SPECIAL NOTICES. APPOINTMEN"r lATENDED TTO JUNE FIRST. DRS. C. M. FIT CH 4- J. W. SYKES, Will remain hi their Office, No. 191 Penn streoz OPPOnTS: ST. CLAIR UOTEL, PITTSSUIWII, PA., TILL J1.1.V1,7 FIRST, 19 3:, And may be eonsultEld - tinily, (except S.u❑days) tor CONSLIMPiIoN, ASTII3f A, and ALL CTUE.: tIIIONIC COMPLANTS complicat.l with, or camlng pulmonary diazase, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Diumaia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4.c. k SYKES would state that their treatment of Ccorumption is tailed upon the fact that the dika.ze exists in tl s blood and :yr/ern at large, Goth kfore an during its tlevrif±pment in the lungs, and they thrretrum employ gienic and tltdical remedies to purity the blood and rdrungt hen the system. With thtse, they I.lBd MEDICAL IN IIALATION, *Wel/ they value highly, Lot only a 3 Eania. tires, which used alum) hare no Cr.r.eite ulfecta and lnyn- Ilda are earn-stly urtrtioned rdtainst wasting tiro becloud time of ruiability on any trr atment based, upon the plausi ble, but false idea tier t the seat oft ho discrete can be reached u direct manner ley Lil:alut pun. *A- No charge for conaultation. A list of questions will he i.oiit to those wishing to consult us Lc letter. Address DRS. 0. M. FITCH. k J. W. BYISES, 101 Penn bi.twt, Plttaburgli, Pa oar- Wily WILL YOU SUFFER ?—atead tho tratimony of Dr. U. P. LEONARD, Drugglit, Puyotto C. IL, Alo., Janu• f y 1853 tzir—" Hoofland's German Bitteishave done wonders lo this section. A youth, d. Eon of G M. Hubbert, Esq., of this county, had been for Bayernl mouths under the ...Bre of our best practitioners Without rollor, and the case rep,rted doubtful, and the young, man although he.?xcely abri, to get aI.:A/LC.OEIIMM Ced With the Bitters. He fiiiind do much re. lief from the first bottle, he continued to take, until a coat phstu care was idlteted. Ho is now p&rfcatly well and stout." advortlsement. '!'or zah3.by ILI:MING BROS. said Dr. tUO. non .2welsox Pitibt r rob Uls 1 c..I4O N II () N T I' I tTNI I.— II A li tT a a II INSTITUTE, r S e h O e tt reb . y r till flint an arieienient of TWO DOLLARS PEI: im.tue, on each Shure of the Capital litock of ilaid Company, parable on the 20th Met., at the lien hieg ]louse of Kramer iu the city of Plt'oborgh. Ily of the "Marti, ap7i2w J011:1 TreaHuter. 111JEINIISS :URN'S DAILY UNION PRAYER tI SIERTING, at LA.PAYETTeI HILL, Wood E. trKt, troth 12 to 1 o'clock, daily—commencing FIUDIY, April 9.b, and continuing until further notice. La} men will con• duct tho mootlnge, but Clorgyn on are earnestly requested to ha present and teko port in the exurolsoi. Come iu for five minutts, if }au cannot remain longer. ap2:tf 1-3 U NESSCARDS W. Alusam, Phi ....... . ...... W. IticEetioN, Pittsb% MILLIE & IRICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS-, AND IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, "WINES AND SEGARS N05. , ',421 and 223 # Corner of Liberty and Irwin Stretta, AND SOLE AGENTS Di?. Sivetcrer' P. City Glass, PITTSBURGH, PA. MON, NAIL?, COTTON YARNe, &Q., CONSTANTLY ON HAND PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS• ISAAC JONES ...... .7140.L.80YD Wl. MOCULLOUGIJ JONES, BOYD & CO. Mitt •JYACTUIIIGH OP CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRINC.J, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, OPAING3 AND AXLES. Carszcr itama and Firat Street's, PITTSBURGH, PA. D. B. ROGERS & CO., .11.1.MUkAUTUR&R8 ROGEitS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIV IT OR TEETH, CORLMR. 11,08.8 Mn) FIRST STRIMS, WILLIAM GLUTTON . & CO., WiIOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR 31 E C ANTS, NO. 57 DIA.NIOND ALLEY, Near Wool PITTSBURGH, PA. 4:ir A' ways on Land, Blackberry, Cherry, autl Cognne Dratulies, Old s.lonong.ihela uud Rectiaed Whisky, of the re hp.t eydelt &WILEY, COSiaAVE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. and 20 Wood Street, mrls PITTSBURGH. REMOVAL. JOHN MOORHEAD has removed to No. 7.1 Water street, Mow Market JOIIN 11X0011.111EAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, PING METAL AND BLOOMS, NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW MARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Conimissiou Iderche.nt, Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Prothro: , generally, Corner of Almrket and First streets. PIMBIittGII, PA. RIIEB TO—Franzin G. Bail , Dllvtoeth, Sr., B. Cuthbert Ar. Son, Pitiabdrgli; Boyd Ott, Icelakell xvearingii., S. Brady, Caul.. M. & M. Bank. List & Dlauglo .t Ca., Goorird W...kudoraon, Doala. - , Paxton & Co. Whaalfug. roxVitiott rir A RD WA RE. c„,AMLIML FATINESTOOK, No. 74 WOOD IJ atretA, Pittsburgh, hai on hand a huge STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which ha will sell very low for OMIT. In addition to his Lucks, Maps, Ruive,i and Purkq, and Spuund, and a large asdartuioat of i:;arpouter's Tool hn hay reenlynd a largo sap ply of BousagtiCaiters and matters ; Tongnoa and pulsars; Sleigh and Enainulud Proserting Kettles. Office of Sealer of We and • Measures. THE OFFICE OF TUE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER, OF IVEIGEfTS AND MEAV-rit May bo found henceforth, in Clwrry alloy, hetv.,on Third and Fourth street 3, where orders may be left. mrl3:tf -CHARLES BARNETT. J. I). HOUSEMAN, (LATE OF lIOUSEMAZ4 & SMITII,) COMMISSION AND FORWARDING IREFtf!EgANTS, No. 9 ii. s;econd 6'Lreet, npB:3ni ST. LOUTS!, MISSOURI. ROBERT D ALM: LE JAMES E. DREADING OBEItT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Gro , tr.l, Comuns‘non and Forwarding Merchants and Dealers in Prodnus and Pittsbargh Manufactures, No. 253 Liberty iotrArt. Pittsburgh. Pa nov/ilty. mOORHEAD & CO., RANUFACTURER OF Ainerican, Plain & Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Rooting, Glutterlag, Spouting, dr.o. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 136 First street, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA 'AIL 11. SMITH .. JOE. R. HUNTER. WM. H. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, US Second Sr. 14 First sts., PITTIMIRGE4 PAL. Alderman' Office. JAMES S. .1100 N, ALDERMAN, EX OPFICIO JUSTICE OF TILE PEACE, AND POLICE IiLAGISTRATE--oMce No. 69 Grant street, nearly oppo site the Court Muse, Pittsburgh, Pa. Depositions, Acknow ledgments and Propides taken; the Records examined, Deeds, 8911114, MOrtedgeA, Wills, Leases, Articles of Agree ment, and of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, etc., etc., drawn up at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all business in the line of hin Gni:lJ dut;us, promptly attended to, tfg,„ °Moo hours, from 734 A. at. to 1 P. at., andfrom 2 tO P m. apSay Light Cream Ale. THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY announce r customers and the public, that ow ing to the price of Farley and Rope, and to suit the times, they are brewing a light and delicious (Mond OREA3I ALE, which they aro selling at $4 Vi barrel, and have KEGS OF TE& GALLONS each, to accommodate private familia. They have also, X ALE, at $0; XX at $7, and superior KENNET at $8 To bbl., and steelier caska in proportion. Also, excellent POitTE it AND liltOyiN STOUT. AiV• Orders nut to their lii,wery on PITT STREET, will r, -.lca prompt attention mrlo:Sm YRLIP.-1O bbls. N. O. Syrup for snlo, on caalgument, by (up 7) HEH. OOLLINO. ficr rends rs wilt Ti number the circumstance of the drown lug o f Ch. rk. snderkiste from the steamer Belmont last Docemb..i. The body was not found until a few weeks since .when it sus interred on the river bank. Mrs. Vanderkiste and her mother, suspecting foul play, visited the spot and bed the btily disinterred. The Jratice of the Peace who held the inquest stated that lie found no marks of blood on the body, but Mrs. V. states that the blood ilswed from tho ba,k part of his head when he was taken out of the coffin. lie was reinterred near New Cumberland. Mrs. V. stetss that on the day ho left home ho had been thinking some, but was not intoxicated. He left on the 17th of December, on the steamer Belmont, taking with hint fourteen dollars, all the money ho laud, which he placed lu a leather pocket book, tied up in a piece of muslin, and pinned in the inside lining of his Lneast pocket. He also had en his finger a plain gold ring, and o-no or two dollsrs in change in hi, Dockets. VC hen his body was found, the pocket book woe found On lint person with nothing is it; tlr gold ring yni also missing from his finger. Fifty-three cents in change was found on hint, soctebd auterg some papers which Lu bad with him. Mrs V. says the hands ou the boat tell dif ferent stories llbont him, some declaring that ho wont ashore at . Now Cutuberiund, boree staling alit he got ou board the Arctic at New Cnutherland; others say he get cm board the Eunice at the same plate, and some deny his Meg on the hist at all. It is sc,:reely possible that he ever reached New Cumberland, ELI Mt body was found two miles awl a half abate that place. Taking all these and other eircumstancis together, lqrs V. is firmly convinced that her husband ha; been foully dealt with, and the Mayor, after hearing her story, has determined to examine into the affair. Accord iugly, the arciesl of the Dehuout at our wharf, some time d .o riting the present week, the 'nutter will come before Ind be thoroughly investigated. A young man named William Cox, Lottor known as "Bil ly lirtbaker," of Brownsville, attempted to drown himself on host Monday night, while in a state of intoxication. lie bade good bye to his triends,aud started to the creek,pulled off his coat , and jumped in. Fortunately ho hai been watched by two young men, who took him out, con ducted him home, and put him to bed. Next morning he was very penitent for the rash attempt. Ws. learn from the Monongahela Republican, that ou last Mcmlay night Pr. Gordon of Cookstown heard a noise in hia sleeping apartment, and on making examination a man wee found cenctalcd; assistance was procured, and the.fel low captured. lie was found to be a worthless scamp of the town, whose excuse was that he was drank and did not know what ho was doing. Au accomplice was in the house, who managed to escape. A little son of George Routing was learned to death ou 3aturday, the 113th instant, near York, Pa. The father was burning brush, and the child playing in the field, whoa his clothes took fire. Ills eothing protected Lim from se rici.s injury, and lib, faller, provoked at the boy, took hint into the house, where there was no one at the time, throw him mit o the Led, and went to werk again iu the ti Id. Shortly afterwards a cloud of smoka was observed ia.uhtg from the house; and on reaching the building it was found that the child was still in bed, the c!othh3g all in a blaze. Re woo taken out, burnt almost to a crisp, his head com pletely bare of hair. Ile survived culy a tow hours. What the feelings of the father must have boon, after reflecting cal his fatal carelessness, may Le bettor imagined than tiet cribed. MISS ELIZABETH GARWOOD, a young lady 'about c i.;hteE n years of ago, daughter of Benedict Garwood, residing near Brownsville, committed suicido on but Thursday by taking a dose of strychnine. She died in about an hour af . er taking the fatal poison. She was highly esteemed by all who knew ber 4 ,and leaves a largt, circle of friends to tumuli her lota. The cause of the rases act is rsi.d to have been domestic trouble. A man named Pettit, who had in his po:it , ession some two thousand dollars in couuttai . eit twenty dollar bills cn the Farmers and Drovers' Banikef Waynesburg, Pa., is now confined in jail at Wheelink. Mrs. Dieter, wife of Coined Dieter, of Meadville, came to her death very suddenly on la , t Tuesday. She was standing by a stove, engaged in some culinary occupation, when she suddenly fell fotwatd, btriking her forehead against the stove, and on being raised up it was found she was d. ad. She was a young woman, and lett two children. D. D. 1107 RD On last Tuesday morning an aged lady, the mother of th, , Ro - aan Catholic priest at Meadville, wee struck with ape_ plery and died instantly. We could not ascertain her nam, flora our exchanges. P.ITTLABURO Fi. PA On NVednesday morning of last we, k, fire was obsetv, d iiisuing from the dwelling cf James Saxon, at Florence, Pa. , voile twelve miles oast of tibiberntile. The alarm wee immediately given—the citizen* coll*e.ted, but not in time to save the property. The occupants of Iho house wore absent nt'the time. There was 110 insurance on the building, ao the loss is considerable The tire was the work of au in ceudiaty. We have heard many toles about ileopl, with unbounded curiosity, but the Lancaster " Examiner" tells one which seund3 rather tough. A person named Uriala Mann, who had been cngoged in robbing somebody, but escaped detec_ tion; confessed his theft and voluntarily gave himself up a day or two preceding the execution of Anderson and lliehardi. Ile said his reason for giving himself up was that he was anxious to bee the execution, and know of no better plan to do so than by getting into prison. Ire was com mitted to prison, but was not allowed to see the execution after all. He should certainly have been allowed to gratify his eta-Wally after making such a sacrifice. The stockholders of the Fayette County Railroad met ie. cently, and elected the following 0111Cald : Predideut, Ben. N. Ewing; Directors, Hon. S. A Gilmore, Charles Chaney, Isaac Wigging, Col. Jas, Robinson, Alfred Patterson, Jam s Veech, Isaac Beeson, Redding Battling, lonic Skila , , Jr. Henry Gaddis, Jacob Murphy, A. E. Wildol4. The Board of Directors have seemed the services of Mr. John N. Lewis, an exporiamed and able engineer, who has organized a corps, which is already engaged in 'surveying aud locating th route of the road. LARCENY FliOM A STKAIIBOAT —Andrew Watson, au Engi n. er on the strainer lowa, now lying at the wharf, Illat:d information before Mayor Weaver on Saturday ottoman, against George Swangler, fur the larceny of a large brass oil globe, which he detached from the machinery, sad car ried;:mt. A warrant was leased, and Swaugler was ar• rested, examined and committed toittil for tiial. The mica ing property seas not found on Lis person, though a smaller article of the same character was, which is supposed to be stolen. It is now at the Mayor's, office awaiting identifica tion. There is a set of vagabonds who hang about stem, - ',hots and steal whatever they can lay their hands on. An (A:cure:lee like the above might delay a boat twenty-four hours in leaving port, as a portion of her machinery might be taken without which she could not proceed, and which would require a day to repair. OIL FACTORY BURNLD —Tht , Oil works of Messrs. Chariot, Thunini Bros, of this city, tlituuted Ilt Rochosto-, were d.- etroyed by fire about 1011.0 o'clock on Saturday morning. Retorts were used in the fsetory, in which cannel coal was t ousted, preparatory to extracting the oil; one cf these r.- torts exploded. and its cu.i'ents being of a gaseocs and con,. buetible nvture, the whole building was soon on fire. We did not lelra whether they wera insured. If not, the 1,6 s trill be heavy. TUE COURTS —Judge Velure's Court Vieth le session f,r short iilOo on Saturday, but was not engaged on any im portant cries. The District Court was engaged in the hoar ing of arguments, but not of sufficient interest to lay b:fin , the public. The number of cased on the trial list in this Curt this wed; is nearly the same as last week, as only till eL , or tour eases wtro disposed of last vc . Lek, the Ihnus,h and Oro-b Emit eupossing the atteutiou of the Court lur alnicst the entire w ck. ON Friday last a little girl, v, hose p.tronta re ids u❑ Dlantim , l street, came near losing her life by dri.iwniii4 is a tsib of w iter. She wee playing in the wet. r tell in, and no one Leine at hand to help her c ut unable to extricate herself. When found she ohneet ceased to breathe,. and it wee only by the timely n.0,1-fil ly:AA of a physician that her I;fe was caved. TEITAITICA.L.-111% Hackett had a good benefit on Saturday night, and personated his great character of Falstaff in King Henry IV. in hie usual excellent style. This evening Mr. James Bennett, the eminent English tragedian, commences an engagement with the Governor, as Virginias, the Roman Father. Mrs. A. W. Yout: plays Virginia. 711,trott's CODE'.—Matters wore quiet as • steal at the May ore office on Saturday. Nothing of tenutaial importance took place. In the morning there were nine ordinary case: on hand; they were disposed of by trios—three being com mitted Jail, three discharged and three paid their flues. FUSIICLIFF.-A row occurred on the wharf on Saturday morning in which Leveret draymen were concerned, ono of whom left the none of conflict with a bloody nose and a black eye. YAMS STYLE of Gents' and Boys' Clothing, carefully t ranE• tem(' from the beet French reports of fashion, may now be seen at Carnaglian's, Federal street, Allegheny City. Great care Is taken in the manufacture of every article, and buyers may readily see the peculiar neatness of style, and perfec• tiun of workmanship, with which each article is prep:trod. Custom work for men and boys carefully made, and a full stock of shirts, gloves, hosiery, Ac., kept on hand. G +;(1, w r,n. LOCAL AFFAIRS. F *Jut Play Suspected. Country Items. THE GREAT POPULARITY OF 11 0 STETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS prepared by the eminent physician, Dr. J. Hostetter, fa unbounded. Daily does he receive the voluntary testimonials of the afflicted, who have been cured of long-standing diseases, through the use of the "Bitters," and daily the sale of this medicine is increasing, and extend. Mg its sphere of usofniness among suffering hum an ity. For removing all mot bid matter from the stomach, regulat ing the bowels; strengthening the entire body, and impart ing Vtor and tone to the entire human system, it cannot be equalled. Wo would recommend all who are ailicted with any of these terrible diseases, to immediately procure a bottle of the Bitters, and their ailments will vanquish like snow before a scorching sun. For sale by druggists and dealer/ generally. everyw Lore, and by HOSTETTER et SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 69 Water and 69 Front streets. mr27-101 Steamboat Swindling. It boa lwcomo quite a common practice for steamboat run ners te make the moot unwarrantable statements to passen gers whom they encounter on the landing, to induce them to go onto certain boats. Sometimes, on reaching the boat, the deceptions practised by theso runners aro carried out by the officera, frequently to the great detriment of the pessen gent, who have no means of redress. Two or three cams of attempted impositions of this character have come under our noti a reeent.. In one of these a man took passage ou a steamboat for Keokuk, and paid $5 on the passage money. He afterwards ascertained that the boat was going to Mem phis, and on speaking to the captain about it, he admitted that Memphis was the destination of the boat, but prom ietd to re-ship hie passenger to Keokuk at that point. Tho Man, very oatil rally thinking this a rather roundabout way to roach hie destination, involving beaides a lose of time, asked to have his money refunded, but was denied, and threatened with a snit if ho did not pay the remainder. As it was, he was obl gad to forfeit his $5 and take passage on another boat. On Saturday morning, a Frenchman, on his way to New Orleans, took passage on a steamer, paying $23 for his passage to that place, which it was necessary for him to reach by the 21st inst. Ho was informed that the boat would leave immediately ter New Orleans; he soon found that the boat uas bound for St. Louis, and that she would not leave for some days. Ile applied to the officers, by whom ho was informed that he would be gent to New Orleans on a good bout, so as to reach that point by the 21st. The Frenchman, ou learning that ho could not got off immedi ately, ackul to liaoo his money refunded, so that he cc uid take another boat; he even offered $5 to be relieved fiom his contract, but he could effect nothing. Being all the money h had, ho will he obliged to remain bore until the boat goes out, which may not be for a week. We under stand that the Mayor has express , d his intention of arucet- Mg, for obtaining money under false protenses, all steam boat mon who wilfully mis;ead passengers as to their desti nation or time of baring. This Is an abuse which should be abated. Lie-Opening of the Pittsburgh Theatre.- Engagement of IN Irm Cushman. To-morrow the old 'Theatre re...pont for the tunnmr .seek c, 2 , 11.0 Kimberly, the spirited lessee, havkg Lc-cured ouch ens,ritial4 in the way of attraction re cannot all to induce f.. - the ebtehllshincnt liberal had om, pat Quake. On Vi‘ollienday night we ure to Lave the incomparable Charing., CoeMime, who appears ha- three nights. Ac knowledged to be the greatest delineutea of the lurid lights and nliades of tragic pas.iou now upon either the American or English et Igo, the anxiety to witness her acting will b• doubtkee universll uninng our citizens, and we fear in the limited Lumber of thr. e nights it will be scarcely possible that ab can ba gi Mint d, Alias Cushman vitas England in June, as we underst..tel, and this is probably nearly her fare well eligligement in this country. She let an immense card to inaugural e a season with and it (as the management a" sert) the suct:Tding novelties are equally great, the season of 1858 will exceed in brilliancy any iu the annals of the Pittsburgh stage Alias Cushman is to be supported by Ms. J. E. J.l'llonough, au admirable actor. Prim—Yesterday inyrnlng abort eight. o'clock, a fire was di ic,vered in a duuMe brick home on the c.:Tner of Short and Water streets. The house was an old building, formerly owm.d and occupied as a'residence by Mr. Renshaw, but recently ad a bearding house. It has lately been con rtod lulu a planing mill and carpenter shop. Part of the building was occupLd by Messrs. Slack Shales, manufac tures of ice chests, and the other part by W. F. Richard son, a carpenter. The whole interior of the building was +lroyed ; the loss is considerable. j'lhe origin of the fire La's not teen ascertahasll A Busy Locntiv.-111 the ueighbordood of the depots of the Pittsburg,, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and the PeLus) itai'road, bu,inees soeme tole going ahead at timpa At all tilllo3 of the day freight or passenger trains may be sec.n moving along the tracks, Both these road 4 are duit.g a fine httziness this opting; if they are not, appearanc-s are very deceptive. ON Saturday, ,tun Burke, a woman who keeps a drinking iILMSe adjoioing that of thu well known Mary Schambley, was intro ed agaiust by Lawrence Winterheller, who charged he: with violating the license law. She was ar, rested, aLil taken Len,re Ablermmi WilEol3, of the Fifth W.ird, who held her to bail in the snm of five hundred dol lars. for her am - Red:ince at the next term of Court. STILL IN JAIL—On Friday it was in coAelnplation to in lie au application to Court for the release 01 the partici panta in the Port Perry homicide cu bail, but when it was ascertain.,l that th.i o imuitment was for murder, the inten tion was withdrawn. An we understand the practice of our Corot. they will not gu L hind a c,.mitmept to release a prisoi:r•r cu bail. POCKET PlCKED.—Pickpockets ure quite busily enga6cti iu oar ci , y at present, especially thoto who frequent th strulzet-11 .1:1:08. We hq.vo heard of aovoral cases recently. Oa e'a.urdny looming a Mrs. Tracy, living in Hordscia! ble, had her pc,cliet picked of three dollars in the Dic ta...Li tuarl“.t. houwe. CAAINTRY rIIEATRICA.I.II-1.1113 Kimberly, WO are informed, _nve a Dramatic reading, at Yornms'owu, 0., on Sattnd• y eve fling. A portion of the company latuly employed at the old Pittsburg Theatre, have been giving the residents of I%.ungstown a touch of their qtmliti.m a few evenings Loch. Tll2 Olyrnp . ,, Criclet Club seems to be making up for lost timo this ”eagen. A match was played at Oakland on Satin'. day. Wo ?re glad t see this manly spurt becoming so pop ular in this city, and we hope to see this club receive many valuable accessions during the present season. liaoKs Hsu Air —Mrs. Nclan, a lady living on Grant street, in tbo.Socund Wad, fall dawn stairs on Saturday and had liar arm fractured near Iho elbow. tUNAIVAY.-A horse run away with n litjtt wagon on Die mend ally on Saturday, bet Vial captured on Wood street b •Coro ho had Injured any ono. The wagon, however, was Hlutttt:rea to picc,t3. JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture it Chairs, Wareroonts, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, la t the Furniture Lueineqe, I oleo devote attention to UN DliaT Al{ Hsi tl. Llearnon WI Carriages MEE r.. 0„ IP THERE lit: ItLAJANCE to be placed in modi cino, and tlumsauth of well attested cares establish beyond tbi puesibility of a doubt the curative properties of any cue particular remedy, then J. M. OLLN's CIELEBUTID STOMACLI BITTF.RB is unquestionably the greatest tuodicine ever intro duced to an aillictul community. AB it cure for Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Videakness of the stomach, and other diseases arising from a dtseriered state of the Diver, Kidneys, etc., they canna be excelled. Invalids eh)uld not hesitate to try them. For sale by J. d. OLIN, sole proprietor and manufactutt r, No. 967 Penn street,. Pittsburgh, Pa., and by l'ealere gent. ally. ap9-I,c JAMES P. TANNER, 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., tv:te+ the attention of hi clutto.ners nut buyers general ly, to MA largo atock of NEW SPRANG GOODS, ngLt El;r, Cram Mqqatlicturc:rd in Mi3z.a,thu9etts, bliJtl • N?, Ladlinz% Aligscr,' and BON N ETS, FI.ATii and FANCY HATS Loyd and YoutICH PA U 1 I, LEG PA '•" A •SA and L.TILAW HATS 'dun, liu3 aud routlei WOOL and BUR HARE.` All of w4Ech will bo I,and to groat variety Groat illduennenta offored to OASII and promp TUdEI 13t2YFIt8 Orders e.dicit. - ,1 an 3 caraally adsotad and puked NEW TRIMMINGS! NEW TRIMMINGS J. BUSH, Ivo. 65 Market street, walk in eat extuniuu tLe New Spring Stock of TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, RUCHES, HOSIERY, GLOVES, .101:WIN'S KID GLOVES, GAUNTLETS, MISSES' EMBROIDERED MARSEILLES SHIRTS, EXPANSION STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, EMBROIDERED, MECHANIC AND, FRENCH CORSETS! INFANTS' FANCY CAPS, And READ-DRESSES, AT J. BUSH'S, apt No. 65 Market street. pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal mon, etc. [ap7l HENRY H. HOLLINS. PITTSBURGH, PA' mr22:(lly—le, ()LITERS, OPNRA TIRE, ETC COMMERGI AL BO.41111) 01' TRALDN: 9 UAIRCHLANTS , Przsidalt. W. II WILLIAMS Via need.riti. ➢. II BIIUNCYT, Treasurer. N. HOLblilß, Ja. 9uperfntende.:4t. JOSEPH SNOWDEN, Committee of Arbitration for March F. R. BRUN'OT, Vice President, JOHN J. OILLESPIE, JOSEPH It. HUNTER, SAMUEL SHRIVE.% AUSTIN LOOMIS. riTTsuunGli lit AltiKis: T. azrefully Repo. led by JOSEPH SNowDEN, St4perintende. .of 3ferchants' Exchange. Pima:mum, April 17 185 - i FLOUR...Mark:A dull; no sales from first Needs: Sales from :Aare of 2.6 bble, viz.: 60 bbls extra family at $4 550 $4 60; 20 bbls extra and cilia family at $4 12e4 50 ; 01) bbla extra and extra family at $4 12)54 50 ; 75 bble extra and extra family at $2 1234 and $1 60@$4 624; 40 bble extra and extra family at $4 00@$4 50., GRAIN—Hales 35 bushels Rye, from store, at 53e; 75 bushels Oats from store, at 30@31e; 130 bushels do. at 30i.; 60 buebols do. from store at 20c; 630 Lushas Corn, from first hands, on private telona ; 31 bushels do. from at 45e. rtl bushel. FEED—SaIe I ton Mill Bran at 670. v 100 lbs. POTATOES—SaIes 100 bushels mixed, from store, at 40::. bushel. 11AY...Sales 11 loads, front teaks, IA $10©$161:: ton. HOMINY...SaIe 2 bbls at $4 V. bbl. COFFEE...BaIes 61 bags Ilia at llts 113 3 ,•fic., the latter fie ore to the country. MOLASSES...SaIes 13 bide. N. O. at 36€437;4.11 SUGAR... t dales,3s hhds. N. O. at 7%6380 fur fair to prime; 7 bhda prim at 83 c. on time. DRIED PRUIT...SaIes 500 buebele Apples,. irons tirst hands, at $1 28 bushel ; 45 bushel do. train store at $137%% bushel. FOGS—Sales 700 dozen at Se 7 {:t d. zen ; 5 bbls. ut do. dozen. EMl—Sales 21 bids. No. 3. Slaciteral, large, at ;,12. MESS PORE— Sales 14 Ws. at in 25 •.p km. ANTURACITE COAL—Saes 5 tone at $3l ton. EIRE BRICII...SaIes 15,000 Bolivar at $2.870 thousand. HIDES—Sales 325 dry flint at 140.; 700 do. on private terms. BACON...SaIes 1,000 Rile. Shoulders at 7 . 1 , ; Lide. Llarno and Sides at 9 1 /Ao%c.; 8,000 bids. Shoulders at 7%@7%c.; 2,000 bble. Hams at 99,1".... SEEDS...SaIes 20 bushels Flux at $1 10; 30 bush le dlo. vor at $5 7 0 bushel lIISKY—SaIee 121 bb!e. rectified at 10421 c. 0. gallon ; 12 bbla. old rye at $L Raw York Market. NEW YORE. April 7.—Cotton firm; 3000 balea eol,i; up• Lind 12%c. Flour heavy; 13,000 bbls sold; State $4 050 $1 12%; Ohio lower at $1 45@5.1 61. Wheat heavy; 6600 bushels sold. Corn declining; 02,100 bushels sold; whito 2c lower at 71@,74e; yellow 2c lower, sales at 75@70e. Pork timer and active; sslea at $l7 90@517 05. Lard buoyant at 107/,'Alle. Sugar heav„y, Orb aos 7 1 41e7,1,,e. Coffee dull .fiaeon steady; Llama 93,;(6110e; Simuldorn 6%(n)71.1. Freights firmer; on Cotton to Liveipool !,',;; on Flour la Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, April 17.—Flour unchanged and steady; Whisky steady; sales of 1200 bbla at 10 e. Linseed oil dull at tiff c; moro offering. llfess Pork ii held out of the market VI is freely offered. Lard is higher; 2000 bbin sold at at 10©105igc. closing at the latter rate. Bulk Sleet.l are firmaf; 150,00 u Ibi sold at 8% for fides, and a large lct on private terms. Molasses active at Zee, mere Lay a's than selers at this rate at the close. Sugar unchanged. Coffee dull and dropping. New York Stock Market. NEW Yong. April 17.—Stecka Chico and Rock Island 73', 3 gi; Cumberland Coal 17%; 11IlneL, Central Reading 40; Milwaukee and Misabiaint.i. 29; Canton Company 20; Michigan Central 02; Erie 2.3% Cleveland & Toledo 43%: Tenneesse 88%; Indiana s'a, 85%; lacrona Laud Grants 31%. H. CHILDS it CO" pr 4 it.,; , - , i------- -:,- 4 _ - v Iv•....EJJ,:x 7 •",, 7 ,' 3. - I k , a 4, .÷_, ; I P ~-.-- P-r-i 0 ,4 4 c' - ) , ...4 '.r.l' ' kkiit,,,,,___,.._, ~,, t rq , , ‘...„... '''' - T .) 4 ,; ,. .,".4*... ...-- TAtif:';,l2-----.1-3.--7.--.-'L.Nia.. E. bb, vo i - t. ..m ei ..:., - -*--..-- ---- - -'7.._ - rkt NO. 133 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., HAVE JUST RECEIVED TIIE I R large SPRING STOOK OP BOOTS AND SHOES, eJusisting of a great variety of seasonable and fastionable goods adapted to Bring and summer sales. 'laving been [m: timed for cosh, st rrduced prices, they f •al warranted in saying that they can supply Western mereksnts, by the package or dozen, at as low prices as the name quality of goods can IA purchased in the Eastern cities.: Particular attention given to orders. Abio, a good supply of Now York and Elpaufth Solo Leather• WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, No. fi2i Fifth street, near Wood. REINEMAN 8 MEYRAN, WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN I !NE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. FANCY GOODS. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS AND WATCH MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. mrl3 GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS. A. 114E'FARLAND, MERCHANT TAILOR , Corner of Fourth. and Smithfield streete t RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT ho has received his Spring Assortment of GENTLEMEN'S DRESS GOODS, Of the newest styles, beet quality and moat elegant &scrip Limns, which he is prepared to manufacture to order in the LATEST FASHIONS, And with such a character of workmanship, as cannot foil to aatisty and pleaae the moat fastidious tastes. [ar,6:lm 2.e11001 for Young Ladies. WM. J. BAKE WELL, INTENDS' TO open hla Bch 01, on MONDAY, the stll or Apt il. Tama, $l5 00 par qua] tsr. Residence at his BOLI'll hoaao 191 Second Omit. Rooms, Bmithfiell street, N. E. corner of Diamond alloy. tur29:tf Proposals for Paving'. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned, until FRIDAY, the 40th of _April in. stunt, for CURBING and PAVING that pottfon cf Ohio Area, opposite the 'Western Penitentiary, extending west wardly from Webster street to the Rai road Bridge. Also. for PAVING WITH BRICK, the Side-Welk or foot way, fronting tde Peniteritiary grenade, on said Ohio street. The proposals will state the prsco per lineaLioet for thirbing and the size and character of, the stone to be used for that purpose. They will also state the price por square yard f_r the Cobble-Stone° , street pavements and the price per aqnsre yard frr the brick pavement. The pavement of the feat way, to be of hard cherry brick, of such quality as shall be approved by the Wavden. The pr'cee bid, as above, to include all the sand, grovel, and other materials, and work necessary to complete the contract to the rattles ction of the Inspectors. In addition to the bidding for the work, ES FllOl , O urn. timed, which will be considered as belt] g made for cam), on the completion of the contract, the proposals will stoic, at what prices the work will be done en a credit of TWELVE MONTHS. S JOKE?, Treasorer, ap9m-041 td Western Penitentiary. COOKING BY GAS. A WORD .TO THE LADIES. THE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, and we call the attention-of the Lad': sto the fact that COOKING, IRONING, ETC., Can bo done with economy, without oppressive heat. with out soot, and with despatch—the fire being always ready in a moment—by using Musgrave 7 ll Gas Vooktng Stove, To which we reepectfully invit3 you attentior, at No. 76 Smithflold street. S. 4. r JOHNSON ,k BRO. WI.. County and City Rlghta for sale. apl2:9m QEED SWEET POTATOES.-20 barrels 1 1 / 4 7 Seed Sweet Potatoes, to arrive and for sale by J.tMES A. FETZER, Owner Market and First streets. L'".—Lime constantly on hand, fresh White Lime, superior to any brought to the market. a . 7 HENRY 11. CIOLLINS. To GARDENERS AND OTHERS. -50 bus. choice Seed Sweet Potatoes„ for sale by J. A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets. LSAIAIt RY,SS -_= =gig ~~~_~~l IER YR. P. lut SHOE VbtREHDT , SE 19 T 1 . 70 rie Voy 5, it MiCK:) . lVcDonsii - cir INl)l4',Sl'l , l LICA: _B ` LtUSSEL J , S PATENT CONSIiiiTING OF CAMP6rA.4 I.II I IIRATIED RESINOUS SUBSTANCES, ETC, .IF' A. Yr 30. IT 7E' . 1:9 X :AT rrIIE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KENDS OF .A.ijoofo, with Rufsell'a Mastic. Tits cumpoJitiou is a‘lopted for all kinds of Roo's, list or steep; it can also ho applied Tin Ir..n, or 0 d Slitn , .;les, making a perfect fob. This composition is not effected by atmospheric changes ; it will übither crack nor run; it is impervious to water ; FIRE PROOF and more durable Limn any other kind of of lag. This so ring material is us al is coo .:Innitiries thrmq;lo.n: ilos, en Houses, Bridges, Rolling Mills, ItailroAd Cars, and bteatuboate, tuttirt , uatilfitc:ion, c0..,“10tt.k1 it pornct protection from the eliallaliT3. Although this rorAng was ~ a lp intrneinc, , d l,ii in 13;7.0, it cto on man:, of thr unihiing, in the city. Also, most of the Lail.oada I here refer too tow places where thhi Renting is in use, :fad can to se , ol—Cleeehtul seel l'ilteburgh Rairoad; at iullu Air; rt ; Martinsville; Portland ; Lagrange; ; ; Lirsrpe.:3l and Rochei•ter S.a Unreel, and the ahtueliewer Depet; l'enr.sylvenans Central ler.:!reoel; e- , ,n:.ei Cro , h A-tcria i 4 totion, :MU Tipton nod l'or eonogo at Alt .rua; Alie.gbouy City, tentne.n. r n!t..l,y 1.1:1;iditl, it: Pittsburgh, .3 McCully's Ware housu; Bon Trimble's Extol; also, nnn r. lous. otio a in this All ordols loft at No. 211 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where oamples of the ma terial can be seen,) val!! rc•c?ive prompt attention. by NAAgent. W. FAHNESTOCK DAGVERREAN GALLERIES A."B It Y PES--- A BEAUTIFUL AND IieUABLE WARRANTED, CAN BE ILAD AS AT ANY FIR3T CLASI IN TILE COUNTRY, AT ILLL':4, ,Itt.'t Removed to 21 Fifth Street. CARGO& CO.'S PIIoTOURAPIIIC AN ANI BIIaTI E i;A LIAR Y hal bc,u trmucndltoul 7 6 Fourth Lt. No. 21 Mill utrcet, urs, 110 Fort. /bed° roou.e huvit' Ll,ll 1. r thd pm:, %rat, thro, lurg ur, not Lbu ity tor uoalfort, ..“011,11,J lu e.r/ &Ir . Our old nub and patri'llel V.ltliling eu p.riorlukr'l(•.,ae,arclu\ll,•Jt„full.Rodin uud SpOCUL:::del cu tiro i'01.16,1 111 :$1.7 IL I%i. CARGO &, PhootographerNaii‘D. Anibiettyphim, NEW YORE U_iLl E , N. '2l th BUNBEAII I,LE KY, 8. AY. 11.181601 ao,l i it.w1.1411.1 PRIOEB TO EUIT A tv:Li 3p WYK leS' ESig t I' A tt.'l', No. 60 iNIARKET STitEET.-I'II.ITII takun at thin tl allery l r y it LICW iLlipitl6- i , foi giving 1,110 natural ciilor of the latix,eyt 41, Lirt.-,S :ILL.! ..,vll.l it X iUll. They .c aclaiewlitilgi.d tig all ti.lto have thent to be far Juliet ',or t., toy 1c city. Citi46.3 Mitt ,tt,l:t6orthit, iiivit6d to colt uric ex/thin., Lin large cut:calor:3 t.f .11,1,4.11 pt 11, lice I y earl of Ji.erde. N. IL— l'icturtm of tr.'', -1, tv, ,L 60 Market etzeet. u.Vl.l:t.t ie C. fit F.N. A n. 0 CI E; 54 -I NEW I) A. ti UERl'd];', !; .11 ME r ANT) :?If!it , 1". !I'M', G A L 4 v, rir•ru BTI r, N RLY eiTUdITY, .1i t n iu d! th v, v.,,utlivr, and wareou tv,l at I • ~t, 1/,1 - 3,1t0 tLakull their A t_TUTION SAL;;`;. [AILY SALES AT N 0.5-1 Fi II ST., At thii auw C•nnatercial Saks 14, ,t, day, :Ire hsld I , IILE, 111 rartoty, tUltCli tvr,tha tra,h, and C...111-.11.11P0r1, tell a largo stuck which is evuatAntly repluilLated with fri sli t.A.Wif:ll - that must ba closed forthwitn. AT 10 A M , Dry tloodd and . faitcy articks, tuitt ly tto utiuduit tu the Hun fur pursonal and family ; • lury, huttlwaru; clothing; Loots AT *I O'CLOCK, P. 51., • lloueuhold uicd kitchen tartlitu,u, buds :1:01 f.arpo:l4; olozeut 11.1.1 ~:u, tityVVS. COULilag AT 7 , Jvx.•tL , 11.3.1 InAnttl; Sane; clf•thin,_y 1., I „,.,1 ~ • tstnnunory, .Ice VALUA . B LE StutiliS AT I , Cl' I; un Tur.su:ty F.:\ I:\u„k 1 ,;,i O'clock, ::c.:4 N. itch htrert, will Lo bOiti 21 Shares ISank of Pitt:duo gh. do ExeMingo Bank of giltnlnn,h 20 du M. k M.llank of Pittsburgh. 20 du old stock Alleghony 'ridge 417 I'. M. DA Vtrl, Anc , ioneer. ELEGANT 111A1' , ITILLAS, RE6 ti tiooD:3, Ac., AT A UCTI.J24,--On WEDNESUAI 51014NING, April 21.tt, at 10 o'clock, in the lino hall on the sLdond Iloor of thu new Auction liou,e, No. 54 Fifth otre,t, will bocummonced, the Eill6 of nn oxtenni,, and vary choice varloty, from a largo Eat turn Silk 'did Alumina estahlido ment, comprising al tint ono hunted pplomild lace, silk, appiignoaud mulct antique Man ti4mf, Talums, cc., a number of which are worth from $5O to $7O; Dreg, Ductile, Poplins, Challitto, MOll4 du Lb Ac., Ac. 'rho goods will be arranged for rxaniiiislion Iho day prt viuus to sale. Comfortable Beate proxided for ladine,Who ore rpeLially in Vlteil to alo:. 'zzato positive, Terms cant. UNCLAIMED EAU (ii AG E,F IN E oLo if - IN ti, ETC, AT A UCT lON T ESD A Y ft • LNU, April 2.oth it 10 o'cleek, Lk.rnitter,.oo; ounio, No 64 N ill, Elroet, µill to s 1,1.1;0 . :0 it may corocern, by ordor of John ~! Uot I, to pay charged . etc , eix large Loather 'I roilki and ono Band Trunk. cobt killing a great qualitity tit ludic„' and [nun's clothing, oto . of vary flu lily, OM!. pint Silk-preisea, et,. Alen, 2 Charopagno itaskots and coutoata, 3 B iraijiihii, 1 hocking thair, 1 Clock, Feathor Bed, ug. etc. spill P. M. IJAVIS, Auctiontair. G OLD AND SILVER WATCII ES, BEA U UL Jewelry, Silver I'a,te.l Ware, and fancy or. tleit)3 at Auction. at MciJARTNEY'R AUCTION 11.01.1er', 129 Woo! street.. (the of arid ,ell-4 a ,wa ounnuonciug MONDAY E.VENINII, April 12th. acid con tinuing every evening for two weeks, at wail al! in Hold 'flue goods all ho open for ezdalantion each day, Ns itt, LlldiU3 as well as llontlunuut an , respectfully invited to alit they may parcha9a at private :ale, r.lioleaale or retail. at ',my low priced, if they pease, arid all grade 61.1,1: pr 0 ,.., as rapreimi4i cud sattatactory, LIT unnkey refunded, eons wiahing'gooda in this fine will :Nil this ,ale w.a thy rf aka, as there is a great variety to telt c and V.I. are der mined to tell. Pleas , give us a call rah , to c•da nuance each ovenieg, at 7,4 o'clock. • JAS it W. ti. McCA ItTN EV, Ancl.r China, Glass and Queensware. SPRINT Evf(AN: 11.3,1: OPENED, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF 3 Tom. INT 3Fa. - "E" . DOC IC 404- _la , 1113 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MT ITO IS NOW REOEIVINti_ Elt()11 hut upe awl East.t•rti eltiea, a isseurtnivut ui aiticles in his line. comprieing new and taideml shape; of Pearl White Stone Tea. biain4 and Toilet Ware, ithd the saint, in Plain, Lust:e B thl nod White Vitrified Iran Stone Table Wore, known to le the imdit dui able now in use for Hutois aid Steamboats; French China a new styles, in Puro White end Gold hand, either in vets or siegio piton; Richly Gilt and Iterotatuil lird• taunLi and Plated Castors; Germ in Silver Tea Table SFr - inns, 'oup Ladles etc, plot' I with tdiver; tit, l•P)ry Bandied Carving, 'let sad T.d.l,l , :t:iYeti ors.l I rsm; Tea Waiters and Trays; :halter and Se i i re ;i Table :dec.; J.iiipa -, tilandben, orated Tin Toi SA Abe, a e.Lap:ele rhisorton•nt of all Sell.-10.1rmita b,e for the 4; UN Nil prick to ri!ea•e tba public, who at.. cedes...Eh/I,y invit,l to ccinilno this vtoc e. 27:3rinit-x T kra ..I;''OR THE PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF TRADE. E. DOUGLASS St CU., Px:opirietora. Cornet Wood and Ftfth Strrcis., Pittsburgh, Pa. ALEX. AliXiSfßONi i i, Mnager. lig:11)11,116d, New Yort, NI W YORK Pittsburgh B. D0i1171A93 Philadelphia B. DouoLvis ' Cincinnati --.8. Done:Lass it Co Cleveland Lou.iLua tls Dolroa. B. Dow. LAS:i Cuicagu li. DuCol.ls4 A Co. Dubuqui , B. boyai..ts, a Co. Milwaukee B. D011GL459 A Co. New Orleans B. Bout+'Ass a Co CharloLou B DuuaLA o A Co. Louisville B. Doucira.e a Co St. Louis Ll. I ,do 4 Co ASSGC..Iit Is , Bt . iteddia.A re Richmond FOREIGN OF r iCEE. Mc,uir,ll, C. E 13. Dc:ual.. , ..sJ a Co I oud,t, Eug 11. 1 ., ..:. , 51.e.a3 a , 0 Lcticen ~1 lutrouuatou to Lawyer, of hi..h standing au;d rcapectability in cv.ry etetiou o. tits "Union. wilt t gratuitously fornishe.l to but4.-r:v. ra making application at the office. Also, letture of iutroluctiou to any of the offices uamod above. • a„. COLLICtIONS I.IIO3IPILY ITTENDID TO IN ALL PARTS OP ItTATUS AND BLUME! YO►aSSaloNa. (110.0 flat NEW ARRIVAL OF FRESH FRUITS.- 500 boxes M R. Itaistns, Clernone' bread ; 160 helf boxes M. 5. Rubins, " 100 boxes Layer 1000 dpams New Figs; 6 cases Bordeaux Pt unex ; "in fancy boxes; 25 mats Red Dates; 10 kegs Cooking Prunes. net received and Er REYMER ANDEREuN, Nu Wo:d .trees, Ornositc. St. Pharh a Hotel. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, MILLINERS —ALL, ALL WllO BUY AT W' OLESALB, win find our wlluLEaLz BOOMS, (up staira,) well suppl;6 with such Goods as Shay . requiro fra "'Bolting up' th-o stooks Our Goods aro 'fresh and - fashionable, and v; ill L. SOLO AS LOW FOR CASH, as any othor in chi. city. a 13 JOA. 110F1NE 77 Market street ED NESIIANNOCK.S.— 25 bbls. Seed Nordiannock Potirtoe4 received and diy A:, - YETZER, Corner Market and First strueta. 4 4 L , iO. , *:01. =MEM P. M. DAVI: 4 , At,tione,r Dui.ICILA2 s CO. E liva , r7.L Co. .J L. YESIT Se. CV, Co. 1100.U1N G. 2. 33 .S e . - f' i Ist 4- I : L;1:....14,. i i - : q-- 11) ,'', it i er fg fq •-• 1 - ..‘' r' , INL " Ilc. :" [II • 4 . I i 0 q _ --, , iniCit4IIITYDV ,-- 4 , f ~.. f a R. K ENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discov ,Jue vi our c(aunwn pasture weedy a reined. , ,LLied Every kind of "Humor, SCRuieIILA DOWN TO A COASION . 1.. coati, Lind 11C,I kiC.f.t ill CA,./ cwaa , (loth 'Ho he 11,,v in his r adr,l c.taliticat.d of ill. Ve.No, fill v i,io t,..:t:y 11 ir:1.:1 Two t,, c.qc Sol" month. 111.0 to ton:kind_ l'implw ttio. LICO. T 1.170 it Ihrao IKatlua wla ..1.• tit if atr , 4:1111.41t1 n, [.)sofa 111- , ltil .17 Et:A:ail., to Lice tzt:q.o.ol , l Of E.1. - .;.ipolf“. to two trottl, 411 MENEM Two twAth.s 10,1 t•L' , 1t..1.1.1(....:14: hail'. 11,1' to SI 3. t. 1.11., 411 itiUtlti,i; Of,/ e. '4; ell:411; I.ll.3ekin. L!J ct; lALIt ri o.c :El 1.1.1 ivr e cP rt,iftwol el k•i• tv 1 .., tt4l. the Iltvut. .4 1 n,uxu..t.is:a. to foci: . bvitit'd Itru vittrPtntutt to mat ‘• W otglii will ono (ix t.trAt) of Mit unlltt . . A Is Id W. 12,1 i,•l It P: !lOU, 14..4 lirht bottle, dui: & L ul-L Nifsf L,l Lvh , n thcohove‘lituntityht 31ASki D 1.13 i'ept.a.atic,u All the .7 , 1,c1hz..11 la Ctlf,L4 klud d, Id SU WUll C•ri&AdiShi'll by the LLA9l:llll.,di Viddo of ;It! who have vvvr it, ti.olt I tiotli Lut •••; Wu aub!oct,aa the m,ml Chitiui phyi. cinn3 e.t.d the eiul 1). It gx.,lmLb la Ow couutty are 1111 Ltd prldso. • • Lt prosuatiug th.. I)Lcenvory to your nOtlce. I vit. it with n :till itnowl,ttgoof tho curutivo ptoscr. in roiletilvF an, HMI C , lritiglill`rt of Mu-it) In which you art, tta for tn•,:tt:ly 'I tt t , 4,1 ticlutin;; rit44:4..se to at Rn&i.11011at,1:161.1101', N tilt6ING S(38.11 MOU3'II, Ls en,..100 it vy it nilraJo; ) our owu t,nl7,er in routLAJ Itz worn: •! wr,, 111,4, n irotf4l nftpo gli:nit•ere ; tind tho ry ‘,l 1.4 ,4 32111:< t.J yo , ,r 1tr...11,an 1 r.rd OAK:1 of CANKEit P I w r!,:d+cr ut the ; thn IN21!EMIO KIDNEYS, •:Itt't"; . At/kitty, Or you: r I ILk_IV AND IN eLAMED, y otir fu ~t e )0,1 (Lan hindm, o..uitL..t yom • Rygtotti duce uut pa( t,,if Li, nour9t:lll4..ut it COll t.:la. . tLJ gl.:111101101,111.111!( , !: ...n,llioi eatti it cp; 01 , F. your otonplulion luny ILI I, • ru G u m or grl.wixb , arid your tlii) is gout,. w~utut nOlll - 1.111 ti/elit fi,bby, t.cl t;.,2 rdir body bocome toltiil,3l Tlivn follow:! trsod Itliilll tito St(7,tiOal DiVCOWOry ig 11.A.111111.11, t`.41:11 , 1 to CURE: ,f tho hcart, pain in Lila (Pi tILt eifilio and 4:Lull ui tllO pain of the hip joint when you rutire, 41tvgitl,kricy of tie bowmlu,autt uito, that most excru• hiutiag of disol4ett, the PILES II w many tbot.c:anda of peer womou Diu Buffering from tixisdial---ditect.ol to Li.,o ra,fithia prompt :,t ten dc.r) , " BT - P fi. Al BOA TS. I , 'or Cincinnati. Tlw (31,0 ”L I.a.gwager packat s law MiI...FR Wit—Capt. 11E1Ito:41. J. GRACE—WM leave htluburgli tor Ciuclutiati, ou WEDNES. DAY, the 21 -It iae.t., at 10 eic.:k, A. M. 1.4 tle!•-•ixtapplyhoard, or CO Is.II.:NES dr. CO., Agents. ZAYESVELLE. ur Marlette anti 7.7Auesville. avy. Th steamer ENDLIGItAILIM, Capt. Itu INLNO fur tha atiOVO and all r iuck, rot truillt ;:puly ou 1)6• i SUPERB GRAND PIANO, TUE 'l , l.ilitiljACHOßl OF STEENWAIr & SONS, If 0 PAK. Etitkz cing t t I i rt:A l ~1 .7. 1 .1 PLEA • tLat they h.ve just a splehthdk,...rl t. front the Fectocy of ; ; soy .4. Sono, New which for ' osc.tncoo end voluthe cif tote:, liqbtriooo awl elasticity of couch, 441441 14 meat test,tul and elegkut a Ett:riOr, is consider ed tit.: FIN BrIT I'LAN9 over brought this city. The tugchanisrn io a DOUBLE 11.21 , 11.i.TiNG ACTION, a iatouted . ,,havention.of Stetunrny Soho, which ccghbluca with the utntoot promptness and th•lkecy - of touch a degree of norabiiity but rarely attained. Una of Steinway 45c Sons' GRAND PIANOS hail 'Ably been pmfarraml on by :I.lll:Ober's, in Baltimore, who ata• ted that it wits remarkable, even and puro In tone; power ful end of flue Louth. All tli , me ho intro heard this growl p,ano, are nnanliarma that it id lilt superior to those army ether. Aladon and Gottschalk, the American Pi ankta, who b tve lately ~!ayed on Steinway Ar. Sons GRAND PIANOS at their concerti, are of the Baum opinion. , Mr. Satter, thl eminent Pianist, late of Boatou, who Gas test,(l all the grand pianos now In this country, Li timing Steinway Sous' Grand Piano at hia contorts in New York, it, • rOilTi , ll^o to any othor Vh, reSpArltily if 171113 thu public, ara and all, whether lotre.lllst-rs or not, to (mil and moo [hid unrivalled inetru• went_ 11. ICLEI3I , :It & BRu., No. La Fifth street, Sole Agents for Steinway § eons. J. DEM R TIN, COPPER AND SHEET WARE, DEALEIL IN Eloaase !Furniture, Hardware. WZIOLE.!;ALE AND RETAIL. NO. 180 L.lllisli.TY SMELT, PITTSBUItOiI, PA, Keeps constantly on hand, a large assoitatent of Tin Ware, Copjoc Kettltz, etc, of Soot quality, at vury low prices. Country merchania aro itiritt-d to call. C.if- All job Work, llccting, ctc, Hitt ba promptly at to. i mr'2o:lm4 .Severicisley Academy. CLASSICAL AND CO3I.3IEIICIAL ItokPinal scir-or, FOR BOYS, twblv,, wk!u3 from 6. TitA.V.E.I.I,I, A. M., Prit.cipal. Tito Ihirty4itc. ud 2,8131./Il Will Cli11111101.Wl) 011 MONDAY, May Ml, 1958 I ,r Circular 4 ant o'l,or pArt:cullra, enquire ..1.,1,11 I, win k e..,11, )7 1,y,: - . t,e kre,2%; 51e.ing. T. If. 107 Liberty tor .4 no Principal, Scnickloyvil , o rter, Unie'. /klieg:hoc} [l.tpl:::::wdkw ClittLif= OF FIRM. P. I.IITCELCOC'Ii, havir.g purchased. the in,er....ht of JACOB 11.11.F.P.4 AN. In tho that of duff. now, l! , l.•Orcery A Co., Of the t will tioroafter be 111101.1COCII, ...11'01121:1LY 4. CO. Mr. I:n(1mm, will at ill rtouain iu the Uouoe. LlurvmAN, I.•cltr.r.Aor,ez Cu. terrcucocK, (t - .I.:C.:YSSORd7G Ifuri:4lN, 3.l'CaikaY C 0.,) Fotwarding and Commission MetJhants, iIOI.42ALE PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. N. 1 I -1 -, 1:C67.7. - 1 PITTEIWP.OE, 1114:41. 3prl,:e;L I SL:IL6t.OI, Jodoph E. Elder, tit. Louis; Eittobra;l.; leoutc.n Brea., U. ULOidi & Co., "I Coreell A: norgey, 11.sltlmo I 0 ; E.:l;:,iti ,:, , Cro.:gave t Co., " 1 0..rret a 2.l artio,Phi,ladelphia ; NicEati.ii,oa,M... , e.ro A Co., " ;lame; Kent, Santee 4; Co. " 9. W. Soli Lb, a Co. " Wer.ver a Graham, it Geo. !d. &L. lima:Ciro:llfoot' Beene, Eterling L• Co., ~ A.S. Footod a Bros., " Yord, Gilmore a Co., " cildf 0 GROSS i'ronetield & Co. Vegetable Cat tc.r. cal° Ly IL L. FAHLTE&TOCE & CO. Curiae • Wood sad Fourth streute. OitOSS ltilker's Cod Liver Oil, in store and for nlu Ly B L. FIIINESTOCJI. & CO apitl No. 80 cor. 'Wood and Fourth streets. 5 Quo. Barry's Ificoplierous, for sale by e. 1. FAIItiEsTCc} k CO., to ca:'. f'oc•d and Fourth sc,ecto Plots Q IJER.OOiNt.'i ',Sptmitti }lots Indigo, in stor k-) and 1,,, rclc by 11. L. F.' , 11111..81T.1a & CO, aplil No. 60 cc{. Wcod an d For)rth streets. 20 C.A_SIiS cAla :141, for talc, b ____. ._ 13. L. F A lINESTOCI & CO., Nn. £0 cor. Wr.od and Puuith streets. O () CASKS Sal Soda, in store and for sale la by "B. L. FAIL'iESTOCK & CO., 270. Gil mr. Wald and Fourth str4et4. BELT HOOKS—For splicing India . Rubber or Leather Belting—a supply of tho different lazes, hot rKelved and for bale, by J. ,4; il, PHILLIPS, t$ '✓% 9,714 tia 'St. Clair stunt. PEOPLE !S 11 FIFTH STRRET. NuW opening, a ccutp:t4A e. , ortatont of Spring Coolie, new and latent of &Oka Vino Froneti Congroed tlaitete, Mom. Calf CongreiA tlatt,ra, Ctlom. Calf Slippers, loAktiGß and :SE.Aina Llack anti entoyed Heel ciaitcr3. 100 iatF U INIEIt Y .—A fresh pupp!)- of tilenh's well•kno\te td jted reed JOB. FLEMMI, Ccaux Dlnmcvad And Market street. ABOUT TUE JAYE kiiThr fort, tit and fashion All mach to oar enjoyment TiloZ3 Ahoso [tot tnineit than' nt hitt, runct,rt fzurn the et ects of b.ia or Who tic:el:candling new for fiprit.a r‘tar to make thorn feel ecenfortabk., Awala l tip aoute r f MI FEN. Fine French 'z;ljppars. tiiait Tiaras and : , hoeo, at the sTois v. -500 bosea Bs4ti, 9112 athl 10x12, Cur e Alb by Op( r. COLLINS, C. FOSTER. A. W. YOUNG GEORGE SLEGRIBT LikISL.: AND ALL.VI,I3IIIkOB i I TVVRNRAOmIeR ,ir No. 17 FiitL• livar rilLkot,