.... •.. , iii ,,, ri's , ', iievo- I and teer.til;l; , ii t: , ii., v-,.. i,i otentant, and r~•.~t~ge~! t . a v ._ti• r triJA COlTlManity of r;atiorlis::::;:, i11L , d....21'..1r t of any tlin cisme in morality, Azain the tact .1— ilt, ts - a_ penurious to Llity n cat,rt2l I 3 C. riel.lcrtd as a de- iyap eseP. c tnto a .. grey Of evil. Ills whole ;nou,7'd• . f were directed to it it . r,-;:e (hay :l n Vf`t y S•! : , and t, - 111(11:0 hqd a,-. - t object of his 1 - 17. look--d u,icn it and felt toward. 4 it, 119 one might,reg...z.d o child of his that had grown u p on c‘... tr doing to he P. bra7ny and powerful mln. My mother was gulto o girl when her friends dazzled by bin wealth and upright chtixaoter, forced her urn him. They never to. It to ea ell other, fur the was a light tinklin r t; gidly creature. Worse than that what 1711 F sold of her : but she was my mother, and on that point I will speak no further, saw) that, whether sho left his Louse according to come aoccunts, or he turned her out of it, as other stories run, she lived on a separate maintenance, in a distant part cf the country, till I was nearly grown up, when she died, of what aiiueut I cool i never learn pro eisrly. My father took care of provide for Lao the bast education the place could afford : but, in addition, required thAt I should r,i vo all my serious attention to the iistillory, I n:. , nidor myself as horni, - ..carry on glad illers):}9o. tho (lade This was his f %verity phrare, and it hi , fa vorite idea. He dto think, not that ho ho' established a soppoit his off but that he had got rff-Trlcig to LusinoFfl Butt W& ateJ, Arid conceal it •--and very welt I did came to his knowledge ; and moot fe - eful scenes some times occurred between We livedin the lone'icst way, caw n „ o tio.nds, and had but three servants—one a poor ,weak old; man, laboring under a chronic disease, who bad been brow beaten Into a state of almost perfect iliocy ; the other, cook and housemaid; and the third, a coarse girl of all-work. From such a home you may well credit me, I absented myself to tim warmest limits of prudence could d-flue. But suddenly that house acquired a charm that bound me to it with an attraction in itself athrus. and fold more potent than all the mat .y tern' ia tions that had crew oil° drawn mo from it, LTO 131 CONTINuED. THE PITT PO IT, J te.S P. ISA SUri, Ectitor ropr 2r: PI77,SBURCH FRIDAY MORNING 'TIE WEEKLY POST. The Saturday Morning Post for this week is out. It is full of the most interesting mat ter. The following embrace a portion of its contents E DITORI ALS : A NATIONAL FOUNDRY. THU KANSAS COMPROMISE PASSED. TEI PANKRUI . T KANSAS. AN HONEST ANSWER. TOL. DISI/ONE-q , TILE DEMOCRATIC C , ;LOZSE. LION% WILLIAM MONTGOMER'x'. LOTTERIES. THE . KANSAS BILL AT WAS-II INO uN. TILE ACQUITTAL. OF BERNARD. THE INTEREST. Pnse aLLA MLRIANNE ESTI:I:LING—A DOMESTIC STORY. SOT LOVENGOOD'S VEI•dioN OF OLD BURNS' BULL RIDE. AN IRISHMAN'S ft.i= IN A BANE. CHEAP LIVING. ANECDOTE OP HENRY CLAY. ARIZONA. THE COPPER MINES OF LAKE SUI'I:I64)R. THE WORLD PAR SALE—(P.m.o.) A COUNTRY EDITOR ON THEATRICALS. A GREAT CLUCK. THR USE OF FLAV.I.B.Y. PLIONoLEAPHY. A SMART NEWS, ETC.: REPORT OF Tllli KANSAS I'EREN CE tit:l.ollT- TILE STCUT 7AMILY. MONUMENT IN FR'JNI OF TIIE PRUSSIAN I'XTRADITI.'N CASE KE2ITUCIiI"‘ TI CEERMAN, 11113 MAIL ROOL•EIU MARRIAGE OP A PUILAUELPHIA lIFIRS IN FAT:I,I , I'I I ,B 'Nil: 0FE1 , 21 . 1. ILIE POLITICAL Co:d)i'llcN GF ELR(,PI THE LEVIATHAN TO BE ouTBOI , .E. ITEMS FROM THE NI.:IGHBol:Houll. MINIM) NEWS LETTEI: OF FLED. 1 , . ;,TANTuN LOCAL UN irED STATLI LISTRACT ISURGLAB.Y. TuF., PENNSYLVAIksiA RAILROAD. FLIEILIFF'S INTLRPLEADER ACT. Nut NG MEN'S CIILLSTIAN L6ItCENY ON A STE..k.IIiWAT. A 1.1 EA VYFI E. STRUCK BY LIGIITNING. NEW C , AENTE:tIELLS. A YUEN 31!r SING. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. ROBBERY IN ALLEhili'..N TELL:GEC:I I'll e : OF ruu !ALL. DTADI AFFAILF. CONV:CTIoN OF TI.CIIERMA.N. TILE CAAIBILIA CONCHLESSIONAL TAE ThEATI. WASIIINOToN PLIILADELFIIIA ELLJTItiN. EUROPEAN NEWS. FiLiNY Voßli FROM i-T. COI4.IItERCIAL, WEEKLY P.EVIEW OF PirrELUR ALLIAIDEN'I CAVILE MARKET. PITTSBEIROII I..ETAILtIAtiKET. NMW ORK MARKET, E.I•C., KT.:. AriOTOEII, GOOD STOICA Wu commence the publication in to , ,day's paper, of e,_thrilling tale of passion,:wild and romantic, yet preserving a truthfulness and probability and naturalness, such as few stories equally romantrc are characterized with. In literary merit it far surpasses the common "sensation" stories of the day. It will run through several numbers of our daily paper, but will be completed in two numbers of the Vi 7 c, pc,,. The Philadelphia P.:lcet,loh At the biennial election fa- city officers iu Philadelphia, the People's ticket has been sue; cessfal over the Democratic by a majority, according to the flullcirn, of 3,994 on the vote for Mayor. The candidates on the People's ticket for City Solicitor, City Controller, Re-- ceivcr of Taxes and City Commissioner are elected by majorities not varying very mate rially for that for Mayor. The successful caudidates`for the principal offices are as follows : Mayor—Alexander Henry. C;ty Solicitor—Hoary T. King. City Ccotroller—George W. Ilufty. Itoceiver of Taxc:'—Artnotroug I. Flomerfelt City Commi?..,ioner—Etivrard It. William. The Select D:uncil is composed of thirteen Democrats to eleven opposition. The Corns on Council is largely opposition. The vote was large for a municipal contest. Can Acitora be Christians' Although Bishop Eastburn has declined to confirm "Honest Tom Comer," because he leads an orchestra in the Boston Theatre, yet Bishop Kip, of California, has just adminis tered the rite of confirmation to Mrs. Julia Dean Bayne, the well known actress ; and Fanny Keinble Butler is a regular communi• cant of the Episcopal Church. Patent Caste The case of Martin Bell, of Pittsburgh, /•,. Daniels & Newkirk, proprietors of the Buck., eye Furns,ce,at Jackson, Ohio, for an infringe. -.tetTr'6l a patent for using the heat from a blast furnace, is now on trial before the United States Circuit Court, in Cincinnati ~.evented many farmers from cultivating to the same extent as was formerly done. So serious has been the evil to the agricultural interests, that both men of science and the practical farmers Nava given much attention to investigating the cause of the potato dis ease, and:to the discovery of a remedy. A day or two since, we rec6ved a letter from Irwin Sampson, Esq., a very intelligent farmer, who has tilled the soil all his life in the rich country near New Wilmington, in Lawrence county, in which he gives us why he claims as a simple and cheap prevent; vo of the potato rot. lie is satisfied, frrtru experi meats which he nas himself made, that the. following is a sure remedy for the evil : Tatle a double handful of well -rotted sod, and scatter it upon the seed potatoes in the hill, and then cover them with earth in the usual manner, and there will he no signs of rot. lie made the discovery three years ago, in a an:p ing, just made and planted with o fle obsorved that where the re'- - , tato came in contact S9 l '" - ui,3 of the po entirely rotten, ..i ashes, the hill was where the ,ut that in adjoining hills, - rot' ,Dots came in contact with the old .I ; :hte6t sulo- .cn oak wood of the clearing, every potato was sound and dry. In bilk where there was neither ashes nor decayed oak wood, the po tatoes were about one-hnif rotten. Taking the hint from these observations, Mr. Sampson has tested the discovery for three years past, and has never found a diseased potato in the hills where the pulverized oak wood has been applied, and in patches where there were no decayed potatoes, the roots were found to grow larger, healthier, and of a hotter flavor where the oak wood was used, than where it was nut. Mr. S. is but a plain, practical farmer, and does not attempt to give a seieu, titic reason for this result, but simply an , nounces the fact, and the result of his experi ments. It is well known that the oak posy sesses high anti-septic and other peculiar qualities, as tannty: enters largely into its composition. It is for scientific men to clam . , tain what the peculiar principle which pro, duces this result. The farmer can avail him set of the knowledge of the fact that it does prevent the potato rot, for Mr. Sampson's statements are fully reliable. Every one who cultivates the soil, in this part of the country et least, can readily obtain rotten oak wood in sufficient quantities to make the experiment fir himself with all the potates he may plant. The discovery is an important one, e.nd we hope the readers of tbo Post in the country districts will try the experiment this season, and communicate to ua in the fall the result for publication. anport his MAY 7, 1858 There is in England a society whose object is to increase the supply and encourage the raising of raw cotton—ita real aim being, of course, to relieve England from dependence, in this particular, on the United States. With out having accomplished this intention, it appears evident, at least from their report, that they have grounds for believing that ir, a few years the supplies of cotton from British and French colonies will be such as to cause Lc, little alarm to our cotton g.owers. Soil or climate is not wanting in many parts of the world to produce a superior article—the great necessity appears to be a properly organized system of labor, and at the rate at which cob, onization is progressing, there can hardly he a doubt but that at some time we may find a competition which may cause no little annoy ance, This may not, indeed It cannot, he the case for years, but it is a possibility which it would be well to bear in mind. A revolution of this nature in the supply of cotton cz,uld not,fail to be accompanied by the most strik ing changes in cur own social and political relations. A lett , r from Pittsburgh to the Cincinnati G o die gives some statistics in regard to the large increase in the egg trade within a few years past. It is stated that the receipts 0; eggs at Pittsburgh since January Ist, are, in round nurnberF, 12,000 bbls, et which at least 11,000 have been shipped East. The receipts for some time past have averaged 200 bbls a day, and the supply is kept up without ccas ing. The great bulk of these receipts Conies from central Ohio, alon7 the line cf the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and its feeders, and the supply is capable of further enlargement until the Eastern markets are glutted. The eggs can be packed, shipped and sold within a week from the time of plu.k ing—a great desideratum in an article so per ishable, A few years ago, the egg trade between the Wt et and the East might have been comprised within a few hundred barrels. This year the trade through this place alone will aggregate 20,000 barrels. Al E p ci al despatch to the Gale!/e, from To peka, April 30tb, telegraphed at Bonneville, Missouri, cn the 3d inst.. informs us of the dos ing of the Convention held at Topeka, for the nomination of officers under the Leavenworth Constitution. The Convention was in session for two days. There was a large another in attendance. The following ticket was nomis Elated : For Governor, _Henry J. Adams, of Leav enworth : Lieut. Governor, Col. Holliday ; Representative in Congress, M. F. Conway ; Judges of the Supreme Court, W. A. Phil lips, Lorenzo Dow, Wm. McKay. The election occurs on the third Tuesday of May, (the 17th.) One of the meet extraordinary propositions that will be under consideration in Congress is the I'ension bill of Mr. Savage. Accords ing to the report of the Commissioner of Pen sions, who was called upan for the informal tion, this bill, in its original shape, will call for about eleven millions of dollars a year, and with tho anticipated amendments, for much more, probably near twenty millions. Werd it not for the strange legislative vagaries of the present Congress, it would hardly be nu' cessary to speak of this monstrous proposi tion : it would die under the weight of its own absurdity. There is not, however the least probability of such a bill passing the Senate, should even the House pass it. Tux fashionables at Washington now exclude journalists from their fancy dress halls for rea sons stated thus : Certain officials have been terrified by the rumor that a political opp)a. of a member of Congress who figured at Mrs. Gwin's has had a lithographic portrait of his rival published, en coglunie, for a distribution at the canvass next Fall. "Will you," he will ask, ":zen , l a representative to Washington, who will thus rig himself up like a monkey ?" This fear of political ridicule has induced the giver of the hail which is to come off next week, to have "ccutliential" inscribed on her cards, and to n-glect newspaper people. —Mr. Green, the celeorrited submarine diver, is about to explorations of the numerous sunken steamboat wrecks in Lake Erie with the view of recover;n•z machinery and other prop-rly. o; et. the cowl , . n as tho potato rot, t iaireci the value of the cro:', Foreign Cotton The Eg,g Trade. Xansnz Slate Convention Tile Pension Bill liejson, 'AIeCCLIHM, VitlS rub ') ._n n lay cf la•)ttveek, cf $6,000 T;:,, bra, 1) ,vl.- 3 , 21.2u5..n and -- Snyder, have b.l.•zu .1 , blairs. Snyder is know 13111, - and both have had a bad is St. wnere they have resided .• elr or LT-To. '11a: Du:,;,...-1: Juu 74,1 says a salt Water s' iy caught in Erie. John C. 1.3.- o.ekinridge, Vice Pros _ re; chcd Washington, vening lest, from Kentucky. He ,4 • i -It of t':.lo Fnitod t.'3,:ziato on .I%lotidi,y. - - Jonceplityirg at Washing ton, Mi‘Js Maggie iliitolio!), in Chicano. , Llaryof tho police in Georgetown, U. , Lixe $7OO per year. —M it), the ranowned Aeron:ut, wa9 rens;ca at Memphis, on M,17 4th. --A iiiiirriptieu, it. is said, may be tonne( in an graveyard : "Acre lies E , I.a largo i , irtur.e to heaven in ‘.f and has Fsone thither to enjoy it.' —'l say friend, your horse is a little contrary hi 11.2 n7t ?" " No, sir ee !" "'What makes him :_toop, then?" "Oh he's afraid" somebAy'll cay .`whoa," and Then he chant hear it. —A lerekAurgh paper of the 26th, contain. a note. from Moses Gibson, stating that on the Sunday ptcvlous twenty negroes belonging in Jud Pty.+, in Witishln,gion ccunty Dtiaa., and tw.) ioen wore .liowntd whila attempting to 1-d-r, .1 break in the leve.?. The hark of the river n:F.V, 1 ,n clrryirg them, with it, and all weer --L ) v t; )),Irler cue ounverted pugilist, ha:- tic n H. t :11 the ) , hoe us , ines3 by his friends I,: , r 4. Instead of besting hi.) enemies h.) I:3W br)otiliB fr]eudg. s.:c. oni Mobile papers that the notod Fast - den, sae to leave that port on th.• 1%.r Gaiv..ston and Indianola. Sh e L.. •ht•.Eot: by a company who intend to ru.: Lcr t,[o: in the trade. We 6110111 d not pri , cd if the Fashion was engaged b., c .I.y rtcri r ncl alunitic.ns to Texas to operate ace nit N. rth:rn Mexico. sz.ld ;I. rather wild gentleman to•an acquAlutmms of ours, " my wife had a fine little boy two nigilts ago, but unfortunately, he died immediately afer hie birth." "I don't wonder," nil ot:r men 1, 4 4 thr.t when he Crate into the world an,l ^a Tr who his father was, he imEne inedi'ltely went out of it." —Thole imvc beep a discharge of two hundtcl and fifry mechanics from the Gosport Nav V r l S..tyrhy --,Li;tly from the brick and nlac , a's 1 . 1.11ta1-pt. This is in conse f the p.ppropriuti,f.: of docks and yards que un wne recently served upon Thomas C:ark, cf I. ulion, that the walls cf a building ownot ty him Li'A been condemned and would be puled ,I.wii. It was found that Mr. Clark had been in pri:tbn for more than forty years for contempt of court ! Dickens' circumlocution office wa, no creature of the fancy. --()a Saturliy, when the banks of Lynchburg, V t., 00.-r.mod , •neeie 'payments, one of them paid uut $ i yinii, and others $15,000 or $20,000 ec ir,, the demand for it coming from Wstaat brokers. GI Persia, who is a great nmEthur c , 1;.7r-tpl2:7 and water-color painting, .;;n: pr.; -- I, under his immediate peso :„ nc ,, , a mngoitinent edition cf the ;I'm,' Entertainments." During th.!l:tst t!..t the mpst celebrated Persian F - Lintor.- b etizaged in the illustration of ttl , l in has already cust 300,000 f, and will be a Foduetion unique of its kind. Prom CUL, Blade.] GVO it" li of Our Cities, Old and Neu. 'ii(l 7%. trying to grow nearly cuo hundred yo,-r b L- lorr It attained a pcpulation of ten thou- Albq.ny hundred years; I:es..rtY„:;rl, .„•;a cue hundred and thirty years: : , ettlA sixty or seventy years later, grew rnuoh faster than the older cities, and d st the dignity of ten thou3ancl in much tO•tt is, in about fifty veers ; • , -tq e..‘•out one hundred yea„rs old h number: During the ill's,. ' , unfired years after the settle r: et ft cf Bcf , tf - n, (16 f'),) she was the largest city th , c flf N 077 lot 1.:•"IlliC a , populous as Boston just lief se he It volution.F.ry war ; Ilelpl.ll bad trikrn the lead of both her E: , tort , soar; 17 - cfore the war; l' , ll Ni9l York became as populous as c ich containing one hundred thou srind I.:!tim overtook B ten about the year 1800; The pi,n3ipal new cities grew to the number cf 10,000, re. rly ris follows : Pittsburgh in 6.7, years; I, ukv:lft, 50 years; Cincinnati, 22 year:: Cleveland, 10 years ; New Albany, 35 elrs ; Chic ago, 12 years ; and Milwaukee, 10 The above-named cities attained to 20,000 in the number of years from their birth as follows: Bosion, : Albany, .i2O ; New York, 150; Philadelphia, SU; New Orleans, 112 ; Baltimore, about SO; rittEburgh, 7 , 5; Louisville, 41 ; A; Cleveland, 45; Detroit, 52; Chi cago, : and Mllwaultee, 17 years. If £.117 ens will compare the early with the late growth r f cur cities, he will be struck with the extraordinary disparity in favor of their recent growth—not in their actual augmentation, mere ly, bet in their proportionate more rapid growth as they attain a larger size, the per cent. in creasing from decade to decade. In a commu nity of high civilization, less than half are now needed fur the cultivation of the ground, and mere than half find cities and large towns the best theatre for their industry and enjoyment. In our coulizry, West and northwest. of the At lantic sic -Tr, including the Canadas, not over one in tifloen live in cities and towns, the other fuer teen-fifteentl:s bring engaged in opeuirg now terins gccwirig, crops. This state of things is anomalon- , , ..0.1,1 cannot long continue. our cities will t... 7690, before long, the whole aug menTatieu, en i a . - ..onsderadde number from the thinning r.ohe cf agriculture. It is as certain fo-dire event dependant on human action ~ a n be, that the next ten years will exhibit a :nor , et:y growth. and especially in our great iatr.rior plain, than has ever before been v,:tnesed. Prleze for Ten Yearo Price el produce in New York are lower at this time thitu they h;lve been at any time since 1852, though they range, relatively higher in the producing districts (4' the West that then, since the cost of trant•pertatii.n is considerably re duced. of the ritiircads have materially reduced their tsriff of freights. The folNwing table cf sev.n..ll leadiEg cornmeal ti,,;; in '-yew 1 ik for the lout ten years, at two eriois cf the year—at the closing and ju,t he epening of the canals—is obtained from r• I Butt( r . A. r, W. Area. 1, M. Clrio c. $ c. $ c. r. Isl7--N,,v ...S 2 1 J 13• 74 s .25 11 75 111 . 1 Al ntr 11 141 1 . 2, :17 11 1 63 14 15 63 12 1 19 71 7 67 11 1S v 1, I ocn 850 1S:12 1• s , •2 10: IS S i 7 Is 7 1.7 0 1 , 5 2 5 is 541 52 123 (1 67 950 20 00 13 ...6 sl 1 UO5 775 17 Ou 14 2 210 103 850 15 76 13 215 0 ill II So 12 69 15 5 217 069 S 130. 13 37 11 5 2 17 0 09 8 60 12 37 11 13 1 U 72 973 10 00 17 ,-, 1 tis 050 14 50 16 1-31, .. 4 • 170 0 7:1 11 00 23 70 17 s 4 0., 1 '.66 07 3 950 15 0' 13 1'00—Y44...1 so 121 U7l 10 00 17 50 121,4,; I ' 1.2 .., y _O ......Fl _ ieccrxl A L ilthn int; in Philadolphia says:— ln iii.5 , 1[12 through Pittsburgh, some months sines, I purchased a butte of P., , leare's Holland itit,. It milt:red me much, that on returning home I bought two more tattles fr,Jm Dr. Dyott, which completely cured roe of Neuralgia. I have recommended the article to many of my friends, and four or It eof the n.:mber say it cured them. I think my recommendation has done more for its salo in Philadelphia than your advertising." (W are rat Termittcd to publish the name, but any person cmhog at the store, or communicating with us by le uer, will be co:,:inced of the truth of this statement.) errutioil (—Bo nrsful to a=kfor Bcerkoves Holland Bilte,:. Sold at $1 per bottle, or sa bottles fur $5, by the sole Proprietors, Benjamin Page, Jr., it Co., No. 27 Wood et:ect, bet..7reen First and Second streets, h od Druggists generally. h% a - - } L I el ix.eu( J o LY TELE,GRALIE. CONGRESS Vtuterd:y'st Pro4:eetiine-s. .Utz[ Laubt Mr. Ii Mnine, defended the FieberL at length, maintaining that this; were tan most cffieis:it ral - o-itils for American wh , wert , alwaSs Into' pared for naval service. If they taus[ ta ) abolished, it ought t gra lually.ntir-t2ry of rea mer,. should be ir. .1111 C I..:ht as inilrary and naval Read :lei, s. The Senate Ova Eubst gnently- aGj .urued 11 ,, 1:J.E UP I:I,.:,'PJ..SENTATIVi.:' Mr. i tainst the resolution prerwing the attrogsi, , nof ti.c Clayton Pulwer treaty, arguing that there was n. particular emergency re quires it. iou treaty alien made prevented a col lision between Groat Critaie and the Unitcti and preserved peace. It was diet - ttel Ly sense rid teeling on bath sides. TLe pie Baal difficulty betwi.cn the two countrits rireounts to n.'thing; it arises merely fram a tee:lLL:al interpre uof t..c tieaty. Ho could see no reason for its ahr. Jetion except a dosirc on the par: of the United Sia:Ls. to 667..9 Central America. Mr. Clingroau said we ought to ho frau from that treaty, so that when we wish tci acquire that trrritGry wo !nay ua su 10.w:uliy. Iti l llll3 re11111:.1 ito abrogation would opu a conflict f r the pe. , ,e3sion of that country. lie W.to e,rry th:.- Mr. hod quoted the Ostend manifesto with al irebatton, ~=:S he lookod on it as re of an.l Mr. Kelsey 10 vedtiere , o!utiot:rrep qt.t.d on Ttao•day the Couunittee on Affu;rs, prop,,int.; thr a'er,g,tiot, of the trr.",ty. N by o vr.tc of 1, 107. Mr. ;:ick.cs p . ..tp,,ounter,t, butthe "louse 'h ., previous question under v.l tho rr id:;ov ordered to ho engrossed. Th VC"' "'" ' ' n the llou,o passed to tho con sijc7l,!:. of Mr. It. oi t t , t otior:iil a rc. ,, iution, which was adopt ed, fr the arrest, for contempt cl Robt. NV. Le , in wig to appear before the Committee irtv,otigiros the eirenno.iter.ces attending tho pur e:.:.-e f 41',:*!;1n.. , ,e'n Point f,r tert;tleation purpcies. 1% 1 .111110d 71Eidt174ZiCal of the Sc: • bill er to ndte:t.ien of 7.l'.:,:oeseta into the Virginia, made a Epccch against the hi[ ui clicn FUilcngo clause in the .N1111; , ,n, duj:(l tttc C. , :l,..tvc:s to int , _ricre the r!,;lits io The WASIIINCTUN CITY, May h.—Although the lios:sc by eleven nisjority ori.ered the re.solutian - k ir3posing the abrogatten t,f the allayton-Buiwcf trcat., 7 to bo :impressed for tdo third reading„ the vote n setting it aside by tea inatatityup the Minnneta is reg,ird.d .dasidcaii eypression against: tho m;r naeasur , :. Tots Loot en was wade by Mr. Sickles, a member el the Committee on Foreign Affairs, who is arniost the re , .,!ati n, which is new on the brak cr's table. it tittlitoult to Ito row:' ], end Lc my be regarded a- 'tido i be It...Li:idlest. The :ruiutian 5055, it is , reported without consultation with the Pr , t.ldoid, Fir_ far ne precedent since 179•-:, when the Unit ,t it,tttei a3rt:•gatsid a treaty witn FT11111". The oppoied to the resolution at thi , time, I ecath,3 it woudl onbaitrass ncgutiatian3 now pendinr, fir the settlement ref the differences be tween tile [tilted titans ant Groat Britain, and force upon the l'rtsident an ag4ressive policy unfavorable to the peace of the two couhtriGs and disastrous to the settlerent of t' Centrai American question. The lions° Co:l:mitt...a cn Eiections to-day was en. gaged on the Ohio c;:,;w, election cafe. Messrs. Lamar, Steven: n, Phillips and 12-ti a tca vote! that Mr. Vallandinghain isetiti.l..d to a seat. :ed Messrs. Wils.m, Clark of Connecticut, ahil Wash burn of Maine voted in favor of Mr. Campbell re taioing pis sr it. Mr. Harric, of Illinois, voted to vacate the tent, rind refer the question bac . : to rue report:, will cooorthogly be Lacdo on ircurAfty. Amon; the er,nEirmatiotts to day by the Senate was that of Ju,:gc Luring to supply the vaaancy in the Court of Chia ueeasiuned by the death of Mr. Oil• chri By i4, - ; cia: con:int tho vi,in thin .S;,:iain bill tca• thn IJ3 taiirea ap on Snt urdny. Eirrest of a Supposed rdurderer CA!ci(;'), 11;15 I;.—A Loan nanzad Henry Juropertz wxs r.r:e,cd laot night for the murder of a woman who rernoir.s were found at the Hudson River Ds pc t some time since. He says she hang herself in his room, but ha csnfesses that ho cut up and shipped tea body, not knowing how else to dispose of it. Afternoon Telegraph Report. [The [lowa Lel.•;.7rnphed fur the afternoon papers we shall hertatfkr rrpre lure in a coedeneed form, and not bnrthen our cohnnns Ly rrpabilnhtnElt entirt• In the Senate, t.r., Wednesday, the Appropriation bill tor ;La Military Academy at Wert Point was under ct,n..ideratic.rt, wlich passed, 22 to 9. A resolution was passel, asking information from tho President as to what steps had been taken to protect Anted au co , r;tmeres3 in Mexican ports. Mr. Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, from the Military Committee, reported adversely on numerous memo rials asking for a further equipment of ruiiitia of the United States. Notice was giron of tho rezignatiun of Senator Biggs, of N.rth Carolina. Mr. Mason's Paraguay resolution was called up, the vote ten on Collanser's amendment of yes terday, precluding the President from using force. The amendment was lost—Seas 15, nays 25. The resolution was then passed in its original form. The Oregon bill was read and discussed. On Thursday morning the Oregon bill was post poned, and the bill t.) repeal bounties to fishermen taken up. The 'Luse acted on the amendments to the Login- Wive, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bil!. LIP-nu is no prospect of the passago of a General Bankrupt Law this session. Tun Probidont ha. 3 not yet accepted the Utah regi ments. NEW ORLEANS, May s.—Advices have been re ceived from Tampico to the 26th ult. Garza was still firing on the ci'y, with much destruction of life and property. He still h'tld possession of the fort, and was stopping all vessels. He had fired OA the American brig N. Stetson, and also detained the Vir ginia and Antoinette thirty. five days, alleging that their outward dues were not paid. On the arrival of the United States ship Fulton, both were allowed to proceed. Thu crevasse opposite the city continues in full forco, and the water is still spreading. Uthur very serious cruvas=cs above are doing immense damage to the crops. The river eholvo no fall. The cret. - asso continues, and the effort , to stop it scorn to be abandoned. Tho town of Gretna is en tirely submerged, and Algicrh is considerably so. It is reported that the.e is great hope of stopping the great cravasse twenty-five miles above. Several breaks have occurred below this city in the sugar countr 7. NEW ADVEIiUSEIVENTS. v,NILWoRTH, SIR \VA I ."I' 1•: I s( • ( •c: 1.(;:d.); N 'JOURNAL, 1,3 ilAl{D.—'l he. bOr, thankful to her ~ .Encruli9 custooi,rs Iv: thrir libsrAl piii , oria,r, \chi , 1 . r , l , lll:itt` Lef g :A PIANOS, r s y into:— fire l litho tent t , diag now in t "A Y . : ECU :\ 8'fi::1211 t't , PIANO FUhl, ‘,1:1 inn I,w bars the larg , At and best :.t ill IL, Lily. lII* I'l t, II 112.• ow inn fAw dtya. i'l I r.,." ,t": ' iucic:ing A IC, 111.1 6(3 (Jr C.IIMN. re)7 lls •t-, HARLOTTE cr.-n1 doer lll ebov- IV 1:1 CI NI3 PA Pfdt.S—Of every def(•rip v,:,.l . (A_LysroN C. ti,)7 nta r st:. t. Amber and P. d White, oi all 67.14. celtl cthcle-31e or retail. I.y WM. 0. 30,1ti111J. 1 .1 ILL,7 6.ti,!10, re . 57 Wed et. BLANK all sizes and deser or br,fl , . to or :is.ttern nt eller title, by M.O..IJIINSTON a C O. , in)7 t. 11. t I. :11.ikers, 57 Wood -l.reet. SUN AND RAIN UMBRELLAS—A nice 1,4 oat ilam—blx,k, brown, cud ereen. lay 7 N 77 Marli.‘t strcs_t. IiEU 1 D ES.—Real Frenchls - urkd E.•4_4f, real iortlyn nunt Scotch Worked ectle.rs. tine e cvtc;t Wei ked Cambric and Swi-s Embroidered utnliting an , ll.4lt;int - ,, A 111.,m11,:ent stock (f the above ts.ll,,ltt unusually low to the east, and marked at a small Ltd Yu:lce over c,et, by 303. HOSNE, 77 Marketstreet_ _ _ kaPECIAL ATTENTION ISTINVITF.,II TO our new vt.ck c,f Black Crai, iLLA RS andk.:ETS. JOB. LIORNE, my; 78 Market Wert. TRICK Lila, L - E—On C ,, ngreEs Btred, con s:s. rooms. iii.icLed in modern 9tyl,-, WEI VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ...I.v_ Situated on Flat street, FOR SALE, containing siglit bathroom, Lvt atd cold water, gas in evtry Then. is (I/11 , , a Brick Stable and Carriage Home on the tack part of the lot. Will be sold on reasonable terms. 11t2T SESSION IBREM rit-) F. ? . d 5i,17,„ find Fl'ol2l Washixagton Cotigremzinal From hioxico :.•'02..118, I ltuillingp, 41 }:rth fttr e T.1A:51 FRAZIER cta. , JuLes' No. G 7 F. tL sire, WILLI.A3I FRAZIER /Ic CO, Jouele BUildiLIP, No. 67 Fourth Street EV LAST INIUT'S PiRII 2 tip Flood. on tilt. The New o:loanis paper ertve.s.so Deposite that city as neary Tr tie Dena, of tnat date, Sa:l3 : " t fifty feet of the erevas . ie rem—iced to be la:t night. The 17r.:k already done is etanding olooe piling has commenced at the lower 11. a voluma of water has lessened conaidera.- h;y, cwin ß to the drift wood caught by the piles al. rerldy planted, impeding the current with ma:h 1- ""c— , t thaß. tiNerilos the appoaranco of frog actual r,l27ervation : "The I,wer part of Algicrr, or that part directly opposite Canal 'tree', w,ts chisely menaced by the Frotn the Garden up to Gretna,and from that driwn to the crocase, the only dry land wa , ti:u levee, ViZR an inner elope, varying accord ing, to the netur^.l undo!,,ti na. The whole country was x lake, 'aura white and feathery with the thistle down of the, CJ1112101,, there stnecth and unbro ken front the cultivati.,n uf tLc fields beneath. For nearly three wiles we went np over tho Opelousas Rt.i , rond t.ack, in eve-al ions of which, though thLi everave depth of the \later 1,7;13 fuur feet, the iron rail sh-wed oh co the :a fa az, being held up ty titrO:cr, The bushes, wse , f-topsanti fences were alive with water-bound spiders, lizards, and other small inhabitants of the swamp. The water was enlivened here and there snakes and leeches, swimming far land, and with bewildered buffalo fish hunting dosp water. It would have been a splendid trip for an icthyologiat or an entomologist. Tho submerged Catholic tfeinetery back of Isi'Donouflias /ale, and the sulan.orged habitations of the living along the route, were interesting features of the grand seater picture. The Marine liaspital ;vas nevermore marine than on this resafien. At Gretna. we found a la:go part of the town inundated; the houses built close to the corth being completely washed out, and those built m, pillars being still tenanted, with the aid of skiffs, gunwales, and ether floating craft, and bridges built ah.ng, the street. 2, as in this city in ISI9. In 2ver.3.i yards we saw cats, dogs and chickens, loafing ab:ut n the floating ..:;:her, as unconcerned as if on terra firma." At l]e•i's pientsti N:l,ero the levee g^vo way, " lho rile driving a r seeding slowly by i oan b. Tim v. alth of the break h appeared to be between three mini 1. , t1 C h!radr,:,l I,ot. Mare thou thleo fount'.7 ~t the ,distance, the in.rusli torrent seas made to h.il I.ighar and roar louder by a triple row of piles,r a highway of pies driven three, abreast, the triplets bcirg abaut ten feet apart." A despatch of the same date as the above, states that tLe •Aabr hag washed every thing away; that a non 1:e.;. in ',La bank_ had taken place, rtj.aired the falling of the At ....n Ii dge, the 2C:13, the crater was still Deutrttellve 1V Ire faa Sieubenville.-Paper DWI iCesiroyed The t:teubitnvi'ie Hcrn7J , of Wodnesday,g,ives the pa.rti:•u'.ars of the burning of Hanna it Son's paper mill in that piaco en Tuesday night about eleven Thi3 fire broke out in the garret of the mill, where a largo amcrint of rags and other combustible mattor was st,red. The fire iva discovered before it ha , me is mu-ti hes.dway, and put out where first ob. s,rved but having 'vecu fired at many places about tbo rams time, all efforts to extinguish it were vain. Thu bulidiog, with most of its contents, valuable machinery, ate., was speedily reddced to ruins, in volving a loss of about $40,000. Upon the mill there was an irsnrance of $7,500, $2,500 in the Del aware "Mutual," and $5,000 in the "Western" In• surance cotnpanie. Some sixty o: seventy persons are thrown out of employment. the int:::tion cf the Messrs. Hanna to rebuild the mill as soon as possible. he .11.:ral , ? rays : "Tl:o loss l‘Lissrs. Hanna 4: Sons in all is tiMtut 522,0110, for which they have the sympithie3 of the psop'e, and the deep regrets of hundreds--for no men in the city of Steubenville hare exhibited more enterprise or borne up against the pressure with a more untiring zeal and com mendable energy than these gentlemen." Indianapolis City Election. An election fur municipal officers was held at In dianapclis on Tuesday last. Tho opposition elected their Mayor and other city officers. The vote was the largest ever polled in the city, according to the Journal. The vote for Maxwell, Republican, was 1954; Palmer, Democrat, 162 a. The Democratic voto was slightly increased. .c..b— A GREAT BLESSING TO TLIE AFFLICTED.—Dr. M'Lane, the inventor of the celebrated Liver Pills, prepared by Menaing Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., used these Pills for sev eral years in his practice, before ho could be induced to offer them to the public in such a manner as to make them known throughout the country. This learned phyelcian felt the same repugnance that all high minded men of science feel in entering the lists against those unscrupulous empirice who 0: truth, their useless nostrums upon the public, and re;y c; on a eyst -711 of pining to sustain them. Convinced, however, of the nal value of the Liver Pills, and Influenced by the plain dictates of duty, the Doctor finally authorized Fleming Bros , of Pittsburgh, Pa., who are now the sole pro prietors, to manufacture and place them before the public. This great medicine has not disappointed the expectations of his friends, the medical faculty, at whose instance he was irluc,d to placg them before the public in their present popular form. From every quarter do WO hear the most gratifying accounts if their wonderful curative effects—the East and the West, the North and the South, are alike laden with " tidings of great joy " from the afflicted. These won. dertil Pills have completely conquered that great scourge of Amerce, the Liver Complaint. Purchasers caroful to ask for Dr. 11'LANE'8 CELEBRATED LI V :c.z. PILLS, manufactured ry F •i3RC9., of Pittsburgh, Pa.. There are other Pills purporting to he Liver Pills, now befure th.. , public. Dr. WLano's genuine Liver Pills, also his celebrated Verualfugr., can now be had se) all respectable drug stcres. None gerarint withug the e g e„, 21 . tore of (351 (ruy7:lwdaw) EIEMING 11.2.08. _ . . TO HOTEL KEEPERS, A RARE CHANCE, The Mountain Motels foe R-suet, THE MOUNTAIN HOTELS AT CIVASON, on the 'Pennsylvania. IlAilr,ad, are offs re d f or ions° fur a term of years. These buildings which are large and commodious, ere situated near the ftenmit r 1 the Allegheny Mountains. in Cambria county. The erg übrity of the cli mate—the pure water—the beauty of the Mountain Scermry the facilitie3 fnr fishing and hunting. , and all three el joy and recreations which give he alth and vigor, have red 'erect Crell". o n Poinliar plate of Summer iteiort tor vhitom freer all 1 arts of the Unite d States. The Pennsyl v.dlia Railroad furrisbes Infonaut' access daily, from all the principal cities of the Uni en , ar victors while enjoying all the pleasures of count r y IU citles every few bourn. o, can communicate with the The / 10 ' 11 belong "The Allegheny Mountaln Health instimte," with all (he furnit ore and fixtures belonging to tt. Ceml'atly. 'l' ,ey are in a suitable condition for the com torteldo accomni ~ f iction of over TWO HUNDRED guests. To a COllll-.bt..2t manager, the chance le a moat sxcmlent Addres::, JOS EPLI PENYOCE, Pres't, Pittsburgh, Pa., Or, J. P. LESLEY, Chairman of committee, _ Philadelphia, Pa. 11-04101{ SALE.-- SEVENTY. - THOUSAND ACRES of chef ce Prairie and Timber Land, sitaated Ncrthern i ,;" a an,/ Southern nesota, embracing Lilo finest lot s f farming 'Ands ever off..red is this market, as tiv.y are located con, oniently to Stile, Towns and lines of Tanit,hlo its containing information of value to e migrants and cats loguca giving location, description and price of the land, vtith a brief di scription of the counties 'n th, y are h rated, can be had on application at our cnice, and they la ill be sect free by mail to persons sending US tie tr address. WILLIAM FBAZIER & CO., inyteitf Jones' Building, No. 67 Fourth strut. pLEAsii - NT AND HEALT.I.IY FOR SALE, a dwelling house and lot of ground 1.56 feet r r.t cn Syct .more street, Sit. WriaLicuton, by 165 feet de p. he hut. 0 c. 'waists 4 re ms, portico in front, venitisn tors, siab - rii and pump, cal Louse, E,:o, line fruit and el line trees. i.hrol diery, etc, patted fence. A small fanijy &air , ue ; f Hain t is the I.,tre air of the country, and yet be cc fi. ve . letit to ~ he city, wi;l Lcd 11,0 atic.e to be Plat the right Is 0. For price and term- apply to __L,,6 rt. CU'l Eh'T tr. SON, 51 .Slarliet street BU NC LOTS t.O Culdwoletree7 .11 sixth ts ;en!, 1 nt hi . 91 deep to an alley. • ccr •r; :•by ULTLiBEItT & SON, m,t; 61 Market street. all sizes, colors , ' W. S. LIAVE's:, Jot. Printer and Stationer, rivfi r Yool - .ot and Second hare( t. (:I.I2IN'TILLA LACE Ltt: vol . ) Mg; prir a fr, m .-0 to Psi:o J, ; Lan IT lkirirg , s sod urgansli cs , and rib ,, GLO's C LOVE. myti lt,r_nerly la.vo lircthers, Net. 74 Meriect Ytreft. recr , ived and s r 1.)lt - A FLIZER, r..• r Fir,t r,rd Matkat streets. ItJli `,SHY ISA.t..t_LN.--Hwlt 15.9. Country aid for ,sb• L ; J AA! I:.F A. FETZER, 111)4 r , rrer Market and PIT, I. • te... I,,IrE:I,TERN LANDS of goutl t o city v sale r - • . chanze :cr Eta' Estate in the city S. CU 1'.1113/.itT SON, 51 l‘darke tar. lANIONS.-11) bbls. Onions fur t , ale by q. .0 tura U. CCU, _ . iiIIEESE.-15 cases Pine Apple English, 1-.cse.l and kr sale t'v 11.1.1'.11E11 ANDER.E.ON, No. 39 Wced street, _Opposite the St. Charles hotel. ALAD L'askets just 0 and for s..le by EEYRER p & ure, ANDERSON,ee'd rny No. :9 Vsrued street. TO. 183 WYLIE SUTEET—Adweiling N h• ~.c cf 1 / 3 11 aud 7or S rooms, with a largo lot of grutrlot Price, $':,000. t. CUTEIL'ERT & .EON, 131 Market D _tree_, just ALM LEAF FAN received _.k. and for sale very low, by the cane or dozen, at ar-t0 JOH. 1:10litqlril, 77 3larket str, . Street. ULL BUTTER.-3 bbls fresh Roll Butter Just received r.nd for sale by JAMES A. FETZER., m 34 Comer Market and Pint streets. . - ?f~~..t; al; .a tbe 2.1,11 t.: the Tha s l l. , §pwt.ek*O*loolo%lOPVs CE VI LS i) V ERE 6 ';:Y.,"13 EN rfiS D. Y:TY:% - i\lr.!;, JE-1., 13J. 1::" . . AND l'ill.itillACEUTlST, DR.I:GGIST Gils:ard klotsse, SM . : earl ELI) TRiET, DtiOß DE'LOW I)EALER IN DRUGS AN! -1 MEDICI2TEL:, Perfumery T t Tobacca aui Cigars, I Trusses, Surgicsi ll 4 trumcu dad all other articles usual ly kept in a t ,iID ug d tor 1. P.,rzanal ati,ntiou givEn t,, comr•vu:ilii;g. Przscriptlans at ailluoru 4ul the - raye.lw* E AND s"(.r. sAL 'WITHOUT 1 ;E- tate ,13!aeo I'. DAV:In' C. , rninereial ileal Es ttecoud story, No. Fifth street , pift!,- bur g h, on TUF.,s it, • 1 !En day of Mae n at S t f, P. M. By virtue of :In ”I'Llor of thee r .• Au ; coubty, I e7tILL,' pla ehe ce above stated, all Ills, fol,owing e.titite the late Rev. ,101 IN All those• five Conti jill,lH Elro. ;t iry Lrirk nn l 4,;„, or pieces of ground vu which tit • ramp' ate er-eted, si on tuate the w„t,..dy Side .. 4 s rat street, and soutn, , rt ) side of Lacock street, in Aikgbeny Cite, containing tot:ether in front on said Anderson street 110 f- 1. aou in ten,_:tl, e depth FU fee: 9 inches to a four feet wide ahoy, larding Into Lacock street; bounded northwardly by Le.ccco str,et, allay,and oastwardly by Anderson street; ; southwardly by Centre Alley, westwardly by said four f • t lets in John Tusgev's plt,n, as follows, ht. Let 32d yn the cone: of ilitre,ll street and Centro alley, 21 feet front by 90 feet fl inehe3 deep, on wLich is erected a three story dwelling house end st,, , :c rcota 2. Lot No. 31:7, adjoining the above, feet front by Ca.) feet 3 inches, on which Ja erect, d tl three story dwelling house 2. Lot No. 52'3, adjoining the above, 2:3 feet flout by go f.•e 3 iucheA, ou which is erected o titres etory dwelliug house. 4 Lot No. 329, arThrining, tho. above 23 feet front, by 90 feet 3 inches, on which i 3 erected a three story dwelling hone, with store room undrrneath. Lot No. 3 lO.cn the cernor of Anderson and Lacnck streets, 20 teet front by 90 feet 3 inches deep, on which is erected a three story brick dwelling braise with drug etiro under neath. tLoEe certain other lon or pieces of ground, Imunied L.y Washington street, t.y I,roperty of Charles Av(Ty, the l'ettnt , ylvania Canal, and by Int of S:Jil• ton's heirs, the slats having been stddivided as folio, n L.A :in I, e.)ntatnii,d; 30 l'est trent ,u Witshingiun street, and eztotitt'e tt : I ack niung the t roper:). gj Charles Avery, r 5, The serve width 213 feet, ruNdts or lsee, to the Pettus 1 vaut, Ganal. Lot NO. 2, c attaining 50 f et fr.int on Washington street, and xt'nding t - trk, preserving the same width, 250 f .eti More I.l' Pennsylvania Canal. Lot No. 4, I, ntatiling 49 feel on Wagbington street, and extending ha, it along the line of Stanton's heirs, prf littrviug tho same width, 271 fix t, more or lie', to the L'eunsylvhnia Canal, on which i, cr• cord a frame mold,. Tsamti :—One-half ciish, and r..siilutt in 12 inc nthe, aiiit interest. ROBERT ROBB. Adininietrator cf Rev. John Tamey, deed P. M. DAVI:4, Auctioneer. -The creditor.; of John Taasey are respectfully ro iuested to telit, notice of the glove Bale. rin3,6:tit THE 31 ERC ANT I 'LI& AGE NC , I' 'l'llh, 1-;t0 MOTION AND l ' E ()"1: lON 0 F TI A 1) B. DOUGLASS et CO, Proprletorm. Corner Wood and Tefth Steels., Pittsburgh, l'a. ALEX. AMISTRONG, .. 3 / a rager. Establithod, New York, Jane, 1 gtl—Pltt.A3'gh t March, 18.52. EA.D ()FUNS. NE W YORK B. DOUGLASS 2 CQ. BRANCII OFFICES. 13. DOUGLASS o Co. ii DOT' (I.A.S; ._.B. DnuaLiss Cc B. Dou.m.tss .4 Co. P DouaLAK3 A.' Co. D. DOUGLA33 a co. 13. DOUGLAS; i CO. B. DOUGLASS K Co. B. DOUGLASS A Co. B. DOUGLA',B & CO. B. DOUGLASS t& CO. .B. toUOLA.S.A & CO. AS.,.C.A.TE OP FICUS 13(st n E. Russect. 2 Co. 13ultirm,ro J. D. PRATT it CO, .13.1:13nien PRATT & CO. Pittoburnb ... Philadclphin. Cincinnoti.... i Cleveland Doercit el.icagu 1 'Dubuque Iddwaukee... Now CTlonnt Charleston... IcLievil:e 1 I3t. Lnuit4 rumuux OFFNES. Montreal, C. F B. Dotnit..tes & Co. Lond.,n, ling B. Bounties& o. Lettere of Introduction to Lawyerg of high standing and respectability in every section Of the Union, will be gratuitously farnishe.: to subscribers making application at the office. Also, letters of intrcdnctiou to any of the offices named above. COLIRCTION3 PIIMPrtY ATTLNDiD TO IN ALL PARTS OP Till: UN/ rE.I.) 4TA.71:3 AND BRITLSII rossnsaroNs. [ap10:1n1 JANES P. TANNER,' 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Invites the attention of his customers and buyers general- to his large stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, I3uuslit direct from MaLnfitc/nrera In Igaiswllictsette, COMPIII£III6 81L , ,1i 1 \ S, Ladlea', Mi3-.%4' and Children'a BONNETS, PLATE and FANCY FIATS Men, Hoye and Youth's PALM LEAF, LEG HORN, PAtiAMA and STRAW HATS Men, Boys and Youth's WOOL and I? ETH HATS All of which will bo found In groat jarioty .eRr Groat inducemonta offered . to OASII and prompt TIME 13IIYEITS Orders solicited and carefully selected and packed mr27:dtJel—is CIIANGE OF FIRM. P. lIITCHCOCK, having purchased the J. ) int,rest of JACOB LIUFFNIAN, in the firm of Hoff man M'Creery & Co., the style of the firm will hereafterHITGMCOCK, M'CREERY & CO. Mr. Hoffman will sbn till remain in the Hutn,e. HUFFMAN, 'M'CitilEtY & CO. DUCEEEEVE& CCP. I*C:i:b9oll3 TO LITLYPAtN, M'Car../ULT & C 0.,) Forwarding and Commission Met chants, 17110LESALE DEALERSZA PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. No. 114 S;coNn Sntrm, Pmstuactii, 6.grana:ic3s: Joseph E. Eldcr, Ell. Louis; 'Fentmi Bros., Cornell Er Dorsey, Baltimore; Carrut t:.sfartimPhiladelphli ; James, Kent, Santee Co. " Weaver a Graham, Kazuo, Sterling ‘t• Co., " Yard, Gilmore Co., " Springer ilarbangli, Pittsburgh ;' Childs g Co., Bugulep, Cougriv..e. rt. Co., " McCandless, Menus A " G. W. Bruin!, A Co. Geo. Art& L. fiord:Cincinnati A. B. Feuto.a d L'ro3., " upl:tf mOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURER OF /merlon, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON!. Warehouse ' ;No. 130 FirAt street, tr,r26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA PEBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL EXPOSE to public rale, en the 1;1 , 71 - Meta On the Ibth day of June next, the Real Zetate of SAMUEL JONES, late cf Robinson townehip,Rhington county Pa , de , :castd, coneisting of a tract of land situate in /101:ft , eoninsaid county, containing 163 A.CR rilAS More or level, ThiB Farm is eitnated on the Piftaburoh cod Steubenville lfai;rond. IS railee, from Pittaburgh, i 3 well in p,oved, ~nn i. eonwnient to Chn.cheo, ichuAl and Ono-tb irrl of the parch money w;11 remain in th, land during th, i oIL.e of t.:e wiscw, the interest thereof to to paid to her e,,nooPy. thie-haif the remainder to be paid 00 the tir , ,t W Api 1.8f,9, when possesion all be given— the i , mainh-g half 10 one y .•or thorefrrrn,, without interest, JAMI-fS JONES • ,} Execute:a, inyl JOHN JON; ES, Light Cream pie. THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY nrin ,, u,!,, to their customers and the public., that ow ing to the price of Parley and Rope, and to suit the times. they are brewing a light and delicious flavored CREAM ALE. which they are selling at $l'D. barrel, and have KEGS OP TEN GALLONS each, to accommodate Tiricata They have alio, X ALE. et $6; XX at $7, atd superior RENNET at $8 '3 bbl., reed smaller catlts in proportion. Also, exc..lleut PO:i.TER AND 8E.017N STOUT. Oidel d cent to their Brewery on PITT STREET, will receive prompt attention. mrlo,:ins URINTER'S INK—Blue, Black and Red, for sale by %V. 8. HAVEN, Job Printor and Stationer, Corner :.larket and Focond street.i. • . __. MEDIUM w , Dewy, Folio Po - zt, Flat and .1.. , ,id0. Cap Writing Papers, Printing and Book Pa- pers, for sal° bj W. S. HAVEN, Job Printer, zny6 2cc:s. 31, 33 and 35 Market street. 7 Wood istrect, liietween. Disturto...•3 alloy and Fourth etirett., AKE FISII.— White Fish, Trout, Salmon, ' FITTSBFLRGII, r d. .2 14 end Pickerel confitnn ly on hand, a full stock losuPPl9 the 1. holeiqle trade, b 7 ezr- T sntscrlher it nor. opening a well selecto,d Loyd. I II Lf. COLLINS. ant of il.rci4m end cicr-c,ti.• iiiclare, all now,and 1. IME.-200 bble. fresh Limo just received ;(.1 oc s good terms c any ether hone In this city. -111: Bad for nada by lmY 6 ) H. H. COLLTNR. will elw lys keep on band a general Neaortinent of I.I..A.RDWARE, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' T. which Le respectfully ieriho the attention cf FLAMM!, VAC:4k., - • - GLASS. -300 boxes assorted sizes Window Glass, goad country brand, for sale by HENRY D. COLLINS. DOTATOES-500 bu4t.ls choice Neshan ri_ neck Potato-al to arrive this day, and for sale by cAnTwaiG rr si, YOUNG', JAS A. FETZER, (Sacce.mrs to Jain Carttoright,) my 6 Corner Market and First streets • . 1/ DRIED AND IMPORTERS SA.v_m_ of Pocket and Table Cutlery, Burgle .1 and and Den -2.0 FRUIT -100 bushels choice Dried App!es; tat Instruments,Caro, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 81 20 •• Dried FeacheE— receive and for sale by Wood street. hey give special attention the roanufactur. JAS. A. FETZER,I tug of Tames, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and itepalrlan - Corner Marketarket and First streets. RIM punctuality and despatch. apl7 FNAW*;;?#,OgaXEd GAITERS. u1 3 .1:11.1 TIES, ETC 014 Co. W. fiMITH c i, Cir ==3!= INSUIq A NCEt '::: .t1:: • D :'.II.CIIAN k. - .', .'..:l', =EI ‘•.lL`l PITT: 9.1 Le•C. s t i, ! . I . V. m. )1. 11 ~. . I 7 7 , i ,‘• ''' T ' ' '' l' . '4 - 1.1 •.:;`*- "i'. i . .::11..1i:::.i..;:' ~, 4. 1'..,, I, L , ./;o cr L. 6 .1.41 i 11,..,3 Ft•;.... i ~ .F.7.1 %, ::.•.‘,” .. .. .I.' ; . i:..- 1' ... 0, C.. 11 .t. k.i...... , 1,C.'20 CU I _. .... .1. 1. If a - -, , A; ~ .t : .... . Li 't ~1.., 0 1 _ _ . ... .. .1. ~ Vi't v. 1.,, Ei.q.... 2 t) Faivili.',o (A ,0.111. r W NI. '.1' , .', 1 i . : :. ' X,— 2. 1 79 1: A ;Coln -I'''"''' i''ll tie r .... .I.OCU LI, A Li:11134..i. MI-I,llloill 1.7 . A ., ': "'.- S. C) 750 CO D.BaittaiLL _.. .._ Tot., -.1 i 20,107 SA ot 1 V.tte.:,llifh, I r • , a e , J.! '.,: - .!1/1.11 in and f,,r laid city, prti?opill:3 taw 11:0i11. .). Iftmter, :igen: of !h. , Farm, , r9 pup, who twiug duly ..rn, r c. , ! • : z- dc-poso LILA 64.1.7 Chit! 1110 THOS. J. ~ 1 1, ; ;,r1b12,1 before me, April 7, 1853. LEONARD S. Jonixe, Alderman. ID Ea; AWiLU.I. 7 2.. MUTUAL S Al' ETV INSURANCE COMPAn. I :; O ;I:PQ:i.t.TLE ktY 171111 LEGISLATURE UN PENN YLYANIA, 1535. CORNER TH IRD D WALNUT 37;' PIL ILADLLPHIA. !'II,ARINE 11732UQAhiCE. uN ES6F.LS. C :..11 parts csf avirlll INLAND I:;SI;RANCEB I. Ar:Li CAI rice y all part.; of Coo INF3UI'. A N blorcu:endinc g,nerally. Dwelling ASS ATS OF THE CO.Ul'_4.Vi November 2, 1867. Bends 3.101 !gages, and Read ELLate 5101,350 C. Pl,ilajt , lplii... City, and otli,3r LOaLl.i 137,011. a 1- tves: in ls..,niLs, Railroads and I.ll2craucel /2,508 0 Comou ea Bills iteceisE‘Me 420,201. c Cash oa Ilaa' . 38,8W4S 0 Ellance in 11 an , li of Agents, Prennume o:! 3litrit:el'oliciea rocently Llsned,ou 02,730 5 other ti,l , as duo the Company Sol , acilpt!ou Note.: DiFICTO2.2 Mum Karlin,' ~epic &lulu nd A. Sunder, John C. DILV I John R. Penrose, Goorg,, 3. 12ipt.r, Edu ~rtl Dr. R. M. William 0 Lmi% lg, Hugh Thai,;, Spencer Or2lIEl 13r00k9, Jacvb Y. Juuk-e, J. T. r TT.3. C. Tara, Vicc. Prwidont. UzziLy LYLisUIV, e.C.CSR,ta. 7. I'. A. AE,nt, GREAT NVEsTER -91- Fire and Itlax-tile Inatirance OF PHILADELPHIA. Clt)ixe in Company's Buading, V. 403 Corner of Fourth Sired AUTHORIZiai CAPITAL. Capital paid in Junury tat, 1,56 $2 - 7,574 Fl !:71 IN Sli It A NC i , ;--Limitcd or Porpotual. 711.1b15I: ISSU ItAINCE, un Vam,do, Cargo and Froigh I ND SU!',..k:‘:CE by 11iicre, Ca%als. lnko•ir.n laud tars DIRLCI 005: Charles C. Lati,rop, 142:: Walnut ntre , t. ill Lon Larin. 1510 Etre,- A lexunCer M , rchsta, is North f runt. Isaac IMziehurat, Att,,rm.y r. John C. Hunter, firm of Wright, Llnn , ..cr E. Tracy, firm of Tracy & Cu , 11,11. John R. M-Curdy, drin of Jones, 1 . , t' - r, Thomas L. fiillespie, Arm of ailkaple ,t Zoller. Jarces 13. SiMth, firm of Joins f 3. Smith A: Co. Hon. Henry M. Fuller, o2ice 227 South Third street. John C. Vog.loa, ctlicc cornet of Setruth r.nd Sansom. Ja1110.3 Weight, late Cashl,r Punk of Tlm,a. Ifrod Taint office Cain) City tm.erry. Jona J. Slocum, office 22 , 1 S.mth Third e 1:, et. C G. 1.. 4 .1 . 11.1201', Triaidont. W. Ica Truth:chi LEWIS GEGitY, ) Ofil.co, 8 Wall at , N. Y. 11.., Second Vice JAMES WRIGHT, secretary and Treasurer. LI. K. RICHARDSON, Asastant Fecretary. It. W. POINDEXTER, Agent. 97 Water street, Pittsburgh, MONONGAHELA INSURANCE COMPAN-Yq OF PITTSBURGH: JAMES A. lIITICECESON, prottldout. HENRY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. OFFICE - T-1110. 98 ilVato . ‘ st ree t, WILL INSURE AGAINST ALL ET / NDs OF - FIRE AN MARINE 81.838 • James A. Ilutchixou. Wm. B. Malmo),o - ...orge A. Br•rrs, WilLiam Re liobert Dalzeli, Wllauu Miller, Thomas S. Clarke, John Al:Devitt., Win. A. Caldwell. 'ennsylvania insurance Company ; OF PITTSBURGH. ......• ............No. 63 Fonsth otreat. DIRF.CTORBt Jacob PPAnter, J. P. Tanner, Geo. W. Smith, Itcdy l'attcreon, C. A. Colton. A. J. Jonte, W. K. Mcßride, Jae. H. Liopkina, Wade .111111:10.013 L Grif r Sprom, A. A. earner, Robert Patrick. A. C. Sarapeo a, O. H. Jones, John Taggort,; Henry Sproul, Voeghtli, Chartered Capital 6300,06 C SIRS AND MADINE RbsK 6 TA U o Fri tE 1. : President—A. A. CARRIER. Vice President—BODY PAT': de.SO Secretary and Treafinrer—l. I:. ;. “C•1:1.. - - A. A. C 11111 tz. PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCV Capital Represented, $3,000,000. COMPANIES OF HIGHEST STANDING, Chartered t: Pennsylvania and other States. MARINE AND LIFE RISKS TAKEN, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ro. 5.3 VOZTIVEII sTpailv„ , r, A. A. clurazll.; I'ITT.'LLIURGE, C.11;1,1811. t idc.:1;1.41 Eureka Insimuite Company of Pennsylvania OFFICE, NO. 00 WATER ST., PITTSBURGH. Assets-.lllBy 1,185 g. Stock, Da' Bllls—payable on demand and secured by approved names $ 78,167./ Cain in Pittiburgh 'I rust Company 3 Premium Notes 62. 91/: ; 811.1 Receiv4ble 15.9.-d . 0 122 eiia.es Ezehange Bank Stock—ccs• ....... 0„:110., ot 99 do Media' ices' Bank Stock—cunt b,i9o SOU do Iron City Bunk Stwk—e.mount i , ald. 7.500 O, 100 do Allegheny Bank Stock— do do 5,0( 000 Book Accounts 13,251 Si I) I It E C T 0 R 8 . J w ....r.k..E N itcr a t ic l7 , rger, I G. W. C://S3, 1" A* n n . . M. Pent.ock .1 ch n A. ', J W. W. Martin, ' C. W. Datcheilor, i It. T. Leech, Jr., It. D. Cochran, ' I Daif 1.1 llcCane,icss, James J. Bennett, George 8. Sel , ,En. Wm J. A ndtrsur, J. U. b LIOEN .I:ILGEN Fresitimic. 11013 T. PINNEY, SccrLtury. y mys:lru TERRA COTTA OB STONE WATE 11' 117- .7E 1 From two to aim iue'a PRICES from 12 to 30 °env, per co ALSO—IZOCII T- 2STER - J 1 PJ I UARL L 4. : f l i A RCli or Salo Wholezale at. .IZataufa,...turcre Pirkettc by HENRI( za. C0Ra...21 4 .TS, FORWARDING AND COM. rtaISSION :AERONAUT, AND 'CUMULUS DKALI/1 LetSO, .&.N1) PRODUCE GI2.7ERALL7 No. 26 ViooD STRIIET, PITTA In'ILOM .NMES LIANITYACTIMER 'A.LICOHEn Cologne Splll'lll4 and Fusel Oa, No. 157 and 170 Second `treet. apli):l74 AIWITEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER DEALER IN FOREIGN AND :,'OItIESTIC HARD WARE. MagiM!l +'11! 1 213 ;JP II , Is 44 50 111, tl 1.. , 11 t. C... t tt 100,000 11 70'1,71 2 5.3 .I...raed C. Fltir.d, Theophilca PAuldinn James Traqr.air. WV. J. F. Veni;:orr. Joshua. P. !•13 - 19, S6rznel 61‘ , 1: en. Henry elene. ne.: 8.1 le - J's Thome, 0 r% rr : r, 11,bert Durteu, J,iiu 11. T. •,,, $ ik) .1.2:22,30u vu . 66,2.77 05 .;:.1.;t3,2,11