HIE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. liIPORTAN FRO WASHINGTON On !apectal N.essage by the Presideui On the Late Outrages INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE TILL FULTON AND WAB.tsE 01:PEN1;n TO PROTECT A ilEieicA A $15,090,000 LO.,:liti ASKED FOR. doe., Toro= Washington ASII,I4:TuN CITY, May 19.—The Presidt,nl Ft37lt. ,1 i:11.0 the Senate to-iky to ,r• letielit: heretofore adopted. The following 0 most inzcresting among, them t LUlas n May 12th an f,..11(ms nipim)ing papers, copies of the ori.o, , ais, Ica h:Ivo just been received, will make know , to that another outrage has been committed Ligi...nit of Coo United States by a British aimed •wbtrh calls for the immediate attention of tho ti.vernment. lam persuaded to behove that the occurrences took place as they are stated, the duct of the British officers will b_e_disat owed rr - hi biderunud. I beg you would co - Camonicate to L• rd - ‘l,,ita , bury the earnest desire of the President practice, which seems to because mere ' , rev ib.nt, •.• be , a! ning and searching Amarican vessels -ha. be and the most peremptory ord._ r th:b . e be given and enforced. Such a mea • , for by iumertant considerations, which emir to you. While this Government • hued to Use al! proper exertions for the sup . t!do slave trade, it is not the less de-i.:;.:8 •r t ....5t immunities of the vessels of the :!cited the ocean :412 ,, a1d be preserved. What ,— ,c been the true objects of the voyage lind papers stating her Amer- The was subject neither to search nor rti_. British cruiser. Ido not doubt that r, : ted will be fully over-estimated by the • e' the British Government, and proper inea . tr.ocn t.rceont the recurrence of sitm.s.r Cis: , , In it letter to Secretary Tol.lCey, ,1•11,1 the statement of the C. ;leoerni at liavana relative to tho agfress;e recently committed against a vessel co :cm lff. , ted States. He adds that the subject cells tor f - r tool...ilate attention of the government, and that } , tr. DI Is.:. has been instructed to bring it to the ccnsidu i L.llO British government with a view to each as the circumstances demand. 01.f.r:Igt•s of •,:. Lutwro against our vessola, it longer ontioLlod, insv, to lead I.•J the 11.10.. t unpleasant cons°. . It appears that several British armed ci4 are cruising on the coast of Cuba, and that ocoLchant vessels are exposed to vexatious. inter o;.ficri i,y their interference. It is therefore proper avinci should ho despatched with instruct - lens render prompt protection to all American vessels :nay need it. The forcible search by cruisers oat pcwer on the high seas cannot be tolerat,l. try of the Navy wrote to the President May that the steamer Fulton, Capfam ./ h ordered to cruise actively on the ot Cuba, and take such measures as ..- no...2,tßary to protect all vessels of the .r..tcs on the high seas from search or deter, - 7. in the vossais of war of any other nation. ttrders have been given fur the preparation or the . a . - -a.tonald and the brig Dolphin, to join the it .no ,lit.s.irou for the purpose of cruising in the of Cuba, and the steam frigate Wa. t,,t. :law fitting out at New York as the flag ship of tae Nleilihlorarman squadron, has been directed to her iitg in those quarters, fold protect, at all Li, persons and property of Ameriev! 1 - ,-riting to Mr. Dallas on the 18th i May, Lou that'varieus statements have been made lidt/ae papers showing that thorn are, oases of detentions and searohes of Atnoriean ny British armed ships of war in the Gulf if and the adjoining seas. In addition to there high seas and the indefensible act :ozaiust several of our merchant vebs.,l, , •, .i , .ven in number, a forcible entry and ox. 71 has been committed by a British armed the harbor of Sazua La Grand, on the Cuba. No authentic report has reached With the exception of a letter Irmo , Lsui meral at Havana, and of which a espy I. trensmitiLd. Proper measures have been taken to ail nece:say information, which will be :orwardiol y. ao.i nheu all the facts are assm ,cmo.l, to; per teoresentations will be Lunde oaue go-..srument of bier Catholic Majesty he, ~.oerch of American vessolr by the. naval C. iDn •.4 qh‘,ther power within the territorial juris 1-.6im of The government of the Unittd i• 4 ,L,1,11,i that the government of that ooun• e.,,0t [be effmiont measures to protect c.‘riicg to Spanish ports, from lawless 1 .. they are entitled to, aril not . med elsewhere it must ho found in the =MEMO f-tor o's.otic own country. Mo. Cass siys be is not informed whether any in . 17:1!.o r .iced iu ceus‘oluonce of the proceedings th• If there here, it is expected ;;,•if to 2 ;wide good by the Spanish govern ito-...0t, cr I'S t".eap.9 of its interposition with the g . vernment of i-freat Britain. These flagrant vi 01 ,- I"p2,htF Of the United States, he adds, ,:xe,t , al a d,-of , fouling thitoughout the country: , t tho aqutition of both houeos of :'heir •J.,rttlhtian,ocannot fail to produce oowt etc ?ts upon tho relations of the two 'll Prosidont confidently believes that naval officers, in the adoption of the9o tuoosures, have acted without the c., , rity and have misunderstood the views of their • oro but it is nit the leas duo to the United o,acluct :hall be disavowed an.: ordor:. issued to prevent the recurrence pToc;,,,ituct . G. You will communicate to Ltd MaluiEbury reasonable expecta r that this subject shall re- the I,llllle. , iifile ttention of her Brittanic ;.; ;me that the (Miceli who have ittaut gu.ity nt those outrages shall be held person. . 1 :y r3:q.‘rEitlit. their c,tniluct, and that where i tecttni peen sustained, the inter , I pat tie.. Ithall receive just compensation. You a ..l invite the particular attention of Lord Maims -011 to t h e occurrence at Sagua La Grand, and to sue e,peetation of the United States that the „, adopted by the British govern upon !!,i6 will be such as to mark with its •ore th c ,, r6.4ct of the officer whose proceed ~rtous cause of offence to a friendly prove:A. interferences hereafter: mpuit in the liomse from r:r14,1 7,11% „ ca the Tariff, Ai; t!n , -otec!,ve policy should be entirely as early as practicable, to tax ,,, a „ n, aa , ktter of economy. Articles of s ;,,, u ld ho taxed the lowest rate of „ 2. tta wu as Touch as possible on 'Pi: , „„-i gat i„„ la ws should be so modified In ie any portot : , of the officers and chips to b o A xterican seamen, and uurehaso and sell eitizatis be free to o.a au cutire equ. litY with Amen built ships, aad that the American emoting trade perfect equality to `oreign ships, man, 'alai they do not enter. *sin a hoPo inauzuTate the new policy nom'. Such must is the work of time. l hey do tbarm - ..rs, luult so much to immediate praL'ticat a , to the effect upon public opinion, and Clua .1:::llate;y incurs the triumph of the principle oixocate. Mr. (4s.rnett doe . ; not concur in all , conclusions of the committee. REM it rhu The President has formally asked of Congress the IT h. , rity tv contract a loan of fifttect millions of dol term not exceeding ton years. The Senate c Finance have the mater under coneid- BEIM 71r,-7 ClAM'eti upon his duties to-day as :21 the Court of Claims. ~a7RTY•sIFTY. CONGRESS I , lltS'r Yesterillay't Proceedings. SLNAi' : received from the President armies.- ieitor from the Secretary of the Navy on the aggressions in the Gulf of Mexico, oi&: we, referred to the Committee on Foreign Le l! -:td m.dered to be printed. Mt. Pugh offered a resolution enquiring if the Government has revoked the grant for a road acrass the Isthmus of Tehauntepoo, and if so, that ,t.!ps be taken to renew Tb, dis •ussion on the repeal of the Fisheries ;mmu!tes was continued by Messrs. Chandler, Davis, Sitemi,e , , Wilson, Shields, Sumner and others. It was finally disposed of as follows: An amendment to too amendment repealing duties on sugar was lost by 27 20; the amendment . itself repealing the &aim on salt was lost by 41 against 18. The bill pendin was reported. Mr. Wilson moved that it Liiia) etroct till the 31st December, 1862. by ::11 ..gaitist 2tl. The bill therefore takes effect Ur, I),•ualber, 1869. The bill was then passed by ~ c 30 against 26. The lioolestead bill was then taken up on motion ~f Mi. P.:I:, of Trio., and several verbal amendments ',4tre agreed to. Without action on the bill, the Senate adjourned. nousE OF REPRESENTATIVES !'"lierrnan, Ohi,, moved an amendment pro peEinu• to reduce the appropriatila for repairs to the house, fn tore, and improvemontti to tlx: :fit 2 from $12,000 to d 4,000. He was op ,o, ed to indirectly increasing the salary of tho Presi dent while willing to do so in a direct wny. .1. Glancy Jones remarked that Mr. Sherman was patienit,rly hostile to the White House, from which interrred that he never expected to occupy it him -cll. The gentleman had indulged in LI fling at the PreAden t only because the President had not invited him to dinner. Ho bagged to assure the gentleman, i n olio , to ease his conscience, that the dinner to ,hich he I Joney I was, and Sherman was not, invited, r) , . 1 paid ter out o the public expenditures. Lie would never flinch trout defonding the President, wh was t mo of t.. 0 pur, , t men that ever presided over the c upt,y. ',es.) That was the answer o !of Bla . rk Republicans. (Renewed laughter on that aide.) Mr. chow 6.,td it Ira , : a remarkable spectacle for t h e c h e , rt z.w, of the Committee of Ways and Means t „ membt.r ; nd cast an imputation upon h;.l t.t:..0 character, becamm the latter had, ie pur el hi, privilege, moved to reduce this appro pr:r.tion. It was singular that the chairman could not produce a bettor argument, which was unbecom. Mg any member of 1.1.1, body. Mr. Maynard c,itbed In know whether these pro ceedings wore in order. The Chairman said that both the gentlemen wore out of order. Mr. Slaertna:, in reply to Mr. Jones, c,,id that the lattor's imp Action n.,3 Is Lin motive: , in-n. , Vintc • for a reduction of the nrprrpriati.m wue eutircly uhf , dad ed. No did 71 , 4 5 , ..01r. 20 nttecln the Pre:0(108e , pet- vatsC . r.c.l7.C:e7. !1)1127,ed thy. A . = to the reins it innrrr 2,1 an icvitativa dinner, it was beneath the or a gentleman. he had acted n inn nerformanea of e o,lnsittuto,nql o.lty, and oared nut for , ar Pr' I rout or his friend be 'o speak ing in his 1-, t 0, 3 1::. Mr. done.; s d. a fets it from OM i , truni3O the r ,, ! of tb olotoo: hits, by norm, co m with tic, began ir n.• expem-re •' 1111's 's r, Caa Cur hi.,... adJe.l, r , t be• - ,eL of the President, bui for inetaitti.r , ot ell the Govern ment, and to- ac-oln7lmiation -f the public. The ro,t wi ,, ptc.l. The bill no buientled woo rop ,, rt,d the 11,tuse. Tito house ilo uruid. AddP6.iGnal by t bin TiAagara Tho zONerrutr.7rt bill i. progressing Fiow y 'Frp, gre-t r 1 ,•;: wa: , won I.y VI/Ilky Thore. Writ' in the lic•hi. Tile rattn3r appro.% ingly the tAteneltal (.! rile 117 , 1: , •1 S .ites southward, and thinks th , ,it thd nesorhiloii Central Atnerica by us cannot 1 hi delayed, and that :he annexation will gredd tbeie present position. It thinki, that there wiil b inure opposition to such annexation hotly , ti on iihroad. IND EA. The Paris a:ll,mi ,, that Sir Celin Campbell urgently demar.,l- immediate roinforeements. The di I'. *Jill .4' I er at !N.: preelainittion calling v the let;elF and threw thetneolNe9 en the mere F.,imrnieent. He contlecate3 their but prid_iii:e • ,tre !heir lives. Lp•l Na bi." 11.-. forrn4:Ly Surli.tiry :11,3 Comp:L:ly Anevnon Telegrapil tpiT.;,Tt. (•I •(,. h r \k• roducn It ;1“I i 11111 I• 1 Ml' Co:M/11,1 . In the Hondo, iniernamMr, relative to tile Sloe Te hauntepee grant was hiked ler; r, resolution to print two hundred thousai.ri copies of the agricultural par- Lim of the Pat• - int Oth:m Report V;ee passed; a pi,r tiOn . he rebiic pr1:11.:11g, amounting to thirty•ODO thousand ei, hundred !lats, was countermanded, and the Roost, then o:cei 1 - •. in committee and took up the Civii Appropriation bill. in the Sabato, Mr Doolittle effi:ro,l a resolution that tho President. communicate all the correspond ence cuncerning the nidest Of Gen. Walker, and the seizure of rroporty belonging to persons under his command, c' Commodore Paulding, ; asking information why certain correspondence on the sulijoct was withdro?it, from the file of the Navy Department. Mr. Sewitrd, of Ncw eau,' the ye .s.• and nay on the que•ulhe .1 up the bill fur the iteproyeinz,:t 01 the 14,16.41 Ch,04g.,. with the in toh6oo of makin:r u r.e-t rwe whether :ho Sonata wtii take up other 1-orbor r.ppropri.tti,nr. Let—yes:; 22, nays 34. The bill repealih t ; hsuedy b,ui.t4o. , was than taken Up, and d diirottt,i,ot c• liulendinonts to repeal the duller; on rnit /OA sugar. Arrlvttt of the ntexui-i,I roi lagatrn LIALIFA 1. Niliy - .fru,„l Z• St . h, 2.1 „ r s. though not , i ❑ Ole Ur . ; ..,CrT.,ll.J3t. hr.i . .11 k .LElJeat.ing InnLiJ in the king ui fiu,l tr cn;ln crtnted .1. peer C FtE.7. I..tj t;:ddeuly and H , nle of the h I , n 3 their resigna tione. The Edeanidhin arrived, out uu Lb, e;.ii inst. The Ind. i(!. ~ Hebee, al=e arrived at Livorpooi ~n l'hPre tins bzcn n, lIK, May Ll.—. l .ne Fulton arrived wO.l t: - .e sth itft. Toe London conta.as an official list of the officers killed and wounded at the siege ..f Luekuow. There wen) ninsfef:n killed. stet torty—saght wounded. The sales of r,..U.911 i Livenpf.:.l on Tuesday amounted to 14,000 bales. imduoing ton° to ;peen , . Islors and ilor export. 11 , 1 , 11r ell an eighth cn Prid;,.r's quotation... Moro lo a winistr.rial Nothing later from Ind-A. WAstiitiGimi, May I- / / I , of this moining pcLliah :; R oom!nuicu'' , . , jnn• that 'Jo!. Theo. L. Kane was hs,C c )40Ve.7:1111611t to •.Ylth 1, (venting much tiltellr , ,tirin LIOLO, 1., I,tepO't.,',l to embody the T11V7. -, front 1J mh. IVI A I !, t ;1•• t t tU, I • Itt r ,tl.. • t :ttt,itt). I Qireszt fite.4Ealic3aa 'apiaster. CITY (1F SUNE 1,1-:_IKT \ - 1:.:s 1,05'1% OA k A.V_S A VICIDENTS IL takes the A telegraphic despatch ririony aLinouticie.i on Saturday, the tots.' i,imanie.l City of Huntsville, in the. Cun,borialut river, attendee by a comliderabie loss of life. Since the arrival or the B. M. Runynn, placed in pos see.don of very full 07il proceed tc lay them before our Tne digester u. - :eurre l uu Vic,.in- , '?4dsy night at 11 o'.l.oek,Fr.lthyr . ..t, below Sho :g ~.unaing at her utmost speed, :014i :+II:CK imithutly, shout hail her hull t,,rn She now lies in toe very eem.rE. ,- .l' ehr,amel with four feet Li water 1,..1 her e a biu, and prevent I,oatsjrom uule.s removed pre viou.3 to Lae adveut cf low water. The suddennes of t: - .e .li,a,ter, aid the late hour at. which it occurred. e r tilu( to renucr it ilepluable affair, by the loss of at least ten ~s ..rant engin:2er, Smith land, Kentucky, Sock-en ; are the only nr ,T.LIES of the loot too; coulb ascertain. Th e l a tr, - kr was a fro; hey, :1;1.1 •-r e .ibistam porter of the boat. Eight deck hands, irish• men, narmss unknown, -tre n ownto have per ished. Th e first pt-rtor, wnen he arrived at N as h v ill e , ham with him throe trunks, which he had caved f ro m. the wreck. One of them was :narked " Mr. rirentwortit, Memphis," another without mark was supposed to belong to Brent . i.pencer, of Nakhvilic, who was a passenger; and the third was tiv : rked." P.,ebehea Davis, Ten- The passengers saved were tAken to Nash ville by the steamer Choctaw. They exonerated officers from blame in the matter of the dis a,ter. The accident oectii red in a chute, thro' which the water at its :.resent high stage rushes with great velocity, rendering the passage unti •inally difficult : while in here, the boat " took a cheer" on the pilot, and encountered the log, there being no of preventing the col lision. The officers, without exception, seem to have ileac all that it was possible for men to do under the circurrsteoces, in giving directions for the general safety, and aesieting per sonally. The greatest confusion, excitement 1.n41 terror pre vailed as usual in such cd..-es ; suit there is much apprehension that the lose et life is much greater than ascertained, or ever Will be ascertained. Almost every passenger bad retired to their respective berths, long enough to justify the supposition that many were asleep. Soon after the shock, the cabin was filled by a mass of rush ing, excited people, and the horror of their situa tion was augmented by the shrieking of women and children. (Me lady, we understand, threw her child over the end It arcs saved by one of the firemen. A man floating in the water was seen to make toward a plank, ou which was a young lady, who afterward proved to be his daughter. Both were saved. The engineer, Hopkiin3, saved his life by cling ing to a small pair of stops, with which ho floated three miles before he could get to the ' bank. Sloan, the clerk, and Mr. Bell, a passenger, atw thr, get tierr,an otfreti a at-ar -t. , arrest ~Appe, e ,l to be dining '•I the l'repidrat u =aid he wuuld taha , evuier aeet,unt of ills r $25,000 per takry. Every dollar ; , :t•tines i Sa , which had bowl til , 3 C.c.gremzional, r f;3111 lnria h_c•2s-L of tFio ultou. CG!. I{l.6.ttz•A secured and clung to a plank, which supporteu them safely to land. The City of a lluntevilio was getting to be fin old boat. She was valuod at 510,000, owned by Capt. A. L. Davis, of Nlshville, and - .vat Lot insured. Bhc hu , i au !cc , 3argo, which, to gether with the I , oia, it+ lot! The ftiurderers of l'alti4h. Downie Dilileov- Arrest was P. :11, , IdRy made iu Hi or an employe() in the loir'ter's shop of Henry Gard iner, on Broadway, near Biddle street, on the charge of being implicated in the murder of Hugh Downie. This person has confessed that the murder was committed at nine o'clock on Sunday evening, iu Gardiner's chop. Dowal' came in, took the chair, and resigned "thus , It to 11,! champooucd. The lather was pertnitte.i to trickle to his eyes, and then the rope Wat-3 t.4•H to his neck. His hat was burned in the his body robbed, and it and the rope aouvey.-._; where they were found. Three employee. tu Gardiner did the job. The remaining two have have fled, but will be caught. Gardiner is also under arrest.. ( . 6 ,. .)Ni _..'4 4 -, :. ItC, i A i , CPIP A ~kS:EiC;:dlvis'F~ur ~:e Y ;;S'A.•'. . .T.FL 1:1 LLlS:ti INAr 'll3 1.,1(!rc it;:Ttickt .13C);..31 HE, Jii L•r.t. ~~•~\tiDE\. (birinritteoi Arbitration Jru .10F1 AII DICliEv, Vice Pri•eldent EDWARD (iRIWG, U. I'lTT'i U I(. i ill UAi T (irefully E , IVOWDE7 , , Superiielt , o^ • th• 31.7,1,anie marhicit is utivlianizi•il. amount Oil,. viz at ore : 100 bbla tAt nu famil\ ut $4,60 , ?Au ut 43, i)f..r wperfino, i.'4.12 for extra nd $4,50 for extra 1.0.. 1 . 1. 'W.. from first band. tiltAIN ...Salo, 73 butM. Oati , from et ro r.t 30c. r E k Minh 130 t.u-h. do. from wharf at 20c. FEED...SuI, 2 tuna Middlin, , , , s from wilful ut 80e y BUTTER—SaIes 6CO tbt Roll at 10c. "i) EG(lS...Sales 36010'. at 7, . 11:11"...5a1.., 1., 1,4 d, ;tom scuLa u. ,;10(04l5 t , Ol . 1 ,, ..,1 +trim at ji 76 ion A ITLES...SHI, 25 111 , 1. n fr , SAI 'bunt). Nt•csatiu4,t k, (rum raw, nt (•;kle. "Ft Lush. B.CON...Sales MO lbs. Shoulders. Sider: and hams a S. :t6.1 6 bbls. Shad it $.1.3, - ,O; 6 bbls. Herring at $8 " T t FEATHERS...SaIes luu 153. prime ilt soe. F RE-BRICK...SaIes ti.Ovu tt..livar nt $2 , (5540. Sales 12 1.1. k. L,,oiavillr at $1.2511 lib!. WHISKY...SaIi s 51 bids. rectified in lets at 10(.42tiesc Foreign Markets r Stecier - r Niagara 1 The advance in Cotton ban linen I;:d for the week, or 1 ti , eo the ,ailing of thu Noel I. America for Quebec. IVER.POOI„ 7.--The Cotton Market has been 'chive, with sales amonclieg to ',LOCO bales. and a alight advanee in all qualities, as halpared with : the advicos by the North A clerics. Bia.adstulh , show a declining tendency, with the exception of Corn. which in advancing. Provisions are darn, I nit Beef iltavy. Cotton Market —Th. =ales to spectilators fer the week antennted to 11,5(01 bales, sad to exporters 7fitsO, at an a,i vauce of . 1 .4 d on I'm week The market closed Orleans fair 5; ini.ldling 711:: Mobile fair 73:i; Mirldoce-; 7 3 10; uplands fair 7N; Micidlinv 7 1 4. Breadstuds.—Flour sliesc , n deelining tendoncy; lb, .ire tytbins are lare4y maintained. Whe dis very dull Corn i. firm; white b u s advanced id. sales at 354; yellow 3-4 s tida.43-1- fid. The weather been favorabie fur the crops. Provisions.---lieed b. firm; hold-rs demand an advance of 10.41 s i'rodnce.—Sugar is rim at au advanco, chiefly on nu inalitiHi. i 9 dull at 200022 e. LONDON, Saturday CIOS,(1 at 975i.007 , t: t . )Lamy 14 ~tenerally uncliane.d. 'rhe bullion ia the bank he, £400,000 during the week. iv; YoRE, May i9,--Cut ton heavy; sales 1500 baled 11/•IV y; enl 11,. 1 1111) lAAEI; nmtl e has advance.) s,ti, r.t $4.451b4,Fit). 14 hear is lit :n: nab 3S,o101.114h; scatthorn hi t w:•it: en red $lO -6 1.0 8 ; prime Wl/ /: • 7 1 1, C :rn nem: 21 , ,001 Lush at 716 i 73, eork has Inc; wtl,s at $17 : ;,:)(4:17,73. Be!au: Llama rIV 1; , , , ,".,(7. Lit ott.:l (HI i-: :it G4,,,ai6. Hid, an:l I w ar, nnchang.l. I : /110:111.1 at 11' C011.,1e nli/10, at )4,:i:.:11tH "on Cott:::: to 1 .!‘: :1-,13-1647-32; New York Ao.ttleJ Elarket New YOEK, ).1 ay 1 —The rt , c,ipt,,i of Beevetf wt.ro '27u s stv.) Sh.,t Switio 173 u 13.evet bac', Improved ; s aVuragt . vQI.I S 0,1, /aura at, AR/ 1161 4 2 (q,1 SS, New York Stnok Market NEW YORK. May IB.—Stn-6s dull. Chica , do and l'd.cl; Island 79; Mnh Suntlwrn 2b, , ; N. Y. Central 87' s ; 17 , dnli MtiFdam G a lena dnd 'AO Edo 24!„. La tiros.* laud Ant, 34-s. STEAMBOATS CINCINNATI For Cinclour.ii The elagant Ind.') wheel, passeinrer packet 4E4 SUPERIOR—Capt. RE.I n uo:i J. (ia.Acx—will ieave Pittsburgh fur Cincinnati, on THIS DAV, the 4th inst., at 12 o'clock, M. For freight or passage apply en hoard, or to FLACK, BAItNKS h. C)., Ageutu. Through to St Louis in fire days. This bat connect, w.tt. the avail line, and will go through in the time slits i• tld. She wily to ave on Saturday. ap22 ST. LOUIS. Yor St. Loula. lOWA Vim. A. Mt - HALE, Ma3to The light draught, laiit running paseengei packet IOV Bioottc, Manter, will I,lll', '7. • the above and all intermediate ports, en WED• F.4iDAY, the dial ilistant,at 4 o'clock I'. M. For freight or 1”-"i f e, haring superior arconnxiation3, ppiy ,11 board, or to 11Alt.DY & McGILEW, Agents, spa/ Corner First and Ferry - streets. ZAN ES VILLS. For Marlette anti Zanesville. ,"'" Tin, Brouwer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt.. MON - Ll o t E e rAMYkni'Mn will ports haveOll fourverrlyw TUESDAY,IOII, and alt o'clock, P. M. .for freight or passage apply on board. jug JAMES Pe TANNER., 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.., Invite,. the att.ntion of hip; cur:tome!, 1111 1 buyer , general ly, lip. large atom of NEW SPItiNG GOODS, ogltt. dirt frtml Mttntifactarorn In 41n.471,11r3.41.4, Elti G. Nit, r:nd ehildron'o BON );1 1%2 PLATS and FANCY 11A1' PI 1110 YOUth'd XI LEAF, LEI-11101LN, PANAMA and STRAW HATS Men, L.ya aud,Yonth's WOOL and FUR Head All of u,dlcdl kill bo found in grent,vorlety 4rZ - . (haat inducerneuts offered !to CASH prompt TIM P.: 1311 Y EILS Ord,rs solicited and carefully selected nod packed mrndtjel—ts ICE CREAM SALOON AND CONFECTIONARY, P. SHILDECKERI Ne. 22 Diamond Alley, between WOod SL. and the Diamond, FIAS OPENED lIIS ICE CREAM SA LOONS for the season, and is prepared to supply all who may call, with PURE ICE CREASE, of all flavors. lie els° fs constantly supplied with CAKES OP ALL KINDS and Confectionary of his own manufacture, made from the best materials. FAMII,IES AND PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ice and Confectionary of all descriptions. Saloon open at all hours—Day and Evening. [myls:lm BOOKS AND GIFTS. A I'ItIZE WITH EACH BOOK. EVANS & CO., Are again open at the old stand, No. 56 Market Street, With an elegant assortment ,d their standard and mlacel Ism one works. They are determined to give GREATER BARGAINS Than eric before offered. The public are respectfully invited to call, and examine their stock and secure a bargain, at 56 Market Street, Between Third and Fourth. PINE APPLES.-1.00 received this day and for nale by REYMER k ANDERSON, tio. 39 Wood street, Olmosite Bt. Otoglo notoL W. W. Ni Al it, DAVID CAMPBELL . :11,y 1P h;', UA IT NRS OPl3lllo,alliti, ETC i _i , - Uortxempt oT CottrX c.,1 , • 1.1 C ., .1/i•-:11,.: ~1 row t W Jude 1111' y,tcrthfy 111,,r1144, I . I %‘: - 1:n th- Cto - '! 1 • I 1.1" MEM= 11=1 ~! l , "` '' , !rt Tv- jn ,4 ;•• \VA,. r :at at (1 IMEMIIIMME Ct.ld I •;! t,, 1..!! • C..r. rt. 101111•11 I.i• 1. • I. . 1 •111p1 3L11! ',at, Nl.t din.cto to 114% r C. =MEE , .. non 11,;, • :Ai; .la•;, Irwin wad •; ; •••• iota, 11.(2411. 11•11=1 444•4,4 i 4,4 )14 4444 44. T 144• 42, UT I ,tuts - .! ii,,t ihor.3 01.1: Wlly, at ,s the.; rra.: '• ii s)-i riv•z.a r.i.:l•!li Cit it 114 \l tip Gull, TL.• turt.",,r C 1 lit il-tt 1,!,••.1111,C, Tit 'hr• i Et . l , ltl t. , tho u;;•l tvil! i, 7i iti ^Li Ilal 11.• a,,Ls I •,ret st N, hat :I, •lei i,; 1.. purge h I•ly ~N-rik,l 4 .1 r.. t.. Lilco. lie ti , i 1 ;01;1, r Heat tlio 14.tz. 131,111 1:1,` COW:4:Iy kt.l . I.fti. Tkip of n torrifi, cr I C I ) r :IF I 3, nu, ,milt nn,-ulrinL'u IBLII EllE!IIIM=11 tld.r 1 till i • • : • iiil,“ • .1 !I •u-$ 1,:11• to MEE. Val ii ill. ..p. NV.I!; - F.- , . I 1(..:411.-r,t,n , 1 o! .. lvt..l„lay IIIEB!11=11 re- 1 , 1 I 1.. t.,LI 104 l'•a.-.•; i:•• et:IL NO !,, r t rt I .'•1 1,•1 r.• j , • I , • I I .111 “.‘ 3 ~!.0 to,rll , ilic, I • ERE= 1 , .•111tt , i VeLii.. l . 71 . . ; , ic i . )v.krd, .L 11—rt• ISII 111111 tl~~~ t.Jliu:; ~~i :. ~ u:k ~ ~ t~~ Inc on a rap =MEE dUtith NV/LS Eau. ; r iv ,I;14•:.',1 E‘ :L . :L.741f r. t , thv I. i uhun iS utice .r, L ing I LL (2,t, lltlttft r. It..r,;(' Lltlntitot t 1 ti.•!;.1.1, ,r,.• t t Iti. t•t.lt t t SH I :n:.l ihttt... wishing It t itsite a linnl! ' pr-. 1,. 4 tltlil ! urc and we ilmte io,•-• audicncr.,l )la, IF o•id•-.11 , tH-0ni , d , ..1 in on; c•ty. of (hid concert, wi Icaru teat the which Vimix , 1 - 11 t , 111: ' ,I " 111 A I/ Lit temp drew sac 1 visit to tlik tiA., a iii,oty i vrt. ,11.1 . .1 , •1.t. I 11.1, \ I' ill th , j.ni.:•••rgy, n :11• • 1-..0.1-1 tit-• in 154,. t ntilt.•1101 Crc tr,,nr, A; -.6.:'!i .1 t i14•1:1 ~,.;• fell to Dt• Ikr 7•IA 11,.. ,c 4 ,b,113 IV.'t. . A.:11 I'y th.lt It • ry. tuue AM.', it OilWI Of I), 1,.,;;6r5,,,.:, t., the ei: tit i!, .411. i \ lIIIMI=II pr. , tu.4 1 i•VIUCos t:3 1 • ,1 wonderful not:. I,!. \ uo,!, ! t", 'lieu,: wt. ms• rim propm- , 1 Ea}, but tatilly hi' lola 11. +llp-fI.T, if an i n • ,ti Li L 3 rn.• nniy ,ti.l "•"' • it," %,11 , ` ttn , tis this VVVtiILI.: t. ttd j.ltiß , for 1.1 - Mgt , MIONII .1 I'..iL t \1 .{i i~ tr. ....1 I.~;. lii , .' git':..l 4 i " Vii,_._. 11. -t tr..itt of 11„11s,• kra, , • t I.. , !;• , lii,itint.nt. A ~, L,d ~.i ti. k~:= t.~r ;i: 'r. •..ir h_~j lr l,!; , I t"tpt.; i :d n ittr. , at that IMI=!IMIII1111113=!1 filed nt tin• Mgy,Cri MEE= jail a fi.ir daym : „i r. t . 4., lict, :LI tit. f• 4 4r. i, • I I • C1 , 11L311.1111 3 t 111111 EIII:=E111 tigriinttl hirn 111 -Ht Ili .1 :;,•t ! clvtrgt6 hptin.t I=EMEMMI wayo prepared ti,. I 1,, will ,erce up gr.-•n. laza I in.. 10,11 ~had. •r 4. ; ,n I ti.. • r, I 4irtl• and 6,,ft 11,1 1, on hi, 1 , CtilVt111.11;t11 tho t:„. I . r t., ur. d.. 11 - ti: take pli,l with ...it lot, up,.11 'L..zi liShrll , llt 1.31111 Ritid . A St2,•:l.':ut t, 4 whose d•r:-T pnysiuK c..nnt,C it e.e. chi; flllltl . -. Ali t`X:l-11111,1t ,111 4 linuckiOri .1,1 n -1;11111tV t. a dollars tt:r t onfiuct. - :11 inn ) Jll;. , , t e 111- titrunionts, ttlati 1111.,t;1, I '..• !' ; I. ,tO/11,f"1 uir h,,,“1,.,1 • I. • ; 111,1 1,, I,t tI II I q11Ch; . 1 . ,, till in /,. ;1 ~ 1 th.• '1,11.1...4 j . ;•;1•- , ' t , rttd ,ti Wall, Vii '1.11 , 1 /1 " 11 !L, th fl.tit Wt. z 4t.L El,- it, tit , I,} 1.1.111,• ,rcpt nn, Daily, I, • , I parviit, iu AllLght•ily tip t 11. 1 . 1 bin lanai). I=IMMISIIIIIMI M!IIMENEM=1•111811I beim a fa\ orit. here, fuel b ;low nr r, than over in gratiating her,elf with ainiei N thin even. ing /iv Prince Fr d, ,t In a pi. ee entitled '' The Young Priiiee, thc PI 4.i • i" Mao an Paul, Fl, 1.,,t t y tir o potrj, le,peak ter her a good house. The drama et Jo-4e brawn will Le produced ill a abort time. Tun GUT i re-ton, at Eh, Gat I.e‘k l'•ture, No. S 6 Market street, hi Icing a brink bUnintun. lb Oral valuable watch,' have elreaby by tb, enterprising firm. With ev,ey he'ik e gift presented, and while realizing the value of the nivestnieni In books, a gobi eat, hYalu - ,40/ T 1!. t•iht.j. Mtn ‘ViASSii 1.1. d no great Alai:W..l Of 1,11:1: tt,r, y eacr day. Ten cornmeal cased were returnee from the catch hugse. of which gin were C01:111litt , : i to jeii!.. ti:re,•diteitarged 1111 hreni de IJC Rawl:dr:l,lo- .11,1 ,pan pail Lia 11:-2. FL , memorandum cook, c,,,tsiniug a nuallwr I“tters aril other papers. tu Dr. L. li. Barrie, was kanal )esterday tLa 31.yu1hs uthrc , wltat , the Ca err can na,l it. DYSPHP:I.A.—That most troublioom , :end painful of ell diseases, it to now ascertained, caa i.- cared. Many have tt, a the proparatbi.i, izotien up to tittsin this „Eject, Lint with 011..?4/try QTCeptioll, we believe. all failed of their purpoae. Dr. J. thr,t.ntte , r'n .ii+tomach hitters —the one referred to—however, has proved ouch invalu able renieily for all dbl, ases of that 1..• -r,.. at all convert:ant with its history, will qu itii :a caws of the most alarming Cilt.P9.2•,r. Th..u.san..6. by the fr gaunt use of [lto have. vujoyo i un t•ivally er.nnly and effectual restoration phyt.i,33,l strenztli 3114 I vlg',r. All who urn ',untiring Irvin diseases arising from a f..1_11 stomach, ahould not fail or hnslmtt- to MU, it. For &ilk, by druggists uud deslnrs and by il:BTulrfi',33. a ..1.011 . f Manufacturern and Pri.prut.3ws, __mil st-tuet.s rtl'Er.6 wii^r. Lrie r•:, THE Iii,EAT th' use of J. M. Olin's Celefirsted Bturnoch Bittern, and the nu merous certlfictiles rev-4ved • in their favor, show conclusively that they aro the tile preparation of the tins: cvcr Ihtroduzzd to the public and at this sens•,n, when loss of appetite is so prevalent, nor„ one consulting their own interest can afford to do without them. The Bitters are pleasant to the testa and agreeable In their effects. As a tonic they are delightful; they ore a reliable remedy for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, etc., and a sure proventiveof meet of the prevailing diseases of the day. For sale by J. M. OLIN, sole proprietor and tusnufacturer, No. 257 Penn 13 trovt. Pittsbiti, Pa., awl by dealers gee- f; 'FAIRS Lg. ILI, Ho 1,1. , 11 (1' c f Ni inbi % , ra . "t. St idetl mud tt oen t,niliy f I t_ , 11 .1 I=!EME:EII nn i 1111 lt i V. II a Lll MIME UII , S nvab•r from tht• 151=1111111!11111111 1.0 t.I 1,, , rt. , r 1 (.1 k ‘l,µl, l=lllllllllllllllllllil in tilt, t .11.1.01110. f ll= isi rte. . u~.l i+ =MEM I!IIIIIMIIIII/111111 )%11. tl:t tbo yr nij.a. T 1 lEBE=MII ~.. i ~ i,c , •nin~, n~,~l the I r ie it I=IIEMMI 1211!=1111! IMIE=III 11111 =IS I z t alt 1 I! •• 11:1 'Liam i.lwityti t.... 1 e the Pittsburgh Retati kh arxe< We publish this mornini. :••ar -• 1- --' purt uf family marketing, carclully OUR FAMILY MARR"..tITING lirA CUL 11.• " " 4tso,nd " " ILoaßt4, !'urlt ' • Itottats V,31 Olt I^t9, Mu[full k. LTG. Quarter, NI, Fart, SZI.11141.41• 4'4: , Liver P - uddine„ f Liver, T,• 1;1111.'3, Turks) Ducks, 'p pair Chi , Fish, Salmon, " Pt.reh, Sticker, Lard, Leaf, 11 it' f itk Pt.tatocti, NeA'n'k Turnips, dtadisiles, Bests, Vu ions, Iresh CArn4A, Parsnips, Ilersorsdish, Cakbage, encumbers, eranherries, White Beaus, Ffmniny, Apple Butter, Oni - ns, seed, SpiMILICII, per panful, Lettuce per head, Asparagus, bunch, A i,pl as, l half peek Dritd. Peaches. quart Appfes, Butter, Roll, " Print, Egg-, i), Luncl ELLUANT 011;NTILY BITES AND Friar Oft.'ll itlyi.—Tb .•,,• I.lf pmt Jch it, 6inTlit.D4A,i v. ill I , are. th, .1 1....11i111 ::n.l (irAnt Btr,th, t•. t., of tle• ‘ery desirable end well-known • 6 pr,,p.•rt, on the Bradt.i.e-Ve F:01,1 It.to of front five to • 6 , 1•! CI , 3o thy , nffaire ‘ , l Mr. lei, r, .4 .1,11,,111,1% LP; HT EP; ElT.—The Market Clerk 5ni..0.1 tw,--nty.t , ,r pwinds 01bl - it:Tr which did net c,one, weight, iu the Diamond mark. t, Wooneodsj was the property of a man living in rile e;.•iititi ..1 burg. Out of twenty-five pounds of but:. out weight.. This should serve to put persons brines,,: .- duce to our market on their guard, ae fraud; f this will certsinly b. , detected. THE INDIAN ENTEAT.IIYMY\T,—The u:o,ibit tun nein :Ind einloimi of the Indians, under the RaVishUWgAUCP, will etglinleLlCV at MIIS"Ilic ;.! evennz,z. The evening will I , a an unftivorable o:.• ug„ owing to the numerous twitraori-ne ill trust the house will be filled. Tice eute:taiii!”,,t ! I,t iustructivo, but nunuAug, uud will th,uutl-ss Cueuixr CONCERT.—OU the evening of P i 1.1 a concert will be given ht the City Huh, for the iicre of the "Orphan's Howe." A number of the best uoi,oi in the city have volunteered their ices, , ind tC fir the concert will be one of great, inter... Tit. Toe ctiarity Id scrvirg of cno,ientgement, and us hope to to o tic. filled. THE fITATEe Puuce. liA; r:T7r. • t. phis, ihr the present week, has Loon i,...l deafonnoy opposite the Theatre. THE CAR(' of ILYA vtl. liooll ,t.ll t.,, ~t Ithitrict Cont t ruotris. It will probably I. v., IL A. lAomB, p.6t, Buildings, liaa received Hat poi- a fcr this week. It is twvnty•fonr hours ahead of ltasr , 2LASFI clothing, suited to the (104t,10n, me :laid boys' wear, will be found at Caruaghan'e, Federal etre Allegheny City. Shirts, gloves, scarfs. ties, lieu ccc. ec . • ways on band, at close rates fur cash. JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chair Warreroonig, 4/.4 Pewoa street. AliuVE THE CANAL muDaE, ITI R4l , liGon t thn F:rn]tnrn hurline,3,l . , 7 t+l•3o qttilatior. t., UNDERTARINU. lieta6o4 ar.ti rr.rri fu i2hrgl AMUSEMENTS, TIiALBERG & VIEUXTEIII",24 i,..„.2 I AII.ENVELL CONCERT IN AMERICA. IL -4 and positively their last appearance in this city pri to !heir &pot tut, 1., El this MADAMii ELBE A L'ANOIU. (Ciiiitatrine di Camera to the Emperor of Austria, and Pri Donna of the principal Opera llouser ,1 Italy, Condo, , . Petersburg, Madrid, New York, wio 1.8.11 W obtained go wile and enviable a reputation in ail the pH: etpal Opern 111.){.18621 of the world, will make i 3 ai FIRST AND OvIN APPEARANCE IN THIS - - ON THURSDAY, MAY 2nTlll, AT CITY lIAI,I— inauagoinont taht i wee great pieFl6lll, in nonionic. the ongeg,oniont of the two onleltiatod Prima Donuatt. MlftS JULIANA MAY. and MADAME ANNETTA CARA I \flw will appear jointly with IYANGRI, TIIALBERG, VIEUXTEmrs, and SIGNOR ABELLA, Tho programme, on this occaaion, rill be the most at tr :hat ever hoe boon offered in :toy concert ',tom: it t. contain. Imnidos other solootionit, THE CELEBRATED DUETT t",Rsi SOMNAMDULA, anueied for the Violin and the Piano Porte, 1 , 7 - rwm,l VIRDXTEMPS AND THALDERO. YIEUXTEMPS will perform NORMA FANTASIE ON ONE STRING. This extraordinary and moat difficult mra.iica: rompentiui has produced the most intense enthuaiaani wherever I termed by Stn. VI EUXTEXIPS .iral never been attempted to be perforne , d by any on:, living artist. irogrammos can be seen on small bills 4 , a - Sale of eetitsCOMlllenCe. on MONPAY. Air. Store, wilt-, the price of tiv• 30.1itivual end unprecedented attiectetn.....il: ,163 r. 101 air. Shall-erg's previene ieit here, . : 71,5 , I, ercurtiing to the location. m-512 FOSTERS NEW NATIONAL rEATRE Leasoe and alanigvr J C. POi. g - and Stagg Ninnag.4 - YOUY.G II . Trelsnre.r . GEORGE, SIEGIUdT. SCALE CO PRIOE6 ri caw 'loxes to hold six persons.. 'mess Circle aral Parquette Upper Tier Doors h. . ."ors open at 7 o'clock—commence at lm!f pi , .st `. it11; - 11 xccc Ctid of the Milli-zit owl hoaatifnl C, 1. ••, 151MilidE 11IITCrtELL. roLeived u,th bightiy , 0 ..nned or.thulinim by f MionaLle omlionces. to-night in two of her moot charming iva,r r notions. THURSDAY IiVEriING, May 20th, sew sonic Drama, never acted here, entitled TUE YOUNG PRINCE; C.R, TUN PRIVILEGES 0? A KING - 6 SON • , 1• •:e Fiedorick of Prwsin hug Fre.doricit W. q. Butte.. e...rbOldershott..A. W. Youeg IDE' , MI?. Young. Favorite Dance.. .......... Fmily Waldegrave. To conclude with the popular eurnedy of TUE I•LT OF THE PETTICOAT r... Paul, the Pot, (with 50ng).......Mid.-; Nlaggie Miterhod. To marrow, benefit and last night but oue of the ungago .I.eut of Hies ?...4AUGLE MITCHELL. r;.1..D2 re-hearsal, and will shortly be produced with new ~•evry, dresses, and appointments, the sow Drama, lone „n ;Grout events in India, entitle.d. -Jesse Drown ti.t, Relief of kneknow.” TTSBURGH MJ liIMB6RLY Lsuaxn can 3iAI4LGAIL 97 N:iith Concert of the '4011E.1.9 BROS, PELL ic TROWBRIDGE'S 11.I.NS1'IVELS, eived every night with Crowded ii 0119.9 evincing I,lgiwat delight and gratification. Til IS THURSDAY EVENING, May 20th, a:0 ,a mtra firs- I.dl, embracing many new Songs and Daucre by inc en ti;e. Star T?t,pe, iv.cludlng, for the first time, A VIOLIN SOLO ON ONE STRING View Tom. Also, Firnt night of SOF/NES IN ALABAMA. a-hoar:mi. a cvadc.al Farce, called TUE CoURAGEOUS Douit Ii EE PEE.. A OBAND ALATLNEE, Haturday, commencing at 3 o'clk itox Tickets 37 cent2i, and no calm charge far eecared 2. Second Tier 2 cents. Doors open at 7 , 4—commence at Beata can be aocared at the Box through thr m 317 T fsE MOST INTERESTING AND UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT EVER WITNESSED. The celebrated Chief KAWSHAWOANCE and troupe, amending of Warriors and Females from the Wallitpn no. Lion, West of the Rocky Mountains, will give a GRAND EX- EiIIIIT.TON of the manners and customs of their tribe, et MASONIC HALL, •!.4 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AMID SATURDAY EVENDIGS, May 28th, 21st and *L'2d. IiAWSELAWCA.NCE, who is pronounced throughout the Cultoil States, the moat eloquent Indian Orator living, will give a description of his country, etc, etc. The Entertainment will consist of Historical Scenes, Ceremonies, Dances and Songs, highly Pluatrative of the noeivilited gibes of the present day. Cite entertainment is of a chaste and moral ohm aster, and is pronounced by the Press throughout the eountry, we the only medium by which an accurate knowledge may be obtained at the present time of the Victern tribes. ADMISSION,-25 cents. Doors open at half past 7 ; Don to commence at 8. Front seats reserved for ladies Thu utmost order and decorum will be preserved. On SATIMDAY AFTERNOON, there will bean Exhibi• tiuu for the benefit of Ladies and Children. Admission. 15 cents. Do:rs open at two o'clock—commence at helf•pk,d two. mylB4:3t ACON.-6000 IbB. Country Bacon shoul r. 1111$1 i14111r4, to arriv., , lzy ",6. 5 (5 35 an 60 (5 1 50 ( 35 20 ( 5 -b (co 0 (i 15 gl I ,Z 6, 11 ( (5 10 V+ (a 1.2 (Q 1 1 - (al !T TSB CT IZ Maggie Illltcb,ll JAB, A. FETZEL, Corut..- Nlariset arml Ifira vcrmALzaTilsr I NDESTRUCTIBLE :4_ 1 6 E S 51 - 4aFIMNG7 O 4'o NS ffSTI NG OF CANVAS & T U RATED WITH RESINOUS SUBSTANCES, ETC, ~if E UN I ERS4; NE D IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Rants w-rft Thos composition is adapted for all kinds of Roofs, flat or steep; It can also be ,nm., or u z-ltindles. making a perfec't job. This composition to not affected by atmospheric changes: ther crtk'k Cro run ;it is input clone to Iter ; elb' and mut , durable than any other kind of Roa r :• I r h 1,1 us iu 01w yuuutit.es throughout the Unite! :'tAttsa, on Houses, Bridges, Roiling Ms, •-•• • ' , •tr. entire and is 1....W.3i , le rod a perfect protection from the elements. I, • r- sung JII: y introduced here in it can be seen on many of tho buildings in the city. Also, on • - k: 1. , /1.• 708 woos 1- in use. and can be aeon—(2l-velaud and Pittsburgh Railroad ; at Belle ‘ 1 •• ,- t ,, t ',gra; m , •ilbenvii,e; McCoy's; Wellsville; Liverpool and Rochester Sta .. IL, r ut.t. : (' ntral it,olroad ; Spruce Cre. k APtotia Station, Mill at Tipton and Par. t • • - 1 •I. Ci; , and many other Buildings; Pittsburgh, J.McOully's Ware , -• mon in this city. =OE TaBERT' STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where samples of the ma- W. lIMMEMIIIIII =ME =MEI E ,c ;•• • • •t; .”1.,••11 Wi-,/tr. 0 • -tiwciy IYaij fy .7-:nrii,.,r,.. '''':' '. i:•,-,A. \t "1. • ;••••::: FP, I=l M!MINIEIN=II! 1 . I, ~,:ictni)V.Eii.s ) t+ kwl. + r ' or. t• %6j.1 t. r N; ;N F. ifi ,F.T II ii :-', i'.. f• 1 'I) lIEISIIM IMMIECIE=I =EMI -;'.!'-..*: . - -! -- . f: . '-i:;',4 . .! .. ; . ;': 4 ' . l' - ;: :7t'...r,i ; i' l. '77'..t-:•4. -. .31 , . -77.4.7,..1.7% • '-';; F: , '_. 1.3 . ,3 Vi 'lf , , i,3 .i,P PLIT4BUL - 11311, p ta . •• ‘,"E t "ST R 'r; T IR. titK , T , AND _ ,r, goo.ift pNrchft,s , ll , r T••• 11111111 -I,;EaNN, and cque,enswarse.. p:::!;:) sT rjli lij..-7, 17P1-:7‘.ED, 1111:: tiI..I)f.I.LILLSHMENT (lb 3,8`.6 Wood 4texe , ..., Pittsburgh Pa. %/ - lio IS NOW I',,ECEIVINU FROM , zurop2,,a•l choice r. , sortmcuf of In inn list . I,lllpr-I:L7z of Prail White rr , toii, 1,.i. T,irot and the ,nino I,in.ir• 13 not and Forworic fine Whit °. Vitrid• In.!! riuo'wh tJ be the ai,ElT. , .. lur able 1141 w iu 1.1. t, ror ir. I 4 [ooiiihoatit; Nrouch Chinn or =MO v,"•!.:14. Cruldßand, either in Beta or I)._•covatbel Toilet Sete; Brit lanald aud r eau rid v s r Tea T.z.bit , •ontie, zi,,cp I sillier; I.,•ry Handled CarNni,r, T-a and Prd - rl.r.r, I'c-a W‘...ltcrs and 'Lay, s. Tab', Jaca,rd and Innc.. Tia Ali., a c articles suit” f.'r C - UN A IL 'f E, a , prices to plenae the ,70 wva,d to examine thiu Ntnck. mr277.3md.bw • : ; i talt„:# Er. • a -,a - _ ;.Rl3l- 1141 " 1 31 1 A- I A r Jo 0 ,ft? j 5 Al 9 C Iv ita HAS A BHAIITIPIIL SILSCTION IiONEEENTS 9 tErILIVE STOINES. Potit4, co vh. thill, nivit..i t • •••, • 'T ~ nn I W. 1:I..1 411:: Lliilll.3.Vl PATENT MASTIC 2- -r.— ' '''s DE) I Iq' MIEMI ;:.; ~• 8. '.',,; ;: -,I- 7T;; . . .' , ,ili'D ~' r 1 5 _ ~!I:U4v =MEM r,r tE st !,I"th' 111111181111=1 NI ASS f the Mr , l!cFil 1:y th it, that tiVolful 0:x....1try are yr. L.r , rt tun , 1 . • s 11111 EIMEM ~, l'.: ' , . t • it I tl,lr lin in • =BEM =MEM =MEM e - fr,,b• MINIM REIM lIIMME City IT via r ~~ ~ = ~:; ...' , .. -- i . ii12 ... - i ~..!,' 771 I . 1 t * r iffilEM t - 4TRE,ET, •r. thy i•ol waxrant,i ,i. 7lxei - c..nt3. by J, 1, tilt) Ell:le v.:lay of ;.. cni•az. Particular .o•w nal Flo t,1;7::;rn... is ROOFING, 1 431 13 43 - , FAHNESTOCK, Agent. AUCTION SALES. TALLY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., .I_7 A r the n..w Commercial Sales - %oome, No. 64, 111th ri •we.•kclAy, are held publi. dales of goods in all N'Ari••ty. ,r the trade and cone: mars, from a large , orifit..ritly replenished with fresh consign. 1,, forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., !t r y t,tt,ttlt. Awl fanny articles, comprising nearly everything La' lin.. far personal and family see; table est i r _ ; bo..,t.s and shoes ; ladies ware, A'C L O'CLOCK, P. M., :,id kitchen furniture, new and second-hand; aci Bar lin,, ; carpets; elegant iron Stolle China ware; groceries, /cc. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy ; clocks; Jewelry; musical irstra• tni u; ; guns; clothir.g; dry goods; bouts and ehoes . book he. fseBl P. M. DAVIS, Auct.e Tills EVENING, AND EVERY EVEN• LNG THIS WEEK, or until all is sold, will be offered 14 m,cIE.TNEY'S AUCTION 110U813, 320 Wood street, an rten-iv: a:le,rtra,Llt of rich Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver etc, etc. The (lade will be open for examination .•aoli w n Lnairs as well as Gentlrmen are respectful- I? •,vic .i too 1 1, cud they may purchase at private sale, •.; !•. retail. n, ry low prices, and all goods ahall and satisfactory, or money refunded. ibis 1. tc, to the best selected and most desirable teL J etc., ever before offered at Auction in this • . 14 0.. I) Way worthy the attention of purchasers, in • ILO multi for cash immediately. Bale to • ,LIIaIt•LICC: each evening at 7!,-5 o'clock 30811IIA GRAY, &legman. W. G. MOOARTNEY, Auot'r. DAGUERREAN GALLERIES. R. M. CARGO & CO., p . b,, , ,/041.stphert4 and Authrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Filth street, and UN BEAM GALLERY, ',V. of '-:nrkc•f strt. , at and Diamond, Pittsburgh mylgtr-Sp V.KES' GALLERY OF ART, 0. 60 MARKET STREET.-PICTURES J. '3 r r'aror at Ode tiellory by anew and improved proem". natural color of the hair, oyes, dress and complet, ,:r. ecio, wledged by all who have 131/1/MbP ;,,• • or ~‘uprior to any Octuree ewe/ exhibited ht thin CI L 17,1 t , d ltrangers are invited to call and examine ~ 11,,ction, of urecirnenl. His Gallery being on tho ~t :newly of accetta IL—Pit:lL:nu of Cbiltiren taken In two seconds, at No .41 ,et ij 1 lO'r Gli A. PITY. —Tais ART HAS BUN brotL.;Lt to each pvrfoctioti that pictures taken by this pr,•••3o have pronounced perfect by the scientific wort+ Tr ,y ran l u hal in all their beauty and artistic ei.zaiice. at WALL'S Phonies GALLERY, on Fourtk street, Icayl.s:lw M B OTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURB WARRANTED. CAN BE HAD AS LOW AS AT ANY FIRST CLASS E3TAI3LISRMYST THE COTINTRX, AT WALL'S, Fourth street flealoved to 21 Fifth Street. ri A P.GO CO.'S PHOTOGRAPHIC AND tI.e.LLERY has been removed from Fourth .urea, r. , No. 21 Fifth street, near Market. ro-na. , tin% incbuilt especially for the purpose, 0... , rt tar,. 1170 not surpassed in the city for La.% Anti Vicelletwo in arrangement. I)in irrieao‘ nod patrons, and those wishing ad .-n0r111,0a.:6.,..Y, aro invirod to call. icM.„ Reception Boom and n , 3 %!hr ;round door. ap7 WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, hio. 42 Virth street, near Wood. REINKKANs IIEYRAN , 111:01,E;:zA LE AND RL'TAIL DEALERS IN VINE COLD AND SILVER A ri:C 1-1 ES, JEWELRY, AND PLATED WARE. VAN CY GOODS. WATCHMAKERS"FOOLS A.TCH NIiCrERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. L. C. lIMPBUkLN, "S'i)ItNEY AT LAW ANN) CONVIiYANCER OFHir.EI 'RCP il. F.Ja237.11., II ;110 OWN OP REAL ESTATE IN Titl;:;ITV t a i 1.1 17 8111J11.611.—Notico is hereby that the qi.Ho,anent'l for tirnding and Paving, made 1,1 •,,r pr-vinior, I LIU Act of Aavembly paeled May 10, .7, et d ..0 of Councils enacted August 31, aro r., .:.'mpletod. and tho enure are payable at this on or before the let day of July, • -3s or Lofor, li,, let day of July, 1889; one !: c i efcre tho 1.21 ‘.:ay J uly, 1860; one-fifth on or .ro lit dn, of .11:1j, 1 ° 61: one-titth on or before the la:. .111iy, 1162 WM. IIOIIBAUM, City Treasurer. C. WEST et CO., ( A it It I A (i ES, AWAN'S, J31.1 , , til ES, SULKIES AND SLEIGHS N. 197 Penn strut, PITTSBURGH, PA. All Work Ariantt•fl tt, be or the beet materials and mylthlydia HAR.DWARE. FEL FAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD t, i'ittAlargh, has on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, - ,v ‘lch ho - wilt sell very low for CASH. In addition to hla ail, Hinges, filth., and Forks, and Spoons, and a large t of Carper.ter'n Tools, he has received a large amp . 4) of Sausage Cutters and Stutters • Shovels, Tongues and Pokers; 813igh Boll! and Enameled Praterring l sales. Pittsburgh Water Cure Establishment. Wukt THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF treated at LIAVSVILLE STATION, on the t7PI ur h, Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad, ten miles , 4r •ii rte city. For the healthful exercise and amusement • arii-nt-t. and others friendly to the system, who may wish I tioind eine time with ne, we have lately erected a tin. Gl' YIN ASIIINI and BOWLING ALLEY. adtllet9 Box 13i4, PlttaLurgh, Ps J. IItiILFORD, II D, t Physic i an , !!. v1.0::;in.'"67; -I:11 li. FREASM, M. D. f &Iderinan's Office. TAMES S. 11()0N, ALDERMAN, EX uFFICI.:, JUSTICE OF VIE PEACE, AND POLICE A , • L.,Ttt A r glic,. No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo ,,ito Lb., ti.,rirt ilouse, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deposition', Acknow -I,:d4nieral and Pruttated tukun• ' the Records examined, Dt•e:td, Rend,,, Mortgaged, Wills, Leases, Artitlea of Agree. and of Peirtnernhip , Letters of Attorney, etc., at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all ausineted in tl-• ;toe of his official duties, promptly attended hoard, from 7 % , a. M. to 1 P. ill, and from 2 t 1:1 P. M. n28:13 URN LIRE FOR OASII._ A tall assortment of tte.nr.th manufactured FURNITURE, embracing BUREAUX, BOOK CASES, WARD ROBES, Aud ev t 2 y article nueslud in a well furnished dwelling, att well as a Mph:did assortment of OFFICE FURNITURE, tly or, hand and made to order. As the only terms u:. winch business la done at thin establishment is for OMNI. are made accordingly. Persons in want of anything u the above line, would be advantaged by calling at FACHINER & IRWIN'S, Nu. 103 Smithfield street, below Fifth. J. 1). rACS.LIZB, J.;;;IN M. Inwitt. myl3ly - 401: A:I\JAN AS.—Firs of the season just re ceived Ly oxl.rebi and for Hale by REYMER, a ANDERSON, No. 39 Wow street. 0 , oeito St. Mutes Ifoted. i\TEW FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.-- 1 A. A. MASON A CO., Aay., NO. S Fifth Street. Ace IIONV opening rich Pros Boragea, Challlw„ Paris Bri!lamb!, .al Sl'iaNk/ SHAWLS. (IPI 3 \ SALT.- -60 barrels sack Dairy rwo At 4,- and faa silk by ALLIAXE4 fuokurnatt, E. S. WYKES, Artist. b" , G.F...ith West.