wa.rs~ ...~o.uo+~re~cw~,.~.+c tir r.n.~..3 ~.0 SPECIAL :s; OT iCES. APEOIN r7k-IP i'X'FlT ., i)l7:i)rrf;.. JUNE FIRST. DRS. C. 31. F.17(.11 ..i- J. IV. ,',l-.I:ES, fil rauair, .nt th, orrosrfp. a, E.. ;":. ,-. , 171,nn.3 ALL Aiau may ho for 'OON9 U l' . . , . (.11.1E!,1 1:0 'I‘7...OIII.ANTS .111 ifulmor. , , I'. .. Catarrh, lith7t Dyerfp fid, revia:e C, , plaihts, 4-c ?Ate IiTCH c` t/1 Lod ond det , ,topmrni :,o :areni:(11(.11 t =TEES EALATION, titey r .t.. Ll.l wily as fives, which u.s4l,l•iui , live un Car,Llie.- cffects, and Inca lids are oarosstly esato•asd u . ,thig the preciena time of enrability treattormt P 10.3.1 upon the pl.tu hot fal s e tt,e,te.t.t of the tilt4,t32 ran Ice r....tched In a direct r liA6atl.ttio7t. AII- No chalk, rt. Int of qni,,t,iis will -cot to t:tuno wishing to consult us by Addrs D. 0. M. PITCH J. W. SI Pittbburah, Pa CH A RLESc: P • WILL OPEN HIS sln:A w NTAI\ E V E IN I IN , T II I AT THE STORE, CORNER OF PENN AND ST. CLAIR STREETS. myl ire- ALL WUO USE TILE BITTERS ARE SATISFIED WITLI THEM. Tti6EEGI:II, ALA.,'_Janunry 1, 1851 CIIAITNCEY FOWLER : "The Ilitivra are tleliing well, ar:d I think th..y will con 'Unite to, as they give good enliefm tiwi to I who have used them." Bev advertiument... Fur gala Ly 1ei..2!11.512 lii OC. E 1.1.1 Dr. GEO. U. FiEYBEEt ap23r2wOrow HaeS~r~h Wt. DOLLAR IiAVINCLS BANK, No. 65 Fourth street.. Desposite made with thii ➢auk Lefire the first day of May, will draw lute:est trout that date. CHAS. A. COLTON, Treoaurer. 'N CITY BANK, Pittsburgh, April 21t1i,1858. Um. THE DIRECTORS OF TBl i BANK HAVE this day, milled fcr au installu.ertt of TWFLVE DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE, 11 Terr cent. on the Capital stock,) payable on M }N LAS'. lac 10th proximo. ap27:tmylo MAGOFFIN, Cashier. lUn THE A.LLEUIIENY BANK —The business of thin Bank will be transacted at the corner of Third and Wood etracts, on and after M..nday the 19th inst. apl9:if—o J. W. CtIOK, Cashier. lUD 13D8INE8S MEN'S DAILY UNION PRAYER PIEETING, at LAFAYETTE HALL, Wood street, trona 12 to I o'clock, daily—commencing FRIDAY, April Uth, and continuinc until further notic,. Laymen will con• duct the meetings, but Clergymen are earmretly requested to be present oud take pat t in the exercisce. Come in fin. Ave minutes, if you cannot remain longer. ap,ktf BUSiNESS CARDS PITTSBURGiI STEEL WORKS. ISAAC RA JNO. ',BOYD WM. McCULLOUCIII JONES, BOYD & CO. MAINI • 40TII11/11/3 CY CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner nosz and First Streets, jy2s PITTSBURGH, PA. : AO .10r117 D. E. ROGERS Bs, CO., ISARIIPAOTUREIRS OP ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETII, C&Q,BIER ROBS AND FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURG H, PA . _ WIL L;IA.111 CLAYTON & CO., '. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR 14"ArtC1ANTS, NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, Naar Wood ottoet, 5 1 a4.- Always on hand, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac rarandfo'i, Old 'Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the . ye belt N 1 doltlydel: REMOVAL. JOHN M2ORHEAD has removed to No. 7-1- Water gtreet,Wlow Market JOIIN 1100181EllEAD, CO MMISSION MERCHANT, FOR rsn e •J. 3.1 or PIC ri,STAL AND BLOOMS,' NO. 74 WATER STB—m/IT, BELOW MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA JAMES — A. 17 METZ'kIR ' Forwarding and Commis: .=ion Merchant, 700. TFL2 6 &LC 02 Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Goode,Dried Fruit and Produoo generally, Corner of Market amt.!. Flrot otroo PITTEMILIGH. PA. RIPER 20—Francis G. Balky, William Dilworth, S. . Cuthbert St Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd .t Ott, Hoisk6ll wearingan, S. Brady, Cosi , . M. hi. M. Bank. List k Howell, Mangle St Co., Goorga W. Anderson, Dania s, Paxton Er. Co. Wheeling. myTik_lotr HARDWARE. FAIINESTOCK, N. 74 WOOD SA street, Pittsburgh, has on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which ho will toll vory low for CASH. In addition to hdi Locke, lltups, Kulvo4 and Forki+, and iiipuous, and a largo ag.tortruent of i;arpentor'd Tools, ho ha roccivod a larg;, su p • I ,I Y of liail:iago Cotton and Stufforii ; 8 horelS, To flglle.9 and Pokers; ii!olgh Bolls, and Enameled Pr.:serving Settles. c t 29 Office of SeTaier of Weights and PleasigreN. T IIE OFFICE (I".rilE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OR WEIGHTS AND itEe sule ES, May be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, bote.con Thad and Fourth streets, where orders may he left. mrl3:tf CHARLES BARNETT. 110IIPIti'LL J. 1212.8 H. 1311.211,21N0 ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Conuniasku and P.irwarding Merchant? and poalori in Prodnso and l'ittalniri - .11 Manufacture i t No. '21.,1 Lai x , r ty gt.l-6.cr, CII)INGE OF PER3I. P. lIITCIICOCK, having purchased the interest of JACOB ill:n",lAN, iu tlit. Ilan of Huff• twerrH.ry et Co., Ihv stele of the limn will lieroattor Lr HITCHCOCK. !WORE:EBY k CO. tlr. Hutfnvo, will 3011 remain in the CU. ILITCEICOCR, m Erimv & co. (SIJC:I3`OI±.3 'To Llurrmis, M'Carzr.y Cu.,) Forwarding, and Coniniissi , in Mei 2,hant, PRODUCE, FLOUR Ar., - ,11) WOOL No. 114 L;C ., 7c13 3TELLI.7, PI:7r.U. g C e epriager Eturb,a zh, tElrar;•ll 11. Childs C , Acrmlep, C9iicravo " Garret Mcdsndtoms, Moans t Co., ' 4 Jan 63, " 0. W. Smith, 4 Co., Goo. M.& L. Nord, It Co., " A. It. routoa & Bros., " Yard, Gilm'...ru it Co., '6 DAVID H. WILLTAXS, VIVIL ENGINEER. AND CONTRACTOIt ‘..j FUR TUE ERECTION UP OAri WORID4, for from 'iVt: quruorei earl upwnrth, sud Grc lltsatolg isail!liagl, public. or privat,, by St.;,1111, Hot Water ~i,Furn,cee. ts )14:1 rle MOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTUIthit OP interleaa, Plain 4 Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON,, For Roofing, Guttering, Spo uting, AGENTS FOR WOOD'S P 4 TENT INIITATIOPI RUSSIA SHEET IRON.. Wareltouae, No. 138 First. etrein, mr2G:ly-is LINSEED OIL.-200 bbis. for sale, by li. A. FATINEBTOOI( & 00, Cornsr Wood and First etruete. No, 101 P-a ciccet l'I'il'83111i:G jr,co ~s ci iir L , ,•ir t.•oatin,•l,l 11l it th, d1 . 471..Ce czurloy Moclikii• • • •, t.• ;• I:, NIEL4OAI, IN- PITTSBURGH, PA E. i;ider, Lot id; Fentnn CDrnell.!,- rion:.y...lllltiroore .r S A PITTSBURGH, PA. I LUCA t. AFFAIRS Couit:ry ltern. i. 11. r -ii. burg v. 13 t ell by Lti.zto, eio,t aLd Llun o'clrck It ro n C•:71,. tJter slirp, aid coutaiu,tl come =ME MEE ,t:;:.' 0b.. , : I. I t an the pr: rty Lc 21;r. Ci,t. The clustvv , ctioa of a ..rn t I , ^rt) , - ;:q at Grie t:mo t 1: 0 fi. - 0.111,11 tOOTI subdued 11,0 fla kr t:.•• arc is Is,t known. There w no 11i th• bnil I.n Mr. T. W. B. M . i'ailiktn, late Pri.t ycf B:1 f 1 caunty, die.l Sclidt.tiurg 1h: 24th in t. According to the Statement of the Iktoll: h Tr a. , arer cf 1 tarri , .lwlrg, the tit bt n:w CAVing by that town to Lontlheld , i SI4I,ILS 75. Henry W. Dar, a colored baft:r at Iit:SEMI:I, Ohio, not musi in 1:11 C position barber bh,p. in which he drewdr•ill I. shirt si eve a randr and made bloody domcnitiatiens cluu lbo lie 4. mteeted 1y the 3tsse hal and lodged in j tit, where with a poker ho shivered every win dow, sash and mid weuld not be quiet uht I the j.:iler Ildortd him %%MI a 6:ick and pet Lim in a cell. The Pittahnrgh l.: 1 0;,f reline of the M. E. Church gin at Cambr dge, Ch'o. It met on last Wed- The COI, Ilt.li• Viiie "Enterprise" says that the stock of the Fayett- Coulty Bank 1111.9 been fully subscribed, as re d by the chart.tr, to authorize its organization, and that it will 0.111:111.31C8 butincEs durirg the coming eumtuer. A new ',ajar has been established at Mouct Vernon, 0., I , y Eacurt S., Agnew. It is called the "Mount Vernon Nstiou. , h" and is neatly printed. It is Detaueratic in pen tl.s, 11111 takes ground againet Lecompton. Th • 'emit of eury eying ah.l locating the Fayette County liitilitettl le beiug punheil rapklly forward and will ehurtly he ea:A.IOOI,J. An iolvertiaentent appears in the •• Geniut Of Lbeity," calling for the payment of au instaltneht cf Otto dollar per share, un or Lefore the Bth of May. Cin Thursday evening week Mr. Robert Junk, of Union towu, was driving through the streets of that town in a sulkey, when the hcrse took fright and ran ,Ar. Mr. Junk was thrown out and his leg was Idi,keu by a kick lima the horse, beeliks other injuries. The sulkey was broken to pieces. Jehn IC. Sutherland, Probate Judge of Jefferson county, ehio, died at hia residence in Steubenville, on Wedneaday aftr moon last, at 4 o'clock, cf apoplexy. At the time of hie demase he was in the forty.eighth year of Lis age. lie was an eminent lawyer and a sterling Deruccrat. Ile was member of the Pr.4byterian Church, and lilt a large and ILtereatlu.• OFFICE.—Mayor Weaver is not burdened with a great qual.tity of Lusiness at 'resent. Ye,,terday morning the watch house turned cut only three cases. One of these ass Toby Andrreon, an individual who spends the greater portion of his time in jail. Ito was found in the streets on Thursday night intoxicated, was taken to the watch house, and in the morning sent up for five days. Wathin Morgan 11.,d a difficulty with hie daughter at the holm) of his son in-law, in the Fifth ward, where he abused her. lie was committed ihree days in default of a fine. A thin indi vidual, charged with drunkenness, was released on paying a tine of one dollar and costs. ST-4-MBOAT THIEVES.—Thr•re is a Clain of pilferers who hang about the steamboat landing, and when a boat Is about ready to leave, go aboard and lay their hands on anything they can find and carry It off. In the confusion ircident to the departure of the boat, they manage to get cti ~ with their bo.ty uuporceivtd. The Mayor has received Information that witb;n the last few days several overcoats have lean stol.n in this manner. On Thursday three flue overcoats were taken from the Brownsville packet Telfzrapb, and Mr. A. Carey Let one from the S. A. Bayard on the same evening. The police are on tha lock cut for the persons en gaged in these depredations, and wo may expect to hear of an arrest to a short time. MAY DAY.—To day is th 3 (,tamoncernent of tl,e ° metric month of May," nod Judging from the variable weather of the past month, we presume It will be showery and unpleas ant. Those who still keep up the good o',l met, ing of the mother country by melting it a dry of festivity, taking ex• eureions into the woods, and eating a cold dinner on a log, will do well to provide themselves with the unromantic ac companiment of nu umbrella. Owing to the unc'rtainty of the weather at this season of the year, these cheerful anni versaries are . fast going cut of date. We ate sorry to see this, but NV3 must, perf ,rce, submit, as it is anything but pleasant to go " Maytag" on a rainy dar. Naws.—The Upper Peninsula Advocate,' . On tonagon, Michigan, has the following concerning the wines In that locality:— ",Tho Ridge Mine looks better at present than at any former period. Tho vein between VI and VII levels, east of Clark Shaft, is nnusnallv rich, being frilly eleven feet wide, and trarag good barrel and stamp work. There aro now nearly eight tons of mineral on the surface ready for ship ment, but in consequence of the almost impassable condi tion of the roads, it cannot be at present brought down to Ontonagon. The Ogima has a very good show, capeciEly in the macro pitch. They have two masses in eight, one of which is esti mated to weigh from 1500 to 2000 pounds." ours Autil —An officer named Mitchell arrived linre &tun Tarentota yesterday, in company with Sourer, the man who lost the boots mentioned in yesterday's paper, with a warrant for the arrest of 11. V. Sends, who purchased the boots of Iloneymyer, on a charge of larceny. On Somer's first visit to the city, he found his boots at Sonde's, returned home, and had a warrant issued immediately. On his ar_ rival here he was informed that Honeymyer was in jail on the same charge. Sonde was arrested and taken before Mayor Weaver, who held him to bail for his appearance at Court. CLIZAP CLOTLING.—To those of our readers who &Aro to purchase good and cheap clothing, we would recommend our neighbcr on the corner of Fifth and Wood—Z. L. Eisner . lie has on hand a full stock of every style and variety, and also makes clothing to order. Wholesale buyers will find it much to their advantage to call on him, as he has every facility for furnishing goods In hie line as cheap as any other establishment in the city. He has just opened a fine stock of summer goods, and now is the time to buy th( no. THE LAST CHANCE.—As we anticipated, Masonic Hall was crowded last night to listen to the many god things of Saufird and his troupe. They have drawn excellent houses during the week, and we are sorry to announce that this is the last opportunity the fun-loving portion of our commu nity vi-fl have of hearing them for some time. They per form in Zanesville on next Monday evening. Thcee who have not hoard them should go by all means. The pro_ gramme for this evening consists of a number of novelties. A MOO 3 SERIOUS Cmkaos.—Edward Smith was committed to Jail a few days ago by Alderman Rodgers, for whipping his wife. Yesterday morning a woman named Elizabeth rd'Alillan made an information against him before the same . u .• g L,trate for the larceny of a silk dress, a pair of ear any two dollars In money. She states that she was boars at his '‘ollBoolsl Fulton street, in the Sixth ward, r when c,ho articles v., •re missed. A commitment ;vas sent up against him for larcen:" vrom the recent difficulties MIRIVIZEC4 OPIRA TROCI 7 I:. • at the Theatre, many of our citizens have been led to believe that.we aro nut to be favored by a visit : (An Max mar'tcek's Opera Troupe. We understand, however, t: ‘lat Mr. Itoberte fl actively engaged in solicitlng subscriptioL and that several hundred Cekets have already boon taken. . Rh: old a sufficient amount be eubciribtl for, we will have a l ' art opera seamn won LARcENY.—Alderman Steel sent Wm. Lewis to jAil 3es terday, chargiid with stealing a coat from a Loardiug house In the Fifth ward. The name of tha prosecutor is Joseph 13.16hgatt, Nu:sANcE.- , -Micliael Harper, of the seventh Ward, was charged befo e Alderman Irvin, yesterday, with nuieanc, in thr,,wing dirt on the lot of one of his Leißilbur3. lie will have a hearing on Monday. THE steamer Belmont left St. Louis fur Plttsburgh on last Wednesday, and will mil re here during next week. when the mystery in which the death of young Vanderkiste is in• volved, will presably be cleared np. IT MEY INTEREET Eti angers visiting Allegheny city, and other=, t) know that a superior article of Men and Boys' Clothing, White and Colored Shirts, Uundershirts and Drautrs, Gloves, Hotiery, &c, can be had at Carnaghau•s, Federal street, near the Post Office, at low rates for cash. Evertrineut sold lu the establishment is warranted rondo. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLL:GE, PI:TSEURGII, PA.—When all the points of superiority are taken into the account, the largo arrd elegant rooms—the most complete furnishing of the same, to the great convenience of the teachers—Messrs, Cowley, Hutson and Douthett, in penmanship, having re ceivei first preruMnis in every instance where they have exhibited their superb specimens of writing—the low price of board and of tuition—the exceeding healthfulness of the city; all tired° points of superiority taken together, with others nut mentioned, make the Iron City College the most !In-Arable schr,a for busillt,l43 men in any part of the country. Even in the far west and south, cdnnuercial studera's will bud it greatly to their advantage to attend here—the ad vantages much more than counter balancing the expense of travel. For further particulars address P. W. Jenkins, Pittsburgh, Pa. AT the Aldermen's offices yesterday every tlir,g was 4Q -- THE SUCCESS WHICH ATTENDS TEE USE our DR. J. HOSTETTER'S Celebrated Somach Bitters evinces at once its virtues in all cases of debility and disease of the St4.inacti. Certificates almost without number have been published, attesting Its almost miraculous power in remov ing, those painful and fearful diseases. And at this time it seems idle to do more than call attention to the great reme dy of the age, in order to awaken public attention to its ex-. cellenes. It is the only preparation of the kind that is re liable in all moos, and it is therefore worthy of the comid erution of the afflicted. The Bitters are ploaaant to the taste, a2rieiLle iu their effects, and altogether valuable as a tonic or remedy fur Indigestion. For tale by druggiets and dealers generally, everywhere, and by 110STETTEIt a SMITH, Mauutacturers and Proprietary, 68 Water and b 9 Front streetd,, myl-14:1 11i..: :\ L. --7111,n Dav, ul.. ;t u:ado Ler s,,ennd tlt. or g . :e character of Parthenta y 1 te• Cr of Nvis,,z, and , ii pocaille • an im• her I et eri , aranco !Jere. the u'aa ,!f. 4a.1 Ma 4.1 Tagomar, the Larl,a i 'an I 11.1.41. w , 11 ^c;; r.cd I V. lin:, the iu rr.i,t clan - L.lpr of tr;;.. 1, f tlyit name, in ‘i Web she wa3 sj r moat. The piece \Veil :I.t. with ll.i.pas Croon, Mr. Keel,h3 ce Jason, and Jul - ., Ni C Mr. Cliqi :co Fcster also )La izon, in the draw.' of •• El Ifyder, the Chief I h.• Gliaht Nieuntain3." =MT CIi 4 .!iTTY LICIU EiSITE Itrstand that Dev. Dr. Morlsrty, f Ha:Lh is tlel:vvr u litter() iu the baeeaunt P.oli's Ceth,dial, ou the ev,ning of the 13th of May. 11,1 t I'll a tit be "lha Po und Itelieious ktrectq of Del: in ludla." 'rho prected3 ui the Itethre will he a to the M rcy PETEEdn'S BANK NOTE LI3T.—.Wo have received the Mty ut.rnbor of Peterson's Bank Nob List nod Counterfeit De: f.:nt the publiehere. It is au excellent number, con taining descriptions of ninety-eight new couuterfeits issued EiLle, , 010 13t. of April. Ira... IF TLIERE DE RELIANCE to be placed lu medb duo, and theusandt of well attested ca.es establish be 3 end the possibility of a doubt the curative properties of any one particular remedy, then J. M. OLIN'S CELEBRISiD ETOMACCI .131rrxas in unquestionably the greatest medicine ever intro duced to an afflicted community. As a cure for Dyspepsia, emtivenms, Weakness of the Stomach, and other diseases arising from a disordered state of the Diver, Kidneys, etc., they cannot be excelled. Invalids ahm:d not hesitate to try therm For sale by J. M. OLIN, 9,1 e proprietor and manufacturt r, No. 267 Penn street, Pi:tiburi.th, Pu., and by dealers generally. JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER uF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Wareroomg, 421 Pemn street, ABI )VE TUE CANAL BRIDGE, In adlitlea L the Furn:ture bueinegs, I uhso devote au ution to UNIYKTAKtNU. Ilcursba aud Carriages fixtu 114 4.1 THEE MIERCANTILZ.I AGENICV, THE AND .P 1 I ()TECTION 1."11-Z.A D B. DOUGLASS & CU , ,, Proprietors. • Cor;:er U'ood and Fifth Streets., Pittsburgh, Pa. ALEX. ARMSTRONG, Manager. Est.oLllshod, Now York, Juno, IS4l—Pittsb'gh, March,lB62 HEAD OF iICS. NEW YORE B. DOUGLASS & CO BRANCH OIT/CES. ;litshurgh B. DOUGLASS A CO. Philadelphia D. DOUGLASS & (O. CHlciliusti .—.B. Dououse A Co CloVi land B. DOUGLASS A Co. Drqrcit B. Dou.mess A Co. Chicago B. DOUGLASS .t. CO. Dubuque B. DOUGLASS EL CO. 31.liViiiiker B. Doool.mze A Co. Now Orluaus B. DOUGLASS A Co. Charlentai B. ERIUGLAS A Co. Louisville B. DouoLass & Co. 6L. Lcuis B. Dou..a..siss E. CO. ASSOCIATE 02 FIC.M D'iton E. Roessu A Co. lialtimoro J. D. PLITT & Co, Ri.qauond PRATT A CO. FOREICiN Ok ?ICES. Montreal, C. S 11. DOUGLASS & CO. London. Eng B. DOUGLASS & o. Letters of Introduction to Lawy ere of high standing and respectability to every section oi the Union. wilt be gramitonsly fun:NM:J.I to subscribers making application at the office. Also, lettere of intriduction to any of the offices Cleaned above. U r fi. CoLLECTIONs PROMPTLY ATIENDID TO IN ALL PANTH OP STATEs AND EILITISII POSsL.SeIONs. raplolM JAMES P. TANNER, 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Inv'toi the attention of his customers and ['flyers general- ly, to his largo stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, Bought direct from Alanufacturora in 51.t,sa:litlette, COMPRISING BROG A N'S, G AITERS, OPERA,TLE.S, ETC Misens' and Children's BONNETS, FLATS and FANCY lIATS Mon, IN ye and Yuut PALM LEAF, LEG HORN, PA 31A]JA aid STRAW HATS Men, Bop] and Yontlfa WOOL and FUR HATS All of which will be Lund In groat variety Grant Inducements offered to CASH trod prompt TIME BUYERS Orders solicited and carefully selected and packed mr27:dtjel—ts NEW TRIMMINGS! NEW TRIMMINGS J. BUSH, No. 65 Market street, Ladies, walk in and examine the Now spring EtAlt of TRIMMING S, EM BILGI DER' 1::4, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, RUCLIES, nosmay, GLOVES, JOUVIN'S KID (MOVES, OAUNTLETS, MISSES' EMBROIDERED AIARSEILLES SKIRTS., EXPANSION STEEL SPRINU SKIRTS, EIEBROIDERED, MECUANIC AND FRENCH CORSETS! INFANTS' FANCY CAPS, And HEAD-DRESSES, AT .1. BUSH' S, No. C 5 Market street China, Glass, and Queensware. SPRING STOOK JUST OPENED, AT ,THE OLD ESTABLISLIMENT OF 3r-a - 1:11 TOT - ' 4E" 2E3Ca GAY, 1:12 'Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa AIT HO Is NOW RECEIVING FROM Europe and Footer,, CitiCe, a choice ausortment of a: ticks in his line, comprising new and tristelul shapes of Pea: 1 White Stone Tea. Dining. and Toilet Ware, and the same lu P.ain, Gold, Lustre Band and flowers; Fine White. Vitrified Iron stone Table Were, known to be the most dur au. 'e tow in use for Hotels aid Steamboats; French China of new e, 'vies ' iu Pure White and Gold Band, either in sets or eingw "GCB; Richly Dolt and Decorated Toilet Into; Brit. German Silver Tea Table Spoons, Soap plated tar"" L a a n d d ie l. B 2 l :.... e c d ., Cast3; r with silver; tine Ivory liandled Carving, Toa and 'able Knives and Foriuc Tea Waiters and Tray?; Shalt, r and Sc drawTable Mat.; Japaced and Dec. ()rated Tin Tullet Sot. 1 assortment of all articles sulta• Alio, a c inpleta and fu. , CIL TBADE, a: priced to please lie for the COUNTRY RE.I. vi the public, who are romectlL .LY mu ted to examine this stuck. mr27:3melaw GENTLEMEN'S DRZSS GOODS. A. itiPPARLAYRD, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield atreete, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES ri.LIAT he has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, best quality and most oiegant descrip. which he is prepared to manufacture to order lu the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to satisfy a. - rd please the most fastidious tastes. [spCelru TO HOTEL KEEPERS. A :RARE CHANCE. The Mountain laloteis fur Rent. 9LIE MOUNTAIN HOTELS AT CRESSON, on the 'PQmoylvania Railroad, are offered for lease for a term of years. These buildings which are large and r .,„mmedi.m.,;,, are situated near the summit of the Allegheny Mountains, in Cambria county. The salubrity of the cli mate—the puce water—the beauty of the Mountain Ikea: ry —the faei'iiim icr fishing and hunting, and all these enjoy mente and recruntions which g.ve health and vigor, have rendered Cresson a popular place of Summer Resort fur visitors. from all parts of the United States. The Pennsyl va,la Railroad furnishes means of ac.:eso daily, hom ail the principal cities of the Union, and visitors while enjoying ' an the pleasnres of country li:e, can communicate with the ' cities every few hours. The 11o:els belong to "The Allegheny Mountain Health Institute," with all the furniture and fixtures belonging to the es in;eny. They are in a suitable condition for the coal acoummcdation of over TWO lIIINDIIED pasta. To a c,.mi.ete.lt inanag,r, the chance is a most sxcuilent ono. A d.. 1 ,0821, JOSEPH PENNOCK, Prea't, Pittsburgh, Pa., Or, J. P. LESLEY, Chairman of Curomittse, all Philadelphia, Pa. APPLES.-2 eases just received by expre33 nod for enl9 by RHYMER & ANDERSON, No. 39 Wood street, :11,24 Opposite St. Charles Hotel. LYON'S KATIIAIRON.-25 gross for pale by 11. A. FARNESTOOK & CO, Conker Wood slid First streets. a ;:r od ht Fcett Tin 1' ITTSBURG I'A rur22:(lls—la COMIERCIIL AND RIVER NE\V. l"r £ GI! 13C3ALTAD T. 73-11) f A 1.11) :::-;.11.C.;11A_ NTS , EXCEANGIE• v. LI, 7ice Y. P. BP.U!"3T, f.l7.•t3zurcr. Ur'l_,!.ll.'2, nspd.rinttr.d.tnt. JOSEPII SNOWDEZ'I• . Coq, al:ltee of Arbitration F. R. Bitir:OT, Vice Pr. aid t, .1 I:'• ti I LLE:7 I IIE, JO. , Er Li R. II II 8.1A!.1 SHRINER, AUSTIN 1...4)t,11T?. L' KG H 112. Ait K.% T • Carefully Reported Ly JD'aEid tiNowDEN, Supetut!ertthml of the Alervha .E..r.thange. Pmreaur,on, April 90 1856. FLOIJR...No bake faun Brat hands tratamircd tri•slay. irml store the bales feat up 530 Ltda. viz:-35 bblg. extra family at $4,50; 400 btla. superfine, extta and extra family at $3,61, $4,12 and $4,50; 30 bbis. extra at $4,25; 30 bbl:. extra fatally at $4,50; 10 tbla. i.uptu tine at i 3,73; 20 bb's. extra M. $1,12 1 ,4. Git s 45 bush. car Corn from wharf at 45c.; 102 bush. Oats from wharf and wagon at 27c4 242 bush. du. from store st 30c. FEED...EaIes 2 tong Bran at 55c. 7 i, 7 100 lbt. HAY...Sales 10 loads from the scalaa at SDM..SIS 5 3 ton; 1 load straw at $7 vl ton. SALT—SaIe!: 120 bbls. No. 1 at $1,62; 100 ba43 :10. at $l,lO. SUGAR...SaIes 22 hlula. N. 0. at cash for fair to prime and 8 , ',; for prime ou time. MOLASSES—SaIes 35 bbla. N. 0. at 37 1 ,4a35c.; blds. Baltimore Syrup at Lo©ssc. 7 0 gallon. BACoN...Sales 5000 Ihi. Shoulders at : 7uoo lbs. do. at ;00 lbw. do. at 7!._c; 5500 144. Hama at ,c. IS 01 EZIS K 10 lad?. at $lB ":E+. Ltd. ASLIES...SaIeg 15 casks Solo or 200 thi 041( Lye at 14,. Is. lb. COFFSE...Sit'es Jim on plivut, terms; 10 begs do. at l'2;: : ;c. -;-?, P -, TATO2I...SaIes 100 !mail. ob . c. bush. from atoro. FAIGe...SaieFl 8 bbld. at 61..;(47c. It Urf Elt...Sale3 14 boxes roll at ICK;I4I7e. CIT 1C143 I , t...Salud 30 box( sW.R. at 8V,40,:. In. LlME—Sales 10 !Mx. Louisville at $1,2& FlSll—Salea 8 IA.IIB. No. 3 Mackerel largn at sl2 , ,:matsl3 ; bbls. Lake Superior White at $ll 18 111. WHISKY...SaIes 38 bbls. raw at 181 4 ; f;S Ills rectiMsi in luta at 19@;22..c...;, 1 4 gallon. New York Market NEW YORK. April 30. Cotton firm; sales coo bales. Flour has declined; 14,500 blds sold. Wheat him declined; :;0,000 bush sold; red western, to arrive, at $1; white western $1,20@1,30. Corn has declined; 66,000 bush sold. Beef firm. Pork dull and unsettled at518,75(M18,80 for Mess and $15,25415,50 for prime. Bacon quiet and steady; Shoulders 7@7% . . Whisky Steady at 21c. Coffee firm Fit Sugar quiet; Orleans 4@6; Muscovado 6,?.( 3 . Rice steady. Freights firmer; on Cotton to Liverpool 3-16; on Flour to Liverpool is 9d; on Graiu to Liverpool 6;..6@5%. Ncw York Stock Market. NEW YORK, April 30 —Euening:—Stocka firmer. Chicago and Ruck Inland 78%; Cumberland C:at IS , ,; Mich South ern 25 , /,'',; N. V. Central 89 3 :,c; heading 48; Milwaukee and Miseissippi 29; Virginia 6'e : , 1; Missouri 6 l a S 3: Galena and Chicago SO; Erie 211,6; Cleveland and Toledo .415';;'; La Crete land granta 32. The River There were Rix foot water in tho channel Imt night and the river was still falling. Raining uir and nn an day. .13neiueds STEAMBOATS CIACII7eIRTATIE. For Cincinnati v... The elegant side wheel, passenger packet SUPERlolt—Capt. llmmoNn J. iirteci—will leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, on SATUR DAY, the Ist inst., at 12 o'clock, .i. For fitight or passage apply en board, or to FLACK, BARNES L CO., Agents. Through to St Louis in five day Title lwa , connects with the mail line, and will go through in the time sped fled. She will ' , WIC on Saturday. ap22 ST. LOLUIS. For St. Louts. lOWA Wm. A. Moor.g, 11e-ter. The light draught, feet running passenger Packet lOWA, Moons, Master, will leave for - ••r. , the above and all intermediate ports, on WED NESDAY, the 21st instant, at 4 o'clock P. 51. For freight or passage, having superior ace enodatione, apply au beard, or to HARDY .1/. MeGREW, Agents, ap2o Corner First and Ferry streets. ZANESVILLE. Nor Marlette and Za.nesvllle The steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. MON ROE A will leave for the above nud all intermediato port 3 on every TUE:. , DAY, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or peesago apply on board. [Jae, Proposals. OFFICE ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Pittsburgh, April ?ad, 1868. XTENSION OF RAILROAD TO MA -4 HONING.—The Board of Managers of the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company, invite proposals for the giaduti- Con, masoury and bridging of that portion of se id ruilro,d lying between Kittanning and ruruth of Motioning, a dis tance of ten miles. Also, for cross-ties, rail-bare, spikes and chairs. bids are eclirited f. r doing sail work in sections of one or more miles, and also for the whole work. Separ ate bids for graduation and masonry, bridging, crass-ties, iron, spikes and chairs, for the whole or part of said work will be considered. Payments to be made as work prognoses in the prF-ferred stock of the Company, bearing 12 "E; cent. intern;t. Bide to be received at the Office of the Company, until SATURDAY the 15th day of May next. I 4 y order nf the Board. ap24:3 W. N. JOHNSTON, Prelddent. Contract tor Supply of Marine Hospital. CUSTOM HOUSE, Pittsburgh, April 12th, 1558. f IiOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Sealed Proposals accompanied by proper guarantees, according to forms to be furnuin d, ou applicatioa at this Ake, will be res-eiNed thereat until 12 o'clock, meridian, ou the FIRST TUESDAY In June next, for the supply of the Marine Hospital, near this city, with the article., of Pros is ions, Medicine, etc., enumerated In said forms. The quali ties stated are estimated with reference to the several num ber of patients In the Hospital, but the United titatie reserve the right to take more or leas cf m.d articles, accordingly as they may be actually required. If the art idee deliver/al at the Hospital are not in the Judgment of the Physician, of the Itt-itt quality, and adapted to the Hospital Lo Hill be at liberty to rtj,ct the same, to put'sli,:'se o article in their stead, and to Chltl'go the eentra. tor with any execs in the cost ever the contract pri,es. The United Shstes reserve the right to accept ti, • props. at for the whole or any poi don of de/ at tides /-peciiied. JUDY HA:Sri/N(2S, Surveyor awl Agent ',lin llott.itttl Proposals far lUntsonry. DROPOSA LS/WILL BE RECEIVE!) BY ,he ondersigried for the build/rig of five tit, u land live lon/died perches rf masonry cf the Lew piers atol else t itiet.ts of the Allegheny Brdige, betwe t, n_w an! the let of next month. 1 151,5 and 9. c d ficatiohs Luny he examined at fn.. Eng; neer'it °nice, at the Allegheny end id the ohl Allegheny Urkic,. JOHN A. hiIEBLIN/d, apg2.lo' Eogincer Allegheny Bridge 6. 1 ,,p, 3 - . Proposals for Pay pROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED By the noilerbigned, until FRIDAY, the 3oil. of April in. smut, for CURBING and PAVING that port,on of ChM strcet, oppobim the Wcatern Penitentiary, ext.- hilii,g wi et. wr1.1% , 1y from Welter titre et to the Rail! Laid II: iii,ce„ Also. for PAVING WITII liitTClt, the Side-Wolk ur way, fronting the Penitentiary grcurafr, on cold Ohio Ftrubt. Tie propcoala will elate the price pm-lie-al root for Curbing and the rice and character of the ;Stone to b... need for that purpose. They will aid° state the price per a luaru yard f r the o- btroet pavomenta at.d the price perbquare yard fcr the brick pavefuout. The pavement of the foot way, to be of hard cherry brick, of budh quality aa shall bu approved by the Warden. 'the pr:ceit bid, as above, to include all the Band, gTavel, and other materialu, and wo.k necesi.try to complete the contract to the uatittfuction of the Inspectors. In addition to the bidding for the work, as stove men tioned, which will be considt red 11,9 being made fir cash, Qll the completion of the contract, the propeuida Will state, at what prices the work will be done en a credit of TWELVE MONTHS. S JONES, Treasurer, aptee-o-sltd Western Penitentiary. GO Aft; E't SEE GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium 1i3111141 Factory, CORN ER '2IIIRD AND MAIt&ET STS., PI7TSBUItGII. HOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR A. House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the moat exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their lute:NAß to give me a call before purchasing elsoullere. Aly Work ie got up by the best moclianic3 (not apprentices.) every atteutiw.. la given to the wants of customers. Pricoa low. Al! work warranted. No. 7:1 THIRD Sheet, Pi:tab:ire% [myg,lvii THE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by 11. U. g J. !I. sawyer, re receives the preference over all other kinds over tiered for tanilly use. Its advantages over other 50.,p1 are:—let. It Is c;.eaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common reei u Soap. 2d. Half the time need only be occupied in washing wheu this Soap is used In place of other Soap. ;Li Lahr in washing can be nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will requite little If any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board 4th. l'2oilitc , the clothes is unnecessary whau this Soap is used, cud Lard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far supe.rior to ether Soaps. It speedily re moves grunts, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash.bmxd, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take ono pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve In the Gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing tiout ten gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Scrap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring oat, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-baud, or seam, or grease sr:a, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come ogt clean and white, without rubbing or Lolling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double tlmeln soaking. Observe our name on rach bar. Fur Sale, fu any quantity, nt, our warehouse, No. 47 Wood sat and at our work; opposite the Round House, Penn. sy Ivania avenue. 13. 0. J . L. SAWYER, ap'2l No. 47 Wood street. FUN() AT A BARGAIN.—An elegant lio,owood, Chickerin,g Piano, only iu use three month, in perfect order in every respect, gill be sold at a very great borgela. The owner is now In the West, and wishes to sell at once, and for cash. The subt , criber will guarantee the Piano to he portent, and nr.bleudihed. Appl to 4,24 Jol:fig U. . If ELLOR. CATAWBA BRANDY.—I have just re celccd a largo /ot of genuine Catawba Brandy, strict ly pro for medical purposes. . Theca wishing a pure article of tide kind, should call and examine my stock before par ' hasing e.16010,,ra. JOSEPH FLEMING, IR ici corner Diamond and Min ket street ITSSELE4 9 S AT ENT EAI6II DICIT.:..IY, 2d TLIE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Roofs, with Russell's Mastic. Th's commvsition is re:apteri for all kinds of ROO'FI, flat or steep; it can also be applied on 'fin, Iron, or 0 d making a perfect /ob. This composition is not affected by atmospheric changes ; it will utither crack nor run ;it is impervious to water ; FIRE PROOF and more durable than any other kind of of- Ing. This roofing motorist is nerd in vas. quantities throughout the United Status, on Ilouse3, Bridges, Rolling Mills, ,d Cars, antl.titeano..oets, s:iti,faction, and is c e,llered a porlect protection from the elements. Although this roodug. woo introduced here in tutu, it can b, seen on many of the Lu!ldings in the city. Also, on mast of the Itnilrow:A. I In re retor to a few plaMi where [hie Itoonte4 is in use, an.' can be seen—Clevdand cud Pittsburgh Railroad ; at Belle Mr; Bridgeport; Martinsville; Pe:rtland ; Lagrange ; i7tecte us i.i ; McCoy's; Wellsville; Liverpool and Rochester Sta tuns, and the Manchester Depot; •rins:,lvatna Central Bailin, i; zripruce. erc.k Astoria Station, Mill i.t Tipton and Par ,OLIVO Altoona; Allegheny City,, Weintmineler College, fuel many other Butidirqs; Pittsburgh, J. McCully's Ware house; Ben. Trimble's Hotel; al/icy - numerous others in this city. All orders left nt No. 2-17 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where samples of the ma terial can be seen,) will receive prompt attentimi, by R. KENNEDY, of Roshory, has discov• „ma.; ered in c'. 0 a our Minim , oo,ture WO,lll el rt , ruod) that cures .?Rol'll TILL WOILST SCROFULA DoWIT TO A COMMON He has tried it In over eleven hundred c ere, and never failed except in two awes, (both thunder humor.) Flo ha, now in his possession over one hundred certificates of in value, all within twenty miles of Two bottles ore warranted to cure a nursing sere mouth. One to threo bottles will cure the uorst kind of Pimples on the face. Two or three bottles will elene the systom of bil u. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst conker in the month or stomach. Three to live bottles are warranted to cure tho worst klcd of Erysipelca. 0 a to two bottle 3 are warranted to core all iItILLIOC ILI Liar o; t:2. Two bottles are warranted to caret inning of the eare and blot; hos among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to clue r,rrupt an running ulcers. Ono bottle will care scaly eruption of the Two or throe bottles are warranted to cure the woretldn:_ 4 cf ringworm. Two or three bottles ore warranted to care the moat der perate case of rlienuxatiera. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure aa rive to eight bottles will cure the worst csse of ecrofule. A benefit is always exporlencod from the first LoCtle, aad e perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is Dada MAns.m.,—The reputation of the Medical Dlitoyery, in curing all kind of littmors, is au well established by the unanimous voioe of all who have ever used it, that I nee not say anything on the subject, as the most skilful physi cians and the moat caroful Druggi_na iu the country are un animous in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to tour notice, I do it with a full knowledge of the cut ativo power. iu relieving all, and curing most of those diseases lu which you are nn fortunately so liable. That moat excruciating disease to at affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured at , if bye miracle; your own t,naper is restored its natural awoetners, and your balk) from short cud fretful 11“1 , 3 to calm and sv,Tot slumbers ; and the Medical Discove ry becomes a fountain of blowing to your hußtand and household. In the more advanced atage, , cf CANKER It extor.ds to tho stomach, taming DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing but canker of the atom ; then to too intostincs and creating a sinking, gone reenug, ea:d a:ll , “lifforoncs 21en tt, the eared of your Emil,. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED. your food distresa:•o yora, and you coo 0r..1y Lake certain kinds, and even of that your system door not get half the nourishment it contains as thescrinionous fluid of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom mid be. comer sallow or greenish, and your beet dny is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes boss and flabby, and the fibres of your body become relaxed. Than follow 2 train of diseased which the Medical Discovery' is peculiarly a(Lplod to Palpitation of the hoart, pain in the sic weakfliss of the spine and small of the back, pain of CM. hip kfint when ynt refa re, free,da..st F tha bowels. ami dem, that moat oxoru• doting of diseases, the PILES. How many thousands of poor women mo eoffering from tiffs disease and pining away a miserablo end their next door neighbor does not know the cause. I wish to Impres, ne your mind that good old proverb, " 10 ouffro of prevon thin is bettor than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the proveuMtivo and Ili.. ome, with this groat and good quaff ty, that it will rimer, unJ rifny CirMilaitZtill'ed . do you any injury. Ns change of diet ever ueeesbary--eat the best you cen got and enough of it. Dinr.otioNl FOR OL'.` table spconcial per day— Children over tor:yeses SCUS6it tlii , ... Liflll—CiAldren from to eight years, tea apuouful. As 1,. directions eau l u appli cablorto all constitutit us, take urffrilent to operate on thi bowels twice a day. Ycrrj IY.YNALD RE::!' , 1111 Price $l,OO per bottle. For el.lo by o€p4-aim• FOR THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES, BOWMAN'S VEGETABLE Col POE:A1), ur erdh3 t y And Druggists genrrully. H. CHI LDS CO., 7-4- ..,-_ , . _ :....0 4 7-„,-,„--;-,..,,.. _ .. ...;.,, 411 f.,1 §,-:, iT, [fl ,72 . --1 - I_, .._:, --....: . , 1, :?..J, l-, 1. , , , 1.„..-: cio --- ,-- -... 13 11. ' tfil jap 7 t:, , ,' i3i cal 5:.2, r' li ~L , ~ g ~.:;!, :..j . „ ,. - - - - . - 7. ,I''' , 4 iiil Tv4,f r g.,l 4 4 1 4:1; ..34 L-, 1„-a 1, , ,.; _ re ,_. 1 ,-., !..,, o••••••' * •••• = strarirrdsl,' - :: • , ' ' '., C.) ~ .--.- : :;k- r - --1 1 5 . ---k , r 4 .-m v- ,7,,, - -, ._ ---, ap 4, 1i .,4,,,,,,,1., i A.;:,[7:3 Fi ;,t , :1;'..; ' P---1 -1 " , fr 4 A .NIVr -,- .:',2 Ail . ; # J ,)..„'S 1 ". . ' , _ t..—...,_, ,, [3_, „",..1., '..- ..t r 7,, '.. N......' '---,-§:. c' fiy.r._l..,-.4 -" -"ii -''A T Lif —fill f ~ ~, r ,--1 r- , - -- -, A -r----=-Ata-r.e.-_ p' . ~o, i v -- - ,-..• i:f Co_ _-_ , ,_ , , , ,t-k tv ,-.4 . ,_ 7 ,,.. .---2--.sz- n - XO. 133 WOOD STIIIEL'T, :PITTSBURGH, PA., T_TAVE JUST RECEIVED TIIE I R largo SPRING STOOK OF BOOT 3 AND SHOES, consisting of a great variety of sessurialdi.aud fashionable goods adapted to spring and stin:n - .,r hales. Hoeing been purchased for cash, at redueerl prices, they f el warranted in saying that they can supply Wt stern morch , nts. by the package or dozen, at as low the same quality of goods can be purchased in the Eastorn (ales. Particular attention given to orders. Also, 12 good supply of \u:7 York a,: Spani3ll Solo Leather, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYA:cCF.R. 07771013 valm C. 11.17/?!..:17.1.1 S-P rt•cAt L_ M A_RBLE ! M A RBLE Jr 0 II C G MONUMENTS, GILIVE STONE Enclosures, Pot,l.ti., The publiz are respectfully to exatulue our Ltock. Prices low, and work wurrautei. Jyl ?l.' 11111TII ESTELLE each purforentitta4.4a, toscaluar with THE TASTE RHINOCEROS DANCING CA KT, nub A LICTION SALES. School for Young Ladles. FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. SCLE OP Patcna. Private Bowe to e hold six persona $5 00 Dregs Circle and Parquotto 50c. Upper Tier .... -25 c. . Dcrira opon at 7 o'clock—commence at half past 7.IES IMMENSE TRIUMPH. Third night of the distinguished Tragedienne, MISS J. M. DAVENPORT, who will appear to-night in her great ciaFdical character of .‘ Meatha," in which she created eo lei - I'll:ea aol 'milieu the occasion of her last visit to this ,ity,at,d which is aluwed to to cno of her most brilliant inipersonntiens. Second appearance this seaden of MR. CiIAhLES FOSTER. SATURDAY EVENING, May lat, 1853, will be performed the celebrated tragic play, in 3 acts, translated from the French of Legouve, expr, telly for Miss Davenport, entitled MEDEA. Mks Davenport.Jaiel) Wiilter Seel - lo W. it. I Orpheus Julia M. Cooks Fancy Dance Miss Emily Waldegrave. To conclude with the celebrated di ama, of FL HYDER, THE CHIEF OF TETE GLIANT MOUNTAAINS. Mat Mizen„. ..... Chas. Foster. Harry Cooke In preparation, the great play of •r Camille;" also, a new coruedetta, entitled "Anne Oath -Id; or, Natnro ya. Art." JOHN W. IVI'CARTHY 9 BILL POST +`R! • wILL ATTEND TO THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTI24'd of all kinds of BILLS FOR CONCERTS LECTURES, EXHIBITIONS, &a. All communications—Other by mail, tolo , Tapb, or other wise directed to the Ale° of tho Morning Poet, will receive, prompt attain:Jou DAGUERREAN GALLERIES. R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and .4.imbrotypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21 Fi lb stroot, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, 8. W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, Pittsburgh. PRIORS TO SUIT ALL. myl9:tf-Sp MIKES' GALLERY OF ART, No. GO MARKET STREET.-PICTURES taken at this Gallery by a now and improved process, giving the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex ion. They are acknowledged by all who have examine, them to be far superior to any pictures eve! exhibited in this city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examine his large collections of specimens. Ms Gallery being on the second door, is easy of access. N. B.—Picturea of Children taken In two aeconda, at al Market street. n/y27:tf Is Et 0 G F. it 13 NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMBI Slil" AND SIDE-LIGHT CALLER riFTLI STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITi6I T 1 taken In all tho vtl' weather, and warranted to planue, at re• Sick or deceased persons taken an2o:l7thopp—la AMBROTYPE WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD IN THE COUNTRY, AT Removed to 21 Fit CARGO & CO.'S PHOTOah AMBROTYEE GALLERY has be. 72 Fourth street, to No. 21 Fifth street neat These rooms having been built especially fc with three larg , lights, are not surpassed h. comfort, convenience and excellence in arrangi. 47' - '• Our old friends and patrons, and those perior likenesses, are invited to call. pa. Reception and Spi cu the ground door. WHOLESALE CLOCK DEW, REINEDIAN&MEYRAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. FANCY GOODS. WATCH MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. mrl3 A 110.111ESTEAD FOR *1()„!. FOR SALE IN TIIE " GOLD Rr.GION" and other portions of Virginia, thu follow 'log Farma and BeriltiL,g Lots, IN SHAH N, to wit -1 Fart. of 100 acres, and a Gold 51ino, i 5.... 100 acres. 3 farms of 10 ecru' cacti, rro 240 ~ 25 " 40 " 1000 " 7U " 11 " " 1400 " i ~ 150 . 10 " 1500 " 250 " 5 IS " . ....... ....... 1250 " . . 503 '' 2 . 1000 " , 250 Bui'd'g lota % acre. with els. a, put lic wire' 710 " 12.20 " " .100z100 feet " 1:500 " , "50:100 " " ‘, _ 14 925 14 1000 " " 2&x100 " " EDUCATED 511 i LEL, 10,000 Shares, amounting to 1 0,000 " CZaTIFICATIN of the nbovs Shares, (with Bond: t for the ini• mediate execution and delivery of the Deeels,)hawe been en. closed in 10,000 envelops, exactly alike, and soiled; which, after being well mixed up, have been numbered' en the out side from 1 to 10000 incicilve, so that no one now knows the contents of any particular envelope. They 'will be sold at $lO zaca, without reference to what they &Attain, and sent to any one making application. Unt.rctptiavtabie Tales will in all easel be given. The largest Farm, coutaining a Gold Hine, Is' valued at $30,000, and the smllett sized Building Lots have been Roll- Mg at $lO, each. Hundreds have already beau sold upon these terms. Whilst all stand the same chance of getting the Farms, every purchaser is guaranteed one of thee lots at least. Every other purchaser to bound to get one of at least double eli size in value. Every fourth parcnater one of at least quadruple its size and value. Whilat every tents, purchaser will get a Farm ranging in value from $2OO op,ts $30,000. These Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to iltdUU. settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will com;,ensato fur the present sac rifice. The net proceeds are to be arplied to local inlprove ments, such as Schools, Factorles, Mills dr,. Any number of Shares can be taken by individuals--td secure a Farm take at least ten .S7mrel The C'ertificales can be obtained by paying ONE SIALF, and the Deeds by paying the orison HALF. r, 7 0,000 Acres of Land, in large or snail tracis,can air, be had at Plticerit SALE, and upon most I:case:Luta Titans. Sarno of it is 11101 LY 13IPROVED. AGENTS ARE WANTED EVERYWHERE TO HELL TIIESE LANDS.- I,ll.eral inducement, v,lll be given. For full particulars, !Apply to E. BAUDER, tort floyal,'Curoline Co., Va., Ur to GEORGE W. BUNN, Fatata nod rust ranee Agent, East ride of the Diamond North of Ohio street, Allegheny City, Pa. apl2 -I,v G ROSS Quern's Cod Liver Oil Jolly, just received and for sale by D. L. VAIINESTOOK k 00. Corner Wood and Fourth streets. O CASES Gum Shellac. in store and for sale D. L. FAHNESTOCEL & 00., apfi4 Nc. GO cor. Wood slut Fourth streets. I , CASES r Esle by ap24 EED SWEET POTATOES.-15 barrels Seed Sweet Potatoes for sale cheap to close consign moat by JAS. A. FETZER, ap23 Corner Market and First streets. • AWRENCE COUNTY BONDS WANT ED, la exchange for land. up 22 S. OUTIIBERT lc SON, &l Market at. A. STEAM MILL in complete running or der, with dwelling home ' etc., near the city, for b e.. 1. by 8. CUTIIBERT & SON, ap2l 51 Market etreot. Di- oh. h3ones ofliirbaYllL and l E 7 S or lt B T r tE inTg — with A a dwellingiarga lot t t s rou :A Price, $3OOO. B. OUTIIBERT tc SON, ap2.4 Si Market street. P ALM LEAF FANS.-5000 just received and for &tie vory low, by the am or &mit, at op °.) JUS. HOENE'S, 77 Market street. OUND CANE 1100PS.-10 gross extra 11.10 loug, received by Railroad this day, at BORNE'S, 77 Market iitrqet. INEED OIL.-24 barrels for sale by J mlB BENRY R. COLLINS I LACK CRAPE VEILS--Of extra size and quality—very cheap, at HORDE'S '420 77 Market street BLACK CRAPE COLLARS.—Beautiful style!. for Bala, at JOSEPH HORNE'S, ap2O 77 Markot street. RED, WHITE AND BLUE.-500 boxes Toilet Variegated Soap, assorted colors, In lb., 3 Itk. and 1 7 f ! „ lb. cakes, on hand and for &do by 311 D. C. di .1. IL SAWYER. F4XPANSION SKIRTS--Steci Spring, and all the other celebrated Skirts, for tale by JOS. lIORINJII, 77 Market street. 11Q LACK LACE MITTS.—A large atock of excellent styles, with and without fingers, very cheap at (ap26) JOB. I.IOI3NE'S, 77 Market street. COTTON 11 . 0 SIERY.—Every variety of Cott6n Stocis.ings and half Hoso at tho lowest prices, wholesale or retail, at JOS. IIi , RNE S, ap26 777 Market street. QTARCII.-250 bxs Rochester Pearl Starch, received and for sale by HENRY 11. COLLINt4. BANANAS.—First of the season just re ceived by express and fur Bale by REYMER a ANDERSON, No. 31) Wood btrit L bpi.oalte 3t. Charlea "haul, AMUSEMENTS. Pole Lessee and Manager.. Acting and kitage Manager Treasurer .J. 0. FOSTER. A. W. YOUNG .GEORGE SIEGRIST A BEAUTIFUL A:\ AS AT ANY FIRST CLA WALL No. 42 Fifth street, near Wood. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS ressed Castile Soap, for sale B. L. FAHNESTOCK & 00., No. 00 cor. Wood and Fourth streets. ab. Liquorice, in store and for B L. FAILNESTOCK d; CO., No 60 cor. Wcod and Fourth streets E. S. WYKES, A '‘ 953