BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL C. WINGARD, ATTOANZY AT LAW, Pitra‘taaaa, Ysuac ;Erlcs, No. 69 GRANT otroot, Letwozn Peurt.b. Innet ud Diamond alloy. ape, LAMES A. LOWRLE, Attorney at Law, el 00300 Fourth stroot, Pittsburgh, b.:Awe= timithflold and Cherry alloy. dOclLly — jj AHL, Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. W. Biddle, No. 144 Smithfield street. .041 - 013100 hours from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 6 o'clock. feblfely ISOOTT„ Dentist, Fourth street, five doors u west of Market. Ahr °Mee hours from 8 o'clock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. R. dec2Ory SCIIOONMAKER, Manufacturer of u • White Lead, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge Putty, &e. Wholesale dealer in Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Tdpentine, *c., No. 24, Mood street, Pittsburgh. my= JOSEPH FLEMING, successor to L. Wil cox a co, corner of Market street and the Diamond, keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of DRUGS, MED ICINES, UP , PICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY, and all lull. oles paitaining-to his haziness.. Air Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all :4011111. jethy gW. CHADWICK, dealer in Kentucky e Leaf TOBACCO, BAGS and PAPER, No. 149 Wool street, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. [ap2o:ly Jar The highest market price, in cash, paid ihr Bags. WELLTIII P. 11/111.8IIAIL .JOBSPLI H. lIUGLIVJ WP. MARSHALL & Co., Importers and • dealers in French and American PAPER RANG. MOB, No. 67 Wood street, Pittsburgh. sirso;• sputa for the celebrated manufacture.) of Messrs. Delhourt 100., Paris. .ang7 • DA.VID. CALIPBELL & SAMUEL POI, LOOK have asseciated together under the etyle.of CAMBELL A POLLOCK, for the transaction of a general Variety and Dry Goods business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Line Gilt 31ouldinga. ratil9 PLILLIY RTYYLILI. .110 BERT .1. ANDL.R2ON EYNLER & ANDERSON, (successors to XII Joshua Rhodes & wholesale dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS, N UTS, SPICES, Co.,) dONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, Az., No. 39 Wood street, opposite tho St. Charles Hotel, Pitts. burgh. ap2 J. 3. GILLESYLI A. ITN SiIINZ. JJ. GILLESPIE & CO„ Looking Ike Manufacturers, • and dealers in Looking Glass PM •a, Plate Glass, En gravings, Combs and Fancy bloods, No. 7s Wood, street, Pitts burgh. On hand and mado to order, Gilt Pier lint Mantle Glasso:i, Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt lei :mos, or Mould. log, of ovary doscription. lifar Steamboat' Cabins isecorato(l and Gilt. 130TTLERS.--JOIEN OGDEN & CO., Bottlers, N 0.187 Pirst street, would respectfully inform the pub =they have constantly on handa large supply of,tAT, ALE scgzi, of the best quality. The attention of families if4articularly directed to the fact that they bottle WALNILIGUT S ALE in its purest state. Physicians recommend it to fumilie on account of its whole some and strengthening qualities. octtt:ly J. M. LITTLE, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO. 54 ST. CLAIR SMELL ( Dr. Irish's NOW "LELA./ I&B011011 j W. KERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED V from puler of Fifth and Wood to ...AIR STREET, ILI Phillip' nab' building—continued to prepare Pious aud Specifications of, and to Superintond the Erection of every description of Building'. de2o:ly* A FULTON, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, No. 70 SEOOND street, Pittsburgh, Id prepared to famish to order OHITROH, STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND OTHER BELLE, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lba. CHIME BELLS made to order. STOP and (IA lIUN, COCKS of all alzes, for Bteamboata. MINERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER RAILINUS, and every variety of Brass Oaitingd fkuitillod 10 the neeteat manner. BABIIIT'S ANTI•ATTRITION METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PACKING, for Stoank Enginem. [op23:ly LOUGHRIDGE & MAXWELL, bIANCIPAOTIII7.ESIB Looking-Waimea, Pi. ,ure Frames, it.ea Brush ts ; And Dealers in Clears, House Furnishing Goodd, ,te. ro. 1566 Wood street, above totith, Pri EstalEW El, PA. mlals I Maehlae Brit,dtes made to order EDUCATION AL Vincent's College and Seinina.rl,, UNDER THE CLUE OF TUE LIENELICTINE L'AVIERS, Blear Latrobe, Weantorele.nd couukty, Pu.. lIN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT I'HE usual branches of English Ildu,etwn n the SEMINARY, the Classier, \ latheunite.e, liietoo, fittetorics, Philosophy, etc., and the different branched of higher erudition noceasary or useful to tbobe aspiring to Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition are ithi per gear, to be paid semi-annually, strictly In advance. German and French and other languages, DKawing, Paint lug and Music,form no extra charges, exceptiiig some .avow peliantion for the use of instruments. Medicine, Washing, Books, Stationery, etc, loin, etti a charges. For particulars apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year begins on the tat of Poptondm , cud ends on the 3d of July following. es FATHER G. B UMM, Director orthe Cella:. St. Francis Academy for Boys, UNDER THE CARE OF TILE FILAZOISCAN BROPAIERB Loretto, Cambria County, Pa. V 1 H I S INSTITUTION, NATURAP.J.Y situated, for Educational purposes, affords all we in ducements' that can be desired for a Catholic las'Atutiou. It is located In the most healthy and picturesque pirtion of the Alleghenies, distant four mileeffrom Crosson Station, the direct mailrouto betwoen Philaderphia and Pittsburgh. The scholastic year coin:meaning the first Monday in Septa..lbw, will close the 15th of duly following. The Tetras for Board, including a thorough Nug Clic Course are $lOO per annum. The Classic and Modern Languages fur au extra charge of $lO per annum. Washing and use of Bedding $lO. Mot farther particulars apply tothe dupe; tor of the A oui demy. References can be made to the Itt. !ter. Dr. O'Curaloa. apBo:lydAw DRY GOODS Retrench ! Retrench ! ! ANOTHER CRASH-INPRICES 1-13e tug determined to sell our stoat, though " the 'Billed ere Tight," we have made'a general sweep— REDUCED THE ENTIRE STOOK To still lower prices. .i• Now is the time to buy when the ussortnien t is yet unbrokeu, and the Prices Pot Dowu I Down!! oct29 JOS. HORNS, 77 Market street. TILE LAST CHANGE IN FIGURES.- Bonnet Ribbons, worth 75 cents, at 623,6 per yard. do do do 62% at 50 do do do do 60 at 37% do do do do 37% at 25 do JOSEPH HORNE, 77 Market street RICH VELVET ,TRIMMINGS, AT REDUCED PRIOEF , A choice aseortment on hand and for sale at novll BORNES'. TT Market meet. GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMEN TS Wool, silk, Merino and Heavy Cotton Under Shirts and Drawers—a fresh supply received ei HORNE'S, del9 7 Market-street. VIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the Primo( BRADLEY'S YARNS.—Wholesale Buyord and Peddlers will be furnished with BRADLEY'S THREE-FLY KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Conta per pound, by the bundle, after this date, For Cash, and 413a02 only. JOS. HORNE, 77 Market street, Xgont for the Manufacturer EMBROIDERIES.—Our excellent stock of jj French Embroideries, and the low prices at which they are marked, offers rare indnoenionte to ladios wishing W purchase the latest stylea. MONEY 1 MONEY --PRICES MARK ED DOWN. tor Great reduction In the price of Euibrolderied. We have gone carefully over our haudanute bto..L ,t FRENCH-WORKED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc., etc. And Axed the prices to suit the " Hard Times." rho Ladies may ruly uu getting bargains at oct27 HORNE'S, Ir Market a troot. • AANCY BLACK , DRESS SILKS. - A large &merit:omit, which we are elualog out V :At t 011EAP FOR OMffl. 0. RANSON LOVE, formerly Love Brothers, Jab No. 74 Market etro,,L. WE WILL SELL from the present time un commonly elaoap FOR CASH. Please call anq eesei toe our Stock. C. HANSON .140VE, oct2o ForawrlY , Love bros., No. 74 Hlsrket st.. PRINTED FRENCH MERINOES, for 62 and 76 cants, worth Vj and tho boat anvortio,ot 111 the city. O. MANSON LOVE, (formerly Love Eiroth), No 74 Markel otro.t, JLACK AND FANCY DRESS. SILK S.- A fall assortment, vary cheap. O. HANSON LOVE, formally Ite. , t) Brother , . No. T 4 1% Latta str,A EVERY Economical Purchaser of Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantles, &e.; also Domestic and Sta ple Goods, will ihad it to their advantage to call and esttrni our New Stock rf Pall and Winter Dry Goods befoie parches lug elsewhere. 0. HANSON LOVE, sal6 Formerly Love 1;:oe., No, 74 Merket SHAWLS I SHAWLS I—Wool, Chenille, Brocha, &a., both long and square, the very best in tho city, and at Tory low prices for cash. C. HANSON LOVE, formorly Bove Bros., N 0.74 Market titr.,m-t. PIQUEand MARSEILLES, Fleeced, for making Basques. A large assortment at (W. OEO. It. WELITE h 00'9 ONNET VELVET.—Every variety of Bon- I net material, Bilks, Velvets and =TM HORN E'B. "MEW BEDFORD SPERM CANDLES.— AA 20 boxes damned alma, b'e and 6'a, Sperm G!ndlaa on band and and for sale by Jail . B. 0. BJ. it. SAW El OAPS - .-- 00 low box«, ROBll3 Se3p, in M., 21b. and 3iD bei s. L 6OO " No. 1 Palm Soaps, in lb., 2t. and 81. bard. 500 Chemical Olive Soap, la-b. lumps. 200 " Oletne Oxide a 250 " German 200 Castile liggiaso " Pure Palm On hand and for sale by Jall li. C. ft J. r. B.&WVEIIt G". BUFFALO, CALF AND CLOTH. OVERSHOES, offered low, at "The Peoples' Bhoo StotV No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. fen DISTENBAOHER & CO. M . NMI ROP.-- AA 200 drama fruit.' Bmyrws Bigot 10, mate u Dam ; WO bozef! Malaga iliddro, jut reoedvad cad fur RUMBA A ANDEBI3O k li di Vifof4 it, Moe% St. Maas E. 143. DAVID u'ommirqs « wry Tem :CANS Et .k. 0057114 TIVCANDLESS, MEANS & CO., SINCE.3BOII.B T,) 'ROL a Et'OINDLE9S,I WHOLESALE GROCERS, ILtON, NALLS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, AND PITTSBIIILGII DIANUFAOTURES GENERALLY, Como: of Flood slid Water etroote, fel6vly • PITTS.BURCin, PA. DAVID M CANDLES 9 vxAM SAlral9 I. A COPYIR Dl , Candless, Means & Co., (Successors to Wick & .IPCondless,) 'WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in fl ON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts burgh 7 2,Ianufactures guriorally,corner of Wood and Wator treots, Pittsburgh. itayS FoIi,VJAIDIIN , ',i7I AND COMMISSION Forwarding and .Commission Merchants, iliuYliMoll9 OP I'M! Pittsburgh, Meadville .21. is CANAL LINES. NOB. 114 AND 115 WATER STREET, PITUDDRGII, PA: FORWARDING AND COMMISSION IIEIRZFIANTI`3, CIIA.S. LIMIPIIII6Ii3, C. J. Ho! AN, JOHN WRIGHT Humphreys, Hoffur Q it Wright, FLOUR FA 'IIORS 9 PH.OED LUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION I'AERCHIANTS, 76 NORTH WHARVES AND 165 NORTH WATER ST., Above Vine Street., REFER TO Conrad, ThoMpeon & Co, Philadelphia. Thompson, Clark .i Young, Slier, Price & Co., . " Caleb Cope & Co., " . Btu-croft, Beaver & Co., " Can by, Neville & finghed, " E. M. Lewis, Cushier F. ac d M. Bank, " los. G. Mitchell, Cashier M rch'a hunt. " Morris L. Hallowell ,Sr. Co., .. McCutchema & Collins, " John M. Kennedy & Co., Raiguel & Co., Pickett, Mathews & Co., Maysville, Ky. Shrewsbury a Price, . Madison, Ind W. H. Langley & Sons, ' thillipolis, Ohio. Lawrence .•.: Mathias, Louisville, Ohio. A. D. Bullock & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio W. Holmes & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. hagaley, Cosgrove & Co., novlti:ly. • IM=ECIE JOSEPH S, LEECH C )., 242 mid 2441 M,lbeirty PITTSBURGH, PA., ;3 PAY/ ; CIL AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, "DEALLIIB IN L 0 U APi 5.) I 1 CON, TiN PLATE AND TINNKES' STOCK, A.,il) PiTTSIESURGURIANUVACTURES. N a. A C u Al MTSBION FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Levee anti Wasshlngtuu Ave aue, W YANDOTTE CITY . , KANSAS Ii:TaTURY tiLY.IIIIEICTLI—Joupb e. G.., an PittAurEl. 51,rchaut. generally. jyl.l:ydetw ENRY 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and comad±iiun l‘lerehant, ti:l,l w I,,:ll•eaie Iktiltn . ILI OITEEI 4 E, WUTTEIt, SERDS ah , l PRODUCE gouurnll3, 25 \good Etr,A, l'ittAwrgh. ut,:rd LLVLiti 11. i)EVLIN 6i, KENNEDY, - Wholesale, Wino and •Liquor Mil chuut'ruin lip cutyiug Dibtillera, tip,. tiutithli4ll Eitr,ut, Patiburgh, in. rapßay t.l E (-1 E R & UU . , 1 LI PORT LLS ti'rnnt: Atatl German Win te nu 1 }..L. 4 1; Li P A N 1; , . tt;., 4.) . , 131 Smithfield etreet, between 6th and 7th ^t.„ • dihs:lylbsw] .PITTSP272I:7II, PA: &Lintel) CULILING IDWARD DITLIP.fII,I; ZIENII7 L. RINGSTILLT. fi — ILTRLINCI, ItOBEIITSON & CO. Many,- factnrels ot Cut, Proiaeil find Plain Flint GLASSIVAIIE4 warohcane No. 17 Wood BLL.NA, corner of Front, Pittsburgh. All (Abet - Linda of kilanwaro and Window Cilrze, at low Marliot prices. tipll:dly JA151.9 r. LCDLIE JOB.UPLI J. MAIL EDLIE w U LAM, Succeeorl3 to 14.111.varly Ledlic, runnefacturore of Out, Moulded and Plain Flint and Fancy Colored GLASSNVAIIE, and dealvre In all klnaa of Window Claus, Fle.slm, Viala and lloalcn. WY", house corner of Y.',:•ket Water etreelo, Pittsbogi,. mah:"l:dly (IL.RPETS AND OIL )0 , -01‘11 1 8. 11 removed 0 V A w L . H. PHILLIPS Line ttew &j' CL AIR street, west sitio,bstween Ponta street stsl Bridge. J. Ct. 1-2. PIIILLIPS, 51.5.NUFACTURERSOF FLOOR, FURNITURE,UAILMAUE 4 TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT & OPAQUE WINDOW sEaArtE Ogg. CILOTIIII,I. Also, DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS It WINDOW SHADES, Of every description. Dealers iu INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, for the sale of their INDIA ItUB. BKR BELTING, HOSE and PACKING. LEATHER BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality ; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents fur the OHIO FIRE-PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and . Mixed Paints, Varnishes, 00, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Patty. nousr. fLON PAINTING AND GLAZING, in all its branches, dime in the beat and shortest time. de2o:ly ; J. 8.; H. PHILLIP, t: re 1' , 1•35. 26 and 2 Bt. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil un the Ohio ricer, three miles below Pittsburgh CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, &c., ourth Street Carpet Store. ,EKT D. & H. M'CALLUM respectfully VV o invite the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Home Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. Bugs, Maki, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Garnets; Venitian Blinds; Painted, Buff and Green Holland Shades. It will give no pleasure to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. myl9:ly W. D. do H. MTALLIIIiI. IL CLOTH CLOTIHNO—Of all kinds, TrUr black and yellow, fir sale at the India !tubber Depot au d 28 St Clair street. [deg] J. & U. PHILLIPS. JO 4 XPII EIORNE. 77 Market strt,tt (AIL CLOTHS FOR THE FALL T.RADIi. 4„," We have on hand, and era daily receiving addltans thereto from our own and other mannfactories,'a larg•sat of Floor Furniture, Can ego Trimming,Table Cover, Trane • parent, Green and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used Housefurnishing and other purposes. Also, Tranapa, •et Window Shad z, of dry and oil dnish—gold bordered and other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will find it to their advau tag. L.. nz amine our stock cud prices h-foro making their per elsewhere. J. .t 11. PHILLIP:, sell) ;:d• end i 8 St. Clair r t et. LLOOR OIL CLOTHS,- Of our OWL an .t critorti rouutifooture—all widths, slid cut to suit auy nizi, of rooms or halt!--at Cab Oil Cloth Waco rooms, No. 213 and 2S Bt. Olair attest. 0(123 J. Ss H. PHILLIPS. MILLIKEN 4t CO. have on hand, at POLY:thch GLIIII:ET and CHAIR 31ANUFAC• No. of ' , withhold atm.,' a largo asaortment of Fancy and Plain Pal altnre, which they will sell 16 per cent. lower than mete nary rates. Tonne, cash only. Nanny - - -- vv O ()DIV E L L.' S FURItiITIJ.RE AND Wbuiesale unit Retail, embracing every style of Furniture, hi Rosewood. Mahogany end Walnut, :tillable for Parlors, Cbauibera and Dining Rooniu, equal to ties in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prieee. Every article made by hand, and warranted. Cabint•maiters sup plied with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, 00 roaat.onablo tt , rmin. Hotels' and 2rx_muLoara furnished at the ahorteat notice. Wareroon.a . . Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, PIA. 0C22 Improvement 'Book ir I ding. riIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING obtained Letters Potent for Improvement in 8008 BINDING. is prepared to furnish the attachment to Bo: ks now in use, or to apply the name to now Ik)oks. Orders for which are respectfully solicited at WELDIN ROWAND'S Book Bindery and Blank Book 'Hanufactory, South. wait corner of THIRD and WOOD Streets. The above improvement consists: Pitst—Of a Metall° Bpring clasping the back of the Book in such a manner ns to prevent the loaves from sagging when the Beek In dtaud ing In a vertical position. Second—The carriage consists of Metallc Grooves, on which are , inserted Rollers, which will effectually prevent the Books from wearing or chilling in pie cing the same in its resting place. /92:t: A. IL ROW ND, Patentt.3. MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' Gum, Over and Sandela, cheap, at the Peoples' shoe Store, No. 17 Faith street, near Market. fag DIFFENBAOHIDI MEN S'., CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes at DIFVENBACHAR. k CO.'S, lat+ No, 17 Fifth street. " In 3 ID. bare " in 1 12). 44 INDIA RUBBER BELTING.-1350 feet of. .11. 3, a% and 4 inch-3 ply —J nut received and for sale 11 J. H. PHILLIPS, mule 20 and 28 Bt. Clair street. IN - DIA - RUBBER GASKETS, olionholo .Li Rings, and square rope of all ekes at 23 and 23 St. Clair ntre.t. lade J. & PHIIMPS. L IME —2OO bble. fresh for ealely multi HENRY H. COLLINS. QTARCH. —3O lima IloohW,erPearl Starch kW Or ti 2 [EMI EMMY ELL OMAN& MIMI GROCERS. 3, 4 ),M. E 5 CtHLLIINS ALETIOITES, iIiAGE. 141 Si. CO., No. 30 SYCAMORE ST., CINCINNATI, 0. I jy29 PHILADILLABLIA .Joini L. LaxCli ItI 9 I,TIN aL. CO., WINES 1.,..N.1) i,i(idittS GLASSWX.RE. Of different Cotom AT TUE OIL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO •L 4 FEET WIDE, FURNLCURE. MISCELLANEOUS. ynopsis of the President's Message TT is herein ordered that publio sales of ji lands htntofore unoffereri in tit') State of lowa, be held as follows:. At the Laid Office at awe, commencing on Monday, the ith of June, 1853, of four townships, in the counties of Worth and 'Winnebago. At tho Land Office at Fort Dodge, commencing on Monday, the 14th of Juine, 1858, of twenty-one toiinsblps, and parts of townships, in the counties of Wright, Humbolt, Calhoun and Pocahontas. At the Land Office of Sioux City, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 1858, of twenty•nine townships, and parte of townships, in the counties of Pocahontas, Buena Vista Sac, Clay, Ida and Cherokee. At the Land Office at Sioux City, commencing on Monday, the 21st of June, 1853, of forty-four townships, and parts of townships, in the counties of Woodbury, - Cherokes, O'Brien, Tl} month, Sioux and Buncome. At the Land Office at Council Bluffs, commencing on Mon day, the 7th of June, 1858, of twelve townships, and parte of townships, in the count , es of Carroll, Shelby, Crawford, Monona and Fremont. It is also ordered in the above mentioned Proclamation, No 693, that the vacant lands in tho even-numbered eections which remain to the United States, within six mats on each side of the undermentioned railroads, be offered at public, sale on the days and at the places as follows: At the Land Office at Fort Dodge, corum2nciug ou Monday, the 2lst of June, 1856, on the "Dubuque and Pacific Rail road." At the Lend Office tit Sioux City, commencing on Thurs day, the let of July, 1858, on the "Dubuque and Pacific Railroad," and on the "lowa Central Air Line Railroad." At the Land Office at Council Bluffs, commencing on Mon day, the 14th o' Jum, 1858, on ,the lowa Central Air Line Railroad," the "Mississippi and Missouri Railroad," and the "Burlington and Missouri River Railroad." At the Land Office at Dubuque. commencing on Thursday, the let of June, 1858, on the "Dubuque and Pacific Rail road" and the "lowa Central Air Line Railroad," At the Land Office at Fort Des Moines, commencing on Monday, the 14th of Jae, 1868, on the "lowa Central Air Line Rsiiroad " and the " Mississippi and Missouri Rail• road." At the Land ()Mee at Chariton, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 1858, on the "Burlington and Niiesonri River Railroad." The lands will be offered with the initial exceptions of school sections, &c, &c. The wren-numbered sections within aix miles on each aide of the railroads, will be offered subiect, as required by law, to a minimum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre. The sales will be kept open until the lauds are all offered, which is to be accomplished within two weeks, and no longer, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two wee'i e. Pre-emption claimants are required to establish their claims to the satisfaction of the proper register and receiver, and make payment for the same, on or before the clay ap• pointed for the commencement of the public sales, otherwise their claims will be forfeited. THOS. A. HENDRICKS, Comnsiuiahtr of the General Land Office. GRNE.D.AL LAND OPPICE, February 17,1858. j mrl6:6w ,Great Chance to Make Money. THE BEST A.ND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION 01? THE TIMES—ONLY ONE 4 e, DOLLAR PER SHARE.—Forty thoosattd dollars worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, ; Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety ""el of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed ot iu forty thou sand shares, at ono dollar per share, as follows :—Upon the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the ehareholdere ehall be notilled of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a - Meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Philadelphia, and the whole of the property disposed ot or distributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them ; each Sharehold er shall be untitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to ouch person or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one thiee story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2•600, cud two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all lucent brance, and title indisputable; the ether property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of ono of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock consist ing of very fine Gold and Silver Hunting Case Lever Watch es, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lover, Lepine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils; Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pine, Stade, Sleeve Buttons, its., &c., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons, Knives, Forks, kc., &c. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordeous, and tagreat variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively secured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for fine Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect• able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur• chase ,hares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress ~ f the sender, by return mail. Any person sending ten dollars at cue time, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names if dented. in_ In writing fur shares, please write the name of the Post Odic., to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a email sum, as has over before been offered to the public. Send on your orders, us shares are selling sapid ly, Bud it is confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. JOSEM i.LIO Articlog allotted to persona at a didtauce, will be snit t than at their expense. e%, ~ Agents wanted ill livery tki4l:l and Village. All cum tannicationd mast be addrei2ed to L. R. BROOMALL, No. 60 Booth Soeoud Eitreet, above Oheahut, J5 , 25:1y Philadelphia_ Q., CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market et 'eet attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate, rent ing Houses, and collection of rents, insurance and repairs negotiating loans, making bills, conveyances, deeds, bonds' etc., writing letters and corresponding with personaabroad. All business attended to promptly, and in strict confidence. 51 Market otreet, Pittsburgh. Letters of inquiry must e 1 Ways NIICIOSO a p - istrip stamp to pay return postage. 1151- °USES FOR RENT— By 0. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market st. A comfortable two story dwelling house on Russ street,ut head of Filth—sl4 per month. A two story dwelling on Duquesne street—slo per muuth. A cunveuieut dwelling home on Logan street—slsu per froar• A throe story hones of nine roomy, no Third .tioat, St 2t.10 per scar. A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with largo lot of ground, on High street, Mount Washington, $llO per year. Two largo warehouses on Third street, near Market. Two small houses in Eplane'a Court, near Pith street, $0,'25 per month. A two story frame house of four I01)11123, on Oareau eared, South Pittsburgh, at $5 per month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc., lu All.- gheuy city—s3oo par year. A more loom on Third street—sl2s per Sear. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse on Market street, No. 25. A dwelling house on Wylie street—s2oo per year. A large shop on Third street can be had for two years. A store and cellar . corner Market and Third streets. etc fiIWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON -A EASY TERMS : Grant street—Three three story houses, well arranged, each with back buildings. Third street—A three story house, large and convenient. Logan street—A dwelling house of 7 rooms. Fulton street—Two throe story dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story brick house of 8 rooms, with large lot of ground, stable, carriage house, Ac. Robinson street—A two story brick hones. Franklin street—A good house of 8 rooms. Carson street—A two story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Minersville—A. house and one acre of ground—besides many others in Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, Ac. de29 S. CUTIIBERT do SON, 51 Market street. OR RENT.--A two-story Dwelling House (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washington ; contains seven rooms well arranged, carriage.honse, stable, and spring of good, soft water, convenient. Rent, $lOO por year. Also, can be had with the above, if detired, a Green House and Five Acres of band in good state of cultivation, two acres of which are in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder is covered with Nurseiy Trees of all kinds, ready for the gardeaer to get into a profitable business. The strawberry-plants and trees will be sold on acconueo dating terms, and a lease, of the house and grounds can be bad for a term of years. Apply to Jo 21 S. OIIIIIMERT & SON, 61 Market street, A. GREAT BARGAIN.—For sale, a com fortable two story brick Dwelling House, with two lots of ground, situate on Carson street, South Pittsburg, short distance from the Monongahela Bridge. G. H. CIITTIPPA7 .HON. el !SRA zt et PWO LOTS, on Federal street, Allegheny city, for sale by S. OUTEBERT & SON, deb 61 Market street HE CONEMUGH RIVER.L:For 111 sale , a Valuable Harm n Westmoreland county, 3% miles from Blairsville, on the North Western Railroad, 120 acres of choice hind, 00 acres in cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, 30 acres of ex mllent timber, a new dwelling house of 0 rooms—price, $7OO. Terms easy. Real estate in the city will be taken In part pay. Ja27 O. OUTI;BERT 4 BON, ftl Market street. 111- ETNA VISTA.—For two story frame bone, of four rooms and kitchen, paled fence in front, o bake oven, to. Lot 20 feet front on Monterey et., in Baena Vista, extepsien'of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alley. S. CIIITEBERT it EON, deo!, 61 Market street. (f)OIINTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT.- - - la A good brick dwelling, large and convenient, 10 rooms and kitchen, wide ball, portico in front, good, stable, Carriage bonne, etc; 24 acres of land, 8 in fine mea dow; a good tenant holies; garden and variety of fruit trees, grape vines and email fruits; a stone wall and iron railing in front of the house; situate at about two miles from Lilß city, and in a very pleasant location. Appl:; to ta3o S. CUTHBERT & SON, 51 Market ,t. QT OCK CHOICEI-PRICES LOW 1-NEW WINTER GOODS.—JOSEPH HORNI; has Just return ed from the East, where he has purchased large additions to his alrexdy extensive stock. Trading directly with Frost 01.4.98 DISPORTING Cousss and with the lils.woreoroszna, fur CASH exclusively, be is enabled to offer the best selection of Goods at the lowest possible prices. We are now opening, for daily display, the largest and cheapest st/xk of DRESS TRIMMINGS, RICH EitIBROIDERJES, WINTER WOOLEN GOODS. RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSPlalti, Ever before exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are loci ed to examine the goods, and learn tho prices, at de9 OS. LIORNE'S, 77 Market street. ACOMFORTABLE two story dwelling houses Carroll street, Allegheny, will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SON, felt 51 Market strert. TAR CANDLES.-200 bxs. assorted sizes, j l / 4 ) 4'a, Ws and 6'a Adamantine Star Candle, ' on hand and for sato by B. 0. dr J. H. SAWYER, felB No. 47 Wood street. WEATSFOOT OlL.—Nestsfoot Oil; in quantities to suit purchasers, on hand and for sale by B. 0. A J. EL SAWYER, felS No. 47 Wood street. vII. MOLASSES.-70 bbls. St. James o s. B. Molasses, in store and for sale by AIILIEII 4k BIOKIUSON, fe2oNos. 221 and =I Liberty street. _ ____ CIDER.—Few bble. atioice Sweet Cider, on band and for sato by JAMES A. FETZER, Owner Market and First street. VIG LEAF TOBACCO.—A large supply of Bewo'n celebrated Fig Leaf Tobacco. received tins day by JOB. PLUMING, mr2 Corner Diamond and Market et. TINES AND LIQUORS.—The best qual ity o f Bramly, Wino Gin, Jamaica Bpiritai Old uye Widaky,lriah And Poach , London Porter, Brown Etcut, Otutinpagna Wines on hand end for sale by PAITON g Jr antekgMeak.' - NO. 593. - • „„ , -_-, • , 'RAILROADS. Summer Arrangement. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MARC/1.29. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD SEVEN DAILV TRANS. TECH BAST MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenzer tion every morning, (except Sunday,) , nt 7:50 o'clock, PitteM., time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11:50 P.M. THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station every evening at 9:60 o'clock. Stopping only at Greensburg, Latrobe, Johns town, Willmore, Gallitzin, Altoona, ac., connecting at Har risburg with the Train direct for Baltimore. and arriving iu Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at all stations, and running at far as Conemaugh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 10:40, A. M. -SECOND ACCOMMODATION'T.RAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.20 P. M. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAM for Turtle Crook, leaves daily, (except Sunday) at 6:20, P. M. RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh as follows: Express 1:43, P. M.; Mail, 3:10 A. m.; Johnstown Accomino• dation, .I.LOO A. m.; First Turtle Creek Accommodation, tkso; A. M.; Second Accommodation, 12:40, P. m.; Third ACCOI.II. modatitin, 6:10, P. m. Trains for Blairsville and Indiana, connect at Blairsvile Intersection with mail train East, Express train West, and the Johnstown accomodation train East and West. PITTSBURGH AND OONNELLSVILLE TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations on the Pittsburgh and Conceits. Mlle Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL. TRAIN 7*oo A. is I FXPRESS TRA1N.,4:20 P. M RETURNING TRAINS from Pittsburgh and Counellsvilie Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 11.00 A. m. and 6:10 P. II: ela.. The traveling public will Sad it greatly to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel by the Pennsylvania Railroad, as the accommodations now offered cannot be sur passed on any ether route. As thu itoad is ballasted with stone, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their FARB:— .$113,00 1 To Baltimore.. 10,00 " Lancaster.. To Harrisburg, $7.45. Baggage checked to all Stations on the Pennsylvania Rail. road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in care, will be charged ten cents in addition to the, Station rates, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—In case of loss, the Company will hold them selves responsible for personal baggage only, and' for an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has boon employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 2.5 cents for each passenger and bag gage. For tickets apply to J. STEWA2, Agent, At the P. R. R. Passenger station, on Liberty and limit streets. patronage. 10 New York... " Philadelphia Two Through Train. Ca.c,6 Way Daily, Suladayiii Wic 'god. Wheeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Ott tnd and Pittsburgh Railroad. COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI 6.r., ST. LOUIS BY TLIE PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAIL _ _ ROAD LINE via STEuDkuvVILDE. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad Companies, having made au ar rangement with the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, for the joint use of their track bet roan Pittsburgh and Rochester, will run their trainairom Penn Street Station daily, Sundays excepted, commencing lett day, March Bth, 1858. EELING AND CINCINNATI MAIL OIAVELAND, W Leaves Pittsburgh Steubenville._ Bridgport, opposite IWheering , Belleair Columbus 1 Cincinnati... Through to Chi. .Dievoland cinnati with bat Buffalo one change of care. Chicago Thin Train to Cleveland has 30 minutes at Alliance, for Dinner. CLNCTNNATI, CLEVELAND AND CHICAGIO EN.P BESS. Leaves Pittsburgh. 2:35 P. 21. 6:00 4. M. drectbenvilla bthU p. m. Novarls. IL4O Oolumbum 1:40 A. 211 dincinnati 1s:07 A. M Cleveland 9.50 p. W. Buffalo - 6:00 Jnicago e. m LINO ACCOM.IIODATION, Through to Chi clunatt with ou change of cars. MIER, LtltiVtla Pittsburgh.' 4:00 P. IlL' 6toubeaville Bridgeport... 13ulleair..—., OUNBIECTIONB ARE MADE BY ABOVE TitAletti,AS POLLoVie: By 6eoo A. N., and 4.00 P. m., At WHEELING, for Cumberland, liarperb FCrly, Matti ww and Washington City. Only at BI2I.,LEAIR, fur Cambridge, &lama'die, Lae. eere, , Circleville and Wilmington. By 6:00 A. M., and 3 . 35 P. lA, At XENIA., for Dayton Indianapolis, 51 atteue, Cab.., SL Louis and New Orleans. By 6:00 A is., and 2.35 P. M. At CINCINNATI, for Lexington, Loullle, Cabo, Et Luta, and New Orleans. Only at BAYARD, for Carrolton, Waynushmg, DW4ta• eel New Philadelphia. Only at HUDSON, for Cuyahoga Yells, A kiwi, Chub..., and Now Portage. By 6:00 a. N., and 2436 P. N. At CLEVELAND, for Erie, Buffalo, Niagara Palls au! Cal du, Sandusky, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, and all potent to the Noitlvwest !ice Thu 4;00 P. M. Train et..ti at all 11,+3 sztutious en the River Division. Ittetiumning Trains. EASTERN MAIL, VIA STEUBENVILLE. Leaves Cincinnati. 6:00 A. Al . Arrives at Columbus 10:30 P. r.t Do Steubenville 6:50 N. n. Du Pittsburgh 8:55 e. tl. PITTSBURGH AND WELELLING Leaves Cleveland 1:00 e. Al. Arrives at Wellsville ' 0:51 P. SI. Du Wheeling 8:46 v. a. Do Pittsburgh 8;55 P. 51 PITTSBURGH ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Belleair 6elo A. Du Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling.... lb A. Cf. Stops at all Stations . Arrives at Pittsburgh 11::6 WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH MAIL. • Leaves Bellew. 4.:31 P. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling... 4:43 P Arrives at Pittsburgh 8;65 Y. .51. EASTERN EXPRI. SS, VIA STEUSEN V I LLE. Leaves Cincinnati w........... Arrives at Columbus 10.00 P. u. Do Steubenville 4:45 A. 31. Do Pittsburgh. MU e. m. CHICAGO, BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leaves Cleveland.„o Rao P. N. Arrives at Wellsville 5:35 A. N. Do Wheeling 11:05 a. Al. Do Pittsburgh. 7:00.a. N. Connections are made by the Mail and Express from clan.° points when returning, as are formed as above when going from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now York and Boston. The above,,,Trains will stop ou signal of the Station Agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to take up passengers going on or beyond the line of these Reads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from.the,e Roads, at any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must usk tor tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through to all principal points, and transferred free of charge. OM. For tickets or information, apply to GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street Station, Pittsburgh. I% IL MYERS, General Ticket Agent, C. & 2.-114,11 , Cleveland. I. A HUTCHINSON, General Ticket Agent, P., C. & C. R. R., Columbus. JAMES FARMER, Superintendent C. & P. IL It, Cleveland. W. W. BAGLEY, • mrB I Superintendent P.. C & C. It. IL, Columbus _ NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH, ET. WAYNE and CHICAGO, AND OINOINNATI, HAMILTON t DAYTON RAILItuA I,s, VIA. DELAWARE OUT•OFF Ik9..larum 074243'20 miles from Pitt' sburgla to CiT/Gililhth THIS LINE is composed of Roads of the First Class, and is located through a beautiful aril highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the Ohio clad BITN• • Rippi Railroad, (the tracks of the C. H. t 11.. t O. Roads, being connected, for Louisville i St. Louis, Evansville, Cairo, Memphis, • • Vicksburg, Natchez, New Orleans. Connection made at St. 1.011,15 uith the Pacific lialle••.1 and Missouri River Packets, for KANSAS AND NEBB,ABKA, And all points West. Also connects at Cincinnati sv Kentucky Central far Lexingtork Danville, Frankfur t and all paints in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station as follows 3:30 A. M. Through to Cineinuati with • but ono change of ears, hf riving at &I-5 P. M. Express Passenger Train, nr 2;1.5 } r i ving In Crestline fit 10:05 A. M., Cin. 8:00 P. M. Va. BAWAGE CHECKED T11110116H./ii) Faro as Low as any other Rolate. For all information, and Threng,h Tickets, apply at tho Ticket Wee, corner Monongahela [louse, or at Penn strut Station. ADT Passengers desirous of going this route will [ilk for Tickets via De'aware Cnt-Otf. J. H. MOORE, Supt. P. Ft. W. & C. it. R. DAN'L MCLAREN, Snpt. C. H. &D. ft. R. novai New Route via River and Railroad lAA Indianapolis% Cincinnati:Railroad CIONNEOTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with ‘4,,/ Terre Haute, and Terre , LiauWand Alton Railroad.,, to St. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Albany and Salem, and Michigan Central Roads for CHIC 1 / 4 190, ROOK ISLAND, BURLINGTOs, and all hitermediat. points. Through Freight Train. to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE LAFAYETTE, add PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in less time than any other route by 24 hours, and at 83 low rates. The only road by which shipments can be made from Cin cinnati to the What, without breaking bulk. Consignraents made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cincin nati; or, W. B. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrenceburg, wilt receive prompt attention, and no charge for commission ; no dargafor tftayage or corassiardni at Latarencebrirg. For farther Information, apply to THOMAS RA t°IIGAN, (No. U 6 Water street,) Agent of the Char.:Pany, who is pre- -1 pined to give MEOW/ EIECZIM to Indianapolis, Terre Banta, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle, Crawfards villa, Charleston, Paris; and Mattoon. XL 0: LORD, Prisident. JNO. F. CHEEK, °ern Freight Agent. mit INKSTANDS.—A large variety for Isle at JONNSTON 00.13, “tai - alaticsou Wastome o el Wood a. =BM RAILROAD NOTICE. The Pittsb'h, Fte Wayne c Chicago WITU ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment, and its through connectlons,is pre. pareg. to transport .eassougur.s and itreight from Ma. and to UHIUAaO, ST.LOUIB,IN IIIaNA.POL.W, I.IIN CIIV NATI, and all places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact that this itoad terms a direct and consolidated lino between Pittsburgh and Chicago, is a sufficient guar antes that its Trains will make good time, and connections with 'i'raius on other Need. Pittsburgh. Crastline. I it. Wayne. U. S. Mail, 2130 A. al.. 12:01 Y.. 51 7:0o Y. LI. Express, :ale Y. M. 10:05 P. 51 I 5:45 A,ll. REA01:1 CUICAGO—U. 6. Mau at &So A. xl.; Express tat, :i. - 00 Y. Al. liSAOl.{ aiNUINNATI—U. 6. Mail at 7:63 P. Al.; Expreda 7:00 ' all Trains make close connections at Ordstline for Coital?, bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Loa;s; also, at Fort Wayne with Trains. on Wabash and Western Itatiroad for Lafayette, Central .thiLlOiS and et. Louis ; alai', at Forest with Trains on the it. a L. E. - -- - - . From Chicago. I FL.Wayne. Crestline. i Arr.Fttstig U. S. 1da11,....5,-15 1-..5.1. i 5:30 A. AL 111:55 P.. 51.1 015 P. Al. Nipress, e,u0A...5.1 I 2:01, Y. 31. 10:05 Y. ill. I 7:25 AAI These Trains make ClOl3O COLIIICCEIOLLS with Trams ter nub. adelphia, Baltimore New York and Boston. Trains from St. .14)11t3, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Colum bus moire close connections at Crestnne with all returning Trains. At Fort,iViiytie, Trains from St. Louis, Central lib :lois, Lafayette, and intermediate places, connect with above Trains. At Street, connectious'are made with Trains to and from Cincinnati, opringtleld and Dayton. Acethimoilirtioz, TiI.ALNB--.l..tuive New Brighton for Allegheny City at 7:00 A. AL, and Li:3s E. 151, Leave Atli glinay Cityzior Now Brighton at IOMO and 4:30 P.M- To accouunuilate way travel, Passenger:Lars will be at tached to Freight' rains; leaving Plusourgh at 8:45 A. IL; Crestline for -lino/ace at 5:55 A. M.; A ill , nce for Creottine, at ti:4s A. itL and Alliance for Pittsbargu. at 7:47 A. 31. BAUGALIIi 011ECIIED T1111.131.131i., and no charge for handling. For Tickets and further information apply to GEORGE PARK.] N, Passenger btation ' corner Liberty and Grain streets; B. F. BAT/3101i, No. MU Leathern street, oppo ate the Tremont House, Chicago, or to the Agents at the stations on the line. V;42 1.1.:1.16 I. Al 1.1:2.0 A. 31 . 6:20 P. la , 10.10 P. td . 2:36 P. x 11:80 P. M . . 8:00 +. v. !a 7:1A1 P. L B:4G P. 9.0 U P. Al r4l ItAILItOA6S. RAILROAD COMPANY, PASSiLNGEB. TRAINS LMiVE itUi' Ukia LN 3 ENCE ON MONDAY, !Such 22th, and continue nuth lamer notice. J. J. tiOUSTON, - Von. Pear. and Yet. Ag't D. W. nUgS, Pasa'r. Agent, Chicago. nir26 Jug. Lt. .11uUltE, Superintendent. TEE PENN S AN IA RAILROAD. TILE UILEAT OEN TitAL U'r PI, connecting A tlautic Citios with Western, ist orttewea ter') anti nour.n-austere States byii coutinuuna Railway direct. This coratocte at Prtninurgh vita U . i tit bz.bernere to all ports on tho Wea u at. Clore laud and Sandusky with stetuners to all ports on thu ;North we.tarn itakad; making ilia moat AMYX; CHILS.PIST and I au; au Cali by which it can be forwarded' to and from the Gazer VlTzsr. Ita.te:a bet. weep. PYaiinrtcipiiisu^ Plitta burglid. SilCked, hats and I (lap, Books, Dry doidds, boxes, Lulea I and rrunka,) Drugs, (iu boxee,and baled) }mac. @1 lOU lnei. Featlicre,l'ars, ac. BEOOD :166-- I hnnunirc Sheeting, elm to mg and Ticking (in original "dies), Drugs (iu Quilts), hardware, Le.,ther(ni ?.70c. F 1 100 lin. collo or boxed), Wool, and :deep Eastward, T 1 11W LlLACS.—Ativila, Steel, Chant., (lu casks), hemp, Bacon tool Pork-, !Salted (1003,, or to sacks), Tobacco, manalac c H 100 tad. - tared, (except Cigai a Or CUL ' ) sc., edardb--Cullee, Fiah, Bacou, beet and Pura, (in ce,lLe or boxue Eastward,) , oc too lb ,. Lard and Lard till, Naas, 'Soda Auh, tier- ' luau Clay, Tar, Each, itodiu, Ace., ,to. FLOU.E.—SI,OO 4i WA. until turtider notice. GRATIN in car loads, 46 ctu. 100 ihu. until further thuticc. CLY.tiQii tl bale, not exceeding OUU the. weight, until further notice. In snipping Gums from any point East of be particular to mart; paciaigud " via Pennsylvania tlasiroaa.' All (foods consigned to too Agouti of thin Road at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without Faztutix Atia...^(7,B—Liarrta, Wormley Co., 6.leruphis, Tean.; E.. F. Baau6 Co ' St. Lotus; Y. (l. u'Hiley Co., Evausvilie, lad.; Datualail,Bell A Cu., and Carter S. Jewett, Lutuaville, iiy.; It. C. aeldruto, Mad/sou, lad ; 11. W. Bruwu A Co., nun Irma a Cu ' Culeinnati; N. %V. Graham S. CO ' ZalliiSVLiin, Ohio; Lt:eebS Cu., No. 54 Ellby atreet, Boston; Leeeb A Co., No. 2 Aelor llouse , New York; No.l William ntreet, and No. 8 battery Place, New York; E. J. Bueeder, Ylailadelphia; Slagraw a .b...uue. Lialtlu4ore; 1)..A. Stewart, Vittaburgb. H. it. LIOUBTO/4, ilaneral Freight Ageut. U. J. LOAWARM', Loyl nupariutontlaut, Altoona, Fa. & CONNELLSVILLE ~b ~ g ~ awl Uuuublinvillu .ituiltubni in zatilm fur Cho ITALIpOrt-ALLori uf dad 110141 Pittsburgh and C.:Jaw:Wyllie, connecting with tho Pun asyl vouto Central ltoilrund ut ariuton's Stomn. AFfallgeltlelit.ll:lVC also butill Lunde with thb Pulallbylvithiu . Central ltailco,al, by which thiough freight to Philadelphia and Baltimore will be carried from points on the PitteburgL and Connelleville Railroad, by car loads, on favorable tonne ItUNNEati 121tA.1.248.-01 and alter Monday, :2,Bth of December, the Paasenger 'Drama will be rue daily, I)Xibla 81111dayel, m tollown: MAIL 'I.I.tAIII, will !cave tho Passousor Statical of the Petinctylvaulu itailroad, at Pittnbucgtc, at LOUA o'clock, arriving ut CuLluolle,villo at 12:00 A. M. . - .b.LX.P.KKSS PA:SSE:VEIL 'TRAIN, leaving Pittsburgh ut .Irl.o P.. 11., and arriving at Conn°titivate at e. u. Ii E'lUitt~lNU.-I;SYlt>;de TILAII will leave Cannella. villa at II o'clock, A. AL, connecting V.lOl Ulu blalralilla Acconatuudation Train, on thu Pennsylvania Railroad which arrives at Pittsburgh at 11 a. MAIL leaving Counal svillc at '4:00 P. M., uuu cutluocil W)111 the Briutuu Accoanuudatluu Train, uu the Peuusylvauhtitailroad, which arrives iu Pittsburgh at 6.0 u F. M. Isaight to and hum PittsLurgli, uad njutiuue uu ttin Pltta burgh uud Couutdievdta Ruud, \llli bu received and delivered at Baldwin Deput, upp,witu Duqutsun Doput, du Liberty etrodt. heisting Si Coaches let M. Nett,tut, Uhluulewh, FruetLihrig, Cumberland, will [cute Couuullsvilla rtgelerly uu iLo'airital 01 the trams. !that Tzuiu cennecta alai, at. Wait Newtaii with c.aela,, by the with Mount Plaaaant, moutemt, :patliattch, Calabarlaud, ite. Ticiiata can nu had tram Ticket Agent et the Peat, ly I vaula hatlroad Pa.ablikpr tkpot. multi ti . lih.A.ol.i.en. tiuporiuteudeat. • Seventy• Five New and Seeond-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, • FUR 6-4. LE AT WHI'TE'S. REPOSITORY, TWO MILE RUN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE. raIIIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE or exchange, on the most reasonable terms, a tine assortment of Sarouches and second-hand Buggies made by Watson, of Philadelphia, some nut nut: used. Also, twenty one new Buggies, made in my own sh„pp, from the very best material purchased in Eastern Learnt. A line lot of ['rotting Wagons, new and second baud. Also, a lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linde, Germantown Wagon., Jersey Wagons and Rockaways, two fine Phaitons, seats for four persons, one of them Watson's make, and the other New York make. two flue Sulkies, one made by Mr. P. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Commoalluggies, suitable for light marketing. The subscriber flatters himself, that he can make it to the interest of persona wishing to pa: chase, to give him a call. The establishment is convenient to the city, the Excpisi< r Omnibus Line of Coacoes passing the door every ten minutes. mr23:lydaw JOSEPH WHITE. QWEET POTATOES.— 40 bush. Sweet Potatoes, Just received and for sale by cctit7 JAB. A. Y ETZEB, SD Water street jiPPLES.- 29 bbls, extra line Rambo and lieilleflower; 68 Vandiver, 100 " Bassett Apples, Just rec'd and for sale by dell JAR. A. FETZER, 89 Water street. pOTATOES.- 12k) boo. Neshannock Potatoes; ISO do Peach Blossom Potatoes, Just received, and for aby JAMRB A. METZER, JAL) 63 Oster stet!, :lip YE FLOUR.- 144 15 bbls. fresh g . rouud Rye Flour, Just received t.t:,d for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, Jana 89 Water .strait. G.RE EN APPLES.- 24) bbli.greou apples, Just received and fur dale by JAR A. FHTZ.blit, t Water strc.wt. DERRY & CO.'S fine and extra fine Porto, torah, fat W. S. HAVEN 8 Stationery Store, N. 31, 33 and 35 Market street 10 BAGS Drieg. A SA.pp Y y Apples, for sole by COSGEAVE t CO., 00r24 Na,. 18 nod 20 Wood street. - 10 SACKS FEATHERS, for sale by BAG JURY, COSGRAVE & CO., rer24 Non. 18 end 20 Wood atrBBt. LADIES, HAVE YOU SEEN THE RED PETTlCOArt—jnat opened, an invoi a of the cc le braced "Red Pettleua•." Call and ae...ore one 80011 at JOS. 1101tN.E'S, 77 Markdt etrwt. FRENCH PAPER lIANGINGS.—New designa cud very beanttrul—received by lute Etirivnib, for sale by W P. MARSI7ALL & CO,, rar2s Importers and Dealera. 87 Wcod street. OASHMERE AND ORIENTAL TAPES TbY imitations an , Wall Paper,* of •Prench and C., man manufacture, far sale by W. P. .11A"88,11ALL 1r GO., mr2,B No. 8? Wood street_ HEAP WALL PAPER.—Thousands '&J rolls to sell at 8, 10 and 1214 cents. W. P. MARSHALL . C 3 nar2s - No. 87 Wood street 4LUM,-50 barrels for s4le by B. A. FAHNESTOCE & CU , novlit Corner Wood and First streets. CLOVERSEED.-25 Backe just received, and far sale by f fell' HIINRY R. COLLINe GARDEN SEEDS.—The subscriber bad lust received from the celebrated gardens of Brig & Brother, Rochester, N. Y., a large aasoriment of early Garden Seeds. Warranted equal, if not superior. to any. For sale by JAS. PATTON, Jr.. Federal street, nitl7 Allegheny City. rirSAS.-30 half °heats Young Upon, Itu perial, Gunpowder, Black Tem, in store and for DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Blanki3, Duncan's system of Penmanship, for eale by W. 41 . FIAV.EN, mr24 Corner Market and - Second streeta. 00 GROSS HAVEN'S, No. ONE PENB'. 5 Just received and fa sale by W. 8. 11411/101. utr2-1 Currier Market and Se and streets. 10 DRUMS _COD FIER, for sale by BAGAIJIY, (.4,)BOIIAVE & CO., nar24 Noe. 15 and 20 Wood strt,t AORPEDOES.-100,000 No. 1, just ceceiv ed wad for eala by ikdiAIAB, A Atalliftdob, 94. 89 WM graft C. 53,- ;s ' ; ' - 47 ,7t.??,,177 • A 0 Al filh JAMES PAT - TON, Jr., Allegheny City ~~.~ ~; - MiMtdkti EARN MEDICAL DOOTOR HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERDIAI4 IBITT/LRH, PEUIPSZED Et Ds. 0. rid. JACKSON, PM:LAD% Pa.., ' LIVER Wlll affsotaally care 00aLPLAINT DYS D PEPSIA JAUNDICE, Orl. MO OR NERVOUS EBEATY, DISEASES - OF THE KIDNEYS, And an Di4easej lainvtfrosti a diaordend &ter tow 4A Such es Oorestipa don, Inward Piles, tallness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nansean, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, tallness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Exacta. rations, Sinking, or Fluttering at tho Pit of the Ste. mach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the ILeart, Choking - or Suffocating sensations when in a lying postare,Dimness of Vision s :o Dots or Weba before the Sight, Fever and Dail Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yell /owness of tho Skin and Limbs, Pain u the Bide, Back, Cheat, Lioatia, go o sadden Blushed of Boat barn.: lug in tho Constant fmagininga of Evil, and groat Depreddon of 821111.48. In attributing mich valuable properties to this remedy, 12G rash or unwarrantable Wanton is lasdegbrit is simply stated a fact ; proven undeniably and conclusively by the extroor cures, and benefits derived from its use, wader the di• recoi of itaillustrious originator, Dr. Howland, among al, classes of European society, and from the immense mass of testimony, from of the American continent, ac :m. mulated during the last ten year; id the hands of the'preo out proprietor. The prevalence of diseases Icci - which th . :. German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we sayit, is al: most universal; indeed there Is scarcely a family throughon. the whole extent of our country in which there cannot Lk found among its members that peculiar callow and icaguta appeaiarice denoting a diseased Liver, or an emaciated and :uttering Dyspeptic. Then of what - immense Importance's° this class of invalid that a certain and reliable remedy should be placed wltht their reach; one in which no baneful or Injurious drug en tors into its composition; a remedy on which the patient en rely with the utmost confidence andcertainty, and be assure rocs actual and tangible proofs that the article he is using fealty possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a remec as "LIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS." Thousands ti dollars have been expended in its manufactime and slitfacion throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietm feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is ac state, county, or even village, where the Medicine has been introduced, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is tined constantly in the practice of a large number o. the most prominent Physicians in the country, who' have also added their written testimony in.ovidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, t ..we would respectfully ask cd all those afflicted with any ofhe above diseases to give the Bitters a trial, and rest assured it will never bp regretted. In proof of the statements above made , all alb invited tc read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro prietor, for Farmers and Families ' containing great num ber of useful receipts, in addition to the testimony in favor of the Bitters, from the most prominent and woil known in- dividuals in all parts of' the Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are authorized, to distribute the A Imp nue gratuitously. Principal Office Id lianufactory, 96 Arch street, Philadol phis, c.. Nor sale wholesale by Druggists in all the principal cities, and at retail by Apothecaries and Storekeepers in every town In the United Btates and Canada, and by B. L. FAILNESTOCK & CO. and . Dr. GEO. U. ..TEY6Eii, jylthlydew Pittsburgh. NEW TEMO.TINLENT. Private and Confidential Medical Advice I AT TUE BUFFALO PRIVATE 110SPI TAL—Ensabliiiied for the care of Syphilis, Seminal 11 , and the Secret Infirmities of Youth and Maturity, by Dr. AMOS & SO2, Buffalo, N. Y. Oflica corner of Main and Quay streets, (up stairs.) A MOST SOIENTIFIO jNVENTION. An instrument fur the cure of thmitidllebitity, or Noctur nal Emission, murs properly known as Sewinul Weakness, &c. eau be pernmuontly cured in from threat to twcuty days, by the use of this metrument, when used conjointly with medicines. YOUNG TA[ L': PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. &INS 4 SON take pleasure VI announcing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It ilea been subjected to a test by the Most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York; it has boon declared the only useful instrument over yet invented, for the cure of - Seminal Weakuese,or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits 01 youth. Dr. AMOS & ON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instrument, pledge theinselvea that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the it • strument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will obaerve that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW ItEitEDLES AND QUICK CURES. Dr. A.MOS A SON may be consulted front eight o'clock in the morning until nine at night, in every stage and symp tom of the Venereal Disease, tiouorrheeis, Gloats, Secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Strictures .1 the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secreay. The treatment they adopt Is the result of upward of thirty years' extensive and encaeafful practice in Leaden. The most inveterate cases of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine days and cases of is slight nature in two .or three days at a wed• orate expanse. ate cure effected without confinement ua hindrance from busineas; also, nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, effectually eradicated. A OLJR WAI3ItANTED Dr. AIIOS .SUN have devoted tholr attoutien exclusive ty to this peculiar class uf ma-ladies, and the/libel they hav e cuuSequeutly been enabled to render to their fellow -creature e Lolly testified and greatfully acknowledged by sonvtdor euutputiente and uthere daily arriving in town limn all pail, or the country, fur the express purpose only or consaltatitm. while their exertions have bean crowned with the most sig ual advantages; yet if OIL what they have experienced inquiring into the Census of these infectious complaint (num their most dimple ccndition to that of the moat den geraus and inv.:Located) they have always entertained the possibility or their prevention cud removal, and likewise in variably found that the moat horrible and malignant forms et disease could almost always be traced Co one of the lol lowing causes r—ignorunce, neglect, or the ill effects of un skilful and improper treaunent; therefore, Dr. 4..110.4 SUN have Lida:booed iu discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, end cautious course • omitting all couibLuardun of remedies which bear / au equivocal character, us well as those whose premature or injudicious application might be productivi of bed cc.usetinences in the hands of private individuals. in abort, the 'audible cud of their re medies is the lessening of a great mass of human misery by the atleniation, rebel and prevention of those grievous at dictiuna that are in re the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extremely surround us, call aloud fur our still sod interference for their extermination. 00UNID.Y INVALIDS Par.ons in any part 01 the world may b. lan..etaafully treated by forwarding a correct datall of their case, with remittance tor modidines, an. Arldrooa Dr. AMOK es JON, coruar Math and quay ats tuts, Baffal&. N. Y. Of all diseases tho great, tir4t cause Bpriage from neglect of Naturo's laws SUF 14° NOT I WIIEN A CURE IS GUARANTEED IN all stages of BECKET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nur. cues Debility, Strictures, sleets,Gravel, Diabries, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mrcurial itlieumatuns, Scro fula, Pains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs„ Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Bodyor Limbs, Can cers, Dropsy, Epileptic, Fits, St. Vita's Dunce, and all diseases arising from u derangement of the Sexual Organs, such as nervous trembling, loss of memory, loss of power, general weakness, dimness of vision with peculiar spots appear in before the eyes, loss of sight, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the face, pain in the back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both oozes. It matters not from what cause the diseav origins Led, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery u certain, and in a shorteetune than a permanent cure can be effected by any other treatment, even after the disease has batllnd theekill of eminent physicians and resisted all the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury or balsam. Der ing twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of death many thousands, who, in the last stages of the above mentioned diseases had been gifen up to die by thee. paysicians, which warrants me In promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and must speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health, as they are the first cause of Consumption, Sere. luta and many other diseases, and should bo a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely over effect sel, a majority of the cases falling into the hands of 'acorn patent persons, who not . only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, filling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rap(' Consumption. But should the disease and the treatment not cause death speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailee upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betray, itself in Scrofula, Tatter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other affix lions of the akin, eyes, throat and lungs, entailing upon them a brief Existence of suffering and consigning them t an early grave. SELF A.BIT6F, is another formidable enemy to health, L. nothing else in the dread catalogne of human diseases cause so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thee sands of victims through a few ycarsof Buffeting down to an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system, rupidt wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement, prevents the proper development of the system, disqualitii, for marriage, society, business, and all earthly happiness and leaves the sufferer wretched in body and mind, prodis posed to Consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I as. safe the unfortunate victims of. Self-Abuse that a permanent *and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. Toe afflicted are cantiuned against the use of Patent Medt eines, for there are so many Ingenious snares in the colamue of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferets that miaiuns have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equisity poisonous nos trums vended as "Patent Medicines." I have carefully ana lysed many of these called Patent l!dedicines end and mat nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a death) poison, - which instead of curing the disease disables the ay, tem for life. Three-Fourths ul the patent nostrums now la use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, whodo not tinder stand even the alphabet of the mattria medico, and are equal ly aa destitute of any knowledge - of the human systole, t 0 , ,, ing ono object only In view, and that to make money regat .1. less of consequences. - Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treat-. 9 on principles established by twenty years of practice, ai.o sanctioned by thousands of the moat remarkable cures. Medicines, with full directions, gent to any part of the United States or Canadaa, by patients communicating :hit, symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly cen• ftdontial. Address J. SUILMMVILL.B, M. D., °Mee No. 1111 Filbert street, (Old lb°. 101),) • jylltly . heloW Twelfth, Philadelphia MINERAL WATERS.—.BIue Lick, lied ford and Congiesa Waters constantly on band at JOSEPH PLESILN fr 9 - Corner Diamond and Slat:tot street P4E'S Ferreted Tinet. Bark end taixir &t Bark, crt hand and for eels by ~ve L. VAITNSBTOOI3 k 0 ' DIAN OS TO RENT.—Two elegant Itione jk wood 144 octaTO Pim:Loa, will be rented to private few tl Apply to JOIIN a. MELLOR, fen 82 Wood btr.4.l. for Christmas and New rear.- Be3t Layer Raisins; choice now Flge, in drama and pu per haze; only 183 c. WIZ., at lal9 HA W BTU, BRO. DR )WNLEE'S, fp *A. THku,wrd CORN SIIELLERS.—Smith's Patent, ar ranged for hand, hone or eteam power, warranted i, every' reaper., and will ehell from 20 to 40 briabela of per /lOW- WU] be sold low by " 4, '" varuv IN ARISIAN TOOTH PASTE, prepaled under the supervision of Dr. Ifullihen, Surgeon Do:, Did, for sale by JOS. PLRMING, A NOTHER supply of Low & Son's superior London oaps received to-day, by JOB. RIMMING, • lel6 Corner Diamond and Marked street OGS.—Dressed Hoge, jrvit received aria' _ is lA. tor ea by JAMES A. YETI 11, 69 Woke esteem ERFUMERY —Of dascriptions and pricte, VIPION. - ; — SEI tierces prime Rice, just receiv ixal be bad at JOB. EIBMINCPBs „LW ed and for sale by Nirmida RictiaasoN, twriss iwszarladandEstkotanes. por/2 via& 1191 and 233 Libert7 Men, • • :4' :~,_ CEIEWRATED VERMIFU6 MNME, PILLS. lahre et Ow tea littewavaigt anz are.Us They are not recom- . mended, as Universal Cure-alls, but Simply for what their name pur ports. The VERMIFUGE ) for expelling Worms from the human system, his also been administered with the .most satisfactory results to various animali subject to WormL The LIVER Plus, tor the cure of LIVER CoM PLAINT) all BILIOUS DE RANGEMENTS) SICK HEAD ACHE) &C. Purchasers will please be particular to aik. for Dr. C. McLane's Cele brated VERMIFUGE and LIVER PILLS, prepared by ,Y 3 rt-di SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitts burgh,,Pa., and take rw other, as there are various other preparations now before . the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pin o. others, in comparison with Dr. MCLANE'S ) are worthless. The GENUINE McLane's Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. ERO'S, WoOD ST., PITTSISURGH,P.I.. t)(t1: , Pr4vorkNeor-a- M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LrvEit PILLS: -7o grew on hand and for 8418 by B. L. E 'AIINESTOOK h CO. Corner Wood and Fourth atrekta. 13RIVATE DISEASES.-DR. BROWN'S AIRDICAL end SURGICAL Offices, No. 50 SMITUFIRLD Berea, Pitts- turgh, Pa. DK. BROWN is an old citizen of Pitts, burgh, and has been in "practice for the „1"4 last twenty-five years. fife business has - ift'4. t fit• 4?` been confined meetly to Private and Slar• '• • gical Diseases. IVV.T? ~) 1 CITIZENS AND STRANGERS?;- in need of a medical friend, ehould not • fall to find out the sure place of reliof.•• • The Doctor Is regular graduate, and his experience In the treatment of a certain class of diereses Id a aura guarantee to the sufferers of obtaintng parmaroat relief, by the use of his remedies and following his advic.,e, . DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES fIeVOC fall to ears the worst form of Venereal tilseasab—ali Impuritics and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all iiisettlia arising from a hereditary taint, Whichmanifests itsalf in t ha form of a totter, psoriasis, and a great many forms of sliia diseases, the origin of which the patient Is entirely ignorant To persons so afflicted, Dr. D. offare hopes of a sure sad apeedy. recoverry. SEMINAL wilarutuzs Dr. BMW remedice fur this alarming trouble, braughk on otter by that solitary habit of sensual gratilliztion which tho young and weak-minded ofton give way to, (to their destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known In thla country—they are safe, and make a speedy rcstoratiah co health. RHEUMATISM. • Dr.Brown'e remedies never fail to cure this peialui ease in afew days—ho will 'warrant a cure. Ho also treat] Piles, Gloat, Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Urethral Discharger, r e male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, rik.eases of tta Joints, fistula, Nervous Affection; Pain in the Bach: and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with ei diceases of an impure origin. A totter describing the symptoms, containing a rits, m. reeled to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh, Pa, will be immediately answered. Medicine sent to any address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 60 Smithfield street, Pins. burgh, Pa. tuy26 • ItT KS NOT A DYE. Hrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair ('1 RAY lIAIRED, BALD, or personB with dtheases of hair, or scalp, read the following and Judge of the articles: • S. A. ALLEN'S ZYLOBALSAMURI., Or WORLD'S HAIRDRESSING, Is essential to use mitt the RESTORER, and is the best Hair Dressing for old oa young extant, being often efficacious In cases of he hula Mg, Ac., without the . Restorer. k REV. H. V. DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. ". We CA2, testify to Its effects," Ac.. PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L. D., Mnrfreealx,ro', Teen. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the falling off of bah.% ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," en. REV. B. B. MUIt,LEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. it hen, changed the "Crown of Glory,"' belonging to old men,, to the original hue of youth," Ac. REV. M. THACHER; (60 years of age) Pitcher, Cisenanga county New York. "My hair is now restored; it le nothing liken dye," Ac. REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, New York. "My own hair % and thatof another of my family, has greatly thicken ed where almost bald," Ac. REV. TAMES MeKEE, New York city, recommends it, as REV. W. PORTEUS, Stanwich, Conn. "It has met my moat sanguine expectations, Ac. •REV. J. F. GRISWOLD , ashlngton, N. 11. It 13 really efficacious in reatoringthe hair,".Ao. REV. G. M. SPRA'I'T, Lewisburgh, Pennsylvania. "W can and do cheerfully recommend it," de. BEV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Carolina. " The white hair has become obviated," Are. REV. AMOS 'BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. II " We think very highly,of you preparation," Ac, REV. B. O. SMITH, Prattaburgh, N.Y. "I was to find my hair turn as when I was young," Ac. UV. 0 31. CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "Mies stop ped my hair tailing and caused a new growth." REV. A. PRINK, Chatanque county, New York. "I am satisfied and recommend REV D. MORRIS, Cross, River, New York. "It is the test preparation extant." REV. WILLIAM CUTTER, Editor Mother's Magazine, New York. "Recommends it." IT lnt" We might swell this list, but if not convinced, TRY We export thew preparations to Europa even, and are superseding all others then, as %yell as hi the 1.1 altos. II dots 'not wit or atain. bold by all the principal whole. eale and retail ruercbauta in the Jailed t3tateaMnba, or Canada. DEPOT 356 BEOOIII STREET, N. where addrees ell letters and inqatrika itZf - Some dealers try to call articles instead of this, on which they make more profit. Write to. Depot for circula terms, and information. Genuine is signed, Jim aA. Ana) written in ink. Beware of counterfeits. (sep3:oodamdaw MRS. ALLEN'S 'FAIR RESTORER.-A large supply always on band and for gado by n0.v.16 B. L. VAJEINELITOCIL R. CO SAAR. -FAIINESTOCK 3 No. '74 Wood street, Pittsburgh, forAs JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM • ENGLAND— WALDRON & GRIFF ...:Autunruni CORN AND GRAIN SefT1111 ( OORN HOBS; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; BUM Taps, very superior Drawer Locks, very sup,rior Gott : Locks, Tinned and Rana=lied Sauce Pans, Baiting Spoons, ; Brass Can dlasticks, Brass Corlra,./Irsas Stair Rods, Braces and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, j Tomes, Coil, Plfth, Tongue,, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which will bo soh' at mod. erate terms. aplfs SKIRTS I SKIRTS 1 ! Bishop's Skirts; - - - Quilted Hooped Skirts; Holmes' limped/16h Li; iktiqs.e' OJtded tiktr te; Ladies' Corked and Quilted Sktria, white and colore I ; a new supply Just opened, at JOB. EIORNE'd, deg 77 IlLarket street. ViINTER GLOVES.---A full supply of Cloth, and Merino, of vadiona die/ al Law Of ORNE'S, MEDICAL Restorer. ff 744mirat itra9t