VOLUNE XVI. FI7 I ,CFEA h - i ; . t S P. LiAlAtt , tll ,, ;tllitiS to .• Int LI =EEO c.• 1.•;; t! RATES 'I, =SE 'ii_rro aoo-hc t 311 ., 14,11:01.. rt.11:11 , ti =ME= INIZEIMI , Jat c'" PITTSBTYgd._qi i rtIRDAY PCST A Tr!l .r., 7;;; 7tfri`El ivi L.' 7 ,7 it& L'E. V ~''- - Y , Ji - viir:, - ':'.4 4 li, .., 1 .: i 3 EU, YE A it, annltEn. !L : CLZRI'.I::‘',T NEWS E.11,g1 - E;nll2 , i %, 1 =EI Tbiq hc i•It; SE=l!l5l is clear type, wilt br fot:nd by 7.11.1te Le 61116 C ri t bcttr en.ti,fv.,.tlDri than any pitpr Qr.:l;,he , l is l'itts'untr . :... hvt..; who v. - ish tai T n ;AY, ii_ivestrnent. _kid al 5 P. 13 A 11.11., et.; 1; :i for , :t o 1 Proprietor BL;-;1 - ,.SS CARDS HEIM tj y1,:3 i;,‘w 3 . 3, E ;1/4§ ROOK j(t3 OFFICE, 05T SUZT.DINCrS. Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSI3I3IIGH und.tn..-,i,2:nyd having made extensive I„‘dition.] of th, : DSM.I EST ETY 1.1:2 F TYPand %.",chii • ry, to the MORNINti PCMT 308 oFi.-1(2'... invite I Rad 11-ad Ge]corii ;Ally, to their ith v. luvuriur f tezuis, nll Lindb i f El E ia 0 C _ 4 l N . fraLE, LEGAL, A' , D @THEP. i; -,SCIIIPTION PLAIN & FL NCY PRINTING Jru ht,teriul behitt n,taly rll ke\e, we eUn give `wen sun( of the :..atinfactiott, Ili. eolith orderu RAIL ROAD DILL, AND CARDS, B BLANIS NOTES, HEALS, PILL IIEADS, )SILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BU-INESS CARDS, • BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, &c. Partk,;,,i nti , 1,0 paid to the printing If Potters, Pio‘trtatL-qes,A, . for Concerts, Exhibitions and Circuses. B.; RE The p e epl E ,!'s S'Lue store. _ _ D. S. DIEFFENB,V) II Eit & Co., Cr1:111 a:I ;dada 80tyr,.,, RIO NB ,'4I7TERS, For o,•ritl:mon. Youthl and C. ‘l-14(''''' JR:o. 1 - Piet h near Ma. i ) ;-,:?,.iiN & .iU!INSON, latent El-tvztc, Fire and Water Proof C4:::.tt Iloofing. 13'U rIf11:10 STitr.ET. 0 RDEItS fur if. PING Frnaptly and faith fully ". 1, ::.;• 1 :11i ..11!" »t Ih. Si Itt'Cullted. Rooting mat .1 al'All; son 11.111,1, and for sale, with di m-tic:no for us,. ct.pt.'dy JOS. 11211111 El N E. 4 E,.I'V ERS .D.:',lS7 .S.7t: D IV AC ILE EIVEST S 9 aver 'lf I' , znd Ltreets, gh, Pa. ci UPERICW., I . iTEA.:\I ENGINES fur Grist tj " and iima• Werler , , Priatia t t Establishments, • , Inn le rimy a:;0 continuo the nanuilictur- f i• •1: - t:, 1 , brat,tl ,11,etlini-ls"Tools. such as Turning Liithes. It A Bennet am] i rilhne Alachines, At:. Also, NV:J. ,'.t I's... ..:11:Litiug, with Pullets, Hangers, tc. Lx. jaB:lyd iF.CMP',7ti T`r:I.IOMP:•±;01%1 & CO., TC2I(),":SEGLAZIERS AND ,„ Nc. 13,5 T:•ird btrot,t. iqiiti PAINT ; Nu v .ti. Paints, Tarp" Putout Dry- V,!1,. s,: y nniperior article; a! ,:, ih ',1,: AlWuy,-; on hand and for v, „, ! P.d fir crH, ,t ),•.‘7,;.,•, 1,6 WO hero n Mid P,iprt•irl tuunty 11 got t.h. Er .ip. with _ _ _ ;! ~,-~; OOLD ANT) 0 ILVER SP 7.,CTACLES, (:TURE Li. :3P_ ICES. 11 'S 11 A :-;,. g 0 :\ 1 6 T 13 E.., or w. :111t i) ' ' t 1, V r. 1 ciay 11.. LARD MI , LAI `l, 'NILE r, AND, N SOAPS No. 47 PittilbUrChi Pa. _ V. J. BusrlA, n :TT EZPOR:7 NUS , 11 7 1 G 'll' EE 1D a it. sTEA BOILERS, And afL lkinola of Sheen. Iron. Work. Penn street, n,,ar Water, Pinlburgb, Pa. Ors,r , Avnrrzn Wheat, Rye and Corn Waned, ,ST:I7.iA2A RgELL9 ALL29I3 'EN Y CITY. TIE 13SCRIBERS lIAVE TAKEN the abcr.E. , cFtablistanzr.t, and are prepared to PAY 2F/: /11;JILLIT u.l.aerr PRICES CABE rCla 2.0,000 BUSIIELS 02 WHY. AT.t.T. 10,000 It , 10,000 41 CORN. It ia the mien f tun pr,priotora to oiler n2'.iat PRICES for any ch015, - ; i.t6 of White ~r r.cd Wheat. They Intend to Make very r Floor, and are willing to pay a ,vrentiton. to ~bape as extra price, to in trice him to raize qt....A:7 of Y heat, and to bring it to market in g0 , .:1 r. Jyl6:lydZy, R. T. RITNI.I7.DY k BRO. L'GGS.— 5 bblo. just received and for ti.kt, L. ; 'MEANS t CO, fo'2o n.-r AV,Jad ' and Water atroots. GREEN bl - .lg. for sale by art I RY 11. GiLLINS. IDE Rit i eS fine and extra lino Pens, ealt: . W. S. 1/AVEZ.i B Stationery 2to.ra, N RI, 23 and 30 Market ~ tre,t. KA:N:3.-10 bags small vhito rv7ei - ,.ed und for gale by /: CO, 0, rr, r t' "_A and Warm. etnef • _ _ -- Tr aro nt, , ,v o , ,,ening our second, and by Etr th, of Fall and NVinter Dres., - Goode, fihawl. , , , tliaz .IV,L Ut_oll eared thia city. ISANSON LOVE, • ... •7r. %!.11-?.rt Et ONION rs.-1 bbl. Onion setts, for Kale IT JAMES A FETZER, C,rnur Market and First areas. Pr NCIL SHARPENER, for calo by W. S. HAVEN, mrlD Ccrv , ir Market and ilkenad stream. EPIESE--60 boxes prime Western Reeem E.Lr rale try Icte2ll WhL H. MTh a 00. 470.1) r:77:1 711 " '^ I ; Oti 1 1 I'M 1 r.", 3 '2 ar. mmer neatly priLta :um Pittsburgh, wifl find llMMtill : i at,! (VC 1' A S = 5, 6 L. 171, tit 1 Liln -, ',......!, • , -1 i - ' p - ~., .o_,,d 1 , - - -.: ~ , 1 F 1 , 1 .., -.. , ---:, ~,..!,„,,,, 4,1 6 1 • ' 11 r I . ....... 1 . ,:,,,,. - iN 0 ,!, 7..).._..,h__..,,. : L,...,/. ~:. ... • . , ~ , r r ..7, i • r t ) . < . 4 ~..) I . . a e r, v - , 11, il r.!, tl 4 .1 ...- 7 ' 1 1 '0 - kI, t. 1 v ' ~----- 76 1 A: 2 , / L ,.. , ik / fT y -,..,_ p„ -: tv 1 ~.. / ,""' ' ,an 14_ PUBLISHED - WILY BY JAMES P. BARR, Al TnE " POS'I. I .BOiLDINC.Iii,' t'....,1it-'51 .-11 - 1 011. HOTELS €4; REs-11AR NTS. _ - THE NITION AL SALOON, Under Footer's New National Tticatre, 1 , 11 - 1Sio;lit ) li. PA D. BARNA.II.I), - - - PitevaiLion, lIA S FITTED GP IN A TATEFUL and c, . the large ceutte store is the ODD FELLOWS !I.tLT. Fi to et, as a FIRST' CLASS RESTAURANT °A L, roN. I.l'...ving La I many years' pap , Hence 0 the hushes!, he is prepared to ,upply the b gat the market slid: de. ilis hay wiIOES ! IQ fur he nisd at hit time With tho best WINES, L'QU The es trance to the Sa'oon, to in the centre el the Hall, and re freshments will to' furnished at all tunes, DAY and NIGHT apl4:ly IVASHINGTOik HOUSE, COP. PE/VNA AVENUE 4. THIRD ST., wAsfuricToN, 11. C k. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, Corner Erwin Street and Duquesne IV ay, PITTEBUP.GLI, PA D. D. MARKER, - (Formerly of the "Marker 'louse," Blairsville, Pa.) E SCOTT ROUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It it situated in a central part of the city, being convenient all liailroAd Depots and Steamboat Landings. House WEIS built in 16Z)6, with all modern improvc— meetti and fitted up in splendid stylo—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every respect be a first class lintel. Fine STA ELLS are attached to the premises. 1 ,h 1.2.7 y H. W. KANAGA Eje z aHOTS L 9 Oppootte the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [J,•I6 [if Et NG'f 0 N El 43 T 5., FORMERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, JAIIRS BRANNON, Proprietor THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE P NN and WASHINGTON Streets, between he CE:\"rItAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has unde7,:eue a thorough improvement, remodeled and fnrnimded with new furniture, nud is now the most enlive n:cut note: in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East cr West. LA'S:ly Iya AN SION ROUSE, CIEOEUE REN PROPEILTUA ..No. 344 Liberty street, man beside the Paz..mnger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the nioEt convenient Louse in the city fur passongors arid ring by that road. The proprietor having, at considerable expenac, fitted np, la eicallaut style, the MANSION LIOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There id attached wlendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford lag ample accommodation to traveler, and teameter,. Ate Lard •r and Bar will ho furui,she,l with the Lost l!ie market ran affocd. febl CORNETCOPI_T, RESTAUEt.tAT, By ELI YOUNG, FIFTH STIIEET. The attention of 11:Tell:tuts and others is directed to this s k.ii•?' (01 establialtuent, which has bean recently fitted - "A," up for the par pose of aflorditag a SUBSTAN. TIAL EATING LioIISE IN A CEINTEAL LOCATION C'untry folks attending market ere par ticialerly Invited to tv:l. Everything pertaining , L) EATING v.". 11 la!wAyi be iuriad, of the freshest the market ap29:lyditw Ercelsior Restaurant, .Iw^. 111 V7OOD 5treet,. 4 40 ,4 ' 6 2 - .4.4 1 PITTSDITM I, Pa, IVUOLE3ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LARB AND EAST EI,N FIL,II The, hm just ri.coiv,tlr - :ra iho Ea.itirn mur- Let,selected with gi at care, SMELT, lIALIEUT, LIADDuCE, inEe.it COD Fl6ll, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, New Eai K Prinoeta Bay, Egg laland, Egg B,:rbor, Shell OyeLean. The ilueet eve: brought to this city. Every delicacy of the ceasiin Berved up at the EX.OELB.IUIt RESTAURANT. S. STELNTRUCIi. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, former ly of " Brown's H0t,1," having taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and haying refitted it in magnificent etyle, would respectfully it.vtte his friends and the traveling public to give Lim a call. Assured, with the convenience of the I. , ouse and Lie long experience in the business, kc.,sn n give cnjr, satisfaction, cad his charges moderate. Wref. 0. CONNELLY. SAML. FiIiNESTOCK, No. 1.1 Wood street, Pittsibargh, T_TAS JUST lECEIVED DIRECT FROM AA. ENGLAND -W A LDP..° N Si; GRIFFIN'S anNiril; - g' CORN AND GRAIN RIME, Cop,t; !LOBS ; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; thTEI4L Traps, veto superior Drawer Locks, very onperior Gnr. Enumnelled Bance Pans, Basting Spoene, B r ass o flu di € ,Alci, q, ilrasa Cocks, Brass Stair .Rods, Braces and Bits, Measuring l',3pcs, Superior Waitem, Curry Cunibe, Tetwea, Coil, Fifth, Stretch and Breast Chains, witl• a variety of other all nf which will ho sold at mod. orate term!. apl3 JAMES AIILLINGAIL AIONONGAIIELA MILL, would respeoLfially inform the public that he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the nawest and most ap proved umcilinery, is now prepared to tarnish flooring and Coned beards, scr,...tel sawing and resawing, dome, each and en fitters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box. making, an. co uth Pittsburgh. September 7, 1857. rs , 10 CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH STREETS. All Lusimas coun , z.cted with this (Alice will be attended to with promptness Connivances of all kinds done with legal accuracy—ouch as Leeds, 'Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, ekc. Titles to Real katate examined. To the members of the Bar be tenders his services as Com misloaer take Depositions to is read in the several Courts et this State, and elsewhere. His oT.ce is ono of the main Police Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in executing Lueiness of that kind are very desirable. LfelOily COD FISH,—JO drums extra large and fine, fur sale br WM. 11. small 111211 fk , cot,d, and ;47 Firat streets. LC.E.—iO tierces prime, fur sale by wm, :•:1111TEI CO., in 12.6 118 Sf.ql.on4, and 117 First streets. Lihda. prime N. O. Sugar, just rt,'d cad for eat.: by WM. 13. &MITI] mr26 Second, and 147 Firet street. C OFFEE. -2V3 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by WM. 11 SMITH & CO., nir2ti 118 Second, and 147 First streets. FINE FLOUR.-20 bbls. Fine Flour in etorv, and for sale by McCANDIESE , MEANS & fe2o Corner of Wood and iVator straws T ARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in bai Fels and kegs, Just reetdved and for ERIC by McCANDLESS, MEANS & CO., Corner of Vicod and Water tr, eta ta23 1-•- bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re -,ived and for sale by JAMES A. FETZEIt, _C er Market end First btjeeta. fe2o vrarrela fresh Eggs to arrive this EGGS—t) -1.6 y JAMES A. FETZER, day, .-.nd fur n.. fl o rae!: Linftet and First street_ mrlB ——