THE LATEST ME ''S BY TELEGRAPH. TaIRTY-P/FTEI CONGRBEis FIIIST SESSION Vc9lordny'• Proceedings SF \ ATE A number of private bills were passed, innluding for the relief of Coin. M'Aulev, ifoaford smith, Jeremiah Pendergrast, George Phelps, Joshua Shaw, William 1.). \ . Mosely, Joseph Hardy, Alton Long and Benjamin ‘'dwards. The latter confirms a land title in Now xiee. Also, a hill for the ro lief of Anthony Caste°, soldier o: the we rof 1812. talleer, and seamen of the Kane expodiiionFain° ss 4ison to those in the expedition of ',Mac Licilaven. Also, a general by Mr. Foster, 01 Connecticut, in lieu ~! ronn,,,.as individual hills, for the continuanee •,,d, vs , and orphans, under the act of rut.rwiry 3 , !, I 553. S9me discussion ensued on Mr. Pugh ”umatr..nt the pension to the term of widowhood Messrs. Crittendon and llf:olittle ~ prsed ouch ientrictions on marriage, but the bill seven with tho amendment. Mr. Clay. of Alabama, from 11m Committee on ilstrt, and llarbsrs, reported against a large nuna ,, ;•T inapt-dye:non: petitions. tlwin'a Pacific Railroad bit' was not taken up. special order being the Homestead bill of Mr. Joan; o^, of Tennessee, it wa3 then taken up. Mr. lied the floor, end spoke three hours till the ...ertim,:nt. Ho discouraged the idea that the bill the public lands as a donation. On the •-e, it 1, , framed on the principle of compenea i• • . inasmuch as the settlers fulfilling the require of a five years' residencoe.nd improvement, pays i n 1,1‘, T more then the value of the land. Th ii , mestesd measure is nut a trick or doina4oque it re,:eived the approve! of Wasbincf•'l' of the eountry. It in it' um tf the Territory being to • ••••••, in•itintriem , poor settlers on their r,h ie.. a wild spezM 'bongo their . • ,;;.,dosing II! , ,, they would buy inore,• oenttibuto more towards the sup . - • the tl.metament. Were but one million fain 0- expend $56 each, additional, it would -• •lo•-e auditional roverde. This i•• of revenue and patriotism. Uor : , ..y prevent the accumulation of , CF p. , pllixu.n hround krg,e cities ; populate your -:iet-. It will produce self.dependent •••, .q ld have no pampered aristocracy, nor • pauperh....od, hut raise a middle c!alts, who the country and will defend their • reliatsly. L:n aeard i urgod by his Northet a r 7 N! I, 01:1, 0;0 bill wou:.l se:. prejudicially to the South To doay t obi assertion ho went into or ,a; .rato disquirition, the scope of which woe tht:t ttte os 'ension hotuesteads even in the North wou'd vs:mg the douutnd for the products of Southern and tha , hero n' Intl , sections of the country. .tion he P. - wider:jail; expressed the be that wore low ultra.; 'Rite of the North and Lt ( - 0 - ' tv 7 be u;lc of the pE"opie would -; t.i7.2, and c en'tio•lhern be,lome adveeatee . pormanan,-.3 of slavery in the South. TiicDat:J th(:1 wttnt into el-L:utive Hoslion, and Li( , USE Or REPRESENIATI I EY, 71.0 In..tien to lay the Report of the Committee rri tee Muirie, , ota Representatives on the table was , fi:at-:r...ed to by 5 ..m”iurity. tterfieran ca"riL for the reading of the re lea Licon o crat: desiring to take a vote on tt..o to-dry. This was reeistod by the opoosi in c?,!. dilery motions, and required the r. lye te he frequently taken. Mr. I,avie, of Maryland, said that it 's not likely th.ft the ilonso will get at the vote to day, and Bug. go , tcfl that the Fubjecq he postponed till Saturday, P.. tlfni in the meantime the reports can be printed at the onostion understood. Au ob jertion was interposed. Motions to adjourn were and appeals taken from the decision of the Chair, ,ho., an.l deelled by ye-s end nays. The ecif - iet continued for two hours, when the 11 use adj,,ureed. From Utsh F r. May 20.--The siesmor 11. Diekop :ram Leavenworth, un tho 11th, brings inttillgen.te of the ~ trlvll of Col. K.lne and Abel Oilltert at t' at _ pip,: on Sunday last. lf , lbert , t I;es that Brighntn Youug had nbdieat ;,,nd Gov, NVR9, at the last dates, thir.y Sait Latt , 3 C ty. accompanied by a dopu• tation of fifty :thrmons sent !o meet k=m. r_4`rc.m. W allil ing ton IVArgiiNGToN, 20. —The S , ir- , 11.;° held a short tiny, eind confirmed ti few C,Lil- Darativoly unimportant nominations, iticludlog Mr. tiibbone Gray Portmnattr at Westchester, Pa. The Li for Casbut JI uao officer, for the Northern citicq will probably be considered to morrow. of thz Bark Morning Star PA 1.1 . !..10P.R, 20.---By an arrival from Rio, ,ip!,;,4 to t:!,; 17 , h Apri! havo bean reco;vod. Tha S'iT", which eviler!. for Now Orleans early ;0 Apr.i, off Capo Frio. All hands wc; avad. nrti e r In New Orieane. Ntsw 01:1.6ANS, May 20.—Capt. Phillips, leader of the Thug:, waa l,ralally murdered. last night. --Cotton firm: Hales 3500 bale=_; bblg. ,t firm: sales lumb. Pruvisiouri Urn] MEEE 11... iii r.i Liti. , .Pd Oil tria il lc , t 1 firm at 10(01. ha tat i,11...1111) prime Orlramiquotiuq .7: Ind Rico cc-: •or IL Stook Itieoriket N v, ~r ':.s lower. Ciricar; a arid V: aL. iti! tar: 77 lat rc .ucti :11.1svaukc ?di( 11. •Ilt6ol LI N. V Cr-rit ri 4i; ILII.I M II - °,,.)4; 1,, Crm'.r rid crta*, , J ,• C:ircturarzi; Illa-rkst F4I '2,13 of 2012 . 1 bid , at o tin, to , •11.dco t•Ntro. • • . a.t) at 17!:,', v,.tb a dcniond to It, i t ., ct,,0r.,0 in prONOI one; Pork and CIIIII , Lt n l q•I i., I 1...1.1 11.. rulv e the v.eut et buyr4/4. He on in •1o" _ , l, 1 r,lti - h it. , 4 eeuerally ut bo, LllOl, co 1111y(Ird ut over Se. 1.11 Telegraph Report. for the paper we SI, H I farm, fIIAI Dut barfha 11,1. , 1 mg it Cors:,-regelontti, S•ith Carolina, took his Beat i• ,`: • ' occupied with pension and lIIME=I o r7.,:mlution from the Committee on le !eper':..d ordor:ng that ".e?,ars. Phelps and hot. 3i1:0 ,avord as members from Min ne-••,:i -t!:.• oonloat their seats hereallnr not to . 1;c: intorfored with. After 80010 discussion, the przvi , u , question wt moved. Rouge t , .. , 0k up and pasEed tho civil appropria t,,,n iiiii, Fa , rsr FtriVirtg out $lO,OOO for the capitol 9 - i 1 by cur majority retaining nearly an ,unT trio completion of the Walhington Frem Kansas; May 20.—A000unte from Kansas con- Lrtu , i, :Telk of outrages and robberies by Mont. t;fiinflry . , hand of outlaws. Several stores and the pen , Lt Willow Springs, were robbed on the 11th. wv.r^ also roi art - Id in different parts of Johrotun county. Thrt.) hundred families are t .tue ltscn driven out of Lynn county. Vii'. '. alt e rapttCa't comm'ssitm under (leo. it 1± understood that the members of his hartc have a written pledge, tinder which they at - e sworn to d'Uvo all the pro-slavery men out of the turcitt,r7, and alio to break up the land soles in July. They are nico reported to have said that unless withdraws she troops from Fort Scott, they 11-1 t:rett , 3ed to Lueompton and hang him. From Wasd►fngton W 'Sr Hi:KC:TON, May. M.—Morroa, Burnscombo and the commissioners appointed at the settlers' mset convention hold at Topeka, Kansas, to procure a postponement of the land sales in that territory, or to provide a loan fond for the squatters, have had, in company with Mr. Parrott, the delegate from _Kam , o, an interview with the President, who inti mated his willingness to postpone the sale till Octo ber if they thought best, but des , red them to call on the cot tors of the territory. The latter states that the p.'iry of the government would be to sell all the public Nude possible during the present year for the nnrpoos of revenue, but consented to defer the sales in Kansas till November Ist and 15th, when they will take place. Tho commissioners will leave for New York on Fitday for the purpose of securing the loge- nt-eded- /cram Elavana N'f NV May 20.—The Black Warrior has ar. Hi: Havana dates to the 15th. She reports that the merinos from a British ambler landed at one of the Cuban outrorts and ransacked the plantations in search vassal negroes. The captain of the outoort ha: been ordered to Havana for trial, in not resisting the invasion and insult to the Spanish slag. The Flora Templd and two foreign ships arrived at Havana on the 13th inst., With 1600 oodles. SOMETHING NEW SISIiSLILLEb SHIRT I:IIUNTS AND WRL9TBANDS, ili6tch, of I.tunlity, ,VA 1F..1C1 UR ED TO A SPECIAL ORDER ir cn6 by 4"101"fON TRIMMINUS.—Cotton Fringes 4 4 , an.' Braids for tilannino Basques and Children's t.ledling—aii widths received, at JOA. 1101.1.14,1C8, No 'r7 market .ti fiLONI)E.-500 doz. White I !th , • rn; BOLII/01, Borders, received, and in de ; ;el !inc to Milliners by the piece, at ILORNES, 77 Mr:rket Amite •--,......:,-.--,:;:r. . ...,....::144'.,,..::::-..A.,,,,,.1 _7 - , - . .. ,-.- f• , 4: ,- ,•z,,..ri:0.g.,63 , .ity-; , '7- .' • . 4 1'•';i':-F*Ok'iL . l .- " ,- • - "Al . '• . '3 . e ;•• _...,'431'5,-:-,..-f-'.l:-,Y• DAnausrows, Montgomery Co., Maryland, 1 January, 31st , 1357. J I never felt the benefit of any medicine so much as from the bottlo of BIERIIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS I purchased last fall. I wish to know whore I can get it, without fear of imposition. (Signed,) JOSEPH C. DELLET. FROM A DRUGGIST. APOLLO, Armolrong Co., Po., Doe. 15, 1558. MESSRS. B. PAGE, Jr. S. Co. Dear Sirs—l purchased I do:. of your li4ELI, HAVE'S HOLLANDUTTERS, ticia your :ravel ing agent, which has give:: grra, thin section. Send MP dozen, •,;ticti I er!eloae the money. 'S. C. 13()VAHLP. eatefli to rot - /quil4/..d Bt * 1 r, ' coo, 1r by the .ule 1-'roprietur , , Page, Jr., 3, Co., No. I',' Wood street, bocween First erol SeQ , Ald street., and Pit:4;g eta gene kir - • ANtiLIEH —A G's cure of Fever (11,i Ai..,av by Ow ../ Liver prepared by felvnyilg I:1 • t..1 ,. .rt.;11. NV, have aow mother t l llllVn !WO, 1 z •11, Sbarp, , ,ut M _Pttatlmcg, who tittite3 thAl he 11.1 4 0. _lll ~ ::.••/1 I 11 .1 1,13 1 Attaeli. al Ague 21(1.1 sy. - • r,.torod by the uat• of theso IT; . 3fi Sher pt• —i• • a, o pini, (1 , i„ w 1, 4 1 ou obser vatlet , ti , v; t. c LLeti i .!.. ‘.l, the test ter bilkma Co1111,i:tin: , •11,- ms, 01 1101.3; r V. , 11 0 ,61 tIL/ 1 11..) nu IP, 3t. Eh r,pe.ct, Ihia !• thr'r in, nL .4 , l K iltitt• rs p .ctntic!,,nd drliod t CE1.1.:131t-ITED :,1 !; Pittni,,,-;,h, t ht. h. It , rt Ott. 1. to ti it Pr. M'l.atat'a ger) itk., l htt ctti 't 1 v.. 1111(Uge, car. LIQW 1.. had at. nip,. 0 ,114 h, dr tux, !:37 I WIN A M. A. rutinin:4 yf I9IA A, 4 .10c,i,t; wi ll I f a , 1, ' ..."-."*L- Up L7u , ;...bovr• - ~.r 1 WEI; il;t iuetnut. 4,'.:1,.ck P. 'IL Fur f.rei4lit 0r6,11 , 71-r r.cone-' Nply 0111• ,, ird, or co L , '," A ,1 :(1!:.1.W., Agt•flt:4. Vlrt! str..qd Thu t.e.alut:l kr. MA G A ILA fit, Cap t. Mori LA.M4tt'isOii Al fur tho abugu and all turn,ti •i UES PFV at 4 o'clock, P. M. POT freigllt o. pa.-,sagu I lab Iran Clly Conummrclaf Ptlbsburgh, Cl, , artered, 1855. Board et 12 Trusteela—Faculty or 14 Teachers. 3( 1 0 STUDZNTS ATTI:NDIN JAM:AI:7: 7 lgiA.•• Zen Prepared Jitr ae o i Duties of the is In!in3 )?, NSTIZUCTIO:i ciLVEN SiNtl LE and Dual.lo-37ntry, 11.,..1: 1110,1 k, every dr otrtatent of Dias'. ••!.. .1, Rapid Cum I. nem Writing, ".tiercantik • COLUDlt•rci,il Dott.ctiug C.,Juntt , rfeitMdt,•.: , I:rononty, Rh. L mtiar t , 11.1onograidly, and ad othrr it.•.,..lNary for the thor t.u.,ill ocluc%tton 5 1•t ,• , ':'r' j I 1211, A. , Aceonute. .f. A. HENDRICK and Ii A , erg ..f Rook.-K-tping. ALFA COWLEY, A. 'l'. I' , 'l.l It E. 17. at. I !I. A. IluTsoN, Profomors of Pel ti,'; Vt. u 5 er all runlyetition for I' rot P.. 11 tOo! let: o AND NOT VOli 6-4,1 .1. C. POR.TER, l'rdf A1ati1.7.0,10,. Trr,ms, do—P ull rdur,..., Ifine enter at t•oty t --$36. A u•rag . ,o fano it ft..d1.1 tat-t , ut S2,LO. Muth.' 4150 $7O. tirainn•dc io6i,ted sifthttion. 11pr...harm: ..t" Wt and tir.•, fre , d. W. JP:NI...IN:I. 10 - 20 Pitt.hid.rgh, Pennsylvania. JOS. 11ORDIE. 77 Alarkot street ~~:?~> A .Vialictar,o Toatinao=y B.UolitiTt) Cu., Pa., Feb. sth, 1857. We prefer buy 14, , BtERIIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS for cash, 1' ears tho discount. Hope to scud you goon .4 rocomumuclatiort from our Minister, testifying, to ire eumtive pewor.E. Signed,) MOODY CAROTHERS. INDIGESTION. +u,ai of 'ouul~y Alti t: d • , •/1 101 rho live!. the or t , t ('illy, were [lot .thee Os of iti i• r. 4!. 6•r hr. Wr,ANE'S VLENI I NG Ty Aro otliot 1';117 purporting ^! uine u•ir /F✓ rip-0 I• 1 PE, F, ING BROS. ST .i.±,, A_ Al 1 30/k T ":.: ClF s _ l (i,d Eq'or Cincinnati I ' llo el••1!,1111! ••• i• tptilukcE—win • t , •IN , !.1 • 1•41,11 r• •••• TIII2 th 4th i;,4., Throu.,:,ll ,zt. Lontr n. rot , ,ies ,I,l:ccla tltt.trmil , ait.! thr tnErl: in th, : 11 • cr•i: :• 37. • 11!.1 ..3T. E.:.;';',UAS Fe' o "i.::.; A 17. E t.-; V ii FI, il, :.-,::: 9'it,r Marlette c.x: - .4.1 Zantevillo , 7 E 4 -11N 14; weather has came at lust, arid as win ter ftoote are ruche. lllou the Mot, I would adviso you to call around to N. !lot s:root and buy a pair nt th,l3il eirabla Spring h-h ail! be sold at very lbw prices fur eagh (ii b.; a Call, at Ih. ii. IIORLA ND'S. utyl7 No. DS Mark-1 eL cot. R 4 dour from Flith. ASKET BDARDS---For Packing Joints, kfi I,y WI. .It,!IN;I'I , ,VN 15 CU, tuyl7 ['ma, ilvaler4, (7 W , od SERMON PA PER on hand, or made so or der, by WM G. Jut.:!NS'l )N F ('U., myl7 ,r'tat.onoTa. A 7 Wt.. tl u flat HICORII BOOKS -- Various stylot, on hand or mad., t .toy pattern, tot ,hurt nate., by %I. G.'Oftt a CO., hayl7 t ,oh Matihf.mte-0r.57 Wded et. ii t) FI,OWERs._ .1.4) 1": , 1 .'kelotuns, Cormetr Er.l In :e limit c.t other et 'x , :.:17 77 Market flLr. reAN:IY PIiENCAI i ' ,ASKE ' IS. — fi nice ItE , 101'1111(111 !Ulf HOP.N I7 nlyti ' Lit.r:Lot ,ttre , t. CI,AItET \V I ",.,; ( 1,1'5 t. ..2 o n , 11 . .1 10 , I 11•• • ,.! C."•.. , 4 \Vint , , 1:1J , • a , Pio!, 1111,1 for ty treat. lu lig. ) re- ealo ntylF, ceiccd Lind t.r 1) . ICE. —3O tierce pr:r,i. Low nice, woN land; au,/ I i . z. 3 .1‘; D 10 (,'OFFEE,— 1,3.. Z..; !co com , ,, tayvi 801),1,--15 03r11. S:•1112, Just re 3,1,1 ;:alt• I.i. hagg, go: d t•') • 1 ,3 ful f.f 'UK!, Rl ) is 11.1 h EFINED SUGAR. -111_ '2O ' , bk. A. r/4111,41 tt. 41,n C. , 11 P 1,0,1 11.1 " A. Crumbed iimtar ; 10 " I'cano Ot ri.l k , • , / trwc 10 " " tint , ittllt , •l!. , , J , 4 ,:ifor 10 " r0,r,.. Now landing and for sal, Lt, rut, 18 I) AIRY SALT.-50 barrels suck Dairy Salt, In dtor, mot f; qr sal, by my/8 MILLER d MOH TON Oil, SALE OR b.;NODANGE.—Fiat' op portunity to r 'cure n hau,s.a,usa Lot ••.1 gray el C,T noun try t,at, 1 Lot tur, 1 " t 4;, " 1 "17 " Situated on tho l'i•rr)es - ; 1 1- - ru cily, will •••,: Hoitable Liry FLiAZILII: n iy'2o 111'",) ..... FOR SALE.—The t‘v , :L,:re 1.,t on tho corner cf Ward 11 , 1(1 Bat,. stri .)21: L. soid end on tlir e yt•ar3 t,Ut. FRAZIER A CO., ,7 Fourth ,stre o 7, N'S ESS'v]ti CB I' .! Al 4 A ICi‘ 14' I Wty, JGYLIPII FLEMING'S, my2o Cm nor Diamono. and Market strwt. lit AIR BRUSHES - A Jarge i - wsortment of 11 - the heat quality of Hair BruAlen constantly on hand at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, my 20 Corner Diamond and Market atrc i have just received a largeTOt Supm for Batting St am of evory EiLt+ and prlim. 'lnca) wish a g.: , cd art•cle i•L thin lane , should ca' and examine a y n , mck Lmfor.:s purchasing elsewhere. .OS. FLEMING, °arm: Diamond and Market str4 my 21) m I N2 , 4.1)1 c A i0 nL, l TERS.—A large supply of A. , rrss i ,aniplre und Bluv Lick Wut r just JOS. FLEMING), Corner Di:mi.:Ltd and Market btreet rwmved by my2o :L I TEAM MILL, STEAM MILL—For Sale, A Grist Mill all complete in wed tanning order, it run of stone, smut machine, a corn nod cob cracker, etc. Altai, a dwelling house of 4 ',ans, a largo stab and 2 lots of R - routiti, Hituate south ritialirgh. will be sold at a bargain. S. CIMMIERT & SON, usyls 51 Market street. WvRITING PAPERS—Of every deterip ton sold nii(iieKtio or retail, t; WM. (I JuIiNSTON & 00.. raper Llosicr , ,, 5. Wood sti rily7 QOAP POWI)L:Lt.-511 boxes Soap Powder of our own rlitkutlf,. tare, , i -, irrat:t,til nulknior to any off• Ted for kale In thin market., m. 10_,1 nr,d for hale by fea B J. u. SAWYER. L'INVELOPES.—Buff, Straw, Amber and 11.'41 Witite, of all sizes, s..ld ,11“1,.sift y IV:11. JOLIN£TON CO., my 7 Stationers and Paper healers, b 7 Wof.d • LTOMINY.—G Mils. Flint Hominy for sale A. FETZER, myl2 Corner dark -t and First sts. 131 - tINTIINIU executed in the highest style o „L art, and at ren,mablo prit,d, by It. WELDIN, B.,,ksolier and Scation , r, 63 ,Weed struE.z, near roc rth. ANFORD'S IN VIGOItATOR.-10 gross KY for Bulo by B. A. PALINESTUCII 00., - 8 1 4'8 Cornor Viol end First directs. ROLL BUTTER-2 1,1)1s. Fresh Roll Butter received and ;or oak by JAB. A. FIaZER, myl2 Corner Market and F rxt eta. :t ultd). for Lltronic 11... t il will be i,tr-L, 111111.111 n g and .416i,41., Toad' MEM= .111 1,:q1 c ftlCliETriON El? t: !..TS. RIBEIIMMI=EII LOCAL AFFAIRS The German Saertgerbund. AB we bad already announced. the "Prtt German S.ienger. bland of Not Hi America"wi'l colebtato their ninth anni versary in this city, on the Bth, Uta and 10th of next month, and from the energy and wig with which the pre-potations aro being rani.' on by the active young Geronna who cumpcso the i ittabargh club, it prom:goi to he ono of the finest tied most interesting festivities that has over taken place in out city. It may not h: out of plate hero to give our readers en insight lute filo origin and objects of this Music is a distinguishing charm:Era istic of the German ; indeed it has become interwoven with his nationality, and he nourishes and cultivates it from his earliest youth. V,ical music, espedelly, is as much a part of his education us any other branch. It is not atirtunishing, then, that the greatest composers the world has known were Germans. Beethoven. Hayden. Myerbeer and others have never hi en excelled. Their presentmastera, Knecken, Mendelssolin, Echnteirt anii others, are the most general favatites, end their productions sre found in every parlor arid musical library where there is a taste for that kind of music which touches the heart, and not that which only pleases the ear for a time. but haves no, failing impression on the mind. Unlik,, many Other foreigners, Lilt) Berman, when he comes to this COM, try, tine t his early education, brings with him his love for music. Be brings to his new home the sang his rudhe, Hang ever his cradle, I be ballad with whiCh he serenaded hie enamored, and the drinking tcng of the convivial I.llrd. The choruses of his country r-i.che him and are cherish. Iso sweet remembrances of fatherland. This natural love for rum.ic gave the first impulse to the formation of clubs mimics, but in order to make it au element of educa tion here.'as p 1 home; in order to exert a beneficial influence, to ennoble the chars: ter and do e to the grand compo• sitions a their maetuis , it was nocemtry to bring all these detie, under ono organi/.,tion, and thus originated the rineng,erli u t fret Into exist inio to Jane 1849, the first •ttng licld in ft was oliginally in - .pled .antiine ell the M^Pirli talent of the (lei - mars, (the limit , roii.. ev;iociiilly,) in the Stitte , . le-ge tiiity vas Ir, nil ie. be too nnwieldy, nail it woo J. !lard tih.ri pent amble to cnunert thaw St,iten and 11 iCil turmoil C , .aTt . 'l . subdivisions. There are now f•dur the Western. North West in.% and North American S:ningerhunils, to the hatter of attach the rittsbutgli Svizicity lieleno. A musical coufcu tLm is hold 1..) , each branch every 3 enr, at which the various rvpit,i,llted, and a grand reneett in ely , n Ly all the eiugr re. At a si« and concert each tociety land - omit independently, to =hew y, hat progr.•-n th , •y have inted, , during the Year, and aPr ;7 , ` in NriViAn to the 'eat performer-. Tiro liuvtt lal and , ~ as of the 'body is arranged, and a pL• a it• anti banquet IA elver to the irneete which ch o rs [heae I -ittudly briuEi os to the grand eaueet r. to Le aiveu hero on ;•10 cAlvion of ills eonitug anniver3ary. The omeert is to I .l s ,on the eve&trg 01 10-.. day. the Bth of June, and the rerforrntilice I.•• a L.'s feature our .oimenti A t.,:ulArrat:tta of iron. thirty-six to forty in the orrhistz., rud of about 1.4v0 hundred 01 Ili, Lest 11 , 1 , 10 7 .1;i , es in its No, ..1:-We,P a li cA , tainlT pro. e rely, if ever, ,outilleti. Phe obsta , lcs to be overcome and the expet , -s to be in rced in brinjuir :.ach a production before the public were tut t, qittig, bat four mentles . practice and rehearsal, with k.r”everiug eueray and strict attention, have removed the ni lci, and ;he anxiety with which the public are looking ,:ward to the febtival, gives essuram e that lb , latter will mot The coin; t. , ele wHcli Is "Am fileeres trendc," ~r tracqtatcl "On the Sea Shore," represents, if we may nee the .xprcasion. a lIIIMiCBI panorama, giving many scones of the sea shot° and the lives of the fishermen, and we will attempt to desc.,bo It. The scene opens on the Leach Just bet Ore daybreak A !'ght, soft zephyr moves the tiny waves, when light gradually breaks through the mist and brings life and animat'm to the scone The aeabirds fly to and fro; the fisheimeu awake and assemble on the shore for prayer, invoking protection and aid from above, and slug a "Hymn of the Crean." Then for, a thus, they are busy in preparing for their daily toil, and all hands are at work to embark. A gentle breeze swells the sails, they take leave of their household treasures, and their " Hoo.i oh " soon diee away in the distance. An old fisherman who hss been left behind b; - 9 on the beach mending the nets, the children gather around him, and he instils into their youthful minds the lose of their coroitiy,"the bra and their trade. Its ad ad:able simplicity, teS01110!) style the old German Ic e cndv, and its religions fees r, make it a pearl of high poetic value. The music of this pal tis strikingly appropriate. J n the next churtai, the epic its of the deep, who watch over the alley tribes, Login to to fearful for the safety of their ani mated treasures. and tney invoke the aid of the spirits of the storm against the fishormec, and their invocation is a ,swer ed. The winds are let loose and howl through the rigging of the frail barks of the fisheriren, while the wavesare rlg Trountitin hien, and the thunder adds a foal fill interest to the scene 1. Ile Eel tors find tilshei men fe.l the peril of their situation and pray for help. The instrument:' LIIIIRIC in thie p 1 cage IA exciting in the highest de, .'ee, and leave a on impression on the mind not eerily forgotten. The,.. l e ft , n calory are naturally anxious for the fate, of their corn . ohs, and they pray for their safety and deliveretnii. At length the storm subsides, auti Gem the little chapel on the ~trand many a joyful prat rings forth and ascends to heaven, oxpressiug the thanks of those eo lately untied front ilan gor. Yet the tiitheinieu do not ever remain in a prat .g :need. and we are not sat i n isod to heir a lively myrrh tilt is Cie place of the eonnd of thanksgiving, and to see the s. , fie Oita , il to the village tavern, where the fiethetinen, their wives and swoollratls, all join in the merry dame. lire tirlulting cmg, of the old mon, who too aged to join in the sport:. sit by, praising ' the good old tone," ia as extrava gant as old people generally are, but nevertheless COlitailla :ninny tlasins of true humor. After the excitement dies away, tn fisherman who has slipped off from the gay throng totp,rceiveil, sings arenade to his beloved, and the whole piece elide with a grand farewell chutes, cuithl 'Good Nicht to the Octtn." The sciatic comuyeitiou iv ono of tho finest pieces we have ever 5007:1, and we have no doubt but the or cutlet' v, 11 be wot thy of the cornrcait ion PCstei 'e National Thot e hoe eecoeed ror rep! esentat ion, and we ant kip:lto eeei ug Ole house fill& lu every pair A picnic at Denu)'s Greve, sad a 9( aid ( . 01,9! tat Lafayette II , 11, also rompriFe a part ~( rhr programme. Sp= e will not permit 119 to Bay more at pr.:,-n(, but we shall again refer to this festival ITTS,,LR T,esißE —Again the Theatre was well tlllvel venia l .; to listsa to the new jokes and hougs of the ,uitit!rel t—npe pstforming there. Dlek Sitter dances as ~„.11 to flay, uetw.thszanding h‘a age, as he did ten years s;:, , e, cut Billy no; id and Johnny Pell make a whole team them -vivre They anaenn e a change of proiremmo this t.irmhtg. with a new pie,. ralltd "The Coerageouu Don The tWittne, en five. ag efturnoun promisee to 1., aI“ ":nut enter; tiumeut. By the way, while paying e,tatilii.litneitt. it will well I remember that MC', Holinv.„ the ii—eet e i th e Ea k. o ei, ia a very cleve r and d.eervri retrocage. T I.ln 1111)1A7, N: , l 7 A',,r —The Lorupany of Indiana ,ndur the (nal Kay. hha wgauce u,ll exhibit thei ' , ltairatic /intl. They a're maid to ha tine 1133€.11.J of their and the Cut bantiea !known in ado it un greatly i ti,realra tne au:action. P.irentS o—hlitug to give their children a ,;th d idnl of Whyt the '• untutored savage" Is, should Bead them to tins extii baton. They appear in many of their wart tut., and dent- , and go ttire:eh sever . ..! Interesting MEE! THE 8011.1lli GB.A.NO PIANO 11. , d by M. Thalb€rg et his faro well concert ovreing, at City Hall, %yes sold by Mr. Mel agent fur 510.251 - 11. Ch , clierlng to Pro fessor Bubbuck., of the oty. The PiAttO is one of Cbioker Soo,' flr,t chub 03 , 1 Pianoe oud seleetr4 by M Thalborg especial' y for tho c cation. Bum/ th's week con ha on ttm Yania.e Pi I Vatt , cl i , (l. ri Feu Luiou . Natiimm Ga_mlte, Now Yock p Jou, ua, harper 8 Weeldy, S - mttinh Et ilior.l Act . 1 ,11110 and thlf ,itlior I.e,ltt:ii Now i:mnily ntld V., 01 i . 2.Hilion fur Juat, ty LI, l' - ` l. , hUr; butliClOLit to quit ovory BC1111 , : r. • the p' , No 4 o.card Lioriss , , Smithfield ct•-imt. A Pa: - s —Quit- a tach,.. -cur red on the wharf yea r .tthy, among a numb« of and others, I., , ulting Lr ectur:.! clacked ,rowu,.. Oun roan had one fdd,ol his fe Le ten to a jOly, and another bad Elia I,lLton nearly off Rather unprofitable huelucEs. N. a- 7 , •,zs wete .1 hb:CAWAYE SPetu t) be the order of Ihe day at present. A hors" attached to a dray ran off yesterday in the Fifth Ward, and dashing down Liberty street at a fearful rate. No damage resulted bum this sudden flight, further than a few scratches on the limbs of the animal. Mnosis MITCUYLL—Miss Mse;i;ie Mitchell appeared again lad; evening at the National. This evening she takes a ben• etit, when she will appear in the playa "Margot ; the i'ealtry Dealer," and the "Breech Spy." We bespeak a bumper for her on this o,casion. DISPE M.A.—That most troublesome and painful of nil diseases, it Is now ascertained, can be effectually cured. Many have been the preparations gotten up to attain this object, but with ono solit iry exception, we believe, all have failed of their purpose. Dr. J. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters —the one referred to—however, has proved such vn invalu able remedy for all diseases of . the stomach, that no one at all conversant with its history, will question its efficacy in cases of the most c.lartaing character. Thousands, by the fr , quent ace of the Bitters, have enjoyed an equally speedy and effectual restoration to physical strength and vigor. AU who are suffering from diseases arising from a fual stomach, should not fail or hesitate to use it. For sale by druggists and dealers generally, every here and by 1108TETTEB, Manufacturers and Prowieton, 58 Water and 58 Front atroots. Shy- TIIE GREAT SUCCESS which has ever attended the use of J. Id. Olin's Celebrated Stomach Bitters, and the nu merous certificates which are daily received, in their :aver, show cunclindvely that they are the greatest and most relia ble preparation of the kind ever introduced to tho public and at this Beeson, when loss of appetite is so prevalent, r, one consulting their own interest Min afford to do without them. The Bitters are pleasant to the taste and agreeable in their effects. As a tonic they are delightful ; they are a reliable remedy for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc., and a sure preventive of most of the prevailing diseases of the day. For sale by J. M. OLLN,sole proprietor and manufacture r, No. '267 Penn street, Pittabli,, Pa., and by dealers gen. erally. m3l-40 Distrvaaing eslamily—liano /Avon boo . Tho We.tera walk brim: sr , unt, of a tollible calamity which occurred In on' morning, remelt ing in the l.on of at nine nye,. At ihre• o'cic,,,k In the more, c, It lira „In in a roe of twc-ntory wee•len -Luildin go on :oath Wtll Jac' WA Nan Bu, ed. Ibo bu'l•ling6 wore • apic•l f ! itc, tacici ct L,Lioin were ob nt the tipper Mtn( The Bra ;Tread rapidly thyongh tier liciffie% filling them with stiffing and Hutlueating ornolLe. Tilos° fliid on the ground atteliTCHl to lender aid, but the dens, Elliott) rendercd en trance The door ct out, of the briblings was at leni,th buret man named John:v.)li, btu tinned 11C:11.1 to foot F still: d by smoke, nut, his ca cap;. The cz.,wd in att. - L.l.Lnc • woio , net at fist aware that [bele %Ler,' ptISOLL, to the I•e!og but tied Co death, or :other ic , e•i•,;„-Li; • ...r , t;bit have i 1 - • When the a 1.•••• : that ==l -pi, vont Ili , ‘ll ':w; .n:; Letu tx.-1. I Rtllo,u, th „o:;ir , vlre Lik• r •~:nn mr„,, 1 „ jtry uu i pr, i.equiluttlitm. V..,rgt.r, ca. “1. , had I, w. 1;;. iu Om. Wll4 -o much Ile was rr. z , t,y . 1 1, 1 r wita, an.l ttr , , clnltlcon, orFu . 4 ,06 ;.,„, ude: L,ven yearr old. were M6,1 . 011;1(5. very mu ‘l , -. 7./fa whole fawdy . WWI frt it rrnim J. they bid 'hey probably tiii-.1 iir J-1111. s•a:, iii wit,• r.nd rual ci a Nvcrl, tasily. ;. i,r 1n.a11 , 1 6 , 1 t ' Hi CVH4 tat the hen in, -in:. 1p: Ahe t,, daV, her 4. gyp, ,leßreo ytqw-t: dd, Tun! could not Rl',krwJr,lß f , ith., 1., JR, e?cap. , . SLO w. she had probably flo.i for r ; ippbA ago,' twenty 4 i,t, and tin.r nide..w, aged al , 1,11. tit - 11011g th • Vi• or, f,.,;12.1 , wlri think !hat ‘ir. , T`d.`"' the ruin , bill t u t tt y,t c o rn, to ;tglit 01 tlw (2 , r:tt:Cm jury it!. not ..911` the cit., C1111116011:1C , that wprc n t i•TI lira. T! , • building l• • ••!•11tabb••• 6 •'• , ..n. kept in wr•icli by raan ,11110 th r'l taw .hr tq:'.]'7l4 hi: 1 ••,; tic juroi,d c r t , . 1 , ; RPV`r , • int,llllll itij, It row tin`, scarr - cly (r 'I LU 1., ti,lt I it it tot •1t• it.l t 1 1• • tit' t it t , • it, I. In ty I.• urt.o anti punkhoti 4.rve, AI.G nF -T h ovnning at Ow 10 ..... . 1015 - 1141. , 41.4: 2 bondt. Elt.o 110 13 oige NAtitb,w EFAtrolt.—A link , fellow, while wit thi ,11 th e Allegheny nr,r T2l.3nd yeHtt out of into ' '. lf wnrl r. lle rrni im diu Cue ~ •11 Pu 4r wit i• c • g hold of the skiff rt , Hl 'all: was it.gcned by rtruneu ❑w ahrit.r, Mil • an:: P• l 9ntl.' , 3r r rh'NE 1- tr.. of Fash!oll li .1 As. eileut urost,or rout/ins 11111 was • ornmittorl i s la'l• y, -;••rday no, by Mayor Stuck of charge. of :f •o!.lerly o.oolto rue. LuNf.oN (211 k 111 ..a.LI for Apr'' Hip 1)':1(`‘ . .1 It 18 an exullont unmoor, and will ~)mmand attention. FIRST CLASS Cl()Chilli.% suited to lho season, for both maws and bays' wear, will be found at Cal naghau's, F, (lend stree!. Allogheuy City. shirts, {donee, ecarfa, ties, waye on hand. at close rates for cash. JOSEPH MEYER, EIANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture 41. Chairs, Warerooins, 411,4 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, FITTSBUIZOII o r Al. In addition to the Fern tore b118111e,9, I also devote attention to UNDERT±.KLNU. henries cud Carriages fa rnisliod. ner22:dly—ic AMUSEMENTS. FOSTER'S ri E NATIONAL THEATRE. LesEee awl 51stetge r .J C. FOSTIIii. Acting nur Stage Manage: A. W. Ye JUNG. ...... ...... :3' OP 10 drat, I:,rarrir eo Lord Drens Circle :Ind Parr i .irqt” . . Upper Tier Duore open at 11:lif-p" It 7.`trila•Ll Jill tirt one of the otlq.ontalll. of kling cold I . a! a' on, in.uni...2.1i.9 Ji AG - Ji 9 ELL, who app.t.r a tar. new omit drama of I•Ilargoo," the — French the rati.lo !A of %V tdoll sae is ackuowlel:.•! I -, 1• it a. fandrt rit.y at Las VAT'S New Vat I x•••al!I l ia- tl L. ,- t0,.. the cut tilt t I Idt the I I:pa: , Ottt OVOT It, '1 of rho hugest, tirit vf , • that i•tf C tci d too" t of the `tet r‘o.h• mu Ttteat, '. F.13.' DAY 11V ENING, May 111 , t, ISSS will b, ',snort:Lied the Lllllll2l, :n tit iod Till: PoUr.TRY L'EA M,f,•boil I N,WbriTg, 1 31: P.tiioy. h . tr0n..,+......N1rA. .1. Ei hold Mar,ip ... Burgoma,ter Fancy Dance To o -ludoy t' C.t 4 . of Tr! Fit SPY. ftl,T 11,1)! I A 1 , t • The Wild Atiti , To m-. row Of M dl will rlhortly dream 111.1 the tiomil 4on recent evt•iii is ;u.lia, it Browo ; tho f of Lueri.o.ovi:' PITTSBUTLGH THEATRE. MISS HIMBERLY LL., ,,, 9!.2 A I , D MAP VILUSTS Tenth Concert of the AIORRIB BILJB , PELL & TROWBRIIP;E'J M ELF, rec,ived evert. night m'th Cr,,,vdtd the highest delight and grutificnu. TUT; FR I ')AY EVENING, '3lst, a cvt attrno ii7c hill, (qnbraning many new tb,u,s,: and Lanese by the ra tite Star T - o,pc, inctuding, for tho .cArid time, A VIOLIN SOLO ON ONP: STRING Vio , .\ Tow. Aleo, Firgt uight of a coldcal FArco. :11.110d THE COURA.OEOTJ: 4 1.)0uR KEEPER. A GRAND MATIN C. Vatu rilily. commencing at 3 u'eg. ItoLt Ticketti 37 c4tnt., and emir:: -e•• Enerinil Tier 25 :meal. Doors c•p , n at 7 !:;.-1 - onimerice at 6 e'clock. deity :"-tf ti.rongit 'lie (lay awy2.l rz 11 TANNER, Wo)Octi .: 3 iitt4iyncrßlA, Pa.l the tztl , ntaon t“.;y• ;Jer,l ly, to his !erg- sh,t NEW SPRINC GOODS, eortglit Etinte! (corn NlAttntit, tun .`:Lta;~a'Ln~~•tir COMPFI:ING It H4AI A N 1.4, inseß' II I' ',1...CS iLATS and I? ANC Y II Air,. Neu, Youth'3 PA i iti.s I,ELF LEO LOAN PAY-AMA and STRAW lIATS Mon, Boys and Youth's WOOL aul FUR 111'1'6 All of which will be found In grew, variety ad- Great inducements offered tto CASII and prompt TIME BUYEIth Orders solicited and carefully selected and packed in r2r:dtjel—is ICE CREAN SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, P. SHILDECKER, No. 22 Diamond Alley, between Wood and the Diamond, ITAS OPENED HIS ICE CREAM SA LOONS for the season, and to prepared to supply all who may call, with PURE ICE CliE AIL of all flavors. Ito also Is constantly clopplied with CARES 01? ALL KINDS and Confectionary of his own manufacture, made from the boat materials. FAMILIES AND PARTIES supplied with Cakes, ice Creams, and Confectionary of all descriptions. Saloon open at all hours—Day and Evening. inyls-Im. BOOKS AND GIFTS. A I , ItIZE WITH. EACH BOOK. EVANS & CO., Are again ot.en at the old stand, o.Rd 56 Market Street, With an elegant Eiscortment of their standard and tuiscel latieuus works. They are dsterminod GREATER BARGAINS Than ever before The public are res . peLtfully invited to t.. 11, oud their stock and secure a bargain. at 56 Market Stror.t, B:tween Taird and Fourth. J)INE APPLES.-100 received this day and for sale by REYAIER fi ANDERSON, No. 39 Wcod street . Opposite St. Ohs - les Hotel, ANDS IN VIRGINIA, lowa and Texas, La for eale by B- OUTELBERT di BON, rayl3 51 Market sb - o et. th,.! : Hi, v. ifii'.nv rtl.n4br- fiAi rdi'. )1' A ;MRS, !"PO SPECIAL NOTICE APPOINTMENT EXTENDED JUNE FIRST, DRS. C. AL FFICH 4- . 1 . W SY K.E.s, 4 , 111 r,tuain at their 011ie( NO. 19 stz-be oppoarn4 Er. CLAIR ituri‘:•..l, TILL JUNE ki And may be consulted daily, (except Sur:da t yaj for CONSUML'i utti),Ncurrl:3 t.1.114):. , 11.0 'CIOMPLZI.NTE. CUlnplic.te4 with, or coneing pnlmonnry ing Catarrh.. Heart Disease, Affectiow of the Liver, Dytmsia, Gastritis, Fema:e Compiamts, trc a would Ante that tipAr tr,atoloLt CC I , i , lmption is based upon the fact that i/i dite,o in tic blood and systen at large, both bsfore and titirra, , its dente pm,ut in the lungs, and they therefore employ !10, Hygienic and Medical remedies to purify the blood oil strengthen the system. With these, they nee MEL/Ell A L HALATION. which they value highly, but only es 1%1;2:- tires, which alone have no Ourative effecal, unil I hvie lids are earnestly cautioned against wasting tie' 111,3 C ioua L;a10 of curability on any treatment based upon tho than:sl ide, but false idea that the seat of the disease can ts , in a UireCt manner by Inhalation. No charge for consultation. A Ilst of questiuus will be sent to those wishing (703 by totter. Address DltS. C. M. PITCII E J. W. SY E.." roan ;Street, Pittsburgh. Ps. THE VERY THING FOR TORPID LlVEP..—arntv.-1 B. Robi.iou, Eays:— MpEFBEESDORO, Tend . April 9, I bf.s Ha\ lug sold licogand's German Bitter+ for two years past, In this community, and baying witnessed their efforts upon weak and debilitated constitntione, and those much troubled with " turbid Liver," I have no hesit iney in saying Lilo) are the thing tuch people Should ne i'ce advertisement. ror Fitt burgh THE ALLEGHENY BANK.—Thebuni,oe,s of this Bank will be transacted at the corner of Third and Wood streets, on and after Monday the 19th Inst. apl9:tf-0 J. W. COOK, Cashi •r. YoUNli MEN'S LIBRARY ASSOCTATION.—Thc Library of this Institution haying been rs-classili-L thy, Librarian will 1,.• prepitr,l Uu an , l after the '2oth inst , furnish lkiiiks to members. By order' LIBRARY CoNI Al ITTEE. BUSINESS 111 EN'S DAILY UNION PEAVEY. McIETING, at LAFAYETTE lIALL, strect, if, , 121 13 to 1 o'clock, daily-~0111,11,11,11 g ERMA Y, Art II o ,, ntinniuz until Birth, tty•l l Will con thy motitingii, Lot Clergys,ii ivy iiitrutißt! y rcon. Lu U pii,tent part in tll.. osorci,ori. , for livi. initiul4 , 6, 1 cannot I" i,•tf ICE c. F 1 : 4 '1'1,11 , 4 I :•<:•1:13.A .thy vy TitE I DENT AND DI to• cro Iturantnoc flompany of L'lttglmrszh, It ,t• ti•l. 11,C.krt•li diVili011(1 of [.‘,:1111 D.,IF.L.R:+ AND Cts,NTi , Lit 611A.P.E e,c the ~ `isottol Nt4,l: AKIN , Or %%hid, to ho app!it,i us a credit CA , II!Ii.V. :LIU Two , )ollor3 and Flits tlont9 rtid, , 'cosh, to 6t. Ithoidorti, ou or artot• tho 12.01 111:j,5 N U 001t1P1N. tk, T. GROUIF lEEM2 BRANWES, GINS, IVINES, ETC I=MEWS FPIE OLD MONONGALUMA RYE INLII;ili, P! AND APPLE BRANDT. ALSO, RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS. Corner of Smithfield and Froatt gtrxc:r, p 1.4 PITTSB U 116 PA. PITTSME.6II STEEL ISAAC JONKL iNo. L. 130 Y I) JONES, BOYD A S T E;.` SPIING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL srurNas AND AXLES. itoan and. Mira; Streetn, iv2s PITTSBT_TRitii, PA S. B. &. C. P. MARKLE, MANUFAOTUREB.B OF PRINTINO, JOB, Ala ALL HINDS :JF 1 :7231 -11..1 72/ ' 'Warehouse, No. 27 Wood Strefteg, PITTSIMIGI-1, PA. an_ flags bought at market pi ices RIOORHEAEO & CO., MANUSACTUREIR. OF American, Plain Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRO-):. For Rooting, Gutterin.g, Spout lug, &-c, AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATRVI IMITATION P.USSIA SHEET 1RC...,4.; Warehouse, No, 3 30 telret street, mr26: ly-is CUE= no B. Et ®6R S ic. C LIANUFAOTTMERS OT ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT i`; ' r EEL 1, 1 ,ULTIVNTOR TEET;; comifrita RoBR AN FIRST STRPTIT'S, WILLIAM CLAVTON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR IVIEPICHA'N'i NO. 97 DIAMOND ALLEY Near 'Wood street, Always on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and C1. A 1.4 13mudieq, Old Monongahela and Rocdified Whisk), cd C.. ye higt qtuailr. dti,ye REMOVAL. J MIN MOORHEAD has removed t No. 71 %Voter street, bolow Mork JOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT PIO lifSETAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, RI LOW MAIULET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant FOR Tile SALE OF four, U rain, Bacon, Lard, Butler, SeedB, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, nornqr of M.ark - et and First streets_ PITI'SBURGII, ['A. F.f. - Fxrt To—Franck G. DaiL,y , E. , 10., William Dilworth, 7'r.. clithbort. .t son, Pitt.gboriol; Ott. Iloi vit, Il A ftmly, Cash. NI. .5. M. l!,:tuk. tlurg., W. Ali.ler-,,n, Doni.) • Pat t,... WhttaiiLig, r 11011EU7 DALZELL. JAME' , Y.. ~.;:ani.1.14; OBERT DALZELL CO., - tiVhol ,, -* td Oro 3r•t, Commission and mints in Product, tad l'it•taGurgii Manufactures, N. , I=7.a. Talicient , soN f.. co., 110 USE AND SiriN PAI iIND GRAINER, TEALF,RS IN PAIN - I'S OILS, 161IES, Turpeu taw, 1 2 , ,;,urv., Putty an 4 Int ground to urdm r. 12 I,i:it English titocl Cumi lltUeB. 135 Third ritr,it. my IT MILITARY GOODS. rbritiE SUBSCRIBERSEAVE CUNSTAN'i LY ou baud ft C9C100 , 3 Mtork of L 1 'l' A R I=l WORD;. , , TAb.SLLo Volunteer Compaulee Wll . ll 7ULL F..;151PY-ENTE , AT ,110E1 NDTI,E BILK AND BUNTING FLAGS MADE TO ORDER. J5lO. B. Pit'FADDECN dr , SON. 95 MARKET SIREET A VOICE FROM OHIO.- April 12, Fawn , LIAFT :—Ayre's worm Confections are taking no— ly. Three of our physicians use them in their praLti, Send us another grcsa by crprees. ROBINSON A LOCS:. Comprranded and for sale at [tie corner of :'o€l and fixth streets, Pittsburgh. mylB:d...w LPACON.-6000 lbs. Country Bacon shoul den, aides and harm, to ar‘ivo this, day and for Ha!e JAS. A. HENZE:E. Cn - mx Market and First atrar • NEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.- A. A. MAEON ‘4. CO., Acyrs., NO. '2,5 Fifth Sti - eet, Are now opening rich Dress Bilks, &rages, (Melina, Paris Brilliants, And a splond 1 colee'on of SPRING KLAN', LS. (apt MACARONI. -1O bxs curled and straight Italian, just rec ived and for aalo by RETHES, A ANDERSON, No. t3B Wood attont MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES ! I , , , melestartag 9 -, Tho public tiro rovectfully iuvitokl to , :xamino our Atocl, DOTATOES.-1.00 bags Reds, arrived auu price, low, and Pork warrlkut,,l e t for silo by (my 10) HENRY IL COLLINS. 9 1 .'&3"-- • •5 Nu. 2:86 1,1/W.RTV T 1 ,1 n 2, , 1 , 7 0 43, EINEM PITTSBURG li, l'A Pliidl3olii: I'l T TSB G LI. I'L L `dLo, HPAULETTE: EMUZI YIUNUEi ET( Organciles, INDESTRUCTIBLE ROOFING. '0 i'4P4 OF CAN Vlt§ SATURATED WITH RESINOUS SUBSTANCES, ETC, 61 1 . MeT a' 10 ID 111 c,%I)EILSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF itoofs, 1,11. - is Hi's Mstic. This composition is adapted fur all kinds of Roofs, flat or stoop; it can also be pi n Shingles, making a perfect Job. This composition is not affected by atmospheric changes; it will neither crai k nor rnn ;it Impervious te water ; 11.11 E PROOF and more durable than any other kind of goof me. "nig ro-fing material is need in vast quantities throughout the United Btatea, on Houses, Bridges, RoLang Mille, iirliir e ed Cars, and oteanitioata, -iv - Mg entire ssitisfactieu, and Is considered a perfect protection froth the elements. khcn ; :h this roe ng was only introduced hero in 1556, It can bo seen on many of the buildings in the city. Also, on ht r• rotor to a PAS' places where this Roofing is in 1:190, and can be saes—Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad ; at Belle Ai: ; bridgm•ort ; :Martinsville; Portland ; Lagrange ; Stenbonville McCoy's; Liverpool and Ras-hostas Bta• theMa: -. . , hcgtor Dep.d ; Pennsylvania Centrd Railroad; 'Spruce Creek Astoria Station, Mill at Tipton and Par Aflt.gbeny City, Westminster Coll ,go, and many other Buildings; Pittsburgh, J. McCully- ware. Ilotei; also, numerous others In this city. Al -nicr= loft at No. 247 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where samples of the ma ri renoive prompt aUention, by 1 .1 f , 3 T 'LI r t ;',l " ,110 , t!P Ea Xll FA a - P7ToiPfivi"rpr,v ' ‘tr 7 161 Si. i t :1 41- )r r nr 1: ri 4... i. A mN 1 2 . ' . .. f Ilt,xbury, h (IN disc v I't • l) ~srrinn useturt , s • 1-:.1 -7 - v; 1: - d 31 Ili uraor , • : tFt t'lttNr.l • rl . , P! (1, !, ) •• •••••••., rert , llefttt, • - •r . • ;•. • •,• =BIM =ZEE IMEIII=I • .tttl-- t. 4, cur. asit-Itheatn. . • .11t.] ill, the r'orn.t. of scroftalß. •.: fr-n, tht , tire: bottle, and • r_ -!.te"t th,3lkovo quantity 19 taken. 1,;f2:131_111..Y, MA: I, O , r,p.N.tlt , u the 51,110, - kl Disen7ery, , UM is Fc ;von edtabliahetl by the all who have r maxi it, that I need .; . •,111c, • ,, the most ak±lfnl physi ,a,ut• tL. Drng•glats in the country are on. ••••..,1:. I 'no .. .‘l, ,, .s7, , alatteuvory to your notice, I do iull of Con cal e.r.:ivn power. In rellevino. . In which you are no P.) 11,0 t ). most otcrr.ciatof!, distaw.... to an NURSING SORE MOUTH, rmr..d a= If 11 inlraci; your temper is rt•tored pour I,^t), from short nod fretful enl-u zwo:s sinmtwaTs ; awl the Modlen] I)boovo .out. , !, of bit - :::;iog to Your 177.r.Laud Rnd C A 14 "~ r tll.- •• -7, tl4, 'L.) tha 1 , E btt,i ,V6ilLO L',7l' LAMED, lo yo, i-rol you only itlki) certain .sn't even ,Jf e. hat your ayatom (1 ,- ,ee not g.t half the n.unahm,u.t It ,ont..ina e 3 the nrimohoun finid of the maker it up: then your coniplesion knee ite bloom and be c.moa eallow or areoniah, r.rrd your reel day - fa gone. For want of nouri%'nuont yogi' ,:yutetti bor,omoa Moak , rin•l fipbby, n.ot for , ribr ^4 ^nur body Ilocrrine rolaneti. Their follow Li', 'Yle , llchl Di,oovery is pa~.Glinrly I. a Cr. C '1 3 i, . t..21rt,p,—.1 hi the Rid«, weaknesa of the ~ , : paiii Lbe htp j,int when yon u,•_ thiwels, and eis”, that nle. , t (ACM. , - ;71 . ,.. from .•• ✓ s ilia, and their next • 1., • ! ,- .1:,0w the cam,. wis.ti to imprea! :.trod Otß , ' , A Old prerei b, cur tf cure." u the titEI)IC DISCOVERY •• • , !itatlVC th, cure, FT3.11 I .! -.111 11,":.'1 - .111,1..: any CirC:llll9tallf.,7. ,{l77—t•!:, blNii VOL , Carl gr.,t t•! I (k - n,,nRI , • !. -Idu'La oce t:.t , l: , spoonful per dy— '.""-. ttt—er':t'd —Children frc::l fry ofed Am no diroctious ran ts, uppli o, toltd. operate ott tto h. v.E1.7 , E1s I.) k J.,. T11:31' ‘. !' \ND 1.l NG !)!114,111 'L' l . l l Pi it !iit In 2.1:4 o ieti Ug,ll. 1,, PREPAILD) L;1 - BOWMAN & CO 1, Ear IF„V 1; r A =UZI NLICA I le, Allf,gholay City ap3tOßm g.O El-1 112 & 1 , - (1009 llili,ggi•it4 g,.11 ~: = ;r't- 4 flt .t3t 1 1, -I 6-7....7"...--- -...--..' I - ,..gir ..:, ::::-., lat f. 211 A WAR;hallEs 7.: - ..,7 ..14 .571 I: :,.., 1a.., , . a.a. . .-_-2... --, 1 ~11-_-1 Ll , a . :' ,-,E, ~----- -,-' ':----: :2'll 1' 1 1! gl '-- - ~ 'ff ..-' , 1 -::::1 1 Li ;0 / [ % - i . ,r 1 -, -- , ;-.l‘ii7)•:-.. . Ej,. ± tit - ,:c-fiS= -- If.; - .1c7.-' 2 ;lrf•is7--.s . 7i:S.Trr- ,-... 0 .+.. 1 . ..... 1 1'%:,•:i1......`.;iT - [4:,= : 25:i •'1: C ,-; ',.*r?..'.., , ii , 1'.. ,- .4..5.4 ,`.. , ...4f; ic. ,-- :- - ; :a . ' , ..3q . .,.. - -..'4.-;F.:. 4 t.-:.:•,,,,),:,1 1 f10i, :f in • •_:„: 1 , ... ,, •;r: :-...",,,„.. „....,,--,-1,- . 4 - :-.4- - .:v (777! •:! - i:- - ;: - :: -,1".T.- ---- - -- - Pi , ' -- i , -- ,- ,7 c r i. —,-- , 4‘.-L , 'l4'l, in..:: , , •-t.—.,?;._1 1 . , F-- - ----: - -..:_•.,-..„.:-..----.1-.2.4:-. - :‘ ,, l • ' 6..-°.-4 p T.,...:t:t~t;~~, F. I V Eli 11 E ;;; ; AND E.IIOES, DtgbiQraiblo t ."1 , 11.111. C -tsb•rt. Ibmnsr, boon e r •oi warm :„1 (la{ • iiq?ly l.V...tiorn merchant,. by '.ho ; as file enure quality of , ~.1_ , „. .r, cit.le=l. ['articular =MEE 00, BpAniiii Solo R07:3111 i a'act , LNG S'l',,,Oli: U.ST Oi'F.NE'D, AI . TLIE 7'.4 BL EYT OF .`•• ice` • 7 . X. C - , Wood street, Pittsburg:: 'W1.1.0 IS NOW RECEIVING FROM 74;1 , 1 ilasteru elides, a choice assortment of i n hie tsing new and tasteful ahapt,e of Pearl White Stone 1., Dini.,{ and Tenet. Ware, and the sumo i!: uld, Lett:- Baud and Flowers; 'inc White. Vitrificti Ire 4 7 1.4.cre; TaLl,, Waco, known to he the moat dur able no. 11-tots 74 . 1,1 Stezunnoatre French China of 'new htykt, to Durc and Goldin:4ml, either in oet er hit37l.' Itichiy Oil? nud Do orated Toilet Seta; Brit. Linula and Plat,;.! Ccitere; C rmau Silver Tea Table Spoons ; Sono Ladles, ete., tint` Ivory Handled Clarvi,Z. Tea ate! Table liniveo and Itorg, Tea Walters and Tr; , ... - ' l l shalt. r and Sea-i , rae, T bio Matt Japaced and Doc oratc.! Toiiet Sat. Air.. a c anplete at.i fvli meortment article 4 eult.v id, fur the COUNTRY RETAIL TRA E, at pricey to please the public, who ery r... - .3.,—ctfulty invited to examine this Block. ur:rl:3mdbw ~ . ',- - 7 1 1 4 4 W;i14 .4 : -. ' ?4 - - , ~i.: .---..:', ~ n -1 ;:r... q:-....4-i. w , tt z•-- -,.-- ' ~ -: :- . 7:-.'4,.----- - , ..4,7A t , Lf F4 M-,;_i. n r --- ......„....,, ~, r _,4,_......„. L . ._,..„...,,__,„„ - Zt-4. ~ I.' ,z,;-,' • ~ .. 1 . 1 =4_,;: ; -,,:i... , - 0- -1 xtft .-=4-'i .... 2 ....%....4 ~--• .. .. , --f... ~..., -...,-.. z , -.......--, AIRBLE! .ARBLE! O lib- ,Pa . - 62 _a G 0 HAS A BIZAIITIVUL SRIAICTION Or PATENT ROiIt;FING W. F. FAHNESTOCK, Agent. 111111111 E ErIIIEEZEI e —1 the ' cure Wk,rnt.l:llll cqL, 01 KENNI - ori i'ittsburF:h ;.; 'i , ' Fr, ;::] E T , qtzeensv..sare. MASTIC I 7N7' 1 IEI 8 EI . AUCTION SALES. I)AILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTII ST., At the new Commercial Sales Thaoms, No. 64, lrifth street, every week flay, are held publi, Wes of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh corudgn• merits, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed iu the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; boots and shoes ; l adle. ware, &c. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., 11,,nAohold and kitchen furniture, new and seoond.hand; and nodding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &c. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy art ichaa ; watches; clocks; Jewelry; musical Matra. ne guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, seB I P. M. DAVIS, Anct.s ItOit BUGGY AND HARNESS, AT AUCTIOn.—Oh SATURDAY MORNING, the 22d 1,11,1:111 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Boehm, 113 Fifth sti-oot, will ho sold without reserve, as the owner has re moved from tbo city, one fine young bay Horse; quiet and ;tenth,for family Imo ; one top Buggy, nearly new; ono sot Silver Mounted Liarnesti, Saddle and Bridle, etc. my2U P.• hL DAVID, Auctioneer. pAROUCEIES AND BUGGIES.—On SAT- I'i:DAY MORNING, 24,1 Inst., at 11 o'clock, at tho Cminiercial 8111 , 1131, 54 Fifth s treet, will be sold, for aaconnt whom it may concern, a lumbar of Eastern mann• factored Ilaroach, a and Buggies, from the best makers. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. EVENING, AND EVERY EVEN c;„ INC; T s or until all is sold, will be offered at YeI!ARTN AUC lON 110libff, 120 Wood street, an ar.tcwive sEsertnient of rich Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watchre, etc., etc. The 00011 a will be open for examination each day, who Ladies its well as Gentlrmen are respectful ly invited to call, and they may purchase at private sale, a holeaale or retail, at very low prices, and all goods shall ovc na repro-ented and satisfactory, or money refunded. Ti,:a is believed t' be the best selected and most desirable stack of Jewelry, etc., ever before offered at Auction In this city, awl is every way worthy the attention of purchasers, whole must be sold for cash immediately. Sale to retunience each evening at 7X . , o'clock. JOSHUA GRAY, Salesman. W. G. IicOARTNRY, BAGUERREAId GALLERIES it. M. CARGO & CO., leil,i)tegraphers and Ambrotyptsts, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Filth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, E. cor. of Aferket street and Diamond, Pittsburgh. i`itlOßB TO SUIT ALL. mylfhtf-2 . WYKE'S' GALLERY OF ART, NO. GO MARKET STREET.-PICTURES taken at thin Gallery by a new and Improved proms& giving the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex, lon. They are acknowledged by all who have examine, them to be far superior to any pictures eve, exhibited in this city. Citizens and strangers are invitedto call and examine hie large collections of specimens. His Gallery being on the floor, is easy of access. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken in two seconds, at No. 60 Market street. my 27:tf is E. S. WYKER, ArtisL I[OI_IOTOGRAPIIY.—THIS ART RAS num brought to such perfection that pictures taken by this prucenti have been pronounced perfect by the scleatifio world. They can be had in all their beauty and artletlo elegance, at WALL'S Picnics Gallium, on Fourth street, JlLet? Building. [mylfeltir AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTIBE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRST CLASH ESTABLISHMENT IN TUE COUNTRY, AT WA LL 9 3, Fourth street Removed to 21 Fifth Street. fl ARGO & CO.'S PIIOTOGRAPHIC AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY has been removed from Funrih ntreot, to No. 21 Fifth street ? near Market. Trisieroems having boen built espegally for the purpose, with three large lights, aro not surpassed in the city for comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangement.. Our old friends and patrons, and those wishing su perior likenesses, are invited to call. um_ Reception Room and Specimens on the ground floor. apT WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, No. lib Fifth street, near Wood. REINENAN & MEYRAN, It)I.MALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN MEI GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. FANCY GOODS. WATCHMAKERS , TOOLS W ATCII MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES.. L. C. HEPBURN, Arroimnv AT LAW AND CONVEYANDEn 9 1 0 OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE IN TUN CITY OF PITTSIIIIRGIL—Notice It hereby givon that the opeo!snionts (or I;rading and Paving, made under the provf alone of an Art of Aetternbly panted May 16, 1l h 7. ac l of on Ordinahco of Counclle enacted August 31, i 5 7; or o n o w completed, and the Bal3lo are payable at this oIDCr, ne nAlow,—One4ifth on or before tho let day of July, one-rnth on or before the lot day of Jnly, ISO; one c.ll on or 1 eforo the let day of July, 1860; one-flfth on or Irofore the let Jay of J01y,1861 ; one-firth on or before the I , c day of July, 1862 WM. PIM:I:BAUM, Vl3 City Treasnrer. C. WEST & CO., MK- CA RRIAGES, AIV A VP, BUGGIES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS No. 1.4 Penn street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ard— All work warranted to be of the best materials and orkgr.nriship. myLt.lydis HAP.,DWARE. AMIIEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD Pittdburgh, ham on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Wl6 hhe will sell very low for CASH. In addition to his Hinges, Halves and Forks, and Spoons, and • large si..rtme t of Carpenter's Tools, he has received a large sup• ply of Sausage Cutters and Stunts ; Shovels, Tongues and Pokers Sleigh Belle, and Enameled et 29 Preserving Kettles. Pittsburgh Water Cure Zstabliehment FOR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF diseases, located at HAYSVILLE STATION, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ten miles West of the city. For the healthful exercise and amusement of patents, and others friendly to the system, who may wish to spend .orne time with us, we have lately erected • fine GYILNASIUM and BOWLING ALLEY. Addrwa Box 1304, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. lIIIRBORD, D ~,y10: 3 ,,,,iaw-141 11. FREASD, M. D. TIP/clan' Alderman's Office. TAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, X. OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACH, AND POLICE !JAW:al:ATE—Office, No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo aito the Court Rouse, Pltteburgh, Pa. Depositions, Aelmow ledgmente and Prorates taken; the Records examined, Ronda, Mortgagee, Wills, Leases, Articles of Agree* immt, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., eta, drawn up at short nptice; sLuxiages Solemnized, and all business in the line of his official duties, promptly attended to. fra.. Office hours, from 7% A. K. to 1 P. IL, and from 2 a .:• y F URNITURE FOR CASH. -- A hill woodmen: of Pittsburgh manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CASES, WARD ROBES, overy article needed in a well ftwzdabed dwelling, am well as a apledld assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE , Omitiostly on hand and made to order. As the only terms eu which business is done at this eetablishment is for CASH. Prices aro made accordingly. Persons In want of anything in the above line, would be advantaged by calling at FACKINEIt & No. 103 Smithfield street, below RIM J. D. FACKISMI, ,t 1 JOHN M. ANANAS.—First of the season just re ~ivod by ~xpross and for Bala by REYNED. N A ANDERSON, o. 39 Wood street Opposite St. CALsrlee Hotel. INY-4 'sis Ito. 09 Voarth stroet