LOCAL AFFAIRS. The Meeting at the Mayor's Office. As she time our second edition went to press, yesterduy, the mee ting at the Mayor's Office to make arrangements for the reception of Gen. Smith's romaine, was not concluded. Below we give the concluding proceedings Dr. Keyser moved that u Special Committee of five be bp pointed to collect the necessary funds to defray the expenses of the ceremonies over tho remains. The motion was curried, and the following gentlemen were appointed on the Committee:—Dr. Geo. 11. Keyser, lion. Wm. F. _Johnston, (len. J. K. Moorheed, Gen. We Robinson, Jr., Hon. Samuel Jones. Capt. David Campbell then offered the following re.^,dn tion, which WAS unanimously adopted : Resolved, That a Committee of fire persons he appointed by the Chairman to take charge the deceased open its arrival hero, and conduct the same to the City Hall, there to remain in state milli fire o'clock, P. M., at which hour the procession will move to the depot of the Pi unsylrauia Railroad. The following Committee was then appointed:—llon Charles Shaler, lion. Wm. B. I , ,l'Clure, Body l'att.rmor,, Josiah King, Thomas M. "low, On motion of P. C. Shannon, &q., the name of Mayor Weaver was added to the Committee as Chairman. At the suggestion of Mayor Weaver, Mayor Stuckrath, of Allegheny, was also added to the Committee. On motion of Capt. Alex. Hays, of the Scott. Legion, 0. H. ftippey, F.sq , was requested to address the meeting, giving a sketch of the deceased, which ho did in an eloquent and feeling manner. an motion of Dr. Goo. 11. Keyser, the various Cr.mteit teex score requested to meet at the Mayor's office at Mae o'cl..ek this morning. Th, rneetin; then adjourned The Snengerbtind Concert. On bust Friday morning we gave a edictal of the pief' of made to be executed at the roncert of the German c ienr,r. bond, on Tuoeday evening, June Rth. We give I,le, metrical translation of the song of the old fisherman, y. 6 ch i,. one of the finest parte of the composition conun,.ncod at noon today, and we line, y ill in rapidly diapoaed of: FISHERMAN'S SONG Fttimi the Mttsleal r ibl nn dm Meettlitrand And when our fishermen put bravely to be.; We old men at home engaged shall be ; Whilst weaving the net, and twisting the strand, We 011.11 teach the youth of our native land. Come hither then children, attend to my tale, For truly its moral must prove of avail ; I'll teach you how high and lofty a place, The fisherman hold by God's good grace. From Creation's account, in the Scriptures roid, To where the Deluge's fearful tale you meet, Who did escape from the huge, tow'ring W4OO ? Whom did the Great Judge deem worthy to save? Was it not him who the first frigate built, Heaven had preserved b,can.9e fte from guilt God had left Noah on earth the only man, For highest are seaman placed iu his plan. And when upon earth appeared our Lord, In humble form, to preach Il in word, Where loved He to linger—and teaching, to stand, But on the ecaehore—ou Genezareth's strand And whom did Ile call Hie disciples to be— Who else but fishermen and sailors chose lle ? Do not Saint Peter, taint John, Saint Jamei, aye al Precede us—fiiherinra—to Heaven's bright hull. Be true, then, oh children, to the trader of the strand True to the sea, and our dear native land. When God calla you off on the boisterous wave, The sea then will give yon a friendly grave In swelling moss, or vault so crystal clear; _Yell sleep till the angels lost trumpet yo hear; Like gallant tars, then, yo'll bo weary of rest, And merrily steer for the land of the bleat. Toe UNION OF THE PIIIISDY.ERIAN CULTROLIE9.—The Synods of the Associate Reformed and Associate Churches, which ease been in session here for the past week, have at length agreed upon forming a 'anion of the two churches. This has long been-in contemplation, though hitherto all efforts to effect it have been fruitless. Its consummation will dcubtle.s afford much gratification to the members of both Churches, as the necessity of sustaining two churches and two ministers iu the ssme place, with principles so closely assimilating, will thus be obviated. The formalities of the union will take placo at ton o'clock this morning at City Rail, which has hem procured to accommodate the groat numbered persons who will wish to be present. Dr. Rodser'o, of Allegheny City, will deliver the sermon on the occasion, and addresses are expected from other members of both By - nods. The exercises will no doubt be highly Interesting, and the occasion one that will be long remembered by those participating in it. FOSTER'S NAVONAL.—Miss Maggie Mitchell appeared again last evening as Jessie Brown to a good audience, performing the character most admirably. This play is n sucrose, earl we II re glad of it, for the Governor has not been very suc ceseful, playing too frequently to "a beggarly account of empty boxes," and it is time that a change should tote place. The scenic ((Teets of this piece are well conceive.' and executed with Mr. Foster's proverbial ge od taste. Ail the characters are well cast, and wo have not semi a piece .better represented since the opening. To-night, in addition no this play, which is to be repeated, a very neat little coin' , drama called "The Little Devil's Share," in which Miss 'Mitchell sustains the character of Carlo, will be performed, and we are mistaken if she does not draw a crowded house. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTE FOB. TEE BLIND.—An exhibition by a number of pupils of the above institution, under the direction cf Prof. William Chapin, was held last evening at Lafayette Hall, but owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance wen quite limited. The exhibition will be repeated this evening, when we hope the audierted, will be larger. The exercises consist of vocal and instrumental reading from raised letters, exercises on the globe, mathematical exercises, Ac. We have no doubt the exhibi tion will be interesting, showing the perfection to which tbe education of these unfortnutites can be brought. Pee OYEELA TROUPE AT TEM TULATRE.—The minstrels, per. forming et the old Theatre, aro still drawing fine house:', though the disagreeable weather of Monday and Tuesday evenings, rather dampened the ardor of the amusement loving portion of the community. To-night they HD uoucce a new programme, introducing several novelties, among which are the 'Little Darkles' Holiday," in which little Tommy will play a banjo solo and sing " Bob Ridley," a bew farce by Lon Morris entitled Snob and Dusty Bob," the burlesque Shakers, and a grand challenge dance, in which Johnny Pell, Dick Sifter, and Lon and Billy Morrie wil participate. This programme should certainly fill the houFe &USA or. STOCKS.—Thu following stocks were sold last eve tang at the Commercial Bales Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street P. M. Davis, Auctioneer :- 28 shares Bank of Pittsburgh 28 Citizens 8ank..... 10 " do do 2.1 Allegheny Bank M Ann named Mary Comer, living in M'Clnrg'e court, wee arrested and takfu before Alderman Lewis this morning, charged with etea!ing a basket of apples f-om Peter Ma soon, on Fifth street. She was held for farther hearing. M. 0. W. B—A man named John Houston, living on Pennsylvania avenue, was committal to jail for thirty day s by Alderman Lewis on Monday evening, charged with abus ing his wife. lderman Rogers fined Stewart Laney dtty dollars for belling liquor on Sunday. Stewart thought the !Issas would not justify payment, and appealed. IT is a fact worthy the notice of all who buy clothing either ready made or ordered, that Carnahan, Allegheny City, having built up u largo business on the cash system, is now famishing a fashionable garment of superior quality et prices below the regular rates. These interested will do well to give him is trial. Air THE USE OF 1)11. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH "BITTERS," for Dyspepsia, Flatulence, Heaviness of the stomach, or any other like affection, is second to none in America or abroad. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" aro a certain cure for dyspepsia and Like dis eases, is to the proprietors a source of unalloyed pleasure. It rem )ves all morbid matter from the Stomach, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy so Indispensable for the restoration of health. The numerous acknowledgments of its superior excellence and beneficial results, have assured the proprie tors that it cannot but prove a great cure to the afflicted, and impart vitality to the thorough system. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, everywhere rind by UOSTETTER g SMITH, lifareafactarers and Proprietors, 58 Watar and 6R Front otrortu iny22—lc Sa?" THE GREAT SUCCESS which has ever attended the ass of J. M. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and the no. morons certificates which are daily received, in their favor, show conclusively that they are the greatest and most mils• ble preparation of the kind over introduced to the public and at this season, when loss of appetite is so prevalent, cc; (.111.3 consulting their own lab-lest can afford to do v.ithont them. The l3itterd are pleasant to the taste and agreeable in their effects. As a tonic they are delightful; they are a reliable remedy for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc., and a sure preventive of most of the prevailing diseases of the day. For sale by J. Di OLIN, eDle proprietor and manufacturer, !do. 287 Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa, and by dealers gen my7-1-0 JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OP Panty & Plain Furniture & Chairs IWnreroonts, 4t24 Penn street, ABOVE TUE CANAL BRIDGE, itgr In addition to the Furniture btheinuee, I oleo devote attAaatton to UNDERTAKING. Mame and Carriagos lunkled. 'pOINT BOX FACTORY.- BUSHA & GEPTENDORF M.mufacture to order, BOXES suitable for Soap and Candles, hardware and Variety Goods, oto., otc. 113.. Orders promptly filled. meAly ii.? USSEL P,A 9 S ,s ~,,,EpARE,) 'l'o COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OP Roofs. with Ittis;nll' , tuu.i,,,irion id a ',opted for ell kinds of Roofs, tint or titoep; it can ,den C. applied tin Tin, iron, or pertect This composition in not affected by atmospheric rhat,en: it wilt ntither crock n , t; run ;rt Is impervi t.. wat.• v I'lt' OF and more durable than any other kind of .f i RV, TM' re ling mawrial f. :•.mighout the United States, on 11011903, Bridges, Rolling Mi.ln Rail uiviuu l.•. ja CO rthidered a perfect protection from the elements. Although thii rv'.tng intrdone.d h.r, a I itt , n. can he seen on many of the buildings in the city. Also, most of the liall,oads I bet.: rater to a taw pia.," where tUi. IL o3a, re in and can be seen—Cleveland and Pittsburgh Itis.lroad ; nt Belli Air; Bridgeport, m art i ft .,. ;.ag:auv: : MrCloY's; Wellsville; Liverpool and Roche,ter Bons, and the Mar ; r or, Iv .e a t . . - .lltral Railroad ; Cret k Astoria Station, Mill .t Tipton and Par e t : mai , a: Al, our., y CO:kge, and many r tiler Bnildinrc; Pitmburgh. McCull!,'s Ware heuee • Itotri n' , • • tol,l tire city. All orlor- I teri;tl eau t,;• IV- R. E N . ; .Urrf h v eri (I 12 (al, or 0111" 0,01111 Jr. 1,11,1 , T2 W 2.121 2 r0m.413 MIME Z. 1 7 E'r y the or .."-•:KUD101', L' )I';';+ TJ A 11,)M En 68.3 trl,l it in .!!e:;. , •• 11 AL;(1 now!t file l ni,7ni.t. in trio (1-0 hinunt.) IJe ha+ how in his cAmet,:i!rn Lninr C...! nan , ltn , l co: (,f tut!, all ! ! , itith! hnsh.!..! PLVO hAti, --re wan ant. ,! ! ••• t h OW, tO b0 . 06• , ' • • 0.•• ••••I ca the awn TVG :Jr vly Thr, , tt, Of Ery:.l arc! Two bottlPß aro wHI r. , , r blotchos among the hair Fonr to Bit ,t 01.4 running 12 leern. ntui Natl.') will rani Two or of ri^.%•r err' Two or thr ,, , perato an, o fht Three •. !Five to .ig;lt A bonofit ~hvacq e p rr,-•t cgro ig offi, r r of f lirrt I,qtlo, v , in take, .: , •:t..rltY, MASS DiAr, u!;.:.-ri a curing all kind “n7z , by flies 'unanimou9 voice of .1! w!:. e - ier rrod it, that I no.:' not BUS' anything on , ht , .ni• s i,rt, ciana and the moot . oc,u,,L r y Abiololl9 iu ib. prni, In presenting th, no t j c , 1 C h it with a fell knowlf.lgo all, and Garin; I.' ir J `sal," ;.•••t, are an fortunately to rcr‘lel4 ,- ing th,a...p to at affectionate mottPr. le cured na If by e . your tt,:110 , 1- iii re+tcred ite natur,..l sweetn(=, F,Ekl ywir fr.Tu short and fretful naps to c3ILII and 15,;e0t 3.1.1 rb t i,M,lio..ai I)iscovo ry brountea a fountain t • r"-n lm-bend end honeebold. In the more advi.i.v.:rd N t, EL exteuda to the DVSPSP, - 7. 1 i A which la nothluy; -t Inteatinom anti creating a ringing. Fc CILTPS of your faari:r Your 9t,autsch RAW your (nod disfrosti vat, -na ot.l take cortain kinds, and twill of that :con, . too: rot cot hail the nourishmetri it contiti tor (13 ao, ol tin , canker cant it up; thon your ...an- Ira and h: • cornea wino,. or groon,h, iiral 2 • nr For want or uourintuent y..ur roof the fib, ea rf your trolly ho.. train of disca,o, rah irotirpte-1 t Palpltrti••n of the apirio 0:: • C2l* . ;:g tuaay tlia3 th,,rneightNa• ot• yoni mind that hoc 11. !"-ttur tbab 41....a7u.,i • •! -or , th you have bail tt - ovi-utatit , • I Irt, it, 111,1 and good , t;-,•• do you any injz,; - ;. N: charige td and onongh of it D 12.1.01101 b, r.• - Children over too pob-i Jot tr }cars, cabie.to ail c..dstdotb bovo:. ads China, Glasm, a 1541 Queeaavraro /22 W.ott -.urgh lATIIO IS NOW 10'1 1 )P:1\1 . Ni. FRO;11 Europ, urio r ortru.-•rt a:Aida , ill him lin.. Poiti - 1 Whit, stknao ill I' , t. ',I. i.ll Vitrified In, Hr 1!311=IIIIIIIIIIIIIIBI new styles, In Vt't kit singlo pimm; Richly O.': I) ~ r.ttr• 1;70. tauni.: acid Pia oil Cast, rir : 4, Soup Ladl,9, etc, plat, i,n - Ivory Hisnili , d Carving, To: and T,1, 1 on,l Ti.a Wait ori Tray s; Shakes mid Son Japmed nud 1).•••• orated Tin Tolirt 8,4 Also, a c , mpletv e 7: GLi f.r the G. Y 7:A „. the pulhic, who aro r s; •.. 'fut.:. to examine thin .Lock. alr27:3radmv no & coee PITTSBURGH; l'A! n3r2:dly—lo 30# 4 C/01'C:014/1.73?" Da. NATMA}...I.IIII-1 INDESTRUCTIBLE * 0 7- I coNsisTrtiliu 011' Q Ull V Al!tri ,§; ALTURA:MD WFFU • RESINOUS SU BSTANCES, ETC, .42i- '3E° E INX ne 30' 3=f) I 10T 2:17 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where eamplee of the mg. „. i w,. , Lttt.ntion, by THE GREATEST T L.ll_ • OF Alta' AGE. • y.: or thr 1111•=t11•=19 ".• ell ff.. the, orb! NUESINO t(. 1 1.1;f; ''lOl Hi, IDNEV 'ri;o ;:I,G') nor Uu!! Hrtuv~; _~.~ 4T THE 0L:; E. , 7' B i p x 4 , „ I 0 .4 Li tP:I • 4./4. _ -. ~ ' ~l ~' _ _ NO. 133 W 4"- ID S i n T, PITTS BU RO H -I_l- AVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR large SPRING STOCK OP 130 . 1 PS AND SHOES ; consisting of a great variety of seasonable and fashionable goods adapted to a. rin.f sf.finn r sad,. Having been pnrch.ased for cash, at redu:\si prb ,, ,, they f of warranted in flaying that thus' can soppy niorchsn ,, i by 'ho package or dozon, at a .ra IIrICUJ as ill« same quadty of goods can be purch , ofed in the !L‘4..orli cities. Partfctilar attention given to order". Also, a good sopply New \ - url.: aul Spanish bib Leather. ~7" ...•-•'-: -ctA"' . 7 .: . '7 . - r I.A. ----"'.' • , -‘1 .1.,-". - 7-t-.--- ;141.'41,4.Z.'''F:Fr4r'Il 1 , , c, 1 . -,f- 'li. - ivi.i. r :-.4' - :*,,i, , t a..;• - • j, = 1tk.,,,-4t - f.fiz.v. --- - -- 7 4,tin. - . 7 : : :ltt, ?4,e4, c -P& i ';,*----',4” . , rill__ ' :,-.,....:11:(44,., r ejtv,,,,,- .1 1Y,,.,,:..-, ..,, fkil 6.- 14,-..,,,,,,,-zrk -' .. ',Xci i...A'6,7 , •'-' 1 ; r, • :, •••,,, , ___1: 4 7, 1 ,... • 1... „ ,e- ~.-. _i ,_,,,i 1,-..„,_ , . re,... --a-,„ -rcL '.',.;;;..7'":" '*r... ARP, I,F,r Jr 0 EIY OW 5 C ./Z EIAS A titMJT!FCI. 6ELE, - 07.101i 01, MONUMENTS, f4gtalir, ST(iNES, Enclosures, • V'eakillg, The public are rutp-ctfully t war Rock. Prince low, and work - war y .ted ;Ti TRlzifl. CAL. MAGNESIA. lino old for flak+ by V. L. PAP.Nit.T,' , 77.K G C. , Corner Wool oud Fourth 1itr.,413 BANANAS.—First of the season just re ceived by exprean and far Pale by TREY 11 ER .",". ANDERSON, No. 39 Etroat. ap24 Oppoaße Bt. Charlea MINERAL WATERS.—A large supply of fresh Congress, Empire cud Blue Lick Watera, just received by JOB. FLEMING, my2o Corner Diammd said Market street. LAY & BRO.'S PRINTING- INKS—SoId by [mr23l J. I:. WELDIN. BUTTER. -3 bbls. fresh roll, for sale by mrlB HENRY H. 00 NB. I ATE NT W. F e FAHNF,STOCK, Agent 11, Ih r ,rtpi, mr44 P. M. D tVIS, Auctioneer. tsw . 0.000 PREFERRED STUCK AT AucrioN.—On TUESDAY eveninz. Jour 1,4, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Salesrooms, No. 54 Firth street, will be E old by order of Messrs. C. 'him en and M. W. ACil on or alto' the 12th inn'ent. oiys F. M. GORDON, Secretary. J. & 'l'. GRO UT T, BRANDIES, 4INS, WINES, ETC., DEALERS IN FINE OLD NIONONGALEEI _A B.VE WiII.SRY, PEACH AND APPLE BR‘NDY. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AN D DISTILLERS, Corner of Smithfield nod P rant Streets, 1:1•14I Pl'.l"n 3 io.l , 'Aiii, PA. PITTSBIJRGIffi STEEL ES.A.AC JON ES JVO. L. BOYD Vv":6. LOULLuI;G JOIN Es, BOYD & CO. iii1111T7A:T17117.?...9 4a 7: 1 r a7 T 1 11`. L PRI N:.3, PLOW ANI A. is. P JUN CIS AND A.XLES Co - -nc etois and Eg'frat Strouco, iy2s P.ITTSBU P,C4ii, PA S. B. & C. P. MARKLE, PRINTING, JOB, AND ALL KINDS (F 'ffIIAPPING 7E :l° Warr=how..ll - ., No, "ll' Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA Ragg I.,ougl:t t ut tri:lrket in 0 0 it DH~wy , MA_NUFACTUREM OF American, ; Plain a; Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, 'or Roofing, Guttering - , Spouting, Zto /WENT'S FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA. SHEET IRON Warehouse, 15io, 136 First street, mr26:ly• is MEM D. . t, it a , e, S C (k• , YANUPAeTURER3 OF ROGER S' 15IPROVEL , U 1.4 V TOR "PEET Col:Ica:11 1 - toss '?lo STREEITS, ti Rd , WILLUM CLAVTON CO., WHOLESALE AND :LET AIL Q,T(T 0 R aCHANTS, I)) AMON D ALLEY, Near 11"9,1 44 - on hacd, Blackbarry, Chnrry, and Cognac Bra,dica, OP Monongahela and :tnctifind Whlcky, of tha vd , WD( . . v3aiity, o?16,-de1! RE.7I4AWAL. JOIIN MOORIIEAD hay removed t,, No. 71 Vtimr,r NlArkot OEI ri MOO Et 111 , (JOMMISSION MERCHANT, 17=11 PiC. METAL AND St-0011 1 1a, I. 7 WATER STREET, kIELOW MARKEI, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA SAMES FWAFZEIR, Forwarding and Conanussion Merchant, eon TOE BALL rob' ltar, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Putter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Product , generally, Corner of ItEr.rbect, and First stree2a. PITT.BBILI.G.H, PA. REFER ro—Francis G. Bail 3y, Es:., William Dilworth, i . . Cuthbert t Son, Pittabargh; Boyd Fr (At, Heiakell rt wearingen ' S. Brady, Caal.. & M. Bank. 1:Ist Mangle t Go, George W Ander , ion, Donlo Paxt.m Cu Wherthis:. P.OREII2 DALZELL . JAI 8 E. DE ZADINO ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacturea, No . 251 LTherty atroat. Pr- .JOHN THOMPSON & CO., HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, AND DRAINERS, DEALERS IN PUNTS, OILS, 11A.RN isEtEs, Turpeatino. C.3lours, Glam. Putty and Bru,J.- I', int ground to order. 12 set beat timslisu Stoel Combs, io C3 4 E'S., ISS Third Rtreet. milli SAMUEL GRAY, 11', C FI A N TAI1" L , No, 52 St. Glair Street, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A., Is prwo,und to furnish his customers and buyers gen erally, with the latent and molt futhionahle styles of Spring and summer foods of every variety, which he will make up to order to the entire satisfaction of those who may favor him with their patronage. rilyl7:lm ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, P. SEILDECKER, N 0.22 Diamond Alley, beozecen Wood Si. and the Diamond, HAS OPENED HIS ICE CREAM SA LOONS for the season, and is prepared to supply all who may call, with PURE ICE CIICANI, of all flavors. He also is constantly supplied with CAKES OF ALL KINDS and Confectionary or his own mannfa-ture, made from the best matertaLs. FALIII:MR AND PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ice Creams, and Confectionary of all descriptions. Saloon open at all hunra —Day and Evening. [myls:lm AT SEWICKLEYvILLE, FOR SALE— A dwelling house of 8 rooms with lane lot of ground, close board fence, with palings in front—fruit trees. shrub bery, etch , situate on Broad street. Price, $lBOO. Terms easy. S.CUTHBERT tt SON, my 2.4 61 Market street. RIBBONS, RUCHES AND FLOWERS.- —Trimmings, Embroideries Skeletons, Corsets, and a long list of other new goods, cheap, at HORNE'S, myrt 97 Blarket street. cc. 0510. 11. g ZY51211, ruyinbrde, W. 000 K., Cashier PITTSBURGH, PA =MI P / 1" 8 17.2 FI, PA FROM YESTERDAY'S SECOND EDITION, BY THE TELEGRAPH Congressional WASHINGT.S, CITY, May 25. Senate.— The proceedin tbo merring hour were unimportant. The bill for the improve f the Chicago har bor was debated. flutixe.—Mr. Green, t P c,.n •)1v 1):;t did not obtain, the consent of the House t, offer u joint resolution that when Congress adjourn on the 7th of June, it shall be till the 4th of November next. The Howe regumed the coni•idarntion ~f relating to the Di:Allot of Culuinbi©. Several bills were passel incluling one to rf,gzi. late the municipal elections at Washington, and on., to organize a pail fire department in Washingt.. , , and (leorgetown, and appropriating $37,000 for tti., purchase of seem fire engines and for the construc tion of a fire and police alarm telegraph. The Ohio contested clectien ease we- , then taken up. From Santa Pe. ST. Louis, May 25.—Santa Fe papers of May lot have been received. On the 17th of April a party of Mexicans, from Misilla, attacked a camp of Apache Indians near Fort Thorn, and butchered indiscrimi nately men, women and children. Lieut. Howard, of Fort Thorn, captured the Mexicans and hold thorn prisoners at the Fort. On the 7th of April, a tremendous storm of rain, hail and snow occurred near Turkey Creek, flooding the prairie to the depth of two feet, and stampeding animals of trains, involving heavy losses to traders. James M. Hunt, whose death was reported yester day, was a native of Albany. From Kansas Sr. Loris, May 25.—The Republican learns that Montgomery's band of robbers, in Kansas, have in contemplation the robbery of the Indian Agent, Mr. Timony, woo is about distributing annuities to the amount of forty thousand dollars among the Sao and For. Indians. The robbers are now concen trating on Orange River, about six miles from the Sac-Fox Agency. Mr. Timony has asked fur a mil itary escort from Gen. Barney, to conduct him frt in Kansas City to the Agency, and to protect all parties during the distribution of tho money. The officers of the st , iatner Polar Star report that a strong force had surprised Montgomery's band near Fort Scott, killing eleven of them: but this needs confirmation. Great Freshet a - Cluetaunt' emulation, May 25.—The heaviest rain ever known here fell during the last twelve hours. Tho creeks and the river are rising with frightful rap',i ity. Railroad bridges were carried off in all .I,r,c -tions, and no train has arrived or departed ch i: morning. Mill creek is higher tnan ever know' before, and the Ohio has risen nine feet within the last ten hours, and is still rising rapidly. The rain partially ceased about ten o'clock. The whole of last night was one continued thunder storm of the most appalling description. Later from Mexico. NEW URLEINS, May 25..—'I'be Tennessee, with Vera Cruz dates to the 2lst, has arrived. Atuong the passengers is Admiral Zeman. The communi cation between Vera Cruz and the interior is r;pe - 1. Vera Cruz was blockaded thres days by the steamer Guerrero. Her fuel, however, gave out, and she lett fur supplies. Nothing is mentioned of Juaraz'e or the Cabinet's whereabouts. The hopes of the Rev olutionists aro damped, and the Constitutionalists are confident of an easy victory. New York Market New Voss., May 23.—FLour firm; saint 12,600 bble 85@3,95 for State. and $4:300b4,40 for Ohio, no advane. he on each; Southern unchanged and dull Wh.-ot lc firm and active; sales 60,000 bo white—unchanged; Wo.tern rod i"I quoted at 97c@$l; Chicago epriog at 30anNO.•, And Mil - vmukie club at 83®88c. Corn firm ; sales 10.000 ht t n at 72 @73v for white, an advance of let yellow unchanged; tlx d 2c higher, at 74v750. Mess Pork is quoted at $17,00, and Prime at $14,30. Beef steady. Lard dull. Bacon qnbt. Whisky steady . New York Stock filarket NZW Yoaz, May 25.—Stocks firmer: Chicago and Ruck Island. 75; Cumberland Coal, 15; illinoM Central, 87 1 : :: 111i nofi Central Bonds, 89%; La Crosse and Milsvautca, Ml chigan Southern, 83 1 %; New York Central, 84'4; PerincylN o uia Cual, 71%; Reading, 432 g; Milwaukee and MissisciNo, 28.,4; 92%; Missouri 6's, 837,1 Galena and t hi cago, 88!,6; Erie, 21!, , ,,; Cleveland and Toledo, 41%; Califortoo e, 86; , a Crosse laud grants, 32, Tannaec o' m, 90/,,i; -t. r hug bbrcbauge active, 109 ©109;,4. BY TO-DAY'S MAIL [From the New York Herald of Mouday.l More British Outrages. The Ship Clarendon Boarded at Sagua Gra..de —Spirited Conduct of her Captain—The Brr John Howe Twice Boarded and Searched, We are informed by Capt. Nichele, of the bal it John Howe, arrived at this port on Saturdny, that the ship Clarendon, Capt. Bartlett, having on board a cargo of sugar, bound for New York, while lying in the port of Sagua la Grande, w boarded by a boat from the British war steamer Buzzard, and the officer in command imrnediaie:y jumped on board and proceeded to the cabin, and commanded Capt. B. to hoist his ensign, which he refused to do, deeming the whole pre ceediag as an insult. He (the officer) then dyes mended his papers, when he was told they at the Consul's, and that if he knew his business he certainly was aware of that fact. The ofliem then departed, saying he would report to tno ' commanding officer of the steamer. Upon the refusal of Capt. B to heist his sign, several shots (blank cartridges) were fired by the steamer, in order to intimidate Capt. Bartlett and compel him to hoist his ensign, which he did not do. Capt. B. then noticed the. - they had lowered away two of their large bows, each containing about 60 men, with any quantity of small arms, when he (Capt. B.) took his en sign and laid it on the cabin table. Soon after the boats arrived alongside, and the commander of the steamer in person came on board, whe.. Capt. B. received him politely, but proteeted against the proceedings, and would not allow any of the men to come ou board, threatening to shoot the first that attempted it. Capt. B. and the British commander then proceeded to the : cabin, when he (the commander of the steamer) commanded him to hoist his ensign. He replied, "There it lies on the table, and if your com mission is worth enough, hoist it yourself." The British officer, pistol in hand, commenced pacing the cabin, saying that he would seize the vessel and take her to the port of New York. to which Capt. B. replied that was exactly what he wanted him to do; when, whether by intent or accident, Capt. B. was struck on the breast by the hand which held the pistol. Captain Bartlett then presented his pistol and said—" Sir, keep your hands off me, or I will shoot you." The officer replied—" I did not lay my hands on you," when Capt. B. rejoined— " You did, sir," The officer inquired if the sugar on board belonged to Capt. B , when he replied —" I never owned a hogshead of sugar in my life." The same question was asked in regard ta the launches (boats for conveying the sugar from the shore on board), and the same reply given. The officer, completely cowed, proceeded on deck, and after reaching the deck, in a per feet rage bellowed forth—" Lower away the gangway ladder," when Capt. B. quietly said -- -Sir, did you order that ladder to be lowered, or did you request it to be lowerd ?" when the officer said—" Will you please have it lowered ?" Capt. B. then gave orders for it to be done, and the Britisher departed without having accom plished his purpose. We also learn from Capt. Nichols, that about th e i:ith of April, on his passage from Havana to Sagas la Grande, and when off Anguilla, he was boarded by a boat from the British war steamer Buzzard, and the officer in command, without any ceremony, sprang upon deck and immediately commenced asking questions—such as the vessel's name, her commander's, where she hailed from, where last from, where she was bound, her owner's name, &c. FRENCH (CLASS. MISS B L A K E L Y INTENDS FORMING A CLASS OF YOUNG LADIES, Wiahing to reeoive inytrnctiois in the s.- 22. c, 312. I. ang l ll- Et , (:) G 3 Apply at No. 163 Third stret•t. iny loaf School for Young Ladles. WM. J. BAKEWELL, INTENDS TO y open hts Sch 01, on MONRAY, sth of April. Ttantd, tl5 00 per qua, tar. Residence at his son's; home 191 second street. Itiaans, Smithfield street, N. E. corner of Diamond alley. mr2fliti A GOOD CIIANCE TO SECURE A HOME IN THE WEST. Several tracts of GOOD FARMING LAND, in Illinois and lowa. Also, some CITY LOTS in Chicago, and other west ern cities, will be exchanged for Unproved property in Pittsburgh or the surrounding towns, or for a good lot o Furniture or Carriages. Apply soon, by addressing J. O. S., Pittsburgh P. O. coy2o:2w-is Alderman's Mace. TAMES S. NOON, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND POLICE MAGISTRATE—Office, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Probates taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Wills, Leases, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all business in the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. In. Office hours, from 714 A. st. to 1 P. se., and from to 6 b. ht.apB:ly AVOICE FROM 01110.- • BtrerYREN, April 12, 18.58. FitlrTh Hear Worm Confections are taking fine ly. Three of our physicians nee them in their practice. Send us another gross by,papress ROBINSON & LOCK. Compounded and for Bale ‘at the corner of Wood and Sixth streets, Pittabures. mylBalaw Morning Prey■ The "Gazette" contains an editorial upon the County Convention soon to be held by the Re puhi; ins ; regrets that the sheriffality has m 'GI , lized so much attention, and also that ~, a rale County Conventions were not called for Congressional nominations; intimates that either Loomis, Negley, Moorhead or Johnson, wi!l 1,, , nominated in this district for Congress most like." The - Journal" leader is severely terrific upon egislative bribery and boring—and says : "We think all good citizens should at once say to County Conventions that the nomination of a professional Borer, or suspected Legislator absolves each one of us from all obligations to vote for him. We had better even do oc casional injustice to the individual, than en danger the very existence of our institutions by the election of corrupt Legislators. If you expect our support of your nominees, you give us men whose integrity is not only al c blame, bu,tabuve suspicion." (tl o,urse this iF; not intended for nnv f the candidat,, f,n tienate. Would the ediror of the " Journal " liceero: the position' Tho ''Union," has a vory sensible :,rtio!li upon Itepubliortraism, The locil columns of the " Dispatch are ehiotly occupied with the ten cents a in con tempt controversy between Judge Irwin and Barristm. Selden. 112,1rre:4p01100!!!, 0! ho Morning PosLi L.KTTER FSiOM PHELAEOEILPHI LA DEL MIA, MAY 21, DEAR Pont :=This city of Brotherly Love is "a great institution." Great to see the sights, from the Confidence Man who shows you the little joker, to the Girard College edi lice or the City Passenger Railways that are expected soon to traverse not only all the principal streets and highways, but also ma ny of the alleys and byways. It has its humbugs, ton, which it may be well to point ut., so that the wayfaring man need not be taken therein and done for. One of first doss dimensions is the Arch Street Theatre. It used to be good, and in bygone days won an enviable reputation as a temple of the drama : but success teas been more than it could bear, and now the auditors are con demned to listen to very poor playing, in deed, as well as to submit to all sorts of petty impositions that are contemptible in any place. I ;tin requested to say this much by a large crowd of Pittsburghers, who were vic• tints of misplaced confidence in the Arch. The Grand bodge of the Independent Or der of Odd Fellows held their annual encamp ment here this week. Nearly five hundred onemi,ers were present, and everything pass cd (dr satisfactorily. The Lodge, I ant told, partook of the general want of confidence, exhibited for the last six months in the busi ness world, and v.:is rather short of funds to pay the no mbers mileage. But this is not odd, I,l' Stu Uncle Sam is out of cash, and is already in debt some twenty millions.— Aiming the representatives from Allegheny are Messrs. Huey, of McKeesport, Myler, Myers, Lambert and Rowley, of Pittsburgh, an l l'aughev, f Manchester. I also learn from a parit:i7atili in the Press, that Mr, John S. ILtli, the celebrated plough manufactur er, is stopping at the Merchants' llotel, where he will remain for severgl days, but I have not vet had the pleasure of meeting him. He has along with hint for inspection, I am told the models of some surprisingly ingenious implements for turning a furrow either upon the hill side or on a Whd level. The Opera speculatiOn in Philadelphia has proved a decided failure—Gazzaniga, the new Academy building, Amodio, Bregnoli, all the other I and attractions could not save it— and Mr. E. A. Marshall, having lust some fif ty thousand dollar , , has announced himself bankrupt, and quit on Friday night with a , •emplimentary benefit that nettled him a couple of thousands. The fault is in the dis tinguished foreign artistes—the great tenors, the big bassos and the superb supranos—who demand treble what they can cam in Paris, ;mil don't sing a bit better! It is understood here among the knowing, that Mr. Charles Buckalew has been ap p,,in:o,i a Minister Resident to utiuuth Amer ican State with a salary of 7..i7,5i10 per annum Ile gees te the capital of which is Quito, a very healthy spot, and therefore very suitable her Mr. liuckalew, whose physical condition is miserable, indeed. A new Sen at,Jr will have to be elected in his district, making 9 Democrats, and :; Opposition to be chosen this fall. On the inst., as you are aware, the Itemocratie candidate fur Mayor of Philadel: phia was defeated by five thousand majority, although f: :r a couple of years past the Democ racy here had from five to ten thousand ma jority over the opposition combined. This disastrous change, I am assured, is to be at tributed ta the deep disgust in the minds of the masses for the Lecompton business, and the pr iscription which has followed in its train. Instead of having a united democratic delegation from Philadelphia in the next Gen eral Assembly, the opposition will have twelve out of seventeen of the members, even it it goes no worse than it did three weeks The truth in this new test of faith has prov ed most demoralizing upon our party; and in my opinion the English Compromise is very nearly as repugnant to the masses as Lecomp ton pure and simple. Look at the Demoratic press of the State ! How few of theth put forward this thing of shreds and patches, as a great principle to be admired by all true I )ernocrats. To be sure there are exceptions -the Philadelphia "Arg,us" and the Chester county "Jeffersonian," two papers that al ways opposed Mr. Buchanan until he became President—are reading every man out of the party who dares to think far himself on this If It• j uesth)n ! Is it not monstrous, that these cen- istent enemies of Pennsylvania's chiefest sen—because they advocate the side of John Calhoun against the people of Kansas— sloiuld become high priests of the party with plenary power to excommunicate all the faithful friends of Mr. Buchanan ? They are having their revenge, but who would have thought so in 1856 Here let me mention another fact. The Doylestown "Democrat" (Berke County) has changed hands, and is now conducted by Capt. W. W. H. Davis, a gallant soldier in the war with Mexico, and an accomplished writer. Heretofore the paper has been singu larly silent on the Lecomptou agitation, but under Capt. Davis it will be earnest in its op position. Straws, you know, sometimes show which way the wind blows. Business is far from having revived, arid merchants complain of their large _ is stock of goods with no buyers. The year 18i a ll be far advanced before c onfidence restored. As to importations, the Custom H i ouse s not taking in enough from duties to pay the em• ployees of government Brigadier General. An animated co mpetition has already com menced for the Brigadier Generalship, made vacant by the lamented death of Gen. Smith, and before his funeral obsequies have been celebrated. Gen. Harney, Col. Robert Lee, Col. Lay—who is only a lieutenant in the line but an aid to Gen Scott—and others named in this connection. The beleif obtains that Har ney will be selected, who sought the appoint ment when Smith carried off the honors. 1.~9'' !NTELLIGENCE: The Remains of Gen. Perstfer F'. Smith.- Meetlog at Like Mayor's Milos. Pursuant to notice a meeting of citizens was held at the Mayor's offico at two o'clock P. M. y.zterday, for the purpose of taking measures for making a proper demonstration of re spect on the arrival of the remains of General Peralfer F Smith tc-.1.i.y. The me,ti , w organized by calling Hon. IL A. Weave to the Char. ,lioi H liel•eor and 0. EL Rippey, Esq., wt,ra appoiuted Necrocariea After the object of the incietin6 bad k.aori stated by tha Mayor in few brief ri.marks, Jae P Barr, EN., offered th'• 11.1v1,1 ‘V , IEREAS, 'FL , . Lsbui r ih learned with proton aui,w ut tie , occah of lien. Ferilfor F. Smith, whom illtaugunMeil Florida war, the Mexican war, and at t'• c, , meral ruilitary Hurvi, ••t hie cotititit,,Y, have euil.aril hid n to every American CI tz ; AND 'A . EIREEA.i. It itt, numa annouriccil that ttio rimitins of the di,tinguiritml l' , •nuo)lvailian will orrlve iu this city en W edna,da . rh, 2,3 t • init. im I.ln:ir way to 111.3 cativo city of Phila.•,lmia—iiereture, Respired, That the citizens ot Pittsrurgh have heard With sincere recret of the death ot Versa', V. Smith, who has suddittily been Culled to hie last account while actively eu,:ng , d in the .d hi, country as contmandet•in chini of the Utah: t 0/ red, Thai is the r ditaiuguiched American ti6nerai, the tuttieu Irn., ,irimite-d the loss of oho of her chiel military mica, uhel, p•olisiumial career tole added glory to American arms, noi of whose reputation we, as Pemasylva niiiilo, ahall ever Le justly proud. Res-Zved, That uheu ton Ludy of floneral Smith shall ar rive in tille Cli ,liali Lo reCONOiI with appropriate mi itary and civic Certiltailtri. letsrlvej, 'flint toe H.,vt-i.al military conipanina of the city be r, ~ .r•it ',cart the remaina, lvhen they rho I arri‘e, troto thr th,pot .1' the eittbburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad to to t City hall, where, in charge of the mitiw. , tte. 0 t;oarrt of honer, they may remain in etatu until t rrcir d parturt rot! Phitauu , Rod whenna they will e takt , u Lnder ini it icy etsou t : t,t, depot of rho Penneyl Horan :t. ilrunr R. , .irdv-d. That a Coutnutlee of tea be appointed to act In conjunction with the ofneer.i of thu 8, - :veral volunte r comvioi,.+ ri 'tia „ Atrangementi Io Carr ) i“;t, • It it the tut: oth.o of the :eselutions. Ti.ot oe Mayors of th, citks of Pittsburgh and t , IKA-Oter h tt.o alai Common Conneilm I said t., trend and par; icip&to in the cern morr..,. ;.2. relolotMns, and to doing =ET= looai Appropriate re. lun:hti, and ill, 1,••11, 1., .4'1,1, aualdolously adopted. Choir :11, 4 e,•.1 I . •,, onittea, itt purgutifict , ,,l the firth r,sol ni in Gen. t .t.11 , :lV01/ lietn 4:• Citpci.iii David liNinpl,ll, •• iiivAtidt• - Hay, ,liick•ion Indop-mli•ut Blues ‘Vriwht, to-[ I uluntuy. " 11 , 411[13,1er, Alli.aoavn) Dill .33. D , Lel J th, Ntitiunal 4ivart.l,-Birmiugham. Walltwe, IN , lttgAnei - v Guard , . Jame; i. Blrr. Rill. A ?New "Covindenc,l." Caine A palm.; 1 - 1,11 (b. 1 . ., Thouq.sou was before ltiayor this 'ma Mug, been pursuing 11 rather no l COl/fidt•llC. /211111•. I[l3llllldt 1111. 1 V m.ing to the beer hails tied I 'Hulking ha''a 111 U. city bt •Min ; liquor. His mee.e of operatb..he may b hlobtr.tt . by I. toll, wing transa, timis ho r..lhal at the lager beer hall of Mr. stn.. 1, tool to.tnootott to see the proprietor. n the M ho told him ho wished to inquire Lthory: h , I;een,e, at the same tine tilling for a A h, r, to tee the hooks. Ile ourpi,n4 he dea fired W see th. in, and un swered thou he wan E.. :I b find out bow long Mr. Roltlne blot been in the cud. iii, represent:Ll birasolf 118 a Waller of Mayor Weav,r, nud after ',lnn: further convereation, drinking th:verai b til . • m.untitne , lie induct for piece of paf wr_ to t Ming right—S. C. .t VAVt•f informing Mr. It. that lig would now be t riiil:; - .dl'quor without licmme. Mr. It. lien- • - ntiiified of bit; being an im center, called in a police officer and tnel }din arre,tdd. Wh. xamined thin Looming, it app , ar,i that so N ral ether German LQer eeileta had hen vied❑ ix d Hline way, and that he had also rcprtareumd hinir,!l l as a ncturwr of Dan Rice's circus com pany. 7ho c ..imc man is ca o and family, but. has berni ritual addict,' ; hid znotlio-r hOlllO (IMO Hil3Co rc inev,vi with him to Kat, , a.4, b, bet. him away from the had iiittuenr,e4 the i. tot he returned to rt e city alone. When the 'iper my hen, he acknowledged to buy- Mg written It in • 111 ,mli./ votH intoxicated at the time et,•, 'n • e fu the bore, ettite that he was pert, etly e,•ter S, it ,n,pearol that I, hat net .Ilictetied iu ot,z,iitung any money ty her renresentarivee, and seemed very penitent, in it , eleirge , ' , . imr iierman fellow-citi fens would do well to I, rm t.hr it imard evtaimt impositions of tide ,•harm•rer, ;tr.+ me. y who will try to hike a:vantage iLayOr • S Jas. Spellman and )Ilehael )I . 6owan w , at home to the reiideme of the firmer at v late hour last night, somewhat th, wane of 1.3 ; t t on e pair of boxing gloves and got to ,p thing in f.:„1. The soon turned to reality, when Mra. Sp. Ilaum (al:, .1 in ,he ne;ghborq and had both arrested. th yw. r.•