atioks, and otherwise °rinsing the blood to Clow, one remonstrnnees have not unfrequently prov- vl ineffectual. As may be imagined, the more sensitive of these maltreated creatures:are thus rendered very I,iserable, even enireatieg for prison, in some iestanees, to put an end to their exist: sec r ell We that of their cruel t . r .. It well I, lawn :tat, w hilt? Oriental we! . art b,u - . 4ht l to dieve that tht y no sold-. tocy i with the idt.:l that their hustmeds will revel iu 4101114111 the brovers of paradise, where each • 11 have a hareem of any uumber of Hack-eyed uric, v.:eying from seventy to seventy th, us en 1, to a dminister to his happino.4. But, not -sr.:list:aiding that, these depraved creatures are • ey religions, as far tee bodily exercise goes.: strictly observing their many fasts and festivals, -,nd devoting much of their time in prayer. And their prayers, although so complicated, lengthy and fatiguing, are not confined to their mosques or their homes ; but, whether visiting or on any excursion of pleasure, they no sooner hear the o norous voice of the muezzim, than the ir Iles, sherds or mats ore spread, their feeee, artrio hands and le , e bared, and they c.:nnic tic , 0. , intricate process of prayer. Not twie: rr t\rtet a lay, but floe times do these deluded ore.-tore go through Otter genuflexions and prostra!tee thus setting u> '“1 example, which, if imitated t, but a limited extent, would prove a Itleeeirg it only to ourselves, but reflexly le them Ona tisy we had :, :isit from eevede.l reetaa f the nein numbering twenty and half as inttAy and although away tr n they eetit . thels -:laves to the well for wdter rfermol their flL:tol,,tH, and. each. sue (tame Ic cr, the cr' of 11,11EZZIM, dec. u.e! i.s.tyed coerce, their veils and sheets wer: and I was not little amazed tt, great erdautetion - made by the sudden entrant. i.-to the coot: of a Turk, while then were catiiC ,lh unr. , vered faces. The slave,: set up a bald tee earn, and terror struck, ran in every direction for their mistress's veils. As for the misstresees themselves, it was actually distressing to hear their piercing cries—and such was their effect on the unfortunate intruder, that he had made, precipitate retreat, amid sho ets of "Root): e roohee !"—away : away I Gratitude is one of their redeeming qualities What will the ungrateful lady the Oceident think of her Oriental sisters abasing themselves to kiss the feet of a dispenser of medicines, to show their appreciation of some slight tuedical services he may have rendered ti:ern7 I have seen a lady c f the upper circle of -Jerti-aleua sO ciety e s:Toggling to perform this humiliating, not, ad too. in spi•e of tin uncultivated mind and soul. Toe educ!.ti , n of Oriental wo men is not only entirely neglected, but etrot g ly reprobated by public sentiment—almost the sole arbiter of manners and customs in that country, if:not in this. Indeed, must this; not necessarily result from the contempt and servi tude in which she is held ? Among rich and poor, in the family of the Effendi and the Fel lah, she is alike ignorant. Her accomplishments bensist in being able to cook, arrange her turban tastefully, and at:iniuister to every whim of her doting husband. o:ions cc he - must toe often be, yet she has no other God than her husband, and to gratify him with the etrictest obedience is the most praiseworthy cf all good works she can perform. iIE PIMP NT. JAMES P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. PITTSBUR IA MONDAY MORNING DEMOCaIATIC STATE NOMINATIONS FOS SUPELEUE JUDGN, i/V ILI4 H A 111 A. PORTE PIIIL k_PET Veit Ct- COUXISMOIIItn, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE COUNTY grim TARIFF itEIPOWV On the 19th izst., in the flouee of Repre' Bentatives, the Select Committee on the Tariff made a• report, the policy of which is Bo on_ tirely edveroL to th , roanufleturing interests of the country, and especially t , ) the iron in terests of Pennsylvania, that we are not at all surprised that the Cominitteu, it _making the report, despair of the hope of inaugu rating their new policy at the present tine. The report takes ground that the prctecthe policy should 1, entirely abandoned, and res smevu Ix.2LALITJT3 as a measure of econcioy. Articles of prime necessity should be taxed at the lowest rates of duty, and the burden thrown as much as possible on luxuries. The navigation laws should be so modified as not to require any portion of the officers and crews of Ameri can ships to be American seamen, and that American citizens should be free to purchase and sell foregnshuilt ships, on entire equality with American-built ships, and the American coasting trade should be open on terms of perfect equality with foreiga vessels. This report is evidently a " feeler," made for the purpose of sounding public opinion upon this subject, and in Pennsylvania, at least, the doctrines advocated will not, at the present time, meet with much favor among the masses of the people. The time may come, in the future, when such a policy as the Committee propose may be deemed a wise and proper one, but not now. The low duties upon iron under the existing tariff have had the most disastrous effect ' u.n the furnaces and rolling mills of Penns , I in, and none except those who psssessed urge surplus caplt I have been able to withstand the pressure and carry on their business. The result is, that the laboring interests suffer. It is not protection to capital which Pennsylvania wants,—it is protection for American labor, which her pee. pie require at the hands of those whom they have cif%syt to represent them in the national Legislature. When this report comes up for considera• two in the Senate, his constituents will look to the Democratic Senator from this State, Mr. Bigler, to take a decided ground in favor of their just rights and manifest interests. He knows what the interests of Western Penn sylvania are in regard to the tariff question ; be linows the feelings of the people, and it is looked fur that he take such ground and ad vocate such measures as natt• are hest for Peunsylvanit, suffering as she is from the de pression of her great iron trade. The radical changes of a free trade policy are for future consideration_ The present condition of the public treasury, and the vast projects on foot, which will demand millions of public expen diture, render such a policy now utterly out of the question. The r eport of the Commits tee will not be sustained by public opinion, and the measure proposed will for some years to some be utterly impracticable. Let us have a suitable modification of our present tariff laws, based upon principles of equality and justice to all the States. The interests of the people of the country, as well as the condition of the national finances, demand this, and Pennsylvania Democrats should be first and foremost in the movement to secure a new and better adjustment or our revenue laws. W e deem it due, says the Waehington Union, to this gentleman, to state that the reports in circulation that he is a Mormon are not only unfounded but ridiculous. lie it , a worthy brother of the late lamented I)r. Kane, pos. sessing his energetic and 13;2iievolent churae., ter. He and his family are auiv,,rsally respect.. ed in Philadelphia, where they are beat known. His jc.ureev to Salt Lake as a private indit idua was undertaken from motives of pare 'believe , . knee, and in the hope that ha ight be ininstru mental iu id u g the Mormons to submit to the constitution and the laws, and thus spare the effusion of blood. MAY 21, 12158 Col. Tlkomah. L. K.aike Ths Harrisburg Cllonumen It is stated that a large number of archi tects in Philadelphia and Baltimore are expect• ed to furnish designs for the monument to be erected in- front of the Capitol in Harrisburg, to the memory of the Permsylvauia soldiers who f.-11 in Mexico. We hope some of our Pittsburgh architects may also be induced to compete for the prize which me offered. It is to be hoped that something really ar- tistic and worthy of the State and cue age may be put up in the Cwitol grounds—not an enormous, unmeaning column or obelisk ; but some tasteful work of art, with appropriate sculptural decorations, illustrative of the war and the part taken in it by Pennsylvania. A Fine l':c“are Wall has now upon his easel a gem in the way of landscape painting.;. The F abject. is taken from the mast p'm uresque scenery perhaps iu the United States, on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad aid Canal, on the Concruartgli, in the great gorge of the Chest nut fling, called " Pack Saddle," about fifty miles from this city, and near Blairsville. The spot has often been admired by travelers as one of the grandest and most remarkable views in mountain scenery iu the United States. We c'in certify to the truthfulness of the artist's brush, as we have been familiar with the spot, as boy and man, tor many years. We commend it to the eye of the connoisseur, and feel certain it will meet the most exacting demands of the critic. John ihomp-on't :'•ascta . An assignees' sale of the assets ot J ohu Thompson, banker, who failetblast fall, took place, at auction, in New York, last week. The total amount offered was i. 7214,811 50, consisting principally of railroad and bank stocks, of very uncertain value. One lot of theso assets consisted of notes and checks of the Ohio Life and Trust Company' amounting to 64,557. These were knocked down at $lO5. Another lot for $5,150, was sold for 71 cents ; 4,664 shares of the Breck enridge Coal Company, $1.00: A number of broken bank certificates, $364 35, were taken at 50 cents. Tilo Mormon r The Washington Union seems to put very little confidence in the late news from Utah, and declares that Col. Kane has no commis° sion or authority whatever to effect a compro mise of the troubles with the Mormons. The Philadelphia Press, however, says that letters received in that city from Col. Kane, written to his family, leave no doubt of the general authenticity of the telegraphic accounts, and that the Mormons are disposed to treat with the Federal Government for peace. It is said, however, that the Government will keep a permanent force in salt Lake City. The Cresson Hou , This beautiful and her.lthy summer resort, on the top of the Allegheny Mountains, has been leased by Messrs, Campbell A- Mullen, of the St. Lawrence Hotel, Philadelphia, and formerly of the St. Charles, in this city. The Cresson House is very finely furnished, and all the requirements of guests seeking a resort for the summer, will be most completely met by such landlords as Messrs. Campbell & Mullen—gentlemen whose reputation as betel keepers is known throughout the Union. /VS. HEN PA CII A I'MAS of Pennsylvania:, de , , clines being a candidate fur re Antion to (ton- Michael Kane, Et.(l., forinerij of this en}. has been appointed by the Presided, and eon% firmed by the Senate, as Appraiser at the port of San Francisco, California. The Voluntcor IC" eiAll IL was apparently incorrectly stated that Utah news, it confirmed, would not alter the plans as to the uew regiments. At any rate, .1. Glancy Jones does not paean to press the Volunteer Appropriation bill for some days, in order to see if the news is confirmed. and, if so, he intends to reduce the appropriations one,half or more. The Tex ~ s regiment will be called out in any event, hot the inference is that one, and perhaps both, of the others will he dispensed with. [Correeporidur, tUe Pennsylvania Dleu--Stanbury and Erie ildailissiiilG, May 21, 1858. Mr. Editor:—Yesterday after jutting down toy thoughts in reference to the public works of Pont sylvania, I learned that the State authorities had just completed the transfer of the North Branch, Delaware Division, &c. of our canals to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company, the required deeds and mortgages having been executed by and deposited with the partice in interest. Thus have the inceit valuable and must promising public works (the last of them) been divorced from their original proprie tress and sovereign to receive the embracer of her, so far, unsuccessful creation. Neither the divorce or the conditions of the mar riage settlement meet the approval of your corres pondent. We may have been too sanguine in our estimate of the rich harvest promised in the future by these payitn? (although until recently nufiniehe , l) improvements. They hold out the only hopeful promise of establishing from tneir profits a sipking fund for the abulitiun of the State debt—a promise which is now forever blasted. Yet wo have no fours of burthensome taxation or that the State will nut he abundantly able to moot all her . obligations. We are content to take things as VE '3 find them, :end can only hope that the conditions imposed on the Company may be required to be fulfilled to the very totter. Chief Justice Lowrie and his associates are still in session here, and aro truly a working Court. The writs of error in criminal oases brought up from your Oyer and Terminer are not yet disposed of. They are matters of great perplexity, and are beeemlng oetirely too common. Repeal, I tear, in the end, Fat prey,: the only remedy. Governer Packer left tor Philadelphia yesterday, accompanied by Attorney-General Knox, both in ex cellent keeping, judging from their appearance and elastic movements—the Governor having entirely recovered from his lung affection, and the Judge having rejuvenated in his new office. It is honed that the whole influence of the State administration will be exerted to harmonize the feuds that exist in tLe party east of the mountains. The subject is worthy their attention, and will, nu o.,ubt, receive it To be united is to be v coupled with enlarged viewz of netional !whey and necessity will yet render President. Buchanan creiit for the masterly inanageimmit of the ueighty !eg wise handed dawn to him by the administrations of Fill more and Pierce, viz: Utah ! and, Kansas !! The first will be whipped into submission without i.T.j attempt to reach her people, ey a peace cenniniesmi,,a and the latter will lie punished by leaving her people in the dilemma of either accepting what they had in their power to reject, or rather to have fishioned to their own liking, or by being compelled to rcuas.n in a territuritti condition long enough to prepare them selves for a peaceful and prosperous self-goverment. Believing that the Lecompton constitution with its obnoxious slavery Provisions contains in the 2d and 25th divisions of the article headed the Bill of itight," full and 00'111.10.a power without rev,. to alter and amend that instrument, to•nrorrow or roe lay after, if a convention be authorized and called together in the short periods named, it would be better :or the country, and the people of the territory, if prepared tar the who'eseme exercise of undivided 6 Jet, 'Aunty to ratify and afterwards remodel that im- 1)07:41)Ct /111f3 If the nialt:: -. 2.y t , ,,lut) to ono in tho territory against the conet. , uti n , its repudiation would be a bayatehe, if the tu ijt,ray are met) and deserve the name of freemen. PENN. ed. ratlectiori, 13." ‘ " " 1 14- " IV " Eircittioo of C. AvArdrr: Harriaburg. NEW (Ai... oine,„..„„. Last Friday the telegraph announced the aohvictee.d W L L sudd_u death New Voris: city of 'll l opagg r I ((l(y :=l , -y (, G. wss Gaylord. of the firm of 'l'. 0. Gaylord & Son, iron inorcleaits, of Cineinn.ttl. Mr. (1. ; died in the street, of disease oi the heart, (rem wlrch; had ttl/ a'red r , and he had often sed woule. o e dety , t,rininett his life very suddenly. Mr. G. was born in Utisa, New York, in .1.z. , 0:_1, and at the period of his disease was fifty-four years of age 11.1 removed to Pittsburgh, Pa., when a youn.-: man and engaged in the c l ueensware busineszl. After remaining here a nu , h 'r of years, he went to Maysville, Ky,; and, after living there two years, he took up his residence in Porte month, Ohio, where he embarked in the iron trade. Some thirteen or fourteen years since, he made Cincinnati his home, anti had resided there until two weeks previous to oil sudden demise. Mr. C. was a shrewd, active, ener getic business man, and his name stood high in bank and on 'change. His estate, probably worth about i;100,(s)(1, he bad obtained E.) honest industry aid a hfe of ttaonoiny, energy and commercial integrity. it IC. ii: 1 s t. Sti,ko-•r'l c• rt llc.l, o~i:L tr.c•u k ,, ../1{ Epp I , ,rl)ral ih2 rrlt.ii,us r Ik.r: ate dead, tit , tift(queut ., of the baN'inz, c;)ToviirTe. i Le, ~t roit Wit! 0:1 Y.•si )tii , :e ha :tupcibing, Tur-.16 —Tto cicy to b: lightza the c“rp ,, rt . t;.lt . a hq.ving sltb , ellied $5,000 r.o the capital stook ~ f the curunr.Li it,r Pr.2.dident titutt•v thq; Irt.r in tile Buunu,:r, uut 1 • ,„ i 1•-; I‘;,,vtrulLr •'I Mr who u.1*, , l wt.h ti 1p uueul„l: —The u:ltiuLlai deid of Great c ~udEd ):1"Ule ::..CCIIMIIiii.Cd t•ip ,. 11 , 1%, - ; of IJr,:ign. wars ird former cith , 3l, , iicic3 between ne,J,ipt.F acrd payments, is, in :vivid healbers, $ . 800,040,00, the interest of which, iind expeudh amounts to Mirur $28,000,- 00, and v.ded ceiptu fur toe :„ car —A vot-3. wsd talon oa B'.iardily nrwrnc,n in 1113 ViireDnsin Loo:3lp,tr:ro, tor tho recuov:t cf the obpit.l from Ni.:711-itiLl La s tvas d,fest:-.1 by c.,a Speallvr'r! are ruway I'd“.; busbarols n.:1, -, p; it. Evea.n etture'd the von:IQ:T.I sing Rti 03t,W7e bip;ul r th.o the wt tl, 11.;,t LO iLh Ihem :, ojythiog. —"ltte iro.t.-1 . ;4'1..;. :2 .)1• - .1. C. .tl/1. t., f the Cty._ltte:!. ~.. '::_t , e . ..,:i - ,t :" . ..:tv V.tii. :,e, - .,11, It7,tler dttlere-11 he:•i the Of tho ty trea.siary w 1.2 dr 0.1 .q,a ;:e3 tilJu .tud eight kh1,11%., aul tile end i not jtt I'. Nora. lins with p,J.ralf.,l t ler fi.._ tw,a,y tw Apr 41g,r L N 1 )1 V.T-11U1 I "0,1.011 It t q..pc.t.r. , flto.t Dr Jem,s, tai: " clan, *hone sauce of life h.f,ve newly iau . t.l • has retired and run out frctri 7§3(...ties of .ho , Ltura, V.r.:l7i - zg Inn a cr. d;sc,olll,-lat pOlic, ntl an unhealed world. Not t. veal bi 3 •ta Cann. his In E Let lodi;:t imp, i saved Lie nly daughter trJut die „rive, to arrest the mysterious iirowe , by whioli I. shadow grew le=s and less. udra a I ,, nizt' , . 1 c: tirrh. dinappct re 1. fits• of I.fe "he ha-, however, o , l v.rtel into tttto l .s c. r 10 , I.rlS.Fe: -,- i.. 11 of C , 11 , 3 laurlr , : , 1 If• - :1.v • ,ielter f .r his eotepnlsory flight from the go. of NPW York. The •• not the only nicriiiier•Ld , in which Li i Brown—hi , real came—hs, tiguie... it.,,-.- H. 'Mom-eit. who tauti:rir people t, ni,rcury icito geld; h. Prof T. • rif who advartii-ies that he will any . o(Aty J,• way make $1, 1, 00 a yi•nr, if not move, upoii the of .111 which, coming duly to hand, the appoegrat.4 • sent a recipe br ni , ,i•if•icture of honey, anti the rwht any county w•aicii the clop may bilect, the two nesting, $2 Tie Brown Jult • Nl,it ville, has lately received from Frt:fto o.llne splendid T11.2df3 forte 1.11,V0 just 1)01..1 brought by the N , !FI are now io fr.;er pur..u,t ret i re d 2 ., ft r,1 1 .,71. • inF physician It appears that there V - 1,17` Carsnibis lndica in the medic:lac. of Brown, Lilt merely a compound of liquorice, slippery elm de coction, and h may, costing sixteen sense, boil!. and i.ll, and for which he eliarge , l $2. Ili, " IL - gulatiug and Purifying Pill," dud Exc.; iv: i• Ointment of India ," were made on the same prin ciple, and hold for as many dollars cc they CO-! him cents. The in, - .ht magnificent of his cotiii•- tics , The milk of itosir! , and Extract of Eldir BlosPorns," I, , ris out to have been a mixture of magnesia cud alcohol, cost:4, Item ab•.•ut eight cents—price $2 a 11 I emains to be sec, under what new disguire tons retired physti,:in will make his next appearance before the The AMerleadil We are indebted to Samuel C. Reid, jr.. Esq of Washington, for a po.nipil:N, entitled "Ilisto ry of the Design of the Present Flag of the Uni ted States." The first rational flag tithe present design, adopted iu 1818, was made under the di rection of the veteran and gallant Capt. who commanded the privateer General Armstreug and is still living. Conclusive contemporary ev Jolene° of this is presented in this pamphlet. Let us supply a 'Lae prior history. A 80-- ton letter of January, 1777, 1311yz : can seethe rebels' camp very plain, whose color a 1:i.1 while ago were entirely fed," but "they hay,' ho stEd the Union fiat'." Another Boston letter, dated January, 1776, speaks of this Unioo tla o. t, as having "thirVen siripo3." which was at Mount Pisgah ," s late cf thirteen gum." and ..thirteen cheer::'' and Washington says, in a letter dated January 4, 1778, that this.' Union flag " 151.1.3 hOL,II€ 1:: compliment to the United colonies, on the which gave being" to the "new army. " This, then, was the period of the origin of the thirtr,l, stripes. This design end that of the stars wits made the national flag in 1777. The stripes continued to ',utility as Eta% were added to the TjUi.,.., :10 111:2...t nuttil , ,r go to be eighteen ; and the beauty of the flag i r tened to he destroyed. At lougth Congre:e :ermined to alter it; and, ...on being opplie 1 - E=IN main ones being tile happy ones t: r.:turt ~ rieinalthitteen R.tripeP and to Sznte. On the 25tb. of c•.: nil CP'''f Congress made izquirte , " with thirteen stripes and :wenty form ing one great luminary, as per pasteboard plan you C , -.l.)Ttda Etved) haridcd " for 1. , € , cov,- pa , sed April 4th. 1810, fuoi woot Into effrei ou Lt . Jul, patuil'et t 5 t•:;.eeejiuely ll , tt 1 t' ,I I,LI:. flt 1 has the speech ;vh,ch Mr WeEdever made gl ten to [lt,. 1.1:117 . • C,3:•pt3,ra the cleeg., •Ji the present tl,2.—Boston Poet, Englona 3undt:n.4 Vassals of War. The English government has tho following vessels of war in course k) building at Pem broke dock-yard : The Howe, 121 gut: vengo, 91 gun:. •,t,16 wiling ship. 116 e 400 horse power; ur,,11; :power ; iuunortance, ;Jo g, s. 600 DEfie.uee, 94 gun=, 800 17 guns, 200 b9r3e powt.. Tint for.., opleralid equadrou of four lute -r,f-hratte three powerful fin:a-cities frigates, wit./ taco new climes corvettes. 11,•:U:11 L_ 011 , ,rtly BM= .it of tn: , re CL Z.1 . •••1: bV• iLdie /4111;Aliit i LAL , itU mentions V;CkiC,il Er,g11.,:11 i.:1111,,er. BEEESIIII I===i =NZ C - Itytdt ,OUu C•!i•Le•[ . •i .lu, 11, pit, - , in V/Vrt. -,4-itLkss the c.i2ell - reov , l Hi 1 1 , il`," *i ,r 1; ' t :On :111k1 =MEI Pavi L' Ihl Tb cot.- 1 y i t:•,1 hut htth f1,[10,! ilnd• - !.i'21 . 0 .7 W p pint•.l t - r,inuo. •.f vs.•'.vt! P.D.ti t..• )11r, _ c tirt: j f tcr 11;11) A bri, -r: 1 =ME fhr iz t 'et( ti Toaitraokiy. ti uKsy , \% r Fell. sth, 1837. - BtERHA E'S HOLLAND e .roui . Ur NEviJtor, curative p MOODY & CAROTHERS. M, Mar:„12.,,,1, 31A, 1857. RSf,rc.:. I never v-it ;he benefit of pr,y tu-Akeine mud from the butte c,i I_;kEI:tiAVES HOLLANI MITERS 1 purchased Whitt KaUV 'herd I can get it, v,ithou: fear .-,; (Sigecd,) JOS.1•:P11 C. DELLET. FROM A DRUGGIS F. A Do;:. 15, 1556. MEBEits. B. l'AuH, Jr. Co. Dear Sirs-1 i.urche.ied 1 doz. your BIER ir un your Irß.vc , , tug sgcnt, due section. Send me Lin , , , dozen, for which I enolosu the money. W. C. BOVARD. ;or tioactrui Bold ptr or Lis bottles IL,r $5, t PligC. Jr., Co., N 17 Wood Ni.W.:;975 gint and Second et oete, Iii1011!!1:11,0, raraming, May 23d, ItARAII ANN, ILi,II, 'fOVOO l l and ki...rret Carnahan. The t - nner ,, l o i l ink° pl.tte ar 2 o'ci.x..l: thin lineman, front tile renict ..1 .0 Birmingham. The Biende of the ...wilily are tr.l:l,l:,:liy ioVittA to attend. A. I:lp:_.' tic EA V. it A Ali L:E CL B'_). few Lia;i.t a.ei we NiorAo.: i,t,,31.11 , 11,., cure of Fever ! Agee Ly the flee of C'e pr. pared J'.. We h .ve now another ti.a,a. 74: Cl= of ale . Sharpe, of Mtdieriniair,z, b,0:01 taut no had may sevcre attack and Ire - inr, Luat t,:. .n matured by the use tf Mr. S:11,11), u u t n,r, an upici(n, u . :.1. orva: - ..ion, that the the beet far L liens complathts ere: - effaced in ee..tien of country. Although l-ug gays tumedy for chronic of U.-putic deraugeaa-t, di -A-ates the Live,', the pruprzethra, tenting Pr,-, 0: lir. not pr., itthd fir the lregurg,t, but gratitiirr, - ; evidon - cs:, of i:a genbral utthry and curatve capacity. in this respect, this I a their rn:st sanKu,e, aol 1 olea0.1:1,111 to hip. , it will ho intro. _.,.,.n L_• eit-. f the be rittl•frit t.r, all: for Or. M'LANE::i r, E!.I :CAI' t;fo I rualtuf=turea by t it a. Tiler, are irti,r 7 , r V 4 L'::11,. Df. L , I . LFIDe'tIa,DDILt , E.. 1 LI, ark.i. tin Yant i:014. .57 ' • .tn, , . , .1.1w , 1hw I t.stll:4 11: 1,..1.1. , 1ttel ...1....,11,..i-e1t.i...,...-4,416..3 .., - - - ..,--•-•• .', Ii ' :1 ::' ; 11 f . ..) V E 7 1. ' f ' l 7' I b Fo , til E .i - r S. Es Ki i :3 • 1 •• Cho wookih, • 1,...11 A ) goods; 5,51.- lot - , to F 3) l'oncert•it.u: voitt-rti, tit . Ard tsis.csa. to their jokea, .`. is v.. .. w. oar 1. L. i‘:• t; clue, - to• ut. tone ant soaa t 44, TA Y ,c )1? A: "I' S WI (, I , ', VI L LE, I'OR S A ki..tqlll.,t f S ruuut vvitit lure to; Of gc on.; 1...•. : ;. t. lee. $lBOll. 'Corm • ,212 SON, 51 1.1r1: , t - ,WE L... Nt HOL'ii"; 011 Franklin Et reet Prlro r by ,t!t , t • , Mark it. OE NEW AND AN (I_o A.l )DN Eq) Y, ti CP.- D. 4 Y, May 23th, 27th, 'tith an' 149th, at ten an. 11.., o o'clociv., each day, will be uold a try stuck .1 valuAbl. • clothing, new and necoad hand, r a. ,atek, Pa ~nhia•le...z. wakh utile: be ctoend without .•+ rat,. o;, ~.he :air.:; days Tire eteck anprehende ovary ti L•ci of ;22utIninea's Wear in oxtonsive variety of material eaperier Mask at k and Drees Coate, light any Ca:1.3111,T0 C li:Eirk Cloth and Casai nitre 0r,,, [iota, and Tweed Pants, . mod Ole "cote, and a large u teck of Summer Cloth ot every aryl , a... 1 variety. nn - 24 P. L. D Auctioneer. PREFERRED sTocK AT AUCTIO. - 4.—On TUESDAY evenin g , ;lune 1,, at 8 o'clock, at the Commercial Salesrooms, No. 64 P:it'u street, Will be ..obt by or dor of oars. C. Ihmtun and IV. Acle , cort, Tv.-enty T ousand Dollars of preferred stock tit toe Isirmin g nain act! Pittsburgh Brid g e Company in lots to suit purchttsn,, which will be entittetl to a dividend eif tin p.r per annum out of the toild f laid bridge bctoro divaiund is paid ou the other stock irsued by the said company. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. pROMIL , SORY NOTES AND DRAFTS— En g rave,i, Litho g ropheil and Prin ed. for sale by w. myt:4 4:orner Fiarket and Second tits. pmN FED 131 BOOKS —Assorted iizee, at W. S. HAVEN'S my'24 stationary Warelubnin. 4 - vim 800 —Ou all the Banks and Brokers st W. 6. HAVEN', mr2.4 Printer a.,d Stationer. COPY I N - G PRESSES, Copying Buoi6, Oil Pape , thr ache by I' a. HAVEN, 1.124 Cot tier ltlarker and eecond 1:0“. DOTI, TO sacks choice wbito ,tutincmck Potacoss, large and g ood, just re4:eiv..,l an d for sale by JAS. A. FETZE4, mr24 Cm-nor Idarkbt and First eta -D ED .‘_.PPLES —5O bush. Brightirri s ea Apples just received and for sal:, by JAS. A. SETZEP., tur24 Corner Market and Nocoud sts. - - - OWEN & HURLBUT'S I.IZVING MILL LEY. - E?. PA PHR—For sale by L AY & BRO.'SPRINTING INKS—SoId lA , [mr.24l J. R. WELDIN. TN°. D. WOREARYS' COL'D PRINTING IN 1-i--*',1.1 by 1 rar:k4l J. R. WELDIN. n AY POTTER'S PRINTERS ' CA RDS:— A , 4.: S ,, lci by 1n13.41 5 . ti. Mr - ELDIN f AWRENUE, COHEN & CO.'S DOUBLE A ENAMELED VISITING DARDS —.S'.ll by In y '24 .1 R. WELL/IN. D E LA RU NOTE PAPER AND EN vEl..,uvEz—soici by [my:A] J. ft. Wr:l.!,iy. rriilßD ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS NOW oponitig A BOY HAVE A PROPER an,l eue of the Lent way.i to accomplish Vain is b, keep nit., neatly, fanitionably uu I seate-iably Mad. Thin sin be done at ice hati:e3 Caester. We have t.olo ready for in,;ectatu and nal:: eeveta , entirely n", fit 5t:41,,,. , of bort' dreat and 3.:1 Out which we iun to the attention of burcaisera C r street and Dianioud Al . 1,4 -1 RANK T-...01t-'..ESTEll.—'ihis eminera, I.atlinel2. end, La, Ltst zdenin ever the minds of 10 .try beer. deligt.:..d with his wi itings. .10 this cuhnection, ill remark that tilt beat Grits. EiAllllO, I.s•tle, and in eh.r: all kinds of sporting apparatus. to be [band in this city, is at TItITLICir:3, me 22 ti 0.1.36 Woad street. 11A G EN'rS' t . I ._ IT El - t 6 SHOES ; And *Lees: ,11,1 Shot , '", V,utl,s' And Sin es ChiLir:li', (32.1 - ..rr? tind Sho , 6 ; . li;drf.rti; G ,, t 4' C, , t I'aLcnt. I C.,- r I" . uitt• " ut " •" (I mai for Bale I,y CI T 1 . 4 t)I A LBB C (_'() BS.---The fun. the , India liabl,t-r Cl. 1; J. t IT. `;illA Eli BB E C 0 Til (I—Of all Ala.,. oil large r.s.ortrwint rtlWuys cu hand, at Ow IT,(1 iThput to t.:wn, ikrul lac.; j:;.'11 to I . 'o, R'.; qlf!, h aim Ic, :a:1 1.;a3 114 '.t.11 1411.1 z h ill >li- by Dr Bartine, DIED: BUTLEIt CUUNTY, May 19, 1559 Wi2 i'itt,bu ; kot CliTiil3E4:l' s suN 01 Ali rket ht a t For sale or J R. WELDIN, Wood street, near Four h C. HANSON LOVE, (For merly Love Brothers,) 94 Mark©t etroet Flfth Itutar IFFENBACiiirrL J. & U. PIIILLIPe", 16 and 2.6 t- Clair street. IDVER'FgSERIENTS. EAVE PITTSBURG LI FIRM/ DAIL'S, Dli.:-,(1-11, 'TUE RENOWN ED ' garee and Oeld in Qa po do as they The trot will ' come off at 4 o'clock P. M, preci+ely Cara leave the URGEO..; CHIROPODIST, e*.senger Depet of the Penneylvania r , ren.,!cig to the greundcl. td OF PAR IS •Ort *if" • . - ______ N u ,T741„;.00 r • 1111% uN LY PROFESSOR OF TBIS M PORTANT BUT NEGLECTED BRANCH OF SURGERY, WHO OURE,:,, ARNS, BUNIONS, SOFT CORNS, DISEASED NAILS, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE FEET, WI 7 110 UT CUTTING 011 CAUSING IHE LEAt4 . PAIN, tie that. the meet timid pf..rwtos way p/ack) t Lom aslvo3 with the utmost confidence t'•n der such age treatment WHAT IS A CORN 7 Cerro are a tubercular excrescence. similar to a wit: t, which develop themselves on the toes; between the too?, (soft erns on the soles of the feet,) and the Joint of the big tees. (bunions.) THEY ARE PRODUCED BY MANY CAUSES Ist- The 42ompresicu car.sod by Ft narrow. and I..trinu. larly by a ahort 'shoe. 21. Sometimea th,itiUnS is the alto, allllOO too large, in which the feat rli, s 3d. St-ckim., ill fitting, and forming plaits cf also aye n cause of corns, espa:lially in walking upon , J•rop,tinaver brok:u parent urn; the contiunal rubbing cf the on or hoot at the joints determtee a point of irritation; thete from reeult large und I.ainful C:rna,, and fa , '.t Came. Many who ur thus afflicted have a r,.courae N. a razo: or r.C1E.: , 07 , , !Old cut ( , 11 the etTerlicieg of the. COCO HO obtain relief for a few daya BUT WIIAT IS THE lIESULT? By inncon of cnttiq• - , the f - XCresCenen opportun.ty of exp•rudiug, b.rd,ring 111,1, hin•if, 611 vu the-sn place, by cutting, you may grow a ntallbrl : I which it is in vain that it is cut nr piastnrsrl. t. 19118 stt.y a 1,a16 t icy wit , * :ring sL. Litt tha. t.:a: • not be laid to the id. a that the•, , cif, L, rdinpxy dv , cription wul ue, gi licita•C urrd• r . Hue!, ircum,..u.:os, be WHAT MUST BE DONE ? Tb'E CORNS MUST BE EXTUACTED based oi•~ DR. scur..os.:! , ,, by n NyAteln at once ncvel, long • xperionce, and approvod by the highest rr••••!•c auth••• and whish can only so card, d c ut by 1•o. ••;f, ,ro:oLdod. in extracting the Corns. no nattET what il.t r macros, without, giving the least ram or iuconvonieut•, Dither dut.r. ilirlrr , ino, al, or n:tosw,rds. Jiy- The following teatimoLiala front Pittthloixoll al similar to a Erat ruml, , In the Do, f,,r's . PITTSBURGII TESTIMONIALS. [From P. W. Wilson.; That othero may receive a aimilar benefit. I take in adding my testimony to the great skillfulness c; Schlosser, in extracting several corps from my feat, yr:thou any pain, and I cieerfully recomnt-rid him L. tlicse tug from similar ounce. F. W. Wit :ix. Pittsburg, May 11, 1808. [From Thomas M. Nl,e - Eleall, E.m.l Pr..9.chlosenr. hem unmated upon my MA fur cornu, ult.! skill and without pant. To. M. nilLilikLl.. Pittsburgh, May 1.. i, 1.6[6. [From L C. Washburn, Dr. Scialozsar ha oporatod on my feet for curiae, withou pain and to my tatialliction. L. C. WA.3.I3IICHN. Pittsburgh, Nay la, 18E8. [From C. A. Shaefe.r.j • Dr. 2cb.loaser hart operated on my coma with the a!lahtei t pain, and to my aatistlaction. Baltimore, March. I From R. C. Tilghman.) Dr. Schlosser has removed my corns with great skill, and and to my satisfaction. It. C. TILGEDIe.N. Baltimore, March [Frcra Lion Wm. F. Phillips J Ir. Schlosser has operate ii on the feet of tv.o of my lard ly vera satisfactorily, and without glYn_s: aoy pain. SVn tom F. [Prom B. A. Maguire, President of Georgetown College. j I am pleased to certify that I have been rely succecainlly operated on by Dr. Schlosser, and without the least part. B. A. MAGtrlki-6. LFrom Col. W. Rice, proprietor of the PerinHylyaniand Mr Schlosser has extracted two corns from my toe, which were extremely painful for many years. The extraordinary ease with which he operated is remarkable, and I chcerlul ly recommend him t all who cry troubled with COILIti, as the only person I hare ever known to perform the operation scientifically and without the least pain. Wm. ltics. Philadelphia, September 23d, 18h7. [From Dr. S. M. Lmdis, Physician to the City Water Cure Institute nt Philadel phial Mr. Schlosser has extracted eight painful come iron ta toes without the least pain, with the greatest satisfaction to myself. I would by all means recommend him to every body who is tormented with the e evils. d. M. Le ND's, 11. D iFrona Pima Butler, Etq Mr. Bohiu:ser hm extracted a number of corns from my feet with i s reat Ail' and without path rhiladeiphia, Nov. 9, 1851 !From Dr. Gilbert.l Mr. Schlosser has removed four come for me without pain sod with great shill. DB. GILBERT. Philadelphia, October, 1857. Mason, Ai:Jeri:an Arid n.ssaclor in Paris.] I certify that Mr. 5cii1056 , ...r has extracted for me a 111/11 bcr ulcorus without pain, and to my Kitisfaction. (From 11. G. Powidra.) Ir. Ecialoeser hat taitiu out twelve corns for ma V7iLiludt the Elighte3t pain, and to in ratisfactio., From Ch. D. Thomas.] Er. !,Musser has extracted eight corns from my 112,,2t %vitt, out the least pain, and I can cheerfully recommend him to all who are afflicted with corns or BIIIELREIS. Philadelphia, October 3, lsn. THOLIA.e. [From B. S. Verdi, )1. D.] certify that 1 have lean very encueeefully operattA n by Dr. Echlouser, without undergoing pain of any mutt B. B. V.E3DI., M. b. ger DR. SCHLO6SER may be consulted FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY, From 10 o'clock A. 11., till 5 o'6look P. If., at his UONSULTLtiG ROOMS, NO. 154 THIRD STREET, RIGHT HAND SIDE, ABOVE SMITEIFLELD N. B.—Dr. ciet.l&ceer can be eu:inulteg 'July at Sic Roome, as he attends no r atients out , f I,ij unless invalids. M., No professional oonneotion with r,ny une my'24KE-I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOKS AND GIFTS. A PRIZE WITH EACH BOOK. :VANS & CO., At., ogam at the old sta[ei, •.w Tto•y i.rr t , ,uliLo'..l to give KE AT ER BARGAINS Ihna c.s,r befor:• offered Tho publlc reqiiK,ciluiiy invited t c,ll, and examine their stock and Fit•Cllrl. Largaa, et 8 Market Street, Tuir.i and Folit th. GRAN!) OF ;PEED,-- O 6PEED.-- oN fiLIDAY, THE Sara MAY., There w , ll ho a premium 0: a tot of SPLENDID IiARNEgS, worth t COLLINS' PALLET, near Eat Liberty, Fa., t, Elto owner of the lirrse, Mara or Lie!,lio, that will trot a mile nearest to TEUTEE MINUTES. tree to all lioraoa, CO L LIN S' PARK TROTTING ASSOCIATION. ARRANGEUENT FOR TH} SEARON OF 1858. r:eason T ckrt Carrie.go and Pair., Lior,,e and Buggy Itoreeturo. a UCLA.. i'edeetrial a, ,each Lathe., Free l'emiria not having ettaßoll TicitotA will be charged One L'otlar extra for the privilege el driving or riding on the course each time Tieket 1 can le had at :he cornv, - of Liberty and Wayne .troota, crew It I: ti A L AV, or at toe gate. I my2l:lm DOINT BOX FACIORY.— BusllA. & GUTENDOR}' just tttel up older, now machinery of tim laiast lie proY(.lll ,, r.t, lot th- manufacture of Bozos of every description. W. 11.0 pre ~ red t, make to order at rhort a,- suitable for B,,ap Packing Boxes fm Hardware, rorbty Goods. Looking Glass and Picture Frames etc. irdsre promptly till, d. my23il nt poINT BOX FACTOR Y.— BUSIIA 8 GLITENDORF )I,nufact ure to order, BOXES suitable for Poop and Candles, florae are Variety etc 11:;!.... • 'rclers promptly Arai - J. City Commercial College, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. Board of 12 Trustees—Faculty of 14 Teachers 3UU SIDDZN TS ATTENDING, J .kNILLS.I", 1858. /yang item Prepared for Actual Ditties of the Counting Ram NSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE A. and Double-Entry, Book• Keeping, se need in every (le per tmedit of 6uNiue.3. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Bind -1..C.2.d Writing, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, Phonography, aid is:l other subjects neesseary for the thor oti:b educ itiou of a practical business man. .1 C. SMITH. A. di., Professor of Booir.lloeping and ncieuce of Account... J. A. HENDRICK and H. L. HUTSON, Assistant Teach ers of Buoli•li, ping. ALEX OD i71..177., A. T. DOLITE.ETT, and IL J. HUMON Profeasor6 Pehumushw—twelve first premiums over al competition for tint Pen and Ink Writing, AND NOT POE ENGRAVED WORE, ."11 J. C P , JPiTEE, Prof of Mathematics. ok—Full course. time unlimited, enter et any time A‘rnmzu t,me, 8 to 12 weeks. Board about $2,50. Entire ‘,.:et, suo to 1,70. Graduates assisted in obtai aim: a 91:113(iJ11. Specimens of unequalled writing and circolsas sent free. Ad]rl,6B, P. W. JENKINS, my2o Pittsburgh, Penwlivania. WHITE, BLACK AND TAN COLORED RUCLIE2 AND FLOWDIt2 NE STu•,6 OP ENNA), AT jOS. HORNE'S, 77 Mark , t, WRAPPING Pi\ PER.- reamm Crown Wrapping—straw; " Medium o 114 60 Double Med. " 2.0 •• Doub. Crown to " " Crown " 50 Med. " 100 - Crown 10') Medium e by WM. G. JOHN3TON & CO, Pamir Dealers, 67 Wood reel f k.)IISE: AND SIGN PAINTING done in Ly. the tu tud..r, cud ou reaaonable terms by J. F. U. PHILLIk'S;, 26 111 , A 23 St. Clair street. N vt:;: sr. -2 cases Manilla. Indigo, just re ~1, ate r bait. a Ilk: !ierees prime ilew thee, Low r f r eak• by El: i —3t,') bags, gJod toe voice . .• A' I :or SA by NI. I LE: n. 2 RIG KEMON. Pit'sbur,b, Water :lire; F. 63 t a blishment. tE CURE OF A.I. KI Nll.l', OF s I cmod id ILA Y; 41 ; I [LE srAroN, on tho r•o- 3,1 Chicagoll.tiruad, ten miles We.d of c.ty. For the hee.!thfut exercise and umu,maut sua • therH frig •elly to the system, WI. laity W..,4 to spend .mue time with un , we have later IrrtCLed du GY 'IIY ASILI an, BOWLING A LLE.Y. dd. - es; Box 1344, Pittsburgh, Pa J. I{WIFOILD, 11 D., } • . ruysvmuu3 M . - D. ; , ty7tkau,aau~-ial NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS.- In pursuance of a reso lution adopted by the Monument Commissioners, ate moni tor. at RAI risburg, on the 13th instant, Piaui, Specifications and retimates are invited for the erection of a MON U M NL' to the memory of Citizens of Pennsylvania, who lost toeir tive.i in the late War with Mexico. The coi.t of which, 13 not to exceed the surn of 'l' 111 fin' Tilt:LidAN Li DOLLARS. Conkrottnicatione to be addreeatd to the Governor, at Liar tieburg. Pe , hoes feruishisg Mitts, will please send their ESTI XAI".ES under eted, as they will be fur the use of th, , Com• )r the which may be adopted, a premium of Two Hundred Dollars will be allowed. ny19.1j31 - & & SONS IMNIENSE AND PRESSING DEMAND STEIN WAY & SONS PIA_NOS, C. A. E.211.t.d1.11:1 thus g delay - ed the ro,leuishiug of the eubscribur ,toch cf 1.1.1r643 L11,41.13' ozmtruinects. They to be able, to hi:ILK/1111U. CO Inc public and the runny admirers of these SUPERIOR PIANO FORTES, That a small invoice of them has, at last, arrived, and 1. ready at their Wareroorus fo, examinati.o cud inspectlor. Having to store PIANO'S, from the BEST MAKERS OF BOSTON, NEW YORK, ETC., ETC., Purctrasett. , can easily arrive at a satisfactory and conclnev opinion, t 3 to their relative merit', by actual RISON AND EXPERIMENT We could adduce hore, were It necessary thu certificates al d euinions of ieme t-e beat Pianists in the world, including THALBERG, GOTTSCHALK, MASON, ETC., ETC. t is a s4 : !,..nlficant fact, that the Bret and greatest Such as c+OTTsOIIALIK, WM% MASON, and others prefer STEINWAY & SON'S PIANOS to all others, and pronounce them supr,slor in EVERY RESPECT, to any made In this coun try or In We respectfully ask the public to call, tiiY AND JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES, Confident that STEINWAY 1c SONS PIANOS will more ettectnally SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, than aught that we, or un'• uody else. could say in their favor. P. S.—A:lto received a full stock of NIMEts & Clark's Piano:, H. KLEBER & BRO., Sole Agents :or SteiuWay & Sons, Nunns & Clark, etc., m ylB No. f.,3 Fifth rtreut, BIIILL R. MERCHANT No. 52 St. Glair Street, Is prepared to furnish Lim customersand buyers gel]. ,rally, with the latest and mc,t fashionable styles of Spring and summer Goods of every yam ty, ahleti he will make up to order to the entire Hattatacti,m of than who may favor iv with tilPir patronage. myl7:l ta A. G. Pow u. ,oNSTANTLY ON HAND A PULL SUPPLY OP WiIITE FIMJ, -14- Orders accompanied by the CASH, will meat ptnmpt att,utiou rnyl4:oyl-2p UTTER.-3 bblb. fresh roll, for bale by Eu mtlB I:WRY EL COLLIN@ TINE APPLES.-100 received this day and tor sale by REYMER tr. ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood btieet, pogiin St. Chalice ItIRBONS, RITCLIES AND FLOWERS.-- —Triaarui uiat, EiLbroiarie., Skelvtona, CorEats, and i.a.g Ile, of oth4..r no 4 cheap, at tIORNIVS, ni.71777 Market street. erg R. ALLEN'S 3iA RESTORER.-4 and for bah: by IL. .1 , ...A.11NE5T0013: CO. . •_ _ _ ELL° w uC Ll RE. —5O barrels on hand, firml Ly I; L. FAILNESTOOK CO, EI) I/ .No. cqr wud Fourth hta eets. - -• • TARTARIC ea. , ,es on band,ancl if!! Ilea, by (my2l.) F, L. FABXESTOC.II & CO. 0 REAbI TAR:TAIL-3500 IN. on hand and ‘,/ for eau by (py2.l) B. L. FAILLIEBTOOR a 00. .Irila.rket Street, staedard and miecel FATES OF 11,31191310 N -/ • ' / (_,,-,,,,•,'7i,..1.,.-',/: / i , ( , ENGLISH CRAPE, 1111LLE tt F..CKE, L:drb. Buda, just re LIE;:t tics ETS. By order of the C,ommigai,oners. • JOUN W. GEARY, Secretary FRESH ARRIVAL EMEMB Pl_4 NIS-7'S 4 MEI? ICA N SAMUEL GRAY, I'ITTSBORGH, PEN.II , " A., FISH! FISII! 6AL_ION, 111.11th.11 , ;(14, HEPiRY B. COLLINS, 1Nt1 4 . 1 1-.:•... .1::. h. FAIsAlEit& A_ND MtCtiAN IC. FLRE AND MARINE N. W. COILNEIt 01 0 SkA,OND AND WALNUT evira.Ts, PIELADELPEaI. Asarrs--$':30,894. i'II s TSBUROLI OFFICE, ::,,,. 00 WATER.. BTKEET. 1108. J. ',INTER, Agent. The following list will show the amount paid at the Pittsburgh Agency for B.ases tram June, 1856, to Ape% 1858: herbert G00da1.......$ 506 v. , h. Llill &Cu ll 150 15 Wm. Bidden 500 00 It.,:li'r Milani. C 0.... 13 124 Frank Wolff 400 00 Wm. Magee 75 00 M. Lines 106 00 J. Iluwar,l ,i C0........1,600 00 W. W. M'Ortg:or ... BCmI W. Dilworth, 1,1,q ... 1,115 00 John Heath it 7 ::0 J. M. Irwin, E...,,i...... i1t.,0 04) J. J. House & Co..— 330 07 Edw. Z•ipence, ....,(... 54 00 Newmyer & Gr./ft.-1,682 72 C. H. I'w/idea 550 04) John Thompson 200 00 1,11;.:16h & B..e.k,Fi. Ws DA 00 l Henry Feidbusch... 20 uu Brewer, num et W.. 000 John Watson 23 00 13.. 11111 & C... ......... .. 400 65 J. M. Hass 10 00 Win. ;11'lleoary t:0 01.) ?helps, Carr & 1 / 4 2u... 4,600 00 it. all et Cu 23 40 J. I. House & C 0...... 61 00 Sp.A.ig &Co 33 0 Jas, Woods, Esq.... 29 00 Selvage ou ateunter Win. M'Cully & W... 2,579 17 eArcola • 71 11 Jurors Mellinger 1,000 001 Adams & M'Cliurock 49 00 W. M'Cully & C 0..... 750 00 11.1Iarnard ....... ...... 54 00 Total $20,101 84 ST.t.'tE 0.1 , 1 . 1::::.5a.V!ti11., t City of Pittsburgh, E 13.1 Before me, sh Alderman in and fur said city, personally "Me Th o . llo B J. Bunter, Agent of the Farmers and Mee chahica' Imurtnce Comi an), who being duly sworn, ac cording to law, cloth depose and eay that the foregoisi, statement is true. TELL'S. J. kILNTlift, Agent. Sworn and subscribed before me, April 7, 1858. 04,23 LLONA.D.D S. JOIINS, Alderman. - ___ D 1E LAW ilk aJT ai SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANI: INc(2-ApoRATE D BY T 10..; LEMSLATI:RE nt" P. 571 6 YLVANIA, OFFICE, E. CORKER TIIIR.D AND iVALNUT PTI I LADELPIIIA. MARINE IHSURAUCE. ON V E.1 1 :3 S. } Cdliliil To YiLlilli UT, EiLt. ND LN MLA C u Ciirrxii, by !liver, Orionis, n:, .t all parts of the FIRE INSIIRLNCE'S On 111erchanriiso generoily. Ju Stores, Dwelling Bosses, etc. .ASSETS OF THE COMPAIN November 2, 1537. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real I,..3tate .5101,350 041 Philadelphia City, and other Lean 5........... 137 ) 011 lia stuck iu Banks, Railroads and Insuraac.} 12,508110 Companies Bills Receivable ' 220,291 95 Casl... on hand . 38,892 50 Balance In hands of Agents, Prim:turas on Marine Policies recently itsned,onic 9:3,730 59 other debts due the Company ctbscription Notes. William Martin, Joseph H. Beal, lidnannd A. Solider, John C. Davis, John R. l'enrcee, George G. Leiner, ?Award Darlington, Dr. R. Ali. alltitoll, William 0. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Spencer lintirain, Charles Kelley, EL Jonea Brookz, Jacob P. Jones, Taw. 0. U.Abru, Vito ?Tug:Leal aIIXia iffi/3171111, Secratary. T E GREAT WESTERN Vire and rdarine Insurnnee Vo.i Office in Company's Building, No. 403 Walnut. Corner of Fourth Street, rii , Alazka) CAPITAL-. Capital paid iu Burplu2, Janary Ist, ldba FIAT 1N81.32. CE--Limited or Perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE, on Vaa,ols, C:tf - e0 ZVI'? Freights. AND INSUF.A.NCE by River., 0 - inals, '.ekes and Laud Carriages DIEECTOEd: Charles C. Lathrop, 1-123 Walnut. street . . William Darling. 1510 vine stret. Alexander Whilldon, Merchant, 18 North Fronf.. Iraao Hazleharst, Attorney and Counsellor. John C. Limiter, firm of Wright, limiter a. Co. E. Tracy, firm of' Tracy & Gol.ninitii'l John R. McCurdy, firm of Jones White McCurdy Thomas L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie it Zeller. James 13. smith, firm of James 611thli ek. Hon. ll..ury 11. Fuller, ofii3O .oath Tlt,rl street. John C. Vogdes, cillee corner of See Di , r.r,l hansom. James Weigat, late Unshier Bank of Tioga. hlfred Ts,lor office Cairo City I ro:.erty. Jolla J. r•l•ichin, office 226 Routh Third utile 0 C. LATiIII(T, I.!riV!. : .5 aIJNG, Vice ''t,.sifient 1.1t117. - 13 C.111:60 .Y ' B Ott Sll st r ;, secosecondPies't, - JAKEe h...crtr ir3 r Pennsylvania insurance Company OF PITTSBURGH. Tlte , . , i) Painter ody Pat torson V. B. Mcßride, . Grit - 'Sproul. A. a. S luip3on henry Sproul, Chartered Cap; 1..4 FT ILE !CND AF.IN MONONG A HELA [INSURANCE COMPANY, JAMES G. lIENE.Y M. ATWOOD, Secretary. 98 Water Street. WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL KINDS olr FIRE AN; 111ARINE RISKS. Stock, Due Bill; payable on let_oarnl, der:tired by two approved names 4140,000 00 Premium Notes. 47,003 20 Bills Receivable ...... • ‘ 0,066 21 116 shares Mechanics' Bank stock, cost 50 do Bank of Pittsburgh do do .... 40 do Exchange Bank do do .... 190 do Citizens' Bank du du ^• Balance of Book Accounts. Office Furniture Cash James A. Lintchison. George A. Derry, Wm. B. liolmes, Robert Dalzell, William Rea, Thomas 8. Clarko 3 Wilson Miller, John hi'Derit• ~ rd. 22 Wm. A. Caldwell. A. A. CARRIER Si. BRO., PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. Capital Itepreaented, 03,000,000. 0011PAN1E7 Ul? HIGHEST STANDINU, Chartertd by Pniansylranirt and othvr BLacm. MAIIIN.F, /LID LINE 111S118 IAIiI N, 61 , ALL DESOILLPTIONe.. rs'OUE.Ta STitEET, A. A. CA-UWE/LI FITRIEL72GH, 3 GaiBIZIi. dts.3o-15 TERRA COTTA OR. STONE WATER PIPES. From two to sir. inch calibre. PRICES from 12 to :30 Cents per Foot. ALSO—ROCHESTER For Salo Wholesale at tlianufacturers Prices by UENRY H. COLLINS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. AND WHIN, arty DIAL= IN GREENE, BUTTE.E., sEEEIE-, FISH, AND PRODUCE OENFRALTy. No. 25 Wool) STIIEZT, PITTSBURGEG Lk; f; JAMES ItieLAUGELLIN, LLANIBACYCRER. OP C®olB 9 Cologne Spirits and Fusel Oil, Nos. 167 and 170 Second Street. TAILOR, SAIIUEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER DEALER IN FOREIGN AND ')O I 2I.ESIT) HARD NV .ait.E No. 74 Wood straat, betwaen Dia 1316 allay and Fou.rtb street, • PITTSBUE.O.FI, FA. 4 T 132 oribzctiber 13 now opening a well detected aga,o roent of foreign and doweatic hardware, all now,and will he cold on as good to= as any other house in this city. IY e will alwaya keep on hand a general asaertment of LIARDWARE, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' TOOLS, at., T..• which ho re:pectfully invite 3 the atter:ton of j, cchaeca al/328 . BAMUNI., FINEIXOOI{. PICRY.RFT, MACKEREL 25 WOOD STRIZT. CARTWRIGHT St, YOUNG, (Succwars uO John Cartwright,) - ti - ANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS 2 .1.1. of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burnie 1 and and Den tal Instruments, Guns, Pistols, Fishin g Tackle, etc., No. fir, Wood street. They give special e.ttention the iaanufictar ng of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Julittni.; and Repairing ith.puoctnality and despatch. apl7 - _ O TO 9S N 1 \.") "' . STREET, SECOND DOOR FROM FIFTH, And buy a pair of those de aireble -A Which 11l he 8,, , h1 very cheap for ra=h. I: member V [Mce. J.:,,P;PLi O. cuitLAND, ruyl9 . l k 8 Market gt., ...000ri , trx., from !fifth. OIL CLOTII C RA.511-1500 yards of van oa3 patierus and whit. rretlved tnnn the le. tory, kr sale wholesale or rot :1, by J. ez H. PHILLIPS, 2ti and :48 St. Clair street. MMISEDIE Thc:Thlini Pau!Mug. Jan Traqr.air. William 1 , ,;..rc, Jr.. .1. F. Pcniston, Joshna P. Eyre, damsel E. "ilnnry F, Loan, James B. Mc. Farland, 'Chomas C. nand, Elbert Lurton, Jr., John B. Sompf.e. Piztabargb D. T. Morgan, t, J. T. Logan, ti ?./ Y.. 1 4r E`liN, Praatclem. 35 'Water errant, Pittsburgh OF PHILADELPHIA .V2'22,2.00 00 . b:4277 03 LI. K. Ait It. IV. Art .Y; PittAragh, utradot. EOTORbs J. L'. Taunt,r, (7,2:1. W. finuth, C. A. t:u2tou. A... Juut*J, Jai. L. LJpl: - . 11.1v, a it• A. A. enr , - 1. , r, Hobert Patrick. john Tr.ggurt, ;,!ctlsti °pre Pro3ldent—A. A. CAi. :: Pretiideut—ltC,DY Secretary and Treaanrrr—l. OF PITTSBURGH. ASSETS-MAY 20TH, 1858 DIRIWTOBB PEARL STARCH SPIUNG AND SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES, i .. iakt- 100 2 000 0C 7033,7@i5 31 $ 600,000 7;3'J0,90i1) ;8,186 00 2,750 00 2,050 00 5,176 00 8,058 89 690 88 15,853 78 $287,710 5b