VOLUME X VI. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. THE NATIONAL SALOON, Under Foster'■ New National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA., D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, HAS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and comfortable style, the large centre store in the ODD FELLOWS HALL. Fifth street, as a FIRST CLASS itHSTAURANT AND SALOON. Having had many years' exp. rieoce in the business, ho is prepared to supply the best the market affords. His Bar will be furnished at all times with the best WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The en trance to the Saloon, is in the centre of the Hall, and re freshments will be furnished atoll times, DAY and NIGIIT (Sundays excepted.) apl4:ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, CDR. PENIV'A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASHINGTON, D. C A P. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, c'orlwt Erwin Street and Duquesne Way? PITTSBITROII, PA. B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the ?darker }louse," Blairsville, Pa.) fir H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR lII.JESTS. It is situated in a central part of the city, la•ing convenient to all Railroad Depots and Eteamboat Landings. The ri.xse was built in 1856, with all modern improve inenhi, and fitted op in splvudid style--the entire Furniture helm; new—sod will in every respect be a first class Hotel. Vine STABLES are attached to the premises. t jel2:y H. W. KANAGA. Uo So t.. 1 0T E 9 Opposite the Denim.. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [jels ~'ASUINGTON 1310 TEL, POI3.IIERLY D. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. YANKS SHANNON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON TIIE corner of PENN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and is now the roost couve tient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, EL.et or West. myB:ly MANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ PROPBUITOII ...No. 344 Liberty street, Just beside the Paikaingor Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which msikes it the most convenient house in the city for passengers arri ving by that road. tirrho proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid °TABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. His larder and Bur will be furnished with the best the market can afford. febliy CORNUCOPLE RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STREET. The attention of Merchants -- - and others is directed to this a ay) establisianent, which has been recently fitted op for the parpoao of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING ROUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION, Country felka attending murket are particularly invited to Coll. Everythinz, pertaining to an EATING SALOON wit] clwaya bo found, of the freshest the market affords. ap29:lydaly Excelsior Restaurant, xi 1 WOOD sired, ,4*, Prrrascraan, PA., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH. The undersigned has jail received from the Eastern mar ket, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, 1 1 A 11D 00 11, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, Bow York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg Ilarbor, Shell Oysters. Tee finest odor brought to this city. Every delicacy of tho season served up at the EXCELSIOR B.ESTAIIRANT. up:lyd S. STEINRUCK. QTT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. . Clair areas, l'ittelargh, Pa.—The undersigned,fonner ly of Brown's Hotel," having taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, viruuld respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to giro him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business, &c.,oa n give entire satisfaction, aad hie charges moderate. 1'0)2.2 WM. 0. CONNELLY. Silll._ FLUNESTOCK, No. 141 Wood street, Pittsburgh. TTAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND-- WA.LDRON Sr. GRIFFECS OEN ULU?: CON AID GIMN SOME, oonN HOE°. ; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; STEEL Traps, very superior Drawer Locks, very superior GUL Locke, Tinned and &mamalled Sauce Pans, Basting Spoons, Bra= Oandlselick.s, Brass Cocks, Brass Stair Rods, Braces and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Teaces, Coil, Fifth, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at moti crate term.apl3 AMES MILLINGAR, MQNONGALIELA rt - ,,7 PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public , Shat ho has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his establishment, And filled it with the u - sivrat and most rip @roved machinery, is now prepared to furnislrilooring and pinned boards, scrawl sawing And resswing;doors sash and abutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box making, he. itooth Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. [se.lo CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH. STREETS. All buslness connected with this office will bo attended to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—each as Loads, Mortgages, Bends, Powers of At torney, dc. Titles to Real Estate examined. To the members of the liar he tenders his services as Com missioner to take Depositions to be read to the several Courts of this State, and elsewhere. Ilia office is one of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in executing business of that kind aro very desirable. tfelo:ly POD FiSll.-10 drums extra large and fine, J for sale by WM. Ff. SUITE' Z 00., inr26 11£ Second, and i 47 First stroets. -10 Lierces prime, for sale by WM, H. SMITH it CO., 118 Second, and 147 Vint streets t Akr .IUGAR.---50 !hide. prime N. 0. Sugar, just Ly rec'd and tor sale by WM. IL SMITH CO., tur2tl 111 Second, and 147 First 'Arcata. ,CIOFFER.--200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by _, T; m. II SMITH & mr2Ei 118 Second, and 147 First streets. _ SINE FLOUR.-20 bbls. Fine Flour in itu , i for solo by McCANDLESS, MEANS A CO., tell Cnroor of Wood find Wets.? etreu•a LARD. —A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, just received and for sale by McOANDLESE, MEANS & CO., Corner of Wood and Water streets. pioKLEs.--6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re csiiioti and fur sale by JAMES A. FETZER, fe2o Corner Market sad First streets. IqiGGS.-6 barrels fresh Eggs to arrive this J day, and f or Fah) by JAMES A. FETZER, rurltl Corner Market and Birgit streets. PLANTATION SUGAR & :MOLASSES -1.00 Idls. folly fair and prime N. 0. Sugar; 600 bbls., oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Molasses; SO " St. James S. 11 Molasses, now landing and for sale, by MILLER & 11.1.0KETSON, mr2d Noa. 221 and 223 Liberty htr I'. SPICES.- 25 bawl Pimento; 100 " Grain Pepper, Piet received and for eale BULLER Lc E.ICKEPSON. Na.o 221 and 223 Liberty street- 'IOD FISH.— 3 drums extra largo Cod Fish ; 3 " large Just received and for sale, by MILL.IIII h RICILET3OII, mr2s Noa. 221 and 223 Liberty etroot. LET.—A commodious throe story Frame Home, with Brick Basement--sitnated on Bodford treeh—to rout, by MILLER & BICHTBON, mr2s !Too. 221 arid 223 Liberty street. MAPS.—A. large assortment of Pocket Maps for 1.558, comprising Sectional and Township Diens of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa, Mils. eouri. Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota, on hand and for sale by W. S. HAVEN, aps Nos. 31, 33 and 35 Market street. (ADD FELLOWS' ROLL, WARRANT and Proposition Hooka, for sale by W. S. HAVEN, an y Corner Market and Second streets. FRENCII PAPER HANGINGS.—New desigus and very beautiful—received by late arrivals, for sale by W. P. MARSBALL it 00., me2s Importers and Dealers, 87 Wood street. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Conotr) Glass, assorted sizes, for sale by WliL 11. SMITH & CO., 118 Second, and 147 First streets. KETCHUPS. — so dozen quart Tomato Ketchups; 30 do pint do do 16 do do' Walnut do lb do do Mushroom do Just reed and for sale by RHYMER & ANDESON, No. 39 Woo street, Opposite the St. Charles He' grREENti, AND!ARSIImai*bLinctsBOONS6,O. v a th to B. OUTHERBS k 50N. * , ....- 1 .i‘ /4 t ; ~' , ,t - ~. s'S \_,_..,, J.' --,i V , • . . '.. .. . . :i . . t. 4 • . . :4 ' Qii '' . , L - - gr • 7 r-z, -/,., -,..? . , 7 , zi.: t . .e. ,• ~ - 1 . . ~. - i. • LA - ,- ,7 . .. r . ~,:, -,-. i' . 1 , . i:, . -.. .:. I.' -• 41.,1• . .72... A - Si 1; a - }tea .1 t ' • 11l 2: - ' v , 1 7 , , - 1 ~ -• -,.-.. ...- ~.. 0 6: I li ';t cf, :i aT. II P N .... .... _. -.: ~...,.../ . -. . . . z : .. A . 4 ),., . ~-,,,,. 744 , " ~, 1•$ :1 7, 4 tg -4:. - , -4... , - L - - ‘l , . .74 ~,,, 4 . , ...,._, Ne- v ;.-.-.. -:t. :.- -:„ , .-. . 4 , = , - , :, 4 ~ , -4. 1,,,, v , h. , /t 1 , I. ....., . , , fa , OLILPIEZ SA, V HNIGZ3 MIDDLE ROOM, JONI;S' DRIV BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to '2 o'clook ; also, on Wodneedm and Saturday overlie from May let to November let, from 7 to 0 o'clscs; cod from November let to play let, from 6 tot o'clock. Deposits received of all sums net less than ONe DOLIAD, and a dividend of the profits deolared twice a year, In JUDO and December. Interest was declared at the rate uf six per cent. per annum, on the Prot of December, 185.5; else In June and December, 1856, and in June and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and I Cara the 831310 interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this cute, money will double in less than twelve years, making at the aggregate Mice AND ONE-tall? PIM CENT. A YEAR. Books c ontaining the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Rego tat - ions, furnished gratis, on application at the offax, President--GEORGE AL BELEM. Vlce FHP:3IDaNTS. Liopewoll Hepburn, John 11. Shoenbergo ,- , James Ehldle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James 1). Kelly, William S. Lovely, lames Ileriiman, Wit Burgwin, John S. Cosgrave, T10i5711:13. PHOPILIETIt E William J. And. iron. lames W. Hailmar. John G. Backoren, Charles !limp, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John 11.11eller, J. Gardiner Come, Walter P. Marshal., Alonzo A. Carrier. Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. ,I. Pollock, M. D. Charles A. Collon, - ; Henry L. Ringwa!t, William Douglnas, John M. Sawyer, Francia Felix, George B. Seldom George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoon, Theobald Umbstaottei, William S. Haven, George B. White, Secretary and Treasurer--01lAS. A. COLTON. L fe43 BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & CO., n.EsmoiNEs, IowA• COLLECTIONS MADE and prompu witted. LANDS selected and locato.i. Capitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. Aux= 1,001013 I'llo9. D. L.00:11.9. AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes,:Bouds, Mortgagee, and all Securities for Money. Money Loaned on Chocks at short ,i,ten, with collateral security. NOTICS AND DRAFTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can be accommodated on reasona ble terms, and capitalists can be furnished with good securi ties at remunerative prices. Also, attend to thv and Leasing of i:e7.l Estate. Office, No. 92 YOURTit street, above Woad t-rj...4.IISTLN LOOM'S., Notary Public. .f_ioLmEs & SONS, Bankers and Es • change Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Accept ances, Gold, Silver and Bauk tides. Exchange on the East. ern and Western Ogled constantly for dale. Collections made in all the titled throughout the United States. Deposits received in par hinds or current la6lJor, IN J. 67 Market street, botwoen Tith,l rt j,,,,0dy THOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, :Stk. Rua! E9tete, A:c., Fourth street, Pittabargh, L a. Jana JOIIN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE ey MINIM, Dealer In Exchange, Commercial and Bark Notca. Stock bought and sold ou Collllll.ifidiCal. Collections mrefully attended to. Interest paid ou Deposits. No. o 7 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je3C, BOOKS AND STATIONERY ItOBERT A. LOOMIS, (socoo,Bor to B. T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN 000115, PERIODICAL: I AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. no'2s:ly Co-Partuersiutp. TIIE undersigned have entered into CO- Partnership, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston & Cu. SAMUEL It. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM 0. .1 OE:( STUN. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1557. 0. It. JOBEEION, 10 wu. G. .70.1i-Na7.C , Di. wrr3. G. JOHNSTON di. CO., STATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood strout, I,t‘ve-n Third and Fourth, Pi ttsbur,„:l. r0.?.0 TOBACCO AND SEGARS, W &D. RINEIIART, Safety and Economy /n wrlly WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can g. t a che'Jper and bet ter light. Pure Kerosene Uir, made from the gas of Cancel Coal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portable light ever offered to Use public, and no danger at explosion.; more brilliant thhn gas; and quite as cheap; Lamps of the most simple and ,hanaued Goa - rtriaction. For sale by T. D. C. lISDKINSON, No. 79 8mq:1f:will street. Beware of a counterfeit ahead} in the markut, made from Camphene, with a littki C , a 1 scent it. [14.7:13 , COOKING BY GAS. A WCJRD TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, '..ad we call Lt.) attention of the to the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can be done with L.COLI , . 7 1!) , w;t boil: op' heat, with out soot, and with despatch—The lire wing always rea , y lii a moment—by using To which we respectfully eau attenti. at No. 5 Smithfield street. A. loIINSON A 13110. County and City f sida ii.pl2:6ra AYR ES' 69t➢.M C 0 N F 11 C T I 3 , is (1N FEUT I ON, 00 NFEOTI 0 N , C 0 N F ECTION,CONF ECTION,CONFE CT 1 ON, 00.!PF,0 TION,C ONFECT I ON CO NFECT O N,CONF 1:0T I U N,CONF PICT 1 ON C U NFECTI t , The most pleasant, safe and effentual Worm Remedy now M use. Prepared Rud sold. wholesale and retail, by ANGEI.J. A IIArT, Cur. Wood and ;-_,1.1.;11 And sold by Drree=ts 1a2.1 Lippincott, Shcorten 2, -, Icurson 9 NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NW R IFfif. TAANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va nnes, Cet and Bonnet Boxes, Ladiea Traveling trunks, Carpet Its.p. Ac., keep constmtly en hand a ‘arge stock. We are preps:oil to do a Wholesale trnde, sad hoe. ing facilities to turn out good ,inick at . educed prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods be fore purchasing elsewhe. P. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.— k) The undersigned has bought the lease , jof the above named Stables, gether with a portion of the erten sive stock of Horses and Carriages, late the property of James Mathews, deceased. lu addition to the stock beforoduentioned, he has also added a number of FINN 11ORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables is third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atten tion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he her hitherto received frsm public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER., St. Charles Livery Stables. N. la—A ELEAhs.z and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. deV? B -- 1.1 - c - KwITEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck wheat Flour, 60 lb sack: , , just received and for sale S.IcOANDLESS, MEANS do CO-, Corner Wood and Water streets. by LOUR.-25 bbls. Superthae Flour received A. and for sale by MuCANDLESS, MEANS it CO., fedo Corner Wood and Water streets. LARD OIL.—We have commenced menu factoring Lard Oil, and will be pleased to receive or dere for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar &et. We will till barrels returned when dealred. C. it: J. IL SAWYED.., stn No. 47 Wood Fez- wt. PUBLISHED 1-I PdLY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," 0 1 .111 - TEIR OF WOOD AND .FIFTH STREETS DOLELLELS . "ER ANNUM BANKS No. 65 AviArr;h ,';!rect, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS 129 rri)GD SIR b, filusgrave , sa Gab tooak:vig Stove, DIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose woc..l 634 .stave Pianos, will Ne rented to private fam• Hied only. Apply . to JOHN U. AIELLOR, 6,13 82 Wood street. Nv-INDow . GLASS.--5000 yards from 2 to 6 into inch dbinietor, for silo by IL 11. GOWNS. 3TONS Eastern Lead, received and for sale (an ax.c.lleat article,) by d( TIVYtIPSON 1 CO., No. 135 Third en eet. MIXED PAINTS,--Always on hand, au colon, cud fur ,alo by JOLIN ruumrsoN CO., No l Third Ftreet. BEANS.-251)D 1 5. white Beans for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, Corner Find and Mertet etc DAVIS' PAIN KILLER.-50 gross fsr sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., bp2B Corner Wood and First streets. ROOM CORN.-3 tons first quality rec'd ..,rp and for sale ILy jrnr6] HENRY H. CKh,LINS. 1 O — W BBLS. N. C. TAR, for sale by BAGALEY, ousoravE 00., Nog. 18 and 20 Wool street. VMIGRANT RIFLES.—A most desirable JL% and cheap weapon", at BOWN Is TETLEY'S, m/ No. 1110 Wood area. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At API-SENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan. 1, 1858. as presented to the Stockholders, and made out in compliance with the State Laws of New York, Ohio, Indiana,lllinois, &c. The name of the Company is the FAMIERS' uNi ON 1.1,i -6IMANCE COMPANY, located at Athene, Pa. Chartered April 13, 1853, by the Legielatnre of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, which is ali puid up Burpine in addition thereto Fifiyfonr Bonds and Mortgages, at s 4 a and seven cent. interobt, amounting in the aggregate t0...515-2,315 Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real estate, nrinclpalty farms, recorded and first liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and in uo rase less than fifty rt cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and a, certified by the Recorders, where recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six '0 cent. Bonds amply secured 47,68.5 00 Cash on hand and in Rant - 13.449 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission, secured by hmds with sureties Due on losses re-insured, &c Bills receivable, via: promissory otes payable at bunk and to the Company Interest accrued, (principally due January 1,1858,) 12,191 48 Safe and office Fixtures and Furni tare Amount of Premiums received during the year $ 85,231. 30 Ain't interest received during the year 11,442 05 Ain't received from all other sources 2,480 00 ELYPENDITITILES. Expenses fur the year, including coramhwiens, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 10,199 60 Dividends paid during the year 17,000 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1856 Losses pail which occurred during the year 46,561 54 LIAEULLITLES. Losses adjusted and not duo (since paid) $ 12,500 PP Losses incurred and In process of adjustment. Losses reported, on which no action has been taken.. Losses registed, on ground of insur ance after tire, property transfer r;sl before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, --$ 39,407 00 Whole anion to: risks taken during the ycar.55,439,802 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,301,440 00 ,lATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF Bait/FOND, SI. C N. Shipman, President, and 1.31 Canfield, Secretary of the Farmers' Onion In.mrance Company, being severally dii , y sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing to a true, fall and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they aro the above de scribed onicers thereof. 0. N. SUIPMAN, President. J. E. CANFIELD, Eceretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 25th day of Janu ary, 1858, H. C. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. HUNTER, agent, No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. Eureka Insarauce Company of Pennsylvania. OFFICE, NU. 99 WATER ST., PITTBBURGII. Steck, Due BWs—payable on demand and secured by two approved nameH $ 76,890 00 Casty in Pittsburgh Trust Company 82,280 37 Premium Notes 62 993 80 - • .. . ...... Bills Receivable 15,986 01 122 shan33 Exchange Bank Stock—cost 6,950 00 09 do Xlechai"ics' Bank Stock—cost 6,490 63 200 do Iron City Bank Stoch—amount laid. 7,500 00 100 do -Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 5,010 00 Book Accounts, 13,250 34 I=l PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. TO SECURE A HOME NEAR THE CITY. FIFTY BUILDING LOTS. TN THE TOWN OF ETNA, NEAR SE A. ONLY THREE MILES FROM THE CITY, On Snourday June sth, 3855, he nuderigned will soil upon the spreini3ee, at the. Surth end of the 6haryaburgh Is idge, in the Borough of Eton, Ong Sharpaburg, FIFTY BUILDING LOTS B-autiffilly situated on the bank of the Allegheny river. The property is known as WALLACE'S EXTENFION OF ETNA, and is in all respects as suitable and desirable for eildiag purposes as can be had around the city. It is easy of access by means of the Lawrenceville and Sharpsburg Line of Omnibuses, which leave the city every hour, and is surrounded by a brisk and thriving community. The Lots are 25 by 100 feet. requires no grading, and the inat,rlals for building are mere readily obtainable than in t'le city. The Lawrenceville and Sharpsburg Plank Road runs di. re..tly to the property, which is also easily accessible by the Butter Plank Road and the canal from Duquesne Borough sad Allegheny City. The Allegheny Valley Railroad has a etatfil at the end of the Bridge, where the trains stop twice a day The property will he sad ia fee sample, anlthe ti tle is unexceptionable The location is well adspt•d either for residences or mann it. taring purposes. Plans of the Lots may be seen at the office of the under signed, where persons who may wish to select and purchase at private sale will be acc:nua•.dated. The Public Sale will take place on SATURDAY, Juno sth, . a tae premises. Terms easy, and will be made known at the sale. JAMES C. RICHEY, tayl7,t3] 11.f . 4tste Agent, No. 85 Fifth street. INSURANCE 137378372 UWOME YOH TLIE TEAR 1857 Assets—may 1, 1858. I G. W. GM', T9/39r M. Pennock, W. W. Martin, R. T. Leech, Jr., David McOandlean, George S. Belden. J. 11. Shoeubvrgor, W. If. Niinick, Joh u A. Canghey, C. W. Batchelor, R. D. Cochran, James J. Bennett, Wm. J. Anderson, 11011.NBILRGER, Yresideut myfram J. H. b ROBT. FINNEY, Secretary. SPLENDID CHANCE 1=" T_T 2E3 1-a I <0 ..a. X-13 M OF VLBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. ripllE UNDERSIGNED WILL EXPOSE to public sale, on the premises, On the I.6th day of June next, the Real Estate of SAMUEL JONES, late of Robinson township, Washington county , &ceased, consisting of a tract of laud situate in Rohir , sou township, in said county, containing - 163 A.CII, More or less. This Farm is situsted on the Pittsburgh and Steubenville ltaiiroad,lB miles from Pittsburgh, to well tai proved, and i 3 convenient to Churches, Schools and Mills. Que-Plird of the purchase money will remain in the land during the.lifetime of the widow, the interest thereof to be paid t, her annually. On,half the remainder to be paid Da the first of April, 1859, when possession will be given the remaining half in one year therefrom, without inte=2 JAMES 'TONE ). Execntora. JOHN JONES" Valuable Farm For Sale, 4IONTAINING 160 ACRES, BEING A part of Section 17, in Goshen township, Mahoniug unty, i..hio; shunt 120 acres cleared, in a high state of chitivation, about one-half meadow land, of a superior quality, the balance high and rolling, ready for the plough. It is one of the best grazing farms iu the county, having never-failing springs on it, also en orchard, t caring fruit of a superior quality; together with a good and valuable stone quarry. It will be sold at a low price and easy AD payments given. ZOR STREET. S.i.trat, Col. Co., Ohio, March 25,1868. ap9nitf 'RARE CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS ]MAN.—Tbo proprietor, being about to remove to Europe, will sell his Grist Mill of four stones, with a double steam engine, throe ran of stone, and all the machinery, a smut machine, a corn and cob cracker, etc.. all in complete order; a good Detainees can be done; a dwelling house of four rooms and cellar, the lot has a front of 40 feet on Gregg etrett, South Pittsburgh, by SO deep to an alley. Also, a good lot adjoining the above, 60 feet front on Manor street, with a large stablo. Real Estate, to amount $lOOO or 51500, will be taken in part pay for the above. For price, forms, etc., apply at on: office. S. CIITMERT & SON, ap29 61. Market street. TO MOTEL KEEPERS. A RARE CHANCE. The Mtounta.ha Hotels for Real!. THE MOUNTAIN HOTELS AT CRESSON, OLI the 'Pennsylvania Railroad, are offered for lease for a term of years. These buildings which are largo and commodious, are situated near the Summit of the Allegheny Mountains, in Cambria county. The salubrity of the cli. mate—the pure water—the beauty of the Mountain Scenery --the facilities for Selling and hunting, and all those enjoy ments and recreations which give health and vigor, have rendorod Cresson a popular place of Summer Resort for visitors. from all parts of the United States. The Pennsyl var.in Railroad furnishes means of access daily, from all the principal cities of the Union,and visitore while enjoying all the pleasures sf country ie, can communicate with the cities every few hours. The Hotels belong to "The Allegheny ~,i nantain Health Institute," with all the furniture and fixtures belonging to the Company. They are In a suitable condition for the com fortable accommodation of over TWO HUNDRED guests. To a competent manager, the chance is a most excellent one. Address, JOSEPH PENNOCK, Preen, Pittsburgh, Pa., Or, J. P. LESLEY, Chairman of Committee api Philadelphia, Pa. Cl APPLES-20 bbls. for solo by tqa HENRY 11. CIOLLOIS PITTSBU RGlta SAT R AY. MAY 22. ISW laitillANT' ICE (I()2l°V,'tiY, tiqr Pialiadaileafta. WM. V. PETTIT, Pr,cr,-ider.l ......... D. J. rd'OANN, Secredary. Amount of Capital Stock paid In and invostod...2oo,ooo 00 Surpluif 63,42'1 36 1 .113 Ifkl, Cargo Hike tae 011!0 2.110. nieste3ippi Rivers au.l tributaries. ria.tasic, by Fire, Also, agolnet tLie Lnland , Sjivriqatien : , o,! t i $ 200.000 00 . 63,480_,01. I , 'SEC '2 0 IL Vim. V. F.,ttit. 3. C. Mc.c.t.go , r J. I.l:Can , l, is. F. Witth , l, B. L. Wootztt,,,, u A John J. Pattoi'3 , . wo l'ufv.y , k'2a ,, 3,455 61 in : E,1g0r,1.an21. , A Truitt, Ltrl. A Co. A. T. LROo a Co.. PITTSBUFAIII OPEJCF Etelilaner,e iianua'arcac-?2 Ce 1) L L.` A. 15,761 cii 7,836 51 ON BUILDIt/GS, 011 PONI . ETIJAI., biEROJIAN PIKE, FURNITURE, &C., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Office, 306 Walaut sireet. CAPITAL, I 7 7, ti'd6 ...... 9,362,405 Go Invested 1 ,, ;shows, viz:-- First 510r1it.4,e ou 110 pr,voti City Pre pt:ty, uo ri,Li double toe suisnut $120,2,....; tiC Pennsylvania Ballwin! U”.'d 6 tee cent Ihrtgsvx Loan, i',30,050 c ,:t 21,500 00 Allegheny County 6 por cent. reon's I:. 0. loan. 10.000 00 Peutplyivaula 1010rOad o,.'d S:OCr , 4,000 00 Stock of the Beliaucs Mut no.I I L.lll=aoC, 0 13,110 GO Stock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,054 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Corapan le:, 415 00 Bills Receive de, business paper 52,711 60 Book Accounts. aLcrued !Lac-rest, etc 33',i6 10 Cash ou hand and in Bann 10,043 20 $ 253,485 51 $90,153 35 $90,435 95 I , ,iut, a) -.256,341 lb INSURANCE n 7 WI Ll,l v. ;• ; l'rezid , n4. J. 3FIcCA.,".;N, 9.6Fett6tic: 46 : i 1. - i Philadelphia. Stei!)....litz. Just.le. Bnok, Morou 1t stidt~lr, T'n - an - uy, Caldwell e U. 57 WATER. STR.EBT. N.\ -7 . POI ts;;;EXl'lat, I 17, 4 1 Tkj ‘ 1 ( i • -LI EA TI L-Z 52,4E6 89 CLEM TINGLEY, Pre.lideut. OtalOvvan. Clem Tingle), I Einnitiol Iliapliam, William R. Thozuprion, 1 Robert Steen, Pavid S. Brown, WOlam: l'lnp,r. t'oruolins Steconcon, llinii,unin W I:ingiiiy, John It. lA'orrell, Muchall Hill, S. L. Carson. Z. Lothrop, Robert Tulniid, Charles 1,11,71.1, l'-it), , i.e; .1,.1.1LH011, j cicvb T. Bunting, Cluirl,o S. Wood, Smith Bowen, Jitinve S. Wikala,i,ril, Win. 1.1.. iii-..inplo, Pitizt,', ii,r3 11. r‘i. iiINCIIIIAN, Ileccctary. •1. thil!.9l.N 11: t COFFIN, Agent, car.; N, rtli-ot i. , ...tt0r l'hi i „I and Wood otreets. FELTADLILPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 119 Übrosous. 2treet, CI - 17AL° the C^-ton. 1.1,1181.. iLi, MAKE ALL FI.II`,IDS OF INSU- ItANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on every description of Property or illoretoludi,o, ut ret.iuttable ratea of premium. P.0.8.E.RT P. KING-, Pr: cidcnt. 3.1. W. EILDWI.N, Vice Premid,nt Charlos 1.14 ye.., E. K. Cope, E. 13. Engihih, Gtory,,, W. Brown. I'. P. Savory, Ju.soph 8. Paul, Shorhortu, .T ,, 111.. Cihyton, ,S. J. ,)Ingar,_ , E. ;.. liar. F. BLecEtin• - ittz, 6ccl,L.ry. J. G. 00F1IN, Agent, Conic: Third and Wuud streets, CITIZENS' INSURANCE +COMPANY OF PITTSBUaGii WILLIAM ILI.GALE 8.A.M.T2E1, 1,. a1.. 4 .3.101 -, :r.,M1, 0 FTICL , : water , Vir/ 11'30 , 1 .C.:.".1'4 luauros HULL ANDoL 01:1; and Ilig.isnippi lii Cora uod Insurt•s hgedr,3c. Logs or Da1111:4:: Also, agniu,,t tno Porilo Sea %ad f, cold TrunsportatioL. Dxgricaorz. Cal>t: SLorllng S. lliiv. - orzh, ter,ncir, 6 , 211 era, ~ -7111111tv. I{,jd John We:tor Bryant, iVilliata Begal,y, Samuel P..er., James M. James IMrk, Jr., Law:: 'M. Springer flarbauga, Capt. Samuel C. Youu, s , John WEST 1.3 2.1 4 1 i',? C 1.1 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCI: HAIEN, CL _V TO .Tv COLT-VT] CEIAiIIEItED BY Tait LEOING.', met; PE3NSYI.9ANI.I 0.12411 ...... 1.?0, rr I .IIS COMPANY W ELL INSURE ON baildrug,K, :dercitautlitte, urutturu. ac.. to t,,vo,n or ,uuntry Lloa.Juu.J. YeSrcc,jLion. G. C. Lira'. ).; ( 1 , -c1'..4 A. layer ; J,tal B. Hall, Cintrlvs Crh.t, Lick! tyk . ,,,n, T. T. AI :Falls ; I K Jack - luau, W. Whi :0, Thins L`i!•:ucL. 11:1T1‘i. Pre,iil42 T. T. ABRA)IS, Vic, ProtridcLt. T 205. I c s. E,Cll , t , try. REITSRLIiC2b. Suh:ubl a. 1,1.31, Di ..1 S. Cray. iJrri, A. A. Wine. , ' arducr, John W. )Trayna.r . .l, A. Uplegrair, L. A. Ninckoy, S Cameron, Jame: At:nst rent:, A. White, nod. Bowman 11.1),, , Williunl Fearon, James Qnigglo, Wei. Vanderb , lt, 'Hon. Wm. Bigler, OFFIOE—.NO. tis FlFru b P r, PITTSIII,ILOII. de2l:tt J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. KLLN 1`11.1.1": O , ).I.IPANY, OF Dni.....T^zone.--4.31:u1e9 W. Itlinel.or, 'f..LP.tth Wagnor, Eaumbl Grant, Jacob tiordcc.. - I.i D. Lf.il3, AdUipili E. Borie, rLa l'attcraon. C2A'. i.. Pre,.:Ht3nt. Oi!LS. U. BUNCE.r.r.. COntiLICIO vaal:o 1119115i1.31Cf,, o iv:ry description of prop,rti, in oAtr , rtltoe Zt.3 'WA r.rt coo3ittoat wlth. ThP Co - tapi,oy Ihich,with tneir copit, 11 WO: c , ford atnole tu The Assol.., , lishto .... . Fatal ....... rein oja-1,1 'tocke 04.81 e, ............ ..... dints thvii yt,hre, - . tim , c , paid ut OIL That. nand Dollan,l. 088128 by 4.6..rdhig .o.ldonce Jill Avantage3uf insuraaco,:z vctt 11:3 and dl-p - Iticu moot with prorni,tnca3 all ' Pi L.;iN U3AN4.;L; I A t OF PLIII,ADELPIIIA, BuiLDING,3, 114 WALNUT Organized under the Gen,ral i odurauw Law, with a Caoh Chintal of f 100,0 w, privileged to lucre. , -. , e to /,c,oo.hun, In entre:+apuy loan ur dariez Ly INLAND NA VlO ATIoN ann i TItA,NPA.'OI3.f ATIUN. U. 0. LA UG ELLEN, k'resideut. RICH'D 6 LIi.E.LI)6, Gl,l 'IIISCOTT, Secretary,' DIILE(aOr.S: 11. C. Laughlin, D. Sharv.T.,,, 1, Ll..!`,lont;oniery, W. C. Stute-guli M. earn!, Richard Shields, It. Y. Showell. 0. C. Bn:ler, William 02herne, George Scott. 721T11 Agents, jel:y Lath) tt.. MAL entrance on Wool tt piTTSBURCIii .7q.1) MARINE INSURANCE , COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, setTrrsaunc—st, PAs .1'..P.P.11. - P G' d.I,TVA V . , PetriidEM; AF.s,. - . Es knuy, Vico President. E. A. RINZUART, Secretary. z....."e,.-This Company makes emery lusur.anc3 apportaining to or cnnuectod with LlFird ItISliS. Also against HULL Al.; D CATl(ik - .. , ..i5ii - , - ri on ii ic Ohio .. and Mississipid Rivers and tribniAll'ieb . 411,1 7 . IARINE RISKS , generally. And against Loss and Dan2i.;,e by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowL et rst. s consistent with safety to all parties. Robert Galv.ay, 2...nuel M'alarlian, Joseph P. Gazu.al, I.d. D., .;; , 'tin Scott. James Marshall, Did Bieln•y, James W. Liailman, Olaarle.; Arbuthnot, flit:render Bradley. J.,seplk S. Leech, John Fullerton., Ili. P. Hart, David 11. Chambor:. !let,ert U. Hartley, William Carr. 'no. Mc'lilt. WESTERN INSTTRANCb COMPANY OF i'iTTSBLI isC, • ~kit.at; P. LL. GORDOI4, Secretary. Ovate?. No. 92 Water styes:, (Shang & Cu'e Warehouse,) np .=fairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of • .o LitINEILISKS. A Home Institution, managed by Di'a c , • who are cell bnown iu the community, and who ar.. dctormiat , l, by promptness and Liberality. to uhn. tr.ln the- .liaractur they have assumed, as offering the best ;ref-fgion to those who desire to bo insured. _ _ . AItHETS, OCTOBE 7 . 31st, 1837 Pack Accounts,- Mortgagee ----- Biller Receivable,. Crflico Furniture,. Open Accounta,.. Premium Notes,. Dille Discounted, George Barak., J. lti. l'..der. JAM , . Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmes, D. hi. Long, G. W. Moketaon, nada TIIALBERG'S FAREWELL CONCERT, :233,128 Ti From the manufactory of CHIC:KERING k SON t- , Boston, j,1.1u M. Pticiroy On THURSDAY EVI:EING, at City flail, ere now on endlibitian at the warerooms of the subscriber, and will be for sale lid mediately after Concert. J NO. MELLOR, Sole Agent for Chicber!ng & Son'a PiAncs for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. Note.—THE PIANO FORTES MANUFACTURED BY CUICKERINO A SONS, for whom the subscriber has bee their exclusive agent in this city en many years, are not furnished to any other house, and all orders rm.:. be ad drpssed, and purchasers directed to the subscriber. my 19 JOHN H. MELLOR, tit Wood street. _ T 11ALIIERG'S 111 U _llo. Fantasia on D'Elistre Amore; " " Don Pasquale; " Don Juan Lucretia Corgis; ‘. Les lingen is ; Masanictlo; '• " Moses in Egypt; " La Somnambuia ; " " Home, Sweat Home ; " " Last Rose of Bummer; Romance, with Variations; La Tarantella; The Art of Singing applied to the Pianos, 12 numbers, just received and for sale at the Music Store of rey2.o JOHN H. MELLOR. 31 Wood st. INSUILLINCE Fund, , itv , ,bt:ad, 14t, r, pub vi : . . . 2:0 68 34,377 7S . ... !9 .... ..... . 61,6°,9 U.. ..... ..... 64,346 81 $121,500 00 2,160 00 4,181 87 240 00 9,478 04 14,841 15 40,216 69 125,003 78 $317,641 78 Draurrom IL Miller, Jr., George W. Jack,on, Ales. SpeEr, Knight, Alexander Nicuick, Win. H. Smith, P. M. GORDON, Searetery, PIANOS AND NIITSIC GRAND PIANOS, SELECTED BY M. THALBERG, F 0 It HIS FAREWELL CONCERT, A NEW LOT OF SECOND-HAND PIANOS AN ELEGANT CARVED r.osEwoor, Octave Ohickering Bons' Piano, having been in use a very short time, is now J.; in goal orddr and will be warranted ' by the subscribers. The Piano is offered at a very t low price. A Rosewood German Piano, 6 3 % octavo, made by the German makers: in nee about two years, and covet W nni,ort at least s3oo—price $lOO. A Rosewood 7 octave Boston mode Piano, entirely :lew, to closo the consignment, for $2OO. A mahogany 6 octavo Piano, made by R. A', LV.Nnuns, New York, $6O. A mahogany 6 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, $4O. A rosewood 6 octave t inn old, $3O. A rosewood 69 octave Piano, a very elegant and good in strument, made by one of the. bet New York maker-, in p:rfect order; New Yor't price $300—5240. A 6 octave excellent old Piano, with iron from., wads by Babcock, $75. A rosewood 6 octave Chickering Piano in good order, in use about 2 years, $2OO. The above prices include packing box and packing. Fur sale by J LIN MELLOR, Sole Agent for Chickering A Sou's, Per Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, 0.9 No. 81 Wood street. PIANOS! Tik FULL GRAND PIANOS! PARLOR GRAND PIANOS !! AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, foom the Manufactrry of CHICEEBLNG & SUNS', BosToti, just received from the manufactory of Chickerii.,. , & Sons', Boston, the following deairable and elegant stock o their PIANO FORTES : One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forto, with superbly carved cue. Price One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant wood case. Price $7OO Ouo New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano. nearl, equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price Viuu [SQUARE PIANOS I Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XIV th,. seven .C[El‘,H, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. Two liesewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Your Rosewood, plain round corners, .eves ectare. . Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octa‘es. Four a 5f a a a 61/ Four Rosewood " " 6 1 ; a All of the above aro their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOHN 11. .5.1 ELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Cbickering pIANOS 1 PIANOS I! Second Spring Ruck of the celebrated Gold Med I Pr-minus PIANO IcOIITES, manufactured by WM. .lI.NABE, St CO. They have been awarded the HIGHEST PREMIUMS for ex cellence over all competition, and are pronounced by SI GISMUND TIIALBERG, M. STRAIIOSCII, SATTI.II., and other distinguteh d Pianists, to be equal, if not mporirr to any in this country. l'slannfactureee Sole Agent for rittAmargh and We , :tera Pcr.n%y !Tanta, CHARLOTTE BLUME, At the Old lietabliahe Piano Depot, 118 Wood street, s.cond door above Fifth. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Q, CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 „ Market street, for Ow aato and pufehaae cf lt,al E4tate, renting houses, attending to insurance and c.btaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making cony, .7, • antes, deeds, bonds, &e.; writing letters and coraaponcling with parties abroad, de. ocll BELDEN SE V DOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. POZYUILENCES.—ND , ssrs. Hanna, Garret6on c Co., RobeLt Parks, - Ceq. )311y WESTERN L.A.N2t3S ALEXANDER GARRETT, v.EAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. SO WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OBSO, flux for sale Lands in Illinois, Wis,:ousin, Minnct;ota, Michigan and lowa. Ho will exchange Lands in Wisconsin. Lc., for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city prup.rty. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me as Contract for Supply of Marine CUSTOM HOUSE, April 12th, 18c.S. I.NOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN, TIIA.T Sealed Proposals accompanied by proper guarantees, according to forms to be furnished, on application at this will be received thereat until 12 o'clock, meridian, on the FIRST TUESDAY iu duce next, for the supply of the Marine Hospital, near this city, with the articles of Provis ions, Medicine, etc., enumerated In said forms. The quan tale stated are estimated with reference to the several num hor of patients in the Hospital, but the United States reserve e. right to take MUM ur less of said articles, accordingly %; they may be actually required. If the articles delivered at the Hospitel are not in !he judgment of the Physician. 1 the beet quality, and adapted to the Hospital he will be at liberty to reject the same, to purchase other article in their stead, and to charge the contractor with any excess in the cost over the contract prices. ' The United States reserve the right to accept the proposal Le the whole or any portion of the articles specified. JOHN HASTINGS, apl.3-41 Surveyor and Agent Marine Hospital. 19Eiee oil Sealer of Weights and 3.lleasureB. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND mEAsmi Es, Slay be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, botvo.imn Third and Fourth streets, where orders may he left. mrl3:tf CHARLES BAILNETT. JOHN EMBER 3t CO., FArciCY DYERS AND SCOURERS, 143 — c0. IiZTNVEZA WOOD AND LIDERTY STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and every description of Silk. and Woolen Goods executed at ehort notice, and on reasonable terms. G ROCERIES WINES AND LIQUORS. 150 bags Rio Coffee; 100 chests Black and Green Teas; 25 blAs. t;rushed Sugar; 414 25 " Coffee 20 New York Syrup; 20 " New Orbit:is llolassas ; 5 Tierces New Rice; 10 boxes W. W. H. Grant's Tobacco ; 100 " M. R. and Layer Raisins; 20 kegs French Plums; 2 Puncheons Jamaica Rum; 2 " Santa 01 - 112, Rum; 2 Pipes Holland Giu ; Also, Trench Brandy; Port, Sherry, Malaga and Chain. pagne Winos; Pure Old Rye and Rectified Whisky, in store and for sale low, by HAWORTH. k BROWNLEE, Successors to Haworth, Bro. t Brownlee, Cor. of the Diamond and Diainond alloy, Pittsburgh, Pa. ARPER'S WEEKLY—Received every Wednesday afternoon, by 11. A. LOO MIS Publisher's Agent, Post Buildings, 41 Fifth BU.oet. G ODEY FOR JUNE, GOOEY FOR JUNE, GODEY FOR JUNE ; R. A. LOOMIS, Publishes' Agent, Post Buildings, 41 Fifth syseet. For ego by DOMESTIC CIITLERY—Just opened a splendid assortment of Scissors, Carving Knives, Knives and Parkes, eta. BOWN T.ETLEY, No. 186 Wood street. ChNIONS.-10 bblB. Onions for Eal( 11 MIRY 11. MISCEL A NEOUS. GJEAT SALE pi Tv' RN ITURra. SXO,OOO WORTH, SuLD AT PRIVATE SALE IN 3. 4 R Tuu .tibseribur Lca sold ins Extensive Furniture Wf,re- meals, Vifth stroot, au..l having to giva Pth:RetiPlol2l ou the I.stti . of June, ho offere bL9 outiro othoL of PURIsIITURE AND CHAIRS, ri` COSTO THE BALE CONIVIENCES 4n TUESDAti, IIAY 18, 1858, A.ND WILL CONTINUE FOR THREE WEEKS 1:11:, will be alarked in plain agure:, - , on onch arid C! , ', 6., that visitors eau et ouee so:: the 3ARGAINS OFFIRID TE!i?r;—• Alf stuns has than ii;LCO., cash. On $lOO and rtilwari,H, a crolit cf sixty days will be given for approved 01, rst,i interest added n 1&3« frIPENING OF NEW GOODS, ti,. y AT . , Spieffildid Stocc,l , l oi• Of 'al, Elll , l to ry drt,as—aiJo, 1 - ..1:1T,16;;_ , , OF ALL DESORIFVONe i - , 'iii: .!) :-: ALni.iug tha 1.10 - ,1ti03 is arimmiuitii, Ladies will Ilud the R Sin= Drestke. •DA\'i'iLLA LACES ::ult MANTELS AND CAl'Eb A full assort', ~ t r1:2!Ill-101DEF.J.E3 sold at low prices if A R.'El LL ES CAPS FOR CIIILD E-V, 0 LAO AND EMBROIDERED OAPS, Cuil..ilffS AND 0.00P3, 'Sue 'lit e--lecdun iu the city, and will be toast cheerfully J. BUSU, No. 85 linrt,o , street. GEY'L'i3OIEN'S DRESS GOODS. BL ;v:n to th•? Llide by myl9 A.. '1 7 °.26IIXIAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Cornea - of Fourth and Smithfield Streets, ESPECTFU LLY ANNOUNCES TIIAT all' be has received hie Spring Anortment of GENTLENIEI‘I'S DRESS GOODS, ;he newest stylea, he quality and most elegant deserip tMas, width tic , is prepared to maunfaocure to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, tlll mu:, a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to ,atisfy an? I , loaoo the ruo,t Mothlions taotee, [myl9 ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSIIIP.- r , The flrn. of lIAIVOIO - 211 BROWNLEE was, oh the 8d u 1 Iso+,lll*..olved by inutnal cozen t, by the JEEIIi 1.1A7,0111:21 from the above firm. t tho late tinr, will be nettled by LIAWOUTZA JEIII3 IIAWORTII, In withdrawing front tho above Irm, kindly tbauke hiq former patrons and also the patrons tha latr firm, Spa the vory patron:lgo he hat 411,.; A.,ald iai dly 11.:AILIR1114 , 11.1 theta to h ti11 , 4 - eHiOlll, ',VC/it Tit A. an they are determined to cell ..t low fignrce. iiiyan,t a very large aasortment of 011E212 WiNLS and LIQUORS on hand. JEITU ITAWORTIL -• DA VID LIAWORTIT and JAMES BROWNLEE have this day a9aock.ttv.l together, and wiil continue on the on,inee, at :Le OLD 11, D s corner of Diamond and Dia. mond alloy, v.T.fier the .ity le of 11AWOl1Ti1 & lIROWNLEE, where they hone to receive that patr..ea.ge a:. hleralt given in the old rirm, as that; are determined to sell eIIEAPEIt titan any other t , tore en the city. myl3 T-ah , CUEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE manufactured by 13. O. d J. it. Sawyer, rei r:•St•iv , lS the preference over all other kinds ever offered for family 'NC. Its advent:gar. over other Soapy are:—let, It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin 2.:1. 11011 th. , time need only be occupied in washing v. hen this Soap id lid,' in place of other Soap. 3d. Labor is ‘ , ..olling 'sourly dispOnS , :il with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, ilia) avoiding theiz wear tie. wash-board 4th. boiling the clothes he unnecessary when this Soap is used, and hard or salt water answers ; gaily as ...oft. nth. Printer.), iSachinists, Painters I ativirs, hi lid it far snperior to other Snaps. It speedily re moves T.rame, tar, paint, printers' ink. and dirt from the leaving tire 4211 Sett, and free from chapping. To avoid the r os rubbing the clothes, and the use Of ill • wieni-no.rJ, the foilownag directions should be followed; tne rasher; of eight or ten of a family, take one pe Soap, cat it into shavings, and dissolve in ono cal !Jot wmer ) rui the clothes into a tub containing aimut Its gallons of autos water; pCur to the di9v)ived Soap, and Bur t10r,u61.11.•,. Let. Liana soak twenty to thirty wring oat. mad rinse in warm water once, cold water twice . A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease e,rote, may require a alight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come cut clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold w;..ter may be used in place of hot, respiring about double time in soaking. 069urs, cur 11411.1 e on ea_h iIT. Far in any quaztity, at our warithouze, No. 47 Wood dtroa, and at our worn.:, posito thu Round lionae, Penn- B 3 lwanin avecoc. ii. C. !..• J. 11. SAWYER, a -21 No. 4' Wood stroot. OISALE.---SEVENTY THOUSAND ACRES of choi o Prairio and Timber Land, situated N rtheru To. a and ?ontheru Minnesota, embracing the fdoe,t .at of farming lands over offered iu this market, a., y do:ate-I conveniently to Inns, Towns and lillo9 of l'amplileM containing information of value to Loti o n-anti and c.taloipiee giving I,catiQn, description and price of the laud, with a brief description of the counties in . :hey no located, can be had nu application at our and they will be ae , •,t free by mail to persona sending theirus address. FRAZEE% & CO., myoatf Jona Building, No. 87 Fourth street. ELD SWEET POTATOES.-1.5 barrefa 1- 4) r.„ NO, sect I'ot.l,toC3 for tale cheap to elvse consign melt y JAS. A. FETZER, '2.0" Goraer A.darket and First streets., T A A.WEINk.II43 UOUNTY BONDS WANT ii ED, is oachango fur laud. e.p= 51. Market st. A STEAM MILL in complete running, or vritii dwelling house, etc.. near the city, for eiu by S. GIITEEBEItT 41; SON, ap'Ll 51 Market street.. d'IOUNTRY BACON.--1000 lbs. Country rec.2ived cud for =ale by J MPS A. PETZIII.3., Ch.ruer 'Market and Vire. strq.:tit, WESTERN LANDS of good quality, f oak, cr czchauge for 1 1 Eitate in tho city. S. CUTLIBERT & SON, 51 Markets':. NEW ARIEVALS.—Vie ara taking into store, (128 Wood street,) an iminens.l f fine stock k o Paper for Jobbing purposes ; also, Letter, Cap !gad; T.-•.:uv..lopes in gr e at variety; Nim - tilLa Papers, of every an , t U 9 Cheap ,4 tln,y c..n be, bought in Oa East, where we offer wholesale very low for Ctob. 2n2 JNO. PERILINS t. CO. _ nu,STE,R Drab and Gray Dustr..: Dimling and Ta.m.els, just opened at IiOILN.CB, 77 Mar ket street. AT ENV KEEL STPRING SlCrit.'l7'S—Of the most graceful shapes, Le bawl at HO NE's, 77 Market street, I AKE u , White Fish, Trout, Salmon, • v.7.1(7 i ickotel con3tun,ly ou luoul, a tall , tock to supply ILESIIEII. '. ANDERSON, to ,holo,dlo trade, br [my6l rzrßy lz commis. --GES.--:-30--bss. sweet, just received 1 , 10. 39 Wood street, Opp'Alta the St. Charles Hotel. 0 , 11 : 7 , 10. '' a for dub) by my _ 7)ROOMS.---10 0 doz. Extra Corn Brooms i) on hand and for solo by B. C. is J. H. SAWYER. E B - 1) — SVIELT POTATOES.-20 barret3 sc.A sweet Potatoes, received and for salo by JCIISS A. FETZER, Owner Mosket and ihrat streets. WEEK 11, EL RICAN, DE I. 31 FIFTH STREET i%o. 65 .ftsarkot Sty Let, L 612,13'URE LACE, FANS, FAN°, FANS, iiSt,tWfORM NUMBER 189 THE DAILY POST. Suit Lovengood ut Sicily Burns' Wedding. By B. L. OF TENNESEME "Hey, Ge-orge rang, among the mountain slopes ; and on looking up to the loft, I saw "Sat" tearing along down a stoop point ("head ing me off,") in a long Kangaroo-like lope hold ing his flask high above his head, and- hat in hand. He brought up near me, still bantering ly shaking the half full tickler within an inch of my face, until the head rose to the corn-cob stop per. "Wher ye urine? take a suck, hoes.— This yore truck's old. I ketch it mysef this mornin' from the etillwurm. Norma durn'd bit of strike-nine in hit—l put that ar piece of burnt dried peach in mysef tu gin it caller— better nor ole Ballin's plan : he puts tan ooze in what he sells, and when that ain't handy he mix es a leetle eve the rod warter outen a pound be low his barn—makes a powerful natral culler, but don't help the taste any. Then he korrects that with red pepper. Bits an orful mixtry that eve hard-shell whisky eve ole Bullin's. lie hes pisoned ni onto throe-quarters of the belovin part of his eengregaehun with hit, and tuther ' quarter's twine the same road, of his still-hous don't burn down seen, at he peg out hissef.— Hain't he durndost speeiment ove a welkin bar rel of g syo ever seed any how ? Say, Georgy, dy'e see these here well poles, what I use for logs ? Well, I passed em by each other party peart tuther day. I pat just wan out so, and then tether, say nine feet beyant, an kep a doin hit. I'll just gin ye leave tu go-tu the devil half hemmo, of I didn't make fewer traoks to the mile, an more tu the minit, then seer over made be cuy human manbody, without the help eve -Jose, since Bark Wilson beat the Raw-log frum the top eve the Frog mountain in ter the Ocoee ruver, ae dov an doged hit at last. Evorythieg what talks an cries hes a pint of sum sort. Ole Bullin'e pint is a durned, fast-rate, three-bladed, double-barreled, water-proof hy pookricy, an a onquinchibil appetite fur bald face. Sicily Burns' pint is thru her footers, an weys tu drive men folks crazy.' She gives them a fever, jest es Bar tin es a week at Orleans in Au gust teed. Duru her, she's down on her heels n-w, sed walks flat-foot at that. Dad's pint, an hit's the only pint he has got, is tu bo king eve ell durn'd fools, sence the days eve that feller, the bibil reads about, what housed so much corn in Egypt, and lost his coat by mania outen hit. Hit tells us who wus the strongest man, an who was the meekist man, an who was the best man, but levee ye. tu guess who wue the biggest fool, an of thane a bull nigger in Tennessee, what oudent toll the fast pop toter hearin it rod, I wudent gin fifty cents fur him sartin. He hes ent pence tu run into the house, of it wur rainin ded cats, that's all. My pint is in beaten cuy body suckin in a big skeer, an then in betin eny body's hoes ur f3karcd dog mania oaten it agin. 1 used to think my pint wer like dad's en rained fool ; but when he acted hose, I gin in.— Maybe when I gits his sperience, an em es old, I ken neck the hens ofen him, an be king fool ray ed on his pint. But it's mity onsartin. He has never been beet yet by anything that cud talk. Now, of a feller knows what his pint is, he ken get along, allure proeidin ho don't swar away his liberty tu a temprance society, ur liv ha fur from a still hone, au tu ni a church ur a jail. Them's my sentiments, an I'll gin ye anuther eve em Men folks war made jist to drink, eat, and fur stayin awake in the yearly part eve niter ; an the wimin folks tu cook the vittils, mix the liquor, an help the men tu du the stayin awake. That's hit, an nuthin more, onless hits fur the wimin tu raise the devil atween meals, an the men tu play short 'nerds atweem drams, swop basses with fools, an fits fur exercise at odd spells. Yer don't understand life, George, yet. But about my swappiu those yero laigs so fast; I had got about a fox squirrill skin full eve biled corn juice ender my shut, and war aimin fur Bill Kar's on foot, and when •I got in site ove old Burns' I seed ni onto fifty hossee and mules hiohed onto his fence. It taut Sicily's weddin. She married Clapshaw, the sukit rider; the same fellow he's faith gin out when he met me makin sole. Now, I'll tell yu two things nobody over seed; wan is a dcd mule—l means a mule what jist died far, without any help ; and tether is a sukit rider's grave. Ceze why, the he mules all turn inter 010 field school masters, and the she sung inter strong-minded wimmen, and then they din , like may other human. An the sukit riders, them what marrye money, turns inter store keepere ; an them what marrys fur it, but gits ili a turns inter politicians, an then they dies sorter like humans too. I'll tell yu another thing about the varmints ; they eat chickens round the wskit till they skeres up a rich gall, and of ever one ove em towers his sites onto a gall, why she a gall no longer, no more nor he stays a sukit They jist high hoses, and good-bye gall, ;coil-bye old sledge field, pine thicket, an look out fur a team of shuttail children, a pale omen, sharp boss tradin, and stayin at home on koleo tion Sundays. Now ole Burns bad a bid black an white bull, with a ring in his nose an the rope tied round his horns. They rid im to mill and sich like with a saddil made outen dog-wood forks an clap boan4 and kivered with ole carpit, rope girth and seirf - up-lethers, with a loop for the Lot. Ole Seek, cc they called him, had fist got b k from mill, and wur Lured infer the yard, saddil and all, to pick grass. I were slurgin too, outeide the house, far they hedent axed me in whoa they sot down in eat. Sock nosed roan till he fonn a big kaskit what hilt a little shat. t'-red cern, an he put in his lied tu git it. I sipped up and jerked the liandil over his horns. Now, George, da yu no the natur ove a cow brute ? ThCates the duendeet fools ove all the asewes, , C 0 the Levingoods,) for nsn they or tribulashun they nos nuthin hit to shot their eyea beller, an back an keep a hackie. Well, when old Feick found his self in darkness when he inised his hed, he made wan lunge agin the house that shook the daubin out, then lie thit a better that mout been hearn a mile, and then opt inter an ournenclensistem of backin. A big crawfish were no whar. Fast agin wan thine., then over anuther, among which was the bee bruce, an a dozen stands ove bees. This kealein down the: bench fotch out all the bees - , fitin mad ; the whole er war full lave em, ready to pitch inter eny thing what moved. The house sot enter slopin groun, au the yard dome war even with hit; so Sock just backed in tender a double had eve skate, a blowin and a bawlin, an the leder eve the biggest army ove bees ever seed out at won time ; they filled the baskit; they lodged onto his tele till hit war es thick es a weggin tang an etrate up in the ar at that, lookin sorter like a ded pine kivered with ivy. They war in fan all over im, an at work with all thar mites, a rae,kin im feel good an hot, an im provin; his temper mitely. Ova all the &mad times ye ever beans tell ove, wur thar an thar about;. He Cora tale fast agin the ole story Dutch clock and fetch hit, bustin the innards oaten it; the lead.; wheels were all over the flore. Next pas he fotch up agin the onto v t a o big dubbil engine bedsted, reared the glas hitn eind an puuchin wua ove the poets winder. Tat:rm. - et tail first experdition war h ag ow 'n a - katekornered cunbwerd, a wht 80011 kotc glass deres in, apse nation. He smashed the _stomped everything inter the shelves h tryin to back further in [vine di al] to giblets, reeshnn. giblet/ krocke, preserve jars, gar j , ge , ee ed bags, yerbinches, paragorick bot tds, n ig beeskits, and dell, were, all mixed d—d rraishusly, au not wuth Berlin by about a Jailer arid elf. Next lie gat a fair back across the rums agin the board pertishun; he went tiara like it :red been paper, end tack ebout six feet equer eve hit in splinters and Amps with im inter the came wham they war a eaten, an now the fitin of bees, an dancin, an dodgin Lego a. Clapshaw's in= wer deaf es a dogiron, an sot at the aind eve the tabil uex tu whar Sook busted thra the wall; tail aind on he cum again her cheer, histio her an hit onto , the tabil. flow thc gqir.,wkin„ and cussin ' and the ermashin of things, and raisin of vittils begun. They had got eeveral tablls tugether tu mae it long enuf, a) he jilt rolled em up a top of one another and thar sot ole Missis Clapahaw s straddle ove a pile, a flan bees like onto a mad wind mill, with her caliker cap in one hand fur a wepnn, an a cruet frame in bather, an a kickla like she win riding a lazy home arter a doctor. Tatars, ea bidge, meat, aupe, sop, dumpling an the truck y. 3 wailer em in ; milk, pies, plates and every &Ira tixin yu cud think ova in a week, wer that mixed and smashed like hit had been thru