V(11,11NIE XVI. riTTAthitGii NIORNINC POST, .111. 911. S V. Li A !'t .1i k 51,11.1.1, ==l Ei. \ll4. 1...111 , eti you:, 1:, ..t 1 , 1.1 y lu tolrui..o 81, 0.01,t,1 w Lltu }uur. , •Lt 0,0 C.ollist,l ill Y. 7" r.. ~i.d i.~~ tl,. .~~ 1;•.y; itATE:.! ADVH.ItTIt,,INU On, a 'ln if , kly • w , ..03. j.i 11.0[4L1 1. , ), eq. . . I till 17G .t UU 4 )li U MI `Els iii•ol/th U 1.1 Ou 10 Cu 11 Pu 12 U. id 00 i/10.1.11110 11,A.1.11,? 1 MIME t,l: iltovoi or lo I=l tho uvtl, 4r, 6.1 CUlitei ; th , dtt , 25 c,t,tn &Ti,t]lll ,tX PIT I'SBILIBGII SARIRDPI POST lit k.tinoTiii wElaittac, °NIA ONE DOLLAR PER VEAR, IN I'l,W:di tit''l'l•:N. Subs,cliattlus, p‘r 11111 Ulla. FAINS ALL TILE CURRENT N ENV Ur TLi I Pollth;o1, Lltoudy, AgL ioultural, tionizuot Tologrophl,.?,oud .516collatwoul. l'apor bolue; of . tho LLF.ORiT &lir, and ueatly prlute cu titio white paper, in largo, clear type, will be loand by buhncriber to give bottur ootidf‘ustioh thou auy poulh.Led lu l'ittutargh rhd.o., who wish to tube a popor Lam PittA.tirgh, will dad (h. A ILIJA dtih , oud pn,d tutdo lb v e.tutou t. .11 AM L I P. BA Editor Mid Propriot . BUSINESS CARDS IMEMIMM! B URI & git BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, la LT SLID Il\T corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PrI"I'SI3UIt,GI.I. r HE undersiv,ned having made extensive I eJditiwie i ft, LAIT:iT AND HAZIIMUSIEST STYLES TVP - E, I.u.tluipr,ved NIOIINI.NO POST ion OFP101 , :, invite tlid ttbuti, , n a Rail Road 011icerti kirs:Stisca,.busirw.s 110 “, atut Cho ,uuorttlly, to their suiwriur fueilitits fur K I.:, 'us, all 'wit, 46L ROAD, FL t' A rti , L' G A , AND EVERY (alll.ll. UE:4I._;RIPTION OF It'ANCY PRINTING wutrtial boing nemuly nil lit, Mx, .11 gico us3u (.lll, , 41" cit vli)platl 11.. Is, t“. 1.1 eJlk it o,daB I=B LALLS AND .1R1,..!, r t'tl i.t 11EA1,1, 1: 0,1 f/ ESS CA P A P Fit 80 , 111., 104 olaii M 7 h:P, 1111N1P. 2 , A 414 ,- Pal Velli uhu 1.0 I.') the pilur Of P..luld, Cvilevita, ExitibiLlund RA RR MYERS The People's shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACILEtt &CO., 011(.44 (11H11 ihnklers iu all hinds of Fashionable ROOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, (iruLtriiwit, 6‘nei tAiildreu, ft 0. 17 IrlrLa Street, near Market, PITTSBURGH, PA IN= PEItItIN & JOHNSON, PLoindettas of Chihli it Cot.o.'tl vitt e K.ltsatle. Fare and Water 'Proof Ceruci; ItooliAig. 133 TULSA) STREET, rEIt,S fur ROO PIN it pro:aptly and faith tally and all our \. k warranted. ithoo'llyt: uu Lo.l.itt, and fur nalo, with at rr,ctlonc for uxe. 11,p2sly Jos. V. . 00, ENGINEERS AALD thrfzer ej Fcra an•l Liberty ztreas, Pittslp.47 91 1 / 2 Pa. QUPER 10 it 'STEAM ENGINES for (hist k... 1 uad Saw worita, Eatablistrinents, made W Ihrtior. alidu continue the noir ture of their Celebrated Nlachiuidta"koolti, such HS ~oruwg 1,11.1... a, Iron Phoora, Boring and Drilling Machines, NVl , llqhttr,,ll ahalting:, with Dalle)a, hanger. , JaB:lyti I=l 1!IIIII=1161 .1101111 V TPLIOIIIPSON Si. CO., I OUSE IiAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND U ILA 1 No. 195 Mira Htrp6t. INU el.e.ctileit wrtL uotitileO9 nud slospntell. et.-111, Jat t All t Dry , N Ole Nlon tatn.n, /IV Voiy suporior ; Yhlhr hit. Lead RI Vie) 3 Oil anal aunt ftd eau.. ‘N e ere prelesre•l IZelll 4 l rains t a r p et i t , tints, Drug: ..r s, rst Ilia ulun un3t not.nc., ran WO hive n Mill sr In en 1,13 I.y sixth, Pajat.t.re will sale itantuy gut t In .r With 11, Inurtaly ~ 4 - - -~ CI OLD AND ER : , ICT A C LE:;, Re Al* IIFACT Clt IG It' S it 111 M ILt DitoMETElt: 81.11i1,4, Iw:bile - Mt ftl/a br.il uttieloa oi ! , '.44411 to LUIS city. Tit EItIDIMETEiIIi AND 12.A1D \ .0 y uui £3U ruCKET cNI) ;SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, .1" tlyn cpu II YIr.I L.l d. S. 811A.Mr'S, aptic,ian, L 8 Fifth ;'.'rut. uppoalto Sluitatle B. C. Si. J. td. SAWVIEkt, LA III) ()IL, A LM, TOILET, AND ROSIN SOAI-).,. No, 17 Woad .treat, Pittsburgh, Pa. F. J. lius4A, C. GUTENDURY IEICSII & GUTENDORF, tiA.l5 Co FAL/rutin:a ua S'TEA3I 801 LERS, A utl all kinds of Skeet Iron Work. Penn atrtet, 1101, Wdt" ----- ; , 1 „.. „-- - j_sust....— ' \,.. VI / (i --' - '—'- IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pittsburgh, La.--(J/arlered, 1855. Board of 12 Trueteen —Faculty of 14 Teachers itUU if,SULLI3Tti etTeanlan, JIMJ.III3, 1°,58. hruni .1/en .1 - 'r ;pared pn . Actutzl Maws of the. ',to etenry li nnn S'I'IIUUTI N VEN IN si NOLE and Donble-Fddry, I o L Krnpiug, ua 111041 in every do pa C: awat of Bosiunaa. Oulanancial, At It inatetai, Ruipid i„-an Writing, I'llrronutilo Cori C.. 11111611 l Law . niquenng Conn tul ton. fl..imy. Yulit cnl KeouOrny, Eloentiun, lthollogroPhy, and a other tiutl,ota roveeinAry for filo tbor• uugn uiine Ation ul u prai_tical J. C. SMITH., A Al , Pnit,,.tur of Bu ik-Reeping nn,l driuo,o„t A, k/L1L41,. .1 PORTER, Proi uttiematied. A LEX CUIA'LI.:Ni $1,.1 n, I'. ISJUTLIET'f, Profs. of l'uu• nr,it over oil owpotition lur 14. st Psu anti htit , rn Nk.,l b—ms, di—F' uldiffiitffil,enter thAlo i•iiraw• t in.., is I, w,•el,, a. li, , nrd about S2RI nt) t.• tiriiiititt. it, Obtaining 4 itnldiun. SilileilllollB ~ 1 i.in-.111,11-1 writing and circuliirA 4t lit I S. W JENKINS, nirfi Penn DRAWING LESSONS, T IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, ikv- I M EOOANICAL, ARCRITNCTURAL, AND CRAYON DRAWING, Hy JOHN TVIIC.ItZ. fFir - For further illiV1111:111• , t1 apply fo :114 . . F. W. JEN- Fiirleipal of C.ouua-rcial College, Pitts burgh. ( nuvl4:6old. AVILES' %V4DkCDH 4,3ONY'EOTION(3 , uNFEUTION, 00 NFECTION,OON F ECTIoN,uONI , EOTION,CONFE T lON, UONFNO P.1.0N,C uNFNUT uN,OO N1 , E0131 ON,CONIf ECTI N ,C EOI , ION N FEOTI ON . The ibu,t plrmaut, nab, and otractual Worm Rotor&ly now , 1 1180. ow., sold, wliolusalu loud retail, by A Li EL & UA !•T, Cur. Wood and Sixth eta., Plttaburgh, Pa, And sold by Dna/taste &amorally. la2l. Lippincott, Shorten Si. Prearson, NO. 10.1 WOOD STREET, NEAR lawn. MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va lices, Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac., keep constantly (et hand a ‘arge stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to tarn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to tall and examine oar good; bie tore ptueliasing olsewtie. LK 'S. T. CIIARLES LIVERY STABLES.- o The undoraignea has bought the louse ofthe ul,,vie named Stables, to ' gcther with a portion of the extrin- . y 4.4.4-..er,f4-1 4 BI7C 6t6Ck of Hon 4Woutla Hordes and Carriages, - .L the property of James 'Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock I etre mantimevi, he has also added a number ci FINE HORSES, BUGGIEri AND OARItLAGES, hich were formerly - employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives Ids personal often ttou to the home ,s, u fontinnuliee of the patronage which L. hau hith_rio ~ public is solicited. JACOB GARDNI,R, EL Charles Livery Stables. N kh—A RIARSE and auy !lowlife of CARRIAGES can thraya be prccarc•d for Funerals. deVJ BUCKWHEAT FLO LI R.-20 sao.ka Buck wl.al Fleur, fel ft) Backe , Just received aud for sale McOANDLESS, MEANS & CO., Corner Wood and Water etreeta. OIL CLOTH TABLE COVERS.-50 dos. assorted EitZo3. Als3, Stand and Bureau Covers ; on hand and for sale by .1. & II PHILLIPS, ruxl6 2d and. 2 St. Clair street. FLOM:L-25 bbls. Superfine Flour received and for &do by McCANDLESS, MEANS A CO., 10'20 Coruor Wood and Water a freata OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND llt GLAZINiI—In nii urns brunches executed prompt ly nod lu the bent manner, by J. & H. PHILLIPS, turf) 28 and 28 St. Clair atroet. lAA It D 01 L. --W e have commenced mann factoring Lard Oil, and w 11 1., pleated to raced-veer del d for it. We will warrant It equal to any 01.1 In the Mar & e t, We will fill berrela returned when desired. 11. a a J. IL BAwyta.a, )3,, 47 Illona stroc.t. 13IANOS TO RENT.—Two elegant Rose dr% octavo Pbincs, will b. rented to private fain- Rica only. Apply to JOHN 11. MELLOR, lola tl2 Wood street. IAT_ I N DOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 d lush Web diatnater, ftr aola by d'El OOLLINS. PIFTSMIRGI - 1, THURSDAY, APRIL DAALMUB IN ALL Alethb No. 120 WOOD STR EET INSURANCE D EPORT OF THE CONDITION OF HE A lc FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE CODIPANI, At ATli 108, klitAblieftb cOONTY, YA., lea. I, presented to the StZekhOitleill, uuJ tend° uct with the State LAIwo of New Yu:1,0111 , J, Indlunet, I Ili m,iy, &c. fiTATOICNT. Ine rimno of Oro Company is tiro FARMElltti' ILC FU RANCE CCMPA NY, luc:atodnt Attroba, fu. Charter,rl Apill 13, 180, try tiro Logisluturo of Penuusrivania. Chador Per potuul. Cush Catrltul, wiil , ll is ull paid Op tturpluti lu telditku Crutot.r billy -fora Itotida had Mortgegati, rd elf 611.1 b6Voli COO. intoTeAt, KL,1.1111/1.1.14 In the aggregate to slird,3l6 on Which mot ig air : nu ern or 'telue bla owl Kr... Waive teal ~slate, iucipally farms, recorded and at hello, worth generally dettbl., the autouat and mute titan tota l gaged lot in emit Oil., Mild 111 Ll , , rise I .es than tity cent noir*, ezelfirifto of feral haildiage., and 6, fortified by the itecortlein, l'cl.rded, tiro and tars the Staten of Ohio on Illineia. Nateifen nix cont. Bends amply secured 47,trinfi uu Coal/ n halal rand in Bouk 0,419 12 hands of A gonts, and is. course of triturnnifelui , secured by bowie with ...... . Due nu losses re-Ineured, proutingor y entre payable at batik and to Ow thant,toy 101:5001 Keen - led, (principally due Jenivirt 1, ISfA,).. . is, Fix tures t 0.1.1 ku - ut- Lute INVOIIIK. YOH THY PELT. 1857 Amount of Premiums received during the year interftt received during the year........ . ... itru't rect.lv,d ft ,m all other eutlrCvel ISPENDITINII9. 12x.penses for the year, including COlllll./iSSPSIIH, salaries, rents, fold• sarauce, printing, advertising, taxes, and ail other expenses ..... .$ 19,19. i GG Dividends pa , d during the year 11,000 UU Lott See paid, which occurred pri,ir to December 31,1n6 Losses pail which occurred during the j ear 4.6,601 64 LIALILITIV3. LOSdnd :itijadted and not due (since paid) $ 12,5U0 99 iruEigea Incurred And An process of adjustment Losses ropotted,ou which no action has been taken Losses resisted, en ground o: incur• anon after fire, property transfer red before ludo, property lost not covered by the Pulley, acc $ 39,407 99 Whole anion .t of risks taken during the yrar. $5,4 . 19,662 00 Whole amount of risk at date 4,561,440 00 .TATS oP PENNSYLVANIA, COUNTY OF BILIDFOI3O, C. N. Shipman, President, and J E. Canfield, Pecretary of the Farmers' s'ulon Insurance Company, being severally duty eworu, depose and say, and each for gin- self says, that the foregoing is a tree, full and (anent statement of the affairs of said corporation, and that they are the above d..- scribed othcers thereot. 0. N. SUTL'AIAN, President. J. E. CANFIELD, Secretary. Sube.:ribed and sworn before me, this 25th day of Jano ary, I zS, H. 0. BAI,W, di:Mice of the Peace. T. J. ILDNTER, Agent, No. 20 Water street, Pittsburgh. REAL ESTA.TE AGENTS. UUTIIIiERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. ,`..1 )0 • iiiark..t street, for the sale and purrotnixo 01 it,al Ketate, coating Irdio,ei, attending to insurance and ,spars, obtaining luaus on bonds, mortgagee, dc,; malting con ot• onere, deeds, boo.k, A.c.; writing lottei and k..,/fraelpr/lidlag rflth pal ties old tic. orlh BELDI:N SEYMOUR., [teal Estate and lilsttranee Agent, CLEVELANU, 01110. Hse shAtICXB - Hanna, 01111f:131AI 8 Co, Hobe* t Notts, Ee.l Jyllty IXT 30 STERN-L.A.-N. D S.-. ALEXANDER GARRETT, • it EA I, ESTATE ANENT, Nll. to WATHIt Writalt2r, (ILEVELA NH, OHIO, Has Bala Lauds In IWuula, Wisconsin, Minnesota, allctrigan and lowa. Ile will exchange Lands in Wisconsin, for Pittsburgh manufactures, and also fur city property. All letters of ingtary answered gratis, by addressing use an above. unrkly PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. Lots for Sale in the Ninth Ward. L'LEVEN LOTS ON .PENN STREET, '1:: (not trout by lOU foul deep, of Lb. tutu Me chanw..? Wass il'ork:,) will I,n sold uu ucconunudatiag lei we. Emit/Ira of CURLING, ROBERTSON et CU., Curuor Wood and Fintt strueta. Valuable larm For Sale, CoNTAININO 160 ACRES, BEINU A part of S,..ctiou 17, its Gudhets towushtp„ Illalsoniug .fouuty, t kilo; about ills) scrod elettroll, lu n high orate of cultivatas, about oue-half meadow land, •of is Btipus for quality, the balance high and rolling, toady 14 Lilo plough It IA out, of this oerit grw,stug fartnB in the county, haviug uover-faiitng nps loges on it, also on 'Act/aril, i raring truit of Ilupt,ri.l quality togother with is giort awl valuable stone . qlll.l/ I y. IL %VIII L.r BJld ul a 1.,w pill, I.l.L.doasy I..tililS STREET. SA LE M. Col. Co., Ohio, March 24,185.4. ap9Alf I J OTS, NOS. 19, 20 ANL) 22, IN SILLI- Nt ANS V I LLE, Rose township, Altai/nutty county, ,t.uptutlug togother,s tract of TIP ItTY.FIVE ACRES and .eventeen perches ut the vary bolt quality or Carden Land, nudar a Idglidnate of cultivation, and well Watered, Dwell. lug two at halo sbtn.lt,:, Potato and Sprd.g llou About fly, bon It. I of every varie,y, of tho cttoic , mt kind ol irnu to pr. porty It well eupplied with obtluid*Lco of , t r, ~ •A easy of ILL:COY:I to 111111" ket, by Itailro drighton Plank goad. The Property to W/th,o ttka city, and will be told harolo. 11 40 L.I S. B. W. J Fifth areal, Pittsburgh_ 01, ut WM. It. 4(11811, ap7.lin avenue FOR SALE.-45 acres of Land ncar Liul ton's Station, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, 10 !Lulea from the city. the laud ia all covered with this forest tread, which makes it a desirable place fur a country tool- 1 Building Luta, each 20 by 100 feet un Pouua. aV..:IILIO, rear Magee street. & du du on Vickruy etreoL near Magi, stret. 14 do du on Maria stro:t, war Magee etrout. 3 • du do ou Blutf and Isabella :treats, In the Eigth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. Also, 1 Lot ou chi, corner of fern and MarLury streets, fronting 30 foot un Penn and 100 foot 10% inches ou Mar bury etr:et, adjacent to the depot of the Pe insylvanla Rail road. For LerlllB, ate., idgnire of ISA ke JONES, uu2S;loi corner Rosa and First ate , Pittsburgh. A PLEASANT RESIDENCE FOR. BALE —z.ituate in South Pittsburgh, un the Sloaturtgahola river. 'the house is large and convenient, having a hall '2 parlors, dining mann, kitchen and 4 chambers, a tine porch fronting the river, a good cellar, stable and carriage house. a large garden with great variety of choice fruit, shrub bery. etc., grabs arbor, ,-Liade trees, etc. For price , and terms, inquire at the utliee of B. CEITLIBEitr upl.2 51 Market street. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT VbiLuat. ut LlDallt. 2 wiles from the city, 21 acres of hind; large and couderMble dwelling house of 10 mums ; a good spriug house, carriage house, stable, etc, a tenant house end other ont•bulldinge, garden, fruit trees, grapee and small fruits, a atone - wall and iron rallinge in fro t of the house and garden, etc., will he rented low to a good ten ant. 13. curaBEHT t 80N, apl2 ea Market +tr. et. VALUABLE EAST LIBERTY PROPER TY FOR SALE—A large lot of gronoil, no feat rout by 200 deep to a street, with a raw Frame Dwelling Reuse of Hall, two parlors, dining room, kitchen and 5 chanabtra, wide porch In front, good cellar coal bowie, stable, fruit treat, etc, Price, $2OOO. Terms easy. eV; S. CUTEDEUT F. BON, 61 Market atteat FOR RENT---That large and comfortable Dwelling Dona% °Undo on tee Bank of the Monon gahela river, opposite the city, and . st. proseat in the °con• panty of --- Manhall, Eeq. CuOIC6 frail, ehrabln.cy : etc. in abundance and great variety. Apply to mad S. CUTHBERT SON, hi Market at. Q - TORE ROOM ON FOURTH STREET kJ FOR RENT.—A largo Room and Collar, between Mar ket and Wood streets. S. CIITEMERT g SON ntriio 61 Varkot it;eot THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING 11.0 USE FOR RENT—Situate on .I.arbury street, be tween Penn end Liberty streets, conteieing 6 hall, 2 par lore, E chambers, dining room and kitchen. Rent, $2OO per year. B. OUTIIBERT SON, mr3o 61 Market. etrceit. AHOUSE in good order, and lot of ground on Monterey etreot, Allegheny, c.. 0 he had for the afoul amount of i 625. Terms easy. men 8. CU 111131411 C & BON, 61 Market at. FOE, s6l4—two hundred in hand, balance in one and tao years, gill eeeure a dwelling house and lot of ground, on Mt Washington. inr27 B. COTHBENT At BON, 61 Mardct st. RARE CHANCE to purchase a good dwelling house and large lot of ground, in Sharps burg,. Fur prim tu3d terms, apply at our omre. rar27 B. CUTHBERT BON, 61 Market at. pWO DWELLING SOUSES, with large lot of ground to each house, situate on Carson streot, South Pittsburgh, will be sold on favorable terms, by S. CUTIMEBT & SON, culY Market 'treat OR SALE—A Drug Store, located in one of the best. situations in the city of- Pittsburgh, for either a jobbing, retail or proscription bualnee4. Purchas e:a will dud au advautge of. rare occurrence. Per informs. thou inquire of JOHN HAFT, Jay No. led,, corner Sixth and Woodetreera, BROOMR;ORN.- 3 tons first qualitiireo'd and - far aatil.:l - MOAN R. 001X140. URCHANTS' INSTRANCE 11011P01) W.\l. 1 Phi.. 11, . 1 11'l N AlL,,uut pal I h. ,0,1 I uu C3,42 , i a g„ itiskd oil W C uhtt, at, 1 Mleilllddippl ici cul mat,l tributasks. tnaurex ugaiLdt 1,.a1d ur tb,magn by I A u4nlngt the Pertle ot the TEisUrtv,Clnti;•ll ''2oo, .41 , 1 L'4l I DINSCV011.:1• WILL. V Yett.i , , J. Al. Moo tgutpury, Jultu 1.11. AL 4 P. IV!ta, , , - , H. L. W—,l-1 , L. Juba A ‘11 , 1.7 R IYT - 100. J I•Htt• Elwood I. td, n bt t•tiger, Lt.,. it et tle , I t..tettitiot), Jthint 0. Tinitt, I hit. It, Nittrwatt 'rititct fy - .t ititi well 6 C. e 1.97 IN A 1: E it Opti It. V,' 1,1'7 \ get ?ifILAOLLPIIIA. ih,:ul u. ~V. 6 vl ,•N fiI , ILDINGS, LIMITED tta. PgRPETUAL, Offizr., 1 , 40. 308 'Walnut street. CAII f A T., .... ti!S ; U 955 4 .465 tit,. H 1,1! : Vila Mortga., oo Improved City Pi oper ty, wot double t,.e ..mount sl2u,del Bonn aylVeinia Haillotta 0161 d per cent. Mortgage Lou,a po,ooo coat 25,500 00 Allagheny County 8 per cent. PUIALCII R. tt. Luau. 10.000 GO Pennsylvania ltailroad C 0.% Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the oteliauco Mutual Insurance Co 19,150 00 Stock of County Fir. , Ineurance C 0... .......... 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Compuuie 476 00 111118 Receive .le, huskiest; paper 62,711 60 Book Accouuta, accrued int.o.l=t, etc 1,530 19 ()wilt on hand and In Hank 16,043 20 28,191 d 0 25,4,4, $ 85,231 3J . 11,442 05 . 480 00 Clem Tingle,William R. houipeen, David S. Brown, CurneHui Stevunenn, John H. Worrell, H. L. Carson, itubert TUILLUti, AluSec! .I,..lineon, thart.,l N. Wood, .litlll,l 4 Woodward, iar3 $0D,135 ~, PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 12,1uu tlu No. 110 Chesnut Stxext, OppJzito the Custom Liotar. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, °al.. - l'orputuul or Limited, uti nvwy iintioription of Provo' ty or Illiiraninitiau, at roasonablo i 1 toe 01 pi corium. J. U AguLt, et orilliF 44.1 (Void CTVI'I,ENS' COMPAN V W1LL1.3.:11 LAkka LEY, Prualdeut. 8.4.1 . .L1C1P.J. L. 01.11611EILL, C OFF/CS: M Warr strtet,b- t avern-•Ara t . ,t and W,od if/ Eth CGa — Tuanna HULL, 4NI) OAHUO HltfHd, o n the übl., anti Rivera alld tributarica. lodates agaivat LUSZ.I Of Damagu by YIRII. Ala.,, against tbu Foci's of the sea dad Inland Navigation and I.'ianuportatiou. WEST BRANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, COARTERED BY TUE LEGISLATURE or PENNSYLVANIA Cash Capital... ...... $300,000 I Premium Notes-4162,343. rilillS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON g. Buildings, ;Merchandise, Furniture, ac., In town or ...L/LA[ly. DIRECITO ES: 1. Hon J no . . J. Peal ce, Hun. U. C. Harvey, I Charlei A. Mayer, iMu E. Hall, Charles Cried, 'Peter Uickinsom 'I 'P. Abrams, D K. Jackman, I %V. White, Thomas Kitchen. 110 N. G. 0. HARVEY, ITstinlvot. T. T. Anallts, Vice President. 'ruts. KITOLLEN, tocretary. 00P505NOS.b: 9anit.el IL Lloyd, 1Dr..1 Crewt,ril . ,t. A. Wiuegardner, John W. Maynard, A. liptlegraff, L. A. Matt,y, lion. 2 C 41114, 1 -1311, Jaim...o A LiS tri ag. A. Whip!, TL L , s . B u wni t ,. D.I), .Fi.iiron, James Quiggla, Wm. Vanderbelt„ (lon Wm. MPDOK—NO. 0:3 FL PACT, PITTSBURGH.. J. A. LlPPkiii.T, Agent. IIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSTI RAN (IE COMPANY, 0i..• PLIALAIJELPiI lA. Diasoronii..—Charli.9 W. iliincter, 'Thomas itart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, It, Smith, ON, W. Itichardo, Mordecai D. Lewin,Adolidd Porte, David S. Browne, Ior• - • Ha Patterson. On ie. N. B4i-ICIAR, Prealderit. OIIAS. U. ltoNcEsn, `2.1,t/OLIZy. Continue: to make lahl:',ll.CO,perpetrial or limited, at every description of property, iu a,drocutry, at raics low 10 are cmagistent with i , ,eurity. The COMpally have ri,ervc-1 a 'Argo Cort I r gent firma, ,shich,with their arid pit-MOIL!, e, la v.tenl, at l',,rll ample prott•ctibi! t. The Asseta of the en lat, as pgi, Hailed agreeably o, an A, -t I ',OW I d y, h t:rc. /I.J, G i l owe , on . L. Mortgage. ............. . , iti19,128 08 Real Estate F.-1,877 78 Temporary Loane..... . . ... 841,009 17 Stocka 81,889 0 Clash, Ito .. 04,318 Eil Total $1,212,705' 4.1 a Bloce their incorporati,.n ' a period of twenty-one years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou. sand Dollare,l 05e.6.9 by fir:,, thereby affording evidence of the advantagee of ineuranc,, uo well as tho end dispoeition to meat with promptneus all liabilithm. J. 4iARDINIMI COPFLN, Agent, noli (1111 co, nor/LI-0:1/A cur. Wood and Third eta. NEPTUNE INSUI3,A.NCE COMPANY, Orgaurt.esi li/odor the, Gousral lasurause Law, with a Cash Capital of SIW,IIOO, prlrilogsd to increase to Vi,oo,oou. Lu suros against loss or clatn,go Ly FIRE ' NIAItINE, INLAND Ail Vl AT.LON and TRANSPOILTATIOI4. ost/12i-ha: LI. U. I.AUULI LIN, Pr.-aid , at. It IC SHIELDS, V Pros't II O. Langll,lu, D 811,ufw,..,A1„ D. Muntgoluery, W. U. tota3l,:tly, It. M. CLIC ilk, ltic Lard 841,elds, It le. 81.tewo11, U. C Hutlur, IVtlliuw Osburne, Uaotge Scutt. LIFE. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, Pil"I'SBUR011, ROBERT GALWAY, President. ALEX. MIADLT.Y, Vico President. F. A. 11DIIIHAii:, Secretary. AS : ll..This Company makes ezery tuaurauco appertaining be or connected with LIFE RIBES. Also against HULL AND CARGO P.IBIIB on the Ohio aAti Mississippi Rivers and tributari.a, and .I.IA.BLNE RISKS gmerally. And against Lose and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Bes and inland Navigation and Transportation. iszac i at the lowest rates ~:asist,int with safety to RU . c.2.1:1 3. - Nr .) s INSURANCE. CI I , olok 03 • i1.1,121N1 V. l'l , l - 1 r. M. WITNIEIC, •• J. MOUNN, iilc.F, iNsUItAN(.44], lii!ilri .(17 TOWN OF ON:it/TR/ C , ISE, Ft }Miff:rill: Via . "2,4t15 8U CLENI TINULEY, Predideut. =MI Samuel Ltispham, Robert Steen, WillltsuiUlimr, Benjamin W. Tingley, 'Marshall lUD, Z. Lothro* Chants d, Jacob 'I% Smith Bo , , Wm. M. Semple, l'ittsb'g B. M. lIINCIIBAN, Ltaumtitry. J. (JARDINE k COFFIN, Agnut, tinnnet corner Third and Wood et( e.-tn. kitiiEkr Y. 111Nti, Prtiliteut M. W. 13A I,UW IN, VI L Pi udidcait witieuTuits. Chariot lin) nt, E. B. Cope, E hi. Hughuh, (ioorgu W. Brown, B. Het.nry, Joseph 8. Bnol, John Clayton, Magarmon, E. Wllor. 131...1.0.ffi...Prii, Her oter y. (I elTTBl3Uktuti MITIZEM Withaw Bagel.-y, Onpt. Mark StorHug, Sarnnet Bea, Samuel M. Blur, James M. C.oper, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr, Vrancla Sallera, Isaac M. l'uni.iock. William B. aaaj'6. Springer IlarlAngli, John SIM plait, Capt. Samuel 0. , Walter Bryant, Juhn l:alLLßnll. Jas LOCK HAVIEN, CLINTON COUNTY. F P 111 LA DEL PIIIA, 1373MWMWI"M=rillYv TWMMEorgm 1.1E01:(1 E CO'rr, n•tit ry Lrlit.t.o COILS : TITE & CHAFFEY, Agents, jel:y °Pico Lafayette Hull. entrance uu Wood H PITTSBURGH Diri3OTOITH. Roburt Gal Fay, B.in arl id'Olurtaa, iosiph P. 0 82:23M, M. P , John Scott, Jalapa Marshall, David Richey, Jam W. liallmaa, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph d. Leech, John Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David H. Chambers, Robert H. Hartley, William Carr, Jan. Multfl. sa".b WESTERN INSURANCE, COMPANY OF PITTBBII KU H. attletßU Dk CiSIF., t ; . - - F. ht. Goanup, Becretary. urione. No. int Water street, (Speng S Ca's Warehouse,) ui stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of cad MARINE MKS. A name Institution, man-aged by Di. - ect,..r” who are well known in the community, and who are detormined, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering 'the hest prote-tion to those who desire to be insured. ABf3ETB, OCTOBER slat, 1E57 Stock Accounts,- ........ Mortgage, Bills Receivable, MICE) Furniture,........... Open -Accounts,- ...... Premium Bills Discounted,- DISIMII.B George Dante, It. Killer, Jr., J. 'l. butler, George W. Jackson, Jame. '4 , Anley, Alex. Spear, Andrew Ackley, Win. Knight, Nathaniel Holmes, Alexander Nimick, D. M. Long, - Wm. IL Smith, 0. W. aleketaon, + B. M. GORDON. n.. 42.4 Secretary. THE WILY POST Portrait of an Infant ; ClNI; S;:.lk, , soft as acne dotruy loultut tlott sold-11$a does Chit Leif i L ,Li,, :16= mot heart just uucluss tud Jur (ti aimpted IJOtla. I.G.e, ..8 4+ ,tla 111.6 Oily ~uchd—tlia (rota.: 61,1. 01.111'11 11.1,i [wok; o', , Crctinly, palk A •! I ittalf half . fttiV ot hko tu.) ti oulbling ruAllanca 1.,.01 *111{,! LuiKtst /lON 01/111, T. •411;1- of iv, Li) uu,t 4t With giirgliuz langhtiir tiftt-d ult I i.warit nuwd I.4ttiy myth ar it A I—vely, fight, LlLl:AbLi3cloil. maws [heti %V IA h noV4B ilnichnuce cltry.m!lo ti zli,:iy BUR i .1 In LULU Webster or calhurai, ht• t-gg wLh t 0h,:., tho ohgle Gotii4 ....:,-• liAgill)NE ESTERLING, 11:- step between extreme.., in b.•4r , s iFs i•J ma=ter 'there was a ling siienoe, which br , ear unable to frame a seulcuct , , his mind fiil d with c,Jitlicting glad and regret at length he spoke— " Nly dearest Marianne, I have been mill d, but I could not help it. I have been very harsh and rude, but your own heart, I am sure, will tell you I have not been wrong. Can you for give me, try own good, noble girl? I have every confidence in your truth and honor, and will never doubt you more. 1 know your gentleness, your patience and generosity, and that you will forgive. I have vexed you much, but your own candor must allow that it all arose from my ve hement. devotion to ,iyou which is the one passion of my existence.' It was hard for her to resist his pleading, to withl , old forgiveness from him on whom her heart doted. She tried to do it, at least for some time, but could nut hold, and tearfully gave way, owning to his raptured questiunibg that he was the s , de object of her love. It would be needless for us to describe hi words the convdsation that ensued, fur thefancy of our readers will anticipate the scene, and we and roir details be overleaped and left far be hind. It ended, after HOMO hours, in a-solemn engagement that they should be united in mar riage undhe earliest day that should be conve then t to both, w heu she should be altogether and unalterably his own, and there should he no more doubt, fear or jealousy. Strange enough, this hardly appeared in the eyes of either of them an event of unusual weight or MOM t They lied both look forward to it for yearn, tiring which they had lived to gether in daily, familiar and eonlidential inter course Their; were no arrangements to be made ; ith the exception cf her mother, no huinti 11 I. oing had eovrel over either of them, or uvula dircot er uppeee their desires; .here were no tier: eus to be coneulted, and a di-Witt - el con sent entreated from them i there was no one even to he informed of the fact. Not an obstacle stood in If, rir way He had long been his own mas ter; and ficl to wordly matters was porfeetly in dependent, and could afford to follow the bent of wishes. the again wes well convinced that her mother loved her too dearly to withhold from her anything that she earnestly desired lint when he asked Mrs. Eeterling'e consent, the behavior of the latter appeared to him re markable. She seemed to suffer a, strange and sudden depression of health and spirits, and en treated him to allow her another day, when she would be prepared to give him an answer. Next day, when be met her, her language and conduct seemed as extraordinary. At one time she told him she could not yet, for private rea sons of her own, give her sanction to the mar riage of her daughter—but, as she could stand in the way of nothing that could conduce to the happiness of either of them, they might be mar ried without any opposition on her part—if they were both willing to run all risks for good or evil—only she desired to he altogether uncon nected with the matter. She had no hesitation in entrusting to him the future welfare of her only child—yet she had many fears that the hap pines they expected would prove an illusion, and, if ever it did, they should not reproach her with furthering this measure, which she calleri him to witness she had never encouraged, if she had dot discountenanced it. Marianne, she con tinued, hed many ieiperfections; she was lowly bile], of -the very hunitittert class ; her pareete had lean (here :_•l3.e heralded) meet linf irturrate, it Net criminal ( " She alludes to their hank rut t r y . " h. -Au lit hr.:) and, were one tithe of their evil forte:tee known, a stigma would attao to lieu. No, it could net to her, but still the world was malignant, and apt to visit the ants of the parents en the children. In this way else ran on, getting mere eenfused an i excited with every Boatel - roe, till Basil, posi tively in pain for her, withdrew, with a vague belief that he had obtained her acquiescence. In a week or two Marianne anti he were quiet ly and nu ietentatiouely married, according to the short and simple ceremony of their church, ley great 1. tend and pastor, Dr. ---. The only remark I,e made regarded their youth, for eh• still wt.tileJ sonic months of eighteen, and he Lc Limey , f tenenty -one. Vet they eeemed so loving and devoted, and he knew him to be so talented. so virtuous, and honorable, and she, amid her bluehes, Looked so beautiful, that, as he bade Heaven tilees them, there was a warmth and kludric , 2m in his cenignant smile, as if they had been his own children. About forty miles from the city of our tale, a strait divides a low and very beautiful isle from the mainland. In this isle is a wide bay, which is completely hand-locked, and peacful as a pond. Opposite to it, a tongue of laud shoots out flat and level for about half a mile from the abrupt hilly range of coast. The usual shore rend rune coon d close under the hills, eo that this little p.- 11111'1011 is quite out of the way and untredder, It is covered with furze, bramble, wild roes, an other Lushes, with patches of open greensward here there, and toward the outer point a small. steep, rocky hill ri-es, shaggy wish duel' oaks ^.cd other low trees southern side of this, again, two large old oak trees grow, and between them, but nearer to one than to the other, has been erected a small Gothic villa, with a g4r,len of about a couple of acres in extent at taeln:d. This was built by the owner of the.lamt as el peculation, and offered to he let at the rent of forty pounds a year. Hero Basil took up his residence with his bride, about the middle of spring. He had it furnished according to his own fancy, and had removed to it his books, in struments, and all his other moveable property. He earnestly entreated Mrs. Esterling, that she would cease her occupation, and for the future make her home with them. He insisted much upon this, but she was inflexible—she would veinqin and live in her old way, in which she was sure to be the happiest, and never so long as she could earn her living honorably, would become dependent on any one. With this he was fc,ro9d to remain contented for the time. Than this home of their adoption uo spot could be more beautiful or sequestered. With the exception of a couple of servants, no one but themselves came near the cottage, and days often would pass without any person being seen on the road that wound alongside under the land to the rear. At the bottom of the hay in the island opposite was a sunny littlo town—a thriving place for the coasting and fishing trade; and numerous Bleeps, and small vessels cf other de scriptions, were continually gliding about over the glassy waters of the strait. And here they dwelt together in nearly perfect delight. They were continually with each other ; one uf them was never to be seen alone, and they were always cheerful and gladsome, happiness heamhog In their countenances. Young as they were, they both possessed the peculiarity of ap pearing to the eye much younger. Marianne seemed a mere girl, while he might- have been deemed a sedately-disposed lad of sixteen or thet eabouts ; and any one who met them, has they rode out joyously together along the neigh boring roads, might have considered them brother and sister, the children of someigentleman in the vicinity. • But they did not confine themselves to this $121,600 00 2,180 00 4,161 67 240 00 0,478 04 14,841 45 40,248 69 125,008 78 $817,611 "8 rfe, ST( CONTINUED. I PART II N V. 16?, spot al ino ; 0.1 l So i;ci remark they vielterl, and made frt.:plc:ill trine to tethert to the airy lto whiebt ; from the little-taw-it oppneite, therri was rapl ,l i steers carivevaaz,B,) to purchase new books, or see some dietingulthed Loudon actor, who might happily - ho dawn there on a !mauler Mar ring expeditir And thus they paor,.l the epsins.o:, 4iiuiw . er , ail sea3n.,s which that yeas were unusually warra and pleat-ant Flat es the days lievan to groat- pilaster, Maria - LT - 10 expressed a wish to spend the winter on the tiontineut ; and Basil lvithwith lett f r England, to make arrange ute lit. f..r l••• tras‘misaion of money. This was the fir - t time einee their marriage that thoy had teen aeparatca more than cm day, and though he ;vat- not to be I.•y did a ah?etlt, part • ,rig ha !-thAvrtikuls sort)sthing ominous. ;Ate aecerniatuie I him as fir as the city, where i.t her mother's hone., /I , l:r:ill:bred to stay till Lis i',.l n, fir the 6:10, Without him, wi,bll ant 1 , ,i11, 1 e9: , Oil 168 arrive, el his iiii*.l - ta town, he hurried ts Lusher:es over, f , I , j.:EIT tz , cetera to her with wh•.tu he had left all lict joy Thie .1011 e, he posted back with the rooet ate ii3iiii speed ait.l arrived a ouple cf :lave , rcirteit than he was ez• petted. On distrimmtinc - fr:da ilia roach, he irnmr itr‘tely hastened to hew mother's house, picturing the warm delight that awaited his coming, sod thinking iu what manner he should pass with licit - the after part of the day. TO BE 00 .7:ITIN 11 en T HE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE. i•TO. 71 FIFTH STREET. Now "pen;ag, a cf inpletu assortment of Spring Goods, hew and Isteat ntyl. s of Ladies Fine French Cangrzes thuu is, Glom. Celt tialt, , n. Cull SlipperVt Ladies wild Altszam hit:a: end colon it II Pel Oaltera. DIFYRNBAOI3I4t k GO. ABOUT THE LA'I`E CONOEET.—Com fort, lit and fashion add touch to our enjoyment 'fleas a hose feet uaintal them et the late concert from the of ecta of bad fits, or who need trmething new for spring Wear to make them fool comfortable, diould buy some of DIkFEN 11AGIIER & CO'S Fine French Slippera, Gaiters, Boots and :,boas, at the l'kate'L 81.101:1 STORE, mr.:l3 No. 17 Filth street, near Market. NE W NUTS EUOu I:ushela Pea Nuts ; 10 bap BOrilstilli AIILIOUN ; bu • SKI!. y • - 0:t shell Almondd ', 1,1 Stu. iu Foto ; •• 1 ughatx 11 dluut. " rram Nuts ; " '• 2000 (104 uu N tel ; ji) , l rlt . thed !LEI d for halo I.y REY 11E (e ANDERSON, No. 30 Wood arca, (.41,044,4 the St. Oh Hotel F OREIU.N FHU l'l'S 1 REDUCTION IN PRIORP, AT PAGODA TIM STORE liar.. t, i•oroog 1 1,11... y CarrumA ut 9e,"tlr,. Freuch Znutt. Cm T , t.t iUo and 180 41 I], Nevi I aluucia cooltiug, At 12.!,i0 Fl it. New Malaga ' RI. Lie clb. Sniyrhii rigs hod 16.1 t. ow Hannan Pruntia ut 12,3 1 ;e Ale°, Citron, !omen and orange Peels, Epttit, ea, t-tirrmits, Figs uoil Preoeg, whole Bale at the rut market price. if AWGIt'CII, 15130.. BROWNLEN, Dire, Core.-. I qouron.l Boil Diamond alley. N E hiIOTS AND SII 0 E AT PEOP L HEAP SHOE STORE. GENT'S, X11;t YifLiTtlizi ANT. UHILDREN's wear of every Jet c:iption and qualit Ladles' Cilovs rot Long Gaiters, with or ‘sithott hrelq. (hove Call, Xlorocco and LOolitillg Hiprwrg ; 161101 Morocco, Kid and Patent Leather Ensl. inn . liid au Ilinimieo Boots 143 ND. ii Fifth sti fief, no- r market. QOAP POAVDER.-51) bows soap Powder of our iiwn manufacture, warranted superior to any olTered for sale In this market, on band and fur sale by tole B. C. et J. IL SAWYER EW BEDFORD SP EktlNl CANDLES.- 2o b4)Y.CS 11.4801q0 , 1 G's and 6'a, rporm Candled band arid 10f E.lr by B. C. 4. .1. H. SAWYER, 8O BELS, Potatoes, received and for aPle by JAMES A. FETZER, Inc2l Corner Niarket and Firet streeta. GROUND bOttEENINUS. lUO saoka Uronnd Sereen:nica to artivo on Emma Graham, and for bale, by JAMES A. FETZER, tot2o Cor:wr Mat !Ind First atreatri. OLL BUTTER.-8 bbla prime roll Butter 11.) r.eived and for Bala by .TAS. A. EIaZER, m,32 tVeller Market and Dna etrbete. GREEN API'LES. .-20 barrols Oreon A7i 7 filctl, iliVo,l JA.IIILSI A. FETZER, Market and Filet ntreatc D RIED sacks received and E.le by L rarlt!, UflNl.r U. COLLINS '0 - UTTER. -3 bids. fresh roll, for sale by i k turl4 ULNLY El COLLINS. TIAILOTEI)i SEI3I)--10 hush. Octod Timothy Seed for sale by JAR. A. FETZLIL RYE I'LOUR.-15 I,bIJ. just received and for tole Ly (Inv; I it 11.NI1, EL COLLI:sS. kd r fAlteli.-12:, bsa Rochester Pearl Starell, I.oreceived and for Bale e n.. y li..Na ill. L,OLL,LIViS. II NI E,--100 barrel:,fresh Lime just reL'..l A by r curi FIENI-1.7 14 'AIL' INC. .AITLE:--;.---21 barrels Oreen Apples, rets ' 4I a.,,1 1./ . Bale by .1 • A. li'..72Eti., L ) LITTER print° Roll Butter, . 01""0-1 and for e,le ir e 3.13 FE'l. CIIII 11 NI?, V var'“ - las patterns, fo - r eel by Lua29, IL CULLINB. - UIIACCO AND CI.GAILS,----A large assort ot ofto, , it01 , ra...15, on band and for sale by I.VM. emlTil CO, 116 Eocoud, mot lli •irst street. 11.1 N LLKs. asborteti eizes n'a and 6'l Adtar.alinn., Star' Cu hand an.l 161! Bale Ly V.. 0.. 3. Li. SASS YEA, is 18 :40. 47 (.0,1 rtret4 TE A T;) OOT U 1 t,.- - Neabloot Oil, iu quantit.s to jolt galrili.avre, on nand Find for sale by D. O. I J. H. f.+AVVYrit, t.. - n g0r..(1 ..trees tvi4 •C ANUES.-104.) bosot; AleEniria S\feet Ittd.JiVlA nll.l Or •,;_ics I ANTIEP.SON, ctrurt. - - APPLES. prirno Driod Apples ra. , •ntc , d nhin NieC 1 `tDLESZ I ., M2AN3 a 23 4:.,tacJ ,•r \,..;,"1 nod Vißtur edS.Nsta. 0 A N •00i1 btoinezia 1 '2.500 papor, In smounti Porn $:00f), Luviiig from .we, to vino months L Jun. Ltmquo) 3. R. fiIuR.A.NGE, nir2R— , ( 4 _ - LOCK ANI) LETTER SIGNS—Of any rtylu desired, in Gun' or Plain Ctiliwo--matnactured and pct tAL abort nuzice, by J NJILLIPB, wro 28 and 7 ,, Br. Clair street. ANEW FR.A.ME 110 USE IND LOT OF Ground, 50 by lOU f...et, ratiato oh AIL Wutbingtoll, t• u accr)m,lm(lnting rarrr.g, by lur23 *)UILLIJEKT L t'ON. liarket et. DitUNINU TOOLS—For the lierden and ~rchard, vic--:-ao Grape Shears, llerge Priming (A 01 .12 g•out ?NOTICE TO BUTuIlutS. Large Meat /.11 ;:littera anct Sawing° :•iar, a, a various ciaea at NJ. 47 FifLti atreet, PittsburKta. deol 1 4 7 1:.U1'1 for Chribtniab and :New 13eat Layer Ramlne , choti-a new I:lc,k, urll3 aad p4r h0z....t, only 18%c. qi/ - 0)..,rt 9."`:.1111. tsr: vtiN LEE'S, feta BUFFALO 5110E8.—..1. splendid article of Genus' hut' LA R 1 Wifl to over ehues. Mao. Clents' Gan Over tiliaa at the Poople'i Pllo.i Etr,re, No. 17 run, street, near Maria. n0v7.1 pUTNAM'S Improved, and other etylea of Shade Vi3'1 , 11.1 7 flyr eate by • . - 07 7 1 7-7 r rpg WDOLL L' I"S SA LV E for sale wholeslae dod r.rtoll at the Drug Pt,,ra of JOKY HAFT, eortal , of W., ar.,4 Qtrth =t nitt,t,Tab. 13151 ' 8. N C TAii., f r h IIVBAAALEY, CottortaVii a (To,. N6S. 15 and 20 VI 7 OOA straw. MARSEILLES STEIRT FRONTS, AND SIIU.P COLLAR:3 WiAte Fal t ,s Colcre , }oat te4::.ve..l sc '11,5 111tItN OH, 71 Alarkat street. LASS —5OO boxes Bxlo, 9x12 and 101(12, fix hale by Oyu E.,11.1' EL COLLINS. DllOOlllB.--50 doz. reed and for dale by coral HEN Y If COLLINS CHEESE. -225 boxes prime W. It. cutting Cheda, by nr EILWAY 11 0121LLINS. RYE FLOITR-2o 1,1)1s. in store and for gal() by 1,1.414 LIENRY 11. COLLINS. ARD- A ove —in kegs—fur esl2 Lv vn4Stri ceux4s. HOTEL CAN b. lei 122 a and 16'a, Hotel C. 111.11,4, ~,A 1, , ,n1,4an1 aa,la by S 7 77 FAXI:Vjra. TIEANS.-40 bblU. priuiu white forsalei by I!EvEV 11 (701.11.144 lIITE 1 , ilo half 1)1s. received W and for ch-v- fulW • URIVIIV COLi; 'R GGS.-10 bble. fresh Eggs just received and for ask %by 'meal' II Fly P V COLL] K. _ • - DOTATOES.— 100 bus. Pink Eye Potetoe:., received end for salt. by Ja S. A. FETZER,' air% Cornpr First Anti Matketstreet% No. tr( Funrth Etrezt, L ring* V. Bank ioas WAIWROP IiIFFENBACILEIC Ir. CO