, 5, - 75A41A, 1 44- , • ESS _ - rquE,4_, C,. WINGA.P.D, ATTOMIAEFAV A'S' LAW. PPPII=SI4II4, POLO*. *sr OFFlar., NO. (ire GRANT street, betere4a Feqrt.la street ❑d I'll/mow* alley. ape iJIt:6 A. LO ‘V.13.1h, Attorney at Law, oraco Fourai atrE4 - rt, Pitt ntargla, between nil:kith:l,3ld and dooll:ly L, Surgeon Dentist, suooEsdor to (1. kg. 4 , W. Biddle, No. 14-4 Smithfield atreet. Hours trom 8 to 1 o'clock, aud from !A to b o'clock. L.18:ly SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors w.st of Market. .COX• hours front 5 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. deelly SeIIOONMAKE4, Manufacturer of . Whits Load, Rod btad, Zinc, Paint, Labarge, Putty, WholeF.a o dealer in Oils, Pain ts,Yaritimbes, Turrattine, 1LL . .., No. 24, V. tiricl slyest, Pittsburgh. my-22 tOSEPII ,FLEMING, successor to L. Wil 60::cortier u 1 • Market street and the Diamond, cevs constantly on hand a full assortmeat of DRUGS, MED ICINES, !sIEDIVINI, CILESTB, I'EItFIJMERY, and alt ord• les pertaining to 1.119 hualnoss.. , 1 , 1,7' Physicians' Prr., , criptlons carefully compounded at all o,oure. JeChy C W. (21.1A.1) Vl' le K, dealer in Kentucky • '2013.A0(.10, ite(ir3 and PAPER, No: 119' Wood boluw eictBbark;ll. [up2o:ly - ularkut pr co, iu c.,1,11 3 paid for I'.II4.IWiLSLL ]GSAPkt 11..41701181 i d % ..I.Ii.ALUSF/1.,A.hi....11Lid&k.C0..,e,,,1ua u d)o p r r, te R r uA t3 a n d r, ,a. I Nos, No. S 7 Wood zaraot., l'ittabrugh. &L - Co c 3gouri f,r fh, colobrat , Al ulttnuf , teiurcot of 3,-ticouri Sug7 DAVII) IAI PI3EI.L 6'6 &AMUEL POL LOCK have tLiu istyk 1•31,1, , _ki1i, tl.O transaction ,d a geuoral ti riuiy and Dry LaLbines infttlllfruru of ,lain and %Vali( (11It 1#10.9 EY 11ERt_& ANDERSON, (successors to 11:16 Jesooa 11.110 , 1 U wholesale dealers in FOREIGN 11.17.17:5, NUTS, BPICES, CONFF.CTIONARY, 81:113ARE, Arc., ; ,, o. 39 Wood 9trect, opposite the Ft. Chalice Hotel, iltts• apt S. A. PIMLEINt. J. GILLESPIE b. CO., Looking lass Manufacturers, 1.1 and deak:ru lu Looking tila.93 e, Plate Glaes, COMIA r_ll.l Fancy Goods, No 7 , street, Fitts • :: .1u Land and • - esti. uts•li.. t., iit (tilt • Ittutlt iiissts, it,,,cwo , u,!wit 1111,1 4 / 1 it • ,r, of vt , ery tletioription. 4.4" Steauttiovt C.tbitts mita trill LL.L 4 14 . 0ITLERS.--Jutil4 °EIDEN Iwttieso, JI 1%7 Yirnt etrcat , wont.t rsaportirilly Infirm the pal.. thuy huta t.austuutli hoot u litrisu supply of VtiIAPAII.II.LA, !111 ;ERA I. •.; l'rEli, ALL eud POlt'PEtt, I quallt3 t%t tattlilit, is p.t, ti. alarll .1.1,r-t5.1 !G,I tt AI:. 1113L11 A.T.Eiii itu part:v.o,ot , it to fatuilii •tt s.. nU‘ , Si ro t, iTi. Ll' a - vr L iNIERCIIANT TAILOR _ _ WM. A tl LI , 1 , 1v1 .1 . W idtk, A K ( --% I 1•: ( Fa I E. 'l', I Li l'l,lllll.e' Ltsl.l.lll,e, Vit, ...I t,I, ksictstl Lis, 1,, t rct k.. 1 11.1141.u/4n. A 1.111;11)N, B ELL )NI) Ii it A- DER, N./. 7U trA N i' ) ;- jal aLanftaL tai nll - 11141 Lai : 4 .TEAMiIOAT, PR Y AND UYLLEIt 01 till I:117,1, f7 ,, 1tl 10 to I u.uuu lbs. 011 :q Ir.FLI,F Lando lo uraer. tu,Li A 11141 , . C. I, !IC L' nizLL, I,r :itotEaLAna:, r. LftA I, V/ Al Eft 1' COUNTk.,I: K.`, 11. eVut y VatiVly of Ca.Liugh uir.:ll.lc T. LIALIIIIT'6 ANTI Arrainut; METAL; FULT,IC'S 6IETALLIC PACISINU, ;Ingiaoi [+ll,V - 15 WO URI DOE &, MAXWELL, ,ANuFAcTu... E'i &'i me t. a u• itrabil..6 4 k, rd llte.iers in Clocks, ECt‘us6 Furnishing Good &Q. &c. ro. 1. 4 J00d. ctrzet., 17..U0ve alw!‘ E ii U CATIO2J, AL FranciN Acailenas, - for NOYM, i:4l , Eit II h CAKE Or TUE: FRA::OI6CANI:ItIYf 11 El i.oret to, Calabria Ct;ittity, Pe.. S INSI'ITUTION, ailuated for Educational p11rpe.C...5 affords ail .iie that ,• au b, deitired tar a &Lindh: Ina' itatleh. it la located lu the moat healthy and joktUtteallie partiall at the Allegliehit4,,liatant tour tailed from Cceeriatt ttitatiuu, the ilieet wail rout: lietweLn Philadelphia and Vittidiurgh. The ,eliolaetio star rounuoueing the that Malay iu ticiitouther, wilt idiese the lbttt of July fallowing. reruiri tor hoard, including a Thorough hugliela erieti• tile Ceti' a., are:Put/ par annum. The and tioduru I.angnazell focal .I,n extra char:, of gltl per and us.i ui Lieddiug >or further purtictilura ripply to the nttporic.'.r of Ult. A.c lieftireuews can t,t• wa•.:o to tun Rt. Roy. Dr. I.PC.,,Nrioa. ..1343u:lydAw irincerat's College and Seininury, uNDEp. Tilt BUNL:DICTIIiE FATUErtS, Near Latrobe, Weentore'mutt county, Pn. N TflE COLLEGE AF TAUGIII"fiIE .1. usual biaudie, of English Education. In the ;:iff,MINAIIY, the Cla,sids, .`,lsthenottics, , Ithotorka, l'hilusophy, etc., and the ditlereut branched of liigh,r erudition uucetisitry or useful to these aspiring t. 4) Prket Land. Thu terms la - Board and TUilital art, per year, to I.sol tietudaiiunally, sttletly in athauce. uoruitiu and Nt ouch mud other lauguages,Diavi Fulut ia, cud le 1, , ct.ltl u ehitrgeti,extopling ...pate t tsan pours:dial fur the 1113.4 a tutu r cutouts. Wuslites - , hoods, y, etc., Cut 11l "Stall gas. FOS particulars apply to the IThactor et the College. The Collegiate year begins uu the lei of eoptetuhe., cads on the 3.1 of Jul) tollowlug. FA'llltlt U. ti Imam, 11irciVir of the DRY GOODS. Retrench I weds aide t : A NOTHER CRASH--IN PRICES I - -b. 111. lug to sell our ,toes ; thungh • are Tight," wo have muds a general sweep— REDUCED TLIK ENTIRE STOOR To still lower prices .'Now is the tuus if ' Lleu the as, - io•rtiu , .t to tiubroken, anti the Pric,~a Put Down I Down! I oct29 JOS. HORN E, 77 :416&F-t. F 11 1 11 E LAST CHANGE IN FIGURES k:Duet Ili hboi..6, worth 75 cent 6, at :32;4; per rill. 40 ~ 1.) 62 1 / 6 ht 50 fl. .16 J,, 1., 611 bt 373,,: ti„ .1:, .1.. 1. 371-1; at 9.6 :1. JOSUPI3 HORN h., 0,!: . .ar /7 Market street. 8 1011 VELVET„ TRIMMINGS, AT REDIDOLid, Yxiue i. A Cht..11..rat.,..1.0tril 00 Lahti and for Bale at aft,ll 110..8.141:-:. 77 Mark,t ttr•-, GUNDER N DER OARNIEN TS Wool, Silk, Merino a.ed ,!eAvy ikaton Under Sht, to and Draw,ra - a fr,alt n UIOILN WA, dul9 7 Nlarket street . - 4 1 IVE Cants per Pound Iteduotion iu tho 11, Price of Mi. A s - BU}Ol.l LOOl robilan will Le liai/i131.0.1 N% lag t;NfTTIN3 %%INNSata 'mloo[lol3 01 klVe Ceata pet bui01:0, alto, lLid titalo, and CaaL 001, 1.10i114E, 'iT tit. ket atria, Agolt lvt the tore: EM B ROI DER I ES. -Our exaolleut Hwek o I VtouLL Enit,soidnilts, mud [Lc L, ptic-1 1.4 utturs I,lle,winLlu I, IP I" utv oNEY -MoN EY I! LAM VY Ulf "l wl 1,31, Lii.o/4 of Etuluuldurle, Wu 6nsc gouu user WI. 111.111(16u I RKNULL•WkittIik:L) UOl,l. A 10i, I.IN 1: Elt 81,K EN MIWSLIN , A e.i ri A prite-. lillit " Llarti luLmllun 1.4.1y,.ay "El 6,Ltiug I srgniue ut v4.t.'47 119Ittili'S, 77 Maiket NANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS. - A liege asvortss'eot, whlch We nru clo:ukc out V ',KY eat EAT Fult CAEII. U. HANSOM LOVE, Formerly Love Brother's, No. 74 Mut kut otrsyst. E WILL SELL from bite present time nit . co,s,tioni ) cheap l'Olt 0t.611. Pieseo aill dud er.e.e t Ilr eturk. C. 1i AN N LG VI, ucUt) Formerly Love Brun., No. 74 Market et oitINTEI) NIERINOES, fur 6'_' 2_ att.l 76 worth ::•.1 anti $1;26, (le bunt ..tworton.-a* lu 11.. e clty. C. 11-kNbON LoVit, BLACK AND FANCY DRESS - A full usioorum :At, very chump. 0. It ANbON LOVE, formarly Ewe Bruti3or Nr, Lrsrket povv,.! 1: i tV ERY 14.;couinuieal Purchaser of 1)ros - e t. 4 l.a2vtlel, sluntlee, &c.; also Domestic mud Wit plo Utnr.le, will rind to their tylvnutitgo to call awl ciao.' rl Fall Laid Via ter Dry Clocxla boloro purcllue .I.wia•Arr. 0. HANSON LOVE, ?unmet - 4 Love Jana., No. 74 Ldarlrut e t. 11A WLS ! SIIAWLS:—WooI, h1: - uctiu, long and :quer°, thb vet:•y Legit to the city, mud ut .•-r) t'or cash. C. :1A SON 1.0V.E, formerly Love Bros No. 7.1 Market street. uoYLI PIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, Tor making Es.aques. A LArge aea,rtment at GEO. R. WILITE. tt CO'S BONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon nut uidt.-ifa, sin., Velvets and Satins, for sale at novl3 I.IOIINE'B. NEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.- 20 boxes a3sortod sizus, i's, a's net! Sperm Candles uu baud and and for sale by Jail SO A P S. loco boxes Rosin Soap, in lb., 2 lb. and 3 lb, bars. 1 600 ' 6 No. 1 Palm Soaps, In lb., 2 lb. and 3 (b. bars, L6OO " Chemical Olive Soap, in ib. lumps. 200 " Oleine Oxide u o 260 " German 200 " Castle 60 Pare Palm On hand and for sale by Jail GUM, BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOAI OVERSHOES, offered low, at ‘`The Peopled' Shoo kigOra" Nu, 17 Fifth street, uear Market. Mit DIVIENBAWIER A 00. EW CiioP dauud I ceb tiwyrtin No; 10 maid " Pau" GOO boat& tantagilitilstits, Jaat renehrerti a.i.d tut Billhatt a Alibidat,k4 Opt: =4-1. 4:.:;'..' , '' l ';:''s . : ~.-,:_.:-fl,--:•,-',-N;:? ROILIIaT J. iaDIIIBUP ::!1. I 111.113:12, .I,I:IEVV. 77 anrhalelt col -PRICES Nl,aitK (formerly Love ilrotherv), No 74 Nlvirkel B. J. u. BAWYER " in 3EX bias " In IM. '• 0. & J. H. SAWYER ~~~: ~:~_ GI-),OCkRS DKOrn 1.1.001T,L189-. 111 9 C4NDLESS, MEANS & CO, I ISTIOOLS3OII.9 TO WICK r 11'0/kIfDLEII3,I WHOLEsILE GROCERS, mums IN IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AND PITTSBURGH hIABHPAGTURBS Corner of Wood and Water streets, DA YID IK OANDLEBS WILLIAM MgAl.td EL A COFFIN rilllCandless, Meatus & Co.. onocomrs to Wick ii. M'Candleed,) ' WIIOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and pine. burgh sfanufauturo3 generally, corner rf Wood and Water .tmtkßatsburgh• myS FOR Vi !k1 DING AN 1) CO-1111111SSION 2: Sib COLLINS Awarding and Commission Merchants, PktopursTorm Or viz Pitteburgik, Meadville CANAL LINES. Nun. 114 .120, 115 WATBIL STILEST; PlllllllunGli, 11.414110 P -ES, SIIAGEN & CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION hIERCIIATITS, No. 30 SYCAMORE ST., CINCINNATI, o.l.wis Uced alltlellll.llB, 0. J. Hut AN, JuUN WELlthir trumphroys, iloiretto t & Wright, FLOUR FA PRODUCE. AND GBNETLAIL COMMISSION MERCHANTS ) 'H. NORTH WHARVES AND 166 NORTH WATER 41 - ,r,c iitlc itEFE I T . , uua.a..l,l.•livtalas.a & Co, 1-I.ll.icipt.i. Thompson, Clark. 3 Y., 1, ~,, rze Olter, Flit, ..3. C( , tia Cop: 1 Cu, . :14 kt. Barcrott, &laver at Co Canby, Neville 1 11u 6 1., " i E SI. Loxis, Cashier' F. h. .1 Al t ....k , Jot 3 0. Mitehell, , ...:asLl.l 'd . • h' . " iin I , :11(.1118 1.. tiatOWeii .3 Ct. , ftre.C . U3i.lbo..lJ & Ottilittm . i. JubLi M. li.e“h,ly I I . . • 0 0 tCaigda i Co. rr-I Nokett, Mathews ..t u. , NlciSillic, I.i. I ,te :iiirewalinry Et 1 3 rire, Ntachaoh, Er t.el r - 1 U. 1 . 1.1,:icy 3‘ I`'.,L, liciiilL)Ciitl, 01.1., . ....1 , • ...• I.ttNsitalkt:o . Alaililea, bwetillino, t, Ll., A it hal., 1,. S C.., 4:ll4,inhati, , It., . I',/ t-1,11u, , .1. R., t')lt,l , e; gh, r., ti t .,..i,y, 0..., , , .0 & l ' ti., , ' A I yt" ..-14 ).;-; Pfi 1 ,11',Et %, i t-111 EIA k?qmil if 1 . 1 P `45 4 ;014' ?4, ii4C . .44 fit 4I AN!) MEIti!IIAN I , l:AL'd u U AN TIN I AND TIIF.1:::•;' A.. 1) L' I '1"10 S Et IL 11 SS AK U C 'D . E fc. lir h. a, co., (.1 E Elt A t, Cll M I ;-; N i 1)N FORWARDING imEßci `iN Levee e.ud tN ae4.lit ou Arc.atta, YANlitrrrE Cl£7, KANLiAt.' IttiEmm_Ls.—Justid: S. Ilierchnnt- gonerully. ENitY 11. CULLII , ;:•_;, l'olwarding 1:11d Con,wizAiuu !.tu.! 11.1 I SEED. 3. ,L 3 ,1 , . 15 Wood !VINES A.ND 1)EVIA11%;a liEL\ EA ) Y, Wholemule Liquor 6 Aorcli:mt, a.d itoctiiying N,, 6a ::ullLli.ld utrott, Pittbur L r,ti, T_l N 1 ki GER a CO., :f:' 0 kt Prciacii Licrunuan Vi'quer. and CU E, 3C., ac., 161 Smithfield etreet, between 6th and 7th 6 nth 5:1 3 a& I'./1 t HUB . , PA GLASSWARE. ADIVAILD DllliP.ll)3r. 1it14117 L. ILLNCCA'ALT. IiOIiER'I'SON Sr., CO., Maul.- facturtreot faUL, Pr2.1...N1 and Ptah, L. - Hut GLABSIVAIth, Iruitoubv,No. 17 . 01 , , , Jd Etr,L,L, ;'rout, l'lttdburgh. ,ca r . All other ,k 1 4 , 1129.9W/11 , 3 Gittal9. at luw MArlitt aplLdly .1.ite.1 . 7 E. LBDLIL.. JOBUPiI .1. IMAM. EDLIE & ULAM, SuceeBfion to I\ll.llvany Ledlit, inanufactarurd of Out, MOUllio4l Haiti Plain Flint and Fancy Colored tiLASSWAIiI, and dealers in ail kinds of 'Window Glass, Flasks, Vials and Lollies. Ware kouaocorner of _ , (u-ket and Wafer struotn, l'lttsbugh. cARPETS AND Oth CLOTHS Ll> LMOVAL.—J. & ii. PHILLIPS have lAyremovbd to thou - now building, Nos. '2.13 and :121 tiT ALAI It nil ont , wont yids , LolWoos Pcut. sttoot and LIM Whig, J. ea. NI A NUFILYIIIIII. , Ri3 OF FLOOR, FURNITURE, ()ARRA Adis TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT & OPAQUE WINDOW SI Ati)E OIL CLOTgt:. lif diffor.ra At&a, Ded.l,fitsti IN CU, CLOTHS Sc WINLOW SUA tilt!t.3 Or every description. osalers in INDIA. RUBBER GOODS, ef all kinds, made ender Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the, Boston and New Perk Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA ItUb- BER BELTING, HOBE and 'PACKING. LEATIIER BERT ING of Eastern manufacture,m superior quality; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO FIBP,PROOF raNERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE ANT ant.:lN PAINTING AND GLAZING, in an its branches, done in the best and shortest time. rdzatly • J. t. PNILLIPS., n Nss. 25 sod 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil Nraviile., on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh CA.RPILTS, OIL CLOTHE, MATTING, itEi; A THE teourth Stit.e.bt Citirpbt Sidlee. W D. 5. AI'OALLITAI ri:4pectfully iuvito the latto,tiun of their former enetomeia aim the public generally - to their prezent stoclr, Juat eelecto for Spring &ilea, embracing the cury Meat stylea of Futeign and CollSiattillg in part 01 Velveta ae isravaela, l'apostry and Common ingrain leruJinB6, 7 tiai.d nod PhllLt Stair oAlteErn. OIL i'LIITIII2. tltOM s TO' 14 BE:E1 huge', 1In1:1, Hlnia Rua; CAL•Lt/li saud (20,A. lkinttiftg , La3l, Rt Ceap6ta ; V4itinn rutto...l, 11.1 ("CU HCOlhald U wltl tr,ll/6 111:1 yiremwe lk. lthu VI guutLs Lu ull Wilk., may I ticeiftlfl ul luubu.g ur puld.u•slug, uu.l wr /211,1 auto! u,inud L• ouy Mho may fu. ue with a t ttl I , tiro 011 etiaud, Nu. WI Ft)11 frTil Stt rut, rruar Wuud . mylUay W. D. t LL 111•(.1A1.LUM 011., CLOT NO —Of 1111 kititis, mud yellow, tr et.le at the India tthbber Depot and V lit Clair etreet. J. H. PHILLIPS. tL CLO'.HISIe()It Tat FALL 'lltA DE. W. have ou hrthd, had are duly reteiviug additlot thereto (fol. Otis- °Wu and nth. tuttuulneturlets, ts largo at", h a Floor Furniture, Carriage Triunniug, Table Cover, Trow parent, Uruen and nett, uud all kludi of 011 . 01,4 h, need rtt ihrwieruxtriell lug and ether purihrsce. Aletu , Tretthpettetit Window I'.hut'o..s, IA dry taw! ell I:Etat/di—geld bordered owl other styltts, and Iliturtew Merchant, and others will nod it to their mheautege to et :Matto Our litod: and pricey before making their Itte..o•ert, elsewhere, J. R. 11. I ' ILILLi 1• belo 20 and 28 Bt. Clair et t• et. OLUOit OLL ur uur 1,1 , 114 MILI 1 tattoru taautifacturo—ull Widths, rthil cut to atilt any biso of rooms or tinlin--at the, Oil Cloth ruoLue, No. 26 and tit. Clair etrea. ocV4i J. 11. PHI LLI PS. FURNITURE A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at e Men eXtellhiVe CALUNET and CHAIR MANUFAU fuIty , tuittifield arent, a largo ageortment of Fancy ,nd Plain Fut .dture, which they will tell 15 per cent. lower than ottaturnary natal. Terme, camh only. [ dec...27:y WOODWELL'S FURNITURE AND CHAINS, Wilo7,oeale and Itct il, embracing every Idyl(' of Fnrultnro, In Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, suitable fur l'arlore,Cuatabern and Inning Rooms, equal to any in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prigen. Every Article made by hand, and warranted. Cablutquaker., eop ,died with any quantity of FIJRNITURE and, ou eaeunable term!. Liotela sad Ste ar_iboate furnielaal at the shortest notl.e. Wareroome, Noe. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0c22 Improvement h Book Binding. TE UNDERSIGNED GAVIN() obtained Letters Patent for Improvement In 130,,if BINDING, is prepared to furnish the attachment to tie. km now In use, or to apply the same to new Books. Orders Or which are respectfully solicited at WELDIN At ROW SNIPU Book Bindery and Blank Book manuf ac t ory, g 00th „,,,, corner of TIIIBD and WOOD Streets. The above improvement consists: First—Of a ltietalic Spring clasping the back of the Book in such , manner as to prevent the Lesvos from sagging when the Book is stand ing in a vertical position. Second—The carriage consists of SSetallc Grooves, on which are inserted Rollers, which will e fteotteilly prevent the Books from wearing or chafing In pia sing the same in its resting pines. ie2:tf A. H. ROWAND, Patentee. MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Over and Sandell, cheap, at the Peoples' shoe Store, No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. Jag DIFFENBACIIIER & bIENS' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes nt DIFPENBACHER & CO.'S, Jag No, 17 Fifth street. INDIA RUBBER BELTING.-1350 feet of a, a% and 4 Inch—a ply—Jast received and for sale by J. & H. PHILLIPS, mrld 28 and 28 St. Glair alma. INDIA RUBBER GASKETS, Manhole Lilnge, and %mire rope. of all ulsos at mrle Y 8 and 2 St. Clair t3tivkt J. H PHILLIP 6. irimE —2OO bbhi. fresh for sale by 11,411 nide RIINRY H. 00.4L1 TAMIL -46 home - Rochester Pearl Starch fa,eru 62/9 b 16m15) H13521' H. COLLTha IltEMila PITTSBUROII, vill MADE,. Plill A I=l MISCELLANEOUS NEW SPRING AND SUER DRY GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBER RAVING JUST RE TURNED from New York and PhlladelphLs, feels confident that he can OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO PUB. CHASERS, BOTH IN STYLES, QUALITY AND PRICES, UNSURPA , '3SED BY ANY HOUSE WEST OF THE MOUN. RICH FANCY DRESS SILKS, RICH BLACK BAYADER DRESS SILKS, RICH BLACK SILK ROBES, " PLAIN BLACK BILKS, eRINTED BEKAGMi, °ROAN Dift LAWNS, Also ----1)halllea, UreipEl Da Ifspiw - ceit, Lawns, &c, SHAWLS AND MANTLES,. ts Hoc HEBO ROMEO STELLA Sfl A W LS, PEI NTE I ) BOHHEHED STELLA SH AWLS, Of every Style, Color cud Qablity, veryieg ile priced from 'l'*o to Fifteen Dollars PRENUU LAUF. AND (MANTILLA MANTLES, Froth Tbrcu to Thirty Dollare. N KEDI,E WORK HANDSOME SETT COLLARS AND SLEEVES, VERY RICH REAL FRENCH WORK COLLARS, EM BRO I DERED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, JACONET AND SWISS MOGI N GS, INSER'FINGS, AND FLOUNCINIJS, w HITE GOODS PIQUET CLOTH, FOR BASQUES, COLLARS AND SLEEVES, FRENUH AND ENGLISH BRILLIANTS, = r e ..J '.=....4 (::C1 AUONETTS, NAINSOOKS, MULLS, SWISS, VICTORIA LAWNS, UGC., PLAIN, PLAID, STRIPED AND FIGURED 11Wil ERY A tiaLii 4NP (DOM METE ABO 4 SORTMEN'I' Mull RNJNG GOODS Ur' ILV hat Y bit-SORiPTION 600118 FOR BOYS' WEAR. Black, Blue, (keen, Dtab ILA Olive OLOTFIS. Meek, Blue, Greeu,'lltub (tell Ulive ()ASH M ERETTS. Maid, Plain and Striped UASSI m ERNS TWEEDS, MERINO, NA NEINEIVS, UA3JIMMti H Liuon Awl Cottou Paul &Oro, 40., 11)0METICS. THE LARGEST STOCK IN TILE As casnyof the shove Goods were bought of INIANUFACTURERSAN I) JOBBERS, And at the LARGE AUCTIONS, FOR CASH, WE AKE ENABLED TO HELL THEM AT rttlcEs THAT DEFY COMPETITION. Call and Examine our Stock, be- fere Purchasing Elsewhere. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, and Young, Stevenson & Love, SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE-HIVE No. 74 Market Street, " ROBES, ROBIN, ROlliEs ristabatrgh, res. RAJLROAS)S 18118: Summer Arraugement. 1688. ON AND AFTEIt MONDAY, :MARCH 20. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RA I L ROA D .PlelS - A* 4 "fal SEVEN Tlll3 EAST 31A1L TRAIN loaves the Paasonger tion every morning, (eicept Sunday,) at 7:50 o'clock, Pittsbo.gh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11150 P.M. THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station every evening at 9:60 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns. town, Wil!more, Gallitzin, Altoona, Ac., connecting at Har risburg with the Train dlroct for Baltimore, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltlmoro at 1.100 o'clock, P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at RIO .o'clock, P. M. stopping at all stations, and running as far as Conorsaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. IL SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Croak, Leaven daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. a. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Croak, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 6:20, P. M. RETURNING TRAINS arnve in Pittsburgh as follows a..prems, LA P. 114 Mail, 2:10 a. m 4 Johnstown Acconuno iation, 11:00 a. m.; First Turtle Creek - Accommodation, er.150: a. N.; Second Accommodation, 12:40, P. u; Third Accom modation, MlO, p. as. Trains for Blaireville and Indiana, connect at Diairsvile Intersection with mail train East, Express train West, and the Johnstown acconaodation train East and West. PITTSBUROH AND CONNELLSVILLE TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Councils villa Road, leave daily,i(Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN------7:00 A. ist I EXPRESS TRAIN-11:20 P. nt RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Uounelisville Road, arrive at ,Pittaburgh, 11.00 A. ti. and 6:10 e. m. The traveling public will find it greatly to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel by the Penusyivanla Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be sur passed ou any cther,soute. As the Road is ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from dart, we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all whu may favor this Road with their —FALE.:— $lB,OO I To Ilaltlinore 1000 " Lancaster. patronage. To New York.... " Philadelphia. Harrisburg, $7.40. Baggage checked to all Stations on the P6imaylvattia Itatl road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Now Yorh. Passengers purchasing tickets in care, will be charged ten °Bata in addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—In case of loss, the Company will hold teem delves responsible for personal baggage only, and f.d . en amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B. —The Escalator Omnibus Line has been employed to eouvey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not tal nTeced '.2t; ,ante for ,sch passenger and bag. gage. tldecto tvei, t., J. ere.,WABT, Agent, t the P It. It. Passenger Station, Liberty and Grant streets. Iwo Through Train, Each Way Daily, Sundays Eta. to.d. I , V boding, Oletrzland and (Away.), by cud 4.414.1 Pittaburyl6 Rails oad7 IJOILUMUUti, S'l'. 1.(11•IN bi I'l',36allscal, CuLUAIIILIS -LND 11Voil.Y.N A PI I 1 h'OAD LINE cis Ulorchiutt uud atla Pitt.talf6h , Cuaipaul.d, h,viud Inca., rtuigeuibut with th•J l'itt.ibutgli, Butt Iliuyb. and KitilrcAid th.julut u,4 their trucla twt Ituelluticer, Char [rat,' Stutiui, : ) c. I SLII, ibLOl. ANIJ 1,(21 C 4 'Ail -xi I 'LISVELA ND, WI I.osvon .!!tcultuvillo fit idisp.it t , upputittli Witeeliug ........ Eclirctir eoluLubu, Oluciutuiti solhud k!,1111141u .Asicago 6;00 A. 11. Through to Cio ciuntai with hat nun cliuugn Ur earn B:uu A. DI. Thhi Tralu to Cleveland lam utiuutub at Apiece, fur Dluuer. pENCLNNATI, CLEVELAND AND yIIWAtiO LYI it is tY. Leave: Pittalairg4. irrive, ? . Steubenville 2;36 P. Newark Cuturubus ,iuctuuhti ....... Through to Ciu-stilevehtud ciuusti w i thou t Buttulo chang., of Cara. WiILEILLNU ACCo.l.lMuDA'lloti, Lrtro.,.. Pittsburgh., Arc iYeo. woisvin. 4:09 Brldgopor.... 113ellouir CurIIIKUTIUMS AltE MAUS DY Al OYb TitAINS,AS VOLLoWm toOO A. Ai., t. d 4.UU r. Al :V DEELINU, tuc Luatlint laud, Dui - pot 's Berry, Ual t • ALid lir'tWl3, ug City. truly at BELLEAIIt, fur Cotwiridg,, Zatt,st ill., I oto , Cirolnvilln and Wilatiustuu. By ti:OU nod 1535 P. b. 1.„ 4t XENIA, fur Dayton ludiauttpulm, attt.ou, Louie and New Urinous. By 63.10 A B. awl '2 35 P. W. At EINCIN N ATI, fur Loriugtou, twutuvilk, Cauo, St and New Urinatts. truly at BAVAItD, fur ettrrulton, Wayunaburg, Dover and New Philadelphia. OW) , at.iIUDSON t tor Cuyahoga Palk, Alurou, Cliutou aati New Portage. By 6:00 Al. m., cud 2:35 P. it. At CLEVELAND, for Erie, Iturtalu, Nusara Fulls cud Cal a da, Suudouliy, Toledo, Detroit, 011ie:Ago, cud all pui:te to the Not tir west. .tom — The 4:00 P. u. - Praia atopd at all Via.)-",te.tioul tht Elver Divittiou. Returning TraitriN, EASTEICS MAIL, VIA 81''1•;U1ia;itY1LLL. Loaves Ciuciuuati 6:00 A. .11. Arrives at Columbus 10:80 . Do 'Steubenville 6:10 r. Ai. Do tstiur,,th 8.56 r. w. l'l'rTSßUlttill AND WIIEELINU MAIL. Leavea Clovelturi 1:00 r. Arrives at Wellsville 0.51 F. hi Do Wheeling 8:46 r. b. Du I lttsburgli 8:16 P. hi PIT'rBI3UH.G II ACCOMMODATION. Leaves llalleair 6.M0 ♦. a 1L sriLlseputt , uloposito Whc.uliog 6.15 a. a ti top at all iitattuus An iv es at Pittsburgh WIIEELINU AND prryBuuttuti Leaves Ballet& •1:80 r. e. Du Bridgeport, eppuslte Wbeeltug... Arrives at, Pittsburgh !ebb • i..AST:Eit.N F;XPRFSS, VIA STEUBENVILLE. LeavesOluotunati r. si. ArriVea at Celuir.bas 10:00 P. a. Du Steubenville 4:41 A. AL Do Pittsburgli. 7:110 A. At. BUFFALO AND PlTlSliallalzt EXPREtin Leaves Cleveland 10:20 P. hi. Arrives at Wellsville 5:31A, hi. Di/ Whevling , A. a 170 Pittsburgh.. ..„. . ........ 7:50 A. a. are made by the Midland Expriaa from points when returning, as are formed 6f above when g,int from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaiter, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Porn and Boston. The above Trains will stop on signal of the Station agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to take up passengora going on or' beyond the line of these Roads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from thee. Roads, at any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland Passenger° desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., as any points beyond CO/41:1A116, via Sii)ubotriille,, most esk tw tickets via Steubmville. Baggage checked throogL to all piluutised pulaitu, Elt.4 transferred free of ritargi4 tklats or information, apply to lIECIRGEI PARKIN, Tit..l6oL Penn Street Station, Fittsbni , I, F. R. MYERS, ticuo,allicknt Agent, 0. & P. R. 8., Olavci,,,, L A fIUTOILINBON, Geneial Proktit. liciat,l".. 0. At 0. R. IL, Coltaot.,, JAMES FARMER, S o pertutondect 0.1 P. R. it., 010vu131,.1 W. W. BAGLEY, nab' Soper Intendant F.. 0 §O. R. IL, tiolmot...s (9I E W WESTERN PAIUTE, TU CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE Lail ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURUO, VV. WAYNE um) CilleAti,), a NI) oiNCI N NATI, ki A niILToN aGA VI . , itA 11,10) tI VIA. DELAWAKE CUT-O6l+ cdt. Diztance only 320 mita from Pillsbury), to rtilllS LINE is umnposoul of Roads of du; ,a. Firat Chula, aud iy located through a beautiful au highly cultivated purtiou of the .".tats. Direct counucUuu is wad° at Clucniunti with the Ohio au I (the backs of the C. U. AD. &If A t. Ruskin, being cuusect.i, fur Louisville, et. Louis, Cairo, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez, New Orleaus. Ounuectiou tubule at tiL Louis with the Pacific Itailrua..l and idiaaourt River Packets, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all taduts Wear. Also connects at Cincinnati with Kentucky Central R. It., for Lexington, Danville, Fraukfo, t and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station as follows : Thrcugh to Cincinnati ari , 3.30 A but one change of (Ara, • -• M ° e. riving at 8:411 P. M. Express Passenger Train, lit *) .15 P . dyin g In OrtAtltu• at I\'l. A. M., Cin. 8:00 P. wry hAatiAGE CHECKED nag Faro as Low as any other Root.. For all luforouttiou, and Through 'rickets, apply at Ticket Olticn, corner Monongahela Hunan, or at PCOLI curet Station. • Liar Paalengera dasiroas of golug this route will ask 1, 'rickete via Delaware Cut-Off. J. H. AIOOKIL, Supt. P. Ft. W. O. it. ft, DAN'L McLAltliN, Supt. C. 11. AD. it. h. u0v212. New Route via River and Railroad r .4! Indianapolis% Cinoinnatr,Railroa triDNNECTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with 'AI Terre Haute, and Torre Haute and Alton Radrcais, to SL Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Alban. and Salem, and Michigan Central Roads for CHIC tC, ; ROCK ISLAND, BURLINGTON, and all intermediatn points. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, 'IIERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTE, and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in tee, time than any other route by 24 hours, and at as low rata:. The only road by which ahipments can be made from Cin cinnati to the West, without breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati; or, W. IL CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, will receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission ; no clibrpsfor drayage or cortatissiers al Lawrencelnag. For further information, apply to THOMAS RATTIGAN, (N 0.115 Water street,) Agent of the Company, who is pru ed to give mama airecars to Indianapolis, Terre Rants, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, , Greencastle, Crawfords• vine, Charleston, Paris, and Mattoon. IL C LORD, President. JNO. F. mutts, Gen'l Freight Agent. cus3 INKSTANDS,—A large variety for saki at Wit GC JONtimiti AA" liff.V.l4- Wgita 41. ...: "`~. The Pittsb'h, Ft. yirayne & Chicago WITH ITS AMPLE ROLLINU STOCK and equipment, and its through connections,is pre pared to transport PtieldDllgoll7 awl treight from ffitLA. a 1 A and t'lTTSl.lUltilli to CLiICAii 0, ST. LUIRS, IN DIA:4 A PW.1.6, CINCINN AT I, and alt maces Went and death Went, With a great degree et roguiatity and expedition. The tact that this livad aortas a direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and i.Aucagu, is a nuillcient guar ante..., that its Trains will matte good time, and connections with Trains on other Road. PASSENt/Ell TRAINEI LEAVE Pittsburgh. Ox3stliuo. I Ft. Wayrui. U. 8. Anil, 5:30 A. i.I 1.2:017:13t1 M. Express, 2.:16 Y. Pl. 1U:05 P.M I 5:46 A.:11. Ciilt.:A.oo-11. 6. Man at &au A. id.; ExPres , *2:•.. , 0 L. ILGGUtiOLNI3INNACt—U. 6. Mini at 7:6.3 P. M., Express 7:tX.; A. M. All' rains wake cleft connections at Crest ne for Colum bus, Giacituaati, ludiatutixdis and tit. LOU.II]; also, at Fort eVayne with Trains on tir abash and Western Railroad for Lafayette, central Illinois and 6t.Louis ; also, at Forest with Trains on the L. E. R. R. row UtLic.u.v. t t.Webynn. Crestline. Arr.rttsb'g 12.:ne s.lb P. M. Express, n,OO A.ll I 27.00, P. M. 110:0o Y. 3r.L I 3=5 A M These Trani* Wake 01,410 COI.IIIOCIIOIII With I`lllllls for Phil adelphia, Baltimore Now Yuri: and &stun. Trams from St. LOllll, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and UOllllll - clueu C01.1110C1it)1.11 at i..restime with all returning Trams. At /fort Wayne, 'Trams from tit. Louis, Central 1111- 11013, L.A.lnytAto, and lutermodiate places, connect with above Trams. At Hornet, connections are mane with Trams to and tram Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. ACCOM.IIOI)ATIUN l'italaNd—Lazovu New Brighten tor Alleg,houy eity at 7:00 A. M., and 13:3ii Y. ill. Leave Alle gheny City for New Brighton at 10:(10 and 4:30 P. M. To accommodate way travel, Paazon,s - or Cara will be at tached to teteught Trante; leaving Pittabargli ai 4:4;., A. U 4 Cruetline MT Alliance, at A. al.; Alliatito for ()Termitic, at a:46 A. al.; and Alliance for Pitt,Litireh ai 1:41 A. M. 38( . 10 4 ( it; (111F)OH and at, unease tot handling.. For Tickeie owl fui Likes tuturtutiliuu owsly to liLliltULt 1-'o.2mouger Station, ourues Libvfly qua lii - aut atronla; IL F. etaktitilS, N. Ititi lk,arbutu atrtA3t, oppo alto the Tremont Lionse, titncaao, oi ilia A gouts at Static:ma ou the lino. TO CO.IIIIIENCE UN &LON u A (L, until further notice. J J. 110 4..taioN , PiLab', and AWL. D. W. 13066, PZU3CeI. Apat, Chicaso. wrztl . JuS. H. 1 4uuti-E, tilVerlAteudeut 'CUE I'ENNSVLVANIA RAILROAD. :Lau dciutu-v.estera SLAWS I,y_a coatihuous Railway 140.1 also couuects at I"ittaburgL.with U„. tut th;amers c all ports oh the VI/eg PA Cleves laud aud with diee..= ,,, •J iu ail put Le. uu tha wbstru Lakes; waking the most huizox, CEMSTEST r,...,11,1;LELVAL1T.6 t,y Whicti eLLERILLT o.=r, be, t.,i wurdekl to and 'cola the, UaIICT W. Itiaculir.Lwten 1 - 1411.4icipi.ha ifIRST Z.,11,a-s Liule ausl LluuKa, bey (i uudn,(r4 110113 M Chtiost u:v.ll rIIL Ilu, F6.3.1.1.kurti, , .4.c. j; : ,,„• ‘ )N $1,6 ,ts.l (t.!_; 141.1.4 t! (iu a:n4lL j, art.o.ty l at a. ,•ItA klmat ward, ;1..., lib htful, 111.t1rt: (iu fitritS), uuti S.lLutt tivveu fir w co./.13,9, u.tittimo- Llll.l, tcz..rl LUigure fit rut,' A. , I ot./ iL f Uuot., Firth, Vat vu, Bort ud l'ul (la Ltv..k.o fir 0J Caw( w gal d, t ' Lard uau .e ult., :A./du Anil. - 11141.1, .it !;; L. t.: , 1 until I , ;ltiliJl Itiv until It./ Li..„ ~Licc. COTTON— nut t outiltie GUc . 1V,i,12.1, UULII rtlwr matcc. lEEE 11.ui, A Al 112 u A hi L 10:10 16 r Al. 11.8 U P. hi L: r•IS i ; ...$2,2 Z....L.2...A 2 12212.1.du6 Lu 1.242 au.. 1 2. v. • 2.7. :111 Ut,. ui!,! I .. ui 11.22ir.tit.q212 , 21. u. lurwacdt-,/tibuut care - lint } , e ut alloy kia.,,6 IS, ell Lt.; r. I, a., :It. Leal*; r. U. 1.2 lUlny 6. Cu., bu , +.2.2 ,, 2 , i1, 110111 La., 2.22 d C 2.2.21,22 JUU oll, LuttmVtllq y.; IL U. 21.;.i.....41.1111, d,dtwu, lad ; 11. W. llruV.l.l 4 ea., uuu Oluciluitata; N. W. U14.10.al 4 t_2o., Nu. IA KM/ *trawl, I.l.Alluu Lu0...21.2 k , Nu. I IVilliuui ntrubt, dud P.a. 22, Ltalut2 2 L. J. auouder, I). 4. :itowurc, Pittsburgh. U. 11. litjUbTUN, k'reight 11. J. Loilliiii.kt'r, AllooLia, Yu. 11.10 . 1:40 A. zA 00 r m _ r m 0 .2 hl '- :Su e ci 4o e L 9 (.19 t :a 1 ..1% gkr u.t Lot, uulinv JP, licrliro.l in UuW up!..utni ! lilt, linpnyvlk.ilvu v/ lA:Wert/me, W nud /I Old 11 LLv Cll.ld ULU I lIL..Lur 61.1 cll,/ L.;,/ 11:C, (11.1:.; W I 111.1 r olle% Coult 41 2,ailluti.l ...rt. lit A rLitii,;,:lioutu Lave L.\ gal . ., with the l'unudylvautu tttuhuud, by wbuili LLwr.gfn It u161.t to l•tillniloll.biu and lialtiLubro Kill be Chi I %den pule!e ye the Pilleberish eed i.jetaletieVtLie CUL Iwda, VIA PAYOEWI.I/0 tyfLiAd ItU~N .v.l ltd uuil Llepaulbor, tLo l'upiuLLor Frain, will Lc ruin dully, etrnld [l5 It/i MAIL W Li/ LtiV eal.lrlol.l 1-01 . LiAtl .'.,11116.,1 11.4111 in ltutlruud, lit Pi Ett bun ut I.IW C' 1... k, urriviug 1:::Uu A 11. -- - . ring l'ittaburgu tit e. M., dila currtvlug aL (..;malollavilie M. THALN wilt luii.ve Cuuileite, .111 a Eit tl u'uluck, A. M., counuctiug with Chu filulrtiville uu which ..raves tiL at. 11 A. M. ,11A1L lill/.lltli GIN ula at P. M., uua ith tar ihautuu Acculumui.L.Aiuu i'wlll.4,ylVni,l3 Vilo , ll .rEIN't, 1a L'ILL3Ltil fi,”6llt to allti trues Viet4teterBh, YULL ULLILIULIti ULI LILO Pitt, g,LI au t COULIuI le villo IlLea.l, eLII tec retched laid etelevereel nt Deeldwiu IJej.ut , uppumitee Inequew.ee be Let, uu Libert) e trout ISuutiug St Linthis Cuatilts fur Mt. FY uulLurg, Cukubtrlauti, will leave eunatildville r. gulnrl~ tt, wrist' ul the Craw& Mall 'Fr/lilt cuuutcts taw at Wet Ntwtun with cutchee, I' ) tot flank Ituati, with Muuut bet lie, 'tickets can De had trutu Ytutitylvduka titulruti.l thisatuc.u: llettut. MIME Ladd ELLAUKSTONit Suptvii.toutl.L•t. Synopsis of the President's Message E.'l' is hoeuiu ordered that, publid batt-.1 at lauds li.r,tufate , ffe,r4i a, tL, nata...l la ..a, Lc held an tOliOWd At the Land OLLIL.r, r.L log utt AL.uJo l , LL.c, 7th of June, 1859, of too,- tow LiSi the tic. .a W6ith and wiunetagio At [Lie utliLo at to, t Loluuttij, tho 14th ul June, ILLEj!‘, twenty-cu:: t,wnihipJ, aod park of township,d, in Elie and Pueahonta At Cad 1.41.16 th., tag the th t‘l June, IboA, of t Liao nua tuwitBhips, iu tta , Clay, Ida and Caerok,e AL LiiitJ Lind Ofti , ,,,t o I tho 21st of Jhoe., 16::", of tUla c Fuoilikel, . I townships, in ti,e ,ouut:c6 C't“ook.-„, Plymouth, cnd 1.; . At the Load EAU., ..135 - , the 7th ,E twelve tocrueldpd, e.i EL., ...... L6E - rvo. :.ItetLy, j/107 , .t..1,1 tdduoiaa dud IL la also ..rdti,a litoucti Lb. Wald 6udytu Lho EVER-1444,741•Crta dot tiol4, wIALL rciat.ia t., the UalLo,l hlcleca, wid.i, sia &Ira on o,c.k Arolc of tha undetia,bCtirl..cd railroads, I,e offered at yuL.ll., aalo On ilk. Likt4.7 tied at lite plutaa ea tollo - wn: At the LecdOttice at Fort the "Dubuque atl,l At thd Laud 0/1160 ~ , atauouLlud oIL 'I iv::. , day, tL, I.Bt. ui Jui,y, 1658, .0 ale D ILU t nud oud," dud on the, Cadutral Ait lAut Rallruni " At On Land 01BO* et Cbatlo77 BA4lji, u.u.,moneilituu trluu day, tta, 14th ul J uue, 18b3, uu tuwa Central'Aic I,lu, lialltoad," the " Allamtsdippi uud Nliod,,urt ittaltuad," nua toe "Ittullugtou and Nikdouri "Liver Railroad." niti - -•: 4 .'.'! - 111 R A. 1.1. , ,F.O A. DS RAILROAD NOTICE. RAILROAD COMPANY, it A, i IL NO. 593. At the Laud Utllcn ut Dal .que ' I:,...tutbanclugoul'hutzday llto let Juno, uu ußubuqua and Pada,: Hail road" and ttio " to t, a Centrul Alr Lion Railroad." At Ilia Lund °Lilco at Art Du ititieS, eutUillotuAL. :Ll..Lluy, LI. I.ltti of JLLuo, I tliA, uu LILO " LOWts CoUtlol SL Lulu ItAlroud " and 1.40 Thoninnipili s d 5111.4,uri Itad Ai ILo l.nud MIL o at 0/Lars:tan, couituoucluy, the 7th ut Juuo, I S, uu ihu " limilugtou and hiVor Railroad." The laude will bo uttered with the trouttl excepthatin ~f tichuol tiontiuus, Ac., otc. The even-numbered sectioun within six tulles on each of the rallrcadn, will be offered nublect, an required by lee, ton I.l.llllllllltat of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. The dales will be kept !men until the lauda are all ullered, widen in to be accomplished within two weeks, and no louge! , and no private entry of any of the lauds will be adulate 1 until after the expiration of the two wee: n. Proemptluu claimants are r.qui , ed to entabliali their blitithitt to the satisfaction of the proper register and receive!, and make payment for the tattle, en or before the day ul• pointed for the commencement of the pa/JUG 84.1201, uth,rwil th !dr claims will Le forfeited. 'DIOS. A. IIENU1111)..{:t, Ci nnanistioner f flee Gene> al Land Office (Ixmatta, Lazo R.Gruary 17, 'boa. f FOTA'IOES.- LOU bus. licalwantucit Kant , .5; CO do Pesch BIVECULLI PubAb.os, ju.st. ruuolv, .21101114.8 A. VETZh:II., mud fur 86 by I.a'AO isQestnr .11.41 ti YE FLOUR.— bbl:. frea. g ,ound just ro,olvud for neat, by JANIES A. FETZER, feel '69 Wutor ettroot. GitEEN APPLES.— '2,1) bbls. g ree:ll oppka, jolt and for wait by om24f .14. i A. Fk:V.LISP.. im Water ot.r.aat_ 1 0 BAGS Dried Apples,for sale by &GI, mr24 Ni o.. 113 abd 1) Wood street. WINTER °LOVES—A full supply of Cloth, eft fool Morino, of varlot.F. air.o.s. 94 low pf BOSNL g 7 •rb- , t **eat. ce3, at nct , l2 }DICK—Six tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed and for Pale by ?TILLER & ItILIKETSON. n 0.19 N. 291 and 22:3 Llbe:itt, CIASIIMERE AND ORIENTAL TAPES TRY lmitationa ou Wall Paper, of French and Gar man manufacture, for ail. by CIIEAP WALL PAPER.—Thousands of' rolls to sell at 8, 10 and 12 1 4 cents. W. P. lIARIBLIALL a co, No. 87 Wood street. A LUM.-501arrels for sale by B. A. FAHNEBTOCK a CO., novlB Corner Wood and First streets. GARDEN SEEDS.—The subscriber has lost received from the ceNbrated gardens of Brigga A. Brother, Rochester, N. Y., a huge assortment of early Oarden needy. IYarrauted equal, if not enperior. to auy. For ante by JAB. PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Allegheny City. riPEAS.--30 half chests Young Hyson, .14. l mprtnt, tiuupuaacr, btu& 'bat, ILI Store mud lot eft!a 10 DRUMS 00/) FISH, for sato by ithitt PATTON, Jr,, b"ALEa r b CQINWAVIC euu., Alltahani 011 y. 1 au - fa Nas. id aud flucd at.eut .7V;t:':!:: ,- 't', ,,,, ' , 1'71:Sf2 ,,, -2 , irIOOTOR 1100 FL AN D'S ELY', iz omftgiAN XVP II; , _11,41 Pas?* {LSD DT Da. 0. M..; ACK StiN, UV- W ill eff YE PEPS rin e . LIVER COMPLAINT, DREPSIA JAUNDICE, NIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DIWEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, And ail inosoiss arisingtfrars c cifsoedl..-,it Liner or to , ra;ii. Such as Constips- Goa, Inward Piles, tallness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity or the Stomach, Newman, Heartbnrn, Disgust ter Food. Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructs. tations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the SW mach, Swimming of the Head, Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking Hurried and DiffloultrA, or Sufi tie sensations when in a lying pasture, Dimness of Visian ' 8 Dots or Weba before the Sight, Fever and Dell Pate in the Head, Deficiency of Pareptratiom Yet lownew of the Skin and Limbs, pain e the Side, Back, Chest, Limbo, ho, Sudden Plashes of Heat burn. lug In the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Zell, and great Depression of erinivo. In attributing such valuable properties to this remedy, no rash or unwarrantable assertion is liaade,ilant is simply stated a fact; proven undeniably and cxmolusively by the , xtmo.. „.. &nary cures, end beneets derived from its use, under the dl. section of its illustrious originator, Dr. Hoofland, among all cans ea of European society, and from the immense mace of testimony, from all parts of the American continent, aeon. mulated during the last ten years, in the hands of the pre*. eat proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which tb: German Bitters are adapted, it is with Borrow weeny it, is l g• most universal; indeed there is scarcely a family throughoui the whole extent of our country in which there cannot be forted among its membore that peculiar sallow and irnagta4 appearance denoting a dierecaori Liver, or an emaciated and suffering Dyspeptic. Then of what immense Importance to this class of invalid that a certain and reliable remedy should ba placed with) their reach; one In which no baneful or injurious drug en ters into its composition; a remedy on which the patient can , ely with the utmost confidence and err taiuty, and b. semead from actual and tangible prouL' that the article he is uoder Malty possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such ti remedy . es 9100FLANIPS G.N.RIKAN- BlTTitati." Thousands o; dollars have been expended in its turinutlicture and didealen throughout all parts of lisle continent, and the preprintor feels the greatest satisfactiou In stating tbi.t there is no state, county, or even village, where Wu Medicine has Lc, introduced, that there Leanut La found number. wilting testify to Its virtues. It ta used constantly he the practice of a largo aua,Ler the most prominent Physicians to the country, who has. also added their written testimony to evidence of its great virtues. in (runcleaten, Glen, we would tirophrtfully rah hi all those aiilhned with say el the .ALIUYiS nithohhoh w give the Bitinte Wel, and i.ar eesured,it wilt u.ver b. regietted. 111 Idoof id die kitat.aieta. mho*s med., all hie trivit.d tv read attentively the Almanac publisbed annually by a, pro yrlator, fon Fin mers and Valuated, containing 6 10 eei neon her of useful receipts, In ...Idaho., to the tosiiei iiy of the Bitters, nom the meet ororninout and 113 didduals in all pelts of the VI i,;,. vii events toe 0,, hi t tars are an,ttler!lhil distrilrele the _tin - Jana. utaitouely Prlocipsf tuanliiileto ry, 3tl dret, uLlt.tt,, it 11.61- Oita, Pa. For sale wholasale b e thug - a - iota it, ell the prhiclesl..q.lo, and at C . Oiall by AphtbOCtideB OkOoi:::;..; iuoCial is the h eated Slate. eel O nogg Ew,l . by ti. t'4IINESTOOI3. a Chi. and Dr. GEO. H. KEYSER., Pitniburgn. 'lttobuirkh :. y. LOU We. 100 Or. ow. 44 lOU 11.0 101 0 A 19 . W. P. MARSHALL A 00., N 0.87 Wood street 14:41)1 CA Jylilydya Of elllaideandA tit(' Gl€ t, tirt CLiEwo 4‘,44.4 of liaturts'n lane Stf 14` 1 E 18, N Y, ViTIIEN A CIIII,FI ciliAttANTElali IN all otagee of ti.Eeltiki . Luse., No, rave Debility , litri,tures, (fleets, tirevel, Diabrion, Innenwe of the Kiduayn end Bladder, illercurial itheutiwitinte, Scro fula, Yalu', In the Rouen mud Aukles, Diseased of the Lunge, 'Phruat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the tiodyor Lituha,Oeu• core, Dropsy, Epileptic File, St. Vitn'titiAntie t add altdlxunee arising from a 00, ?-.F , ,$.4 ,, C4eLti. Lilo Sul:Liu:a urgitun, much as nervosa tregubbilg, .10esu ut iuulLUty, gouernt Aeakliestn, (litenese Lit viniou with peculiar :spots appear ill before the eyes, loss of sigh!, wakeful hese tlydpceniu, lives diaulAbeu, eruptious upuu the face, pelt! iu Lis bsrtpud head, inmate irregularities and all improper disrharges fret, holm 50005. It matters nut from what canny ;lye (Laotian angina. tad, however lour o . a:l:hug ease, recovery is tbi . Lillie than a permaueut cure can be affected by any ether treattneut, twee after tlie disease Loa battled the akin of emlueut physicians and rcainted the i! 1/I.llllc ut cure. The medicines are ideiisigit wilhoi.l odor, causing nu alektiesa larettry or billet/re. - 4.4 praCtiee, .1 have roecued from Use Jesse of doatli tormy thou-sande, who, iu the hug stages of tha above montioned diseases hail been tf . iyeu up to she by their which , 4411111-It4 mu to imiLiliniUg to the zit - dieted, who may place thinunelven under lay Care, a perfect and (Lung ;mealy (Ala tleeeut dinenaos are :lie greatest enetufea to health, ad they are the first came of Connumptioin, feta and many other diseases, nud should be a terrcr to the unman family. At Alm pertuauent CUIU is scarcely aver enact ed, a majority of the cases falling into the Minds of hiccup patent persona, who not ouly tail to cuts the ili;semion nut ruin the constituturc, tilling the syslo,,i with mercury, which, with the , 1114 but? :. .. % .„"Lsus the niiffeiot hit, u t.pld Gousumptiq., but 6htitild the diastase and the treatment nut rutin) death apeedily, and the victim marries, the disease Ia entailed upon the children, who are burn with feeble constituiloll4l, I mid the current ul life corrupted by a virus Which I itAelf iu Scrofula, Totter, Diners, Eruptiiiii , 4 atai ether nil, Lions of the eklu, ayes, that ut,d lunge, entailing n theta a brief of 1rt.a.... ut nulfellug said consigning Cheta to nu early grave, lielLt? ABUSE le another turudiLable eireoiy W health, t.i-i -uothiug c 1.30 iu cd.ctuo g Q.ul LtUtuou , nu arch a a drain upon lb. syowini, (Hawing Isil..•u aauda ut Vl,litt'l3 IL IuVW yours..f catering 1101. :,4 1 t Cle.rari tics UtiqUll3 15)HL0111, ruledli antes away the et:exedra ut Ilfe, eitildee mental preveuta the proper tieVului,LUout ul Elio aysteln, society, businees, and ell earthly lmpiseoo, and leaved the dulitirer vi retched h, body and ',mai, pi-.oils .ained to bloniiiimption and a train of evils worn to ties death 515011. With the (piked, confide/we f re, ion the iinfortuuute Self-A.lns° that a pertunuent mid speedy' cure can lie ettisged, and with the abandonment rignotin pra tired iny patients can ho restored to robust, vigorous health. Toe ere craitioneil tigniarit the ey.ti d PnitAst Med t chaos, for there are s maul. snares in the coluuw, el the public prints Ii coach and rub the unwary bliffertru ,het Lh4ioos LUAVO their constitutions ruined by the vile coMpouudi of quack des tore, or the equally I,ol.loUOuti nod trot= vended as '• Patent Medicines." I have cnrefuily ana lysed many of thee:, called l'ateut Medicine*, and find that nearly all of Diem contain Corruilve Sublimate, which is ono ut the etrougest eparetioun of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the L1ia1.1,3 114+111)103 the .ye, tem fur life. 'Phree•futirthe of the patent nostrqms ill use are put up by uumincipled and i , ,deraht pc:r6OUti, VILICRIO set under titan.] ey?i,t the ouitrxia nterfiea, and arc equal ly an destitute ul knowledge ut the haulm' nyetigu, hay iug one object only in view, cud that to make motley regard. less of consequences. Irregularities and ell dliestnen of males and females treated or, principles establlnlied by twenty yearn of preetl4,'n, and sen.ctioned by thousands ut the moot remitrtablo cures. tiledicloon, with full direction% seat to any part of the United Stitt.) or by patients coniumulcatiug their nyruptutua by ligtnr. BuShiess correspondence strictly cum Addresn J. SOMMERVILLL, M. uitc. atrent, (Uld No. lot),) below Tv.olitll, YLllndelpLtn 6,..11 - eat 41.:115.nte to 1111 E BES'r ANL, .\IOST C.E.R'VAIN SPEell LAlioN vie TUE Cdt.l3 - 01 , 11. Y. ONE. iniLLAII. PI It Sid.a.ftE thootimUti tit/Hazel vo lr • et ',Luella tiiaei WM, Jovrcity, kro lk and Sdyer Plated Wei eith, great variety Nancy and Staple Good., to ha ..112pGdad ut ILI fatty thou ..ed shares, at ono doilet pc, -hero, ea follows • —Up..ri the vey ,abut of oho dullest, t will now] the payer a ounabei3O cip:, which will entitle L.o. to uu. alatu in the aloge hied property. ti - hen the shares shall have Leen acid, the • enoldera shall be notified of the fact, byroad, or thr...,;:t. the newapapera, and a meeting of the Shareholders shell held io the city of Philrdelphia, end the c..11.1e of the property disposed of o doblitin4.l.l anieug thew ; in eu..1.. .ay es shell b.) lit:eriOlood upon by thew, each Shefehold .1 rattail bo untitled to ooe vote, a Cunawaree to Li) tod y the ithatchuldets at acid tancting, to i.obariot ur 61.11. ILI 1.01•..1 LLe LuSioNAILIULL of the property, awarding to 11, di: tlotis of tee Sliatulaulacta, and 1 will tia-u deltvt.t Oa. Oro pa.ily poison ur pornuun ad tfic Blsreboid..ra nod s .I.q.L.ILA L.. I the ea.t.du ' flay lteal Laub:. uu th. etat y hike dwelling !anted and lot, valued At (Wu alto. dints , Whir dwelling flutiSca mad lute s,ttrd h, to the ally of P4dadelpltla, ulwu of ell u,. uta and Lido ilkll.lpahALlo, the utter profinity whole et,-..k end ti•ttiees of one of the largest Wet...l, • Jevelcq ',ltutea in the city of Philadelphia, n 0..., tot bug time peat Lept by the aubsalber. The etc h..... LA fug of linty Ilan lluld nail tither Liuuttag Cast: Vyai,ll • c, ray tine Gold 14141.1 Jdrur Pnleut Letet, i,nplue Mud .•• ste.hri, bold Ohatua, Scale, I.takata, het Ihudy hca, BiaLelets, Diamond Laud other blurs mad lion, • Sleeve Lluttuas, In., Gehl, sil,or and L'i,tl' pec t,ulea, Quid awl Silver l'hirublea, Silver and Silva Plated Ware, waststlug at Ton Sete, tkietele, Cohn Last., ts, Cut.,, 2poous, burke, lc. Also, French 1.1, Music iiiiscs,Accardnuas, and u great variety el other good. Th. ulove la Lot oue of th nee a.,hettaya which are avVir.c.l crap We Unwary, bat laud will Lo a lair shin .1 r ht property bolouglug to ,ho subscriber, pef“,,tiel ere p.n , 1.v01• ...wad the stuck has not bean purchased lot tee putt, , I,coption, nod to palm Lid Cowmen Gilt and Jo wi uune such will be diet' ibuted, the tou.t rcat,e, • pnrsuas are given r,t roferelletd,ttl thaaa Llhilayeed t,. hal .. hese /shares. All Ulttuta by Mail eucluring the wouoy w 1 Le plump* attended to, and eecaiptd Wewarded to the nods if the sender, by returu wail. Any porsou ten dollars one time,shall receive eleven sopeteto in ns loony separate names if desired. 0t.,„ It, writing for shared, ple.its *tits OW Mtn. ..b Lb- Post A/Moo, to which you wish the auhiwor diro. tell ' 1 bid lei the groati , st chance of getting a large Itilluttlit of 'tisk/abb. prupsrty, fore stanli elll3l, as lola one balsa LL. the public. Send on your orders, us shorn: cr. calling t-tph. ly, end it to Confidently orpocted din dliitributi,i/ will ,ion Le made. Articlue allotted to pereoue et a ,11.1laul.e, will I, t thew at their expense. tlr,gy.Ageuta wanted itt every Lowa sad villeee All r..e. lautlitatlorte amid be addressed to L. It. ItItOOSIALL, No. E 0 South Second street, above Cheeout, Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND 101GGFES, FUH h ALS AT %V 11 ITE'S REPOSITORY, TWO MILE EON, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE. rIVIIE SUBSCRIBER OFFER'S' FOR SALE Lschauge, ou the meet reaeonabin terms, e duo assortment of kittrouches end second-Lind Buggies wade by Wateen, of Philadelphia, sumo but little Alan, tWelaty r Olin trawl:loggia, wade In toy own eht.p. from the vary beat material poor:Erased in &littera, uterittt hut, kit of Trotting Wagons., new uudnLcur.d.ht,,d. lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linda, llerurantowu Wetrooe, Jersey Wasom and Rockaway% two Bt/6 PLlbii,Lid, 6.at-i four persons, Ore of them Watson's wake, sad the othet New York make. Two line Stales, one made by N Rodgers, Philadelphia, and few Common Buggies, eut for Light marketing. The subscribcr Batters himeelt, tl.to be can make it to the Interest cf persona wishing to Fir cheae, to give him a call. The cstiblishment convenient to the city, the Elze.,:nsior Chnntbna Line of Concl:e3 passiug tlth door every ten mina tea mr22:lydaw JuSEPII WHIT?, O,WEET POTATOES.- : 40 bulb- Sweat Potatoes,joet rrcaived and for ale ect27 3.&9. ea Wator ageeet. PPLES.- . 29 bbla. extra fine Radll.4 and &Mellower, 08 " Vandiver, 100 " Ruaaatt Apoles,..juat rec'd and for Bala LS JAR. A. lILTZER. 88 Water str...it. CILOVERSEED.-25 sacks just received, and for gala by Flo 11 HtNitir H. OOLLIN:i UFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Blanks, and Dunean'e system c.f Penroansblp, ter sale by W. t 3. EIAVEN. Corner Market and Becznd streets. 5()0 GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS Just reanlved and fat We by W. 8. HAVEN. Corner Market and Broond etreeid. mr2,4 ..,..•„•.•• • • ' ~- "'~-~=~: 1 1; c a. r, s r LIVER PILLS. iftra et ÜbebC I , ltlL-,3 Atrt• They are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pair_ - ports. The VERMIFUGE ) 10t expelling Wins 1 ron the human system, I also been administeicil with the most satisfactory results to various aclir:-.ts sithject to Worrws • •i The LIVER the cure of L,pint Com - PLAINT, all BiLiouo 1) RANGEII.4EN'IS, nv.At) ACIIE I &C. Purchasers will please be particular to ask foi DF. C. McLane's Ccle kralcd VF.RnitneuGE I t v a PILLS, prepared hy OLE PROPRIEfoRS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take 11( other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pins. .1 others, in comparison with Dr. MCLANE'S, are worthless. (4. The GENUINE MCLane's Vermifiige and Liver PillB can now be had az all respectable Drug ',-;tores. BRO' g, 'WOOD Sr., PITTOBURCIII, P 2, T'eoi,nlegearo. ArI,ANE'S ANC) I,IVM: Avg t• 76 grorti bend and forAul« by VALINEBTOOK h CO. G..rner WUM u 1.1,1 Faftitat Btrdok..3. r)oltlVAl'E DISEASES.— OR. BROWN" i 51 NbillAl. aud SlJittl 10 A I. um, CA,•,-1.4 .., .I‘. . .- 's:. Ni. MI ii , ..11T11.112.1.1.) .%.rvet, PAM. 4E-;.- 7 '.' , -- 4 co., K II, P. a '4,„ • • DR..!..lltblyri le au old citizen of Yetis:- 1 - t• V*,.;" , ~ Leteli, and he.s Leah in .t.me Mr the g , I.t..tt twenty five years lite buatin.as I..na F . , I: , -41 It& I eau conemed meetly to Pt Ivett and Sur. 4 1 , -1 0 ,11 - 1, - - ' N . gic.il DiaeLl3(2l ''4l:. , .....% CITIZENS AND F . :STRANG Zltl ~.; 1%-e . ; 0 lu need of a medical friend, ahauld not ' ,1, 4, I' 1 , ha to find out the aura place cf relief. '''' The Doctor 1.1 a regular graduate, and I. . 4 l' his experlente ra the treatment of a certain cht,a of d 11101415 Pi a sure grareattee to the eufferere of obtaintny, permanent rt;lief, by the use of his remedlta and following tas ad Vita. DR. DROWN'S IiENIDDIF.I3 never fail to cure the worst form of Veueret.l Oluerzea---:sti Impurities awl Scrofulous AM.altlout. Also, 01 diaeasea ariaiug from a hereditary taint, wt,lehtanuifeata itaelf la tLi form of a totter, pooriaela, an ,1 a great many forma of able tilt:teases, the origin of tai teh the patient la entirely lgu.)raLt , To persona eo e.Mleted, Dr. B. oases Itopos t a bare &DI idp3o.7 recovery. Sb.MINAL Dr. Brown's remedies for title alarming trouble, Lii.a ls hl ou often by that solitary habit or zeueaal gratitication will, a the young uud wealt-miutioti atm, gige way to,(to their owe dostruetion,) arl.3 the only reliable rototalloe known 1u MIA euantry—they are eaie, and tottl..) y 11p.361y soatetallou to health. Dr. bruida'a comedies uovor I..ii to care Gila painful dis. t•rally itt anew days—lie will liciftant a 4.41E13. Hd oalfof.i to UN:4 Gloat, Uonorrlicea, Etiletaio, Distikral male Weakuoss, Monthly tediwroseiuns, Dlseezes of tr.., Joints, Flatnla in Auo, Nerve - Affections, Pain in the be, a and Kidneys, Irritatleu ofo Madder, togathor ttti diehases of au impure o . A lettor describing t tiftilptukilS, Lentalninq a etak GY 0.3, - ;3 to DR. BROWN, Nip. GO Smitilohintrva, Pittabar t z, Pe., P, will be immediately aue.aiod. Medicine sent 1.. ei.. l address, safely packed and soonre from obacriatieu. Office and Prir..,:e itoorea, iIo ci, e Liana:LA thtiCat, 1111, bnrgb, Pe. riCy itivata and. Cantidialtial Advieal AT THE BUFFALO PRIVA'iI: HOSPI TAL- -.E.staitltihod fcr tLo caca ai Syptalia, ViTEakt,u-,..s and tha Sant Irdirmitled cf Yonth and Man, it y, Dr. AtitOi3 dr SON, 13ailul - u, 17. Y. aad Quay attaata, (up dt.La & LOST 80IENTifriCi An inett — unnunt f u r the cure ut Genital Debility,.. aid E. 0.11851.1.13, more properly known ea hen/Juni ry eutiftets., re. Cuu be pertuaneubly cured In from dtteen t, C. 41,1 y Lays, by the nee of itibt iusieutueui, wbeu vdtb wait:Wok YOUNG ta.EN P.kitTICULAR Dr. A.l.ltM 140 N tales pleasura fn anuouriclue rbst luoy acre tuventsd a iuost Impertantl i it; urnout for tha tb,s or *boys dLsoasas. IL brut beau Subjected to a Gist i.y the .nost abtiustit, physb luna to Loudon, Paris, Philatieli - Aos ses.t qaw 'Lurk; it Los beau declared the only roeful batrut,,, , a,c yet ibvnutrod. lon Etc, nun. of tiotalual WENALL,Ine,rif auy Item. of Lbo gsultst urgsua, estiSeil by the Doerst bstAls o youth. Dr. AMUS A SON, lu order to gallery the trioet idsopthal to the unnite of their iustrutneht, pledge thetuolcce that nay Itietautv whom they uoty proro utolotlsfaauty titter fair trial, the utuuuy will bu tutu:ldea by r.litrulte_ rho to Ltv 111014 L ill good Vermoui wlehlug, the ah,,va u2.3tel liatreb,ebt t tII taaat hat the pri,e, with the or.totollooying b cf petchotl and neut by otiabati. IS Cott dullard. NEW EESIEDIEA A.ND Dr. ASIUS A SON cuay be couaulted from eight az.h.,:h to the meriting uutll Woe at bight, lu ovary atugo rood syrup• t o m of the Veuereal biseese, tiouorrinett, (fleets, Secondary Sytuptelne, St:Luton! Woukurea, linpulauce and Strictures of the Urethra, etc., with Inviolable wecreay. The treatmout they adopt is the result of upward of thirty yearie .aktfatidlYa nod successful plat:lice in Gondol.. Th., inoet Itivetorato oaaatt of 116flefetti NiticaSett broth:stud iu ttgtit ur nine day+. cud casee of a slight tiottiro to two or tlif,a dap., at Lb teed erate expense. The cure ottected without coutlueuleut or Liludrauce from buelheee; also, uodes aud Paine in the kaies and limbs, effectually eradicated. A OUItH WAhItANTED. - - Dr. AMOS SON have devoted their attention eiJuslvo ty to tide peculiar claw of maladies, mid the relief they have consequently been enabled to render to their felh.w.crestare d fully teatifled and, gteatfully acknowledged by coavalea cep tpatbmtit and others daily tut iv lug iu town (lieu ell outs of the country, for the express purpose only of court/hat:ions while their exertions have Leen crowned with the most dig nal advantages; yet from what they have experienced , inquiring tato the ceases of these lufectieus complaint (from their must simple condition to tout of the newt den verowt and inveteruted) they have always entertained the imeitibillty 61 their preveutiou bad removal, and likewise Im variably found that the most heti ible cud Luouguant forms of disease could almost always Lw traced Co one of the ful lowlate4ll3BB t—igliureuie ) neglect, or the 111 altaCti of um o'ailful• end improper ueo.tment; therefore, Dr. 4111L.18 SON have succeeded lu dlscovel Mg, in the selection of their remedies, a eel., elicotual,and 4.kutizos comae; umil Ling all combination of /exuedles which bear an equivocal character, ee well as those whose pLeneaturo or injudicious application, !eight be productiv, of Lad cousequehces in the hands of ptivate indlviduolt. Iti shot t the 'audible cud of Aulr re. aledhe fa the lessening of a great twos of human misery by ,he atleulatlon, relief and prevention of thuee gileruns of ttlidlials that are fu teullty the secret foe of life, and which, While they au extremely surround us, call aloud for our ekllt and luterforeuce fur their exturiulnediun. COUNTRY INVALIDS. Parsons la ally part of the, world may iss ancuesrully ire/stud by furisarilimt a curruet dutail of their case, with a rraiittancu fur medicine; ac. 21.ddrees Dr. AMOS corner hiLkill and Quay atrnats, Buffalo. N. Y. ja2ld.twlY SAML. FAHNESTOCK, No. 14 Wood street, Pittsburgh, AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND WALDRON & GRIFFIN'S :alltunts CORN AND GRAIN SCYTIIE • CORN ROES; PATENT AND 0031 MON ANVILS ; STEEL Traps, very auperlor Drawer Locke, very superior Gus Loam, Tinned•timi.Ebartamelled Sauce Paw, Beating Spoons, Brass Candlesticks; Brew Cocks, Braes Stair Bode, Dream and Bits, Measuring Tepee, Superior Walters, Carry Combs, Teases, Coil, Fifth, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Olndus, with a variety of other goods, all of which will be sold at mod erate terms. spilt SKIRTS 1 SKIRTS! I Bishop's Skirts; Quilted Hooped Skirts; Holmes' Hooped Skirt"; Ilhises'.oJrded Sidi ; Ladles' Corked and Quilted 'white and eeleie.l; a LID w sapid , / Just opened, er Ai& 110.1tHee, d 77 314n-ket 9 7 , htiZUMATI;AI