LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Flood—The Water still At eleven o'clock last night the depth of water in the Monongahela was twenty-coven feet and rising rapidly. At four o'clock in the afternoon the Aim gheny commenced running out from above, and ❑i six o'clock there was twenty-two foot water in tl channel, and rising at the rate of six inches an hear At that time the water had renchad 07. e I , a , e of the , fence surrounding the property of tion. Robiwon at the Allegheny end of the St. Cluir,street bridge, nod the collars of several houses on Bank lane and 1 , I) street wore filial with water. Some hons-is ;osie r down were submerged to the depth of five or six feet above the foundation. In Lower Allegheny and Manchester, Bei.eral cel Lars were-tkotied. Should the rivers continue rising at the same rate, a great portion of the lower part of Allegheny will con be under water. Rafts, flats , drift wood, and parts of houses are coining .town both rivers, showing that the destruotion rif pr.perty above has boon immense. THE Miaierhua—The :11iirrie, Pell and Trowbridge Alia performed at the Theatre last evening to a Litter bitime than on any evening this week. The programme for ;ills evening is varied lib maid, for they make it a point t, t. Yoir,thing LIOW evcr y night. Dick Sliter's add u /1111 h4ve not desf , rr Al him, and the Witt idhOIN Inyll and Billy - Merril mnst prove iittrac - iv, the.r originality. 'lke company has got into a lock lime, and to long as it continues we hi,po rev (juAPLl'zi vxhibiliuu of Hu , IJIJII,I u p,L I Afayette ❑all, last uudri tln• 1,1, (.1 1 . ,, I W n-q•• wau oettvr attended LI. n Tut.,12..‘ .14,11 1. 4, t ILS null 21.1 e11.t , 0141 Imn bren.'ll.o. • t V. - hich the olucatiehe el the hilutl be... 11!:,. '3 t, .:od, , 114). and Ow t'alithiti, I. very inter,ting u , vnt,tqllaueut thie uvcuing at C ty 6 All ti lio van, trf tAbd Yes lankr command of Captaiu Hart und 'II alTtutry, under Capt. turued oat yesterday for thy purp,so of assisting in lice ri , quouatration ,vor om , retnainB of lion,rdl t- ing n inn,ppeArauco. Thcy acre, hvWeVer, iu their intruti.u, ,it con,itql thernaniVW by through priLuipal streets .11Aiii;111 illrlcium...—This general favorito ie Mill drawl home- at Foster's New Naiioual Theatre, the Lou, InZt. Ling tieing juit rt.spoettible. The loam ~j tie Brown' is exciting a good deal of inters t just now, litel will, we think, proven good card for the management. will Le repeatesl this eveuiub, mol a new piece call,: ii 'Lady's Stratag,em," iu which Miss Mitchell will SIO.LaI ,tho different Charticterd. . B. CLASH); Nu t Girard liuuyq laza rea•ived Hari Wockly on , day irai th.• Unit. II .lt 'I t\•lira vi.a.-tio Pictorial, the Flag of Our Union, awl oil .-thforrt wroklics; uouttly part., of the wo.kly Nove Frank Leslie and Waverly. use body of ,inch Byeriy, tne agol gentlemiin who from his horns for some weeks, wits found in riv r on Weiluesasy morning. As m. eiiirks of violeme Wel, found on his isii i tion it is supposed I tint Li; dor.tb 11,54 T.,-Der has I tired ha Ow semi-annual laigndo spuctiou. ,• Jutpanic.3 of tho city will tia cut and la, "XlVailtl4.ll icy tI jor Mekillieny, Brigade Insie c.• ~_~..,_. Cr.ME.Lia Fu{: SALE:—We cull I.; OW rue lots iu N att., tri ttio r.)! TA1 , 11!3 . ANTILLAs AND Hu, Pill largo (+6.11' meutt,f tl.lO, moat indisp,uaable arti , lvs of I.l.litth' t, opt:ut , tl this morning al A. filcllighe's, cora,r Grant and Fifth stracts. Ti .o mantillas which McTighe of fcrH, this s. , aseu, arc, in fur bolow anything 1 th kind • cvcr htoaghtto this city. Ha will also open this mot 1/Ing tAVI . Lay-li ce pieces of scarlet an grocu. iond sc tr. lot and Muck all wool care=ts, itt fifty to sixty-t wo seta yard, rho usual price of which is eighty -Live cents. a AJI: . :TI.I:MI:est Ws:AOW Mid second-llalid, in ext , ilsiv • vari-dy, will La sold this morning and afternoon, at ten and two o l eloch, Cl balk's new auction Louie, 54 Fifth street. The it vaitillde and mast peremptorily be sold by or der id - ••eitern pawnbroker. IT is a f , .il worthy the notice of all who buy clothing Mille: 'ready Ingle or or , : , red, that Carnahan, Allegheny City, Kevin;; built up a largo basiness on the mall ay - stem, new farnishiti . ; - fazhienahle garment of superhe' at tirlo.a Ly.loa regular l'oaao altercate.] will wolf to giro hire a trial. USE OF DR. 11.1STETL'ER'S STOMACU • /31.i'lk.diS," for Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heaviness of the dtoruacb f fa any other like allection, in noceud to uono iu Arneriee ur abrui«i. 'Po be able to state confidently that the " Bitter~" are a certain cure for tlylip•ileila and like (11, erisos, is to Ca, proprietors a source of unalloy e d pleasure. It rein .n - .YB ail morbid matter from toe Stomach, purities the Lilo id, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it energy su iudispeutable for the restoration The numerous acknowledgments of its superior excellence and beneficial results, have assured the proprii tors that it cannot but pruve a great cure to the alliicted, cud impart vitality to the thorough system. For 6.013 by Irnggi , ts and dealers generally, every a het e, mid by SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, eM Water end 68 Front stitiotth iny.l2—ln IN".•ThiEll. CASE OF FEVER AND AGUE CURED. —A few duce L:2O we re - urde I an mtonishlng cure of Fever and A,„,me by the use of Dr. 11'Lane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Brea, Pittaburgli, Pa. Wo have now another to mentlee, viz : that of Mr. James Sharpe, of Madisonburg, who st,'".t,.: that he had labored under a very severe attack of Ague and Fever, and wan soon restored by the use of Olean lilt . Mr. Sharpe also expresses an opinicn, founded , :bservation, chat the Liver Pilln are the bent for bilious complaints eve , offered in his section of country. A Itheligh lons known an a sovereign remed.y for chronic 013304 of Hepatic derangement, or diseases of the Liver, the preprletere, Sleming ilre.m, of Dr. M'Lane's l'ills, were net prepared for the frequent, Lill gratifjing OVidalle,o9 of its general utility and curatis capacity. in this respect, this invaluable medicine has c ',sealed their most sanguine Ca piTtatio:lo, and induced them to hope that it will be intro duced iutu every family in the United ;itatoa. " • Purchasers will LW careful to ask fur Dr. iii'LANE'S CELEBRATED Li Vl:it PILLS, manufactured by PLEASING, Ditt.tA., of Pittsburgh, Pa. There ale other Pills purporting 1 1 . be Liver Pillsti new before the public. Dr. M'Latte's genuine Liver Plltc, also bin celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all resp , retable drug stores. Novae gynuthe without Me eigna• toes of {37j f my2l:lwdmv) PI.EALING itftoS. AMUSEMENTS. FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL TIEATRE. Llad5(>0'1111(i Mailugur.. ActiaK and Staio Alattaglx Treamurel SCA LP. OP PII.IOEB 8::1 - eq to hold six persona. I•arquette...soc. I Upper Tier 13-0- 1.4,01-3 upon ul 7 O'CrrAL--iOll/111r110.1 at half past 7.181 XVUN.NU, .I.4t.ty 2711.1, 1858, will be present the c,w dr,rutt, iu three nett', entitled JEi 4 SIE BROWN; 'IIIIE 11E1.1E1' UN LUOKNOW !t Brown Comic Uan o conthhlo with the . beautiful proixau Comedy, of TUEki DVS 81`fi. AT AG OH. Margaret (;re:-k. Boy, with song and dile.o, Moll Tozer, with an Irish Jig, - ltias Haggle !Sachet! Capt. Charlemagne, is iealta, the Night Danmy, wttli gong, J errrssuaGli. THEATRE. M 199 KIMBERLY Al IMM.EN,E DiOVELTi h tIRA.ND MUSARD CONCERT wlll be given the NIORRIi; MOO, PELL & TROWBRIDGE'S MINSTRELS Fur the flret Wile. TIMILSIMY EVENING, Pdny 27th, tutroincinz their cclobratA BRASS. TIN, STRING AND ItgED BAND Tweil tclnorit. 51u:1(t)4rd, conductor Grand Overt ~re Combined Rand Solo on a 17 feet Corn . Moan. Trowbridge ,4010 en n [loony Trumpet . Herr Billy Morri, quartette on 4 C-mba . The Din•tin•guieh-ed Brothere. Value Combined Band. Prima Donna Value, on plat Horn..— "err Ped.-itine. Yankee Doodle----Jordan in a Hard Road to Travel—R. R. by the Combined Band, forming A GRAND POT POURRI. fecund night of the wonderful performance of DICK SUTER'S DOG, the meet remarkable trick and performing Jog in the world—together with the naval quantity of good "ONES. Dancing, Nigger Low Life, otc, received every :light with crowded honnes, and roars of laughter. ;"atiirda, —GRAND MATINEE, commencing at 8 o'clock Box Tickets 37 center, and no extra charge for secured ,tl. Second Tier 25 cents. ihrora open Id 7 1 :i—commence h cents can ho eccitrod at the Box (Alice through day. /IRAND CONCER T I II.: NI twits UE THE 1%.11.161CAL CONVENTION OF THE FIRST GERMAN NORTH AMERICAN N(3,1 N ASSOCIATION give one grand, vocal and inshrunimical CONCER T 1 110111 two to three Ituudr:4l Performers lit the NATIONAL THEATRE, TUESDAY, June Bth. The programme on this occa ..i,,fl will be the most attractive that has over been offerial in oi l y concert room in North America. The male of Tickets, at $l,OO, for this GRAND MUSICAL TREAT, will commence, at noon, on Tuesday, May 25th, I - ut the Music Store of IL Itlebor 84 Bro., Charlotte •ae, and John IL Mellor, or at the office of the National. anted number can only he said.. Persons wishing to secure Beats can do Bo without extra charge at the Treasurer's office of the Theatre, where a plan of trio same can he aeon. my223w J C. FOSTER. A. W. YOUNG. GEORGE a EGRUT Miss Maggie Mitchel Mr. Barrett. LA3SILE AND nANAGCGLI3S by Lou Morr 4COINT ®may IE6 70‘730.111.1-awria NI ES U( "I' I B J R.R. ii ., S R. 1., IA ii ' 9 S CONSISTING OF CA N WAS !itiATIJ HATED WITH 3E' .4-S,_ a' 30 INS a .7E3 HE UNDERSIGNED IS I'I;I4:PARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF' Roofs, with Itumeell'a M a st;,- l ( ....e,,,U1011 19 .1 ;opted for all kinds of Roars. 1114 or atatip: it can obi •I • applhol „I. Tin Ir 1!1, Or ki e Shins:les, omkil„; a is, l••••t 1,4). This composition is not affected by atmospheric chaos,* it will e-ither crack to or roo ; It 1., t „ ; )1 , and morn durable thou ray other kind of log. The r. , mAitsvil rs un•-d 1101011t11 , - , 16 "0110101 a tilt, United State., an Howes, Brldgest Nth,. Railroad Cola, and stisunhoots, ;zones. -et i•e stviste to, • 110 CO l l9'lllo red a perfect protection from the elements. lutrodric..d her, in I' , &C, it can be Been on many of the buildings in the city. Also, Although this rooting u most of the Railroads. and can be seen—Cierriand and Pitisburgh itadmcil ; Boils , . I . tin.. it Is n I her. , ruler to 1i I.)w pis,,,) wio•r- Air ; Bridgeport, Martitir.v..l.•; ; I agrling).; McCoy's; WrAlscille ; Liverpool and Loch.. ter S a tions, and tb. r I), nosylv,rra Central Railroad ; Spruce Creek Astoriu Station, 111111 It Tipton and l'sr at Al:„01,,, c,ty, )))I) , tr GoliegO, and many other IMildinco; Pit•stiargh, Meeidly's War, h ou , e; T r i„,bi, , „ 1+,4,1: o,,Tneroti4 oth.•rl) in this city. All onit , r.e lirtt at N ;. 247 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where samples of the ma telial will rec...iv , protnn_ attention, by THE GREATEST , • Disco:F - 11 ef OF THE AGE. -1t1ift..i.i. , ., - ,N:‘,.i_:;:,l', “I Roxbury, hue disc o, .i.. erect iv or,? of . - . 7ir Cothill , oll 1 ,,, t11f, Wt,tl.3 a realm :!very !thriti (s,f Uumor T;L: 1 1 , 1;1 ,1 D.iria r r" ':)M 4... hits tiled it 1., a`R,4l. and fiey...! o'l ear~pt in two (41.1.1,9, tt , ‘,ll. thlifid,r ' , lima.) Ho hat. in his pc...0h0...Li0n 4.0.-r ^ortificiftys 551, milon tiottli, lins wit rrif 4••• Ina to the:, 1•,,• thr—? I.,ttloa at-, war aloath ur atorusch to 1 . 174, L4..,t1 • et . Ery,ipelna. , 9,.• er4:,. , ! cailko; ia r„ taro 1,t04! •ir. •:1 - t , •'l.7tir Sri 1. - ItlP3 la.3rtnaong the h.,!r. cil . r oining ulen, O t,ttle will cur Two ar thrrn a ..mre the of riozworm Two I,r 1),tt1.1 , 1 pr.-ate c %Ms of rltt-arnAt;•“, bro.. to font a dive it.oight b..”: 114,6 .;!; t•nr; • benott iP plw , tyv , x1..-..r1enr.,1 trop t firs: buttlo, h . 0:1,•1 - 1 (Ito abov,..lipmtity it tRk , .7) IL , IX 141.JKy, MASS r , IIE ,Nl.odical Dilcow , ry 1 , 1 cur, vg, by 'be 11119011111. , UM vNro of all who n.t,i ii , tle.t. 1 I.lWll.) ...... .11)NES, BO YD & CO. C A i." 'l:7 •i'; - T . .52, --, ,;.,:s, •-zI ) BING, AXLE:.:,. Cot Ross n:ali f.;.; H. PA S. C. P. MARK LF,, El= Pia SCI\U, .I‘.ll, AND A!,l, F IRAPPINCI 3P 5. , ‘Var4qlloEl , l NO, 2 dire. t, PITTSI3U PA QT ; _ Rags t-Ing - L t at market pl 1. - fl, lid 0 0 H. C O MANUFACTURER. OF American, Plain & Cornigated, GAIN A.NIZED SHEET IRON, '4. 0 0r Roofing, 4; atiLeTilig, Spoailitg, :G'ENT'S FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IROINI. Warehouse, No. A3C. First street, mr26: ly Eit. 0 G rfl MA_NUFACTORER2 OF 11,_/ERS'IMPAOVED •irc;El, ?EL', ANI) STI3EI:I-, WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., 1 (,11. , 1,E5.A.1.E AND It2TAI n.).:7 oN 1.) Al •;", Neer Wood fstrett. PI T T 5.1371 lit; . )' .1 . Agway 9 on hand, Eiln.,:kl,tury, I.lonongillriE,la and liwaid^d SV:ii , l;Y, of tl! rirybs4 , k. quality. REMOVAL, 1 (U N MOORHEAD has removed No. 14 ,U 0 Ei. MOOR kites A ED, :OMMISMOik.I MERCHANT, METAA. AND ELOONV:3,, 0. 71 WATER STREE'L, 10._:1, 0 04 - MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA .11.4.111 ES FETZ EAR , Forwarding and Commission Merchant, rou VIZ 611.2. OD lour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, - Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit arid Produce generally, Cortnor et' .stsritet and First. streets Prrni3 aGEI. PA. ittrxr. 1111,4, - Arth, . Cuthbert Son, I'itt , .2.l:nr , :zb; Ott., ileivhell A Ni , nringeu, linuly, C0.,1•.. 2tl. S NI. Rank. 4:81. & 11,te.11, ba.uglo & Co.. Georg° l'a. - .ton A (7,,, Vhnz.llnz. ROICS.RI JAMES R. SSS&DING ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grown, Commission and Forwarding Merchant and Dealers in produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 _72 r;4 sd ,- .A.,1 - 1**.ir5?.....A , . 7y. nnrarr v„ 240111 N THOMPSON & CO., HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, AND GRAINERS, DEALERS I PAINTS, OILS, 'VARN ISLIES, Turpentine, Coloura, Glass, Putty and Brush es. P: Int ground to order. 12 set best linglish Steel Combs, in naves, 135 Third Street. myl7 SAMUEL GRAY , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 52 St. Clair Street, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A., Is prepared to furnish hii cust.oulersaud buyer.; K.•n erally, with the latest and me-t faihiouuble atyl - es of Kpring and summer Goode of every rari-ty, which he will matte up to order to the entire entief . xition of thee , who may favor him with their patronage. ruyl7:lm ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, P. SHILDECKER, No. il2 Diamond Alley, between Wood St. and the Diamond, HAS OPENEiI HIS ICE CREAM SA WONS for the season, and is prepared to supply all who may call, with PURE ICE CREAM, of all flavors. Ile also is Loustantly supplied with CAKES OF ALL KINDS and Confectionary of his cwn manufac tare, made from the best materials. FAMILIES AND PARTIES imppliLsi with Cakes, Ice Creams, and Confectionary of all descriptions. Saloon open at all hours—Day and livening. myl6:lto A! SEWICKLEY:VILLE, FOR SALE- A dwelling house of 8 rooms with large lot of ground, close board fence, with palings in front—fruit trees. shrub bery, etch., situate on Broad street. Price, $lBOO. Terms easy. S. OUTIII3.I2AT & SON. my 24 61 Market street. IBBONS, RETCHES AND FLOWERS.- -Trimmings, Embroideriei, Skeletons, Corsets, and Et long list of other new goods, cheap, at HORNE'S, m 717 77 Market street. OT ICFS. ES, ll= lIMMIEE=3I ri137. 1 . - 4 PiTTSBURG if, PA .T178 , vr;;•;!: ,•A DAILY POST, FROII YESTERDAY'S SENN° EiNiON. BY THE TE .:GRAPH From ST. Louts, May 25. -r. I."a Can worth, dated 210:., - 4 7 , 1 tro,p.F, .ric ' , I .r -been ener.mtedat .. . or .w the Fort, nen t'qt , 20ir, .1 day. The third column, under the k , ',,coar.d C ,;. May, is etil• enrarupe , i. nor Cr.c Fnr;, wth i..• m..ve bef.,r7 the 27th. 'Three r be:c.' thy 7;h fi.r_., Fort On Inc.e,rpiei o ri.e , ro)ri returns it d.• a arajo:i;s; 4,0 in favor of the Con , t,tu.:ol2 r'e u!r garded as pra-slavery. The vote was r.ecy srnall A despaßri (torn Nehrtislta City, dated the 23d, states that intolligence had been :eceive.l G,in rifle or.unt}, Nebrestra. giving on acefin!7 th , • between the, souler, art - 4Ki•—r in which , no chief was killed. A large stolen horses were esprured. There is lunch corn plaint of Indian depredations in that eei , ,,nr. country. The river has come to a stand this afternoon, and is now some three or four Inches higaer than last night. All the upper ii,tscaois, continue to sweii. There were vary heavy rains this afternoon. The weather is clear now, with fair iniliratiory -ettled weather. Congressional, WASHINGTON, CITY, Mat' 26 Senate.—The Senate resumed the C.J(l!.ileration f Chicago harbor improvement hi I, which was passed yea... 26, nays 17. This I,,,ing considered a test ce r,-, as to internal improvolt.eni.4, TIIIIIBIrnu7 other et , t; Innte..l fur the maintenance of the fr.do decay will be brought forward. Ilouae.—The House proceeded to the cor,ideratidn of the recommendations of the committe of tae whole on the state of the Union concerning the amendments of the Senate to the executive, judicial and legislative appropriation hilt. American Tract Soelely. BOSTON, May 26 —The American Trnct Society t day wee TOSiLiy occupied is a warm and exciting -1- bate on the aoceptu ace of tho resolutions prosontrd yesterday. A largo number of the members c - e e engaged in the dtscuntion. The were finally adopted by about one hundrc.t. , naj,rit:;, with the exception of the priocipal ono ,eceditot; from tho New York Society, which 17.13 referred to the Ey.ece tire Committee of seven. The oil Board of Officer.: wore re-elected. The New Reg/manse. Nr.w YORK, May 26 —The WO9Lkitt. , ': eurr..! pondent of the New York. Time ,het (I, vern. Floyd said to day that he had received new , ruin Utah which would [alter the plan relative to the new regirneatti, or tile i - ithe7 opera:Ptri of the Department. Another Vessel keired NEW YORK, May 26.—The brig New Era from Matanzas reported that on April 21. ho wa- heard dl by an English war steamer, and on May ISlb she he:'. three shots fired st her by another British war steamer. She did not heave to, and consequent!) was not boarded. Railroad Washed Away. ZANEEWILLE, May 26.—There or^ heavy in several pieces on the C. W. Z. Raiicoad. N trains have pa , ..4ed thretigh since Mon iIV. Triin will probably run to tnorrolv night. "fr =iu the Central Ohio road are run:ail:a rc;.i!...r!... Arrival of the Steanaec Glasgow. New Yorta, May 26—The scediocr nr :dyed on Sunday, with i',iidgiesv ;Litt- , to the 12 t h inst. Her adviceswern anticipated by ilia tjity r.f Washingto New York Market. NEW YORK, May 26.—Plonr dull; ',4leq Stift() i;bls. 5/Slie;:t dull and M•clinotl; ',113,U5.0 bus sold at l•Maot:lc fur ehrm.; ; spring; 84yq,Stic ibr Ilillwaitko. , ;Mb. and sl,l`o 1.;;r West r:1 white. C,rn thee. Pork - hsary at f r mraa, rt-_;; i14:25 for prime. bard beryl y Whir,ky dnil 1.;1. 1 / B c. Cr,terimi tir...•t. At Int; T... P.alo : • 1 , 4 ly maiut..luctl; tin att,mlll2,•Wa9 at i : i:11) 1 4 , t: at oriv;lto salc• New York ::4tock Markel 'lull and vz•rail,;.; rit Fxcitan:::t active but urt.h.ittg,...l, t tuct.igu .itid Oundtt-tiand Ct,ul, IL I tilin ir, .Ln La Croiti.. and Mt.tivan • d , Y. ecntrt.l r'enn'a ( - di , J• 1111.7 • .1i Mitw4l;k;.c. and ..Ntii-da,dniae , 4, I/.. ''hiciAtto ,); Mich C it , rtd ha ;load !And, C; nnnimm and Citnnann!l 94' I. .in.l Olnctnna]l M rttcf riNraNNATI, May 20.—Fleuir ith nrai• ; l -cal .1 , 12,nd ter tty Lt tt,l sky has wit:L/4, to VT , .i, in trnoil noLlilng it,.in ; Thee rive- 1:1114 •Pt th.• l'l.lt. I ,v..oty-fc•ur Tht•:,• I, .1 fort water in th, channel. Weather ivrctiry BV TO-DAYS MAIL L mportant from Was 1n lon GREAT EXCIfEMENT REO-11i1) T, BRITISH OUTRAUE.-S. MORE SHIPS SENT TO THC. GULF ! Frwn the Ne,‘ Yorl: WASHINGTON, Niqy There ise. great exrtlt , , , te , .l.t , 11.1.,hingt• Prom the account.; publiqh- , 1 in 11,2 • IF•rifty c.f more outrage,: uy :Lit , 1;i nil COligiQß-i 18 in the ,11di :i0118,1 powers to the Pr,l , aidol,!. rviminN tration believes Great IlritiA.n will repudiate the conduct of its naval (.41-‘er,) but hits prepared to repel such outrages should they be repeated In addition to the Colorato„l.9nestowu and Despatch, of the Home Stiutldrou, the Navy Ite partment:hasordered the Wabash, Fultoo, Water Witch and Dolphin to cruise on ou- cuest p.rel in the Gulf, with orders to protect on- mer chantmen from search, under any f . .-t:!tiae meaty or suspicion. The broad ground that the American flay is inviolate has been taken and with b. , maintained. The hill introduced by Judge ftiugl is in the Senate to-day to redress outrages upon the flag and citizens of the United Steles, sn.l 7:hien iloulitle,ss given in your report f t pie Senroe':4 proceedings, is one of the most luatieriaut steps !Act! for years. Affeoting the power of the Executive. giving the President. power to redree - iutrages upon our flag and citizens, it is e iiisely what Mr. Buchanan desires. It will place he responsibility upon him, and he will not flinch its exercise. It is understood tni. tee in Foreign Relations viii report the bill hoof , . Immediately. Judge Douglas will 'nova an aimenilinent to ;he hill, the substance of which is to ouipow,r the President in ciii-es of violation of the laws nations and outrige by a foreign ~,,vernm•ini our citizens, ie 1, to be placed in the hands of au officer of th United States Navy, who will proceed in a it', -tel of war and seize upon the property of the government so offending, and bring it to the United States, where by a decree of a court 'nev i ng, admiralty jurisdiction, it shall ion sold and the proceeds applied to liquidate the claim of the linerican citizens upon whom tlic outrage has been committed, the measure of d01111 , 7i , 9 In. b Ascertained by the Court of (balms. The British Minister i difficulty, for he thinks suspicious eircii:ostaLces or appearances justify, under the treaty, the search of En glish cruisers. He and his government will have to book down from this position or take the con sequences. Captain Dohlgreen, now in c.nmmind of the practice ship Prebie, has tendered his services in the Secretary of the Navy, which will probably be accepted, to join the Home squadron th , protection of our commerce in the Gulf. The steam aLvenue cutter Harriet Lane. now Motioned atjNew York, will probably be ordered to join the Home Squadron. - There is information at the War Department— not officially communicated, hut reliable—from Utah to April 10. Governor Cumming, on I , kV lug, Camp Scctt, after an interview with Col onel Kane, for Great Salt Lake City, said be would return in ten days. It was believed at C , rop Scott, and is the opinion here, that the Mormons are intriguing to cause decay and ciecs, the progress of the Army. No instructions checking the progress or operations of the Ar my have been or will be given, in consequence of the news yet received. The Committee of Ways and Means will con sider the fifteen million loan to-morrow. Promi nent members of the committee think it is not enough—that the President should have asked for more. The bill will pass without difficulty. A few speeches will be made against it for game consumption, but in fact few members are against it. The appropriations will be hurried through, as there is a general desire to adjourn on the day fixed. There is every probability that, notwith standing the large amount of private and other bills on hand, Congress will press all legislatit a absolutely necessary for the support of the gov ernment, and adjourn on the 6th of June. The million appropriation for the Capitol ex tension was stricken out, because members be lieved it was an extravagant and useless expen diture under the present management. The appropriation will probably be attached to some other bill and be carried, as there is no disposi tion to retard the work. The Senate Committee on Territories will re- port at their next meeting bills for the organiza tion of Arizona and Dakota Territories. They have also before them the House bill for the organization of Nevada Territory. The President sent to the Senate to-day the ~ f FArran rIR Postmaster Cincinnati, 8.8 Register of t.h. Land Office 4:i i n. rice Mr Spencer, removed. cororni.tme oh the Pac;lic Railroad to rep., rt, ft bill the last of dais week. -ion is Patendetl, the friend~ if tile bill it this t.:aSiOEI. Senator v- a reconsideration of hie bill to-morrow or Le. lay. SERIOUS RIOT I PHILADELPIIII The Mil tary and Police in Conflict SEVERAL MEN SIIOT 1 The rtidegraph -announced a serious riot at Lemon Gill, nu Monday ofternoon. We have be ;:ii iifiernoon's mail the Philadelphia L'ulle t,q li , t C - I ,, nirg, by which it scorns th the "C" , ' I It'flAS, a German milirary under cnmmand of Capt. llicr, • Wunisuntide on NIon(1 , .- by a .;ham ,rot pie.nir. L , 11 , ..!1 Hill. The f ;',t Off .othh t es ttiiuerally go off, be' the .ivn figL in a resl fight. in which a num ce wcrc hurt, aril. , h'. oh n t 1:„ i , ror ftral to two id' the participants. Tbiri„7. wore c , mparativnly quiet durin the t•u• t wo- ni,,rht the wine and lag. - had - of th, persons on the hill tipsy and look place, and clurin.; one of t'..ent which occurred jntt as the con pally till it return 'tome, late in the a Fourth Ward officer was cut in thii , V7or.: in the hauls of one i Tim t ponce attempted to th sol- C;',F who tick the blow, and tut, mtlitp,y 0- •i The mob took aides with the police. and the mil! ary became broken.and mou with their clubbed rifle of niuw lefr, while the crowd i.rew stenos and Krick leit9 Cop:. Bother re-,fisted the arrest of the man, arid ns , wri , l tee 7 - f.!:ee, ::_z;st he should be I.a.‘ded over :(; c se be Mid rc e_mpony, in Third s.mcet, be ;ea Green, Some sort of order wss finalize oh mic 1. ;.u.i the r. , ..mpany conithfied its n. irch fiillowed by the (.X, ittd .`1 At Twenty-Third and Coates stn.!, is a procured i‘t tlw office t..f Altlermao !tin au off rt was (hide te ' , erre it open 41 nnc Foluu r. Inis attempt was res;. , ted :all took place. The crowd in- mitit;,ry used their sword: :tr. I t=hctrwere fir- `lll Ibo later: while the polaiii fired their part rf the police ?rvertll men were I ruined from blows from rifle butts. Officer Dune:l,n, of the Fiqoenth Ward, was struck c-r.ridg,t- and slightly wuuu dc-.1: I n .111,; r of the Fourteetith Ward sfti= d hA i ,s.l kith a scr,“l. , evrsa thau the civilians; tire T , l=- in the ra , kg having been eh.-t. :iud two h ivi .g ~c eived severe cuts with brick- :11:ri:lte in the company, and !! Arch street, below T;,...,. . the right breast. Th. htli tnr.- Lung. Etna it has not yet been itts condition is considered very d;7; Brennor, a private, a single 1:7:, , g in G street, between Third Red urt . - of in the, hreast. The ball .n , 1 1.2t,rt It Lae beer. , extri•rt e I 0.0,t,.0, of L'etiner is critical. n RitA, 4.4 Ilia Ninnong.,lteltr---Both. hive re. ni 1-"lood , tiVllll, in tno 1.1p1,1 ret_ioll.i have, .y a:,ll)k,,ter,l,lltlloVpoured 1 r, the uc=oy uencr was that there the nor,..tc.tivla river of six or seven feet, IMIUMIES oro.:: I -; t...,1,t. it ..atte Quwu with stunning fl•rce, aud WA. I Clint IA good deal of property was cnr , d dt , wo rtver. Lumber, barges, coal boats and flats rr r • aaay off. raft came down early xr..l V. fitl , +tll\pped in two like a pips stem on t,••• ot th. . 1 1,ineuzahela bridge. r•eviaral coal w •iwaniped and , unk uu the .leek- , v• •I, Alm, ?r r two I.),lnvi. A quantity of t, !lift:lo43.r, proprietor of Et 71,•-11 ii:rininizl,ani Flll,l zanth iilitii., I T 11.• awn:ling n're run nh L‘`.• ni• Ire! tg water, and ritiinir rapidly, firem the =ME 11•1 this p tlisr; ; ;II 1.71;•-•1 up the Alt•ghcil), • • ;,..•I••rni. - •1 tlist Allegh,•ny 11 .61 hullr 1111 C ulurning. When the •• • • I ••••1 111 1,1, mita ••tr••••••[1: conic, down, NS hicli will =EI L.l feet; 30,000 feet bad been . and will comaapteetly I, e- r-mai ',der, which wati, left in the rafts, and I binge, le Brown and Ilyde, gentlemen it t. lumber I• ~,,. iota. Mr. M. has been unfor t tte Lb , ' i:::• let., will fait heavy on him, as he wfll .t.• b , :b-et it, w cuI , I bare leaped from the planing of ;ids ratio bt , :he loose about half past throe an , l could have been caved by a single rain, had I. at the will in time. 111131111111111111 E sev,t,it Lorg—t io tow by the steamer kin to ib1228 by the rafts above mentioned •Ili• I, with whom. There were dye of these =MOM ~ I, { . ior.tiod harg,, and auothor tvaA lost at I) 411 xv•l from 51'Keospert I h,, h I r k• loose, that tho tint ee I , oly c, and iLeturnucuaekng the river ri purl, iianisge along the PhOren ,t 'tic! this city. gtsg , t titttt,•r• in 1I itlittv , rgc.h ,-, ltt as we g ,, to press ty tsar wt.; tho raw of =iz inches )la, 11;121olindIA Charge. count , rfeit money has been pa.ciug In the and ‘.u• inituftitigabiii in their rit •rt, to f , ng:w.,..41 in "'gloving" it. It \,i;l 1/‘? r.nn-int,i•rit flog ',in- Wc , • • ••7? 81110 , , two Men, IL itnyur :,tut Ir. r, won, second of passiug a 'et .1 , ,lbt -H the Harrison Branch of the Ste:. lint , t n IL. :clear:Dn. ti clothing t. slr 1 , ” .stt, et and held to bail h r their app. aranc.. , ot court. Lohroyer, who keeps a H- O r 'u Cie-dunt street, Allegheny, and who is a man ..triteter, denied toot he knew thecharactor of the • t t , , ,,, i it but 118 he could not tell who he re done n • to lit e• r• - • ~:,"iv•• bail for his appear an: v. rwirt . that he hue b , ..1:1 searching it- upon him, and on Tumidity • ••.r1 !:e r. , iz J mon, Edward Dougherty and t , lu ht. 11, , ,1:J1t wera tho persons who had They lirr,sted and brought boron) r, luntitutel an examination into the so Is - r. '.ut bel.l the pnrtien clier for further hearing ti in in Aliirics. Pongherty. who in an aged man and a stran eer..ll,,nuting. a_pettra:lo, Uu searching ,- "': P 'r'ittY evening, n't counterfeit Money way found on t . - . 1 - l_trer_pris. On the taarnination this morning, it ap is isr.t that loshrnycr had receir:nl the note from these men; hi-i Wl3 releaser'-, and Le was honorably dcharged. As it siss ens-s 1 that Collins was also ignorant of the character of tie: , note, both he and Dougherty wer., discharged, on the praini, of theferm-r to reds-cm the bill. 'lt U CarmenEs.—The ceremonies attending eon thy onion ~1 ths Assorlate and Associate Reformed Church , -., took !dace thi, morning nt the City ann. There wet ,r 4 rev ,or people present, numbering, at.okt tw. tit-usan.l, i greot majority of whom were it tnale Dr. ited....er& of Allegheny , delivered the opeLihg serrt...., ao.I w.:-t followed by several other inmilters, pro mire•ot ,trnekg waran was Kev. Jarne:i Pressly, formerly C , 2171,1t.:, now reliding in New York, and a uetire of Ti. pr..e!e.iingd wore very impreigive and inter, eitlng, and we regret that our space will not permit ns to giv, a r-port of the exercise& lloues oP ItzFuGF:.—A young girl, aixteen or seventeen year, of age, name'', lord, was committed to the house of Refuge yesterday by NI aj 0,. 'Weaver, at her own request, eh° heinz o irone of i , ing removed from the evil influences of her home. V. n. F.—Mr Joie - t1 11. Elton, of Allegheny city, has Leon appoinl.,l District Deputy ilrand Patriarch of the En. eampinent of the I. V. O. F. fur Western Pennsylvarda. The I,sitio❑ is an honorable and responsible one in the Order, and no doubt will be worthily filled by the present Incurn . bent. ( THE Annual Fair of the }die County Agricultural Society will be bold at Erie on Wednesday and Thursday, the 20th and 30th of September next. STLICEILiTII had no business of importance before him Ws =ruing FMMR;MM BY THE AFTERNOON MAIL 4 the. arm nay tha origin of tho difficulty, Larties claiming to have bees T;." - fla.: has caus6d veat 'l.7ll'nZ "tr, n •lio?, the . ' Germ '. i~, ~~ I. I~a ~:1~~ Q ~ ~', 11 / /I /In r., rain, ue }:,vo r e 1107 ripe . . briny h.,. 1111 igarieptil l, : rffrct 'ls. r ul.tn to k , •c thorn at a go , lti botit- ,‘; 1,r1,11.1.1 Was waribel away fu , th-r up Ow river lutist have 11 , 0 r,k,l veil i; , [ll ItbOVe, We may expect e . ;11,1 that the Veughk. str, ftr, rar.tang bank fall. On the iri L,l y I,._t,t look lor a heavy froAh,t, .%; ,Ily will pr.bubly , I i,1,,. W. hive ,rurtained that trried Foy.) (r ye Mr. Millingar's !:.1 nut ascertain ahu we:o the owners t• •• .t., •A Hill and Cincinnati Coal .1,-; to rivial from Franklin, report., ti great iu that poetical of the I.lc t , ql,quently exprct a corresponding !Ilan wh wiefotlff The Remains of Gem. Perrifer F. Smith__ The Ceremonies . owing to the injuries to the Western railroad bridges,the remains of Gem l'errifer Smith did not leave Cincinnati thitil a o'clock (Ilk morning, and in consequence did not reach th- Allegheny I).'pot IA 1 o'clock, as was announced. At noon, tieday,.,Capt. Campbell, of tho Duquesne Greys, received the fullowing legrltch from Gen. Sargent, of Ctn. rif::lati. CO, Lt , ; Legiment which volunteered tor Utah. ct , nt, n f Onrirds: nr M and hjl This announcement neesamrily causes changes in the ordk r of arrnng.-01001.1 f. r the rt.'eptien of the remains. Sotbcient tint. Wilt, niee-ded iVitWOL,II the ar rival of the Wo=ter3 and the departure of the Eastern trains to enable oar citizens and the military to pay appro priate tokens of honor and ruspect to the ni-inefT of the deceased soldier. The pr.h.:bility i-k Ulm if r 9 ro detention b.tween Cincinenti and th 3 body will arrive here at nine 'clock co-night hn various committees of arrangement and reception, appointed at the nmeting yesterday, will be la waiting at the depot for the pal - Jeer of receiving and transferring the remains from the Port Wayne to the Pennsylvania depot. We learn that a detachment of the Rover Guards of Chl clnnati will ac. - empany the remains to this city ae an escort. A guard of honor, dotmln,l b:, Capt. Csmplmll, of the Dn. gu,sne Gruye,, Whirr commune o. an Kennedy, wilt take clftrge of the body upon its arrival, and carry it to the car p , pared fur in rcception by the t . erbsylvania Compa ny. - 1, • is probable that ,over4l Miler detachments of the military will also be atiend.ince and participate in the ceremonies. —A ih , ap.ic, a • - ar g- to press, strifes [hit. th . ith neal •a , r- - -nnoction nt Colum• trod t Was:, and Chicago 'Train waiting fi,r thr, tt ,it t c• ii, '`hr train hi one hour and x• half t ,, Llin.! caw , • t. matte it Hp, if the toada will permit The rianeic, iherefare, he expected her, Vol. W. S. Uftirtpoell The RI ountaln Col. William 6,,.,Catopbell and lady, of the St. Lawreths. Ho; el, Philadelphia, are nos in the city 011 t short visit,and aro atop ping at the Fcett tioue. Ilia numerous friends iu and about Pittsburgh alwa - vs tend,r n warm welcome to the popular lain Ford of lii. bat Hotel in Philadelphia. Mr. Caumbell has hewed the Mcuntain House at Cresson, the most daight'ul munner remrt in the country. livery th ug about the place has been put in complete order, anal all who huge eve experieuct .1 the hospitalities of the Ft CharloH. tip.. Lawrodo , oth,r hotel under Mr. '2l:111,bel f . U.perN u .1T tAt V. beta rnaL agoa over}. iiiuh is Gr,;. c - :;: riH Mr.Catiii.l.el I wie Mountain stout th- Tb ierpriee, which inter eeie people in both Fliiladeipliiit erid Pitteliurgh, will not interfere 1% itti Mr. I...impbr , ll'. , , rtion with the St. law tenet!, wher r erg, UM be ever prepared to the t1 ,, ,i,v1,1 tbi , :Trieste in fill at, The Mannta n li nia, hay.lig t'onble daily communica tion with the chief citn-4 ei.1,4 - end of cto State—lte parlor auto., mod At ; opi,o‘l,,r of the Allegheny Monntain cranny, th • coal za:ubri;s of the imaintaln air, all olubine reroler th 4 IGration the mont desirable enm ne, rem - rt in the c. war). InmtieT ent - Ter —Baron) iniim Williams. In the can C. , rey 74mirhoail PiTrickson, the jury returned :t dict of $2l)2.Fi) , A I. ) Cu and wile reindild M'Al..eq and others . of , j.Tt Jon: , tor nix acro4 rf land in Mllllin town Beforn Dlamilft took n non-twit. Large f i r ot•fr; 1111111EMEMI Sl= tr. i the canal liost Prima Donna, which wa, biking in a carp , at :11 , 71 , 1vP10. fnit off the boat into the caoi, • • !Lab: oil . fifty or sixty feet when ho wan ~,t of thomrter, bat aCen ,aot 1 0all . :0p.,11 ,f;P•I 1,127 contimiad t•lThrts at , - ,-.eitation awl ,o,nli..at.rw of I.6,per ron,' lea, he wa, st•=a,l to C LC, i• , Ulll . '-!, I t li - of known how long in I=MMITIMI Tnoi+day t., uiti,, I. insane rion4le was found walidoring about the stro,d,, and wa, picked op by the po liro tied taken tt, th" w , t , •11 hoTfr. =ho kept tip a COntinnad , rveming and ei ; ;ie ; : al ' i dir.i.urbinp,.. the coat of thr of it !,risen !,. TIT a rnornin; wan taken care of by ' ' " f t lq ins train en ”to it Wayne and Chiatgo a . c'uck this morning, did not arriia unlit of the wii,hirig of a part of the hill at -ter e•. the t:-c4. The °tannic_ th at hor trains will .013 119,, 0:11)0e:1, oil Tf',l IttAi - nwooti .i••• truin flont :it , ' 0: In 'it,k WOOEPH din vrL ..• t,r.l ~, co tSi Co., Now - York. It 111;1 , 1 h. 000 on " Food and \Vitt to , I)o with It?" and oeveral °tin, 1 ,r! .4,1.'110, 1.11 i.: I g Dtiuk," Part Flush C., the uew Clair street which heal jlmt pumped oat Huttleieutly to on ablo the workmen to prom•el, to te e , again fill e d up b y It, fleed in tit .1 1 zh•my. m;i N‘iii require all the exer t. the •,toom I,..imp f o r ;lie next few weeko to enable acqn to ro,.ne ;;pe; ;ohm • . 0 Lilo thin fiv, common cases br.ught ar , ..1 in 11,11,1 . Thruo .L Levu fin 6eriou4, ::;iJ their t, , Jill, a nl une CulorEd NVO VA.) 1. , 10i'0 , 1 that 200 not jnil for throe r11,1r11 4 , 14-ati rt - ,o- TUE tiIt.EAT tiIiCCE:'•S which lin, over ;Atm - Wed the StOllllACh Uittera , ned the ha. cone cort/ti ,ttee 6iurh oro doily r.c ivr , !..in their favor, tft., ati t:, • I INMEIE U.! r , .t tittH 11, v, it oil ol 4 pr-v,llont, no; ,o• 0 ,, , r • nir•••.; t • •1„ V: it 1/OUL it.tt..ri Itr.• t • niul •k4rtmqfbio allIMM!! r,inody ,t iu 11 2G7 , L. , males gou Taitty & }Nab Furiiiure & Chairs, 1.7 d areroom, ="i:anri !attroet. ABOVE THE CANAL BI,ILAIE .7-17" - I n 11(1 litioll t^ !ht. 1' lir ,Eq, 11,10 enrriagea FitENCi Miss 1; INTENDS Foi'J,lt . ,•‘:l A CLASS OF 21L - 7-1 .7:4, . ti Tilord 1..7.•••• , " uly 1u .0 A p•.•!s Sell Riffs. You Ladles. -vir NI. J. 3AK EWELL, tN E N U;; TO. v op.!, 1113 Sch a, WIN DAY, of April. 71:E.14H, :05 00 per goin t t hi. h on , 191 riere_iind i N. E. corner or rlt9:11 A GOOD CHANCE TO SECURE A 11031 E iN T1:11 \V ES'". £4. , vortil trfAct4 of GOD: . F. 4 .7:`.11 Ni; in iown. Al,O, Horn, 017 V 7EI and cthar %ext. orn cities, %yin 14, Iroperty in littAburgh or the rill'lvU:llli.i.4 tit a goof I,t L., Fat at Carriagr . i. 1)y a.ldremling J. C S., PlitHburgla P. ;. r,y2o:2wlA TAMES S. 1100 N, : , _I.,DERMAN, EX- Ju:=Tii;r: 711 ND POLICE WZTRATB--011i1: , , ;10, tit) meal, ppe, Oita Ilia Court A c i mow . 'edtonents and Pro , st.•. ta.• 7 , lhrtcacr..+, r,,0 A, A r ClO9 of Agree. ok..t.t, .0 , 1 of , L.llO re of Attorney, etc., etc., drown up at short :tr:e; I t o:osmizort, awl all busin-m In of o to. 7;4: X. to L and from 2 to 6 P M. aptly _ - A VOICE FROM Oil.lo. BucYnuo, April 12, 1868. FRIEND HAFT :—Ayra'a Wortu Confections aro taking fine ly. Tnree uu, jAns tl.lO th-un in their practice. Send no anott.r groor I, • 3 pro-g ROBINSON .t LOCK. compodud.ttl and for dAI, at Up, curwir and Sixth stn, ta : Pdt Ahdrtzh mylaaiew TEXAs, - , s4i'r a,:is ;)1 . good farm ivy I.ud in tviir AttAtitt, Texas. Prairie tidd tad , i.tr hlrt(.l, /.-; pc acre, for sift : by utyllcuTrfitio::.T s-•,! N EW FABRICS IN DRESS CaPJUS.____ A. A M.VON NO. 2.5 Fifth street, Are now Oponia i : rich Perin pri4liants, And a sp:on.li.l ..o.,•ti ~ ..: ....',AN , i till A%V I,S. (MA ` : .V11,-%. PPING P. , P.1. ,- ,1;,. -- V y 25 rn(011.1 CrOV:11 W . :tiTt,l, - .7-9( rau •: 60 " Doutylo W.I. - " 20 ~ Daub. Crown - ". 50 ' " Crown ' rani 50 •• 100 " Crown 100 " Medium ‘• - ~ eor Rile by WAI. G. JOHNSTON Sc 00, my 22 Payer Ih•alvai. 57 Wood ' , erect. 1 II - OUSE AND SR}N PA .I. N I I .Niidone in the bent matra, a , i,l -:I F 1,5,1111.0,1,, term, by .1 t ;i Pill I.Lll':;, my 22 .. ~ IV i '...:ti St. Clair stroet. i D AY PUTTER'S PIUNTERS' CARDS.— i AA, Sold by Lli , Y 24 i J. R. WEAN. Ci. 4 CINNATI, Slay 26th, 1858. Smith'H reu3aine left at 6 ~.• nr 1 at 8 P. M. C. 11. Sesaucr. MEM I ,t ;I.lll,fiLty IlfterflOoD. El lint h•• vo., ~1 It woman who .I•;i,th , f:2l; no, Of ~f i h o th,s J (11,1 X, !,:•1 r, JOE 1' a NI 1.4', II .i', 13, , MASUFACTURER. OF T:13171l1;11, PA kuu c 6 LADI S kltins; tr, rvceir? in4tructio•q3 in tho Aildernmses Office. Dress Brrag, Chat I ios, , r,, tri 11 4, 111•1111111112 I , I I t•-i-Ot., rar2Y:d 11'-1c _ , p ._. ~~