE To still lower prices. •r Now is the time to buy svitou the assorimont unbroken, dud the Prices Pat Down! litos nI I oct'.s) .PIS. LIORNE, 77 Market stn-el. LAS'I' CLIANGE IN FIUU Bonnet itihburtm, worth 75 GailtA, at dd per yard do du du 6'2 1 ,4 at 50 do do do 50 at 37;4 . h, da do do 57% at '25 do JOSEPH oche 77 Marto!' stns-t. Richi VELVET ;:f IA INO S, AT REDUCED Pitle'Ev. A choice itiviurtinent on band and for dale at zonal DORN 77 Market etreid - - EN LE 111 EN'S UNDER GAlt:llf!;lN'i'S-- t Silk, Morino and eleavy Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers---a fresh supply received it HORNE'S, del9 ' 7 Market street. GIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the Price of BRADLEY'S YARNS.—Wholesale Prayers and Poddlars will be furnished with BRADLEY'S TLIREE-I'LY KNITTING YA At A reduction of Five Coats per con nd, by the handle, after this data, For Cush, our: Cash only. Jr,-'. HORN E, 77 Market street. &tont for the Mancilhatumr EIAIIiELOIDEFLIES.—Our excellent stock of French Embroideries, and the low prices at which they are marked, offers rare loduceminits to ladies wishing to purchase the latest stylea. JOS KPH. HORN K. Lovlo 77 tilarkvt airoot. MONEY;MONEY MONEY---PRICES MARK ED DOWN. *A — (la-oat reAnctlou in tin, price of Paribroitlorii. , We here Runt, carefully 01 - 01 . our Inunklunnu PRENCiI-WORK UN OUR ;3 L. PAW I-IS, MURLIN BANDS.. etc., ci And Ii at the price t Knit Ito .• liar.; 'runt," Tho may col on gottlug bargaina at oct27 EICKNIVS, 77 nt,eot. WE WILL SELL from the present time un coninioniy i,h,ap FOR OASIS. PlOlOO call and emuna no oar stock. C. HANSON LOVE, oct2o i:ormorly Love Bros., No. 74 Market ei• 13RINTEI) FRENCH MERINOES, for 62 and 15 cent', worth $1 and $1,25, Cho boat a.vortnient In the city. C. HANSON LOVE, (formerly Ig.vo Brothers), No 24 Market pLACK. AN I) FANCY DRESS SILKS.-- p A tall asaorttuont,iery C. II ANSON Inv - F., forme: Lore No. 74 I.luri,t etre-at EVERY Economical Puri:A:Rs:iv of DreriA Gavin, 81111WiM, :liautlea, 4.c.; ma, Lbuneattc and So.- plo Omuta, will find it to their advantage Mean and eiauni oar Now block a Fall and Winter Dry Conde bofore pnrchaa lag elitewheni. IIA.NSON LON K, solb Pormeriy Love Erne, No, '7l Mariot St AWLS SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, ihocha, Ac., both long and square, the oo,y brat in thu city. and at r>ry low price:, for C. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Bros., un"2l No. 71 31arkat striwt. - _ PIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for 'takin g A lurc, anaurtmout at (toe/ . OM). IL WHITE CO'S 13 ONN ET VE L V ET.— Every variety of Bon_ net material, Vei,••l.l and mting, for roam at novl6 IfOItNIVS. NE W BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— '0 boxer touiortod sizes, V• 4, s's and &a Sperm anon° , on hand and and for ado by Jail _ SOAPS.-- 1000 boxes Rosin Soap, in (1. ) ,, 2 (b. aa,, lbars. 11 500 " No. I I'alm rivapo, in Rt., 2 ft). nod 2 lb. bare ,600 " Chemical olive cioap, in lb. lumps 200 " Oleine Oxbb, L , 'l4O " German 200 " Castile 60 " Pore Paint On hand and for tale by Jail B. C. & J. U. SAWYER.. Gl.Ol, BUFFALO, CAL;AND CLOTH OVII ISSUES, offered low, at "The People,' Shoe store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. fela DIFVENBAOIIFAt t 00. 0"Y5750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwel ling Bone", of four roomy, with tut of ground 20 feet front on Monterey street. Allegheny city, by 110 deep to au Ternoi, $.lOll in hand, balance ut ono, two and thr, yean S• CUTHBERT .r. SON, , bl Diarket street. Uk'FALO SJIOES.—A splendid article of AJI Gouts' and Ladles Buffalo Over Shoes. Also, dents' Cali Ovor Shoes, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. nov2l _viti Mt J") Ni'. 5i T CI; A /it • .S'7' L' PIT79DURG U, PA m h3:l y ... ~s)argo 111!EIMMEN=Ellin FATHER (.#. it Ll'llll, D:eefhte or the (`,lloge. n. C. & J. U. HAWYEF " I❑ 3 Ito. Max. in I Zs. " DIHREINUADELER it 00 GROCERS WM. 1.1. SMITiI...-....- WM. H. SMITII & CO., Nl' 110LKSAiii 4 ; (4 Po HS Second A.;. 147 First tits., mr26 prrrs, ITAGEL, A. BitiALEY, COS; , !AVE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. Is amid l'ffood Street, W NI. Ikltuxa, lassupLEtt. WiIOI,EsALE GRA)Cl:gits, A'.l) 01 BRANDIES, WIN ES AND SEG "lON, '2,31 and 223, Clorn , tr of Libtri y and Irwin Streets, AND FOI.v: ENTS, 4 13 wearer' s City Wass, PITTSBURCH, PA. NATL 4, (I , 171 -, VAItNNN, (1)N N: MIME rW4.!::ArIDLESS., EVYki:A'NS HOLES ti; 4;f it GICER.s. I , KIILIA 111 IRON, NAILS ()LAss, toTToN ARNs ': N. i ,NIP ACTU f; 1.1 (I.r,••r W•--t VORWAt.I.III.fI,I AM) tOMMISSMN 7,-• E e• k * l 0 - W.i.rd IDL!. l'i' i ' AiffelliSAOn AilereilaaLs 1114 Mendwille CANAL LINC,S. NO4. tEa AND t,F9r,,n;-; F. a, htaIODES, 4-11..444Eini Si. (lea), FORW Ali, DI NG AN:) .10 iCrl i :..:--: ti"; PI Elie PI A VIViI, No. 3C 8,47A8:t0-ilk: J. D. HOUSEMAN', ( LATE 1)F UAW EMAN COMMISSION AND FORWA EL:: IR Mo. 9 N. Second Street, m,:au) -T. LOUIS. :+11:,:,;1.31;1 CIPLS. lIIIMI'II , SEI' 4 , C. .1 11, A.V. .:011N %%i.IOFT Humphreys, liotinv & Wright, _l4 l l JO A R 11'0 C E 1% GINIt, A L CONIMISSMIN MERCHANTS, 75 NORTH WHARVES AND if NoRTII WATER ;+!.., RKFK T Thompson a C..., Thompson, Clark k V ~ L 111•;,, Prico t 'slob t.lopo a G... ilnavor Canby, Nevi! lo a 1i IL M. Lewis, Cashier F. aeti Baer. Jos. li. Mitchr4l,oashi, M Morris L. Ed Co . Ch.' I . 1 ..V11.1 M. Konnisly k Go. itaignel Pickett, Mathews a ,hseßebury Is Price, Ma4iis...n. Jul W. U. I...:Ang Lawrenco k Mathis.', Lonisrillu, tl.l U. ItrOlock & C. , eruciutia:.!, .iL \V. Holmes a Co., i'ittsthrgli, Po. Itagaley, ll‘sigra‘e & Cri., 1111V1:13:* =ll A. L. WEBB & BRO CO, 31 LI g gg g GENERAL COMMISSION iiIiERUHANTB DUPUNVS POWDE AND SAFETV FUSE, COrII4 , E Prat: CoMEnq re BALTIMORE, Lte - CelVe on COTlffig,ll,llt all kin 1 . , 1111 d :11,j , e udvituet, h R x c I: R W. Eta._, It. I i,rrarEl, mr4:3t-a-v 6m Len J.OS EE S. os.. .%41,41 Li be 3 - 4 1-- PA., GNU 'II , ,IISSioN t!:,4 () r ti CI. Tir4 iTTs iit u 117.11 c, 'l' a) 1-1 ItP Ala.,ill.fii .t.i. CO ti E N El E A 1., 00 M NI I 88i 0 N FORWARDING MElifillANTS, I.ev eq. W Laing r IV Y AN DOTT , i'' Jry ta , ,rchark y. 5.1 ENI4.Y ii. C(/I,t.iNS, P , ,rwa , ding and CommAssiut/ Murcli,ok, 14••••)^:' inF:7'.ll.. CiIEESE, Burll , AL, 6:•-••••1.11,.. N , 1,-Votml GLASSWARE .i• .... 1111Wkili , DITFLAI , I2. ...... .....17C7iitL I. V.:Vr.K . A. , 11 1 1 -. of Cut, Fli II t (; i a .t R N... 17 uth.`l" t.11(IF 6 , -uiswar,. :m4l Wi , ,low Mart,t EI)L'I, S ULAN!, Sie.e.o6Burs to .711 - uly,Lny ajls LAlie, inci4illactrircrc ofCa, and Hain PLnr and Fan , y O,hr'l til,AS.`,W.A.iltrl, and deate-r. ie . 412'11 of Window U L. 0.. Flanks, N'eale and litittlea Ware. mine corner of f ,4 41-ket and Piitrzngii =l2.ftdly WINES ANA 303EEN TrELTAR, & CO., WIIOI. , :eALY DEI Lr.ltS WINES AND LIQUOR.S, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No, 155 Liberty Slreet, Pitteburgli, Yn Always on hand, Wines, Urandies, Ui t, t., 'Aer.,..oi.o.rehola end Itt•ctitled Bicv_i. rr: s -, Wild Cherry, linaphe °HUM' firandiei. y ON E Eii 6-, I: . L 174PU5T1:.4.3 'ranch -lerman Vet/Inca ne4 , A F.7,quora, 0 Hr.M PAGN E, SC., 61 Smithflele• street, between 6th and 7th E •• ; d_ w 1 I'iTTSBUROH, PA MEMO DEVLIN &. KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Nl,..rcLant, and ic,ctifyiug Dintakri, Nu. Smithfield street, If itr.nhfirgh, FIRY APPLES.-50 bbl s. bright Dry Ap ,F plea, rect,iv•-•I and ter dale, by 1.16 1 .:14.1% 0 al' fI. i11f7.14.1N ()RN' APPLES. --15 bbls. uhoica Apple L.l" Qpf, lf VNbI 11. COLLINS. DEANS.-2u bids. samil Wtfitx, , Iti, 4 4.ns, jast VP restr.ed and for sale by Fiiilrl ay U. cuu3 Ns. TIMOTHY SEED.-1i bags rec'd and for sole by (a. 3 ) ifENIAX 11. COLLINS. NEW WALL PAPERS CITE IP.—Still 1 h , .y come. W. I'. SIMIS RA LL AL CO, ob4l irl Wood str,o4. N E ‘ v V , f.,;PRINtir tActoriel, to L'ut stork, Whin ColliSts in purl. of Floor Oil Cloths, Cal - rings Oil Clutha, Furniture Oil Cloths, Teta° Crash oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths, 'transparent Window Shadoe, Buff Huilands, and Shade Trimmings !direhunts, Llomielioepors, and Gib/Ts, requiring any in our line, aro invitid to call and ex:until° the etork, cage fur themtielves repay Ito the quality and prk6s. J. di if. I'ifILLIPS, Noe. 26 aki.' 24 iL ClOir atr&-t.. • —l5O pkgs. White Fish, 'frout, - 111011, etc, /111. 11. - 1 I ME..-100 barrels fresh Lime just ret.'4 tr A A by iteralool,l vs& 11 111 NEY () PS of various patterns, for by (Ter'-'9 I 11. 11. COLLINS. r Wit) BMX° AN I) C I GA_RS.—A huge assort s,. Mull , or le.vorite brnnds. on hand and for sale by WM. 11. SMITH & CO., 118 Second, and 147 First streets. CHEESE.-225 boxes prime W. R. cutting 114„„/ Cheese rucelve4 and far sale, by mr22 SJaNSY H. OOLIJI2II. L 4 l;Ultk_7ll 1.111,1:1:$ N. 1'1(10. , =MEM =MEE qTT,7iBIAV.d, P11111L,A111;LLPFE! rhil:~Jol{~1!n IMEME=II OM= W tt.;' tit a Co !MEE =EI MEC= BY AUTHORITY. yyT _'~~-,"~ ;NO. 60" gt 3 the IP'Fpsidetat a)t tRc , dinitetti -,111, =WM I L pert 5‘:1.1,.,11, 01ItAido 1.11,• iki Ita 11. I i.:IJ • 71, kil.l F. ;.• ' h . • I .1, 4 :Old F1, , n,t1 T:iltt pal c tr . POI Illt".1 , 1" • .Inll 4: 711:t! p,rt ~1 llm iiail er,ll, Nernat. .41,p ti, mug.. 14. 1,1, 4, an 4 ., I . _!. 1144W11 4 +11 4 111 4 1. 2,3, 4. 2, 1,1 , 1 4 1. of. 4,414.1! , 11. 4 1 4 L4 4 4 , 11/4 444 . 44 4 1. 4 2,, 3. 44.5. and rang.- lo o, rih11,444. 4.. r. 44 .4 , U. At ti a: Alik 1. ;aA CI i t commo . : c4g. N.lonth.y, :I,Ay 1110 public 1:4,4141 ,4 404114 11, 4 4-41- 4 . 4 . 4 4444.4. 444.44404 4 . 4.0w14 , 14144•••, Aorth Ira+ ay../ ea. 4 nJ IL.. n.r!lg prulczy,: Fraeti“ro,l t 7...11 , i lit ui range % endol 'mi.'s ,. 1:2• I ToNvumbil. 7, S, 44. iu. ,11,1 11, full tractiun4l, 01 ruwur. , lu; 7, s, 9,1 , ), mill 11, tractional LAvutillips 12, ' la, aL,I 1, of - fn< . 1 'rowt,illpg S. 4111 13. 11, 17. At lbe kuul I'll,lllA CITY, t .:111/111 . 11 , i11 . 4 1;.• . + 4 h d4+y •, • :I': pt.ailwr w_rf, for the ,ii1)...11 .4 ~,,1 , It till] the till.. it lug luituud 0111110. =MEE ~, - ff fRIMYZ9 , aeridiq H. Fr. - 144141 4.4.lisLips 1:1, 11 14, and 16, of ningo 14. art,tial cua ii4hi v s 13, 11, in, 16, and 17, rang , .• 13. Fr.,ctlonal nO, L 1.14, 12, a,. 13. Luw roihipsi 14, 15, nr.l and tra. Clonal townships 17. It:, 'CI, and 20, of rang,. 12. Vrantl,fiad toWn4llll, 12, townships 1:1, 14. 15, 141, 17, air' Is, and fractional I,,Vinnlitias 19 and 20, of ranee 11. Fr3g-tiunal town.hipe 12, 14, alai 14, and townships 15. I'. 17, 15, 19,-:and ',V), of range It. Fra , tl,llll to whr.dd l - ,3 11, IT', ,n 4 IS, and township , 17, 1 , 111, and 20, 61 i'sargo 11, Lauds al:prop:Alt:411 by law for l'hi.:;l,• of x 140.14, nall:dars,' and otto - r un pt,s4s, l•-•veludoil Iron. the • • Tl/0 01101 1 114 1 . 1,11111,1 will 1,,e011111.1.11101.11011 ,011 ICI 111 , klll.ll,1 1 111 NO.110111:1: • :. n,1,111.41,11" , L1i lln WiLOl , • ',Ol/1111.1V0 ~11.•,••1, •iii.! ; 1 , 111 k 1,311 t,.• I than Wes,,, 11101 1/.. jWI,I O \ 111 sum tsi will until t - , ..loirat 1 , /il 01 OW two W", kH rind, no I ALIO, at Liu' city ul t hl thirtieth Wty of Aar, 1,. ' , Writ. 1.11,111.0. thoutie.p.! ;aid fitly-4:4lst • tho Pr,1,111 . THUS. 1 1 _1,1111111'041,1. Ilic tip urral Land oliico NoTICE TO PI , .R-EMPTIoN CLAOI4NT.4 Ev•ry por o li ittitl-d to right of pro-ompr ta tiny . of Ow W:tillil null pqrt++ of towill ,khort•pantwcrnte l ieroil 111rrlubholt the 2. , 11111e eutief ction the re•g,,t - r of rtu. pr.tper :All aid tnalleirzyn , n/ :owi as rractccabie ga t , :Led bef,e 11" . .111 f‘jr .q tll, 4 e , of ••1 lel! ,ll• .1 is • Irsll.lo t`lll brEIC111:;" I I 1,.. mticit 1:11111 i I Oz . +. A.. [he Gvnoral Lau 011.1. t Proposak br Naval Suppe q. :‘ A V 1 EP A RTAI T Itnronn of Equivinent, Etv., May SEA tu furnish naval su ;q l,-3 rot Lli. , us, at of. "mtil P. M., of the pith Thl , P mu:lt 11 , • entl.•rst . tl i'rop44a/...; ,11-3tingutni;...l lettf•ri. ?2:d arttcl 071'1,1,f‘l in OW nro any of which to otror, thi• C.L.lllinitist4 , lll ,4 :110 1.--p•ctive yqrds, cur tu the navy p, nod Inc! , Ur . /1:1 the yard,. noon 11p t- il/11,3111 4/: (.11 rA Hoch li.• Ii) In In, ;tI I VT/ irllti for bids. 't tie Ct.1111111 , 41. - .4 tint a...] ropy ol the t ..LIIy, Whiril it Mi.) wittitlic,r It will tip cuoirithici to ruAk, itptilicitth-t. for 01011. Otleir , must tio ciir thr witui., of a &Lt.:int any utcu 010 of the twiiiti , id StriotrJll4l./Ililit2. 1(1,1,4V1t11 ur they lni. - ..+1447. -1. 111 ,- cuutru t V.III Io till' ticr tot,. cunt, 7. 7Mt, l;n:ted Stile,l !C ht r • fill cor it ilOeUleil ittticii , lic it, .tli =ENE 111211=118 1 tu. t 1 1 . , 1. Ml.= to thin ;011 itwoti:it quirt ~ 1 •he • : ~ . . =IMES =ME IMEI=M t It 1 , 1 1, 1 111 tl l l:tililit.' Ly 1.111.. toll 10.,11,1,111,4 [lt' . t, tspttittlit• yard., yt ill be oril by the 11,,y aL...••tle „t ,u,,, likely day. rt. It,ll It. IL in MU tarn tt 11l it t,me ract lira, it default be made b e Inn; tl t.ri 1, - , all ur ,ory of the arlieleA 111-etartr, I 111 11,58 in the coitiract, ul line try Oilollie and plat-. I,bovt• ;:revided, that (API:, fi.ttilif:tetor and hi, sureties will forfeit sun pixy to the United :. , Lataxi a an to or etioaey rut exceeding (WIC, the 01 ,ICh rIAH4, which may be recovered Irora tlll/0 to 11010, to the act of in vi./ , 1, 111,1,0 Vl -. 1 :11111 . 06 1643. I I,'!, 1, e, t,7 br. delivered ono.futirth part tin or helore the I:dlt \lay, pa L of before the 'Of IL July, oat-twlrth pail I.) 711.. Stith ul Septornber, and the 11.- ..itloler Icy Ihu 181 lit:Lase:l :7 and it, the whole by i ar I itr, 15179 tem.:ming chalet, to be furrt:: put ,e,or bet... - •. Or let ,•.:epterui,et rut-lu.lrth pare, ttli ur bof,.. Lir. 1/ecenther next, one lourth .:o .:r belore the Isl. April, and tine remainder f•••l”..'lh;J 9, allies, earlier required wins a le .ri.L... cu.mprrsing at. each deiivety till, lilt/portion a. It at twl.. ClaF:s and all following. it a.lolLion .;e:uut:Lt... of any •.I Eh , at.. 11.•,113,-, ‘l, tl, y ;in r. to Lc llmwehrd um lake, - ruin toil it ttt tht• ~wr -Li of the dsatl ye, r. upon I t`t:et \ tug , I fillet - a Jays 1,411 the linrwatl, the rum tn, LI kiAijL t .11 1 , or navy-itgent. I'M Olfri• 1 • --, , 1------,a ;lit Utt•of , hei ol)3 to Ikir , ii-!• rt, dill Ver. i❑ tho ri spttctiv.4,1,, At I L. • I. the I'LL.St, licrenut. Istint,„,(3 11, r../Iturntil) will, 0444 lot, rti..4111.-ot 4 ruction, Nc., 01 (.44- 13th nl II V. 1516 optt• , i, 1 repl. ”L • I.m 1111 et ,d ILI 4ntract trust t. the Bignatin, -at cliuto.) I,r• (N {PI,II, ,1111•^ swat be 1,119.,.1 to ts l by lieu. Opposite i•ocli tl.t• Il,alL bt, Let, LI, 3.m.lin ,ed uut, 111 ~,,,roga,lo G;r 4,1 3 tio , unt, ritual in wuril, th 4 2rant I ,44[11,1 ,iu the Statd , Lii ty tit iu e.Lei• the ferie r riiing i•ol itity I,t Cii•• naine+l Iro til they hill ten tin), alter the th,, con tr., I the pur,l. ofli,o iiirined, , ir I )nvy - ng ,. .nt.iii,ignitter4, ext -- en: e the r t•ir Old datili . , Will, hei plaLl•lirtilheient tieir ; and in Caen HILLI ruct ns aforesaid, We giniruni3 to Ithtko c^ud the iiiffeiceriee hemeet. th eiTer , i 1 the Pttel tha r . 'A hid, may :in at:C.l44li. Sknaturo of two u:llliEWl.ltOrti. C ll F hot L y c e rtify that the tli v.• 11,11111,1 an moo of property, loot oil. to oink , !,U.LI - 11 1 . 1)9C• 1.0 I;nitt•l di,,tritu judge, Unitod tzttcs thArlct :Lttorut . ), ~1 TtJe tb.• r.oltr,tl ,tt th. r,..41,,,jivt KITTEka, MAINPI. Chia.; lo White pier. glut Xll. Aah plank. Nr.. 12 fllo.h Nt Iliiiil. 01P1 clivrry. NO. .it. Iron. Nu. Clpiittai and roam No. 2.3. zinc iin,l tin. No. 27. l'inuta, oils, etc. Ni, No 33. Hose No, 27. Pitch, tar and e No 2.8. e‘omp .110 Oil. OiiAIILP;3I ° U 9DI, 21.188A.C.LIUSETT8, 01,i83 No. I. Whitt , oak logs. -No. 3. White prous!scu ous tinitisr. No. to. 'White pins. Xi,. IL A.Bll and Ni..l-1. Hickory tiatt3, rlm tirits-r. and whits wood. 1 , 4 c. B. Stave,. No. iii. Iliack spruce. No. 11 Iron. No. and o alia.zil , c Mid tin. rio. 24. Pig 7ioll. No. Y 3. Hardware. • N. 27. Points, lis. etc. Nu 28. 4 llax canvas.' No. 29. Cotton canvas. 30. Flax and ccrtton No. M. Glass. N 0.31 !,..athot. 1 - .0. 33. llosn. No 34. i3rnslisii. No. 33. Booting 311 , Z dry goralii. Idr, pitch and rosin. No. 38. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 39. bLop chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Fire-wood. BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Cass No. 1. Wink-oat: logs. No. 3. lVhit..-oak ous No. 6, Yeßev:Tine plank stock logs. No. 'U hot' tone. No. 11. Ash, cypress, white-oak hoards. No. 12 Black walnut, cherry, No. 13. Locust. No. 14. Whin ash oars, hickory hors, and butts. No. 16. White-oak i-7,ftves and Loading,. No. 18. Black spruce. No. 18. LittivarteAtie. .No. 21. iron. No. 22. Spikes and uails. Is . u. 23. Lead,:huc, and tin. No. 24. Pig iron. ;•o. 25. Hardware. Nu. 37. Paints, oils, Etc. No. 28. Flax Cabrati. No. 29. Cotton ,•;111n vas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. No. al. Glans. Nt.. 32. Leather. No. 33. 1i. , . No 34. Brushes. No. Boating and dry goods. N.. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No. 38. Tullow, soap, oil. No. 38. di,' p linudlrrl. No. 4U. Stationery 41. Firo-w,xl. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. Class Ni . 1. 11 . 1111,--aii logs. No. 2. Whit-oak E. nk. No. 3. White-onk protniscuotei !hub,. No. 6. Yollog, ,due Plank stock logs. N. 7. Y• , lL,w_piue 1 4,1113. No.lo. 0.-hit,. p i n ,. No. 11. Astiy prera, whi Ce boards. Ne. 12. Black walnut, cherry. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. Whitv-ash oars rind hickory bars. No 10. Irla•k s; ruco. No. le. Li g nutuvitio. No. 7.11. iron. No. 22. i; ,, pikiis and nails. 5.4.23. Lead, 'iuc, and tin. No. 25. llardwaro. No. 27. P,.< oils, Bc. No. 21. Flax canvas. No. 20. Cotton canvas. No. dd. Flax and cotton twine. No. :3. Wass. No. 32. Lo; ; ; , ier. N. 33. Host,. No. 34. Brushes. No. 35. Bunting ano. dry goods. No. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No Tallo so, , oil. No. :its. Ship chandlery. N. 40. Stationery. WASUINGTON , D.usTßicr 1)1° COLUMBIA. Clm No. 10. White pine. N... 11. Ash, cypre4.4, white oak board, No. 10. Black Spruce. N.J. 21. iron. No. ;:2- Spikes and Nails. Nu. 21. Lead, Zinc and tin. No. 24. pi g iron. No. '2.5. Llardware. No, 27. Paints and Oda. No. 211. COMM canvas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. No. 31. 1 '1 I I, I ant: 12, IIIMOI! tra , tvilal imsrmillip4 1 '2 f [i t - sl.r;h. Ill• vtl, :AWL t , s ; lIIMEMIMIE i:: a:.a~t, .:f tL•: I ic =EI prvl,A • •al, law LA I , :th 1. NI It, 5 illte NI"., Llwrefor, atuti Ilut,nu of Cot, I,llltl nip 01-r and mt. Signature. A ill the :312+t0 ut Signature. U li 4"."-rt.e#F:=......-04.4tiAtilimAr • I 04108. No. 3°. Loather. 1•••• t. and I No. 3M. ~p.. N., di , . 43. Tank and galley iron. No. 44 lihain iron. No 45 1 rll.t 47. \i!~_•lln., (.I: , SPOiiT, V I 1 N ,' 1 1.9 . I ”:••-k log. !.:o 1 11:t'ii AM , pr•-SA. N. , 12. W.a.e!: c:11 lint. chum , i ,„ 14 hi - k- ry h r , . I 41. _ 1 %, W.Al:Kl~nl~`ir <. r is it:IU.I N,. Wl,•t.- boll SVILILt• I . a 1M 1,-!1111111:i.' .} \ ..iii ,t:L..,r 1 9r4 t,,,i,k,1.13,1! i i. , , , .... piy.sir,lh, Pl. 'A': - 4 —, ..4.4.. & i'ir,c.,,,i;!..4 it A. WM N )1 7 . V:r I'l'U iTS A t,1,1N ;-• I ~int.„l•••••;,t.",,t ~ • :1 • t" \• and ' Cli IL 1,(,1*!5, IN. !;(A\APtitlh~lU',. alk wish n gr,•,t 311.1 Tih , fact that thin game 1111.. c niv! ,1111,-,41 011... ity TVliLlh 111 :1111 .11: Tr4ill , l On '411 , 1 " {NIL) .tt loth, ro.l - 1 will Ittavit AuLiflayi ,=4 LEA V 6 : 7 00 . 0 . 7 . 07 1'..`1 :.:74,) P.M ....:1 M A 1., Fir 4, R xprom, 1.20.,p,1 I , :spresi at 1.250 P.M. 10i1A(..1.1 NAN—First 1•: x (m:2 7.122, A. M. Ullae: Z'.T. Ll)UlB—First 5:0.2 p. TrAins atodio close. c0u,,,[..1.,u ,, AC LiTi.A.ll;l bus, Cificmuon, lo,lianapollJ Waynt, with l'raim+ au.[ tafityetto. Cynti - ,111 , hh , h. n1)41 St. Lula` : ' Frain , ' on t h e , V:. It I,i[wF. WI DAyton uud Mi,•ll,g,‘“ Its, nt elliclo„;,. 1 Ft 1 . 4 U M1M1...10,C0 ln : 14 Hilm - h4s, M 2:0.2 Si. I 9:12 U. t3:10 ld " i:11, 1' • Train,' lank , c,usv conileCtiur.i With Tn,iii. r, !•:'• I'.:titimczt• Now Volk ii,:tit,rl I rum Lc: tv.•;. bud LOLILIC, hots lit. , with I :L. I,tfay,tt, ata Flail:. ti FtlP,t : CON P. — i • tiM, , airluirvio trillht,t) toi.. fr. iit Iht.hiliurgli to (.4 - I,t.litic, Lein, it a train ovtit by hit 6i•iotttt ACC , tNt MATION .•a All,ght•fly Uicy at 6- V.) Vi.. and :A. gheuy tilt) It,r iNnsv I=Tl4l,t,r. 51 9:4 E. .11, 15.10 B AUG AU 1: OIL ECKEL Tit tit.ollol/., ucd r. • . Tray , 'ors Or 1, , , 1.1.19 Intruding zn nuri . b...n• ticket:. in :htt, burgh for thu 1.,.ar ni 'illti , l the q7l!, Ag•n( I'_ F. V. s C. It. R.: C. ,Fc and I tidiana Ruil road Co:up:inks, is iiEfilth!:l'AlLE IN. at tin. billion T•ckot (Abr.°, Coureelea w ith ticie 11. It:4iie:tirier l_,•rrur - r Litairty cud tiraht BAGGAGE will rietleirsoul ticket,,at 00) 1“)‘," • ill t!d: k Ti) COMNIF.NCt , Iath, c.mi or.hti is nett) filidbt)l" Ilia J. J. LIOUSTj'4, GcLi. Pr't. D. Chiaura. my K jin ' i. II SuperinCemient. NU 11E,Iti OUT UT' ;J9 TO CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE and ST. L4..CH A PITTSTRI IN/ 11, FT. WAYNE and C1110.AG,., ,7%,1 11A.111i,ToN.k. UAVT,rN 1U V 1 A. bi:L_VAL'JtE CuV!1:1, ti.. I h,tan.r., y front l'i.!Lsburu'i to n. rori • 1,7 i Hl LINE is c.oniDog.3d of Roads of the cht, ;, throuo, n 1)11. , 1 Ci, 111 trAl, Co- • )1.. (th, tr,kkw. I 11,.• 12. being Conneet.,l. (01 Hrnn,Tin , , Mormcin Vickßtirg, Npw C92tt,ction tnNi , . :IA St. te:miti MIY1(411, kit! , !.• KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, 1,1 all poibt., tiY 4.. Ali, hr. Ciliciu.,tl Goacrid ;..tnvillo, 01l 11 . 1 k: IP l't :it.,:ioll ) Thr" . agh C,1:1( . :1,,,t/ r;ll,l)g,e. , ° i . 5 A • C I ) i ".. f;•11..11.10(3,tt;:•: CTIECI‘Ui.I) TRItA)1.:!;!!. t•aa - c Rn :,nvy ad Etuy ,t 1 1 11 r.•. rr 11 ~$.l-11 t,l .:t. W. A.. C. ii. ,S . rite 41,1ev011w;349., :'filis:i . inFgh and RaiiHron.4l, Eancinvimiti i.;;* R A I L. It ) A D Cliar2;:,c of "elate IN '_AN) :NION DA V, MAY 1 , 1558. Trnin4 will 10, - • 01.• ,ri.43 Itttil7o , - 6:45 17e Mos (I • F , Jr ..p.n. BUFFALO, DETR, rmo:AN It nun Ni)A ZkNUSVIT.I.E. 2:35 P. rd. kru. Tut: W Et:T. t r• 011 r.,uul rt 3 IS 101, . \~I;'• tin ,. • 1' 4:00 P. nil: d:•iQue, ' ' r..• C/ijeagfi, ticht; I NI, ===alMME EffMnl=MMM %17. Y, th,. or My, 'Frahm ill I..ay. clt Del,t of OW nia U -ntral Railroad, ati For eTV.CBENV.ILLE. C 4, 1..1'.11131U3, 11, 3:00 A. M. INDIA NA1,11.15, 1L:.., Nt CHIN AND ES I .11.1. FAN, GINCINN •11 ANDAI l. 2:35 Pe , irTS T Sl.lll AND I,T : 1 Tirol dil W:[:10111. co., ' ,,ll9l'•lyotG go Cl) filohio) . t.oi, , or :Loy p b1 . y1,111.1 C•PIIMII,U, u,ll-1 for vi J.lll FARNII,:it, 6upvrini , ..ndent C., P. a W. X. W. BAGLEY, 11.13.12 j l'urorintontiont it C. It. PI'T'TSBURGH & UOiNEIA.SVILLE (04 41r 7 I R a, lit , 41) Oa n N d ast,ltz 2,londa y, the 1.11:11 i:a µ , I ii : au 'a h , Pennsylvania Kallf,,,tl Mail Train lea,— Expre,it Traiq ETUF.NING Tr!: a ii.lVell2olllll , :' , lVllit . .. Arriving at Pittalatr4ll riChoL, to, illa St. P.,llllByiVati ,l Nlnil Train cinnvet, 11,1ru COad.lo.i for UW011t.01.4 , 1, Froxtlairg. UGC.. and at West Newt,la with Cum:het fn e , 01,1 4t%, BertiCl, eta, Yreighta to and trout Pittsburgh and Stab ~113 all burgh end C'onnellevillo R , Olrßad, will be pa_lemivotl •old ,Ii•- ltvor.-1 in l'ittAt•llrgil, at tire Dt•pt,t," opp , ),ltt• Ithquoluti Dopot." Emcb. .m Pig Iron, 1.nc0 ,, a-, at:.,l7lilch will b., 10,d..!• , 1 or uti,oßdotl At ow, - lie. pot, or at ~ a nal Dtqlot, as may be arrAngod I , rt• Ponnaylvania Railroad, at I'itt4ibrzti 11. LLACEiz,iONE. Su { ' t ;,,trtov•iit P. C R. It., } C.,iitiollasfillo, Mat' Mil, 1858. myB I - iew Route via River and .7Ltailroad. IndirAapolisqt Cincinnati lltailiroad CONNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Hann.., and ';'•irrii Ilan :.o .tud otils, to Bt.. Lntei and Lafayette and ladianApolit, Now arcat, and t.ialatn, anti Michigan Central for 13,0 , ..311; 3 , 311,m4D, guit,LE•4l3l4l,),i, and all intormedinto Through Freight 'Frain to INDIA Nn P. /LP, TELR.P. .1111:TE, LAYAYItTIT, and ( - 'llli.U. Freight carried from Omni:matt or Lawrenceburg In lesa tine than any other rent, by 'nom, told at a.i low r-too. y road hr which vtopa.ente can oe made front rin• the AVeet, ti:tens:poem; to,en , at ..j,, lktl ; E . 114 Ir a Lawrmenonrg.. hro-iI agar.lion , and It charge ,10 charge for 3ntys2e, to te.-amisdian at . .niorencrhur„7, th,th..; rtliiMhzi it (No tic %titer street.) Agent of Dr ' l7 -" r- P h " 3 ' who 14 paled to giv e i.-aitouGH stninfira Ltitnyette, Clazavr.o. Pe,tt, Greetermitle, Craw-conk !tin, CLziefton. Paris, on• ;;. C. LORD, PreAld.iiiit, JNO, N, tjagic,h, erehtitt A,-ent Ml,l Fll RN 11: Li It hand, at M.I e;:. C 4 ). L;A ptE., t. : A 1 UYAC- L'Olt mith.le: street, d -7.1! r than lNtemary renm :y - - - W 0 0 I) 17,1 I FUIiE A ND V-7::.,11;sle as I ~m bracing, carry style of Furniture. and Walnut, quitahl., for Parlor -4, an.l Diniug Itoorna, Num! to any in New York or ,finfad,iph_e...,Hll4l at lower prvos. Every article made by, Cabint-tnakem Kup plied with any - qnsnnty a I.ITRN ITC Rh and OLT A iltS, on rersenable Eit,teLs and ainholta ftrniuhed at the thertost notice.. 77 and 79 TT - I:IRE, Stre,st, Pittsburgh. Ps. 0e22 TARCII.-250 bxs Rochester Pearl Starch, 10 received and for sale by lIENEN H. COLLLNB. IMMO =III 1,•-••••-1 and 4A3 'C! t MIER= I ti r I i ~ t• , L ~ 0 P " 4 9~ron~l c-,- ;oj for C,,lcih rtlso, liculroA.; t with Tr I), I . Inr loral l ^ i.,li f II 1, II 111111=11 ME= I TS. is• . kr11 . 1.1 I•ents =ME I 1 .;7;;.m it (1A w a S•iamete r Ar.r.ll,3qe t lli ON 2 1 _74D APT Ell 3101`!D t,VANI 'IENTU A'. V. ‘HAZ.WI - 14 . 4 f• a!l.' , A l .l z 4. 11 Z!) .1! • , ccu, I 1 I MIME I I "• '&J illlll., • ,;; 1,•,. • • 7., 'L.:4I. 4: El 11),%Ti, • •• ; A.1.' , CuALt19. 1 .)A1211)., lorives r,uliday ,) at 10. SEUON ALCCA)iiMODA . NON (€,Tc.•pt S , lutlay,) ~t .1.*:"!) h: ACO) MoDA dais; ) y 74: .11 - 17 i P 114 I.) c. Fa.; I (intltlll, I ••• A. k. rtrcondp. AC , J , r»111 , HL , ..• , 11. 6:10 ; P. M. I ut:6 Expr•••••., 6 .6. • 116- .1 06 oidaWil ~. ANI , .• a id. all 5t.if..61.<6 20 ( , , • rill, Road, l•-• , , , ••• ;Sunday ..xc.•;•tod,6 7 - 1.) 66. ‘e. 7 , -:id 1.:6:i Iron] nn.' lt.fad, ern,- at Pitltiturgh, 8:46 e. a. uud 1 - 67 . 10 P fie—Th:6 zrar , Aing talblic will bluff 16 kirrafly w tfrar to trraat, il6 ~,, ; .11H, Eat t • t.•••,:• l'• ,11, tir.:(••••llDio , hAtil,lo , , t•t , :tl3 . ••,!•.,•,* ro•li• V.,•• ,r, ir•fla ver• ••• -..,• - vp.. 6 16d and comfort to all who !:,12.t. , 11 To . 00,911 I `• patic•nagr.. "f'o Nvw Philadelph,B iißrrHt,arg, Itag.;,tfAr. , checked to I - 01 l'•• I 0-7. i, .M.) 4 Pr-laoligorto purcharitor, tickets CO,, cal, l••• ; c,fft , la Daditiort to the . ...3tAtioo rtitcr : 4 * whore the Comp-my VO Ageor. NkyrieE.--1 ct... 40 of 10,0, the Uolny.ny o ,, 1•1 4,IVeP 1 - OSpOLIIIWIC for pf , r,ord '..r umour..f. not excoechrtg $lOO. . . N. h.—The Excelsior thunilma Liu , . leis c.givoy Pv..lBeng . org awl Z•• i,lll Il le•put., at Charge tot to exceed pael , ng , r 61,1 b,. .1. r l.l . ! ,. .11' .1 R'r, t , I. I:. I t 44, mv: rd •__ _ T E PEN V A l•ki 1.1 Al A T!! (1..; AT . and ::oath-w4-5t•.4 . 0 This Road HI I • 4 , Stetsruertt to 14411 I—rt... t.. 4 iii ,, Wt•ti 4..i••N • Ikro - 1 ant Ft44444104.4k ;10'1, ,t 0.4•40.4 - i lilt t444rt, .40 ttl- NOT , art Rill..l.AaLaPJ. , ...rr. by In , 10rA:0.rd..,1 to :11, from the (11IFIATI fita.t b twertr I'Et iindelphOt J.L.FhttiTbutri!! 11.t'T Boot,. IL,te e,,: 04".12.0,,1iii, Dry Coo;i9, b 1.12 . sari tronl4,) Drug - H.6:1 b...tiotwq %.)11.1,P) Foatin.lte, SItCONDCLASiI•—•-duntioutirt tt..hooting, i lug and Ticltin..t (in original butt:Kt. ! Drug. (in cricks), diurd wan, t.r.;•1;1- ! eit•, 1:).; cone tir box.s), Llusrattard, ttc, TITIRD CLASS.—Anrilit. Sr o o. (!Lot, 1 1 u itrtron and Pin tr, Stilted ittrittil, T; turcd,(omntlg s rit:•,) FOUitTI: 12 Itaa tint_ 1. - :;r1., (iii tsui.a ur bt.lettl FAVitWard.) 100 aut. t.artt and Card Asb.tit.r mall CIA). TA:, Piteh, LOHIII, 1 FLOUR-7,1e, 1/ until furtlit, idut. GRAIN in ear lords, etc. lcd I fnribor notice COTTON—S. 2 halt, :tot oltu-,41t ribt.) Ibu. vo-ight, tint; farther (iecndl frdin any p.m. Pli:.;dt : bo oodtl put:t. - ag, stir luotr . .itody 23 ar°c!"/ All Cc4. i . lat.• A1r.f.c , ... V.titi?V.R. 13; Li CLOTki,---- 1 . • ~.; \-, r trvi;7. ;ill ; -,11 - .lof , 1.1,21,1:14.'LL1,, - ,1.; .• kith -, 1...... d c“z 1 , . gni: 1.,::, r.Lsr, ~f r, , Cr rat=—.v'. ti 1, , ).! Cioth V , ~ 11 , ,mrt, N-. 'O5 lull '. , 8!... Claii ~.-..: PLC') (fr , 2-7'3EIV rhe Be ‘a and Chea.pv4era t• GRIST & 18. T lull A-.IIFAuTi, NO DEALE:i IN Entpr , !'"ed er ;*roof elnenl and Grz.vel Viri; & Water Prouf ['anus hoofing RO ,- )FING MATERIALS. qyicE ..... FIFTH ;771i Soiuu of our Car .v . miLy teen ec l'upp , r WC, Pitt 4... it Cu.'s u.lrriag., fit, - tnry. .11, ul.w !I ' L , .1 dory and nt,i.-hult , 411.. p; 14.'1 pinning Sout.l/ Pitt-burgh ; tier. l''ghollY; P., Ft. W. R. , .t C. R. I._;ht Ohio. P., lIL. C. It. it Itgcheyter and Kitt trl 1. , WI I •I; lira h.-ou. in or :.0.1 satitrart :I,lk ( 7 / 1 1 . , Ltr Olin lor ;a circular. gotiti.mlLLDy. r ;,L.••trtyingit mnra •.1 Itt,ti:l4 ;11 Lay Pharleit 8...4.31, , I• !tui.•!,r St.Andr. ,, s Cum L. IVork.., tt • lrt• , Wlsou Co.'s rulllug n.ll. 4...1 neck fa, OUR RTAAi,TUJ Wt. apply )N h i then, 1. ISA utV, nun! ravt. Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CAS4. Eti AG y A.ND 133==IM;111 WHITE S i-i,:;POSITORV Tl - 0 MILE NEAR LAWRENCEVILLF,. TLIF, SUBS'RIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or moot roasoiled,le terms, a fin ci.lBortillout of Ltaz...,0ci. , .• so.l seeimd_hm i d • l;tiggiem main , by W at:zoo, of itlindelphla, smut , but ii use , l. Also, twenty-cue neva thiggite, made iu toy urea the very best material purools• - •1 it, Eastern market. A fine lot of ['rotting Wag , , us, Dow %I'! rerr,nol-liund. A.loo, a lot tit' Root. Wagotim, Jury Liu.34, n ,, •••• • Wagous and it, •ekae. ns, , tour 1"-rein, ••iis of them fl at make, 111/1 ~ t h, r Now lurk mak°. :Wu dr....Soli:lea, coil outdo by ',lr. I:. liodgers, Philadelphia, and a feu Clorunioo Ruggles, sultan?, far light mart:Lei - lug. The truhteriber 9 • 4t.erst hintbeli, that he eat, make et to the loter•••••; if persona to pn. • chart', to glee him call. The eetahliihnio.ot is rontijoirnt to the ity, the Excidelor .itarributiLiutiol•ii3 po.sainr; to-door ovrry ten r•ltlCto9, mi1...13:10A w .1. tril i ll'i I Wlt'llli STZAM MILL, S'i EAII . I 111.,1_,—E,r Safe, L A (iris:. Mill .. 1 oon: i .1.. 1.,1i. .. 1 running, order, • MIL ...I t , tens, smut 11_01 , 1111•• • I;t •, .ril a .. r.d. cracl,-,,r, •-tx. Also, a dr......11ing h.. .........f 1. • ~ ' n., a 1 wiz- btab7c. and 3 1 ....t... of grouud, in &nth Pi ,, t , J , 11",11, will 7,, :1 , . - , 7,1 in a borguir.i. ti. ()11111.11-I.EIRT cr. rillY, niNl5 51 1. l a-liet street. WRITING PAPERS—Of every doscrip non E,to wholrille or retail, 1.,. - WM. U ,IOIIN6TON & Cu.. l'prir Drab.-..- W,,,1 street. QUA 1." POWI)I 4 ::Ft.--51) boxe-i Powder ~nr owu urinufaotore, warrnot,i Eupora: t zr.y offer-4 I Fade ill this oa bawl tillll tor -il, by B. C. fx J. H. e,AIV F,ll. _ Ta O(3 S. -- iiresseil just roceivuti and v., sale by JAMES A. PET dale 814 Water dam*. 11;MWM r i oaToß HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GIER I)4IFLAD'A, Pa, 9 • •In ,a'ortnal:y cnre pI . :TES4A. JAUNDICE, MEV• f DISEASES frm: 4 &zanier fd Uvc tORIACht ch i_onatipa, taw. inward Pik:, ti'ullio-n.Or Blood to the itqwti, A, IL:it) i , toroach, Et . ta, L,, iTilaguat for Food" g . LLl:ii•eae v.,,ight ittouluniti3our Fzunta .ntion.i, leg. o: it , ;; st thn Pit of the Bto- 51,11111,4, (~e hurried and Difficult . ••,„: t_!.oking, or Suffocatinz 'tnDimned3 of VisiOtt,', , Pain i• Dazictuu,y Pair, n ti.a bans citit•at, Limbs, Sad-L.ll flusfies of Heat burr.. ieg in the Rlcoir, Constant Imaginings of Evii, and grew: T)3pritlen of srinite. nu.lll, V.Silesbin properdes to this remedy, n ese3rtion it rnatie,ibrit is simply stated •art untioniabir and conclusively by the extraos• • dPrived from its use, under the di. ••. • Pr. 13cr.lisnd., among ell .titurr2esii e=soply...3.lid fi - orn the immense mass of frop el Anisriran continent, emu !sec ton in the hands of tho prm. r The prevalenco of diesel:es Co which the :wan '..".1(11 - 1., nra adaptci, it 6 wit.h sorrow we say it, is at. :i4 re '9 3uarcely n family throughout nr o3oiirry in which there cannot be , 11 , 11: 1 / 1 r ii32lno and &inquiet :10 • . :Inc; • ; :Ter. 07 111 ....macinted and nada,. op;!ug uni iil=l .hen 01 whiPili heal ii , i -i ii`lTJOrtance to this class of haven • • , • • • :,•.• rcmody aaonld be placed with) I , oo ia 0, - 1..1ch no baneful or injurious drug cn• , it, c•ct , .eiti,r• ; a remedy n which the patient can lint n titiot-t c,a lidoncn and •:crtavinty, and boast:tared t,com! an.: Lauri, le pratifs that the article he is using I attributed to ft. - Such a remedy tiIIIIMAX BITTERS:" Thousands c have Lean exi.lccided in its inenufactnre awl diffusion of all parts el this oontin - at, and the I.ifuprintinti reek the „rrearest eatimfaction in stating that there is no t s c•tuty, ur van vihaAr , where the ',Medicine has been int b, that there cannot he found cannibere willing t,tify to ita rirtues_ it. la used cincistantly fu the practice of a hags cum,. e. tne moat prominent pb.,,,,tchuil tit° circuitry, wl. , ;tax. : , 'en added thair written testimony iu evlcietica of ibt . silrtri4o. vinclutrion, then, we would ratinectfully ask 01 . nil quite tit iite,l with any of the above (itiOnitniti to rive ill« it trial, anti rest ta-....F10rd cover he re,rette.: In proof of the stittomeats abise ma n, uA ure invited lti read attcnrivoly tt , Alumnae. ....7 , 1.n . itU3 by the pre er lturint•rs hint Pier!ilies, containing groat num• ter ttiti•iii2l3, in addition to the testimony iu favc, of the lte,r , „ I ~,,14t pnnuiaeuta nd well known it, i, nit; i:. thin.,. Ali A . ,0,11tE far the Er ar. hr. e..itherbteil distribute the Almanac gratnitonAty aui !tliinufactery,itd Arch etseet, l'hitadet ~ ;i; ;:y I;roggidLy iu ail the prirc::)lil.-itt. A ;-..t.r., , cur..,s and Storekeepers In every tor , : anct Canaan, and by it. L. KAHN ESTOCK a CO. and Dr. GEO. H. REYSE.I , ... Pittsburgh all dirastmes rat great, era cause Frogs trttm r - ah.;c of Nutnre's laws. ET 14' " NOT' IS GUARANTEED IN all stag., of SECRET DISiiIAS ES, Self-Abner, Nor , Dettiht„ Gravel, Diabries, Dise.ase, td kidneys 61 . vid,r, Mercurial Rheumatism, &re f ..a, :it...6,1111d Anklet ; Diseases of the Lungs, i m, Noite : Ulcers upon the lltalyor. Limbs, re " ina ply, Eptlt pot . Fits, St. Vita's Dater; Calld all diseases u situ, horn a dermigement of the Sexual Organs, such as 11,-,VuEld trciald . .,,, los- vi memory, loss oh power, general .at o. •: onatas tti v.;00 with peculiar spots appear in twtort ioEh of sli,tit, tVakefilliaetid llppepeia, liver :options upon the face, pain In thel back and head, hatiale irre,mitsrities and all improper discharges from both It. L011E14.1'6 nu! front What Cause the disease origins, te . i, however loll,: ntau ding or obstinate the case, recovery it Sit l in a eli.'rtcr time than a permanent cure can be ihot by tt . .te r tries; merit, even after the diric4tse hsa oadicti the still or eminent physicians and resisted all the r t.I curo. The medicines are pleasant without odor, raccou en sick ~ and free from mercury or balsam. Dor m., te salty year.. of I have rescued from the Jaws k.,7 death z...any I.llOlisaULIA, who, in the last stages of the Of. it- cli AI,: diseases had ben given up to din by their rtyncisms, which warrants me in promising to the afflicted, 1.,) may place themselves nailer my care, a perfect and most rapctsly Clll2. ,secret diseases aro the greatest enemies t. , health, as they are the first cause of Consumption, hero tide inaoy ocher dians.tetu, end should be a ten - or to the Loma', : .As pormunsu. cute scarcely ever enact. L 5..., mmori.y 01 :Le cases lulling into the hands of inc.:m ite:en: Lemons.. vibe not only tail to cure the &teases but, s din the csinstitation, rifling the system with mercury, we tell, with the disesaSe, hastens the sufferer Into n «1 , q MESE z:litt! ~.. ~; -- MEDICAL. .111:1 thn dLease and the treatment not cense death v..tiro marries, the disease in entatled Ito are [Aril with feeble constitution:, rr,.,; et.rt tinted by a virna which be za! Ulcers, ilruptiona and other alter ir. ni the eye 3, throat and Inugs, entailing, Inn), of euffering and consigning the;: L. t A 1;11::-: s tiimtLicr formiciablo enemy to health, Col tirr driad cata - logao of human disonFee Eh. , 9.p3t0111, drawing fito ,- .1- • ..2.! a fi•r.! yearsal ituaoring dawn 19 an .ii,• tiot•vou3 3,ratem, • 1if. , ,C,11:11,3 mental dorangiiliiqr.t., •••••, : 9! the !iyatem, dieynautic •:.. 311.3 all ,airily wy-ti•lii•il iu Lady ant! mind, : .1 [rata el evil?, more b 1.., • ,t t.,.1 a par 111,11,13.: ale cote of i'uteLL bL . LI',.II:I iLe Cl,111 , 1:-16 ..'l , l rot, tile ullvzi,rj IIIII=1111!111111 puisvilolin L05%:,....11Ci1149." %:,....11Ci1149." I I...tve c.erottilly and shot • G,rro2i7a i 3 of m.renry and 3 Ommlly corm.; the ilim.a.9o ucittrainb no.; in min . y 1..41 e cJ , Zllut aut par3ona, who do 11,,t utlor ! ot ~.verie. Ir..,. l .iatt,nzat an.? b .1 ti Oi ail, LA-IK° Vi Loa hunatu ayatena. hay in view, af,d th.,t to motto raonoyreKurd !!".',...;!/i.:11i::U.3 10111 ti and f,atialfta tt , attA p.,r,clpka ustabliab-d by twenty ybara of practio.o. and ti..ned by t hoot-ant:4 too,t rotaariudde carol. hl;Lh 101 l eent to any part of the : ciao, vi Cht,hint, lauento communicating thou ]. s . .i 1 lekter corrheponoonce htrlcth, coa h., • r•UM'AIERVII,L , 2, M. D., Utbco qtreet, (Old N 0.1090 1„w 'rwolftti. rt!. ,t r, • Make 111 , ine3 14 0 :3'l Elia Al N SPEC LI 1, vri, DIES—ONLY ONE E.—Forty Ile:Baud dollars : oi;esd Estate,atenei, ,hwelry, ,ii •n:, •••• and , Sn•.er cio d vwitha great Variety f1u1n:.%.14,) • , se , y s tiomia; IA: of in forty Lion. Vl,l 1 , 118.1 t., et one dolor per snare, as followis;—Upen tho 1 ,3 ree.,l ,t ore debar, I will end the payer a numbeted re . •• :pt, whit h Ix ill ot,titl, him to one enure in the alcove un,h -•.t,i,,.1 ;u . operty. When the sharer, shall have been sob:, the 411,0.1 I notined of the fact, by mail, or throne:di die and a naming of the Shareholders shall • rho tee pity ~t i'lElrdebpbet, end the whole of • eroperty eispose I of Or aintaig them; in such et,ll tr , i.-ttrolinod opou by them ; ne,cdi Sharetiold- sesil entttled to one vote. 3 Contelitteti to be selected StElrrlmlci.r+ At said meeting, co conduct or Mup.,rin ,; tie• ,)1 the property, according to the dir,e -r. • ! awl : will thew deliver the pro ench perms or persona as the Shareholders may , .!..i name. The float Estate ~ OnSiEt, of •• t hr., r.t.,ry b•eise and let, v - slued at $'2500, I , s• • thtec story brick dwiThng hoaxes and lots val.led ;:i. :1:) of 1 clear of all incant ,l,, end taro iadldplltable ; the : , thcr property consists h, r te t•tuck 1241,1 n start.„ nl .mar tin largest Watch .•. we, ~; now, and tar ..rt ;he stock Cotwint -.Jz. e; very llunthig C,:me Lever Wa:cli. •. v-.ry ko , , Gold need Silver E•ttleat Lover Lepine and other 0/.4.1 l' eoc,ll. Seals, L,:rcketa, Ifair Rings, edel other It/r,,, , ,d and Pins, • • 1,, &C.„ Gold, Silver a:A Ste e l Si , (it 16 are 011 v. r Thiurt,:et, Silver and Silver Ph,ted of 12,16, (lastors, Cake liaskot,i, .1. le t;1 - ,1., t .rkz. So. A It.), French Clocks, .\ll/liil, :4 aci variety of other goods. The H.'ilOttles which art devised to en- Lire alOr:t-..." . t, but iaia a fair inn of the entire Isperte beish,eit.,:, the direr, per.sons are pasitieely reared toe stock leas not ts , en purchased fee the purpoul .orption, and to paint oil Common Gilt and Vlateti Jewett*, r nay Gold, node uch will ba distributed, the most res.pertet .' it , tea ions are uteri se references, to tilOclolliripOSed to par. A.,1 orders by Mail enclosing the money will promptly . rtr:tretdetl ts, and receipts forwarded to the ati ,sei return mail. Any person denning dta are a t te t e tit I 1,....i7t , P10VE,L1 hGpdrate I %me many separate names if desired. In writing for shares, Nose veils tUc 11.6.111 e of elle lon t alloy, to which yen wish the anAwer directed. 'I toe i 3 pAllt,H4t.ohance, of getting a large amount of valnaltle iteerstrty, tut a small sum, pis has ever before been °tier e d t o be paid it end en your orders, an shares are selling rapid • are.: it. tr. couP.tleutly expected the distribution will soon . e made.. A rtickl blotted to ix ,, nonq at a distance, will bt, i1 , .111 at tra Ir w3nte,l in uvery town and village. All c 'mint tK, addreesed to L. R. BROOMALL, No. 50 South Second street, above Chesnut. Philadelphia Ar 1 I.M; ERSEED.-25 sacks just received, IL; and far gala by fan lIWIWI El. COLLINS- EF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Blanks, and Duncan'a zystem of Peunlitnahip, kr Hale by W. S. HAVEN, Corner Einrket and &cowl titreet. GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS, Just received and fol ale by W. 9. HA.Vgli, Corner Market and 9cr.,o—ad atreeta. I DRUMS COD Fit4l, for gale by ) DRUMS BAGALY, COSGRATTA CO., ‘.22.?34 Nca le. and V! Wond Irtrt- VATOOL LEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslae 1 . .40 at Cue Drag More of JOHN HAFT, Jit, f Wc. - A1 and ixti - t eta, Pittsburgh T 1 NI Ili' LI EE 1 )-1 0 bush. Good Timothy Sod for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, J YE If LOUR.-15 bbls. just received and fur sale by itnr: - .1 HENRY IL COLLINS. iciiGti• - ; —lO 1 1 0+ fresh Eggs just received ct :ind for ssle by fmriCli r-TEIVIIV H. COLLINS. 14 1 .X.PANSION SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and - UA All the utile:* celebrated Skirts, for sale by air-'t' JOS. HORNI, 77 Market street. LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of excellent lityle.4., with and without fingers, very cheap (vii 2.6) Joy. lIOUNII'S. 77 Alarket street. COTTON 110SIERY.—Every variety of Cqt.tun Etockinga and Half Lose at the lowest prices, a a. de-ale or retail, at JOS. lIi~RNE 9, 77 Market 'street. bbls. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on conalanraent by (ap7) HE It - COLLINS. “(~d 1 FOR a two story frame dwelling b.)n.te and lot of ground 50 feet by 100, pleas ntly ntueted Witshington. Torras easy. fey; S. ab7l 4 / 1 1111T J.: SON. 61 bl`pylrpt t LACK CRAPE VEILS—Of esti% size and quality—very cheap, at HORNET 77 rcirk.t street O TAMIL-300 bas. Rochester Pearl Starch 1.1 received and Ear vela by EMMY E. OOLLIDIEL gxwAmoimtilo4*mg , vmsmo)mwo MEDICAL R. 1\4 1 1_,ANE'S. CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE 1 ND LIVER PILLS. W E beg leave to call the anen tion of the Trade, and more specially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu- L - remedies now before the public. refer to Dr. Chas. !Plane's Celebrated . - - t-rnifuge and Liver `.ire do not recommend them as • :yersal Cure-ails, but simply for t their name purports, viz.:. THE VERAI I FUG E, , expelling 'Worms from •:he lan system. It has also been .inistered with the most satis results to various Animals :4ect to Worms. THE LINER PILLS, -;:c the cure of LIV±II2 COMPLAINTS, BILIOUS DERA:ZIGEMEN'TS, SICK HEAD-ACHEy Ba. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROIIII RS A PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the I.lst_ Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare ncithcv time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. S. :110 t.r.lrring liont others t.. ent.• till 11 . rn Iris ly. ant I Ike Litt h/r. pr, by F rii 1 1 ie.:burgh, I 'a. In girt: IL , io in trial, Wt, kill li.rivar.l per tuail, ia,t paid, to ally th , United Stalrs, tr.. lax I.f Pill.: li.r twelve ..t..• ol Vcratifugt. for I ••.'ll stamps. All ordel, from Canada must ...•. I.y twenty rents extra. T'LA.NE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVER ,k 9._ PITJA.-76 graaa on and for aalo I.y B. L. FAHNESTOCK &. CO. Corner Wood and Fonrth in" et,. NEW TMEATrirEICPA Private and f7onfidenti9l Medical Advice! u"niE 3UFF.AI,O PRIVATE llOSPl- TAL—lSetubliehed for the cur" of Syphilis, Seminal ~ Vo-AnoE, 3 And Bi.,;ret Infirmities of Youth and Matnrity, ~ y 1)r. AM )S .t S N, 11u1lolo, N. Y. Otic, c: - .:ruor of Main Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MtY6T 8011LNTIFIO INVENTION An histrumunt fur the care of OunitAl Debility,or Noctur nal ErnisHiont., more properly known wi Eeminal Weakness, C•ln be piwuminently cored In from fifteen to twenty by the use of Chia instrument, when peed conjointly with metlicluet youNa . !. rfilN TARE PARTICULAR NOTICEL Dr. AMOS & SON take pleaattroi.'n announcing that they have invented a most importantl ument for the care of he above dlsehaes. It has been rubjectod to a teat by the moat eminent I,hyslciane in London. Perim, Philadelphia and New York; it bee been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented, for the cure of Seminal Vi'eatness,or any of the genital organs, cannel by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS SON, in order to satisfy the moat skeptical to the merlin of their instrument, pledge themselvea that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money gill ho refunded by returning the in etrument in geed order. Pomona wishing the above unefal Instrument will °beery° :hat the price, with the accompanying directions, socarely ,):icked and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW ItEM.EDIES LND QUICK CURES. Dr. AMOS d SON may to consulted from eight o'clock In Ihe morninn until nine at night, in every stage and symp tom of the Venereal Disease, Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Secondary Sytentoms, Seminal Weakness, impotence and Strictures of the Ihtethre, etc., with inviolable secrecy. The treatment hey adopt is the result of upward of thirty years' extensive Clad successful practice in London. The most inveterate cases of Venereal Diseases eradiated In eight or nine days, stid cases of a slight nature in two Cr Ulna days, at a mod erate eapensor The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from business also. nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, effectually eradicat-d. A CURE WAP.RANTED. Dr. AMOS SON have deveted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief the; have consequently been enabled to reader to their fellow-creature fully testified and gTeatfully acknowledged by convalee centpationta and others daily arriving in town from all pare of the country, foithe exprma purpose only of consultations While their exertions have bean crowned with the most sig Oat advantages; yet from what they have experienced. i inquiring into the cameo of these infectious complaint (from their most simple condition to that of the most dan gerons and inveterated) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and mangnant forms of disease could almost always be traced to ono of the fol- Mwing Lances :.—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of un skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMOS i have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautions course ; omitting all Adnbinntiou of remedies which bear an equivocal character, A 3 well Bathos() whose premainre or inJudicions application, 'night be prodtictiv of bad cormequences in the hands of .7rivate individuals. In short the Inedible end of their re,- .nodies Li the leizening of a great mass of hnrasm misery by the atleniation, relief and prevention of these grievous r2L. !tiotions that arc. in reality the neeret foe of Life, and v. 2, h .4hile they so extremely micron ad no, call aloud for o , ll r ,e,;;; tel interference for their extermination. 00ValItY LNVALIDE. Peron In auy prat, ui the world eday c ri , ckm f u ll y gusted by forwarding a cu.i.CT, detni! ca.o, with a rralittanca for medicinea,,trl. !Adtirce,.. Dr. A 2 -!.(). corn.: itb..2iti and (Inayvt.reat; 'tr.:ft - al. - , N. Y Ja23:rhivlly 101-ORIVATE DISEASES.:---DR. IlttoWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAr Grfoott SIBITLIFIXT D Stree; ottrgia, Pa. 'DR. BROWN is an old citizen or Pltts, turuh, and has boon in practice for the A I years. His business has t,Oen confuted mostly to Private outlaw-ft', t,ical Diseases. ' CITIZENS AND STRANGERS bi need of a medical friend, should not di to find out the GEM, place of The Doctor Is a regular graduate, and bin experience in the treatment of a certain class of diseases i la mare guarantee to the sufferers of obMiutng permanent - lief, by the use of his remedies and folinwing- nic udvicc. Dit. BROWN'S ARNIE-DIES ectr fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Dtteatea-- I vapuritie3 and Ecrofulons Affections. Also, all diseasco rising from a hereditary taint, which manifewts itself in the t of a tatter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of skin .is,ases, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persona so eillicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a acme and -peedy ?NA' Wry. SEMINAL. WEAHNEEE Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming tronble brought ~ a often by that solitary habit of lierisual gratification which the young and weak-minded often give way to,(to their owa ciestrucdon,) are the only . reliable remedies known in Mx country—grey are safe, and meike a speedy restoration to health. RBIII3IMITEA Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painful din. ezze in a few days—he will warrant a cure. He also treats Piles, Gloat, Gonorrhcea, Stricture, Urethral Discharges, Ye male Wispkness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, Fistula in duo, Nervocs Affections, Pain in the Bach and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all , iarasel of an impure oriy,k, A lettor describing the symptoms, containing a nut, LI: , roctod to DR. BROWN, 50 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to an, address, safely packed and sse.nro from observation. Office and Priimtd Itoorfiq, No. c 0 Smithfield street, Pitt• burgh, Pa. ap9 ANOTIIER supply of Low Son's superior London Toilet tons recolved to-ilay, by Garner Diamond and !darket 'treat 1 10 SACKS FE B A AG T A IIER , S, co,.. fo a r it al A l i e : V OO., Nee. 19 rand Weed et see DRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Dry Apples, recrivc.l and for Bale, by JAS. A. FETZER, a ,3 Corner Nhu-kot and Pirtd streets._ TOB PRINTING.-- I s Cards, en-colari, Price Lists, Bill Lading, Letter !leads, Shoo - Bills, Lateis* Printed in superior styleWtl•h G t JO o INS T b O y N it Co, Printers, Blank Book Manufsctnrers and Staood tioner', 57 W Rtmrst. BLACK CitATE LOLL-Ls.—Beaudiu) styles for aslo, at JOARPEi lIOILNEt ip aP2O 77 Market sopa JOB. FLEMING,