VOI - ;111VIE XVI `,"^" - k Teti ,k r . z r f trent ":". , 77;57,47 N:.14"1;e an I.',;S 98A1, ?PS V1C7.:21 COP.IIII. C 1 V.V.,jO AN, k irTa 71 , 13-NIS vv:tia, stri.7ily in ad ran: a Dollars la;aiiatlf required if nut paid withih the year. Sloth, cvpleo. Two evie “L the ciZ7.I::C: fn I • , 0.'," U) th, Nelva 13ot s. RATES OF ADVERTISING Tzr: 113 , 3, I 1 Thr.;ll. Tv.:1,•,-107::,' 3' 1.,:k72. 7 :1 040 11.4,100 u 60 :0 Tv, . ..... 70 ..... 1 1 OJ I I L., Lvoe ,eet week., 300 200 160 luu 'l.l.lica „ eeke •1 00 '2 05 '2 00 1 2t, 10. wolltb 605 385 2Gu ITO I I`l,vncuuth 3.. I ,t• w.,ulhs 900 tS 01) 460 1 0.. b•.`" h , eutbe. ...... 10 00 065 suo 1 %itli 4 1101 786 fi 50 %t',l r to 12 00 6GO ii 00 1 ee l Id 00 10 36 6uu 5 251 00 Is e 5 1J 40 6 e due:l or 4,4 Z, par az,n0r.1......• • • One scfrihre, Vat' vl ..... Lieu chip) nothe-i ;1ic2 ... .th netic...e. 'l5 pIirTSBIJFiI)H SATURDAY A 111,..31i1g0Tifit ()NIA UN I)OLLSSt IN GLilit3 I).T TEN. •afir/c Subeearipticatc, $ jicr aurzium. ,NTAI NS ALI, lIIE UtiltltEN'r NEW 1.1.% Lltorary, Agrlcall, ral, tkrainhbr old]. 1,..141, 'Telegraphic and lidieeollaneous. This Paper heing of the Mile it eizg, and neatly prtnto on bue white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the r , ...1.i.cr1b,c to give better vatikil:: 01,a than any paper r.ouli*iied iv Pittsburgh. Those who wish to take a paper iron: Flttsburgh, wilitind the SATURDAY a cafe nod profitable Investment. Addreoo, ill KIS P. lie% it it, eepri Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. . v. ca¢R atiingt & MYERS' BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, ..3T.TII,I7I.D.TCAS, Corner of Fifth .and Wood Streets, undersigned having made extensive additiona of the LATEST AND IiANDSkNESTI3TYLES TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the SIORNINU MST Juts OFFICIA iuvite tL° = ttentiou of Rail Road 0111‘%erb klerchauta, buelnoss man, public generally, to their taperi.r facilitie.4 for t..vccuLing with divatch, on razs;.n~.ide to: als all Liuds of RAIL ROAD, i~YERCANTILi, LEGAL, AND RVERY OTHER DESCRIPTION 0? PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING Our material Wag nearly all now, v,e can give le,su ram-o of the leodt complete satisfaction, and solicit or.loru PANIT'ULETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, - BANK CHECKS, BLANK N(fITS, LETTER. HEADS, BILL HEALS, .13r11d3 LADINO, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARD?, PAPER Lio,ll.(S, DEEPS, 3101VPGIMIES, UUND Ke. .4163.- Particular attention will fahlo be paid to the printing of Poston, Prc.grammos,..tc. for L'oncerts, Exhibiti.na and niriAte The People's More. D. S. DIEFFENBNOHER & Co., Ohnap Pull Dealers in all kinda of Naribionablo BOOTg, SHOES AM) GAITERS, For 41.utlealea, Ladies, Youths and eldldseu, 0. i 7 kinftri Stroct, near ItictrUet, ocS PIPPSItiiR6II, PA E=l! MIEMII =MEMOMI Proprictrs c.f . Chihid Patent isdastte biro and Water Proor Cciatc,a.l 133 THIRD STREET. f ORDERS for 13.(.10F1NC1 promptly and faith 7e,_, tally u - zeck.•..i,3, fiLla clt ‘.,ur 1w otlLlt wat.t tut Lawl.)d au.t be.h3, with di rwtt n+ for pot,. jOS. F. kiAltllll.4loo3l 41. 00.9 ENGINEERS AND o,rtzer of Prat and Liberty rtreett, Pittsbal gh, Pa. JUPERIOR ENGfNES for Grist A 7 and Saw Mills, Brew'rles, Printing Eatublishtnents, fdauulartorlt,i, to order. They nisi, continue, the manufacture of their Culehnttcti ilitichlffists"roolo, such as Tarniug Lutt.,s, ir,,u Planers, liorini; and Drifting Machin., att. Also, Wrought Iron thalting, with 1.1.1111* 13, fhtugers 11110. ac. Ja8:10 lE= EI=B3 JOHN THOMPSON Si. CO., 1110 USE PAIN'CERS, GLAZIERS AN)) URAINPAIS, N 0.135 Third street. 231.014 PAINT INU executed with uentrieng and de,patch. Mixed Paintx, Ws Turpentine, Vandal", Japan and kingliah Patent Dr:- era, Ville Montaigne Ziuck, a very auperier article, Phila delphia and Plitsburil,h White head always on baud and for sale We are prepared to grind cetera for Paintere, Drug- Oats, ur uLLbrd, at Ulu allorteat notice, as we have a rink weir h grlude by &loam Pandora will auto money by get ting their colors c:rolind pith ua. irurLay GOLD AND SILVER. SPECTACLES, T BY A. lo A 11.; UH. JE. 1 E.-13 • ili - DROMETERS or weighing spirits, the cile,peat and beet articles ever hruughi to this THEItaIOAIETERS AND BAROMETERS, varying.. to front ill to ;Su each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND iSURVEYOR';-1 COMPASSES, plwrqs nu band I.lt 13 E. SHAW'S, Practical Optician, 58 Fifth .B,:reet. Et2B uppodito ItiaaQuto Mal B. C. Si. S. U. SAWYER, _ . LARD OIL, CA IDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood street, Pittelbgargh, Pa. F. J . ilusai, C. CI UPENDORF BILTSIII4 & GUTIENDORF, LaNUVACITEM.f.H or STEAM 801 And all kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Donn ut,,r Watbr, l'a. Q. 3 {I) OFFiaiN Puraimv AVPIthID co •n Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted, kr Prtt , PEARL STEAM WILL. A LLEGIJENY CITY. Flp U E SUBSCRIBERS lIAVE TAKEN the aborrasablidlariard., and are prepared t.) PAY TUN DIGIIIVIT Plll3ll AN OGSa rya 26,000 BUSILELS 111. IVITH4T. 10,000 " RYE. 10,000 CORN. NU hi the 'abandon ct too proprietors to offer EITUA Palau for any oho's° lots of White or ited Wheat. They Intend to make very superior Fatally Flyer, and aro willing to pay a premium to the farmer, to the idiape of an extra price, to In duce him to ratan a choke quality of Wheat, and to bring it to market In good-ofd J vlb:lydkw IGGS.-5 bbls. Eggs just received and for wile by McOA - NDLESS, MEANS & CO, tu2o Corner Wood and Wati;rstreets. G REEN APPLES.-20 bbls. for ealo by HENRY IL COLLINS FERRY & CO.'S fine and extra fine Pens, for sale at. W. 8. RAVEN Stationery Store, NCR. 81, 83 end fie Market street. 11.ITE BEANS.—ZO bags tmall white Demo, ror,oived and for ualo by McidANDLESE, LIPANS CJ at or ~l and cm 3 W Mier iitraats WF are now opening our second, and by far tho cheapest stock' of Fill and Winter Dress Goods, Shawls, ac., that hss ovar bean °Dared in this city. 0. HANSON LOVE, V , --nPrT , Pr. , fisart 44 153,b.t at ONION SETTS.-1 bbl, Onion Setts, for ado by JAMES P FETZUB, Corner Market end First streets. Q:I'HAN(3E'S PENCIL SHARPENER, fey hut() by : S. ii. A VEli t . u.r •-r L üb , i tire,a4 dIiIEESE 60 boles prime Western Reserve ‘,./ for tar by Idar) V 714 filtiLTAI a CU. =•=l PI ITSBU A. T. KENNEDY dt EEO PUBLISHED DAILY' BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREET T 8 ; AT FIVA" DOLLARS PER ANNUM, HOTELS & RESTAtirtA-NT'g THE NATIONAL SALOON, Under ieorter , e ;New National Tner.tre, pyrrsi3uiwii, PA , 0. BARNARD: - - - PROPRIETOR, 1 1 - AS FITTED UP IN A TASTEFUL and ccalfur,able stylo, centre etc,re to the ODD FELL. I IV'S HALL.. Filth .I;reet, as a FIRST UIiASS RESTAURANT AND r ALOON. Having Lad many years' rleace ie the business, he ie prepared Le supply the bat the inarket ttlnrthi. the Dar will be furnishust at all times with the bent (VINES, LTquotts AND ALES. The en !mho.) 1.0 the Sidean, ir in the ,:entre of the Mill, and re eehtnonts will he furnished at all t DIY and N MILT o.lhtleyS ept ed.) WASHINGTON HOUSE, i'OR PENIVA AVENUE 4 THIRD ST,, VsIASIIING'£OI - 11 : D. 0 A BEVERIDGE S(•4 )1"1' HO[ SE, Cc:rner i'i'l"Priitl!;liH. i 6 B. D. AI Aril( - - - PROPRIETirri (i'onuarly of ttio [louse," lilttiro , Po.) H E SC01"1` HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR UUiiSTN. It i 3 Eilulat6tl IL a Cwitral part. of tli. city, Luiz, g Cuit J iCoII.I 1. 1 C1101:3 emd StuhralKJat nuns,: wus built in 1651, with all inodoru ituprove tauutd, and tittntl up in splendid Hlylt—lttn entire Furultnry b.lng new—autt will in ovory reaper[ be a dna clues llotnl. FiTio STA BLEB ace attacilvd to the H. W. KANAGA. tic S. HOTEL 9 Oppoctio the Penna. Railroad li.tpot„ HARRISBURG, PA. iiiiiiSHUNerTON HOTEL ; FURILERLI U. S. ItiYIEL, PITTSBURGH, P 4. JAMES SRI 4 Oly , Proprietor. VPHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE curner .t P,',NN and IVASIIINGTON Streets, la4tweeu the CENTRAL ANL WEriT ERN RAIidiOAD DEECYE6,aud has undergone a thorough Improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and in now the moat coolie- Meat lute! iu-Ntnbargh, fur Travelera by Railroad, East or Wetit. utyeay MANSION HOUSE, GEOME AURENTZ PROPLUITIA ...No. 344 Liberty street, Just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which Leah Oci It the most convenient house in the city for passengers ant l ying by that road. erne proprietor haying, at considerable exr,Gbilo, titled ~1., tu excellent style, the MA.N6I.ON HOUSE, would ruup.t fully solicit a share of patronage. 'a ~ 'There atta. i...d a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YAItD, C.I lug aleph:, accommodation tAravelers and teamsters. Ihs Larder and Bar will be tarnished with the heat the mita,: can afford. febly CORNUCOPLE RESTAURANT, By ELI YOUNG, nyTu. STREET. iSsiti The attention of Iderchants, •-- aud others is directed to this r . +r, establishment, which has been recently fitted „ up for the purpose of albordiug a SITI3STAN TIM, EATING HOUSE IN A OENTRAL LOGATION! Country folks attending market are particularly.luvited to sell. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be Maud, of the freshest the market ti&irds. • - c - tt l‘;) Excelsior Restaurant, ic i v e 4 e 4. . IZ I TV OD Street, PLYT3Buuan, PA , WiliiLEfiALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH The iid,Teigned hiw Ju,t r,cylv.l frslin ihA FAmtern ket, IlLfiVatli with great 1.1111,, tIMELT, HALIBUT, lIAUDOOK, FICESH COL FlSil, EASfERN SUN lIEH, SEVERAL VAILIFITIBB Of.' LAKE FiMi, New York Prlukoo , s Hay, Egg 1.11112 d, Egg Ilarbor, Shell Oysters. t. , thin pity. lilvary 11.0.L.ary of tit twabou eervo..l tip at tli EXOLtI.BII.ItI RI tiTAURAUT. !" 1 „41 T. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St kj (Hair atrata, P.l.—Tho underalguoti,f..rin.:r ly of " Brown's Hotel," ufiving taken thin largo and manna.- Mona lltri:EL, and havingb• refitted it In magnificent style, would respectfully invite lila friends and the traveling puhlie In gist, hint a. call. itaiturad, with the convenience of the home and lila long expo lance in the bilaiLloSS, atC.oa n ghe entire matlnfactbm, a ad ilia charges moderate. felt.L4 WM. 'I. OttIINFILLY. SAML. FAHNESTOCK, No. '7l Wood street, Pittsburgh, AS JusT RECEIVED I)IRECT FRONI 1.„1. ENE: LEND WAIiDRON L 6 ClitiFFlN' GZ2U71:1131 OM AND GRAIN SMIIE, CORN HOES; PATENT AN f.) eCiAI &lON A NVI LS ; STEEL Traps, very superior Drutvbr Led;ri, iwy aixtrior dui Tioueal nod Euntaueiled Sallee Pam, istmtiog Spoons, liratra Catllestirle, Bra Ceche, Braga Stair 'Lode, Itraeue uhe Bite, Altuisuriag Tapes, Supirior Waitere, Curry Cotalm. Teueee, Coll, Fifth, Tongueu, Stretch and Breaat °battle will; a variety of other go h, ttiLef which will be 90141 at mod erate terms. ANIES MII,LINUAR, MONONUAIIELA tP PLAN INU MILL, would repOotfully inform tho public that ho bud robullt the tho, mid baring uniarged hLi ootablnimuut, and iL LI ,W,42 LILA bout bp pried noichinory, is nuw propaind to furnish liojrrng and planed beards, arrow! sawing and roliiwirip„ doors, o,lisil and Ibuticr., kilt dried, fromod, wuuldiugd, Lux moliing, ac. South Pittsburgh, Btlpteniber 7, 10h7. 10 CHARLES W. LEWIN, ALDERMAN , And Ls-Officio Jute° of the Peace, OFFICE ON ' TIE CORNER OF WYLIE AND I'lBl.ll STllE:dad. All business connected with this office will be atbdided to with promptness. Convey MICAH of all kinds done with Legal accura,y—such 118 Leeds, Mortgagee, Bowls, Powers of At tu, any, Ace. Titles to Real estate examined. Tu the weathers el the Bar he leaders his Helvicea 11.9 CUM UlidliuttUr to take Depositions to be lead In the never al Court s of thld t3tate, and elsewhere. His office is cull of thequalu Pont, 'Stations of the city, and cousequeutly hie taellitica to executing business of that kind aro very deilrable. Lfellkly COD E Sll. -10 drums extra large and tine, for sale by WALsnarl]. k inta3 - 118 Second, and 147 First strieta 10 tierces prime, for sale by WM, H. SMITH ,t weld 118 Second, and 147 First streets. QULIAR.-50 hhds. prime N. O. Sugar, just reed and for sale by WM. IL 8911TH lc I 0, utr2B 118 Second, and 147 First str,.nts. COFFRE.-200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by ws.f. fi SMITH & Co , mr26 lla Second, end 147 First et roJts. I INE FLOUR.-20 bbla. Fine Flour in J 2 etoro, and for sale by ItacCANDLECIE, Xll5/11 , 1S a CO, fe2o.- Corner of Wood and Water atra,ittr. LARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, Just received and fur bale by IMO/VISTALESS, MEANS A CO., 1a2.3 Corner of Wood and Water Areas. pICKLES.--6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re. dived and fur sale by JAMES A. FETZER, - Ir'2l) Corner 3.larket and First streets. barrels fresh Eggs to arrive this day, and far Bak, by JAMES A. PerZER, torl9 Corner Market and Wird kreeta. OLANTATION SUGAR do MOLASSES— Iut) blida. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar; too bbla., oak cooperage, prime N. o.l.lolasses; Gll " St. Tames S. If llolassia, now landing and for sale, by MILLER, 4it RICKETSON, mr:ls Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. SPiUlss. •l 5 bags Pimento; RV Grain Pepper, Juet received and for ealo by MILLER I RICKETSON. mr2s Nrc. 221 and 223 Liberty utrnet. COD FISH.— 3 drums extra large Cod Fish ; 3 - large - " Just received and for sale, by I.'BolB, ' inr2b street. TO LET.—A coV.- -- -le House, with Brid street—to rent, by Lur2s NON. 221 and 223 Liberty street. MAPS.—A large assortment of Pooket Maps for 1858, comprising Sectional and Township Maps of Peunsylvau.a, Ohio, ludisrt, Illinois, lowa, Ilia , semi Kansas, Nebraska and Minnesota, on hand and for sale by W. S. HAVEN, - . .ups Noe. al, SS and S 5 Market street. (ADD FELLOWS' ROLL, WARR A N T and Proposition Books, for sale by W. S. RAVEN, aps Corner Market and Second streets. L'RENCII PAPER lIANGINGS.—New designs and very beautiful—received by late arrivals, for aale by W. P. MARSHALL & CO., tura. Importers and Dealers, 87 Wood street. FG".-7 bble. fresh Eggs, received and fur sale by JAirES A FETZER, al.B Corner First and Market etreeta. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Glass, Extorted sizes, for sale by mr26WM. K. SMITH k CO., 118 Second, and U 7 Vint streets. KETCHUPS.- 30 dozen quart Tomato Ketchups; 30 do pint do do it , dp do Walnut do. 16 do do hirehroom Just recd and for sale by REVIVER sti ANDERSON, No. 39 Woo I street, spa Opposite the et, Merles Motel. BOOKS AND STATIONERY R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Successor to B. T. o.llorgand STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth street. Pi ttslis gh, Pa. Co-Partnersitalp. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Pet tner ship. cruder thastylo of Wm. C. Jobuston & Co SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, .IK. ; WILLIAM G. JOE.NSTON. Pittsburgh, September 5, 1857 0. R. JOIINBTON, sa M G. JOHNuTOSI. WM. O. JOIINSTON etr. CO., TA.TIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 WOod atroa., botwoort Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Boat PitOPB.IiiTRE SS DIANOS, PIANOS---NEW ARRIVAL * SPRING STOCK —CHARLOTTE BLUME, No. 115 Wood street, hay just received and now offers for sale at her new and spacious wareromus, the Brunt selection of Pianos in the city. Pianos from the WY yrtsr manufactories in the United Ii tares and Europe, including those from the following makes —BALLET, DAVIS & Boston—HAINES BROTHERS, New York—BAUMGARDNER & HEINS, Hamburg—WM. K ABR & C(), Baltimore. Nu house tu the city can come in competition for the number, variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor the extremely. low prices at which they are sold. Pt.riUllB hi want of a FIRST QUALITY Piano Forte, are 70- spaetfally - invited to cull and examine before purchasing ekewinfre. Every irktirnmerit la WARRANTED and 8 NT/11TrAN (MAHAN TBB given. &aqui- atria Pianos at great bargains, from $6O to $9.00 CHARLOTTE BLU WE, 118 Wood stmet, second door above Fifth. 01.1 Pianoe taken i exchange at their full value. [ap6 SECOND-HAND PIANOS. AN ELEGANT CARVED ROSEWOOD 7 Octave Chickering & Sons' Piano, having bon in use a very short time, Is now .• • • in goo order and will be warranted by the • I '7 subscribers. Thu Piano is offered at a very 1,.w price. A Rosewood German Piano, 63 octave, made by the test German makers; in nee about two years, and cost to Import at least sooo—price A Rosewood 7 octave Boston made Piano, entirely new, to close the consignment, for $2OO. A mahogany 6' octave Piano, made by R. 8: W. Minns, New York, $6O. A mahogany 6 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, $4O. A rosewood 6 octave Piano, old, po. A rosewood 6j octave Piano, a very elegant and good in strument, made by ono of the beat No York makers, in p3rtect order; NOW Yort, price $3OO-4240. A 6 octave excellent old Piano, with iron frame, made by 13abcock, A rosewood 6 Octave Cbickering Piano in good order, in use about 2 years, $2OO. The above prices Include packing boa and packing. For sale by JOHN H. MELLOR, Solo Agent for ()bickering & Son's, For Pittsburgh and Wo;dium Pennsylvania, ap9 No. Wood street TOBACCO AND SEGARS. VET ti D. RINEHART, VV S. STRINILUOIT si 9.0.1 y COMMERCIAL COLLEGES IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855. Board of 12 Trustees—Faculty of 14 Teachers. 300 STUD.37iTS LITUNDING, JANUARV, 18E8. Young Men Prepared for Actual Duties qf the Counting Roxn INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE and Donblo-lSntry, Boult•Reeping, as used in every do. tty!mislit of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid Busi ness WI Ring, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law, Detecting Conuterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, Phonography, and all other subjects - necessary for the thor ough education of a practical business man. J. 0. SMITH, A. 01 , Professor of Buok•Keeping and Science of Accounts. J C. PORTER, Prof. of Mathematics. ALEX COW LEY 004 A. T. LOUTH ETT, Profs. of Pen. mauship--twolve first premiums over all competition for Lest Yen and Ink Writing, /air AND OUT YuU kiiiattiVAD ROUE, IRI Trans, 6x—hull course, time unlimited, enter at any time —Vb. Average Line, weeks. Board about Euttre Cost, $6O to go. Oraluates assisted in obtaining a situation. Specluteus of tiotqualled writing and circulars sent free. Address, F. W. JENKINS, mra Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. AT IRON Off COILUERCIAL COLLEGE , P I'AFAIIIANICIAL: • ' Arm CRAYON DRAWING, -ea a .101.1 Ca 7i - •PA it 'Air For furthei informati,,n apply to air. F. W. JEN. FUENB, Principal of Iron Oily .oo:oaten:lLA College, Pitts lorgti. 0 N ,00 NIPNOT I 0 N,OONP NOT I 0 N ONYNOT CO NVEICTI ON . The most pleasant, aafo and effectual Worm Remedy now boo. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by ANGELI, de EIAPT, Cor. Wood and Sixth ate., Pittsburgh, Pa, And sold by Druoutsta eanarally. Ja2l Lippincott, Shorten Si. P-Jarson s , NO. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va- Hew .? Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Traveling' Trunks, Carpet Bag a, ac., keep constantly on hand a large stock. We alv., prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would incite the trade to call and examine our goods bea fore purchasing elsewhe. et. 'B. QT. CIIARLES LIVERY STABLES, Li The undersigned has bought the lease of the above . named Stables, to- gether with a portion of the exten 4111a. sive stock of Horses agd Carriages, late the property of James Ma,thews, deceased. In addition to the stock befurequentloned, Iselas also added a number of FINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables iu Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal akin . - ton to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received from public ie solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Lliery Stables. N. 13.—A HEARSE and any number bf CARRIAGES can always be procured for Funerals. de2o BUCKWIIEAT FLOUR.-20 sacks Buck wheat Flour, 60 tb clacks, just received and for aftla by McCIANDLESS, MEANS A CO., te2o Corner Wood and Water street& ®IL TABLE COVERS.-50 assorted sizes. Also, Rawl and Bureau Covers; on hand and for sale by J. , H. PHILLIPS, mrl6 26 and 28 St. Clair street. 10LOUR.-25 bbis. Superfine Flour received ir and for sale by MoCANDLEBEi, KHANS .1k 00., fe26 Corner Woad and Water streets Li - OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND ataziNa—ln all of Its brandies executed prompt• ly and In the hest manner, by J.& a. PHILLIPS, onto - 24 and 20 R. ear street. .14ARD OIL.—We have commenced menu' factralug Lard Oil, and will be pleased to receive or. dere fur it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar rot. We will All barrels returwed when desired. B. 0. di J. IL SAWYRR, talB No. df Wood qtre et. DIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wood 6 octave Pianos, will be rented to private fans. Ilia only. Apply to JOIN IL 3!..1ELL0R., kit; .82. Wood street. WINDOW GLASS.--5000 yards from 2 to 0 inch bleb diameter, for auto by mild> EL H. OOLLIbid. PITTSBURG IL THURSDAY, APRIL 29. 1858 PIANOS AND MUSIC 4 NEW LOT OF LiAN 0 FACFVUT.IIIII3 ',ND DEALLB3 IN ALL RINDS OV TOBACCO, SNUFF No. 129' .WOOD SPREET DRAWING LESSONS', ----- 4MBEIV. stilt 7, CONFECTION,. uNFECTION; IU 0 EOTION,OON F EOTION, O U N F EUTION, 0 O N F E O TION CONY a ONFE'OT T lON INSURANCE 1) EPORT OF THE CONDITIOISi OF THE FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATURNS, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., 1658, at; pi wanted to the Stockholders, and made out iu compliance wish the State Laws of New York,Ohio, India.ua,Tßinohk, =OM The name of the ectripany is the FARItIERBP UNION IN. SiiitANOE COMPANY, located at Athena, Fa, 'ol.lartered April 13, 1853, by the Legislature of Peunsylyauia. Charter Perpetual. L'aeh Capital, n 'itch is all paid up $ 200,000 00 tiurplus in addition thereto.._ . 63,485 51 ASSETS. Filly-tour Bonds and Mortgages, at nix and th3Voi/ IA cent. hatereat, amounting in the aggregate to .$152,810 Ou Which mortgagee are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and drat liens, worth generally double the amount and more than mort gaged for in each case, and in no Cn to iesa than fifty cent. ruo•a. exclusive of farm buddinge, and a., certified by the ftccurdete, where recorded, to the and lord of the :Rates of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six qJ cent. Banda amply secured .... 47,685 00 CaliLl on hand and in Bank 6 419 12 Cash iu hands of Agents, and iu course of tracts:l)l-00r, secured bonds With sureties 18,781 6:i Due on losses re-insured, ttc 7,048 41 Dills receivable, viz: promlssol y cotes payable at bank and to the Company 6,246 82 Interest accrued, (principally due January I, 1858,) 12,191 41 Safe and office Fixtures and Furni ture 500 00 INCOME FOR TEM xna 1857 Amount of Premiums re,:elved during the • year $ 85,^_5130 Ain't Interest received during the year 11,442 05 Ain't received from all other sources 2,480 00 gXIMITDITIMZ9 Expenses for the year, including commissilus, salaries, rents, rein• surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expenses $ 19,190 56 Lividends pa'd during tlo, year 17,000 00 Losses paid, which occurred prior to December 31, 1856 7,674 65 laaaes pail which occurred during the year 46,561 54 Loma adjusted and not due (since paid) $ 1!,600 95 Losses Incurred and in process of adjustment 9,307 00 Losses reported, on which no action hue been taken. 6,600 00 Losses resisted, on ground of insur ance after fire, property transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Policy, An 12,100 00 --$ 19,407 99 Whole amon tof risks taken during the ycar..50,419,862 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,801,410 00 TATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTS OF BILIDFOaD, C. N. Shipman, Preeldent, and J. E. Cantiold, Secretary of the Farmers' Moo Insurance Company, being severally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself says, that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de scribed otllcers thereof. 0. N. SitIPMAN, President. J. E CANFIELD, Secretary. Subscribed and swum before me, this 25th day of Janu ary, ISOS, 11. 0. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. 11IINTE11, Agent, apl7:ly No. 90 Water street, Pittsburgh. REAL ESTATE AGENTS ‘,1;1 CIaLIBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Ly e mail.t atroct, for thy. ticLio and porabasu of heal Estate, ranting muses, attruditig to iusurauco uud rt.:paha, obtaining loam' un lantda, niortgagoa, aze,; waking couvoy allCOa, duals, buuda, 40.; writing lottura and karroapanding eitb parties abroad, d‘c. oula BELDEN SEVIVIOU.g, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Reisautoza.—Nlosare. Karma, Glarrkßon to Coy Roberf Parka, E.g. WESTERN Lli It4l ti is • ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, Has for sale Lauds iu 'Wisconsin, Minnesota, idichigan and lowa. lie will exchange Lauds in Wlscunein, &L, for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also tor city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing we ae above. aullay PRoPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. Valuable Farm Fur Sale, CIONTAININU 160 ACRES, BEING A 'Via part of Sectlou 17, to flusher' tuwuthlp, Mithunin g c.uaut ) , Ohio; about La) acres cleared, to u high slate ut eaItIVUtIOTI, about one-half meadow land, of a superior quality, the balance hi g h and rolling, ready far the plough. It in one of the uest g rating farms la the county, havin g never-failing dpriugd on it, also au orchard, t oaring limit at a euperior quality ; to g ether with a g eed and valuable atotie quarry. It will Do sold at a low prlco and cagy payments given. ZADOK BTREer. Ss.Los, Ccl. Co., Ohio, March 24,1851. ap9:dtf For Sale. LOTS, NOS. 19, 21.1 ANL) 22, IN SILLI xt ANS viLLE,_ Ross township, Allegheny county, comprising together,* tract of TfitliTY-FIVE ACRES and seventeen perches of the very best'quality of Garden Land, under u high state of cultivatiou ' and well timbered, Dwell lug Hume, two Barns , StabLiug, Potato and Sprit% lloues. Shout lye hundred Fruit Truss, of every variety, of the choicest kind of fruit. Tho _property Is well supplied with übundsuce of excellent *rata., and is easy of access to mar ket, Ly Railroad ur by the New Brighton Plank Read. The property is withiu tour miles of the city, and will be aold ate bargain. legui.e of S. B. W. BILL, N 65 Fifth street, P;ttalturgli. r, ot WI!. 11. ILUISII , , sp7.lin Peunsylssula A 1,0111.10. 14 1 013, SALE. -45 itoroo of Land near Hal- Lutes Stativu, ou the Allegheny Valley Railroad, to nuke from the city. Ttnilaud is all coverird with fine forest trees, which waken it a dedirabto placa for a country real deuce. 2 Building Lots, each 20 by 100 feet on Penna. avenue, rear Magee street. 6 do do on Vlckroy street, near Magee street. 14 do do on Marla street, near Magee street. 3 du du on Bluff and Isabella areas, In the Eligth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. Also, 1 Lot on the corner of Penn and..Starbury streets, fronting 80 feet on Penn and 109 feet 10% inches on Mar bury itrset, adjacent to the depot of the Pautisylvaniarßatb, road. For terms, etc., inquire of 1811' , 1(1 TONES, • • mr29:lru 0 4" corner itoss.and First its, Pittsburgh.. A PLEASANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE —Situate in South .Vittshorgh, on the nottongahola river. Mlle holm ie large and convenient, having a hall 2 wirlus n, dining room, kitchen and 4 chamb3ra, a fino porch tronting the rivt.r, a good collarVidable and carriage bootie, large gordun with great variety of choice- trait, ehrub• Crory. etc., grata arbor, bade treed, etc. For price and terms, inquire at the office of S. CUTHBERT R SON, upl2 61 Market etrcet. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOIL RENT -- Situate at tualut 2 miles from the city, 21 scree of land; large and comfortable dwelling house of 10 rooms; a good spring house, carriage house, stable, etc., a tenant house and other out-buildings, garden, fruit trees, gropes and small fruits, a stone wail and iron railings in fro, t, of the hoagie and garden, etc., will be rented low to a good ten ant. 13. CUTHBERT a; SON, apl2 bi Market street. VALUABLE EAST LIBERTY PROPER TY NUR PALE—A large lot of ground, 60 feet trout by 200 deep to a street, with a new Frame Dwelling House of Hall, two parlors, dining room, kitchen and 5 chambers, wide porch in front, good cellar coal !tense, stable, fruit tress, etc, Price, $2OOO. Terms easy. ap7 B. CUTHBERT & 60N, 61 Market street FOR, RENT—That large and comfortable Dwelling House, eituateon the Bank of the Monon gahela river, opposite the city, awl et presout In the occu pancy of Marshall, Req.. cnolce frail, shrobbe, y, etc. In abundance and great variety. Apply to coral OUTEWERT tV. SUN, 61. Market et. QTORE ROOM ON FOURTH STREET i,„,) FOR RENT.—A large Room and Ocilla; between Mar ket and Wood streets. S. OUTPRRT a SON, rur3o• 61 Morket street THREE STORY BRIM. DWELLING HOUSE FOR RENT-814We on Marbury Eitreet, be tween Penn and Liberty streets, containing a ball, 2 par lors, 6 chambers, dining room and kitchen. Rent, $2OO per year. S. CUTHBERT & SON, mrSO 61 Market stra.t.. AHOUSE in good order, and lot ofground on Monterey street, Allegheny, edit be had for the snaill amount of $626. Terms (MY. tur27 S. CUL 111$ lilt r ¢ sox, 41 Market et. - VOW $OOO - -two hundred in hand, balance I.` In one and tao years, v4ll secure a dwelling house and lot of ground, on Mt Washington. uir27 8. CUTHEIMIT k SON, 51 Mardet et. A RARE CHANCE to purchase a good dwelliug house and large lot of ground, in Sharps. burg,. For price and terms, apply at our office. n2r27 S. CUTILBEHT .11 SON, 61 Market at. WO DWELLING HOUSES, with largo lot of ground to each house, situate on Carson street, South Pittsburgh, will be sold on favorable terms, by S. OCITEMB,T .1t SON, anrl9 SI Market at Toot- OR SALE—A Drug Store, located in one of the beat situations In the pity of Pittsburgh, for either aJobbing, retail or prescription tmsinest. Purchas ers will had au advantge of rare occurrence. For informa tion inquire of JOHN HAFT, Ja., No. 168, corner Math and Wood streets, fe9 Pittsburgh- R 10M ORN.-3 tons first quality rep's 1," and for Bale Ly [ntrbj HENRY H. OCILLINS. IL 00 BBLB. N B . A lLAlt zsa fo t anle by a 00 , mr24 Nos.lB and 20 Wood street bUTNA.M'S Improved, and other styles of %Widow Blade Fistarea, for We. by , J. ® a E.811.141R8, :MERCHANTS INSURANCE COMPANY, - . Of Philadelphia. vim. V. PETTIT, Prw.:stn-Lt. .... J. M'CANN, &,..74tarl Amount of Capital Stook paid la and Inve . .n.nl ..V.00,000 00 tiurplud 63g aD $26.3,4'18 85 Insures Cargo Rieha on the Ohio and sfi3ciseippi Rivers and tributories. Insures agaluat loss or damage by sire, A Ise, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Nevieatlou and Trausportotleu Wm. V. Pattit, J. d. Montgomery, John M. Pamroy D.U. Ma:am), E. V. Witmer, Roue Untllon, B. L. Wouliit,,n, John A. Starahall. Chaa B. Wright. -Paha J. Patterson, Elwood T. Posey. 4 1,,253,45 61 • OPPIOCRLI: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Ptesidtat E. F. WITMER, Pict Pres - idint. U. J. MoOANN, Sezretary. In Pliiicicklp 7 d..e:in Phi/arizipilia: Bolger, Larri ACo I O. StAnraltz, Justice & Co., Truitt, Ur. , .t Burls, Muricau liiidfole, A T. Lou.. Piharl Caldwell A. Cu. PITTSBURG if OFFICE, NU. in WATER STREET. R. W. KANDE:UR% Agont. Reliance Ilintual insurance Co- ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR Pi:RFS:I'OAL, HERJUAN- DIKE, FURNITURE, 30 , IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. °Bize t 170. 30b Walnut street. CAPITAL, $i22,020 ASSEIS, 6061106,4.05 Invested [Li follows, viz : First Mortgage on Improved City Property, worth double toe amount 1,120,20 n 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per 4:aut.:Mortgage Loan, swot) cost 25,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn's it. R. Loss. 10.000 OU Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock 40.:00 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Inauranco Cu. 19,160 uu Stock of County Fire Insurance Co . 1,050 01 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies.. 476 00 Bills Receivable, business paper. 62,711 60 Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc 3,836 19 Cash on haul end in Bank 10,048 20 $ 268,485 61 $98,153 S 5 Cisco Ticgioy, William R. Thompson, David 8. Brown, 13,rbollas 9tosanson, Joha R. Worrell, U. L. Oaxaca, Robert Toland, afoced Juttason, Ottarlea 8. Wood, James 9 Woodward, mr3 B. J. GAR. mr3 North-east cor $90,435 RE. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; No. 149 Choi:mut Stroot, Opp3Ate the Custom House. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU IIANOE, either Perpetual or Limitr.d, ou every description of Property or Merchaudiae,ut reit.,uuble rata of premium ROBERT P. KINU, Preeitic.z.t. Al. W. BALDWIN, Vice Prosideni. DIILCOTO/18. Charles &ayes, E. R. Copes N is. English, Ueorg. W. Brown, P. 8. Stvrery, Joseph S. Paul, C 6hertuan, John Clay 1... n, 6. J. Magargeo, E. Wilor I Secretory J. U CO.FIFIN, Agent, Uortwr Third and Wuud stratas CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPAN V OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BA:I11SY , Vrematus. SAMUEL L. MALUBELELL, Secretary, OFFICE: 94 Water street, belivez - z !larked and Wtoa Insures HULL ANL CARGO on the °hi,. and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. Insures against. Loss or Damage by PELL Also, against the Perlis of the bes and Inland iiavtgaiku and Tratispurtatioa MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. OHARTINIBD.BY THE LtIiaIdLAITFRE OV et:CINSICLVIIMIL L1t5h...... $24.10,000 I Premium .M44%4132,3.13. rrilllS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Iderchbudine, Furniture, sc., in t.wn r cuuutry. DIREO7OSE4* Hon. JUG. J. Pearce, Hon. G. U. Harvey. 'Charles A. Ma7er John .B Hall, Charlea (Met, j Peter litchinec.n. T. I` I Abrew4, 1) K. Jackman, W. ViLlie, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. U. HARVEY, President. T. 'P. Acne lA, Vice Presidout Taos. Kll'olllo 2 Secretary. P..c2i.atxons• Samuel 11. Lloyd, 'Dr. J S. Crawford, A. A. Wiaegardner, Johu W. Maynard, A. Updograd, L. A. Mackey, lila. 8 Cameron, James Ara:etre:lg A. White, Thus. Bowmen D.D, William Fearon, James Quiggle, Wm. Vaudorbelt, Hun. Win. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. fili FIFTH STREET, PITTIOULCOU. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. rfillE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA. DuisevatS---Charles W. Dancher, Thomaa Bart, Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob IL Smith, o.eo. W. Richards, hiordecal D. Lewis, Adulphi E. Burk, David S. Browne, Nut. its Patterson. Cols. N. balwaits, President. Coos. G. BAlloigu i Secretary. Continue to mate Insurance, perpetual ~t. lim Iti an evaly. •description of property, In town mud an low as are consistent with encuriLy. The Company have resorved a large I lontio,,,,eet which, with their capital end ',routine o, 44.1 , 1} uc. seed, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on Jennery let, lief, as pat. Hated agreeably to au A, - t of idaonibiy, e, or e as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 68 Real Estate 84,177 78 Temporary Loans 88,966 17 Stocks 01,889 0, Cash, .... 61,2046 81 Total $1,211,708 41d Mace their tucorporatiou, a per luki ut twenty.eue years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou laud Dollars,' essesly fire, therel4.affordiug• evidences of the advantages of insurauct, as well on the ability and dispoiltion to meet with promptness all liabllitios. J. GARDINER bOnIN, Agent, noki Oi lea. nortti.east cor. Wood end Third ale. NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, i'ItANKLIN BUILDINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized tinder the 13eueral Insurance Law, with a Cash Capital of $lOO,OOO, prhileged to increase to 4:500,000. In oures against loss or damage by FIRE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATIGN. U. U. LAUGHLIN, President. RICII'D SHIELDS, V. Preet GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary 1:483:0T08.3: H. C. Laughlin, D. Sharwood, D. Montgomery. W. 0. Statesbury, RM. Carlile, Richard Shields, It F. Showell, u C Butler, Witham 04born.), George Scott. TITS h OgAFVEY, Agents, Jeky Office Lafayette HaU, entrance uu Viruol LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, -, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PI'A'TSBUROII, PA. EpBERT iIaLWAY, President. MAX. ijitSDLEY, Vk.e President. IL A. Itthanairr, Secretary. riay-TtLis Uompany makes exery iasurance ap - yrtalatag to or connected with LIFE RISES. Also, against MAD AND CARO° RISKS on the, Ohio qnd Mississippi Rivers and trtbatarles, and MARINE RISER generally. And against Loss and Damage by sire, and against the Perils of bile Sea and Inlood Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. GEORGE DARFUR, i resident; F. H. 0011D03, Secretary. Onion No. 92 Water street, (Spaag A co, Warehouse,) ap stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against allkinds of tRE sad 5 1ABINERI8R8. A Home Institution, managed by Direet-ws who are well known in the community, and who are determined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the charm ter which they have tuvramed,aa offering the beat protection to those who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 81st, 1957. Stock Accounts,—, $121,600 00 Mortgage,, • 2,160 00 Bills Receivable, 4,181 67 Office Furniture, 240 00 Open Accounts, .... ...... 9,478 64 Cash,. .... 14,841 46 Premium Notes, 40,218 69 Bills Discounted, 126,003 78 =lawns George Dania, R. Miller, Jr., J. W. Butler, George W.Jackeon, James MvAnley, Alex. Spear, Andrew Ackley, Wm. night, Nathaniel Halmos, Alexander Nimick, D. DL. Long, Win. H. Smith, 0. W. 1110kaa014 W. EL GORDON. will Secretery INSURANCE. F 111,E iNSIJRANCE, OF PHILADELPHIA 1252,465 e 9 OLEM TINtILEY, President. EEC= Samuel Bispbam, Ruhert Steen, William Masser, Benjamin W. Tlngiev, Marshall Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob. T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Wm. M. Semple, Pittsb'g RINCHNIAN, Necretary. INEa. COFFIN, Agent, er Third and Wood streets. oi7uai,;ue 'Milian. Bagsley, Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Rea, Samuel M. Mor t Smiles M. Cooper, Johu S. Dilwortn, James Part, Jr., Francis Sellers, Isaac M. Pennock, William B. Mays. Springer Ilarbangh, John Shipton, Capt. Samna O. Venlig, Welter Styant, John Caldwell. Ja2 . 2. WEST BRANCH viTTsi;tult,QH DMZ 070£0. Hobert Galway, /Samuel ISM' orkaz , Joseph P. Gazaam, M. D, John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambers. Robert H. Hartloy, William Carr. J au. Alciiill. 802.5 fillE DAILY POSY fd&RIINNE ESTEHLING. A DOMESTIC STORY. He sat for more than a minute, giving by movement or expression no sign of life, but like one in a catalepsy, for the spirit was so busied in itself, so wholly occupied in thinking, as to have no energy to spare for muscular motion of t ague, eye, or feature At last, somewhat re o.vering himself,-- -le this the truth ?" said he in a voice clearly artictii.itsd, but as slow in sound as a whisper. —lf not, may Gad judge me I You will not despise me for my birth-- oh, I am sure you wi!l a i.' falllug on her knees besidz kld 'sr cLa niutig her arms around az:d Fend sobbed with her Lee in his i •aom de did not pu-th her sway, tut pressed t-;his heart, looked upward i see it I,li t,„w -- It must be so. My love for this t.iy Las been tho yeurninizof ut.tarel affection Marianne, tieereet, let me go." And he made an s Slott to ries. Lt you in," she cried , amid the I if her ,vc•epitig "you will leave me , c.ke me for ever—you will— Gerald, my child keep him. it is your father." -No, love, 1 will come again. This is too n,noll for me— -if I stay here I shall die. Let me breaths the open air, and look upon the bright sky, and the trees and the fields, and I will be well regain." "Will you come back to me ?" I Fill " And he tottered from the room, while she fell back upon a sofa near the door." —Gerald," cried she, "go after hint—go with him, foi• something will bcfall him. Go, Gerald, I cannot." Tno boy flew to obey her, bat was recalled by the sound of something failing. She had faint ed away, and was now prone on the carpet." With assistanoe from the servants she soon re covered, for, though gentle, delicate and soft,she Lad always been healthy in body and mind. She would not be put to bed, but, drinking some wine to strengthen her, and bidding them open the window, sbe sat down to await the return of Ler husband. For him, he wandered away for miles through the thick-hedged lanes and by-roads, and by the lonely shore, till, coming to a green bank, between a patch of ocpsewood and the sea, he sat down on the grass by himself, with no being nearer to him than some fishermen, whose boat was slowly gliding along, in the heat of the day, about a mile distant. There be remained for some hours longer, gazing abroad on the fair face cf nature, but not regarding it, there being a world of thcug,hts within himself At lenr,th hic, heart gave way, and he wept like a child for a space. It woe the first time ho had dote so since the death of his father in his early youth, and he felt now, fur the time, as if his strength of mind an i frame were gone, and he were noes lucre a weakly hey. But this fit passed over, and in another moment he rose and walked slowly tack to the villa, his mind over dewed with joy, and his fancy busy at the nov el work of building up dreams of future happi ness. That evening at sundown beheld them again seated side by side at one of the windows of the same room. They are both now calm and com posed, and have been mutually explaining the past. He has toldiher of his fervent love,his jeal ousy, and his long period of misery, and arks her to unfold to himjthe history of her birth, and the cause of so much mystery having been pre served. Her sale runs thus "My father began life, without birth, rank,or capital, in the humble situation of a merchant's clerk. My mother was the sister of a fellow clerk, add besides this brother, had nd living re lation. My father's look and manner captivat ed her, and she became altogethee tleveted to him. He loved her, too, very fat:MO?: his passion was as ti...thitig to hers. At te n th.;- oa a considerable increase of his salary, which was owing to the partiality of his employer's lady, be proposed to my mother a private mar riage—one of law, without any ceremony of re ligion. My mother was infatuated enough to consent, and they were married in this way.— I t wes a compact in the presence of witnesses, between two single persons of mature years, to become man and wife, and was authenticated by document signed by both, and by the witness. es as evidence of the transaction. This, you are aware, in Scotland, constitutes _a marriage in the eye of the law, though not in that of the church. "The reason my father gave her for such a step was that, if he were known to be a married man, he was certain be would lose the favor of his mistress, and so have destroyed bright pros pects he wasted to believe probabie. "Shortly after this marriage, my mother's bro ther went abroad as a commercial agent to the East Indies, and, immediately after, my father's employer died. A year did not elapse before my father coolly and publicly married his wid ow, a person of whom he used to speak to my mother as a doting old fool. This action was done is England, where he immediately took up his residence, having by it become possessed of a fortune of many thousand pounds, along with half a Lure in one of the most extensive and improvalile businesses of the country, of the English portion of which he forthwith assumed the management. "When my mother knew this, she was die treated. He came to her and explained. He had married the 17 omatt, he said, solely as a bus iness speculation—for fortune ; and offered to stars with her the proceeds of his crime. She vms sery _old, he said, and must soon die, when eruuld be 'free - e.gain;+and:possesae r ti - orgvitiit; weelfh, all of whighishruld 17e here: " • ''My mother spurned the proposal with abhor rence, and commanded him from her presence for over. She would not prosecute him or ap pel to the law for her right. She Gould not ex po,:.; his criminality, for her own shame must al si I a laid open. She resolved to hide herself fr4,ln the world,and brood over her misery alone rest of her life, which she was convinced could not be long-- to resume her own family name, and to go to some crowded place where no on' could know leer--there to give hopes to an.ther world than this. Whether she was right or w r.,ng in these oteps I cannot judge--I leave it to your own heart to form an opinion. 'From the day her evil fortune was first made ko , wri to her, she never touched a farthing of his money, but gathering as much as she could of her own, began that occupation in which you saw , her in the town where you came to study. A month or two after her settlement there I was born She became a heart-broken woman, seem ed prematurely aged, and never went out but to church. Yet she often appeared to me to enjoy s,,r•t of unworldly happiness in the practice of religion, to which she devoted herself with a constancy and fervor that I thought interfered with her fondness of ma. I knew she•never so poured out all her heart on me in tenderness, or felt he same delight or consolation in ma, as I did in my child, when!, too, was left by him I love d." There was here an interruption in her narra tive, ‘i When I got to be a year or two old, my father became dotingly fond of me—nothing could keep him from me. He would brave my mother's displeasure, her avoidance, even the bitter pain he saw his visits occasioned her, to have the delight of fondling his little daughter —for I was his only child. The most costly jewelled ornaments he used to bring me—of which I had a great treasure, though you never knew of it—and would submit to every hard ship, to every loss from neglect of business, in traveling from England, but to see that I was well. " When I grew np to be a girl, and have a lit tle discretion, he himself told me the whole tale, (for' I did not learn it from my mother's lips and with contrition, even with tears, would ex press to me his deep remorse and self-condem nation, his still-enduring admiration for love for my mother, and the misery he had entailed upon himself by his ambition for wealth and commer cial distinction. He did everything for me that money could effect, procured me the most expeu sive teachers in various tocompllslinients„ gave me all things in the way of dress or ornament, that i desired, made me completely, and I believe solely, his confidant, and to my ear alone made known the place of torment which he had made his home. Ho might have seemeed to others $317,841 78 [CONCLUDED.] NUMBER 169 haughty and contemptuous, even oppressive— a , public sinner, and appearing to glory in sin ; but to me he was always indulgent, affectionate, de voted, earnestly anxious for my welfare, strictly moral in every thought and expression—every thing a father should be. "I could not help loving him and pitying him —oh, how !—for he had been all that was kind and loving lo me from my earliest recolleo ti.m. Yet my mother never stinted her disdain, her anmosity towards him ; and our interviews in her presence were so unpleasant, that he oculd only open his heart to me out of the house, and thus I was led to walk oat with him fre quently about the streets and the park. It was he who encouraged my connection with you, Basil, approved of and urged me to our marriage, and expressed hie design of bestowing upon me and my offspring the vest wealth he had accumulated, as an attempt at atonement for the evil he had done my mother and myself. But when he saw the unhappy issue of the step, it preyed upon him mora than tongue can tell His health showed it, and still that demon of a wife, es he styled her, kept a tenacious - hold of life, to make every hour of his existence wretched. " I lived with my mother till her death, which took place about two years after you left me. He then removed me from Scotland to this place. some time afterwards his wife died, leaving all the property she had possessed to her own rela tions; but the amount . was not a fourth of what ha had himself amassed in trade; retiring with which he came here to me, and gradualy declin ing, died, as if from old age, though under forty years. His whole property he has bequeathed to me and your son. " While he lived here he became a changed man, and, thoroughly repentant, eought, by the devoted belief and practice of religion, to estab lish a hope for that happiness in another state of eqistence of which had so miserably deprived himself in this." "Why did you tell me of all thie, Marianne! You should 125ve had ao secrets from your hus band." " Alas ? Basil, I caulk not betray my father's secret : I knew not how you might receive it. Had it become known, ho might have been pub= hely tried for his crime : how could I betray my father? besides I knew your feelings of honor, and feared to tell you of the stain on the legiti macy of your wife ; it might at the least have made you love me less. My father, moreover, had bound me by the strangest injunctions never to:di,close it during his life. I did indeed, resolve once to tell you so much at least as would have set at rest your jealousy, but I knew not how to break it " '• Oh, Marianne Y you have had a meagre idea of my character to dread that any fault of your parents, any conventional disgrace:of birth could have .lowered my opinion, or lessened my love of you, so long as your virtue was stain less: Here' they were interrupted—.a knock was hoard at tho door. " Como in, Gerald," said she " Gerald," said his father, " When did you change your name Y how came you to spell it with an e' additional ? " I don't spell it with an 'e.' " " Then what is this ?" said Basil, drawing his letter from his pocket, and showing him the signature. "On, that--that's only a flourish after the final y.'" " Marianne what has becomo of our cottegl in the North " I believe it is as we left It, with all your hooks and furniture. My father paid the rent and had kept it in order." " Then we shall go down there again, love— we shall hire other servants, who shall not know aught of our previous fortunes. Gerald shall, not leave us until he is a man. We shall all by happy again. We have had our share of misery --may we hope that our trials are over! At all events jealousy shall never cause us more disquietude." i MISCELLANEOUS. • - • Milf-14 SPRING GOODS VLN BORDER'S TRIMMING'.3TORE, 78 MARKET STREET. The Embroidery . Department CONTAINS ALL OF THE LATEST STYLES, COLLARS, SETS, RTC., ETC., And haajust bat , n largely replardanad. THE TRIMMING DEPARTMENT a conatantly being rapienithed with ALL THE NOVELTIES, As feat as they cD:Le out. THE VARIETY DEPARTMENT Will furnfedi Ctutoccera wltt. PINS, NEEDLES, TAPES. ROBS3IP.ZO, AND ?MALT. WIRE GENERALLY _Gvatls ,Furnishing Department Conteln.3BBl-476, In White and Caney Colors; CRAVATS, TIES, COLLARS, SUSPENDERS SILK AND LISLE UNDERSSII3,TS, LINEN AND MERINO DRAWERS, ETC. THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Is full cf all kinds of HOSE. AND HALF HOSE In Cotton, merino and Silk, for Men, Women, and Children In the Glove Department Will be found a complete anortmeat of KID, LISLE AND SILK GLOVES; LSO A LIEGE BToCa or SILK, AND SILK LISLE GAUNTLETS THE LADIES' DEPARTMENT Is complete and contains Ea• I-E.. I 1 , 1. °X 2 IE3 or all the latest atylea- Also CORSETS STAMPED WORK, WORKING AND MARKING COTTON, WORSTED, CANVAS, ETC., ETC. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Hero till bo found a nice assortmont of RIBBONS, FINE FRENCH FLOWERS, RUCHES, BLONDES, LINI:;GP, LACES, ETC., ETO. Persons will please call and examinto the GOODS, and corbpsre PRICES, at FRANK VAN GORIOUR)s,, ap23 lw] NO. 78 MAREET STREET. trIHEESE.-225 boxes prime W. 8.. cutting IL) Cheese received and for ea e, by mea HANBY H MUM& OTEL CANDLES.-50 boxes 12's and 111 Ws, Hotel Candlca, on hand and for gale by felB n Q 2 .7/ 11. &MTV& YE FLOUR-20 bbla. in / store and loz kij mile by [de2sl 13DENBY H. COLLIN& ARD—in kekn—for Bale by sti cov7 EMILY U. OOLLESB bble. fresh E*ga_just received and far sale by 11112201 HLRELY EL COLLINS. diLASS.-500 boxes 8110, 9x12 and 10x12, ‘...A far sale by Otpu, OENItYi H. COLLINS. ROOMS.-50 doz. rec'd and for sale by mr3l HENRI H. COLLIIIB. • O'PATOES.-400 bus. Pink Eye Potatoes, received and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, tir'24 Corner First and Market streets. SPOOL COTTON, BUTTONS, ETC-,