SPECIAL NOTICES 6 APPOINTMENT EXTENDED TO JUNE FIRST. DRS. C. M. FITCH 4 J. W. SYKES, Will remain at their (Mi:a, No. 1.1.11. PiellEl streot, OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR lIO'2EL, PLTTSBUEAIII, PA., TILL JUNE FIRST, 185, And may be consulted daily,(except Sundays) for CONSUM I! I 30N, ASTHMA, BIiONOIIITIS and ALL COMPLANTB complicntcd with, or causing pulmonary diseaao, inciudiug Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4-c. T4ty 0.1.T0il A SYKES weulh Ante that their treatulunt of Ocnetaintion is based upon the tact that the eti.ease rariAte til 21st blood and system at !urge, bothl,f are and du? ittg its der.aopment in Mellows, aziklAlksy tharefaru oruploy fffeehate Ica], 113031)1a and Mrtlical relantl6 . .a to pmily the blood end strengthen the ayuteru. Wi , n these, they an. , 11/ EDIOAI, IN - HALA'ITIN, which they value highly, but only as Fultiti ftve.2, il.u.s.lulune have lit) t u Ca thin n.o earnestly aiwithmetil sgainat wanting the to nelnua ties at cnrabilit, a. uuy traattnent banol upon the planni but false idea that the neat ut the diseaan wt. to rw,ched In a direct manner by Inhalation. 41" No charge for cueaultr.th u. A UV of quentibba.will be a. at wlsliiag to ,onault ua by letter. Addrean IRS. hi. M. fa J. W. tiVISI , ;=., Int Patio atrant, Pittaburch. Pa. 4+4- WHY ‘911.1. YOU the t.st.iumny a Dr. If. P. LIWNAKI., thuggjet, Fliyatt, C. U., ALI , Juuu ey IG, 1851. Ilottilawfb i/trmuu Itittcira hare Sohn YNlYjCltl lo tbie ooation. A youth, a eau ut ti , this cauuty, Lad Lava fur Havana atautha uudur thu , our beet practittanore without relluf, and tho caeca 41,1 doubtful, MIL] tLu young wan OJI/1011gli teeree.ty able t.. get aLout, cufutvteet.l with the Dittur. tin fora' s, - ) much r lief from Ito first bottla, couatuotl to teke, until a can, pieta cora was Elffoctod. tie is now i-xt,tly wolf and ,to"" :4,3 ody,...rti:caluilL r.raaiu )11, tr a 11;1.05...6.11n ti ;aO. .tts.•nrvb 1j "iFiD N rI 0 E.—TIIE tiVtION.IIOLDEitii OF Tu. E 11 , .= - 0" MOUNTAIN HEALTU INSTITUTI . :, ato hereby uo- Lilrd, that all tuneßsnaunt of TWO INALikla Pea. sfialta, un each shAre of the Capital Btoci: of said C 01, 1 11 ,4, WO a''/ 0 nu the loth lust., at :he Nanking Iluu,vu of litatuor iu the city of Pit obuFgh. fly order of the Heard, upie.2ia? .1011:1 ()RAFE', 'rrcmczer. OD BUSINESS MEN'S DAILY UNION PRAYER Pltaai NO, nt LAFAYETTE HALL, %Vocal etrcet, iron IS to 1 o'clueli, daily—commencing FRIDAY, April 9.11, and contieuing until further uutico. Lr.)Lacdi twill con. duct the niertingH, but Clergy vet are torneatly rt.plemtuil to be praFent and tabu part in the exurcisca. CULI.I,I in fur tire minutes, if you cannot remain loup,,r. 111, Bti Si NESS CARDS Wm. MILLER., Phila O. IV. IticEETs.,N. PIELIL'L MILLER& & lIIICKEETSON, WIIOLESALE GIi()CERS, AND IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES AND SEQARS. Nod. '441 awl 223, Corner of itAtirty and Irwin gtrecto, AND SOLE AGENTS Full Stvearer's City Gas 5 PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAIL' , COIriON YARNS, &0., &e., CONSTANTLY RAND. inr2 PITTSBURAiii STEEL 'WORKS. ISAAC JONEB TN'O. L. BOYD WM. MeOULLOUGII, JONES 13O1L) & CO. 1LC:117.107013.7...,..9 07 C AST ALSO, SPRING, PLOW ALAI) A. B. STEEL, SPRINUS AND AXLES. Cara,: V Z.Z.0 , 57 mud Viret Street's, .i 725 PITTSBUBAIL PA. taeau Jove: ID: It. tit. 0 Sz. C Q . , IT/ACT L , RE It!! Dr ROO IntrP IMPROVED PA STEEL CULT. i VAT Oit TEETH, Coatitat iLues t u FtasT .EARES PETZER, Forwarding and Conkmission Merchant, OF= Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, llutter, Saab, Dried Fruit and Produ, ganaraily, Cornar of Itiarket. and P/r4t. ntrects. PITT6I3 Li. E' A. REIFEa ra Fyn acio G. Bail.v, Vinli.f..n i)nw..(lll, 8. Cuthbert. & Sun, Pittsl, .Y.l; Ott, Ileimic,•ll 8 ww.triug,eu, 8. Brody, M. tiduli. hisundo Govrio W. Anddr.J..ni, U,,alJ •, Wtroatatz. IR.DW A Et E• SA.:IIUEL rmINEsTOO, lc, No. 71 WOOL/ Pttto.ough, tit,4 STOCK OF HARDWALtE, Which h will soli vary low for UkSII. la,addit n t., his Locka, KELIVJJ and FGLili , old SpOOLLS. and a larr4 , emu:Mont of ",iiii-p-,ritior's Tools. 11+J hxt ro,-,ai wed a largo nu p ply of HellTA3g , , Cutdor-i and :At - tiger:3 ; Touguo and E'okuin; tinaninlod l'reierving Kettlee. Olt ee Seitiec of Weights aEsd Meatin Eres. coFicE or to, Ll NDE It;i1 itl I), LEH OR 117210111':_; .1 NOME .I.YI M.y be found iwectjurth, iu Chary alluy, bet , A.oca dud Fourth Sifuvtd, r) 11III.V ha 1-1 t. turl3:tf (Jai FthEzi WILLIAM (MANTON & CO., IV !TOLES AL E AND B,E; PALL LIQUOR M ?L -4 1 t C HANT Nor Wood Eitro3t, fas - A ways oa tavl, BlacktArry, Cherry, and 00,0,40 Braadiad, Old Rionoagahola aad IWrtlacd glikky, of the vebsrt daidydvlJ MILEY, COShAIVE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 9 No. 1S and 29 Wood Street, WTI. IL SMITH WM. IL Dian & cu., WINLESALE GROCERS, US Second & 117 first sts., PITTSBURGE. PA. J. D. HOUSEMAN, (LATE OF UOUSEMANI dt SMITRO COMMISSION AND FORWARDING IFIERCIITANTS, No. 0 N. S,econtl. Street, hpts:Sto ST. LOUIS, lIISSOURI. EMBERT DALULL . JAII:3 E. ER/lADINO 3.)OIIERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesalo Gro?..rs, COLLILIiId4iOII and Pore:aiding Merchants and lore in Produce and Pittaburgh Maunfacturee, No. 351 ztY etraot.. Pieta:Aired]. Pa_ PIOORHEA D & MAN UFIC American, Plain Az, Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For Rooting, Guttering, Spoutlaig, cCc AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 1311 kelrst street, mr26: y• is ISLAcattc,Bi BLACKMORE DAVITT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, _ Produce Si, COlamission Merchants, DEALERS IN Bota STORES AND PITTSBURGH MANUFACITfitEII) AUTICLES, OFIOBI7E MoziuNoeuELA ILude, PITTSBURGH, PA. WB CALL PARTICULAR ATTEN TION to our etoolc of tho folloriug urtlclut Manilla Ropes of all elizen uu l lungths. Beat Navy Oakum. Tar and Pitch. Finest qualified of Wifide'd, Teas, and Su gars. Spices of every description. Beat brands of Family Flour—together with every dolertptiou of articles fur family use and boat stores. (api) BLA'Kmf.ifip, k DAVITT. Seed Potatoes. GENUINE ROUGII PURPLE CHILI POTATOES.—ThIa Potato has the reputation of be ing the most productive, cud the beet tablo Potato of all the now varieties in use. The eub3criber having cultivated them largely for four yeare bee never huown them to rut. either in the ground or in store. A limited number of bashele can be had at a moderate price, by applying to FLEMINtI BEGS., No. 24 Wood area, Pittsburgh, Pa, uir2l:Bwdaw] K E T .0 .11 U P 8 .- 30 dozen quart Tomato Retchuta; 39 du pint do du _ I. do do Walnut do 16 do do Mushroom do Jut ree'd and for tale by REYMER. &street, ANDERSON, No. 39 Woo I a• 3 Opporlte the St. Charles Hotel al 9-2,..: 1w0 MEE= PifilYtzußri - u, p.t NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH J OS. It. 11 UDITI4II HTTSBU Itii 11, PA J. U. I.lAvire No. iU Smithfield street, LOCAL AFFAIRS. Clarion County Herm. ConAderable activity is now manifested along the Clarion river in the b:at t naives.. The tmexpected high price of that staple has been an laceutive to many of our Clarion river friends to turn out au many boats as pc.ssible for the nest Hite in the waters. We are glad of this—they are cum. pomed generally of a hard working clams, and we like to see labor reworded. In ferii.er years they were nonietimei k•All 1 riled to take for their boats what would Beat eely pay for the lumber. Mr. Al,l9ader Brown died ou Sunday lag, at the deoco of .1. M. Turuey, Esq., in Monroe toy. Lio uae connidered the oldeat ruau in Clarion minty, Loing about 1J years old. Mr. Brown Nay an early plonver of that et.nuty--settled on Piney creek when the surrounding coon t,y was a howling wilderness. Ile was alwaya a mnu of la tolligence and good character, aria his fecolties were pre aerrod to a remarkable degree in old age. A now hotel has boon opened in Greenßyille by Mr. H A. Williams. Hu is known te, iho public al a le.tei r, nod will dunbtloas receive 016 pal r.,Dage In ‘l.l, A In, ,t. fut . thn a. CuILIIIIIA6OUIi ti E• ,112.1 that. place The Loran of ltir J u 1.. :iintfit, of Lituestottor pNlOrdiii, OD Hotilay last LJA - ontu it i t ttAcitt,tl to ilto-torlllo utttl tau oil with his Lug;), ttud hia \Ott) stittru in It at the tun , , kt LoWll M.r. 6 1,,rict.,1 It .-g - ) 80it.1 . 0 would uu the tv , Mr. Smith Is c•Dsit,l ally iti JUftmi. 'tat. A Lud •. ,IIT cu--The " rt.] ce " of Alle.gtfuuy 'tt , 6,i Ulu la-ototlioa of tioi City at flight, t of, abiting of four fia-o. ba”u ohataal by the Police Cow- Li., A ih-gi...ny c“uncik. lu couNtaeations with ,owe of pfutes 11.110116 of Allegheny we were plotoied t • 1,1.11 thMt the) ptupoße to eillet by privatti.rto vrpriee what 1103) Call ta/L lhteugh their repre4eutatives in Council. They appear resolved to protect themselves by ,s tablishiog an iudepo9dent police and paying thorn by 1110111311 raised from private t.lll.3S,riptilitl. We are glad to eau 1110 C/IIZOIII3 of Allegheny du %lath liful of their tutereeta. It is wingulur the t city has t sou 130 long without a night watch. Its population 10 at loaf one-third as touch as that of Pittsburgh, mot yet, while this city hue a night police avertighol four men o. elo:t, word, the residents of Alle gheny, are, without cue, and ate left at the mercy of thieve sod Nagalxmds of every descripticm. hope this laud, b'e enterprise may Le carried out, and that this action Ott the part of the people will demonstrate to the authoritke of the city the uecessity of affording protection to the lives and proper of their citizatid. Tue TEA PARTY THIS EvranNn.—We know of 110 charity in this city more deserving than the Marcy Hospital. Since its whiblishniant much flittering has been relieved by it. But it costs something to maintain it, and this mo.tt be dune by the contributions of the charitable. In calling upon our citizens for contributions towards this Institution, its maiia guts have always endeavored to combine recreation with b..- usvolence. Following up this system the Catir_die ladies of the city have been making extensive arrangements for a "Ten Part be held at I.nlayette liall this evening, for the benefit cf this hospital. We hope it may bo a dl:CC01,1. The many friends of this noble charity will doubtless (IA doe their usual liberality, uud to those who debit. to while away an hour agroenbly rind at tkle RAIII3 time /waist in the relief of the distressed, We would earnestly say, go there and do likewise." FOsTER's NATIONAL Tli , .3dvite.---A fair aLdiencer, as pros. I t lust evening at this esh.blishment, anti Schiller's great tt, gedy of " The Robbers " was well purform.d. Mr. Keebl.• Is an actor of considerable talents, and perronntect .lie rub ber chietatln to the lifs. Bailey as the Count, Julia 'T • Cooke as Amelia, Young as Speigelberg, all did very well, as did also Mr. Bascom as holler. Mr. Itlagiuloy, an old Pitts burgher, has improved much during an absence of sere: al years, and appeared to advantage as Swilear. At the chso of the piece, Mr. lit , eble w is called before the curtain, and mad , a shaft speech, tha kiog the audience for their kind ri.c....p!iun of him on his first appearance. This evening, Mr. .T. H. liaekott, the world renowned comedian, appears in hie ucapproilidie ble character of Fal staff, in King Henry IV. Wu feel certain that the hoe, will be crowded on [hie cceds'on, and ddriug the four ni, va .ia 11 x:lrJad, ara r..tionAl for le.ca, (,),• at. r . n r r V.•-ri • buildatio which !do lar r p and ,113, Sr. 3d:a tot i.r.artho att of [lt o Alloi.,heay i cou:ity. 'lll, eAlithrity of :be wa;•: of the Mountain .!liceu,r) for add and all OWN:, oojov• utont.9 and recreation.. ah.:h g.vo health and vigor, hay.) renditroO poidd pl4ca of Strum, r 1.034 A t ri,itor.i Iron. as (.Art4 or Lho Unhod dtrrtca. 'fho Pon nind 11r-iltuacl l.lroeihea tutaua of 5050.0 daily ,from ail the cities of the Uaioa, while el the .tf y ir.e, ct coin.huni.:at, With (110 Ir.dy low 14,4E4. Thlt Lelouw to "The MIL glony Moaata:a flualth Indtout ,, ," wil l , ail Om tarn.trire and fixtures belonging to the Company They are in a anitabloconnition for the tom. foriablo accummuilation ut over TWO EIIINDItED co a u.m , ,,tr , .it maLag-,r, tho clusneu is a moat t xruil,nt Or,). Addle Ari, ,JOSE I'y Preet, ‘ ,- 1 TEAMBOAT FOR SALE.- kj The steamboat tilt AND TURN, has been thcronghly repaired and is in complete order, Mud ie to every respect u D N 0.2 boat; her chum bm., - the same as whoa now. All contracts for repairs m the boat halm required atl work t i be done in the beet enblo manner, sunject to the approval or rejection of on EA- m.:ienced steamboat builder. These contracts have been e overly executed, and she Is now otti3rod for eats as com plete and worthy of the attention of parties wanting a drat rate steamboat. hu is 15e to , t Ion;, 3 feet beam, and 5 feet hold—is very well timbered and taitened, and tetrad and staunch In every particular. PUNVER—Threu boilers 24 feet long, 31 inches diameter cylinders IS!4, inches diameter with 5 feet stroke, and to known to to n FAST boat; is supplied with a nigger engine. CAFACITY—WIIb carry 650 tons. Draws 2t inches water; has a very fine cabin. Trams—one-fourth caub; balance in good oppoved on durued pat or at 6, P 3 and la months, with interest; or mot e liberal if required, upon undoubted security. Apply to CAPT. MARK STERLING. GO I4NO SEE GEORGE P. ERTZ'S First Frew'luau Blind Factory, CORNER TIIIRD AND MARKET i•TS., PITTSBURGH. riIIIOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. llty work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. 72 TIIIIID Str oot Pittsburgh. (rny8:1)-is Safety and Economy in Light. WIIY WILL YOU BURN CAMPLIENE AND FLOID, when you can get a cheaper and butter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gee of Can nel Coal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleas ant, and safe portable light over offered to the pnbll., and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas, and quite Ft: , cheap; lamps of the most simple and easily managed construction. For sale by T. D. EIODKINSON, /Jar Beware of a coaaterfeit already is tue market, made ['OM Caamheau, with a little Cral VII to scent It. ffe27:ly SPRING FASHIONS. pia SPRINCI STYLE SILK HAT, IS now rco dy, nt 0. H. PAULSON'S., air243w No. 73 Wood area. $6OO g s r ti : m 6 f o ra f in et e by d l w o el l l i il nt ly dltuated un eft. Wushiugton. 'forms uessy. teal A. CUTHBERT 8051.51 Market, t. LYONS' 1 1 /IAGNETIO POWDER—For the dedtracth.n of lus..cts, ouch as Bed-Bugs, Cockroach es, Moths, Fleas, Auto, Mosquitoes, Blies, Plant Insects, Vermin on Fowls and annimsts—on hand and for sale by at?. B. L. FAIiIiEsTOCE, dc ED, WHITE AND BLUE.-500 boxes Tei!et Variegated Soap, assorted colors, in lb , ib, and is lb. cakes, on band and for sale by Jail IL V. he J. H. SAWYER.. .-150 pkgs. White Fish, Trout, Sal mon, atc. jap7l lIIINILY H. COLLINS. ABOUT TIIE LATE CONCEIT.—Com fort, tit and fashion add much to unr enjoyment Th,ei WllOl3O toot [ALMA them et the late concert from the of ects of bad lits,ur who need soructhiug now for spring wear to make them feel comfortable, should boy some of DIFFEN- B &CHER & CO.'S Fine French Slippers, Gaiters, Boots and Shoes, at the PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE,' me :XS No. 17 Fifth etreet, near Market. GREEN, MARSHALL AND BOONE Counties, owh—valuable lamb in these oonnties„ for s3lo by B. CUTHBERT & SON, PIANO AT A BARGAIN.—An elegAnt fio,owood, Chlckering Plano, only in use three month, in perfect order in every respect, will be sold at a very great bargain. The owner is now in tho West, and wishes to sell at once, aud for cash. The subscriber will guarantee the Piano to be perfect, and unblemished. Apply to oat JOUN Pi. MELLOR GEED NESHANNOCKS.-25 bble. Seed Neahannock Potatoes received and for sale by JAMES A. PETZER, Corner Market and Vint atreeta. WOLFF'S AROMATIC SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS—Another tut of this celebrated tonic bitter, just taaVeti by JOS. FLEMING, apl3 Corner Do,zzoad and Market Meet. nir'224ly—lo ()Plat& N.TO JOSEPLI Bann.; cOu teltoun & 00111ilti, Coleman &Kc ltuu, ' Budd St Cutuly, Pittsburgh, Pa., Or, J. P. LESLEY, Chairman of CQ:uniltfre, Philadelphia. Fa No. 13 St. Cl.tir street UOIvtiVIERCIALo PITTSBURGH N0.11.11D OP TRAM.: Ansi EXCCIANGTO Fre.ITS../eng. w. H. WILE,LiIIt ti ice: .1";•?.7.5.1.ri:.,:. P. R. BRUIiOT, 15t, Trecisurer. 111:1011i33... , 8;Z011 DEN. Commfttee of Arbitra?im for Hardt F. R. BRUNOT, Vica Preokh,nt, J 0111.4 J. GILLESPIE, JOSEPiI IL lIU.NTER, SAMUEL SIIRIVEIt, AUSTIN LOOMIS. PiTri'suirlitili Di A RH: It;T threfult Rejarlid by J6:3tPtl SNOWDHN, SUpiiiithiiid • :of U. 31,rchants' Ezclianye. Prrittunatit, Aptil 13 185 FLOUR .The ma.h.t N unchanged as to prlei,d. The soles that lrenspirA to day stuzunt to bOO bble. Flom first hands; 000 Ws. aupeifiue and extra oa private terms; 05 bbls extra family at $1,60@3,80. Fnut . store : 395 bbla. In different lots from store at $1,50'.3,3,152 for superfine, sl,n:l,l_ ter extra and {..1,06 fur extra RYE FIJOUR... } aka t. hhls. l om first hands at 73:26 CORN FLOUR...tialoa 1115 t hcecid.4 5 bbl. BUCKWHEAT FLOUlt...Saloa C, taus at 7t...;. ISM thd. RA1N....9,a1ee All bash. Oats from canal at 27e.; 000 hush. fr.ta kora at 80e.; 53 Lush. Coin IC.,Na firat hands r.O ',Hyatt, toms; sacks our Corn from stor,, nt .15. z. "et latch CORN !HEAL. Salas 20 batik (row th,t, Lauda at EA,' Lush. 110511 N Y...Salea iu Lusli. from timt hauda at 11,10 (nab. POTA'roEzi...Siika 11.4 hunt, rt.da from what at bnah. ASIIRS...SaIas 6 cults Pearls at tc. cash. Eoo3...Sales 13 bbls. LIS 7:),, , A3c. duz. DRIED FltUrP...Sslus 317 bush. Apples at t,1,25, and 16 bush. du. at $1,37 1 ,4 V bush. HAY...Sales 6 loads from the scabs; at tl2@sl6 r tuu. SUGAR—Sake 12 hilt's. lair N. 0. ou turn kept private. SYRUP...SuIu 4 bble. Baltimore at 45c. cash. COFFEE—SaIes 22 bags ttiu at 124. - ;. V, 11). 5ALT...840 25 bbla. at 1,1,50 OlL—Sales 10 Mo. Lard No. 1 ut 85c. p BACON...SaIes 10,000 tbs. Shun Hurd ut 1000 tbs. do. at same figures; utloo 1:03. Shoulders and Sides at 5 and 0 1 / 2 c., sixty days; 7000 tbs. Shoulders and Hama at 7 1 A and 100. moth 800 tbs. country MIMS . at 01',,r.; 1000 ib9. Hams at 100. "p lb. WHISK V... Sales 30 bble. rectiaod in lots at '20(102o. Foreign Markets. Per Steamer City of Waahirglon.) LIVERPOOL BaRLDSITPF MAREET.—ltichardsou, Sp - arce Co. quote Flour as very dull, with the followl .1;T:online! quotations: Western 21(41225; Philadelphia and ffaltimure . 2'2.©•235; Ohio 23@275. Wheat is very dull and prices are nominal and unchanged. Corn is dull and is freely off, red at 33s 6d(gt34.m for all descriptions PROVISIO:O3.—Beef is dull and nominal Pork.la steady at 70.. Bacon is dull but steady. Lard is steady at 50s, with more Inquiry. Tallow dun and ld lower. timoucE.--Sugar dull. Coffee quiet. Rice dull. Rosin steady at 44@459. Turpentine Spirits film; holders aro demanding 458. Pot toad Pearl Ashes are the former at 455. Bark dull, Philadelphia quoting at Os 6d. American securities were active, but generally unchanged at London. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET —Holders were pressing ou the market, causing a decline of 34@iVel. The Halos for three days were 21,000 bales, including 4000 to speculators and 6000 to exporters. The quotations closed irregular. the advices from Manchester ware unfavorable, all quali ties having Suffered a slight decline, BREADSTIIPM—The Liverpoof Breadstuffs Market closed dull. PROVISIONS.—The Provision Market is reported as closing steady. LONDON MONEY MARKET.--CODSOIS closed at 97:1e . ", for money and 97 , ,• 2 ;@97 4 for account. rev York Market. Nsw YORE, April 13.—Cotten; sales 1000 bales, all be fore the steamer's news was rOCCiVEId. Flour; nearly 11,000 bbls sold. Wheat firm; 15,003 bush sold; Milwaukee Club $1,02©1,03. Corn buoyant; 62,050 bush sold; white 78@75; mixed Western nominal at 72. Bacon quiet. Hama Shoulders 63©6)..1. Mess Pork has advanced sc; sales at $17,500517,15. Sugar quiet. Ceffee steady et ltl@ll4 Butter shady at 12(16)15. Iron dull at $25(520. Tallow dull. New Vork Stock Blarket. NEW YORE, April 13.—Stocks lower. Chicago and Rock Island 74%: Illinois Central Bondi 88 , %;: La Cr:use and Milwaukee 9; Mich. Southern 24%; N. Y. Central 57!,:; Reading 47%; Milwaukee and Mississippi 33; siihsonri e 3%; (Islet a and Chicago 88A.; Erie 23%; Nicaragua 4. Cincinnati lilarket CINCINNATI, April 13.—Flour, sales 120 bids at s3,t.';.,_y 3.55 for superfine, and $3,75®3,85 for extra., which is scares; receipts light. Whisky firm ut 16,4 with a.tles of 1200 bbls. Provisions buoyant; 200,000 Ts Bulk Moats sold at ti? ,44 for Shoulders and 8 1 ,i for El:daa. No 51e2s Pork is to b.! had ho low $l7; $10,75 to ft•ely hart is hardly s. firm F.t nothing wan Bono. lime , d Oil has advanc,d Baron oiler ate higher 200 Ude sold ut 9%. Nothing was done in P houltiv:.2 I=MII!E=MM H. CHILDS C 0.7 7 X 22 CID Preq f'; Itr L,;;' ; ,l Iltef 2 • P 1 tiTi a 4 an An (2) J. ' l4 4~ ;lt 442 4 i zOA L) _r_ NO. 13 WOOD STRL'ET, PITTSBUILGH, PA., 11. AVE JUST RECEIVED TIiE I R large SPILINJ STOOK. OF BOOTS AND SHOES, consisting of a meat variety of A eadunablu and fitsbiortable gooda adapted to aiming and summer sales. Haring been purchased for cash, at reduced prices, they t'a,el warranted in saying that they can supply Western merchants, by the package or dozen, at rt 9 low prkes as the saute quality of gorala can Le purchased in the Eastern cities. Particular attention given to orders. Eli e" Also, a god supply of New York and Bpauieb Sole Leather. ap7:3L13... itl Chia, Glass and Queensware. SPRING STOOK JUST OPENED, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF .10C 20 liT FL "Sr IX I C3r sa. 'Yr , 1.562 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. VVHO IS NOW RECEIVING FROM Furore and Eastern Citie% a choice assortment of articles in his line, comprising new and tastetul shapei of Pearl White Stone Tea. Dining and Toilet Ware, and the same in Plato, Gold, Lustre Band and Mowers; Fine White Vitrified Iron Stone Table Ware, known to bo the most dur able now in use for Hotels aid Steamboats; French China &- new styles, in Pure White and Gold Band, either in sets or single pieces; Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sets; Brits Munk; and Plated Ceders; German Silver Tea Table tiroone, Soup Ladles, etc., plated with silver; tine Ivory handled Carving, Tea and Table Knives and Forks; Tea Waiters and Trays; Shaker and ®ress Table Mats Jappaned and Dec orated Tin' oilet Set' Also, a complete and full assortment of all articles suita ble for the COUNTRY RETAIL, TRADE, at prices to plea=s the public, who aro respectfully invited to examine this stock. mr27:3tudavr CHANGE MP FIRM. P. HITCHCOCK, having purchased the /As iuterest of JACOB HUFFMAN, iii the drat of hull• man, M'Creery & Co., the style of the firm will heresitpr ba HITCHCOCK, M'CRUCRY it. CO. Mr. Hnffmun will gull remain In the Homte. HUFFMAN, M'CREERY & CO. I.IIITCHCOCK, &. C 4, (SUCCESSORS TO iiIIMIAN, li'Canax & Cu.,) Forwarding and Commission MmAants, WHOLESALE DEALERS 13 PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL. No. 114 SzcOND 137. ram, Pr:StensGO, Pst aiwiLtatiOUe: Springer Harbangb, Joseph E. Elder, Et. Loots; Pittsburgh ; Fenton Bros., H. Childs Co., " 'Cornell G Dorsey, Baltimore; Bagaloy, Cosgrove &Co., " Garret k.!Sartin,Philedelphia; HcCandless, Means a Co., " James, Kent, Santee A Co. " G. W. Smith, & Co., " Weaver a Graham, Gnu. M.& L. Hord, Cincinnati tieene, Sterling & C. A. B. Fenton & Bros., " Yard, Gilmore & Co., " apl:tf A CARD. KLEBER HAVING JUST RETURN . Bo from the Eastern cities, where he has selected a cheice stock of superior I'IANOS for the spring trad-', would respect-i r folly invite the attention of purchasers there- " to. They were chosen withgreat care from the entire East ern stock, and are considered among the finest instruments ever brought to this city. Purchasers are solic;ted to call and examine, as this is an excellent opportunity for obtain ing a first class and reliable Plano Port-. ap6 IL KLEISEIi, No 53 Fifth Eart,et. ts'ehool for Young Ladies. M. J. BAKEWELL, INTENDS TO Open hie Sell 01, ou MONDAY, the 6th of April. Titlls, $l5 00 p6r qudi tor. Residence at hie euu'a houne, 191 Second street. 'Mums, Eudthtleld street, N. E. corner of Diamond alley. _ trie29:tf GREEN APPLES.-15 bble. choice Ap plea received, and for sale by AIcOANDLUS, KEAN° .t CO.. Corner of Wood and Water streets ried DRIED PEACHES.-15 bus. choice reaches recel - ed and for sole by JAMES A. FETZER, anB Corer Market and Pirst etreete. DAVID H. WTT.T.TAMS, CIIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR J FOR THE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from live burners awl upwards, awl for Heating Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. myB:lTim PITIPI3I3II,GEL PA MEDICATED LYE OR ALPALINE SO LUTION—An excellent remedy for Dyspepsia, Heart burn, Acidity of the Stomach, etc., etc., a large supply re• ceived this day, by JOB. FLEXING, aplB Corner Diamond and Market stmt. ; i ISAIAH ~1 -~] 3,7trAiim . L.- SHOE AREHOLISI Pti rir , ...,... IP i -- 1 l- r i> d:cilitoskcl t 7, iit - -4. r 4-, ----, ,--- - --.1 , „ c _, .-, A (...") PT 4 . 1- J •E• „, i; lir Ea ~ i ".~._ ~~~~_ _= .7a3OCIO3MCI•M'W 4 :SAS WJnAik.biaXaC. INDESTRUCTIBLE ROOFING. aussELa_A9s PATENT CONSINiTIA{, CANIVAI6' - ;.4S,IIIIRAi.TED WITH RESINOUS SUBSTANCES, ETC, ''4llE UNDERSIGNED L-; PREPARED To COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF with ittiee.ditg L ,00p-eitiou 11 iehtptett for all kinds of Rare, fist or Bleep; it can also Lo applied on Tin, It. I), la" 0.1 % "!.:a a porl,et job. This composition is not eafected by atmceptielic changes ; It wilt neither crack nor ruu ; it is impervious to water ; 1 IltL PROOF anti more durable than any other kind of a, of. ill , nil te .hug material Le need iu Yua queutittee throughout the United eitutee, on Homes, Bridges, Rolling Mills, Itteltutul Cate., end tat , ion. and Ia eteuddored a perfect protection from the elements. Although thin tooting vot' intrte;Locd h,re in ICid, it can he seen on many of the buildings in the city. Moo, on re , .et of the Itell.eala I her, ruler to a tuw pticaa whera this RoolltE.: is in na.., as Air; Ericlgept:st ; Martiotv,ll..; Lagrange; Steub Cone, and the ! , 1 atelier. r Dnpot : P. nns:,lv.,nia Central Rail ~ unago a'. Alt, our.; Allegheny City, Wwittninster College, a Lonee; vu Trintblo'a nunaeroug cAtlter9 in this All ortl,:r3 left at No. 211 LIBERTY STRE terial can ha seen,) will re.crive prompt P.tteati DAGUERREAN GALL Elli M B, it ()TYPES,- A WnIiTIPUL 2ND eI.,:TL;ILI; WARRANTED, OAN I ItAD A 9 L-1V AS AT ANY NIEI:IICLASA IN THE COUNTRY, AT %V A 1,L 9 t4, street ittAnoved •.?.1 Elilila Street. lARGO & CO.'S PlfoToo itAl'llle AND ha , lk,u removed from Forth 6tteet, t.. St.. 21 Filth int, , et, near 'Alai het. These (011131 d having been built esp , ,ciAlv f, , r the purpose, with three lard, li. hti, arc. not Ft rpa:i3ed in the city for comfort, convenience and excelleco , in arrar_gcinui,t. thir• Our old tri , .lid, and at,' ens ant tho.g, etching BU vrior are invited to . tirS 11,-.nation thane and epccur,-,na on the groucd tlo r. ap7 R. M. CARGO CO., Photographers Head Ain biro lypists, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 21. Fi th at.rvdt, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, S. W. cor. of Markut Arcut and Diamond, Vittzburgb PRICES TO BUIT ALL. myl9ttf-.11) WYKES' GALLERY OF ART, NO. 60 MARKET STREET.-PICTURES taken at this Gallery by a new and improved process, giving the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex ion. They are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be far superior to any pictures eve. exhibited in this city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and ezainitia MB large collections of specimens. Ills Gallery being on the second door, is easy of access. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken in two 59C01161, at No, 60 Market street. my27:tfis E. B. Pri/iES, Artist. ROGER I:3' NEW DAOUERREAN AND AMBROTYPI, 44.EY AND SIDB-LIGHT G ALLEltir t FLFTEL STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST•OHHIOB 15,..PICTITAES taken in all the various stylea, in nu weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. cr dtcua2,o4 pore..ns taken at their residence. atChlyds.w—is WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY. WA.I. C. WALL 11AS 'TAKEN 'IIIE third flour of Julies' New Building, Ealjokung the 3.le;hanies' 'lank, Fourth street, fur au AM to;or YPE ANL , PLIOTULIRAPLUO trIALLEIIY; and having Litted up the ruuni iu a style unsurpassed, invites his ft hinds and the puLl lie to visit his Edtablishrueut. Ills liaception Room, he has no his tatiuu in saying, has not its superior anywhere, tor size,beauty of turniture and appointments generally; and hig Operating Rooms, b..ing oa the same flour, are maimed immediately inrOlgb it. In hit Operating Room., the most improved combined side and sky lights give a facility for taking a finished Pic ture, in the leo.t possible time, that he thinks cannot fail to make his establishment the rescat of all p: of [Asti. Mr. Wall's eitiporience as an Artist, is a guarantoo to 163 patrons that new, but geed Pintutre c.ill Le poi Leilied loave hie pretnises. The public, and tho Ladies r‘specielly. are tivito I to i• his re.. 1119, and oaonli t ,o I A_ Ui,)l l l(_).N ',-,', 1, ii,; LARGE SALE OF NEW A.N HAND CARR I: k :T.lt_• LI I. ' • . lu irtru: of lbw Nuvr So, 6 - int! h e Cr, t, WED:Ng:DAY MOltiils . .o, April lith, ea it b e „11 , wro,, n t I, r A.: CA: I Wt•vus, ore., of 881 by eOll.lO Eaetern rrallllatiletl/I,rl al-.d P. 11. Anctiunoer, (1 OLD AND SILVER IV AT ti ti ES, BEAU- TifUL Jewelry, Silver l'lattect Wore , and fancy ar. times . 113—Auctiou, at !ticULItTiiEY'S AUCTION l''J Woo] SErfs4(dte oil and well ' StAt.d) c o mnomeing AJ9k....1., and con timing every eveui.ig 3Fr'rsr'er The goods will bo open icy .tem each da - ; . ,"'whef Ladies as well as Oeutle.cieu or • real, •etinily incited to cab, sat they may i.k.rcinise at prit'ftt, 'ale., a u . lisalo ur rota I, at %try low prices, it they }Minty, and a:1 goods Ishai• as represented and satisfactory, or nt"oey v.fun led. Par sons Wi<te . e; goals tliiii line s,III sod hoc hale we , thi ,1 action, us there is a gt,Lit v..triety to sol,ct arni wo are Set emitted to sell. Pleas.- give us a cat I. Sato to memo each eveuit ..rIS/11.1.% (.11;!..Y. upl2:rf W. G. muc , .‘ l:T:N EY, dr r. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF STOCKS, !ts ELTt!ITIN & AND 122,w, 56 r 111 1 _1 Crithr:l EXECUTOI-IS CilAitLIT AV} ‘,l fir tt 1 , 41,1 x sni tt.- ittoLu-gf'. T'3‘,122 DAY, th. 3 11th pus`;.; , o'cl. . tho following st2,cka, '2r 66 shares of oho Capital ol the ?ittsburgh tz, - 1 Eo+ ton alining Corn F, I 0 Loa - , 1000 d) t ,, e Capital .F. 0 ...0ez. Nsuvual.:•lll , o , ;.; 5 do I...i:change Vauti 400 do Allsgt., , ,Dy Funk. 42 do Hand Sits-et H 0 rlo Moaong,.looa, do de. 183 do Alonolig,ha 67 du fitts'gli, Cin. and Loulardlo C. 10 do Alloghi,ny tins Con.pauy. 67 do tittitigh, Ft. Wayne and Dividend Scrip of ditto, of $ l 2 40. 20 do Charters Valley E.ailroad Company. 20 du Wilkinsburg and Wo?.t Newton plank 11 , :z1 Co, 1 li'elzolarship Pittslinrgh Pemsto Coilega 'IIIOMABIIOI,VE,I W 3.1 811INN„'-'6xecut , , , rs. .2081 AU KING, ) THE liff ERC ENE iC , FOR THE, PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF TRADE. B. DOUG 1.,A 4.1 t, GlO Corner Wood and FOh 'treets , Pludburgh, l'a • :ILEA klistal 11,11,2,1, New York hub t ,ll, Morrh, 1852 NEW YOB.K PittsburA B Douou.ss 6: CD. Philadelphia B. DCU3LASB Ciucinuati B Dona Liss 4: Co Cleveland B. l'ou it.ies & Co. Detroit B. Dou :Lls3 ,SL Cbicago B. DotiaLses et: Co. Dubuque B. D01:M5.33 & CO. Milwaukee B. ik.UOL.t,'S A. CO. New ()devils B. Bouot.A.A.J Charlcbtutt It DOLMA A. CO, Louisville B Dourmeas & Co & CO ASJue . .S.TY. 0/FIC,C.9 it , . . Haliiinors iticlanacol F ~ . 1, 2 1L1N OFF LES. DODOLkii9 & Co B. DOLOL►9B o Montreal, C. E London, Eng.. . - Letters of Introduction to Lawy era of high standing and rebpectability in every Eectioa of the Union. will he grateitonaly fox - Ili-elle: to subadrit , tra making upplicat,on at the office. Also, lettere of intrcduction to any of the offices Darned above. VI.. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDID TO IN ALL PARTS 0? TUE lINITAD :.1 - A.T.E.9 AND BRITDIEi PUaSZtittlONi. I aplUdru T HI R'l' Y-ONE CENTS, WILL Fur A liIIRSEILLES SHIRT FRONT, AT CHESTER'S GOTHIC HALL, Corner of Wood tArept anti Diamoucl alley NEW SATIN PAPER.—At 20 acid 25 Cents per roll, for sal.. by W. P 3.1,111,i11.ALL, ap9 hi Wood etreel. , NEW tiOLD PAPER.—At 50 and r tae, f,r rain by ‘1 !,1 A ;:01l ALL app IATUARY AN D l'Al NTINt Land. ecapeF3, [dour, r y, Pilchcmiw, WP.Pb!ur,t , r:, Franklin and hap W. P. MARSHALL ap9 57 woc.ict,t. PRING DRESS TRIMMINGS.—iII the chu';ca atylas In the market at r , aclonable prices, at ap9 IIOR::E'S TRIMMING STORE. IXQUISITE DESIGNS OF REAL FRENCH EMBROIDERIES., ut the los.eet poe.stWe GEASE—A superior article for Carriagu, Drop, tr.c., in caul, kegs and barrels. an 9 HENRY H. COLLINS. POTATOES. -50 hue. for ealo by mrls lIENRY li. COLLINS. %IWO LOIS--lu the Pool. 'louse plaeof loco, with paling f_nce to Clout, and other nnprove teents. eace low, and terns ea.y. Foe rale by ap7 S. CUTLIBERT & SON, (.1 market tt. GREEN APPLES.-20 ay7 HENRY H. 0011.1N8 LIME.—Limo constantly on hand, fresh White Lime, superior to any brought to the minket. ap7 HENRY 11. COLLINS. GLASS. -500 boxes 8110, 9x12 and 10x12, for Bale Ly (ap7) a . ENRY IL COLLINS. VININE.-600 oz. on hand and fur klula by iaP 2 J li. b FALINFatTO 4 I.E GO. R J fir • v r 0 B. DOUGLASS & CJ Cirel: ILL R Co. J 1). Pu&IT & Cu, ...... PRATT ft Co. J. HORNE, 77 Markst street 1 a a Et . X IV d eau be aeon—Cleveland and Pittsburgh Ra•lrclad ; at 13,11 c, c;encil McCoy's; Wel:Lydia; Liverpool and Rod/eater Iroad ; :.-pruco Cre.k AAuria Station, Mill .It, Tipton and Far- D.l many lirdidinPa; Pit teburgb, J. MeCully'e Ware d;y. ET, NT T6BURGEI, (where samples of the ma 'o, by F. FAHNESTOCK, Agent. I DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Na It. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discov ,1 in one of our common paa:ara weeds a remedy tact cer,c Every kind of Humor, VROM THE WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COMMON PIMPLE. Ho has tdod it In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases, moth thunder humor.) He has now in his possiosion over one hundred .cortiticates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles aro warranted to curs a nursing sore month. Ono to three bottle,. will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two or throe bottles will Afar tho syetwn of biles!. Two bottles aru warranted to curs the woretcankor in the month or stomach. Three to nye bottles are warranted to cure the worat kind of Erysipelaa. Ot.e to two botth•e aro warranted to cure all humor irethc eyoa. Two bottles are warranted to care running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to tdx bottles are warranted to care corrupt and running ulcers. Ono bottio will care scaly eruption of the shin. Two or throe bottles are warrantod to cure the worstkind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most des pa ato case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt-ltheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst caee of scrofula. A L,'nefit. 113 always experienced from the first bottle, bad a peffect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. ROXBUItY, MACB Dian lilausst,—The reputation of the Medical Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say anything on the subject, ea the most skilful physi cis•w and the most careful Druggists in the country are mi. animoua in its praise. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a full knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing most of those diseases in which you are uu fortunately so liable. That most excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, _ NURSING SORE MOUTH, 12 cured as if by a rairaclo; your own temper is reatornd ti its natural sweetness, and your baba from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers ; and the Medical Discove ry becomes a fountain of blersiog to your husband and household. In the more advanced gages o (JANKE it tt cxtot.d..l to the 9.tomach, cart.ing DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing b;:t caper of tbe atom h; thEh , to the KIDNE 7E3, crating s alnLiz t ;, g.ots v-r..d ua indifferenza even to the. carve of l'cur biaii3. V. 012.1 dtc.m.aea ILYA' AND INFLAMED, your food dietreel-e you, and yon can only tako certain kind.; ead oven ct that your eyntem does nut get half the ncnri;L•re❑t. it e,litai.la na thea.;:imououe fluid of the canter ente it op; then your complexion tt..l bloom end ho. cornea nohow of"t: , ,nieh, and your hoot day to gone. For writ of nouri.duf. , ..nt your syntom bi_onieelo , :aa and flabby, abree of y,or body become relaxed. Thou tellowu train 01 - , iititllltA34 which the Medics; Discovery La pectfilarl) I. Lr,:.lto CURE; Pelpitation of the heart, pain in the aide, weakneae of the :mint, and small of the hack, pain of the hip limit when yea re ire, Irregularity of the and alai, that moat eve ciutilig of tiise,-9eq, the PILES. How many thousands of poor women are suffering from tine dii,case and pining away a miaerahle life, and their most dour neighbor doe 4 not know the effuse. Iwih to imprear •., , ..zyaar4 . .Latal that good old proverb, e ounce of vr,,Nau. tiaa !?eiterll7,7l : „ - -nnd of Care." In the 1111 , :Diati4DISCOVEltY you hz n betil the preVeralltic - Itt.'l4t 4 e auto, with this grew; and vood quality, thatit, will :over, uzi,,,!7'—velrcnmstanco9, do you any lopiry. • , lie change of diet ever necee,ory—eat the beo - ,: - .Y , Taese gol and enough of It. 12:11.r.CT!0N.1 Fu Udg—A.llll(..., table opconful per Cl;fidnn over ten yeues deeeert apoonfal—Clo.ld.rou from to year.s, tc..lspoonfra. La no directiona can ba. aprl: ce.bie; to all oonstitntiona, take ;sufficient to bperate on th , tur..:P.; twt allay. Youra trnly, DONALD KENNELS' rrict $l,O pe: to!t1o. Fur Emit) by UEO. 14,:r 17011 THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES, U s E BOWIRYS VEGETABLE CAPOUNDI PREPAE ED BY BOWMAN & CO, r r,L'ULtENI". PA kJr 3d I y GEO. a. SEISEB., littsburgh, J. P. I'Ll W1 , ;0, Alk.sheny City, And llniggist4 gotv-rally L. C. 11131PBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER. 017113.6W14ki 13. SIPEZI7III./. Vosrtb curt A NEW SYSTEM AVERAGING ACCOUNTS ! Thoroughly Taught in Thirty Minutes, OR FO FAY 1111 El UNDERSIGNED ii AS ENC , AGED 11 - IRON CITY COLLEGE HALL, I,r eno week only. TEACEIERS, BOOK•IIENPT-RS? kind ACCOUNTANTS gen erally, will Ilnd it for their advantago to avail themselvls of this oi;pertuolty apl.o:lw* f 3 - . , 1--. .4:•; : i'; - • , '* , ;,'-t" , " . ; q4e),'*'.l Tr.--.'.'7,4,5 7 , 1 !•;.'4:' - ,: \ ~.----•, - ,-,,,,t,#.. ,I, ~+,,..i.,,,,,..7. .• 3 /::. • ....-N ~ . ...4..4.:44.. , ?fi - "!,!.-.., ~ cii-', ' ' ' M A lIBI,E 1 MARBLE! ! J 011 . 74 caiIIeGIERGO HAS A EEAUTIPIIL SELECTION OP MONUMENTS, GAVE STONES , EIRCIOF•UF01:1, POStO, &c., &C. be public are respectfully invited to examine our stock. I Lice, low, aret rulr:t warrauted. 15 12 :5" — is NO. 385 I,IIIBIIITY SrItEET. FRESH ARRIVAL -OF SPRING BOOTS AND SHOES, AT JOSEPH H. BORLAND'S, At No. 98 Diarket street. SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO io ict zi hki friends Find the poldic generally, that ho 'tying a large and well selected etc , It of Boots and Bhces, in parr of Gent's, Laclicii', Bey;', Youth's, Ylisis' which have 'won bought chiefly for end will hi , ivild very cheap. Give 115 a call, prnbasing elai-vdiAr... place, at the Cheap Calf ;Acre of 309.1.1Pii 11. BORLAND, N... doer from Wirth PtlOnt. ORANGES. -100 boxes Meeßina Sweet - nage:2, jo.A. rf.r.virnd for &ohs by REIMER & ANDERSON, apl2 No. 8.9 Wood stmt. MEW NUTS.- 2000 bustuala Pea Nuts; 10 bap Bordeaux Almonds; 60 Sicily Folt Shell Almon.l.: 2 paper She'.l .40 Pilbotts; _ fA " Wulnut, ; Creme Nuts; " Yecou , )00 Cocoa Nuts, inet tr.:rived and for tette t y REV Eft & ANDIMSC . N, No. a Wood street. upr.:" Oppoaite the St. Chattel Hotel BY EXPRESS ANP RAILROAD %ROI; ADDITIONS; Of FRESII OUlad Tv ,kur, (Lilrfeidy,) EXTENSIVE AND EXCELLENT EiTOCE JOS. 110IINE, 77 Mar of stro3t. SYRUP.—'O bbls. N. 0. Syrup for Bale, on coneiginctut, Ly (Ag) LIP.NWICIL COLLINS. MASTIC ap3:d&vr J. W. WORTUEN RIVER _NEW,. HARDY EG III'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Corner of First and Fer:.7 streets. RIV 23, WZOTM.I, ETC—The river Was rising vary rapidly last evening, with 14 feet water in the channel. The woath or was an olia-pedrida ; at ono Elate sunshine and then storm. Goods were going down to the wharf pretty lively. The Emma Graham left last evcning for 'Zanesville The tiperior is clue at t'ae s...harf this morninlg find will leave tc-moirow morning f,r einc.innat;, it hnr regu lar day, PORT PIq. " .VSU RGIL 11 PEE? 0 INChL3 *a:: Clt '-}L I IN EL • Steamer Ca;7.:•ru,,, Browzavild• " Col , i'a•• ard, t'd:z.ad " Telegrapa, NlTendwar:i, Judge dFC! ,, r --, We st t:c " Re‘alie, " Corntn•Tra, Ibuclricklon, Wi.Li •i • " Ida May. May. Laul . .sll l .o. •• " lie Cl‘at, DEPARTIID. Steamer Pe. , 1•1. " T• 'Woodward, .• .11tealh , , .1 'id M'Clur••, W. at Newton Chowat, 'Murray, i•VtleolitiL;. 1108h1i0. Day Whiplina• " I..tuala Graham, .cars " Ctiadiav r, Moor", Cincinnati. ii Neptune, Par, St. 1.011,1,.. ST EA NI ROAM CiINCRN NATI. For id - larltanatl. itslafTh.• par pirtat t EiL/PERtOß—OsptEf.llol7".l) J. amain—will bate Pittabargh for ClaciaulAi, an WEDNES• DAY, the ith lust., at 10 A. !I. For freight ,n raaar,ge apply , a toacA, cr to ap7 FLACK, BAKNK.Sh t CO., Agni,„ ZALNESTIELE. For Marlette cratl Zaileaville. ;. Tht. tltearn‘yr (1.11A11_5411, Capt. ! , .13 - c , !All) c s o—vo. and .I.i . t. 1 1' DAY, - 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight. or FOSTER'S NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. Lee arid Aqing Treijurer SCALE ~ .1" PRICES. Private Boxes to hold Rh peISoPS S 5 00 Dress Circle au,' Parquetto 50c. Upper Tier 25r. AR,— Doore open at 7 o'clock—aro - at:ono at lialfinet 7 'lilt The management hea much pleasure in announcing that he has int . no I on: , n ertlinHit t...in-dalu. M Ic. lIACKETT, on hi., wnv Pn-twnrti, to et p and porfotm for FOUR NIt3IITS W.I. Y. it , n I make la appearanc , evening, In him v , r!rl run ❑..1 eh fr ‘,. • nilstnff," Shaliapeare's greatest :; , ntic n ion. W EDNESDAY N G. formed Shat,paari), g. and I ia RANO HENRY FOUP.I2 11 Coultu i4ing tht, Bat: -1, ro, sly - A y,arirl Death of Hotspur Falstaff r. Hackett I 110t0pur.......Mr. 1tce61.., Prince a % aiva...l%ir.Bas,:c•ta. I Lad) Percy...Jullall. Hooke FLITOI ite Pas Earl Inas Emily Waldegravo. To conclude with (Ild ,iLe here the laughable farce of TR POST OF HONOR. Cobus Yorks Mr. Young. to Fisher et„. Tomorrow Mr. ilachett will arc ear. , JOHN W. AVCAUTHY, C TILL ATTEND 70 TIDE POST.INC4. and DI9TRIBUTIN'I of all Itio.f.f.: of BILLS rOll CONCIT.TO Iff'=I , ITIOITB, Sf L All corraanalcQtoai- vith•fr by tA.fgraph, or oth , . trlso—direotetl to tho oftiro of tlfi , Morrting Post., •.:111 prorapt attontfon SUPERB GR:LND N 4) Fl 4 O " UFAC'i+?. STEIZs , 4 WA -- AT 6z, SO. iv. KLEBEII, & 11 o IntE in au, lic that they lit;2 ..%ov GIiAND way .5 Sau:l, Noe( 't •G - L,j,. aweetues3 and rcialr.- li t - j,tul rop!{.!city c,s touch, and a nto,t. I cd the FINKST : thie cit., The m.ehatram 13 fl A :4 C,llO , I.ateuted tavention el Fe , 0t,..,.••,' S which (2, - nablue with tile utuwit (,111,111 n thlg:,,, ;..,tit tar .ey Ono of ,S:ehaway . t'ilN.).4 his lately Won parfornv.e, on 14, .P.J.lltmore, who OA ted that it will tou,ai - ;t11•:,, eve!, r..ml le - re in trmt; pow, - , • ful and of fine tmicli. A:1 th. - he-etd I bri p:iao, tiro unaulna - 4,3.1 meC.t4T.,::•Jr to fiIDIE , of an [lncr. Oat.ir.h.:.t)t, ha Amuriclu nniite, who h h.2.!E.; iT - 3, - 4.,s GRAN it PIANOS at th.ic C 3, . _ . Mr. t!attor, O, Pianist, of B u. ,to n , who h.„ tested. all the ccatto.ry,ld Stoluwuy SowfOran:i VOL:, iu I,te'PA'eTt:7l. to :my corat-r Vh'e raliptstlfully icy th 3 Nitethel plaicitldern or 6, r.cri - ialltd 100.11 meut. li. .i.j.LEBWJC 47,3 Fifth fitiallt, ola Agc.rits ti r Steinv:u7 4 Bous A IitIIVIES'I'EAD Fd) mill;--1": - . 9 SALE IN THE "(1 si L11)IlEl;ION " J-1 1n ~ I,.othc:r p..)11,i , .. , ni of Virgi.niA, •1:o to.10v; in g Farm. nud BuilditZ - 1 5 3 1:, .-." 11 '. ~,,", i. , 'tit 1 F artu u f i t y3"....:ri, i C..:,1 01,11.1!... :24.11)0, i 5.... 100 acres. 4 'derma of CO aco:.;-!.- , -.."' ir 1,45 -, :IC, " 40 •• lee) " 70 " '..' , 1 ' .. 1i Do • . 1.50 " 10 " '` 16wo • .2, ,,, k) •• ~ :AD " " *•,-,..., .. j '..',.0" 0 • " 1 .2 ,,,, - . ... - 11 Bui.trg 1.:43 ;.,; acre, :;i)0 uLs.a Ftv.lio eqrs Thu • 1 - 2.A1 " " 10,1105 I.A. .. " " ir2s , ,-,',", " " : , ').1..1.ti0 ‘• •• ' • • fr.:.; ' 5000 " - :2 '.x tad ,• . t. I , s ~ ,r,t) Shares, an:onutli.g 10,000 CE.B.1:1 , 10A11:1 of Clio dove F,hatte., (with Purls for thu Ink in•e•liato ex,eution atal Ile!Every of ht.ou 10,1XU etiVO.Jra, t•x,l szaki: elt 13.11i.2 , 1 up, 1:3 - e , b t n nunibcrod ou the out- F o t , treat 1 to to , to this no ono now know,. tba tonteuttt of any partico:e,r envo,opc. TliLy will ha sold 10 z.s.ca, without rot,roacte to wtolc they. contain, and hunt to any ono leaking appli , ..gtiou w.ll elf caear rho large:t. Yana, valued at $30,060, and the ytualit,t lug ut $lO, C2CII. Linty:7, l .a hav, lk1•,1 1 rnld tiro ! , those terms. Whilzt ttlnd tha none n,t*.inn the karma, every- purkita•r i., guarknt•e! tit /6:t at tenet. Everyolin,r 111 caud t., rat Oite nj at tea.rt double 1-.. - v-ty fourth parena:t4 o,!e at least quaiirupP, ;13 s:.rs ail value. \Yhilit every !entil purchaau will get a .Par:n rangaJg =n f:oru up tz. Tinnqt eau). :tnd I ;-ts art: Bold mOm ,p tDindat, ,t/t•nun!..r t auan:l,,c bsang ; ereza., th • incre,Fo ill it:lb Vela:, of wLi. ton en-at: I. tht ptcment. ~ a c• rifle'. The vepro:e.2.,g are to be a beal liaprove natt:?z, zut.ll. as Schon's, Any number of ,Shaves can lr. to :1r incanulants—to .htlm,tak.; at feast ten Shar.., obtoin , 4l. by 2 . P.tying o.Ntetf.lLF, and the hypo yiv !Iv Ea SIAL.2% 70,000 Acf ej Lunt!, 'P. ,ari , 01 S ur.Z t j a c es,cap ale„ Ls had at PF.iVAT.:: SALE. 2, 3 opqn Torso. dome of i , . lo HlefiLl' I.7llr.Alit:NTti A 11 A N'rt;l.l EVERY ti 11ERE T e I! gi,h L 5, 1!};;t,; LA In 1), , , toberal iuduc,tuent ~ill partinulav, apply to B.* UPEit. al, 1 . 1.r..11rt• C 0.., V Or to Cir://ltia.; 1.10051, Real Fetate and Ica -- runco Anent, I: at, cd Iha Diamond North of Ohio City. t o. apl2 WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, No. 42 Fteeli otrett, star Wood. REINEDIAII DIVRAN, WEWLE;S'ALF, AND AYP SI 0 0,, I) T - 1 -1: ' 1 ri24X33 SILVER. AND NI, AT WARE FANCY kf-4130D5. IVATCHILIgiraS"Ft)92 , S IT A T C I'd A 11 , AT EASTERN PRICES. J. H. DE 33 311. R Ft! Al 7 -1 ißwi i TA, Col W. 1./ / Si;:: 4 it 1 ...1 w,L Rk i 1; 1: i. T, T, I.: 1101314 t, :111„ardara3°e, 171 - 101.117..4% NO. 160 L11.11 , :11Tf. LITILOET, PITT:BUT,Cai, i•A , Keeps eonstently on hand, a large t - ,(zortment (.r Tin Ware., Cop! er Feta..., etc, T.-, ty.aiity, at very l o w 4,, 1,116:4 •I rail ler All Job • ‘sThri pr..raptiy at tended to. NEW ARRIVAL FRESH FRU co.) 1.4 w 11.11 .•,;11, 1 , 9:1E8 ( ivy) /Um:lsl4w Fi64; C:l!ea Prwa wets D 1.43; I() keg.... C. , Nokily,T. Pumce. J udt red hod r)r 1: 311;11. a. ANDERSON, No. CD SYox2 street, Oppoulto ISt. elhale9 Hotel. IEED SWEET PoTA'fbEt-r. 7 - - -20 barrels Swett Votatze3, to arrive aid for sale by J 01E8 A. FETZER, at , B Corner Market and First Areas. Q UPERB. CALM SODA.-200 kegs New AY Castla, for ula I. 04118 00 J C. D',511.1: w. YOUNG uEor.GE otEGREsT lay,of the C,ls; I art of . 7 '. 37`; FINE E Y L'ET,I2.I