V, ---t,tA1.11471,,,,;1-p,T, 7 E.:7, ,1 ;, 7 ;. . y,.. , ! )7• - i;', 1113111: t .,..t,.,1.•.p.:1,-,:f :.. -... 1 . `t'i.. •,, r . -,,:. i-'• ..,'0...' 1.1:7-'.,:t_..-.. rt . I\IONI).A.Y -DEg.-ii7finat.o Tz firTr.r. W F. ati Zl7 Fi, Ci; > F r-; 11~ I':I; L'lL :. i.'l:: ~ V , 211. CANAL COL STI,F,y OF FAYETT NI 'V Rai T(` r Ait I 'LON An interesting and apparently truthful .Ic , scription of this territory wiil be found up(in on our first page te , day, takti - A from ft , - Now Orleans Picayw, , .. If the account . given he correct, (and it is vouch ,, d for br that pap.:.r. it presents a glaring hen compared with that of Mr. Maury, who is row in Wash ington ostensibly representing a constitm n, cy residing in Arizona. Doicriptions hei c:to fore given of that represented it as a coun4y " flowing with milk and honey. &lipped of its romantic habiliments, it presents but a sorry prospect to those who have intended to make it their future home. The object of sending commi.fsioners to I ;v.': is not generally understood. T:le from motives of humanity, beliovtd it to he his duty to make an effort to induce the &hid ed Mormons to refrain from opposing the re-. thority of the United States, a.d to give CI tin an opportunity to retrace their steps. lu they do, all but the loderq, except. prebal.ly, Young and Kimball, f:,rgiven. lii the mean time, however, the most active atione are going on to push the military rn-,ve. ments forward, and as the f can reach there before mili!ary operations crn be commenced, no time is loot I,y the clforto to avoid bloodshed. In case the Mormons rufi , ,e these propositions. the war will b 3 pr,,,-7ecute3 vigorously as a last resort. 112 iss Unaer,po Tonight this popular and talented artiste appears a 3 Camille, in a version of that play, prepared for herself and primal of Lill ob. jectional features characteristic r f French Dramas Her Camille is a polls cd i‘rd fin ished piece of acting, and will 1,11 National. Siennter .7acni) A special dispatch to the Cincinrati (5,/, :e/le, dated Alton, April :2‘. , th, says. "The Jacob I). L.ir'y Lione terday, to I:.y na for b, iter , r tiinc ing hhe lock tiro. 11-c opp• r ly buraed cll. II i• 7• : ;•1 aged Tbo Era t.e.l I c (' p tedrs Iloliieter a , -). P r;y, 000. She $6,000 The Prl.l:.nia,l Padra, liici;tnel: The trial of Edward Dcselirtg, tl e whose rttemped cltrath'ion. has e r.sed CO much excitement et Pa•lucr)3, Ky. tool: place in that city on April and resuit..d in his discharge, Judge Prussian deposition: were timony. The ukr,' tune'l and cheered vvh ,, n 11 o dt.c . cj , ,n \ll.l= ed. Th.: Nu,. ik er i. au. :nd the Prussian T. 0111 , Cli;._l2r. for hike irnpri.) suit against Ilion i•tr (Poo turning the (0 - L.,. with having obtainn..i lihgal large sntr.s of iiion( and other sim i!Ar praci Lc, rHE ir,l..liut 1. v.-1 ;: tivoly consider. ,1 by the Juji ,Ery and it wi I rrol:ab . :: la pr. ate cslly th'scor:e :L c , i,on.nt of the Nrw York lic7 , /:,1 ai - j - !4, it will be a gcueral itic;t:thiltr corporationi4, chartered p.11;1 fill asso ciation of peri•oli-; t-) issue not , 2Q, bills, &c. P. will p.ovide for voluri;RTy ors] involun'ary hanlmlptcy, ar,d it. will he retro.. active. The rctrootive fcature T,v Ibp guard- al so as to eIcluLL2 sz;b2-:cf - T - A.cit tO January last cr any ether tine, h,:vc iLecie ass4;nrueat in c•nt(inl l .-,tibu o. thc. - -;JEstlge of a bar:krupt which patio prjerc:l;c to one Crulitor over anoth r, and in such csecs FBA not dit;cilargo unlces with ibv consent inar - _ , rityf La creditors who have not bur.,l 'l'he involuntary bankruptcy al where the debt, t.. - Aced two and the person dec'erri bsnl:ru: a t;t. tied to trial by jury--all p:,..perty of any kind, for the tor, endorser, or other i.. , :rson any ptek , ro,,_, , priority over gr•neral cr;d:tol,4, to ho null and void, and the part;_:s, them to he sued for such amount a.FL - 4.ts of the ban 1.. ruptcy. With regard to banks and other i e suers of paper money, they are to cone onuer the head of involuntary Loh: upts : and in ad dition to all the lial ilttic -zhich attach to in dividuali, they in:ly be declart-d bankrupt for the non , payLlait fon ton days tr demand of any hill, note or (Wer lie.bility—:;•ll the ptil&x.s of pr.'i‘c , !ir.srs to I :t. , I:rtE , l interetecl, he the United : -. tateii. -e are ti;%: g. , . tqi.l La' urea of the bill, we believe It ato go into elect next November, if now pas_ed. Under all the cire ,nstaitete,:, it is C C 2.- ingly doubtful if it pass at this sessien, but tOo general impression is th:tt sulne bill cl the character indicated will hec'Jnie a 'aw of this Congress. Tae retroacti7e Marne will have a good deill of cppoeitt:n lyat if it is well gnarentecd that may he overcom.. A question will also arise as to the power of the general government to interfere with the State corporations ; but if this is pressed the banks way force the agitation of the much more serious question, if it Should be carried out, the power of the general government to pro- hibit altogether the issue of money by au thority of any of the Staid. Mr. Toombs will doubtless, call the snhject up in the senate during the present week. `L'he Papery The LGudon : , ;trat:d Titres ar.d News, I'uncb, and a great ve7iety of' other excel lent furcign publications heon received ci the test. dat,22, ii tint & diner. Carrying out n Pnri GS' ral .Inel:l:son's President dirr..2t. I in hiR ttiiil that "The 1 rge .01 tf',l 10 tne ty the ladies of ( - L11 , 14 ,, Ur,rolina, In rez.ti7e St. , ‘C , ill! thit '.ac,C nentit,g If r .; ner, preiferfled to Ir.e I.L; ilw ci let 1 f Sf.r - th Carol/Da, when it V%.'3 rciUSed t. , by the rnitcd ft?...tea -er ate., 1)., pa t , _,l , d to that patriot rcr,iding in e.ty co —, L t. 3 from which they were ' l "E't.? , .?. 4-11 adjudged by his coahtr._: thu ttiveto been the ato, t yr. lent I:1 coma try and our cou::try'f- "11 , rain: -+A-J regiment. of Scotts r ,rarj , A. as one mar:, 11114 rtec.veil thr vase and flug from the hunch of Andrew Jackeon Jr. =IBM :.at.rr: Thy- :1 ratLe i:1 lurgcry z - ,:ed to t: - I" Et (2` The ll:lel:rata:4,e EMI. y the Legislature to regulato aiea no, been signed by the ac , tin lere,.'; ad, it will in- ok , ertti,Jus of the Lyo•3ming Mu- L." and *;,reverit, their gencics in the o; ."tes cf "i n t ) i - hat a great an , i olic good in clew, having been passed r a f .jressp>•-,pose of protecting the Ile operatic:me of the end-- nv octane del ph'" i'dtaburgb. It is dealcxdod by the Cul sh - , , 11.1 pre:.. 'ee defeated for any trivial or insuffi- Tbe prc,yision applicable to the I'4 _illy crept into the bill through could be remedied at the next of the Legislature by the passage of a , cote A Pleß'ire of so much public passage ofwhich was secured after i and urremitting exertions!, and which s.l:.eld hundreds of people from prob ,l-,ention, should certainly not be allowed to i it is un.eppliceble to this or that a•licular company. We trust that it may be- C -iii tCo ; t, c• .1 burg Patriot. he! , given f., - il any laesitat . y,n. on is ~rt I the Covet to sign the Lid is en tirely insutlicntn,t, and would scarcely warrant that a m..sure which has in it so much pub lic Inc - A Phoul Ile dcfeate , l for the advantage 001, to private corporation. The public can I r the agoceles for a year than ;A..;Y , itheut the law, and in a question r f 1-.:1_01 publ:c interest should predcre •;,•.t,,, 1 , is much better the single corpora ti, ,o tcniporary inconvenience, whole public should be liable to the- f their property for w ant of a suitable etter, -': ~ C:LCl4L'dil c.diciCi j• fl ,l bci+ ;1,1, , ;1;: tr - ,.iret:•:l to iterh - e-Jmni.nt r life'c.i the 1111 e.,t, the c; Ali. _...1 il: 1:,~ ..~}' Lut I.4ii&at 9t❑E:d Lot if f t- st t c un risc. attc SEEM t 3r1.1 V1,211;, 4 . t.r. .pin tho mornit i:1 t. , p tue ih-/~<<;:iu,.sJ, f ,r 1; ‘• t.,..z„::„.iug, to ~. I'll" e:e tl Clt , :dch ccid t_ r ibrifL BIEEME=I MIES C te:titille, whic.h t:A, es them to the and will, tiStr , country artesian well at Linieville, cap r ft G. 7 one , tiousatpl E.ived hur.tlnd It h.- 0 i ,_.- zo,trate,l a re,ervc,ir of ealt water, from ifi.:ch a jet rises fifty feet ab:re the surface of Cie ho sap a u.temporai-y. cc zi:c laLc tilecitic,ut - 2.l"):,tet is a " fib iu Ertinetcn, Conn,.cticut cli rg:7lDra I rut iivit:g ,An ,„t n iL ibat is I L I.: ~C3:5 31.. t I I II( A r,t.t1i..,-2ught the liz.,nl up to tiuie Bar:tig.l," the N, )" , ilk of tho prcdictJ th:q. u Like p' - lcis in the lift 10, Trait, and ;h. r gre.tt nati. - •n:d sc.c.ieties what di 1 you do with your new Paid 11n 1:13p 1. " p d " " For what s."' A Flung-sdot, II c.vl;:s Gan)La, and the Pirate's OWLI B ck." rl'ltc Ninth Provincial Council olr l; ltia Yesterday, May 2d, the Ninth Provincial Council of Baltimore wag to be opened in the Metropolitan Church of that city. At ten o'clock A, M., the Most Rev. Archbishop Kendrick was to celebrate a solemn Pontifical Mass. The Rt. Rev. Dr. McGill, Bishop of . Richmond, has been invited to preach the openinct sermon. The other prelates who are to attend the Council, are : the Pt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, Bishop of Pittsburg : the Rt. Rev. John N. Newman, Bishop of Phil. adelphia ; the Rt. Rev. Joshua Young, Bish op of Erie ; the lit. Rev. John Barry, Bish op of Savannah ; the Rt. Rev. P. N. Lynch, Bishop of Charleston ; the Rt. Rev. Angus tine Verot, Vicar Apostolic of Florida ; and toe very Rev. I )avid Whelan, who will repre sent the diocese of Wheeling, in place of his rother, the Rt. Rev. Dr. W heelan, absent The mitred A bbot of Si. Vincent, the Rt. Rev. Bonifaco Winimer, will else nt the Council, with all the Superiors of the relicious orders and congregations of the province, and the theologians why are invi% ted by the prelates to attend their deliberaß tictns. Judge Loring. A large number or Democratic Senators and members have united in requesting the d to confer on Judge Loring, cl Massachu s.Us, the position of Judge of th‘ Court of in Washington, vice (tilcrist, who died recently. The appointment will, doubtleF . s, he co.Arr,,d on Mr. Loring as a rebuke to the fana:icisni of )la3sachusetts in removing from oflicl for doing his-duty as a Un:ted 6Lates officer. tite fltaUElt;l,l,tx ec:reof Tuckerrean, the mail roi‘hi.r, I; d'el)osoll of ut Nclv Ilave:1, on Frid:ly. After a porticn of the evidence of the govun me,t I,zd }Ken put in, t' e accused n-qracned plea or Lot guilty, the d fence \vzs d ,ncd, and the jury rendered a verdict of guilty on four counts. The prisoner will he s. , r.ttuccd on Tuesday. The. public Printing Mr. Taylor tv it try and get 12..) his bill for the titablishmcnt of a Bureau of Public I'. int ing •:s early as poss:ble. The Black Repub•, i?;:rIS, it is said, are uppot,ed to it, thinking they may have the next House, and not dearit.g therefore, that the plunder should be out of the reach of their friends. Pored Of: lion. W. Montgomery is at home among constituents, on a short visit, having '.lared oti" with Mr. Warren, of Arlianas. I.littlt's Llvl),g Ayo and els this popv.hys licetiou Insvi.• been rccciveJ by "'Ent A Min, 'ley ale full of very god resding. • ' I. : ! ;')cc n=o:ttical Co.t.ition o< Eur op .1- Inv depehd ul,cll it, this t11.;,,,,, , c. - 1 of the interes:,i, this ; r‘rf, dr , tillcd to ed to hear, one of these siine engiiieer proposes to build a s.cr..ss the Atlantic, with hotels, arrang ed at convenient distances apart, for the comfort of trave!'-i7s. I:l9Y.—The grf.at o..tt r trtvelling sem( whore "cmt ttnd. put up f - r tho night at a country in locking over the re v.re ; tim name of Henry Ciay —Clay." Could it he possi ;l Ibis distinguished man under 71', astounded, delighted. Next g.rtc w s! II:qt ;7";:, - , itto "great man" appeared. tic -f .1111 Bri,ifatie Lustled forward, and • • Clay, I I.:i-vf‘, H a:1 he . lid the gentleman in his f you, and I thought t you ~ t',111 ,-F t give me and my old Th'e p.uclt I:fure you gc?" AN 11;11 , y hench of magistratc3, beceh, with great gra- rf 1 ci.ent an I they woula be sure to e L • tt , l.l', 1-r had had no opportunity 11 quebticu was adjrel - g- E 2 I tr , a itV,Vy(r. II di acs i:nLlaaniment to 1115 return it, Call dist2P.ce obtr.in :11.y iC tic a rt -- - • I^. rn sl r:cr " kind o'sliue in court in be r until - F. l LI ii - z:A A T 1.2 a 2 3 Nfitc YortKMay I.—Ttte Vivashirigt , u corritnp dent of the licraW. says the Yrissari tree'. if will: meet with considerable o pposition in the : . !-1111,'C', aft against the princildes ioneins,i, but bef.iusc of the charge- which arc rife as to the corrupt pro tic Lit which, it i 3 bean evelicd to carry it out. If one-hall of the ,am.,rn sr, traci, tho Tiantit EttA k has, Loan largely distributed bore. 01 oLurse, there is no impute:l,a against any meraor,r:i of our v eininett, bat prominent Senators d: ,not hefilatc to dr.rsunco the I:amen:o speculations that have loon smuggled into the treaty, whilst other it say they will net vote for the treaty nalces it is amended rn its to throw the Transit route open to competifers, instead of giving it to a monopoly. The opposition cetnes from leading administration Senators, who will insist upon amending it ao as to throw overboard all the adventurers who each t, con vert it into a et ek speculation. It is ststed, ca the authority of r. tor mi cr of the CAbinet, that the Yrisaeri treaty, os puliiiehed end sent from N•caragua, is 2ct a correct copy of that in• etrumsut, differing, in many essential particulars mad unaissd,rs from the fiisial document. Arrival of ;tee Steamer liortiasa NEW Yonir, May I.—The steamer Burus, , a, from lamburg, has arrived. She brings London dates to he eventnir of the 11th. The Null: n arrived at Southampton on Saturday evening. Bernard's tri..l closed en Saint d..y et:terr.oen. The jury, after ono hour's cirtultation : pr.:mitt:teed him not guilty. Telegraphic despatches received from London on Saturday state that an organized plot in favor of Itust.tia had been discovered in Cit cassia, and that a littng.t.rtan othcar who was implicated, tegather with several ito,dan cmiataries, had been condemned to death. a iurliay and Monti..n,4r had Leaorne t -t ni—rtuit.it that the Ro.i...dan Chargo at Vietna hsd annoonc,il that ItuFsia is crfacentratin,; .pt! on ;no froctivr to provide for contingenciLs. Yrom Washington WAMINGTON CITY, May I.—Tha Cabinet were in seiiiGn when the Konsas bill was passed, and this iaf n w e prompOy eJnves,•ed to them. Sa• 'Ades were fired ricotr the capitol and in the vicinity of the President's house, a 3 well as elsewhere. The Sonato being in executive SCSfli.:n ts.di.y, von fitiued a number of appointments, and among them that of J. C. Vandyke, as District Attorney fur tue Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Various members of Congress have paired for the purpose of forthwith returning to their homes. Heavy Forgeries L-imivit.d.r,, May I.—henry Barrett, book-keeper at Wright 't Bridgeford's,eonunitted heavy forgeries, and has left for parts unknown. A largo reward is offered for hid apprehension. Rejoicing over the SUCCESS of Lecompiton. Dgvnoix, May I.—The friends of the Administra lion are rejoicing over the success of Lecompton Twiny-two guns were fired tJ.day. Ileadnehe and Debility Mr. Silas J. Li.comb, of Birmingham, says " I have found in Ll•, chave'o Holland IlitderB remedy fcr Headache and Debility. My wife gas also used it with the greatest benefit." Mr. A. S. Nicholson, of Pittsbur 4h, also remarks that ho has exper!ecccd roueh relief from its use for Take a half tea spoonful throe times a day, an hour before meals. Eat moderately, and then of whole s ,:ne focal, and you will find this is really a remedy for Sick and Nervous Headache, Weakness of any kind, Costiveness and Piles. Being per,toctly simple in c cop .sition, it may ho taken without fear by the invalid. Possessing a 11E10 aromatic flavor, it is very grateful to the debilitated stomach. Caution f—Bc careful to n. 711 for Barliaee's Bitters. 6 , 1 d :It $1 per bottle, or bsttleF for 8 5 : F.`7 the role Proprietors, Fenjanain Page, Jr., No. 27 Wood stre-A, betaetn First end Second streets, Drua•giqs goneril:y. DIED: On Fr:. nft,rr oun, at. r'elocl.., K k: A 8uT1.1.11,,.t, t I. re irehe, of th.c (wirer, J. B. Butfor, Allegliony srnehal. Funel..l to take idaes on Monda), May 3d at 3 of:lock, P. M. Cnrriaop will start front opposite the Pest on Starthfield street. nt 2 o'clock An - e• VALUABLE FAMILY MEDIt2,IICI-I.—ifo ccicbiated Lin; Verrnifogo, 1 rel i :artii 11: cuing IlroP, of Pi mo, that ito ill, only for 1 - Torni, v.iitliont a it. At !I: , i 'cab , Ivorms are t r.. 111 !. Itn , l lrr.l lently lAta umcni; cuil.irno, parents ; :OA 141 t 1 111 . :.t 1•: - artincL 4 c.t th.•ao dos: n siing eymp'utus which wt,in 09 of th• it preselace, at cl.cv aril . ) . :11;3 107e1 - 11:11 nod rtimetiy. We are coati iti•t•t that it oily requiroi a trial, tJ couriuco a!i that 11 , 0 v,4tchltzl richly rit•Tits the pritis.is that have vu Levi a up-iu it is se.fe and itifAllible. Volumes of certiilcittcs mu be pro ced, sho - sin,r, its gnat modlcal virtues. Purcha:.erm will to careful to ri,k for DR. '2:P LANE CELEBRATED VEILMIFUGE, rnanuntet”.r,l by FLEMING BIZO.I. cf Dittrbrir,ih, Pit All othli. V.,!:.:ifugo, in con: pAriioli are WW(1.1,14. Liv qt, yt;l MIRO STEIN WAY '.• PI Al ! ii AV I N ENTIRELY SOLD OUT I..kRJE ST,:fjii: T AV A Y S IA CELEBRATED PIANOS, WI: would r,zpf_ctfully lufGrru the puldld SY,G2NI C-_2IE SUIDLY OF THESE PoITLAII Is E.:;.11,* ip - 2!nt: an I will soon Itrr:Vv. P., 1 3 1* E. P. t 3111),. 1)..11.1 7 11E.'5.—A large supply f Hair, t• N:111 Litt . .o^, •t t-0 ;t q •.•tlit., can ot; Lane, tit .10••• i tr:l3 • ••, : ; • 1 •,i•trk lut rtel Ilavana the ar.2. "Er.tre Acto6" U y, I JOS. FLENIING, CVI - DFl' Mara rd an,l Xiatk , t Etr,et. TILI{VUMER.V.—Bezin's, Wrilit's, Low's, ii..l:Ld . 4 a tinis trial , ea tracts tsr the ha .i.C.LiJr• chiuf, sod and for fiale itt J FL:r.:d m',3 Corner Diamond an 1 M,', it t _ I,2 F A n 1 VF ONE TiIOUSANi) Pl,O NV E;R;;. 1,9 —A ie-• in supply of this ezce lh at LA - autifyer ut the compL•ziva, just rectiiii,ed and fur 'i', 14: JuS. Mill 'INC.'S, to d Ciorniir Main atd - G 1 VPRY DESCIUPTa.):‘; r l i itY UOUDS, _VJ dth,r S t ,ery chase :Jr alb ora v 3 Type Metaa for Sa.le, ALARGE QUANTITY OF TYPE MET AL for sale. Andy to i3AIIR E MYEIiS, Pont (.ni -e. GgirapiAvtler. 11 U TI S II Alt V I.: ' S sa- 1 L) noND TOWDE.B., \V. ; i - t() To Ue had in rackagna Co nl.tara, 10 WiLLL VI . P. tn.. 3:lin Lark Bow, 'New 1 ik. Bilgadc , ik.TOTICE Is I.IEREBY GIVEN To nr.!Mrmed Cortlnn:!!ei in the I.! un!,s of lieakeny er A mty, eemresing the , irJ Lt• Divieien of Peumtylatm...l t !10. il l at their u'ral place uf meeting, armed an iqui:l,!:ei ft" . 3 Mr 1115 p ction, a. foliaws : The First •n. commanded y Mej• rJ. Terre, Will mast on MONDAY, the '2.lth h' The .t'etond Pattg.lion, Cr rnmande ! ht!,4llt Colon!! I;!ram Holtz, NAll tr of cn TCLoli, the 'Lath of :. talic r. coc;ur , nd, will mrr ll tL, Th F , ,:: tL t' c-rn:c,t - t ("•:. •. 1 Thecnt.n v, Tl:Uitz LA 1 , TLS 'Cur. Creek ccn , ucl d, d TMc Mrottr=, ili V. 1.1., f ,I,,:.p,ndvnt Con ! ttt-L urolt. and tlo• A!!... .t;on) I! tt, C..ropany, v 1:1 lIP ton : 4 ,V11.;11: , A.Y, of MA , • cr,!,- of Jt'liti IL McELILIS . I.'I", 11r,.tAtIn 17,Rpecto - of lA Brined , ,, 15th P. P in,lors of B.tttali.., a - ad Corr paairs v.1:1 inform th. Brigade F. V. lit re th• ir nlecting c, HI b.:, all,: the tittle at v, h thy I.rt. par for inspecti:o. tt V 2 3 dr..' o.7—c A NOTLIEP, FREII. .A.P,RIVA: OF LA; 1!..•,,i', M.1.f. , ,F1E' AND Ci:?!.'l.:F.Nzi" SPRING AND SUMMER LOOTS AND :SlinES Si 1:c L:e 5 d v.. ILe 5,1,1 riL;es, th, J.:. ii. F. OR,_ ittrka..,:rcet, s.c ill door fn. BANANAS.—First cf thc.. ceason Cul{ ett exprf-K3 F.11:1 f, r ..alc by 1.11a.4!a1t summer Lager• }Beer THE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE TO inform his friends and the public in goner:', that ho .s iii the daily receipt of thin Deer, frcri ;,vin Brewery cf J. N. Straub, Allegheny Cits, it been pronounced to be the test that wan manr.fa, - cr , d many yeare, CLEAR, TASTEFUL and MEE (lice too u call and try it. JOHN 'Riad, nlf24:tf At Lim old amid, No, 2S Diamond. ~~y o' A P Dr. 7.,1.1.1r,,'s Vern,ifygn enn nt a t r , .) c 41; id purchat ,„. A ~,,, L tS for •:::-ir:v. - ,7 .&:0::d .VI 74 31,1'; tri. I 1: ; I'. Ju-t re- No. :" , J Cp;7t;ite St. Cluli 4 I I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 11 - E - S T E R ' ;" - 111.SINr,SS til proved quit , . a earl; G ,7.-ac:inQ thew CHFS4'E:I'3 11. ALL, Coiner .1 stre ,, t an.; t A i1S111;i1 '1 b 1, tn• 14 -1 M.1.G.R - t Rif'L ..t li A- 0)11 , _;STIC Cu) I'LE RY-J-• 1 tpt opened a —.l Carving - Knives, Knives Elul F s , r e .. en, 13r.iWN LE", myl No. 13-3 Wo - d sera .t. E choi,e I)riod sr:he am! to sal. I,v. JAS. A. FETZZR, rnyl Corimr aril First strata B)WN & W,Gd st Pink liye Putatiet , , ja_ incq fur pl.aAt Id JAS. A. FETZEP, rlyl Como' Fir-t Ahirkt t stre,t4. • p 11 Neshannock Potlto , ; I. 00 .. '; r.<. AL c2i: l.C ,i )1- A. ry,,•r '+l,tri;r! -t,,et 'O.-1; ; RIED APPLES.--f.,J L i ehr ice p l i e d App leg, rc.c ad and for ,u!t, JAS. A. FET7int. Cornt.r r.f 'darks t arDi First sta I`illlNri, APRONS fw.• 1 . 2. 1 . and 18 1 ant ct4t.,,,, C. UANSON LOVE, Formerly Loco firotherd. No. 74 Market Etrbet myl FE,0:31 THE EAST, THE MOFT BEAU TIFUL AS:7:CRTM ENT OY lir \I. H EVER QVM:;E ,, , AT Bblv ENT ;77) :sTREE.T JosF. pa iloutiE. DRUNES.— .a. I:,rtft s : 2•=, I. .• " J ati,l fur aztle 1,7 lIEYM ER I: , N, N. S 9 Wo..d Chmks '2OO ‘1,...;.0a I. •Luc•ii Syr* 10 " Stree try Syrn:p ; 15 " Rdspb. rry 10 " hue Apple Just received and for sole by REIMER .e AN DERSON, N 0.139 Wood street. opposite the St. Charles Hotel . SPLENDID NEW SPRING STOCK PIANO FORTES, FROM TILE GREAT UNRIVALLED MANUFACTORY CHICKERING & SONS, BOSTON T HE SUBSCRIBER in announcing the ar rival of his new Spring supply of PIANoi FORTE'S, from the world-renowned maul:Cs-tory of CLUCK RHINO k S) d, hues te inform the public, that he has ea t: t..e selection of them to Mr. CHAEIES C. MELLOR, trl.ose th rough knowheige