Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1855-1859, April 22, 1858, Image 2

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.3 A ME.; S P. 1; ARII, it'Altor and Proprletc
It seems probable that the opponents of the
Democracy in this county will have "a hap
. time" at their approaching nominating
Convention. For the principal office of Sher
iff which it is generally understood is worth
enough for the term of three years, if indict..
ensly administered,,to render a wan comforta
ble for life, there are any quantity of patriots
who would be willing to accept the position
without any great pressing. In this case.
there will be no necessity for the - office to
seek the man"—there are plenty of men seek
mg the office. In the convention, the cont!•st
among the aspirants for the -honor and prof-.
its" of the Sherif - laity promises to he a lively
and excitim7 one. Each candidate has friendi
who can give "reasons us plenty as flackben
ries," why their favorite should be nominated
in preference to all others. '['he race is likely
to be a sweepstakes, and it would tr: a risk)
business to bet on any one candidate agaiazlt
the field as matters stand at present.
For Congressmen,the canvass for the
anation appears to be proceeding wore q uietly
than that for Sheriff. The people seem to he
impressed with the necessity of having prac
tical men in Washington City, and they are
, freely and wisely discussing the availability
and practical utility as national legislators
of the several prominent gentlemen on both
sides of the river, whose names have been
mentioned in - ,,connection with the noniina , .
tion. As the opponents of the Democracy
claim that their,nomivation is equivalent to an
election, it becomes them to place before the
people men who have the right kind of abili
ty and knowledge and influence to do the
largest possible amount of good for their ,-on
The Democracy will look on and enjoy the
fun of the scramble among the opposition for
the "leaves and fishes,' and then will place in
the Ileld a ticket which will keep the domi
nant party he dawn to their work on the eke
Lion day. Co ahead, gentlemen, "we shall
see what we shall see."
lUaitutialweloners /0 11 ci,lfic the Ye nil
Governor Packer has appointed lion.
Charles R. Buckalew and Judges Lewis and
Knox as commissioners to revise the penal
code of the state. 'Three tool niore compe
tent—more admirably qualified to execute
this important duty could not have been
found, in the State. AU of them men 01
first class ability all of.them experienced in
the practical workings of our laws, and hilly
cognizant of their merits and defects, and all
of them accustomed to judicial exam nations
and comparisons, the product of their joint
labor and talent cannot fail to be u work such
as the State needs, and which will be of great
value to every ~citizen. The I; overt or has
exhibited his usual sound judgment and care
ful regard for the public welfare m the Felec
Lion of these gentlemen for the performance
of this laborious and responsible duty
'l'he Eitatc S:.nate
With the close of the present session, the
tams of the following named ;‘!enators will
Yhiladelahia Harlan Ingram, D-m
Montgomery Thomas Y KL105..,
Berk --Julit(- . 0 Evans, U .
Northampton - &-Lehigh Joa.. Laubach,
Sobuylkill-4,', :M. :.;trfauh, D.
Centre, -Andrew Uregg,
Tioga, - Henry thilitber, Op.
Erie ..s. Crawford-41 A Finney, Up.
Allegheny-- William
ii . ork— Was H Welets,
Pohl, 6 beul..crnti,
Politically the Senate „viii stand after the
' ' expiration of the ttrroe of these gentlemen--
Dernonrats 1:1, Oppo&Mon 9..
fiduciary fi'raucig
A very important bill to %make better pro,
vision for the punishment of hands commit
ted by bankers, trustees, and other persons
intrusted with property, read in place cy Mr.
Buckalew, and reported from the Judiciary
Committee by Judge Wilkins, has passed both
houses and been signed by the tioverner. It
is the reenactment of an English law on the
subject. l t makes it a misdemeanor of any
trustee, banker, broker, merchant, or agent ;
any person intrusted with a powcs of attor
ney ; any officer, director, manager,or member
of any body corporate, who shall. with intent
to defraud, convert the money, or any part of
it, intrusted to his car to his own use, or
who shall alter and falsify any record, A c
Leer 'non 1t.2 Lig ttors
Hunt Miner have laid upon our table a
neat work which treats of distilling stud brew
ing is a science. It is written by Dr. Lewis
Feutchwanger, of New York, a gentleman
well skilled in scientific knowledge. It treats
of a great variety of matters which are of
value to the makers and sellers of both dis
tilled and fermented liquors, and to such will
be of great practical utility. Be sides the se b
iecta of brewing, distilling, rectifying and
manufacturing st4.ars, wines, spirits cider,
vinegar, and all known liquors, the voiume
contains hundreds et valuable directions in
medicine, metallurgy pyrotectiny, and the
arts In general.
Tartif Deulalcus
The Secretary of the Treasury has ratified,
on appeal, the decision of the Collector at New
York in assessing a duty of fifteen per cent
on roofing felt ; that of the Collector at Phi -
adelphia in assessing a duty of fifteen per cent
on sulphate of ammonia ; and that of the Col
lector at Baltimore in charging a duty of
twenty•four per cent. on - guitar strings corn •
posed of metal and silk. The Secretary has
decided also that a duty of fifteen per cent.
should be assessed on importations principally
from Russia known as rags or white rope, a
iniundfacture of hemp reduced to pulp, and in
tended for the manufacture of paper. The
decision of the Collector at San Francisco has,
on appeal, been overruled, in assessing a duty
of nineteen per cent on cocoa matting ; it is
fifteen per cent.
Democratic arsoclation
The Pennsylvania Democratic Association in
Washington have elected the following officers
for the present year :—President, J. Glancy
Jones ; Vice President, Col. D. M. Bull ; Sec-.
retary,Thomas J. halainant ; Assistant Sec
retary, Stephen G. M 'Nair ; Treasurer, Thomas
---A new counterfeit two dollar note, purport
ing to have been been issued the 'Merchants'
Bank of Diewburyport, Massachusetts, has made
its appearance. The vignette is a ship in full
sail. The note is lettered A, and is dated May
10, 1.85'. The counterfeit is well executed
Col v aton , s Remains r:erti Adages
la noticing the funeral obsequies of the
late departed statesman, the St. Louis Dem
ocrat says that among the numerous tokens of
respect and regard shown on the occasion of
Col. Benton's death and burial, we know of
none more worthy of praise than that exhibi
ted by the Superintendent of the Adams' Ex.
press Company. Mr. Gaither, upon ascer
taining -from the relatives of Col. B. that his
remains were to be conveyed to St. Louis,
immediately tendered suitable accommodations
for that purpose, on boa•d the cars of the
company, and fitted up one expreiialy for
that purpose, draping it tastefully in mourn
ing. Mr. Gaither, the ruperinteudent. took
charge of the rectimns of the deceased pa-,
triut, and accompanied them froth Baltimore
to ucinnati, where his business compelled
bun to remain. He, however, transferred the
charge to .K. Patterson, Es 4 , assistant su•
perintendaut, who brought the body to St.
Louis, and deity , red it to the proper persons.
'these gentlemen paid the most respectful at
tent 'on to the friends of the deceased on the
route, and did everything in their power to
show their respect for the, remains of the man
who bad occupied so conspicuous a position in
the history 01 his c, - )i.otry. After having ful
filled this duty, they refused any rennmeration
for the noble part they performed. Such con
duct is worthy of all praise, and furnished an
example of disinterested feeling seldom en
countered ':'he gentlemen who do such acts
endear themselves to all who revere the uaeui
or dol. Benton, and we know that a trans
at:I.WD so houorahle inn itself will long tie held
in reineinhialle. - - by the immediate relatives
iind peisunal friends el the deceased
Brow! Mine!, aro on a stri6e
foi li4tier wages.
- A niarrie.l luau of great eXptiloUer, then
the sotind advit:e • "To prevent your
hair from coming out--never let your wife catch
you kissing tti:: servant girl "
Louie B L-nt, EN , the
Elue , triqn 4 ilanager iS at Cvlumbue, Ohio,
tre 124: v 7,11 slhirtly onretrnen•3e his traveling
Findlas', tlhio, is an e •ttrwtrdirtary ogg mar
kvt From tile 12th !iq.y nf March to The 12th
day ,•f Apra net , hipped fr,m the
raiiroad euinpaaj, that place,
t;ai barrels of eggs, vitooh ie sopposi , d to eon
taiu,an average of ;2 tioren to tho barrel, would
qmouut to 44,610 doz,,q; oi from
F,udlay .11 thirty one days
;iir Wiliam lion has taken the benefit
of the bankrupt act At the Bristol Court,
after coneideralde discussion, the ease occupying
several hours, the insolvent was sworn to his
schedule, and declared entitled to the benefit
.f Iha net, and ordered to be ‘iiA;;harged Mr.
Charles Dickens was recommended to he assignee.
There is now no prospect of a bankrupt law
Passing Congress this session If f, - ,r tie other
reason, there is not time enough
- The tievernor of New York has i - ,ffere,i a re
ward for the arrest of the murderer or murderers
,f young Samuels
—The early resumption of navigation is pour
ing in upon the far weEtern ra'iroatis
trathe, and the receipts, thus far Intheato a
large business for the entatinE,r month The
l,i.ntitiC of lit to he pm , liod f.“ ciar , l are
mi betty, very 1,,tg0. fits titt.ttlftta
of the rttilnttitts I r 11.1, to nth iti March oont-
pare more favorably with liLst year than was ap
Messrs Saltier Church, lumbers, id ; , :in
Francisco, California, who failed last summer,
have paid their creditors in full ; and as - air] 13
sumed business In these days of rascality and
ciirruption,such an act deserves to be noticed.
--Bpaiding & Rogers, Circus, starts out from
St. Louis at the close of the week Antonio S.
Wilder 'opened their great " World Circus' in
lLe city on Tuesday last.
Robert 'l'yler, *fog,'
At the recent celebration of St. Fatrick's
Day, at an Francisco, Dr. O. Brien proposed
the following volunteer toast, which was re,
ceived withqloud demonstrations of applause.
Robert Tyler, 4 Plitladelpbm—Hie atlvuottcy
td an interoceanic railroad Phows the interebt
La iakos iu eshforoia, 1.11,3 his name, is a holi9e
11•,i I W.rd aniong,t our Gonutryinen
The ta rdtr of Iteleu Jewell
I: .1 Flitteh, (,1 ilLsryss lle, Califurtila wrile9
giV;lig tolfln new facts iu retard
he mrirthort,-; of lid•.o ;.w
I notico ;, car i over the rirnalarc al Richard
Pearce RAin,on, in which he complains that
rumor has connected his name with that of Rich
ard P Robinson, who murdered Helen Jewett in
New Yolk city, some twenty years ago. Mr.
Kobinscat, the writer of the card, calls on any
person' who ever saw the Robinson of Helen Jew
elt nntoriety, to certify if he hears any resem
hlsuce to that individual This I cannot do, as I
urter saw Mr Robinson, of Nan Francisco, hnt
I can ccrtify he is not the Richard i• - • Robinson
who killed Helen Jewett
That unhappy man no longer lives lie died
at Louisville never al years ago 1 knew him in
Nachitoohes, Texas, where he resided for twelve
or fifteen years before his death He wee known
there lie Richard P Para)lee -- was clerk of the
county for several year had an interesting
larnily behave,' mnisrlf well— was highly es
teemed by good into for hie many good iptalitits,
even after it deratin torinms that he was the
identical Robinson who murdered Helen Jewett
lie died of consumption and a broken heart. Ha
repented of his great crime, and it was not in the
nature of the generous people among whom he
lived in Teas to refuse him their forgiveness, or
to withhold from him and his devoted wife and
children their kindness and sympathy.
Robinson, or Parmleo, (for ho went by that
name to the day of his death—a name which his
wife and children still bear,) when he died, was a
mail contractor under the tiovernment upon one
of the great leading routes through Texas. lie
was elected clerk of his county twice %Veen
first elected it was not known who he woe. lieu
-t candidate for re-election he confessed, if 1 mis
take not, that he murdered Helen Jewett ; and
yet he had so won the confidence and affection of
rho people by his good conduct that he was re
elected The county of Nachitoohes is one of
the most respectable in Texas.
11AaY6VILLE, Nlaren 13, 1&8
insa'ulty of 111 r and \ire li C Peek, of Provi
Jenne, Rhode Island, and the death of the latter,
as the result of over excitement in religion, is
mentioned in the Providence (R. I ) papers.
The Yost, giving an account of the circomsfauces
before Mrs. Peck's loath, said :
Both of them have felt much interest in the
revival now progressing here, and reoently have
allowed religious subjects to so constantly press
upon their thoughts as to prevent them from
eating or sleeping with much regularity. Within
a few days both have manifested unmistakable
signs of insanity, and Mr. Peck, when not under
the influence of chloroform, has had to be hand
cuffed to prevent him from injuring himself and
those about him. Mrs. Peck, as is usual in such
cases, believed that God bad commanded her to
fast, and has thus refused food for several days,
save on . one or two occasions. She had also
imagined that her children had been commanded
to fast ; insisted that they should refuse food,
and was so reckless in her chastisement of them
when they disobeyed hi3r, that she also had to be
A RATHER plain spoken clergyman once took
for Litt Lest, this passage in the Psalms: "I 8111.1
In my haste all men are liars.'!
Looking up, apparently as if he. saw the
Psalmist stand immediately before him he said:
.'You said so iu your haste, did you David ?
Well if you had been here, you might have said
it after mature reflection."
NAOMI, daughter of Enoch, was five hundred
and eighty years of age when ehe married.
Take oourage young ladies.
A Uelwtitr corer pai.d , :,l of le New York
Commercial Adveruser, , to giving .in s.ccount,of
a visit to Barrackpoie, says:
"We saw the recently-arrived elephants froia
Burmah, they looked in good condition. There
were ninety of them at the stables, and many
wero travelling about through the different
streets and roads. I had a short ride upon one
of largest, who kneeled down to enable rue
to mount him, 0111 corns of them made as a sa
laam with their trunks when told to do ire by
their keeper, or 'mahout,' as the driver is call
ed. They are intelligent animals. A story was
we of it number of elephants in ,ae ul
the Mufussel dietricta Ont. of them had corn.
milted a fault in relet!ir.g t carry a slight addi
tiunal burden, when told by the mahout that he
would get extra grog t r it. He was tried by a
court-martial in the presence of twenty of his
elephantine brethren and cocvicte.d, and es thi
keeper's reading the eentenc.. all raised their
trunks in.a.c.knuwiedgrint of juL•ti• - e Aucdh
er was appointed to Hog him, which he did by
giving him tifty lashes with a long chain twihed
about his trunk, and the culprit received the
whole meekly, well knowing he deserved it ' -
They are very (ginning as to w , ighing the it food
with their trucks when on a and it :Ler,:
is an ounce short they di9c:.ver it, and insi.,t on
the regular allowance %%hen travelling they
each have a gallon of grog e day, just as sailors
and soldiers have their glass. These animals
were at Larrackporr recruiting after the voy
age, and were soon to be sent up country to do
si.d vice in England's caus.,.-
brit ;It again. is et:closed in a bony
case An our irt: , l Ily BCritatious are '
up .n the nerve,. but the nerves
auless they era in connection
with, tt,e braiu. nervous cord which, in to
i al igu a g es is called tt,..3 spinal marrow, is
Ihe (Itauttel Ity which this communication is
kept up as to the major pail of them, and
a secii.o, what may he termed the, groat trunk
r.... 1 f r the c;,;.veyuuc' i.f our secsatiens I! , lie
e , ,-ed. au I by the rre.,_ll in its continuity the
ncrves below the disordered part can no longer
=end their accustomed intelligence to the liroie,
the pot Emu cf the body whiGh thus becomes
way be buened ur hacked, and no more
pain will result than if ;t belonged to a dead
carcass instead of to a riving man 7'115 burin,
therrfors 3vhordinaiwn t the mind, et 1/c ihy.
eat (-tar, of 3ensaiton. 1 et, strange to soy,
it to as,/j insensible to the wound,' which ut r tvr
lure to tit. , 3A - in, and which wounds the brain
alone enables us to feel. "Itis as insensible,"
Bays Sir Charles Loll, "as the leather of our
shi.e, and a piece may be cut off without inter
rupting the patient in the sentence that he is
uttering " (because the hone which envelops it
is its protectbin against injuries from without, it
has no percepthm of th4n when directed against
its own fabric, theugl, .1 at the 94.1110 time,
the sole source of the pain which these iniaries
inflict upon the other portions of the sy,dern
But the 1), Lai ge no d./epee i/idi the effect j in
temp, r-. 1 hr.', or a vitiated camo.qpiere, COT too great
;term a/ 1.-4/. To these, consequently, the :Jame
brain, which has been created insensible to the
cut of the knife, is rendered billy alive, and
giddiness, headaches, and apoplect,o oppression
give ample notice to us to q=l, the evil,
we are prepared to pay the petioli,
THE N4t6 El Eat: A ourre• pou
,teni of the Louisville Journal, writing from
Henderson, Ky., gives the fullowiug account of
a " tusuB nature" in that place that surpmses
all the freaks of that occasionally whimsical lady
Dania Nature, that we ever heard of :
have just returned from a visit to one of the
most estra,,rdivary curickities ever known in
the history ,( t ra , 2o A negru woman,
belonging t, Mr Stited, of this place, gave
hirtn, eight days ago, to f,rir living children,
joined htget .rr by pairs in a still more peculiar
tonna - Er than the Stamese Twins. Two boys are
connected at the shoulder, and from the hip to
the knee joint, leaving the lower joint, of the leg
and the feet of each pet fectly free. The girls
are joined at the shouldor, w:th this difiefence
from the boys--that they have hot one alio
from the ' J unction of their shoulders. They are
joined from the hip down to the foot--the two
togs ending in oils t'oot.
iu reg3r , l to ttiti color et the ehildren, dure
seeme to have been quite as eccentric as in their
furniti. , n, one f the buys being lilaelt and the
other 3e white as the child of a white w, man ;
aml vo with the girls. They all seem to lie per
iee,tl), heabity, for mother Is demi uncommonly
tN A CHUB, An extraordinary
m - ,currel in the Eplsoopiel Mission (lhartiti,
Brooklyn, on last Sunday Just after the ser
vice had ec mmenced, a young man G ame T w i l l ing
up the aisle, and after a minute survey of the
conaregati, - i, as if lurking for some particular
person, ran up to the organ loft, and drew a dag
ger upon a young lady there named Miss Pran
ces 'V Bennett. A scene of consternation en-
Sled which beggars de-cription. Miss Bennett
shrieked at the top of her voice ; the would: he
assassin made a second plunge at her with his
dagger, and doubtless would have despatched her
on the spot, had not the organist sprung from his
seat and arrested his uplifted arm.
The Dame of the intruder is Josiah Newman,
and the cattßo of his murderous attack upon Mios
Bent,tt, they say, iy disapppiatod love, or e•oma
thing of that sort. He was turned over to the
a 1,(,1i..;e officer, and escorted to yoison,
where he w;11 prohahl:.7 be long enough to give
his orient paeLoon opportunity to cool GIL
of thi; thriving town of H , in Maine, which
lion,sts a bay rivalling, thy of Naples ; is pretiided
over one Judge W---, who is something of a
wag as well as a la:Hjer Oa one occasion
while enjoying a pest prandial 'feast of reason
and flow of soul" with some of the jolly fellows
of that region, the judge WAS summoned to the
court-room, To try an irishman arrested for
drunkenness. Having heard the testimony,
which clearly proved the crime, the judge asked
the accused ••Have you any friends?" "Ist",„
your honor " Judge W-- , "Have you any
money ?" "No,your honor "Then," BRIJ
Judge W, "if you have no friends alad no
money, must proceed to pronoun's the sen
tence of the court, which is that you he impris
oned for thirty days ,a the House of Carnelian
-and may tl,d have mercy on your soul "
FACT —Jonatlihu tells a etory et a man , a , 140
loaned an umbrella to a friend, a tradesman in
his sired . , on a wet, nasty day It was nct re
turn? t, and on another wet dipagreeable day,
he called for it, but met his friend at thr .l'or,
going out with it in his hard.
"I have come for my umbrella," eaolaimed the
" Can't help that.' replied the borrower,
don't you see that I am a going oat with it
'' Well--yes"—replied the lender, astounded
at such outrageous impu fence, "yes, but—what
am I to do
" Do r' roplied the other, es he threw opc
the umbrella, had walked off, do as I slid th
other day , Sorrow 0n,7
THE first recur led remark of a man's hair
standing on eud with horror or astonishment ;;
in the book or " Eniesiastica," written about
two hundred years before Christ by Jesus the
eon :1 Sircch of Jerusalem, and received ac Ca
nonical by the Roman Catholic Church, In
chaidcr xxvii, verse 14, it is said: "The talk of
him that sweareth much maketh the hair stand
F L HAleu
" 3tat, I believe Sam's got no truth in him "
"V< ,ion't now nigga ; tiar's more truth in that
nigga dan ell de res' on de plantation." "How do
you make dat." 'Why he never let any out."
THE woman who undertook to scour the woods
bail; abandoned the job, owing to the high price
of soap. The last that was heard of her she was
i.kimming the seas
YOU'VE destroyed thy peace of mind,' said a
desponding lover to a truant lass. "It can't
do you much harm, John, for it was an amazing
pieta you bad, any way I"
" ttn, pray lot me have my way this time,"
said a young gentleman to his lady-love. " Well,
Willi,, I suppose I must this once, bat you know
that after we are mai ried, I shall always have a
[l'd] my own "
For the detection of any person counterfeiting, imi
tating, or the vendor of any such counterfeit or
Tho genuine, highly concentrated Holland Bitters is
put up in half pint bottles only, having the name of
the proprietor, B. Peue, Jr., blown in them, and his
signature around the nook of each and every bottle.
This delightful Aroma has been received by Ameri
cans with that favor which is only extended to really
scientific) preparations. When we consider the
marked success attending its administration, in the
most stubborn cases of Fever and Ague, Weakness of
..ny kind, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Acidity of the
Stomach, Sick and Nervous Headache, Indigestion,
Costiveness and Piles, together with the complete
control it exercises over all Nervous, Rheumatic, and
Neuralgio Affections, we cannot wonder at its pope.
larity. Well may the invalid value this remedy.
Cauticra I—Be careful to 81 , 11 for Baffkaces flulland
Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for. $5,
by the sole Proprietors, Deep/win Page, Jr., .2 Co.,
No. 27 Wood street, botwe•er. Itirgt and Beeond streets,
and Druggists generally.
Ilse [trail', Frei noW G! 21 a
A Seward,►s littered I
A iettng
V , e ba , :•';3 meutioned the fact of a murderous
affray between two boys, lc Albaty, during which
one -was killed.- The origin of the affair was a
dispute about, s game of marbles. Michael
Naughton, the youthful murderer, was going to a
slaughter house, at which he is employed, and had
a small butcher's knife in hie pocket. The first
that the bystanders olt,seTved was that there was
odiuch and a scuffle between them, and Joseph
O'Calialian vies thrown hwu lie ;mndt'diately
cried out that he was stabbed. Naughton was At
once arrested, and the knife found. Theri war
blood upon the blade of the weapon to the extent
of three inches from the point, chewing what a
frightful wound had been inflicted. The boy
O'Callahan died within about twenty minutes
1 after he was taken bonie. The boy Naughton is
twelve years of age. O'Callahan is not quite so
I old. He is represented as having been an intelli
gent lad. Naughton is an orphan, and lived .li
rectly opposite the home of his victim After his
:arrest and committal he did not seem 1, appre
ciate the enormity of his crime, and excused his
out by saying that deceased had no right to t.,ko
his marbles This terrible tragedy created great
excitement in the vicinity of its occurrence, and
the agony of the parents of the murdered boy was
lie trt reeling. It is a fearful chapter in the
twiny ones of blood, doubly so from the tender
years of the parties to it
A Sad Case
V's . ortieeQ, the water rent collector of Cincin
nail, it has already been stated, is a defaulter
lie is a young man. wi,o bad always exercised
prudence and care in the management of his
I L•inesq, and enjoyed the most unlimited cun
t d..rice of his friends. some eight or nine months
ne ho i.mod his way into a gambling house, and
woo finally temptei, to participate in a vice
whi , .h he had always previously abhorred He
plas4d, w.m, and and kept on piayiug,
and, thoiiidi almost constantly a loser, was sc
faszinatrd with the cliiatnl3 of the vice, and ant
mated by the hope of regaining what he had
b. 5 t, that he could not withstand the tempts
!i„n to run On to rotr.r rum. %%Int tl he corn
menced playing he t;,18 worth het Ween eight
and ten thousand &liars. He Li.t it all With
the infatuation despair, he continued to gamble :
however, using the puidin funds Which came into
his possession as water rent collector. That, too,
disappeared into the cDffero of the gamblers
Vorhees ft•Ellotion to this vice was not known
to his most intimate friends. His previous ab
horrence of gambling put the lie to all rumors
to that ettect, and the truth was not known until
his last quarterly settlement day found him with
out the means to meet the claims against him.
The whole truth was at once developed. To his
securities he sni.. , equently confessed all, informed
as to the locality ,d the gambling houses, the
Proprietors of which paid back a portion of their
ill-got t.m gains. in order to prevent prosecution
MRS PARTINaTON iIFIS Seen an article iu the
papery hea,led, Cunspiracy to murder Bill '
P want. to know who 13111 is. She always
nmlerstooct the conspiracy was to murder Nap ,
not Bill, and she cannot make it out at all.
Ita Colninissi°ller
etc., se., Se
Spenal Dedpntch to the Moriduig Yuat•)
!I Annisaano, April 21.--Senate. The House bill
to Qnable T2anc M. Pennock to soil certain property
pn-Eed tinnily, and needs hut the Oovernor'a approval
to be a law.
House bill No. 243, relative to suits against the
pity of Pittsburgh, passed finally, but having boon
amended goes to the 1101393 for concurrence therein.
The vote was reconsidered by which the
Senate Lill ropealing the penalties of usury was 100,
and was paF2ett l pally and 0fte.1 , 3 but the ctovern ,
approval to he a law.
The llouse receded from non-ooncurren..e ,i 1 the
amendment to the bill relative to insurance c,mpa
nies, and the bill was finally passed, and reel' tot
the governor's approval.
Senate bill r01a1d3..-o to liquor licensee granted ,a
April, passed finally, and needs but the Uoverm - d's
approval be a law.
The House an ended and then concurred in the
Senate amendments to the bill improving streets in
Pittsburgh. The Senate concurred. The bill pro
vides for a vote by separate tickets to extend the
paving laws to the boundkry of streets, makes pay ,
lug and grading a lien, and authorises assessments
for constructing sewers.
The Mil Lia bill is in the hands of a . cuinmittee of
con forenee.
The bills relative to vehicle licenses, supplement
to tho Western Transportaticn Company and Rail.
road Company hove been signed by the tiovernor.
The bill to change the location ui a street in South
Pittsburgh will probfthly be vetoed.
.ce-r4rrtP —The hill to establish Guy'e Mill Ferry
passed finally awl pestle bat the Onvorncee approval
to become a law
Flom" , --House Bill to erect a new Judicial bistriet
came back sm.naca, abolishing Wilmot's district.
Masers. Chase, Armstrong, Nilh, M'lmre and licepp
denounced It as monstrous oppression and unconsti
tutional; Messrs. Calhoun and Owen supported it.
Mr. Calhoun milled the previous question which was
not sustained, the vote being yeas 33, nays 01. All
our members voted nay- Am„ ti , 11 to concur was
The Senate refused to ooncur in the bill to widen
Diamond alley, and a Committtee of Conference was
appointed, which roperted the bill as road in the
Senate. The report of the Committee of Cenferonee
was agreed to by both houses this evening.
The Sonato is still in session.
The House refused to concur in the Senate amends
merits to the bill relative to private claims, adding
transporter's claims, by a vote of 31 yeas and -16
It is thought trat an effort will be made to raped
the Tonnage To at the last moment of the session.
I{l9l 3Er.'~L'):i
iiesterdayls Proceodingi,
Numerous memorials and resolutions were pro
seated. Among the petitions was one by Mr. Came.
roe, of Pennsylvania, from citizens of Philadelphia,
asking Government for a line of steamers between
Philadelphia and Southampton.
Mr. Durkee, of Wisconsin, presented the resolu
tions passed, by the Legislature of his State against
the Lecompten Constitution.
Mr. Wilsoh, of Massaohusetts, on leave, introduced
a joint resolution that the President be, and hereby
is, authorized and requested to suspend for one year
the sale of public lands advertised to ho sold in
the Territory of Kansas during the month of July,
Mr. Mallcry 'reported, without amendment, from
the Committen on Naval Affairs, a bill to repay seven
hundred art fifty dollars for repairs to the Norwegian
bark Ellen, for • damages sustained in rescuing pas
sengers of the Central America. The bill was passed.
Mr. Mason introduced a joint resolution author
izing the l'resident to take such measures against
Paraguay as the refusal of that republic to make
reparation for firing into the steamer Water Witch
may demand.
Mr. Masan stated that Copt. Page would soon sail
in a small steamer for that locality to co-operate
with any farce that may be required to attain repa
Mess's. Douglas and Allen fully concurred in the
Mr. Coflamer could not vote for the resolution in
asmuch as It was virtually authorizing the dealaran
tion of war against Paraguay.
Mr. Mallory spoke from good authority that Para
guay is ready to right the wrong committed, and the
course is to send a representative that understands
the theory of her government, and speaks the lan
guage, and be did not doubt that friendly relations
will be established with that young and rising re
public, whose commerce is so valuable, and which is
now on the eve of a war with her more powerful
neighbor, Buenos Ayres, which circumstance would
render it ungracious in as to send a hostile message
at the present juncture.
The special order, namely, the Deficiency bill,
came up; thereby deferring further consideration of
the question. Mr. Fessenden's amendment to the De
&Amoy bill was then debated, and the discussion on
the bill continued until the hour of adjournment.
Mr. George Taylor, from the Select Committee,
Made a report, with a bill for the establishment of a
bureau for printing, binding, engraving, lithograph.
mg and electrotyping, which, with a minority report,
proposing amendments to the present law, was re
ferred to the Committee of the Whole on the state of
the Union.
Mr. Boyce called up the report of tho Committee
on Elections, in the Nebraska case, concluding with
a k solu Liu u that Mr. Ferguson, the setting Delegate,
and Mr. Chapman, the contestant, haiti a further
time of sixty days for taking and returning supple
mentary testimony.
The resolution was amended estendin4 the time
for taking evidence to the first of Ootober and passed.
In committee on the We t Point Academy bill,
during the discussion, Mr. Giddings asked Mr. Cobb
when the Kansas Cltnmittoo will report? Mr. Cobb
replied when the conflicting difficulties existing ba
t.ceen Lecomptim and anti-Lecompton Democrats
became reconciled in order that they may have power
tc setzle the question.
The West Point Academy bill was finally pasiod,
and the Hones adjourned.
Our Relations with Chins—Commissioner
Heed'■ Instructions
WASHINGTON CITY, April 21.--The instructions to
Commissioner Reed have boon made public. The
Secretary of Ftate informs him of the objcets which
aro understood, and the benefits which the French
and English allies seek to accomplish by treaty stip•
ulations which are recognized by the President as
just and expedient, and su far as you can do so by
peaceful cosupervtion you will aid in their accom
plishment. In conformity with this policy you will
etanuaunicato frankly with the British and French
:Ministers upon all points of common interest, so that
it way be distinctly understood that the three na
tions aro equally influenced by a determination to
obtain justice and by a desire to procure by treaty
arrangements for the extension and more adequate
protection of their commerce and intercourse with
China. But on your side these efforts must be con
fined to firm representations, appealing to the justice
and policy of the Chrineseauthorities, and leaving your
owe government to determine upon the course to be
adopted, should your representations be fruitless.
Special reference is made to your communication to
I I the ministers of tireat Britain and France, not only
fro-u our common interests with these nations in the
trade of China and in the means suggested for its
extension, but because they alone, among the great
powers of the world, have diplomatic representations
at Court It is understood, however, that Russia,
which has long been represented in China by mix
bionuries of religion, have attempted recently to se.
cure the reception there of an accredited minister,
and you may possibly find this purpose accomplished
WtICEI you reach your destination. In that event,
there is no roasou why you sheuol not be on
the same friendly relations with the Russian envoy
as with the representatives of tireat Britain and
France. You are authorized, therefore, to communal
cats with him as far as practicable upon all subjects
of mutual concern. This country, you will hear in
mind, is not at war with China, nor does it seek to
enter that empire for :my ~ther purpose than those
of lawful commerce and the pr tection of the I yes
and property of its eft:zero,.
The Revolution in VEftt7.llCia,
NEW Yurta, April 2 I.—Caraccas papers of March
31st received, mention the overthrow of Monagas in
Venezuela to to complete, but his fate is not yet de.
cided ; some were clamoring for his banishment and
others for his execution. Placards were posted in
the streets rehearsing the crimes of the fallen tyrant.
tine gives a list of the robberies perpetrated under
the Monagas rule, amounting to $17,2 , 10,000, of
which six millions and a quarter were by the two
Monagas. It is stated that the American Minister
ad‘ Iced Monagas,:before his fall, to declare Caraccas
In a state of siege and himself Dictator. The
Dutch, Spanish, Frenoh and English a lobsters also
endeavored to prevent the fall. The two latter have
sent to the West Indies for vesso , s of war. It was
thought that the whole diplomatic corps would re
ceive their cunge from the provisional government.
",e, c Bl-- A (1001) COMPARLSOZ , I.—The Rev. Am Ponlett, a
well-known Methodist clergyman, residing at Naples draws
the following amusing Lut apt cAnparisou tatween Dr. Mr
L •ne's Le'ebrated Yerrnifue, pr epared hy Fleming Bros, of
Pitt,burgh, Pa., and a ferret
A ferret, when placed at the entrance of a rat-hula, en
ters the aperture, navels along the passage, seizes up.,u the
rat, exterminates his existenc,i, and draws the aialwal's e
fauct carcass to the light. And in like manner have 1
found Dr. Arldtit'a A:snail:JAN VERMLFUGE to operate upon
WORMS, those &radial and dsugerons tormentors of chit
drea. This remedy, like the ferret, enters the ape, -ram of
the mouth, ttavola thaem the gullia, bunts iouud the stem.
adt, lays hold of the worms, shakes the life out of tLe rep
:lles, sweeps Mean thoir 4.3 n, and carri,a their carcasses
clear out of 113 tystew. Tai,, at least, b.,1 been the effect
of the Vs. mifuge upon my children."
A nei B Libor at Mr itculatt, S 1 r, John Blig,ts, adopts the
simile ~f the reverend certifier, thus both givin. , their most
unrquh ee a! approval of this great specific, aft, r having wit
heels d its ,peratin upon their ow o rls ldt.,n. tof others
try it, and be Patisfierl.
BX3O- Purchasers will ba careful to ask I,r DR. NULINE . I3
81i.06 rd Pittsburgh, Pa All other Vol nilfuges lu Cola
parisea are wOrtlsiml. fir . 511.stse's penalise Verialfng:l
nit's) his eiebrased Laser Pills, can now 143 had at all ld
eptetablr, drug starea. Nehe 'rename wittaiut the 84/nature Of
laCI apl6:l4sclira, I LI,MINU 1+11.0,1.
Of TFI is
Pittsburgh, April 21 t, 1868. )
fr - = -, NOTICE TO 9T001[14 oLDER.U.--A sped 1 'noel
ins of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh and I. 011
uailevllln Railroad Company will be held at the office of
Coll, posy, (Jones' hulloing, Fourth eta •et,) iu too city
Pittston gli, on FRIDAY, the 7th day f %LIN next, at elevyi.
o'clock, n u, for the purpose of coii•iikriltg A PUBTII Eli
mince to imaratitee the goads of the Pitteburgh and Con
uolleville Ilitilload Company, approved January 24,
passed by the Mayor and City Council of Lbiltimote, ou the
21st day of April, 1858, and of trammeling each other tune
Leis as tufty lie nitheilited to the Stockholders.
a 122 3tdaliiw A. L. RUSSELL, Beeratery.
DAY EVSNINU, April 24th, 1868, at 7 o'clock, will b -
stint by catalogue, at the Commercial tales lioolllll, No 5-1
Fifth street, a collection of mlacelleueons b.wke, on a varlet}
el ti-oelUl cud ititerestiug subjects, etemig Ll/.,u, are hada-a-l
b—Ms Works, i viols; arott's Conimenta. y 011 the New fee
tament, 2 vols.; Prior'e Cloldewith, 4 yids ; Addison's Work
t 1 vide.; Poste ant Poutry of km:Find; Moil rice ne'n Lilo. iu
Chase on the Aliostlce, Work,' ol l hal lee Lamb,
2 . vols.; Wilt Beeues t•f a Hauler e Life, I tollai• W...ke
Works of Deau uwilt, 2 vole; flay watiVe Nazetteer, Mut
yihy'n To:Little, ticket's Livy, vole.; Pa Oriel Womiele
11 istor2, Dick's Work s 2 V.,18 ; C 1,,, her Cotomentat y , Rill
toe's Wof ke, Totuaball's MeFicigal, ate.
Volt pa to Mara 1u Catalogues, c hick eon be bad at thy
Auttiou sitoie (ap22) P. SI' , AVIS., Au t'i
NOS, April 22,1 and 23d, at 7 o'clock, will be Buhl, at the
Commercial StileB Rooms, No. 64 Fifth eilaet, a valuably
collyttlon of new teheethunecius Books, co:noising the beet
aittliern Ilni etillienn, In every department of EngibM sod
A Luencau literature. Also superb Family UfLies , in various
Liudiuge; Blank hooky, Staibitiary,
nits clothe stook of standard works sod elegant mhicel
lanoom, publications, are conveniently as ranged for exam
'nation and privet bah, seeing the day
ap22 1'..11 bAViS, Auctioneer.
sl.v kat CV A TOIL ES —U. litis truURSDAY,eve
g, April 211, at 7/4; o'clock, will he Hold, at the Coteau-,
In Sales Ituoats. No 54 Fifth 813,1, 13 hunting and
cased and P.ilver Watches. Bab! miptory.
51,22 P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer.
ED, in as change for laud.
ap32 S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market et .
ESTERN LANDS of gomi tiuslity, for
sale or exchange fur Real Eutatu iu Ulu city
8. CLITIIBERT tr. UUINI, 51 Matket st
B uILDIN(1 LOTS in Lawrenceville, South
Alleiheny City and Mt. Washiugt.,u,
anld tiyB. CUTIJIMRT
apt.? fil Market eitiEet
QUAKER SULDI ER, ur the British
iu Philadelphia Price, 1 2
Roden( k I lie It•. - .ur.
Tilt. r Lr.ein the Bacliwooiblauro El
..t IL_ Ert,rt and cut f",r - ,de Ly
WEE'r 01{ANCIES, just re
).0 ;tar this dsy, llEYsllin, d ASIA:R.BON,
Nu. P 9 'Wood street,
up 22 t,nypusite tlibt. Charles 11,401
RECEIVED BY EXPlirktiS—Douglass Lv.
uhetwuod'e cel. butted 2. 4 t, el Ws.') Warts, whliu
and colored—also, white and colored lireach Corsets,
leedle Welk; Cullers, etc , etc.
cuw uer Wood street and Diamond alloy, wadi remind hie
customers and the public that his brilliant assortment of all
Linda of seasonable Piece Goods, are now open ter selecti
aud sale He would particularly soggust the propricty cf
leaving orders early in the week. Every garment we-tranc
e.] es to fit, materials, workman , hip and trimmings. None
jut first less workmen employed. apll
OTATUES-200 bus Nesbannuck Potatous
to (mart, and for sale by
E 0 We. Pickled Herring;
00 do Dry Ball Herring, for sale by
TARCII --300 bag. Rochester Pearl Starch
kJ received and for sale by HENRY H. COLLINS.
ROOMS.-1.00 doz. Extra Corn Brooms,
on hand and for sale by
ap2l D. C. et 3. 11.
Safety and Economy In Light.
AND FLUID, when you can gut a chomur kind bat
ter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Cum el
Ccal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, plea_aaLt
and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no
danger at explosion; more Militant than gas; and quite as
cheap; Lumps of the must biLuple and easily managed con
struction. ifur sale by T U. & 0. HODKINSON,
No. 79 Smithfield street.
iota_ Beware of a counber,eit alreadv in the market, made
from Camphene, with a little Coal , n 1 to scent it. Y
PATTERN PAPER—In rolls, sold by the
yard, at WM. G. JOHNSTON & 00.'S,
apl7 Paper Warehouse 57 Wood street._
BONNET FRAMES of the Latest Styles.—
10 dce.an All Wire Bunnet Frames ;
10 6` Half " 66
10 " Buckram
Received this dry at
GOLD PENS--Of very superior quality,
fur sale, by WTI d JOLINSTON A CO
apl7 No. 67 Wuud stmt .
I IN EED 24 barrelsfor Hale by
ml.B ts ENRY H. 00143N1.2
ford irod i:,'Ungresa Wedero euroitantly ou timid esi
tea Corner Diamond end Market street.
it. A. LOOMIS,
o.t Buildings, 91 Fifth street
lortnerly Love Brothers.
Ea 74 Market street.
77 Market street
SOAP, manufactured. by 13 U. J ,
the preference ever 411 311.5: a7t.: cr, S f
family bee.
Its advantages' over. other :Maps are It is ot.sep - er
to use, one pound being equal to three of common teein
Seep- 2J. n'alf the time need only be occupisd in iaaiabin 1
when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. 34:1 Labor
iu washing can be nearly dispensed with, ai the clothes 1
witi require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear
un tire wash-board. 4th. Boiling the clothes is unuec.cfaary
when this Soap is used, and bard or salt water en.vert,
equally as well as soft. 6th. Printers, Machinists, Pa titers
and others, find it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re
moves grease, ter, paint, printers' ink and dirt froth the
hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping.
To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use ei
the wash-board, the following directions should be Mlle:wed .
For the washing of eight or tan of a family, take one
pound of Soap, cut It into shavings, and dissolve In ono
gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a teb coo tatiiii4
about ten gallows of warm water; pour in th e
Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them duet( twenty IJ thirty
minutes, wring out, and rinse In weem water once, cola
water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease
spots, may require a slight rubbing, but Other ..Le the
clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing o.
Wild water may be need In place of hut, requiring
about donble time in soaking. , .
1 Jikr Observe oar name 011 each bar.
For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. al Woad
street, rind et our aorke, 1,111.108143 thu ß unw d Hous u,POTl il•
d)LYntilei avenue w. 04.JH
aUII No. 47 Wood sty eat.
QIIOULD you ask ma, should you woiAler,
11,3 Where to buy your Mines and ()niters'
tierritas for your beet in springtime,
Boors with heels, and pretty Butiallis.
Nice IekIENCH bLIPYYRB for the summei,
Patent Leather, Glove-Kid .Ilocasius
Where to buy these cheap and good too ,
I should answer, I would tell you,
no unto the PEOPLES' iiHohl STORE.
To the Peoples' Oheap Shoe Store,
To tie tfure of DIFFNNFACIIIStt,
ap:11 Nu. 17 Fifth vitt vet.
I HAVE THIS DAY, APRIL 1, 185: , ,F , 0Lit
my entire tllllA ••I CuVery, Stogies] lost i Untold., el , '
to Messrs. W W YoUNG tiusl RTWlthifiT, wL
will ..:oLtlnlie th• I 11.111/.:1.1 t t lor• old 4.1,4 t!,
at CART IV & VIM Nil My hintlier, Wm esit•
is tight, has Leen origagisi with me 11..11) 4 tt .141 t l 4
Licw tit ni atilt, a thorough tiottviled-te at It, i• 11,1
Deis 1 thoululh rt •1111i1:114,i tho 11.11 (1. - 11 A I , i 111, I•I
patrons and t cuts, who 6ece heist- htre
trit•lt , lllti , ,eot. JtiliN U 4 hi it\ it tt.
CO -PARTNERSHIP. The unders.T.4/3, - ...(1
this day farmed a pal tca'slar, ut,der Uu asineett
YtiI.INIJ tot the par pis of fiaittill it (tit
lug all thesiiti tit Cutlet y, -0 l 11.1,
have pui , hastsl the ita..k ul 11, .1 aha Catty, right, an 1 will
continue the husiti,es nl N
A pill lit, ibs9 W. W. VOUNd
of Pocket auJ Table tindery, Surgic d and and Den
tal Instruments, (inns, Pistols, Fishing Tackle, etc., No. 80
Wood street. They give special attention the wunulactur•
lug of Trusses, Supporters, etc. Jobbing and lilisiriug
with punctuality and despatch. „pl 7
AN.—The proprietor, being about to remove to
Europe, will tits (fried Mill of four stones, with a double
steam engine, three run of stone, and all the ruacliiii.iry,
smut machine, a corn suit cob cracker, etc. eli in coinpfete
crier; a good LUSIICedeI can be done; a dwelling to use of
four rce , ais and cellist; the lot has a front of .11) feet on di egg
street, 9. - . nth Pittsburg!, by 8U deep to au alley. A !so, a
good lot adjoining this abuse , tio feet front on Manor , treet,
with a large stable. Real Estate, to amount $lOOO or ,pE.e,
will be taken In part pay for the above. For pike, to in..,
etc:, apply at on, office. S. CUTHBERT .k SON.
ap=e 61 Market sheet.
POTASII. PUTASIL— A large eupply of
eery fine Potash, received this day, by
ap2o Corner Ditnnond and Mark.-1 street.
HA VAN A CIGARS.—I have this day, re
cos ed a large luvoice of gentile', Havana Cig of
the linear brauds. Those wishing a box of good Cigars
should call and examine my stuck, before pu . chtsain, else
up2o Coruer Diamond and Mu - het di . cot.
A large eupply of these 4rtic.kn constantly on hpud.
Those wlshipg a Burning Fluid, euperlor and cheaper than
can be had elsewhere lu the city, can always procure it at
ap2o Corner Iliara,ml and Market et: eat.
OILS. --Lard, Litiseed and Neats Foot Oils,
constantly op baud, at JOS. FLEMINW:I,
al's Corner Market :are,' :Ind Dime. lid.
()DEN'S LADY'S BOOK, for May
MAUAZINE, tot :day;
tiuliSEl46l.D /RDS, f,.; may
Received and for sale i,y P.. A. Ltb4lll 4 ,
ap'/O c Post Building, 41 Yifil at, eat
'DAUM LEAF FAN ;ust reocivsd
IL and 100 &vie vclV LK tlits 0.410 ur iktuCt, at
J 01.4. HORNE'S, 77 ',tartlet ate ert
ItOUND CANE 1100PS.--10 gross t , xtra
lung, roonv,nl by Railroad thld day, at
mi,2o 1101tNE'S, 77 Marl:et 4lr
LACK CRAPE VEILS Of tixtra size
~ttellity—vory r 11t4tp, ut 110101
upl:U 77 Altntat at/ ,-,-t.
styles La nalo, at JO:SP:Tit I.IOPLN 15 ti,
al'- ' U Market Stoat
THE GARMENTS of our mak, ar3
1111 3 t
ing In part of
Whin we will MAKE TO oRDEII. at MODERATE R iTte
N. 83 W.,•,1 btrea
A WuYitl) To THE LAI) [FI:-
ri 'll bl EATE l) TERM. A VPROA CU
ING, 64.1 WO cail tho hutvallon hallicH to tip_
faL,t that
t'au ho dono with economy, without oppresfthe heal. with
out soot, and with di:ouch-Ih,, tire being alivays r u•y in
a moment—by aelog
Alusgrave'a Gag Cooking Stove;
To which we respectfully irivico your atteutia.i, at,:o. Tf
Smftlilleld strtwt. S. A Jt,llsNilt),N a Situ.
11.nuty and City Ilighti for sale. tow
-111 , lonzbiona in Sa. Fa( la, Fr, C-atu, Fp; 11, e
Raslane, etc., etc.,
Are attracilog jn iLi. UH parents, who wish to ti..tir
83,19 r IHguutli and at the same limo cheaply, at
CHEST.Eit'I73 tioTlllt.l HALL,
apt? U.ruer of Weal street no4ltlarsond
Contract tor Supply of Marine
PittahurA, April 12th, 1t S. )
riettled Prep,.sais accompanied by pruperguar.nte, d ,
acterding to furins to be furnished, on uppitcatn, e.t thl,
odic., will he received thereat until 12 o'clock, ureridi .n, m.
the b'lttliT TUESDAY In June nest, fur the simply .4 th...
Marine Hospital, near ails city, with the at ticks of Provi,
lone, Medicine, etc., enumerated in said forms. The •pien
ties elated are estimated with reference to the several num
ber of patients in the Hospital, but the United Statee rezer,e
the tight to take mere or legs of said aritciea, ac..or.lingly
ea they may be actually required. if the articks del. vet cd
at the Hospital are not lu the Judgment of the Phyei. ice,
of the beet quality; and adapted to the ilus;,ital be s ill h..
at liberty to re,ject the same, to purchase other arti, le le
their stead, and to charge the contractor with any es, veil ie
the cost over the contract prices.
The United States reserve the right to accept the prupo,a,
for the whole or any portion of the articles specified.
apl3—ti Surveyor and Agent Mal lilt HUNpitEd
Bata ra t.G 14 'A' I. IC V' S
GO A.Pii SI - 4E
First Premium Blind Factory,
Hunse with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the tuoritumpit
alto and elaborate finish, will tind it to then' intaleele 1.. give.
Lae a call before eleowhere. My work la E..t
by the L es t, ia th ,A L , Th i,,, 3 (n o t apprenticed.) E V vf) atteu dull 14
glveil to the Wailltd of cuotouleru. Prieos low. All noo n
iorarrala hut Na. T 2 THI RD titreet,Plttaburgh. I inykii yid
Nevvhckley Akoadeuiy.
Rev. J. 8. TRAVe.'LLI, A. M., Principal. The Thirty-Sec
and Beaton will commence on MONDAY, May 3d, 18bl.
Fur Circulars and other particulars, enquire ut Mee.,rd.
John Irwin & Sons, 57 Water street; yieearo . T Nurio
& Cu., 167 Liberty street, or et the Principal, dewloiLley riuu
Post Office, Allegheny cu., Pa. [apl2:2wk.lrow
01. r.. fresh Peaches, in bottles;
50 " 6i
" Pie Fruit, assorted;
25 " fresh Tomatoes, in hurtles ;
Just receited and fur eale by
Nu. 39 Wood str.•er,
apbl Onpualte tit Charles nut.]
10 cases whula can*, coin Martin ;
lo " half "
5 " thi,d " "
Juet received and fur sale by
apl4 No. 39 Wood far,t.
MUClLAGE—Prepared for counting hone°
acu—suld by WM. U. JOHNSTON dc Co.,
ell eir.cm end qualities, for gale by
w. S. HAVEN,
apl7 (laLter Market and 82cuud Btre.t3
tlwett Pvtatota, received and fur gala by
awl' ler IlarkcA, and lA.
FARMERS ez 111 ti.
N W. COE2:4ii.E. art
!Math:nerd, 67 Wood strrot.
1 Ne,U ~.:'.~ ~ :
T.Er. follow lag statement ar.hibits the basluesi and coodl
Von of the Company to Januasy Ist, 1858
•Premiums recolved for 9iariii6 1-11.2 ks undt,rtuln
ed In 1857 $99,271
Marine rrorni•mi th, y,ar end
ing Lit.sunalnr 31, 1867... . . 118,15.6
Fire Prominms received yt.ar ending
I.),.c.eiuLer 31st, 1867 114,666 86
.1,..41114 . 8,415 t 4.4
Tuts! reuudos tur the year
Paid Marino Ltlbtlo.2
Paid Wire
Expeue.d, Returned Premiums and Ids
hkrdarlos and thriumneduus .
halt6iico rerualuihg Oompany .
Thb ASSETS of th-d tioratAny are us follows: 7 -
Bonda aud Mortgaged, tirouad Rbuts, Sauk and
other Stocks 42.12,43.) 00
/401 ed Sto,ka 37,050 U 0
Trust Fund In Nos k.......... ....... ....... 33,161 63
belilrrad Paythout •)11 ............. .... 97,700 00
Nllla Recolviade 74,404 07
Cnah .11 hand unit due. from Agoras.... ...... ........ .15,000 t 3
atuium on Pulicina recnutly loaned, dad tiobta
dtic the lluuipaily
w0,a94 94
The officers and Dizettope, of this Inatituttoo s , feel great
pleasure In laying before the putdi: the above emant,
with a view of arresting their atteutiou tothe grc. , r rnF,urt •
arta! of Insuring their property.
This Company Lee cutnrcAl upon the tlaiid oar et its ex
istuuee, during w Lich period the Receiptseinouuted
to eight hundred duct fifty thuwand dollars, en , .Save paid
Lassa over ;J. hundred tiiieriund doliars, ti h., h .1 equal in
reepeet to dialect, of lineiusss t., the the ) , to and eldtet
We append the names of a few larg - ,a and influential Mer
chants el Plitledelphitt.who thee...rap:my by giving
Ha 141 F,t) amount of their Insurance, and t.. wilier, ore re
-81..0111/11y rutin red any gcntletneu vvire may will, t.i lortur
with tilts Company.
M. Baldwin, titeam Encino Manufacturer. David S. Brown,
haul; John U. Brown, Sterchaut ; Thud. Bparits, Mar
cLaot, T. & Merchants; Fahnt A IVinebren•
ner, Merchants; U. Deitrtch, clunk Elastic Manulacturer;
,Itc , ichaut ; Butcht-r .t Mcrchunis;
Merditaut ; Wu,. Rouen,
smith , Clothiers; N. M. Healy b :ton, l'ileralanta; Jed.
pe, liardiod you, Printer;; Rico& Kelly, Pluinbera; Wm.
P. Potteiall; P. Boaliong h gone; Sluio,,a & Taylor; John
flare Powell; Jolla 1, tsfoc.o.e.t, Co.; IVilliom 1 , dlagbda;
DoviA; C Clarks L.
Bute, Sugar Refiner.
Oempsny have chscontiunel the Ocean 'Marino
bu.ia,as since August lat, Iba, Lillaccalflue thethsdlyea VT.
t. Mire and 'Wand Insurance.
JOHN Tliu,ll.4BuN, (ho
Jal9 . l.ye3p
lAN VE:.161.1l y.
To all lurid of lh world
On (looda. by lilvor, Carmia, l H6ra. and land (14rideigeo (.1
all i.drt ' , f 0.0
F It E 'a /./ 1: A N
On :Litorea, liwuLllnK 11.bufte, &c.
ARSE/ 'a OF 'l'll 1 , 7 1"0.511'.4 ?Yr
BUI,LI, Mar tgag , d, . _..... 51[/1,350 94
Philudulphiu City, u.T.Lt 1..41.11! 137,011 MO
Stock in hunks, utninucel
laus Ul)CottAlltUlil3.l
}.1116 usu,:aul 913
en. 314 uu lie.ncl 38,804 00
huhu..., in 1.1t4L1114 ul Aguutn, Pcnuuniug
on Ilariva Pulicina ruc-ently iJgrnnt,,,u 0'4,730 5 7
°aux dnbtn dua ibu Company
23111, N..tt. -
William Marti,
Joseph U. t4val,
X.l and A s.nder,
Johu U. Davis,
JAL' It. Par,rorm,
Eleorga Leiper,
Eldweird Darliugtori,
Dr. It. M. Mulatt:4
William U.
Hugh' Craig.,
0. Hand,
fueephilui Paulding,
Jautte Traqualr,
Eyre, Jr.,
.1. F Peuisteu,
Jeahus P. Eyre,
Samuel E. Stntss,
Ititatry hknll
0. Hand,
iturtsa Jr,
.1.J.0 eernple, Pittsburgh
J.'l ,
tV M. 514. PI - zsiJsut.
Tacit Vice Pregldet,‘
thole I.lt.ht.ui, Secs y.
V. a ,. “ca,
AL , r.ittA, Ageut,
chi Ivhtot titt.,;.llttbbargh
ril 11 F. la It E A 'l' W E 'l' EK N
IL Q. Ile Atka itllllll.llllee Co,.
t 'unipany's Building, No. 40;: 11 abaft,
r/' .itrert.
Capitnl rant in
tl Urphim, Jailor) , Itit,
tilt .r Poi potuoL 118
MAUI NL INSIJILANCIE, 11 Vo.i.ria, Cargo und Frbights.
1N LAND IA6UItANCA: by 03oolJ, LEkkal and
Lal,l Carriagoii
016£.0: 0 as:
Ind U. Lathrop, 14= 15'alaul. street.
Viun btre.Jt.
itle.sttuder WLilldeu, lierctutot, Id North Ur.mt
laanc Harilt,turtit, Att.,ruty and Counsellor.
.ibim C. Hooter, tires ut Wright., Uuuter S Co.
I. Trot y, tifla of Tracy & Co , tio!,houith'y UAL
John it. Nl , Vordy, firm ofJorted, White .4111cOurtly
Tlumitio 1,. Uillesple, firm of (hilleelpie & lalktr.
lirut of Jam.; It. Vinith 1120.
floury M Fuller , Mitre '2'27 Fimililislidette&t.
John U. Vogslro, office c.oruer of yoveuth Pad Bensam.
Wt.ight, Into CashltAr
ltro.l Ttils.l .111( tt Cairo City t rovekly.
,1. '226 Littt.t.
U C. LATtlitoP,
W. h IIN(!, Vic" Preal.lcut
L E IViS ° " (1° " 1- ' t Branch ()Lit.co, E {Gall St, N. Y
MI, - .41,1
1A 31 EM WlllOEll', Pe. tre tart' and Trca6uri r.
100H.1ftuttittq, ..t.shistata Focretary
W POI. N DEXTLit, Agdat.
97 W tur Yitt,Lurgb
HENRY M. ATWOOD, tiv..r,tary.
Vidat=r 82rttt,
uiAFliic tilrcN
James d. iiuteßle!,u
Wm. B.
Will lam /tea.
CV111.41 r,
4t:in . go A. 'Carry,
Hubert bulzell,
J. lit.
Win A Cal:hi:Al.
Pennsylvania Insuraoce Company,
(1 F PIPTH B IJ It .
(o. 63 toolurtil street,
t• 1 It EC:TORE:
Jac, I. Pmr.l., , z.
Vat toraun,
1N B. Nl('
T. Cli -
Deny go .0,1,
i. P. 'Pann,r, flao. W. Ilmith,
Altua. A. J. Jollokl,
ilopkino, Wads lioguidt - :u
A Ud:,t,r, RotKrt PAUL k,
o. Tattort,
Cilia., tared Capital 10300,000
Pi Hti AN() Al MUNE E ull
Prcglilent--A. A CAlilti Lit
Pr.lidt.it-111)1/Y P•iTTE!::- •
,1,10 Parrot r 3 hi.lTreunca,4-1. s. r n I
A. . CARRIER S.. lanai,
F. I T T a B o R CI II
INStlitANti'l4 o AGENCY.
Capital Ktpra2eirste.d,Q3tooo,uoo.
"V Ullll3Eha' STANIJINU, wrod by
Peunttylitiuia nod 6Let,A.
313111^. ANb LIFE It L9b.:4, EN, (gi
O. CS (1( 1 it 'i' Srt SIE 16 'l4
C6anlris. t
'I k 1166.60.. d030.1y
From two to Biz inch calibre.
PRICEB from 17 to 30 Cents per Foot.
For Salo Whoiegato at illanctfacturcrs
Pr!tea by
AND Pitubt UElikatALI.Y.
Cologne Spirits and Fusel Oil,
Nu d. 10 and 170 Second Street.
aolirija ..iu
1 . 4 4 L li'AIINESTOCK
edo. 74 Wood street, bettvsen Inamoa.,l
alley auld Fourth •treiit,
Ali' Pas suLacriner Is now o k -enlag a hall selected t
meat of foreign and domestic Hardware, all Lit ve, and wkii
void on as goo.] tcllll9 ae au) other LOC.IB to this city. tt
w 111 always keep oil hand a g,„heral assortment of
T. v• hhe rm. atoll, loth s the att,talou of L e rt.l ks:r
—lO GM. (trii.,ro tor ,4.10 by
it tklLLaid
• ••
64,216 6.8
L 1,41.6 S
-•—•-$4444,88 8b
3,1,5,8 38
P:•221 , 1013:
nerd! Supt:riutentldnt.
'l%ll, Agwit, Pittsburgh,
Nu. u 0 Wator totront
101,1,000 00
T0N.9,7e15 37
$ Z.h.),(kn)
Z.::7.',30t0 uu
. trs