BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL C. ViING.A_RD, ATTOILME.V AT LAW, PrINIPIALiaI, PENNA. a7r °trier, No. cOI2IIA NT etteat, t..etviroen kiaathtreel ad Diamond alloy. apti AIIES A. LO‘ViilE, Attorney at Law, ti office Fourth stroot, Pittsburgh, bet A - cou Smithfield and llborry taley.- doc11:ly ALIL Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. w. Biddle No. 144 Smithfield street. 1-1 .YO-0: five hours from S to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to b o'clock. lob16:1y _ 1 SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors most of him Let. Agr klttleo hours from 9 o'clock h.. M. to 5 o'clock P. Lt. SOIIO6N MAKER, Manufae,turor of o who.o Load, Itol huud, lAthargu, Putty, hi. Wl...Audit Iu dt.,alur iu Oita, Puiulu, Vat übilitu,'rurpuut.iuo, au, No. '24, 11 utsuut, Pittsburgl.t. I OSE'll FLEI.MJN(;, stiooeseor to L. 00, co. ' wsuor of Markut and Liao Diamond, 1 bfqMs cotf.teutiv uu hand u mew twont of I , ttilt7S, MEI. It-AWE:, SIEDWINE CI: Eel's, 14 , ,,itromEttY, and all nl - ti pataming to Ina t.nsiuoas.. Okla r• 1.1.0,n, i'raacilvti.nd catt , folll ct.rapbrillcltal at all a \V 011111)W11.!14., dealer in hentue6v .1 4 I'A 'KB N., 140 1.310 W *sr The ttigl Jt lortrket yri. 0, la oat, 1., it/WM •PIP11.11it: P. tfAetzlqp.ll..lo4.lll.l f 1.11111.1 WP. iNIARSIIA . & (Jo., Importers ILrol • deulL'lP iu erondi and Au 1. PAI•ERHA Nu • i lii N. bi Wuod Eltrcept, 4114 - tio for Ilrllwurl a Uo., 1“).:1 I IA V - ilk & SANIIII .. I.txtEi havo IlLdor I . 7Lda/111S, or 11.1.3 V phtlut) uud bey the .Pl ati.l 1K..0d Hilt Lulph, [I.IIJI . /.11'111a. VNJ FAL AN DE LISON , (tiutleetirlorm to I_ll s lthode+3la,l Wholttlato I , llii. i N IYN, till CF::4, CON FECVIOI 4 4 ANN, StIO A Re. A. • tigi oppot,itc , tit:, St. ebailr3 11,4,1, I.urKIA. .11(i4,.1.1111 .. ..... Ifiri6l,l.Nit I 3 trIELLESPI.F. Looltlug eletell . tiluttoltotto or 4, to, • tool tlealere lu Looking Lila. No te, Pink , tillutn, gravino, o,4Lathi uutl touucy clocele, Nu. Wot , l t °or, Ye t, bur gli. oil Lund loot tirade to outlet, LIM Vier ao trtottle tilttt,to, fituLtogriuy, ltottowootl, Witlaut tia.l Hilt N't .urns, 15.1,111,1 lug, 01 et or y dear, iption. air stotort boat Cabala itt , ..oratoa hud t,- Burcuats. CuDEN & Cu., Ltottlern, Nu. Ls; :wet ettret, woul , l roopaaftrlly latorlu tLa putt ;lc that they Lute cuurstfttaly ,•11 11011,1 n large supply ot BAR:UP:IIU L A, INEILAt. 51 I.TEIt, AIX and PORTEIt, • ol the Ludt quality . The ottoutiou of teurilioa le particularly ilitazted to 111. tort ILlnt..ltiuy bottle W Al NI:LIGHT :t ALL to ita 1101001btutif I erinllllloll l .l it to fiLluillo oil tiicontit ~t IV whine iwalu 004 Art ugtheuitig qualltlea. ot 3. Fa. LfiTTLF., I\IEItI'NAN'I'F LOH_ (Dr Irleh'it I del ':+l W. KERR, AR.OIII'VECT NIO , REVED di Vora spr - Der Path mid Wood to A. llt S'l' It E In Phillipu'l3-,4 uulldiug—cotalunee to Specideatiuna 01, aild to Superintend tho Ereetauti of every of _ _ Ai'liLTON, BELL AN 11 BRASS e FOUNDER, No 70 tiEtioND atroA, Pattatairgb, Fa., to prop anal to turigiali tt, .4.lea STE.A euA leAuTolt Y ANU (Yl'll Lit tiEt.l.r3 ot all .ty,s, 0111 il) LO lu,okbti CIEITME HELLS made to order. STUD nod U A LIU t; It it 01 al niznn, for tilvoutbouto. MINERAL wAllut pirAiPs, COUNThIt 101 I 1.1 nut eVol'y Vb.riuty of ltr o Urudiug. tluidhod 10 tlo, uouinbr. RABBIT'S ANTI A'II'ItITION METAL; FULTON': , rA TENT METALLIU AUK I NII, Inr Elwuu EhglooB OUti DUE £ MAXWELL, .1.1111 MANUVAUTUIteIid ov Looklag Allasutis, iP Brush , . ; And INalsirm hi Clocks, HGusis Funnel:hug (loud 11i5 Wood titre.vt, sthovo Fifth, PITTSIIIII4. li, 111111:: I ) filai , llll4o kila4l. , to OfiltlL E DU CAT lON AL St. rrailCiN Car [[lrby la, UP:l4:h ill CLAIM Oi."1111.: VitANCI: , ,OAN 1.0r.t Et., Cumbria County, Yr.. IT II 1 s INSTITUTION, NATUR.ALL-I _lll. Hituatio ,1:1 Jo , m jii...ouwtad Oral. h.. dual uti for a Outlmlio It ta10e..1.•.1 lu tho mold healthy nod pleturretque thr, 1111rAtuthiori, ,:,.tout lour allit,l from Cre.n.±., it! it wt well t out° but wauti mut Li 'I 1.. , bcl.toln.4l ouumm.:log the lirvl Mou,ky m will . lull, ol Jul) lollowing. Tho Nnc arc. Pus) par atm tt tit. Thu Clair L uud Modorti lttigita:t,o .ta nit,„ lat I• 1 t Luttitint. Wattillttg /Ind ittla uY 13...4t1iu Yor hi:Attar r.pply Ott , n 4,).../ I ei .1 i tt., , 14.1 , 11 ,,, , ,, :tt , twat., 1./ It! it.. ttlpilege-jalia-11) 4 e. • ck.l r 'C'V el Inorolts.ll4l ti i.f y, N Tllll uul,lfkiE AiLE TAuk:11'1"11M u.,11 branches Ot Engilah liduontion. ill Ulu iiESIINA ItY, the CILO/111r11, 110t.liCaaltit'el, ), P1111..)1.1114, I.lto atilotolit In ditcher) 1,1 higher et Cititlivil y thuio Tito bruin oio j,YJ lan. Volt, 1,11,1 r. wi uuuunlly , nil lily In mliehlo, U., dia. LiCid FI Lap! ulh..r Ilii)oll),F..,en, L,:, at.] illikl,',lollll lot 1(.1 Iho Lloo 7,1,11..1", StAtton.y, .:r..../ Apply Io tb, Lil uCLoi of tt. , iJOllneltkto beglltis ou thu lot of Sop ru,in (41 file :Ll' T FAHEI: U is 1.1% biruefur tot the DRY GOODS keg re fiCh renicti : A Nt )IHER CRASH, -IN PRICES 1-Ite, t::8 fletercutard to 801 l our uLo k , tub Ln • .o 1.111/Iklo a EC/1101,11 sweep - REDUCED Tit still lower *l..w to tit., at.i., 1., buy vilwo Llm at4o 111.1Ullt I nn.l tlwn 1'11%1.4 VEIL b.,wui LlO,l/11 is I:4 HORN'S,. garlf att,es I~~lilJ 1115'1' Cli ANUE IN I , ' ltl l.) tvotti. ID eauls, nt 1...0 sas 1 /1/. 111 he A.. „ 11" do GU at 37% b - 0„.; at CD Jo`4l,l•li 1.102/1 17 Ala/ k t ,t atlaet II VE LI/ la,:ritiMlNl 110 AT REL/11(31.1.1! I'l,l u.rfir7:ll UMW! 11.1.111 (01 lute nt two .1 TiOltN tyhyi G EN, 1 1.1.11;)1 EN 'S (IN I )14ilt .A.IS,NI EN TS - dtlk busk' Llolo.y titittvl/ UuJc. SIILE Di ,'.. truth supply II o,oivy:,l ot.t 1101tINE'S, .1019 7 7 Mat kot ,treat 14 1 1VE Uinits per Pound lteduetien in the lyrlcoof Olt ItbLEY'S Y A Itisbi.--Whole.alo Ltup , r4 awl 1 . ,,hi1050 will 1,, fitrullited with ItItALLEY'S h N ITTI 'NU YA reductluu Cl 1.e1V(.1.301111/ 1101 p•nils , l, I.y tha 1.10.11 b, attar LLta data, Vor Cash, and Cash only dint 11,11iN E, 77 ,11.14,5 t eG tn.:, Ll , l AKata tor tho ktnuub.ol.lll 14 1 M la) illEttll4B.----Our excellent bt , ./ek ul lker.uLly iliubruhturics, hull Cho low ptlo,r4 at whiut, thy. y Win luark.c.l, urreed ,are todu..tuuutti to liulluu wleLwgr I-, pal /7..11H1, 1110 Intuat sitleu novlli 77 11.1 not IUNEY AION II -- PRICES 111 A RIS. ANA, EL) 44 , OrtAit rixiactiOu in Una pfloo gintruicloiloo . 1"V Lava gnus chi atully uvirx our Landrum(' ritoil. ..1 V itltiv 011-W 01111. 011.1,AitS, trrinitit HANDS,