• Aka LAW s rrilirrtiltSla, ctivet, I,b;w6bn Vcurth 4trevt. A. LOWRIE, Attorney et Law, co F o urthPittaburgla, between k?..nittLitield auk] y alloy decthly 4-I.IIL, Surgeon Dentist, sucoemor to G. • W.l iddte, Nu. 144 graithfield street. 4 4 ,-Oille.altorcrs from S, to 1. o'cloct, :Aid from fs c;c10...t. falbay SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors ey p west of Market. 4ir Oifico hours frotr. 9 o'clock A. M. to 6 1 .4 Lleelo:y 6'OllOON MAKE R, Manufacturer o£ e White Lc-Rllln le-ad, Zinc, Paint, Lithargz, Putt), Sc. WholeBadtud.r is Uile, Pthtt , VarniAL,B, Turpeutiu , -, Ste., Diu. cod *tn.ret, Pitttburgh. tu3'2 03EPLI FLEAIINU, 6zlee.esBor tu 1, NVil 4.1 1 iaz t Gu., ooruer of Market tarot , : uud thn Dism,uti wltnututly uu imul u full litwortrneut of Dliuur, Et , ICU Ey, nminciNE tatEs.r.zi, ,rl.• zlzl purtaiuiug t., 4is Ll1J1110::,.. *lar - 141:0i...11111:2 t,3 • Criptioliri tatitlrkl. 1- IN - . 011.A.DWICli., ilisaler iinntuuky taut TonAcco, nu] PAPlitt., Nu. i 4 Wvild inAuW Inp/O:ly intirket ca>ll, paid for IVALTiiii P. in ttIsLiALL JOSUPII C. 61.411L3 S. P. MAILSII,II,I, .. Co., luipurteni anti W 0 ilt,lerd iu Fts,nct. ellld Alltul 1,111 PS E'ER i1..1N G. iNGS, N. S 7 W,,,d A:LA, Vttobtirgli. iiirS, 0 c.,. , ,m,t.s it.tr ti1t....0 1, 1 .I', i Uri rd . :lit:Una ti CA), Vaal,' DAV") CAPIPBELL & SAMI.JEL 1-'Ol,- Lotiii have tiiid.K.Aut,- , 1 t,,got.b.r w I,r thu ist3l. t. POLLOOii., ter thu trauAtictiou of a keueral Variety awl Dry tiv,lm bunme,i, and the tuautliduture Wain audWavo.l Lino Gilt Zilotildino. whit; PtiILIP.III4YIIII.. ISUBILLT I..INDSCSUN 1.) F/ NJ & ANDERSON, (siiceessorB ti Lk ituod,Ft & C 0.,) witulesato dunlettt lu Flit{ Eitt •titt.UITS, NUTS, 81'103, CON i'EUrIONAKY, A ItS No. Li? 5V,,,.1 Litt, at. G1t , ,r1.4 ‘•it 4. J. •JILLaPIA i J. GILLESI-1 & (JO., and dwlutß in boukiats, , U.,1111,. and Y.stic . , %AO.) I I•1Ib Ou Laud tad WA/ i Mallu i cauy, log, ut eVory nod tilt. jElourri.EKS.--Juith ()Gum.' & Co., N 0.151 Nit dt birret, 111., It y t.:. t , Ito dart tlicy bk 0.1.1 ~ a baud a lat L , ,a, iit.ii.ls2l.PAltll.l.A, V Li Eli 31. I', A I,V; Of tho l,N;t quality. The, attGallua at ititailtoz la jut ands, ly ciiiittod L, lA, ri*Cl (tint they L....tt10 WA IN 11.1011 r A 1'10,4 man it , •,i31,1e1.1 , 1 fixtujlio 1.11 ‘l3 10)41.1 t.is I Utatiug :111.1t1.1e4. I •, J. ffg. Mill' LE, ailkEt(ll A N'F TAILOR' • VU. 81 Si. CLA ti iftr,t,', lie , 60,1.11 ,Ai .1; I, G 1'... I. - - jNV. lc.tatß, All.Oll IT 1; E 1 tin cpuer talid _.. A I It. S T La 101:11‘11“.4—,,Lli11111,.. to prcpue P1:111 , 3 .1, , i e'irtn - .ltien.tiona awl L., Supuriator..l tLe Erv• ca, of y .I."Leriptiou of Bailtrill4el. Jralcl r° A , U LL AND - 13 it A Fou . :.i>l.:ll, 14 e ECt r:s4 At o.tt, tobt” !• ! . er.11, , 11 to JEIUXCH, tsTE ANI boll', NAUTUHY AIJU i 4 t: FFt.t 6111:1E 6ELI.M eu,(lo r STl l l' etiZorl, tur '4IN b:11-1.1. Wit NTL.ti It I 8,1 LVvry zoy (.1 ted C tti v Iti Itt it ,1/1.101. BAII3IVS ANTI AT'I [UPI , iN METAL F' TiiNT 11t;i2c1.1.L1.3 1.-2101,1N1i, for tit,,sr. OUGLIRIDUE 6 - ; - . MAXWELL, . A E.ooi:lteg,•47l/C.2BCM, Pt. ',tars korazraer, Urtailltt u I Bud Danlard in Wooks, Hunan Furnishing tiooda No, VIES 'Wood eZreci., shove PiTTSuOittiLl, i 111112,13 I Machine licrialltt+ wade W qrticr EDUCATIONAL St. ii. , `ratte.ig Ar.,cadenty iftsr et') pi ; UNDER 'NEE CAItE ()I-111E FitA NUISUAN litikrtttEliF, t.oretto, Catti.bria Cc.uuly r E'er. di II I ti I N SITU crio N , NAT; I{ k ' .i.Y fur Eanc.ii.,,ual Wit la/a , linotaia i•.• imc.A.mloula LLtaL cau Lk' Jaytrcd ILK a LSallu..ha 1ub , 11,,L14.11. IL ie looted to Lito MUM. healthy a n d picLur,d‘iu” th Allegholkirs, dish:tit tutu ulilue from ;tit-,ct !tail; t'it. , ,st;r4ti IL, e iivietiic y.:lr Cv11.111.11.111 , :ilig Lhu firet M...1,1,ty la 1 4 01,10,111 , r, clono Ow 15th of July ;.,;110, - ..;11, II." 'Pet u;;; lutAudllig a I Itar I; C„llreto, iiro tIOU pc 111J1411111 (!l , faellt 1411.1 N!o , laa .• cl sl , ') V.. 1 .4 $lO. Lica t tht, dewy. Ituftzeurka cnu Ve mrci3 lo LW. ap110:13,,1,Lw Wieicenti'm Caitike..ge salad Seektlatari UNDER Tb 6 ct, tta 1 UE 61:14EDICTINE I'S I ivoar LeztrGbc, esouitily, Or— N TILE COLLEGE ARE TAtitill'L Tu usual L 12.1.1. 1.1G3 v. h;//,AI-L h.du, /L, Um SLIIIIN.S.B. Y, I.lp, Classier*, etud ttio tlitrur....llt. 111,ther U-.t...1:11‘ I u. lioi L I ~, el.l the tern, .Led Titithai arl) ; • !.• paid toad-annually, ,Cierlivau awl Frew is and utter I sogl/C.:' , 6, tug and ftichrinforin no °A tru chat gi.el,eicuptin,r duiat itZils!Aliou fur ttr., ii of ihefruhreude Nledleine, toi charges. partieularD.pdly .if 'rho 4..kaloginte ytiar Leone Lai the let Lit :iiieldeintier, onLid Ott the Lsl of .1 al y folio . _ Llitk GOO DS fietreracia 3= Etetrvitith 31 ANOTEEII, CRASII--IN dut,rtitine.i stuLk, thuu6t. •• t t - tu t.. tnu Vtgitt.," o hasp 111.51,3 a. generul trEblit rli U. ENT! E - . T.) 81111 luaSt*AlCed. _ _ _ _ ti,,, to buy «itau Liu 4ortul •ut i ciabrult.eu, 61,1 tL, Put. liu•*tt I 1,,,wu!1 otPird 11:):I.N.§, 77 11.te 1.,L TilE LAST WI ANUE 11'4 FIGURE: - ; Ll,llllt 1. iiill,/nS, wurtti 7b cunts, ht li.: 1,, )HI ! kit., it/ du W4Y, at 60 Li , do 11.) du 50 ut 37% d, au do au 57 , ,,i, at 25 lu 506E1'LL 11011. N:::. 77 Markot street. R o l( !II 1 ( 11 ' AT It A a.,4)l;ettanc,:tull:ut as l).111ii and [or Brae ut iUvll 11011 N ha'. 77 Ntarta,t NTLE rIl EN '3 GARAIEN Ivoui, tllilL, Ilerino nud it,cy Cotton Undor Li; td hut! Drif Wel); freh onapply deb)'S Slcrk.i etr,t :VIVE Cenw per Pound Reduetion in the _a: Prko of DR 4. L)Lt r 6 Y.4.13N —lPuulodnlo 13up,r. nod Poddlira will 1).., fural,t,ol With ElltAlfLl,l". 'PUREE-I'l.Y 11 NLT rliski F3ltNy btu ru.4l . l,thal of elvo Ot'lln per by the buudla, after td,l3 data, "or Caah, 2.111 i Ca ooh . E MBItl)11)EltlES. —Our excellent stuck of k much , ...tuo , ttroion:ort, .uJ the low prico: at ithhA, they aro taeitLed, otletn rt.ro putelaoto the lutoot otyi.:s. .10mLTII fiJur; 77 Marknt. - UgNEY t MON F.:Y H Pitl()E'S m A iti;.- Ivg. Ell DOWN. .gam- aren't redaction in L 1.. ., Wo have gum, uk.if CULLS R.. UN %.!1.1:11..1N • t A lid pri.;e4 —Har,l Tl lO Lading Tilly rely g. 4.014; trartretinn ut OC.rall.lo4o4loii. .Nl3-1..e: F - Agay Bh&OK DRES. , 3 ,SILKS. - largo an.nt.u.nnt. 4411:71. YYt, 1'4;0 ClOtil44 • , 111 011. F. k V FOR CAdli C. El Lt.)FP, re. rorly I.tan Bruthrr.., jav No. 71 Mitfl..t WE WI lA, aI LL Crum tilt; probout time un c „annoilly ctwap c,lll and C. Li Furtuezly Lo - . N.. 74 M ,ritt.: it 1 L e cur utucl- p _. itINTE FttENCH. 1:1 1411tIN0ES, f or 6.2. D eitid 73 C.:Lit.., worth $1 lola ?I.*: 6, tho beet Aanortlll,l.l , la Cho dt - , - . 0. IiA.NtiON LOVII, (fotluorly I.krro ltr,titet7), 140 74 tltakr.l 'tr..: 114.1,-I.CK - AND rANCY DRESN 1.4.1 X Ajp A full aAiortuiont, very clte4p. O. LI AMON LOVE, fumsrlv I cro Brott.C.; No. 11 `r4.l.lltvi atreet. EVERY Eoin thowioal Pur,aeer of 1)ret;: , Cloo,Lq, Shawld, Mantled, etc.; also Donnmalc. and vie lloodx, will find it to their ;A-ventage to call and extru,i our Nuw :Lock i I Fall stii Yi liOr Dry iloodo ['eruct" pur,1.,7, lug ulGowlit ru. C. HAN:ill:4 LOVE, trAl5 V...-7oPri . * Love litvrt.. 7.1 LI AV ,S I SIIAIi'LS 1--Wool, Ohonil le, tiruchzt, 6c., Loth tong and aqua, r, th, Vary I at to the city, tint ut very 1,,v, ',rico.. far r 9 h. U. `IA NSt)N 1.41 1 11.1, Effniarly Love fsn.l3., No. 74 'Market stro.A. „ . . PIQUE and NififttEll,l,ES, Fleeced, for making 134 . ... 3quod. A ,trinur tat doC.4 GICO. li. W1:11T1t b Cli ON N'E'.l; VEI, VET. ET. --Every variety of Bon i) ue material, batik., for !sale ta nr.r.Vl3'" LIORN N EW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.—zo 4uYra nie.ortol niz,,u, 4's, Vs tool 6 'n,5140,ru3 Cmotire ou linto ,.. und dud for Bale I,y S 0 A' S. -- wo o bozea Huniu 9 ap, to lb., 2 2D. aad 3 11,, Lara.. L5OO " No. I Palm Nunp3, In lb., 2 tb. and 311 L . 500 " etioutud lu lb. lUuips). tau" Liteiut, Oxide 25u " I.3ormau 200 " ()wand 60 " Pare Palm Ou Laud and fur sate by QUM, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTH OVERSHOES, oVorod luw, rt "7'hr, e,maa Slam Store," No. 17 YHIL street, soar Market. - DISTRNLIAOFIER ONLY $750 FORA TWO STORY Dwel- House, of four rooms, with lot of ground 20 feet front on Monterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an alley. 'Corms, $4OO in hand, balance at ULM.• two and three years, g. CUTHBERT 1.1 - 130 N, Market 'Area. ~ED►S. fatly w„ y 1 ltt ui jt,l4:y MIME G. B 1.)11,,t0r of the 0..112p It , m LIUIiN N, 17 Market dtrett, Altbni tor tilt, tilmuuti...-o:cee B. 0. A J. U. kiAWYK lu 3 11).1.1a tu 1 lb. B. 0..* J. h. ziAWYRit GROCERS WM. H. 6.111TEl AVM. IL SMITH & co., WHOLESALE GROC"Eits, aILS Second Si 1,11 -First sts., rITTSEITAGIEE, PA. MILEY, COS4I E & CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. d and !IA Wood streets W,tl MILER, 0- W. RI•C6SSiJN. Pittab h riIILLEiI & litiCisiETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND IMPuitTERn BRANDIES, WINES AND SEOARS Noe. 441 nun 443, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, So LE Aki ENT:4 r(• ,: . ."'itletBl . es - '3 City 6l - 1 7 67,53 PITTSBURGH, PA. tu.UN, NAILS, C , )Tr G YARNS, o, , t rt.l tiN HAND 13=1 MICANDEIOSS, MEAN!, tucurs.a• TO.WIOK 4 leoattia.us2.l ' %V ifOI E NAL E H 64.4.14 El it 8 , DZA.LI:?..ii IRON, NA iLS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS &ND PITTSBURGH. MANUFAOTIMES am:1;11AL LY earner of 'Wood and Water >Arcata, - FOR Vlr Ali DING AND COMM ISS 10 N .g r4r.cs 4 401.1.,21N,S r(11 'Mill Aiert int ti , TtiS ii! cstkuvgh, CANAL LINES. 14ott. 114 AND 115 WATIIR nrttttws, PiTTWBUDQU, Fe 11119.014E1ti PoRWARDING AND ComINII!ItIN trikatttlii A wr:3, no ;10 SYoAtluilo. y, CII4OINN;iItH J. 1). iIOUSENIAN, (LATE OF 11011 - IEMAN & SMITH,) COMMISSION AND FORWA NG rit RC EP ANTS, No. 9 N. seeood Street, iuutt4, ItUhrlokhET'. J. iviiN W tuGi:T t & Wright, F/,(HUR FA 1;1()ItS 9 ROD FOCE rti E . 4 5'4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WIIA kil r, PZIM1!1=11 E la Tia,,;ups,,at 'Ph pd,/ti Olaart l'raco at Co., L C.,po ,t Cu., litlVOr A Co', Canby ; Newillat .liughes, E. I , Mitt:tat:ll, Cash', M a, LI'S if L. lialLawell S. I , 4:l.;litcatua &Ctallinas, aluiau Li. Ra.,upanly at Co ltEiguei t CJ., ,t C.; friar. ii at. laug{oy .t I.3 , ..vre.rtev 4 51111.61,i, A la W. I.l,,imacoa Ct. G01,4r,0, I=l •ez-f, I , t la J. ffe CO 6IL:10'11A N I':,_ =MEM K. 0 II it A N it A C f N 7::1' PLATE A:NO 1' : ti B 1! It Li It n d N 11 t. ti A I. t: II 3f M I ,l oftWJX.RiiiiNt., Alii`,l,(;ll.."ki\lT;-, i.e za aua Vl/ naLiabgi.c.,:i Ave .tuc, t; N H. w t1)11 8. Le dal A. I.l,rcliatitm Keurially A. L. WEBB & BRO. Cibt.n GENERAL COMMISSION Id ERUIIANTS AUENTti Fuit. TUE dALE off DUPONT'S POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, Voriesr Pratt.and Comule.es etreeis, BALTIMORE, decgvo nn Cousigilinvot ull kinds of 196ga1-a Utni 11.01 b Aldiftkllo,3 thereof] R E 2 It FIERCE tier). W. Sraitti & C 0 .3 W. 11. Smith ,t Co W. ii tbirrard, .1111cr & ittel ason inr4„ . .;it-a-,%. tim hI e N . ,II ,:1,1141kr , E, iturrEtt, sr.rair! u,,,i Pitorqiue. M== GLASSWARE '11Wiloklt“ I , lfrth/i.iA 1110Gla L. lUNIW ALT. fIUiLLANO, ROBERTSON & CO., Maliu- L.) fact.J.iren. Pre,..ed and Plain Fliut (11,At3t 4 WAR F., wiruhomw No. i 7 etre,et, currier or Fr.ht, Pitltiburgh. 4 : 0 - . All "tiler Lon a, of aliti lOW I'dttrlirt prices aptledly 1 EL)LIE & ULAM, Suo,oeseore to Alulvaary LA cianutia urcra of Out, Moulded awl flak, el int au.d Fur} Cut.,:.d ULAd.W ARE, and claal.ra la all ut Walduw la lieu, 1 . 11,4:. 3, V oda uud but W,ra auntie 001000 ut ct ari t i't gh. mhH:dl7 WINES A.NII) 1 - ,t M)t- SOHN 8R7.1113. & CO., WifOLE.B.kLE TIEALialtl .N WINES AND LIQ,U()ItS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, NI,, 165 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lwaya on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, Blachia-rry, y, ud ilidzer ly J. &.'l'. GROUrf, iMFORI ERS 01' BRANDIES, WINES, ETC., DELLEItS IN FINE CLD lioNONdAlie.I.A RYE WHISKY, PEAOH AND APPLE EI:LAM/Y. Also, RECTIFIERS AN D DD3TILLERS, Corner of Smithfield and ft.'ront Streets, aptil P.i. N El a a k. R C aLI oa7 li;kA b 0 F erencil and (.4a.rnicen I,Vlutaa amd idcuora, ULLA M PAO N N, &0., &0., t6l Bmithfloid street, between Bth ena 7th 12t2., DliVl.ll , l . ... ...h. Eittiliiibt & KENNEDY, Wholesale Wlne If and Liquor Niercitanta and Rectify lug - Digtillora, No. 03 Smillitivld !street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ap3:ly APPLES. , L-5U 'Ads bright Dry Ap -15.. pia. received and fur male, Ly ap3 laNitv H. COIL INS 011 N I,bls. choice Apple lec,ilvei and for Bala by apt, CLENRY IL COLLINS. .14EANS.----20 Wile. mall White Beaus, just ji I [WAWA and tur aide by liKN BY 11. OOLIANK _ _ L.- 1U bags reed tind — ror Etalo by 043/ HENRY H. COLLIN:. NEW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.—StiR they come. W. P. MARSHALL CO., av 9 WI Wood etrett. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALEs.— We are daily receiving from our own and Eastern tactorta, additions to our BLOCA:, which consists 1u port 01 Floor Oil Cloths, Carriage Oil Clothe, trurniture 011 Cloths, Table Oil Clothe, Crash Oil Clothe, Transparent Oil Clothe, Transparent Window Shados, Buff Hohands, and Shade Trimmings Merchants, iloosokeopers, and others, requiring any goods in our line, are invited to call and examine the stock, and judge for thetnatives In regard to the quality and prices. & H. PLIPS, nar2B Nos. 28 and 28 St Clair etxeer. 110MINY.-12 lib's Flint 'llthainy .just reoentved and for Sale by JAI). A. Ma% sp . "! y et aud &carol itrakta. DOLLAR SAVINGS B.ANEE, Jos. R. 11UN'lls* • OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock; -also, on Wednesdro. and Saturday evenings, from May let co November let, from 7 to 9 o'cleee; and from Noveml,r let to May . tif, from 8 to 8 o'clock. Deposits ropeived of •all Bunts nut been than kJ:is Doula, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interact woe declared at the rate of six per cent. per annum, on the first of Deqember, 15.68; also in June and December, 1888, and In June and Decernbei, 1851. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and beers the same interest from the first days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pees book. At this tate, money will double in less thau twelve years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AID ON T-11 , ..12 eta U.P.:Vr. A YEAH. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Hales end Rov.l batons, furnished gratis, on application at the °nice. Prealdent.--GEORGIit AL filitigliifi• \IOC PP.2sl.Draire. PITTSBURGH =MEI PPVTBIII.TRGII. fes; Phi hy. Ni..lt,vu, I❑,l i k2tu,/t.,14.i1i, !• I2M=1:11 N , .. I 9 i I 't ivll:),lsw IIIMMMT!1!!!1 BANKS ffo. 65 iburth Strett, MIDDLE SOON, JONES' NNW BUILDING llept.mlu, Jaise4 Elldle, Iluzander iiutart Hutt, viialliani S. Lavely Hitt Burgwiu, =EMI - 1 Viliil37ll J. Anderson James W. Hallman, John li. !Ji: oft.Ll, lilllalt , kl Pinup, Albert Calberinutf, t'. A. Madeira, Jahn B. Canfield, Joint 11-Mellor, J. Uardivar Collin, icialtor P. Mareliail, Alonzo A. Cat rler, , Vilson gill., fAtivlil eampbali A. N... P.llueln, NI. D. i..34,L1u3 A. Cultuu,,; fleecy L. Biagi..- t, AVillleta Douglass. Jahn M. Sawyer, t I ,tl4 14 Fclix,k.t.loi go ti Me4,1‘... u..." ge t.'. llitial , l , . 11,,Xa1..10t Ti:,.11. .intli,,... : 4 . IR./LI, 1110UPSiti 1../1111•1,..1,...a William 8 pavan, 1.1a,“(r It. Wlf.t.-, .Y.... -,, fltsry anti Dret.m.l r— Oil A 8 A L'ilLTill: ,t,' . 3 •. OF s. J. STEVENS & CO., DEsmoiNEB, CoLLE,CTIONS MADE and prompt., witteJ. LANDS dcl3Citti nu,l lucated. Oapt,iteLl mot.A., luveatawina w Li.t,4i, can do so tln oug tuS I,uBo. Wrrospurzitqicts [tuy',! -stn, ..................... . —.17103. D. wit). 4i Lti(Oils (Jo., th,,,,aic ;l -. i n Crotuub.a . y Nut.311 . ,:i30133 51urLgugua, ra] ull M, 3 lot Motley. Alone) 1,,:ant. , 1 cu (.311,a1:3 with colldlerul e€:trity. lit.rte.ii AND DRAFT :5 liOlit.ll.ll' AND SOLD. I'r rouua ticetring Loans can t, s•cumtn..dutod uu 1ut1.1301, , Ole ". 4 ,an d Laitlttitlto.3 tot IliaLoa v. itli tt-0 , 1 r't-tutilthrtltivu Also, at tout! to tilt, tteutt.:!tz l•!:.l l.tuslat , of ti,' Eatto,. 0WL...), N. U.; streat, abova ...A. 1611, UOTIN taatibllB, Notary PubtiL. 11111 '1".3 1 01,111 ES & SUNS, Bankorn ct....g0 Brokers, nod rokt.4,Draffif, two., Liold, Savor Lu..l Bath Noten. Fachattgo ou tht vl a 11.1,1 Wc , n(el ILA Halo. G.llneLlutn) mat, in tho throughout tho (1 . 1 titatoe Uapa.uts rc.utt od in par tough, at i'l,llT/1111 pap., G 7 NI, t.,.; voL, I.• Wt • a rt, r OODS, hooker, arid ja. N•otro, Rual Eutate, Itc, No it, ELI p (AIN WOODS, .14 41:37. AND EXCII.t.NGII liar•nit,t, Dodder It, Exchurig,-, Cutzat:;roial and Vont: NArm. Loaglit and roll tot CultlLLlSlfluil. Cal:f!,ti , dtd tat - Wally auadatod to. int,rost paid L. t JONES' NEW IsDILDINO, Fourth stret•t. BY AUTHORITY. NO. 602 By the President di he United Stato.s, IN Tairsuanoer of law, 1, JAMES BU cii ANA N. eiesidatit f the tJuited States et Am Ilea. do 11,01.} . di elate and mule known that public sales will be hid at the undermentioned land CAICOS hi the TERRITORY ur Ntaiii•REA, /it ti hori.lna•ter desiotat4d, ti , wit At the laud office at BItoWNSVILLM, Monday. the s rtl, clay of &I , onber n 01, fur the ills penal vi the public 'wide within the hilliiwiug nuumd WWI/141143R of lip. i.nr and t6•l of the sirli priPciral MEM 'Flint t one oute,tle of the Sao and Fox, and llnil erref, reservatfou, nu::;- , . virt ot tuv. uJhi v e 1,3, 3, awl 4 utiteida of the Se k ind Pali Bt owl, Nemalla roger, 41, Mid fruc ticoal oships 5 and ti, of range 16. That part of township ~ n e outside of the Bac and F. ; tu.rneldp 2, the parts of t.,wuNhlps 3, 4 and oilisids of ;he Half Breed, Nenothil ; and !lac tional too nabip ti, of range lb. That part of township outside of the Fac and ii,yriathip. :f, and that part of township of the half Spred, 5 , 01 ship ti, at range 14. Toauships 1,2, 3,4, 5, and 6, Lf range 13 ?L.!, p. 1, .2., 3, -I, 5 au I 6, of rdur, Tovit,,lio 1,2, 3,4, b, and tl , of rangu 11. Tuvinatdps 1,2, 2,4, G, find 6, of rttugn Two. ueldini 1, '2, 2,4, 5, and 3 , of innge 9. At Ihn land uffice at 5: EBRASE A. CITY, conamonc t.g t.n Ni.id,), the .sixth day qf Slariaher next, tar thn 416 1) ...;a1 1.1111 i.• within th, following n Ailed e.n, and ,ad meridian F, actional toweshipe 7 and 8, of ran,;, 15. .1 1 0wwiliip 7 , end ti et - Akital too uahlps 8, 9, 10, 11, SiAd 12, I i.tege 14 I'o 01,111po 0 , u . 10. 11, and 12, nod tractiuuld township 13, of range 13. Towuahipa 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townships 12 and 13. of range 12. Tau natio 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional townalop 12, of range 11. Tow ushlts 7,8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional towushlre 12, 13. and ;4, of range 10. T.47,oships 7,8, tidal 13, and fractional townships 11,15. mid If, of range 9 A , the laud ore of OMAHA CITY, commencing on hilundity, the Birqi day of wa - t, for the diepuHal of the public !arida within the fallowing named townshlp4, .North of the baze. liar and Post of the Uan Frit, thmal townships 13, 14 15, and 16, of range 14. Fractional toirnhtps 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, of range 13 et - ea:donut tow uships 12, and 13, townships 14, 15, and 16, nod fractional townships 17, 18,19, and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 15, and fractional townships 19 and 20, of range 11. Fractional townships 12, 13, laud 11, and townshipa /5,16, 17, 18,19, and 20, of range 10. Fitictioual tuwealvirs 14, 15, ant 16, and townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9. I duds appropriu by law for the use of squads, neilitnt y, sad other purposes, will be excluded from the sales. The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which lb. 5 'or ndcertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed ; but on sale shall be kept open liingsr than, two weeks, HIM uo private entry of any of Elm lauds C II to admitted until after the e tiarattatt et Ito Iwo weeks thy', , under my baud. at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March, anue Domini one thousand right hundred and fifty-eight. By the Presi 4dit Taos. A. 1i ENDRICES, Utdualissienet et the lieeeral Laud Office NOTICE TO PR v.EMPTIoN CLAIMANTS Evt ry portion entitled to the right of pre-erupdon b, any uF the lauds within the tuwnehipg and parte ut tow efthhel above enutnerated le required to entablieli the Hama to the Betinf ctiun of the Fegintor and lectiver of the proper land t,T.o, and ma/ e paynienttliel efor as 100 n at practicable after SCe i lig this ao'i,e, and before the day appoiuttd fat the corn rrieneetueut of the public gale of t4e eauhraciag the tract claimed, otherwise ditch claim will be forteittNi. TIIO-t. A. HENDRICKS, ap23,3nni Cduindrenoner of the General Land 01 Synopsis of the President's Message iii O. 693. i 6 lierein ordered that public sales of lancis . 1,..1,1.4jepre , e7p!firre4 in 01. :Auto of lawn, b 1.311,111 Il; WiIUWO At the Laud Office at °zap', curaultawink, ca Monday, thu 711, of Juue, 1851, of tour towrohlps, to the conuttas Worth and Winnebago. At the Laud Office at Fort Dodge, rutin:kenning on Monday, tho 14th of Juno, 1858, of twenty-one townships, and parse of townships, In the counties of Wright, Ilutubolt, Calhoun and Pocahontas. At the Land Office of Sioux City, counutax.,clug ou Monday, the 7th ut JI:111b, 1858, of taenty.nine townships, and !ants of townahlpa, in the ow:tulles of Pocahontas, Buena Vi,t,. Clay, lda and Chorolite. tha Land at Sioux Oily, cornmen.:ing on Monday, tho 2.lat of June, 1858, of furtploar townships ' and pal La of town,thips, in t.o counties of Woodbury, Chetokuo, I 61uul. Lks.id AL Lim, Laud Wilco at Lburtzlißlniii,cn - .dnionclogun non cl,y, [tin 7th of Juno, 1653, of twolve townships, and F.,t.; of towotabips, to Wu eJunt'es of Carroll, rittolty, Urawfo 'nlonono and keroulout. It is also ordered in the above nieutioLied ProciuMatic.r., ii. 693,, that the vacaut Mune la the even-numberui huctiuou v.nich remain to the UttlhA :Rama, within six 171,i/./1 on &n de ut the undermentioned rudreails, bu offered at putdi,, ado on t,im Iluys and at the placed as follows: At tnc Laud Waco at Part Dodge, commencing on Monday, LllO 21st drum, 185`i, cu the "Strlbtique and Pacific Rail road." At the Laud Office at sous City , commencing on 1 i.mr, Joy, the let of July, 1858, on the " Dubuque and Pacific ' cud uu the " lowa Central Air Line Railroad." At the baud Wilco at auncit Bluffs, commencing on Mon day, the 14th o' Jun. , 1863, on the •• lowa Central Air Line huilrrni," the "Alirrissip,,i and Missouri and too Burlington and Missouri River Railroad." At the Land Unice at Dubuque, commencing on Thursday, the let of Jane, Riu, on the " thatinque and Pacific Rail road " and the "lowa (nt.ral Air Line Railroad." At the Laud Oflico at tort Ike Moines, counuenne, 4.n Monday, the 14th of June, 058, on the "lowa Central A 6 -- Liu,: ttoilread " and the " and Missouri tto;I -road." At the Land Office at Chariton, commencing en 'Monday, the ith of June, 18.58, on the "Burlington dud Misaciiii River ltailroral." The lauds will be offered with the usual exceptions of s,:h eel section, to., Lc. The coon-number:al sections within sin miles on each side of the rullroads, will bc'offered aubloct, as required by law, L. a minimum of Iwo dollars and fifty cents per acre. The sales Will ho kept open until lands urn all offered, whlcn is to be aeoyiuplished within two toga, and no longer, aud no prlvatu'entry 0I any of the lands will he admitted until alter the expiration ut the two week a. ere - emptiou claimants me requh•ed to establish their claims L. , th' satisfaction of the proper register and receiver, and make payment for the emu., on or before the day ap• pointed fur thc comntencemcrti of the public sales, otherwise tin-ir claims will be foriefted. TUOS. A. 11ENDRIUKS, (Lrairdsradur r r tee General Land Office litatgasa, Loin Orrie; ilbruary 17, Mb. 1 MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Over and Sandela, cheap, at the PoQea' Shoe Store, No. 1 Filth 'treat., near &Enact. Jag DIVIPIINBACHER & CO ENS' CALF, Buff i ►lo and Gum Overshoes at DIVPENBAOHIIII & CO.'S, No, 17 VIM etrbet. _ 2 1 1 ILL FEED.--- 5u sacks Ground Screenings; 60 Nabob Corn Meal, for *sale by JAMES A. FETZER, a S Corner First and Market dream. OLIVE OIL.- 10 baskets Itoideaux Oil, quarts; to " f It /0 boxes , " " quarti, Just reed and for wile, by • REVUES & ANDERSON, cosl3 Nu. ail Wimid greet. Summor Arrausgenimnt. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MARCH 29, PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD millESENNlNgNiiiin SEVEN DAILY TRAINS. THE FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves the PLadtiti" , r .tion every morning, (except Sunday,) at 7:60 o'clock,Pittstu...gb ' time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11:50 P.M. THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station every evening at 91.0 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns town, Wil"more, Gallitzin, Altoona, &c., connecting at Har risburg: with the Train direct for Baltimore. and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. :topping at ill slatterns, and running as far as Conemangh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. . SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creak, Leaves daily, (except Sunday) at 4.20 P. u. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRALN fur Turtle Creek, leaves daily, (except Sunday.) p. it. RI:TURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh es billows : Expreas, 1:45, P. m 4 Mail, RIO A. it. Johnstown Accommo dation, 11:00 a. at 4 First Turtle Creek Accommodation, &50; A. Al.; Second Accommodation, 12:40, P. at; Third Accom modation, 1110, P. 11. Trains for Blairsville and Indiana, counuct at Blairsvile Intersection with mail train East, Express train West, and the Johnstown uncoil:oda:thin train East and Weat. PITTSBURGH AND OUNNJiLLSVILLE TRAINS, Stopping at all Station' on the Pittsburgh and Connells sills Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN 7:00 A. ai I EXPRESS TRA1N..4:20 P. m RIITUItNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Connell:wine Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 11.00 L. 11. and tklo P. M. *S. Tile traveling public will and It greatly to their In terest, In going East or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania ititilroa4 as the accommodation , ' now offered cannot be Hur -1 snood on any other route. As the Road 13 baliLestuai with stone, and is entirely free from dust, we can prom's° safoty, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their otr- FARE:— John H. Sheembergor, N. Grattan Murphy, ie'aa.e M. Pennock, .kunes D. Kelly, JatflOA HerthuaL, John 8 Jo grace, r , h JAM ES DUCH ANA N RAILR OA D S. katrocre. To New V01k... " Ph uladnlphfe $13,00 To Baltimore . 10,00 I " Laocastor To klarrlebarg, $7.45. baggage checkod to all Statiousoa the Pennsylvania Rail end to Philadelphia. Baltimore and Wow , York. Passengers purchasing tickets in care, will be charged tau cents iu addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. Mr.T.lChl.—ln case of 10:43, the Company will boll them sJives responsible for persviiel havgaue only, end for an amount not exceeding $lOO. B.—The Escalator timuinus Liao has been employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to eared to cents for each passenger and bag gage. Far lintels apply . STEWART, Agent, At the P. R. it. FisSilbager s,tatiOn, on Liberty and Grant Ilireeka- NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA P. — l:4l3llRdli, FT. WAYNE and 01110A00, '3._ Via! kek-1;grl• AND 01NC1 NN ATI, IJASfI LYON & DAYTON AII.,D)A Vf A. 0:1AW ARE CU'r-.lFir 45 Duta,..! only mites from Pittsbory4 to Cirxinnals LINE i 8 couti,oBo,l of Routls of the IL First Olasa ' and La through a beautiful and cultivated portida thLt lit i Direct connection in made at Cincinnati With dh3 04410 end hliealaelyyl Itallroad, (tho truas Eh,. C. II &D.k 0 .4 Itl. Koala, being cohnected, Luulsville, St. Louia, it act Vill :. Cairo, itieuiyl49, Vicksburg, Now orleau:4. CourAuCtiuu mado at St. Louis with the eai4c 14.1Iroad 611114 i Misa,,hti River Puckett% for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all I.ointg Wear. conuectg at Cincinnati With lii6ocLy C.,ntral H. H. tea Laslngton, Uanvllta, Frankfort 1..a,1 all polutr In Uout: it Traina loner Penn atre,t r litatlon'ai - Through to Cincinnati with 3: 3( ) Me } but ouu chatiga or cacti, fit riving at 13:15 P. hl Paprwa Pagsungor Train, az 74; 101 1 Nig I.- riving In Crestline at 10:115 b. 4 , ;;;u. 8;90 P. 31 ttEl. - ilaticuelE NoLiEu Ttlitouu Fare as Low as any other Itocate. for ail Information, ant Through Tickets, apply at tho Tickot Uttleo , roruor Monongahela Lioumo, or at Patin etruot Station. 4- Pamongers desirous of going this route will ask for Ti. - 14,0 via I.)e,lat,a,ro Cut-of. J. El. AIOURE.i, o.upt. P. W. L 0. R. R, I).I.N'L AIoLAREN, Supt. C. 1.1...2 uov26 Tteiro Through Train, each Way dbany, Sundayti tbAc, "ted, Whe‹loiig, Cleve L u cia e_sld Chiasy., by the (JLe Did and Pilleburyr-Jtailroad. UlNClfitil ATI t ST. LOUIS sca , r 7, (Y.',LIIIIVUS AND CLVOLN.V..I T 1 le All.- le JD .1:12.V.E e;,l tIi":NrILL , The Clevelaud and Pittsburgh and P ittsburgh, C..".2a•tis auJ Ciucholati AallruaJ Cuilipauks, having wads an suguireiiit with the Pittsburgh. Wort Wayne and elllCiigt, Ruilruud Cuuipauy, for thejulut nee of their track. between PittsUnrgi.aati Rochester, will run their trains front Pena hires.iqui . uu daily, etcepted, CUILIIIII3IIChig Matel• StIL,DS6B. iii.liVELANik WHEELING AND IJINUINNATi. lrav@a An ices Steuta,nville itridgpart, Wheeling Baikal r CulauAbae Cincinnati ....... Cleveland Buffalo 6:00 A. M. Through to Ciu• ciuusti with but one change of ears. CohiCllgo 8.00 A. at, This Train to Claialan,l has 3CI 1141Ullie6:1 al Alliance, for Dinner. CINCINNATI, CLEVELAND AND UEIICAtIt.) EXPRESS. 1. ages Pittsburgh. 2:35 P. 111. Steubenville Newark 11:10 P Colurubnm 1:10 A. BI C.U.ICAULniti S:nl7 4. AI 'Olevela4d 9:50 P. el Buffalo 6:00 A. Chicago • LONG ACCULAIUDA'fIt)N, Through to Ciu ciutuiti without chaugo of Clad. WUEE Leaves Pittsburgh.' 4:00 P. .10.' Stunbenvilin ' Bridgep - ort Aolluair OONNEOTIONS ARE MADE BY ABOVE TB.AINB,AS WOLfA)Wa By &MI A. ti., and Cuil p. At %VaIi:BLIND, for Cumberland, Har t er's Per. y, Baltimore and Washington City. Only at BELLEAIR, far Cambridge, Zanesville, Lancaster, Circleville and Wilmington. By tetAll. M., and 2:35 P. 8., At XENIA, for Dayton Iwliaunpalia Mattoon, Cairn, Si. Louis and New Orleans. By 600 A. tt., and 2:35 P. M. At CINCINNATI, for Lexington, Louisville, Cairo, Et. Banjo and New Orleans. Only at BAYARD, fur Carrolton, Waynesburg, Dover and New Philadelphia. Only at HUDSON, for Cuyahoga Fails, Akron, Clinton and New Portage. By 1100 A. ti., and 2:35 P. At CLEVELAND, for Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Fail, and a da, Sandusky,'Toledu, Detroit, Chicago, and ail paint, lu We Not th.west. . The 4:00 P. Train stops at all Way-Stations on 0.0 Itivtr DiviSlon. Returning Train.% EA.STERN MAIL, VIA STRUBBNVILLE. Leavga' Cincinnati 6:01.I A U. Arrives at Columbus • Do Steubenville 6:00 r. 6. Dal Pittsburgh 8:65 P. m PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING MAIL. Leaves Cleveland Ivo P. id Arrives at WelLiville 0.61 e. is. Do Wheeling 8:46 P. AL Do Pittsburgh 8:56 P. m. PITTSBURGH ACCOAIMODATION. Leaves Bellealr 6:00 A. 6. Po Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling... 616 A al. Otops at ell Stations Arrives at Pittsburgh 1.1:26 e. at. - WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH MAIL. Leaves BoUeair 4:31 P. AI. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling... 4:43 P. is. Arrives at Pittsburgh 8:66 P. m. EASTERN EXPRESS, VIA STEUBENVILLE. lalaVes Cincinnati Arrives at Celt:intim, 1000 P. IL DO Steubenville 4:4a A. Ai Du Pittsburgh 7:6U A. H. ILIICAUO, BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS Leaves Cleveland . .......... P. is. Arrives at Wellsville tab A. at. Du Wheeling . . 11:06 a.. za. 1.)0 pitubargti.. ............... 7::10 A. r. Connections aro made by the Mad and Express irouisamo points when returning, as are formed as ahoy. wilen going from Pittsburgh; also, with tie Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. The above Trains will stop on signal of the Station Agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to take up passengers going on or beyond the line of these Roads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from tbeso Roads, at any , &Mimi between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveßaul. Passengers desiring to go to Coinnibus, Cincinnati, etc., dr any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must ask for tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through to all principal points, ;and :ransterred free of charge. lisa) = . For tickets or information, apply to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street Station, Pittsburgh. P. It. MYERS, general Ticket Agout, 0. & P. It. IL, Cleveland. „ I. A . LIPTOLIINBON, General Ticket Agent, P., 0. & O. 1t:'.P.., - COlnnibue JALIIES FARMER, Superintendent C. It P. R. R., Cleveland. W. W. BAGLEY, ...al - Intendant P.. C & C. K. R., Columbus. ma flap New Route via River aid Railroad, Inilanapollslig Cincinnati:Railroad i f - IONNECTINtI AT INDIANAPOLIS with Terre Haute, and 'Terre Haub, and Alton Railroads, to St. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, Now Albany and Salem, and Michigan Central Roads for Cillo ttiO, ROCK ISLAND, BURLINGTON, and all luterruedisto ;solute. Through itreight *alp to I N DIAN APoLIS,- Tkatitg HAUTE, LAIPAYETTA and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in leas time than any other route by 24 hours, and at as low rates. Thu only road by which shipments can be nude from Mu cinzusti to the West, without breaking bulk. Consignment* made to .1. B. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati; ot, W. B. eI:WEIN% Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and Do charge fur comuilstdcai ; no dump for tirarr or eortatiaion at For further information, apply to TilOMAi l Rd (No. 116 Water street,) Agent of , the Company, who la prlr to give SISOUGH eSOMPTa to Indianapolis, Terre Vite, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle, Crawford*. vine, Charleston, Paris, aud,Mattoon. 13. O. LORD, l i nwident. .INO. V. CHFAIS, Uen'i Freight Agent. mil —A Is* variety for eale et Wht. JuNhatTON a 00.14 istastollerty W.:911 m+, it Wht4 et. I NKS` ANDB.: RAIL OA DS. RAILROAD NOTICE. The Pittsb'h, Ft. Wayne & Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY, UfITII ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment, and its through connections,is pre pared to transport Passengers and Freight from PHILA DELPHIA and PITTSBURGH to CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, IN DIANAPOLIS, CINCINNATI, and all places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact that this Road torms a direct and coneolidab..d Hue between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient guar autos, that its Trains will make good tune, and counectioui with Trains on other Road. TRAINB LEAVis Pittsburgh. Ch mtline. I Ft. Way us U. S. Mail, ' 8.:30 A. M. 12:01 P.M : 7:00 P. 51 lixpreas, 2:15 P. M. 10:05 P.M 1 5:45 A. M REACH 01HOAGO—U. B. Mali at 3:35 A. 314 Emprc2 at '&00 P. M. - 13.E.A0H CINCINNATI-1J S Mail Rt P M.; Ezprt-,e...i 7:(10 A. M. All Trains make cluse cvunecti.,na ai er.atliot, 1.. r Cohim bna, Oincinnatl Indianapolis and St. Louis; also, at !Nat Wayne with Trains on Wabash and West - . listli uad Lafayette, Central Illinois and St. Louis ; also, ut Fui colt wits Trains on We M. R. It L & R. It. From Chicago. I Ft.Wayuo. I Crestline. I Arr U. S. Mail,— 8,4 i P.M. 5:30 A. M. 12:55 P. M. 0.15 P. M. El:prima, 9,00 Add I 2:90 P. M. 110:05 P. M. I 7:25 A M These Tralnamake close conneetloas with Trains for Phi i. a:Joint:du, Baltiinere New York - and Boston. Trains from St. Louis, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colon:- Gus make close connections at Crostllne with all recut sin,, Trains. At Fort Wayne, Trains from St. Louis, Central Ilii 12011 1 / 2 Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At Forest, connections aro made with 'Brains to am! from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. ACCOMMODATION TitAINS--Ltsave New Brighton for Allegheny City at 7:00 A. hi., and 12:35 P. M. Leave Alle gheny Oity fur New Brighton at 10:00 nal 4:30 P. M. To accommodate way travel, Passenger Car will be at tached to Freight Trains; leaving Pittsburgh et 8:45 A. M • Coastline for Alliance ' at 5:55 A. Si.; Alliance Jur Ccest lia,e, at i 451 A. M.; and Alliance for Pittsburgh at 7:47 A. 31. BALIGAGif. CIIECKED Tll.lloiJa3i, end no charge for handling. Fur Tickets and tat - tiler inforLoation e,,,c.4 to tißtilti3 PARKIN, Passenger Station, corner Litai ly and Grant streets; B. F. PATRICK, No. Su 1.....,Ar1d0ra ture,t, „ppc. alto the Tremont Menge. Cliicagu, or a ay. A rno., at tier. Stations un the lino. TO LIOMbiENCIs; ON .RioN 3IALIZ until further notice. J. J. HousToN, Geu. Farar. and Fr't. Ag't D. W. BUSS, Pa 'r. Agora, Chie.hgu. JOB. 11. Mt)tiltE. THE I'ENNSVINANIA E Ct;N I'lte L ittitef 'the A tiliutie tit, with IVaateru, North-w,atara xud you th -wri•turh St-ttia lq a coutinuutai Railway t _ . ~t-~'4 ii::~ ~'~~,t~i ~ This /toad also canne..ts at Pittsburgh aid, lute Steamers to all ports on the Wen Jllll at OWN'. - laud and SanduaL ) with dcoam,•rs to all pot td :la the Nort waste! 1.1 - E'rit ; making Ehe , must I,lkidiEr. COLA l' EST 11111! EL 51.10 Id iiVtrv, 1,, I; 11 E. Li 11'1' can I.e rwseded and from the 41111 ST Wne T. k . tkilatielptilst&F'ltts , kurgia, oIREVI . CI.ASA.-•- 5h0.,,, Ei.da kind) Cape, Hooka, Lry 1./.Katn, ( in loxes, hales ( la end trunks,) Drugsdin bor (seam' ; ' Din Feathers, Furs, Ac. 13EUONDCLASS—bounietie tibeettug, irt log and 'Picking (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware_ Leath, (iu dui 7MI IDs. rolls or oxen), and tine's', {'.lra, I tilestward, As., An: Etx-A (ix)) • duke) ; How N , Bacon and Pori., nadica ,„ IDs. t Iu :: l'obacco, no (00 ' r ' tn‘,.l,(etcold Cigar 01 at,) Ac. I 101111'111 Vinit, ha, on, beef i and Pori, (i t, aal,nor boxes Eastward,'„ OC , s. Lard and hard Nulls, Buda Adl,, tier ' e '” 11, Ac., S.C. Fia)ld it—, oe. hid. 1111E11 1111. E11..0 UIIA IN In vat I ..18, If, eta. 11JEE thei until further notice. COTTtini----$2 tE 1.1110, not oteui.ling toll) w,:igult, until further uotiee. toy - In shipping einn.is lion, any point tqa,,t of Philndad , 'Ada be particular to Unlit " too Penitsyn,L;;Aa Railroad." Ati 1. 1 .1 Ac , LON ot tl , le lad at Philadelphia or Pitesburgli, will be Ita Warded Anidas—Harrio, Worailey 100., Nlamphis,l'eun.; R. F. Sage k Co., St. lorilie; O'fidley & Cu., Evansville, Ind.; Dnrueisnil, Bull A Co., and Curter A Jo% ott, Louisville, Ey.; IL C. itleldrum, Hadiaon, led ; I W. Brown A Co, Oa Girt:l , loll , i; N. W. lirattacu A Co., Zadesiiik. Ohio; iteeelt S 11'6 lv o. La Kiley sineet...ciasiO u ; Leelll 6 Co., No. 1 Astor 1,1• ON Voris ; Nu. 1. William street., and No. S Battery Place, New ; E. d. kinaakkr. Philadelphia: Niiigraw & Kooua Baltimore; D.A.Stewart, Pittsburgh. 11. U. lIOUSTON, tienaral Proi,vta Agent. 11. J. I.i.iNflla IX KT, c.p;) Superintendent, Altooca, PEE. et)riNELLSVII,I,E a ANL Tits Pil Laburgli and Ounuollsville Railroad is now (+oiled for the tranaportation of passouers and fE eight to and 1040 Pittsburgh tied Cuuuellavills, ~01111. tlug vs 111 the Pee Lll/) vaula Centrist Railroad at Bilotir's Arrangemouta have oleo b. hit rondo with Lho Pennaylvatila Contrail Railroad, by which through frui4l,l lo Phlhtd,.lphio and italtituore will ha cat tied trout polrttl oft the Pithooirgl, and Cuuunllaville Railroad, by car louda, ou tavorablo t.triaa. it,UNNING UP TRAltitt.—Ou Red otter Monday, of Dnaochur, ii.n 1'4.29131.4 , :er Trailoi will run daily, except litiudayA; : MAIL Titit - N - win t.llO Pouudylvanin Railroad, at t Pittsburgh, at 71./J u'cluKlA., A m., arriving at ii.tuuallavillo ut A 11. E . 4" PRESS PASSENGER TR A IN, !v.v. ioa 41. 4:20 o'clock, P. 44,4 t;;- ri iug at v lilt% at 5.20 P. N 1 RETURNINt3.—k'XPItESS Tlt44 N [WAVE/ CUll Li-I Id villa at 0 o',•lorlt, A. N., ..aluecting atilt, for Blairavtlla•. Accotatuutiatiou Oa, uu [ho Penuoyliania 4.ailrutO which arrives at Pittsburgh at 11 a. tt. MAIL leaving Clunnellavtlle at 2:00 P. ?1., and conueeta with the Brititan AcetJunutqlati..at Train, ou tilt.. Pennsylvania Itailrond, which ttcrivaa in Pittaburgh at &mu P. M. U.l" a. ta IL'Jt A hi 1/ 11l A. p. ..4u e. 4 10 e . 2:45 P. 7. 11:40 P. 11 i'raie,bt to and Crum Pitteburgh, uuU attdiouri on the PLUS gh and Cut uellewellie Road, will bu rocoDird and (Mimed at Baldwin Depot, uppeedn Duqueaue Depot, on Liberty btrbet. Bunting Coaches for Mt. Pleasant, Uni..er.,wn, Frostburg, Cumberland, will leave ComodlEvilla rt.gularly en the arrival of the trains. Mall Train connects also at West Newton w jai roaches, by the Plank Road, with Mount Pleasant, Saudpatcb, Cumberland, &c. Tickets can un had from Ticket Agent at the Nuusylvania Railroad Passenger Depot. nirlB 11. BLACKST‘ NB,Bupennteodwlt. lEEE CAILPETS AND OIL CLOTHS 6:13 e. M. 'WO P. M. 8:-16 P. at. 9.00 P. H. P.EMOVAL.—J. & 11. PHILLIPS have removed to their new building, 'Nua. 26 and 28 ST. OLAIB etreet, west aide, between Peni,street and the Bridge. J. Et El. PHILLIPS, 111INUFACTUWERS OP b`LOUR, FURNITUILE,CARRIIGH TABLL', ANL TRANSPARENT ()YAW] k WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOTH' Alga, DEALERS IN OIL OLOTLII3 4 WINDOW bIIADES, Of every description. boothre in INLIA ILLIBBX.B. GOODS, of all buds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston nod Nee. York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA RU G Balt BELTING, HOSE :and PACK !NU. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality; also, Lace Loather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO FIE.E,-Plt(kW HINEIRAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Turpentine, Brushes, Glaae and Patty lIOUBE AND tI!GN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its brauchru, dose lu the beet and shortest time. Ide2o:ly j J. ffi 11 PIIILLI '644:0 Nom. 26 end 2 81. Oh& street; Merilifectory 1,1 Phil tiptiville, on the Ohlo river, thrbe miles below PittAloirAh CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, &c., AT THIS th'ourth Street Carpet Store. & LI. M'CALLUM respectfully invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, Jost select.' (or Spring lodes, embracing the very latest stylus of Noreign and Mouth Mauufactnre, emulating In part ut Velvets and Brumels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: ulso, Brume's, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair OARPETS. OIL CIAYI'LId FROM 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, Rugs, Matti, Stair Rods, Cantun and Cocoa Alattirig; Yarll aud Rag Carpets; Vnulduu Blinds; Painted, Lida and roon !Jutland Sbadea. It will give us pleasnre to Elbow goods to all who may he Ll.,dr e Lla et Luting per , haeing, end we are determined 1.. otter luduretuenta W twy 1,:or na with a call, at the uld eland, No. 87 FOURTH Street., now Wood. W. L. a U. CILOTII ()LOTH! NO -Of all kind IL" black and yellow, fir eel° at the Ind. a Rubber Depot and 28 St Olilr a 1,1801 J. St U. PUILL.I I'd. Nur lL CLOT'S FOR TILE FALL TRADE. We have on band, and are daily ,recelving addltioui, thereto from our owu and other manufactories, a large ettleg of Floor Furrilture, Carriage Trlitning, Table Ouvt,r, Trace. parent, Liman and Buff, and all Made of Oil Cloth, 1136.1 PRI anent and other purposes. Alan, Tratuipatmit Window ShUdua, of dry and oil turtidn3J and other atylos, and Window Shade Trliuminge. Merchants and others will find It to their advantage to et. amine our otock and priced before ruah:ing their 1..1011,18es elsewhere. J. & U. MILLI pan 26 and 2EI St. Olfur et r LILOOR OIL CLOTHS, - Of our own and eastern manufacture--all widths, and cut to snit any siso of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Were recut'', Nu. 2ti and in iii. Clair street. ocra A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at theilt extensive CABINET and CHAIR MAN UPAC TORY, No. .-rulthfielil street, a largo ukrtorttuout of Fruity and Plain . loaralturo, which they will sell 15 per cent. 10w..r than customary ratca. Terms, cash only. (tler.Z:y 0 ODW ELL' S FURNITURE AND OLIADIS, Wholestde 9u4 Rotall, pplbmcing every style of Furniture, in Roaowood, Mahogany and 'Walnut, imitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to a n y in New 'Vork or Philadelphia, and at lower prices. Ever y article mach by hand, and warranted. Cabint-makc•.ra piled with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on reasonable terms. Hotels and Steamboats furnished at the shortest notice. Warecooms, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ocl2 ItulCE,—Sig tierues prime Riee, just reoeiv el and for eiLlo by NiILLLIR. a Af011.11;1130N, rl9 Noa. 2il and 723 Liberty utro,L CIASHIVERE AND ORIENTAL TAPES v..." THY imitations on Wall Paper, of French and tier man Manufactaro, for Bala by A LUAI.----50 barrels for sale by tl. A. PAIINESTOCII .1 CO., novlB Corner Wood and rinst streeld. CL A. . ALL PAPER.—Thousands of rolls to Bell at 8, 10 and 1334 mita. W. P. 11ARSIIALL 1 CO., No. 87 Wood utit,at. /SEAS.-30 half chests Young Ilyson, 1 portal, Gunpowder, Black Tow, In inure and for ado JAMES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City. ("ARDEN SEEDS.—The subscriber bee NJIL lust received from Ma celebrated gardens of Briggs & Brother, Rochester, N. Y., a large assortment of early Garden &suds. Warranted equal if not emperlor,.te auy. For sale by _ JAF. PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Allegheny city. R 0 it D . ()f tlitierhnt (lolore J. A H. PHILLIPS FURNITURE. W. P. MARSHALL k CO., No. 87 Wood etroot NIIEDIC ; DOii full 110U1'1AND'S CEILE I>RA weatltiA:m 6.; ft g IV.:F.I.AP 9Y DR. C. M. JACKSON, ~ effectually care S' lctt UJAi PLAINT, DYSPEPBIA JAIINDEII, u. iti) N OR .NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISICAS.E.B OY THE KIDNIAS, A,,a cal :. , ;v .tte from a Licr; !+ Suuh as Oonstipa- Lion, Inward Piles, /oldness, or Blood to the Head., Acidity of the Stomach, Various, liearthwin, biegust ter Food, Pull ueSd or weight in the dtornach, Pour lf,ructa- Cations, Sinking, or :fluttering at the Pit of the Sic mach, Swituialug of the Herd, liurried nod Dfffioalt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Chokia.: or Suffocating sensations When in it lying posture, Diu:Limas of Virden Dots or Webs before the Sight, Feter and Dull Pate . 11:1 the Lien.i. Denciency of Perapiratiou, Yid.; lowness of the Skin and Limbs, Palo a • the Bide, Deck, ()hest. Llmba, Jo, fitiMion Plashes of Heat burn- Jug, fa the Flesh, °mutant • tossininga of Psvil, and groat Depreasion cf a Pi It rsa In attritt,ting snail valuablel,ropertisa to Ulla remedy, rash or nawarrentable assertion iereade,kbut Is simply stated a fact; proven undeniably and conciusively by the extraor. Binary cures, and benefits derived from Its ruse, ender the di. motion of its illustrious originator, lir. Hoofiand, among all classes of Iluropsti SOCinty, and from the Immense mass of batlroony, from all parts of the American continent, aorau inalated during th, Last ton years, in the hauda of the pres ent. proprietor. 'the prevalence of diseases to which tlis 0o:roan Bitten, are adapted, It Is with sorrow weeny it, la al most univei sal ; Indeed there Is scarcoly a family throughout the whole extant of our couutcy lu which thorn eartlll..t. be f,aird umowt 118 in,ouboro that pacoliar sdrioto and LIT:O6U appearanee durn..ll.llg a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and alrel hag Dyspeptic. Then of what 11311.13e1, I.aporiaoL, t., 1.1111 ,less of !avail that a certain and reliable remedy should be plated withl their retal; our, in which no baneful or injurious dru4 or tern Into Its eutui..,lition; a remedy on which the patient cat' rely with the utmost confidence aud certainty, and be assared from actual nod ttoglide proofri that the n - title ho 15 rirdrg poaeobzo3 the 7irtnee attributed to it. Erich a remedy "1100111.A.ND'ii BITTERS." Thousands o dollars have lean ez.pendod in its manufacture and diilueion throughout all parts of thin continent, and the prep' istcor feels the greatcet sat.otheLloU 111 stating that tliore le state, conuty, or Eci.so pillage, whets the Medicine hee he.a introduced, that there, :.Wendt eK I, testify to its virth , a. It is used constantly It. Inc, practice tot a large or tire moat prUlllll.l<3lll I:t the , rt. also fiffl,l their writ tau fof•flfoolf:f la v 011,1.0, of in s gros, virttnis. In couclusion, Oren, woso tOt.t reepeetfally 3t oi all these auitctat with any or the nher,e ,aasea re erre the litter a trial, it.id rest rf.,3rtCri 111 will ilt..Vbf• he reg, toil. ii. pit of the gt.ateinehts r.hovo hot,ie, x.ll are ifififf,,f L.) read attentively the A iir.,theci.1.1 , 11.511,.1 by the hi 0- prietor, fir frhrinors and Chillolllll., , a¢L oaf C.f., bot s t uo.jul ic,6-,110.,, 11. ia.fifi 11.5. (Sitters, h the et pn.w.urutarrd ferrlf In .11v1.1,1..11 in 1.11 ;torts of Ow Union. All Agralitl fo: rde ha Itdr.l sr, 11.11111orti,1 t.) .11GITif , Rfe Mil A IMAM:O grotnro,,,,di Principal (take anti ittemanhlory, 90 phla, Pa. Per safe it. I y Druggist, 1.1 all the iaittelie.i and at condi by A put he: sties and i 4 l.,..lierpers in at t • lu the United itttar , 4 end Oahatift, and by In I. FAH N Kitt A Ct.l. and In. It Eli h I➢l'll ✓klaw Of all diseases tne great, dna cause Spriugx trorn neglect of Natnre'D law SUFFER NOT v. W-11EN A utIRE UtiAIt.ANTEED lid all stages of ri EC It P Dl SEA ES Self- AI: use, Nor roue Debility, Stricture:, illects, (travel. ()lel:ries ; le...tetic.ra et the itioneys anti intemetn, Ate: co t in{ :I,]o- fah*, Pates in the liotiee itotl A eellm, Diseased ill the bungs ; Throat, Nose and E),11, 1 d 1.1i1:. IS,11)1 01 Lildid], Use zers, Dropsy, Epileptic ; I t. Vita's Dance, and all tibstsseJ arising fs,itti n tiorangemeot of the Sexual Organs, 'fin. I, an nervous trembling, loss of memory, lona of power, general Weaknerin, dimness of vi.teti mat poet:liar spots itppet e r to before the eyes, load of sight, wukefolitess ' dyspepsia, liver ile , urinaes, eruptions upon die face, pain in the back and hest:, totemic irregulat Ants and all improper dist:barged from both salol. It matters not auto what entitle the 111,11 do dll].;itai tml, ] Lo.r standing ur obstinate the case, reeotte-,g and in a stoner tines than a perlllllllent cure can he cif.r toil by twr trealepeht, atlet CLIO hue battled tne of etonient physicians end resisted ail the r modus of cure. The uttedielues are pleasant witherd outs-, t,auslng no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. bor ing twenty penis of practice, I have rescued from the laws of death many thuttatindu, who, in the last stages ei above mentioned diseases had tern giVeti up to die by their which warrants inn iu promising to the ainiot e d, who may place thetuseive; under my care, a teertec , sett most speedy cure. Socrut diseases are tie greatest emoutes to health, as they are the 11, st cause of Consumption, Sulu Nita and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the lilitnaLi family. As a permanent curt, vi erarenly over .oft, t ad, ti majority of thou casts falling into the bands of potent poison 5, Who liut only fail to cirri., but Min the constitution, tiliir.y the system with !Mutiny, w Will, wily rue disiiasii, La.9tsiis 11/6 suHernr iut. a tepid Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not t - suse doetn niAle.hly, and the victim marries, the disteers, lo en:ailed upon the children, who tire t,rit with r,..4,1„ cod tic:: of lire cezcaptud by a virus which LW . rhys Itnell in BCraiila, 'letter, Uloore, Eruptions and idler ~Ilene [haul el the skin, eyel4 throat and 11.111)0, eutaititus 111.011 them a hi ref a xislence of surleriug and couniguing Ch. u, to ru us, ly grave. 8h.1.e I.IIL/liii: is another, lorutithiltieetonny to heatUt , for tottltutet.d., I u tile dread catalogue of Litman disunites eannes Joni s ucti al. upoo the hystolli, draw Lug its icon. ilaiols of Sir Limn ti iough a tow yours of nun-ring d..wn to se, uoiliasly ware. It destroys tho nervous systole, 1 .idly Wzmloti away the energies ui in,, eatniel salt tat d•rnnvwneu L, pru Lou to Ulu proper development. of the system, for mar nage, society, bonuses, sand i.. 11 mirth] . ) basil. Lioaa, .And Icuiea tile bilituicr NV r.vittsi Cl hod) slid lain 1, l a Its pundit Id 00riall111011"0 and /1 train of evils inure I t be dreaded than death Alt the fullest ~o nflileinso auras the liur.rtiiiiate v kidiuti ! that a perm:silent and speedy curd rail la> ethe sod wiUt the aleulot, went of ruinous ',tactless toy patients ,'alt he ,'',t,,, : 1 t,, vigorous health. Toe afflicted are ca 111.104,1 the ilnu of l'alent Medi cines, fur Idiot 0 Vire eto many icgt tootle e• erne la him '111111:1 .f the public I , filtls b. , catch and I 01, the neat), y ‘l]lflos era that millions have their constitutions tallied by site Cial4llUlllll.llll of qun t oli di. tore, Or the, e a1,,,t -truittei vended as "Patent MisitClues." tool cal at ally 1013- 4.0.1 amyl of these Culled t'atont AiadiCiaeri and ti n t that ,early ail of thew contain Curri-6V., :iiildittinte ' sit ,:ft la eau of the strongest preparatiolla of mercury nod th molly puisun, which instorul 01 curing -.lidtlasi slinalelo.l tic , syse lem fur Ulu. Three-futirtits of the patout nos/runts now in use are lint up by unprincipled and ignorant Persons, wiled° net udder stand even the alphabet lit the ma teria inedfca, and are as destitute of any Linewledge of the LUIII:11111 syStkaii, hae lug cue ig_tleCt Only in view, ewd that to make money regard- Iwo of cuusequenceo. Irregularities and all d . ...3esses of males nod females tr.,atoid on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the must remarkable cure:. Medicines, with full directions, sent to ally pact ei the United States or Cauadas, by patients communicating their synepturna by letter. Business correspondence strict!) con- AikireSS riLIINIEILVII.L.V., Z,l Li., (Alice No. 11.11 i'ilburt stccut, (Wit Ku, [Ott,) i'ele.w Twelfth, Philadelpt ,a. Great Clau.ace to PM:Ake moaary. E BEST AND MUST E IcCA 1N SP ti;;Jti ,3... ',AVON of' THE TI3MES-4.1N oef E DOLLAR. Plat SIIARE.--forty Um-lamed dollars worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, .loWelry, Silver and Silver Plated Warm with a great variety tt,,Aa of Fancy and Staple Goode; to be disposed of in forty thou- :laud ellitirekl, kit one dollar par share, me fullow8:-1118n. Lie payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a number, it i d . -aiipt, which will eutitle him to ono share iu the above quill- Odin! property. When the shares ehall have been sold, the shareholders shall be battled of the fact, by mail, or thiough the newspapers, sad a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held 111 the city of Plifirdelphia, and the wheals of the property disposed id or distributed amoug them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them ; each Shari-hold er shell he entitled to ism vote, u Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to familact or am ci in tend the disposition of the property, according to the direr. Lions of the Shareholders, mill I will then deliver Pm ie porty to such person ur 1821 . doini Lid the Shareholders may appoint to receive the sours. The consic f. of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at ,t IV)°, and two three story brick dwelling houses and lota %allied it 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear o r all {noun]. broiler), Lind title indisputable ; the other property coLsists at (ho whole stuck and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city or Philadelphia, uow, mid for in long time mist kept by the subscriber. The stock coosint- Mg of very quo Go l d mid Silver hunting Cow I,eVur Ir./Adi os, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Levin., a n d other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Reale, Lockets, Ear Rings. Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Ac., A.O and Steel mules, Gold and Silver Tflimblen, Silver au,l Silver Plated Ware, ('Laudating of Tea Sets, Castors, Ctake Baskets, Cops. Spasms, Knives, forks, Ac., Ac. Also, French Clocks, Musa - ArcOrdHotni, and a great variety of l/1.1101 . goods. The above is not one of thee° schemes which are devised to ea trap the unwary, but is and will be a lair sale of the CBitir.• property belonging to the anliscriber, persons are positively assured the stock boa not been purchased for the purlBBe of deception, and to palm oil Gmunion Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for line Gold, none such will be distributed, the must respect ! aide persons are given as references, to those disposed 1, per- I chase shares. All enters by Mail iirieliefing the money will Lo promptly attended to, and re, eipts lot-warded Is the ad dress d the sender, by return moil. Any pare. as 68inling ten dollars at One time , shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names it desired. $1) ; ... In writing for shares, please write the name fil the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a damn stun, as nos ever iwiore been of - laid to the public. Send on your Orderi, as shares are selling rapid ly, and it is confidently exported the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted to parsons at a distance, will lie cant . D. them at their expense. OA. Agents wanted id every' tov a and village. All coin rennleations tenet be addressed In L. R BROOMALL, No. to South hocond street. c i tr,., ch es anf Philailadpoica Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND 1-3ITIGGIES, FOR SALE AT WHITE'S REPOSITORY', TWO MILE RUN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE. TIIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE A. or exchange, ou the moat reasonable terms, a flue wow tmeut of introuched and teemal-lt‘nd Buggies made by Wataon, of Philadelphia, some but littla tined. Also, twenty-oue new Buggies. wedeln my Own shop, from the very beat material purchased in tf,tert, market. A Bee let of Trotting Wagona ' new and eecond hand. Alto, a lot of Boat Wagons, Jeuny Linda, iiermantown Wagon,., Jersey Wegotia and lioclutwar, two flue Platona, sent ta font persona, ono of them Watson', make, and the other New York make. Two due Sulkies, cue made by .5.1 r. D. Rodgera, Philadelphia, and a few Common Briggiee, euitable for light marketing. The subscriber flatten, hiuteelf, that_ he can make it to the intorost of pertous wiahing to p.c. chase, to give idea a call. The eatiblbliment la COEIVOIII6I3t to thu city, the. Etc,lai,, ullnis Llue of Coached passing thu door every ton LO I.lt meXklydaw JuSEPLI II 11' faWEET POTATOES.- 40 bush. Sweet Potatoeu,Jait re.colv..l stud tor o.lt. Ct= JAE. A. InSTZLIP, SO Water turret. A PPLES.- bbla. extra Sae 'Rambo arid liellefiniver; (1S " Vandiver, 100 " Rassott Applett, Just ree.'d and for sale by doll JAS. A. VICTEfilt, SD Wstar street. _ - (ILOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, IL/ and far aala by (fall] lIHNIL' 11. COLLINS DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Blankti, and Dunenli's system a Perau.bip, fur !ale by W. Q. UAVEN, Corner Market and Second streets. 500 GROSS LIAVEN'S No. ONE PENS Just received end foi sale Ly NV. 8. LIAVW4. Comer Alarket n i,d :+..wohd U DRUMS CO B L A US y H oo to o rz s t "of c 18 mid 20 Wood is...bz MEDICAL. DR. M'LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE A. N D LIVER PILLS. W E beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas. M'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure Of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele- 'waled Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. F. S. Dealers not Physicime4 ordering from others than Fleming Itrus., will (11 , sv II 141 write their orders distinctly, Mal take 711 , 11 e /all De. .ll'Lane's, prepared by Pleming Bros. Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to give 111,11 a trial, wu trill forward per mail, post paid, to any part of the United States, use box ut Pills for twelve dire, eent po.tage stamps, 4.r one Vial of Vermifugn fur I.mrteen three-vent stamps. All ordem front Canada must 1,. Imemnpanied by twenty cents extra. M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE ANL) LivEtt PILLS.-76 grmA ou hand and for 'sato H. I. ir A UNSSTOCItiI Our., ‘youd and Fourth stroota._ N.EVIT TELEATIMIV, Private and Confidential Medical Advice AP TILE BUFFALO PRIVATE llOSPl- TAl,—Eniablizhed fur the cure of Syphilis, Seminal Weakneed and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS & SON, Duffel°, N. Y. oAlee corner of Male •u,i quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SOIENTIVIO INVENTION. An Inntruthunt fur the cur° of (Joni tal Debility, or Noctur nal Emissions, morn Koper') lio,Pwn ee Seminal Weaknoto, ac. Can he permanently curtia in from &Limn to twenty .leye, by the Tl9O of thin instrument, when wind conjointly w lth mod iciunti. YOUNG MICN TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. AMOS & SON take pleasure fu uououncluk; that they have Invouted a most luspertautl u 'Lc lament for the cure of the above dieeeses. It !PM 1, , , 0U hillije. - ! ted to IL test by the moat eminaet eliyetmen, io Letk,ir.n. Purig, rbiLtielybiatuel New York; It has beau declared the only 1154 , 1111 instrument ever yet ioveuted, for the care of Seminal Weaknetw o or any dtseese of the gen ,t,o organs, mused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS 3 zioN, In order to eatLify the mr.ld ukoptical a to the merits of their Instrument, pledge theintolvee that In any lustancii whore they may prove nuvatiefactory after fair trial, the money will be refundort by returning the lhe stratum:ft iu good order. Persona wißlaing the above ilieful luatrnmelt •.r dl t':at too price, with the' secouiplinlng p'Acked and soot by express, is ten dollar 2. NEW REMEDIES AND QUICK 01.1pE;I. Dr. AlllOB & SON may he consulted from eight o'clock In the morning until nine at right, iu ovary etage and eymp- Lao of the Venereal DiaCtige, °fond Linea, °loots, Secondary SYtoPtolus, Seminal Weakueee, Ifulatence and Strictures of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable eecreey. -The treatment they adopt id the mull of upward of thirty years' exteuitha end sum earful prank* hi I.foadue. The most Inveterate caeca of Venereal Intensea eradiated iu eight or ulna dap, and cased of u slight nature in too or three days, at a mod erate erpoune. The curb effected without confinement or hindrance from bnelneiar, also, nocha and penile In am bones and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURE WARRANTED Dr. AMOS SON Lave devoted their attention exclusive iy to this peculiar clasa of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their follow-creetnre ti luny testified and greatfully acknowledged by couvales ceutpatients and others daily arriving In town from all parts of the country, for the express purpose only of consultations while their exertions have been crowned with the most alg sal advantages; yet from what they have experienced' - inquiring into the causes of these infections complaint Mom their most simple condition to that of the most due Ketone and iuveterated) they have always entertained the pofigiblltty ut their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the most horrible and mangnant forms of disoase could almost always be traced to one of the f%!• lowing causes :—lgeorauce, neglect, or the ill eincts 'of tin skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Di. AMOS. SON have succeeded in discovering, in the selection of their remedtee, a safe, effectual, and cautious course; omitting all combination of remedies which bear an equivocalcharucter, es well as those wlie2e premature or Injudicious application, might be product:iv., of Lad consequences in the hands of ',Hyatt, individuals. In short the latallblo end of "their re medies is the lessening of a groat mass of human misery by the atteetation, relict and prevention of those grievous af• illations that are In reality the secret foe of life, and which, While they so eatremoly surropud us, call aloud for our skill dal to U•reore for their on tu'rritination. COUNL'R.Y ixVALlbe Poraous In any 1,,,rt of tho world may to gaczecsfaily treatiA by fur w arding a ~riert thdail at thefr cue, WlCit a rutnittAtti, for utediciure, She. AJdroi Ur A MIN & PUN, c,,rt,i,r I , .fain and gituy otreets, flutiolo, N. Y. JeL'ioti.w ly PRIVATE DI SEA NES. MEDIOAL and StlitUlClALOlllet N.. to SMITHFIELD Str,,,t, Pit ()argil, Pa. DR. BItOWN Is an old cifiseu of Pil hnrgb, and has teen In practice for last twenty fine years 116 tualuese been confined mostly to Privnteaud CITIZENS AND STRANCIERS lo need of a medical friend, should tall to and out the sure place of re] The Doctor Is a regular graduate, his experience In the treatment of a 6 a som e guarantee to the eufforera Qf obtaining permanent mild; by the use of Ida remedies and following Ids advice. DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Discancs— Impuritiee and Ecrufaionn Affect - ions. diso, all diseases arising from a hereditary Mint, which manifests Itself In the form of a totter, psoriasis, and a great many forms or skin diaeaees, the origin of which the patient ia entirely ignerant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. offers hopes of a swell:id apaaly reaourtp. SE.MINAL WEAK NESS Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on often by that solitary habit of seniraal gratification which the young and weak-minded often give way to, (to their own destruction,) aro the only reliable remedies known in this country—they or safe, and ninko o epctdy reataration to health. RIRUMAI'IB~I Dr. brown's remediee uevor fail to care Ohl peinfol dirt ease in u few clays—hu will w4rraut u care. lie alto treats Pilea, Qicet, CleuurrLeau, Strictoro, Urethral Discharges, We node Weakness, Monthly Suppresalotts, DiselieleS of the Joints, leistula In Auo, Nervous Affections, pain in thOinn7ll and Kidneys, Iryitetlon of the Bladder, together with all diseasee of etc impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a VU, di• retied to DR. DROWN, No. to 9ynithileld strea, Pittsburgh, Pa., will be Inunodlately answerod. Medicine sent to any address, aafoly packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Hewes, No. GU theithileld streat, • Ptits. burgh, Pu. ap9 ANOTIIER supply of Low & Son'a superior Leudor. Toilet tioaps received to-day, by • JOB. ieLEMINCI, fad Corner Diamond and Market great. - - 10 SACKS FEATHERS, for eale by ItAtIALEY, COSORAVE k Nos 18 and 20 Weed street DRIED APPLES.-150 bus. choice Dry Apples, r”ceived and for sale, by JAS. A. FUZES, cip3 Corner 3.lArket end First street. PARISIAN TO OT II PASTE, prepared under the erwervialou of Dr. Ilnllihou, Surgeon D.‘, Gist, fur We by JOE. FLEMING. Hoas._nre.eti flogs, jnst received and for bale by JAMES A. FETZER, ga Watat street PERFUMERY -Of descriptions and priced, can b. had ut .••••••• %sin n. 4 V' • win ....• QTARtIII —3OO bzn. Roehester Pearl Starch reeeived and au male by DR. BROWN'S