SPECIA.L NOTICES. APPOINTMENT FA - TENDED TO JUNE FIRST. DRS. C. Al. FITCH 4 , .t. W. SYKES, uI ; - orueiz. LIR4 1510. 15 L Pcnn street, L,PPj [T T. CLAIR HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA., TILL JUNE' FIRST, 1.'“ol, way he consulted daily, (except Sunday - 6) ba C(NSUMI' I !r' AztTii NIA. b INCIIITI:t and ALL LIE it t 'WON L'UNIPLAN irt curnidi , :.att d tat, .1 - palnionsry diatttqt, I:,cluding Catarrh, Iletin'(-Disei.ye, lAppepeia, 6iastrili3, Female Complaints, eiTtlLi A NVi ES would slate that their trestuient lasi4l-up , .n the fact that the diaea4,e ;alas In Ue &loud dind sygtein at large, both tolOre and during its el a in th, lungs, and they therrfoce employ Moulton. bal. 11)glenic and Medical remedies to purity the blood dud strengthen uh,3 system. Kith these, they use MEDIOAL IN• LATIoN, which they value highly. but . uiy as Ralia litYs. r,nlch used alone have uo Ourci:ive coeds, and Levu« are earnestly cautioued tutaiust wastlog the precious dine of rut-Ability ou any treatment btele , l Upvi.l the OMNI ble, but false idea that the Seat ut the threidelo sa. be rosebud Ina diroct unoini r by Inhalation. *sr No charge for cousultation A list of quektuus will be aunt these wishing to consult us I.) kat,/ :Address pits U M. & J. W. SYR I.:8, lot Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wll,l, YoU SUFVEIt ? —Read the LlLthny iI Ur 11. P i,LoNaRL, ugizi.t, Payetie C. 11, Ala., Jaw]. * bittern have done ec..n dern ; ; ill. 13, tl-n A youth, a or of ti M. lluirbrort, Esti ,of it. Lad Locu fur dev.irdi atontlid under the ciao of I ptactitton,rd without relief, and the trade rep.n t,.1 J. :ILO al, and the y.Aing wan alttholgh boar, - el) alto to get ut, contria.nceri With the billets lid foulid do to lit IA I,:1 Ilona the quiLbottl, be (...ittinu,i to tol.o, uatil .u -1 ..to two Lio la Itzrw verhnlytrell and "tout " -,•. to. .Sl.iitii:4U if dOB. tu,l 1), (M. i'o! ‘ I uo,ik. " T t: -11.1. EA.; 6:`. 1 MANE -- 1 . /10 bumiuenb A thN 4, aue,l COI th., 01 1111,1 ostA \, ^ .-1..1 • / 111 ,t, it, 1' 4 711 t it .; VAR." LiNtuir PRAYER At , rIE 11111,, I_ .L.,L dal e — • 11,11 •11.1. VRIL,4i. April ~.La 11111/1 I tin 11 :11 , al ,, ,flugr, 1:14,1,41 , r. OU rc , {ll,mit.l Into , putt to thU ocarGtnon lrm,e 113 tit it }Oll flallalll ,110.1 BU SIN ESS CARDS. i'll"I'SBUIEGII STEEL WORKS. 1H990 JUNE' L, ItuYD WM. DIWLILLOUtiIi JONES, BOYD 4S'e co. /JiGurACTbhurld or c s s al "if, 1,b,), PLOW ANt) A. B. STEEI„ BPRINDzi AND AXLES ilorate tiagin mudl Virst Stioeta, EA Li, PA IS I VO. 4.. b E S C eitaiVACTURERB INIAIEtth' IMPitoVEll PATENT '; ' ! ' EEL (,:(1614 NTOR EET 11 , fiaB3 rifißT STRLZT6, PA WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., INLI , )Li,bALE 9^lu 1Ll';PAI1, QkJ4) it 54 gt; Cl-11 A T f+ , E 7 111.4.A10ND ALLEY, 14,41 - atucet, PIT 1 - SBURUEI, PA. Sir- A' %Ilya nu hvud , Blackborry, Üborry, Walt Ooguno VI. 1 NloixeriK.lkola uu.l Roctitiod Whidky, of tho co twa.t e' dettlydol: It E: 0v ,8 CHIN MOORHEAD hai removed to .74- ettrrt. Ivl M Alxritet J H. ii IT4) FtEHE 4 D C 0 NI IBSION MERCHANT, ll= pko. METAL AFW BLOOMS, N.) 74 WATER &I'REET, tiEt..4W AI A RIUT, tari9 l'lTYWßUlttili, AffiCti A. it.T.TZ ER , !forwarding and Ounitniscion Merchant, IMITINZEI Fkur, lirrtin, lideon, Lard, ItulLur, ....doods, Dried Fruit and Product., gerierally, Voriter or etlarket and to/rat 1•11781.10 awl, VA $ 3 , M1V...4111, klatitt,,rt Pittdbui 01; 1tt.,0 S. Ott, Helskull S. Brady, 1 .51 ar. ,11.1.41,3 S Co., lik , ocgo Au:1,11,10U, a Co. W heeling. tuvllo2nti II A it.D W A R It:. k r AM PAII.NES'POCIi, No. 74 WOOD IStrcrot, I'ol.Bbl:ugh, hits 01.. band /I Ittrga STOCK OF HARDWARE, tiich tie will salt vory law tor lu addition to hia kis, linigoo, firth. and Vorkm, ood Sputnia, and a largo aaourtioot. Lir ..:arpoutor'o'ruulo, bola. tocoivni Li largo oap id, of Sbuidoyo Cluttoro and Stuflora ; Elu,Nolo, Tuuguoa uud Pukora ; Hullo, nod Iluainolod Plusorriug Kottloo. Office of Mealer Weights and iFlea ti re y. fliilE OFFICE OP UNI)ERSIUNEI), IL :4:ALA:it r b 11 , A2IGHT:i A:1 7 1) .7MEAyUHB3, May be tumid henceforth, in Cherry utloy , betv.eun Third leouttti etreete, where ..,rklern rutty he lett. tut 13di OHARLEti BARNETT iLubida 1,12.Z11. JAAII.B B. urIBALIIiG it°BENT & CU., Wholesale ) . .•ra, and Forwarding idarchauta 41/.d boal6rts io Prodnet, arid Pittabargli iirrintactures, NO. titd ettroPt, i'll4thlira.h. ht. laree.l6:l, CHANGE OF FEDOR. P. EII'ITHCOUK, having purchased the ha -,t of JACuB lIUVFNIAN, m the thin Eiiol oso, hl'f'reery & Co., the atYle of the firm will hereafter 100 .N1'L1fik.12,1 , ..4" t 61. Mi. Elutfuoin will Brill ,walo lu We Heade. LiI.IFWM&N, AI'ettNIICHY lIITCHCOCti, ftII , 4'REEP,EII' & CO, (ECCOItS.,,,F.II Th LIUYi :SAN, fIrCIELCERI S GJ.3) Forwarding and Commission Aleiaants, wu‘aal:SALE DaAl.l7.F3Ili FIAHIR AND WOOL. 1 , 65. 11.1 Loris; Pittsburgh; Erutou ttru,i , it i_ihll.l9 A C., , " 0,...,11 A Dur,uy, tballino t.• CueKrav, A U.i , tL,rrut 1 MA. Pliib.l,ll;hbi McCattlu6d, C.., .latom, how, Sqlitt, Vi Smith, A C.. " .4 til,itAin, M & tic.. 110, 81...,r11ug et Cc., " All Feutua k 14.4 " Yard, tiiittior.: A pUti DAM • E,NciiNEER AN 1/ f :014TRACT011 ' k J THE EltEXllltii.l mut WORKH, for from the en•l tivivto ail, r itoildiugv, public or privritO, b) tit.cum. nut Fiii mixt,/ myfkliple YA. rri OCO i H I) & CO. , iJatiIiFAPTIIRIII? OF American, Plain Ai Corrugated, (IA_TiVAN 'ZED SKEET IRON, r'or Itc,ioang, Uut.orlng, Spouting, C o A ENT3 FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON iNarchouse, ri3. /au keirmt ctroct, mr:26. ly -is Aldernram's Wince J AMES I1()ON, AI,DER,NIAN, Ex- TiiE PEACE, ntih PtiLIUE: bo. tifl (hunt stroet, utnrly oppo sib+ the oourt Houno, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depasitions, Achnow 1.41ga/eats and Pt . onates takes; the Racords ozatulued, Deeds, Routh, Nlortgagas, Wind, Lassos, Arttolas of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., atc , drawn up ;41.igt u,tlce; Marriages nolaututs.ed, and all bueinese fu the !fur of hie oilLial duties, promptly atteudail to *§., 0111.ro hours, from 7 s. M. to Ir. Et., and from 2 t 6 r a. upbtly Light Cream Ale. ►IIII 1 4 ; SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY ana.,alioa t-, their custiiuiers and tha public, that ow ing to the price of parlay and ilOpfi, and to salt the timed, they rte hrevilag a light and delicious flavored 013,Edfd ALE, which they are dulling at $4 It barrel, and have KEGS TEN U,& L A...MS each, to JA:colLIELIO,into private families. They have also, X ALE, at $o; XX at $7, and auportur ii ENNET at Lbl., awl ~rustler ,