to VOLUME, X VI.. errTsuilitfili MORNING POSTe rated end published terry mrrr.lllo te;epied 1.11 . BIS P. ISA it 13., I a•TIIS NOUTIi•WP.37 comsat: OP WOOD ..:m rtrett srsetee, TERMS .—Fire Dollars n year, payable 3i:idly to advance Sit Dollars invariably required If um pail within the year. arr - ShaglO copies, TWO CVITO at the counter in ,s intlca and by thy News Boys. RATES OF ADVERTISING, I Thrico Twice I ; Wkly rent I.OLy. IT) ran! • la wefk l a, we .41 wOne,.eek. a I paper. One 111:1;i711)11..... ...... Two iiiiiertioll3 . 75 Three iusertieus 1 00 ......... One Mkt I:. 1 75 TWo v.e.ets 300 200 160 100 Three week5............4 00 205 200 125 One month ii DO 336 250 150 Two menthe 700 465 850 235 Three mouths. .... '..... 900 000 460 3 Four mouths 10 00 605 1. oo 335 Five ....... 11 00 735 550 :t 65 Six montha 12 00 800 600 400 6 1. - •ie Nine muntiiii 16 00 10 25 6 (6), a 11\ 9 tid (theye: 20 00 13 35 Do 001 6 13 00 • 10 00 Minding °aril, litiff3 or loss, per au num OIiAIGIZABT,P PLEASOIIi: One square, per an u tn, (exi`lctslvo ei tbo papero 7f 00 Marriage notice:,. cp cults ;Death aptleen, 25 emits piIIiSBURGH SATURDAY PDT A MIAMP/01 111 ()N Li' ONE: DOLL% It YEAIt t IN CLUBS OF TEN. Bingl• sabsuription., - s per 'lnsists's. CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT N or TWO DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Mal, Loral, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous, Phis Paper being of the LAII0k:14 arts, uud neatly pante on tine white paper, In large, clear typo, will be foul by the subscriber to give Letter eatlefa.llon than nuq paper puolished Da Pittsburgh. These who wish to taken paper from Pittsburgh, will tied the SATURDAY POST osafe and profitable inveettnet.t. Aildrma, JAMIK73 I'. HA Lilt, nepl7 Editor ur] Prep' letcr . _ BUSIN ESS CARDS. _ tag. P. sum. rm. A MYElog BARE Si, RR BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, .1 - 'OST Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, r , 1 T'.l'l - 31311J It G H. undersigned having made extensive adamond or the LATEST AND HA N I , 6OSIES'P LES 5 * TYPE, cad Improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite th" a ttention of Itaii Ruud Offi..erp Merchants, business 01.0 , end the public generally, to their superior facilities fur examining with dispatch, on reasonable tonna, oil kinds of k ft Aa E. It (It A Elr E ANT6tLE, E G A B. AND OVERIt OTEEit DESOILLPTION PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING AkirOur material lielag nearly all new, w;'3 roe glee aeon fence of the most complete satisfaction, and eoGeit orders for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, , RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANE COEUR'S, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOollS, DEEDS, nioRTGAGES, BONDs, Ac. gip Particular attentlthi La, path to the pi In tug or Ithathrei, Proaramme., 4th. for (;.u,-art, Exhibitions un.i OircUatie. a.J.I 414,....Z1Z7 , . The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACITER St,CO•, Cheap 01011 a Dealers in all kinds of Fashionable BOOTS,. SHOES AND GAITEIIS, ' For Gentlemen, Ladies, Youths cud Children, Ito. 17 &Inn Street, near Market, ocS PITTSBURGH, L'A. I. 8 rsamn rest JOUNUON 5. A. JOBrisou & JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs Co.'s Patent fillautte Fire and Water Proof Clblll.llll d HOU:111g. 133 THIRD STRRIVP, ORDERS for E.OO - F.i..1.\10. promptly and faith folly excot.,:ed, and MI our eioik a arratited. Sloadiag material aiwoys to bond, aud ter solo, with (Ji ro:dons for reb.. a,cerly JOS. p.IIAMILTON 2i Ott., Corner of Ant and Liberty streets, Pittsbol gh, Pa. lUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for lirist Aj and Saw Mille, Bresverius, Priming Establishments, Muuutactorth.i, Cos, made to order. Ley ceintleue the manufacture of their Celebrated Msehiniets"Pouls, ouch us 'Corning Lathes, Iron Pitmen', Boring and hulling Machines, Lc. Also; Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulloys, Hangers Ac. TH0uP50N..........n011EHT SEIOSIPOON U. 0. JOHN THOMPSON & co., ijOUSis.l PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND DRAINERS, No. 135 'Phi, d street. SIGN PAINT ISO executed with neatness uud dwpateu. Aixed Paints. Oils Turpentine, Varnish, Jamul, and English Patent Dry - era, Ville Montaigne Zhick, a very superior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and fur sale. We are propure , l to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or others, at the shortest notice, ua we have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their Colors go mind Willi Us. Inutuly GOLD AND SILVER SP ::C'PACLEs, P.T U C UIL EEC.' S 1. HYDROMETER S vrolghing eplritJ, Chu d“ , eutd beat traticl. , n eVr Lrought to thig city I'aeItSIOYINTELLS AN I) BA itthliETEtW, Yerying iu prico Crum 1,1:1 to VU ouch. POCKET .COMPASSES, AND [SURVEY ott's coMPASSE always ou liond at. 811AVY'S, Practical Optician, 68 Fifi'i.Street. opputiltu Mluxmic zsi. J. I. SAWYER, HANITCAM3IIERB 0➢ LARD OIL, CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, AND ROSEN SOAPS No. 4'l Wood street. Pittsburgh, Pa I=l A. 1,. WEBB & BRO (bziocamoro tc...ELDhlt 4 Wznn,) GENERAL COMMISSION El 'F. kfifiANTS AND AGENTS NOR TDE SALE OR DIIPONVE POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, Corner Pintt:and Commerce atreetup BALTIMORE, Receive Ton Consignment all kinds of iire,stern Fr•Auce, au I wake advances therer.,u. itaPHit-xlio It W. Cu.,&W Smith et Co, Iv. ti. Garrard, Miller S. RILL aeon. innt:Sto-w.em F. J. BUBLIA, C. OUTENDORP. BUSIIA GUTENDORF. ULNUYAOTOWIS or STEAM BOILERS, And all Wilda of Slacivt. Iron Work. Pin Ntreet, ussr Watsr, Pittsburgh, Pa. airitti Ovosas Puempni A s•elvD,D 9n , ffc9JStly hggs just received and for Hale by DfcCANDLEI 4 9, 314AN8 & 00., 1020 Corrior Wood and IS'abar streets. BEEN APPLES.-20 bbls. for sale by ap7 LL COLLINS PERRY & CO.'S fine and extra fine Pens, far sato at W. S. RAVEN Stationery Store, NPR. 31, 33 and 3t Markei street. A - z - r - HITE BEANS.-10 bage email white VV Beata, rerZred and far male by McOANDLES , .., MEANS & 00., Wator atrtke4 E are now opening our Bacon ,an y far tile clitaitfrult ntock of Fall and %Via ter Drens flooda, that h H over been offeredin thin city. I O ILA thin tr••ll,tra 14 LOVA !lit.rbet • A NION SETTS. -1 bbJAMES l. Onion FETZttltSOtts, for Sala Ly A , Corner Market and First streets. QTRANGE'S PENCIL SIIARPENER, for s k „•• Rae by • W. S. 11AVEN, La la CCITTIOr Marta nu d !WOW) 4 trg LOUR.-25 bola. Siiperfine our rooot bud for gale by WO/LK/Midi:3, AILANS k fe2o °order Wood and Water streets , r , •Tr'' , OF(Vic. , .. , , -. .. ,,. '-'- ,, ,. ,.,.. 4 ., ,, 4 ,r , „ . .... , i,..4. 1 p ,44 .. , ,,, , ,. '''.• , .: , <.'::, - .: • Z4.....,;11V. ; ;::i:f.:',.:0 1 - - .'N'..:' , ' '',"•:2.4..e..:.,.:..,...,:.,...:::•,;..;.,:,..1.::::.:,,,,... PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; L A t FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & RESTAURANTS THE SHADES Under Poster's New National Theatre, PITTSBURGH, PA., D. BARNARD, - - - PROPRIETOR, TTAS PITTED UP 1N A .TAST.EFUL and comfortable style, the large centre attire la the ODD FELLOSVA HALL. Filth street, as a FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT AND PALOON. Having hat ninny years' 6110/Isar° in the busluess, hale prepared to tupply the best - the market affords. Ilia Bar will be furnished at all times 6 ' ) with the best WINES, LIQUORS AND ALES. The on -75 trance to the Saloen, la in the centre of the Hull, and re ) OIL frethweats will be tut Edema' at all limed, [AY and NIGHT (Sundays oz; opted.) tould:ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, i . 2 60 3 COR. PENN' A AVENUE 4 THIRD ST., F' t WASHINGTON, D. C. A. F. BEVERIDGE scorl' 1-101JSE, Uornar Irwin Strczt and Duquesne I.Vay, 11, PA. B. I). - - - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker Liouae," Blairsville, Pa.) E SCOTT HOUSE IS - NOW COINI- I'LL:rED ANt.) OPEN FOIL GUESTS. It in altuatcd In a central part a the city, tieing couvenieui. L., all Railroad Depots and litainutkiat Laudinge. The Moues was built iu Heil, with all niethica incprece wads, and titled up In splendid etyla—tho entire Furniture being will in .'vary rsipsct he a lira claee [lute). STAB L,Eu are attached ti, the prculkes. i Jeld.y • 11. W. KAN A.(IA. 0 So tit tP U . 9 Oppolitte the Penitia. itatfroad t)epot, dAltHlSßUiti.f, PA. 1.1.16 ill A 111 rki 0 Ili HOTEL, fulitdEltLY U. 8. HOTEL, PITTSB WWII, PA JAMES SHANNON, Prdp - rietor. IIOIJSE IS LOCATED ON TIIE ciiruer and WASIIINOTON tho dEfi'fltlL AND W.E.lTEittv HA L Litthill 111.111 bus unilorguno a thorQuzh imirirovninunt, reincideleid and furutilitA with uow furnituro ' in now tilt) cony& nitut in Pittsburgh, tut Trawlers by Railroad, or Wont inythly AN SION 110 U UEORUI AU It E,INI'VZ J. 1.. 1%011114Te1.. ;.11 , 1 Liberty etroet, Just beside the l'assieiger Depot .f the Ponnaylvaula Railroad, which makes It the taunt COUVW:IIOI3t. {.lothit, in the city for paiwoligere arri ving by that road. P;Al'lto proprietor ha dug, at consider/Lie di pouse, tlttad lu excellent style, the 61AN61011 11UD8E, would respect Tully solicit a abort, of public patronage. There is attached a4pleadid S'2Al3Llt and 011.011E11W WAGON YARD, nitta.l - ample az-T.orutnoilatleu to tra,velera and toeinotere. lfie Le. der and Btu will ho turnitthett. with tho t,tit the mei h CLUJ 'Athol febt:y 4 OIititiIIiTCOPEIN,IIEST.AIJItANT. By ELI YOU NU, nyTn STRErN. ' The nttention of Merchauta • and ,them le directed to Oda` rAtablieltimait, which hail been reeently fitted .• A' rip fur the purpoae ol aileidiug a SUBS VAN• TtAL . ESTINO 110f.43E: IN A LItItITItAL o.tuntry folkb attouding marhot ar3 particularly ilivited to .Ev6rytltlng purtaluilig to au iIATINt3 8..U.t00N will itheayti La found, et the Iretdie:tt the market alturtla. lydetw eel.sior Restaurant, • No. t 'moo 3.treet, L ."3 YITTOI3 . I4IGIi, lc( iIIILEI:iALB AND t.;61'.A114 DEALER IN LAKI , IANJ EAiOI'I!'•RN The amierstottat ham Jn.t rec,iv. I fr.:ra the P.totem mar ket, tale, to.i' with great unto, e:tl ELT, 11ALItAy.r, FRESH COD Mali, EASPERN SUN Fl6ll, SE VP:tt AI, VAMP:TINS OF t.,Alti;; Voric PaliDe'd Hay, Egg Islntud, Egg harbor, Slactl - - TncTuce uvol brouglitTuThis city. Every dblicary 01 th Bucv.,tiLervt.,l up ea Lilo EXCEL•44OIi. ILES I'AUILINT. QT. CLAIR HOTEL, oorner Penn aid tit. (flair annuls, Pithiburith, unit. rdigni?l, forme' " tlrcitru'd th)tul," !diving Litho, thin large. and cumin°. damn 171 Yf EL , mid haring rutithdi it in imigUititout would rospootfully htvilu bii trionid 111.1 thn triivuling public hi gild., him 11 cull. Addiiril, with thu Cour ut thu huh and hie long 0n11 , r11311 ,, 1 In thu bnoitic,&,, F ,, uutfrn diithitartitin, awl 1114 moderato. WM. O. tit/MD..1,1,4 SAML. FAILNESTOCK, No. 14 Wood totreet, Pittsburgh, S JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FRipftl LNCi LAN V WALDRON 4 •nnin CORN Alill e3 6 HAIN SCYTHE, COLIN ROICS; PATENT AN D COMMON ANVILS; STEEL very nuperlur Draw, - ,r Loehr', very buputior Out. 1,4111, Timied nud Emiatuellai dulti - 43 Ptillo, .B:ustiug, Sprout, :ers I !awl !entitle, Hrah Oucks, Ruda,.litu,e3 at. 13 ad, Staasuriug Sup,. kn . Waiters, Curry CuiuLs, ToluA , a, Yiith, Tungtom, Stretehaud hrutll3t u vurieiy of othei gv,...thl, all Of which will La d otd ut ti-o(3. ecute Cerium. apl3 AMES .MILLINUAH., MONONGAHELA 1.1. , LN I NCI MILL, would rospectfully inform the public that Ito has rebuilt aiuco the tire, and having nultirged his e2dahlettittio at, and filled it with flu; Lowie t tt and most Me itieved anti ilitteity. so i;ow I,r ,. par,td to furitiok flooring• and planed beanie, del owl rotwing auu ru.twing, dourts, trash +tad ditilleru, kilts dried, frames, etualdiugs, Luz neilithig, South l'lttoburgh, Soptoraltet . 7, 1.657. I tn,lo CHARLES LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Lx-011ioie Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER oh wiLIE AND Illirf/ STRINTB. Alrbudinadd counoctod.witlt thid taco will be attended to with prouiptuoiii. Couvevouced of ell kiudd doll. with logo' accuracy—dual Ltd Leese, hlurigagod. Bonds, Powers of At toriloy, Sc. Tithw to grill J.Auto oxualinod. tho tootoliorn or the Bur ho tttb!oro hlo HurvirOU 113 Coal Ibid kt, or to [alto Depoot Colt. to boleti,' in the be vtral Uuur td ~t thlti titato, uud oloowhore. Illy offleo io out of tho molt, Statiouo ul too city, and eowiequoutly hln tudhtioo lu .inonhog buoineoo ut t hot land oro ver:. tionirohlo. I foltH (lUD FISII.-1O drums extra large and tine, bx thillJ by 5N.11411 P tor af 118 Stwoutl, and /47 Fire AI evt%. --10 fleeced prime, for dale by wm, 11. d;111111 I'. GO., lui 118 tailll 147 leirat aroath 1.10A1t.-50 hhde. prime N. 0. Sugar, Jura and for oak by WU. Li. HIIITII 4 (0, tair2rl 118 :lecutid, end 147 First atr6ets. COFFEE. -200 bago Rio Coffee, for sale by WM. 11 5A1.1 . 211 & CO., mr9.1:1 118 Second, and 147 First alma& VINE FLOUR.-20 bbld. Flue Flour iu hatkr., and for bale by PanCANDLESS, MEANS t CO, fa() Conant- of Wood and Wator rt. IN. ARD.--.A prime artiole of No. 1 Lard, in 1 . 4 Correll mndkegn,junr rbrohod and for nolo by McCANDLIInS, MEANS 4k Cu, 102.3 Curanr of mud Wator ntronts. DICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re , 1_ ceivod bud for ettlo by JAMES A. PETZItlit, t 024 eNtuer Alarkvt nud Fla at ntr,et4 EtillS.-6 barrels fresh Eggs to arrive [bid day, awl for halo by JAMES A. FErzun, wilt/ Oornor Jlark.t and twat A, CVLLI. I)LANTATI()N SUOAL do MO LASSES— Iuu tib(lB. fullytnir uud prime N. 0. Nagar; 60u bLIO., exit cGepbrage, prime .N. 0. Slukt.s.3s; LO °• Nt. James 6 Molaßses, bow landing awl for bale, by .51ILLER B 8.1151(.W.C50N, a1t . 25 Noe. 221 ULI d 223 I.llkrty QPICE.S.- LY 24 bags Pimento; 100 Craiu Pepper, Jut received and for sale by MILLER. I 11.1.0KETNON. rni pre. 221 and 224 Liberty' street. arsiOD 3 drama extra large Cod Fish; 3.1 large "Just received and for sale, by MILL.I;R , k LUCKED:ION, inr26 Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street, rro L ET.—A commodious three story Frame iloude, with bark Basoutant--situutad tut Bedford eitroel—to rout, by MILLER t ItECIi3aSON, mr26 Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street, MAPS.—A large assortment of Pocket Maps fur 1858, cumprining Sectional and Timmlikp Map.; id renusylvau'a, Ohio, ludisna, ll'holm, lowa, Ms. flood Kaunas, Nebraska and Minnesota, on band and for sale by W. S. HAVEN, aps Nos. 31, 38 and 35 Market street. 0D D b ur sale by ARRANT d i : r f!LL ,l o tio lVS' ROLL, f 2aci W. S. HAVEN, aps Corner Market and Second etroetH. • FRENCH PAPER lIANGINGS.—New deJgos and very beautiful—received by late arrivals, for sate by W. P. MARSIIALL & CO., mr2s Importeri and Dealers, 87 Wood street. 1 GGS.-7 lAle. fresh Eggs, received and for solo by JA R 8 A. FETZER, upB Corni , r First and Market gtreets_ WIN DOW GLASS.—An assortment of Country Glass, assorted sizes, for sale by WM. IL MTH & CO., rur26 118 Second, and 147 First streets. ETCHIIPS.- 30 dozen quart Tomato Ketchum 30 do pint do do 16 do du Walnut do 16 du do Mni.hroom do Juot teed slid for eats by REY Nhli & ANDERSON, No. 39 Woo f otroiit spa, Opposite the fit. Mules Hotel LL t V'i33; BOOKS AND STATIONERY ( ►BERT A. LOOMIS, (Succeasor to B. T. C. Morgan,) STATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, No. 41 Fifth [Arcot, Plttabutgb, Pa, Co-Partnerslitp. Tim undersigned have entered into Co- Partnership, tinder the style of Wm. C. Johnston & Co. SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON. PI t t eborg It, 'September 6,185;. R. R. JOIIIRITOT7, JR WM. O. JOHNIMODI WH. G. JOHNSTON & CO., QTATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, LI and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wool street, between Third and Fourth, Plttsburgb, Pa. pea PROPRIETRESS DIANOS, PIANOS—NEW ARRIVAL— .seitiNu sv4:K_-011ARLOTIT 111.1.1 M E, No 118 Wool etc et. 1111.1 Duet tec..ivett and now offers for sale at her now and e l adous eroeme, the fillet t eelectlon Of Pittlloll ill the cit% N an,.from th., a Rb uEST manufactorlea in tho United Bt %tea andEurope.inclusling those from the f ()Hawing makee —HAT.I. - Kr, DA FIB A o''.„l3oatota—UAlNES BROTiIERB, New York-,11,. ARDNER & fIEANS, ilambnrg—WW. it Na house In the city can come In compotitien for.the ;number, variety and celebrity of its instrnmeuts t nor the extremely low pi ict , s at.wilich they are sold. Persons if want or a lilitST QUALITY Piano Forte, are re• upe,trully invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.% Every inttrument Is 'WARRANTED and a WRITYRN ousgsto !rite. glvuta &gand-Hand P4anos at great bargains, from $5O t.O $2OO. UiIARLOTTE BLUME, • 118. Wood et-eet, second door above Fifth. , Old Planoc takuu in exchange at their full value. EattB MEW LOT OF SECOND-HAND PIANOS. faN ELEGANT CARVED ROSEWOOD 7 , Octave Chickening & SoneTinno, • v ing ben in nao a very short time, is now itc,"77„i: . . in gool order a::d wdi Le warranted by the it Num) 18 UttCrea at a Very' V low: Kier. A Rosewood Gorman PiN110,11,9 , 4' octave, made by the I vet Gorman maker; lu rocs about two year 6, and cost to import 'at leant $3OO —price SIF O. A Rosewood 7 octavo Boston made Piano, entirely now, to clAlie the consignment, •or $2OO. • A mahogany 6 octave Piano, made by R. &11 7 ..Nnnna, York, $6O. A tilatwgany t 3 ilCteNif Piano, made in Baltimore, 110. A rosewood 6 octavo Piano, old, $3O. . A n010w0,,,1 octave Piano, a very elegant and good in atrument, made by 0116 of the bout Now York makere, iu lA - b.c t order; New Yoe , price $300—5240. A tl octave excellent old Piano, with iron frame, made by Eabrock, 75. A rosewood 6 octave elliokering Plano In good order, in rao about 2 yenta, $2OO. The Include parking box and packing. For "ale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, Sole Agent for Chicirering & Bon's ' F. - .r Pittsburgh and Western Penneylvouia, npo No. RI Wood street TOBACCO AND SEGARS. viur D. RINEHART, I=l comMERCIAL COLLEGES. vO/71 ) ) (() i,4u/ ortaC, / -111 0 01 IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Piltsburgh, Pa --Chartered, 1855. Beard of 12 Trustees --Faculty of 14 Teachers 311 U STUDitNrtl ATTE .7 • ATIUAULY, 1658. Yining Men Prepared for Actual Main of the Counting Ro mt INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE sad Doubte-Nutry, Book Keeping. as need In every do per:intuit of Business. Commercial, Arithmetic Rupla fins!- , r iti❑g, Mercantile Cori cApondence, Commercial Law, Doi rosin g Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, Ph.mok - raphy, and other miujiTtel necessary for the tiler o', t-duct,tta❑ of a pi . , CLienl businessman. tild I fa, A. M., VrOrlAill, of Book-11,eping and ei s ,nrs of Ac...ount.s. .1 PORTER, Pref . of Mathematics. A Lea out" A. T. DOUTLIETT, Profa of Pen 1,01.11 , p — t,rlVt: 11 Int prrwintue uv.,r all competition fur , eat Pun and lot: I'Vritirtg, Terms, Br,— Mull cuur,,, limo Unlinutted, Miter tt au} time —s:ls. A t ago t , Lur, ti to 12 week,. 8..0rd ahuut $2,60 c,.st,stiu to s7u. Oradnated w.eidtod iu Npuchnemi of umlumiled writiug and eirculArd free. Addreae, F. W. JENI{INB, kar27 Yiltaburgb, Pfi3u.ylvania. IT IRON Clfl COINERCIAL COLLEGE, P,iniFIANICAL, AIteitITECTURAL, AND LIRAYoti DRAWING, -119ir :or tar:lint' ion .14 , 1 y to Mr. N . W. JEN I NA, Prho IV,I of lion y I.:ooonurclitl Collngo, Pith+. I•Lo awl ulketual Worm Remedy DOW :•. orof and Hold , wboksala and t.otall, by ANUELI. & IIAYT, Oar. W.. 01 and Sixtb sin., Pittsburgh, Pa, 3,a1 F.Olll by Druaab.ts 14 , 1w/4111v. . tlheLtt, aye arid Core Wanted, it 2 gum lel5llllL EITZA.PII =ILL, H E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the abovo establißbmout, atA ure preparal PAY TUB alillitta MIMIC? 1•A10t8 IN 01811 POU 25,000 11118HEIM OV WHEAT'. 10,000 10,000 CORN. It is the intention ct the proprietors to offer LEIS& num for any choice lots of White or itexi Wheat. They intend to make very cuporior Family Flour, and are willing to pay a orentinne to the fanner, in the shape of an extra price, to in. Mora him to raise a choice quality of Wheat, and to bring It to market in good order. Jylfclyd&w 11, T. RENNVIDY & BRO. ILlppincott, Shorten & -iarson, NO. 104 WOOD STEEET, NEAR rIFTEi. MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va- Hoes, Est and Bonnet Boxes, Ladies Traveling Trunks, Carpet Flags, f c., koop constantly en hand a largo stock. We aro prepared to du a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good etock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goods be fore purchasing clacwhe. ec 18. QTQT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.— . The undersigned has bought the lease of the above named Stables, to gpther with a portion of the eiten sive stock of Gorses and Carriages, - late the property of James Mathews, deceased. Li addition to the stock before-mentioned, he basalts° added a !Mather of BINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, • which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal utbsn tlon to the business, u continnanco or the patronage which he has hitherto received frcm public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, SL Charles Livery Stables. 1.1.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can sivrays be procured for Vonore , de29 IQCO U CRWHEAT FLOUR.-20 sucks-Buck wheat Flour, 50 lb McOA NDL =kid ESS, , Jun re MEANS ceive:l and CO,for sale Corner Wood and Wator streets. OIL cunt' TABLE COVERS.-50 doz. assorted sizes. Also, stand and Bureau Covers; on hand and for sale by .1. H. PHILT.4 PS, curlll 28 aud 23 St. Clair area. CHEESE -60 boxes prime Western Reserve Or Isla by *lll WIC H. WITH 00. PITTSBURGH. TUESDAY, APRIL 20. PIANOS AND MUSIC liVilfrAOT 13111311 H AND TOBACCO, SNUFT AND CIGARS Na. 729 WOOD STREET ~ ~-_- /2 C ra lato, NWT FOR ENGEtLVIID Me A%VV NG L141450N4, la 1, 11.; iC 7. . di Vl' RES , trif 0a DA CONNEOTION C ONFEOTION, 00 NFEOTION,CON F NOTION CONF NOTIONONYN T ,C 1 0 N , 0 N .1 0 1.1 0 lON,C 01INN0T I ON,CO NNW I U N,CON F EUTI 0 ,CONNNOT I 0 N CONVNOTION. ALI.EGUNNY OITY. ,i' . i.W_ , ir.i-.174•.:40'k'i:•4..:t'... , ', ..:-;,..),,,'"::: -.;.V:.-i.-::-i--.-7:;:.. EDOLII.AR .p1i1V111114.43 ra of, Z. 88 /burib &red, NIBBLES ROOM, JONES' ligt7 BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock; also, ou Weduesdav and Saturday evenings, from May let to November let, from 7 to 9 o'clocm; and from November Ist to May let, from ti to 8 Volock. Deposits received of all sums not leas than ONI DOLLAR, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in JRU.O and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cent, per annum, on the Drat of December, 1855; oleo in Juno and December, 18b8, and in June and December, 1817. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and beer* the Borne interest from the first days of June and Dezember, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or oven to present Ida pass boot. At this late, money will double in ten than twelve years, making In Ito aggregate EIGHT min earnsLe Pan WENT. A Bootie containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Rego. lotiona, furnished grotto, ou application at the °taw. Preaddent--(4ItOUGE ALBREES. VIOII 1108.114NTS. Hopewell Ilepburn, John U. Blmonberger, Janws Bhldie, N. Grattan Mut pt.y, Alexander Bradley, Isaac 11. Pennock, Robert Bubb, Janice D Kelly, ' William S. Lovely, jantoi, Ilerdiaan, Hill Burgwin, Jahn 13 Ouagrave, TWOOTSIII. William J. Andersoo: James W. flailumu. Johu U. Itackutimi ~ Churleu Kuup, Alb.nt Culbortsuu, . I'. A. Madeira, John B. WO°ld, • Johu H. Huller, J. Gardiner Cutflu,, . Wallet P. Alarahali, Aluuzu A. ilmrler, Wiluuu Al tiler. - DaN Id Campbell. A. M. Pollock., M. D. Charles A. Oultuu,g Hemy L. Itjugwah, William Douglass, Johu H. Sawyer, Francis Felh., Ueurgo b. Subleu, Cleurge F. Gil'more, Alexander Tiudlo. James 8. Huou, Thwbold Umbubut lel William 8. haven, George R. White, Se..,•etaryand 7Veasurer—CHAS. A- COLTON. BANK OF lOWA. A. J. STEVENS & CO., • DESIDAN IIOLLEOTIONS MADE and prompuj %,/ witted. LANDS aetected and locatud. CapitalLta ;wishing to wake havastmeuta iu tlio Wast,auu du au thruu B L Oita Louse. Corroapouduuun solicited. tiuy:a.:o .lyllll LOOKIS Tllvtl. D. L0.C.118.. A U STIN LOOMIS & CO., Lealora iu 21. Pro:a:awry Nolaa,lßoada, Pch - Agai s aa, awl all Sacaritia4 cut money. Mono' Loaned on Cheao-at ehurt dataa, with cullateral oocurity. NuTus AND DaAl - I'S 1101.1d1ff AND hODD. Parsons desiring Loans cini La liccousulodatntl au reabouu nlu tortes, and capitalists Call be furnished with good tle,:uri tins stlemonerative prices. A 100, attowl to tlio Salo, Routing and [wooing of (tool leatate. Office, No. O YOURTU atreot, abovo Wood. t t g,„„ AUSTIN LOOrtll'i, Notary Public. totally 110LMES & SONS, Bankers and Ex -AA • change 'Brokers, mid Dealers iu Notes, Drafts, Actioph anus, (low, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the East ern and Western Cities coustuutly tor este. ' Collections wade in nil the cities throughout the United litates. Deposits retvlYnd in par funds or current la.por, 07 Market street, between Third uud Pourth ate. UnZ.' r.fIIOM.AB W001)8, Cuunuercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bonds, 'Stocks, noel Estate, dc., No. it, onrth street, Pittsburgh, Junli O.liN W001)8, tt. —ANICEIi. AND EXCHANGE iu Eictange, (Juizaxercial and !Sahli Nute+i. stock bought and sold un cuwwicaiuu. Collectiuu.s carefully at:aided to. luteroat odd on Dopuatt.u. Nu. as JUNES' NEW BUILDING, ihnirth stroot. 1 , 4 • REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 41..1 CUTIT4IEII,T & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 • Malta utroot, for tin, Salo and porobase of kcal tlistato, routing houses, ottetultug ivanranco nud fopairs, obtaining loans ou bonds, aturtga,gos, &c,; nuking auceu, deeds, bonds, &red writing lottaa and corrospondins ivlth parties abroad, titc. -13 ELVE- SEVIIOUIt, Real Estate and insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, onfo.. • REPIILYNOII.9.-111nkmro. Ifisinku, Ouri-oEkuu Itubort Parka. Eau- - - Jylly vsPESTE N LANDS AI4IAANDER GARREIr, REAL ESTATE AItENT, NO. 6t/ WATErt STREET, CLEVELAND, 01110, has for sale Lands in Illinois, Moccasin, Allnnowta, Alichigon and lowa lin will oicliiingo Lauds iu Wisconsin, Ac., tor Pittsburgh ruannlactures, owl also for city prupt•rty. All lottors of inquiry unswored gratis, by addressing tun as uall:ly PRIJPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. Lots for Sale in the Ninth Ward. ELEVEN LOTS ON PENN STREET, 22 feet (rout by fun feet deep, Bate of the late At e cha,:ics' Gloss iri,rks ; ) will be sold on accommodating terms. Eligniiroof, ) CURLINU, ROBERTSON lk CO., a pi: I w Corner Wood and Filet streets. CONTAINING 160 ACRES, BEING A pact a Sactiou 17, in Goshen township, Mal:toning eenuty, t hie; abont 120 acted cleared, in a high state of cultivation, about one-half, meadow land, of a superior quality, thu balance high and rolling, ready fur the plough it es one of the oast grazing farms in Wel.. county, having never-failing springs on it, also ell orchard, l eariLlg trait 01 a superior quality; together with a giod and valuable steno quarry. it will be sold at a low prico and easy payments given Z0..1.),)K ktTREEr. E.aLEM, COL Co., Ohio, March 21,1854. ap9:d tf LOTS, NOS. 19, 20. AND 22, IN SILLI MANS VILLE, Ltosd township, Allegneuy county, eondprielug together, s tract of TfiIitTY•FIVE AtIRES and seventeen perches of the vary best quality of Garden Laud, under a high slaw of cultivation ' arid well timbered, Dwell. lug louse , two Darns. Stabling, Potato and Spriug fiou4s. about live hundred Fruit Treed, of every variety, of the ehelerst klud of fruit. Vie property is well dugplatil with abundance of e 2,01. and Is easy of secede to War ret, by Railroad dr I:, tad New ertghtun Plank Road. Tho property is within t MO city, and will be sold at a baigalu. S. H. W. raLu, 8 ii•fth street, PAtsbargh. r, WM. if, RUJSII, ap7:lm 9, Pennsylvania avenue. 1 4 1 01 i. SALE.-45 Lorca of Laud ucar Station, uu the Allegiiony Valley Railroad, 10 units from the city. The Ind le ell cover-A with line forest trees, which makes It a cloairabh3 place for a country root- I cloaca. 2 Building Lots, oach 20 by 100 feet on Penna. avenue, near tiliigeo street. 5 do do on Vickroy street, near Magee street. 14 do do on Maria strait, near Magee Id trt.q. 3 do du ou Bluff bud Isabella ,treets, lu the Eigth Ward of the City or Pittsburgh. !deo, 1 tot un the corner of Penn and idarbury etreete, trouttng SO feet on Peun and 109 teat 10% inches on Mar hury etr.d.t, adjacent to the depot of the Podneylvanit Rod toad. For tonne, etc., inquire of InA 10 JON Eti, utt2o.lin . comer HOB 1 and Filet ate., Pittabargh. A PLEASANT RESIDENOE FOR SALE . 6 c. . --4,ltuate in South Pittsburgh, on the Monongahela Liver. '1 he house Is large and convenient, having a hall parlors, dinhigroom, kitchen and 4 cherabere, a flue porch hunting the river, a good cellar, stable and carriage house, a large garden with great variety 4:Laicize frail, shrub. teary, etc, grabo arbor, shade trees, etc. For price and tertua, inquire at the eiBre et S. apl2 61 Market street. v.IOUNTAY ESIDENCE NOK RENT - ,' Situate at ai,,ut 2 miles from the city, 21 acres of land; taiga and comfortable dwelliug house of 10 rooms; a good spring huume, catriago baud, stable, etc., a teuaut home and other out.bni.diuga, garden, fruit trees, grava and small fruits, a stow wall and iron railings in froal of the house and garden, alc.,wlll ha rented low to a good ten ant. 13. CLITIIBERT & BON, apl2 b 1 Markut qreet. VALUABLE EAST LIBERTY PROPER- Ti' FOR bAI,I2—A large lot of groand, 6u feet Omit by 200 deep to a street, with a new Frame Dwelling Dense ut Hall, two parlors, dining room, kitchen and 5 chambers, wide_porch In front, geod cellar coals-hone, stable, fruit pass, etc, Price, $2OOO. Terms easy., ap7 • S. OUTO - DEBT a SON. 51 Market 'treat 1 4 1 0 R RENT—That large and couartable j Dwelling Hamm, sitaate on the Bank .of the IIlunon• guhela river, oppoalte the city, held ut preseut in the ()Cal of Marshall, ki4,. cholas. trait; [shrubbery, eta. to nbundagce and great variety. Apply mr3l & dnallgitT SUN, 61 Market at f I aTORE ROOM ON • FOURTH STREET 1..,) FOR RENT.—A large Room and Cellar, between Aar lett and Wood streets. S. CUTLIBE.EtT k SON, ' mr3o 61- M arket street rFII - IREE STORY . BRICK .DWELLING 1:10IIS .YOB BENT—Sitnate on Marbary street, be tween Penn and Liberty °treats, cantoining a boll, 2 par- }ors, ti chambers, dinteg room and kitchen. - Rent, $lOO per year. B. OUTIIBERT & SON, mrBo 61 Market strest. AHOUSE in good order, and lot of ground on Monterey street, Allegheny, can bo had for the small amount of 025. Terms easy. rara S. CUi ILBERT A SON, 51 Market et. 'IVOR s6oo—two hundred in hand; balance In ono and tuo yeans, will secure a dwelling house and lot of ground, on Mt Washington. mr27 : • •B. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Mardet - st. ARARE CHANCE to purchase a good dwelling house and large lot of ground, in Sharps burg,. Bur price and terms, apply at our ulllce. mr27 B. CUTHBERT I SON, pi Market at. TWO DWELLING - HOUSES, ' with large lot of ground to each house, situate oa Carson street, South Pittsburgh, will be sold on favorable terms, by B. CUTHBERT ft BON, rarl7 ; s.llllrirltet Omer- 1,70 R SALE—A Drug Store r located in one ,of thetost situations In the city ..of Pittsburgh, for either ajobbing, retail or prescription buaines4. Purchas ers will Had an advantgo of rare occarrfzuce. Far iaforma don Inquire of JOHN HAW, Ja., No. led, corner Sixth and Wood streets, fat - - . • Pitte.hrgh, IVIARSEILLES SHIRT FRONTS, • AND 131:11ItT White and Fancy Oolora, just received at HORNEM 77 Market 'street BANKS. Valuable Farm For Sale, For Salo. ..;',..,';: -:;t , : z' , 'l - 4.7. - g:',i`-, , -, ,, dt41..,-vv,4'. ~ : ...,:z:::, -. 3:., ; f;.:4,, : , . - : r . ..7, . ; - 4i-:cii: 7 .,;,'i,i.,:.?•e 1 :c;; ,, ,.. ,,, ,.... '., . • . "'.:..1A": . '' : 11,a: - . - ,... ~_. MERCILViTS' INSURANCE MANY, WM. V. PETTIT, President D. J . Secretary. Amount of C.vpital Stook paid in and invested...V.2oo,ooo CO Burping 63,428 5.5 V 283,103 85 Insures Cargo Risks ou the Ohio and lSliseianippi Itivers and tribatarl-a. Insures against loss or damage by Fin-, Also, agedust the Perils of the Sea and Inland tk:vigation and Transpoi talon. DIRZOTOSS: Wm. V. Pettit, J. 0. Montgomery, John M. Pcmroy D. J. McCam., E. r. Witmzz, Rene Ordßor., B. L. Woolst,n, John A. Marohall, "Chro. P. Wright, John J. Pelt, mon, Elwood T. Posey. OPP 102119: WILLIAM V. PEfin.'lT, - k. P. WITMER, Vr.e2 D. J. McaaNN, In Philacitip.'da': l ln Pk kukipitia: tielger, Lamb A Co., J ustice h. Co., Truitt, Bro. & Co., Buck, Morgan & Stldfola, A. T. Lane h. Co., . I PrEnroy.Caldwell & Co. 111.75.81. RUH ok - FicE, NO. 07 WATER STI:EET. opg It. W. POINDEXTIIII.. Agelit. RE iNsURANCE, Reliance Riazinal IhtataArance CO. OF PHILADELPHIA ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, DIKE, FISRNITITRE, &C., IN TOWN Oft COUNTRY, Ottlce, WO. 30g Walnut street. CAPITAL, ti i 7,1>M1 4SSEIS, $1854,468 $9. Invested a $ follows, vi'.6 : First Mortgage on Improved City pi npoi ty, worth double Mu automat $120,'200 00 Pauueylvania Iteitto.o.lllo:e 0 per cent. si,digage Luau, $30,0J0 cost 15,50 u 00 Allegheny County d per cent. Penn'a H. R. Loai. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Cu2ll Stock— 4,000 00 'Stuck of the Itelianco Mutual lueuzanco Co--. 19,150 00 Stock of CoMity Fire Insurance Co 1,050 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies 475 00 Bills ltcceiva .le, business papsr 62.711 60 Beok Accounts, accrued interest, etc 3,330 19 Cash on hand and in 'Rauh 16,043 20 Clem Tingley, William R. Then/peon, lravid S. Brown, Cornelius SteVOliff 014 John R. Worrell, H. L. Careon, Robert Brodea Jobemon, Charley Wool], Juinea-S Wora ward, mr3 J. OAR mr3 North-east gem PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1-1-9 Chesnut Street, Opp3eite the Custom 111:111j8. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INBU. RANCE, either Porpotual or Limited, on every tleBeripttou or Property or Nterchandise, it roasormble ruti.3 of premium. . ROBERT P. KING, Premident. . 62. W. BALLAVIII, Vice 'reetdent. P110:00118. Obarloit liayoa, B. R. Cope ; R, li Euglioh, Outage W. Brown, P. B. Privery, Joimph 8. Paul, • C. :411urtnan, John Clayton, .1. Niagurgen, B. Wtkr. U. BuoEilUttllls, Secretary. J. a: COFFIN, Agalkt, Corner Third end Wood utrons. cirrtzENs' INSURANCE COMPANY PITTBBLIRCIII. WILLIAM DA0A.14.1 anal;,;,:. BAMUEIL L. hfAIDIIII2I.I,, rl:•cretory. OF.PICE: 91 Water strezt, be.:tv. , ./..r: Mark,/ orld 1.1:4e/1.) Insurea HULL AND DAIWA.) Jclßlir on the Ohio find Ilinabadppi ilivori And teitntacitg. bormroalsoinat Lo, a or Diunage by 21.Rfi. - • Also, agduat tho Yerlti of Cho Per. and J3•l6Tirl L , lvitrat ion and' ransportation. William liagalcy, Samuel Rea, James M. Cooper, Jainea Park, Jr., Law, NI. Pennock. Springer Ilarbangh, Capt. Samuel 0. Young, John Caldwell. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOCK HAV.KIV . , CLINTON COUNTY. CELAETERED BY THE LEGIBIATUBE OF YENNBYLVAN Cash Capital.. $300,660 THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Banding,, Morchar.thee, Furnitiire, sc., it, th - r.a. ..v country, Hon. Jan. J. Fecirc”, Run. G. G. Gary ,y , I Ci.ailc s A. - Ai. ) t John B. Ball, Charles Cristo.l Peter Dickinson T. T. Abrams, D K. Jackman, 1 VV. Will tc, Tlioniae Kitchen. HON. G. U. ii AitV E V, i'rcahie a ;., T. T. ABRAIIEI, Vice i'reoJeut, Tuns. KITCILEIT, 2 ecretary. F.EFEFIENC,z Samuel H. Lloyd,- I A. A. Wincgardner,lJohn W. May/Ica:4'A. L. A. Mackey, Hon. S Cameron, JEIM:•3 A tmstri.a. , A. White, , Thal. Bowman D.D, William learon, James Quilitgle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Win. OFFICE—NO. es rirryt STILRET, PIT7BBITEGH. dalitf J. A_ LIPPERT, Agent. rpuE,. FRANKLIN FIRE I_N S URA NCE 00Ilf.PANY, OF PIIILADELPILLA.. DiskOTona--Charles W. Banckor, Thomas Hart, Told:Ls Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. smith, Goo. W. Richards, !dordocal D. Lewis, Adolphl Porte, David 8. Browne, Mop rio Patterson. Guns. hi. lituestan, President. Oars. G. aurairsa, Socratary. Continue to make insarauce, perpetuator Limited, on ovary description of property, in town and oonntry. at rates as low an ore consistent with security. ' Th. Company have roserved a largo Contingent Fond, .2,lltch, with their copital nod a 11.,1, softly invented,. 1. ford ample protootiou to tLe unlirod. The Assets of. Gm Cowpony, on Jun wa, Ist, INct, sn pub. Relied agreeably to an Act of A quanWly, Wert: as foliowa, via: Mortgage S 918,1•28 63 lieu! kainte Tampon:ay Ltwais Stocks a 0...- .. Total $1,212,708 44a Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one years, flicy have paid upward of One hlillion Four liuudrod Thou- Cana Dollaru,l a:alas by tire, th,reby affording evidtsucc of tho advantagea of insurance, as well ua the ability and disposition to meet wlth'proimptueas all liabilities. . . J. CI AIt,DINELS, CO FIN, Agent, nail Office, 'writ:l,lllk cor. Wood and Third ate. NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, FRANKLIN DIJELLINGS, 414 WALNUT 'STREET. Organized ander the General Insurance Law, with a Cab tfipital of taoo,ooo, privileged to increase to $5u0,000. la- Buren against Lies or damage by FIRE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. OITIOnS: 13. 0. LA.UtilELEN,Presiden t. 111.01 PD Slll ELD V. Prn' t. GEORGE SCOTT, Secr,taiy. DIEPVOHSt H. O. Laughlin, IL shatweed, Alutitgoakery, W. 0. ritotoabury, •R. 51. earlile, • Richard Shielde, It F. Showell, 0. 0. Btftler, Osborne, 0,30 rge Scott. TITE Bt OHAFFEY, Agents, jol:y Oahe Lafayette Hall, entrance au IVcied et. LIFE. FIRE AND , MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 96 WATER STREET, PPVTABURGII, PA. ROBERT 4ALWAY, Pr (done. Aua.. BRActzi, Vict, Pretddent. F. A. ELLNYHILB.T, Secretary. ArThie Company malcoa oxoryinauranco appert.sdnlng to or connected with LIFE RIBES. on Also against 111 ILL AND CARGO RISKStho Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE RISKS generally. 4nd against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safaty to nil parties. DIRSOVJP.S. Hobert Galway, Samuel M'Olarkan, Joseph P. Gamma, M. IF., John Scott, James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alezander Bradley, Joseph S. Leech, John Fullerton, N. N. Hart, David EL Chambers', Hobert H. Hart Joy, William Carr, J no. Mollll. 5e2.5 WESTERN. INSURA NCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH'. GEORGE DAItSIL', : resident; P. M. llogrow, Secretary. Orms No. 92 Water straot, (Spang & Co's Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure against all kinds of : in - AILINk RISES. A Homo Institution, managed by Di.uct sr. who ars :eel) known in the community, and who are deta - mint..l, by promptness and liberality, to maintain the hornet er which they have assumed; as offering the best prot^etion to thc ,, e who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OCTOBER 315t,1957. Stock Accounts„. Mortga ßeceiv ge,...... .$131,600 00 131113 able, 2,160 00 Offico Fun:attire Open Amanita, 4,161 67 „ -- .......... .. " .. .. u 514 240 302 94 1 63 1 4: 6 39 5 Crush,: , • E l' ing rem p t;ir co N tm ot te es, 47 ...... .... ....... ...... ...... . . .... 9,478 04 Doscr.ani9 George Dania, E.. Sillier, J, - , .1, yr.- Butler, 0 aorge W. Javtar,z, Jalllo9 )Ic/coley, Alex. Speer. Andrew Ackley, Wm. Knight, Nathaniel Holman, Alexander NimielL, A.M. Long, Wm. a Smith, O. W. Iticketsan, F. M. 00.13.D0N, nov24 ' Secretary. ~~ ~~ <:.; 1858 INSURANCE. BY THE s2s2,4tiii b 9 CLEM TING LEY, t DIRECIOLLS. Samuel Biel,luun, Robert Steen, wljliam homer, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marnhall 11111, Z. Lothrop, Oharlon Leland, Jacob T. I3nuting, Smith l3oweli, Win. M. tieluph3, Pittsb'g 1. HINOH.MAN, :ieetetctry. DINE, COFFIN, Agent, tor Third and Wood streeto. 1,141-b. Eatnuel M. Kier, -John S. Dilworth, Frincip 13. 114-p3 John Shiptoa, SYDltorlyani, ja22 WEST BELANUH. D/R.LOIOF, PITTSSUROU ~•_ _ .''':.;'.'.:.A';',.i.l?..`,:,'-'..".....:..:,.!!..,!,•..!i.:"Yr...25%-:.:f?z...,.:'.:.7..,,,,-;',_:,::,..-..::',,,,if':::-.:;-:..::.;'--.:',... ::.,- .... --. ............. : ....- .' iig,',1.'"f.AViiiii.':..1.,..i....;:"...,.....1....":.....!''.,.---.1.'rZi?.:.:4... THE DAILY POST. MARIAANE ESTERLING. [CONTINUED.] It was 7. t . l a great effort of moral courage, indeed, ti. ..t he latter undertook the office; and though, Rh n he felt the light arm of the shy but gleeful girl passed through hie, and touching his side, a feeling of novelty and pleasure min gled with his embarrassment, yet as they walked al )ng he was altogether at a loss how or on what topics to address her. Of the nonsense—the spoken silliness, garnjshed with smiles, and 'in terspersed with little flatteries, wherewith fine gentlemen entertain the fair sex (often to the great delight of the latter, at least in appear at ce.) and which approaches nearer to the lan guage mutually understood by babies and'nur eery-maids than to any other ,discourse weswot et—he was as ignorant as he despised it, and d ose accomplished in its idioms. Consequently, fel- the greater part of their walk scarcely a word was interchanged between them. At ng , h, happening to sass a print seller's win d iw, a large plate of one of Martin's paintings arrested their movement. In a moment he was fixed, and stood absorbed, till, recollecting him ee If, and turning his head, he saw her gazing at the picture, with her finger on her underlip, and her eyes beaming a delighted wonder. His tongue was loosened, and, drawing her attention to different points of the subject, he descanted enthusiastically on their merits. In a low, mur muring voice, whilst yet her eyes were fixed upon it, she replied in acquiescence, expressing her admiration of the multitudinous crowds, the stu pendous buildings heaped pile upon pile, mid stretching, through most correct perspective, far into the distance, the graceful and kriking fig ures in the foreground, and the strange air of grandeur, antiquity, and mystery, that pervaded the whole composition. As they walked on, this formed the topic of an animated discourse, and be was gratified to fend her possessed of a very fine natural taste, along with an earnest and sensible way of ex pressing the just opinions she appeared to form. In the course of that evening, the conversation at the clergyman's table chanced to turn upon literary subjects, especially the Waverley novels.. As it ran on, Basil was led to remark very strongly on what he called the incorrect and most ungenerous picture presented by their author, of the founders of big country's religion-e-repre- senting them as bloodthirsty ruffians, canting, ambitious knaves, raving fanatics, and empty headed coxcombs ; and depicting their inveterate persecutor, one of the most cold-blooded and un principled partisans that ever was oast up by the ferment of a civil war, as a mirror of honor and relinement—holding up a man whose memory had never hitherto been alluded to by his coun trymen, but with execration, as a very paragon rf chivalry. Would it not have been right," continued he .iconeidering the thing but in the light of a mat tee of taste, for a man who had (with what mo tives I presume not to judge) abjured the princi ples taught him by honest and worthy parents, to have at least maintained a decent silence with regard to them, and not renegade-like, turned round, and with the weapon of anonymous fiction misrepresented and mocked his father's faith, and those whose blood, shed like water, made It the established religion of his native land ?" The reader will here observe that we are stating at },resent our hero's opinions, and not cur own —the better to prevent any misconception with .r.%gard to which, we shall detail no further the hitter tirade be indulged in, getting more earn est and exoited as he proceeded. It would have been amusing to watch Mari anno's face co he spoke. Now she huog on his words with a look of admiration and delight, as if ohe listened to some enporior being—then, with on expression of sorrow, of envy, almost hatred, did abe regard the clergyman's worthy vicar, to whom all his conversation was directed, cad to whom seemed to pay no much respect rod regard. last, even a tear stole gently in;, , her eje, I,ul it wad unperceived by any but the learned then that a fine person, bee ~ lathing, and a ready address were not all tet: charms a. man. might possess to ha loved : wed:dere(' that a youth who had ere- V , }11:1 seemed so awkward and uninviting, should sr , sultlonly change into one so gifted and love able. ,1y they returned home that EVetlitig, they I,llnd the gate into their s.treet obstructed by a crowd, and that consequently they would require to go round by the park. Thywent; and if they did prolong their walk down one of the gluier, the night was certainly very br:atifid, and the a 4 Wa9 su fresh and pure after the elosenens of the tos:t. .after that, they met each other frequently in th-2 garden and about the house, and books be gan wbe borrowed and lent. 'Oh, what admira bl,l make-believes are book-borrowing visits among the young I Then there was the procur ing of flower seeds, and planting them In the garden—the daily joyous visits to watch the young blades of green shooting above the soil. Besides, were there not shopping excursions, walks in tha park, and frequent sketching expe ditions? All this ended in vehement, o'erniastering love Etch of their hearts was well prepared by air tuous education—by loneliness—by previous ab sesoil of all ardent emotions, to become com pletely posse7ssed with that powerful spirit, the passion which " never loves but one," and each willingly yielded to its rapturous invasion. Loving (IMMO to be the sole business of their thoughts—pleasing each other the one motive of their actions. Their jay was to be near each other—their pain, to be away—their hope, that they would never part—their fear, that the affec tion of the loved one might grow less. Love ruck as this is happiness. We may be pleased with fame, proud of rank, gr:titled with friend ship, overjoyed in the acquisition of wealth, elute l by the possession of power, but we are nevi - r blessed till we know we are beloved. So well and universally recognized is this truth, that all tribes who believe in a future state of rev, i,rd make their heaVen a regiiin of love. But our felicity is decreed to be brief and dashed with trouble. The rose must •have its thorn, find the thorns of love's blossoms are many. But that which wounded poor Basil's heart with the most cankering sting was jealousy. He could not beer her mention a name but a.pang shot through bim, or allude to any quality he did not possess, without feeling his heart sink. 84,377 78 83,136 27 131,888 84,340 81 Mr. Houldsworth, who occupied the remaining apartments besides his own, was a stylish young follow, the junior partner of a rising firm of cot ton br,,kers in Liverpool, and their traveller and general agent. lie considered it but a piece of pastime to make love to his landlady's daughter, who, he deemed, should have felt herself honored by such attention. But while she took care to avoid all ir,timacy with him beyond what the fact of ffieir living under the same roof required, yet even that was wormwood to the student. He felt in misery to hear words of cheerful greeting pass between them in the hall, or to see him come out to her to the garden to ask a tlivier for his button-hole, and obtain it from her hands, after a long choosing for a pretty one ; and when he beheld the showy young man, bewhis kered and curled, dressed after the latest fashion, and glittering with jewelry, jump into hisdashing gig, and make the quick step of his blood mare rattle through the echoing street, he could not lielp exclaiming— , "Can such things be—that a woman in her senses can be influenced by attractions which any fool can proviie himself with for a feW sov ereigns in the next street ? Can Marianne be :such,a woman?" . lit le possible she might have felt a capricious pleasitre in making him believe she was pleased with this- person; for what delight is equal to the perception that one we love much is jealous I of our affections wandering away ? . Besides, it was useful to have something wherewithal to keep up the balance of independence, when sorely to her mortification, would persist sn vi.siting a Pr.- 'e, and in extolling the ocri qualities of his sister. Alas!'many a solitary salt 'tear did these praises cost her, for she h:new he was not foto:ling whenhe expressed. -111.31 - 1 opinions, and that the esteem ho felt for the lady was sincere. Many were the little coolueszes that-front truch mans as those arose between them, which, how aver, were always in a few days forgotten. Oh, the rapture ofa reoonciliation with one we dearly MEI k DOMESTIC STORY y , --~~Aj: yi d '(~~. '.. :E:-.. r~~.i.::JS' ~ d: c'~Y'' Y .fj,. love whezi we are young, from whom we have be enstranged but by a little unfounded jeal ousy ? But all these annoyances faded into nothing before a master-passion that now usurp ed his mind—a new jealousy, that by its certainty and overwhelming nature made his former doubts and surmises disappear, and caused .him with bitterness to wish that once more he had nothing but them to disquiet him. When he became first on terms of intimacy with her he remarked several calls at the house by a gentleman, whom he knew to be one of the leading manufacturers of his native town, and to be also at the head of a flourishing trading house in the city of his present sojourn. His name was Warkworth; he was a married man, but childless. He was of questionable character— indeed, bore the name of a libertine. The first time Basil saw this individual about the house, which was when he had been about a year lodp ing there, and was beginning to take notice of those who came to it, be concluded he must be mistaken in the person. A few months and he observed him again. He now thought he might haeo called upon Mr. Houldsworth on some com mercial business. But when two years had passed and his passion was now in its full tide— when he began o to be frequently in that quarter of the house where his landlady immediately dwelt—he made the alarming discovery that this stranger's visit was altogether to the latter and to her daughter. Moreover, he observed that there-was on all si es a desire to conceal the (I, \_ visitS. especially froll him, and that whenlhe parties were surprised tmither there was an omi nous confusion observable bn every countenance. Warkworth looked like one that suffers a petty annoyance ; Mrs. Esterling was pale as death, and appeared to feel an exacerbation of her malady ; Marianne blushed scarlet, and remain ed without a word. There was a mystery about all this that, deeply interested as ho was in the welfare of the fair_ girl, put his mind completely on the rack, and filled it with conflicting doubts, surmises, fears and hopes. Helgoland a difficulty now in study, and would sit for hours looking away from his open books, in reverie. For the first time he felt it necessary to exert a mental effort to fix his attention to them, not for the pleasure they yielded, as heretofore, but as a relief from pain ful thoughts. But at length this wore off. Love, which can not think aught ill of its object, threw a roseate veil over the whole circumstances, and he was fain to believe that all his suspicions were but the foolish offspring, of his own over-anxious affection—nay, he was shortly convinced of. It, and that the dear girl was altogether pure, true, and his own. Subsequently they became, if possible, still more attached to each other. Many of her even ings Etho passed in his study ; she would bring her work with her, and sit quietly by him as a sister, plying her needle, or reading by the bright tight of his Argand lamp, and ever and anon raising, her eyes to bond a fond, admiring look on the happy student, as, absorbed, he pored upon his books. Or hero they hold long, quiet conversations for hours, cr she would sing to him, or listen to his flute. Everything of interest that happened to him about the university or elsewhere—every new opinion he formed, or was led to form, with re gard to anything he could comprehend—every feeling of his mind, each joy and sorrow, each hcipa and intention he unfolded to her. His his tory, and recollections of his ohildhoOd, and of his father and his home, ho freely imparted to. bor. A similar confidence ha met with from her, save upon one point--her connexion with Work worth. To this she never once alluded ; she al ways Ariake with delicacy and reserve about her own descent. Her father had been a manufac turer in the city, but wee net a strietly good man; he had separated from her mother, and afterwards left her, with , but their house and furniture whereby to earn a living. But ;n the midst of thin an occurrence took place which brought affairs between them to a crisis. Basil had gone to he present at a sale of books, pictures, 4*.c., of me eccenirie eh - tale:gen Hereon, lately deceased, The hence was about a dozen miles from the city, and he would require to be for the.whele day from the house. As ha wont, however, to hire a carriage to convey him to the sale, he dissevered, from the posted adver tisement, that he was a week too early, having mistaken one Alonday for another. This was nothing remarkable to one of hid absent, inat tentive habits; and, turning, he went {slowly back toward his lodgings, tie lingered by the way, however, at IibTIVTIAP Gild booksellers; shops for several hours. As he drew near Mid rn3 sauntering along in the Banny the day, his eyes were attracted by the singular sleg,auce of figure of a young lady who walked a few paces in ad vance of hiw , han g ing on rlia arm of a lab, manly- fool ing , rciddie-aged gentleman. • :is he looked, the train of thought that had previously occupied him faded away, and a new conception gradually took form in his mull. Ile was cer tain that graceful form was a familiar Ideal o/ his thoughts. And then that stray look of flaxen hair petpiog out front tinder the bonnet i It must be—lits heart heat gulch—the blood leaped to his - head— -s, thonatind dread doubts over whelmed him at once. Trembling with excite maitt, he harried up, passed them, and turning, beheld his loco the detested worth. rip E CLIEMICAL oLivE ERASIVE E3OAP, mauntactured I y R C. Bawyer, rrceives the preference OVEV uII rth r kiro.3 Li - Fr GiTafeil Camify use. Its advantages over other Loapi era:-I_t. It is rbeapei to nee. one pound being equal to thr::a of common radii Soap. 2d. half the limo need milt be ciampied in washing when this Soap in used in pir...a of ether Loop. 11.1. Lebo: in washing oan be nearly ihspensed with, cc the clothed will require little if any reibLin , , time avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Boding the &doilies to anneceesar:, when Chia Soap is used, and hard or salt water same'e equally us well as soft. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, find it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily moves grease, tar, paint, printere' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, end the"uisa of the wash.boixd, the following directions should be followed: Fer the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve In one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tub containing about ton gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutee, wring out, and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spots, may require a alight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, withont rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. .4Fir Observe oar name on each bar. For sale; in any quantity, at our warehorze, No. 47 Wood street, anti at our works, opposite the Round ERMAN Penn- Sylvania avenue. 11. C. & J, It. sAlvsEit, feta No. 47 Weald street. F OREIGN FRUITS! REDUCTION IN PRIDES, AT Tall PAOODA TEA STORE. We are now sidlim , Turkey Currants at Sc lb. French and Zantaliarrants, at 10c and 15e ill fh. New Valencia Raisins for cooking, at 1254 c lb. New blalagu* •• 6. at 15c yi lb. Now Smyrna Figa 12% and 15c ? Now Oorman Prunes at 1113 c ?Br. Also, Citron, Lemon and orange Beals, Spices, .10. _ Raisins, Currants, Pigs and Prunes, whole talent the low• est market price. 11AWORTH, BRO. A BROWNLEE, turd Ovrner Diamond and Diamond albs. WINDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 6 inch Itch ction.otor, for aolo H. IL COLLINS. DRIED APPLES.-30 sacks prime Dried Apples rermvod, and for Ede bq McCANDLEBB, M 1 ANEI Ac Corner al Wood fwd Water streets. .______ 1.2.500 0 A_N ,on good business o T r O acc ij omm - cdatlon paper, In amounta li.m $lOO to .$2.000, having from one to nino months to run. Eenqniro ci J. K. 111.MANG.F., 'No. 67 Fonrth street, tip- , t ano..- t.. - . Mc-C.:Si:WM. Pant. uar2r!air BLOCK AND LETTER SIGNS—Of any style desired, in Gold or Plana Colors—manufactztred and put up at short notice, by J PHILLIPS, org 28 and 28 St. Clair street. ,AvOOLLEY'S SAIiVE for sale wholes's° and retail at the pro.! t.ire of JOHN HAFT, JR, Catuer of IV:ou rta., Pitt3bougli. 100 BBLB ' O C A . L . g . E C t i.I2IC u R I A . V fi e tt l) L,' IS sad 20 Wood street. 1, 1 OUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING—ft all of branches executed prorupt.• ly and in the b.tat mane r, Ly A: H. PlllLtle9,. mr9 .1d and St. Clair atrAo.t. I J ARD 0.1.1..—We have commenced manu facturiug Lard Oil, and sell bo pleneed to receive id. Glen for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mat het. We will nil barrels retarded 'when doatred. B. C. a 3. H. SAWYER, .phINUS TU ItENT.—Two elegant Hose uccd 634 octal'', Plante, be rented to private fans. Wen only. Airily V. 3 inti2l H. HIELLali x fere' ' al Wood atm:, NFOI - 4,Aalf NUMBER 160 [TO Br. GONTIIIWBD.:1 IMMMIE=I