"Ld:t ll, * came togattol•—y, , .. i.:• r- Ns :F., 1 • • his grya I My cy • •I• i! , : r V.t . • tioetor th , r•!; ‘t!.z tiIEEMgM 3 , t 01:9 1(1 .- 11 cn N7:17 t 3 the Eeetlf3. th" • The tiro , : had ja t bcor. opttcf.l, : The 7 both 7r. r: essr laur,bed, ro.oti , ncrl I , tr to It, t mt.; while she, my v. le, n hang &ma 11;r 1. , 1. 17C.3 : r;, - -'! - ..c:11). - -• Tun the feelings thatsetti, ousynot that ft. - ,:taule crgotion built light as air, but the dread pa-slon et a- TllO knows—who with iris cses ECOS himself betrayed ; those mingled with intewc, nacicnchable, and sorrowing, - supplicating love to her, even now, and with bitter ~elf-condemnation—filled my bosom. I felt na? heats, P.? ,t were, swciling and rising up in throat! Oh, he:7 i, boat, eye moved anti re• trd on him ! My tir,t impel: r. was to attack it;vt ; dot it bed ten times my NA I w.u.1,1 oul' h^ex posing mytrlf c 7, her presence. Wo:tY. I did to stand and c:ist r.i hirst---u•ol. , Arltoet nt him —upon my soul. I could not twill it :my whale frame was ouiVering with the emotion i woe sup pressing They uttered the carriage and drc-re away. That night I committed my first theft. I bad been guilty of cheating at cards nod other games before, b u t this war, my first case et regular steal ing. With the 1-roceeds I bought a pistol at an old iron-stall. and soma powder, and procured leaden slugs by cu tti ng fivlgruunts from the rainpipes on the walls of houses Haring zscettain ed that the wcapan was trustworthy, !. lay in for them as they emerged from the theatre, It was a beautiful meenlight night, and they walk ed towards bin house. I shrank in the shadow behind them and listened. They were talking and laughing together. At length, watching my opportunity, I crept up close behind them. I raised the pistol pointed it at the back of his head : ho was not two foes in advance of it. I slipped my finger to the trigger, and was about to pull. "Strange !" thought I,' revenge is net such a sweet thing as I thought. W:tat, shall an in staueons death compensate for the mighty wrong he has wrought to me ?" My arm dropped to my aide, and I stood stock still, looking after them, as gradually increasing their distance. they moved away from me all un conscious of my neighbarhood. Next day I sought employment as a distiller— with difficulty I obtained it. I did not, however, long preserve .it.: my habits cf idleness and in toxication were tltegethcr inconsistent with it. and I wars dismissed front the work. This being the case, my last resource waste join with scene old connections of my dog-fighting days, and commence the manufacture sof petyeen among the hills. There were nearly a dir.en of us is the gang, and'we carried on tile thing in the most systematic manner, occasionally diversify ing the pursuit by a little smuggling through the Isle of Man into' Engiand—raore frequently by fishing and shooting. [TO an CONTINITIfT).] 1111 PITIVIvu ophif t Jtei t. i. AY 0 J Y.11:4] S P. E TS~j.i'c2'^flr MONDAY MOl DEMO C &ATI C G_,.T 11114 P_ TIO NS Surrt7;xr. wI ALIAM PRILADELPITIA csiut covausswaisn, W POE ESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE COUNTY PARTY C.InGANIZA,TIO;:i. The Democracy has never been weak except when it has antlered itself to be temp rarily divided upon some single question of public policy Its great power of usefulness to the country has consisted in the unanimity with which the party has supported there measures and those men which the majority deemed it right to.support, and the success of which tended to the greatest good of the greatest number. Thu right of individuals in the party to differ in opinion regarding both measures and men, has rover been doubted, but when the question at issue has once besn decided by the will of the majority, accrding to the Democratic maga, all have united in sup' porting the great principles of the Democratic organization. There could be no such thing as successful party organization, if every Democrat were compelled to adopt exactly the same opinions, and to express the same views upon all questions which may arise in the national policy of such a country an ours. But with all true Democrats, this glorious right of free opinion should not induce a feeling of in dependence of party ties, and cause them to weaken the influence of oar great and useful national organization, by occasionally draw ing such lines among the Democracy as " di videa house against itself," and cause a tem porary defeat of those great principles of right and truth which we all -profess to aticocate and support. At the present time we observe with great regret that a dispos tion exists among a porn tion of the Democratic party, to create a die.. union, based upon d fleeing. opinions regards ing the Kansas issue—an issue which is ncw, for the time at least, settled by the highest authority known in the land—that of national law. The Compromise bill has passed,— it is now the law of the land, and no matter whether heretofore he may have approved or diap• proved the course decided upon by the ma jority of Congress and approved by the Pros' ident, it is now the duty of. every Democrat who believes in the truth of the great princi ples of-his party, to sustain the organization Which ie based upon those principles, with all his might. The idea of a third party—a Northern anti•Lecompton Democratic party is preposterous, and can only work a deep injury to the great national cause of human rights and human happinese. This desire of a minority to leave the majority because they cannot control them, is not Democratic. No Democrat is required to surrender his individ• ual opinion, but every Democrat should see that it is especially his duty at such a time as this, when the opposition are straining every nerve to throw discbrd into our ranks, to sup• port the party in all Its ancient and honora ble usages. In Pennsylvania, the State ticket now before the people should receive not only the individual vote, but the warm personal Support of every trre member of the Demo cratic party. It makes no difference—it should make none—that the Harrisburg Convention passed a series of resolutions which all the party dots not and cannot approve. The del egaies were not sent there to pass those-reeo lutions—those who sent them there gave them neither instructions nor authority to pass them, and the Democracy, if it chooses, has a perfect right to look upon the Harrisbug reso lutions as but the expression of the opinions of the members of the Convention, and not of their constituents. As a public body, they had a right to express their opinions as they might choose, but as the representatives of the Democratic party, they had no right to bind the party to any platform, because the party did not vend them there clothed with authority to do anything of the kind. But the party d:d send these drlega'cs to Harris burg to ruminate a State ticket to be eup ported next fall, and the Con , :entit,ri eelecti.d the gentlemen who compose V at ticket fairly. and according to Democratic usa2ec, and every Democrat who claims to be such, IS BOUND to support that ticket as the regu. ;:t I ? 10. 868 PORTER- Orz. lariy nominated Democratic ticket. It mal.:cs no difference whet m y be the indiviricial opin ion of The nomit ef.e, on the K ELFT.S qUEsOtio:l or auy other quution. The only query N‘bicli v,c have a right to ask, is whether they are Dcuo, ocrais with a pure record. The temporary excitement which has dies turbed tho ranks of the party in this State is fast being allayed, but Lere and there we find a Democrat who is ine:ined to let hia perron al feelings run away with his better sense. To such we say in the words of Richelieu, "Patii.3o, reflect." HON. WILLTAat 11117ELK(ICS Senator Wilkins, having paid a visit to the national capitol after tce adjournment of the legislature, has returned home, looking in fit - le l health and in excellent spirits. He has been the heat Senator whom the county hens sent to Harrisburg for many years. He has thoek oughly examined every question brought up, and applied to its consideration his great practical experience and sound judgment.— I lis term of service has expired, bat we most sincerely hope that the people of Allegheny county will look to their own highest interest, and if possible, prevail upon Judge Wis-ins again to buckle on the harness of public ser vice, which he wears as bravely now as in fork mer days. !'he people of the county 'know his influence and his v slue as a publi counsel lor, and will be pleased to see him again telLe, his seat in the Senate. Foreign - Tre (12 The New York Custom House returns for the month of April show the continued efiect of the financial panic last fall. The total imports into this port for that month were but ten and a half millions, against over twenty last year to the same month—being a do crease of $9,634,932. Toe revenue fell off a million and a half. This !s a little heavier than the decrease in the imports for March, which were $8,621,000 less than in I.%ilareh last year. In our exports the improvement in trade is more visible. During the month of March the exports this year were 85,000,000 less than last year, while during April the fall ing off is only $2,280,739. The great falling oil in the receipts from revenue will compel the secretary of the Treasury to ask Congress either far a law authorizing a loan or a further issue of treasury notes. The impression now is that a loan wi l be preferred, as it is s.uppos. edit can be obtained at thee per cent. Even tually all this must lead to a mod ticatiou of our present tariff laws. APPRAISEIIIENT OF PA VED STREETS. Winter before last, the city euthoritice of Pittsburgh were authorized by an act of the Ledslature to change the method of paying for the cost of grading and paving the streets of the city. Under the new law the cost of all work is to be assessed by the front riot upon the property which abuts upon the street graded and paved. But in order that the citizens who own property on unpaved streets in the city, who have been paying provement taxes for years without benefit to their property, might be placed upon an equal. ity with those owning upon the paved strcc:s, the act of Assembly authorized the Councils to appoint a Board of Appraisers to ascertain the cost of the grading, paving and prepara tion for paving already done under certain regulations which the law fixes, am 3 makei provisions Vat the amounts so ':f.1".:9 should be a lien upon the abutting pr,-,p-z , ,rty until paid. "This work has been done, and from an examina'ion of the books of the Ap praisers, we glean same items which may be of interest. The total amount of appraisement is $,185- 660 28. The amount of each separate 5 . T.- praisement is required to be paid to tho City Treasurer in five equal annual instalmentF,— the first being due this year. The sum real iced from this source cannot be used for gc•n• eral city purposes, but is set aoort by the act to the Sinking Fund, and will reduc., , the mu 4 nicipal obligations of the city in thatamount. In this assessment, the new feature is pre. seated of a tax upon church property. We give below the Pnionnts assessed upon the several churches in the city CHURCHES Third Presbyterian Church fi 98 S 2 Welsh Calvinistic Methodist, 21 , Erd. ..... . 60 12 First Baptist Church 109 05 Second Asso, Reformed, 2d Ward 96 80 Welsh Church 155 29 Second Presbyterian, 3d Ward 243 20 Trinity Church a 373 55 First Presbyterian " 119 52 Cumberland Presbyterip , 66 00 Fifth Presbyterian, 31 Warr , 94 60 Methodist Protestant, " 180 00 St. Peters, a- 471 93 1. Paul's Catholic, " 1237 32 German Lutheran, " 144 00 Second Baptist, 112 00 First Asco. Reformed, " 474 60 German Reformed, " 529 33 Methodist Episcopal, " 223 66 Lutheran, ll 133 71 German Methodist, " 5.3 50 Saceder, ti 148 07 Covenanter, 154 67 German Methodist, High street 35 05 German Reformed Presbyterian, 31 %Fwd.,— 79 99 German Lutheran, 3d Ward, High street 169 36 Welsh Bsptist, a 29 57 Wesleyan Methodist, " 65 00 Welsh Methodist, 3d Ward, Diamond street.. 37 33 Welsh Independent, " .... ..., 72 00 Methodist Episcopal, Liberty street 176 00 Congregational, 4th Ward ::2 lit Christ's Methodist El s ,iscepal, 4th i'v'prd :1167 19 United Brethren, - .-J: .lti Episcopal, St. Andrews, " ...... ',W 24 Associate Reformed, sth Ward 165 27 Methodist Episcopal, " Ll 7 45 Episcopalian," 153 03 4th Presbyterian, " 80 99 German Catholic, " 729 63 St. Patrick's, Catholic, " 170 55 Bethel, Methodist, (colored,) 6th Ward........ 172 16 Asbury Chapel, _ a 73 32 Trinity, Catholic, (I 327 01 Methodist, 7th Ward 29 33 Protestant Methodist, Bth Ward ' 105 00 Methodist, Trinity, 9th Wars 66 97 We also add, as a matter of curiosity, the amounts assessed upon public school houses and fire engine houses. PUBLIC SCIIOOL HOUSES First Ward Secund " Third " Fourth " Fifth " First precinct... Fifth " Second precinct Seventh Ward Eighth " Pipe Town.... Ninth " ENGINE HOUSES Vigilant Eagle Neptune Allegheny Engine Rouse, bth Ward Good Intent, t;th Ward... Relief, Bth Ward Inaopendent, Sth Ward.. We also add she assessment to the county on the Cana House, the four largest individ' ual assessment°, and the amount charged to one or two of cur public Institutions : mrs,,ft, Donny 5034 .2 E. IV. 53. Sch . onley Mrs. Jane Mcgee Robert Wata n Allegheny eutaty United States cf America . . 01.1 bans' Asyln©, Catholic 241) 22 I.loFpital and Burying GrcurA, Cath 9 ..; , 0 011 . INestoen, Univerity 275 00 Pas.:s.vant's 53 04 —Badly executed $5 bills 011 the Danvora Bank of Maesachusetre male their aPPa l ' ralac ' 3 in New York on Saturday nigh'. IMIM —A r:::,•-:' t , ::Lli, oail:l filo Otork Scccirii.l to tvp.n. - .icti of Lift,llo. , :::,ck, N. J , F. cal of 560,000, bascti uy)D. Stith F,.earlutendent cf the Banking Depart meat. New York, has completed tho ezanain.ation cf the iyJe.bs of the Grocers' Bank, and times their capital at 5240,000, being a redue,ticn of 20 per cent. cu the capitol. This covers all losses made by the bank through tho s uspension Mr. Cook ivill nest proceed to exami,:e the affairs of the East River Bank. or othcrvj, —A cnnvontion o. clutners, manufacturers of r::.1:e wines, is to be held at St, L:iuls on the Pilch inst. It must be much more pleasant to dic,cii-s wines than polities —The Pt - ince of Wales is traveling is Ireland iticog. Ho is weekly in constitution, somewhat pn:,3- in appearance, and deficient in height. primes Alfred is taller, more robust, and much mere liked. The brothers have the rqutalion of fighting with each other until it was found necess.ar:- to separate them altogether. • —lt is believed, says the Albauy Journal, that the Queen of England is about to carry out her oft. , n expressed wish to visit her Canadian. E - jeet9 and no.9sefsioas —The G.uorr.l '.ereasurer of Rhode Leland re parte. the Site expenditures for the year ending A; 30, at 8212,332, and the reecintß $106,292. Drficit,sS . l.6 000. :i..TALL ersr,ll, eggs are quotcd. titi•oe cents a dozen. —A number of sinient3 in the State Univtr slv cf Alichigan indulged in a night deb.:nob lust ute-k, when one of them, na:tned George \V. Brazie, died from the effects of excessive —The Postmast-ar General has written a lott•:.r to tee Chairman of the Committee on Post Roads in the Howe, urging the diminution of revenue from the falling of in our commerce as a reason for making no new appropriations fc,r ocean mail E.crvce. he deposits at the Philadelphia mint In April last were 51,478,830. Tho coinage the saire period was $1,373,920, as follows : Gold, $1,006,920; silver, $354,000; copper, $13,000. Soot's case illustrates a remarkable phe i ornerien in human nature. The interest felt fur criminals seems to be in proportion to the blackness of their guilt. This young man, when a mere boy, became a burglar, and served a term in State Prison. He emerged only to fellow up a beastly offense with his sister, by the murder of his b'other•in•law.— A case more disgusting can hardly be imag ined. Yet he is made in a certain rienFe hero. He issues his bulletin through the press. announcing that ho has not as yet cho sen his spiritual adviser, but that when his election shall b 3 made, he will publish the fact to•an expectant community. Anonymous let ters c f r 5 epathy from women reach him in his cell. Crowds . g 1 to see him every dny. The jailor appoints certain hours for the ad• mission of viistors, and condescends to receive a entrance fee. In short, the present condi. tion of this wretched criminal is an ovation, and if it can bo prolonged till his writ of er ror goes through the Court of Appeals, will cover• him with an amount of glory such as his antecedents gave little promise of his ever ar.taiting The Chhicas,o T lMcs publishes a full nc% cella t of the arrest of Ilehry Jumpertz, who is charged with the murder of the woniti . .n whose butchered body was sent to Nov York y railroad and there discovered in a whisky barrel. Jumpertz makes a pretty full sietes mint of ihe whole ante. The whole m 'tar, hose' tr, disclose , a cad picture of the immor aiity of all concerned. First, the unfortunate wriTl in iived unhappily with her husband, by whoa. it is said she was maltreated. She aught refuge in another family, and while there, owing to an e 7 .esence -of proper conduct upon the part of those with whom she lodged, she was thrown into evil correspondence with Jumpsrtz. She then continued to live with the prisoner,--a child being born to them; and at last, in utter despedr, having abandon ed her husband, and being, as she thought, abandoned by her lover, :she hung herself in the rooms of the latter. The prisoner a arm ed, resorted to secrecy ; he cut her body up, packed it in a barrel and ttent it off. With that con cieus.nes; which follows he had been expecting to be arrested for a long time, and now, that he has been arrested, makes a confession voluntarily of mita he says has bet his agency in the affair. The whole thing is astonishing. In one of the largest commercial buildings in the city, in the vary heart of business, is a man living with a woman, she hangs herself, and for over a week her companion is ,engaged in hackirg her body to pieces, packing the Limbs away in a barrel, and no one is award of what is going on. Suicide it may have been, but whethe: suicide or murder, it was performed with tin. bounded secrecy and a success in a building tenanted by perhaps fifty other persons. The April number of the Westminster Review., puhiched by Leonard Scott & Co., of New York has been received by Hunt & The same gentlemen have sent us "The Printer," Henry & Hnntingclon, New York, publishers. It is a beautiful work devoted to the interests of the "Art preservative cf all arts." Mr. Edgar B^lden, of Dolircit, (and formerly citizen of Rechester,) hcc made an arraog•e ment with GHarge, Efner, cf Buffalo, by the torics of which a match of 54500 a side is made between the Belden horse aad a horse which Efaer is to produce. The race is to be a stretch of fifty miles, the horse first necomplishing that di6z:ince winning the money. Two hundred and fifty dcilars forfeit money has been put up, and is now in the hands of the stakeholders. The race will take, place in the early part of Juno, un the Maretranock course in Detroit, which is cir cular, one mile in circumference, the horse con tit:icing around the course until the fiftieth circle is accomplished. e 9035 31 .... 241 49 .... 466 93 .... 380 46 .... 132 26 92 63 64 46 65 00 .... 67 50 T.,2 43 Gen. Tw i ggy, lately on trial by Court Martial at Newport, Kentucky, was born in 1800, nud entered the army as captain of the Bth infan try in 1812 ; was promoted. to Major of the 13th infantry on the 21st of September, 1314, 7/6:3 appointed Major of the Ist infantry in 1825. In 1831 he was made L'eutenant Colonel of toe 4th infantry, and Colonel of the 2d era -17 , onS in 1836. lie waa made Brigade Corn r.-•n-'ca- in 1846, and commanded the right wing of the army, and greatly distinguished hims:df in of rattles of Palo Alto and Resaca de l'altaa. June 30th, 1846, he was made B ;. Gelli-r:,A, and subsequently brevets - 3 ,r Gee- ;41 f r gdlatat road meritorious Coil to ,evc:-.F:i co . .fte's at Monterey. In March, 1847, Cot wrc.,-. ordered the presentation of a rcord to Gt-e. Twisgs, "in testimony of the high ent - rtaitied by Congress of. his gal lant and good conduct in storming Monterey." A brother of Gen. Tftiggs was killed at the storm ing of Chatnittepcc, SeAember 13th, 1847. :7",:1583 UG a IM 21 li I" , '2l i —o .117 S _7 7972 62 224( 72 1561 49 .1621 OS) 622 JS That Awful. Place, Chicago. kind have—long hoard th. - i t dote %TA Gomorrah Lf this ,ib. Trii.une 5- ye. —and it is good L. rubjatt—ti-i:it a young mtu iu N • k, who isLir the ry./iili.i - Ary, l 29 art t..the clergynian the Brown i.itrCet fortutd Dutch Churcn, request thnt the prayers f (Imre pe pie rup.y . Ue Offered up for a brother of his, " he is living in Chicago." '''-`: . ." 1 ._ , :' , ::.1-,, , : . ..4at 7 f : . - :,:i.. :,-,,,-.••,.:,a,',4.:.::'.. EEMlllg=il== Ira Stout—The murderer A .P 15.3- ry lUiplained Hunt i Milner A Fifty Dille Race. Gen. Twlggs. .1: •I=-: BY TELEGRAPH. t'!ir TreasT4r3; f,!otr,.;, :rEw 8 —l. 'to) LH.; in C.', tre.l,ury note 1_ .n axe Lb :ut ttu =MEM nian at per centum Sailing r. Ship from De.:z - oSt Yc 3.4ver- D ETR.OIT, Idey B.—Tha brio, Blackhawk, Captain 7,13 - lor, 7111 frctn this cycning for Liverpnc)., England, direct, with a cargo of larnbcr and stave:l. Other vcrr.cls in the came trade era loading, and will aeon scii. - Afternoon TeicT,Flll73ll ner,r;teltp,Taphei fcr the afternoon papers we ehuU hereafter roprodnce in a condenred form, and net brirt.hen cur colmLns repablishing it entire ] Congressional On Saturday no businees was done in either House excopt eulogies and the usual reeelutions of respect to the memory of Senetor•Evans of South Carolina. From 'Vilashington. V, - Asnixcivoit CITY, May 7.—C01. Bayles, of Rhode Island, har left far Arizone, charged with important duties connected with the Post Office, Interior and Treasury Departments of that Territory. Several 6 , 3iontic oentlefnen accompany him. E. C. Dunbar, just arrived from Arizona, confirms the ;rent value of the late -Byer operations in the centre of the Terrio:ry. He represent: , its condition diptressiag in the extreme, and brings the pre ceodinge of public mco . ings hold by the citizens of San Aut, , (Joie Valley, addrbcod to Congress, pray ing urxeatly f r rciicf. The Kansas bill will be officially despatched t:t ut.^rrev., to Governor Denver, with instructions de s:;:fred. to Fccuro a fair vote on the proposition to be subrai' led to the reople. T°e mtimato for the three volunteer regiments for eighteen ra , n'lls, i ,lid to amount to $4,500,000. They wlll positively not be called into service until the npracriat'ons are made. Liout. (ion. Scott has arrived, in pursuance of or ders teen, the S.:crotar,y cf War. Ll .Lry €rders. - .Louts, Ma•• S.— r-lcjor General Smith has issued clohrrrod onion relative to the movement cf the trairts rtr,d troopL of tie Utah forces. The trains are to hzl divided into divisions of two hundred and twentS , tin to.o tens each. The troops rill be or. zanircd iato c !umns, each column constituting an escort of the division general supply train. These coltuurr f, r the ir,svint constitute the First Brigade of the U forces under Gen. Harney. Each column will be supplied with four months provisions, which are to be replenLhed in passing Forts LAriunio and Kearne2:. Gen. Smith is jet in this city, the state of his hcaitla bolog ouch as to require his remaining here a short time Fe, compsnies f the Sixth Infan!ry !eft Leaven• worth inet. Ono company of infantry from Fc rt Riley jein them ct Fort Keerny. tiartnett, Secretary of U:ah, left her o ye_ ter day for Loayouumrth. The hushing of the flcen.n Spray--The Captain arid ISZeic &lola. tower. The prelimi:;,ry emamination in the case of Vlalola Cei)t.;;:u ; R. Davis, Mete ; VT. S. Sparßc, Engineer, e.f Ocean t; pray, (recently urned at St. Louie,) on charge - :r7lect , f duty, by cause of which the bout wr,-; 1-1172:L21 ; 11.13 .just terrninatc.l, Lod they iff.ve bee:: o The Cast :a 'e bane]. over in the sun: of $4,000 foe appelecnee at the United States Circuit Glurt for D:strict, at its fell tcrtn, 1858; cud the Engineer and Mate in the sum of $2,000 each, The Acquittal of Barnard Although it was not unexpected, the regent acquittal of Dr. Simon Bernard, in England, on a charge of complicity with those who oade the late attempt upon the life of the Emperor, la a created seine excitement in France, and may create more. Tho Paris C“nstituttonel, of April 19th, says " to:test rout io Franco or England can doubt lita guiit of Bernard We only say to therto of co It• no.igitimce who d7sire the mattite nanCU of o;_mol r:d aatirm becwoen the twu coon ttintsi ;f the eneec't of Mr. Ed Gin .."7.111C.1, filled with tail, with calumuies, and with imiults alt•ti• of z - ms. Emperor, th - ..! people, the army, and our itn,ti;u i me, should unfortunately be circu lot':&l T t I:ex, lot the citb-p, the htorracks, and c'ountry towas, it would bo difficult :en the wi!h t':oe boot intchtione, to stay the effete of public indignation." PO7LY. as 1.112E06M E'COd. .r i lA, ia the very cluiente2CCMCi3 Of i3creful?. and c•_ rilt":7liC ac - d gas, end ha who e , tit it must t•-..:iiect thereby to build up a sound physical • tn. While it contributes - heat, not the Hart of it is nitrogen, the blae of Scienti* American cordially •in doreas tho abov: , sei:tiraent;tis being cdind prao tioal truth, I.t.d ssss " Fat pork was never do signed fur human food. IT is material for breath, atid. nothing. more. Soo Liebig, and other organic c'nentiets and nhysiologists. It makes no red PIM': er rritesele. The prize fighter is net allow. :d to cat it. Ail that is not coettutnt dby the lungs, remains to clog the 12ody with fat." The Plea of /raf:aolt's'. A LICTIO in Louisville brcko open a her; be lciagia:: to a comrade, containing three silver dal h‘rs, and stole °Le of the pieces. Having been cars.ignod for the theft, the 113 a al pica of insanity ITEtt: urgal, the nounrird declaring that no rf. 7 111 I=l , i Li LI tile one and leave two dollars behind. Whereupon the cuife•e who was robbed exclaimed with great emphasis; " Mesa, I tell you dat nioger ain't crazy ; he broke my box open and took de dejsr out. Nov, if he'd broke do box open and put a dollar in, den I'd say he's crazy.' His argument was conclusive, and the thief was sent up Tall Dien. Byrne, a famous Irish giant, who s'lierl in Lon don sfyairi years measured eight feet two holies Cornelius Magrath, who died in the year 1799, measured seven net eight inchee. Edward ildalano, another IYI3 seven feet inches, and woe nearly equal in stature and iizer to Daniel Cardenas, a Swedish giant. Dr. Chezelen, the farns.us anatomist, speaks of a ikeeletcu discovered in a Ri,mari camp, near St. Alban' E..giand, which c fudged to he eight four tnch Goliah of Gatti, according to Disimp Cumberiand, was eleven feet high, and Maximillas the Emperor was nine feet high. Nouralgt. - t. A gentleman living in Philadelphia says:— " In passing . through Pittsburgh, some months since, I purchased a bottle of Ita•have's Holland Bitten.. It relieved mo so muc'e, that on returning home I bought too more bottles from Dr. Dyott, whic,..completely cured Me of Neuralgia. I have reemuthended the article to many of ray friends, and four or five of the number say it cured them. I think my recommendation has done more for its sale in Philadelphia than your advertiiing." (We are not permitted to publish the name, but any person calling at the store, or- communicating with us by letter, will be convinced of the truth of this statement-) Cra!l'ic3 t—Ba carolnl tu as IE for iimrisave's Ho/land Bitters. Gold at $1 per b.salts, co s x battles for C 5, by the roil: rropriotorsp Pcnjarain Page, Jr., 4; Co., Na. 27 Wood stroet,l-)tvve. - ,n rirfit and Second sttzets, Druirsisto UPEAT PLESSII•:10 TO AFFLICTPI).—Er. WT.:Luc, the invoutor of the celebrated Liver le, prepared by Fleming 8703, Pittsburgh, Pa., need thma rills for Boo eral ji373 in his practico,before lee cored ba induced to off,r them to the public in such a manner at to make them known throughout the coun:ey. This learned phyeloiou felt the sawn repu3anneo Oa' ell high minded men of science feel in cute- inn the lists against those uneerupulous empirics who o' Cando their useless nostrums upon the public, and re.y urea a system of pue.ng, to sustain them. Convinced, however, of the real value of the Liver Pills, and influenced by the I.lain dictates of duty. the Doctor finally e,utborized Fieraiog Eros, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who are now the sole pro prietors, to tranufacturc and ilaca them before the public. This great medicine has not CLappoiuted the eipectations of lei. flonda, the nwlical Ecalts - , at where iaatanco he wee induced to place them tefore the public in their przeent popular form. ' , From every quarter do we hear the most gratifing accounts of thdr ri.onderful curative effects—the Enot a-ad the ITe_t, the North and the South, are alike laden with tidings of great joy troll the afflicted. These won derinl Pills have completely conquered . that great scourge of Anne ca., the Liver Complaint. Purchaacri will be careful to for Dr. ?S'LAKE'S CELEP:ZATED LIVER atifactureil by FI.VMING B r..., of Pittebr.rgb, Pa. Thar:: eao other bind purporting to be Liver Pills. now before ite- pobUr. Dr. M'Dane's genuine Lic::r I alio Id calebn.".i.cd Vcrmilug:?, can now be bad at rupecteLio iirng ,!ioree. Genuine t.Tfil:on: fhe ci;:ia• curt o f • my7:1,7 EMING 8P.03. criAßD.—The sug:crJ thankful to her num:Tens customers for their liberal patronage which has thus early exhausted her epi - iug supply ef PIANOS, would respectfully inform the public that being now in the East seTsting ts SECOND iePIING STOCK OP PIANO FORTES, she will inli..feve date again have the largest and best em mrtttent of Piipor in tile city. Tin Fii , zos that roay.tiow bo czpveted it a few days, will otr.braco al: the very lake intprcranents, including EURO en Unlit IVO desgns and styles of uses. CHARLOTTE BL1:131R, my' 118 ii 7 ocd second door above Fifth. 4/111TIISTG PAPEI3.-S —Of every deEcrip V V thuEold wbchsaio r.. , ...r.reva, by Vrtt: 0 jOWNS — ON CO., my 7 Taper 844.1er5, Wocd street. EN --- VELOPES.Buff, straw, - Amber and White, of all Eines, told wholcmle cr retail, by WU. a. J . OHNETON t roy7 Stationers and Papar.-tealor - 67 Woad Et. • 27 ?7 7 .7 Emilimmipezemgwßimimlowti. NE iv ADV E TiliSlii:, I' P 7.5 TO, 4,T.P.:7' , . PARTIN (.j TO N Bari Fay mot e I Itnow It ian't to, I had a tall; with Deacon Brown, I gaunt ho CI 1I to hl2m. I u•ender why thoy put such thirgt In bootai.T fol a to read, Dear u.,0! it mu e 3 m 3 fa3.l BO it ...MOE,. !lima my Load. Lad. thou ter y s:y ',hat r , :a and grouusl Upon the ,F 01: El do 'Xt.. And all goes tt: ning 71'7- 1 nal zonnd Li phorsesin tani:lD6. w u now I hops Congresa has t throngh at IC::: :MS flight, Thoy co to work an 6 n:at•o some lawa To sot th',lmottc: heard that nue° is t;mes gone by, A learned council met A vary LITLII3 men to Whoio name, I now forgte; For r•ying that the sun rcse net, But that the Earth ter: ed round; This was thr• sentence that he got, A dungeon under ert.ued. If thoet , who lriut this noneenae, we:e Sent ay , ph.ce be wt.n , , I'm bare they'd LA:m a deal more sire, And ha more reverent. Why there is enema a perecn in The whole of this great naton, Bet of the corners of the earth has read in revelation. Three of theie corners I've not seen, But then there le one more, T 3 which I've very often boen, For on it there i 3 a store,r.. Where von can get a handsome dress, lionnete. Capa or Roods, Flowers, Ribbons. and a fine Assortment of Drees Goods. .Tha stora nn tbo ccrncr to whl...h the oil lady rofers, TAl'lOll & CO'S, at Third and Market street,. Call and sae it. my10:1t Pittsburgh Water Cure Establishment. InOR THE CURE OF ALL KINDS OF e t 4 ;seas: s. ].;cared LLE STATION, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Ireyee d 'Railroad, ton miles West of the city. For th, healthful exercise and amusement ci rationts, and Gtheri friendly to the system, who may wish to spend erne time with us, we have lately erected a Pine GYMNASIUNI and BOWLING ALLEY. Address SDI.. 13 , A, PlttsLurgh, Pa J. DURFORD, M, auj my;0:3711:4.v-is; 11. FRIIASe, M. D. f FRENCH CLASS. MISS BLAIC.ELY INTENDS FORMING A CLASS OF YOUNG LADIES, to receivo inattuctio,.o in 1.11:3 2.7 1 sc. e, 2n. 72km.. 3LA ca, g; . AN - 4 t.t No. 3t1.3 Th'rcl street. Eulo tf OPECIE.----American and Foreign Gold and E liver bought at a premium, by I` 1 : - ANDWAR - RAM:S.-120s, SOB, and 160 0 : 4 Acre Land Wzlrrznt4, for sale by 1113 , ANK NOTES.—Crowford County Ban Coanty ”^,nlr. `_ c lieau.Cour.ty Pant, of Now arror Cowry Bank, Kentucky Trust Co, EW York Fund, 1- rid Ci.y, and other talcurr.ut BaLli No!e,i Lc,: zit nt but rulee, by O'CON: , IOR, BRO. E CO , B tuleru, No 16 Wood street. ‘, I IIAWLS, DRESS GOODS a MANTLES Ly Its Cheap al thu CiICII9CM. C. HANSON LOVE, (Folmarly Love Srothora,) ni}lo 74 Market street. LICOP French CoTset9, French h work Collar.? and Set",G'ove3. llcaiorr, Mitts fihao Is, awl D Icr.v for cash. L. LIAN,tOIi L9VE., Formesiy i.. 0 o Brother 1, tn7:lo F.r.. 74 INTalltet street._ IVA'I'ER' 4 .—A large supply o s; cod 1311.7113 Lick Waters, just r,ceived 6t FLEMING'S, ttri of.; Diamond and Market rtrrt•t. _ - _ CT Llt A'J'E OF. IN ES t .—A cooling rurEntiv,.. mild in its opors den, and pleasant to tho ta,te, atw hand fresh, ahtl for sale at JOS FLEMII.CG".S, ins.lo Carner Iva:mend rind Idark.4, street. I - ULr S Aft.) L'S LT ATHENIE.N NE L; V.l.' Ott tOrPti th Hair to its origi LIK: lit: col a - , inf.llA.:o and Preserr,r of the lisle End Sight, warranted entrety fzed from any in jar • OCF: ''TI , 1,a1.2 sr FLE3IING'S. myl) 7` 0rr0r...1 az.t Market etreet. TIIOR E2:traet Copaiva and Sarsa t, . f:e:r: ni.p'y of Chia celebrated retne.iy jtv,: rerci;ed 7 )OS. ulylo Corner Dirtni'lo; al..] Market I_ t7OC t. C - 3AKLAND LINE. SAM. WAIM, PROPME'FOR, GIiNjBUSES LEAVE TIIE CORNER of i'otath and :=l - trlitt *tro