~~ >: . SPECIAL NOTICES. APPOINTMENT EXTENDED TO JUNE PiRST. DRS. C. M. FIT( Pr 4- sYKES, retriefil at the): 'PPOSITE ST. CLAIP finial', PITTSBURGH, P TILL JrNT FIEST, 1859, tad may be coa3ulte,d daily, (except Sundays) fit 00lists,: ‘, /1.3 . 111 MA, BRoNcutri3 and `ALL " 7 ." 1 / 1 1 '. COMPLANTS coinplicutcd witl:pur pulmonnry dlsaiiso, including ( iitarrh, Heart Disease, Affections ef the Liver, t Dysrysia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, 4c. 7, 3 F RiTCit r. C J aii t Wt.til 1 etAtv that their treatment Gt CCP:^rants n is b.iad utiou the fact that the direale 0,, &fore: and during its drissap,;,•-s, they thereforo employ Mucha', I, a', 11- aa,t 3lialka! s 4 to lioigy the blcun and suain,i, ia.ot Cto, .y WilC• they uaa MEDICAL IN HALA.'Pt. tn, which tiny value htelil bat only as Fitliia t.ces, which riscsi alone /lA7O ,ti. ~ td, and lava this are, eare.itly wairtme, the preticani Lune of eurability any treatment based atm. the ',blush ale, but false idea that the seat of the discase nun b i welled fu a direct ni.uaei• by lnhslation. Ala' No charge for consultation. A flat of quest outs will be seut to those is lshiug to ...iusalt no by letter. Address Dath 0. li. tilTeli A J. W. SYS, KS., 191 Peun street, Pittsburgh, Pa. il:fr WHY Wl.Lif YOU SUPPER 7—Real the ts,stlubsuy or Dr. H. P. L.C.II7.tRIJ, DrUggitt, Payette C. U., Ale, daun uty 16, 1853. Dear 811 , —!' Heoth.nd's C mau 13lit blj Lave dune wumitro in this section. A youth, a euu of G. M. ilubbert, Esq., of this county, had been for et - sveral mouths under the care of our best practitioners without teller, and the caseivvrted doubtftil, and the young man although scarcely able to got about, commenced with the Hitters. _He found so much re lief from the that bottle, ho continued to take, until a cam .piete cure was etl t , cted. He is uow peritLtly well end stout:" Bes advertisouient. tale by et..V.711:3 ill), yp‘g, ap9 2s lee' 4.21 - A RECIPE THAT RARELY EVER FAILS TO CURE A COLD.—Now, while whiter, with its burtheu of Colds and Couglis,le with us. WO think. a remedy that will relieve each visitations should be highly prized, and all who know the worth of this comedy, will do as we do—prize it doubly. Take a doubt: die e of Dr. SJ.nford's Invigorator, and It will giro greater relief than any other medicine we ever tried, for we have rarely to repeat the dose to be en tirely free frzun Cough, and es soon as the lunge have time to throw ai the collected mutt ,r, the cure Is comple'e. Ia a family medicine, for the cure of Bowel Dieeasee, Worms, Derangement of the SkiIIISCII and Liver, we can reconiiineid it knowingly. un 12:1 mita w ' Othoi or rxe Pali-Amami a Haszon ithiumi 0,., t Pittslairab, March 15, NOTI'll TO ST , 3OI:iiOLDERS.—The Stochlield era of this Company are. hereby notified that toe number of share, io to which tee Oapits.l Stock le dividvd, baa this day been hicrenied from B.si Vinisani to Tenuity Thoutami shorn', in pu Dalt.i.C.) of authority greeted by the Legislature of 11.4.higan. New certificates of 'frock ie ex , hinge for the old ones will be issued at the wilco elan secret iry, Sa the city of Pitts burgh, on and aiter the Ist illy of April. No certnleato will bd idsneci fr the fraction of a slave, lytt parties entitled to fractio.ia! ehared will lid credited there with on the hooka of the CJnap..ny, and a certificate lasnbd whenever addt4runents of finch fructiondlcrodita are present ed to the Eacrezary as will autoant to one or row o shares. /folders of obi Ceitiffrates will pious present them for ex. change us early attic' the Ist of April as luny be convenient, THOS. M. rIOWE, Secretary. Pittsburgh A Boston Mining Co. mr2, ' -aw N . 0T I E.—TIIE ST)OEIHOLDERS OF THE i r r,z -7 MOUNTAIN ilEAurti ISSTITOTE, are hereby 1h:- till rl, that; an asir , i67l.l,trit of TWO DOLIARd PER eII&RC on each Share of the 'Capital Stock of eaid Company, payable en the 2Dth iuv., at the Dashing house of Kramer ft Bohm, 111 the city of Pit . rdat.irli. By order of the Board, ap7e2w JOILN GRAFF, Tremnrer. 11 .„ 7 , 141i6INLini MilN'i? DAILY UNION PRAYER itIEETIN, at LarAYEXTEI HALL,Wood street, tram 12 to I o'clock:. drily—comnienc.ng FRIDAY, Api ii 9b, and co:1[1011in until lurthe, notice. Layman Will con. duct the meetings, bat eu are earnestly requested to be present and tat,: part in the exerclres. Conte in for Aye minutes, if you caunot remain longer. npß:tf IhTTSBURGU STEEL M 4 HUB. lOA.AO JONE'i JNO. L. BOYD WM. MeOULLOEN4.B JONES, 'BOYD & Co. klietii.lCTOßlZti OP STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corns? Rosin alid firlrat Streets, J 925 PITTSBURGH, PA idl&O JONZ- D. D. 1+.0301 il. IR, it 0 Et ill & CdD., itAITITFACTUhIEBE OF ROLlic.3l3' IMPROVED PATENT ISTEI% CULTIVATOR TEETH, COMILII. RO-B AL."D F/PAT STICTINTS, PP - MAI:TOIL PA JAMES A, PETZE I 2., Forwarding and Oontmission Merchant, 5.7.41 4E14 dSLs Oi. Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Sends, Dried Fruit and Preduev generally, OGrubr oY .rdarlr.et and First otraeta. PEPTBEII NAL PA. . 11.62.Eit ands G. Bail 3y, F.E; 14111itim bilwortt,, fluthbeTt & ton Pittiih.irgh: Boyd & Ott, .ITatakell 13 Wearingon, B. Brady, 0h31.. M. & M. Bank, Vet Mangle & Co., George W. A ndPreon, Gordo:, Paxton te Oo Nrbacanz. rny2sWr.tf MITUR, riaila C. W. Ittcr.criwr, Pitt6b'n MILLER 6t, ILICMETSONT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, lIIPORTER3 OF BRANDIES, .WINES AND SEQARS. 321. and 223, Corner of laberty and Erwin Streets, PgTTSBURGN, PA. IRON, NAILS COTTON TARNS, Ao., to., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Lur2 ki A RDW A Ft c h .AMATELPAHNESTOCK, No. 74 WOOD stroet, Pittsburgh, has cm hand a large • STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which be will ell very low for C&B3. In addition tu . hia Lochs, IliugA, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large assurtmaut of ..sarpuut , ,,r'et Tooll, he has received a largo dui-- ply of BeatiEl"49 Cartera and Smilers - shovels, Tonguea and Pokers ' • 51E , 1,411 Belle, and .Nlnanioled ett? Priperving Office' of Sealer of Weights and • Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, May bk+ found henceforth, in Cherry alloy, hets.,..m Third and Fourth t3treof;, whdra orders may be left. mil3af CHARLES BARNETT. ARCLIITECTURA.L.— mtair-er, 'CLOSER, Architects, No. 112 Smithfield street, Opposite th, , now Pogt Office, Execute Plans and Specifications for all kinds of buildings, Mal superintend the er,•ction of the same. Mr. BLAB also control:me to attend to the measuring of builders' work, and Mr. Mosta to the preparation of patent papers and drawings. mrlldlin cc xe &T. GROUTT, Importers of Brandies, Gin, Win, &c. Dealers in flue Old Monongahela Rye Whisky, Peach and Applo Brandy: also, RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS, corner of S3IITIIPELD and FRONT Streets. Pithihnrch. Pa. WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLEBALE,Aign RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, Noar IVJod utrt t, PI T TSBURGH, PA. Oar Aiwaye on hand, Blazaberty, Cherry, and Clognao Brandies, Olst Monongahela and Rectified Whisky, of the ftobast quality. delltydel: Seed Potatoes. GENUINE ROUGII PURPLE CHILI POTATOEB.—ThIs Potato has the reputation of be ing the moat productive, and the boat bible Potato of all the new varieties in use. The subscriber having cultivated them largely for four years ban never known them to rot. either in the ground or in Isom A limited number of bushels can be had at a moderate price, by applying to 111,11511.Nti BROS., 21 Wood str.et, Pittsburgh, Pa. mr27:3wdt, ,, J REMOVAL. o HAVE REMOVED MY WAREROOM a to the cornzr of firrsithficla aIIJL `Phird etzeets, CIP7o ito Yo irg a vnrni - urz Tarcroorn. ap6.31 WILLIAM NOBLE TO HOTEL KEEPERS. A RARE CHANCE. The Mountain - Hotels for Rent, THE MOUNTAIN HOTELS AT CRESSON, on the -Panc,aylvenia Railroad, aro offered for lanai for a term of Tars. These buildings which are largo and commodious, ere situated near the Summit of the Allegheny :Mountains, 12 Cambria county. The salubrity of the cli mate—the pure water—the beauty of the Mountain Scenery —the facilities for fishing and hunting, and all those enjoy ments and recce:A(o , cl which give health and vigor, have tendered Cresson a - popular place of Summer Resort for visitors from all parts of the United States. The PennsYl v:inia Railroad hi rutshea means of aC09314 daily, from all the priacrival cities of the Union:, and visitors while enjoying all the pleasures ~f creintry tir„ - era, communicate with the ti.ties °Very few hour Tho Howls belong to "The Allegheny Mountain Health I.l.3titute," with all the furniture and fixtures belonging to m Company. They are in a euttableconaltion for the rota tor table accommodation of over TWO amenalp guests. To a competent manager, the chance is a moat excellent va: Address; JOSEPH PENNOCK, Pree't, Pittsburgh, Pa , u, J. P. LESLEY, Oliairraan of Committee, Philadelphia, Pa, SPRING , FASHIONS. riVIE SPRING STYLE SILK HAT, IS .j. now ready, at C. H. PAULSON'S, ua2et.3w No. 78 Wood street NIONS.--10 bbls. Onions for sale by . 191 Palm street NO. 87 DIAMOND ALLEY, LOCAL AFFAIRS. fiewaboys , Dodge°. It is a generally conceded fa't that as a class, newsboys are proverbially shrewd, and sometimes adopt rather novel moans of disposing of their papers. Fur some time past we have oba'rved a very small hey, not three feet high l who is heard crying his pa ' per• through tho streets up to th• hour of midnight. One night last week we were walking up Market street at about eleven o'clock, when we were accosted by this little urchin, crying In a very feeble voice, " Here's the Reporter, only a cent." Ills manner a:traeted our attention; we stopped and asked him why he did not go home, remarking that it was rather late L,r him to be out. He replied that he did not like to go home without selling his papers, as ho was afraid he would be punished if they wore not ail disposed of. We took pity on the poor boy, took his four or five Reporters, and handed him a dime. We had scarcely proceeded two squares further, w lion we heard a veil& On the other side of the street, crying " Here's your Reporter, only a cent," and on looki ig back we observed that it was the same bay who, 1,40 Ing worked upon oar symputb;es, bal.pirked re.• papers ere bad thrown on the sidewalk, nod a again ondeavoring to cell thorn. a.lthired the in., gennity of the young. merchant, but not his dccep tion. Another boy ,aaltlioa ef, elicits the s‘yuipatides of the boarders et a cortaiu hotel, by saying in a mournful tone, " Plef.se sir, buy the Chronicle; my father's dead " Of course, under these circumstances no one could refuso to purchase a paper. This may he true, but it shows at least that the little news vender understands taking advantage of eirctun stances. When those boys grow up, they will be shrewd, keen business men. ''Country A number of mechanics aro now engaged on the New Brighton Car Factory Buildings. The immense structure will probably be completed shortly after the first of June. As soon as the condition of the buildings will permit, the engine, which is now ready, will be put in. The engine was built by Messrs. Childs, fll'Oonnel Darragh, of Fallston. It is a first class engine, and is said to be highly creditable to the firm., On last Thursday evening, the store of James An derson, at New Brighton, was entered through thc cellar, and goods to the amount of fifteen dollars ta ken therefrom,nmong which were hams, percussion cape, pen-knives, ptrto monnaies, The rascals escaped. , Our townsman, John M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., do livered a lecture before the New Brill:don Literary Society, on the subject of " Time and ite Teaching ." Fri speaking of the lecture the Now Brighten Tinir e says : In eloquence of manner and matter, we have seldom heard it equalled. Mr. Kirkpatrick writ sus tained hie reputation as one of the boat Eimak,re iu Western Pennsylvania." The store of J. B. ril'Callen, in New Brighton, was broken into on Friday night, and a et.nsid quantity of goods sto]en. Suspicion rested upon a house, where the stolen goods were supposed to he secreted, a warrant was issued, a search instituted, but nothing found. We learn that the Beaver Bucket and Tub Mann factory, which has been stopped for some time, has resumed operations, giving employment to a largo number of hands. Complimentary Benefit to Gas. Foster.—Wa have heard the idea suggested by several persons of giving a complimentary benefit to this veteran manager as an early•day. We heartily approve of the sugges tion, and hope it may be acted upon at once. The Governor has done much frr the drama in Pittsburgh, and has devoted his best years in catering to our amusement, without reaping a suitable pecuniary re ward. We think the most appropriate time for this demonstration would be on Monday evening, on the occavion of the opening of the new Theatre, which ho has been at such a groat expense in completing, The Governor has hosts of friends, enough, we aro quite sure, to fill his spacious establishment at double price. Who will be the first mover in paying this deserved compliment to " old Bonaparte ?" ~fie filled Masonic, Hall at the close of the last season, when a complimentary banefit was tendered him, and we are mistaken if he could not again be as successful. We sincerely wish the Governor may prosper in his new undertaking, and we are quite sure he will be if he is sustained ass his energy deserves. Actors in Town.—We had the pleasure of shokiuo by the hand on Wednesday evening that Pittsburgh favorite, " Old Bailey." Ho has bean playing for A few seasons past at Wood's Theatre, in Cincinnati, where he has hosts of admirers. We were glad to see his familiar face once more. He will commence an engagement with Gov. Foster at the opening of the New National Theatre. Julia NI, Cooke. has also returned from Louisvill.7. and Cincinnati, where she has been playing successful engagements. She will also be among us this season. Mr. Page, one of the old stock, a general favorite, and a rising actor, is also on hand for the grand opening. We wish them, one and all, Ft100:1;15 Decided.--We have already alluded to the case of a child belonging to a Mr. Wiener, who alleged that it had been detained by Mrs. Molts. a resident of the Eighth ward, without his consent On Wednesday the matter came before the Guardians of the Poor, who decided that the child BbOUld remain in the cuss tody of Mrs. Maltz, believing that Wise° r was unable to take care of the child, inasmuch as he had been a county charge for some years. It 8301119 that the child was de:ertod by i;.a father soma Three years since; that Mrs. Moltz found it destitute in the streets, and in a spirit of charity took it home,,And has takervaro of it ever since. No doubt this poor child will be happier with her protector than with her natural father. Robbery.—The tin shop of Messrs. F. J. Orairr Co , on Wood street, between Virgin alley and Fifth, was robbed on Thursday afternoon of some fifty del lure in money. Mr. Craig, one of the proprietors, was in the store all day, but did not remember of see ing any suspicions person on the promises. The thief probably entered by the back door, as the money wes taken from a drawer in the safe which stood in the office. Mr. Craig was in the front shop a pert of the time. A gold watch which was in the, same drawer, was, singularly enough, untouched. Coti/Hon.- 7 -Professor L. .G. Cowper gives his last "hop " this season at NB •ille Hall, this evening. Ho is a young man, with but few equals in his profession. as those who have received instruction in the Tarps' ohorean art from him can wall attest. To all who desire to spend an evening in this manner, we say that we know of no more agreeable place than at the soiree. of Prof. Cowpor. Burglary.—On Tuesday night tho store of John M'Cune, of West Newton, was entered and robbed of some bacon, chickens, &a. Suspicion fell 'ln a man named Schelienberger, who left the place next morn ing on the packet. A constablo was sent to this oily Liter him, who prtlcured the services of one of our police officers, and going to the boat on its arrival at our wharf, Sehellenbergor was arrested. lie was sent back to West Newton yesterday. Remanded.—Perry Hartman, the man who was ar. rested for attempting to cut the throat of the girl Williams, some weeks since, was taken to York county, in this State, by Jailor Phillips, last night. He had boon released on bail for a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill ; Hartman ran away, and the wonaan afterwards died. Hartman was re turned to justice in that county by an order from Court, appointing Mr. Phillips a deputy to take him (Lore. The Choice Enyliah and American Bool.•s to be sold to morrow evening, by catalogue, on the second floor of Davis' New Auction Building, Fifth street, are now arranged for examination. The collection is extensive, varied and valuable, comprehending fine editions of the best authors in English and American liteaature, history, science and the arts, with stand. ord translations of the ancient classics. This is an unusually favorable opportunity for good reading. s One evening last week, the barn of Martin Clever, of Rubinson township, was discovered to bo on fire; all efforts to save it were unavailing, and it wan to- tally destroyed, with its contents, which, however, wore of little value. The loss is about $7OO, which is partially covered by insurance. The origin of the fire has not bean ascertained. No firo had been used in the building. We understand that the opening of the new Thee ire has been postponed until Monday evening, as it will he impossible to complete it in time for a per f rrnance on Saturday evening. The stock engaged is said to be the hest employed here for soma years. The leader is Mr. Keihel, said to he a very superior actor. Young will of course he here , K e could scarcely do without him. Theatre.—Mr. Hadaway played Atniaideb Sleek, is the excellent comedy of " The Serious Family," last evening, to a poor house. He deserved a better benefit, and we are sorry he was not more liberally patronized. The new drama of the " The 'Mormons, or Life at Salt Lake City," will be presented this evening. Pooponchtant.—The concert whioh was to have been given by Mrs. Morton this week has been post poned until Thiarsfiy, the 15th inst. Mrs. M. is said to be au excellent artiste, and well worthy a liberal patronage. Bell Bingere.—The Swiss 801 l B.ingers gave their first performance at Ilasouio Hall last evening to 8. fair audience. They will repeat the entertainment this and tomorrow evenings. A Change.---Mr. John T. Whitten, formerly Mayor's Clerk, has retired from that position, and his piano is now occupied by William Barnhill, Jr., a young man said to be well qualified for the post, Mayor Stuckrath transacted no business of any im portance pesterday. He had a few common watch house cases in the morning. Nothin of special importance transpired at am Court House yesterday. Find Arrival of Spring Good* at Uarnagharee, Al legheny City.—A very fall and elegant stook of cloths, now style oassimeres and vestings, furnishing goods, do., for men and boys' wear, are now opened, to Which the attention of cash buyers is invited. Terms being strictly each;. buyers may rely on the prizes being evocable. e==ffE=ZE THE GREAT I'OPIII A RITY OF IiOSTETEBR'S STOMACH BITTERS prepsred by the eminent physician, Cr: J. Hostetter, Ie utibound.d. Daily does he receive the voluntary testimonials of tipo afflicted, who have been cured of long-standing diseases, through the use of the "Bitters," and ddly the sale of this medicine is increasing, and extend. lug Its sphere of usefulness among suffering humanity. For mil - using all mol bid matter from the stomach, regulat ing tffal-ibtrels; strengthening the 61,21 re body, and Impart ing vizor and tone to the entire human system, it cannot be equalled. We woubi recoratimud all who are afficted with any of these tetrilne diako2,o3, to immediately procure a bottle of the Bittec4, anA oil:a:nits will vanquish like snow before a scorchhre sun. Fur 3 , 11,.. Ly drthirLlL3 and dealurd everyviliere, nd Li :ILKiTETTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, afj Water and 68 Front strents. a.r27 --lel MEYER,JOSEPIi M.&NUFACS'OREI3 (,F Fancy & Plain Feurniirtare &, Chairs, 69 st use u:sittu~, 42-11 1 - atonta street, ABOVE Tin CANAL BRIDUE, 4ii• lu additiva Cv CLo floutturb tilbiill633, I hititl .itiVOtu attbutiun t,, UNI)Sti'PARINti. no dc4l MEM! AAli; .7? E..!1 . 1 IHAN I S PITTSBMIGH E ATR E. 1 1 / 2 1169 KIMBERLY 3. 43 HANLEY .... Pil/01:: on AI.,1100:1 .boe. Private Bur, largo $8 08 2'.0. Prisato Box, bloall 000 ltic. Colored Box 35c. U 014 7 ,5 ...... . , SOCOLIti Pier Third Thai.. Sing,la fie..ij iu "eriv.l.V.3 tos, $l. I Colored 0ti11ery.........15c 11,TERATION 01' TISIE. Doc , r9 open at 7 Pcirforataue to commence at 7!4. Box °lnce, fin . nate or Ttrketn: van front 10 to 3 o'clock, ANtYPITER GREAT VARIETY. AND ONLii Nto tip 8 VI R. 131 FRIDAY acid SATURDAY EVENINU'S, April 9tll aid 10th, of au intensely, eiciting, cotemporaneous Drama, which has met with a run of scvofal wei - dis at Durtou'm Theatte, , lcew York, to 3 acts, and entitled TEE MORMONS or, LIVE AT SALT LAKE CITY, ittea to u.x',o bit VIIVNo th....t.tia' and exdt ing doiugd of the Mormons in their own homes—the policy their rnlerii, their cennectlon with the Indiana, hostility the foderal government, the workings of their peculiar doa.eetic inAtitutimp, sufferings of the numerous wises and Andrei:l, public ceremonies, and private habits and manners, with an interesting story 01 American emigrant% and the a."nassinati , ,na by the Danitos—cast to the frill strength of the fellowing..tla-STAft COMPANItY Brighara Young Mr. Weaver... Timothy Nogge, (a Tuna. way Alderman, from New York, with a family of 13 NAVIN, and a regiment of little reeporisibiliCes.) Mr. Hade.way... Ambrose 'o,'; odv'lle, (a recent convert,) Mr. A.htner...Lney Woodville. (bin . ‘th'e ) 3.11 Re Kimberly... Mrs. Noggs No. 1, '.lrs. Van Deerlug...MrA.ls7oggs No. 2, Mrs. Derrell...Bridget Nogge No. 3. Eons Cline—and a dozen othe Mr regini,nt of lift's Nvg Markham, (otherwise Digit, Eye, a Trapper) Mr Hauley...tlodtray Blair, (Chief Dauires,) sir. 'l'. J. Fannin. his first appearance here for many year9...!-e7g.mnt Mr.Padgin, (an Irish soldier in the U. h. Ariny,) Mr. Slevin, After Etch a Comic Song by Dance , 'l3 conclude wit', a popular Farce JOHN W. 31'CA - 1/THY 1311 AL P 0 S E I IVILL ATTEND 'lO THE POSTING nod DISTAILIUTIN 1 of all kind?. of BILLS FOR C3N6'itdi,l'. EXIILBITIONki, Ao. All communiLl,tloui- t , y moil. telegraph, or othex• ~ :iro---direct-3d to tfio oitic. of al. Morning Post, vill recbive prompt 40,ntinn ap7 JAMES IP. TANNER, 56 Wood tereet, Pittsbaurgh,Pa., LIN Ito" the attention of hi cne.totnors and bnyars general ly, ii r,I,E largo stock of NEW SPRINU GOODS, Ilaught itua, Nislat;:.tur.rs 0021PRIRIN43 GATTNRc, EN=E3I!EIMMtEIE BON I' , ."7", .6( .ITS Fill .i trA. C 4 tiAT:! B ,ys and Youth'd Ph M ListF tlniiN, I' A' , ANTS Lind it A ti b..ye hilj .ILith..l WOOL Fatal rlift ELITiI. a it will 60 t,aud lu 06 - at r Great ir3ia,..,1,3,71:3 u.A.MI &hi oumpt TINIE BIJ Y EitS Orden solicibid and wad packed mr27:dtjel—ia RIEW T RIMMING S ! N tsW Tit MIMING S J B SH, _ No. 65 'Market street, Latdli,e, walls It xud.x ihihie the New 4.1'1,4 stock of Till)111INGS, 101B110114.11tIEL+, RIBL'ONB, RIJOHB: 4 , LIOSIERY, J:JUVE.4I3 KID ULOVE;3, CiAUNtI.IM. EMBitolLiEtiEb MARSEILLES 'SKIRTS, XPA N SION STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, Ell EMOID atED,ADIECRANIC 9YD RENCIT CORSETS! INFANTS' FANCY CAPS, ,n(1 HEAD-DRESSES, AT Notice. rffIHE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE °Meting between the tindervgned, under the name and style of HORT. H. PATTEitSuN it' 00., ie thin day die. ,oivrd by mutual cumeut, ) y the withdrawal of Robert H. Vet:onion from the arm Thr bositieis of the late firm will settled by W. W. Anderson, at the olllce of the stable on Fourth street. itOBT. li. PATTERSON, Pittsburgh, April 1, 1658. RUDY PATTERRJN. The Livery BGJ,Io oe Neurth street will be continued by EIWY PA.TTEIZSON. I..i,.ery :table ou Diamond atrett, corner rat Cherry alley, above timitblield sLreet, will be continued by ap3:lw HOST. li. I'ATTI,III9Ov. cIfEAMBUAT FUR SALE.- The steamboat GRAND TUSK, has been tr.:roughly repaired and is in complete order, and is in every respect a Ll N 0.2 boat; her class being the same as when hew All contracts for repairs to tile boat have required ell work tl be done in the beat pee. elbh, manner, subject to the approval or rejection of an ex petienced steamboat builder. These contracts have been properly executed, and she is now offered for sale as com plete awl worthy of the attention of parties wanting a first rate steamboat. She is 160 feet long, 33• feet beam, and 6% feet hold—is r..ry well timbered and fastened., and sound and etannch in particular. Powat—Thrje toilers 24 feet long, 3d inches diameter cylinders 18A inches diameter ; with 6 feet stroke, and is tti,wn to to a rear boat; is supplied with a nigger engine. Ca.e.bigiT—Will carry 650 tons. Draws 26 inches water; has a very fine cabin. Hua—One-fourth C 5311; balance iu good appoved en dorsed paler at 6, 12 and lb mouths, with Interest; or more hhcral if required, upon undoubted security. Apply to CAPT. MARE STERLING. GO AND SIEIE'. GEORGE P. WERTZ'S First Premium Blind Factory, OORIYER THIRD AND MARKET .TB., PITTSBURGH. "HOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAI4 BLINDS, of the moat exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their Interests to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by tee boat mochanlcs (not apprenticed.) Every attention is to the wants of customers. Prices low. All work warranted. No. 7'.,t THIRD Strati., Pittsburgh. jmythlyis ROBEST DAITELL- .TL.117.8 E. DERADING ItOBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholegit Gro?en, Oommissmn and Forv.rdiug Merchu.nta and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh •L'ianufacttu - es, No. 2n Lit-Arty pittobs.7 2 h. nov.2s:F. Illiouse to Rent. frHOSE DESIROUS OF SECURING A comfortable house in the country, eon be accommo dated by applying to the undereinued. The house is a stone cottage, in the upper part of Ete7t Liberty, with about one acre oliground t a stable and slaughter house. wintaq LOGAN. East Litierty. Safety and E.conortay in Light. WHY %VITAL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can got a cheaper and better light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Can nel Coal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleas ant, and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of explosion; more brilliant than gas, and quite as cheap; lamps of the most simple and easily managed construction. For sale by 'P. D. G. lIODKI No. i4mlthfieldstreet. _thy- Bennie of a counterfeit already la tree market, made teem Campbene, with a little Coal Oil to scent It. rfe27:ly DAVID H. WILLIAMS, CIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR 1 4 ‘ ,/ FOR TIIE ERECTION O GltB WORKS, for trom five burnora eel upfardil, end for Heating Building;, public or prirate, 'by Stmm, Hot Water or Frtnuire& — . L5.1 - Mita ravatiiiiiliGH, PA. ~~.~ci ms's= l >r,:~'?^:*_ ~-.~.. PITTSBURGH, PM mr3*L:dly—le LEIJEA tXO MANAGHAFAS Mr. Wallbtt. ...Mien TurnimlL OP T 1 8, ETU BUSRIE S No. 65 Market street .- ',",`,. : , ,. , ,'..!, , f3,••,: - .'... , T,:, , ,:: i;• - % .. .. , ... , ._..,.., - ..., ......_ COMMERCIAL, Weekly Review of Pittsburgh Markets. Business has beau moderately active during the week, with but little speculative feeling In auy department of trade. Our jobbers are doing a good country business; and there have been fair receipts of Produce, but the prices aro at low figures ; and sales ate almost exclusively confined to the local demand. The weather has been unusually dry for the sea son c , the year, and the rivers are consequently receding to a moderate stage; but, notwithstanding, a good business continues to be done at our v. , harves; freights for the West and South are still plenty, while the tbatli are generally well laden, The Motley warket continues easy; the bahks are rcadily .iiecounthrg the rair.xc,ptioDable paper offered ; and there is bat little of tide descripticm rffarcd cutaide The rates of ex.r.hauge ate folk - Ave :—Phtladelphia and New York 4 cent. proltieui fur par, and 2la uritt. cut, rue, ; [haute par to ,/,'„ 70. cent. prerhium; Cincinnati a ,t 1 tine par to "44 taut. discount. • The followiug is the last official stateruent of the banks of this city fir tie week ending ou Saturday last, ft. 4 rourpa:ed with that of the previous week : ASSETtI. Loaum and Dlecuants Due by other Batiks.— ........ Noted, &c., of other Banks and S. Treasury Noted Specie LLLHILIT /Es. C Irettlation Due to °did Itanka Depoaites The above coumarstive statement exhibits the following Increase iu Luaus and Discounts.. $111,107 84 Decrease lu A euennt due by other Batiks 59.201 18 Iticreasa in Notes and Checks of other Banks 115,09 s 87 Decrease ILI Specie ...... ........ ....... .. . ..... ....... ..... 43 , 737 41 1, ncreasa lu Circulation ..... Docreasc in Amount duo to othor Banks. Increase In Depoeltes The New York Bank Statement sho We a general expangion The le>t statement, compared will the previous one, dhows an ucrealn of Loans, ~crease of Specie, ncreage of Circu1ati0n,..... ..... linreme of Uudrawn Deposits, We have here an increase ot over $600,000 in cola, of u,a, ly a million and a half of loans, and a corresponding increasso of deposits. Thu entire line of deposits is nearly two tail bone more than ever before known in New York—say $lO,- 021.989. Although there has been no foreign drain, the neighbotting cities of B;aton, Philadelphia and Baltimore have drawn considerable amounts from .New York in settle. twist of balances. One exchange house alone Lent $3e0,000 to Philadelphia during the week. The debtor condition of New York to B.sston and Philadelphia still collations, altboadi the remittances at gold have for a day er two past been leas important. The New Yolk Evening Poet, of Wedueaday*, ems s.--Senie are talking in the direction of au increased demand for money, but we are unable to detect any clue to such a change in the money Market. In fact we know of negotia tions in the regular discount department that have been made on a shade better terms than at any time yet. There may be a little more business paper making, but the with drawal of capital from the stock market., where it was drawn by the speculation of February and the early part of March, more than counterbalances the fresh offerings of popes. The stock market is particularly heavy to-day-, and the bears appear to have ev \ rythiag their own way, the bulls allowing the market to go by default. }Mune the Board, some of the fancies have touched even lower pointy : N. Y. Central closes as 82%; Erie, 19%@1974: Residing 44 , 8 ; Chicago and Rock Wane. 09%. La Crosse Land Omuta are in request; none were gold at the , Board, but since $3OOO change: hand at 33. We learn from the Philadelphia Ledger, of Wednesday, that there was a fair amount of business in stocks on Tues day, covering sales of some $2.5,Ca;13 of loans end shout 1700 shares. City loans, are very firm, and the new coupon Cs would readily command par, if on the market. The trans ferables toe selling at 90%. Tho city loans ; liable to taxa tiou, are steady at 93%094, the difference in the prices of tire two clusises of bonds being about equaled by the tax im posed on the old leans. The prices, therefore, are relatively about the same. Wo have no material change to notice in the bill market. The demand for money and the rates of bills are evenly maintained. ASHES...There is nothing doing ha Pote, aad our quota tions are nominal at sV a c.; Parts are also nominal at 6 1 / 2 e., on time; Soda A.,11 is steady at IW@lc. ALKALI...SaIes 280 cases of Concentrated Lye at lie. 13 lb. Small case of . Caustic Soda - at 04c. lb. APPLES...There is a good demand, and salsa of prime lots have been made from first hands at $1,76g52,25, mostly for the east. Inferior and common are selling at $1,2501,50 ti Phi. BUTTER...The supply is moderate, with a regular dutand at 15©l c. for prime r011,13,g,140. for common roll, and 10c. for packed. BAG , N... The market la firm; Shoulders ore sellinz at @7l4c. cash and time; Sides 9c.; Llama 911@934c. for West ern. and 10©10 1 / t c. for city-cured; canvassed 1; 113c4 Su gar-curial, packed, 121.0. Vs lb. -* Bh.,' ANS—The demand has improved, and consideraLle sales have been made duriug the week at 80c, ? bus. for mixed, $1 for common white, and $1,1241,25 for prime small white. SUCESVIIE AT FLOUR...There Is scarcely anything do ing ; a few small lota were eold at 75c. 100 tbs. 1311.00516... There th a good supply m market; sales of common are regularly made nt $125 and for better kinds $2; fancy lota command $2,25©52,5013 dozen. BUCKETS .11.N.D TBBS...The Beaver manufacturers' pT1 , 25 eir,3 as fellows : Buckets, coramou,sl.6o > Allegheny Gee Company. 57 do Pittab'gh, Dic Wend Scrip of ditto, of $l2 40. • -Pt. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Co. 20 do Charters Valley Railroad Company. B) do Wiltrtnobtrg and West Newton Plank load Co. scholarship Pitt/burgh Fern de Codege TBOMAS 51. BOWE, w3l Jf arIINN, }Executors. JOSIAH KiNG, To ear -=- penters the West. AGENTLEMAN, NOW IN WASHING. TON, hos sent to the Editor of this paper. the Plan and Specifications for finishing a Church, in the town of Plettabarg. Mil.E43llfi, where be resides. Circncastancas have prevented him from visiting this city, as he designed to do, with a view of submitting his references and contracting for the work. They may be seen at this office, however. w here proposals will be received for one week. The opper. t ri nity is deemed a favorable one—especially to any goad Workman : who may have an inclination to look at the Great West," wham wewill cheerfully recomantend Itoll, CONSISTING OF tt N G 0 W. F. FAHNESTOCK, Agent. P. 111 DAVIS, Anctionee: ELSE J I , --- tllo'El., ( kli. I T I - e l l il 9 0 iji 4 ', Yl , fa j g gi; $0 A A 0 ,v,,,, , 6,- ,‘,.„ dm ~.. 0 11, ZA ' ( ( 6%, ' ) — rill e'fi'VTlLTlly OF THE AGE. MR:KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has discov• ered in one o t tonx common paean%) weeds a remedy that cures Every kind. of Humor,, ISOM Tali wontsT SOROFULA DOWN TO A OW:MON PIMPLE He has triad it la over eleven hundred cacce, and never failed except in two case:, (both thunder humor,) He has now in his possession over one hundred certitteztes of its value, all within twenty miles of Becton. Two bottles aro warranted to cure a nursing core month. Ono to three bottles will cure the worst kiad of Pimple! 08 the ince. Two or three bottles wII clear the *lftim of bliss. Two bottles; are warranted to curs th: were; canker in the mouth or stomach. Three to lave bottler Kra warranted to unto the wont triad of EryslyaLe.o. U•:e to two bottlee ,re au - rented L. Gime cll humor intht , eyed. Two bottles are warrant td to core rdaains at the ears and blotches cuuung the hair. Fear to at: bottle:4 MAI vTarrarrW, to cora erupt and running ulcers. One 'Cottle will oure scaly eruption c the bkia. Two or tittroo bottles aro warranted to care the woratklnif of ringworm. Two or three bottles are e..rrantea to cure the moat ema perate oeso of rheamatiem.. Three to four bottles aro Warialli,ti CO car c esit-alierk i n,• 'hive to eight bottles core the worst case of scro la. A benefit in always ezparienced from the first bottle, aced a perfect rare is warranted when the above quantityla aken, :ROXBURY, Aleith Dada ii•e - 12.a3tica of the Medical Discovery., in curing all kind at humors, In so wed established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I aces not gay anything on the subleri, as the most skiit'ol phyei clans and the mos' co.efui firagge- is era tru animous in its prcl e. In proaenting the Aleditad ea; tZ. i it with a lull knowledge of the curs:Ave power. in rolisviz, ell, and curin- most of the-, dl...e..eita in widch you are no fortunately so liable. Thai it 0.z.a. - Le,lato- . - 4 dieusto affectionate Llluthar. NURSING BORE MOUTH, Is cured as If by a miracle; your own tampar 1s rodfacd $4 it natural swootniza, and your babe from short, and fretfLl naps to calm and sveot slmubera ; and the iled!c3.l Mauna ry boccmes a fcmutain of ble.niaa your )rcslinod and household. In the mom advanced 34ga cd CAN BE it it eitends to the stomach, causing DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing hut canker of the atom ; then to the intestines and KIDNE YS, creating t* sinking, gone tecang, and as tuainnrouot even to the cares of your franila. Yonr stomach •RAW AITD .I.I.4I'LAMIII), your food distretees you, and you can only take eartafit klUdd, and even of that your system &en not gat half tho nourishment it contains as the scrimonout fluid of the make eats it up; then your complexion lobea its bloom and be comes sallow or greouleh, and your beat day to gone. Tor want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your bcily bsrome relaxed. Then fallow a train of diseases which the r•icilical DiaCOVOry is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the herzt„ pa!n in the bide, trenkneas of the apino and small of the back, pain of the hip Joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowele, and nice, that most uzcrn• elating, of diseases, tho PILES. How many thousands of poor isomen are suffering from this disease end pining away a ralsoruble life, and their next door neithbor dots not know the cause. I wish to impress or, yoor mind that god old proverb, An ounce of preven tion is better; than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the prerhntative and the cure, with this grhaa and good qtuslity, that it will never, under any circumstances. do you any injury. Na change of diot ever nec,,,,,,ry—eat the brat you con get CUM enough of it. Ihnsoviott, 798 lISS—AdIII:3 ono table spoonful per day— Children over ten yeaes dogcart spoonful--ebildren from Ave to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can bo anpll cahlei all constitutions, tall . ° sofilcient to operate on th.• towole twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENNEDY, Price $l,OO per Dottie. For sale by Dr. (IEO. H. H.EYBIIII,- No 110 Woc — retreet. l'iztzburgh, eep4:dLw FOR THROAT AND LUNG 1-)ISEASES, U 8 E VEGETABLE 601IPOUA 9, PREPARED BY BOWMAN 8„• CO., ,:LLEGSENT, PA ur b,lv by (I H. E.:"'LYttElt, Pittsburgh, J. P. PLE.llll:Ci..illeehiurf City, And Druggisti gen,.rally CHANGE OF FIRM. P. HITCHCOCK, having purchased the interest of JACOB HUFFMAN, in the film of Etta. man, M'Creery & Co., the etrie of the firm will hereafter bo lIITCHCOCK, 3I'CREEHY A CO. Mr. ;Einar:lan will stiil re.maln in the Bono. .13.1JF1'31AN, 31'01184 U.Y A CO. IMITCHCOCK, CO. (huo.T:saat3 TO iiI77I.ISAN, iaY A C 0.,) Forwarding and Commission Mer,thants, WEIOLESALS PRODUCE. FLOUR AND WOOL. Inc. 111 BICC.P.TD ETB4kI, P/2753036E6 PCMA 11,3IIIP.H2f0116: aprlxigir B.: oaoigo, Jo6ei 1. f.. Lider, El, LOid'4; PlCtitbati).4 ~ b out , io Brut, H. 0101113 A Go, •• ‘42oroJII a 2 ott.*,r, Baltl,moi e ~. Bagaley, Coozrav, ,i i !,.., - iillI,:r1. A .....f.,Ato,Philm.lelphi..., MOCamilets,floaos .t t'..., - .:ar.„,,s, Loc., ?Antos: , it Co, '• G. W. Smith, A Co., _ " Wf , 5. , :::.e I: Graham ' 003. M. 4 1... iford, Clra,limAli i;:e.:nii, Si.: rth. , 4: Co., f• A. B. Fentl,„•. t Brae., " Yates •:IJmord A Go., • • opitt _ . S. H. D iMlflLs R xviviicarLin 09 TIN, COPPER AND SIILET IRON 'WARE, troutaa:c turalituri3, iviroLEsALE AND RETArk. Nu. 180 Lißititri'Y , Keeps constantly en hand, a large atlortzue - at of Tin Ware, Oopl..er Lr.ettb s, al go,rd, cileallty, pt veil lovr.prinee. Country merchants are in:sited to call. ex,- All Job Tifbrk, r;ccilng, etc., will be promptly ac tended to. melo:lm* 1.. C. LiEVIIILEttsi, ATTOIiNtLY AT LAW ,t:ND CO:Z-vi;YANOtif !; 7- 5•." 07= MARBLE! 'MARBLE! JO IN a .?#:e 5 . 2f dll G 0 RAG A r,LAITTIreI. c. , IIII,ROTION O MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONE Enclosures, Peals akr,.s &c, The Dilbith SP3 retroectfullyltiatt36 our slcc , >a law; sea - 6u35a401. aptdEtw -th 140, Ul3 Vaciittit