,c'ECIAL, NOTICES. APPOINTMENT EXTENDED TO JUNE FIRST. DRS. C. M. FIT CH 4 J. W. SYKES, 5v 111 rimnl❑ at their Othco No. 1.01 Pcnza. strcet, H•POtIITR ST. GLAIR 11011.1., PITTSBURUII, PA TILL JUNE FI 18.; n, And may be coueulted daily, (except Sundays) CON:1U1I1' lON, AHTIPLIA, iihUN 0111T1Y rud ALL HIOS.IC 00511'LA with, ul caitriug pulmutlxr) dis,A4o, Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affecttura the Laver, .I)yepepria, Gastritis, Female Complaints, ttc. T AO' , ITCLI it. SYKES would elate that their treatment at Cciivimptiou is bused upon the tact that the ditesse ta-ists to tl e blood and gpterr. large, t,,,th -jure and during its de - ociopnvixt to the lungs, and they th,refore employ Mechau• 1001, Hygienic end Medical remedies to purify the blo,al and stiengtben the ayst,in. there, they use MEDICAL I N• HALATION, abieh they value highly, but only WI Pillittl ttlx.4, which have 11 , OUTS/ill.? tilt, IR, and lava or,• need) evamet a.otitlur it,- WV. In 144 this u • i • ututrlllt, ..ri any treestuivai l.ac I up ,, ,, ih•-• planet• at idea t act tee Coot of I!, I 1 t„, a direct 13.e1/(101 l,) I atiMitatlvi, a4r . No chat ge to, cvtisultuth , L. A list of queiltiond a ill ha tirnt a 'titling to c, LtittilE us by letter CM..S. J. W. SYKEII, 101 Penn ati,et, Pittaburgh, Pa. .arr- WHY WILL lOU :—lteed the tobtinteuy ~t Dr. II: P. Lee!tsee, Dlugght., Fayette C. 11., Ala., Jane- li, 16,3 Dear ,Sir—" !Lotto liernitin Lill it., ha% e dune wolideln ii. tbk niv ti .0 A youth, a null kit li M. Rubbed, Esq., ut ,„.,i,ty. Lai bean fur bC , et al 111,,uthe under the care id utioti,r., without trilieb and the case reydrted .1•••,,,:!.,1, and the young luau although a. - ascely able to get t. •ut, el with the haters. li, ivaud nu Lig , it, bow the first bottle, ha continued to take, until a C,,,11 pit, cur, Wan arect,l. do ie u ah.leit,ut ev.lvectlik.-AucuL ;..tz k•i-Zait'o.i . iolli,p THE A LLEI.II3 Y HAS 6 —The LIIBint.ISPI Of thid • fill - 1k nll tr , .: transacted at the em tier of Third ctoi ~1 ,trttL L mild after AL,tlay the 19th lcoot COOK C6/361.... La IL t l'ltA Y Al - "e:/ ~ 1 , x t LAVA 1r ii ALL, 11 eitrma, rt•//, I .1,4/1 Flil DAY, Aytil L, I lu .:11 Villl C.PLA• .1,.,,t tha but 1.!1c/ YIJ ~ lir LuL,. pearl ill LL, ,I,l,ltet. C,11.1, /1) for •l) 1.11.10,ta1, It I toll 0111tilll ruwafu Itti:mii\lESS (ARDS PITTSPUittiII STEEL WORkSa Asi jONE6 11'4J. 1..11,111., BOYD & allSuir4 T E ORINii, PLOW AN 1. , t EEL., tiPtitlyt3B AND AX LEH i'Oi ‘l4 PITT Is Uktdll, P.; Yb. 1. 2 1: ota rt s , Liasureovurte.its OF IMiltuVra) PA I.'I:NT „I LT iVAT O It T ET it , ST 1: i 1 4,2 ;List Ati t3Titto6lB, W I Ll.l A CL vro N &. CO., 11 , 1.: - .1•1 LL AND It li'l'All. QAT 01Z Mlll C6iI N , ^4‘, 61 DI kNic/Nil Near kkip- - - A v,oyt I 11.111.1 611..56t31 - C liLorry, tice,1,11,,, 01.1 :‘l,,u Hibigky, of thu To b. 4.41 pnuflis. ttele.1001: titElllOlY 1)11N reIOURII.EAI) ht removed to No 74 Miter etreet, th.tow Mutt et JOHN HOilk it tit , )M MISSION MERCHANT, PR Nil: CAL AND BLOOMS, tq,, 74 W t ;IA: 1!. 1,1. W NI mrl PI P i's.Bl.lle (.1 B. .11402Esi Forw - arding and CanimiLniou Morelianl, I=l Grin I rruil. uhd of H'lrrL rtrectet VI VDU; l! Ltd LI, 1" A kair.p. T. , 11.0 , 11 , ;11i.iu ldl worth, 8/ Outlibert. L'HUti,l eh; ih i s Ott, Liallnk.li , litsi-L, ti. bt.1..11, Cot . tl. .S. Limt. 4 Howell, , He n y, d L)„,il, toli et Ut 11A it OW A AMO EL VA IiNESTOCIC, N. l'ittsburgh, tikCi 111.1 iara S'I'OC h. OF 11 Alt NY A Kb:, 1,3 curt' 10 . . c for oAztli lu wt.lition to illd L••rke, awl 1 , 011,4, and :Spnoua, Kurt n Int gu 11 , t4 I ol'Cl\rd tl Lag,: hlt l• y itiot :Stilttel'Y ; ,+ln.'l'unguenliail Pokers; :Heigh 11e119, etud Eunruuled Prezentug ICtittk,4, Office 44 . ..ekaleie tDY Weightt§ and OFFIC1?, OF IJNDERSIGNEII, ,Sl.: A L Eft P ici ti ( 4 NI) AEA Li a E.V, found loon Elft r t 6, Ili ChUrr). ally, Leto: , „ ,Third bLi 1 leourth sti ootA, .IiIN may he Intt. L.; ISAI till A Ett,Er. LIAJINErf =ll it ()BERT I)A.L.ZELL Whuletialk3 _ L w oouitutwAvu Etwi EL , I %V al ding Aleichbut. bud I..micra it. Produce .ad PiLtaburgh blnualtsuturvet, Na . 1:•1 L,ll,.rty •cre,c , — Pitterargit. CIIi.4.IIIGE 114111,1. P. 1111.'(;LEC00K, hating purchased th ,- 3 uf JACOB HUFFMAN, hi tha. Lew of Hull Nf'eroi , rl, s otvlo of the fires LicreAftor M'Citt.EIRY s 00. Mi. Huffman will sti,l 1 fiuulu. HUFLMAN, M'eftl I ttY Sio Itill'r4;ll.llCOCK, ritt 4 CialEEKV Lk it 'ID. 0 4 110.3:SSOIt'd Eluvimkri, INP(ltice.qr 1.. ,) Forwarding and Comtliksion iViet,!han(, I,WALEci+H to Vit4il Vl,Otlit AND - 111001,. I I t J:11) ,ThICSI, Pertuutowm, I vat.; 151,13 Lt C•', i 1,0114011 Si. IS.+l.thas I kiagtlitlY, " LILL itt 111/11 till, 1.'14 Iladul lo t , r.) fil onu d .1 " 6.1/1.0.1. Cu •• Su,itL, a uv , kVcsv,, LI di L. ilvtd. t. EuiAtu.l S Br.,e , " S Yet DAVID 11. WILLIAMS, Itill. ENGIN E EV. AND cuNTRAcToit FOR TUE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for trw.o c t uru., el .101 upw.11,4, Awl for Heating Ivnb,, by elt,nw, Hut Way; o/ . Purance.a. agy.l.l)id PITTRIAIRtitI. in 00it aY 11:: A 9 & C 0., 51314(.113CitltiaR Or Afikeelean, Pia :t.L Corrugated, GALVANIZED E 1 1 IRON, F'or fiutaing, Guttek geoutlag, &o Foh , WOoD's PATENT i ivi rr ATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warelaouste, Wo. 130 First otroci, inr26: I y is Alderman's Office. JAMES S. 1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX ()Frick) JUSTICE OF 'flit PEACE, AND POLIO.: MA(IISTR. No. tilt tliaut street, nearly oppo site the Qout t Hondo, Picn;Lorgn, Pa. Dopdsltioax, AL.lsuoa lodgments uud Pronatod taken; the Records examined, Deeds, Slortgages, Willi, Leases, Articled of Agree ment, awl of Partnership, Lettere of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn up at abort notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all business In the hue of hie (Alicia, duties, promptly attended to Ottice houid, from 7% .1 a. to 1 P. a., and from 'd td t 1 P a. rttPaly Light Cream Ale. SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY .11L announce to their customers and the public, that ow ing to the price of Barley and Hops, and to snit the times, they are brewing a light and delicious fiavorid CREAM ALE, which they are selling at $4 r 0 barrel, and have BEGS ON TEN GALLONS each, to accommodate private families. They have also, X ALE, at ill; XX at $7, and superior `RENNET at $8 'lt bbl., and smaller casks in proportion. Also, excellent PORTER. AND BROWN STOUT. 44- Olden sent to their Brewery on PITT .STREET, will receive prompt attention. carltk3Le OW. W. 14NIITLI .t CO. bbls. N. 0. Syrup for sale, ou conulgument, by (ap7) 11. COLLINS. FISIL-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal mon, etc. ap7l HENRY H. 011,1,1N5. NEW, FABRICS IN DRESS GOODS.-- , A. A. MASON et CU , lary., NO. 2L Fifth !Street, it; nuri opening rich Dread Stlkb, 13ex ag Organdle3, Paris brilliants, a splendid selection c.+l SPRING eitIAWLS. (aplB - _ I AWRENCEVILLE BUILDING LOTS AA FOR HALE —A building lot of 167 feet front on Chia let !street by 124 fret deep eu a 15 ft. alley, will be divided to mutt purchasers. Also, three building lots on Butler street, each 2U tea front by 161 deep Luau alley. Mao, a lot of tle feet front uu l'lke 'Afoot by 60 feet deep, with a frame hunee. The above properties are °tiered at low pileen and u easy terms. [apl4) 8. CUTHBERT Et tiuN, Ll Mart et t 0 U. An: tilt, rI.;JUi.L~.rU,d PlTTeitalllCl It . PA P/ I T.S*SUA'ati, P.l 71 Wow) PITTSBURGH, PA LOCAL AFFAIRS. Azzault and Beata/tics Several assault and battery cases came before Mayor Weaver en Tuesday morning. which we will briefly relate. The first was an Information by John Ruffley against_James Patterson. Ituftliy atatos that on Monday night he Went to bed at I.l!utmt's bearding hou.e, in the Etna Ward, about nine o'ciouk. A Lint eleven u'duck lie heard some one in au adjuinlnp niour ceiling "John' John! John!" tie got up and went to the door, whuto he was met by Patterson, who striici, Mtn sever el [lama In the face and on the Ludy.Hut a. ) had givcu Patterson' nu proved provoealfon as et for the attack. Patel - Wu wee arrested and taken to lb., wat.,L Louse, kept till morning, and Itutliey not appeal mg, he wee let off on paying a Ewe of five dollars fur disorderly condo. t. Ile had been gene but a short time, when Kriti ) came in, with both 'yes draped in mourning, to make au information against Patterson A warrant was issued, but Patterson had not been arrested last evening. Andrew Blakeman, ut made iMormati against one John Belau , fur maltreating his wife. lie etatee that Friday evoultio:. March 191 h. Meitii,,tlt Hby iltvCucation. t.nten r, tkirvn 111:1i •Ilt itquting bet tao,erelj . p eal. out wan Potted ttteldwa a eel,,ledlA.iivdoal made els appeai,. 4 the Mayur . el tptib - e, and W:ic.ted Bill .lehespii," who Lad, aecardictr, to lliy dlatelaent, streek hici lithicked 801110 a lit,, trunt teeth down hie threat His lu tiirmatich was twken; Nal attested, but On exam ining alto the matte, It appeared tout I Bth were equally %rang, and they Wero tinod two ilellars each far disorderly c Judea. Johnsen paid his flea Red was releamed, but I)ib not having the %hot vwithal to liquidate, %Kit/Out t. the t ill for ttit.o day, ...3:vvo wlll tw careful uhout trolug 10 IIM!MEM!! Ohio Items. im :Made:, Lam Mug, Api it 11th, William Ada.ldie, a rebi d/at of Barnesville, committed aulcide while laboring and,' ea /lima of delirium tremens, by 'cutting his throat Th.- Matrumeut used wen; a pucket kulf,, the blale of which was only two luchey lung. The windpipe was enttrely serend Medical assistance was pr,,enied and thu wound was dreui...,l, but there was nu Lupe uf recuvery, mud ou Medriesda muruing ha died, adding au Aber victim to the curie of iu tempurauce. Mr Galitigr, of kit Ul.l the railroad truck at Colutubta. vu Virdo,adu) last, Ittrikiug Lid right uht,ulde, with g. at siulabre. The ahoulder was dislocated. but 0, phyalciack being called, the di.locatiou waa reduced, and Mr. U. wait how,: It) delug. The Steubenville " Uuiuu" says that reeesit developments show a series of forgot les col:unfitted by a party well know a la that city, whose name is withheld, by rtyucet, for the present. The Citizens' Bauh it a sufferer to the amount of VOUU; the Uuion Savings Bank 'thus V5O; other forget:es, aggreotlug sumo sl2uu, Lave taeu discovered, uud it is probable that still others will be br,,tiglit to light. A lira CulliAteaCit. wad detected at Columbus uu Tuesday ot tont wank , which had hot yet beau idietitiutted ih tally of the fietecturd. it id a twenty duller hill Lill t h e State BMA ‘,l Ulf Id, Ilt. , :kiog Valley Breach, raided trutu a two It in eel) . and very thief), and et/ entlinitli leek out eledild L. apt 1,1 it, ad it calculated the uu'eed y. Tab riT.TeßUlttiti hors of Lair CitiZ.llB Wll, LOll2 the legitimate drama can certainly La gratified this week in the inimitable reprialentutimm of MLA Charlotte ellehlLD,lll at the old Theatre, ,mumeticing this evening. It Is uunecen. Bury fur us today anything iu her praise, us we could only reiterate the bLICOLUiUIIIB showered um' her by the iduruuli of this country Bud of b.:mope. The simple auuouucuu.sout of the fact that she he hire to play her farewell engagement will be elifilcient to till the Louse. Already a large bumber of ,cafe have beeu taken fur [hie arid tomiorruw oveulagf and we would udvise ell who wish to seem() scuts f., cull early today. She Nppedle In the character of Itern,n to• eight, with .)finn Kimberly an Juliet, anti Mr. J. E. Nl'Dote. oUgb, a very nee actor, ad We eltp6Cl to at, tut. he alldiunee ad has eat bete decal iehide the ntl la of the 'L Itentro tt.r yearn. THE NATI , RiAL —lir. Jawed Iles sett, the celebrated Eugllah tiegediati, appeaied loot oveuing as !ago, is "Othello, the Moor of Venice" Ills action le -vary_ line, and although luboriug midier a severe boatseaeas, hie do. cation is good. We are sorry thafMr.lll. does not draw bet ter houses; it is rarely we have the pleasure of witcassing personation equal to hill, and ice should appreciate and patiouize thew when we have au opportunity. The ether Llittracteia in the piece veto well sustained by the escelled.t stack couiptifiy. This eveuifig the gloat ehukspearlau trog. dy ul Mu both will be presented, with a full cast. Mr. Hewlett is the principal chstactut, will he supported by Sir litobld as Mataluil. Mr. Antral., as B,,nquo, nail .1 uti.i Coots as Lady Macbeth. We anticipate a full honk on Elite PS,TARId.I - OLI 11„,u,1,y Itl.llAmau, id NJ:CAW - eel wut t, Vrivs aulkiug up rub ntrart, pbou 1, appruvched by eUILW CuaYaraiy a unittn, who, without the alightvat provcxation, gave him a violent kick abd men, and, taking the arm ut.-*a companion, walk• d atr'y away. 'rho injured Oman ota the pa% e meat, qt.! was Curl to Lis ta , ,Ltla, whota Lo has been Col , due,/ to Ws bed ever since. Thal Mayor came along a momenta tate, ward•, but all his olorto to lied the I.ta • Cs ai,,r tor tbk uutrage Wrier 1:114,t1c . C.,.(11) fit Is auxipan I zt, It caught h, nhuultl be wale au example Qf EI.I.)ANT MAN riLL&t. %cry 1,111 ',Amble and extbutitvv eL cit. of Ladtt..' Sllk thto‘l4, dirot t Crown large Ettsto a eitaktitahtaaut, t.ad beirctea with .aft ti to Le sold this tuotaitig, nt tta u'eloch, fu tha Haft hall of, tLo on:ond flour of Davi,' usw Auctiva 114116 C, Fifth sti set, ICJLei Will Ilud cutufwliln snots and tha nsin ccleducled us tee ettlerel ivory ear...lila:o.l,in sad oLuicc .it n,tkton. 'll,lll sL,, h c,.)nivt ;les t °ally splendid Tsltucts, &c., Dress Silks, I)uenls, Ctialliss, Eat BKOTAL —A tlertuan named Henry Italia was arrested ou riloudwy night fur nitiltieuting Lis wife and assaulting the w - ati buten lu discharge of their duty. The wumee nun toned outside of the house It. [care; on being interrogated she said (fist her husband hnti beaten her and turned her out of dots. The pike were called, and endeavored ruler, tint Ham would uut ripen the doer, acid amused hint cult Ly throwing at them whatever he could lay hid Ilabde t.“ fi.,m !I SCtillud eke y t. iudow. Au bLitIULt I, was n,ue o 6 Hula was captured and 1, Liinel up. He nas suet to the hill to inflect on Lis cruet treatment to his wife. LioiIDERI I —A Hibet - ttiatt Gamed baulel Murphy, a tail tuatler, wow to a dtlbblog lt..tuse Su the fliuth Ward ett tdoulty aiiht, nod utter itubiblug ter a *than he became do bweteroad that he was Gramcd Cu ' alllo9e the raut.he" by tho laudlady, wbbli he elustJ to du She called In assist anCe, L,we - ver; dud Dallici had to go. outdide of the hurl., he fumed, trotted, and litto,ktd down u passer by, 'shell Lill olfilyee *Alum up, cat tied hurt ..ti Lied placed hie durattLe vile." Yesterday woruiug ha WAS Aped live dullard, but being unable to pay. he tsus aunt up fur tea days dyne OWNS Tile —A member of the night par, toutal a watch ou Swat,held atrea, iu the vlclulty et Mee Talllugtou'e lager Leer ball. It la supposed tv have he,t2 lust Ly uue of the party arku,ted there ou Saturday LAO t The Cu% it wee a ge,l deal hreketh up, the fa a boieft alai, et deaueli.hed. It la now et the Alayer'a udlcu awaitlug Idrnl I heetke, where the ow ner can Ilud It PAttlb SdYLKs tit Gould' bud Buyei' tfluthlng, carefully tau toned Irma tho best Freud, leparLs of fasbiuu, may tarn Lc bctu at Caruegban's, Federal street, Allegheny City. (fleet Is taken lu ti 11111ILALLin . t Llt J f every article, aud buyel 9 may rcbdily Bee the peculiar oeatoses cl style, and perk. tluu wurtnaushlp, with which oucharticle Is prep .red Custom work fur eau tied buys carefully made, aud a lull stc.:lr 01 ”Lima, gloves, hosiery, Se. , kept uu baud. • WANTS ea owuhaL—Y esterthiy nieruiaK a large copper Let worth acme six ur nuVon &Marti, wad found Lj a atetubst ~I the day iJullen,lu tise roor et a bakery on the corner L'e, , ,u(l and Ferry streets. It has probably Leen stolen. I wee tal,eu to the Mayei's etilea, whale any person v.L., Le let eusb au liitkla will du wall to AlLl•ififtlY MAruit'd OFFIWC - -NalliLlK Importance was Lod rl the y ceiterday U,LLIt, days Lilo polioe of that city blzlVb beeli ul6rcaauts violiititig city ~rdinituica lu ttforeuce Ictis , ing boxes, barrole, Atc , ou the oldewulk , but the ouismic, .0 Liu?, couniderably abated. I. 4 ..tliFutrlia °Plat TtruUyli.—W e , call attention to tlierlieul, thin troupo to arwth"r c,luwu. They will cloth, 0.10 Philadelphia Opera 11.dise ua Saturday uud open here with the entire cowpauy evening urxt, Ma n.ule SHARP.—It the local of the "Reporter" will turn tu Lite `Poet'' f lest Saturtley, ,he tall Rad the 'teat coucerulo K the has of a watch by an Italia. bagger boy, ifoblimhiat iu that paper .1 yesterday. MATuR'S OFFICC.—Ttien Wert, elnveu common caSed at the Nlayor's Aloe yesterday morning, ou the usual ,_hargee Five wee committed to Jail, four paid their tines, and two were discharged. _ 1111:13E eV REFUGE --Constable Cook, of Now Castle, arrived Lore yesterday, ou the trsiu rruai the West, bringing with him a eolured buy, who was committed to the HOLM) of Miss Cosatua.—We give lu our editorial colmaus this morning a biographical sketch of Charlotte Cashman, which will be of interest to oar readers at this time. Tux alarm of lire at noun yesterday was caused by the burning out of a chimney on Wylie street. WE heard nothing of Importance from any of the Alder men's °Moss today. tia TES GREAT POPULARITY OF IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS prepared by the eminent physician, tr..l. nostetter, is unbounded. Daily does he receive the voluntary testimonials of the afflicted, who have been cured of long-standing diseases, through the use of the "Bitters," and daily the tale of this medicine is increasing, and extend tog Its sphere of usefulusse among suffering humanity. For removing all Mal bid matter from the stomach, regulat ing the bowels; strengthening the entire body, and impart lug vigor and tone to the entire human system, it cannot be equalled. We would recommend all who are *acted with any of these terrible diseases, to immediately procure a bottle of the Bitters, and their ailments will vanquish like souw before a scorching sun. For sal. by drug - gilds and dealers generally, overyviliere, :108TETTER h ShIPIII, tel.raiadotorers and Propiewn, Gb 'Water end 48 Front atreeo® I W:37-lt] JOSEPH MEYER, 3iAIsiI7FACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Peun •41reet, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, Aruji- I u Ulu Facu rt w u badiueus, I Oleo duvuto attutal.A., tu H1.11[1,0 and tc“:4l.Bt, etry.lßE BE RELIANUE to be placed In :lied' and thousands of well att,atod ea+e■ eatablish Ley end the po,nadlity of a doubt the curative properties of any one particular remedy, then J. M. Onree ORIS.BIit&TED STOhieCki Brrrcan to unquestionahiy the greatest medicine ever intro duc,l to en adilctel ,omineulty. An a cure for Dyspepala, evltiveuna4, VVtlakticHa of the Btutua:l, and other dlqeantai etlaiug (row a dleot•leted t3tate of the bib., Riducps, tt.l cau au( Le eA 1 . -Aivd iuvali le Sh quid c..t hudit.ntb to t• t (1.00 , 131,.. Li , J M °LIN, proprietos mod u•auate.tu.• r, No 207 Pena ~et, raitsburgh, le , and by ae~.L,ra z=c;ally JAMIES I'. TANNER, 56 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa., do, iho fittmition of hid c.utdoinaid mid Lupo - . gotirral ly, to tik lug Bt..di of NEW SPRING GOODS, Bought Jite..7t from MAlluft,:turorki lo Nay.achnnetta =II 6R.a r, ' , - , CEMIZEI L. he, )1 CEENE /=MMII IZIIIIMMI L,..oud t•.t t i Lull! t =ITEM :'.RIiY kiIN Muu, N. y ,11.1 f ,kaiL ok) i. and BUR Li aTe All t. vdrlety 4-4 may A t ILL IA ......„td tv tJAtift ati4 pr,,rap.4 TlrdE Ist! Y tith el 3 d, iisd and Ecic,,toi and pa..itd LW TitiMMING:fl NEW TRIMMINU, U U H , 41.5 Market stfeet, aud evltniao thd Spring of Th.l.llill IN (16, ENIIiiiOIIJEICIEB, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, IttJUHE: , , 11081 fidiV, iILUVES, tIL,IVES, tiALINTLETS, pi 6,Es , E utt 11ThitEl) NI A iitift)LLKS SKIRTS, EXI-ANSIUN BTEEL SKIRTS, NIECUANIC AND FRENCH CORSETS! INFANTS' FANCY CAPS, And HEAD-DitESSES, At J. HU SCI'S, No. GC) Market, street. 8U (IRAN!) PIANO, FRuixt THE, NIANUFACfuRY OM STEINWAY & SUNS, It JEW lir ()It . i:LEI3,Ett & BRO., PLEA:3- LIRE in aanouoc.og to to the pub- Itc that they have Juut received a splendid tiltAtii) rtANO, Iron. the Factory of Stain.: - way et Sous, Now York, fahivh for eAquiiito dwaluedn and volume • - d tune, IWlLLteatt and olattieity of Lunch, aun u moot tasteful and elegant exterior, is CollNitlidt ,l th, FINEST Olt AND PLANO ever brought to this city. Ttio neifhaiiidiu is a DOUBLE REPEATING ACTION, a ateutcn 'eventual ol fileioway h Sous, which attain., a ail [Ur talliUSC faroniptueda and of touch a degree of durability but artily attained. tied of Steinway A Sons' GRAND PIANOS tote isteli been pw Gowned our by 5. 'ibalberg, to Baltlutote, who sta led that it and retrofit...able, even mud pure lu tune; power ful and of lice touch. Ail three who have heard [tad greed pined, ore uflaultuous that It is lar superior to those of ally tiler. Siadou sad Gottschalk, the Auter.cau Pl masts, who hate lately vlayed on Stelueay A Sous ali-AND PI A NOS at their coil( el to, are 01 the saws opiuteb. slf tits etulueut Plauist, lute at Bobtail, who hub tante." all the grand paitioti now lu thin euuntry, la ualug liteittway ti.otta . that,' Blau,. lkie,,ourerti lu New Yolk, in r..lrt ruu t., any outer u espc, thAly tura., t 6., nutAlL, ol.in and all, whettkor ‘,l ❑ and n.. 0116 utalvallod lustra. non L. ll LLELSEE N 0.53 Fi•th atrutt, nolo A gontA tur StAuway a BOLUS P I LINt/S1 Itt 41 , 111,1. tiItAND PIANO 6! P ARLO'S. UItAND PIANOS 11 A ND STYLE :lt.tliAltE PIANOS, Merti/fe,ti y ~t eilleKektiNtl s :LONS', P.ObTON, Just rocJivi , tl troth Itto mnnulnctury of ['bickering Ruston, the following desirable and elegelit tt ek of their PIA NU E,AtTEs . on, Fell sevdn a tiAo O, and PIAUI., for to, with ear e,e Vitt 0. . ... . Ouu Lie Fullticiit Cave littiuti to, ...togtitil tUleo 'riot) tine New Parlor thrall - I raven Oeleoe , PlaLitO, pow rto u tall liarud, and t.i,p.yin6 ouly the iLeC/Lit of an ordluary kiqUact3 Piano e SQUARE Pi ANOS I 'lwo fail ,aiied Rosewood, Lunn, XtVth, bereLi c/Ctbren, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood e.rveu style. Two rosewood, carved mouldings, raven octave. Nutr plate round ,urncia, eaVeli Three Walnut, plain tuned front corners, Gorenoctav& e Four " t yr e „ basswood *. aboveell ut the arc of their NEW SOALE, and with fell Irou frames, and their new Patent Action. Meth, lustrunients have been finished specially fur ttu, sulmeriner, and will be wad' rahtoti to purchasers. V o l sad. at lhell JOHN R. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, Selo Agora fur Uhlckering G Sous' pm: 1N , 'IIIA STORE, NO, BB FIFTH STRE2N Vir.lkuvw u ft‘AL bupply i'odu~[ Byeou, I wi,ectal, atia tinupowder All of which we can, with CW111,10110,, recommend to our frit:Ude twit ihu public, at priced that cnimot Inll to Aldo, Uraehed, PolvErixed, i3larified, and Nlikti Urldawd Fin ore; Rio aud Jain Ovactl, thoeu and ii..1:13[64.A. Laracw r r IIE MUSE; SINUS tie SHOES! 13;1029, SEOII6 ANL Ulll Entl, or y Froua o.nrde tkt 600, KVA, OULU Mild NuLi T.ute, Cn hiou, and ~tteugth o : ,m6luud- For Prldget, Jam), Nell, Attu, or Nauey e'ur La:odes, or William, Peter, Jaw,- - These all—aud all who Slaws du wee, - Aye! every Shoeless mother's sum May buy them Orient.. Pll tell y,ti abece, (Sows people, lit Lk rr the pinto Lufloco,) POSH ETNEET, " Pus PlaloPLYE' CHEAP ?LIU BTOILE. 01,11 DIFFENBACHE.B. St 00 13O'l'A'COE,S,-- 400 bus. Pink Eye Potatoes, ~..eivadau,l it, sole by JAS. A. FETZER, no' 24 Corner First and Market (acacia. lI.NIE. .200 barrels fresh Lime, for sale by J altd33 HENRY H. OOLLINB BUiLDINO LOTS, on Overkill street. Price, 14.00, eat:Le—tor solo by S. tRITHI3ER'f & 591` , 1, 61 Market street. $6OO FOR a twu story frame dwelling houso and lot or ground 50 foot by 100, pleas ut ty situated on ML Washington. Torras easy. foil B. CUTHBERT it SON, 61 Market t. RED, WHITE AND BLUE.-500 boxes Tvilut Vutlegnitql Soup, assorted colors, in lb., uud % M. oulicu, on bawl uud tor sale by 1. 1 4 - H. C. * J. U. HANSTICH. QOAP POWDER.--5U boxes Soap Powder of tuanufsetare, warranted superior to any oßored for sale In this market, on band and for sale by tein B. H. SAWYHE. MEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— IA 2U boxes asserted sizes, Vs, Ws and Ws, Sperm Candies au baud and ko sale by B. 0. & J. H. SAWYER, 80 BBLS. Potatoes, received and fur sale by JAMES A. F'ETZEIt, wt-24 Curuar Market and , First streets. ROUND SCREENINGS. 100 sacks kjr Ground Pereon'ogq to arrive on Emma Graham, and for sale, by JAMES A. FETZER, mr29 Corner Market and First streets. ROLL BUTTER.-8 bbla. prime roll Butter received and for sale by TA'S. A. ERTZER, in, '22 Corner Market and Pirat etreeta._ GREEN APPLES.-20 Larrela Green Ap plee, received and for aale, by JAMES A. FisITZER, tur22 Corner Market and Flint etreeta. DRIED APPLES.-50 sacks received and for rale by 1mr221 HENRY H. COLLINS. L)UTTER.-3 bble. fresh roll, for sale by nalS 1111NRY lI.OOLLLNH. rfiIMOTHY SEED-10 bueh. Good Timothy .11, Seed for sale by 3.6a3. A. FETZER, RYE FLOUR.-15 bbls. just received and for Effie by fmr3] HENRY H. COLLINS. QTARCH.-125 bxe Rochester Pearl Starch, received and for sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. IME.-100 barrels fresh Lime just ree'd IA by falai LLENHY H. COLT INS. A.PPLES.-24 barrels Green Apples, rec' and for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, BI:II`TER.-6 barrels prime Roll Butter, re celved and for sale by JAS. A. FEVER, CHIMNEY fOPS of various patterns, for sale by Dar2ij E VOLUM'. PITTSBURGH!, PA! aur'22:4.111,-- to til'r ETO S. JAYNE 001*IMEELIAL. S lIRG, Oro' 'i'ELA Se R.) Ta A 2:":1' Xe /I Freeder.r. noe Frer . P. K ISAMU. WOK NV, rressura. IiOLM HE, J 6 :rupen,.la.dn JOSEI , II Artutratiol. fur .4.ta,ch F. It. liftlibioT, ViLo Put.aiduut, JOEL: J. 011.LESPIE, JO. , EPLI It. HUNTER 8.).11U EL SURIVEII, AUSTIN LOOMIS. r 1.1 -vs RI a it 11=1‘11=!/.1111 Garr'..:., y juz Ztle.vi.,,(4' Excl, •:pe ff • 111/I ttiautipitvil t.. Any nid,out 4%! —wi,4ll dint hnu.la Ibl bbin ikt 4.) 161 CI tca and {4,;y4.) 3%) Ltd.. y nt f4,t,U. =NO I (41.01) nt j,.1 Jv Ivo toLls do $4,.,u; bl.l, for A.l.lTiady fur eTtra tatu4l y. tl KAI NI —.Bbllda IUO buil&. 'ate trom itoin at 3lc 1 ha.L. Will from utoro at bUe. boali. FEEl)...s.la I toe Brim loon will at 45e y IJU tha. 11 A Y...6ales 9 Loud baled Timothy from wharf at $114i12 too ;12 loads Crum the ecalea at $12@15 to. POT ATOE3...SaIItA 1000 I 111311. NChhatith.cke f 1,40 a half at .13 . , ,:x.14 Lush ; 13:2 Lad!, do. from *natl . hL 46..; I4'i Lnsh do. from etore in 10t.4 at 60(_55e; 15 LuaL red ;:oc fr..ke F tore; await 1.. l awaat at $3 ,? Lush SUu AR ..Bal.a [dam. N. U. i.a . inta at 8 , IL :1101.888ES_ `Jules 89 bbld. N. 0. at 30..iai. - )3Bc 09F FEE . 951 e, 30 Lap Rio at 11412 , ,,f;c on till, /SUITER...I.33ICti 4 LLls. prime roll at 18;:. ;tk IL. OHEESI2:...SaIes 26 boxes W. B. at 8 1 / 2 @9c. it m. BACON...SaIes 3000 lb./. Shoulders mud Haute at V l / 2 and 7Y4; 7000 Ms, Shoulders at 7%; 1000 Sides at , 6000 His. Shoulders at 7X; 5000 lbs. Sides it 9 , 4 . d. rash ; a lot of Oh ulderi, Sides and Hums to hulk from Scat hatoid soid at 7 and 6;44 foe the loubil lot. BUCKETS. ;Salem I 6 doe lirigbtou at $0 dt,, StAP...kiale 2U b,ree itosia ut 2", Mould at lb; 16 ' , oxen Star ut due 7 v. M. L] I,lJls. I,uulev 1 ,37 lAA REANS...SaIaa 10 bbla swan wt.itc, at 11,12..„, 15 Loeb. Colored at 71g. FISH Saks 10 bbls. largo N. 3 Macro nt 4„1:2(o,13,50 , 10 bbl t. 1,131,:s Supoca,,rlVblto wt jl l ; lu halt bbls. do, s ,t URIFD FRUlT..gales 176 Lush Appl,s Lash ; Z 5 bush do. Lit $1.37 1 4; 4 ,sa..lss l's.,;tosi nt =3,",u •-•4 bulb A PPLES...Sa!ea 25 bblg. Greaa tram st.lra at $1,'22 I=l r!,1.1,T Sales 'au Lag 4 at $l,lO. li , Birk `, Hulce 133 bl,ll 4L • V r. Forelgo Market& Per .Sr..abter Araja LuNDON Miptii.Y NiAttiidi, A `; 2dv,,y :darknt 'NM dull; ck)bnuls quotod at Livf.B.Poui Como; Mei:Kier, Apid 0.--The Stlicel of (2,1Eu1l r tb rue days Lai Leen 23,0UU baba, hichilitag filtati t.. spcn.• tilatot it, and 4000 for ,sport. Tou war kat closed actica auJ Orin at au advatica of This advance waa CdUrlckl tly the advises received by the CauaJ, vu this, 410 illat. BREASSIcirm.-1 - tfchartbwri, Speucu t Co.'s Citillll.lr dour as dull; wheat 75(g.17. n 1; G ni mill; uLile ut 33,(q):135 (id. Prot : Beef dull; poi ,Ituet at 70i; limn yulet but steady and firm at au advance. !JAVA e, April 6.—The Cotton Market was stiff yesterday, but Is quiet tualay. Orleans tree ordivaire 95f Thu sty, OJI ,ottiat tu purl Is 142,000 bates. View York Market. NEW lea K, April 'Ai.—Cutt.u; &kW bales sold, the mat k,t dosed uueottled at .F.% t, r uplaud taiddliog: Howe hu'dtae deluded a further advatice Flour ie advan, lug 16.5i1U bide. sold at $4,60@ , 1,65 fur Southern, au advance ut 6c. Wheat thin; 14,000 bush 60111; Chicago Spring eti+.•: wra. rn %late i 1,36 Coin tirm; rake 23,000 bush, hrei buoyant ut ;612,76g13,50. Purk buoyant; prime i14,tic14,66 Lard buoyant at 114)11!4". Uncoil stead) hotter at irdy at 17. Tobacco quiet and firm at B(fLic. Eugur heavy at 15!,..i 47 for Altiscovado. Coffee Leary at le(ailOX fur Rio. Freights drooping; on Flour t o Liverpool lm LA, ..e Grain t, Liverpool Cincinnati Glarkot eiNciNNATI, April 20.—Flonr 19 more active Mitt, the foreigu news and 4500 lade were sold, chiefly awing at "1;,3,70g3,75 for supeldue, recoipta Whisky steady; 1200 biril at 1W 2 l'iovizieos 0uch...8,1, s,. pt Leg Lred which advanced to la:, with soles IGud 5. Ea at 01,1,11b0n at this rat.; 600 bble 01, Ms Pork to be delivered Jrall.3 let at ere has Lea ver3 little done lu 0,110 Aletite z Bacot.. Lard Si drm and with. ut ( . 141 , Ke Sloo.•v tr cichrkr,g, iv dull and Inwe.. E=l Api ii 20—Stocks higher. 71,14; N. Y. Central 00, l'onn.iylcania 11.al 11. tiding 45 1 . 4; Milwaukee and Mississippi MICI2OIII.i 3; Galena and elde..gi. 89!,4; Frio eleva'and at i .4.1!.4; Oluveland and l'ittatinrgn La i'idase it. CilitiLlDS & P' l 4 • ' 7 ; ZIU#4 . A . 1 .r,144-15,111 tj) ftii...ll p 1 , 4 p 3.4 #li .J .i t : ::'.l : 7:1 1 ) : 7"1:- 'LI rif TR I fi f w i .: At A AL ',:..iE tile 2 ,:-L.. L.,-- , ~ _ .... , 4,. ' Ji__ -,,,. ~...,H.- _ . .., 2 - 37n..1 - . l+J „....r-- i ' f. .. , dR&T. E .„,, .. , ,,r- 4 5- 4 - ! . ,P R H : ,..,... ;.. r--- , 'h ' 67 ' - '-. ~ . ...in____ ,i,._L--- ,l'o.k.v. .• i z .... , t bli, _.1,,- - 4 ir \ : 41 t- . "" . " - 17L \ P‘ -a-rt --- . , ~, 1'...-- o,,pattri•--,,,=,..-ist- ' e•-, ,4 .' -. :' ill ::: , -r• - , - -- 1 - :7--.-71.=:- .1.: .-, = - t t i N t - T -f._ -2: - ' ; _ • __ - ... 5 4: - .---.7. - .7:_±..___ .-.,-=. 1 . NO. 133 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., 11 AVE JUST ItEUEIV EL) THEIR largo @1 lit NU STOCK 01' 80 , as AN U dHOES dralsting of a great carloty of ebialutittbk and Cobh', liable F oods adaptod to s•dlug and ou our r .aloe. Ilavlog heeo purchased for ..;,sciak, at reduced plitaa, they Lel warroottd to saying that they can .apply merchants. Gy the paehaga or dozen. at as tow prices as the .sure quality sr-:de oau to purctoutod to the laosteio cilico. Pm-tit:ultar atteutiue given to o.lols. &if - Also, el good supply of New York and tipauish bole athor. _ _ VHOLESA.LE CLOCK DEPOT, No. %v. t. tit eat, uoar Wood. REINEIiIMItk MEYRAW, WH.LE;S. k t DEALL! .. .:I hiNiS MOLL ASP SILV ER WA TC If ES, JEWELRY, sIIVER AND PLATED WARE. FANCY GOODS. ATOM A TIERS' lOOLS WATCH: MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. 1111 13 • GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS A. in'Z'ARLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield al/recto, RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT be bag received hie Spriug Aasorinceui GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Uf the newest styles, best quality and most elegant deecrtp which ho hi prepared to manufacture t order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot fail to satisfy and please the most fastidious tastes. tapfklm School for Young Ladles. ItitirM. J. BAKEWELL, INTENDS Tu open htn Bch 01, oil MONDAY, the sth di April. Tssata,sl,s 09 per quarter. Redideuee at hl, tivri'd heed. 191 Second street. 'Smithfield street., N. E. eoruer Diamond alley. fur'29:ll Proposals for Paving. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned, - .lota FRIDAY, the 3011 of April in etaut, for CURBING and PAVING that portion ut Ohio street, oppodie the Western Penitentiary, extending wee 1.- wardly from Webster street to the Railroad Bridge. Also. for PAVING WITH BRICK, the Side-Walk or fuut way, fronting the Penitentiary grouuds, uu said Ohio street. The proposals will state the price per lineal foot fur Curbing and the size and character of the Stone to be used for that purpose. They will also state the price per square yard for the Cobble-Stone or street pavements and the price per square yard for the brick pavement. The pavement of the foot way, to be of herd cherry brick, of such quality as shall be approved by the Warden. The prices bid, as above, to Include 611 the nand, gravel, and other materials, and we, k necessary to complete the contract to the satisfaction of the Inspectors. In addition to the bidding for the work, as above men tioned, which will be considered as being made fur cash, ou the completion of the contract, the proposals will state, at what prices the work will be done ou a credit of TWELVE MONTHS. S. JONES, Treasurer, apB:e-041 td Western Penitentiary. LL JAB. bble. white Beans for sale by JAB. A. FETZER, ap3 Comer First and Market ata. 1 - 4 1 0 it SALE—A Cottage House of hall and 4 rooms, kitchen and coital, portico in front, peach, apple, pear and plum trees, stable, coal hotwy, grape arbor, etc., etc., situate on Ma. Washington. The owner's buslueta requires him to remove, and a good bargain will be given. mr2B fa. CUTHBERT a BUN, 61 Market st. i~+ ai INDESMUCTIB; E ROOFING RITSELL 9 S PAT ENT 411; 11) G. CONSISTIN OF CAN V ag - > iTIJR4TE W BTU h E .- ANO N C ;, ETC, t ~ ~. 1' TTIE I._INI)ERIuNEL) 1:-4 PREPARED TO (OVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Runt, kith Ruses:Ars Musts: s oompositiou is slsepted fs..r ell kitsis of ILLsors, fist 01 - St,tp ; it can also Le .. As. Is u, ,r 0 , 1 s perfect lA. Thin [tut Eill,cted by sstatospLerie changes It to it s ir.cr east& Ilea sus ;it Is itspesLi...us to Water ; PH; I; and clans durables Clew uuy utter kind ,a 1 fug rb.s „.6 it ni , J in sat tptillititied throughout the PI..P tit! Staten, uu Heuses, Bridges, hulling Mills, eles;ls ~.; 5' and sed isles nun, dud in c.,....tsitttl If pet tact pt./tea:that It Otis the ettqll, , litel A iiin,n2n thin touring, tier' to lb ti, it can Ls seen on rnsny of ihn Lwlatu r y w 0,6 city; Alan, on -t I IL a L f. •V[l,lo ii. laSe, tr, Plltobtligh ; at uzllo Al. ,n. At. ; tit,.; c, r, I, I ,M. tivj"4l, Licorpool nL,i tr,,cht.t.t 87a cr. .0 I ,h,,..1 Crraral v 1,6 Orr, Startoli, Milt at Tipton and Par .lr. .Cl€l °Ogee.,ti...l Ware -1,t.. a!e.p, “aa.coas ia [hal 1) All r.tarlCAyt N. , .241 LIM:H.I'V BPKEET, k Where yuinple .4 the tau Rq $9.1 u i I e eeeu, 1 w t C . C. - IVrt p runt p l al.t.el-1(1 . W. F. r\l-IN ESTOUK, Agent. 1.) AG I. liAtlth;AN G ALLLItII+:; IS It t 5 E A BEAUTIFUi fuit 15 CELI, *JAN 81: LI :lb 4b Af Lis: ~.'4,16z. i[v Mils t_ It_tNIMY, AT W A LL'S, F. urth rientoved to 21 Filth Street. CAROL) CO.'S PifOrfu(iftAPllic AN D Alltitto'rYPE il A LI.U.SY Letu tequirlied truiu 16 Fuiiirth VIA 11 11CW 51.1.rkct. 'ltitiho Lula L-31.1L. 1-11 V 1,,t thtl p with tut,' 111.1(1.1t.Mti.1 It. the city I.A Comfort, muvnutaucn [slid uZ , 411C1.1“, iu urruLgownitt. de- Our mud intti - ous uu I thous Wi.9llllig uo -I,•rtur 11.1 V iluti It hul:11.1 nod 51.01.,1,..•.1.1 thr, pI Oil LA it. M. CARGO & CO, Phicdo.,;ti - apilerst anal' Altikortetypits, NI W 5 )it ti ci ALI,r: it , :10 hi iL nt.“ SUN BEAM UALLMtI Lah - liarliut oust I PUI(JES 'l'o WV K GA1,14E111( OF ART, u. 60 MARKET ;:;TREET. -1)1(.3'1' CA., LIALs Uullery Ly ,suLi 111 . 4.1.•rud ilf,Gcs3 ; 61 , 11L1 Chu L,taittl cului ut th L4.l:t cye s, Liz and Lji 1.14ve uznuimed thaw dupolit.L ill [Lib Lit) GlaL,laii arid Stieuqs.l oil tits qui tv UtAti and ~rauut.a I,IS 141,4 C j. fliE. ;it/Ik, - ) 1.,1....gura iht easy uI 8.--1 vi iL N 41.iy27:tf E. S. \NIKES, AMB RU'r Y PES.-A BEAUTIFUL AND DURA BLE picrUßE—warrautQd—can had tit low VA Ca auy drat clu,c rstublishcadni LLt (LO couutfy, at upl14:1 w NY A LL'6, Fourth attaL t a. 0 G N.:, i 4 N 1-. IV i 1 ‘'ltiEltii.EAl.•.! A .:! ii it. BRIII - ( '.-': ey .4 yJ li] it Ylr'Cll tiTLOIET, NBA ItL 1' i6i± PCT C VICTURRE taloa In ml ttia aiylaa, m azo waattiei, and warranted td plearii, r ;ii-. yogi. Sick ii: dtcrisaed pdr9aris taker, at ttieir A tJCTION SALES. DAILY slLr,s NO. ! , 4 Fll7ll. ST., At lat.w Commercial Sales N 64, F:1 d art h4l pllblt ali'.s in vrtri,ty, oldt,i for tho truth , uud from ebK h whi.ii io ecaltitstltly with Tr.!, • Lth, uluecd Art' la ti CLAKAS, A. , Ur y 11.,da and lulley urn: l} oVeLythinft 1w... I ILI LI, and inbit Lk.ll. IpT7 ; LoOt:1 tn. I 411 ,, ,i; la•!1,1 _ _ _ c .Al. 'A ti'Ol,;CE , P. Li., 1, ~ , nod huad LoJv ,u.l to , n Tit. CLI r... Ct.., 131 01,1)1.8 ; Nl im.701',..1, Ali' kt , Fr.u.y 11 ti,ks ; , kr, i4mt, CatAlt/1 ; thir,:; dry g...•de ; 91 , • P. M. ELEGANT .N 1 A NTILL As, 1) R s uthips, .tc , Al' A 'l . I /N.-- tar :fNF [,.A i '10:1 NU, April 3lnt, at 10 o'cluek, la Ors Lau hall oa t hu door of nth ue.v 3uctwu liuuso, Nu 14 [Vila ntr,,i. will La CuLULUULICLA, thy :lulu ut as vv. tc untie turd very choi , , variety. from a laree Fasrura sud estabirdt ai,ut, COLUpliAug at vut l•Ltor tilitidted splendid toe, Hsu u, applitillHatlll m.,iru suligila TrilLuaS, , u outer ut tthkh are wortla trues it,d I ra; Dreet tilk Ducats, Yupliut , Chattier, 5101.1•1 Lano-v, Eurbruideri, , . TilU 1NC...18 %Via 1.0 [II ibu tiny pi EU 52.1 t COLIAtOf to Lle curd to attormi fl,l io - ,llllve Tes al+ up C 7 ATTACHED SALE OF A COUNTRY STORE—DII.Y UUuDb4 , tadit'fi BOOTS AN I.) Ski , LIA tt ETC.--Ua TIII.III.S.Dd Y 11 qt.% dpril at 10 o'clock, ac the Couicuetciat hates ltuotus, N. bi FAIL street, will to sold parempturily, for acc,ouut .botu It way cuticaru, u large stock of Dry Go,do, etc., etc , , ioprlsiug Dress Sdks, Moilauta, Alpacas, Lelulaes, B:- tagrs, Lay.3s, Vrencti tdiughams, bleached dud hrowu M us lius, if, pl,ed Mouruitig, :•ecoud filourulug nut Fancy Cali .ooB, Cotdouatlus, blot a., d bleached Drillt,(..,auton Manuel., Mull, Dwlea and Cauadic I3dusliug, Lacs aud Edgickgr, Rib 1,,,un, U luv< es, and Tiiwoliug,6, Table Clotho, to, etc. At 7 o'clock P. at., Fla, tl a , at r. Cutloty., r.,lttp• c getuoral variety ut Car t .,utut Tuula, 14, k,, tlivea at,.t Fut ka p ktaauta, LatcLua, lou it .nn, Oaddloty, Flte9 anti It tap:, a btu. WAY INU, at to Puota, Shwa, Pro., I Cnpa, t.tc. lluo u trd Bola' r,ars, .6,1 du, 13 to Ull4 l.a.litat' and \I ittars' Bout,,A, ..attufs xud nl ipi, r.; Id and Wool Hats; Cloth and Ohtzed Caps, etc. ap'2l.l P. 111 DA V 10, Auctioneer, VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOoliS —On MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVEN April 18th, 20th and 21'0, at 7 o'clock, will be at the new Au' thin Building, No 04 Fifth street, a extensive stock of new 80.65 , CoMlicitiLlA of the latest and best editions of Standard and miscellaneous Englii'L au I American literature—among which are, man ) , of the a. not publications of the day, Thid is au unusually choir:, and valuable, tar so large a collection '.l Books at unction ; ..orupti,dng oyeelleht works lu eve' y department of litera loin, science and art. Marry - of the volumes are elegantly Blush ated and in tine bindings. Also, superb Patull) Bibles, in various styles of finish; Blank Broke In variety; idutionery, etc. The stuck le couveulantly arranged for examination and private M - 116,1 daring the day. I adies arc invited to call. P. 31. DAVIS, Auct'r. GOLD AND SI EV ER WATCIIES, BEA ir- TIVUL Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, and fancy ar ticles at Auction, at McCAILTNEY'S AUCTION HAWSE, 120 Wood atioet oho 'AI and weil • - a,fi McKenna Stand) commencing MONDAY It VENI.NO, April 12th, and con tinuing every evening tor two weeks, or until all is sold. 'fho goods will be open for examination each day, when i.adies sa well ua Gentlemen are respectfully invited to call, and they may purchase at prlvat, eale, wholesale or retail, at very low prices, if they please, and all goods shall prove as I,prescnted and satistactory, or money refunded. Per sons wishing goods in this line will find this sale worthy of notice, as there is a great variety to select from, and we ate 'let' tanned to cell. Pleas, givo us a call. sale to Ct.,111 - in