;nAlri pi V..,., ,- : "4'?:.-i,--"..,:;;T,"--' "Oh, the confeda•aey Amil not hear of it through me Thor- i % ! , • others who eau give them 3 hint: look here And, going to the side of t! •o room, he thiew open a concealed do„,r It had been made, for uniformity with the re: t of the roma, to resem ble shelves mid leather backs of books, each vsi ume lettered itmi numbered, and so ingeniously contrived and finished that ii„.ihing but a exe.ininati.on could unveil the dect=ptioti. Yiark viontle.red at ibis prow ileg, en 1 as ii thunderstruck as he. beheld , !ut , tt trio ti:r dressing-ream into which it ap..iurid the very men he had been noraying, to wit : the min celled Young Crow. and Peter 'Watkin, (the sp .u. ..ng, ? r,) along with others of much weight and influence a mong the men . ti ;thing could have beon fur ther from his eiptctution than this coast:m[ll,i -tion of the adventure. There they ,t,,nd heir.' him, begrimmcd and tumid;, in the Ilue , uth black mining clothes, =cow ing urn him through the darkness of their faces like to many eccuotug devils. Oh, what a sight was this for M.-.:k whither could he have sneaked away from hint ' his boasted and too t ;-tried cunning, thoi should be r..a inaierably outwitted—should liavo wilfully and irretrievably committed himself' ' a "hi. could, with p •ll adequately foreatite, r nvulsive (.1 . his s .? Bitter, bitter, • Ittp:•, thiq“. , ough his harsh and u:iw • ,, o e, united tut-, cat eapn & terrible grandeur, a :übhmlty, ..te big tears coursed d his rmrged .:cake--a thing of which tie W;... Maisolf mac . Thus ho stood, iegardiug thew, than his brother ; auou turaim4, and, staggering slightly Si he tild so, he walked towards tho door and went forth Iron , the heu , o. This, then, watt E ituund's plan to break up the eombiutitiou t11,1. , 11, by exposing M rk to the body in his mos: villainous eolori of double treachery, .ud by showiug them that they wore completely in his own power, that their whole organization was known to hint, and that at any time he pleasod he could give up any member to capital ptlLlShluent ,ransportatlyn, The men be had brought to the lions,; all clung suspected -- irlili (1,1, from hi; half and half column:not with :he society, all but orniei nttoal-- to be erantll3le, or connect,' with ti •: etinnea all events, tilt y pvpllits.i' Kluolig the 1;:e!,l body ,d the worliweo Two „i them his cliff ,t,.1hl tts6u, el, fiord , . ti er fl r, i =EI nRC 1 ~ Id t. • ,- .1,1110 • ' (lig . Liw Lhe t•t tc.ce , ih fvuuth, • Lltl 1,1-otitr,i, 1:1t. VaPpet, We6"..',l.4':ikt taki 1,4,1 (beta ead tilt:l - L..6( of std prc.of, Lo put tfi-,-10 tot.. r a thEllat:pply thoir b. 11,1 '.v.":l 1.0 i• ed b e 113 c , e.G0r0,3 r.,',-wßro 0f h. ico-gca,v - i;E.r. 1. THE PlllBllllli4 S 5 P. 15 P, ]IONTiASN 1 N tA 6 PaAl tiral CU resit ~i is lcun_ W, t , LA DEI TII 111!1E21111M11:11E1 voi s l r r, 0 4 : 11 4' 0. it II T ‘)N' 1 , . 0 , Y cat.7i•l :)c•' 11.10: 1 1. 11071.1 g ti Atwater vi ma - weat wegi in [SUMIWO:ft with the dead. AuotherlAilli9ait Itltt:lit•ot 11.1 A ceased to perceive, to hud u itif.igr, thiugs ui elartil. A Illithet gct , L.t. EtEld ile• parted trout its temporary tabernacle, • winged flight. Lu the regions of immortality. 'l'he elcqueat tt3ll{4l/_ is iiilent hew --the Lit li.sait orbs which ithelltot firou, ors and -the to my and :;.basi. glazed at last- dies low in death. Thnuias Hart Bunton 01 Missoati, breathed hia lost at Washington city ou Saturday worniug, the tenth or April tht half past t3even, o'clock. lie was alulo3t the last of the eminent Bit:Act:wen who for the past thirty years have been twist prominent in the councils 01 the natiJn and who way almost be said to have ruled its destinies. Clay, Calhoun, Marcy, Webster, and Benton —all are gone. Brilliant, eloquent, talented, patriotic men ! • Not tameB to r, noble gracell the tame. When on the iipartun'6 lip. tb. Shget 111.11 , , 0:Cot nulthl Plogneut: • tit- IK , auln flt 4. When gertibe thurdert,l from the Atiteninn tnague Of these great men of the past generation no one has left behind him a purer name nor a higher reputation for usefulness in public life than Col. Benton. Possessed of great fac• ulties, strung pc:wers of observation, classifi• cation, and'execution, the effects of his Is"bo.. rious'public life -the productions of his bright genius, and the accumulations of his recol lections of half a century spent m daily and direct communing with the chiefest men of the country, remain behind a rich legacy to his felow countrymen. 'through his voluminous written works, his printed, speeches,as well as by his recorded public acts "though dead, he yet speaketh." They form a treasury of political and national history such as few countries can boast 1, and few men have had the ax. erience, the knowledge and the capacity, to produce. lu his works, he has raised tuy hichs,At a muouineht " lasting tlia4 brass,' will retilain aid long as the liairliA language shall he spoke, ot read. It would be idle for us to atttunpt auythl npproitching to b., /A CULUpIUte filiettlh of the peraonhl history of this great Mal. HIS btog• iaphy would be a hittory of th- outintl - y for the last half century. A 6i . :1i01a , , soldier and eyoe of the ablest of our btatcsr6Lu , he bas t,eeu coquected more WI e,i - eat public mewstue wtoeh hat coo, the country fur wady yetitB. Wily }Jort iu North Carolina ii s.Ld way shoot ;ti years of age at th, time at Ms death Ur.ie ceived his educa.icto Chapc4 Hil t_olleg,., arid studied law at William and Mary's Cr,l lege, in iiiieluta la ii3tU Le cutdred Lilo United States a&l y, alter re Litiug, lruui ?duel, ts 6 practiFed law , 111 NiliihVille; leuutesee. Re did not lung relitulE. lyre, f etisoVed to teic hr. eill!ed n utWSpuper lie was chit:led to the Wilted States :-Ituale, In 1 x'.4o, Where tie remained until 1t351 Here, he st Caleb become distinguished iur his surpassing talents, and ut all times occupied a lentitny position; his opinions and his judgment - 'minding Olt all great questions, the respect uud consideration of his peels and his (elk W.CUllil trpmeri of all politic i l partioa. He was ,nie chief supporters of the administration oi Andrew daelisou Rnd V.artin Van Buren. Al ter the close of his Stout -•vial career, he was elected to Congress, having defeated a most for opposition, riding over platforms and caucuses by the tome of his iron will and in• domitable persevereuce and resolution. lie was styled . .the apostle of freedom for the south and west," and upon whatever course he set out, he pursued it with "all hls might." In the political as in the battle field, he never turned back—he never surrendered. Got. Benton was married, subsequent to his _first election as Senator, to Elizabeth, daugh. ter of Col. James M' Dowell, of 'took - bridge county, Va.. His surviving children 'are four daughters—Mrs. William Carey Jones, Mrs, John C. Fremont, Mrs. Sarah Benton Jacob, and Madame Susan Benton Boileau, now at Calcutta, wife of the French ConsaMieneral. Mrs. Benton died in 1854, having been struck with paralysis iu 1844. He was a devoted nusband and father, and ainea his wife% de- L:<, , .m i Ic4 0,11 t) Nv V' it T ~;, = =tp r.-4 ~,s 7,.. , '.-:': - ::-.ti3: ',..: ._'•:...,,,z,!!.-;,!,,...:n,;,,. cease has avoided - all gay3ty and public among whom to select. Let them make a F., ZI. 3 - VII 4- t amusements. good selection, for it is their beast that a nom•ii: t,:i In person he wef• shut and stout. Hi- ination is equivaleLt to an election. i *: , eeial f , sspa-,11 t- tit.: :40r ttilig MAL; head was most magnificent, with a face beam- To our frioa , :s we say, look carefully about , POriii.XSYLVA i ,a_ L "LiISL A trunv. Mg with intellect', a Roman nose and keen ox. you, and choose from among yourselves Caen HARRISBURG, .. 4 ,pril 10.—Senute..—Friday nlght, practical busines. experience, sound judge- on ru-tion ut Mr. Gazzana, ti.o City Revenue bill pressive grey eyes. As a speaker, he was ci was parsed finally, end goes to the 80a.,:. argumentative and philosophic ti. His mew - : meat. honesty and ability, and. even if you On Saturday the L qt,r bill was materia! , y cry vras most remarkable. . cannot elect them, the moral force of your ac,i an.ordeT by giving dlecretiot.ary power, end sub,! , - For the past live years he has labored loges- , lion will be felt, and will result in benefit to tut.ng the County Troa3nror arni. A ,,,, ,..i . 0•3 ell/ 440.4 sandy upon his great works of Thirty Years iu i yourselves tore Board of Llorneer+. the Senate, and his Abridgement of the Debates 1 ‘..ir0., 1 ,0n,.1.•.n.....0 tao Moining 13,....td Cho H-uso bill relative to leler.il railroads ~vas of Congress. Ile worked upon the latter el- i PROPS %V A9ll IN GTON . passed in Committee of the Vrliole in the Senate. mo3t to the very hour of his dissolution.— 1 I,li A sHINGTON CITY. April 7, 1858. The Idolise was not iitting. Ills disease was cancer of the bowels, and he suffered extrt:rne pain and great physical ox sustion, but his mind is represented to have remained clear and powerful as ever, and to the very last, '`the high resolute, Roman spirit of the old statesman strugizled with iodoriiita• ble energy and fortitude against sickness and weoknees, and the awful presence of the King of Terrors." He dictated the closing chap ters of his tz ork but a few day since. In his death, the country has lost one of her greatest end most remarkable men. Thomas !lest Benton has made his mark upon the age in which he lived. It an indellible one. lIAT K 6 OF COAGIIE.S.SMEN Ce. EED The time is at hand when the people will be called upon to select the candidates in the Twenty%&rot and Twenty-second districts to represont them, and watch over and advocate their interests in the next Congress. We take it for granted tat t't ore will be two nom inees of the dominant party, from Allegheny county this year, inasmuch as Mr. Pnrvi ence, the present member from thz Tweity !second district, is from another county, and po laical usages entitle this county to the nex lu the remarks we have to !nuke re -tutting he kind of wet% whioh trhould he tialeeted br the nogttion of ttepreBeutativen in Con greB:3, wd 8111111 spsali for what wo coue.-ive to be the i:lle:estB of the people of the two disc tucte.. Wo have fieithet pnrsonbl prefereoeus so: eisoual dislikes to gratify; among the talented and promiseut gentlemen. wtio are belore the people for sommatios. We do net avali as psi tizaus, but as advocates 01 the best Interests si a .;seat comrsercia' awl wanutee- taring community—a community of prartic,al men, and working men, who hare large stakes in eyery meagure, which gileete the IMlSiiteE of the •cogntry and who desire to to represeu ee!. by men who have o clear praritleal know edge 01 the i e..4)ii11036. ittid the w,krits uf .5i3 peOpie, iautl capacitiesitir cl.l . larging, and improving, and enriching the g&I eral anal, total tb tisatita of our State and of our thateict,when proptir eileouvngeineut stiorded them to display their qualities. The klad of filen 11 I oia the people. of the Twenty, brat Hed 'l'westy-seen' d titstriet a/slit Ift tiorigt es:3 aie not the w- Fe theorist no teat ter how elteusive luny bt: Lid itcquitintniter with Clic geuerui douttifteB of govertinieut, nut the mere epeeeh maker -no matter how 131,:artliug ciao Mid ititiUttettand tiefehar,cv... the ucoulumeots of poition. Itre iIOW cud .11WayS W National LegiEltatiou, enough ol great prerett. tiletttiEllen, 10 safely guard thn gr.naral tarn:lA.2. t:f Cue utitlon, to argue the question' , of cuustauttount kw-- Li) u/autwe the les.thug subjects of putilic policy as laid +IOW platforms, and to astonish the world by their orilliant eloquence. The Itu of Cot, gross will never lack such great tneu as those But it is tut meti of this ciiiiracter,wliti can best rept-et:eat such interests as ttioae of Western Pennsylvania, at liVasbingtnn. We need men of sound judgment; thorough personal aequaiii• tence with uu people; great practical Itnnwl , edge of basin • rs, and who at the same time possess the ' cilities of head and t.ngne and pen, plainly and clearly td set forth either by s eech or in riting, the fruits of their knowl edge, the co elusions of their jugdment, and to argue strongly the me ,surer which they may desize to advocate. We want men who, having a practical knowledge of the facts, BLa_ tistic , and combinations of our own material resources in minerals, machinery, industrial ability, climate, soil. advantages of location, and character of population, shall be able to present in the Ilalls of Congress, such fleas urea as the producing interest of Western Pennsylvania need, and to urge them with the strong and convincing arguments of facts which are more potent than the most eloquent ly worded harangues, and which will more certainly procure the kind of legislation cal culated to foster the interests of the greatest iron producing State in the Union, than the most eloquent appeals could do. It is such men tEa' the peo?le of these districts need to represent them, and among the prominent business men in Allegheny County they can be found. It is not essential that the select ion should be made among these who have taken a leading position in the political meats-. w a nts of either party. The knowledge, ape,. rieuct, ability and huueaty to make a good Congreestnen does not depend altogether up en the party with which a Mail has L eta! Other things lining equal the people here would prefer to trual, their interests in the hands of a practical man rather than a mere politician. 'There ale questions of the moat vital into - ea to Pennsylvania, a hint" Mug shortly ,%C.itle before Congfeaa It is evident that there le a neeeSSity for come modification of oat preeent tariff . laws. This 16 shrewd plain ly by the Vietinta of the publie ttliailiq, at: well as the depressed nondition of the ge-at iitirintacturing interests of nur own and uthei i.ates. When this modification comas up for uonaideration. the intereite of Pennsylvania wiisi be in charge ut men who thoroughly Uri , det-Rtntai her teat:Purees and relative position In the ether States of the Union, as the greatest true producing State,uti equal to any ia the value of her manufacturing investments. S , ttiateti betweci tti ,, Nu:theta and Stititheru States., in the adjustment of the present tarn. ill, Peutusylvintia was Hot duly cutkesidered. In endeavoring to deal fairly between the diverse interests ut the e.treale North and the Qttseuie the important iron and other manufac turing interest of this State--greater in the aggregate than those of !lily other—di I not receive that share of protection to which they are justly entitled. The question of where the proposed National Foundry shall be locat. ed, and other similar ones, relating to menus facturing contracts of the government, also require the attention at Washington City of practical men. But it is not our object to suggest matters of policy—we simply urge upon the electors of Allegheny county the selection' of such men as we bave spoken of. To the workingmen this matter is especially important, and at the primary meetings they should see to it, that such delegates are elected to the nominating convention as will vote for the right kind of Congressmen. Our remarks are equally ap plicable to the nominations of either of the great political parties. The opponents of the Democracy are here the dominant party, and among them most of of our manufacturers are ranked. Our opponents have plenty of the kind of men of which we hay. spoken from of the. rat•ra..antatiacat t f anion ail the other INDIA. States of the Union to sneer at those from Penn- NEW YORK, April. 10.—Colin Campbell, with fif ,y:vaid..l. Tat.! K•tysittne Wail pointed at as It sad teen regiments of European infantry, three regi tnents of European cavalry, three regiments and de• P mbk-m of intellectual deficiency, and her people taohments of two other reg'mcnis of native cavalry, .... , ceps of even such sand- md eighty hi avy guns and mortars, and sixty-three a.-Jereey, and Delaware Seal plecee, hod crossed the Ganges. The attack or. Lackner/ wee expected to commence Feamary .a.t sta•-Bma a nt' • • ' 1 ttat flourish in the la nd ... I a .1, when Jung Brandoore and General Frank's of Peat:. lion :1 , e ~.• f',' -a, these alletratiota forces of twelve thousand strung would roach Luck. were, I will int( Latta attempt to determine ; suf now to aid in the attack. RUSSIA. file it to soy that the raputatior at aur Salta did - A camp of 100,000 mn is to be formed in Poland not suffer trout the aapectaans cast upon her, and , in the month of May. This step is considered as a she held her uwu it, the family of notices re- , manifestation against Austria. markably well. • TURKEY. Bat the day ha:, gone by for these sneering A force of eight hundred Montenegrins had vie lated Austrian territory and had penetrated into coarg,eB. Whoever has had the gaud or bad for- Ilerzegovina• ' forty had entered Sutorria and burned tuna to be domiciled in Washington this winter, and destroyed all tefore them. Turkey refuses to submit to the treaty for the nav wilt liViti observed that Peunsylvania is decidedly . igation of the Danube. Several irregular corps are Na 1 in point of ability in the Government at being organized in Bosnia by the weulty boys. From the coinincaantincut of this eel, FRANCE. tin of Congress up to the araeerit tune, she lies The Paris Cunetiptionet has an article in large aken a leading part on every g11.23t1011, and in I type on the English alliance, which expresses the to instance has her reputation been sacrificed— I most friendly sentiments. mentally, morally, ar physically. The Bourse was quite animated on the 25th ult., Leaving the President, ilia Cabinet, and d ie I and a decided rise bad occurred. Senate alit t_f the question, I wath t J say a low A line of railroad is to be couBtrueted to traverse verse ata.ot a - blight. particular star " w itieb I the western coast of France. It is clearly a political hstrata. goat., more than a commercial project. a., iia , ii in Slit:: a; izon of We acre Petitions f for the r r,ductiin of the duty on sugar' Peousylvauitt. I allude to Hun. William MOLL- and winery, repreeeutative in Congress from the , rho M eLa i r s e te p r ° o a f ri t n h g e i I n nterior has ordered all the Washington District. I never knew Mr. Mont- artillery in the different towns of France to ha dis gonitry atoll after the meeting of the present mounted and deptait, d in the arsenals. The plea -essian. ,cud I might say the saw.. for IL IllajOrit) for this tuovetnent is (bid the pieced are in a condi ..t the PoiLitnliv , ai , -,tp , 110 W Inge. lie had hev,.l that that renders their ii, ii.tigo.rous, and that they Itaeu iu . thee, 1 Indite.-, until he was elected to will be replaced by other , in a batter condition. The .' , ag ,.,.., „„,1 IL- „, aa ,,i a.„ Tail „f t h e Alt,. itoprertisien prevailed that the guns are removed iii Lamy , tala „ .. a„„ al „ .c. it a ,,, , ti „, ~,,,,,.„ tear that they should tall two the hands of the pea o„, pie, is CAA - 12 of a rising ...against the goioinutoot. pot tiou tat lilt Sta Stag. li.iin „,, 11,3 t0,... , te1i1, hail pro V,i1ite. , 11 1, • ,, ...: tit,Allaitio; -lope from meotiug ;at'AI.N. bins la t,,,i,, bie .tad teal alug what manner I floras biaint ilibluitiaai•Ci had cioioitrr,d at. Valet.- of urea Li writ" . Title, I ~-,,,, laid that Mother ,2la, but were quieted at letoot dated. Maio me alto Nattire ',Lei " ~ ,.,:J la.lw a ,0,..16 ,Il her tire, - Boil doubtful rumors shoat of disturbaaces at Saragoess. I was , ~J y ~, f c ,i Liar ,-, ,„ 1 „ iu every sense of p a The government bad presented to the Cotten a pro jest for abolitieo slavery in the apanish aonades. the fora: aid t. s peatota .s. Lave I.,eu ,sore ITALY. then talt,te a a 'the I; rot .a..,,tt. a ti a aa a at. h al.. Moat goitaet -y I Count Call V 16.. - had dispatelaed a eery enetget,c add' ass.- I the Ita...sa was that arising out of tae acre to Naples in ,elation to the refusal of that ao q.r.r.,sr. , f Ver.tor. rtefillibaster, by Cormaad ,r, arnment to earrender the Cagliari prisoners. ['atilt:tin „- 's atir i. a lays will vetleo:her that t,--0 RUSSIA 'ader: '-tr ila t --, ta :I , i la L , a 7 tat , at - aaa —such ri. P b There is groat agitation in Russia to 2. JunaairEiliCB 4;." , Ste . pl - Fans, waitmal... Shorter ; and others—at J the opposition of the nobles to the proposed emelt taiast a 0 - htnit aacyptior, taal , grounds agaia‘a cipation of tboir serfs. Many of the government tae pos . a.ion of the Prestoeat and deneuaced the •farailifai have net to fa Petersburg for fear of their aation of Coot. Patilling iu the bitterest terms- li"O They piled no 05Sa .if ta7guaratrit GLI a Pelion et vituperation, and their k2hiTil,y almost ran mad It was iu reply t t inch ii:cliiinatiouS that Mr. .t.-a l t.grtmery first r i poko. Nit.li n tierce that nothing oi'ial,l it iiiiii.iale— with an eloquence that c tapt-l'ad ataattatn and with a logic. that ti,, tine Illeturt,ti I. oatuttaa he told the Suntt, *Lao it., II ,n-,ii 1,,,i, , p'e i , f the Natal. thought at I iir.96, t4l.ll',litittlY i ,pedill,Ll - Tli 1 i ..ptetill wiaB puttastted 0....1, road all 0,,0r Pounryistinlit, tins it ctasekl:l,l , l thou-antic and Ito lotiltu. at., no ..r were 10l 11' letle9 M'ir PF,clt -nut the wore• ptiliti-• in Clie Balk KFREINI D,ll y ye!:r , it !•:: beet) the common hi bit • Further N2WE by the Steamer America .111 Jury ?i,ttu 42..tu0; .;tl , lo l c, tint it 0,1 titicrliwa winch uul 1 0 y " I 1,41 4 LLIc , 1.111 , 1 , p/rt , 41 , . n , I .1 `ILA' '1': 1 1:NI , ' N1.4141...!. ,, .• , y, 11111 1 i.nu,teav thlti I 1.7 h, %•- ..ti Luuvnl awllvor , . a, •-v..A. 6..101..116d a trims It 6c Ic iu error, 41 it, 11,r ci fur s.r Li. 14 , 1 uil 411 ILl . 64l,tilLe. 011 61- cill,jetl 4,e III:, v't ry r3,.(.11 of 1.6 u up p KLLII:saC talaer L•1i . ...1.11,44,LL AkciitilL.loll bruitgla 141,1 1.1:44 )041114 I ' ILQLI,4C tOWLialer 4 L , ,1411-41,2,11711 e sic 11.111 piikt: sir Ltic Issis.s.csict Hip epeecl. !tom Litte,tion groat atoll I Icenacti w , tt , :tronnont and abunutle , t iu Lean pro4l.llly a more of iutalligoul wen, v !iit, linert.;kl vie Wet of this subject ;11 which tt Ithlt v ilk/tit...4e 1 , a . :.! cafetulty, v ry it,odu upiui,jp 11 , tt. ‘1 , 01,,1 th , l i 1 w•t, Acct tipooon or .111,1t , r0 d r- , u , ,r1tr , 1 recently aco I w•,O t Lit; sLle. t 1111 , 1,11 L/ Wll . Ith Ims been ilehr ei :11 111 C.mgress t..r telt yes.rs," smh hs uttylii to Amecimal lrelL!`tlk ir•ii. 1111,1 11' Le. high complimimt, 1 V`lll 11.11i11:tIllg thv 1)1111p,i11y vhich °lists hetwei_ll himself the author. It is gratifying to every Pennsylvanian to see her sons a,suming suoli a distinguished position in the capitol of our cc untry, when the etebied wisdom of the tuition is brought ii‘ a. ti who in one session of the .a.rurrievu Cougres4 assume a position among Ole first -,atesmen of the nepublic, must bA v'tt- , 1 with iutetteet of a high order and time alone is necemary to place him besides the who have brought iniprishable glory - to nr laud . Mr. Nlcutg .mery is untiring in his industry, iici this is ~ .iie secret of his success. He takes i.ol i cif a question and he masers it. No part ~ f it escapes his -crutiny. it is examined in all ili bearings, and viewed in every light. He is, theiiefore, always master of the question upon which ho undertakes to speak, and cannot be . -- ,_,Lifitsed or thrown off the line of argument marked out. MS style of citatory is terse, vivid, and powerful. He does not attempt "10 Weave a web of beauty" by rutical quotations and Addisonian sentences.; but he speaks plainly and positively. always suiting the word to the idea. When he is done, he is done There is 4 ) ne ambiguity to be Ci „red up—no elucidmion to be made itdded it this is a voice which is Jteuturian iu its p er, and a physique which can endure any amount of labor, and the reader hits an idea of :co man who, I firmly believe, is destined to assume a ticisition in our nation second to no man of the limes 4. BANK IzESUMPTION Today, the 12th of April, is the time fixed by law for the resumption of specie payments by the banks throughout the state. In the principal citie he banks resumed sometime sin is and many of the country banks have :AL° done so. Those who do out pay the coin hoin mid after to dayforfeit their charters. The hauks h•-ote lerfeited themselves during the eiuspiiastou arid twiny of them have been rt suming gracmlly, E.O that there will be uo d ud deb shock upon their business. Let theto learn a lesson from past expeifeuee and whit.' undo, eipit66loEld lit I.ctildi, Ifl Vlig Wo Lacs fu the iilkautx4 lui ceecw . he, u home ut tittle cust thc veitiiment 6I Mc. E. tibudet, publiabed iu thus day Putt LV 411i.tial Itulikel, of i'vuosylvauta, otiortil thy resolutioo, wtoil *VW read, VOLltild ditti and ogreed to tbxt ttle riumittuA uli Military At tAtr . b be, rtud net) hetrhy itfateucted to iutpitic illl. the ,mpd! , tioy ui re-laLlighilly, a Natioaal F.,uudiy at litirriEburg iu the State f E'euusylvania We hope the members from Allegheny County will see to it, that the tibiae of Pit u. burgh is inserted in this resolution before it is finally disposed of. uts wag reintirk , truly, wheAl h bap: thut p.pularity iu pull tine is Lu ere your Liattit• t❑ large type pOiated to u teucti." Somebody will to who you are, ant when the Limit raiu comes you Will disappear. fey- ANuTHER RESIDENTIOI lib' NEW YORE. CITY It Tyr THE Chita. KEIL:UPS AF' DK. NPLAN C Ld.6 MUTED 1.1 VKR P 1 I.LS, PItIIPAREI) BY FLEM- MEM This is to recut) , that 1 have had the Lizer amplaint for live years, during which time I have tried almost all known remedies, but to no purpose. Clearing of Dr. :IPLano's 1010 o Liver Pills, I concluded to try a box. I did so, and um now almost cured. I think one box more will effect a permanent cure. I can cht.crinily recommend these Flute to all w ho way sutler fr,uil liver complaint. I have also known thew used with :Lc most happy toenite iu Ctltee of al k-headache, or dyept,paid. MR. \SIFT, No. 116 Attorney street. Purchsaers will be curelul to for Dr. NPLA.N.E'S CELIi.BItATED LIVES. PILLS, wautdactarvd by FLEMING BULB., of Pittsburgh, P. ben, or e other Pilth purpurtlug be Liver Pills, uuw bef,ve the public. Dr. !..I'Lane's geutdue Liver Pills, also his celebruied Vermituge,cau Dow be bud et all respectable drug stoles. is'one jes uine will I.i.out Me "iv ti t.n - (31) (apBlwiea) Se - id:ha - Nu BitJe. MEll==9=ffia= :~ ~:.:~_=3=. _ _ _ NEW YuSE, August 80, 1852 , i-4 -- , pm . '!.-'; ~ , : iii ci . A 'qy ti 2 ..=:, i 11 tL,,I ~ .f..,.4 ! . .. , ,, , ,:,_it I) ti, . vic,abrz. yii a3Nangtara. WII3ELOOT O II Cai - , April lg.—Both liouses rr ill adjourn on Nudity to attend, the funeral of Mr. Den ton, 'I 1.28 LOW: Ou ite, , eptnuiro by the t•resid-nt of the volunteers ;trees the several States for serviee in Utah, nor will there ha until the passage ut the L'o tioieliey Appropriation bill Ly the •3euate, Senator Davis is LOW regarded as zonveleseent. Neither House is iu session to illy, having ad jourtied over till Monday. The Union, of this tilOrlllUg, ILI :pocking of tto Ireticieney bill, says that such is the conititi‘di of affairs, that even such a great tnew*ure of public ne cessity and urg.eney as the supplies of the Utah - pod ilLu Li , wart ol,yo its I,l:oBrigtt to Black ttepublie.iii River, cud epeiiii.s of some half a dozen Southern Detuuerittd Eld being atilioted with a weak Van'ty for figuring as the watch-dogs of the 'f reasuty, aspiring after eerebrine faun, who hang about the upiguLt of the public eider barrel, giving the viola:lt tiyuatitutin et babies at every ittperlicius drop that happens at the bung. it also charges thew with uniting with the Free Soil patty on Linencial while col Will Northern lisitatitiretm tittite with the autoe p.,riy to ti ; :ifent, the other gloat loudiog gime- Lien --the ltansaa hill. The Uoion Jaya it le Lilo for quad of twohly odd uteitilmrd each, %The have gone. oil and eutoil with tiro Black It epublitieu phalanx, on one question, and au. other ou another queatima, but eutue squad ur akar ou u cry question that hoe yet erieou, to suppoi.:e oat the Atituitlistration and tivo sixths of the Dow orgenitetiou, will attrage their policy eat the bidding Of a hatplita of t,add, only tai , , ..;tdd for the Democratic party id a !inn, uuwavoiitte ptr 6istuneb by lha Adminietratiun in the policy it hen from the first espoused. To yield cud jut or tttto to faction, id to commando at once for the Democratie organization the work of disintegration and desirue Don. Arraugeuientu ti.e krunikaer“l Beuton-.-Pottudry Sr. Lour, April 10.—A well attended public uauet mg woo held at noon for the purpo . se of making ap propriato arrangements to do hou,r to the memory of Thomas B. Benton. Brief eulogies were pro nounced by several gentlemen, appropriate resolu , - tions were adopted, and a committee of prominent citizens appointed to take such actin as may be Do cessary for a public demonstration of respect to the remains of the deceased when brought hither for in terment. The foundry of Newman Graham was burned last night. Loss $40,000. 'neared for $6OOO. From friexteo NEW ORLEANS, April 10.—The steamer Tenuessee is coming up. She brings important news from Mexico. Gen. Orell took the city of Guadalaxara, capturing entire the government of Junerez. Jane yes and his officers have been permitted to leave tho country. (hello was on his way baok to the city of Mexico, an will probably be declared President. Vera Cruz still holds ont for the Constitutionalists. Tampico is heseiged by Garza. An American Veesel Boarded. NEW Yonx, April 10.—The bark Anna arrived here this morning, from Galveston, and . reports that she was boarded, off Havana, by a boat from the British brig-of-war Styx. Headache PROM Ali EMINENT CLERGYRkI Meffert. Benj. Page, Jr. & Co.—Gentlemen : I take great pleasure in saying to you that I made use of IBERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS, wbkh 1 obtained at your store, and found special relief of a severe headache, from which I had long sutler ad, and I believe they were of service lu ue iV re linviug my stoumeh and head. Yours respectfully, SAMUEL E. BABCOcK. titaLeoisfa aril) DEBILI•tt 13MEEM=1=11=1 "1 have tuund iu Bt.ERIiAVE'S itOLLAND IsITTE.Rd a tewekty tor 11‘FiliatSliii and Lability. My wife has also used it with the greatest benefit." Mr. A. d. Nicholson, of Pittsburgh, at teruarlts that.he has experi‘uced ten, - ..h relief trear, its liEir headache. eti Reintilli MIL eIE.A.LTE Kis'Ear,FLED Mi. John Davidson, living tat', callas abo'ia rate Liugh, ou tha Pannailvania °anal, nays " When 1 corninenoed taking SCERRAVE':.: ROLLAND BITTERS, I aauij hardly walk. Now 1 enjoy - eaealleat health. aleSti&A /—Be careful tv wit t, k•Aer's titlitafl3 /itittli. Sold at $1 pak bcttlo , ur s!..t b.ttlae Poi SL, by tlei cvto Proptintk: , fo ; t7tiLjntSri a fag., Jr., , n ett-4.5t, hattwali and ur,d Draggista geworally. MEW WALL PAPERS CHEAP.--.Still they Li.Luo 19. YMARSHALL .1 , , b 7 W 'l' ;.; A N I i S H O E PEOPLES' CEILIAY 8110 h; littiN'Vti, LA Vitt', tEIMr.EB', yoUtli'd iLlatErez wear of e vciy owl lAdice Long Ualtere, with or without Lcvig; Giov. Moroteu nod Ladling Slipp6 ,- e: tlouch NiuroceL., .u 4.1 Patent Loather Btoskito ; Kid au ; Maroc,. 130,,L, ap3 N 0.17 Filth street, $6OO F it a two story frit tri e dwelling Lula b and lOC Of KrutiDd toy !uu, ph , cm !Al) , situated ou Mt. Weishington. Tbruit envy. ted 8 1101111:1 - ZAT Ac SON. fil Il49rlctq I. LYONS' MAGNETIC POWDER.--For the destructiLu of lus:as, such as 13..d-buge. rutkr.xnell n 4. Multkt, Vleam, Auto, Mumquitoes, kneel, Pinta kutive.tz Vorbdu uu fuwls and 31111i11113--ull 'laud and fur rah, by apt B. L. FAQ NE -WOK 5... Cc) _ RED, WIIITE AND BLUE.-500 buseb Toilet Varle,..-uteri s as,ortod solute, tn., and cokes,, htallli tad for Stilt, by leo). 24AWY1s111. QUININE. - 600 uz. on hand and fur bale by [ay?: E. 1.. VAIINEtiTOCE it Co. °COKING EXTRACTS.—A large hupply •_._,' of Preetm & Me:rill's tiuequulled flavoring extracts, for Ice Cream, etc., couatautly cn hand at JO3EPLI FLEMING, . 6 Corner Diamond and Market etreet. YON 8' KATHAIRON.—An excellent preparation for preserving, restoring and beautifying the Hair, for sale by JOSEPH FLEMING, apd - Comex Diamond and Market atreet. MINERAL WATERS.—BIue Lick, Be ford and Congress Waters constantly on hand at JOSEPH FLEMING'S, tea Corner Diamond and Market st-eet lANOS TO RENT.—TWO elegant Rose it wood 6 octave Minas, will be noted to private %m -ales only. Apply to 408 N felb d 2• Wot 4 Meet. NEW IDVERTISEMENTS. LIBRARY ,',IEETING.-1 he regular quarterly 1 1 , f the YOUNG MEN'S LI BOA TtY ASS,OCIA'fIOIN, held .n their 80. ma, on TUE:"DAY EVENT.NO next, h ins?' , at 7% cirlo:k. The membera of the Board of Directors are requested , t et 7 o'clock, c 0 the same ev -ming WIN!. If. JO NC.510. Sccretary._ WINES AND LIQUORS, AND RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, No. 155 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand, Wines, Brandies, Gins, 'kionocigabela and Braided Whig: -Blackberry, Wild Cherry, Raapbe ry, ind Ginger Prorates. Uspl2:l7 Sewickley Academy. ACLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL BOA.BDING SCLU.OL VI: BOYS, twelve miles from PittHlurgh. ftev.TitAYBLLI, A. M., Prkcipal. The Trty-Sec oud Seseion will commence on MONDAY, Diay 3d, 1 83 d. For Clrculara and other particulare, enquire of Messrs. John Irwin A Sous, Water street; Pileherd. T. IL Nevin Co., 167 Liberty etr,et, or of the Principal, Sewickleyville Poet Office, Allegheny co., Pa. Lapl2.lwdriv A WORD TO THE LADIES. TliE HEATED TERM IS APPROACH ING, and we call the attention of the Ladice to the fact that COOKING IRONING, ETC., Car, be done with etorloiu . l , without opp•etbive beat, wi,h uut toot, at d with despatch—the lire being always tea - y is a rnotueut7-by using Musgrave's GaS IPooltlng Stove, PITN3BURGII, July 9, 1855 JOHN DRYAD. & CO., WH01.1.8 ‘ .11..E DEALEXA COOKING BY GAS To which we respectfully lava., your atteutiou, at No. 75 Smithfield street. S. A. JOHNSON CI, 11110. IM.. County and City nights to sale. apl2:9nt GOLD AN]) SILVER WATCLIES,BEAU TIFUL Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, and fancy ar mies at Auction, at McCARTNErS AUCTION HOUSE, 1::(1 Wood stret.t, (the old and well-known McKenna Stand) commencing MONDAY EVENING, April 12th, and con tinuing every evening for two weeks, or until all is sold. The goods will be open for examination each day, when Ladies as well its Gentlemen are respectfully ill , . {tell to call, and they may purchase at private bale, wholesale or retail, at very low prices, if they please, and all goods shall prove as represented and satisfactory, or money refunded. Per sons wishing goods lu this line will tind this sale worthy of notice, as there is a great variety to select from, and we are det.rmined to sell. Please give us a call. Sale to com mence each' evening, at 7% o'clock. JOS U A GRAY, Salesman. W. G. McCARTNEY, Aucer. A HOMESTEAD FOR ?,10 ! LIOR SALE IN TILE "UOLD REGION " and calor portions of Virginia, tho lu.luo, lug }lams and Building LO•fl ' IN 831.5 R£B, to wit -- 1 Vann of 100ner0., and a Uold Mine, in.... 100 acres. 4 Veit ath of eu a.i.deo ..c0..1t, are 240 .3., " 41.) " InOU " .. .. 'lu" 1401) •• „ .11..0 10 " 15110 " . . 200 •• 1., '' ... 11.:60 '' " nuil '. ...t " 1000 •. . 160 BuLd g 10IS acro, with dta. o pu• li. eyrs 710 - 1260 " " 1001000 Let " .' " 025 " 'zsoo " " t)o.x.lou " " ' " 916 - 6000 " '. 26.1100 " " 10,000 66eree, amounting to .... 111,000 CPBS/VICATES of the above Sharee, (with Bands for the in, mediate ex,cutiou and delivery of ,itie Deed 4,) have been en. closed in 10,000 envelope, exactly alike, and staled; which, after bong well mixed up, have b-an anentiered on the out• aide iron, 1 to 10,000 incloelve, en that no ono n a knon., the contents of any particular Eruca.ope. They will be sold at ;10 'EACH ; without reference to what they contain, and BRILL to any one wahine; appncetich Tale. at in nit casts i..egfea:. Tht lsroo , t Farm, cdrit.h dime- is votriza at $3 , 1,000. and the smallest building Lota lave beau sell ing at to .;aoli. iinuariJo have eheady been told upon t.hens terms. Whilst all eland the 61.11 - W - .: , chance of getting the Farms, every purilia,ei id guad ant , ea sac j do - .le lots at least. Every ether purciniser is Louud to get one of at law douide its size in ea/tie. Every fourth purena.er ~us of at least quadruple as sire and value. Whilst every tenth purchases will get a Farm ranging in Value fruit Vat up to $.50,00u Theta Peruse suit Loth are sold so clasp to induce telaernents, n sunielsut uniiihir being re:ervtd, the lucreusu in the value of wbici., a 11 couGoileatu int the present stio /ins, Ihe net proceeds are to be arybed to local impious meats, rods as Sclands, I'Lblorfes, Milts, ,t;. number of Shares sun be taLen by inaipidefais— to seen: e a Furs', tune ut least ten Shares ihe Ceetifb:ates can be obtained by paying se-ElAt.t, afiti the bleeds by paying the ui ELEI, ik_a_ 764100 Avi es of Land, iiiar , Deor =mail t.acts, , an old° be had at l'isissas S&Ls an.t upon most IttisaNsias Passes. Solos of it is timely Imeitovr.b. AGENTS ARE WANTED EVEii YIN HERE SELL THESE LANDS -- Liheral ibiliu,sayst,ts still be dlyou. lot tall particulate, apply to SI. BAUDER, tort itt.yaL . Cat-alms Cu., Vs , tiEuliGE W. IsAUM, Real deists awl I ne , .re.n. e Again, haat hie Ut the Diatuand North of Ult. etteet, Allegheny City, Pa. ORANOES.-100 boxes Meusina Sweet Or nulsbs, Just tetetsecl and ha sale, by ItLYMER A ANDERZUN, No. av Wood street. N •F. 1V N U 'l' S l.alethdlo rod N ; 10 t,e4B .13tifdeoUa A.lin.tade ; • 31011 y Sua •, wspri UGe.l " Fare. t 4; " Eltglish VY4luut.: Urcum Nuts; :41,i) Cam. un Nr,tn, Juit 1,051 c.ati and fur estOu ILL\III3L( 3 ANDIMSON, No. 39 Wood eltrect, npl2 Lilo L. ell trio. SECU N AltRI VAL OF SPRING AND L'ONIMNr- l'qE6t 4 iii-KWF--!"ttmkarl , , Sint4l:9, lioutts, Cfroito Work and iJaitttnil 11. i, mil ul which will Lc mold N'gry Cheap It,t - Cab), c. HANHON LOVE, • Vortnerly 1..v0 lirahorm, 01,12 No. 71 51nrket ntrm.t. PLEASANT RESIDENCE FOR SALE __:4,tltute. In South Pittsburgh, ou the Menorigabola river. Tho house is large and convenient, havlus a hall parlors, dining room, kitchen and i eh•,tubuie, a ique por;n, fronting the river, a good cellar, stable and carriage haus", a large garden with great variety of choice fruit, shrub fiery etc grate arbor, shade trace, etc. For !price and terms, ingiPre at the Lace of S. OUTIIBRia ik SON, apl2 61 Market street. d'IOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT Situate Lit trinut 2 miles from the city, 24 cored of laud; large uud comfortable dwelling house of 10 rooms; good spring house, cairiage house, stable, etc., a t , mint house and other out.huPdings, garden, fruit trees, grape. and smell fralis, a sloes wall and iron rallinA; in fro tot the horse and garde[:, air , will be routed loai to u good ten ant. S. CUTUBEIIT it SON, apl2 61 Market street. BY EXPRESS AND RAILROAD lAitt ADDITIONS (e FRESH t/OODS Tu uur, (alre..dy,) EST IiiNkIIVK AND EXCELLENT STUCK JOE. ROLLIVE,, 77 Market street. J. D. ii 011 . SEM AN (LATE OP ILOUSEMAN Sr. 8MITI1,) COMMISSION AND FORWARDING rnERCii ANTS, Nu. 9 N. Second Street, aps:Sul ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. A NEW ELOT OF SECOND-HAND PIANOS. A N Et•EOAN'i2 CARY ED F' CARVED 7 .01 Octave Chickertug A Buns' Piano, R ee 4 hawuc le-eti in use a v, y abort time, in LIOW ILI i„o0 , 1 order aud will be warranted by the; i antwribers. The Piano is uttered at a very • v low price. A Rosewood tiertnau Plauo,te% octave, made Ly the i vet lierumu wakes; lu use about two ) oar a, nut Coat 1,, import at least s2oo—ptire $llO A Rosewood 7 octave Bustou wade l'inua, oath cly now, to rtoce [he cuttalgutuoul, or $2OO. A mahogany d octa‘e Pisan , toa.le by It W. Noon., New York, ,160. A toahugauy u octave Piettla, wade on Baltimore, 1,40 A rosewood d °elm. Piano, old, Vin A l'osl, , Noutt 0% vela% e Plane, a very elegant and g..ust ILL etrutaeut, made by one of the best Now York umLete, to perfect order; New York , price sauu—s24o. A 6 octave lTsetteut ul.i PlhOu, a ICtk lion tr ame, made by Babcw - k, $76. A rosewood o Octavo t2LlLlict tug Pinto, In good le rose about 2 years, The above Fires iueludc I,a. klug b and Fm sale icy JtaiN H. meLLoit, e,lO Agci.t lii Cbh.teriug, S Bou'.. toi Fittsourgt.. - ol tveatatn Peunsylvaraa, Apt. N. Rl Wood street. FIRE ARMS, NlAPrirer, UUTLt,N. ,Loito 1t.5 Lity, ld tu Le iuuud air. Ni. 136 WOOL. STREW T ll 1 Y- u N IMEMIIMI 511118EILLICS SHIRT FRONT, a 'l' UItiIICSTEIt'S 4s:wit-tic HALL, Curtlor ntioct mud blowout] allay. If, ED SWEET PO'L' A'PO ES. —25 bbl 0 •eced Nwbet Putettue icielvcd and tor dale by .1. A. FETZ Elt, C,krunr 9lurhet dud Riret bt.reinis QEED NESIIANNOCKS.-25 L6la. Seed c•,,lend and fur gale by JAMES A. FETZER, C.racrSlarkat and Illrot btreetn. L'NULISII PICKLES AND SAUCES. duzsu quart Picklws; S. du pint du 21.1 do Chow Chow; du Cuutulowur. 2u do eq.us11111; 15 du Fruudh ; I 5 du quart Coition; du taut du 2u du Wurcusturaltire Sawn, plots; to du do do quarts; lU du John 801 l Saucy quarts; 2.5 du du du pinta; Just rodsieud nod fur tc.lu by REYMER & ANDERSON, Nth 39 Wood street, spa Opposite St. Cliezlee Hotel K ETCHUPS. - 30 dozen quart Tomato Ketchups; 30 do pint do do 15 do du %Valuut s do 15 do do Mushroom do Just reed end for emit, by REYMER 8 ANDERSON, No. L'9 Woo I street, ap3 Opposite the EL Charles Hotel DAVID H. WILTJANS, - - pE for ktßa CO.'S Sae and vv. extriatine SPens, fIIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR nt FOR THE ERECTION OP OAS WORKS, for trona five burners and upwards, aud for Heating Buildings; public or Sta . ticalr7 ELM*. privs, by &awn, Hot Water .c Furnace& t4oe. 01, 5 and at tdantott dars6i ue•i•rkleLc r UM' CENTS =n.... ,c-u~i~^-xa~ ~ ^K '.x~'i~-,"v. ~..'-a~'::a~....:.tz .--e~'i~~sr ~ ~:~+t-'✓-r ~ l,~e~~ t NEU IDVEittiglifEll'ls, THE MORCANTiLE AGENC', FOR THE PROMOTION ANb PROTECTION OF TRADE. D. DOUGLASS (II Cu,, Proprietors. Corner Wood and Fifth Streets., Pittsburgh, Pa. ALFA. ArmsTito:sr...4, Manager. &Lid Milled, New York, June, I.B4l—Pittblli,llarch,lBs2 MEEME:I NEW YORE lIRAIT:Li rPLCI:i Pittsburgh... Pldladelph i Cleveland.... Detroit B. DOIIGLAS.9 Co. B. Douousg h co. •••••• ......... DeIiGLIB.4 s CO. B. DOUGLA93 A: Co. B. DouGi.o.Ad Co. B. DOUGLid3 I Co. B. Douatk.ss 1 Co. B. DouGLAbs A co. B. DOUULAS.3 k CO. B DouuLt•s I Co. B. DOUGLAtS I CO .B. L011G1.A33 it CO ASSoCL.Lik: 07FICEE1 Chicago Dubuque New UrlelLs Charleeton Luuieville.... St. Lkuii Balance remaining with Company...—. The ABUTS of the Company are as follows: Bonds and Mortgages, Ground Bents, Bank and other Stocks V 12,460 Cid FOIWON OFFIctS. Loned on Stocks 87,660 DO Montreal, C. E B. llotiouss & Cu. , Trust Fund in New York 88,151 88 London Eng B. DouaLeau &( o. ' Deferred Payment on Etcck 07.7000 00 Lettere of Introduction to Lawyers of high standing and \ Bilis iteceivable 71,404 67 reepectabillty in every section of th • Union. will be Cash on hand and due from Agentb....... .......... . 315,000 bil gratuitously furnished to subscribers making application at Premium on Policies recently Issued, cud de..ts the office. Aisu, letters of intrt duction to any of the °tikes 1 due the Conipany named above. B st[ u Bali inaore aictimoud la w COLLSCIIONS PRoNLPITT ATTENDSD TO ISt ALL PARTS OP nit UNITID STATES AND BRIT/SE FOASEIALONS. Inp10:1tu _ . _ A NEW SYSTEM F AVERAGING ACCOUNTS Thoroughly Taught in Thirty liniutes, OR BO PAY THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ENGAGED IRON CITY OOLLIIOE HALL, for one week only. TEACHERS, lIOOK•KKSPTItd, and ACCOUNTANTS geu• erally, will find IL fur tLeir advantage to avail then:mina of thin opportunity op10:1w• R 'STEW SATIN PAPE.—At 20 and 25 cents per roll, for sale by W. P. MARSHALL & ap9 • 87 Wood street. li - EW GOLD PAPER.—At 50 and 62:1 trite, for auk) by W. P. MAI:6II4U 4; CO., up 9 67 Woud stseet. QTAT U ARY AND PAINTING—Land. mcnnes, pictures y, Buchanan, Waahingtou, Franklin and Larayatia. See shop windows. For Bale by SPRING DRESS 'PRI:SIMI:NOS.—AU the awl, stylus iu the market at reasonable prices, at apt+ HORNE'S TRUSIMINO &CORE. IEI X QII IS I TB DESIGNS OF REAL FRENCH EMBROIDERTES, at Lae lo,est poastble rates. J. TiORNE. apa Market street. Cots for Sale lii the Muth Ward. ELEVEN LOTS ON PENN STREET, teat front by 100 feet. e.p, kaite of the late Mt dolma Giait riorks,) will be °old on acconnnaating terrob. Etiquireof CURLING, ROBERTSON I CO., apS:lw Corner Wood nod Fiat attactd Alder - mai - 1N area, S. 11001 i, ALDERMAN, EX OFFICIO JUSTIOE OP TIIE PEACE, AND POLICY. SditGiSTßATE—Orrice, hc. oti Grz.at street ; nearly oppo site the Court House, Pittsburgh, Po. Depositions, Ackncw. ledgments and Prooatee taken; the Records ersminad, Deeds, Booth, 'slcutgageS, Wats. Leas.-a, Articles of Agree , rueut, and of Partnership, I.6Ciurd at Attorney, etc., etc, drawn op at short notice; Marriages Solemnized, and all ba-iness in the line et his racial duties, promptly attended to. ge z ,. Unice hunia, Bozo 7% e m. to 1 r. ti., and from d r. ei epS:ly ilAglat Cream Ale. grab.: SUBSCRIBE - HS RESPEOTPULLI tILLICACILIen to their custatcora and the public, [bat ay, lug to the price or rarley and Hops, and to suit the times, they ore blowing n light and delicious tia,or•.d CREAM ALE, which they sae selling at V barrel, and have KEGS OF TEN GALLONS each, ne,:ounuudato private faruillee, They have also, X ALE, at in; XX at trod superior RENNET at bbl., and cavalier casks in proporttoo. Also, excellent PuitTELt AND BROWN STOUT. Oiders sent to Well Brewery 00 PITT STltehl, will reCPIVU prompt attehtlon. wrlth3m i/EU. W. &Alla it CO. TERRA COll'A OR STONE WATER PIPES, From two to nix Ludt unlibi'e HtICEI3 froth 12 to Cadd pbr Pool ALVO- ti.UOEfESTEIt PEARL STARCH Maio W Irk Hi:MAW tiatotiALtitti Fruß.WAltlaNtl AND C 0 hartl ISBIIO6I rsi C IFI4 ANN Wlitlita..:La IN 1:IIIL:11;t3h.:, IdtPd".ll,ls.tt, ANDa:MI.II.IY No. '25 Wool) Pivertsuitutt. WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, 3 rift oirco Lear WOO4l. REINEIVIAN&Iii,EYRAN, killl.EA AN:, Pipit GOLD AND SILVEK WATCHES, JEWELRY, 81 ',VER. AND PLATED WARE. FANCY GrikODS. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS WATCH MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. =l3 A. H. BOOKUAIIVER JOBEPH BUDD. BOOKIIIIAMMER &T. ti3cDes, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Fish, Cheese, Flour, Meats, anal Produce Generally, Nos. 4 and '2 06 North inarvz.l, Third and Afth dutirs above Race :creel, PHILADELPHIA:, HAVE NOW IN STORE, AND TO AR VB, a full assortment of Mackerel, Cod Fish, and Herrin g , which they will dispose of at the very lowest mar ket rates. P. 8.-l Elms, Stwubiars, Burraed Pork, or otho Produces tuknu lu Cacti/lup, or nold up Jordou 8 krothbr, ritroup & Bro., Wm. 8. Balkh & SUPERB GRAND PIANO, Li NA ill Ur AO COL. tuh STEI N WAY & SONS, NEW Li K LEBER & 111 W., T.-1-tif. PIA; A:i. tau: lu anuouticmg to to Ilia pub- -- Ito that they have Just received a spiendici , ,TA‘s;s,':V sIBAND PIANO, from the Factory of Stein.; e - vii.y ti Sooa, New York, wh:,, for exquisite , o - y avveetness and volume of tone ; Ugh:fleas and cia.flcity et much, and a most fanteltii and eligant azteriot, is ,orridct ed the F.INEST. GRAND PIANO ever brought to this The mechanism is a DOUBLE REPEATI.NO AbrTION, s patented invention of Steinway A nth the utmost promptness and delicacy of tomb a de e , ee or durability but rarely attained. One of Steinway A Seas' ORAN') PIANuB has is been petmrineci on by S. Thelberg, i, I:saltine..., who stn lei that it was reliihthatole, overt and pure IL tone; tot Will of title Load, Alt tior.se who LaVl heecd this t o p 010.., are unanimous 'bat it to tar superior to chase ar Llt., other. William Maactio nod tiottsch.stk, the American PI &Mate, who have lately pkiyad Ot4 Steinway dt Sons GitaNto PIANOS at their concerts, are of the EaUl2 opinion. 51t. Batter, the eminent Pianist., late of Boston, who hos Gaited all the grand pianba - now in this coautr y, Steinway a Sons' (frond Pleat, at toseont‘its to ISaW Yorli 4, preference to auy other We reSpettlully Invite the pablic ime and all, wheal., purrhasers or !Jot. to .all and Sea elibi usriFulled la-l. it it LEttElt A MOM No. ES Filth &tioot, Sole Agents for Steinway .t.."Une. DRUG STORE REMOVED. DR. S. SMITH , A PO'rILECARY AND DRUGGIST, 11AS removed Ns store from the corner of Filth and Stolth• Held streets, to NJ. 147 SMITH HI ELI/ RELT, caw C.... from SLIM. tar Physktedise Pra.criptleussw.curately c.orapouudtkP epadl w GENTLEMEN'S DRESS Goons A. DwrAlax.AND, MERCHANT TAILOR, Corner of Fourth and Smithfield street', RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT he had received hie Spring Assortment GENTLEMEN'S DRESS 0001)S, Of the newest styled, best quality and moat elegant dedrilie tload, which he In prepared to manufacture to order to the LATEST FA/3111011S, Aud with such a character of workmanship, ad raunet fall to satisfy and please the most fastidious teste3. Laptiaul .B. DJUGLASS Sr. CO .E Rues= G Co. .J D. PRATT d CO PRATT et Co J. W. WORTLIEN W. P. MARSHALL $ CO., 87 Wood street IT=I MoOutchoon G Collins, Coleman Keicun, Budd a Comfy, . 4Vim -.. ,„ " • I N iNSUR.ANCE t.i.Ofvll- ) ANI 9 N. W. (2 , ,aNsa zixcoND AND W4LNU'r Kt ittlesdelph TELE following statement exhibits tie business and condi tion of the Company to January let, 1858 : Premiums received fur :donne itisbs undiermin ed In 1857 Marine ererniums received during the year mid. ing December al, 1857 113,145 Pire Premiums received during the year ending December Illat, leB7 193,665 tle Interest ou LiALLIS 8,415 63 Total receipts for the year. Paid Marine Losses. Paid Fire Expenses, Retuned Premiums and lie- Insurance Balariet and Commissions ~tll-1 '3l The offictru and Directors, of this Institut vrsat. pleasure In laying before the public the above in resent, with a view of arresting their atteutioo write once of Instaing their property. This Company has mitered upon the third ear o! lta ex istence, during which period the Iteceipts ...ove an ousted to eight hundred and Afty thousand anal .:ave paid Lossea over suehundred thousand dollars, yws , it equal In respect to character of business to the very beat end oldest offices. We append the names of a few large and influential Mer chants of Philadelphie,who patronise the Company by giving it a large amount of their Insurance, and to whom are re. epectfully referred any gentlemen who may wish to 'name with this Company. H. Baldwin, Steam Engine Manufacturer; David S. Brews, Merchant; John H. Brown, Merchant; 'Moe. Sparks, Mer chant; T. & L. Thompson, Merchants ; Faust Winebren ner, Merchants ; D. P. Doltrich, Gum Elastic hlantuactarer; Michael Bouvier,Merchant; Butcher & Bros., Merchants; It J. Van Brunt, erMiant ; Wm. Rogers, Coach Maker; Gold smith & Co., Clothiers; E. IL Seely a Son, Merchants; Jed per Harding a Son, Printers; Rice a Kelly, Plumbers; Wm. F. Fotterall ; P. Buehong A Sons; Malone & Taylor; John Hare Powell; John L. Broome a Co.; William F. Hughes; Bloom 4 Davis; D. & 0. Kelly, Manufactutere ; Charles L. Bute, Sugar Refiner. ge.. The Company have discontinued the Ocean Marine bueineas since August let, 1857, and confine themselves ex. elusively to Fire and inland Insurance. THOMAS B. FLORENCE, President, EIDWARD 1181LMBOLD, Secretary. JOHN THOBLiSuIi, General BuPeriinlad'al, THOS. J. HUNTER, Agent, Pittsburgh, No. 9U Water street. JAW:ly:sp DELAWARE BIIITIJAH, SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 13Y TELE LEGISLATURE OB pENTI SYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE, S E CORNER THIRD AND IVAINTIT STS MARINE INSURANCE. ON VESSELB.I (LARGO, T. all part. of tl. waild IN iN 0 .E.l Or, Goads, by River,Canais, Lakes, and Leal3 o.:llszes el pasts a the UDIGU FIRE INSUR NOR.? Ca Merchandise gene4all.";.. Ca Stores, Dtvellina, &CAWS ; -15S.I'M OF TH.F: COZ.EPA.T.fi ifovembei 1857, Bonds, Mortgages ; and Real Estate $101,350 90. Philadelphia City, and other Lcens.... ...... . 187 5 011' 21 ti ittl)Ck in Bunke, hailreada and Insurance} /2 1 608 (Hi Companies—. Bills Receivable 2Cl,99l. uh. Cash en hand . 38 1 89:4 81i Balance In Ganda of Agents, Premiums on Marine Poltdes romatlyisened,on 94,730 8 7 ether debts due the Company Buhl:A - 1010a Noldi ... bin/101'0R /3, Ja/EIB9 C. Hand, Pheophilus.Panldlat, James Traquair, Eyre, J. F. Pentad;., Josbaa F. F4ro, iiamdel E. BOIL', Haury 4105% James B; McFarland, Thomas C. liana, Robert. Barton, Jr.„ Jam B. Bempla Plttsbrireb 1). T. Morgan, J. T. Logan, W. MARTIN, Pres!lout. lant. Walla a Mar tD, Joseph Sca, Ednrand A. dond.r, Jain 0. Davie, John R. Penna., Ueorge 0. Leiper, Edward Dzalington, Dr. R. M. Rem Con, Wll aria 0. Ludy', lg, Hugh Craig, Spencer Malvate, Onarles Kelley, H. Jenee Brook; Jacob P. Jones, Tiiud. U. H em, Vice Picait Se;ratar r s tii H E GREAT WESTERN a. 'rite tint !Marino Itieurance. OF PHILADELPHIA. tu Company's Building s No. 4O Wulno,t, Corner of Fourth Street. A urlitottn7. ED PI'PAL. Capilall paid ia t+urphis, Jidiury lnt , latia. s277,Vii EIKE IN 8(11:4 NCE—Llnilted or Pbrpocual. Alan' N E INSURANCE, on Vessels, Cargo and Frelghta. INLAND INSURANCIL by Itivore, Canals, 'Lanes and . . Land Carriage* titakoT9 Charles 0. Lathrop, 1123 Walnut sire.,;:. Wililam Parllng. 1510 Sins stzeet. ' Alexander Whfilden, Merchant, 18 North flictit. Isaac Razlehurst, Attorney and Counsellor. John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright, Bunter Co. E. Tracy, firm of Tracy & Co., Goldsmith's Hall. John R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White t McCurdy. Thomas L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie & Zeller. Janes B. Smith, firm of James B. &Mtn k Co, Ron. Henry M. Fuller, office 227 South Third street., John C. Vogdes, mike corner of Seventh and Samson). James Weight , late Cashier Bank of Tioga. Alfred Talor °Rica Cairo City Property. Jona J. Slocum, office 228 South Third street. 0. C. LATILLOP, Preaidei4. W. LA MANG, Vice Fresh:len,. LEW/S 111 " GC)RY ' Brandt Office, 8 Wall at, N. Y, Second Vice Pres%) JAMES WIIIORT, ftcreteryandTreaaurrr. 11. E. RICtIARDSON, Assistant Pecralaty. R. W. POINCEXTER, Agent. 97 Water st•eoc, Pittsturgh MONONGAHELA INSURANCE COMPANYN OF PITZEIBUI?G2. .1.914:8 . A. DOTOIII2Oq, HENRY M. ATWOOD, Secretary. OFFLOE..No.•9B 'Water Utroati WILL INSURE. AGAINST ALL RENDS 01' YIRE AND MARINE RI9KB. James A. liutchlma. George A. Berry, Wm. B. Holmes, Robert Ltalzell, William Rea, Thomas 8. Clarke, Wilson hillier, John Dl'Devitt., Ww. A. Caldwell. la . ennsylvanla Insurance Company, OF PATTSBURGII. 6D ,Pottirth DIDECTORS: Jaccb l'aint,r. J. P. Tanner, (Jet,. W. Hedy Patteraue, C. A. Colton. A. J. Jones, W. Li. ilopkine, Wade itinukace. I. Orli - Byrout, A. A. Carrier, Hobert FAHLIt . , A. 0. itampsou, J. U. Jones, . John TaLigart. Henry tiproul, Wagtaly, Uttaxecired Capital— $300,000 FIRE AND . 51Altiliti 1U i i TAII.E.N,ot ail dzscritaton . . UitIII11; Preaideat—A. A. CAREHLIt. Vice Prealdeut—RODY PATTEJThOt.. Srcrotary and Tress - war—l. GRIER IdPi:CUI,. A. A.. CARRIER & PITTSBURGH GENERAL INSURANCE AGENC.V. Capital Represeentad, 831000,000. cOMP...kNIES CF HIGHEST STANDLNO, Cheirrared t 7 Ponile,yirania and other States. ilia) ; MARINE A ND LIVE RISKS GT All, DESCRIPTIONS. ra .1 - ,a o 3 PCITRTiiI STRICRIT L a entaue..), FTITSBURGh, ; [de3ll4yl i.saftMEEs mANUBACITURER 08 ALCOHOI4 9 cologne Spirits wad Fusel °II I Nos. 167 and 170 Second Street. *pio.ty,... N AMUEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DEALER IN FOREIGN AN]) - omEsiric, HARDWARE. rto. 1* \Nona street, between Distusail ulley and B‘orurth street, riTTIPUI2OII, rki-Tas inabcoriber la now opening d well selectee ..iezrt meat Or foreign and domestic Hardware, all 110,7, and w ill ba sold on as goad terns as any other house In this city. will always keep du hand ft general asoortrnen.t Of ifABMWARE, CUTLERY, CAB.PENTERS' TOOLS, dz., T.. whist/ Gs respeettally Invites the attention Off echaser FAUNlbsrOati JOHN MOORHEAD has removad to No. 7* ViObi atrea, below Itialkot JOHN 31.001-tHILIAD. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ,PIG METAL AND BLOOMS'. NO. 74 WATEI STREET. BELOW .11.4.RKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA N EIN GOODS! NEW GOODS !1- A: A. MASON 3 CO., Au" Ts., NO. 1!:. tiTß.tat, Ara daily In resxlpt of thu latest uovelliaa lu SHAWLS. EithROIDERIE2, 4418,411 tx.r.olo ... 65,253 Szi 64,318 64 32,488 38 $384,688 81 $113,K4 hi U,633 a 8 1000100 00 70%7Eith P. A. 1L31).`41114, Agent, IVcier atreot,ll,l.t.titnast 600,01.)il $223,800 (A) . t.kf..77 US blhltrlo49 tftEMOV AL. AND Flail DREI3,B 000,W