POE Jyt.MILS P. IC ditor and Proprietor. PITTSBURGH WEDNESDAY ...... 21, 1958 DEM , WILATIC STATE NOMINATIONS Irvi: Slit-AEU k: JUDGE, V*" 31 P it E 1. ul I'IiILADELPHIA v 01.,. CANAL COIMISSIONT,R, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE. COUNTY Acknowle*dgeutent We return our thanks to H Townsend, Esx , POEIt Master, at Olivet, Armstrong Co lve., for a large club of subsc•thers tv for Post. Our country friends are swel ling our weekly I;st in a most gratifying man ner. The paper costa but 'l,l per year in clubs of ten. THE STATE FAIR We have seen a letter addressed to Mr. John Murdoch,from Judge Heister, announc% ing that the Committee to decide apou the place of holding the State Agricultural Fair this fall, will meet at. the Monongahela House in this city, on Friday next. The Conanitte.e consists of Judge A. O. Holster, David Tag gart, Esq., and Alleys A. Kapp, Esq. it is greatly to tLe interest of our business men that the fair should be secured for Pittsburgh, sod ire hope they will be prepared by 'I bureday to give the Committee reascws for selecting this locality. Llt4u4,2t i•:1 estate has new a u,w Liquor Law.— As agreed upon by the Committee 01 Con. ftrenct and adopted, it it, eubstantaaliy tt e same 4LS the Bill passed by the louse of; Sep retied:datives, the provisions ot which we have already laid before the readers of the Pest.— yhe Senate untended the b•ll and struck out the free license system ot the douse, w - here. by no discretion was lodged in the Courts as to the number c i t licenses to be granted, and inserted Use dII4IICLIOiIai y word ; "may, — for the imperative, ' This the t. Ontat ace Uocunlittee disagreed to, and the:void, ' has been restored. I_ niter this pro , ardon, all Applicants tatrwise qualified are eutitled right to,receive a license. Hebrew Benevolent ~z_osotlat lon The Israulites , of this city ha - ve an asscmia- Lion, which haS been in existence for s we years for the relief of their own persuasion, whether residents or strangers, as may by chance require aid Since the establishment Wt the association, we are informed that no Israelite has been a recipient of public, charity la this city, but that all who require assis' mice Lave received it promptly from thu society's 'funds. This is highiy creditable to tho char toter of the children of Israel who have 'pitched• their tents among us. A similar as iodation exists in the city of Philadelphia, or ganized on the 22d of November last, and 'which, since the - GU' of December, when it 'first commenced receiving applications for re lief, has rendered assistance to one hundred and ten families composed of one hundered rod fitly persons The amount of cash re ceived and distributed by the treasurer since the formation of the association has b e en $2,632 Measures have been adopted within a day to wake the society in Philadel , phis a pormainent one, as it is in this city. `t • tec Joia,to K:owu Story, a VI,: ilod • ad a Plc.gla vista. "he pribtt:i story of Jessie Brown and the Scotch slogan at Luck - now has been spoiled by some malicious tuat.plot, who has dtscov ered in it a very suspicions likeue s to a story " The Betrothed,' One of Scott's tales of the Crusaders. 'I he story referred to is ~t an incident ut the siege or the castle ut as uld Norman »airier named Sir Haywood Brien ger, on the Marches of W aka, by the ‘‘ etch tutees nuclei , taweuwyu. The retaint IN 01 the Norman were iu the meet critical Saud. , two and anxiety Rene' v.-as n aututz:rily expected, while at the same-tune the kVelob were looked fur every instant, to endeavor to storm the castle. Evelke. the daughtir Belthgt:f atteuded by the dam.hter ‘..t the good Fleming who had teen entrusted with the charge of the castle, unatle to sleep from the intense anxiety, determined to watch upon the battlements while those in cutnniilud slumbered from tatigue. While thus \vat._ h., ing she heard the sounds, long belove they were audible to her attendant, of the titittip of the horses of the chivalry 01 the March coming to the toilet of the castle. the scene which then takes place is might ay Id. that described iu the story ul Jessie Brown A writer in the New York. Herold maliciously puts the. storto,4 Bitie by side, cool potty clusiiely wakes out a uuso ut plagthrtew A few years back , it was the ppilltar ian atat wheat was not a profitable crop in Middle and West Tennessee fins,' says a late number of the Nashville tl,i4on, 2 was a great error, and happily for the coiliatry now Bo lunge( exists. Wheat is to be the great staple of Tennessee The people el Taunisssee have heretofore won the highest renown in vindicating the rights and 11Juor the country upon the field of battle. Oar Warriors are amongst the bravest of history. -but Peace Huth its triumph itu ic6.4 reuowd eJ thati war." Our people LOW Qaltivnte the A rte of Peal,t) We recd bread to lersi favor ed /Stated. toruut every secEttu of the C.3tits utunwealtti we have the ieuet favorable a-- counts. 'Clituusauds tied teas tit thousultds of broad acitt7e are tfi , day "arrayed in living green ;" in a little uiure than a mouth the yell low berveet will come, and the golden fields will be ready for the Biotite na full barus, stalling tacos and hippy hearts. Peace and plenty will abound It is a favored land in wbicb we live. From the facts before us, we estimate the coining crop, should uo misfortune happeu between now and harvest, at fifteen million bushels . We shall not be surprised if it should yield oven more Dun ttlete!s Circus. This famous institution will pitch its tent on Ben Trimble's yard about the first of May. The elephant, the rhinoceros, and the camel, have arrived, and Dan himself is shortly ex , pected from the eastern cities, where he has been playing a series of most succesiful en gagements during'the winter Cools Slalna Messrs. Smith & Co., of Chicago, recently shipped via Michigan CentraPßailroad direct to London, England, by way of New York city, a single lot of eighteen thousand coon simu. The skins were made up in sixty cows pactly pressed bales of three hundred skins each. At the average value of fifty ten's apiece the shipment leaches a total value of $9,000. --Ex-Governor Bashford, of %Viscously, states that be was offered $160,1100 to approve of the tint bi 11 reported for distributing the lauds granted by Congress in aid or the railroads of that State. IMEMENIM= I=l - __._Z , - BiC , GEAFRICALL SKZ,TCL: - sap Cta 6overe.gri, , - ,n-Lnuuly known GUSHDIAki. ' Ad a moment when the public ire en :tie yui oils in regard to the appearanoe in our midst of the die- hy the soubriquet King 'Jambe," bas been quat telling with the teat of [ha European ru tinguished abtress whose name heads this article, it „ may not seem unmoot in us as journalists to briefly I len', and (like the boy in the story) the more sketch a few of the prominent features of her bright I they ask him to behave himself, the more he will and wonderful career. There is always a strange not. Against Queen Victoria he has been par and melancholy interest attached to "Last Appear- I ticularly demonstrative, or rather against her ances " and "Farewell Engagements," even when subj.:Ws seizing them, imprisoning them, half the individuate whew we are to see for the last time star ving them, cad rut trying them. All this, are of but ordinary mould and moderate reputation; too, on the merest suspicion. France and AUS- Gut ashen at is the departure of a genius Sc altogether tria have Leen treated iu much the same way, unapproachable as that of Charlotte Cushman which and the miracle is that, months and months ago, attracts our attention, one cannot but experience a these powers did not steam or sail into sensation of profound melancholy, tempered perhaps me of by the reflection that by such voluntary retirement the Bay of Naples, and tftwabord the city, until King Bombe made, atonement for the past, and the object 3 securing a fume more decided from the feet I b._ ros.illeetious being possible in the future gave pledges for goad n,lnot in the future. three conoeted alto the btiil 61,,aning powers Miss Davenp.:rt i 3 pia:, lag at Memphis, 4 a rigor,us maturity This is the ease with the ' eu1,j , ...2t sit cur adot,A3 ~tier L'admg adieu to her natl . e,untry, gee. rot a brief space to England, Otero her genius is fully recognized. and then sinks into the elegant retirement tihieh her wcaith honorably earned) and her many social advantages enable her to command, Adise C s tamen began her career as an Cleve of the lyric ge, and essayed under the tuition cf Mr. Macdc-r, to become a proficient in music, with a view to ei, giug to opera. Like Mrs. Ferrets, however, and wan, other ladies who subsequel fly took rank as actroeses, stio hbandoned the intention after a sho,i trial, and turned her attention to ticgmiy Witt, the or-Unary preezmption of y uth, Cho made her tirA flight a tier, high ine—nttompting, a' bile a mere racier, Ilia arduous arA ditEenit chataider at Lath. Alacic-ith-- a piece of acting in which we fancy, few cool I ha:2 realized the germ of that ruagLifi,:_nt embodiment I ealanie ambition which Lac art r electrified th•;Lied nds of persons Lath in Europe and TLL first .nae3gerricrd fit, .u p .L Li) an .1 , überan:c ci 1.),) iblte I uz. Lcr t.i CLc .1) ii•IT Ir,l „i cur k.. 1% 0, lit: t.72:..1:17 if TLeoraaue isli al, I C alchytuio prepuraticoa bel.re ,t iail , :r(ttati.r; It is ihld sta C fiCe. 11,playai the steri;l that acuacipaui,:u true geit.t, and .i,t.tt , utelted :t frual LIG feloe A viow4a of oc hy the applause of the d,soundlings" (who are ever ready to pay the tribute of loud-mouthed praise to startling postures and hrill'oig de..aaatations., would have liugersd a he .to•neut tha Laud at the E all her life a very ut. thr v,ohJerlul, but extremely unnatiarhi aoJ Lad t o. chit taut•it real intellect h,t 'Lc~:~.ra, .cad [l;u t, preei the; sa..th n ,_,hoot was not the school ot bhakspeare or id nature and voluntarily leaViug her unwelcome greatness, took a stook position (that of " walking lady ") at the Old Park Theatre. Here, while cheerful;; tilling the }tumble requirements of her position, she way aieb:ed to Cl ,, s‘Ay study the best European inedeld that eAtailishinent inonupu- Hying, at t bet time, all the oeleltr,ited ,Lard who vis ited the country., and in this wanner her toted be cent.) educated tar the formation of a style for her oar elupnquent following. To this wide of cultiva tion she added a habit ut original composition, and her reflections naturally taking a pootirfurw, liar revue toss frequently before the public through the medium of the newspapers, the editors of which gladly accepted such fugitive poetry se she furnished thew with. This kind of notoriety established a kind of familiar connection between the public, anti the yuurig aetress, and propared thou.' to recognize her as k friend, when at leng`h her genius Lurets the trammels of insignih , iance and places her ainang the great of her profession. tier first striking, hit ens made ha Nancy : - .13 , 1305 in a dramatization of Dickens' Oliver Twist, pod it +ails su true to nature, ao tearfully ii.4,...urato a portrait of the depraved creation of tan author, that it et once ple , t-d her high above any o(.mpttition in the race tor drarustie fewe. Old ..ritios, the reauguize all the w. uderful I,erfutAion she has tiriCe thrown into inure classic uud pleasanter oreat i uue, ehy tkivit that per bee occur Leon surpaset.d. Frum this mu- uliiot Ler positioe as a rising light was fixed-- foon the Pe!li ileatre she went to ' EUrtull in Philadelphia and thbie her career was E.o beial'ael that at tOe the aniiaon she re aimed to New Yorlr ue the leading uetress of the American stage. hot a short tiwc after this, Mr Macready'a emit to the United ‘i - 3tates opened to Lei the red to London, honors were Leaped before au,di eVels' OD fad Lakre r erase. Her Romeo, her Lady Mac beth, her QULGII C.JaltalLlo, and, lastly , her Meg MthrileS, Were pronounced by the eritics as ureot, ond any I...tenet in the history et the EaglieL ige, and be was enabled to return to this country th the comfortable Melina that her name Lad a p , , n,t,' , Je that no other Ameri.au aeireea could claim. What bee been hey Otticui aei bVelj one kneeii n.umpli atter triumph had attended Ler, and her en ti,r,ugL tAttt cvtiroti — t have - tteer: a Suite,: bone ilnw, 6ho is al—ut to resign the sceptre :ice. Lae 60 I, ILY it 31,10 I re=ign it. in the Very I,kni tale of her grodtoes6 acid perfectibn if her Lit etas eud giving up the epplaudee of the multitude, the tributary paragraphs of delighted critics.. the ellent etepattiy of the beautiful and good, the thousand and one gratifications received by the SUCCC,SSfiII sources— ,he alu)ut to return the quirt h. , Lue Le ,nILA h~„aaer, Lampe entirely t eeexpe a zhate . her takatd are to,' bright to tavulder is .bscurity, the iipplituBe ehe has been a oust,imea to in the heatre null attend hat to the a ucLal ;Lida ti zport 41t 01 Appralesr6 The board of Appraisers to assess dam g's to transporters and others; by reason of the sale of the Mato Line, have presented their (6ptort to the Legislature. The total amount of damages awarded is U 43,165, The several awards are as follows leer U U. W ; lit, $3OO, t•apt I),wry, !•;',30(1, A r,L, Ni ; riawuul Black, 'CSS, Tiros 11111 liken, Jr , si6o; Kean, Thus Gott, t John Cowden, $6OO, Tbomus M'Counell, ste.), John Sturwer, $4OO ; Robert Brown, s'26o; John Brown, $lOl, J o h. B;,lte, $100; S,xatuel Kerr, 4;i3IJU; Ira ,$&00; E U. & W. :Rai, Lloyd Co , $4,625 ; Lloyd L. Co., Western Division, $2,400; Cookinau st Bru , ; B Appold & Co 51,000; Henry Adams, $l5O i Wm. Hall, $150; ,Lis. Layton, $160; Lear & Walkinetiaw, $100; John Lung, $10t: , Hance, Ferguson, $160; Je. Uteler, $l5O ; William Ford, $125, William Juhustun 5t Bro , $lOO ; Deo. B.ishberger, $5O , U. L Lloyd, $'2,250; J. Miller, $2,160; Lloyd, liolliday & Co , $750; Lloyd, Holliday & Cu , 11asteru Jivioiuu, $450; Robert M Lemon, $l,- .ltobt M. Lemon, Eastern Division, $600; 'Thomas Bingham, $2,326; Thomas Bingham, Eastern Division, $360; Porter, Milliken 3 Co , $3OO , J. 11PGunigle, $i:00 , Charles Hughes, $300; Bernard M'Colgau, 5600; Arch. All'ad deu, $2OO The eleventh annual report of the commit tee having in charge the construction of the Cathedral of 8t Peters and Bt. Paul Philadel. phia,opposite Logan Bquare,exhibits the fact that $13,0133 134 was collected during the past year. cettunittee state that the covering of the with a substantial roof, the erection of the main altar, and plastering the interior, will, ;la a short time be completed. andiord and Tenant The following legal decision, given in a Phil adelphia Court, will he interesting to those own ing or leasing real estate: Grove vs. Hughes —This was an action tried before Judge Strong, at Nisi Prins, the facts of which are these : —Win. Hughes had leased to U. P. Grove, for seven years, the premises, 102 North Eighth Street, at the annual rent of $4,- 600 These premises were burned in about one year from the commencement of the lease. They were insured, and the policy was held by the landlord, who drew, the insurance money, and did not rebuild. The tenant did rebuild, and having paid his rent, brought this action to recov er the amount expended by him in rebuilding. Judge Strong held that in ease of a lease con taining no express covenant on the part of the landlord to rebuild; that the fact of hie receiv ing insurance created no obligation to rebuild ; that the rent was not suspended by the destruc tion of the premises, but the tenant must con tinue to pay it; and that since the lease provide ed that at its expiration the tenant should sur render It "in good order, reasonable wear and tear excepted," it was questionable whether the tenant himself was not at all events bound to rebuild. The Judge therefore directed a non suit. 'Peunessee he hut watch were purchased by the erchaats of Boston for Gen Pierce, previous to his inauguration, for $1,500, were sold at auc tion in New York, on Frikl,..y last, for $445 -- They are tea or twelve years uld. —The heavy rains are said to have greatly damaged the crops on the Arkansas and lower Mississippi rivers. —Strawberries are vended in the streets of Augusta, Georgia ; the crop is said to be abun dant - A Londou letter states that the house of t.ihmtgo Peabody have repaid the Bulk of Eug laud the aivaus.es made to th4tri by that im-titu [Jou during the recent panic - iu /thuds island they have a curious 41:c tion taw It requires all the candidates wahss for its Legislature to be printed in the 881113 or der ou ull the tickets, or the ticket which is not so prtUted lint counted c. ruin was nr. lt,hit I t pruw,te tLi pratlce 3 t doh, etime . ,.. very :...-erieuient wheu is upon a, ticket - Judge, Thompson, of the New York Marine ❑ the I,ugh (*.airt, do,ided, on Thursday, that LT:grace may be permitted, but are hot entitled, to sea's in public couvvyatize, and Lhe jury, before s ❑om a the point ..ad tried, erohroed ttio opiiiion - ChariH3 A Woolworin, a member of the Leavenworth Convention, hae arrived at it a2h ingion with a certitiod oopy of the new Cu tut, n of liansas If there is much wisdom in a funititude ~t e..un , :durs, the State of Kansas ought to be ic.garLiQd ae fortunate. This ni.dies C,,not;tution Thres," and in due Cinc, it' the Crittenden amendment carries, "Nutaber Vont' will lie presented to Congress —ln boring an artesian well in StoeLton, recently, the borer struck a redwood slump 3&U feet below the surface of the ground, and more '..!5t) feel below the level of the Peoifte thican The earth ahoy., e.t.e.l helow won of stratified itley and sand, whet, nad apnareqtly utit been dieturbed 6ILICM its original daptisillUlL Bia hundred barrels of new I.!,.,iniuda I•Aa toee art ived al New York on Friday. Some to. matocs from the same place also arrived, with new peas from Charleston. Tomatoes sell at $2 per box, green peas $lO per barrel, and aspire gas ht1e.7512 ler bunch. —The Ohio Legislature adjourned April 13, last scenes consisted of singing Auld Lang Syne, Oft in the 3tilly Night, Home, Sweet Home, and Star Spangled Banner. - Muller, the murderer of the -old seven-mile Dutchman," near Wilitesharre, is to be hung on Friday next Ile Is so desp, rate that h. is kept chained close to the door of the prison. Ou Thursday last, MIS"? Elizabeth ciarwacei aged 1t years, daughter of Benjatniu Clarv,,a) , or Fayette euuuty, oorumitted tahiug ~ trychtiloe. - —Mr. editor of the Worlitilginun n .i 4J cotatc, who was ootivicteil of libel tan! eeiera.l 1110Eltii8 . impridoai.eb bat. d.kied by liuvorb.; l'a.cter . CuLamander Niel:Stair f the United Lit.tts eteywer Nii,:higue, at Et.e. Pa , been Elle oecde , l Ly I:utrimatider LitLulea! C.u6ti:ribit "10'6" uu the :louthwark hank of l'hiladelphiß were attempted Lo Le plat, in oil oulati.b to Now York on Friday and riatarday. 'ftio fraudulent trauliaetions of (belt, the Kiehl:l_lunit forger, are known to amount is ovrr Visini,utiu. Such was the insinuating elianict , r of the scamp, and his sticuess in gaining the cunliiieuee of the people, that the men who for six months wore aware of his transactions, the;r own namee be.ving teen forged, refrained from es.pcsine• Mu , on account of personal feelings and delicacy 7 They even suffered themselves to be bllcti and judgments obtained on forged paper The shrew,lost dil not escape his wiles, and quite a number of persons have been ruined by their confidence in bird --How closely very many of the public men mea`whose lives have been run Within our time, and with whose mimes the journals for jests have bean familiar, were cdevals, few are aware The year 1 which occupies in American history very much the same place that 1769 time in the viorlire history, is the birth year of matey of them Mr Webster's date is January 1.6 (as is well known 1) that of Wm Lowndes three weeks later (Feburary ,) Cob Benton's at five weeks interval t March l 1 ;) J C. Calhoun's but four days behind (the lECth ;) while Lewis Cabs completes the list on the 9th of tiotober The New Independent proposes that a day be set apart wherein all praying people shall fervently petition the common Father of us all to oonvert the rulers of this ration Isn't that a project more stupendous aid magnificent, in prospective, than the Pacific) Railroad or Sub.. marina Telegraph ' it is proposed by somebody in New York to fuse into ne institution all the corporate banks of New York city. There are fifty-four of them, with an aggregate capital of sixty five millions. The idea is to centralize in Now York all the financial and business movements of the country, by means of this one great engine. •---The recent statement that Father Uhiniquy had teen restored to the Catholic Church is de nied by the Bishop of Dubuque (also adminis trator of Chicago) and the the Archbishop of Ht. Louis. They declare that they " believe him to have been duly and lawfully suspended from the exercise of the sacred ministry." —.hones H. Lucas, the banker of St. Louis has adjusted his pecuniary troubles with his de positors. He has a surplus of four or fivo millions of dollars —We see it staled that the wife of Ueneral Mongas, late President of Venezuela, has $.101.1- 000 a year pin money_ It is also asserted that the Menages family have, during a few years remitted five millions of dollars to Europe foreafe investment, and as a provision against revolu- tionary contingencies. -- N. B. Curtiss St Co., bankers of Peoria, Illinois, who suspended last fall, have resumed specie payment The NlcConnelsville Ohio Enquirer says " the peach trees in this vicinity, are now in full bloom and the prospect for an abundant crop of this most delicious of all fruits was never fairer." The same paper says "the wheat fields through our county, as we are informed by those who have had an opportunity of knowing, never at this season of the year, looked finer than they now do." —Susan Dania is playing at the Arch street Theatre Philadelphia. We are gratified to learn from peach grow ere of northern Ohio that the prospect in the vicinity of the Lake is now fair for from a third to half a crop of this delicious fruit Other fruits promise abundantly - Porter's Spirit of the Times eaye that Mr Ten Broach does not mean to remain content wail Lie victory in the Caesareviitch,' but in. tends to renew his campaign against the flyers of the English turf during the coming summer. MMWMIS! W fa a 1 V DEATH is NOT PAINFUL --7. C. 7.• piaoid feeling-, From Vitasningtoia. which accompany natural cent 1; ,re known it oat ' Wasarmaron CITY, April 20.—1 n Ser. M.e yesterday . the evidence of multitudes, echo have testified to Mr. Meson, of Virginia, offered a resolution calling tt It - tiE CHANCE lOU A 13117:I:\ EIS and centirn their ease with their latest breath. The very on the Secretary of the Navy for information respect- itAN.—The proprietu 'UtiLl, dU llt I ',. ..•• ~ pleasurable feelings which accompany drowning lag the treatment of the officers and crew of the turope, wilt toll his Grist .41Piuf tour 'tu!.es , i in' a . ~ Si , and hanging have been recorded by riuMbers who United States steam frigate Susquehanna, at Jamaica, ,t,cantl ongloe, three ran of 9toot. soul all the ulachie. , y, a have been recovered after eareseious ess had with the view of considering whether the courtesy ' .O order;ll:cghoolued acorn si and tab cracker, etc t-.° t ill CO-, :13,0 Ceased. Death from cold. we would (311 pose to \ of the British officers requires an acknowledgment. h our rooms with a Luse stable. :s t a ho ca lo n t b h o done; a dcrellin , ,;ll ?se of • be ono of the worst forms in which th ing of Adopted, st first, South Pittibar ßobo Bill teed lot dt I I Committee of Conference on the Kansas I 6 a oang th met this ruornie , Mr. Euglish submitted a props- as a front of 40 te..t on driegg toßealt ro b , t f te feet front on s r o a o nor tipt, . y 80 deep to an alley. Aiso, a sit ' i,o '. e ' i:il m ar to that indicated in ye . sterday'a des- Will he tak en in part pay for the above. For rice t a me: tc; p . ~ 2 1)/ y at our office. terrors could approach; but instead of th frosty amount t, or ~e 0 S. CUTHBERT p it skirl. horrors we picture, the victim finds himsef rock ed, at last, Into a eootbing slumber. " I had patch. The Senate Committee asked time to e..,11• treated," says br. Kane, iu his Artie Explora- eider' i!. kiloliter meeting wiis to be held at two .- _ of Martr.t streA. Lions, " the sleepy comfort of freezing as some- o'clock. . i ( 3 . r ELN a .: d , N I? el ENIETE It )( LOT 11 0L1)E It S, `11,.../ 'LoSuer:.Ewililrip:2lLZor:fi'le t thing like the embellishment of romance I had The steamer Fulton, which proceeded from Key adroit evidence, now, to the contrary. Two of our West to Tampico, ten days ago, was under special stoutest men came to toe, begging permission to orders to protect American property in that quarter, t/v ER Y,, U R L 0 ' t 8 sleep : " they were not cold; the - wind did not ! c n accordance with a request from the State to the And Wavy Department, based on the representations o And your cuter them now ; a little sleep was all they want- NOW to the proper d asou. By th e ktg, "oat, • """ati " . GUI Consul at Tampico. directio,, 3 for ed." ' From this sleep, if they had been allowed Al] the midshipmen who passed examination sevc use, can be had of W. T. POWELL, Agent, to indulge in it, they would never have waked atAnnapolis h ave eon orderedinto rat days ago h b Pare, $1,50. (ep2.o:ltd,tC,:tw ) ~..„ 9 7 i . lidt err_: The pain was not in dying, but its the effort l c , avoid active service it : the descent to the grave was easy cud Mr. English's bill is still under censiderati .1a of tho graceful ; all the resolution was required ia keep Senate's Committee of Conference with a fair pros 'l,,, sleep and leilstme road which led 1 Lek to pact of ultimate agreement. Many oonsidtr this as tiread - y curtain. Messrs. Seward and Howard diem ,00t 'Die sti. anal political parties wore this after. ne..n tail are t -night much interested iu privately di,ou9s,itg the measure, of the success ut which no 880E5 FOR. H ENB --A correspondent of the New liaglaial Farmer states that an old lady in hie vicinity has been in the habit for several years of shoeing her chickens in order to prevent them from scratching, and suggests that a patent right be obtained for the novel invention. An elderly lady in the vicinity of Baltimore, well versed in chickenoloyy, says —"Nonsense ? there is no novelty in the thing at all,for chickens have been shooed ever since there was anybody to shoo them --an l further--it often happens that they are shaved beet when scratching the worst." This matron ie of the opinion that Noah shooed those he had in the ark. BY TELEGRAPH, PENNSVIA AN IA ILIN rdatESNIONAI: PROCEEDiNUS. 14.-, , ipa1‘21.1 L. , Hit: fticAbilig Moat FititiNtit i, V a Ni I.,Ef4tSLiVi‘utti: HARRISBURti, April 20.-lia:e. Senate bill 650, repealing, the penalties Lir usury, but not altering the rata ~1 interest, passed finally, and goes to the House; the vote was ayes 15, nays 14. - The Hausa concurred in the Senate amend meets tu the bill relative to attachment* of vessels. Senate bill r , iiative to Claysviile (Washington eiunty) public: .ols passed finally, and needs bit the t]overnor's apnr oval to be a law House bill to abolish toll gates in Manchester. Al legheny ceuaty, ;..as lost. V ENING SESSION. Senate. The bill to abolish Wilmot's District was passed by a vAe of 17 against tlfi, by nearly a party vote; Messrs. Randall and Wilkins voted nay; Mr. Schell was absent. Hose.—The House concurred in souie of the Sen ate amendments to the In'urance and Mililia bills. The Senate iusisted un those non-concurred in, and conferees will be appointed. Several votoes were received in both Houses The tiovern.r has appointed r. Buekalew and Judges Lewi an , t Knox, Commissioners to revise the penal code. The bill relative to attachments cf vessels, and the Liquor bill, have been signed by the Governor. In the Senate, a bill has Leon introduced to refund to persons licensed this month the surplus over the rates of the now liquor bill. The bill relative to sheriffs' sales has been returned to the Senate; not signed by the tie.. , ertior, as err.- neously 8 tated. THIRTY-e/FTIA CODIGRYISS IP! RST S ESSTON ►'oa[etdny'a E',co.3:“adingh, Mr. Houston, of Texas, spoke in favor of the es , tablishment of a protectorate over Mexico. After pointing out the difference between the Northern and t;oulhern States of the Union, he went on to define hie plan, and show the benefits that would accrue to the Uuion and to Mexico. The protectorate, he said, must be self-supporting, the protected paying the ex pence which they could do by assigning her revvty, for ton years. udr Gulf squadron is sufficient io protect her commerce; five thousand reliable troops, judiciously posted, would preserve internal ardor. Mr. Houston explained the circumstances under which Mexico funded her debtof $55,1100,000, which is mostly owing to British creditors. All that tiraat Britain can reasonably expect In the event of a pro teetor4tiiis, that we strait see that portion of the cus toms settapart toward the oeht, and the dividends foithfiill appropriated to the purpose. Mr. Houston paid a feeling tribute to the memory of his former companions in the Senate, now that ult had passed away. Mr. Houston spoke more largely of the State 'rights of Texas than of the protectorate, respecting which he said it might be either like that of the lonion Islands or in a new form, but wl.hout exercising mere authority than was necessary. Tho resolution says that whereas every attempt of Mesieo to regulate her internal affairs results in fail ures, and there is danger of it falling into anarchy 7 and whereas, the United States, on account of their continental policy, can never permit Mexico to Le subjugated by Spain, or permit her tc pass into the hands of any foreign power ; therefore, a select Coal mitten of seven be; appointed to enquire whether it be necessary to establish a protectorate. The resolution win laid over till , o morrow to be printed. The Deficiency Lill was then taken up and dis cussed all day. Mr. Halo's amendment was lost by u vote of 30 Eiglialtli 21. Mr. Feseenden 'moved en additional suction, to confine thi; appropriations to the fiscal your and specify the branch tor which they voted. The motion wan still under discussi•,n her: Air Clark moved to re-consider the ..;te on the Pacihe Railroad, which wan agreed to Senate adjourned. SOUSE or REPktESENTATIVEii, Mr. Merrill, of Vermont, spoke in favor of his bill granting lands in various States Gar the establish ment of colleges for the pr:nati.,n of agri.zulture and the mechanic arts. Mr. Buffington, of Illassachusett, uttered a resolu tion, which was adopted, calling tor the cerrespen demos with the government of Chili relative t the detention at Taloahuana of the Amertoan vessels Uood Baum and Franklin. The Washington Police bill was taken up, which the House rejected by II majority. Mr. Dodd's substitute, agreed to ;n Committee yesterday, proposing that the policemen be appointed by a Board of Commissioners to he eleeted, instead of giving the President the power in the pretudie, , , was tabled by 110 against 79, The Military - Academy bill was considered in com• [Otte°. Mr. Shaw, of North Carolina, replied to the Anti Lecompton speech of hie colleague, Mr. Uilimer, who, he said, was, on its conclusion, congratulated by Mr. Giddings, with both hands, as though Ltl. stowing benedictions. ; Mr. Giddings said that Mr. Shaw was entirely mis taken. Mr. Shaw---I witnessed the scene with my can eyes. Did not the gentleman approach my col league ? Mr. Giddings. emphatically--I did. Mr. Shaw—Fifteen or twenty others saw you ap. preach my colleague. Mr. Giddings further replied, but his voice was entirely drowned in load cries of order from the Democr9tio side. Mr. Koitt pretested against Mr. Shaw, who was on the doer, being interrupted. This was followed by cries of order from the Republican side, and laughter. Mr. Keitt said that such blackguardism was better out than in the House. Mr. Shaw repeated that there was a smile of com plaisance on Mr. Giddings' faco as he approached Mr. Gilmer on that occasion. When he should bring upon him such congratulations, he would exelaito wnat have I dune that my enemies should praie, me." (Cries of good.) Mr. Giddings said that there was not a word of truth in Mr. Shaw's statement. Instead of eengrat. slating Mr. Gilmer, he had asked him why he had used his name in connection with that of Buchanan, and told him that he should hold' him responsible for it. (Laughter.) Mr. Campbell, having been near Mr. Gilmer at that time, corroborated Mr. Giddings' statement. Mr. Clingman, in justice to his colleay,uo, Shaw, who was now absent, said that he saw the Sleek Re publicans congratulating Mr: Gilmer, and Mr. Gid dings was in the crowd near enough to do so. He did not know whether Mr. Giddings grasped Mr. Gilmer's hand, but he recollected distinctly Mr. Houston exclaiming "Kiss him, Giddings." Fit ty other gentlemen also witnessed the scene. The committee rose, and the House adjourned. Arrival of the Steamship Arago NEW YORK, April 20.—The steamship Arago ar rived at a late hour last night, quite unexpectedly, bringing Havre and Southampton dates of the 7th instant. The Canada, from Boston via Halifax, arrived out on the 4th inst. : Among the passengers on the:Axago ara: Nathaniel Bolton, American Consul at (Minya • J. H. Latrobe, Hearer of Despatches from Eit. Petersburg, and Austin L. Main, Bearer of Despatches from Paris. The Leviathan had accidentally got adrift from her moorings, but was seoureir - without being dam aged. 'The American bark Potrea has been totally wrecked. Her passepgers and crew were saved. D'lsraeli was to bripg the Budget before Parliament on the 16th • MM=.= N'N detioite opinions Can yet bo formed. It is probable tlid.t the Committee of Conference will report tu• morrow. It is generally believed that the President will ac cept the two regiments of volunteers offered from Kentucky and Ohio. The regiment from Ohio con si-ts of five companies, mustered in Cincinnati; one from Columbus, one from Toledo, one from Spring field, one from Mount Ililead, and one from Coehoc- tun. All the officers and wally of the mon served in the Mexican war. The entire regiment can be reedy fur the field at a short notice. Execution In Chicago=- -'l'he Minnesota CU IC , April 20,—Staub, who murdered Lauer man in Docember last, was executed to-day. The niajorit; in fay.r of a five million lean in prebebly exceed twenty thouz.o J DFl4.ntehes from Gen. Jokliason eT. Lbets, April 20.—1 t is said that an express puised through this city on Sduduy night, with Gov eminent despetehea from Gee. Johnson. No news transpired here .tooth of Judge Ste venia. IziotaNssous, April 20. —Judge Stevens, ono of the oldest residents of th.-1 pity, brother of Hon. 'fballeus ~r d;ed suddenly fait evoLing Death of Dr. Tyng PIiII.d.bELPRIA, April 20. - R. DudMy A. Tyng died yesterday, freak the effects the Miury received hy the threshing machine. Reward Offered For the detection of any person counterfeiting, imi tating, or the vender of any such counterfeit or itni t,tion of ittEItHAVE'6 DuLLANi) FITTERS. The genuine, highly concentrated Holland Bitters is put up in half pint bottles only, having the name of the proprietor, B. Peak:, Jr., blown in them, and his signature around the neck of each and every bottle. This delightful Aroma has been received by Alfieri cane with that favor which is only exttrided to really scientific preparations. When we maksidex the marked success attending its adminis.:ration, in the most stubborn oases of Fever and Ague, Neakness of .my kind, Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Acidity of the Stomach, Siok and Nervous Headache, Indigestion, Costiveness and Piles, together with the complete control it exercises over all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, we cannot wonder at its ppm.. larity. Well may the invalid value this remedy. Carstiuti I—Be careful to ask fur BobrAavo's Holland &eters. dull at $1 per bottle, at !ILI bottlad fur $5, by the sole Propriotore, I;43Eljanlin Page, Jr., & Co., No. 27 Wood etreot, between First and Suoond streets, and Druggists generally. A 47.300 D COMPARISON.—The Rev. Win Rouhitt, a woltkuown Methodist clurgytuau, residing at Naples df awe the ivilowialt auiusiuti but apt c.auparisuu te.tweeu Dr. Mc L•Da'a ce'ebrated Veradiuge, prepared by ielenilug Bros, of Pittsburgh, aud a forret : "A ferret, when placed at the sotrauce ~f a rat-holy, cn furs the aperture, travels al,ug the passage, :sizes apoa the rat, extertaivates his oxisteac,i, and draws ,t,,iiiars ie luuct to the light. Aud, In Jibe tirVid / tLund 14..NITAMetiAmsallJaN Vxasurtr,is Ik , opotatm upon WOki.MS, idn,3c) dcnadf al and d ;ngnrous l,rluvnint aof (gill. Thin ialun,ly, lILn the , !no apt,. . t.t thn tinvcln LLAV Li ILO gulltt, hunil t..titnt iLu sttn• aLh, lays hold of the ehatium lhu hie 1,1 • Wu; sw6i3O ,loan their dcri, and d (heir CLlLL.ddemb Juni :•ikt 01 LIId d)dltfill. lib, tit futlcti.,l.-Vi LacdU ,Lo udrn of 1.1.10 Va , ulifugn upon wy children." A t... , ighbot of Mr. It.niatt, Vc, John nnggri, allot ,d IL. ..1 t6O ovin end Lot tilt,. thud ,i,LLIL btrprOVell of Iflld Wed!. apeciti , vk uram L di. n Lot t. y liaqers Will La eat Elul wall. 1 . Ali. Al \.:El.ftLiitit'ilED Vttili.LltUJn , 4.l3{-111:11, / l,y t. I Fiteitaiigt., Fa 911 nn, 1./1". Sl'Lltao'l VcrUtil.ke zaiSu bid C.OLUbIBitiA 1.1 , 1b1 PAN, Citsl.l uu.. Lc, bed et ell to tip, table drUit 'Acres .11:ne il,t.trie. wit '.Ertal Iriu ac ute qi nplt; lcz.lber E IDV MT S Ellin. Tvir tt4 IVY .ra. If_s. SINFORMS OPERA TROUPE: F r 11E ENT IRE FORCE oF nAN inuti~'_: u['c.RA IiUU I , Plfil aUr HI A 1,10;10A VIC:4 Mu APRIL 10111, Iu lbar uilgi“ll Al,-,i u , t , u „i it,. hold ttfiLlLLiellttl. Ttatr /.c UouL WIIITE, MIME KAVANAUU, BIiSt4UIN, PE V oN AMEMUA, JAM Et!, Yul.lah and JULIA Thid gtotti utiroei, [ion of Inicut uppctai I J. 46 e 0411../g • My, t.ttl lttUlitib nub CLinLI 1.1 46. AJWlaniuu, 3L Gouts louvre iJpdtiut; to b (ep2l) COOL 'W Fctige tilnuay,er r riEIE UliE NI la!A 1, EttASI E soap, Ll4bnuletctured by B C. a J. B. Blawyer, re LLeeiviee the pieteietv, ',roc nil ulliet Mode ever ...dot cti 1.4 lane ite u.t.aataw.e aver tither l'isqis are ist It Is eteapo tuum, vac pound Loll% equal to “1 Cuttlalun 1'1,141 : - 4,,hp :14 atilt Lll. L.lll. ~pled in 11 ettliliLig ill OW, lir Bt] Lutot.a it. wnnhiug etlu U. utarly dieprhde.l o LI. as the clothes will require little It hay a tail...wit, thus 'ding their wait, uti the wrail,hocuil 4th. thalauB .Jotted in tamer:es/41i) wtieri this soap Id useit'nuit Laid ur atilt water ausrrete equally se well an suit. 6th Pi ultras, Aleietaulsts, Pstuteli, add °thole, [hid It tar superior to .ither It speedily rw rhuveNt gram.., tar, paita, tllll.ltOile ink tbild dirt (Into the 1111121, leaving the shlu suit, suit tree Irvin chapping. 'l'. tavolat ttio labor tit rubblaag ILo clothes, and the ode of the wash•li,srd, the hilluwlurc diiu boon tli.lolllll 1.10 totl,.wed Fui the wastriug of eight or tea of a !wilily, take sae pound eat it foto sharitigs, owl dissolve in t yelluu ,t hot watof ; put the clothes into a tub Cu/AWL/111g aLLiut toe gallous of warca water; pout la the ilitint/hicil tlun p, and stir thoroughly. Let them &ark twenty to thirty wluutoa, wring nut , aud rinse iu w - aatu water oube, Loki water hiele.c. Army di/ Ly wrist baud, or eoalti ' or 8/ c-,lc spots, way require a alight rubbing, but uttierwise &Le ,lotheis will come out Licata aud white, without rubblug Cold water may be used lu platy ut but, I.ll.Juut double Oulu lu eoaklog c* - Observe our ~awe Lill eat., bar. k•ur oak, to ituy qumntity, .t vut warehous e , No 47 hticet, awl at OW .44 Pcuu• dyliatuits nvoLtu,, u. ti A J it. tiAWYI.4It, QII0U1,1) you atilt we, should y - cou w.,llder w Lir Luy your Shuns uu.l linprtrte fur your .set iu apriugt:uw, Huore Olt heels, and pi pity 11L..mti.Ns Nice Yttl:ltuti SUPPIMS fur the eutuutut, Leather, Glues-Kid Where to buy Owen cheap and guu..l tuo , I should ultewer, I would tell you, Uu uutu We PEOPLES' 13110 E STORE. Tu the Peoples' Cheap `Shun Store, Tu the Store of DIYPEN ap2l Nu. 17 Fifth street LEAVE YOUR ORDERS EARLY. CHESTER OF GOTHIC HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, collier Wood street and Diamond alley, would remind his customer's and the public that his brilliant aasort meat of all kinds of seasonable Piece Goods, aro now open for selection and sale He would particularly eugguet the propriety of Laving orders early in the week. Nvery garment wail aut. ed na to tit, materials, workman, hip dud triututiugs. None but first ides workmen employed. ap2l HAW• LS, Mantles, Black and Fancy Drees extra rich Berages, Orgaudies, Lawns, Mourn ing (tools, White Goods, N, edle Work Collard and Behr, au d A Nu. 1 stock of Domestic tiouds,all cheap for cash. 11ANSUN LOVE, Formerly Lore Brothers, Na. 74 Market streeL POTATOES -200 bus Nesbannoek Potatoes to aarrlve, and tor sale by Ewa HENRY 8. COLLINS,. HERRING.— bbla Pickled Herring; OO du Dry Salt Earring, for sale by I.E.F.NRY H. COLLINS. Q _ TARCII —3OO has. Rochester Pearl Starch received and for sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. - BROOMS. -100 doz. Extra Corn Brooms, on band and for bale by ap2l B. C. A J. H. SAWYER Safety aad Economy lily WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE ANL FLUID, when you can get a cheaper and bet ter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Cannel Coal, produces the cheapest, moat brilliant, steady, pleasant and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gee; and quite as cheap; Lamps of the most simple and easily managed con struction. For sale by T. D. HODKINSON, No. 79 Smithfield street na„ Beware cd a counterfeit already in the market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal ill to scent it. ffe27:ly lATTERN PAPER—In rolls, sold by the yard, at WM. O. JOHNSTON 00'8, apl7 _Paper Warehouse 67 Wood street. 11.110NNET FRAMES of the Latest Styles.- 10 (1, - ,zon All Hire Bonnet Frames: 10 " Half " " 10 Buckram Received WI dry at SEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels Seed Sweet P•442,;e4i, racaived and fur nale by tuts A. FEMUR, C..,41:181 Ilarkat and Find son nix fiEVi 111)VERTIISEJILAM: DOTASII, POTASH.—A large euppl y ut the ti e r li.,.ludnd and J. Let ,t 1 - o t A very te. Pc,:zbeb, received tide day, by JOS. FLE:IIIiNu, . 1,,'2u I_l AV ANA CIGARS.--I havo this day, re m c,ivtd a larg4 licii - .1,:v of gt,nutrie Havana Oi;aca , of Ma not.“ battill. TiaJda NIL:111111g a b , .i of u.,a , .1, t 10" a1.0u1.1,511 aiid ~,aaima uly titock, Lefura pu:chasiu, .13. vakti... JUSEF'II PLEMINU ap2C) Cornet Diainoud mid Market tr, et. BURNING FLUID AND CAMPIIEN A largo supply of those articles constantly Cu hand Those wishing a Burning Fluid, superior and cheaper than can be had elsewhere In the city, can always procure it at JOB. FLEMING'S, ap2o Corner Diautuld and Market street. OILS. --Lard, Linseed and Neats Foot Oils, constantly on hand, at JOB. FLEMING'S, ap2o Corner Market strati, and DiaLavud GI ODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, (or May : FILANE LESLIE'S MAGAZINE, ror May i'ETERSOIi'S AIAGAZLNE, for May; t4RAH MAGAZINE, l a May ; SIRS. STEYLIEN:Y, for May; Eivii-EkI , A.D WORDS, f.l :lay for tale Ly R. A. LOOM N, .1,2 u P.„t tuatdl.., 6 , 41 lath DALNI LEAl+' VANS. just retiveti nod fur dale very luw, by the easa ur titzea, et ap2U JOB. But Is;'E, 71 Alarka 11 , OUNI) CANE 1100 P . -1. 1(1 gio,t it, a Ly:st L/i/LCL 77 alarat...tti BLACK CRAPE V EIES- i)f extra t aie and quality —y, .y I': 3 apt 0 71 :clarkvt au oet. BLACK CRAPb.: COLLARS.- tom tut vale , et JuSKPLI tiORN al,2u 77 Mad...q. rtr ut. ENTLEMEN'S ORES S, AT TUE I.IA ENTS v 1 our rank a, 16tiogui.i,..1 hair BEAUTY, 6L Eti INUIsi: uF F r, 4:11 • tSL y ❑g to part .I iti AKE: (..PRDLR ut Nikil,EhATE R. , . 14.: IHAVE THIS DAY, APRIL 1, 1858, SuLD my entire stuck o Cutlery, Surgical Instruments, etc., m Messrs. W. W. VOUNU and W.M. CARTWItIOII I, who will continue tin t 11.3ilieSJ I.r the old stand, under the :MU,' of CARTWitlil LIT .t YOUNG. Sly brother, Will. Cart a has been engaged with toe h,r many years, sit eu tern the new tbla with a thorough knowledge I)! the bud] nee - a. I che•,tl lie recommend the new Min to nay f. ruler patrons and fri.m.hr, wlr, have heretotore so liberal! pa tronized my establishment. JOUN CARTWRILMT. CO -PARTNERSHIP. --- The uudersigned have Ibis day formed a par Unship, under the melee( CARTWitai YOU NU, fur the purpose of umuutector lug and dealing iu Cutlery, Surgical Instruments, etc 'llkley have purchased the stock of Mr. 3 elm Cartwright, and whi continue the business, at No. 86 Wood street. WSI CAdtTWitftild I', April Ist, 1858. W. W. YOUNO. CARTWRIGHT St. YOUNG, (2,,,,,50r5. to Cartwit;yll4) NIANL') FACTURERS ANI) IMPOR'rERS of Pocket arid Table Ourlery, Burgle .1 and and Den tal lustruureute, Gunn, Pietcht, Piehiug, Tackle, etc., 1.0. tit; Wood street. They gibe apcciat attautiJu the ittouut .ctur• tug of Trustee, Supporters, etc. Johltug and Itep mud with punctuality and despatch. „Xi T II E S'PY LI:ill CUT- A VS, N FIIV JR-1.4 , , save,* t .., h etc , eli , A. e p..r.tht.., who %ill. t cl tt., duns .11,..p1y, HL CHESTER'B apt: GA L, ,( Wv..4 etrrrt wk.; InEttut,:l u, , y Cootsart for Suppl 3 On' itittridie L tft,i`u.ll lft,Lztr', t hit April 1•2111,ltd. 1‘ ,4 1 UI V EN, TitA't' teulad hop. 8.1" ne cutuyn wed by prat Cr ell,. 0 LICC, rdwe to forum to be turuirltt.ti, uu applicalrad at this ottke, will h 0 it:coved thereat until asofidi LI, WI the Plit'il"f iiEBL/AY iu due., 0081, for th e eopply Marine fiunpitrel, hoar this city, with tho articles of 1 • rOr1,- I.ne, Medicine, etc., ouuttioruted lu nail hauls, Tito looo. tios statod tire estliusted with reforouco to the tleruntl uw her of patients lu the Hospital, but the Eluitod State 1 ,ter.e the t fight to take worn t r leas t.i tali.' articled, art'utt!tagly sa they may be actually rktitti rad. if the articlde delivered at the Ltudpital out nut to tun Judfwcut t 4 the l'it tent. ion, of the host quality, toil adapted to the Hospital be %. ill liberty to reject thy) same, p . Rurctik.... other art', to to their ateod, anal to charge the coutra..toi with holy oN.,3en lu cost over the contract prices. The United 13tatea reserve the right to accept the pi,tit.teal tiro whole or auy purtbat of the attlelos spot:Hied kl ING ititON _ TE C ~. L IN-, UoNefi.),P. LA ehtt.TY, COOKING BY GAS. A WORD TC) TII E HEATED TERM I APPFtOACH -1 iNti, nia ern ad 7 tho taCcuLl. - ../ L att s fa.A. that COOIiING, IRONING, ETc., l'n~ La duos with with,. up; r ez.ilc tuOt, nod with dei9iili,h—the tilwaya tur,') niusguawen Gas Moro; We tr.3p,ctfully invit alte.ll.• •, .tuittalold etr«C :1 A JUkiNtio 4.1,-nackty uLd int" iiigLti LA . isdlo J BLAciLmvar WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i3ROCER Produce it. COEIIIIIIBBIOII Merchants, ußALh.ttit IN BOAT BTOItES AND H ISIAVUFACriIaND ARTIOLte, N10110"i HAI f H0175 . F. 4 Pill Sti P A WE. CALL PARTICULAIL AY! 2;',.‘. 'PION to our utouit of the erticLa No. 47 Wood dttett - - - . Manilla Ropes of all sizes stud lengths. beet Navy Oa sure. Tar and Pitch. Finest qualities o Coffee's, tial,l 011 d. Spires of every dolor ititluu. Ecbt alitl4 of E, i r k , Uf—together with every description at articled ter deli) use fled boat etureer. (NA) BLAIIKAIUR.F. DA GO AND SEE GEOR Y. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factor), CORNER THIRD AND MARKET WI S., PI'ITSBURikkI THOSE WISHING TO FURNISH Til E,rv. Howie with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the Inuit y4,kuh site and elaborate finish, will find it to their luta - vets C.Agive me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is g...t LT, by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All 11 or varrantia No. T 2 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. eiyB:l ybi itCLASSICAL AND CUMAIEIV..!AI. 80P,It DING SCIIOOI, IPA BOYS, Pittsburgh. Itcs. J. B. Tli,A V gLI.I, A. M., Pt loc.pal. The Thlrly-S,. ucui eension will coluulence May 3d, LlAbl Fur Circulars uud other purticultard, CllqUltd John Irwin & SOUB, a 7 Vilatur 'r Cu , IU7 Llborty street, or or tho priucipra, So lci lay vil!,- -. .l.inuy w., [apl2:2wu.sw POdl Othea, Alleg 44 -I RESII DUNIES'fIC Ft{lll'l'S.- 26 d trash Penchrs, 50 " CAL,; " Pin Fruit, weiort,d ; r of Tsthas:s,li, 60tt1,6 c.ILI fur "Rilblimitnt. Nl,bv,,Eodll66()trne' wit rtrelv.d 0u..1 fl OPPOdite 8t- Charles Hotel SARDINES.- 10 catlea whole cant, Cola Hai tin ; 10 " half " •• 5 " third " Juat receives and for sale by ANDMtbuN, No. 39 Wax! btrent. MUClLAGE—Prepared for counting house cue.—cold by WM. G. JOHNSTuN d CO., Stationers, b 7 Wood tit rtnt MANILLA WRAPPING PAPERS all alzea and qualltl.a fur hale by W. S. EfAVEN, a. 17 Curunr awl IStooriel dtrt..t.m. GOLD PENS—Of very superior qua. fur pain, by WSJ. 6. JOHNSTON & CO. Anl7 Nu. 457 Wt.a.tistrEet GREEN APPLES.-15 bbld. choice Ap plea received, and for sale by AIcCANDLEES, MEANS & Corner of Wood and Water lariat+. constantly on hand, fresh White Lime, superior to stay brought to the market e 7 H. COLLINS. 11OhNE':i, 77 Market atietL To GARDENERS AND OTIIERS.- bus -nuke Scat Swat Poltava% fur sale by J. A. Fian.lll. Corner Market and First streets FANC)i CABSillEtti:6 titiCftelt hND t Fir, LI 1 RS II SUR, Notice et,t• L,le, AND ii.,;(rti JVEiN LIASTEIGS, Iturveyta Bad .Agota Martub fitreq,.L.l PLACE To BO ' FISHING TACKLE, ki 0 lie 11. h 111 ' N. 1.3 d Wool> STiii b:v BLA.CIiMORE Pao. 10 tiiialliallel4l 4LL ae Sewtekley Aoadeiu y. Flit/MIAs a tNSURANC C:O3IPANI, N. W. Cloassx SzcoKa AND WALNUT STt. Pictiladsiphict. Tax tollowiag statement exhibits the business and condi tion of the Company to January Ist, 1848 : Premiur re cocci - trod for Mario, Kick. 1111tUILLALI ed In 1851 Marine Pramiunci tel dot icp, the )0.1 cod jog Dect,r.i.ror it. 115b7. Fir e erculioacr co,olvcd toLdtog lioccialbor 81.31, Inc? ha,655 85 interest . - 8,446 Mt Total re,:eli..te for the pwi Pahl Marine Led. 9,3 Feld Fire • Fa - pensea, Retarned Pruatiaiad and Hr .T.neurenco.. t(atarlea and Corami23l,ma v,ith Company A.S6ETS vt the Coutiottay are as Betas and Alortgagel, 41rotiud Rents, tittuk and . ..... . . .012,460 oa Le ......... 67,1160 tn) Tr - ut Fnnd Iu Nap Yolk 33,1151 60 beteLr,,l. .... . . 97,70 0 k),) ladle.. 74.404 bl .... bath uu bend tad Übe Iron . ..... . 4J,UJU U 7 Prerunalu reLeully heuvd , nut debte LIU° the $6,0,5U4 US Thu officers and inincLore, of this InetitutlM , 4,1 groat pleasure iu laying before the public the above IL t taeut, with a view of drinstlug their atteutioo to the yr , port ante of Insuring their property. Thin Liatupaily has uutered upon the flt , t e a•X• istauod, during whi,h purivel the iteeeiphi smuctoted to eight hurvird and fifty thouiand d,,Utar.t, oeve paid LO4.Sa over lax hundred thoLsiund ilellars, wh,ch ). equal In respect to character of Lamiuene to the ,erg Le of rend oldest ufficea. We append the nanieJ of a few large wet influential Mar. chanta ul Philadelptea,who pain., LI laelbeCorayany by giving it a large auionnt of their Insurance, end t., vi bow are rte apentrully referred auy geutlecueu !nay wiyb to twiny with this Dumpany. M. Baldwin, Steam Engine Ilauntact tire'; David S. Brown, Merchant; John H. Brown, Merchant; TlArd. 6varks, Mer chant; T. & L Tboulp.loo, Slerebauts; k'aitet & Winebren ner, Litre/I:10W; D. P. Dear ich, Gum Elo.uti, 211,autacturer; Michael Bouvier, Fikrchaut ; Butchet t brov., &Li - chants; J. Vau Brunt, Moral/ant; Ww. Hulas, Haber ; Gehl. anuth & Co, Clothiele; N. M. Seely d. tier, Merchants; Jes• per Li,. ding R gun, FliuletA hlcua Belly, Phoebera ; K. F,ALectal , P lieshoug & gnus; Abilene & Tay Ito ; John Hare Powell; John L. Brooine .51i Co.; William F ilughEa; Davis; A. a C iHanufeettii ere ; Uharlea Bat, , , &iglu itnilucr. HA_ The tlionpany have dlacnnlinued the ocean Marine Lualueea slues August let, ltita, and ,uudee tht,theelv,l et• cluei,el3, to F lie and I ulaad TIIONIAS b P1.08,L;Ni.;6, bb iV A ii.O It. 11C1,51110L0, Viecietary. JOHN THOMASON, lieneral Superintendent. THUS J Agent, Pittsburgh, No. 30 Water street. jab) :).:1 SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, iNo,apoßATrb EV THE LEtikArATE PeNN SY 1, V AN.1.1, 0 Piqc'E„‘i. Et' Giiii.NEß THIRD 31.4 kOLI by Rival', Caulkls, dad 1,11 tea all patti of thu I.llllob VI .11 I N IJ H. -N S Mcrubanclite gebor.,ity . Dwalliug ..Is,yl;:r. OF Tat.', o_ u.tt. t' I'. Novnallier 2, 1354 No. 83 Wood Its et Bookie, Mortgages, mid Ittial Eststis.. SIUI,3LU 104 Philittiolphia City, ut.lothsr ial,uti 45 iu Bsuks, Railroads 2,5 8 oil Lk/input, ice ......... ..... . ..... Bills ............ . . ........ ....... NE4 0 tit U 6 (Atilt un hand ..........._.........,.... :fsott 00 Bultinca w 111.1.1 i ui Agout3, h cattut.vi oil M. 04,7 3 0 a 7 10141 tlubserlia Notss II Vico erasi U 3na I I r 8,., t„00 r It Itl A W s 'l' h: It N I , 'is skid Dyurinn ItEditranco edr, I . IIILA 1.)E1.1'.11 I A e C,h4pany . 3 Badding, (',,rner Putir:l4 Sfrer ! A U f ZED 0.4..1?1'PA I paid earplud, !nut:. y 113 b.!!. • ---- j',77,b141)1) II ft I NUE--Litultud MANINE iNSIIRANUI , Volaeld, t IN I.IN liA i;LIE 0,0 all, lake and Labd IZLf i lAt:b utii.L.3lC•uu: CLui lea 11. Lutiii 1-11 rd uti - ect, IV 'Claw batllug,lblU l'au) Nl.rdlaut, 1D i•iutll3 kluut lean: 11.32.1eburat, Attonlov JuLu U. Hunter, firm ut linutur A. Co 1 , 3 'rrucy, tires ut Tmey Juhu tt. '11,01.33 . 1.1y, nun Whitt, .4 AleOuttly. Thomas; 1.. iilleepie, tirm di 11kt . thee It Smith, tirsu of Jaaii.d 13. Su3l[l3 9 Co. 11..0 11,131 y M Budlnr , otiacti Tbir,l 61140 t. Juhu U . Voplcu o ottlce cotticr of Sert lith Acit Weight, lat. Cuslil,r 131.uk. ut Tiu y a. A lit Tui..r utlica Cuirti City Property. L... t Pl. cuuk, offieu :3126 8uut14;11.31r..1 U. 1",A'111 .I.OP, Pf,hsidcnt. vv. Preslitoit It a a lutit , 4Bl` rfre: 4caD i d A iiut LiBou IMIIIIII iusairtuiet Company, t I) it (I ft . JecA, ICLAy A t t;ilrld, a. U. :31aupe,t, )iptvul, k ha: itr¢J 1.,21,11.;.1 ItiNEN.I i. I- 1 'l"i' b U 1:U H CII:NERAL INSURANCE AGENnit Capital ttepreecut4Ll, 03,000010 0. uuale AN It ur r,TA:4 DJ Nti, l:betlrsv] LT Ztak.s. L'in 6, .111...1 "4 1: AND Lice. itI6KM TA Nti, DE:iCitief(ONti. EG O. bs c)UILTI.3 L. IVY n'llUEoll, 'I .4 W111.1[11,11 (dtaq•ly I koor Sala Whobesala at Manufa.turctre Prices by iffIENIELit ilk. COLLINN, FORWAEDIND AND commissooru ME C; MANI, SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER DEALER IN FOREIGN" AND )OMESTIC HARDWARE. No. 14 Wood street, between Diamoud alloy cad V'ourth 'Arcot, .PITTSBURGH, t'A . Siff` Tassubscriber 13 now opening a well selected 0 1..41 meat of foreign and domestic Hardware, ell nuw,and will ha sold on as good terns as buy other house. In this city, its will always keep on hand a general sesortmeut of UARDWAIIE, CUTLERY, CARPENTERS' Tt/OLS, do. , 17. whial he respectfully lovit,:s the attention of 1 1 , rth s4er ulbld BAldt9M., V 1011124'00K . ftINIONS.---10 bb6 Onions for fain by w.rti 6 ItIN n i ki !JUL ,/.6 DEL.AWARE, mairuAL LADELPHIA. Itli ARIN U. INSURA 11 ON a t-1, r t it 1,11,1E1T, Hi LAND INfIIiiIANI2t. El=l Martin, Jubei.th li. 8..§1, Edmund A. 8...u.1,r, Juhu C. fifty b, Juba It Putiromi, Ururgt.: G. Lnipur, EIJI" ea 11 I.l.,ALlugtou, br. IL M. Hunt.t..,, C. Ludwld, LI ugh Craig., tille.lll J. b . . Pou,:th.., Jlwhuu P. Eyre, 13htu...1 11. r.itoi. cui y 'l'lwruali v. Illit,d huLert hortuu, Jr., J;:1111 ;2%. , /111.10, Vataliurgh i; t r/ Ej.itl VALI Ullurlint Kelley, U. Joliet! !flu:4. a Jur . “l.., P. Ji AIAiLF.ItIA, Agent, !Avoca, Patsburgh LEWIS "iK6. ntfh,. 5 V-1,1! st , N. Y. zit,r,.,Lttl I. Pi t,.t, i A Mr , \% It 1011 T T.,tit.a.z. tt. 11. tiIetIARIMON, Filir6tary. It. W. I•OI.NDIi.N.T.Ett, Agent. 97 Vt'ataf PlRAtirgh. IVA 4..)N Ili: A A • TRANCE ('OM I' NY, PITTS it LI ROB ft t f