• Ar • 7.0 S . 4T C 4. 1:. ) 0 ST ( s , tn,,layc ezva::e.l • I_lY .3 "I P. L1A.1,111, • 15 .111:. A:11" , OTTE AIP.X.r.r9, payable strictly in advan.th Pit Dollars inveanibly:cl in•li.netpaidwithintheyear. 0 Sin to coplr4. LeCe CV:s7s—f,r rale at the counter in tie end by the ille.ca Llcya. FATES OP .A.DVIIitIeISING. Ifi.."..te'rejOncs c.; T',"7-.:13; Do„ , ly " nc 'i„ One iusertlolf.... 1 50 Two insartiou , ; 75cn H.""”I Three inrt iP7IS ...... C,O • Ceeo 1 75, Two weer 5 001 206 I'sol ICo Three weelte 4 00 1 2 t3ri 200 125 One moot' , 50i 335 2 0,1 150 TWO r:1072a13.. 00 1 465 3 50; 235 Three montllc ....... .. 1 00 • i 600 4 501 3 04 1 Pony months ;10 C 0 605 5 001 3 3i,; Pivo ....... 11 00; 7 31, 5 Nis munthi: 1 12 c l ot, 8 0 06; 400 Nine :11011015 10 10 35 8015 33 01:0 year 1) I c, G beothing • Cakni, &it 1174,et or leis, per atiam" CTIA . :I.II-t.UI-3 L'LCASO. , I:: One square, per ant.thm,y,xclusive e , .paper,? 21 CO nolicce_llo_ecute nclie!s., "25 r.ptia PITTSBURIIi SATUR - DAY POST A ra.alr.lii/OTIII . 011311 7 431,V. „ ONLY O 1 199LLiE 20 , 1 WEin 649 • IN Cf.,15113 OY TAN . Single Eabnerltif.inz:s . , - «silo Per annum. CONTAINS ALL TUE CURRENT NEWS TILE DAY, Pnhiierl, lalartiry, Ccatraer Locr.J.,,aelc, - ral,',..ic and Milicellanoyat. This Paper being 01 the U.:4E2T 6 - ff.Z, and neatly prints on flue white paper, in large, clear typo, will be found, by the subscriber to give hotter eathifaction than any paper pucliched in Pittalrar,sh. Thosa whip wlth to taken paper from Pilb!hurgh, will; ind the SATURDAY a cafe and prolltablt inrceloacnt. Athirecs, • JA.Pir....S P. 13ARri3., tepl7 Editor cod Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS r. zitra. ED. A. LIMA tst n i; SJ3 POST LUIS DI~TG-N Varner of Filth. and Wood Streets, rpTit ‘md e lreigned having made extousif' . ;, additions of tLe :•ATEST AND NANDSOIdEST STYLES E TYPE., and implored .kiachiorry, to the MORNING POST JOB OEEICE, invite thy .. •tention of Rad Road Officera Iferehanis, business aucl t." public generally, Co their auperitz thsilitha far e l ec Li i nr , with dispatch, on rezuonablo terms, ail hinds of kl AII Ef. P. _II RA NT LEVrA.Ly AND - EVI:LY 01211.Eit DESEEIPTION OF PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING Our material being nearly , all caw, WO can give assu :Lilco of the most complete satisfaction, and solicit ordcro PAUPLLSTS, BAIL ROAD BILLS AIM CARDS,. " BANE. cilEaus, BLANE: NOTES, :LEITER HEADS, DILL ILEADS, DILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, I;USIN.EES CARDS, PAPER DOORS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, Lc. J Pro tides will :duo Lo paid to the p:intim: Pke.tere, Programm.:4 ,:ze; 4",, , r Concerts, Exhibitions atc.l DARR 4 A1.1.-Eltd. ELEe F'e•DbiC'J §l;,%e SLere• D. S. DiEFFENBA CH. OR & CO., Chet, Ca3h Dealers iu xll hinds of raiiiionable ?DOTS, SUOES LSD GIITERS, Gentlemen, Ladles, Youths and Children, Ito. is Flab. Street, near Mari:Lot, ocB PlTTSitUlt(iil, PA. BEIEEMM PERRIN & JOHNS UN, Propriutoro of Childs C0:8 Patent :Ledastie Fire and Water Proof Cement N.Gating. X 33 '2.:IIIRD STREET. (IRDERS foY! ROOFING promptly and faith fully excim ted, and all our wor' warranted. Roofing maLorial alwayu on hand, and fur ealo, with di rections] for ore. SOS. V•.IIIAMILTON Coe, ENGINEERS Ari 1111) Biva_mairailsars, Cornct of .F,rst and Lite,rty Etna; Fittenoph, Pa. QUPERIOR STEAI,I ENGINES for Griat. and Saw Breweries, Printing Establishments, .Banufactorios, ac., made to order. They also continue the 'manufacture of their CelebrattdMachinists' Toole, swill as 'Turning Latins, Iron Planors, Boring and Drilling Machines, .c. Also, Wrought Iron SBafting, with Pulleys, Bangers La. 4t6. - jaSily .Jol TElO7.2PBOn' ..... 5H0N:4.071.. Jonits TooIIIPSON SI, CO., T_TOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND GRAINERS, N 0.135 Third street. SIGN still executor! with neatness and derpatca. 1-fixed Paints, oilt Turpentine - , Varnish, Jupan and English Pateat Dry- Montai •m. , 3 Zinalr, a very anperior articlo ; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Laad always on hand and for fahe. We are prq,are.d to grind colors far Painters, Drug gists, or others, at th,s , shortest attire, as V,re have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by got -thig their soled ground 01 11 - _ _ (7 ;4 • GOLD AND SILVER SP7JOT:kCI.-.AES) AT. I.3:4II,3OFACIEURIY.I3. I fd .Orolf04S• 'HYDROMETERS . or weighing npiritn, tho clicaixlst and best art...cies. over brought to this city. TLT.E.RnOKETERS Am) I.IAIiOMINERS, vnrying in price front .1."0 to i.ZA POCKET COMPASSES, AND IS R E it'S COMPASSES, w.ya en hand :It G. B. SIIAWS, acts'cal Oplic.ian, GS Fifth 2:rect. tie= oppoLdta ltuunio C.l. a. El. &lemma, tiNGPAC'EtrdatO OP LW . ',D OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS rio. Wcod rtreet, Pltto,burgh• Pa. c. J. BUSSIA, raltrEallia. GEJTEMEDOn' Ittz,tri.cruma, STEA 31 I.' 01. ER S And ell Minds of Eilt:_szt Iron Work. Penn a trea, mar Wat,ar t Pittaburgb, Pa. rw , vprr, , fre.lFelv WLaee:t, tlye and Coznz Wamted, A L-1. 2? 2 r 4 , 1 S I , D 2, .745-07 ALLEGITT2a' CITY. E SuBSCIUBEES HAVE TAKEN 22. the riboro cotablithruoLt, r,lu aro preptr.tri to !;!---- PAY van ILT.C.IUL'so =an': Pr.tanS CASH foo 20,0008 U OFI7II.IIILT. • 10,000 ". r.y2. I%mo • " 41011. N. Ott is tho intention of tho proprietors to offer EXTRA rnicto tcr any alibis.) lota of White or. Rod Wheat. They intend to maim very superior Family flour, and aro willing to pay rremium to tiiefarracr, in the shapo of nn extra price, to iu duco him to ruble a choice quality of Wheat, and to bring it to.raarket in good crier, jyls:lydErae 17iGGS.-5 bb l -9. Eggs jlist received Iliad for I. `4l oath by LIcOANDLESS, MEIANi4 If CO., fe2o Corner Wood and 17at,3r streetg. GREEN APPLES.-20 obis. for sale by ap7 HENRY IL COLLINS "DERRY 85 CO.'S one and extra fine Pens, for Bale at W. B. HAVEN $ Stationery Store, and .2.5 Market Etrnet. VIIIITE BEAN S.-10 bags small whit° T Beoz?, rpecived and for vie by McOANDLESB, MEANS a CO.. .211 C.rcer wo(.e and - Custt:r tstzvi=l" r aro now openzng . cur second, and by far ch?aprystttock of Fall and 'Winter DICII3 Goode, ohawie, Leo, that has over been .offorc , l in tbis city. c.:rwssou Lovr, yr..w.or orsr..:6 st. ONION SETTS.--1 bid. Onion Setts, f salo by - JAIIES, A FRI:ZEE, a C...)rner Market and First streets MANGE'S PENCIL SITAEPENER, for Bala. E - • HAVEN , mrl.9 Ccrt.nr 'auk& c^d Sc,^ktictrocta. IFEETSII--69b0xe.1 prime Westora Resorvo for 6a 3Ly idea] stns: U. .341111 is CO. Under Foster's Diew National Tilefare, PITTSBUIIGII, PA., • D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and c•nufer'ab!o the Ir.rgs centre store is the (AO FELLOWS HALL. Fifth s'rcet, as a FIRST CLASS I..hoTAURANT AND i'ALOON. Having. had many years' t.s..pi Henn, in the busluols, he iR prepared to cupply the b - r._t t T o the market offordi. ll.s Bar will he fnrnished at all times with the beet WiNES, L'QUOItS AND AbEd. The en- I OG trance to the Salo.na, is in the centre of the 11411, nud re- GO freehments will bo furnished at :Al fimei, DAY and NIGHT 70 ea•flptcA.) apl4dy 1 5 WASIIINGTOI HOUSE 2 50 3 5 3 ' 0 3 COR. PENNA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., 5 50 WASIIII.VGTON, D. C. • Or, 1 1! (:1) PITTSBURGH 11313322E3 C. OUTENDOItr. P.. T. llgii - N - 2".g? L 8110 -- Y ' 1 , Z'' to.. , , \ r „. , , -...--,--.*- - ',Ai. i .-- -/ n „ , ..,,i vi,<:,..-,.-..-...,.-.. /..,.. ,;.,. ~ i - _ --/ r y.l 1, --- - .._. i,,,i FA 013 ~..., t i., ,, . .44 : , 1 r n r o t ,- -,I I: ; H [ '-i ~.f.'..1 ft , jj t - 1 / r , , I , 3 / r i 0 ice. ,1 ~ Ka 4- , - /.--,,,,, V /,,,,,,',,..' ~ t '4 ,•=z)? / ‘ l , v- , --- , 1'2' , .t.// , ;\•.,^f•-• V ( 0 ......., . v. , ~.., PJ-' PUB - Lim - ED DALLY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE €l . .posT BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER A/gym HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. THE NI A.TIONAL SALOON, A. F. BEVEIIIDGE storr HousE l Corner Irwto Street and Duqueene 1 11 7, 13, , , PITTSBURGH, PA. B. D. MARKEII, - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formorly of Cue "Markor Nome," Blairsville, Pa.) TII E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETIII) AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situhted is n central part of the city,boing convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. House aas built iu 1850, with all modern improve t.3, mid fitted up iu splendid style—the entire Furniture being acs—and will in every respect be a - first claee Hotel. iao STABLES aro attached to the premises. [j012.4 . 11. W. KANAGA. U 0 1.',3 c.„ I - ll 0 T. l r , r. L , Oppos!to the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. [Jell W.Patifflir.ll7GTON IIIOTE L, .110P.YEB.LY U. S. ELOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. "A - Tv-S BITAITFOIT, Propriotor. 71 11 IS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON VTR ,j 2,. corner of PENN and 'WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and boa undergone a thorou g h improvement, remodeled and furni,lied with new fucuitare, and is now the most conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, Emit or West. n.yB:ly IWANSION HOUSE, GEO2ICIE AU B,ENTZ Pruol'2lll.TOß No. 544 Liberty kitroet, just beeide the Pavengor Dcpot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which makes it the most coovealoct honse in the city for passengers arri ving by that rcod. t he prol . rletor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, In excellent style, the MANSION HOUSE, would respect i!Ully solicit a chore of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive vinnoN YARD, afford ing anipltiasconitueslation to travelers and teamsters. Ilia Larder and Oar will - ba furnished with the best the market can afford. fobl:y CORNUCOP.EM RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, FirTn STREET. The of erchan,:;?.; , , others isattention directc M d to this ts so. , c establishmout, which has been recently fitted no fbr the porpese 01 affording a sußsual- TAAL EATING HOUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. Conotry Like attending market aro particularly invited to Llsorything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always bo found, of the freshest the market affords. ap2o:lyd&w: L?zeasior Reztaurant, r") No. 111 WOOD ,strea, Pivrai.unG Li, PA., zakY IVECOLEE.4..,: - .1 AND RETAIL DEALER, IN LAKE AND ZISTEIIN FISH The undersigned hegkaat rec,iv;.l fecal the Eastern mar ker, etlected with great care, SMELT, 1:A.1,1'611T, lIA.DDOCK, FRESII COD risil, EASrEitii SUN FISH, BEVERAL VARIETIES W? LAKE 1,1511, iTow Yore Princoto Bay, Egg lalrtitti, Egg rlarbor, Shell Oystorg. Tho Nought to thig t Every dolica;y of tho nea,on ,erred up at rho EXCCILSIOR IiEST&UIi iv T. ttptlycl S. STEINP.UOIZ. QT. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn azd St. Clan. eta:az, Pa.—The undersi.e`dilbrx..en ty of " Brown'e Lintel," caving taken thi. large and corritno d'Aino HOTEL, and having ref tted ttyitt magniflcoat et le, rczycsAin.::, Offaclit azd the traveling public to give him n call. Akix.rs.3;.tvitli the convenioncu or the hove and itie keg oxocrience in the bitsinees, n give entire milk:lotion, Cad Ida cinnrzin moderato. Virri. C. CONNZLLT. SAML. 11121IICESTOCH, No. /4 Wood strcet, Pittsburgh, LT IV AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FRO I:NOLAND WALDRON & GELIFFIN'2, GL'.l{LTh'T, COO,l AM) GRAIN SCATHE, " CORN IlaBS ; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; STEEL Traps, very superior Drawer Locks, very superior Ora. Lo ice, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Pane, Basting Spoons, Brass Candlesticks, Pram Cocks, Brass Stair Rode, Braces and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters. Curry Combs, I'Vaceu, Coil, Filth, 'Tongues. Stretch aud Breast Chains ' wits; a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at rood• crate terms. apla TAMES MILLINGAI-I,;'A/ONONGAIIELA ey PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that ho has rebuilt since the lire, and having enlarged his establishment, and filled it with the newest and most ap proved machinery, le now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boar,la, scrowl sawing and rosawing, doors, sash and abutt,rn, kiln dried, framre, mouldings, box making, &c. South Pittsbargh, September 7, IRO. [4,10 CEIMES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Lx4fficio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIIITII STREETS. All bugnoss connected with this office will ho att:nded to with promptness. Coureyancei of all kinds done with legal 'iv:curacy—Joel as hoods, Mortgagee, Bonds, Powers of At torney, 4 , c. Titles to Real estate examined. To the members of the Bar he lmiders his services as Com rulsiioner to tako Depositions to be reed in the several Courts of this f••tate, and els,iwhere. Ilia Mike is ono of the main Poi Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in nectiting business of that kind are very desirable. Lfelo:ly POD EISEL-10 drums extra large and fine, for sale by WM. P. .1 CO., r 118 S....mail, and _47 First streets. tiercos prime, for ealo by WM, 11. .53.11T11 4 CO., mr2o 118 Second, and 147 first streets. UGAR. —5O iihds. prim© N. 0. Sugar) just reed and for sale by WM. 11. 8111T11. 8 CU, =26 118 Eseond, and 147 First streets. ei-OFFEE.-200 bags lido Cot Tee, for sale by WM. 11 tiMITII CO, mr26 116 Second, and 147 First strode. FINE FLOUR.-20 bble. Fine Flour in acre, and for aalo by ItIeCANDLESS, MEANS 6 CO., fe.2o Corner of Wood and Mater stree's. LARD. -A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, jwit received and for Elle by iIIcCANDLEES, MEANS la ja23 C..i.rner of Weod and Water btreetii. picKLEs.--6 bble. Cucumber Pickles, ro; coived and for ado by JAME 3 A. FETZER, fet'.o Corner Marker and iiirat afreote. GUS.-6 barrels fre3h Eggs to &rrive this ILA tiny, and for rule by JAME 3 A. "FETZER, znrl9 Corner Market and iiira *nets. DLANTATION SUGAR & MOLASSES -100 lihde. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar; 000 (Ala, oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Molasses; 10 " ,9 t. Jamca 8. II elolmaeo, now landing and for sale, by MILLER & RICKETSON, mr2.5 Nos. 221. and 223 idb.ny Etreot. -.- SPICES.- 25 bags Pimento; • 100 " Cirain Popper, Just recel cod and fur sale by MILLER & mr2S Nes. 221 and 223 Liberty street. rIOD FISH.- 3 drams extra large Cod Fish; 3 " large " " Just received and for solo, by MILLER & mr2s Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty strut. FINO LET.—A commodious three story Frame .liore , e; with Brick Ba.4ornent—nitrated on Bedford etreet—to rout, by 24ILLEIt is RIOIS.I.TSON : rur2fi Nor. 221 and 223 Liberty etreot. MAPS.—A large assortment of Pocket Mapo for 1353, coreprbing Sectional add Township Maps of Nuns; iyann, Ohio, Indiana, Illinoie, lowa, Alia. Bond. lEauca.a, Nebraska and Miuneaota on hand and for Elld° by if. 'B. Ii.i..VEIT, aps Noe. 31, 33 and 35 Market atreet. nap : FELLOWS' ROLL,- W A RR - AN T and Proposition Books, for sale by 'W. S. !LIVEN, aps Corner Market and Second stroets. FRENCH. PAPER lIANGINGS.—New deAgns and very beantiful—received by.late arrivals, for gale by W. P. MMtSUALL t CO., Importers and Dealers, S 7 Wcod street. T.' 4 IGGS.-7 bbla. fresh Egs, received and 41, for cal° by .3. 1 ...a1ES A. FETZER, upB Comr.r First and Market stretta. u Av i c t' . l .. ll a U try lV (3l: ,GL . , ! l. o S rt S ci — iVe k ffoi a r e nt or b tiza y eat of WM. 11. &MIDI & CO., my 26 118 Bocond, and 147 Met streets. 30 dozen quart Tomato Netchupa; 30 do pint do do 15 do do Walnut do 55 do do 51u broom do Just - reed and for sale by ItEYIIIEIt a ANDERSON, - No. 39 Woo I street, Opposite the St Otmlee Hotel. BOOKS AND STATIONERt OBERT A. LOOMIS, : uccessor to B. T. C. liergan,) TATIONER AND DEALER IN DOORS, PERIODICALS .4 11 AI , TD NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 nroi strect, Pittebuigh, Pa. n025:1y Co-PartnersTalp. THE undersigned have entered into Co partnership, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston & Co. SAMUEL, R. JOIIN'STON, WILLIAM 0. J01:1:;STON. Flttelnrgh, September 5, 1957. 13. R. TORNZTOIY, .17 WA. a. 70MIBT011. I.VM. G. JOI-I.I.IiSTON ..to CO., C-7„ 1 „ TATIONERS, Blank Book INlanufaeturers, kj and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pi. se3o TOBACCO AND SEGARS. & D. RINEHART, Pnorni rr.F. Ss COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Board of 12 Trustees—Facalty of 14 Teachers 300 STUDENTS ATTENDING, JAISITAUT, 1858 Young . 7 ,len Prepared for Actual Duties of the Counting Room INSTRUCTION" GIVEN IN SINGLE and Double-Entry, Book•Reeping, 25 need In every de parim tof Bushman. Commercial, Arithmetic. Rapid Busi ness Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, Dot ec tie g Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, Phonography, and n'l other anbjecta noceesary for the thor ough c.l , te ttion of n practical business man. J. c. smut', A. M., Professor of BJJk•l{ooping nud Science of Acccun J. 0. PORTER, Prof. of Mathematics ALEX COWLEY and A. T. DOUTUETT, Profa. of Pen. retteallip—t (voice 'first premiums over all competition for beat Pea and Ink Writing, AND NOT YOE ENGRAVED WORK, Terms, cf.—Full course, time unlimited, enter at any time —sss. Average tine, Bto 12 weeks. Board about $2,50. Entire cost, SGO to $7O. Graduates assisted in obtaining a situation. Specimens of unequalled writing and circulars sent free. Address, P. W. JENKINS, mr'27 Pittsburgh, Pen tnylvania. DRAWING- LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, IN 4ECIIANICAL, ARCEUTECTURAL, AND CRAYON DRAWING, 460 By JOHN nortz. Zia- For further information apply to Mr. P. W../F:P.I. Principal of Iron City Commercial College, ,ritte burgh. novl4:6tud. Safely and Economy In Light. U' THY WILL YOU BURN CAMPLIENE AND FLUID, when you can got a cheaper and light. Pare liorosone Oil, made from the gas of Cannel Ckal, ; , ror: aces tho cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleasant and s.to portable light ever offered to Um public, and no ila,gor 01 explosion; more brilliant than gas; and quite as cheap ; Lumps of the moot simple and eerily managed con struction. For Oslo by T. G. 110DKINSON, Sy o. 79 Smithfield strut. r. Doware of a counterfeit alre6ds in tho market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal *fit to scent it. ffe27:ly COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH= ING, and wo call the attention of the Ladies to the fait that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can bo done with economy, without opr,ressive heat. with out soot, nod with despatch—the fire being always toady in a moment—by usiaz Bir.agrave's Gna (SooLang sthve, To Which we reapectfally invite your attenticm ' at No. 75 Smithfield street. . S. A. JOHNSON .t BRO. Ira— County and City Rights for sale. apl2:9m .4:YRES' WORM. CONFECTION , C ONFECTION, CO NFECTION,CON F NOTION,CONF NOTION, CONFE C TION, CONFEC T lON,C ONFECT I ON,CO NF,IIO.T I • N,CONVECTIO N.CONFECT lON CO NFECTI ON . The most, pleas - ant, safe and effectual Worm Remaly now in m.o. Propared and bold, wholesale and rettlll,by ANG.ELL & UAFT, Cor. Wood and Sixth eta., Pittebnrgh, Pa ~ And ;Ad by Druvidsta utsre-ruFv. Ja2l Liplancett, Siaortela to 1 3- :earsou 9 NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR :ann. - 1/EANUFA CTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va ,v_tt, licos, E st and Buunet Boxes, Ladies Traveling Trunk; Carpet Bags, otc., keep constantly in hand a urge stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hay. ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine cur goods be fore purchasing elsowhe. ri 1. CIIARLES LIVERY STABLES.- to The undersigned has bought the lease 4, of the above named Stables, to - t-11,WAsey" gather with a portion of the exten ,„..,sive stock of Horses and Carriagcs,-Y tato tho property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock boforo.rnentioped, ho has also added a number of TINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly emplo)ed at his Llresy Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives lila personal atten tion to the brisimeßa, a continuanca of the patronage which he bra hitherto received troll public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. B.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. de29 BUCKWIIEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Back villoat Flour, 50 lb eacka, just recoired and for sale by IacCANDLESS, 511l9N i S fo2o Corner Wood and Water [Arcata. OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS.-50 do 4. V. 3301 tad sizes. Also, stand and Bureau Corers ; on hand and for solo by J. et IL PHILLIPS, mrIO 213 and 28 St. Clair streot. bbls. Superfine Flour received ard for Bab by McCANDLESS, CO., fo2o Corner Wood and NVater streeta ,• ;OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING—In all of its branches executed prompt ly alai in the best manner, by J. gt H. PHILLIPS, usl{) 2d end 28 St. Clair street. I OIL.—We have commenced menu I:y:taring Lard Oil, and will bo Mewed to receive or dery for u. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar hot. V.O will 011 barrels returned when dealred. DIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose creed 6 1 ,4 octavo Piaece, will be rented to private fain. Bice only. Apply to JOHN H. MELLO% 82 Wood street. WINDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 6 Inch inch Slarueter, for &do by inrtiO F. 11. COLLINS. kjEED . NERIAN.NOCKII.-25 bbls. Seed Zieshannock Potatoes reeei7ed and fa: sato by JAMES A. I/ET.T.,EII, aplo Corner Market and First etroeta 9. TONS Eastern Lead, received and for sale (an excellent ati.icle ) ) by JUTIN THOMPSON CO., apl9 No. 135 Third street. IVIIXED PAINTS—Always on hand, of all colors, and for ealo by JOHN THOIIPSPN 6t CO., Epl9 No. 135 Third street. DRIED PEACHES.-15 boo. choice Dried Peoottoa raceired and for Bale by TARCH..-300 bxs. Rochester Pearl Starch for EalP by f 1111;)1 HENRY IL cxnaat4s. (LOVER SEED.-10 bus. prime Clover Seod, for sale by JAMES A. .FETZER, ap3 Corner First and Market strost pOTATOES.- 123 buff. NeGbannack Po'ztaca; d? Poch Lion= Potatoar, just received, and frr J.kurs eArazruit .d, let) qp water st!.r-1; ll YE FLOUR.— zpo 15 lin& fr..... 11 ground Rye Fleur, jut received and tor &de by JAIIES A. rtrzEn, jukl 89 Water erect. • GREEN APPLES.- • - • 25 bbl':. green rippler', just received and fer sale by Wad JAIL A. ifil'AF.R. 6A Water stmt. WINTER GLOVES.—A full supply of VV V Mitt, Silk and Merino, of Tarim akar% at low pri. HOME% IT B3tai.lstreet PITTSPITFM_T 4,‘„, 9 FRI DA Y EIANDPACTUrarn9 2.11 D DZALEOS ALL EINDS Or TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS No. 120 WOOD STREET 4_,,_ 7) Pittsburgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. D. C. a J. H. SAW 'IEII, ra. 7Wre,t JAMES A. FETZEP, Corner IJarbat and First streets e..... .\ - 4•. ,4 . 2. - ',> , ' LA , r-/ ,"1-1 c:. , ,g I • v-, , 7„, - . - , r i, ' , •,: z ,, , ~.:.1 IA 1 ; , i, 1 sirj i , E , r 4 A • INSURANCE. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMER'S - UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At AMENS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Jan.], 1858, as Frogs:Ara to the Stockholder?, and made out in co:nplisnce with the state Lawe of New Yomt, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, ac. 13233122 Tho name of the Company is the FARSIRRS' UNTON IN SURANCE COMPANY, located at Athens, Fe. Chartered April 13, 1853, by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, vthich is all paid np e V.OOOO CO Eurplue in addition thereto 53,485 51 ASSZTB. Fifty-four Rends r.nl Mortgages, at six and coven 71 cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate tu...5152,315 00 Which mortgages aro or value blo and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and Bret liens, we'll]: generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and in no case kea than fifty 11 cent. mere, emotivity° of farm buildiugp, and ea entitled by the Recorders, 'whom recorded, to the and tore of the States of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six cent. Bonds amply secured 47,685 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 6 . .149 12 Cash in hands of Agents, and iu source of transmbrdor, secured by bands with sureties 18,761 61 rue on lessee re-insured, &c 7,836 51 Bills receivable, viz: promissory metre payable at bank and to the Company 8,24 G 82 Interest accrued, (principally due Januar) 1, 1058,) 12,191 40 Safe and office fixtures and Furni ture 500 00 .$ 253,483 51 Amount of Pro:Mums received during the r CollE ➢O3 TM: YEAR 1857 year $ 85,231 ao Amt interoq roreivod during the year 11,442 05 Ara't reeeivecrtrom eL other sources 2,480 00 EXPENDITUP.E.g. Expenses for the year, including commissitus, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,199 66 Dividends paid during the year 17,030 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31,1866 7,674 66 Lo.ses pal.' which occurred during the year 46,561 54 $90,435 SO LIABILITIES. Loaeo] adjusted and not due (since paid) $ 12,500 99 Losses incurred and in process of adjustment 9,307 00 Lomas reported, on which no action has been taken 6,500 CO Losses resisted, on ground of incur• once after firo, property transfer red before lose, property lost not - covered by the Policy , &c. - 12,100 00 39,407 99 Whole anion tof risks talc during the year.. 53,429,662 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,861,410 00 ELUL' OP PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OP BRADFORD, St. C. N. Shipman, President, and J. E. Cantield, Secretary of the Farman? Onion Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing is a true, fall and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that thoy are the above de scribed otl , cors thereof. 0. N. S - .3.1 - P.11.11N, President. J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 20th day of Java ary, 1853, IL C. kilt% Justice of the Peace. . J. IIUNT.:111, Agent, apl7:ly Ni 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Q CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market street, for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, renting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, &c,; making convey antes, deeds, bonds, of JOHN aarr, JR./, Coarrxr of Wood and Sixth eta, Pittaktrgit. NE W NIIT S . /, 2000 bushels Pea Nuts ; / 10 bags Bordeaux Almonds; 50 ' 6 Sicily °oft Shell Almeria/ 2 ', paper Shell 50 " Filberts; . 60 " English Walnuts; / 25 " Cream Nuts; 20 " Pecou " 2000 Cocoa Nuts, Just received rfad for sale by It.F..YLLER ct ANI,AB.SON, No. SO Woon 5t...,- - cet, Opposite the St. Charles Rota.' •' apl2 FOREIGN FRUITS! REDUCTION IN PRICES, AT THE PAGODA TEA STORE. We aro now selling Turkey Currants at So'l Tb. Preach and Zauto Currants, at 100 and ICa IR lb. New Valencia Raisins for cooking, at 12.340 Vk lb. Now Malaga " at 150 lb. Now Smyrna rigs 12% and 180 Tb. New German Prunes at 12Xo Also, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peels, Spices, etc. Raisins, Currants, Figa and PtIIIICEI; whole sale at the low• oat market price. BAWORTII,I3ItO. k BROWNLEE, mro Corner Diamond and .Diamond alloy. lELT ROOKS—For splicing India Rubber or Leather Belting—a supply of tho different sato, In-et received and for tale, by J. .t 11. PIRLLIPd., retr9 2.8 fund 2:3 St. Clair atreot. 0 CASES Sic. Liquorice, in store and for 8316 by B. L. FAMIESTOOK & CO., No GU cor. Wood and Fourth ctrret. - EvMIGRANT RIFLES.—A moat degrable and cheap weapon, at BONN a TETLEY'S, apt,-1 No. 136 Wood 'tract. I,OMESTIC CUTLERY—Just opened a , 1111 •splendid ac3ortmont of Scissors, Carving King, Knives and For'keg, etc. BOWN fc TETLEY, ap24 No. 13J3 Wood street. ODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, for blay ; Tcrm4, one copy, ono ytar, $2,50; Single number 2 ent.3, for sal° by It. A. LOOMIS, Pablisher'a Avent, Post Baildinr, 41 Fifth street. RANGES.--300 boxes sweet Oranges re c, caving thin day, and for mho by REY.IIER & ANDERSON, 1 , 10. C. 9 Woad argot, ap2d Oppreito the St. Charles Hotel. )OTATOES- 400 bush, Baltimore Blue Scofch Gray Potatoca, to arrive, and for sale by JAS. A. FETZEB, Corner of Market and First eta: m Potatoesfo 80 bbie. Ix ;A S. A. } 1 17.1::R Cort=r Market and nut troets, DISHING TACKLE—The best assortment • of Yi:ihlag Tackle is .tho city, is at, DOWN & TETLEY, 'VA wood CIREEN APPLES.-6 bb]s. Apples this day rece l ead, end far sale, by REY3IEb. It ANDERSON, No. 39 Wooll street. Opposite St. Cbarlea Hotel. T O GARDENERS AND OTHERS.-5& bus. choice Seed Swot Potatoer i ter at:de by J. A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets. - ff - ERRING.- CO bblo. Pickled Mrring; GO 1.10 Dry Salt r.trring, for sato by 1.111:411Y - 11. COLLINS. TIMED APPLES.-14 bags choice Dried Apple.) Just received and fur Bala by JAS. A. YETZRP., Corner Market and Fir . st etreota. 4OTATOES.---400 bus. Pink Eye Potatoes, reccivcdandfvr ralo by JAS. 1. FETZER, m>.3} Corner Firgt and Market atreeta. bb.N. N. 0. Syrup for sale, on. / 1 / 4 .7 coraiguraciat, Ly (ap7) lIENRY - 11. CULT-VB.