• VOLUME X VI. NIOILNINi4 POST. n!,• cuirr 7,t,. , • (.` lutt , Las: , 1: 3Alli i iS P. I,IA Hai ; IS tns :143i1110,C.11. C441,4t1:. Or WOOD .6.ND YkYTil 4)011.',;'s 3,1 - Rtr, payable, itrlatly in adv tin NI Bit Dzllard invtalably required tf not paid r,-ithiri tin!. soar. :•,,;•?..,4, Two Ocstr4--.Co: at the countor In • o by the Newt; iloya. It ATES OF A* tAttri, ny One intei Oat' ..... • ; ,0 Two ina.‘rWraT 751 Tlir n:,. Lions I 1 051 100 ..... -••• Oiiwook. 1 75 50 Two Otti 200 1 f... 1.1 100 75 Three \se ut4,l 400 2C5 200 125 100 Ono woutll 5.001 325 2 50 1 150 14. Two me... 00 700 405 3 601 235 250 Three moat ba 900 009 4 LOI 300 300 Four m0nth5...........10 00 0 OSI 5 00j 335 4 Fire ....... 11 00 735 5 fo r 3 5 550 laut“hi 12 CO 800 O 1.0 .1 00 It 50 Nino , n , ntite .... 10 00 , 10 35 0 Cr..) C, One s.to.: 20 Cr)) 13 30 10 00 0 I::: 14 00 tibadiu e : Itoee or 11.53, per annual e 15 50 31,A0011A.411.3 iT ?Lt. Su: Out dq , shi.t, par r.;,num,(oxcludvo of the paper,) 26 Cr)) lurrhrge uotic.c., ennta ;Death nolicea, 25 rout?... pirsßußGH.siquß p h y POST A ONLY ONE DOLLAR eElt 1114,11 i, IN C 011,3 OF TEN. Etttglo Subfeciptleux, (43 per annual". CONTAINS ALL TIM (11JRIIEN'r NEWS OF VIE - .OA.Y, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Co:Junior Lozal,'Telegraphicau3 Miscollannoua. Thith raper being ui OW I.2.ltaEW slzu,loid neatly fatale ml Ona white p 1.10., la Itixe . - .1, clear type, will be louhil by tbu Einlmalber to Bice trotter Bliii9fiVAil.ll than any pallor pit ulkloal fu l'ilb,burgh. I' boa-, who take n inwei from Pittsburgh, will rind tha F.IITIIII - 0. 4 .:ti nll profitable 1113 , 65t11ii , b t. Al,lr,aa, J A 7 i 5 P. 13Alt.ii., Eq.l7 Editor And Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. M!EM!! L%lt & MYEattv BOOK Aka JOB OFFICE, I'Cosr - CTILDIANTU:.'3, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, 1'11"I'S13 U RG H. Laving made ostenbive the LATEST AND HAN 1001 EST 6ry LE TYY L , end liachinet.y, to the MORNING POST JOR OFFICT, it,t ito tr o ' ttt utina 61 Rail Road Officara IG•rchatar, 111 " , `, and the public goaerally, La their talp3rior tarAilllea extw Min it with dicpatch, on renLonablo tH aka, all kin& of it A E L AID, MERCANTILE, IL EGAL, AND EVERY OTHER DESORILIHON OF PLAIN Si FANCY PRINTING yea -44-Our utaterlitlbeing ne.rly all 'LLOW, we can give 'ranee or flu meet A'olillactt) suit colicit enters LOOKS, PAMPU LETS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK. NOTES, LETTER HEADS., BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTtiAGES, BONDS, lair Particular utteation will also be paid to the printing of Posters, Programmes, ic. for Contorts, Exhibitions and Circuses. CARR & MYERS. The People'4 Shoe Store,. D. S. DIEFFENBA.C,FIER &CO', Cheap Cash Dealers in all kinds of Fashionable BOOT:t, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Goutleoaen, Ladies, Youths oud Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, ucB PITTSBURGH, PA J. 0. PERE.IN WM. JOHNSON S A. JOHNSON I'ERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprictota of Childs & Co.'s Patent knasitie reire and 'Water Proof Cement Rooting. 133 THIRD STREET. RDE RS for ROOFING promptly and faith- NJ' holly exec' ,ild nil cur work warranted. Roofing imitc,,lol ,tlwapt cdd hand, and for gals, with di• ttiCtiOllf , tar t.O-4. esp'2:ly JOS. ie. imaniurora &. co., ENGINEMItS AND riIiACEIERNISTS, Coma of Firs! and Liberty streiLt, Pitabut gh., Fa. SUPERIOII , STEAM ENGINES for Grist and 6,, milk lireweriec, Priutiug Establishments, Marinfaeteri ,, , &,•., made to order. They also COUtilille the rattunketure ut their Celebrated Machinid3"roole, such as Turuiug Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring mid brining Machin's, ae. Also, Wrieight Iron :glutting, with Pulleys, Bangers &c. &c. ja9:lytl •.1 JOHN TIlO3PtColi JOHN THOMPSON Sc CO., HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND URAINERS, No. 1.3.5 Third street. SIGN PAiNT ING executed with ueuinega find doe.paton. Mixed Paiute, Oils Turpentine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Ville Uontaighe Zincli, a very superior article; phik delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and for sale. We are preparot to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortait notice, as we have a !dill 'which grin , la by st.ain Painters will save money by get ting their color!. geonii.l tuatay GOLD AND SILVER.,,SP . !:CTACL.ES, AT DI A N to AC TURF, S IL 11 DItO,IIETE I tS or weighing-. Pp;Lit3, eltuat.t aul LCrt atti. brought to thin L7.II?4,:PNETETIS AND ArtrYMETERE, varying in price crwa PO cacti. POOKET COMPASSES, - AND - - - (SUILVEyOIt's COMPS SSES 'S , x.lwnyß on hand of G. E. BRAIN, i'raelizra Opticai, 68 Fifth &reel. opposite Ilaz..onio lIaU 88. C. SL, J. PI. SAVVY Oa, Li tiIIVLOTErtaR B or LARD 01L, C• AN DLES, PA LM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAPS No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. F. J. Isustu, C. GUTEADORP BUS NIA & GUTENDORIV, VetrWFACTURLIIIS OF STEA 801 And all liluda of Sheet. Iron Work. Penn strf,t, tit,r Water, Pittsburgh, Pa. jor P V A ,I,NIIOP rn. r‘V2i••l V Wher 11.5 e mad Corm f)' , anted, 3PAARai 71-V.'LLL„ ALLECIIICNY GTET. E SUB BRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the nbov, 60 , ,,blikaiul.:1,t, and are preparrd FAY Tra 13:107Eri L 11.17.1? FRIOE3 C:',SU rJB 25,000 BUE: 1 IEI.13 OF WHEAT. 10,000 . " RYE. 10,000 ' CORR, It Is the intention c t tho proprietora to offer Brill& PRIO/8 rcm any ehoito lon of White or lied Wheat. They intend to Llano very aup.,:iasFouilly Flour, and ore willing to pay a premium to till farmer, i u tilt ahape of on extra price, to in dime him to raise e dioico qw,tity of Wheat, and to bring it to market in good :...rder. EGGS. --5 .14:ggs just received and for age by MeCANDI , Eiti.9, MJ s CO., earner Wood and Water streets, a REEN APPLI::.S.-20 bbls. for sal© by ,•e l sta II NN NY U. COLLINS. DERRY & Co.'s 11T1C,‘ and extra fine Pens, for sato at , W. S. HAVEN S Stationery Ftoro, .-nr9A Np H. 111. El and 35 Market street. WHITE BEA N S.-10 bags small white Benno, rect•lved and fur sato by AIN.IIA 1.1:38, 15111 A N 3 a CO., .”/ - 1 strpoter WE ro uow upeniffg; our second, and by far the cheapemt at•wit of Fell and Winter DIVBM Gonda, Shaw!a, Ac., that Lai ,vor brew ollerod ill this City. C. !JANSON LOVE, • . . OglONbbl. Onion Setts, for sate by JAMES FETZEit, a 8 Corner Market and First atreete.• S --____-____----------------- TRA NtiE' S PENCIL SHARPENER, for tale by W. a HAVEN, turl9 (~, , ,,, r Sfarlwt in.d grenpl gtr,E.,,t4. eiII.E.ESE- 60 &I:fag prime Weelard Reserve . f 4 riklie by WI) tVid. ITT FITTED UP IN A I'ASTEEUL atiti comfortable atyl., the largo coati. store hi the ODD FELLOWS BALL. Fiah west,eta a FIRST er:ASS ' VEn T SIN RUSTAURANT AND , ALOON. 'laving hal =my years' feltrieel Twice( Once &in exp. rieoca in the Duslatto, he is prepared to supply the beet week! taCck• i PaPrr the niarkot. anotds. Ills Bar will bt , furnished at all times with the best WINES, LTQUORS AND ALTS. The (al liance to the Saloon, is in the eentro of the Hell, and re freshments will be furnished at all times , DAY uudi DIMITY Gu (Sundays excepted.) apitly Et=l T. L•:iiNNED4 Ic 11RO . 1 . , ::i ' 7 ' 7} 1"------- PUBLISHED DAILY BY .TAMES P. BARU:, AP THE "POST BUILDMIS," CORNER OF. WOOD AND PIISTH STRE_P;TS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. THE NOTIONAL 8/LOON, Under Fosteen New National Trientre, PITTABUR(III, PA., U. 13A RNA RD, - - - PROPRIF.ToI, WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENT A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., ‘VASIIINGriIOrio D. C. A. F. BEVERIDGE SCO r ri l HOUSE ) . Corner Irwin. Street, and Duquesne IN ay, Pfl"N1111 - R011, PA. B. D. MARKER., - - - Pitopitioron, (Formerly or "Maker house;' Blairsville, frHE SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM vLETED .k.ND OPEN FOR GUNSTS. It is situated iu a central part of the city, being convenient t) all lluilread Depots and bteamboat Landings. ' The House was built in 186 f, with all modern improve.- tabnta, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—aud will iu every respect Le a first elena Hotel. Fine STABLEF. are attached to the premises. 10124 H. W. KANAGA. U. S. HOTEL, Opposite tl►e .IPenna. liettiroad Depot, lIARRISBURG, PA. IV AS 111 It' TO RI o'r EL., FORMERLY 11. 2. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. 'pins HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of P , .NN and WASIHNOTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN - RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough improvement, remodeled and furniahod with new furniture, and is now the muat conve nient Hotel in Pittsburgh, for narelers by Railroad, East or Wont. elybay MANSION 110 USE, GEORGE A.U.RENTZ PROP/US:TOP. ..No. a-14 Liberty street, just besidu the Pas , .eriger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which maims It the most convenient house in the city fur passengers arc!. sing by that road. cgTho pruprietor having ' at considerable expanse, fitted up, lu excellout Cue MANSION lIOI.IBE, would respect. fully solicit a sham of public patronage. There is attacLol a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, airi.o.d. lug ample accommodation to traveleirs and teamsters. ilia Linder and liar will bo furuisliod with the Lost the mac can afford. foldie CORNUCOPII/2 RESTAURANT. BF ELI YOUNG, FIFTU STREET. Tho attontion of Merchants and others is directed to this' eJtablisliment, which haa boon rc outly littod up for the mirpose of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING lIOUSE IN A CENTS—AL LOCATION, Oanntry folks attending market are particularly invitod to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will elwaya be found, of the iresheet the market affords. ap2.9:lydAw _ _ - Excelsior Restaurant, No. 121 WOOD Street, PITTEIBUT.OU, PA., WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND EASTEIO4 YlBl.l The undersigned It:LIP:IA received &cm the Eastern ma:- ket, atieeted with great care, SMELT, KALI cd:T, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISH, EASTERN SUN FISH, *EVERAL VARIETLES OF LAKE FISH, New York Prleice , a Ploy, Egg !eland, Egg Harbor, Shell Oynterc. Tuts, flues. ovo, brought to this city. VOL) tleliuney of Ow netaon torved up at the EXCELSIOR ItES2AUItAINT. apflyd 8. SlTlNlttrea. T. CLAIR HOTEL, corner Pa n and E t. Clair ittreets, Pittsburgh, undereigned,forintt ly of " Brown's Mite'," liaving taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent stf.e, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the business, u give entire satisfaction, and his charges moderate. feb22 WM. C. CONNTILLI. SAHL. FIHNESTOCK., No. 14 Wood street, PAttsiourg,ft. JAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND WALDRONSI'. GRIFFIN'S CORN AND MN SCIM, CORN HOES ; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; STEEL. Traps, very superior Drawer Locks, very superior Luc Locks, Tinned and Ennamelled Sauce Pans, Bastiug Spoons, Brass Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, Braes Stair Rods, Braces one Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Carry Combs. :Pascoe, Coil, Filth, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Challis, witl variiity of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod orate terms. apiS II AMES MILLINGAR, MONONGAHELA ty PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that Ito has rebuilt 01110,1 the fire, and having enlarged hia ,tahlishment, and filled it with the un , p.st aud must ap prov,l machinery, is now prepared to furnish flooring and planed boar.'o, scrowl sewing uudresawing, doors, sash and ihutters, kiln dried, frames, mouldings, box mutiug, &c. luuth Pittsburgh, September 7, 1857. fay 10 CHARLES W. LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And rs-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON TIII4II CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIFTH STREETS. All - business connected with this office will ha attmded to with promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with legal accuracy--euch as Leads, Mortgages, Bonds, rowers of At torney, Ac. Titles to Real Estate examined. To the members of the liar he tenders his services as Com rahnlonor to take Depositions to be read In the several Coarts of this ntate, and elsewhere. his office is one of the main Polito Stations of the city, and consequently his facilities in executing business of that kind are very desirable. C 01 ) DISH. -10 drums extra large and fine, for aalp by WM. U. SMII2II % CO., mr/AS / 118 Second, and /97 Find streets. tierces prime, for sale by WM, 33. 811.1.1T11 ct CO., 1=25 115 S. , :oud, and 147 Firot streets QIJOAR.-50 lthdB. prima N. 0. Sugar, just red and tor Bale by WM. U. SMITH CO, tart2o 118 &cowl, and 147 First streets.. COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee,for sale by WM. 11 SMITH & CO, 113 Second, and 147 First ail cots. VINE FLOUR.-20 tibia. Fine Floir in store, and for sale by McCANDLESS, MEANS A Co., f&2.0 Corner cf Wood and Wear streets. LAB D.-A prime article of No. 1 Lat ; tl,_ill barrobs and kegs, just received and for sale by MeOANDLE,±3, MEANS Si CO., 1[123 Corner of Wood and Water Arad& pacKLEs.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re calved and for eale by JAMlie A. FETZEIt, leo Co: :ler Market and First streets. E"S.--6 barrels fresh Eggs to arrive this day, and for sate by JA'AIIIS A. FETZER, rurl9 Corium Market and Fira at! coin. T)LANTATION SUGAR it MOLASSES -100 Wide. fully fair :end primo N. 0. Sugar; 600 Ms., oak cooperage, prime N. 0. Molasses; LO " St. James S. 11 Molaasea, now landing and for sale, by MILLER Br. RICKETSON, inr2s Nos. 2«1 and 223 Liberty street. SPICES.- 25 Lao Pimento; " Grain Pepper, Jag received and for sale Ly MILLER k ILICKETPON. tur2a Nee. 221 and 223 Liberty street (101) FISH.- 3 drums extra largo Cod Fish; 3 " largo " " Just received and for sale, by MILL.ER & ItICRETSON, nu2s Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. LET.—A commodious three story Frame roue; with Brick Basement—situated on Bedford Etieet—to rent, by yltbLBR RINI MON, mr2s Not. '22i and 223 Liberty Area. - - MAPS.—A large assortment of Pocket Maps for 1858, comprising Sectional and Townahip Slaps of Yennaylvan.a, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa, Mis• soul Ramses, Nebraska and minnesota, on hand and for aOo by W. S. RAVEN, u i 5 Nos. 31, 33 and 35 Market street. oDll FELLOWS' ROLL, WARR A N T and Proposition Books, for Bale by W. 9. lIKVEN, Corner Market and Second street.. FRENCH PAPER II A_NGINGS.—New designs and very beantiful—receivedloy late arrivals, for sale by W. P. MARSHALL h Co., -mr2s Importers and Dealers, ST Woodstreet. VGGS.-7 bble. fresh Eggs, rev an for sale by JAMES A. FETZEB, ups Crztior First aud Market streets. WINDOW GLASS. ©n assortment a 1 Country Glass, assorted sizes, for sale by WM. H. SMITH 14 CO., 118 Second, and 147 First streets. 0 KETCHUPO.- 30 dozen quart Tomato lietchups; • ' SO do pint do do 16 do do Walnut do 15 do do Mushroom do Jolt reed and fur ads by IkEYSIER. is ANDERSON, No. 39 Woo 1 street, 144 Opposite the St. Males I BOOKS AND STATIONERY 100 OIWRT A. LOOMIS, • (Successor to B. T. C. Murgau,) ETATIONIIR AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. AL Fin etrout, Pittsburgh, Co-Partalerginip. 'FILE undersigned have entered into Co- Partnerahip, under the style of Wm. C. Johnston Co. 9.46113 It. JOLINATON, WILLIAM U. JOENSTON. Pittsburgh, Suptoulber 5,1857. e. it. 1011 - 7iiTON 31 'sLt, G. JOiii`aTilif AAIIII. O. JORNSTON et CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood atreet, between Third and Fourth, Pittsbrirgb, Pe. 840 rit'OPILIETRE SS .01A"NOS, PIAJNOS-NEW ARRIVAL ti SPRING STueli.--CIIMILOTTEI BLUME, to. 11.8 \Yool airs et, has filet,, exited ono now offers for sale at her now and s,aelems waren Lane, the fiumt selection of Pianos In the city Pianos from YTA:Y BEST manufactories In the United :Rates 1111(1 Europe. including those from the following mattes —MALLET, DAVIS &C Boa ton—IIAINR.S BROTIIERB, Now York—BAUMGARDNER k IIEINB, Hamburg—WM. II NA BE Ar. CI, Baltimore. No howe in the tits can come in competition fur the number, variety mud celebrity of its instruments, nor the extremely low vices et which they ace sold. Persona if, want of a srase QUALITY Piano Forto, are re. .ctially incited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Every inarnment la WARRANTED and. a WILITTLN GeattAN TUS given. Second-Hand i'Mao3 at groat bargain% from 00 to $4OO CHARLOTTE BLIINIE, 118. Wood at-eet, second door above Fifth. Old Pialloll taken di ezchange at their fall valne. [ap6 A. NEW LOT OF SECOND-HAND PIANOS. A N ELEGANT CARVED 11,0SEWOOD 7 1 - 11_ Octavo Chickoring ,K; Sons' Piano, having been in use a very short time, is now in good order and will be warranted by the i• v subscribers. The Plano is offered at a very low price. A Rosewood German Piano, (I octave, made by the I cat tierman makers; in use about two years, and cost to import at least s3oo—rice sl.° A Rosewood 7 octave Boston made Piano, entirely - how, to close the consignment, or $2OO. A mahogany 6 octavo Piano, made by R. & W. Norms, Now York, $6O. A mahogany 6 octave Piano, made in Baltimore, $4O. A rosewood 6 octave Piano. old, $3O. A rosewood 0.1. octave Piano, a very elegant and good in strument, made by one of the best New York makers, in wrfect order; New Yee , price $300—5240. A 6 octavo excellent old Piano, with iron frame, made by Babcock, $75. A rosewood 6 octave eleleltcring Piano In good order, in cos about 2 years, $2OO. The above prices Include packing box and packing. For sale by JOAN U M.F.,LLOR, Solo Agent for ChieVering & Son's, For Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, ap9 No Si Wood srr'et _„.. TOBACCO 'AND SEGARS. TIT & D. RINEHART, VV COLAMERCIAL COLLEGES IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1.856. Board of 12 Trustees—Faculty of 14 Teachers. 300 STUDENT... 3 Al TES DING, JibtlfitiS, 1858. Young Aten Prepared for Actimi Duties of the awaiting Ito nn INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE and Denble•Entry, Boolc•Keeping, as used in every de par merit of Business. Commercial, arithmetic Rapid Boat neon Writing, Mercantile Cori espondeuce, Commercial Law, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, Phonography, and al other 'subjects necessary for the thor ough education of a practical business man. J. C. SMITH, A. 91, Professor of Book.Keeplug and Science of Accounts. .1. O. PORTER, Prof. of Mathematics. ALEX COWLEV and A. T. DOUTHETT, Profs. of Pen tuanship—twelve first premiums over all competition fur best Pen and Ink Writing, .Lt AND NOT yea ENGRAVED WORE, "WM Terms, dn—Full course, time unlimited, enter at any time —s3s. Average time, sto 12 weeks. Board. about $2,60. Entire cost, $5O to $7O Uraduatem assisted in obtaining a sitnation. Specimens of unequalled writing and eirculire sent free. Address, F. W. JENKINS, mr27 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania DRAWING LESSONS, IT IRON CITY COII.IIERCIAL COLLEGE, V)- 11l MECHANICAL, ARCIIECEOTURAL, AND CRAYON DRAWINC,42ft For further tnr,rnu:tioa apply to Mr. F. W. JEN -131118, Principal of iron City Commercial College, Pittn• novl4:omil. 1411.1 , 101 CONFECTION , C ONFNUTION, CO NFEOTION,OON • NOTION,CONF NOTION, VONFE U TI.ON, CONFE T lON,O ONPEOT 1 0N,430 NIONOT I O N,CONF NOT I 0 N,CONFEOT lON 00 NPEOTI ON . The most pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Remedy now in IWO. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by ANGELI A RAFT, Cor. Wood and Sisth sta., Pittsburgh, Pa, And sold by Druccisis ratteruliv HAppincott, Shorten P NO. IU4. WOOD STREET, NEAR PASTEL MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va lk:ea, Eat and Bonnet BOZO, Ladles Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags. &c., keep constantly tr. hand a large stock.. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods be fore purchasing elsewhe. st. QT. CIIARLES LIVERY STABLES. - The undersigned has bought the lease ~.- .. A" 1 / 4 . of the above named Stables, to• .-;', 4.43 - gather with a portion of the extort. I - - 14.:;''7 , '‘ , - . EiliVe stock Of horses and Carriages, '- - ' ' late the property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added a number of FINE HORSES, BIJGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal atten. lion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received from public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. 2.—A IIEARSE end any number of CARRIAGES can cltrays be procured for 'Funerals. (lag UOKITHEAT FLOUR.-20 Backs Buck wheat Flour ; 60 ID wicks, just received and for sale McCANDLESS, MEANS a CO., Corner Wood and Water streets. (s)IL CLOTH TABLE COVERS.-50 doz. assorted dzes. Ale% Stand and 112rean Covers; on Land and for 83113 by J. a H. PIIILLIPS, mrl6 ?6 and 28 St. 01air area. LOUR.-25 bbls. Superfine Flour received Jr and for sale by McCalkibLEES, MEANS & CO., fe2o Corner Wood:and Water street/ -ROUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING—In all of its branches executed prompt ly and in tho boat manner s 'by J li. PaiLues, rnr9 23 and 28 St. Clair street. LARD OIL.—We have eminence(' manu facturing Lard Oil, and wall bo pleaied to receive or. dem for it.: We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar ket. We will 81l barrels returned when desired. B. O. a J. 11. SAWYI3I2, frIS Idrt, ef Wand afraat, .DIANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose wood 04 octave Pianos, will bo rented to private fam ilies only. Apply to JOHN 11. MELLOR, lel3 81 Wood street. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, API II 2,7. 185 S PIANOS AND MUSIC 13=1 IMAMS 17 ALL EIND6 OP TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS No. 1:64 WOOD STREET JOHN BIEIZZ. WINDOW. GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 0 Inch inch diameter, for Halo by OOLLINB. INSURANCE REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Title: FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANV, At ATUENS, URADFORD COUNTY, PA., .tan.1,..15'.'. :%3 preeentea to the Stcckholder.4, and made ent in rarnpl:,,e, with the state Leave of New York. Ohio, ME= The name or the Ccanpauy is the FARMERS' UNION SURANCR COMPANY, located at Minns, Fa. Chartbrt April 13, 1853, by the Legt.slature or Pennsylvania, Cha r a.,,, , Perpetual. Cush Capital, N4bleil 13 all pail TIP Purubas in addition thereto 19SET1. y-four Bonds and Mortgages, at e' re and seven II cent. interest, amounting in the aggregate to-4152,315 00 Which mortgages are or valua ble and productive real estate, principally farms, recorded and d red, liens, worth generally double tile amount and more than mort gaged for in each cats, and tu case less than fifty cont. low e. exclmive of farm buildings, and col titled by ties Re.cordere, a he -e recorded, to the and tars of the elides of Ohio and Illinois. Nineteen six cent. Bonds amply secured 47,655 00 Cash on hand and in Bank. 0 440 12 Cash in bands of Agents, and iu coarse. of tranernbsior, , secured by bonds with sureties Due on losses re-Maned, 6.c Bills receivable, protnissw y °tee payable at bank and to the Company Interest accrued, (principally due denuars 1,1818,) Mite and OffiCb Fixtures and Fund tare 253.4b4 51 ISCObli: FOR TEM YRAR 1857. Amount of Premiums received during the year $ 85,231 3 0 Arul interest received during the year 11,442 05 A net received from all other sources 2,480 00 LXPENDITI74I3. Expenses ter the year, inclnding commis - 31 , ms, salaries, rents, rein surance, printing, advertising, . Oaten and all other expenscs $ 19,19 Dividends pa'd during the year - 17,000 tie Losses paid, which occurred prier to December 31,1856 Lonna pair which occurred during the year . 46,561. 54 LOSsOS adjusted and not due (since paid) 12,&U0 Lose incurrod and in proceae of adjustment LOiEt3B repurtbd,on which nu extlini has been taken L 0311,28 resisted, on ground of imam. anco after tire, property transfer red before loss, property lost not covered by the Polley, &c ---$ 39,467 99 Whoh /1111011 tof taken during tho y1ar...56 . ,429,b . 67. 00 W bolo amount of list: at date : - Tk • E OW PENNSALVANIA, COUNTY OP BRADFORD, S C. N tiiiipmtn, President, and J E. Cante'd, Secretary et the Farmer& nion Insurance Company, t clog eeverally duly sworn, depose and say, and each for tauten - says, that the foregoing la a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above de scribed oriTere thereof O. N. SiIIPAIAN, tresident. .1. 1 CANPI.P.LD, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me, this 25th day of Janu ary, 1858, 11. C. BAIRD, Justice of the Peace. T. J. lIIIN'Pr•.R, ‘gsnt, No. 99 Water street. Pittsburgh. REAL ESTATE ACTENT. Q_ CUTHBERT & SON'S OFFICE, N0.'51 I•lurket street, for the sale and purcbaso of Real Estate, renting henspa, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on bonds, mortgages, Scc,; making convey ances, deeds, bonds, hic.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, 6.e. BEI 4 DEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OILEO. itiaLLLINCES..--MCLISYB. I.IIIIIP-11, liol.or Parka, Lao. jyll:y WESTERN' LARISOS. ALEXANDER GARRETT, REAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 60 WATER riTHE',O:, CLEVELAND, 01110, Has for sale Lands in Illinois, Wisconsin ; Miune4Mi., Michigan and lowa Ho will mtchange Lands in %Viacom,' m &c., fur Pittsburgh manufacturus,aud also fur city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing me al above. aullily 'RoPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. Valuable Farm For Sale, CONTAINING 160 ACRES, BEING A part of Section 17, in Goshen township, Maliutiing county, (Ado; about 12u acres elk aced, in lugh state et cultivation, about oue-half Lut,adow land, of a superou quality, the balance high and rolling, rawly ter the plough It is out' of the uost grazing farina in the county, having never-tailing springs on it, also en orchard, I baring (Inn of a superior quality; together with a gaud ,ald valuable stow.. quarry. It will he sold at a low prico and owl payments-givoit. 7,90011 SALEM, Col. Co., Ohio, March 24,1850. aplt.dti For Sale. LOTS, NOS. 19, 20 AND 22, IN SILLI MANSIILLE, Roes township, .Altegi.ouy county, Lou:prising together, n tract of TLIIRTY-FIVE ACRES and seventeen perches of the very best quality of Qardon Laud, under a high sotto cf cultivation ' and well timbered, Irweli• ing House, two Rams, Stabilag, Potato and Spring Hon,. About five hundred Fruit Trees, of every variety, of the choicest kind of fruit. Tne property is well supplied with abundance of excelent water, and is easy of access to mar tees, by Railroad or by the New Brighton Plank 'iced. The property is within four nines of the city , and will he sold at a bargtiu. Inquire of 8. 13. W. (if Lt, No 85 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Or, of Wei u. iilJl3,ll, apTilm 95 Pennsylvania avenue. FOR SALE. - 15 aure3 of Land near liul toles 6t.A.0.:1, the A.lte,theuy Valley Railroad, lo tulles from the city 'fn. 14.1.! .4 'AI carer: d with tine rarest trees, which intikem it a d Otto for a country rau denne. 2 Building Lute, each !1..) by 100 feet on Penna. avenue, rear Mager strcet. 5 do do ou Vickroy street, near !Jager) street. 14 do do on fiLirla etre , t, near Mager+ street. do do on Bluff and Isabella treots, In the Eigth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. Also, 1 Lut on the corner of Penn and Alarbury streets, fronting 20 fuet ou Penn and 109 feat 10% inches ou Mar bury street, adjacent to the depot of the Pri'insylvania Rail road. For terms, etc., inquire of ISA .1C JON Ed, mr29:lin corner Roos and First sto „Pittsburgh. PLEASANT RESIDENOE-FOR SALE —Situate in South Pittsburgh, on the Monongahela river. The house r, large and convenient, having a hall 2 parlors, dining room, kitchen and •i chsmuars, u line porch fronting the riv r, n good collar, stable and carriage home, a large garden with great variety of choice fruit, shrub bury etc, grabe arbor, • hado trees, etc. For i.rice and terms, inqu•re at the office of S. cuTHBERP & SON, apt 2 a Market street. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR 1t KIN F Situate at aixatt 2 miles from the city, 21 cores of land; large and comfortable dwelling house of 10 rooms ; a good spring house, carriage house. atabie, etc., a- t,nant house and other out•buildinge, garden, fruit train, grapf , e and small fruits, a etooo wall and iron railings in fro t of the honks and garden, etc., will be rented low to a good ton ant. S. CUTiII3ERT & SUN, apl2 61 ?attract -tr. ot. VALUABLE EAST L BERT Y. PROPER TY FOn BALK—A large lot or ground, 50 feet trout by 200 deep to a street, with o row Frame Dwelling lii.use of Han, two parlors, dining room, kitchen and 5 chambers, wide porch In front, g,od collar coal tnnsa, stable, fruit, tress, etc, Price, $2OOO. Terms easy. ap7 D. CUTLIDEaT &. SON. 61 Market street FOR RENT—That largo and comfortable Dwelling Howse, situate on trio Bank of the Monon gahela rive:, opp,esite too city, and at pi emet in the occu palmy of Marshall, Baq. caoice fruit, ahruhlie y, tqc in abundance and great variety. Apply to mr3l B. CUTHBERT it SON, 51 Market et. QTORE ROOM ON FOURTH STREET FOR RENT.—A large Room and Collar, betwer u cud Wood StrKtg, 9. CUTHBERT & SON, oir3o 51 Market areal - PHREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HousE VOR RENT—Satiate on Marbury strvot, bu• Moen Penn and Lsborty streets, containing a hail, •2 par lors, fi chambers, dining room and kitchen Rents $7.00 per year. B. CUTHBERT 6: sON_, mrst) 6'l I:tizrkat AHOUSE in good order', and lot of ground on Monterey street, Allegheny, ea, be had for the email amount of $625. Terme easy. mr27 8. CU • i PO`Z, 51. Mai at. FOR s6oo—two hundred in hand, kalanee in ono and too ynkro, ill securo a &rolling houne and lot of ground, on Mt Washing Lon. kar27 S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 yfardh•t ot. ARARE CHANCE to purchase a good dwelling house and large lot of ground, in Sharps burg.. For price and terms. apply at our oillee. ;Aar S. OU'rHBERT k 1-. ON, 51 Market at. TWO DWELLINti HOUSES, with large lot of ground to each house, situate on Carson street, South Pittsburgh, will be sold on favorable terms, by S. CUTPBERT hr. SON, 61 Market at reef. WOR SALE—A Drug Store, located in one , of the best situations In the city of Pittsburgh, for either a jobbing, retail or prescription busines4. Purchas ers will and an advtuttgo of rare occurrt rice- For informa tion inquire of JOHN 11.A.FT, N 0.1138, corner Sixth and Wood streets, - Pintabcrp.h. VILIROOM CORN.-3 toniifiretqiality rec'd and for sale I y ['n 51 HENRY IL COLLINS. 1 008818. N .BGAL . A CL , A O R 6B f G or g CO., 'sale by Nos. 18 and 20 Wool stroßt. pUTNAM , SImproved, and other styles o Wind " °bade 114Itt"; f o r sale by U. eatuaies. IFIICIIAMS INSLIANCE COMPANY, uPd Ltgalsrattalittlo.. V. PhT, IT, A.,' l & ,) 11:1.1.`.:',14, Amount of tlttpit.l I. pool !uiolomtotl...V2.ooGoZruu glue C 3,42,9 :to $:&63,4118, Iu treB Cargo 1ia,h..1.11 Lb. Uhto “roi Iributarii.t. lusurcs agalust 1,16 or dahthi..;-.., by Fit t., Also, !Wit tho Pbrila of the S,aauti iuiand Navigation Troultportattutt. $ 200 oqu Cw . 63,466 ti Wm. V. P J. C. Moto m. Q. J. McCa.ol, P. Witinor, Roue Cluillon, C. L. WoiAltan, John A. MarHivill, Chao. B. Wright, John J. l'uthnsoo, t11 , ... - 0,5,1 T. Pc.P..y. $253,4‘+5 LI gr.k.dasinor.B: P Philade Ata. : Bolger, Lomb £ Co.; I. aolninitz, Jnatico A Co., Truitt, I Bock, Morgan ,A A. T. Latic,Puniroy, Cablevall co. prrrsituatin 01110 E, NO. 97 WATER STREET. opO U. W. POLNDEXTER, ,gent. BY 'IIIEI Reliance Mutual instgrance OF PHILADELPHIA. 18,761 0 . .1 7,;.126 LL UN BUILDINDS, LIMITED Oil PERPETUAL, MEROiIAN DIKE, FURNITURE, 10., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Office, No. 300 Walnut street. CAPITAL, 0171,926.. ..... .AS3E7S, 5202,405 80. Invested ae follows, viz First Mortgage on improved CRY Property, worth do - able the ,mount $120,200 410 Pennsylvania Itaihoed Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage Loan, $30,040 cost 25,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn's It. It. Loan. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania, Itnilsoad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the ll,dlance Mutual Insurance Co 19,160 00 Stock of County Tire Insurance Co 1,050 00 scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 479 00 Ullld Receiva de, business paper 62,711 60 Rook Accounts, accrued interest, etc 3,336 19 Cast, on baud and in Bank 16,033 20 13.191 •4 $99,151 'l5 Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, Payld 8 Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John It. Worroll, IL L. Carson, Robert Tolaud, :goes Johnson, Charles S. Wood, „tutees S. Woodward, vair3 B A 1 GAR inr3 NorLh-oast cur. 1,t10,4 '5 8t 6,5u0 Ou PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE:COMPANY, 12,100 00 4,561.,110 CO No. 149 St:rect., Opp3sito the Custom WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, on' every description of Property or Morchandime, at reasonable rates of premium J. Cf. COFFIN, Age&, jytly Coniertol awl Wood Str,,ts CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPAN% OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM Proalthmt. SAMUEL L. :iIARtiiiELL, tYcrtq.,_ry. OFF/CE: 04 Sl'attr :trete., betwety: L'l.rarkEt amt TT ood .stnief.! AKi9—lnsurcs HULL AND CARGO ItISKS, oil Cho Ohio and Mibsimippi Rivera and tributrtrice. Imiures Dr s 2alll Lcs,, ~r PUMA. ilgaiu3t t).• Perila of tht• Rua and Inland Novigatlol. r,p.t 9re.tiaporta,..l,s. — "nalCr.M. Cooymr, Jtunug nuk, Jr., iL.,4a. M. Pennock.. 2pringur Liarbaugh, Caw. Samuel C. Young, Job ult. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIARTERDD DY TIIE LDGISLATURE Or Pk:NDSYLVANIA ate, voo t au I Premium N0tta...5132,343. rp:111.13 COMPANY WILL INSURE ON _ll,l3uildingn, Merelrundile, Furniture, Ac., iu tt,r4n ~r eountry llott.Juo.J. rcArcod lion. O. C. Bturvy,lCliarles A. Major J,.ltii B. HulklGsbarlus Crimt, DiLkintkm, T. T. Abram,, ID K. Jackman, W. Samuel 11. Lloyd, I Dr. .1 8. Crawford, A. A. Wiout...ardner, Jelin W. Maynard, A. Updegrad, L. A. Aim:heir, lion. 8 Cameron, hones Aralstr,mg A. White, Thou. Bowman D.D, SPillinm FolLren, ,hlll3BB Quiggle, Wu,. Vandorbelt, Don Wm. Bigler, OFFICE—NO. tU FIFTH STREET, de.'2.ldt J. A., LIPPERT, Agent. 11l HE FRANKLIN ksl RE INSURANCE 2. COMPANY, OF PITILADELPHIA. Duutexer.s--eharles W. litiner, ThOilllts Hart, Tobtaa Wagner, Saniurd thaw, Jacob R. Smith, Liao. W. Richards, Mordecai D. Loomis, Adolphi E. Soria, David S. Browne, Mor• ria Patterson. C•aes. N. PANc.o.T., rresidtto.. Clues. Socretary. Continuo to make insurance•, perpetual or limited, op eviu, description of property, iu town and eunutry, at rates ar, low as aro consistent with security. The Company have reaerved a large Contingent Entul, .21lich,with their capital and promiun,s, safely invested, ai. ford ample protection to the usanred. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1351, as pub. Rahed agreeably to on Act of Aitioadily, were rut fallow, Mortgage $918,1'.:8 118 Real listate 51,377 78 Total 61213,708 44 Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one yeare, they have paid upward of Oneilon Four Hundred Than sand Donate,l oases by lire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition 'O3 meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER. COFFIN, Agent, Oahe, north-east cur. Wood and Third sta. NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANd, OF PHILADELPHIA, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS. 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the General Insurance Law, with a Cush Capital of $lOO,OOO, privileged to increase to $lOO,OOO. In sures against loss or dams go by FIRE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. IL 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICIPD 8111ELDS, V. Pres', GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. DIELECITOtS : IL 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, D. Montgomery, W. 0. Stotesbuly, It. M. Carlile, Richard Shields, It F. Shewell, O. C. Butler, William Osborn-, George Scott. TITS do CHAFFEY, Agents, jcl:y Office Lafayette Hall, entrance on Wood u. INSURANCE. I=l OY/14.11:iCEI: V. 1 LLI !NI V. PETTiI.', I:. F. WITMER, Pre. idetit. - D. .1. McOANN, .41. -, c'ertal v. 14 I. ii,E INS() RA NCE, $2.52,485 89 MI TINGLEY, Proddent. ons. Samuel Filthlime, Robert Steen, - William Musser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Martha!! Hill, - Z I r othrop, Charles Loland, Jacob T. bunting, Smith Bowth, Win. M. Semple, Pittcb'c. I. lIINCIEGAN, secretary. DINE COFFIN, Agent, or Third and Wood streets. ItObERT P. RING, Prveidout. M. W. BALIAVIN, DMICITORS. E. E. tleorgo IV. BrIM Jo3oplk Phu!, John Clay Loll. fiarl• ...I (layer, .IS Favery, Sher-ankh. berrnau, .1. Xlagargoo, P 7. Wilor. J. litaorinuatit, Secretary. El= WEST BRANCH. L'OOIC HAVEY,'CLINTON COUNTY. EMI= Tholuns Kitelteu. 110 N. 0. O. lIARVEV, Prezl.l-11t. T. T. AtatAms, Vleu Prodider.t. Titus. NITOILEN, BoCrotary. P.EYElttNut:i. Temporary Lonna Stocka asap, aa PITTSBURGH LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PITTSBU.IIOI.I, P-A. ROBERT gALWAY, Prcaido•,: ALEX. BaiDLUY, VICO Preskeut. F. A. 113Nansai, S..,cretnry. Air This Company males (3X.Ory incr...ranee app ortainlog to or connected with LIFE ItatliS. Also, against [RILL AND CARO() RISKS on the Ohio and Mississippi Itivereaud tributes les, mid MARINE RISKS generally. And against Loss and Damage by Piro, and againnt the Forge of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportatium Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. ' DIBUCTOIDL; Robert Gelway, Saranel M'Clurkar, Joseph I'. Gazzam, M.;., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Ilailman, °harks Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Mut, David IL Chnall'ors. nobort If. Ilartisy, William Carr, Jno. M.elill. EI .., '23 WESTERN INSURA Oh COMPANY OF PITTSBURI GEORGB UAR3I ,Atk,itt: _ v. Clounos, Secretary. 07710 E No. 92 Water street, (Shang A Co's Warehouse,l up etairs, Pittsburgh. Willtnsureagainatallkindsot Eoc IiAitTIVE.RISES A Home Institution, managed by lli:ect who aro 'el known in the cornfaunity, and who are dut,!tTrlinutl, promptness and liberaity, to maintain the •heracter whisk• they have 321.5111110 d, a, offering the hest protection to tin.., who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 31st, 1857% Block Accounts,- Mortgago,---- Bills Receivable,. Office Furniture,. Open Accounts,. Cash, Premium Notes,.. Bills Discounted,. DUIZOTOP4 George Doable, IL nor, Jr., J. IY. Butler, Clear-e J.,rk,un Imineii M^Axdoy, Alex- Sneer, Andrew Ackley, Win. Knight, Nathaniel Hohneti, Alexander Illralck, D. M. Long,Win. IL Smith, G. W. Rickisan, P. M. GORDON, noviti Secretary. VAN CORDER' S T lid NIIMING sToRE, The Einbraltelltry Department ofiONTAINS ALL OF TILE A.. 1,1 n ro. talgcly PHI; TRISI ING DEPARTMENT , Lc iutz repkni2hol , eet,, l 1.1/0) C)CI,S ~Ist THE Its'ARIET DIi,?PARTHENT Gent's Furnishing Department Cuutainn SUIRT:, in White and Fancy Colors; CRAVATS, TIES, COLLARS, SUSPENDERS SILK AND LISLE UNDERSHIRTS, LINEN AND MERINO DRAWERS, ETC HOSE AND HALE HOSE In Cotton, Merino and Silk, for Men, Women, Ha the Glove Department Will be found a complete assortment of AL.9`, A LARGE BTCCE OP SILL AND SILK LISLE GAUNTLETS Is cualtdoto and contains Ut nil ti ai lotest ilylvss, Al:so, Ots.pt. Mark Starling, Samuel M. Kier, .lohn S. Ditwortb, rrancla Sellers, William B. Ilaya. Johr Shipton, Walter Bryant, 83,866 17 01,,,,50 0 01,348 Sl $121,500 00 2,160 00 4,161 67 240 00 • 9,478 04 14,841 46 40,216 09 125,003 7E $317,641 71, MISCELLANEOUS. NEW Sr fitiNG GOODS 78 MARKET ,TREET. t.;4)l.l,Ait:f, ALL THE NOVELTIES, Wilt thruith Cuafou:era with PINS, NEEDLES, TAPES. SPCOI, COTTON, BUTTONS, TO., AND SHALL WARE GENERALLY THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Ie full of all kinds of opinion of others—and, thepost and most deli cate of all, his warm admiration of a pretty lit tle g:rl of eight or len years old, the daughter of a surgeon in the neighborhood, whose principal charms were a blue frock, red cheek?, and "such KID, LISLE AND SILK GLOVES; t" and children THE.' LAMES' IDEPARTIMEN'r ir.. op is; CORSETS ;:;TAMPED WORK, ‘l' ORKINO AND MARKING COTTON, WORSTED, CANVAS, ETC., ETC. MILLINIM DEPARTMENT. lit I% hit ust+oltulent. uT VA BRUNS., FINE FRENCH FLOWERS, •;llli?, t; ;,ND13 , ,3, N 'MA, LADES, ETC., .ETC 1'•:r: run will i lons. call ulal exaruhlo tlao GOODS, and PB.R3b.S, at FR MME VAN GORIBER'S, ,v2I: I • j t,U 78 MARKET STREET. .I.7a.,Cll)lalP.X.DgCwra The Best and Cheapest in Use. ADAIR, GRANT & HARTMAN, ANUFAPTURERS AND DEALERS TN WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water Proof Felt, Cement anti Gravel Roofs, astie, Fire Water Proof Canvas Roofing, ROOFING MATERIALS. FICI; NO. 24- FIFTH STREET. Some of our Canvas 130. , 1's may he seen at the 1 - ,lluwing placpt:—G. O. tluas,.•y k Co.•a copper worl.•e: Plielp, Parke A; Co 'e carriage factory, Mandteater ; Grail, B-pact' Co.'e new rolling mill. RuLhoon Minnie' foun- ry and machine shop; Jeanei Millingarii new planing id. South Pittsburgh; Gen Win. Robinson's Swelling. Al ,;houy; P. Fr. W. 5: C. R. Ii , and C., C. h C. R. R. freight Crebtlino, Ohio. P Ft. 'N. g C. R. It. btrilaings, •chester and St•wichlsy hitt/dining bridge. WARREN'S ROOPf Al had beau iu 11 , 10 - fifteen years, and t • satisfaction. Call, or mend to our ollio , for a circular, over Aikty letter;tostifying I td superior durability fee MUM of Warren's Roofing on Dug cane Depot, St. Ciorh , a lintel, Now Dispatch Building, Poet Building, Chron icle, Building, St. Audi owe E. Church, Hand street: Monelou unae, (Mara (llama Work; C llimeen". Glaze Warehouse, W Coe rolling null and tacit factory. OUR ELASTIC CEMENT, Van 11.1 L ply mi OLD IRON mud TIN ROOFS, which makca wu ciit better watt r prucC. [aii23:Eint Proposals. ()MOE ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD,t Pittsburgh, April 2.3 d, 1858. VXTENSION OF RAILROA_D TO MA i lIONING —The Bard of alanagers oldie Allegheny Valley It-iltoad Company, invite oropesals for the gi adna- I ion, masonry and bridging of that portion of said railroad lying between Eitla. tang and moue. of Motioning, a dis tance of tea Al,'. for cross-Coo, r.ilbbare, spikes and clmire. Fide are erli"ited 6 r doing sail work in in-Clone of coo or more mi!eß, and alto for the whole work. Sopar•. .te bids for graduation and masonry, tridging, cromtito, icon, and chairs, for tha wholo dr part of said work• wilt bo t.toMored. E==l tuck of the Company, bearing interest. Bids to o receive at tho thee of the Company, until ATURDAY, he 15th day ol Slay nes t Ry order of the Board. W. N JOHNSTON. President Proposals for lillasonry. DROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the uuderaigned for the building of five thousand five bundled porehes of masonry (Atha new piera and abutments .)! tho Allegheny Bridge, betwe,n vow and the lOte of next o:• - eth 1 lane and 9. et: tleatic.:o may be examined at the r.vgincer'e office, at the Allegheny end of the old Allegheny .1 TIN A. ROEBLING, up 2 i:lO*J Engineer Allegheny Bridge Company. B YB' CI, 0 TIIINGI- ItIeCIAIC good fits, at low prlcts, In the CI- LINE,(IO TO GOTLIIO EAU., Corner of V, 0041 street and Diamond alley Co3t.tract for Suppiy of Marine Hospital. LU6 - 10.11 IJOUSE, t Pittsburgh, April 12th, 1858. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TINT se.led acc.A.p lam' by pro - or g tutran c To fprine *.o to forni.hed, on applicatio tl3l. ;fire, will ba received thereat until 12 o'clock, meridian, uu • 1.1 lIRT TUES!..at in June next, for the supply of ttlp liar ne 11 ,, l1Viutl, nett- this Lath tha a ticlee or Provin ..ll-. Medic!uu, e - c., enumerated iti said forms. Thu qnau- ..• firmed 4re ~..ltiunited with nAbrenca to the auverai unm•• her e , Falun 3is tr Hospital. but the United stand reserve tot !LL;h: to taho more or I. cffi f ea :d ar iclea, accordingly ~ 1A they may be actually required. if the articles delivered , t r the flaspdal ore not iu he judgment M the Phyiii. ian the best finality, and adapted to the Ike 'Hal he will bi; at liberty to reject the same, to purchase other article in their stead, and to charge the contractor with any excess in • the cc't ever the contract prices The United States risfortm the right to accept the proposal for the whole or any portion of the articles specified. JOHN TIASTINOS, Surveyor and Agent Marine Hospital. ft Proponale for Paving. .• pROPOSALS WLI., BL RECEIVED BY the nnarsigned, until FRIDAY, the aUth of April in stsut, for CURBING and PAV'NG that portion of Ohio str.et, oppo ito the Weetorn Penitentiary, est riding west %ear dy Crum Webster street to the Rai read Bridge. Aloe. for PAVING WITH BRICK, the eidetu elk or feet-1 set , fronting Con Penitentiary ground., on sold Ohio street. Tho proposals will stoic the price per I i teal foot for Curbing anti rho •tizo t.nel character of the Stone to bo used for that . purposes- They will also state the price per square yard fot tits niobble-Ston e a etrue t puvemeuts and the price per aqua to yard f r the brick pavement. Thu pavement of the foot- Way, to 1 0 e of herd cherry brick, of such quality as shall set approved by the Warden. j Thy prces bid, as above, to include all the sand, grzo.,t, and other materials, and wo•k necessary to complete the contract to the satisfection of the ' uspectors. In addition to the bidaing for the work, as above men- Genet t, which will be considered as being made for cash, on the completion of the ceutrect, the proposals will state, ut, what prices the work will be done rn a credit of TWELT„P. MONTHS. S JON L'S, T.reasarer • MUM IIIEESE.-225 bezels prime W. R. cutting clweso recuh ad and for rule, by mrl:2. agNIZIY H COLLINR. TIOTEL CANDLES.--61) -boxes I.2's and Eff 18'a, llokl Can. band'ecad ittr tele by te.lB a a h a snayss. ifj YE FLOUR-20 bble. in store and for A, sale by [W3I ILENIIY 11. COLLINS. ARD—in kegs----for sale by 2,41 Dar HENRY EL OOLLINIL THE DA ILI POST. lIIARIANNE ESTERLING. 1858, [coNTlNum,:j From the first hour they met, Basil observed to this boy P. ft:11111v attraction toward him, which, moccover, ho watt somsvihat surprised td feel rectprocatel iu his own nand. lie could not account for the regard be thus u.) auddenly entertained for the youth. 1.10 ::ad certainly the finest bey h, Lad ever tieen, and thli, along with the fact of iii❑ being hie namesake, and having been spoken of by tha master, - was all be could think of an eausiug the feeling. The , 2Knution, too, of loving any objz.ot, was to him quite a novslty; for through a period of years ho had not had any Cid:ma, add but very few ac quaintances: whani oonkty, besides, had been rather a burden in Idol than deeltable In the course) of a few weekathey had heentne inseparable conipanien.l, aml kentned to feel much and mutual delight in etn:ll other's society. They walked awl rodo the neghborhood together, and at home weto always side by side. The effeot was soon evil:lout on little Geralll-L-he took to books with morn zeal and assiduity than any other boy s kt the soh col, and Boon fully redeemed hiB oha.Aaer for talent. At the same limo he lost much of hio devotion - to the play ground, and would have neglected it altogether were it not that Basil 1.1e4 ..3areptimeaho applaud his dexterity at the variona games. And the stimulus to all this was the approval of his friend. Oae wont of prai,iti could do more than twenty applications of the vc:l,whiie, if anything was going en, a single serious. look woul,l make him cease on the instant, and go way to another corner of the room, where he would sit as quiet as a mouse Lill roam won' of hiudnons would draw him frow hi 3 hiding plane. Basil was his coa,itaut refarenco in all caries of doubt or difficulty the 'lc outlay of inkstands, books and playthings-4110 surgeon of all outs and bruises. Ile was made the confident of all his thoughts and fuulings--the injuries received from his playmates—his determination not to submit to them—iiio dislike of some and good As they ran:bled about together, the subjects of their conversation were sometimes curioue— such as moral right and wrong. justice, honor, courage, leanly of scenery or any object, taste and the like. On such topics Basil used to listen with great pleasure to his little friend's ideasr treating him always r 43 an equal, and allowing him his full half uf the conversation; when hit; opinions were incorrect, mildly and playfully stating his own, end where the error lay. Frequently, too lie talked to him, but always w ith the ;A i r of companion—one receiving an well in; giving information—en matters of natural history, foreign. eountries, strange experiences of his own ; or would tell him an ecdotes of great men, or give him abkdraets of the stories of plays and poems. And so happy did little Gerald feel in sues Circumstances, that he would often come to Basil, take him by the hand, and say, "Come and have a walk with mo and give me a lecture." One evening in summer, when they had a long ramble together, gathering nets and blackberries Basil, tired out, sat down to rest by the sunny side of a rock orownt.d with au ancient tower. Little tierald came and eat down by his Hide, t.ud after a loin; silence, bursting into tears, let big head fill upon hi) shoulder and sobbed cut,— . "My dear Mr. May, I don't know how it is, hut I am never happy but when I am with you. Aso you a philosopher ?" Such woro the traits that made Basil's heart warm to this boy, towards whom he E;00:1 felt an affection that in its strength and peculiar char- actor brought up to his mind that which ho had borne long ego to hie own father. It seemed tho identical sort of feeling, equally intense and equally pleasurable. When Gerald was not. near him he felt a "want," as the expression is,while his mind was full at anxiety lent some accident might happen to him ; he could never apply his thoughts seriously io any subject unless ho was un d e r hie eyes nor di i he ever teel cheerful save when the clear voice, and merry laugh of his lit' le favorite were ringing iu his ear. The greatest punishment Basil could inflict open (lerald was to withhold his centenaries 'torn him—not to speak to him for some days ; and this the culprit bit 1110eL lle iris very miserable indeed, nod the wa ye h e t oo k to get once more into his geml graces viers as awns jug as they were en inn Aware that 13:1:,i1 was always pleaaml with ;dui for studiousness,he would got hold .f helm, great volume, and fitllt • irr g himself a little from him, would pour close. ly (NM. it for hours, ever and anon lifting his eyes to see if he were, how diligent he was, or if Lilo :dem expression of h;a face were relaxing. To such a pre.‘,.eteling his - obduracy cnis sure :uid they wca.ll.l speedily be friends again. • wh en (lonia I ( O s ill, rvt 11,11g431' oualy, any.iety 17)10 ineressed to torture ; he was hardly able t f , il through hin avocations as a teacher, , ani at night ectild not sleep. Ito felt a constant impub , e to go to him to net) whether he was not 11 , :ttnr, and at last seated ttnuself beside ill bed, and took upon himself the °thee of aurae, althotig the disease was an tnfeetious one, and he was certain he never had , himself. Nor Was it til he was pronrunced convalescent that h 6 Inn - rent , ' his peace of Blind, or was tit for any exertion. I 11)1 atiDther th•11.:11,1, With some ()there, 1.14,1 beeu found guilty ( very heinOUS schoolboy offense, fur vlnioli pur&liment was demanded. Basil pleaded much to get hi, .ti, but stern kutice, in the acapc of Mr. Elder . isy, vac ; and he, had to look cu while every blov inflicted on his little favorite made his own nerves thrill with double the pain. But this Tits prior to the illness. In the icourse cf hie recovery from the latter he tins •me evening enpressing„ 'With tears, his gratitude li .nd ”tfection to such a disinterested friend ; •4 I like you very well, indeed," eaid ho— better than any one else " " What, Gerald, better than your father and ni,ther, and all at home I" Yoe know it would not be right to love any bo y better than them." ‘• But, alter them, I am the hest liked, I hope." "Yes; but I like my grandfather very welt, too Oh, very kind; t,ut not no kind nor SO good as you are. t Quit you veers Home relation to me." ‘• Yen know you tiro my little adopted son—my son G-rold." " Y(39, that's all very (Inn, but, wheu I leave you and go homo, you will soon forget all about me." About a month after Ilk when he was again well and active, and running about as before, ho was suddenly called home to his friends. This was a blow sufficiently severe to Basil, who had for several months felt all but happy in his soci ety. NEW NUTS.- .20 , 00 1 ushola Pea tint , ; 10 bage Ecirtleanx. Almond,:; all t I `, Slay 'la HAM Altiwillti; .g''''''-,:.. paper She 1 a '" --.. . ,i) " Alibe tn . ' ra ‘• EmNli Walnutii; ".. i , %5 " ircairitints; *2O " Pecen ' 7- •_.'ooo Cocoa Nntd. lust feceived and for salo by tti'.l.'ll..F.X. it ANDERSON, No. 10 WoOd atteist. lti I,sito tho St. Cbiirlea hotel. REIGN FRUITS! REDIJOTION IN PRICES, AT TILE PAGODA. TEA ST 01111. Wo art, now mellitig Turliiy Currants at Sc 'it lb. French and Zanto Curr Ant,,, at 10c and 160 lil lb. New Valinlcia Itnliins bi , L aiilibig, at liii,;(,c 14 lb. Naw Malaga • at 1r.,. 7zi lb. . Now.bniyrua Figs li.iS end 1:1,2 /1 lb. Now OFrinan Prunes at ILly 4 c qt lb. Aldo, Citron, 1•0111(nk awl ()Tango Peels, Spice..., etc. Raisins, Currants, Figs tied Prunes, iiitnle salo at Wu :.,w , emt naukot price. 11AIVOICTL1, 1tit0..4 UROWNLEE. mot errvi , Piuulimil 11P14 DiiilTMlsi Illil,v. Western . Ponitanttry . I.IOOKS-lor splicing India 'tubber ID or I,c,,thtr Bolting—a +Ludy v( tltu different :t i e , ei Jolt recved tied Yale, by J. if. lIIPi iLIVS, tnair atA.t. NAM BER 167 A DOM ESTI° • STORY "LI be very kind to you':" [To 4::ONTiNIICIP.