Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, May 06, 1858, Image 2

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    ri filli TVP I R ? P! iff
r fl i. 5! 1 51 . , I . L' ' t . Li LP .'A..! .":. A 111 r :' L'j Ei ... @
j P: i; F.
DyEOCB.ATIC 'LIE. 11..22(11=4IION13
F , 8r :YREHE
v 5 , -
A. p G TE R
or Nut.
UP I , AY::'l'.l: (`OU:`:TY
TELE K1.1 1 :7,AS BILL
We publish to•dAy the report of tho coati
jority of the Conference Committee of Con •
grees upon the Kansas bill, together with the
bill itself and Mr. English's explanatory re
marks, which is now a law, having been signed
by the President, Our readers thus have an
opportunity of judging of its character, each
for himself.
1.11fn6 F.V.FEC EST.
P:ttsburgh is the great central iron mart of
the West, and all information that pertains
to the iron interest is peculiarly valuable to
o Pittshrirghers. The western counties of
our own State, tine the eastern ones of OlCo,
compose a district rich in iron product. and
the resorrces of which are daily being devel
oped. A' New Castle, in the county of Law
rence, there are several iron establishments of
the largest description, in which scene of our
manufacturers are interested. Lawrence
county is rib in coal and iron, which readily
reaches a market now by way of the Beaver
Slackwater, and the early completion of the
New Castle and Darlington Railroad, which,
it is then lit, w'll h compktra during t h e
coming sunnier. give the town of New
Caste a railroad con.:rudn:eation with cur
own city and the West over the Pittsburgh,
Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad and is
connections. Ti:e Orizsba, and the Casale)
Works at this point are well known : the Wam
pum Works; about nine miles from New Cas
tle, owned principally in thii city, do , a large
and 11...nrisbing business. A new establish
ment, -nearly complete-3, Ebu,rtl v be put
in operation by Me.isis..l.lines Wt.a k\i.
of this city, who formerly owned the estab
lishment at Eller Hill, near I" ounstown.—
The advantage of having both the coal and
the ore in abundance and of excellent quality
—the fact that it is surrounded by a rich and
prosperous e gricultural country its ready
access both by railroad and wilter to the lakes
and to the Ohio Elver and the city c f Pitts
burgh, hu.ve called the attention of capituli is
to the Kahoning region as one of the List
local'tier, readily cacst•iblo to the Pittsliurgh
market. for making iron. It is already a
great interest, and must greatly iurreaFe
soon as the cuntiliiiplat cl silread connec
tions have been completc,l, which will not be
long, for the interests cf all the cilpitiilists
who have: business cup i - census in this part
of the country, as w , 11 n 9 of the people resi
dent there, is to iirf. , ,k! their speedy complt,
The town of Youngstown, Ohio, about eigh-
teen allies from Os) prirci
pal point, of the !fOll tasines., in he 11 a 0 ,
ning•Valley. 'l'hcre f'„ur bla.Qt FurLace2,
a Rolling mill and several Foundrie3 in the
town, nr.3 first
furnace in the State of Ohio was hult in this
valley by Dan Eaton Esq.. who is still living in
Youngstown. .Al.•out fif ten ye,:.rs ago, two
furnaces to use stone coal, i Briar 11111,) were
built, one at Youngstown, and the other at
Lowell, eight miles bolow. Fur morc have
since been erected, and two roi jug sails, which
have all done a good ba=ineFs and success
fully withstand the recent commercial reval
sions r.: , f the country. The completion of the
Cleveland and Miilioning Railroad to Youngs
town now takes off a portion of the iron pros
duct to the lakes, but its extension to New
Castle abou` eighteen miles, and the comple
tion of the New Caetli, and Darlington Road,
will tend the iron to Pittsburgh and the river,
except that portion of it which is exprestiy
designed for tit t a. the 1'4:1. ,
honing Road has been completed, the ores
used at Youngstown are in 141 e proportion cf
about one third from the lake, the remainder
being from the local coal measures, 'Tie
mixture Ll‘i greatly improved the qi,ality of
the iron.
.iotet,d dur'n tl. .ruing summer too
nur.1.12. n v. 1.1. :llahor.ing \ 2,11,y
for tlic,
,pnrpoeo cf giving, our rnEdera Font
ntatintical ii.farmatitn rclfltivo to tl:c inr,nu-
EvJuring advantage, v It 017:..;.
In nil 1): . .fllICIV. 0 rt tr.r 1W: City appc,e7.3
prosperous. There ha 3 ' , ten no "rush of bus,
iness," but solos keep up fall moodily,
and a larger amount is cold for cash than in
former se:.scnE3. ft,ru, ,, ti arc bringing
their hoar,i-d.doiliJs out of the old stockings,
and spend:ng then?. [ , s thy ire cc this to rell ,
ing their produce et low prices. 113 fact
rendered (vi , h-et I,y the ircri-!lged cinsatity of
old r Lo; n'Edo its r,ppemnrce
within it' leJzt days. ito;u,. , , order the
Hec:.iity of n.: usu‘=.l t.erchases of
took:, eta 1, and finding
lower than they
have drawn upon
A lead-
priccii in tii,2
Eke to scil at, tn.!
the 'noar(l.3
ing b:11 , 1,,: it furd‘ amur.ur t of
"prcralar`o the r,Kale.r
courr. of hue i. rev- fold grea'c-r
than (1:,2o. Al. thle hell
trade. "1
i Frt. - ttry ia•c=r, oj a steady,
sato arid c 11 I the. f'lllll
- ^ 'l7 hey large-ly, hot
t cy arc rarel moderate way all
flier Ill".111±,.
the time. Ptil
Oar r)1 , 1 towT.ri - Aln. J. It. I .folly:‘ti,
(now of Philrdelphia ) jutlvirr.f, fl cm recent
toucirca of his Ent...sterly has los', noth
ing of the spirit and Liithtuir,?.sc th a n, Lave so
long distinguished hti,i as an artist in his
adcptc_i ci'y.
A late product'ori Linn lii3 ease' may now
1:3 ae;.n in 'a riudow, a': the corner
cf Fourth and \V d btrt(As—thc Fortra:t of
tLc I,:e Cal. Jot.ao Itcup, cf this county, who
emigrated from I..uncr.stcr at the cl): -, e of the
last century, and about a year Ego,
in the ci7th yee.r of age.
His twin sis', , l„, died at her residence, in
Lancaster c3unty. ye;:rg ago, i n 1.11,r 95th
year. We have no recol.d of a greater longev
ity of twins, in modern time;i.
His old flequaintAnces of the Lutheran
Church, on the corner of Sixth and Smithfield
street', of which he was an officer and mem , .
'her for half n century, will he gratified by an
examination of the artist's life-like repreeen..
r :a 1 !3zlcitanaa
'l' her e is a rornor that President BuchaLan
contempla',og vipitirg the Frinc• pal cities of
the \Vest, alter t:ongTess bas adjourned. We
hop this may be so. Ilia IVetern friends
will greatly gratified to welcome 11 , m among
F,ut or five ferL.:l..s V;:,•rt , ail ti 31:111 ,
Litt wick, 5t Mculit ctncn, fcr
a German Methodist clergyman. They .
Li:n as he was leaving the church after ar.
fling meeting, and pelted him with stale egg , .
A brtqlier of the church v,iho attempted to shield
the preacher, was knocked town and rvughly
handled. The reason sllegod ,u extenuation we,
that the clergyman had mr.de acme unwarrant
able inuendes in the pulpit against the charac
ter of his assailant.
MAY C), 1858
—Ohio built in churchee, worth
;4(10,00; eight hundred ,choel housee, worth
SlOO,OOO, and twenty county buildings worth
t 4400000.
—The city o St. Paul, Minnesota, has
than thitteen"banks within it 3
--Mrs Julia Dean Bayne has been confirmed
by Bishop Kip of California.
—The Court martial to try the charges against
Gene ral Tvsriggs, has closed at Newport barracks.
The verdict, in accordt.ucu aitb military usuage,
is not published, as it must .irst undergo review
at Washington.
—The old ms.n who couldn't stand it any
lo❑ger, has taken a see.t, and now feels quite
--An old setticr nel.r Bloomington,
has seen the toughest times of any man w
ever lined of. Ile says the Av:utc:r of 1830, wes
remoltable f..,r the scarcity cf inoney ; et)
so, that One man who woe Cl((tf,(lletiCO of tt_e
peace, couldn't ro:oo euoc ugh to ray an
for r7.7earing him in ; so he Etoo,l up bef , me,
10 , king glass and qualified ;I'm •.
—A sailor died recently in TLX.O9., and CU
death-bed ocnfcssed that he w•ls one of the cr,w
who murdered Mrs. Al: , tori, of South Car.:lit 1,
forty years ago. Mrs. AlAtoa was the d
of Aaron Burr. She saile.l from Charli•-ittQn
New York, in a brig, itud on the trip thc
;It.ltinieil and murdered all the c en p
tmc,ers, Mt,. Alston bring the last coo t'
tho Fltsuk Tli * Et br..iLtr rtnat.tiJoere,l
of dei-p_iir, ant died in tho g,ri.atest r..g.)TJs-
Yric 1
postmasters aro not compelled to rocov._ cents
a' in payment for el'hcr prstst_m r
stamps ; nor from any one person at at,} ,ne
lima more 'llan thirty cents in three sort c
retts in their own .11 ore!'
n the disagreeing uoles belt- the S-nct!f
?louse (If bpon (h. bill !/,
admission of Kansas; also,
itEnAnKs OF SION. W 22. GLISIt,
r. Lpf , y e•;11_ , ..y go."
)- . . Z. i
--The Post Office dci i.rtrachit Cie
ItEP(>l',T 'l'lll
On the bill reported by the .T.ALt Commn!! , e
hvered in the 11e4tee
The House being in CJ!..,a.it:ce cf
Chairman : Uu . - erdny 1 eve not—.
k.,‘ Ific.se. that I iut-n l-. 1, at ene o'elr e:.
to make a replit frk..m the committee (f
T;',2renco in relation to the disaerPeing v,tea ,
a the two hou.,' I.ft , n the bil! -
mit•tion of Kansas. T.) enable me to matzo
r2pert, ? move that the committee now rise.
The motion_ ras 2 P.'
tit tae committee rose ; and the hae
Mr. EngliEh
Mr..6pee.k.or : I em inF , tru;:,..ed
toe ur conf..T:mcc., appYaltP- 4 , by the two her
Ili.- 0 the ,li.-3.l.greeing votes cf the two 1.. u,;.-1
c.,.titled "A 1.i!I for (Ile
2.:7:1,-, 1.0 rnqkc.
tc ei rk'e
rci ort wee nnd is as
`I c qi.tnittee of c - nfertnoe t
,he disagreeing votes of the two
th: amen,imtut to the Sour.t.,l.,lii NW 161, on
tizlL i "A bill for the admistica oP tbo St , :t •
1::ovut.o," report Cult they have had the rulject
und , r co•.:.siicrittion, and have given it
o;reful, patient,r.r.d 1.11
or uceive its importr,uce dcuiudz, and
aiz.;._ed 131 - -n on amendment in the naturo rf
fo,bs'ituto for the Houle amcr. , iment to theo;_zi
at? hill.
earnestly n , couitnend tho
th;. ,,, rnentintent by tho two houso9 of C 07. 1 ,; :,
R. M. T. -H-U-NTER,
TLC part of the
'Manage-s cia the plrt or the 11..u4.2.
T;.O. I; T 1 reigned, one of tiie tr.r.ttb.4 ,- rti en I;,e
T at of the Senete, dote not i...f„reb in the f. r..
ul.dersignP,i, th
7.. r of the t.ot :4-,re.; in :he
i;. ! 4 report
'tti.t , rca3, the pecple cf
by a c.:Lvs:i...tis.r. t: . J P.. , .("..1.1.1 6
Lecompton, en the 17th day cf Navel - nbc , r,
cue tbcusand eight hundred and fifty rev._:,, for
IL: it turnrte, form fur them.,elvt:s a oDn-titutir
Star govern meat, which c. , TL.
1 1 ,;ican; and wherr.t.ss, tivi:
s. - ,.‘1 con...cutlet, d: 1 ..:Opt aq ord.:
, oruills.ne- at that
:19 a Stain, will haNc
I'''t to tr'X the r.•
tie United Sta.; :.n1 ' . .`P to rd
,a 1 y the:Cungress if tt.6 Luitcd Suitt
r. i . 7
la-vo been pres , ..t.t ‘.l t the f
United c-'tatia order cf e :17
aimissicn said Territory into the t :1
Ott o^, it Star; 7 r, tit/C:401; EsliA L,hr.r.ccs r ;_'c
not ricesptrdil- t -
to :i-cert,,u :i2t: per p 1..; of K''
..our in the chlovs, 5a . ..1 or Ir.:lnce
aster et. ted, and e the
ni a St.,..Ce as herr-in l r Th , l ,r;
.i?!' it cauct , ./, ,
1,tin,::,01 11 • 1
,• , lu a fuoiiries with the
whatcv,r, but up a idefOOn
er - o. precedents, : thn . , it.e i t ,•
• t . w:th ti!;3
li:u cf tl-e ordirrance framed L n ,
submitted to a vote of iln-2 pe..ple if
r.i.sented to by them or a In ...v.:l[y
voters voting at to ekction ti. to held y
pur1.,.. - e, namely: that the following. pr - 7 n
the Bum , : are hereby, offered ;NC •
nL of Kansas for acceptance or rejemion, s c'.
:t accepted, shall be ofligatcay no tho
S and upon the raid State of Eausat - , t ;
that ,reibris r:umber sixte , n rh;
h; in every CownAip publoir 1. n]s i ;
cr -where either of said secti.nai y
rt thereof has heen E ,. .1 , 1 or oil r;rwisa ;I'
sed of, other 1.h...1, equivalent thereto .1h
i.:41 contiguous P.z may be, shall be griiht
e.l to State for the the use cf ,sch-
That scverity-two :cordons cf land
hr%rt and r,,,,,tre , . 1 fur the support of
ate Univereity, t Seleetcd by the Govc - ii r
of said State, sill jeot to to , approval of
C:mmissr...r.er of the tien , ral Lied Office, an.l to
i;a appropriated sad applied in FOOL manner
the legis'.a.turc t,f State may IN/amino for
epu -pose afare;- Lat fur nu o:licr urcosc
Third, the ten eet . re seLtsn.us of laud, to lo• :--
le,ted by the Govehu ;r of raid, Salto in 1,0-el
rulr.ticl6ione, shall be granted to slid 8.. to .1
thr purpose of tcnipletihg the pribio,
or for too erection of others at the rust f
ernment, under the direction of the legi-1, - h;e
th , -1-cof. Fourth, that salt s.
said State, not exceeding twelve in LW:Mb(
with six sections of land adjoining, or as c
tiguous es may he to each, shall be granted to
said State for its the same to be selected i, j
the Governor thereof, within one ycar after the
admission of said Stole. and, when eJ Belt
to be used or disposed of on such terms,
and regnintic,ns as the legislature noit
direct: Provided, That no volt spring or
the right whereof is nt„w vested in any indiv,,iu-.i
or individuals, or which may hereafter be
firmed or adjudged to any individual or individ
,ls, shell by this article be granted to said Stare.
Fifth, that five per centum of the net proceed
of "ales of all the public lands lying within said
State which shall bo sold by Congress after the
admission of said State into the Union, after
deducting all the expenses incident to the shrue,
shall lac paid to said State for the purpose of
making public roads and internal improvements,
as the legislature _hall direct: Provided, The
foregoing propositions herein offered are on the
condition that said State of Kansas shall never
interfere with the primary disposal of the lands
of the United States, or with any regulations
which Congress may find necessary for securing
he title in said soil to bona fide purchasers
that .• lax Abr.;l
I -.I
81.xt12, aid t:.
cil,ll vt•l 1 . ;4a the blucts cr rrgy of
totes ;bra. e.
tn. I':,. t..
T..e elec , ,,on the voting snail be by bal
and by endorsing on his ballot, as er.ch voter
may please, "proposition accei.ted," or " p
c,iii..:t rejected." Should a majority cf vr.,•es
east be for "proposition accepted," the
Luc. of the United States, as soon fact
n.p..10 'known to Lint, ,Cali aun3eincr.. the
same by i.r , ..e...latnation ; and thereafter, and r.ith
,ut any further proceedings on the pert ef Con
gt err., the aemintnen of the State of Kansas into
T 1 e t . ..; , a ut , n cgeell footing with the original
State -, in :.11 roFpecTs whatover, shall be complete
an t abselute, and said State shall be entitled to
one member in the House of Representatives in
the en ; th, United States until the nest
census be taken by the federal government ; but
should a maj:lity of the votes be for "prop
osition rejected," it shall be deemed and held
that the people of 'Kansas do not desire admili
sion into the Union with said Constitution ut.eicr
the comiitionset forth in the said proFsitie.e,
and in that event the people of said letille:y
are hereby authorized and empowered to form
for themselves a C(.la,littllitln and State rv,:n-
I meet, by the name of the St ..to of Kea -2.a.5,
cording to the federal censtituticn, and may elect
thief ates for that purpose whenever, and not be
it is ascertained by a census duly and'..
1•,:,511y taken that the p,pule.ticu of said Yet rit.ory
I , quals ur exe , .. - di the ratio of representation re
quired for a m:mber of the Heuge of Represt. - ,-
14' yte f t!." t',e United eq'tf:',;
thereafter Enc'n sball
idle ie convent:. , it, they sh.tli first determie:e
wl.:!!!er Tip - wish f the pc -I.'" ( f
Juir..l , tee', into tin: Ut.i.
it: : ;.me : ut .i, if 1,r. - ceed to form 2.
ce,i-t:TIT , Ir , n, and 1:4:- hi - n st, t: , 5 fur
r .v,rurnent in cc lifl,l cc -
to the mode
cr ratification by the
pr. post 1 S , atr.2 as they tray h ,ve
,1 by low, and .‘,11,1.1k he entitled to ftt:
;tit') the Union as a State under tech
v,Hch li!!
r :I ;
I IlZi 111-1: ,- ;' a, Cir rs.:
• ‘. I 7: :hl:3 tleC m fur frl
fr l; ,•if'7ll U:',1101
, f the Territ. ty
L t ti-e ir fLe cf the two t,r,.uGhPs rt .
I.l:l.'‘•:.llr—r.fTneiy, the Fretiti, , nt of the
C. uucll and of the Ilou-ie of
e her ,, by Board. f
P n 1
p (e( 11:iSeE, .?pr i!0,
i D.''
Ir.l 1.-g4ll:y' t: file c
mqy pve-
_51(1 L tt farther en , l(totl, 'b
C , :: nt ClM'y int :fleet the prrviA , _it.
~1 u.t4e ttli the me.Lne r.eciess - a-t•
mid Trip r ' tnci. And tiate.i
. rin•i •nr I ;hal,
I .
1,1 tc, ii.signate r
tc. ti
•; C 11. 1 ,2 his to be opcnc , l ct
it rt—iy oven] proper in the respec
cuu fl,rl n precincts of Ea . ' 1 'Per
t j , i , Trzes of election, rcch
vei f v.thr(f)
ei.y two of whom shs..:l
.iiit•et,nt to a,; r' quire the sherilYs rt
c y themselves or depulie-,
juiges at each of the irlq.ey , et
cotir t r the purpoee cf preserving peace awl
cr. ; tt•^ said board may, instead of
IA their appoint at their
n, • in ;•reii instances as they moy
. c per,.ous for the same purose.
I:Le e 1"1 authorized shall con:Acne
day nd LI not be continued l:rter
on that day. The said b..‘rd
^ohl - L . :. holding said election,
I announce the Fn -
'ld the day shall be as early
Pith due notice there .f t
Tc:ritrry, subject to the pro
act. 1",:e raid board shall hay: ,
r t pteLctibe CI, time, manlier, and
1 rod to direct the time
• .1 • t - - f the ,fd - ras thereof, which roturrz
ti taid ivhcee duty it
illqr.t.it.cz r.,:ult hyproclamatien,
sh:.ll c rtily the sawe to
P: t!,e United States -,;yithout
z-z t.,• .1: d I,P it )umber egacted, That
rcti L rir.cd, all wi-ite
• rl'err.tnry over the ago of twel ty
; i.,..):.sers the qualifications
I , y t'.e laws of said Tcrritcry, fer
• ;. I,st general elect ct for the
her is te:.;torl , ll legislature, and nor.e
u, F:11-1: I . I eva , •il to v t , ,‘; and this snail
• o• ly r.quired to entitle the
v r r-u'irage in sail alecti,ns.
r na se quAlifi?..d shall v,te or
: v ; r )1 ...fly perecn ehsli vote more
. ;..t • eV- elec ion, or shall mace
m any fr.ise, fictitious or f.au.lu
cr , 11,11 alter or change any re
tu...l:z c,' ,4 eitTii ,, o, such porsen shall, upon
.• th beft re any court of e_i_gii - tht
jurisdietirn, he kept at hard labor not 1er,.1 then
d tut more than throe years.
I. Ai.d he it farther enacted, That the
i• to, i..fonsaiki board of COMMIbSi on-
,p e oitited by them to carry
tr • I f this act, bhall,
th.,:r t4ks an oath to
rt ,11.1 , !!:t1,75 cf tbz , ir rer.r'2ctive
ftc.ltire. ther:;cf, they E•h• - ..11 1„?
rattle chary!':
••• • 7 . . Ct i iL U 'lke: Ca.?CS thi2
SEC • ..1:.. 1 ,5e fqrthrr cnarded,
.ffic in tile preceding section
rnc ive t:.:1 - : s rvic:::3 the sau:.B c,nnponentiv,
R , is giv, u Eervicce under the territca:A
Mr Speaker, in view of the
tai pub!;..: I,u,iness at this ativaneed
ad bf the fact that this
,tre k•' y mcre, thcroughly
.2, die-
Inver Cut
, t nuking any exteLlt. 1
t. it I •, , r. trathorizsd by a ronj?rity ct
ou the put of the
me of th;; views which tb y
thn pending quctoi.tu,
, it: t.„ Lay.. 2 intlueueed their action.
t.,tn.t the du , leß intrusted to them by
v impt-n.;.ed with the heavy re-
Mr. 12,-,-21-4-
t t 11;t.
h .
rt up•_•11 them.
•••—i tho• grstitce: f L
a.-. - att - ti and ct - grcs, the
Last f •ur yens—has at :ast
• •IA its tiroblide BOILItiO , I is
to the deeislau of the repre_eu•
:-:tates and the people.
tirg to what they believe to be
the committee endeavored
• ti.t which would endanger the pas
t4i :at measure, and probably hazard
ti.e country, for the sake of an un•
cr unmeaning word.
A : vr
L.: . I
rutnt proposed as a substitute is Le
t:)..n c -, tnrilittec could agree up n
t., t' eircurdsianci,a6 bur-
lii ,t it 'proposes the admission ur the
tnditi thi, respect it eiot's
I. fr. :'...'1.1)er the bill or liout-e
il,ch r.t these measures propott
•.1.:•.z.s in their cliaraci
dot: it ddf.i iron t veral
such a.- td'.,ee of Mich
.l if the pr pri..tv, if
a c,-niiticn in tLc cit e if KtC.,
f th , t ppculiar nature of the ;LT ,
folly exemplified in the Sc
makes no provi. a the
I , y Inc people ef Kansas of the I.2r:tit:
therein e er.l'ed. What might dtz the eff.:Lt ef
this not altogether clear. The crJi
ly the convention at Lecotnptc.a,
en i r., i t..i!itt the Constitution, asserts that
uto St its c...S.lnsas will possess the undooltt2tl
i'srh lands for the support of he
Stato . r toverataetd, cr for other proper and lc&iti
tr.ate purposes connected with her existence as o
State And this asserted right she prop..sett,
burrender, iu cunsid^ratite :hat
of the United States will dcr
t_llorfing grant., viz
hot sections numbered 8, 16, 24, and 36,
cry rew: - ...hip in the State, or in case oithtr of
cLcred SCC'',"IIS. are or shall be ota,rwi,o
„r, tit t •tler innth., equal thereto in rains
• ur as t., ay he, shall bo granted to the
1,111 , 2,1 ex:iu,cly to the support c 7 coop.
salt springs, and gold,
•t i.ri mince,,b.i.:c;hcr with
, dry for their full occupation and use,
E"ii t state for tho 1120 and ben•fit
ilia setae shall ho used or dis
-12:1.1-A acd conditions and regn•
tea 1c.r , !,.1-itu ra of said State shalt direct.
flee ecn!unc of the proceeds of
the • ~ut lands or held in trust 07
oiler 5 g
said StICC, whether geld
bef rs cr a ttradinb.slon the State into the
Stele the t nion, al.er deducting all expenses
ci iental ro the. same, shall be paid to the State of
K••:,.a• f r the puricc , : tcllowing, to wit: two.fifthc
to La ur, I it:l:et- tbe direction of tho legislature
of tan to otu f : tt.e. purl , se aiding the construc
tion el ra:.r said State, the residua
fcr tiC ::app r c Ichi. o l s ,
That every se:en:y-two r r .
entire t....wni.hips, chz.ll dt,..igtiated by tbe Pre i
den; of the United Stdte., , , which shall he reserved
for the use of a sernirary , f learning, and appropri
ated by the legislature r f raid State solely to •h e
use of said seminary.
ttf ,•.,
p ,c -
line cf
;Gino im.at on tbe b:11-:.1.1-ty C.
1. adir -nutl,erly throu,;:: id btrlte i;Le
C I the Gulf of Mexico, and on bie, of a ,ioe of
railroad to be located and established from some Ml\ k4g.ESSEO.f f irlia PROCL.EDIACISe
point or, the Missouri river westwardly tbrourh rail
State in the direction of the Pacific ocean, shall be
tecorced and c - ,nrcyc S: '.e if I en=se fLr
the purposo of uida.,t i the cLn•trc.cti..n re.id
ruilrod, and it shah', I.e the duty cf the Congress Lt
1 - United EtateF, in conjunction with the prc;-.r
authorities cf this Stitn,to adort immediate 11-0".
Iln2P for carr:ing the sever e 1 provisions herein c n
taicod into full effect.
Tho morning hoar Was U3eUis.Os s i ~D ptivato hills
The proposition made to Congress by this er,li
mince is of the Ills:st extraordinary character and relating to California.
wholly inadmiesable. A carefully-prepare 1 esti• A joint rez!olatior, of which Gov. Seward way an. I
tiler, giv.ng, three y,tars full p.iy of her deceased ,
mate made at the General Land Office at Um re- husband to the svidew :.f ,2,pt. Herndon, was taken i I
quest of the committee shows that Kansas would '
n ant F'idell opposed it. Mr.
receive an aggregate of lands under her o - di- r ,'N . .lestr.3. Icel. ,
D.njaalin said - a
ra a r r m i tribute l, ' d to tug calm courage
11"nce of 23,3:11,160, worth at milllrmem govsrrt
mer_t pries F529,-11)0,200, an: this is exelusiv.:• of of Capt. Herndon,
s o . d that it would ,
to a preccdent f , r Au.sr . l '' - r :l e n ( „ t t1 f ,,,, ( ;. ;
other hew - fits cl .ims'i, Pllri of 711'.1t. Sh 2 might
real ve. for Ices cvntaining minc..s of the u,cful Mr. Seward Paid that Mrs. Herndon had brought
at fs - CC.,.:.'::: met _l'. except cool handy. The this matter to hi.: kilt wledgis., who br - urlit it before
too Senate. and be WV? !"..flurs_ - ...:ed hy tto incident
tha - thc
nru e 11 . , lsment mgr....: 1 fo by the umnsittee proposes
that the last basin Gt . 1L..,• f r :sll: , :t oiliercar was
to give c,r the c-ual grunt , wLich have been
out by a rescued Tn. , : sr gCr his ws!ch to his wife,
right t.. - : rn , .::' c! the new '.ate_ an .1 Ivhich ern- '
1 , :a.L . .1. precisely t',e -ime quantiti- pre , es'- , to he ' that Lelng . 1 .". e ' t ''' te he icir l '" - *
ti ,r. oy ti.c. CemdLmicu "menOnient. ULder this Th°
r'''aca b 7
a v I ' ' ' f ' . :" nval ' 6 '
- • the fAlowin- S viz: Messrs.C' v C-- duffer, '-
arnerislutent Kano a. . - ,lli r,c LCO acme 20,000,- Ivere n, J!l_ ,b ns!, , n of Tennessee,.' E . 'i ' ,•_, r ' -sni'id
Off) carve of laud ltss than sill w-.uld receive To ,Ith , . i'he 0 ''''' ------
ro \tiers ...,. a'osatc.:s.
yen erdirdince, making a deferc . ...,
the bil...ted Slott g Cho
cricte—, f ;t Uuo 0110
inn en, mtment rizrecd upon may not be per- ,
•.h'at :i t:1i" fill it is fair to presume that all ' H - 17E (LP REPRFSENTATIVE=.
5V,01,1:.• n^nt2. , .y expedients for reclean- Mr. Clinaman, from the Committee on Foreign
i n wt.' h xlmuoted, and that the question tap' rted a t ill for the satisfaction of the
v. Il• • ' "to tottotiher excite sectional Pro• bring arepy of the one vetoed
ed. tad Lii. c iet 11. c. peace and prcsr orit7 1 y Prodde - lt Ittoto :. fie 3,1 . 1 he hadtbeen •ristruct-
L t to a,k . . f. r a p. dponerurot tie subject until the
rite is passed, t 11,2 Reneas quete- 19 ' 11 Cf :Ci:r.,e•
- c from tha :Is C ::firs t" On m , tion of ~-1 •--n-'
sot j,_et po,tpot.el or til the tic
.1. ever to retails : boat oven if it riot uld
;• 11 La at mitt itlturn period and de- I. ' - t r Y 11). a 11f GI; 1 : 1 ' 11
I Itte II use on the subject
of ; , ,st e v.l. =hip of
of tiro report hs , :teide e..tortiay, eencerr.ing the
.v ood i valtero., an glided ciloure tl,o. tad taainLotoilig that his
ie:a r , I opt n sea witere there is rousten sr:cot was without the with. rite of law, as we can
: .beta ti, will de no t'ontic.n: I storm f..r many riot introduce the.l.l 1,, 1* jori , Letion. The
vraY.' r, 7he committre C9.1:11 , 3t see 1.1_1:.,t n:t. of I', tr P. e: Lr. w'; calculated
t ht I d ,1.1 1, , utheredett von beneficial to t ..t e Ltiitt net Aencrirsn iaterstr's. Ile
, • ,
I t. IHT entirely hot.: ,11z 1 ' ( : stite-(1 oft IItItTIN,• ri Nicer
-1 It ;h... lost int:re - -to l't ttm 1 .1 f (111,1
1 ., ,.•+et ~1 1 1 0 •:, v meal it: newer of the Unite li-ates
th. ) t st.ve, a- hire rato htoto b e csalneit . .
.Ca't'lrla to t'e 'di "e . hieb
,:r ,71.1 :1211.14L: , ,1. IL is stated that a
i.s tiosiradia restlP , tore Cc.r.
c'iL; amy ~f N 2 ,7 1 bras the solo privilege to
r; ..7s, hoe issued a r.r,cle•
'lin t .. be '-'dlititett• "del theocrsor.s shall travel in no other
Ict the eteonntlitee, ta,Liolt fear . lies. Ceul 1 any coo': restriction be placed on Amer.
•'l,O be unit f. idan Ard werel cy I- Eubm.t to tde enor
-lat a-yr: . throatiLl::g cint,..l-t mous 1220 n g,:atated by tO3 vernromot of P.
:ear , 2 11,r dentin:. muntry conta . ning not more than half a of
rare that the agitation v• etaid I negroes art Imitans'
sr speoking cf the no.: fuLiitnent ef ti.e
.t 2 UV:4 renlirt ant `rimPX('.l , .ti.e
, tea-Luiwer treaty . , de said host mode at getting.
t it ilia North from the Sonth,
, rid the atter:dent ti if n•:0 was to abro,fate
t what would lie the fin..
e have been ougagtd years ncg: tinting
Idl ' "id he fo litr fcit ' e with Greet Pw.tetn, and as.Vl , ut)talrlCe, nothing from
-trtt tl:ri' .t-t t ll - r. ' 2. %Y .- tr.'' , Phral:t her. At t.,. wh , cdair.,• C - Ltral America, Groat
duct the void,- of Fiv3to Britain or the azo.:, he argued we 1,5‘0 the
rudto the U:Li - n, and cntlauger its boal
I: dro d rt I,:orful r - Ile als.. cet.lrnmed the Credo of Groat Britain in
f : ,11 the end Ftanre in Africans, as of enormous
110:9 from this Union of t h e e e I cruelty. We hove now on 11.13 c art of Africa a squa
, drat in conarcalLn with Great Britain for the sup
• rressit nof the el ova trade, yet Great Britain is trans
porting racr.= to her islands nailer the pretence
of the!: holn„:7, lob:rens. Was not this mockery? We
rui,t,lll et Butt I rottst against this system, if we were
not rroto.re Ito step this traffic. De was mortified
At the fact that American ciParths in San Domir.go
arc actually ; r0.c,0 e I by the Bri,ish Consul. It was
ddlicult fir. the Secret ry - of the Navy to get a ship
to send thither. IL was be , ' enough to submit to the
idatilts of white potpie, and w - or:e to those of free
negroes. Ile hoped that the example set at Grey
town would be fotlov dd in this care. and a ref.= in
Cars:et respects be made. But the Administration had
not :rot had an opportunity to show its hand on for,
(do, policy ; but from the antecedents of the Presi
dont and Secretary of State, we have a right to ex
pect better things. Ito queted and approved the
sentiments uttered by the President in the Ostend
Mr. tliddings is tether he underseood Mr.
Cl nzman to advocate the annexation of Cuba.
Mr. C.inant..n replied Ma , the ho would be very
g;hl to see Cuba annexed to this country on any fair
terms. Four yaws ago we Ltd g. oil around, and
ought have taken it after the Black Warrior affair.
Its ncrlcatati. n would put on end to the Coolie mid
u_,,i,r '
i -
1 • ,
s 4. •uiti 1
1 , :r` 44 ,
VzrY 7'`
'0 3;11L7
Lc,e - '
,n 3 v, ; ri•viy er.braced, may exert a
their d'Etiny for agcs to '
c• - rie ; h t :f nrp-lc-cted t . .ere can be no rrcovz.ty
from the ry I fIeJL, - :.; which way fulkw.
Snob. iS row I r•:CC:ltca to t`
Lf the, c• mtntltee, on .1
havlpg di-_I Elltr ! their duty to thc tof tbe r
r tttrr cohlik,C,er,s, they leave
other. to t 1.1 , :t2v,i , e for the...:,,,c1ve9.
(:eorli Nevi's for the ;3cyg
For the lest year o- two, there has been a
deficiency in the supply of Chinese fire crack
ers, owing to the rebellion in China. The
consequence has been a great advance in the
price of those indispensible articles for the
Fourth cf July. But this year there is likely
to be an abundance which will bring the price
down. From July 1130857, to Febuary 20th
1E", there were shipped from Liong-Kong to
the United sates, 140,201 boxes of fire crack
ers, pgainst 42,9 - .6 in the previous year, end
- )20 ores in the year before that.
Arrest of 11 , e Officers of the Ocean Spray
Captain Marsh, in command of the steamer
Ocean Spray at the titan that vessel was de
stroyed by fire, the second engineer, and the
mate of that vessel, are now under arrest at St.
Louis, on charge of manslaughter. On the
complaint of the U. S. Marshal for M'SSOUri a
warrant was issued, and all three of these
officers arrested.
A Picrunn Tnua TO NEkTULtE —Tho follovring
descriptiLn of a "grad ":n
" is H. true to nature, that re cannot re
frain from islv . :r7, it a place incur celumt Who
n,,t a en rt,,,uy a similar r-mr,lng, or rather
? Vre clip it from the
Pt. 11.3 Ipl.ir Errn;rg Jcurral:
" cc, nt rieltics ( f gii1;11:1 tire wcndel ful.
w indiridnAl who affc‘rded a
l:v n, lie was
f,r ti,c u-3e the - o - cr.ilq of
c oral y, was ca a grand sublime
f Tho. MRizo
to enjoy lim,:clf. Ever and anon, over his 11-
hea 1, did 1,3 flourish a bag of golf,
a small I , oz, and ften ho rokE•d everybody up to
di ;Lk, which cv(,rybody.lid, and fell back to alb , i4 -
CVjl)b , . , .ly else to come up and do likewiE.e.
E7clohody invited their friends. and Thomas
wl,rlpl tLa ',lab: beg of g a.id
tin," and paid the expense in the
Ito , t CR crful mann , r. Every voice proclaimed
hire a g ft an ,I ro of scarce he was, for
at 10 p. wo m viler an I maulti
orntly hlms-lf uliceibm , .cu.siy about
6;1,1, sal and we arc perfectly
,f L Lad a be.2n very g;od f5l
- 1 o e t 'CIO:,
N'f'e at 11 dci b: P. and body
sr d; 1:( an , l given him an old in.ir
Cdr tde cf two.-e- 4
- f - Ha v...dt , :r h eedvt , ;., At
ty: 'odd 131 E on a .ul,inpn.irunk.
1:v, ry i-,4 was pv , -.:nt, rv• Ty
hotly (.1-o. nro! a nurn',,, , r of invi:ed true,: -3. 11 .
fi.,uti:ht:d his hug—n.,w c n
tdderal iv reduced—and ev:lty n w d then the
wd cr. rd walk: dup and to , 1, .•ugar their'
1 11:1 tl.n
Lc.,! n kinky l at
i- ,:cl—
rrrnp. a• r.
pied t.•
THE —Prcrf r I of
112,ive.v.,1 v( read, y, s V.:
I'lr :h. f,r !be Ai
co, 1.1 1 7,c1... the boGrufram7,
A , Etr .1 as r , fron, t! - .;rty fcr:: inch —1
in 1 h, three tr.C.S.C - 3 in
h, f;orra the hn.ndlt• to the
, :t.l E,111! eL I)ling
c,ke. 11 n
Ile al cl i-r:i>oti
;, • ,
giving it !I:t . I.111111 'lt I d,r,..:2tion vhir:h
t 0; tir7 t. 1, on u2airl; or 1.1,• c
any (ilrcci,cL, Et-a;g1::: or c} 1 . in^,
I, qn:,:.• trey or a a: .1
•.3, '
IL .:7 .1 , Eur,i arc \
awk :rd it ; h.ry t -, Lis
I! 7s:l - 21:J1v
1: 'will inr, it hT., k
htltivc, traihe
l; u. - , hurl it t7iCN
5.: , 1 LC,
it i't
b a E :It.t: t
up!.. a
..I AV::
)11 rtZ!L ELIF:ai) I, V.:"
.11). ,
c.rasirn t , r.La r.p7n
IlenCii:.th.r.: and 1.),,,Id112:!,
M. J. cf Einpinz , ha:L, acqs
" I .-ve .-"nd is 11, ri , ace's Holla:,d Macre a
remedy f. r 11 , Rdtche ht.d D:td.ity. wife has
also usLd wiji the gravest b.c.aefit.'
Mr. A. S. N:ehoisou, of Pla.sl - .trAlt, also ran_trlts
that :o much chef cram ite 116..• IJr
Be= 1.1,1 e.
TO:.e bp:l t,a
mc!al2. Eat
told, ycu flud tL rt7./elif
for Sick ea,.' Itca,Lehe, 14ec4ae=a cf y
Bc.nr, ly
is c ice, it may b© t.tken witt.r,ut ti °
P ft ,e aromatic flavor, it is very
gratoful to the clebili;at,.l etetzacl.
Crt:ti,m.r—Be c3reNl to ttr'-: for
Bitf•-vs, P.N. et fp - I. per I:ettle, or H.:. 12 , _ttles f,r $5,
the soli: Proprietora, Benjamin Pagf;, .Ir., A Cc..
No. 27 Wood st-:eet, bet7r.'ca Firot Se - rend st:e: t:.,
.I%d Dru,7z , ts re ersl'y.
n ES.-10 Mats fresh Arabian, just re-
Lud fur hale by
No. r. 9 Wood !Arc. t,
Opnotaito St. Charks H. te-!.
-—— -
PUTTER .-3 bbls fresh Roll Butter
jti , t r c. iced and fur sale, by
B 1 t Curer Ilarket andFirbt stmts.
nor Fir IP TT
h 011 :f A . i , i „.( hV , : i„ ! •
b !I IY . i 2.1
:-eta: ' , r,
t or
,;)., iu tho prczro ur
-1-, a a
tcrril:?e itfrct. 11
t - • E
fnc 71;(
a i!.
Cu (f 1c
SE'S'7 , l , )
The li , thiag Li;: talit2n up,
Mr. 'Jan.:in, bLing Rill F]igh , ly the
r:iltion was p , Etv.ned until to marrow, and Mr.
11.:ntcr called up the Appropriation bill.
African trade.
Yr. DaviF, of Y.ary:nri.l, irquired o:ether the
resclution repotted from the C(Anttiltico on Foreign
Agairs propoecd the Lbrogaticn cf the Clayton-
Buiwor treaty try prociarus.tica cr through negocia
The Minns:tot:l bill was t,. en up. Mr. Davis, of
Maryland, and Mr. Ar.derson opposed the bill on the
ground of its permitting alien suffrage.
"tr. Reagan maintained toat there was no power
in C..)ngren.s to say who shall ho elected in the State.
The consideration of the bill was postponed till
The Tiou:e thcri wont into Ccumaittee on the legis
lative, judicial and executive appropriation bi I. The
proceedings In Committee were dull, end finally the
Committee roro and rep rted the bill to the Ilcuta,
which then adjourned.
Frcm New York.
NEW Yortx, Mae 4.—The Washington correspon
dent of the 1 lines says an open rupture took place
to-d:y between the Presidehr and Senator Pugh,
concerning the Marsbalship f.r the Northern District
cf . Ohio, (-tier Ohio appointmer.ts. The Presi
dent used very :even language, and Mr. Pugh left
it. i..isKt.st, voty angry.
Ma:Let7 bps becti r.Fpc nted Marshal fir
the Northern District of Oaio, in lace of Jabez
' IIIC Sch:it. - irs were in erirneit relative
to the legislative blAir_Uf. They agreed to give tho
Oenticril Art rr ri•tich a pi-iteriinetr over others,
and to meet, her:miter, un and after Munday near, at
11 c'eli.ch A. M.
The :team-hip Cabawba has arrived, with Havana
dates to the tlOih uit. Lora o,way, the British
itcr to Mexico, had a:ri•.ed at Barana in the steam
shin Dee, from St Thomas, and immediately pro
ceeded to Ve:a Cruz. Santa Anna remains at St.
Thomas. The r maiket at Havana conlinced
Munic Ipal Election in Philadelphia
PEIILADELPIIIA, May s.—The entire People's tiAtt
is tic7tc... l .--thelNlayor by 431;0 of a majority, and the
th.or candidates rat ging ircida 2500 to 3500. The
Select C ,, aneil have one of a Den - iarativ majar.ty ;
the Oppositir.n ❑ tinibus is :be Cort_tac.n CouLeil will
be tw.)
L`ryartrr^ of he Catincla.
LOSTC,N, :day 5. R pal mail steainship Cnn
ada, Capt. bp:in . ..on, Liverpool at noon,
wi'h 140 pa5,c14 , , , ...r5. Sch had no ercie list.
72-1,1:AL1,7. c,l<l.:ate.
I'lll3 Dr. :,. I.ua,'a Vl'l r by. lit 1;109, of
ttsl.r:(7ll, 1 it it r• °Hy -
supply of it. A t tai.
fr. tr,utly f3tal tiILIJI.Ig children, p;.r(-tf:a
I o ‘,,,c!.1111; vr: I ,n ..f
di+ups !ng hymp'om.t , A1)',11 W.l'll as th,ir pro.9.cr.co, et
01; t• oils tid? .'.r..1 moey V;,.• nre
t tY IA a tatty t ttqlittts I t
i.lt d np,,tt a
c:.:3 12, r
1. 5 5 0,1, VkA{l.ll
el4if. .11Z . r It i 1 • - t
'T V ;-• "sy ".`
P":1,1 , 13, - ; 0 1, Pa AP otL r Verintfusnn In corn
an; Dr. n'f.:z.t..'s 4oLuid.•
cnl•:h:rt I.• : !r: esu tarp., bc. 11:1, 1 at all in
H ecr,:a
-{''' 1W
LCA 1: :.I' Si (.T I 0 _N
:“ t'.
111A7.11:1: A: Cr),
r.,, ,1-, 1: tin •-,:r
1: 1:11 . .811.j.2 N E—
• t. 011. coutAinirg cleht
, r :Al,l w it. gal! 1u eviry
•. ' • ' : 1 none cu th,
Lac. i.u:t
cf i e Preirte rind 1, t•-•i
, th-ri c; ,. ,
nue! t lotcf f c !ands ev.r :
t. , ly t e , o f
,1„i. 1 o.a . : i,ormatien of value t,
etni ant.t and c tt..4loqUe3 giving It catich, d. i,ci:ption a:ii
price of the land, with a Lyieldeuni ipt:. u o: It, counties u
which thus aro located, can La it' d oa application et
othce, and they t ft - te by mail to perious e
a.: , !rt r 3. WILLIAM FBILIEIt L
I.•y:f:if Biubling, No. 67 Fourth etret t.
SALE, u dwell..c. hat:to urd lbt of gronnd 66 feet
11,,nt Oil ) cemorb tt:et.t. tit. Waeltinoun, by 165 feet de. p.
e cc ut...b- 4 rt., ms, portico in front, venitiau
tete, ti.3tetu rIItI run.p, coal house, Au , Lite fruit and ehade
treet.l.l.rubbery, etc.. pailc-d fence. .1 . inall family deeir
cus rf living in tle pore ai: of the country, and yet be cc:a
rt:Tient to toe c ty, "ill find the a',_‘e to be just the right
for price and tk-rmt aptly t
rr.56 F. CUTIIIIIItT SOl:. 51 Si:IT - Let ,t.r..rt
TWO BUILDING LOTS Cu:tit:A e treur.,
ward, tr.b.li 24 feet Lunt bt P 1 they to en all4y
r tale ty S. CUTHBERT A EON,
c.!.6 51 Market
pItINTER6' CARDS—Of all sizes, colors
and qualities, f,:r a la by W. S. 11AVEN,
Jub Printer and Stationer,
Corner Market and Second strtek,
7)P Tre
ia A ."
The ma1,.,,4err. , criga;ement, f,r :A X
NIGHTS, w Hi the fa•-' - hrm
From the School s trett Opera L,rice, Boston.
Giving spler. , Ll F gi7 t :. the Lest Dam.i . cg,and morn fun than
Over before ht rt tepany.
DICB :-L112:11, the Fold , and Jig Dancer.
LON p ,, r.n!er Anther, 1 , . ; i.,t 11 , c1 C7orn.dian.
BILLY Mullin?, Teulhorini.st, oLd tinown in
Pit.W..urgh as "The M;,elting Bird"
CHAS MORRIS, the popular ,Ipt and C.:..nre.i.rn.
JOHNN 1 . PELL, the Great Brie
J. 0. TROWBRIDGE, the Wonderfel Ilagro.
W. R. BROCKW A Y, the sr lendid V • a:.d.
E. W. PRESCOTT, tl.e Blihrdibt.
All the above, with the renno-ned DICK
SLITER, were f‘Anittiy xt buildt o 0r,;w,, : ,*,
Troupe it Bostod.
'MASTER RENTZ only 1:3 years ...1.1, the most wonderful
• tenor in :he world.
LITTLE TOMMY, only 11 y,ars old, the I, :valent
Player, Dancer and Ct - :tat:;!kn
Nifty 10th. 11th and 12th, the above great comp:v...3*
pear and give their e:atte and inhnitable
The perf , rrnaii.ce veil he vatic. I eeeh evening, fe.r dotal;,
which see the Proorainnl.n c , l th , Jay. Arnorg othor the .,
thingi evil: lo given 110. •oliowing i—
op:min,T Ch,,ro3 By the Com: any.
Fancy Dante by Dick Slifer.
i , ‘,Vlllie, We have i•iiired Yen." ..... ...By Mater 11, Di/
"T, ',, I
gel \t iaJ:.". 'qy E. W. Fre.ec:tt,
Ace, rn. pani , ti I y tic " Inviiihhi Chorul )
The very bet Polk,. By Pell and Slitnir.
Champ!,..n Jig By Pit's :liter.
The Anvil Cherua By the Cow 7,anc.
Li,,ten t., the - . l i ,,, :liiin.t. B.ed” By Billy Merril.
u F 1 ye Mil-., eat a 'l,, 1 - By 1..(0 Morel'.
hioirit Itapp'n-s By Johnny , 'oll.
"Good OM F:h.r , 1 , ''.................... tic J C. Trowbri4e.
T i 1 litili.l..Et_QUE CI BCUS '
i Intr. dn,:nt: Litt!, T , ininy, llorr,:i Brother .J.J.: 11 .7 ri'l
I nod ail t'n. :- , ti,lr. 8,,,,h,,,-s.
The wh'ilc. a C'a:AU aid rinituitig ,Et,r i t•
suited to every Cast,.
4:er- T:elci , :e can lie obtained and seats Pen urril any Ilinn
tin• %ay P.: 01 , &x Olfi , r. DWI'S CV ,tt 7!4 ; 1'r
f..471113` ^e will CC 4 / 1 111 , 11:11 st S ci l rl..ck
'Para ri WA' pa - d by lb. , 111 , 1.11:.Cmir..t
Er tho •' ictecticii ao l culirirtli - in of any pemin cayfibt
ITT dim 0 • r rnu l ila , nip' the h,f,il Bills i.f
this Theatre—fir anth cffani_ca aro punishable by fine and
TJ BENT—TIic Si lorins of the'ih afro.
r the
Nl , aiday Jun-
rertninery. krti TutaceD aini
In4truinEnt3, ac, all other arti,l n unual
ly kept in a r tail Drug St ,re.
Put , oual attPnticut giv , u to colt pcunt!i - ag l'ru,riptiona
at all la u:s u 1 the day or night. ur,fi
Corner I.)lamonfl Alley 6r, Decatur Strert,
Carria,4e:4 Ftote 1. and bo ug ht on coal
1111S°i0171. huL , aiT ptly. Phrclulacre freer the
couutry Will find a la-ce ay.:o :.scut of
Which will 11,atir.i :L. in, both a to quality and pi toe.
1 1 .1=21/111!!IMIEI
p . 0
:!v.ligLa:vre -f
P. I - 4
.2VP.S., A.actia
treet, ei;n
-_ c...ru I,
• tcnue.
k 7.11.11 a CO,
. 1,7 le , :rth strea
I k iEVV Lii:WEßTlSi_i],lllZ7ir6Q
• r z' C.'
_ _ .
. z5.131: - : A.:lt. YINLGUIE3
D. MixNas, .REZ., DR. D.,
No.at• tl 11,1 o se ,
INT (:), CI 0 ,
Between the Diamond 0;;d Liberty Strut,
I'c )IZ,
11 kith is now Ready and for Sale Everywhere
This is by far the mat absorbing and thril
in, Tale Life .t moue; the indisrls ever publisce 1. The
ilea: t rending Trials, cuff,: loge and Privations cf the love
ly her, iLe, v. ill ettot the Ey Ettioltl ios of every reader.
1. he pvi and di•tiuouisLi ,1 : his
ta'dt in a odisti Hy :Lanni r. Iu ILI9 class of 'I . :Lk:3 It is uni•
vernally adaillt.'d that ho has nu ...cud at the ig—out day.
In spealing el the new Tale, iho Ledger sayn: "It is a nor•
relive of wild and poi lions adventure mon:, the savages of
our Orator n I order, and is lull of stirring incidtat , ,, inters-
sided by poetic fire and mellowed Ly eutduing pathos. At
the outer t it taken F.cld tf tie heart with a vigorous grasp,
and leads the imagination captive"
The LEDGEIt. is Icr a IltiliSDAY MORNING'
at. all the paicdical Etorce, and by all newspaper carriera
and newt , boyB in ill° United Staten.
zszaa, AGENTB,
uly flaw
ER AND REAPER, Manufactrized by
The NT oliderful succers of the lklartriir Machine, both in
this country and In Europe, is well known. The bast recom•
mends from thousands of tamers who have med it. shows
that its popularity is doterv.:d and pornanneht. For the
harvest of 189 S. I have camie such improvements in the
Machine as to adapt it more perfectly to the wants of the
farmers of Western Fonneylvao:a. These improvements
were thoroughly tested by sample machines used during
the last harvest. Norm but the Loot sclected materials has
been need is the count-oak:I of the machines for the cos,
ing harvest, and every care has bees tukeu t, render the
worlimFliship superior, making this the MOST D CRA 111.3 AND
LAAAT en PENSIVE i4ACEINI: TO P mfmr., as well as the
meet irrf,ct for either wing or Peapisg, now in use.
Machines trod a toil sal ply of eltrus, will le. kept at 97
First street, Pit.sburgh. A. PATCTLEN.
Oflice and Ware Py:ni, 97 First street, Pittss:urgin
C. G. Turner, Unluntown. ra;itte cor.uty, Pa
J1111.1b2 E Stickel, Peryop.)lis, Fuyate ccuLt
Aaron Bransun,
hvac Franks, New Genera,
A arou Brawny, Lunnings - vill, Waslaington county, Pa„
Willi4th McCabe. Paris,
James Cotton. Washington,
Jordon k Brotheie, alt. Pleasant, Vireetutor,laad Co ,
A. W. A. J. Turner, Grurno. urt , ,
J F. E the - , Carmichael, 0 re, nu county, Pa.
W. N. Simpunu, Croce Cut, La.ori•nre llrty . , Pa,
,j,,, E a loi Br thin, Nevi Brighton, 1.1. - ai.er couLty, Pa
J. M. 71c.:d,rt acm, t . .!..cuorn,t, con.hty, 1.11.
erphante Court Sale.
SERVE—At P. M. DA Vie new Gummerchtl Acal F:
tate S[ lee Itc,ro?. :lecor 1 et.,ry. No. :" , 1 Fifth etrt et, Pitt
burgh, on TUESDAY, the 11th day of May next. at 7!
By vir !no of a:1 ordt.q. of tb,Or r bar,' Conrt of Allogh.aly
c.,u,,ty, I kill exp ,ao the time and
above .hated. 1111 alit r e .,! the Into
All ti a e fiver tiUguoal rt r ct V b 7: ben-.r ,i au I lt,:,
vie of ;rt . ( and en Mt l! ie It tod,
till IL , ly sidv of A mivrno n t,
of Lacock =tr e', gl.,uy C.tv, cot.tataing togothor
front on Pinid A n , !,rrn aLd iu rt
,hptn t) ILcl.op to a four feo: ...do alloy, loathe:: :on
Lucock street; bounded a,rthe,cdly Lv LacotA 6,t?,
southwar‘lly by Centro Alley, v.eEtwardly by ,aid fur f t
alley, and tit , t,nr,l4 by 41rvt•I ;If ~arno Lc: _
lota in John To.,te,'m p!an, ue. tu:a_.w..
ot 39d 11 the (—trey 1,1 Pt MA C,,tr,
al!ey, t Lunt !):3 :i.et 6 ILel t .: p, on F ai L h ,
enc.:T:l n iron Flory :iwel.thg huu,o and tit , re non.
2. Lot No. :3..:7,13.'.'i0inine the obovo, 23 le: t tr:ht by
feet :3 ihcheb, e¢ Nth:eh in cut ct:b u three story
3. I,ct No. 3.3, adjoining the iibove, feet front by gi
tee' 3 hee, on which is cricLed u three
4 Lot No. 3:IJ, ad . ; th.. aY., ve feet f..)nt, by'')
3 inch,s, cn wh , ch ie fl led a thrt:o ntory dwelling host I
WILII SIOp reurn in der no d.b.
Lot :so 3 cn the .r of Anderhon and Laccc: stro(
20 feet front by 9..) t! - .ch. 3 L`f p. on wild h fa erected r
thte , shry brictlc thrtd::,,g Ude w,lh drug stora uncd
LS —al thceo rerte;d ztr.er NA, cr phcea
bound• 4 Ly ntr,t, t y 11,,ierty of Cuarled
Av , rY, y the Canal, and by lot cl
;14. the 5,1 U hAyie.; 1 Leh , - .4thvi 'ol f..110,A 5;
• .
1 , 4 1 1 :.. 1, c•.•kt.....itiog I.•et trout on
extcLti:w: La. k roperty of C1.,kf1..1 Avery,
eq i,llll 1:43 re or les,, the
Lit c tatlit.;rig :J C ct !r.ut on Washington Htrret,
r.. 1 ctoctvnt,..c.., proicrvintt same width, f!.50 foot,
; ;,• renal
• 1:!.I' fret ❑ IVanh , n,,J , ,r, street, rni
1, , k the lice cf litirs.
t, r r e.. t l'cLuaylvertia
on ict. I+ •t:nl
in, an 1
ate in 1.2 tr.( uth9, Rich
Admin . .ptrit, r , 1' rec. John deed.
i. M. DAVI Aucti,netr.
r. 4 of J Tic Fey are Icspectfrily re
itmst..4l t. , t cf thy , ai
pRINTER'S INK—Blue, Black and RE•J,
J,l , Printer and Stationer,
Market and Second at:eet2i.
.E.L%ft - ,1, _pertly, Folio Post, Flat and
1:0 Cap IVritt - g Pap,ra, Printing vr.cl Dcoli Pa
f.)r sale Li W. S. 11.0i:aN, Job Printer,
N. 31, 33 aad 35 Market street.
K.E Fieh, Trout, Salmon,
g A eel.] Pickerel conheart !y on hard, a ILI) bt.c.. -1 .: to eat FAY
whylotala trade. by Ica} 61 lIENR.V.Ii. C.JLLIN.S.
111 E. -200 bbis. fresh 'Lime just received
and fir halo Ly 5,1 ti. fi COLLINS.
roses u=.-urte,d sized Window
gocd c , u - -try ,Ld, f r .
,n)6 LIrNTIV T.S. C.if.f_lNS.
IDOTAIOES-500 bubc.ls chuioa Igehan
- Luck I'ut4t - el to arrive [Lig thiy. r•Lti for sala by
(7.:orcer Market and First streets.
Lu, ctwice Dr;ed App'cf.;
Peac.berz—t , ...cOveil and for 641 e by
C - rni•-r :Market and First struai.
Ci ALAI) OIL-10 lasketi
.I.l.YrElt ct ANDERSON,
--- _ _ k) and for sal° by pure, just reed
-- 1 tiENCII AND eil AN Ti LL A, ' tn.Y4 No. :"O Wood stro.t. 1
- -- - - -
lIANTLES—^f ell qnalitifs, varying in pflees from
Three. to Thirty Dollars; hauth.onie Bire„les and Organdies,
and other Bross acres. C. uANaus. LOVE, .L.l; coantities to 301 t purchasers, no hand and for gale by,
ronnerly LOTO Brothers, -NT EATSFOOT 01L.— .1, N j. e i a i te s f w t yla, o , il, iu
No. fa Wood street.
tie, 74 !Mullet street.
( 1 1 . ;') 1 II L A T
tail i tr TII tue c't V, tap'
Ab , ut ort- c•••,ttrrd crew,nd,r ot'tiTatt. tt. t. 1•: 1..d114.•‘ i.l
!!'t tp• - -:1. • w!, :nip; ^t
And I.:ru,t - a z d ..; ,
Ttcre arc tw, Orchar:l6 U t.ll- f..krw—katt, of trlclll 301.
The 1 itildirt us are a leree ft.,:. ,
stable, a!'t ether cuthuti,:tr u tilt , f
enter at the Oter. This twm it, ,ttltt I ' I
Lotithy nel,aburit anti cello, n .-tit t•t „„,.,:
chturcLes. The turnpike an , l tit, Pit t.!, a.. Ftat •
gate through it. This wt. alit to ;. v.tista.tist ••
t. I.tal will he sell on rCaSt liahlu t•rrirs.
its It-tt ;et, acti3ining the &Luce con tultiinst ter ;rr• -.1 ti
azAtt, a:0:y fr Sale hu1.15.3 ct,utainiug six rt,a- tits rr 1 kit, i,•.::,
r.ntl free.-,:e stable, with °the, nu 0.1313.'y ia
g a d n . .1 let i i r,.crmd with -I:it trtt s at 1
y. anti 9 well of exeeilect water at the tisicr. 'FLA
4. :2 .00 it untion fe a rssi.fence.e, it fronts tta
tire; tize, anti [lts situation is be auttini.
tit- act' Pror , - r , y will to tormi.
vt the sutr.c:tii r 4.
JA ! I
J lc •
Fui ” Ex , cut,.,.,
em.. w,
'. IV :.1 6;1 if, ''' :sjT, 14 E - i, '--
,V I: .4 I. II
th • I itt-I
Fri (i-i-AT I \MAN •E ALE.
lit- T ' L
1 . • :T A, - TA.
1- ' 31 E 1 k:I):; - • ' '
EM,11:4 ;-KI-.7 - .F-.1 - 7'S (1 .11;•1 1:
CI - EAT T N L'',
t, .T 1N1 , 1A1 ,1
I. ' O., i `: T."rl'? 1". .111 - INII-11.1 - TAL: ,
••• ..1..11 INMAN' TA LF,
i 15.'1N,1,.'1'i': TALL,
P.' A' (
1".1-1;TP,...: . .
1.1 . , 1, \
rd. 1N E 13.ERTRAN
rrltiLs VTE Idc:PER
ni LS OF "II E
kl LS ('F T' E II It Dr!:
TIIF I 1:RI I. ?,
TOO I Pto , l) 11
I , l' !- h 1 0 TUE 1: 0;,1'
111;' . OP .110
1.; S
00 ( 'I II I. !
S Ob". 1. 11 P01);.::1
Er 0 :
r ii (jElt
I.AV Yill , .R 1..F.1,1,
W Yki E
i.,W Y(11' • ". .
N r , 11.1.K LIO
i'W I
Al' Alj,
At ALL Ts'ti; Nmk,:{
Al' A L 7;
AT ALL THE Ifl0:78
AT ALL T N1.V7,;
3 E Db"
AT ALI, '! 77 I.WS '`O r
A , A , '• N ,-, i,N 1" 'US
Ai' .L 1 . NI. V;
IN far th- to .-t :d 71:Iitf Li 1 7 :t1
of Lib I 1: tj.
:r llr:r:trvid Tr 1.114,
Vt• Le:. ii . (
content p‘ - ril, au i µho F L if '7.1.1 0
. 0
t:011”.7., h.r til:y V. CIC.Lt !Lit Ce 73.1: Li L.
p .;,•.:ar art7io:: ; it
In t 7 Tule , it is
7i •• 7i ifrat It Lai 1.. • at p toe:
It. I 7 •Li e.d9.ii : Is nl.l
t ni,.l tr I !I 'l , :.t Ire 5111 -•
Ott: 1,1., ,•; , :ci
" !it'd 111 • .Fld•
L.0‘ , 111.,,t It i/.!d t with •
a. d 'end I tl.ti
Tiler ',UM/ 1 7 (i1t.K 1. 1 C t.,
front tho poLl
7 , 11,F.. I, R. t,tIt)I2RMY
tr- i tus.J
• • i
And a licud. Li , r p ; u
iy appear in its volun;
An an indication of the rcpulatity of ch.:, LEDGER, we
need only mention the fa,:t that its riiculation is
larger titan that of any TNN literary Capes in the country.
Its great nuccntis IA owing to the fact that It 61201.1'CS the beat
writers is the conntry, and rparec no topic:int, in getting up
the DEBT FA 31ILY PAPPII—a paper of high moral tune.
The exalteil reputation of it, well koewn contributors the
practical and 0:1110 '.tire and healthy character of
all its ; rticletc and the cam which Ia taken that not even ono
offena've word F boll appeter in in; column,, Dave galac.; for
the NEW YORE LEDGER a p ettion that nu literary paper
has ever before occupied. We feel, nail alirayn hat felt since
the LEDGER attainei its I¢menee clrculatiod, that te tre
mendous espontibillty rented in no, and /lava endeavored
to discharge that responsibility coricientionnly, feellugccn
fident that ultimately we should receive the ;hanks cf thon
eands and tens of thousands of families.
The LEDGEti Is for sale every week at all the perlalt,.l
storey ihroughont the United states.
- - -
The Bohn' iption prico in $2 per annum wh , ql sent by mail,
but no Hubscrtptione are wanted from towns wham there
are news cdhces established.
110.11 :PT BiWir..ll, Proprietor,
41 Ann slroet, New York
Eureka insurance Company of Pennsylvania
Angetn—May 1, 1858
Stock, Duo on demand and cect.tcd by two
approved names $ 70,590 00
Cush in Pittetwurgh Trust Company' e 2,250 37
n rnium Rote, 62 993 80
Bus Receivable 15,9%6 01
1i hies Exchange Bank Stock---cust 0950 00
09 do 51, char bank Stcck—coot 5,490 03
200 do Iron City Bank St.,ck—arucnnt paid. 7,500 GU
2CO do Al'egheny•Bnnk du do 5,0:0 001
Bouk Accounts 13,255 34
J. 11. Fl.l ,:1,1,-rger,
W. K. Is; k,
Jahn A. C,ughey,
C. W. Batchr!or,
IL. D. Cochran,
James J. B-nur,t.t,
Wu J. Andere•eip.
J. Pres:tha : t
RODT. PIN:CRY, ~ecrotbry. Dub: ri
WATE ti s iFE „
From two to six inch
PRICES from 'l2: to :30 Cell is
I ) 1 4 ] A 7 iL J att3Cl
Fcr Sale Wholesi..l4 iii raufat
Prlce2 by
C Cl" , ..CP:it, :' , :ll` , Vi. Et
,;:). 25 1,74:::-D
Z:1)1E6 l'.l cLA LIG' RE IL, IT It
:v.., N C
UniCTIN:F.I: ~ ::
• IL C :. )PIi (in
€`oAog - e..ta euttel Gil,
N , . 167 fl.:“.1 170
- -
31 11 J Eta r e , A
DEA i:I.:1?. IN
k It
flood street, betl,rccu.
e.l.ley anti Fourth atri. , ct,
PITT:I3 .:"
j iii Tuz. 3t,tec - rib,,r is :167: or)ordng a c,..11 loct ,
i Event of ibreiga and Li . ..nat.:Ain tierdwere, ell ne. , ,v,axid
:d 12. terms r..; apy hot, m clty,
1".11e1-,,ayz. beep on hand n zcn, I
T. [7IIICII rtlpecll'ul;y iTllitca the alien Ca (-
! SAAVITNi. :'
(.Ftusce.st,-,.: 1 .loAn Car! vlri.lll!,,
and Ford , : 1 1111 i
Cuu-, Pist et ,
:Vous] street They give atzt - ot;:r1 the ne
ir,g of Truset, Snp;:orters. etc. J..,l2.2'itrz au('
with rinnotutality mad ,1-2: -. .tch.
7, 11
_ - -
announce to their OUler .
taa public, that 0.. i
. to toe I rice of Parley atid i d. , 11.1.1": fitlit
th•iy are brewing a light ar .i delicious flavor •d CREAN]
A they ,re , $.l - barrel, and leave KEW,
S•I i elite knlitio...
T' o ey 'V
——• at id; XX at $7, ard finperkr
'HENN at SS and , triller
ST in proportion.
.TElt AND 131.1.0WN STOUT.
" O c t ' l l a ie r u e t 'lle i' ' ? .t to their Brewery en PITT STREET,
Promir attention. -
AV - - B S:IERN LANDS of go, d I
eale or cxcLarigo for Itcal E,ta, the city
aP24 S.CUTIILF..F.T & SON, .1,1 t
hNIONS.-10 Onienr, for Kdo by_
v e• t
IIEESE.-15 cases Pin 2 Apple
Jest rtceiced end for ealA by
No ,t 1
p: , ellte tht , St. I. hark, 'Lt..;
_r . ~.. .~.- ..
urt.; Ik.
1.1:4;,k4 e,ndta:a
$2,53,311 l:.
I ,- W Cal. 2,
)• t.( N.i. i'tllll,Cla,
W IV. MArt.in,
t. T. 1.4 - i ch,Jr.,
I 1 - 1.11 id 3lcCautiiesy,
ueLrgo 6. ;!,.1.1 , -ci.
.. _
r or cj ±ret
GriO. w. 8111TET ,& rr