BUSINESS CARDS. AMIIEL C. FirlNOAli.D, ATToarcumie AT LAW, itessimal/2 emu. - Genes, No. 71 GRANT street, brtwoen Yonath street nO Diamond alley. ap6 ItVM NMES A. E, Attorney at Law, Ep Fourth btrt-et, Pittsburgh,betwecm Swith2old and cu;t;y MIL, Surgeon Dentist, enceeti,or to G. • W. Biddle, No. 114 thuitlelleld etroet. air ouirt Lori from S to 1 o'clock, cud from 2 to 5 o'clock. SCOTT, I)entist,_Fourth street, five dooru „ wait of Markot. Offlco hotire from 9 o'clock A. hi. to b o'clock P. M. ..-Ay SCII.OO N MAKER, Manufacturer of ey . White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Lithargo, Putty, a.e. Wholesale doalet in Oils, Paints, Varuishea, Turpetitirie, .kc_, No. 24, V. ood street, Pittsburgh, niy22 OSEPH FLEMING, successor to L. Wil cox tt Co., corner of Market street and tho Diamond, keeps constantly on hand a full toiaultmont or DlttiUN, M NU LCL\Sd, MEDICINE: CIIEATS, PEIINTIMEILY, and all urti tie, pertaining to his loudness -441" Physiciaual Prescriptions care fully compounded at all 11 Cfartl. je P.} I W. CII:AIDAVICK, dealer in Kentucky A.. ...coif TOBACCO, RAGE and PAPER, N., 140 a tre.a, buluw Pittabur,4ll. i) 133 , hight.-A uiarkut prico, in celh, _ .- • -••-• P. MARSHALL & Importers auu 71 o demera in French and AinorlcAn i' A P • ENOS, No. bi Wood ct.rect, ratabut gb. 42r-dodo a..‘utH for the c e lebrated manniactcres of ,3ra. Delicourt ‘Sc Parts. DAVID OAARBELL & SAMUEL p()L_ LOCK have alsociat,l tog.dlior utoler the tiid 1, ul CAMS:ELL A POl,Weli, for L] traliNiction or a w•I•ortil Variety and Dry titxxld I)I.I3iIWK, and the nianufacturu of plain and NV:trod Liao Gilt Mouldings. LIDII:o Jur ItETEUM 130111 LR: J. A.NDKIISOM Li FY NJ &AN 'JERSON, (successors to, c 0.,) whoteetsi. do tor, in FOREIGN itILIITS, NETTS, SPICES, CONFEOTIONARY, SUGARS, hr., No. 39 oppouito Ow St. ClLorlea llotel, Ptta burgh. op 2 1. J. ,lILLRSCI.i. -- FlNsoria J. N h C 0.,, Looking lumen Mauullletururt., Rad dealers in L(o)king Pl,, A. Platt, Coml,o and Fancy GoodE, No.7t , 'World str2et, L'itte 3urgb. On hand and rnado to order, Gilt Pier a, Mantle. GL:tO,OO Mahogany, Itoorwood, Wal nut nud Gilt F or ML,Li ld Ing, of every derteriptivn. .ear SteamLont Cation Pecorawil atni . _ BOTTLFItS. -- JOI I N OGDEN & CO., Bull N 0.187 First strata., would respectfully infid - al the pub that they have ounstuntly ou hand a large supply of `SA. I'aINEILAL IA: and POKTNIt, of the I.est quality. ttteritiou of fatuities Is partici:la:ly iiir,,tt , l to Ito [Litt that Choy bottle W.4IN RAO -i. ALP: in :to purest elate Physicians recommend it to 1 , u:ullle ou aocouut of its whoie• lonic 1111(1 strougthouiug qualities. Gotdd:ly J. M. U/1"311,E, MER.CH.ANT (Dr. Iritil2s tzcw =Pain ,) Id•AIL.I.O - W. KERR, ARciii'Llix;T, REINiu‘ED cep from :vr.tuor a Filth and Wood to -.AIR ST rt EF.T, In I'lllll4a new DuiMing—continues to prepare and Bpocille , ations of, and to Superintend Er zits of ovory description of Buildings. PULTON, BE LL AND BRASS , YoUNDER, No. 70 EECiND PittsLitir.itt, Is proems.' to furnish to order CI1U11(111, SI'EASLBOAT, FACTOILI AND 01111:11„ Of 01 sizes, troili 10 to 10,00,111,5. CLIME HELLS made to order A LiO:r. CUCiia of all sizra,fGr Steamboat, MINIMAL WATER ItA LI N. i.-, and over) , voritil) of prune Coalinga twirlifid 11411.11101% 1.3/63111 - T'S ANTI-AITitITION .META FUI.;',J.N.. PA TENT .METALLIO P NeFil No, 1., 5Le...11 y T OUCUIRIDUE ;N:. MAXWELL, 449 MANUFACITUREUN of' Loolttiag-OlaaLes, Bruzia. a ; and Dealorg iu Clocks, Uousa Furntr3hing Uooct 138 Weed 2trecA, above Fiat 1,, hir.chint• Brutitu.s inhfie a. ordv EDUCATIONAL FratlN - As Academy for Baps, 13JD.k.lit THEI Ct,ILE OF TLIE Cusubrlft County, Pa. Pi 11. I S INSTITUTION, NA'i'Uli.A)./., - Y f‘u: Educational purpoc,s, atforde iu dueeir.cuts that can tic for a Catholic Inu'itntion. it IVOILCA in the iino.t healthy and picturesque pJrt 101, of the Allyglienies,c..l.intaut four mil.; fr,inCresnon Station, the direct inailroate i , ot‘icou Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The gcl.ol,vtic year cranintracing the liret Niondity in Septerater, will clove the 16rtia of July following. . . Thd Tonne for Board, including a th,..rongb Eugiinh Scien thic 0 , , , nr4t, am i.i.04) per tinnaro. Th,ClatH:c end Modorn L'ingno„ , . Coro' on eztra charg. t.lO per nonnn, - . Wushiug and we ui Bedding $l9. Yor further pa. `icuihr3 nyply to the superior of the Acw itei r :ircrtrom con b. nude to the Dr. O'Colmott. av50:13,11,,v Vincent's College and Seminary, lILIDDIt. THE CALLE OF Tfilt BEHEDICTIME reTnERs, Nenr Latrobe, Weamorela.nd county, Pa. TN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT THE 1. usual branches of English Education. In the SEIIINABY, the Classics, Mathematics, liistory;Pt lthetorics, Philosophy, etc., and the different branches of higher erudition necessary or useful to thee aspiring to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition are SBU per year, to be paid semi-annually, strictly in advance. tierunin and Vrench and other languages, Drawing, Paint ing and Mritie,forni no extra charges,excepting come recom pensatiou for the nee of instruments. Medicine, Washing, Books, Stationery, etc., form extra charges. For particulars apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate ycar begins on the let of Soptembei, 4!0.1 coda on the 3d of Jnly foliowin4. DRY GOODS RetreEicht! Etetrzacia:: NOTHER CRASII—IN PEACES —136• ing dot,rmin,d sill our stork, though the Tithoo ern Tight," wo havo lotalv n gonortil REDUCED TUE ENTIRE ST ;GE T gall lower prices. .4:0?..N0w is the tioie to buy wllcu unbroken, and the PriccH Put Dow:, I Down!! pJIE LAST CIIANGE IN FIGUR,E;'...— Bouttet Ribbon 6, worth 7600013,4 62 ) 7 por yard. do do do 62% ut 50 do do do do f,O at a 7!, ; ., 141 do do do 37% at '25 .lo J,, , SEPII 1104:1‘.5',, larizut ritrt,:t. iCil VELVET TRIMMINGS, AT ite:DUCKD A etoicesz,rtiaeut hand bad tier sale at G'"T.LEIvIEN'S UNDER GA_RMEN'f--- wo.i, Murinc. Cottou Shirt, and Drawee n—a Iro4b. supply recuived 110111 , :12S, 'lOlO '7 Nlzutet gtrut. j'IVE beats per Pound Reduction in the Pric.o of HEADLEY'S. YARNS.—Whul, , iale 13uy,tr4 and Peddiart: will be furni.,hod with BRADLEY'S THREE-PLY iiNfTrING YARNS at a reduction of Five Ceuta per pound, by the bzu,die, after thin date, For C.azh, and only. JOS. HORN, 77 Market street, Agent for the Zainfm tut,: ighlaßol DER I ES.—Our excellent stock of French EmbrAderi , r, aud the low prices at which they are marked, offere rare imluceweida to ladies wishing to purchase the latest btyka. AIONEY I MONEY I! ED DOWN. 4—ey- Groat, redaction lu Dm price of Eutlwon±cche, We hart one ,Areiully ot-t our iltal(15011.1, elttY..l: of FICENCII-Wollllbll COLLAII, UNDEII :SLEEVES, :%IU".i , .LIN 131t.NDS, elc And faxed the pro_iry to 'illit 11.1, •• ilArli Tikilt,A The Ladies outy rely on getting baremitia at octal 11.01 , ..\.2i. 7; :: _ . WE WILL SE L L 11•0111 the present time Un- . common!) , r.iosp FOE. CASLi. Please cull and prom !no our stock. C. liAlieON LOVE, ccV.:ll Vormori ) Loy..: Moe.. N 0.74 MmUou ?, - RANTED FII.ENCII MERINOES, for 62, and 75 cote, worth $1 and *1;2.5, the boil a4oortiuctit ri In the city. C. LLANSO:J LOVE, (formerly Love Brothera), de2.1.N0 74 .Merkel stress. . . . _ BLACK AND FANCY HAESS SILKS. A full axiom-new, very tI, el: . 0. RANSON LOVE., formed) Love Drutberl, _ t!.. 71 31.1_ , -kut ..tloqt EV.LRY Et.3u:;omical Pt.;;-,.11,1•.,ie.r of I)rc6B Goods, Shawls, Mantles, AT.; also Doia,atic and Sta ple tiooda, will find it to their advantage to cull sod e 1. 1 .11111 oar Now Stosk rf Fall and Win tor Dry Clooduhefore purchas lag etrewha4*. U. il-kNOtiN LOVE, 64.6 1:?....,u0rtv Luce. Dux_ ',!,-, 74 Market at Q.ILA4LS 1 SILAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, Brocha, Sc., both long and &ware, th. , very twat in the City, and at vertt ' low priced /Or cash. C. HA.NSON LOVE, formerly Love Brot., N 0.74 Market street. uov2, DIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for 11. making Baiiqui,3. A large aamortmwrit at de e; GF,O. IL WHITE hE 130 t i ti ET V E VET.—Every variety of Bon aet awl :iatine t for sale at novla ROME*. 20 STEW 'BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- brownai.xtbd Va and ti's, sperm Candles on hand and and 1,4 e:11“ by SOAPS 1,„..7 1000 boxed P.ollin Soap. in lb., 2 lb. nod 3 Ef, barn. [160) " No. 1 Palm &al., in lb., 2 lb. and 3 13). barn. , g6OO " Chemical Olive Soap, in lb. lumps. 200 " Oloine Oxide „ 269 " German 200 " Castile 60 " Pure Palm On hand and for vale by Jail B. 0. ft 3. 11. F , AW Gum- BUFFALO, CALF AND illmli ovERsHOE,s, offered low, at "The People,' Store," No. 17 Fifth street, near Blanket. DIFFENBAC.IiEII. b CO. ONLY $750 FOR .A TWO STORY Dwel- H ug gouge, of four rooms, with lot of gicund 20 feet trout nu Mont, - . coy street, Allegheny city, by 110 de , to un alley. Terre, $.lOO in timid, balance at one, two and three years. 8. CUTIIBEKT Ec SUN, nov24 61 Maryut street. DILE - FAL() SIIOES.—A splendid artiele of JUIF Gents' and Ladles Buffalo Over Shoes. Also, Gents' Calf Over &wee, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street,, nearVasket. nov2l .10 43 / 1 1: 12C0--1-:11 TAILOR NO. 54 SL CLAIR STE HE PiTryxuxua, I'e. I mi~~^; I Y:6" . llElt U. B ,' , ir.;cCa• of tho JOS.. HORN k, 77 Market ttn,t 77 M...rk.A. sere L -PRICES IMISI!!!11 I. O. Ls J. H. SAWYER " is 3 " ili 1 Z.. GROCERS. WM. H. 5a1TH............- WM. 11. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 11S Second is 147 First sts., WiTTSBICMG73, PA. MALEY, COS4-.tAVE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. IS and 20 Wood Street, Wm. MILLER, Phila G. W. 'LUC - Eal'B)N, Vittsb% HILLIER 44.10EILETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, nav 1111'011TE1ticOF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGAR os. 2211 nod 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Stresta, A :;ll wI.L AU ENTS F 01: wearer's City' VrialSS PITTSBURGH, PA. N A CV'I`PJN YARNS, d‘o„ ixo.. CONSTANTLY =Ma ll= o\ Vin M'OANDISSIt. >cikraiii#LEss, r4EADis lUCCESSORS 17101 a f-i'CANDLE3, WHOLESALE GEOCER'6, LISA IN IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON t AKN3, ' TTS 'BURG MANii FACTITUNS AL!tY t2”,rlter of ‘fOkoki Anti Water streets FOR IN A MANG AND COMMISSION JAYtE.S C,C,,E,fi.113;8 'Firt - 6 , aitilil.; aiiii Cotutnission Merchants, rhUPLIWIT. , ;I.3 G 9 1.11.3 Pittabiargb, ArlAdet 611 a 3;c 33 CANAL LINES. Nob. 114 AND 115 WATEM STRZET, PiTTSB.UMILI, PA itHIOIDES, BI GIN a CO., F 0 F. WARDI Nex AND CO`IitiISS ION MERCIRAN'Es, No. 30 BxelarlollE ST., CIIWINNATI, (1.1 jcl;, J. 1). I.IOUSEMAN, (LATE ON' LIOW;EMAN & SMITH,) COMMISSION AND FORWARDING IFIERCM4ATS, No. Ni. Second Street, T. LOUIS, MISS,:,UItI Jour L. LEY !II A LOOLIE L 1.1 C! JOSEPH S. LEEpll & C. )., ^:g05.142 .oail 244 6...Aberts - e•nii„ 11'PTS13UIIGH, PA., 4 7 .1 1 0 Pf:S.dL lEtit C A.ND COMMISSION . MERCIIAN'fS, DEALERS IN k?.. AND 6ACON, N PLA 1%.; ..i:st) TIN N ; 1 10Cli, A PITTSBI CA II MANU C: t. 11. E.: S. w cony G EbiE 1. AL CO id NI I2SI c: V. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, &akti IN=siktngton WYANDOTT' CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY. ItsriatNcrg.—.4.:sepli S. Li3och h Co.. un , aerchantd generbily. 011 AS. LIIIMPLIKETLi, C. J. 1106 An, JOAN Humphreys, flotilla') t it Wright, FLOUR FA ,"10itS, PRODEfiCE AND G-ENER.tii, COMMISSION ME:Rai-WITS, ';5 NORTH WHARVES AND 155 NOATH WATER ST., A.t. , ovu Sireet, itEFEE TO Conrad, Thompson & Co., Thompson, Clark & Young, Siter, Price & Co., Caleb Cope & Co., Barcrof t., Beaver & Co., Canby, Neville a Hughes, E. M. Lewis, Cashier 1. and M. Bank, Joe. G. Mitchell, Cashier M erch's Bank. " Morris L. Hallowell &Co., McCutcheon & John M. ileuvady & Co., lL.IRnel & Co., Pickett, Mathews &Co., Shrewsbury it Price, W. EL Langley to Sous, Lawrence to Mathias, A. D. Bullock & Co., W. Holmes & Co., Bagaley, Oosgrave & Co., ncvl.B.:ly. .A.1.13L11.1 L. WEBB A. L. WEBB & BRO. (Suermusoril tc, EuDr.r. 3G WEBB) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS FOR TUESA LE CF DUPONT'S POWDER LID SAFETY FUSE, Corner Pratt.and Cosameres streets, BALTIMOR E, iiwceive :on Consignment all kind.] of Wc.tern Prudoco, aLd make }“lvtihe. REFERENCE (100. W. Smith et. Co., W. IL Smith a Co., 11. Garrard, Miller & Iticketacm mr•lat-a-w.l3m ENRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Merchant, dealer in 1 , 1211, SEEDL , tin] PROI)U01; geucrully, No. Lb Wood stro€4., nittrfo GLASSWARE. kI.III,GD N. Oti RAID DITITRIDOS L. R.INGWALT. IIIniLING, ROBERTSON & CO., lirlanu vaj facturaro of Cut, PF,38011 and Plain Flint GLASSWARE, w.arehonao No. 17 Wood streeL corner of Front, Pittsburgh. AG other kinds of Glassware and Window tllads, at low - .Market prict.n. ap11:t11y L LLW_La .10SLP1.1 1. ti1.A.24. EDLIF & ULAM, Successors to Mulvany Sr. Ledlie, manufacturorEi of Cut, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSWARE, and dealers iu kinds of Wiudon Glass, FLo s, 'Vials and Bottlea. Ware -110111,8 corner of Y. :Tenet and Wafer etreeta, Pittabugli. niho•tily WINES AND LIQUORS 3011 EN BRYAN & CO., WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLE RS, tio. 155 Liberty Street, l'lttoburgh, AhWays on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, .10iityuvahela and Rectified Whisqns--also, Cherry, Ravin) ry, and (Huger Arandio3. tapP2:ly ONE(IER IMPOICTE;ILS OF eVtalcit atmci ',Jarman WILIAM and Liquorß, OU P AGN E, ka., ko., lea IPaithilele street, between 6th and 7th sta. : I.lls:lyciLvil PITTSBURGH, PA. DEEM EVLIN & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchants and Rectifying Distillers, No. &withheld stroot, Pittsburgh, Pa. apTly fRY APPLES.-50 bbls. bright Dry Ap ples, mvehed end for bale, by ap3 HENRY IL C4/11./N8 ®RN APPLE 6.-15 bbls. choice Apple roceiv&d act for sale by apt, HENRY H. COLLINS. - ;:ur BANS.-20 bbls. small White Beans, just received and for sale by EIRNRY 11. OOLLINF. TIMOTHY SgiED.-10 bags reo'd and for sale by (4P3) LIENRY H. COLLINS. NEW WALL PAPERSCDEAP.T-Still they come. W. P. MARSHALL & Co., I T O 87 Wood stroot. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.- We are daily receiving from our own and Eastern factories, additions to oar stock, which consists in part of Floor Oil Cloths, Carriage Oil Cloths, garniture Oil Cloths, Table Oil Clothe, Crash Oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shades, Buff Hollands, and Shade Trimmings Merchants, Housekeepers, and others, requiring any goods in our lino, are invited to call and examine the stock, and Judge for themselves in regard to the quality and prices. J. it H. PHILLIPS, Nos. 26 and 28 St Clair stmt. 131813.-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trent, Sal mon, etc. rap7l HENRY IL COLLINS. ,IME.-100 barrels fresh Lime just rec'd 41,14 by I=3l HENRY H. OOLT INS. CCHUTNEY .F OPS of various patterns, for Kato tyi [Ear2BJ H. H. HOLLINS. _ _ B ACCO AND CIGARS.—A large assort ment of f“vorlte brands, on hand ILO for gale by WM. H. 13611T11 & CO, 118 Second, and 147 First streets. C HEE SE. -22 5 boxes prime W. R. cutting Meuse received and for eole t yb raiz EMMY H. OOLLINg. JOE. R. HUNTER Itl3' 1h President ot' the ;United N pursuance of law, 1, 4 AMES BU ‘, ciIA.NAN, L'resid:m. of the lihited ,•li.mes A America, do hereby declare foal make kilo, o that public sales will be hold at the undermentioned laud ‘iilices in tio'. NrilaAsS.A., at the periods dereinalter desiensbal, to w.t: At the land Mike at BROWNS VI LA,e, ...oTamencing on Monday, the s zfh day of Sej,rinb-T tar the dispoeal of the public lands within the hollowing named townships, i 7. : North of Ute line and e::3i of the six'h principal That part of township raeeutsido of the Sac and Fox, and Half Freed, Nemaha reservation, range 17. That part of township. 1,2, 3, and 4 outside 01 the Sac and Fox; and Half Breed, Nornaha reservation, and frac tional townships 5 and t, of rungs That part of town:dill, sne outside of the Sac and Fox v,,tv ; township 2, the parts of 1 oWatillills: 3, 4 and 5 outside of the Half Breed, Nuutaha reservation ; and trac tional tom uship 6, of range 16. That part of township ons outside of the Ss, and Fox re servation ; township:: 2,3, and 4; that part of township 5 outside of thy Half Brood, Neuntlia reservation, and town ship 6, of range 14. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 6. of rouge 13. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 6, of cf4ll, 12. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 6, and 6, of range 11. Townships 1,2, 3,4, to and u, of range 11.1. Townships 1,2, 3,4, 6, and 6, of range U. PITTSBURGH At the laud office at Is CI 1 - , L ,rulue, ug uu Monday. the sixth day of September riKet, for the dtHrosal of the yahhc hitt& zithiii the 1 . ‘,11, , , uaw' t.v. "8114,, VIZ:— No;th of the base line and ~,:( Fractional townships 7 and S. of Township 7, and fo, Ls:alp, 'O, 9, 11, and 12, 0 range 11. • Towimnhis 0,5, 10, 'IL slid 112, of range 13. Tee, n shi l ei 7, ]l, aiel fractional townships if and 13, of range 12. Townships of range 11. 7. S. 9, 10, and 11, and hamoual townships I'2. 13, ai.d 14, of rang•• 10. Township 7. 0, ALA 13, and finetional I oixo..iiip 14, 15, and 16, of range 9. At the land office of YIAIIA CITY, commencir94 on Monday, 1.1.1 e tri.r.l“lay o for :It, di3p,..,(11 of the public Linda within In; .11.,,rig !lain.] township, v •,) the btu , line and 4 tic sixth principal MEMIE PITT:S'BU meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14 15, and IG , of range 14. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, Ih, and 17, of range 13. Fractional townships 12, and 13, townships 14, 15, and 19, and fractional townships 17, 18,19, and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20, of range 11. i.'rasstional townships 12, 13, and 14, and townships 15, 16, 17, 18,19, and 'A of rouge 10. Fractional tow nahips 14, 15, and IC, twat township; 17. 18, 19, and 20, of tango 9. Lauds appropraFed by law Sr the use of s , :kuB4o,melitai and other purposes, will lie i.acluded Iran the hal"- :move C 011111,11 ., 1, , . 1 1,11 The offering of t hel d ill days appointed, sod will proceed in the order in which rlie3 are advertised, until this whole shall have beet; offered, !soil the sales thus closed ; hat to sale shall be kept vim, longer than two weeks, and no private entry of any of the lands will admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city k.f Washington, this thirtieth day of Alarch. Annes Uomiwi uhe thousand hundred and fifty-eight JOS2FII LZ.G4) PIiiLADILL PHI A hiisdulpt,;:. Madison, inci Ohio. Louisville, °Lilo., Cincinnati, Ohio Pittsburgh, BY AUTHORITY. NO, 602. olates. 71 nit(' ME= 10, u:1,1 And iractiorml By the Piesi 'ent: Tuoc. A. Ri..tiplueitß, Commissioner of the Ue, Laud U [lice NOI iCE T‘) Pita-ENIVTIO:s; CI. IM tNTS EVt ry purmou Clod to tho right or pre-,mption to Any u( the lunan within thu townships and part,' eJ too f,hipb Ahoy, enumerated is rrquirod to t..Ht` lh•• dam, rho. ,atisf .ction of the. nester and rro,itor or the proper lamb and make pervI,1•11( fl; , r as g,Gle eei prWliai'dt a 17 , 2 r sing tilt' day f or . t's , • Om • ruoh,...rf..nt of the putdic Saw the outhracin A the tenet claiwod, othorwime much cluirn hi. forfeited. TlLtt.i. A uurniiimiouoi the (kner,il c. Proposa.6 fth Nava NA V I . C , ..untrucCuu, i:tplipntent, Etc, May I:ith, 11:L:5 SEAI.EI P POS LS tofurnish naval supplies tor the tis-ml year raiding :anti Judie, Ititti9.will Le oceivcd ILL Luis Lin ris,t until .; kCco , ck, P.M., tit the lab .1 out• next. Thee. propos - nib must he endorsed Proposa/s f or - itur t - t ret y (I),Z-rue/ft.-a, Etc that they may be distinguished limn other laisiness letters The mate: bils and articles (Mita seal in the classes Lamed are part:cniorly deacritied in printed ecliednisS any of which will he furnished io such as dentist - to iiiter, ou atiphcation to the commands arts of tn. , o-ipective y mats, or to the Linty ageht taylreet thcrtc and taus° of all the yards upon ap plication to thin bureau. This iii virfuu into classes bring for the convenience of dealers in tact-. such pertioua will de furnished is utc actually rtimired for b: is. and navy-agent of each statiiiii will have a copy of the schedules of the other yards. for examination only, front which it may he Judged whether it 1131. l in desirable to Make application fur them. Ott s mutt hr 1aa,1, , foi the 'choir of a cii,u at any yard uLon um, of the printed soltedulet, or in strict coufm laity therewith or they will Lot bo eimaidered. The contract trill he :iv:a:sled to the lowc9t Lena fide bid der who give, peeper security for its fulfilment. The lintti State ruse: vet the right to r-lo.t all the bids for any chat, if deemed exhorhi taut. Ali urtid, < must Le id the s, i t besi qmility, to be debt • trod iu hoed order, sad in wettable Santa wail packages, as the case 'may •, at the cop, n and risk of the centioetur, and in oh reap. etc tubjeet to the inspection. measurement, count, weight, etc. of tine yari , )1 , 10 received, uud bi the entire s:.:is,i.ctiuu of the contra or. Thereof. Bidden are refereed to the commandants of the t, , e , . tive yards for samples, instructions, or particular description of the articles; end, ali other things being ngtral, preference will be given to articles of American manufacture. Every odor, as required by the law of 10th August, 1846, must be accompanied by a written guarantee, the form of which is herewith given. Those onlywhose offers may be accepted will be notified, and the contract-will be forwarded as soon thereafter as practicable, which they will be requited to execute within ton days sftgr i e receipt at the post office or navy-agency named by them. Sureties fn the full amount will be required to sign the contract, and their responsibility certified to by a ',huh States district judge, Uulted States district attorney, eel lector, or navy.agent. As additional security, twenty per centurn will be withheld from the amount of the bills until the contract shall have been completed; and eighty p.c centum of each bill, approved in triplicate by the coin mandanta of the respective yards, will be paid by the navy agent at the points of delivery within thirty days after its presentation to him. It is stipulated in the contract that, if default be made by the par ice of t first part in delivering all or any of the articles mentioned in a u ; class bid for in the contract, of the gulling and ut the time and places above provided, then, acid in that cute, the contractor and hid sureties will f and pay to the United States a sum of money not e x c e e d twice the amount of such class, which may be rteevered from time . to time, according to the act of Congress in that case provided, approved March 3, 1543. Classes 1, :2, 4, d , 7 to be deiivered one-fourth part out r before the 15th May, are-fonrth part 101 or before the loth July, une-fourth part by the 20til of September, cud the re mainder by the Ist December, 1 , 50. Classea 3 a n d 9, the whole by the 15th May, 1859. The tonmining clasiii , s to lo delivered one-fourth part on or before the let September next, One-fourth part on or before the hit December next, one-fourth part on ur before the let April, and the remainder cm or before the 30th June, 1859, unless earlier required with a nOtiCO of twelve daYs, comprising at each delivery a due proportion cf eat h article Clain 10 and all followinw, If ttidditional quantities of any of the articles named thereto are demanded, they are to be furnished ou like terns cud conditions previous to the expiration of the fiscal year, upon receiving a notice of fifteen days Irma the bureau, Um com mandant of the yard, or navy-agent. m rf 0.11;-r 1, --, of - in the litide t3l . I,,reL . { agree to furni3L and deliver. in the re:ip.ctive „ant,. all the articles trained in the classed hereunto an axed. the provisions Of the ichedules therefor, and in cc/do:rutty with the advertisement of the Bureau of Gal struction, 5c., of the 18tit May, 185 S. should my offer be accepted, I regneet to be addressed at , and the contract sent to the navy-ty,ent at for signature and certfficnte. iDato.) Sigiunre. A B. The schedule which the bidder !Iciest's mus.t be p:o.ted his offer, und each of them signed by him. UppoHito earl article in the schedule the price must he set, the ;mimic car. led out, the aggregate mot.. d up f.q etch uadr, II aruuunt likewise written in words. Guarunbm The undersiguud , hereby guaranty that in Car 4, the foregoing hid of - for any of the classes therein named be accepted, ha or they will, within ton days after the receipt of the 0,1 tract at the post office mimed, or navy-agent fleignated, ea • cute the contract for the same, with good sod sufficient sure ties ; and in ease said - shall fail to enter into c u e. tract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make goo d th e dip„, between the offer of the said and that Which may be accepted. Si suture of two 4aarakturs. C D li F I hereby cvrtity that the named are known 0 a‘o n of property, and übin to rook, gv.,d heir ultra 1 , ir,uature. To be signed by tile United ,Stales li,trict United Stites district attorney, collector, or navy agent. The tulluxviug are the ciaest , required at the reel,,,tic navy yards: EITTERY, MAINE Claes N. 10. Wh'te piuo. Clals 11. Ash plank. :qc 12 !net walnut and cherry. No. ill. Iron. No. 22. Spike..., ao, No. 23. Load, zinc uud tin. 'No. paints, (Ala, etc Nu. 32, Leather. No 33, Host.. No. 37. Pitch, tar and r. No. '....5. soap and oil. MAK LESTOWN, 11.ASSACB IJSETTS, Class No. 1. Whito- ,, ak logs. No 3. W hits uak ortorl..:u ou.s timber. No. Lo. Whin pine. IN,;. 11. Ash 3t..c.t N 0.14. Victory butts, elm timber, StlVel. No 16. Black splme , N. , . 21 Iron. 22. 5... and nails 1 , 0. In. is4fid, zinc and tin. N... Pig % lrog No. 2.5. Uardwart. N0.:7. Paints, iiic, etc. No •2s. canvas. No. 29. Cotton caLla3. No 30. flat and cattou twine. No. 31. Glass No. 32 Loatlmr. No. 33 N.. 34. 13rublira. No. 35. Ilunt.;n:y . :tn.! dly ;,0011i. Y Z 7. Tat. pith and rosin. No. 3S. Talk w,bOall, oil No. cliatidhil yr. No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Fire-woud. BROUS:LYN, PEW YORK. etas, No. 1. White-oak loizs. No. 3. Whito-cak proinisco ,lls timbers. No. O. Yellow•pine plank logs. No. Whit, pins. No. 11. Ash, cypress, white-oak hoards. No. 12 Black walnut, cherry, Ac. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. oars, hickory bare, and brats. No. 16. White-oak a;_....ves and heading. Nu. 16. Black spruce. No. 18. Llgnunaritie. No. 21 iron. No. 22. Spikes and nails. No. '23. Lead,tainc, and tin. No. 24 Pig iron. 10. 25. Hardware., N. 27. Paints, oils, Ac. No. :28. Flax canvas. No. 29. Cotton =- vas. No. au. Flax and cotton twine. No. 31. Glass. Nss.32. Leathor. No. 31. lios, No 34. Brushes. No. 35. Stirring cud dry goods. N.,.:37.Pitch, tar, rosin. No. 3U. Tallow, soap, oil. No. ti) y.No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Firiti,wi.,orl. - !'..PI.III,ADE.LPULA.. YLVANIA Class No. 1 Villa,. ak lags. No. 2. White.cok g.i nk. No. 3. White-oak No. timber. No. 6. Yelloto phank stock loge. No. 7. Yellow I,ltle 1,111119. NO.IO. White pine. No. 11. Ash. cyl,reaa, wbite rd: boards. No. 12. Black walnut, cherry. Nu. 13. Locust. Nu. 14. White ash care and hickory hare. Na 16. 13Imk som:. No Ir. 119,- numvitte. No 21. I ron. No. 22. Sioaea and na il s . 23. and tin. No. 23. 11ardwure. No. 27. Fes3ts. Lead, zinc, oils, & - .c. No. 29. Flax canvas. N. 2l). Cotton canvas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. No. 31. GLLso. No. FL Let.,i/er. No. 33. n o m No. 34. Brushes. No. 3a. Bunting mec. dry goods. No. 37. Pitch, tar, room. No umv; : , oil. No. 39. Ship chandlery. No. 46. Slationery. WASHINGTON, DISTRICT 09 COLUMBIA. Glass No. 10. Winte pins— No. 11. Ash, cypress, white oak boards. No.lo. Blank Spruce, No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Spikes and Nails. No. 23. Lead, alnc and tin. No. 24. Pig iron. No. 25. Hardware. No. 27. Paints and Oils. No. 29. Cotton canvas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. No. 31. Glass. No. 82. Leather. No. 17. Pitch, tar and rosin. No. IS& S. SUMIZIST Arranige men t 38. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 39. Ship chandlery. No. 43 Tank ON AND AFTER MONDAY, SIAY 10. end i,,alley iron. No. 44. Chain iron. No. 45. Ingot copper. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL PXI r o.. 1 ) No. 47. Miectilancons. GOSPORT, VIRGINIA. • Class No. 1 White-oak logs. No. 6. Yellow-pine plank stock toga. No. 10. White-pine. 140. 11. Ash and cypress. E , A , AD aAAi If 51 is a No. 12. Black walnut, cherry, mahogany burst. No. 14. Whita.c,sh o ar,,, hickory tura. Ny. 16. Black spruce. No. Tlll4 MAIL TRAIN loaves the Passenger Sta.lon every 18 Liznunivita2. No. 21. iron. No. 22. Spikes and nails. morning, (except Sunday.) at 6.30 o'clock, Pittsb, No. 23. Lead, zinc, awl tin. No. 2i. Pig iron. N 0.25. Hard- arriving in Philadelphia at 11:30 P. M. ware. N 0.27. Paints, oils, &e. No. 28. Flax canvas. No. TUE FAST LINE Daily, except 'Sunday, at1:2.5 P. Y.. or -20. Cotton camas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. Nu. 31. riving In Philadelphia at 5 o'clOcs A. at., and stopping only No. 32. Leather. No. 33 Hose. No. 34. Brushes. at principal eta.iona. N 0.35. Bunting. and dry goods. No. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. ' THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station every evening No. 3S. Tallow, soap, and oil. No. 3P. Ship-chandlery. No. at J:53 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns -40. Ststionery. town, WiLtnEwre. Giillitzin, Altoona, tie., connecting at Har risburg with the Train direct for Baltimore. al..d arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. M. ACCOM.9IODATION TR.A.INS: THE JOLINSTIOWN ACCOMMODATION TR AIN leaves Calk Sunday,) at o'cluek, P. M. and running as tar as Coneatauvii FIRST At_XIC , MMODATION TRAIN for Turti, Creek Bridgo loaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. ,11. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lc: Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday.) I,t 4 2o P. !.! THIRD ACCOMMODATION TP.AIN leaves daily, (exc,..,. , t 6ittdoe.) at vlto, P. hi. RETURNING TItALNtI arrin I..ttsl•to 1,11:, :. 11r.prost41:45, P. 744 Matl,3:lo a.m.; Vivd, Line Juhin town Accommodation, 11:00 A. 11.; First Turtle Accom modation, time; A. At..; Second Ae,onimodatiou, 12:40, P. at.; Third Accommodation, 6:lu, P. 1. Trains for Blairsville and Indiana, coo sec: intersection with mail train EX1.1"1.A3 tre.:u vV , the Johnstown accomodation train East oud West. PIIrTSBURGII AND CONN ELLSVILLE IBA INS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh vale Road. leave daily. (Sunday exeeptod,., MAIL TRA1N......7:00 a. sr I EXPRESS 'Di AIN. 3,30 P. KTIJRNING TRAINS from Pittsburg urn: n e i e Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 8:45 A. at. and 6:10 P. U. et.l._ The traveling public will tint it greatly t” their In tureat, in going Kest or West, to travel by the Penn , y Railroad, a; the aCCOMMOdAtIOUB now °tiered cannot to sur passed on any ether route. As the Road is a itc stone, and is exitirely free Irons dust, see can prenns , speed and comfort to all who may favor this howl with tl hr patronage. —FARE:— To New York 113,101 To Bat tiraorc " ...... 10,00 " Lancaster. To Harrisburg, Class No. 1. White-oak loge. No. 3. Whlto-oak promisor]- one timbor. No. 4. White ,, ak keel pieces and rudder EitC.Ck.9. NO. 10. Whit, pin, No. 12. 131 ck walnut and cherry. No 'LI. Locust Na. 1-I. W Dare, hickory bare an 4 butte N, lb. Liguumvitre. N 0.21. Iron. N 0.23. Lead, zinc, tin No. 215. Ilardw No. 27. Paiute, Otto, Scc. myl7 Ft. Wayne Chiekgo RAILR()AI) COMPANY, 11 J — ITII ITS AMPLE; ROLLING STOCK through connections,is pre ported to transport Crissca, , erf and Freight from PHILA. DELPiIIA and PITTSBUItGIto OUICAGO, BT. L our F , IN. DIA.NAPOLIS, CINCINNATI, and all places West rind Bouth west, with a groat dcgrne of regularity and ezpoditmn. The fact that this Rmirl lortr a direct and consolidated true between Pittsburgh and Unicago, id n rmilicient guar antee that its Traim will lllaki , good timo. rind connections with 'Ptains r.thru ii nud. ON AND A 5 2E13 MONDAY MAY loth, 186 S, the Trains tut thin roeil wilt leave the UNION DEPOT, Pittsburgh, (Bun4ays excepted„ an follows: . . - Pittebur,..h. CI eitline. I Ft. ',Vaym , . U.:•. ! , .14.11,. .. ..... 7:00 .1. M. 7:07 P.M Fret Expre6h, ...... .... 2.10 A. M. 10:00 P.M i 5:00 P. 51. Necond .‘ .. ...... •.::1 ,P. M. I 10:23 1'.51 I 4:50 A. M. REACH CHICA4I4)-- , First ET-pre:a., at 7:00 A. M. Elt-'.:unti El- i de3H at 1:30 P. M. 1t.P.A.011 CIi. , XINNATI—Fin. Expree., 5::,0 P 114 Lk.:A.l'.Uti Expre-.4 7:2.5 a. M. ititi.AC;i T. LOUIS--First Empre, , 3s:oo ..,.. M$ Second RE prrs.; 4:53 P. M. All Truing wall. Li.,,, c., , ur,t , ai.i , s :It Crebtliti , for C.danu bit,,, Oincimekti, Ind....napolie and r , , , .... Louis; also. at Port Wayne witn Trams on `5".ibd.:..11 and Vi eeteru Itailroal for Lafayette, Central Illinoi9 'OA SL.Loniq ; ate), at Forest lirie,; 4 4 TraM3 on tip, M. R. ,k, L. E. R. IL, and Lima with Trainc ca Da)tou and Michigan Railroad. R ET ERVING . Sd:gym, iihi.Ftko. Ft.Wtorne. I Crntiide. I Arr.rddafkd - i. .c. .10,i0 0:30 A.M. 1 . 1:40 P.M. 6 5;.; P. tdi; Int hati:ccen, a : 3OA m y:00 V. .. 1 :14 P. M. 6:10 ANI A.M 1;15 1' 1.1. Titan. Trues tuns. c ~n.nect:.:ne With Triton far Vlt:f , edelpltia, ii lint ire Ndv rad BA Amt. Traiun fret)! St. Loill•Oln,l.ln,tpalia, didi and CtdC,.., bus ',mkt, cf eat counci ti..da a: Crcral ion With all rotu: Tratus. At Fort Wa: cc, 'frai, from St. L.,11i6, Central Ittlf nobs, Lafayette, mid iutorhiediut6 place,, connect with atos by JOS. FILILISING, boxes Bxlo, 9512 and 10x12, for safe by (upU, 13.MCRYZEL COLLINS. RAILROADS. Of clilleroL, Cv!,,rs CA . ??ETS, OIL CLO'fRS, MATTING, fie., AT T7IE plemnr.2. to allow g,m1,1 1,11 0:11. Meivhcnte and others will rind It to thElt.• ads ant. RO , ')FING MATERIALS BROWIS.-50 doz. ree'd ste,d for sale by rata lIENAY H. COLLINS. 111111100-6.—Dressed Hopi, jast received and Lre ft;c• sale by PETZI.II, Bp 1,-12 dEdB ICS;.—Six tierces prime Rice ' just receiv ed and fur sale by SEMLER a ItICLZEdSoN, novl2 27.1tr0a923 Liberty str pERFUM.ERY—Of descriptions and prise:, can be bad - at JO& PLIZ-EINGPS, elta CaateeWawa azaciU.k.s:Fat Ante. C'COR 1100 FLAND I S CELE:BRAT ET) t, 0 ..}..../' I.IIEILISS :VA It fill' Fr; US , F a ; . ,,, - -1::• .1' Da. C. M. .T'.ol ,, VIILLAVA, PA., \ill: odeetually care t Lc. , ;..;, ,. .-I i'I.A.I.N":, I.IITSPEPSIA JAUNI2I.(II.? Cli:e.•'i NT:2 ( ...11l Nt:itv[)r.; i DXIIILITY, D15E4.51;.3 OF Iflld fi l l/Nil:18, Lli.:. • .. ; m-i... - rfniffrufn ..-. :fil'orettered Dircr' f'..... f4. , . - Ase.h, etch . or Ofmetiv... :1..m. I.n . a - ard f`i1. , ...-4 r , l7illue,34tur Blood to the 1103 d, Acidity of the Stomazh, t;,, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, VulNeen or li eight in theStomach,Sour Eructs, dialling, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Sto mach, Swimming of the lead, Hurried and Difficialt":, Etoathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or BuffocsaUng GOTlLL'ahOtig when in a lying posture, Diconezz of Visiark:s lota or Webs before the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perepiration, YoP lo‘.vnone. of the f_4'.l - in end Limba, Pain u . t. 1,3 :ad.., liack, Cher; Limbs, IT., aldtls.ll Plushee of Beat burn ing in the Flesh, anntt,Ant Imatcinktigs of Evil, and greet Depres.ou c-f 1 f 0 - i. at tribllta. - ,,Z 000'0 valnibleprc,w.rdes to thin remedy, =•.-e to c'_• er unwi.rrantahie ersortion in mada4b - at in cimply iitte."l a 1.:, - .7 , ..; proven and coucinEftvely by the extrzor- M. 414 00:-. , , rich t.,. - oefitn derived 'from its neta, under the di- : ta:;:t'on of iti ilia , :frilo3 originator, Dr. ilooflar.d, among all •:biyaw of Earopesa sookty, and from the hlaillonne MAO 01 Zentimcny, from all park of the American continent, atm. • ir.:ileted during rho la..Et ten years, 112, the hands of the pm. , vat prup.x .to- . ''The prevalence of discaseg to which the ! (I,r-aan l.litter.i ere adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, in al. r ,.. ,*.tzur7,•,.....ii l',lL], - ...,1 Lie-re is acarcely a family throughalat ..i. who:e o rtent of on: country in which there cannot be i 11..• , ...d nelietiff it, raembere that peculiar szTiow and languid , a, - ."p-nrance grunting o rilEOadetl Liver, or an emaciated and 1 eudrring Ps-ll'opti,n. Then of went !IltlOrt.,3,'itport,Loce to illi3 01P.38 of insult that a , L..tti, and n..liable remedy ehonld be placed with.' th,,c i,ac.h; one iu which no baneful or injurious drug en. I hire into Ifs teint.. , ,daiou; a remedy on which the patient cuo 1 ..::.:.. with the athi.t.l"l , confidence and certainty,and boaniur.oti actual end tanzibie prw.ile that the article ho la CiflitE toally p, ,, e,'Aios tie, :art one attributed to it. Such a remedy as ...tiOO.FLA.Nr.x.. , ~ 11, 1 11.11 AN Bl.'frEMS." Thousands 0 doliani here b,.-.-m ;.-riam,ll.d in its manntacture and diffusion ! - ,,,:, - tr,t .,. ..:: 1., , ,:, : f Lida continent, and the proprictm fools the •;roatooi. aatl=fnction no stating that there in ILO star,,, wtn.ity, ar ev , ...t, ;ii fade. .Nln,re the Medicine tine been ittiodnee . , t'.,.1 . .inane c...i.1i0t be fonfai numbers wllliag te:;tify to itn Tirttice. It is cued ..onstantiy in the prectlof ~.-,. a largo numl - 4r 0, ti, moot prominent Physician; in inn Calliitir, who have ...1.,•/ at 1.1... I.l.adr s , ritten i..ntinalmy in evidence - of its great ~, il , 1 - 10 e. i a concinaion, thin, vr,, would respectfully el it Inc.le afflicted with say of the above dienneos to give the . 10.-rn a trial, and rc-t aoenrol it It never he regr, - _,4,ed, 1,.. I•ro."f rd the slate:noun: ahoy,: Inado, all ore 'evil ad tc !3,31 11%.31, - tile AL:n:nor puldLeltea a:feu:llly by the , pro ;.:in 'dr, 11.. r I:a:10qt! .ht a i'annlit , B, co:in.:Ming ;.1 groat num' la o of c ' , lei r,eoildn, ia a•klitiou .0 rata Ltiztia:Ony in faVOr r.ll, Irl, Z.•, - .. !: - ..L. 111 , in1.. , ,a po , illiuntit ~ .nd wellknorvia h, .:..,:',.:•...• . ~. L.'• • i., ,, 14 --f tar ti,„"on. All Azonta for ti n Li: '.. .7.. .t. 1 1 , ,,),- . 1 i., sittriLato the Alumnae gratult,usly ;•1 - 1,41i , ...1 1) , , , ,• -,,,1 i'ltlZ:tlitACtA.,l::,, 36 Arch atm.:A, Phitudel ' , i , '5 " .1 . 1,11€. in all th.- priaulphi rite f .. ' , IV! o g A p and Storokegpors in every tow :hi, I. n taten and Canada, and by it. L. If ALINETVUOF. le CO. and Dr. GEO. H. K.E1'32 , ‘2,:p., PltrAnrgh k. 21 p. 41 r 14i 0 F ir VTLIEN A CU RE IS tiIiARANTEED IN 31.1 2 ;;,- , i SECit I:lBlf,h,,SEz , , Self-Atinse, Dt 1,111:y, Gravel, Dir.bries, Di-easeg I curial Kheurnatiatio, Sen.>. !I:a, PAH...4 and Ankles, Distuses of the Lunge, Lt. ,1Z.,1 Ulcers upon the Body or Limbs, Can- Epthiptir Fite, St. Vim's Dance., tind ilieemea arising front a iliq - angentent of the SLisnal Organg, such WI t• t , [l , lllOry, loss of power, general than it, nith peculiar epote appear in t of night , wakefulneea, dyspepsia, liver the pain iu the Lack and head, 1,11:116. rrt, 11./11,, and all in,preper discharges front both it ini.ttet. not front what cause the diseatie lung iitandia, or obstinate the case, re:Xrcery is =i Lilo 11,, and in a snorter time than a permanent core can be „ele, I.y thy -the: treatment, even after the diseaso tees,,nt physicians and misted all the r „or. 'rite medicines are pleasant without odor, 31Za-,,-.1 end free from mercury or balsam. bur : year; ui practice, I have rescued Erma the jaws death limey thondauds, in the last ahlgec of Lb, mentioned diceasea had h-cu given up to die by their which warrants me ha. promising to the aft7acted, who may place thontael'.ey nuder my care, a t werfect and ere spet‘ly :ore. ees et diseaaes aro the greatest allelat, tc ir.l.6itb., a, they me this first cense of Consumption, Scro !Lot, ...I:1 mauy shonid be a terror to the faetily. An a t,errotheet •1/1 . , in scarcely ever „Alert gl...p.rity ianee lulling into the hands of i , lccr.2.- pt. to.ut who not 01.1/3 , tail to cure the discuses bt_c, the the system atith airs ;alrc, st - hit n, llin.nsee, hastens the eniferer into a rc.i;el 'fit pliJlL rib,^ C , lrlfte •1, Ltn, married, the diiease 19 entailed L. , ) 11, 1,111 with ,bb., ~ . corrupted by virus which briers lord, and other uu, throat and Lll/14',H, t•IIL...ILLIV 1 eluttermg and ck,usignlni.; th,:a.“ 14, V.,. •.'.,U• the tig,t , of Patent in the cotrinill9 E, to cUt..ll 011 oil the ritiv - ivry St fnirers fair : titetowB raint , il by tLt vile I,ct. C. 0- .1111 have carefulll .lnoi.Gll(i that ,-ly dl 1-.4,1. , 2,lrusive which is C preparutuiut; ( , i mercury and IA deadly 1.._•..u, ,V . 12.2:11 mute d ul ouriug tin eye. t••3'l for 1130 P. pat Ly perbons, who,io Luc irazieria aad of 61.1 th, }lnman ,yyt t em, ' l, - ,.. °Tie only make rUol:loyr.,Kfird -1,2,3 of f_rf,,,g,ularitlea awl .11a:et anti feiu.laatreat:xl or prinriplea eitabli.thed by twenty years of practico, ant: taactioeed rhonsarala V 1 an , inuat retto.rkablo eaten. tde,tf,finea, .with 11:11 .Jit - ,....fd01e, JOU:. t,) any part of the ,-,•••fite] Cuoadas, by patieef:a C..a.tatumcntiu,; their t , ) kttei. Ilusluedb eurreapentieuccf atrffrt.:,; fi &lit f al. Afhiresa J. SU.NIME2.ItVILL1 1 ' 1)., • Cfinc: Ila ilhor tiCre.tA, (Old ri U. lb 1 LAnivvi TNNehtia Tioney. Ulii:L't:A./N 8 1) 3, OU T. T an. UINZ 1.1 .1.1.A.:t k 1.1. t it, Watel.,•ce, jiwelry, -•• 41,1 l'tut, .1 Watv, with, 7,r1-•.t vurioty incy to bo dimpote , .l et in forty thou ,the uuilar per tollows . .-1.11 - 1.2n the .1,.11ar, I will 5...11t1 Ulu payer a uutuberi , d re- . • which se,rl.l .s] , Lint to one shsre 1u tio, abosoundl •.l,lol property. When the share s shall hove Icon coi, the S notintsi of the Cott, by mail, Cr through tiro rev:spaper.,, suit a the kibsreholder, shall !-e. held in tie city of Pni:r•ielphm, and the whole of ;,7...merty disposed ut at dis,ributed among them; to inch ,thall be determined u;,sd them; each Sharehold shall lei entitled to one vote, a Committee to be ',Aocted I...n..iders at tail IttettiGg. to conduct or C•tverin .sition t.f the property, according to th.. three .• the and 1 will then deliver tits pro ..tnn poison or pe*aona as the Shareholders may etirne. The Real Estate conmsts of ,se three Ate' y trick dwelling houve and lut, s valned at i,2100. rd two stcry brick - dwelling houseb and lota valued • ;), of Philadelphia, clear of all incurn , ca u . e eta title eadr•putable; the ~ther property consists , t 1,,, .Jurcs of one of the largebt Watch ..7eweiry Store, in the cay of Philadelphia, now, and for time pt by the sabEcriber. ThU 13t0C15C0713i3t ...a 0: very. lane ULM cad Silver Dilating Can Lev e r Watch tine (toil Patent Lever, Lepine ani other Caanis, Seale, Lockets, Ear Rings. lirseeieta. biannual and other Rings mil Nue. Puttees, Lc,. A:c., Gold, Silver and Steel and :,11V01" "'baubles, Silver and Silver Plated ceLalstir..: of Tu. Castors, Cake Bmkete, Cups, tooolls, Ruive:l, &c., &c. Jlao,Fronch Clocks, rv_lusic io.ordeo; - 2.,, and a grezt carte[} of other goods. The avc tile.a, neher.led which are devised to on :r..1;) the nu :.,[O - 2.„ at id,alitl will be a fair tale of the entire Lc1, , ,,g10g to the 3ul , ctilovr, por9ons are positively 4 , 33nred the stock act been purchn.nAl for the purpose of dec;eptleo, and to palm off Common GAL mid Plated Jowelry, for tine Gold, none wait will be distributed, the most reJpect. able penionn rro Lriven a.i reiefertad2„ to those dicToded toper . n'foe, ahcrec. 2_ll ordelA by Mail eucloning tie money wil l ~, t eeded to, and rt ceipta Lrara-dad to the ad delakr, ty rettun mriL Anti cerdea vendin g lea td.diart: nt one ~bsll r.-_ai+eaamea derd. - ate r,ceipts. in an many neparitie names it writing ,:'nova , write the the Orac,,, to whichya:r. , A - IHli the unmoor Linn:od. i 6 the greatent cheat-. el getting a large amount of rata:ll:lt property, for s rmai i sum, ad ho over before been offered to the Fr,: 8 yam oorders, ref tharoi are soiling ~tod ,1.,1 expectA the distribution will soon Artic!e:i .31utte,O to peruana at a distaac.', will L= nuat U. ut taci: She:.,.; iU ever tuna and vala63. All evil): lone: b^ itddreaeod to_ _ _ J. H LT. PIELLIT:, 1,0 V Rti E ). —25 sacks just received, alid for ale by °rlll lESNitY IL 00I'Ll''S DUFF'S,' BiJOK-KEEPING, tilanke, ayetzn of PVClmmaitip, foe Gale by W. . LIAVEN, caner Market and Second strecta. A:4 1( • ( 1 GKOSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS r.;eived lus : ' Atol 1,31 e.. mr-24 Corte - : Mark.‘,r. find 6,3. - ;oad careets. aiiums COD YLSLI, for sale CO., AGALi,:Y, CIMGRAVE & 0 in.. 2 Noa. IS and 2r, Wocrl cr.,yat t)OLLE 'I S SALVE for ,le wholeedae - And retail at the Drag Store of JOIE': HAFT, .Tll., f hod SLlth att.. col MO'f LI `1" SEED—ICJ bush. good Timothy s 64:cc' for mile by JAB. A. FETZER., itY FLOUR.-1.5 bbls. just received and for Itab., by frar3l HENRY n. coLurs. GGS.-1U Lb's. fresh Eggs just received and to: LLIe by %Lat2:)l 11 1 1 , :q1 1 -Y H. COLLINS. IPA.NBioiti SKIRTS—SteeI Spring, and Cr , A all the other colobratod Skirrs, for eale by ap2El JOE. HOlL.'sfr., 77 Market 3troet. "r e LACK LACE MITTS.—A large stock of fr e3eellent e.yiea , with ELL:I wit'aort fiugera., very cheap at (ap26) JO3 . 1171zNE'S. 77 linfir.ct 4treot. norrox .—Every variety of u Cotton Stanaing,.; and half Hose at the lowest prices, whele.,4al,l cr retail, at JOS. ELAINE - li, ap2S 7' Market street. bbls. N. 0. Syrup foi Gale, on ~,,toiz s ment. by (ap') ELENiti COLLINS. gi )4 . 1 FOR a two story frame dwelling tp,P, ' L s Louse raid lot of ground 50 foot by 150, pima oily situated on :St. We.:..b.ington. Torun cony. S CIITITIBERT :t SON. 51 t. LACK CRAPE VEILS—Of extra siz3 rt! and quality—very cheap, at HORNE'S =p2o Market street. _ _ MEfC.&L. .11 [lle fT3 t. t r t Cal a(' Bpria~s ;roc ut:gloct of Nature's laws ruicn.bie t 1 Verily to LIOQ11:1 • L.l na , l entalOglie of 1111:11e11 - 1 d1302.`tr..2. t,ltrt system, itJ 1.119 r. , 1.4 h n ftn, lAttoil• to I.:I y ul IL, :Jytitetli, Liieyaeliliae . hopy 10 (,(33' and II,IIS inv.:. of ovibi 1 1 101 ,, :0 1, IZ.ze 11. W•LI I I, In, tulleet coun.dence c.s. ,St if-A bu..e taut s perflanunt cud with Lilo abaLci.aducta can be. r.,atcrod to I,,auat, ,<< , ~.~ _,.0 liV i` t.t - • - " L. R. 1.113,00.7 , 1A_LL, N. i 0 math atmet, Chesnut, Philadelphia. TAD CH.-300 has. Rochester Pearl Staroh received aud far ask+ tgrMOW EL OOLLI2IB. DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the attlan tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the c•-autitry, to two of the most popu al- remedies now before the public. 3 7 4 .7 e refer to Dr. Chas. lillane's Celebrated `trmifuge -and Liver Pills. - '47e do not recommend them as z4versal Cure-alls, but simply for their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFTJGE, expelling Worms from he lan system. It has also been ..inistered with the most satis ,Dry results to various Animals , • _i:ect to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, .sthecureof LIVER COMPLAINTS, alj BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND' AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Q u i nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with di,. directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS) PITTSBURGH, Pl. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. IVl'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold 'among the rcat remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material,, and corn pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BUS. Pittsburgh, Pa. aieri and Pliv.:l4..i;lit; tr,pin others •,,,gl4; 11.. w.. 11 n. writ, their orders ,1 , .;1,1.t1y, 'al,: lone (•ul 1),. Jr prepared by 1 . ' , • • Pittsburgh, Pa. To thaw wishing to give we will forward per mail. putt paid, to any • I tho. United States, 1•1 w box if idle ihr twolvo t:,:. •• ri,t vo:Lags stamps, or 1,11, vial 4 , f V,Tiniinge lot • m•:.ikilw. All orilors from Canada Inuit '• by twenty cents extra. T4,IMANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVER _124 44 2,7,02 S on hand and f6r B. L. FABNE6TOCK a CO. Cc.rner Wood and Fourth etreeta. KEW TICZAa'SZIFIBIT. Private and Confidential Medical Advice! AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE TlOSPl- TAL—Egtablinhod for the cure of *Thins, Seminal WeAkneas and the Secret Infirmiticz of Youth end Maturity, by Dr. AMOS & SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Office corner of Main and Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An Instrument for the core of Geuithi Debility, or Noctnr nal Falli9Jlollß, more properly known us Seminal Weakness, Sc. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to twenty days, by the nan of thin instramont, when need conjointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS & 60N take pleaanrein announcing that they hate invented a meat important( a iir umont for the cure of the above disc:43es. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has been dociared the only useful instrument ever yet ihvonted, for the cure of Seminal Weaknees,or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits. of youth. Dr. AMOK .t SON, in order to satisfy tho most skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the in strument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW REMEDIES AND QDIO.II. CURES. Dr. AIROS a SON may bo consulted from eight o'clock In the morning until nine at night, in every stage and symp tom of the Venereal Disease, Gonorrhoea, Gleets, Secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Strictures of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secrecy. The treatment they adopt is the malt of upward of thirty years' extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate caries of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days, at a mod erato expense. The cure effected witiaon't confinement or hindrance from business; also, nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURE WARRANTED. Dr. AIIIO3 ft SON have devoted their attention exclusive ly to this peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their fellow-creature a fully testified and greatfully acknowledged by con - vales centpatients and.others daily arriving in town from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of consultations while their exertions have been crowned with the most sig cal advantages; yet from what they have experienced i - inquiring Into the onuses of these infections complaint (from their most simple condition to that of the moat dan gerous and inveterate)) they have always entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and mang - nant forms of disease could almost always be traced to ono of the fol lowing canes :—lgnorance, neglect, or the ill effects of un skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AMOS SON have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a cafe, effectual, and cautions course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character, an well as those wham premature or injudicious application., might be productivi of bad consequences in the hand', 0 1 private individuals. In short the laudible end of Ckeir re medies is the lessening of a great mean of humer:taisery by the atieniation, relief and prevention of tlenu grievous af flictions that are In reality the secret fee of life, and which, while they so extremely cumquat us, call aloud fur cur shill and interference for their exterruk d atlon. COUNI I itY TDB. Persons in any Pori a 1 tho world may be saccaildhlly breatod by fonnu - din; n, correct detail of their case, with a matittfkucn for rnedif,,uo, Addroes Dr. P... 1.08 k SON, c,,,mcr Main and Quay ntre o t z , IMMO°. N. Y. itrad&wly fIRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. iiitowws MEDICAL and SURGICAL OfEces, No.. 50 SMITILFI . J:O Street, Pitts- .** burgh, Pa. Dot. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitt5.1. 7 i,.1.1 burgh, and has boon In practho for the rFq last twenty-fire years. His business has teen confined mostly to Privato and Bur. 7!//t i atiq.e gical Disesaes. 7 e N CITIZENS AND STRANGERS - in need of a medical friend, should not Nil to find out the euro place of relief. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and lie experience in the treatment of a certain class of diseases is a ware guarantee to the sufferers of obtaintng permanent relief, by the use of his remedies and following Ids advice. DR.. BROWN'II. RL.SIRLI.E3 never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Diseases— Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also all disease,: arising from a hereditary taint, which manifests itself in tho form of a tatter, psoriasis, and a great many forms Of skin c.-I.,4ca=a, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persons so aillictul, Dr. ii. offers hopes of a aura am) speedy recovery, EISMILYAL T,YEARItEBB Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on often by that solitary habit of seminal gratification which the young and weak-minded often give way to, (to their own destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known In thin country—they are safe, and make a speedy restoration to health. R U LAZI6sI Dr. Brown'a remedies never fail to taro this painful dis ease Ca afew days—he wfd warrant a cu-e. Ho also treat 3 Piles, Gloat, Goaorrhma, Strictaro, Urethral Discharges, Ito male Weakness, Monthly Suppresaions, Diseases of th ,, Joints, FiatnlA in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the Each and MArmys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptocca, containing o nr„ di , rested to DR. BL'OWN, N. tO Sinitiiiieldsvcet, Pittabonli, Pa., WM be insinediately anawered.. liedicino sent to any sddress, safely packed and secure from observation. 011ica and Private ROCIM, No. 59 Emit.'t, PM; bargb, Pa. apfl ANOTHER supply of Low & Son's superior London Toilet Eons received to-day, L V, vAmiCI, fell Corner Diamond and Market street. 1 0 SACKS FEATHERS, for sale by BAGALEY, COSGRAVE ON Na.e 18 and 23 970c4 strett RIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Dry .apple, - i, received and for Al 0 , by JAS. A. FETZER, Corn l'ilarket and Rirst streot.. J • • OB PRINTING.- Cards, Circulars, Price Lists, Bill Lading, Letter Beads, Show Bills, Labe!BA, Printed in superior style at short notice. by W. 31. G. JOIENSTN a O, Printers. Blank Book Manifecnircre and O Statio C nens, mSI 57 Wood dreet. RACK CRAPE COLLARS.—Beautifui styles for sae, nt JOSEPH HORNE'S, ep2o 77 Market street. - MEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— 24 boxes assorted sizes, 4'3, b's an a's, Spann Chad I ct; an baud Gad km agile by B. J. d 11.