• -2- " ' SPECIAL NOTICES. APPOINTMENT EXTENDED TO r JUNE FIRST. DRS. C. Al. F17(1 - 1 4 .1. W. SYKES; theii Office, ial 2 criti eitrzct JPPOtireE Ei. CLAIR HOTEL, SUL HOU PA 2iLL JUNE F112.5i, 156 e, And may be ooLuultad daily, (exeeift Sundayb) t,,r .iSCHISI.t. to.D ALL ‘A.A.111.A1 , 41% . ; eitunitig lududitig eatarrii. Heart DilCl.l3e, Affecti.ins Dyrpepsia, Gastritis, Female Aty :Ay% 1.:3 P. ot.id httaafibitt ta.-!r tlettlaiseUt C.' CC 0 ~ I LLlvti..o tho to thAt t, V- :4.1 tyv , rt. s , tarae, 64:4 &-4. r.. c 0../ Ci•ir.lly , 1-,uppinftii in the ltarpt, .wa 1/1..1 ' y I tier Vt4l . ,etu pt ,jy , I( v‘ ti kad 1, lata It, the bi..,al MI.Ad ttf CLOILLFI/ (LC tkrs [l.•.y 11 , 4 HALATIW., nun tl.-y ylluv en: iii-nl.l, ~/tine I au,i wasting tho Liam, ot on La, t/can.,out Li,. 14 - At ful, t!,,t I:. » dfrrct ria,uuei 1,, N. ,Lzakt, Ili .' . . , ^tat th.) 3 AICOUgUiI. iit. 0../6 to Ly inlet. and 0 JI INI titf trot, Pittnburgh, Pa. 4a. ALL tiriti tiziE 'cat' ARE SATIS'IED THEM Aok.,:iJauctill 1. IE6I C.a A iiitiJE t VAL caid:— •• Itkr Bittki:;;.vd vital, and I illicit; ti. -1 ~,r-tittu.3 tittu.3 so t QS tit:y -‘,r.l,7%cti4u ua-i thom." _. _ adr~,ctt~rmcnt 14AI - hit:NO 1.1t:06.ta10 .t 0 u. abe~dHr Pill 01F0o1; 01 THE SVILLE H. ritt4burgb, &pit 21. t, 1858. :OR PJ SI:JOILI•II.IiEft B . A speii:i I.I•UAL -11 d C toi. the'Eitocklieldirs oC the [talk:We li,llrond C,,inpaziy will be bold at the oft3w of the Cetu;..y. (Jd,u-d Puddieg, fourth r trcet,) In tun city of Pittsburgh, on viti DA f, the 7th day of !day next, at eleven o'cluei., e. It., Cur the purpose of cou'ideritig :4111 , 1 4 LEIIENT To AN 0111)11 , 4ANOE, eritittud ".in Oidi uaace to ittliiriiiitco the thaidd of the Pittati,irgit and eon zwils.dik, C.,nipaity, approved January 24, 1853, td.. ; ,,r nod City Comes of ISaltinr.t a, Oa the 2te: J,4y - of Afd I', 1858, awl of trit'aee.ottog such other beet- Lt]Gl 6 inch he nlibillitt.3l to thu :3tuCtalUithrB. tip22Btda2ti: A . 1,. iILSSEI,I„ E.e-LtutAry. 7.-7. 1 4. TILE d Y BANK bueillbia Vi title lh I.s.ak ti. ill he tran.ay.i...,.i ut tho coraer of Third kilt/ IltrUet:3, LIU and after Menday the 19th Inst. apl9:tf--a J. W. COOK, Catildof. FUnNESS MEN'ii DAILY UNION 1 4 i1.41hilt liiTiELTINti, at LAHAYIITTri UAL!, etit.et, from 12 to 1 u'cleoli, RICIA,Y, April 9.1 t, and cootie la .4 •:.utit I,n)nieu will the zaeatit..so, La cleigyL:rc.. tru eftruently requested 7.reiwilt and tahe part in the.ezereiiiaa. Cotne in for ;Iva taianti - s, if von cannot r..hiain leuger. .0:t1 PHI:SRI RCA! - STEEL %Wit ki fi, 130Y1.2. ... JoNEk-i, BOYD co f! 5 . ST ‘:`4l, 1 . 1 i)Y,I :•31•1< I AND AILLz. St( VIT.CB.I.S ORO li t VA MIZE gib: ate. V:: CY .44 S 41; , =ME I:,:PRUVia) a 7 E j, I B C 4 rVCO i. TEE!' it , t'Jedtr. WILLIAM CLANTON AV CO., AND 3 1 8. _ 67 La '..5.1_41 1 .4D , CLurcy, ttud 6.-audie3 ; :./Li av y.sL.i3 dui it.atitoil Vl+ hi6hy, of ch. (3,-2kllse:* itichu(DYM/ tj OHN reav,rati it) 1.40 71 -,,,, C 0 rvilv.l I ',;'3i CP bi M E Ri..l fi A iN - r r , ell= tPitk.t t41:::1Fa 74 ETEr. Pri'I'SBURGLI, PA JAiltit. , 'S ..t1 IP Er . i' k: it; Forwarding, and OtiodaiiiB,ion rderenai,t, '1•11.5 FIDI7, I tutt6r, ti.abds. gwa.rully, Garner C: Crizia•Etet. and toirst a tracts. i'll-Ttlitlit4.4l-1, BrIZR 111,110), 1.411. , „ Willits Dilworth, Cis, . Oachtf-rt fir.yd s ljtt, Uotpkcil wwrinhen, ti. Cra..4s• L Li. t ..11 s kl. Bung. List .t llsngln t. V' 0,41 - & . tc.v7vt•tio.• Et flo Mi Ait E. ( az ..A IiiJEL FATINESTOUK, No. 74 WOOD LI) basor Laua x large STOCK OF TIARDVITA.B.E, Which ho r. ill sail voEy low for (USU... In.additi.u; to hi 3 I.ooks, Knivo3 and Forks, arid 9puoua, aril a large a.sor riwat Took, hn, has rec.] ved o Int gn nun ply u t Cutvora and tttuffara • Tongund and flokei:n; Sleigh Bolin, and Enainnind E•roan4.l.e, KiAtie4. °Mee o Sealer or liireights and illieaskareg. 0114 - 'IOE OF 'I'IIE UNDERSIGNED, 5r.,....L2a CP WE10.111'.3 4,V ME.41. 47 a es, he.h._slotth, iu lanncy alley, butv.l.4u 'ehird and Fourth stust3, wn.ro ordocs umy ha - Ica. ' mrl3:ti ORA RIES BARNETT. ROBERT JA11.60.8. BUILDING ROBERT 1)A LZELL & 00., Wholesala ti•,.l...l.l,l.!.)ultniaiien and t'cniarding Merchants n ud Dualer3 acd Vittr.bure, , h Mareafacturei, Nu. 26.1 Lib, r ty Ntri . . s.. , e•eb. P rior2fays c 1 e3i! 1 •42.-E Faun. IL, P. pure,n4sed the a . iutereat of JACOB fItiFFAIAN, in the aria of Hull . 411114, the utile of the firm will hereafter he tjaol.loooii, ' , PC:REEKY it CO. Sir. fluff:man will still fe1.48111 la 1.1,u 11111,1 , .`1A1i, A CO. , t( & CO (CUU3LU9UNi MAI 4, 1%11.7112.ENA Forwarding and Cua►mission I=l IetiODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL 11• E l'ict31•116,11), PYNtca LuuiN; F.Lt'n Csi U. Chilli s. , U " Col !!: ' •• .1 'is. 2/1 , 114m • (tx,il4m, 1-.1,,..1„ .t Co., •• g. 15 13r0.i , , I.lt DAVID ).VILLIA-14S, /11\111. iiNtilNEiAz., AND (JONTit it k) FOR THE EItEOIION OF OAS WOliEt, tin (tutu qurutrb d. 14 1 tli.w.cr,L, nay 11,utiug ButMingo ; publto yr private, t Wz.tbr 4'uxhas.ol. nyi:l , is Li iti4 IPA 0 0 H a 1➢ C 0 UJNUPa'YURHR OT iiiletheith, Pinta AI ugattd, GALVA NIZ ED EE 1' iRoN, te ,,,,,,pn g , . if Stag, zitiEff rti Hoff. WOOD'S P. 4 T I' AT ittni k4IBSM StriffEt t t 1 t....,c/Tat atreet, Ear 1 y Ailderistaa's Ohice. AIIES S. lIQUN, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTICE U F' viiE PEACE, AND POLICE td.A.OI.3TRATEI—OnIce, No. CIS streut, snarly the Court House, Pittsburgh, Pg. Csiniitintis, Acknow• Judgments and ProusLi examiucil, Deeds, Irauda, Slugs es, Wll6. 1.-nies, Artich6 of Agree ot Per.cernnig, Leiter, oi Attornny, etc., etc, drown tipi at iti;:ct notice; llarria; - , - ,a zolemilicr..l. and all tho tda< UI ln3 unduial d iiee, promptly attended iu OdlLe hem; rt. tn 1 v. Lt , and from 2 t .11P ;a. aklttly ELliglat Cream Alp riluE SUBSCRIBERS' RESPECTFULLY auuouucr t, their CU it umete and tbe public, that on-- lug to the prim. , La' Parley end Ut.t.l suit thw they are brewing w light rlld dultcluu.3 liuvortd OItEAN.I ALE, Which they are eAlini4, ulsl ,f, bzrcul, and boon) KELIR OF TEN 0 acu.tuniodate otivate facelift's. Tory have tail, X ALE, ut id; at $7, out superior HENNET at Std Vi bbl., And smaller c...F.91c4 in propvrtiun. Also,nanelleut PORTER. AND BROWN STOUT. Air Orders beat to then Brewery ...is PITT STREET, will 12C#1ve prompt atteatiou ral(k3m gale, uu TRUP.-1 0 bble. N. 0. Syrup e for coostamu.ut, by (417 ) R. IIENII. COLLINS FISIL- 1 0 0 pkgB. IVl4ite Fisti,•Trout, Sal moo, etc:.' iap7l lIENItV 11. COLLINS. -7 1 -. AVVRENTJEVI LLE BU 1 I.UlNci LCD's ILA FOR SALE.—A huil.g lot of 1137 feet tri,et eo his iet street by 1114 teet deep to n lt; R. al kr:, %ill bo d'o, ided to Walt purcbatere. Ale >, throe building lota ull Butler street, te ar GU feet (root by Lig derrtonirttiley. Also, u lot of CIS feet trout ou Pike street by sufeot d , =op, with a (mule house. The above properties are offered at low prises arid ou easy tent [split) f.r. LPPIIEL'ILT a SUN, f.,1 Margret et SE= ap'22.l , +3i4f MEM t,iif7:t?:il, PA piTIBBURUH, PA 6ho. W. tibILTEI a Oil ~~~; ma y, ~ ~-y. _' :~~ ~. _ ?,?0,A.7:,,. : - '! . .Lf'' -f .';i i )• 4 LOCAL AFFAIRS. Arres:. of Lottery Agents. Yesterday morning there vies quite an excitement at the Maym's care, arising from the arrest of to number of per. sons concerned in the sole of lottery tickets in this city. For came time past the Mayor has had iris eyes on these parsons, and has only waited for a proper opportunity to ar re t them all at once. The descent was fixed for eleven o'cioak yesterday morning, and at that time the Mayor, hav ing called ha a few membare of the night watch to assist the regular officers, formed rise `'squads," of three office's each, to act in concert and secure nil at once. The find party, rola tustiug of the Mayor, Chief of Police Hague, and ollicer Wray, went lila to the 'the of William Force, in Lafayette Hail, which was foetal closed; they thru pr, ceeded to the office of dames A. Toner, on tth.:coruer-ot the Diamond sod Ma,ket strefiq, where Mel eructed Mr I cud pusis stun et all th-, I,,perd ce.,c,e..tvd with ft], I.ultf.,sB They thou ry , ut to the office of Bergen et, ter, scar the Exchange arts, :.hum ~ptund, ks well ea Force, croon the, fuead there odd °As Richardson and lie, d , 4313 d LliiitctAoaL feed dropped in at ahather establi , thrueut un Fifth street, where they found Walter Williams and Hoer. Rely, cud 5.500 persona who were nrirLtiesing titters officer Moon, with Masers. Wilson cud Loran of the night watch, tielted the 634Ca1b.1 of Capt. Short, ow - ,r Lravo's store to the Diamond, and 1 arrested him, stopping ou their return at the office of B. O. Steck,- on Fourth etreet, and securing him. The next squad consisting of officers Patterson, Keely, and Clark ,Called on Mr. Bernard Perry, in his office in the Iron City College building, where they found hint in cominunicatlon with two poi - sans who wele about to purchase tickets, but he was obliged to close his negotiations for the present. Officers Bostwick, Mcon and Knox arrested James M'Kee and Jaw ill'Oormick. In half an hour from the start, the whole party was collected at the Mayor's office. A largo quantity of Pet:- ets,wholes,halves stud quarters, schemes, drawings:memoran dams, &c., were captured at the different offices. The schemes and tickets Ware on all the lotteries in the country —the Delaware Stato, Maryland State, Patapsco Inetituto, Sparta Academy, ile.agia, hod a truinuer of others. Mr. Williams had larger quantity of "capital" than any ~1 the others, and the tickets represented several thousand &i -lure. The agents were extremely desirous that the Mawr should return the tickets to them, In order that they might return them to the officer, as if they retain them until after the th awing they are held responsible for what they repre.seut. After an examination iakd the matter, Messrs. Force, loner, O'Brien, Williams, Kelly, Short, Steck, and Bernard Perry were held to bail in one thousand dollars ouch for their op_ pearance at the next term of the Court of Quarter Sessions, while James Al'Kee, Rohn M'Cutie and J. Rarnaley, the par ties who were twilit' at Perry's about putekasing tickets, pad John SPCoreolck, and J, H. P. Swearer, of Brownsville, who wore arrested under similar circumstances at Williams were held to bail in live hundred dollars each to appear at the same time as witnesses. We hope that something may result from this itepoi tent arrest. Several times the same process has been gone through with, but from some cause the offenders have Lever been brought before the Court. In this case, the seccrity for the appearance of the parties is good, and it will be well fur the community if these men who have long and openly violated the statutes of the State, receive a merited uoiab_ went. The penalty for the offense is heavy, he era: ut of the law being a flue of ten thousand dollars, and imprisov, ment in the Penitentiary for three years. Soma of them declare their Intention of abandoning the business fax eve. , and only regret that they had not. dune so sooner. The lfayoi and his odium deserve praise for the suceLax of this crusade, and should these parties be convicted of ti.e offense, it will be a wide step in the reformation of ea. city. The Mayor has expressed Lis determination to use el: his tudri,Vurd to suplirtiai all swindling iteLemes i.f 0,12 bar- Country Items. On last Saturday n.y.rning ths reildunce if Rev I. yal Young, near the town of Butler, was discovered tc i un fire, and the efforts of the citizens had but little bat etopplug the flames, which soon destroyed the building. The family lust their clothing and other personal prol,city. Tbcra was a urnall insurance on the building. Thy next 91 the 111ca.ie ita A.:ado/I.y will iNiainieticu tin flax". Woineadity, the 26tli iudt. 'the i3ciazdi of luatrnc thin will tha liEva4a . as heretofore. TLa Laiauga au:Lai/UE.3 of Blau:a/lug have c,:int/actr,i with Juba .913. Lew, of Philad-lphla, f,:a a ei,aud iv dclheied to the Loo. - /th L./ J. ites. it P. Tllvco,i, I.to (as, Indiana, boa beeept,i a ::.it and removed to tialsio OR)84 Roads, Westmoreland ssonat - i. Ho takes ahaego of the congregations ot Salon, and -iicinity. •;:r,ree cf uie citizens of Eittannint: ara you iutliBnant at litorary fraud which has bean perpetrated ou them. 1;,.. tiers wera inecrted,in 1112 pztpers announcing that would I. tore before the YuLag rJ Liter ary Society of that placo. It has ei,.e hiked out 4.m:a luctwar is a myth, axiatinkr may in the ilaugihati,al vt teiv me: rtrra ct tho eaid eoriety, fond cf a practical fey: tickets ireVa BON, WialLil were red.aewed 011 th..C6/7.• Cilvery tf the aril. ho alinz LOUS6 i&sayh Weaver, near Roita et L in Ivc.s burned to the ground a f w da36 faraato in the boaae was badly bullied ; but Id i❑ a ittir - ::ay to rEcwvor adw edified for the Clarion Cullaglate Institute is to Le erected dariug, the coming 81:1113133.3f. A respectable amount Las already been aubscribed to forward the enterpl tie ,hoSeiAl tiluz.ra, a (Taiwan residing to Harriet - dig, choked to death ca the 18th, while eating e inner, by a rdt— (4 moat lodging in the :ruches, which it wan found inir,c6:i ble to roniove before Le was auffecated. Two yuung men named Beelamin Owen, at Neverniet, nulavan county, were drove nod on Thursday tact by the upsetting of a small boat near the Delaware Water Gap. Their bodies were subsequently recovered. Ills railroad bridge oar the Vernon river at Mt. Veruou, Ohio, swat swept away ou the night of Monday, the 11th, by a heavy freshet. Oa-Wedneeday of last weak Mr. John Harvey, of West moreland county, was ou his way to mill, accompanied by a Loy, when hie buten became filghteued, rau down a sterp bill, and threw Mr. 11. on his head, cutting it terribly. 1 a lay insensible while the Loy ran almost a mile for tridetauf e. Us was convoyed home by the nelghbois, and cutitine,d deliritatl for toll days, but is LIG V. doing well. ft Thief and Forger Captured. Yesterday morning a man named William B. Roes, Who has been stopping at the Monongahela House for some dt‘ys past, called un Mr. M. L. Henderson, the clerk of the eatab lishment, about eight o'clock, with a check for forty dolls:a on Kramer& Rahm, signed "David Allen & Co ," requesting Mr. IL to gibo him four dollars on it, assigning ae a reason that the brokers' at CO was nog open. The clerk, euspectiug all was not right, ietitincd the check arid sent for oflPer Hague. When Rose saw Win he took to his heels and ran up into Pipetown, followed closely by Hague. Finding him self so closely pursued, he resorted to stratagem to escape. cud stepping into Parry's foundry, was found walking about with his hands in his pockets, asking the price of stoves lie was taken to the Mayor's cilhte, when the coat and vest lest by Mr. Scott, et the 'Red Lion Hotel, last Saturday night, were fund on his person and itiontitled, though he persist.d is denying the charge. He will have a latiaring Was Cusbnian , a Second Nigiat 'Plieetre was again densely crowded last to wit. twee Mi s Cashman'a Lady Macbeth. The character ,vas bet ter adapted fur tLe displuy of Ler gr,attaluula [huh Rome,,, and she went though with it in a {Hamer that, ealkd forth the m,bt extreme nianite..tittioe9 ut dpvinase. spirit aad nuscrupuluu.s aciLitiun of ScettiehLs a wet. depicted iu ttll thele etas' Wog vii.dness, and while t.. I of em tient "points," the concepti,,o w.v. a hariaoniced whole, pot fect In detail as effect. 51r. M'Denuugli was at twine in Macbeth, though. we were LEA' so well pleased as with hie Mcrestio on WeiltiLeday es - - uing. lie glcee acme new readings which do 14ut strike uui luucy particularly, ).-t as a sitrulis hLs parlihutitku waa tar above (hi:average,. 'fo-night In the, Leeasluu of Alise Conlumen's benefit and farewell performance in Pittnbargb, when ehe will appear i, her greatent rub—Meg )lerrillen. Widely, en we think, Mine Kimberly ban ebsadoned the idea of B.lling the seats, though making n moderate increaen of the price of whninsiou. The erowd.wlll be unprecedented to-night, or we are nu prophet. Fe,* Fasem VAN Oonni.n.—Tho ladies are generally expert iu seelug out what 1)3 neat, elegant, hishlunahle and cheap in tha dry goods and trimming au4 Iw-aiahliq ltue, and 'Van Gorder's establishment on Itlaiket street ie piled full with n st.,ck of geode; for spring and 6tlmu,er uss which will relight than. The latest fashions, the best styles, and as cheap as th.? cheapest goods, can always be had at Van ttorder's LoaG at Ilia akivertiEiznieut for a partial lint of articles—a fail list si the varieties which he has would till columns. Miiire'el °stmt.-Jae attention of every one la the vide tty ‘..f the Mayor's &Mee paste:day Boomed to he engrossed by the lottery agents. nere were tape cases before the 51,y0r in the morning; two were discharged, three paid their fine.), and the remaining font were - sent to jail. kittld SLYLY. dEI4 ifois'olot4iu 3 ,cai.efal/y tram. farted front the boat E reneh reports of fashiou, pay POW be seer, at Caruaghales, Federal atTret, AlleOeny City. Ores t f.ar•B is taken 1; cile IZlBLitlfitettite urbirle, and buyers pay readily Bee the E.:culla. igelliaeis of style, agd perfec tion ~f workmanship, tiitlt which .aCh eixtivib Is prepared,. Custom work for wep bud tKla uarefully made, and a full etodk of ebirts, gloves, hosiery, kept on hand ./iWe THE °BEAT PDVOLSBIPY OF HOSTE,TTER , 6 IiToMACH BriViatti prepared by the eminent physiden, Ir. J. Hostetter, unbeund:-.d. Daly does he receive the voluntary testimonials - of the aftlicted, who have been cured °nous-standing diseases, through the use of the " Bitters," and daily the sale of this medicine is Increasing, ander..tend. , , Big its sphere of usefulness among suffering butuanity. kor removing all tam bid matter (row the stomach, regudat-. ug the bowels; ett eugthening the entire body, and impart ing vigor and tone to the entire human system, lc cannot be equalled. We would recommend all who are acted with any of these terrible Mamie", to immediately procure a bottle of the Bitters, and their will wanyiabil like ce :vv before a scorching vita For sale by druggists and - denitre genoraily, everywhere by NUSTETT,EIt & Shlll . ll, Manufacture:a and 'Proprietors, ftl Water and' t.B front streets. - tugl-L1 INMMM The State Fair. Hon. David Taggart, President of the State Agricultural Society, and Judge Relater, Secretary, in company - With-His Honor the Mayor, and other gentlemen of our city, called' on come of our citizens yesterday afternoon to solicit sub• scriptions for the State Fair, which it is contemplated to hold bore nest September. From the liberality of our hotel keepeVs, which is highly creditable to their public spirit, we think we can speak with safety in saying that the next State Fair will be held in our city. Hon. David Taggart, Judge Holster, and other gentlemen ; will call to-day on our manufacturerd, merchants, &e., fur further subscriptions- The f.Alowing golitletnen euti;oilbit,l the amounts Oct cppo nit.: to their 'alma.-- Johu rev. Crania:,, itiouctagalitla Howie $lOO 00 isryriuu Er. phirle, St. Charles Hotel 7i., 00 Wm. C Coo belly, St. Clair Hotel 40 00 Samuel Hare, Hale's Hotel B F. Marker, Scott Ronne. 40 u , ./ tieorge Aureutz. Mauston Howie 40 W.l John lii'Maatete, Jr., Spread Eagle . . 60 i.O Jon. C. Venter, fieW National Theatre 7E 11J it. I'. Gordon, - Red Lion Hotel. 20 t. 4 Tire .Lsiir, aLtaciaht, ui.i the Lund"rd dollar& Witi , g.ti , 8....11.,:d .i: - ., kee tt,br., th.ae thaire 4 LE. OF, ToCi.B, O a —TILL: f.)itu'ulug stets, dc.. ware eul,l last evening ut t ADarctst.mt2E - Ecbauf,a, t.r.atiu Luoiuti, & Cu 8 Lawrence & Co.'e Runde, $6OO each cent it dime of Mechanla sank $64 75 1130 acre Laud Warraut, per acre 91 verge. tO bonds tibarpaburg Midge Co., $250 each...B3 5 0 cent, 10 alines du do du $4 Od 10. - du do do 875 32 " Lawrenceville Plank Road stock— 60 Penna. Inaurauce Co 8 25 40 acre Laud Warrant, par acre taw Mortgage, due lu $5:5 do du 1857... 1 pele iu St. Paul's Church At, ALLEGID Boars TaIEF.--(RUCE7 Hamilton returned to the city from Ititiauniug, Attuationg county, y< , aterday iuorniug, having to custody a man maned Robert White, whim, be biumght from the jail of that c.muty. Re LE3 ar cuied t y Eptirmie Mut:ow, of We,t Dcec towoardp, of atzul• tug 41,2 IWO _try of haluese front hie stable. Mr Morrow pt raued him tit Kitlauutug,:a.hore he had Lim 4wre.ted ami iodised iu jail, thou rot orued to this city and aeat au othet t to briug, i.tm bozo. • THE NEW 1 , ; ATIuNAL—We sxpeclet a b tter house at Gov. Yu4En - a flfeatto last night, but Mr. 'Bennett l:s faf uPda au uutertutate time for Lb t.ti6sgs:akenf readitlon of the difficult character of Sir Giles Overreach, iu the play of " A New Way t: Pay uhf Debts," we do not recollect to Hasa. • seeu equaled lu dd. city. Temightlie appeals as Richelieu, In the play of that name, and we earnestly hope that he may tei :ustaihe les his merits deserve. An excellwit farce called the "Stage kit ach Tallut " concludes the 'Jarful-umbra. TiY. AILtNTIC Mu: nir.—The May number of this new monthly, published by Philips, Sampson ,t Co.; of Boatoe , has been sent us by Gildenfenney & Co., Fifth street, oppo site des Theatre. The articles are well written, and agrees. ble as usual. Holmes continues his "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table," which alone is worth the piles of the nnmLet. FISE CLoTilliffi, &C., AT AI3OT/ON.—A very,superlor quality of ladies' sud men's Wear, such as silk dreszes, lane lines ss:meut9, Cc, will be gold Ulu inprniug at 10 o'clock, at Davis' Auction Foetus, Fitch street, by order of Johu late of Perry Hotel. Also feather beds, bedding, 1a.,. Lid'aPiat'd MoNTEDA fur May, a most splendid Lumber. has been laid upon cur 'table by Messrs. W. A. eildenfenuey , whose pail:Acid depot is on Fifth eta eet, opposite the Thestte. Thie is one of the very best maeszlnes now pub lished. J C. SINCLAIR, c 4 Alleghenk - clty,haa 'received a cul to take charge . ef ti a ceogrovation at Galatia church, lo Fayetteville Preabytury, North Carolina. It la quite pruh able that he will accept. A NUditt4 fif citiieusalAlleg4eny aro abJut forming a new Lose curt:pal - ay. It IS to be caned the "Cloittmbia," and the appaiatits will be procured ea 800 D at peleible and put lute ootile.o. JOSEPH METER, LLINITEACTURER 6F Fancy & Plain Yurnittare & Chaira, Warerooms, 424 Pena str et, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, additiv4 W tt.a Bll.niiae3 bagineaa, I alau atteatiQa io lII7DERTAKING. aucis6a and furaist,e4 TECER.B BE RELIANCE :can-paced La mass 4.1U6, ant thousands of veil attested caves establish beyond (ha possibility•of i doubt the curative' Vt'cil.:t. , :ttleaif any'tii~ particular remedy, than J. M. OLiir's Car.t.eacTlin Steam:a Oirrxits is utaluestiohably the greatezt medicine ever intro , &iced to ca clitlcteJ conialaulty. As a tare for Diapapala, Coativeirecs, Weatulead of the etcana,la, and other dbleaaea crielog, froco a dicordezed atet.,of the Diver, liidnefe, etc , they cannot be exectlad. latalids Oat li,altate to try them. For sale by J. 11... OLIN, sdle preptietec cod toanatactur.r, Na, 2C17 Feria etreet, Putabargh, I'd., cod by denten; generally. ap9-I,c JAMES P. TANNER, 6.6 Woad stwbet, Pittsburgh, Pa., I..vit:l IQ6 cacc , .t1,,u....4 gez...; al I ) , to at,,k cf NEW SPRINU 600108, Baught airstct from Alaaufactart3rd to alsiia.:l44atta. OUMPRIaIIiO b ROG 5.17 e, Cb BONNETS, FIATS acid BA.NCY HATS Alen. Boyd nml Yonth'a PAI M LEAF, LEpr HORN, PAVASI9 and TRWHATS El.n, Boys and Vouttea WOCtL e e tld If UR, UATr.I All cif which will IN roma iu groat vatipty 4*-Chrtat laducaaecta cifora4 to °ASA awl pc.rupti TIME BUYERS Orders solicited and cerciully selected and packed inr27:titJel-1i THEE MERCANTILE AGENCY, FOR E PROMOTION AND PROTECTION 01 , "IRAI)E. B. DOUGLASS t 011., Proprietors. Currier Woad and Filth Streets., l'ittebnreh, Pa. ARIISTRONO, ..4tanager. Estabitst‘sd, lisiv York, Juneildfl—Pittsb'gh, 'March, 1.852 • HEAD OFFICE. Evi l uRE, ls. BAJOCILASS Cu. & ditsCOGI OFFICES. Pittsburgh . B. DOUGLASS A Co. Philadelphia DoUttLASS A t 0. ........ DOUGLASS A Co. Clor,laud B. Douotstai & Co. Detroit B. Dopohas 4 co. Chicago ...... ..... .............U. Dousiegs & CO. Butngoe B. Dotrotass A Co. Nlawauhes B. DOUGLASS A CO. New Brio the B. Dououss .t Cu. Charleston B DotraLtta A Co. Loulstille B. DOUGLASS A Co. Wit. Louis .11. botiouss A Co. ASSuOLLTS UYFIOLS Boston E 'Wealth A Co. Ballicuore J. D. Pam Co, Ildchnlond ?am A Co. L'013614N UtFiol3. NlU4tebilt, II UOOOLAB3 6 CO Eug it. DOLIOLitId & I' o Letters of Introduction to Lawyers of high Blanding mud respectability in every section of the Union, will be greteiteuelyi_ornLetied to eabacribete mating application at tue office. Al o, lett,te of introduction to au yof the otticee rained filmy e. COLLACTIONS grOOMFII.4 ..±../27,5D1T. Ai; PARTS Of iHn UNNID STAT.I3 .ND BRITISH R2SOES2IIOII9.' Eft1;10:11:11 . . NEW TRIMMINGS! NEW TRIMMINGS J a B Na. Idarke4 ktteet, L•mtes, wall; in t.n.l examino Sprini Stack. of 11.1.111112T05, EMBROIDERIES, tillibpti;.3, FLOWERS, RUCIES(EIki, iitt) uLuvz.s., t3.IIINTLETS, DIIESES" C.I4.tiSEILI.ES PKIRTB, EXPANSION STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, EgBAUIDERLIP 7 BIEOBANIC ANN FRENC.II CORSETS! INFANTS' FANCY CAPS, And READ-LRESSES, AT apt No. Market street. frillE MUSE SINGS OF SHOES „g, MOM, BUO2S elm) thiTERS, every kind, Prom coarse to fine, good, plain and Caney, Taste, fa hion, fit and strength romhlned-- Por Bridget, Jane, Nell, Ann, or Nancy.: Sor Charles, or William, Peter, John,— These qil—aud ell who Shoes do wear-- Ayei every Shoeless mother's son, may buy them CRELP. • I'll tell yuu %here, (Some people knew the place befured • Fan' BTELYET, "THE PEOPLES' CHEAP Seer STORE. ael4 DEPPLINBACHER • St CO LIME. - 200 tarrels fresh Lime, for sale by 444- HENRY FL PALM, EMMEMMMM PITTSBURGH!, Pi] UAITnHS ET , L) BYlgtlG-O t At T L: [Special Despatch to the Mori:dog gait.) PEEMSYLVANISI. LEGISLAVUZIE.. . HaaltdellunG, April 22.—The bill providing for the sale of the canals to the Sunbury and Erie. Railroad Company has been signed by tli,e - Governor. The bill relative to Saw Mill Run Bridge passed finally, and needs but the Governor's approval to be a law. Also, the Philadelphia Apportionment bill. John ere.4bvell, Jr., was cleated Speaker of the Senate, haviog Foo.eived 21 votes; Titian C.,fiey re ceived 12. In the House, nothing of importance wns dor.e The report of the Voruceittee of Lunferoueu un Private etai:ne pgaseti 'both Houses It ,uoindes that r , ..fative to Irani:leo:tea-a. The liendte bill providing the property GI bankrupt Midge noizpaciL L., beer, signed by the Geiernc,r. Beth houses passed the usual regAuticns r th.nks cu the Speakers acid other officers, and after bpae.t.ts adjourned, at noon, eine die. [fa behalf of the Pittsburgh Press, the it.w.,rter roturns satiny thanks to Messrs. See., Wllaun and Harris ' 1- tolegraph operators at Harrisburg, 1. their r special care in forwarding despatches durinv the session.] THIRTI-e/FTE CONGRESS FiWIT Yestarday , s Pra4.laeallig-a hENAI The Senate Committee of the Judiciary bola a meeting to-day en the Bankrupt bill, but hasp not yet agreed on alt'its leading features. H. S. Fitch, c:f Chicago, has boon confirmed as District Attorney for rho district of Mine B. The report, of the minority of the Committee on Printing proposes that all the work connected v, his the printing shall ho given to the lowest bidder. The only besinos.s of interest during the morning hour was the preSentation by Mr. Seward, of New York, of the reply of the American Telograph Com pany, in refutation of the allegations e ❑taiued in the recent memorial of Ames Kendall, and the Morse telegraphic lama. The document was referred to the Judiciary. Committee, and ordered to he printed. _ Mr. Mason's resolutions respocti❑g Paraguay wore taken up and dismissed until the morning hour e - pired, when the Deficienoy Appropriation Bill was taken up and debated. Mr. Seward; introduced a bill which N 4 as read twice, to secur6 the prompt, construction of a lino of telegraph acros3 the continent, between an Fran cisco and St. LUnis. Referred to the Committee oil Military Affairs, The Deficieney Bill was then taken up and dis. cussed -for.three? hours.— Various amendments were made and were pending when the Senate adjourned. ItOUSE Oji UEPRESENTAIIVES The house proCOded to the consideration ct Mr. Morrili's bill, donating land; to the 4over9l States for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arta, and refused to the bill on the table, by 84 yeas to 109 nays. Mr. Cobb made a speech against the bill, which passed by 104 to 101. The bill grants 6,340,000 acres of land to ho' apportioned to each state, equal to 20,000 acres for 'each Scuitor and Representative in Congress to whill,h they aro now respectively one titled; the moneys to he derived tram the sales to he invested in Vnited States, State or other safe stacks yielding not less than five per cant., the moneys thus invested to constitute - a perpetual fund, the interest of which shall be inviolably appropriated to the en dowment, support and maintenance of at least one college where the hang object s hall be, without excludinglother scientific or claa ical studies, to ttacb such branches of learning as are related. to egricul. lure and the mechanic, arts in such meaner us the legislatures may asoiibe, in order la promote the lit, eral,and practical education of the- industrial elastics in the several pursuits and professions of Among the conditions on which the grants aro made, is one that the state wevido rikit less than ono col lege within five years. Tha ammo commenced netian on the bill granting pensions to officers and ecidiors of the war ulti. Great Britain of 1812, and those engaged iu the Li- Mau war during that period. Mr. Savage, who re • ported the bill from the Committee on Invalid t',Zl eions, made an earnest speech in its favor. Mr. Fenton offered and advocated an amandiuud to pay ponsiona from the date of inability. Mr. Cobb gave notices of an amendment to plovide those:in the Florida and Creel:lndian Wars Mr. Florence notice of an arnondaucat equalize the pay of tho uroly, any, ar,d taZ,Zir.o and to give ponsions.-te pe:eon.9 in tho irios.i .a an 3 Indian war-of - 121e. - Mr. Monteomery gave lactic,: cf en anac.ndin:;nt the soldiers in Wayuo's army. Mr. Maynard gave notice t,f en itiLl£lo l / 1 1.0. 1.!"-s: • kndiug the provisions of the bill to toe soldiers to Jackson's Florida campaign. Mr. Underwood go. ,o notice of an amendment in cluding the Kentucky soldiers under Hopkins. Mr. Leteher thought it better to refer these met Mrs, in order to ascertain mil& all of these pensions will cost. The Committee resound the Hocks° adjourned. prom 'Washin gton W.StiHINCITCAN CITY, April 22.—The groat reaping machine ease of M'Cormick against Manny, Talcort Cu., Qf Rockford, Illinois, waa decided this morn• ing by the Supreme Court against Ill'eormick. Judge Grier delivered the opinion. Judge Daniel dis senting. Dr. Rhodes, the British surgeon, ivho volunteered to attend the sick on board the Susquehanna, was courteously received by the Naval Committee this morning, and invited to the door of the Senate. The Savannuh :Silos, received by mail, mentions the arrival of a vessel, the captain of which reports that on the night of the 15th inst., on the eastern edge of the Gulf of Mexico, he heard, and saw fired in rapid succession, sixty shots, apparently from thirty.two pounders, between two ships. 2 , i1,10 ou board supposed it was the &pianist' "ffeht usercieino their crew at th,T, gone, but the News supposes it more likely to have been.an encounter with a slaver or a suspected tillibuster. J. Glancy Jones, is the House to day, as he did yesterday, made an ineffectual effort to get up the General Appropriation Bills, but the fries .'!,,,: of li Morrill's Land Bill, and that for pensioning seldiers of the war of 181.?„ objeded to his motion. Ho in tends on Mond ,y ;otr,.dr,ce a resolution for night sessions. The Seni,te C...ula,itt39 of Conference have. Mr. English's bill se: under c'.osideration. It is thongLi they will report jeot either favywable cr if the committee cot r.;;see, 4 report will be made to. morrow. Mr. Englisla gave no.ice in the Rouse to,lay he expects tomorrow at one o'clock, to' report on alp subject of disagreeing votes relative to the Luxes bill. Richard Wallaoh is a candidata for Al ayor of Waah• ington, independent of party, ageinet the DeLmoratio nominee. Democratic Conventions in SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 22.—The Buchanan and Douglas Democratic Conventions met bare to-day, and organized separately. The former had twenty• eight counties represented. Resolutions strongly endorsing the Administration ware pas‘. , ii. T lee• ter had ninetyyseven counticz iwi:nented. tions endorsing the c.ouzso of-the Illinois dalegat!bn in Oenffees,-w'ese-passed without a dissenting voice. W. B. Tondey was nominated for State Treasurer, and Es-Governor French for Superintendent of Pub. lie Instruction. The Buchanan Convention poet pound their nominations until the Bth of June neat. Contract tor, Supply of Marine Hospital. CUSTOM HOUSE,. Pittsburgh, April 12[6; 1&5& I MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ..LA - Sealed Proposals accompanied by proper guarantee., I NANO AT A BARGAIN.—An elegant according to forma to be furnished, on application at this office, will be received thereat until 1p o'clock, meridian, cat the FIRST TUESDAY in dune nest, for the supply of the Rosewood, Chickering Piano, only in me three month, in perfect order in every respect, wilt ha geld Ettary greet Marine Hospital, near this city, with the articles of Pro Nb. ; bargain. The owner is now in the Went, eel wirres t.. sell c {{one,lSlediclae, etc., enumerated in said forms: The qua n- , at Once, and for cash. The subscriber willg naranteo th lies stated are estimated to be perfect, and unblemished. Apply to mated with reference to the several num- , ber of patients in the Hospital, but the United States reserve td4 the right to take more or leas of said articles, accordingly YOfiri ii. 11FILUYR -- as they may be actually required. If the articles delivered at the Hospital are not in the judgment of the Physi, feu, of the best quality, and adapted to the Hospital he will b. et liberty to reject the same, to purchase o.her article in their stead, and to charge the contractor with ans ezetes in aiL the coat over the contract prices. - The United States reserve the right to accepCili., p:0p.,.:11 ill) E.D, - WHITE AND - BLUR-7500 boxed tot t h e whole or any peitiou of the articles specified. , LI") Toilet Variegated Soap, assorted colcra, is lb ~,,t6 ili: JOHN HASTINGS, ' dud %ft, cakes, on hand and for gale by i t eurvsycr and Agent Marine Hoapital ' '')- iga - a. G. dc .I. FL SAV7IME.; ..'.',•-:' -, :.: . :f,';,7:!:.:.''4*7::,7.. HEw •=: - INDESTRUCTIBLE' IROOFING. fii - FggELL 9 g rAT2NT i'OIIOSISTI/ RIG RESINOUS ,Mi BSTANCEL;, ETU ?VHF: UNDERLAGNED PII.LrAE.ED 11l COVER ANI) REPAIR ALL KINDS OF I. i wiiL mamthi ell i(J7/6, tlit i Bjcdl ,it Can. 6130 to • 5:41117,1. Thi4 LI 4, not iffecti by atmospheric crangcs , it ie 11.11ie3.1,1,,F., p - tE &r.l th,:n any other bad of 7t 0r .6E4 vae Rolling Mills, and 13 collEtia.crect a pet - rcet protection from the elow_eno. 0-11,1 - inty 'too', it the tail:Rß - age in the city. Alan, or. bi the isflit,o.,l4 _ _ - I. htt , :c.:t I t., ~ i,,, , 0,, •,., wt, - .:,:. tbi,,, in, ,ilt,,:„ IA isaa,, a. i, can %o , .--- c.,—idevlan.3 'and rictanurgt, Railroad ; at Belie Au, Eii_ig, v ort, Multi,e,lJl/E. Pr. - filar:l , 1 t,0,r,,r,,t, , nc,.,t,,,t, - .1,,,,, :.1 _tj'z , R'elle - cillei Liverpool and Itocheetor Bta ttone, and IL6 f,'L..‘ tE.tc, Lovi-Gt. t eta,ayi , ,,,a0.1,2k Ltt.l it.iii, , i . 1.. , ( , , Cir.: t AAtcrka Station, Mill at Tipton and Par eoaage a' Alt,-,a.. , Ali, - „Lny City, Weato,,,,,tel (.I,:ireg,, and Li...fty ;3_,-., BiallaiLi.r to ALLSS, Removed . to Z 1 Fifth Street. CARGO & CO.'S PIiOTOURAPIIIC AN .9.S[BRUTYPE. tiALLEItY has been removed f.,31,. 6 Fourth f.tr.e2t, to No. 'A Firth otrett, near Market. 'Riese! .It.lilta hair/Mg been built etipecially teethe viiL this 11,:ht, are not ut,rpasded in She city for comfort, convenience uud e.scellence iu arrangtiabrit. `Our old tlicnda end vutiuria an.i throe wislung, ae perior iiLL , 5e.56,8, aro invited to call. itezoption Rubin and 81.,ec4...:.,nd t..n the grouud floor . it. M. CARGO & CO., PliaGaugTaillikers and A' inbroty NEW YOKK iiALLLItY, Nu. 1:11. Fi tit t.t.t 8111'1 - BEAII I:I,I:,ERY, K. CY. c;:r. tif Mta - koi aa.l bltuu:i, I'lC - uU - ,it ire PRICES TO SUIT ALL %%TYKES" GA.LILER V OF ART, NJ 0. 60 MARKET STREET.--IICTUItEti ti ou ut this Gallery by a new and improv“l proL,36e, t3iviuy tho autural Qoll,l' of tha Luiz, ey cs, dreFs and complem ion. They are acknowledgA by all who have examine] them to La far superior to any pictures evei exhibited in ;his city. Citloona and strany,srs are invited to call and e::..v5;,:4 his large collections of specimens. Eiistialiety hcinz. en :be scccud door, is easy of access. 1.7. B.—Picture:4 of Children tat.un in i;tl4 cU "rlyret r -t I. IS 1 1 .. 1 :1 Y TEES.. MBROTYPES.-A BEAUTIFUL AND LUBA .BLE PlCTURE—warranted—can 1,.) .8 at any first class eaablialanent in the country, at apl9:ly ,- WALL'S, Fourth atceet_ - • iti.ii . i 3 414 Et . fi 1 6-s lc ii . :Aitt 1) At if/ EiUlln Tri A Is: I , Arii R„"1 'l. i'-2, S.fi y :.:. ':,) SrD Y- i 11 , :ii R - i - -, i,': +2,1-'"? . ..',".:ii•i - ii: I'',lL PC. , ;,:'i" ...)t-ili.:i k'iiliti ETE‘Lkd', 1403 l' 1'11313.1..',3,L0..;.. vqi t aad re. A JOTION SALES B.A.LE3 AT NO. '4 FIFTH ST.. lltfW Oummorchtl No. C 4, la.L week day,' are held ,mit,:d for tho trade aid coulumers, from la t.. 1 Nt Lich fn roplen.Thted with frv.sh that t:, - ast be cl , stel forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. and fancy arti.:l,;,corninisic.., Lez:l) . n. .ceded in the line for pr.rnoual 51:11 fuir.lls lug; hardware; clothing; inots. and IhorN; AT 2 :YCLueli, litchen laraituro, and ^rat; tnr. st:. - •nc. C. , 7C-J, AT 7 o'i..ILOCiE, clock 3 iel . l ,Lts ; , cl,tturlg; boota dad ilt .it,ttunery, te. ie.2bl p. 11. 1 , 11 i:3 lop OOKS BY CATALOGUE. --Ott ju DAY EVENINti, April2l'h, at 7 o'cicel3, ill Li sold'by catalogue ' at the Conimercial Fisk.% Rooms. No. 3a both street, a c. , llectlen of minelle.neo,,s books, on s {^4-ty of n3oful and interesting subjects, among them am RoUert -0011.5 Works, vole; &Lies Commentary on the Nev. , Ts t:mient, 2 vole.; Prior's Goldsmith, vole: Addlvsn's Works, v. - Is; Poets ettl Pantry cf Englacd; Bourrionno's Life :3 Napoleon, Chase on the Apostles, Works of Charles Lamb, 2 vols.; Wild Fineries of a Hunter's Lilo, India- Works, Works of Dean swift, 2 vole; flayward's Oezetteer, Mur phy's Tacitto, B iter's Livy, S vols.; Pictorial Vi endez, of Um:Ty, lEck's Works, 2 vols.; Claree Commentary, Mfl tcn's Works, Trumbull's slcFingal . etc. Eull pa ticularsya Catalogues, Nihich out he Sea et ; Auction Store (ap22) P. M. DAVIS, Az , Cr. Ef AUSCELLAiVEVIJS 713.(10F:5, AT AUCTION.—On fitIVRSDAY and BdIDAY EVEN- April 23d and, 231, at 1 o'clock, will bo sold, at the Clonimercial Sales Rooms, No. d 4 Fifth art et, a valuable collection of new miLcellancetut comprising the b-et anthers and editions, in every department of Evgli.h nu.l American literature. Also superb Family Bibles, in carioca bindings; Blank Books, Sta' lunacy, sic. flits choice stock - or standard w,td - ,e said elegant mtscei laueens prdnicatiom, are conveniently arranged for DT.QIII- tuattuu and privt.t r sale during ,be up 22 iIAYI2, Auctioneer . 4NI) SILVER WATCUES. BEAU ievcalry, Silver Hated Ware, arid fancy nr- Melee et Auction, at 111cOARTNEY'S AUOI'ION 1.10U3r. , , 120 Wood street, (the old and \reil•tnown McKenna Stara) rutin:noticing .110NirAY ill/ENING. April 12th, and tinuing every evening fur two weeks, or uttil IA 6" , 0 Tho gouda rain be open for exarnror.vo.., whoa Ladies as well ac luvitea to call. uud they tuay , earch;Aert.'t li7ivatt. oale, wholesale or rottta, at very pemeti, if They please, cod all goode 01,1' pr; representad and aatietactory, or money refunded. P eons wiehlog geode la this line will rind this polo worth, of notice, as there la a great variety to geleCt frog ; 1171:j k, are determined to boll. Pleas-give no a call. Z. 1440 tr cot,: meets each ovening, at 7% WiiOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT. No. 42, Fifth Qtrc.rt, Wood. REINEDIAN ;- MEYRAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS TN FINE GOLD AND SILVER TC HES, ALVER AN!) HATED WARE: I PAN CY 61-* 'It I Sal 'A` 'CO "TOOLS WA ICH MAI ERIA AT EASTU,N PRICES aq3 PgANOS: 1 . 9:1 FULL Liii.AIND I Y is z• • d • PARLOR U RAN I 4 PIANOS AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PI INOS, from liaaufactrry of EONE", P,eay....n t juat received irate. the manuckccoly of Chi.-hering Bestun, tbu following Li,nrable and eh-6u, t aKck cr dull' PIANO FORTES : One Full aeven Fula; wttt auc,rhly carved cage- Price twe Full seven octave Grand Piano Fcrte, elegant ood 4a 5. Price CThe N e Parlor Grand ea en octave P'.azo. in power to a fail Graad, and occapying only the room of an ordinary cacvire . SO,l3:lltE PIANOS! we full carved Rosewood, LOlll3 XT. - , "." — E id: carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rose:rood BirieD i style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, coven octxre. bone Rosewood, plain round corners, coven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, sever: octaves. Four a t$ : Cs. a 61 . 4; 'e our wc:od ai4 MI of the above ate of their NEW :CALF'. and with ir,u frames, and their new Potent action. These Instruments have boon t 4niehel speelaily for th ,, subnriber, and will he wlrranted to purchasers. Fur snle at their reduced pricr•l. :Mille it. MELWIL, 81 Word - street : Agent for Chickericg g Sous'. kewickley Afaaderay. A. CLASSICAL AND COMMERNAL HOARDING SCHOOL BOYS, re miles from Pittalittrgh. itev.J. S. TRAVELLI, A. il.. Prkcipal. The Thirty-FL:: Gni Passion will commence on HOisiDAY, tlay Bd., 1258. For Montan and other partici/lan, anciture of Neut.., John Irvin & done, 57 Water etroet; Ittemsra. T. H. Navin A Co., 387 Liberty street, or of the Princi l .al, Post Oftic,., Alkghen3 co., Pa. [apl2,2r.dsß TIATES.-20 Frails Red Dates just re y • iced 'B-.4 for sale REYMER & ANDERSON, NOOO stmt t, Opposite St. Charlee bon]. • - ilk(1)0iTIIN :.; I :4AITUIBLAITEED WITH nlyl9 - --,,, 11!1/1=11111 =MEM ,Tor t a GRAS, Silearmu. McCAATNEV, Act JEWELRY, I I'd W. FAHNESTOCK, Agent ME,DICA.L. HE. GGL.AiESI 4L , t) r + 1-11€440`0 41'01 111113tU .14-11111 7 : - OF THE AGE° lidtj H. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has dise,a. VA. ecru fu one of ,ar common paatare weada a rameo that rare; Every kiiitt of Humor, 'filE woitee sOROFULA DOWN TO e Ch)H3l,tri He had hied it ill over ol.:;eahiatitired cases, and Lever Ladd CZCi.,pt in two eases, (both thandez humor.) 116 has Lit.,W In his powiessiuti over ohm hundred certillcat4ta of its all witnia twenty wiles of Beaton. a battles are warranted to care a nursing sore month. One to three bottles will care the bout kind of Pliuld,.3i ea the bee. Two or three tottlN will does the Eryat.at of bllot Two bottles are war - rsattd core the Forst coraor to tht r_lorith or stoma,. Wr—^1 . 33134,i, lurt tlad ct U,c 4o two c,:t1,3 are. witzrnr.tcd to ...L.:4; oil hnraczln the ty€,;. Ttro bottles era warr.uita to au re reurttr.g ci tae a as blutaliea among the 'hat:. lour t Biz bostioa are wszzazitzti to cure carrapt, vd rimuing uicerL,. One tottio aro s.. _I oraittioa of thatikia. Iwo or taro:: 'oottita aro wa.,: - ,,a,;03 to cart , Coo woraiki cod of ringworm. threw t.t.ttlo, are ccro tLt tactl Gef Le:.o Of the'llillaTl3lll. Throo to tour bottlot, aro wear ...a.^:oa to carp satt-itLezal„ 70 t. , be ales will cum the NTOrat I=o of &:a 1. beoetitl el aya cui,oriczeod from the first bottle, bad perfe,r cure IS 'au:mated :rhea the above quantity is tah.m. PDXBURY, KASS e z nieoA}.l,-11.5 r6rizitatLD of the Medical Discovezi, 411 Bind of humors ' is co well eatablished by the it..l.,iiinion3 voice ci nil who have ever used It, that i need not say anything on the fintject, as the moat Etkilfal nhyd -i4ns ud fbe most csrefal Iftru:igrite in the country ar, aninioca in its prafae. in in - out/Ling the Tilodicali4...enver7 to your noldoo., i t:.::itn u ha knowledge of the carativo power. in relieving mil. and caring, nevi cf those dineases in which you are en fcrtn - ,et , :dy co Hattie. That rzo-tt emcreciating die o er fff.:ot fonet mo:iptr, NTSRSIEG SORE NltiiiTE I. ty a miracle; your own temper Is rest‘n, - .IW its n..tur,. and - ,our babe from ahcrt and freanl z..r qwent slumbers; and the i ml Disco , e iICOM.3 i..,nntalo of ble.4 , 3lngLs Tor.: :armband end L. MGT, el stage..? cf CANNEE. c0ECE313( . 19 t..msch, cawing DYSPEPSIA, chick LI n , ,tidLz rat ctlaker Gf et. 3 ay.= L:l2 and KIDItiEYS, erasing e o king. goila fe:Fing, and an Ilviifferezoc cvca ;a th Caro 3 soar 'ltlr.:- tornach th RAW ,_4Np fo, , i yon, rad you ran tut , ~ ..CrtZ'c e." , •13 tir.;,t, your avecarn dui.a gcL half tiro itoorar. _tent It centnin.i= the eciimonorts fluid of e U 4-.: I it z.v; 'Coon pear complexion loges Ita bicmu, and C4 , 141t.2 e4".10w or gr,enlgh, and you: beet day is gone. Fur Want cif 3curishr.li,at your :,7stem becornee, loose and fiabh - y, and the libree of your body become related. Then follow a train which the )...iedical Digro7ery ie nomliarly odapted to CUTiEi Pulpitation dt the heart, pain In the side, ire.tk.neas of spine and smell of the back, Gt the hip Joint •hen retire, irregularity of the hc.qela, and alto, that neat excr , eating at thecae,, the PILE,;„ How many theusAnds of gone[ are aviderin4 voz - A this direare and plulng away a miserable life, aml thew dcor :1...4'; not Itnow ti u cauao. I wish to Imprte: ea yet,: wind that geod old proverb, "An ounco peeve-. batter iht.o a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative ana the cure, with this grr and good quality, that it will never ; ruder any circumatbr , .., do you any injury. He change of diet ever necsenary—eat tea 'ova you can g and enough of it. DIAICTION3 Yoa Udr.--Adrats :Uze Labia spoonful per asy-- Children over tea; u-Smori spoonful--Children from liv. to sight yeave, •:ea'apoonful. As no directions can be appli table., to .0 constitutions, take o:3fficiont,to oper.ato on 0.1, ciL.y. Yours truly, DONALD KENTIMS , ? Price oc,ttic. For sale by R'fIYSER, etptdsw No 11W%4 stie 0 Wfil, Pittsburgh, P. or, TaRo!,T I, 15 LUNG DISEASES, HMV TIN'S VEGETABLE (1011 POUND, PREPARED BY BO WAIN w CO., 7,LE0.7.1.177T, PA P 0: Mi 3 P. FLEMING, Ellegheny City, i And Dolggist; geni,Tally A 11031ESTEAD. FOR $lO voit SALE IN THE " GOLD REGION" and other portions of Virginia, the forlarving Farms A.: and Building LoIR, IN :32ARE3, to Vit .1 Farm A 100 acres, and a Gold Mina, i 5.... 100 acme. 4 Farms of 00 acres cach,, eria 240 " 25 " 40 . e ... 1000 " 7U -. ::..). ", " 1400 " 160 " I a " " 1000 " ." e, 66 6, 1200 " O " n 66 2 "1000 " int 3 acto, with sta. 6 public sqrs 7/0 " 1 . 250 " 100x100 foet " c. 925 it 2600 503100 " " <<‘. 925 WOO " " 25.1.100 " " 954 10,000 Sharea, zinenntinit to 10,000 CaRT1F1C..1.74:9 (lithe ahoyo Shares, (with Bandt for the im• int. - flute e;ecution and delivery of she. Deed;,) have been en. 7 ? ..ced in 10,000 envelops, exactly alike, and sealed; which, otter being well mixed up, havo b ea numbered on the out side from 1 to 10 000 inclosivs, so that no ono now knows the contents of any particular envelope. They will be sold at $lO LICIF3, without reference to what they contain, anti sent to any one malting application. Unexce2...honable :Ones .uot its all ease: be given. The target Farm, containing a &hi Mine, is valued at 130.0.)0, and the smallest. sized Building Lots have been sell ing at $lO, each- 1:1 nuareds havo already been sold upoa the, toms. Whilst all stand the same chauco of getting Ino s'.,rms, every purchaser is guaranteed one of these tots at les.!. Evers other purchaser is bound to get one of at asset Connie in 'size in value. Every fourth pa - cashes on: of lone quadruple :ts sire and value. Whilst every tenth Purchaser will get a Farm ranging in value freak $2OO up to 0,4..0 These Farms and Lots are cold so cheap to induce u sufacistit number - acing reserved, the lucre 're in the value of wbieh is 11 cora:en-sits for the present sac, riff..:e. The r.d pracee Is are is beat plied t: areal impratx 51C-ii an Scha)fz, Fastener, Mills, du. tiny number of :shares can be taken by individuals—to secure a /arm take at • 'e.: et ten Share; The Certificates can to obtained by paying Crir wax, and the Deeds by paying the oraint Baas. 70,000 -4c-res of Land, in large or ettiatt tracte,can also be had at Es , ca'rE 6sLE. ant upon most Ittesomeaut Tsr.Sia. Some of it is litanty latenoven. AGENTS ARE 1. T 17.1) EVERY ivIIEBE TO SELL THESE LANDS.— i I.:ttrni inriacazli.no will be given. For fall particulars, atypiy to E. BAUDER. Port Royal, Cardin° Co., YD., GEORGE W. BUNN, P. , Pstato and luthzt.LCO A gon t, East bide of tha Diamond North of Ohio attest, Atllegteny City, Pa. upl.2 au. iiitEFbUi N, A 1 •,17 Mr. A RBLE! MARBLE! I JO ill or 71 S •CaRG - tE , riA -3 A. DZAUTIIRM 0-e rdoNurtistias, GRAVE ifiTONES Enclosures, Posts,se., &c. Tha public are respeatfully invited to eaarrtina out etc.:7S. Prices low; and worn warranted. J yl2:y—ie NO. 335 LIBERTY 3TELLT FR ESII A R 1 V - A - I - , OF— SPRING BOOTS AND SHOES, AT JOSEPH H. BORLAND'S, No. 98 Market street; rft.HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO int,rtn blifriende and tha pubiic• generally, that he 3 cp - ning a large RTI d ell eaTetted stack of Booty and Shoes, coast, lug in part of treat's, Ladt,,e', Due, Youtlf3; le lases' ant Caildren - s Shoe, which have been - bough: thistly for twj,tiaST ba weld . ccry clieng., Give 11;t a call, before purchasuag eleawhsre. .11entemher th, prac4, at the Cheap Cash StOr of - JOSEPH Lt'llOitLAND; "E,p1.3 " ' No. caa'.."..rlcet,eeomd door frOm Fifth street.' lidAgTffe X al PIMPLE U S E GEO. IL KEYSER, PRtstnaLb, a L'ldLl7 ==l C. , Wdifin ELinrai ''''4U - V. - 1;2,..:....NEW5„ HARDY & .11'GREW, Steamboat and Goo. oral Agents, Corner of First end Ferry etvota. Rtvna. Wrxratc, do.—Tha ricer continued to rise last night, with hi feet 9 inchr a in the channel by the pier mark. The weather wts delightful, and the sun shone with an intermits , almcat e+itial to en outer. Barium at tts wtarf wee decidedly fat. The Superior, Capt. Grace, will I^2 re for Ciaolninti to morrow morning. PORT OF PITTSI3UROH. if: ii - a? 9 L1T0.9/3 W. 1.7. IT 7.'.= CFI .1.11:M., &REITZ:D. etcamer Luzerne, Jacobs, Brownsville. - Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. • Telegraph. Woodward, Brownsville • Judge MN:Nue, West Newton Rosalie. Doyle, Wheeling. " Superior, Grace. Cir.cinuati. ‘• Clara Dean, Cadman, Lou Dace.tab, Stocadale, St Lents. DEP.IETED, Steamer Ccl. Bayard, Peebles, Eitrabeiz " Telsgiaph, NVoodward, Brownsville " Dm:erne. Jacobs, Brownsville. Judge Ill'Clure, West Newton Rosalie, Doyle, Wheeling. Ida May, May, Louisville. Messenger, -, St. Louis. Rochester, Nears, St. Paul. Marengo, IPCallum, Et. Paul. STEAMBOATS. CINCIINNATL rose Ctneinnatt. Thu elegant aid, wheel, passonger packet SUPERIOR—Capt. RSIXORD J. G3A134--Will AUriggi lr I? , lve Pittebargb for Cincinnati, on EATUB DAY, the 24th inst. at 10 o'clock, A. at. For freight or passage apply Na board, or to 0p22 FiAOK, BARNBS # CO, Agents. ST. LOUIS. For 51t. LOlllO. Wal. A. 11100 s.; The light draught, fast running passenger packet lOWA, YOORY, Master, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, on WED. NESDAY, she 21et instant, at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or pas=a4e, having superior um:mods:ions, apply on beard, or to liAlloY hicGAEW, Agents, apal Corner First and Berry streets. ZANESVILLE. Ear Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer .EMALa. GRAHAM, Capt. 11 , 1.21 AIEIS, will leave for the above and all intermediate pt.rt; ca Evory TUESDAY, at o'clock,r. For freight or pascaro apply ot., board ~~.,.v Si' N . rt _AL L. POSTER'S NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. Bole Lessee and 'n, ger.. Acting and Stage r Treasurer FCALE fop patcBS. riTitte B I.7eS to hold six persons $ 00 Dress Circle a: cl i'aNtiotte 60c. L'ppor Tier 2 4c. , Doors cpea at 7 c;c:cals--coomeace at half past 7.'WO CONTINUED SUCCESS. 1.6. , ,t night Lut two of the 1/- gagvrent of the eminent tragedian ", JAM v, ho will, this ereuin g, personale ..e. great du:tr. actor Cl "Richelieu,' tcknowledged Ey the press and public of both heuziaphere7,to, be cue of biz grestost impersonal:one. FRIDAY EVENING. ',711 113 cl, 1853, will be 1, - srfor=e4 Sir E. Lytton buiwer'a c:lebrated ;lay ; im &chi, c.f. RICHELIEU; 03, Taz CONSPIRACY 11r. ;hums 1327.r.ett. ALT. Walter Eeeble. ..Mr. W. 11. Bailey. Seta DI. Oeoko. ':113 Wablevst.7.4 IS.lchelleu Le Plaaprat Joseph Julie do Mu: .emu Pee Bat l To conclude with the liugheilel6;:c . o, cf WX.1 , :11 -t3TY:JO T3 - .lt3z, 19,117 1..:7•3;z33.. 5113. i ciaaei Torn Tape...l.Vr A. PITTSBU aGli TIM AT13,0, iviTSb KIMB R. A. wE.svr.n... Doora open az. 7 Vt..:1.11 - _ -- -_ano, Jcc 0.:..3 ui I% Hoz °Zoe, cf 7 ; 10 to 8 o'oloes- 'U‘,sl`. OF, M 1135 ORABIOTIT. Who will appeir Sathe irI.7.7.DE;S:2;Lij gaud fropereonatloris of biz Walter ficott - -, bigttai.l aaiiatod by lh. er.iinvot f. - , tbc) , cpporiT,Lity :hut asu er:et ta alfordzi to Cap Pittdbm.3ll p4iJitt. ,J 1 , 11!4:4 I/ J. tar SPEOIA.L 'cOT - ITCE-Ic, z , trittur-r,c.5 tha vary re .-enoral request, c.t Ito tto cholus o;esets WILL; NOT ho aa-:red at Archon, ttt es it is ur , st pz t sftlyely tt.a Fate Well Pcr.i - ITIBLI , L - abriniun in iniarlYptbe fit loving will i.e, irns .5..)11j3516!? H C. tiol I r:-rr -.- Ila. - 4, 1_1: 4 - ,e ...41C.r00 F.IV. ...!2:1,-.... Crs•le• - . , .....; '..allery ~,,, —.. 211 c - ixgt. f1.r.:.c3 te.. I;7l7arn Lox, cil 60. No extra chazze fer sazzlrz,:i r.!ote., v;hirt z 35 . -7 t.: zi bt --. > - 71.-tat at the }hi rff,ro ; troy 10 z,i a 3':lcri..,-, e€,cca - t fis, Third TIET.: I;LIPAY paricarriaac.e wip(Omtti'w.J Mtult - -11 pldy, in 6 acter, CU 1 ;L - P/16i P!mm,,it whoia to caaciEzir, ha FavA called Li 00 i) WA. The izroa, - ..za OPERA T. itltiiPll of the Philadelphia and New York dc..tdouri of Ilrallc, undzr the lead and dl recti one cf tit(' world-zt , aer..r.: -, it A-7c. ABET 2111 S, are ea. gaged and will enortt:, - ••.I‘ . ,e a curl - 3 of tt - .Et °pante In_ No Faar. Luz, onrApt +net:liters cf the nytu.e. Saturday, Farewell 4,1 7 , 1 .i. E.:U.:DO:N.I7OH Tui7.4%. M.(Co X4O Ziat 426. Xa 1.. SANFORD'S OPERA TROUPE) THE .EN TIRE t 0 I/ E Div SA.Nkottli tivtlEE, PELL ADEig.d.La BILOIIDAY EVEL'iiII3G piCiuc, In their original Etliiipiaa. Meian;io RTId Drawing Rama kntertainmenta. The Company zninpi ;313 COOL WRITE, EAVA_N GH , Dl7, Lx, Y, LON IiONVEI;. VONUPTITO:O-fr, YOUNG .A.lltaiiol, 3.1Mt1.4, Jut II T4le gre - A0.550 , Cii tii)a oft:dent will all appear on the saliva acen•ng. For peruzdkii. bills. Arlta.siva t bpori :Tan at dclock —~ ommaa at to 8. (a 1.21) 6/age bistiager. JOHN W, Y r , TILL 'ILL ATTENrf , 'I U THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTP: , q of All tiods of BILLS FOR CONCIOT3 1-.COTURETZ, ENITIBIT/ONS, All communications_ .eithar by mail,balsgrapb, or t,tber wise—directed to it ofilr., of ti M T UIT: 3 Peat, will recetra prompt attention ar,4 sV CARD. KLEBIIR 11AVINO JUST RETURN . ED 'iota the oiflea, where • ho has a looted e. stock o. odpetior • VIANDS for fife spring fruit., wculd reoptft, r • r • fully invite the atieutijn of porchassre there- to They were cbcaeu with greet care from the entire East• ern stock, and are considered among the finest inetruments over brought to this city. p.ralastre are solicited to call and exaDuuo, es this is as ezcellent opportunity for obtain ing a first class and reliable rialso fort , apo Ett 13. I.Eil, Ertl: stroo. _ SEE iiEORGE P, IVERTZ 2 B Fla•at Premium Ei Factory, COltliEll THIRD AND ..L..I..D.Lch:T PiTTeBUILGIL rfallIOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR ;E. Mut, with FE'! 1A 7; litd,.:l , Lt, of tho moat exqul eite mid elaboiath Cc:A it th cir Interests la Ws me a call before piie , ..l - .AFIT4g c'....z . 41.;.a Work to got up by the best me.'hatdC ( u appr- 1.1 . 0r3, uttatitiOnia grcea to the wlntl low. Al) +work warrant:A. Sic. Th..p4tlalaritgb. fulyStlyia School for liithuag WM. J. BAKEWELL, INTENDS TO open 1:13 Oct, 01, on 110: , 71)4.1:, the oth of April. .1:15 f}..) pur ter. at hts 191 cov.‘oki eti. bft.ii attest, N. IL corner of Diamond o!fry. mr29:tf TO 110 TEL. KEEPERS, RARE CHANCE. Tb Mountain Eloteld for n e ut. THE MOUNTAIN lIOTELS A. - e CRESSON, on Coo - Ptuas3lonts 11:..11rcad, are offered for lease for a term of years. , . whfals axe largo and rommoilocut, are altraataa Of the Allegheny Mouatains, la Cambria Tbee asinbrlty of the cli me:tic—Ca • TYX e W3Ler—ao heset z •iiheHomotdoBce ery 'aictitti. i for CeLhr and • 1,3 all thr 6, coley- ILI? at: t'el re:. ‘ , bee.e.ti and vigor, have rezebte - el Creatoie a palialer piece Dual:Tier I:aeort for rleitom from all leti - r •oi the Unitcel Etates. The Pentasyl vanla Railroad foraishl.:. aus acteis from ell tho ievirecipst amities cf the Hata.. aae ;Near. while euloying all the pleasant's cl CO7.lZ.trj 431,, 'an COM.MIIDIC.I2t.o 'Pith the Miles every fail Dona. The fleeela belon3 to "5 > Alleg*Lny Manatsla Health Lasiltatz," with all the fern care and fat:ores belonging to the Compar.y. Tho 7 are lc, a imitable weal ilan tor the coat i:l:table amerumodatiaa of c-:;-r TWO lIIINDBED gOeSta- To a compete:it maartit v : :h. , chance is a meet acoleat eieae OCE, Prat, Plttsburgh,Pbe, Or, i.. P LESt e ea.34lolila Of COMMICt; 01.1 Pellaeelphla, Pa. 1.2 GROSS Rionefield 2- Co, Vegetable Cat tt?.le Lr VarsziTS-ni - Kri s Oro_ COl ze - Tim.t eml•Fa.ath street& C GROSS Baker aCo aver 0/ ,sn etor aa,l G r eaic ty B L. EAtIIi.E.TOCK . ds 00 , apio No. 0,... , 4 . . Vich - A and 1 7,. . , tir;h et roe t 3. 5 Okti.), Barry' Tricopher4)ua, for Bale •y L, & CO., 00 Cor. arsi Fourth so eet, CEROONS Sirards FLA'S Indigo, in stor hud frir ;Ale by B. L. rAIDII.:f3Tat:Ii 4c CO., a pid ei) con W:s4' and Ps - irth .tre.ll. 2fi, od CASKS Sa Aif., for tale by x" B. L. FAHNLSTOCH I CO, ;To. en col' Wool and Voarth sti.ctt .JO. POSTER. A. IV. YOUNG. ut:ora.E. OIEGBUT. 11.1133. Liztas hiANA4ai4i ....... iffifEE! Mr. J u L•icDoamn6L :its T 46ae1 11.1E3 RO3l CA tUILIWB, CONOEOBb BANEORD;