THE PRIM Post tutuEs P. BAER, Editor and Proprietor , . PIT'FSiLU FRIDAY MORNING DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS TOR SUPREME JUDGE, " WILLIAM A. PORTER, OP PHILADELPHIA FOR CALL cominsbiorrEn, WESTLEY FROST, OF FAYETTE COUNTY TAE ItIARKETS The Weekly Review of the Pittsburgh Markets, Allegheny Cattle Market, New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Telegraphic Mar. kets will be found on our first page this morn ing. AN EXCELLENT NUMBEEL. The Weekly Post of this week is unsurpass• ed for interest and variety of contentt It is a mammoth sheet, printed on large, clear type and fine white paper, at the low price of one dollar per year in clubs of ten ; two dollars per single subscription. The following em• braces a portion of the contents : EDITORIALS. THE PRESS REMOVAL OF JUDGE LOR , KG. TOLLING RAILROADS. JUDICIAL SALARIES. THE COLLINS STEADIERS. THE STATE TICKET. RAILROAD STATISTICS IN PENNSYLVANIA. STILL THEY COME. THE LAST PHASE OF THE KANSAS QUESTION. APPRAISERS OF DAMAGES. MX CONDITION OF MEXICO. WORTHILY BESTOWED. THE MERCHANrs , AND MANUFACTURERS' BANR TILE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. ftIISCELLJANY. FIGHTING THE TIGER. PITTSBURGH, DT. WAYNE A CHICAGO RAILROAD GOING IT ON SHARES. THE PUBLIC• PRINTING PLUNDER. AMUSEMENTS IN NEW YORK. WILD CAT ASSETS. NEWS, ETC. KiiICUTION CF TILE FRENCH ASSASSINS, (.O . ISINI. AND MARL EXPEDITION 7 0 UTAH.. OUR CANDIDATE FOR CANAL OMMISSIoNER PORTFR. WESTERN EMIGRATIoN. FOREIGN GOSSIP. NEWS OF THE NEIGHLtuR HOG) OHIO. SCHOOLS. ItipLIIIP 01 COL. JolltiLT. , N. ANOTHER DIFFOULTY WITH A PRISONER—AT TEMPTED SUICIDE. TELEGRAPHIC. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. PASSAGE OF THE LECOMI Tor/ cNsTITLITIoN IN THE HOUSE. ARRIVAL FROM EUROPE. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN NEW You it WASHINGTON CITY AFFARe. FROM UTAH Loca.L. ANNUAL.mann u OP STOW( If of.D FIRS A WATCHMAN BEATEN. CHARGE: OF FRAUD. ErWILWAY ROBBERY, TEE REMPFIELD RAILROAD FOUL PLAY SU S P EQT ED. TEIE "PAN HANDLE' YATEITE COUNTY RAILIo)AD ZABBERY COMMERCIAL. 41;E ;lEW OF THE PITThEURGH .11 ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKETS PITTSBURGH RETAIL MAR,, . NEW YORE STOCK AND CATTLE SIA Rb: ET I.! CINCINNATI MARKET. THE Lmyr PHASE OP THE ft Art S QUESTION. The long a; , ony is over. As will be seen by by , referende to our telegraphic column, the House of Representatives have acted finally upon the Bill for the admission of K ansas, haying first adopted the amendments•of Mr. Montgomery to the bill as Offered by Mr. Uri t 4 Leaden in the senate. This substitute as given by a correspondent of the Philadelphia Prose was in effect as follows : The first section provided that, " inas much as it is greatly disputed whether the Con- tittGion with which Kansas is admitted, was fairly made, &c." instead of this, and to avoid even a tacit admission of the legality of that instrunient Mr. I‘l ,, ntgomery substituted these words—" but inasmuch as it is greatly disputed whether the Constitution formed at Lecompton and now pending before Congress, win fairly made, or' expresses the will of the people," &c., The second amendment provides that a'ter the Constitution is framed by the Convention, (the Lecomption Constitution having been rejected) it shall be submitted to the people for adoption or rejection ; and that so goo as the result of said election is made known to the President of the United, Sta tes, he shall issue a proclamation declaring Kansas one of he States of the Union, without any further legislation on the part of Congress. This is done to terminate the controversy on the Kan sets question at once ; and to make the act of admission a finality, and gives the lie to the slander that the antisLecompton men des sire to keep the question open for an indefinite time. The third amendment strikes out the clause which provides that "no person except citi- seas of the United States" should be permit ted to vote at any election—and substitutes " all white male inhabitants of the said Ter., ritory over twenty-one years of age, who are legal voters under the laws of Kansas, and none others, shall be permitted to vote, &c." Mr. Montgomery. by this modification of Mr. Crittenden's proposition, has made the bill a fair one, and by his prompt, manly and successful efforts has won for himself a proud position in the esteem of the honest, patriotic and conservative of all parties. Throughout this ectire Kinsas question, we have advocated a spirit of compromise for the sake of the whole country, and the bill, as it has been amended by our talented young Pennsylvania Legislator, is of such a charac‘• • ter as should meet the views of all parties on “sober second thought." We sincerely hope that the amendments of the Rouse may be promptly concurred in by the Senate, in spirit of manly and honorable compromise, and thus that this vexed question shall be for.. ever put at rest. We know that this will be claimed by tho enemies or the Democratic party as a defeat of the administration? We do not look upon it in that. light. We know that Mr. Montgou, ery who offered the substitute,is as warm, ano ardent, and active, and, in Pennsylvania we may add, as powerful a friend as the Pre-i= dent has in the country. He has done what helhas done for the good of the great . Democrat, in party. He has successfully upheld a great principle of that party, but he is none the less a warm supporter and ardent admirer of the wisdom. the prudence and patriotism of the distinguished Pennsylvania Statesman who now so ably fills the chiefest position in this great nation. The Democratic party of the United States is no weak think to be distracted and dissev ered by any temporary differences of opinion upon isolated questions of public policy, and it now depends upon the Senate to consum. into that which the House has so happily begun. Not less than two hundred buildings are now In process of erection in Leavenworth, Kansas, notwithstanding the scarcity of money.' We yen • ¶ure to say there will be one thousand buildings put up In the present season. The Gazette gives a frightful picture of out. We ate Dot dispo-ed to find fault with the The Despatch of Thursday morning has a rages committed by the prisoners upon one public servants without cause, but we must very sensible article upon this question, from another in the county jail. These things are assure the Sol ns at Harrisburg th their con- which we make the following extract. In greatly to be deplored, but the cause of them stitnents in this western half of the State are speaking of the Tonnage Tax, that paper says: does not lie in any neglect or malfeasance of impressed more than ordinarily with the idea "Having the impost to pay, the Pennsylvania duty in those having charge of the institution," , that, as yet, they have not done anything like Company acts k as does h the individual. te lhe L re it but in the system of jail imprisonment itself. what was expected of them. The session is freight eastward has no t p ra p n er sil p , a b y ut by tha xV t route. In large cities like our own, it is the duty of now drawing to a close, and yet we find upon There are no competing line., to carry the freight the tax payers to provide an additional place the list 9f enactments already passed very minus the impost tax. The increased cost to of confinement for vagrant, idle and disci- few bills of general public interest and itn- the road by reation of the State 'levy, inevitably falls upon the tonnage shipped. The shipper is derly persons,where they may be put, portance. We are perfectly aware that an made to pay the tax and earn their living. The County Jail is immenhe number-of bills have been introduced "But there are competing routes for the thro' designed as a place to confine persons charg- and a large number of laws enacted, which freight. If the Pennsylvania road, conjoining with its western connections, desires to retain ed with crime, and awaiting trial, and as a will no doubt make a very thick book, covered that freight, they must take it, for instance from place of punishment for cm twin classes of with blue paper, and will be called "Pamphlet Cincinnati to Biuladelphia or New York, at the criminals. In the rural countiee a jail answers I Laws of 1858." By a wise exercise of' the same cost as the Lake Shore or other routes con tract to do. The western shipper has a choice all the requirements of the law, but in a veto power the Governorhasdoneconsiderable of alternatives not given to the local trader large city humanity and public policy both to reduce the size of this volume, but still a is compulsory with the Company to take ti,; freight . at imperatively demand a workhouse for the large share of the enactments which it will rival prices, though the profit nom. final, or lose its through trade altogether. It criminal scum which ever infests large cities. contain will not relate to matters of grave consents to do it, and pays the additional oust Some weeks since we spoke at length upon public importance. It may be all right to upon the tonnage, foe its transit through this the evil influences of jail associations, and urg- spend the public time and the public money io State, from its own revenues. "The discrimination, therefore, grows out et ed that the county authorities should initiate making charters for military companies, and the impost levied by the State, which falls upm some meakrare of reform. The evils incident the Sons of Malta, and other similar matters the local shipper, and not upon the western. It to the system cannot be remedied as long as of local doncerfi. We do not object to these is absurd to talk about what th9Company ought criminals of all classes are permitted to be if co be the time expended upon them does to o do, or what they can afford to do. Corpora tionsare not blessed with more sensitive con• crowded into a building utterly unfit to prop not interfere with other questions of more sciences, or burdened with more commercial in erly contain a third of the number who are moment to the people at large. , tegrit-, than individual men. They are governed sent within its walls. Outrages like those of The members of the present Legislature by a law of individual interest working through a corporate form. which the Gazette speaks are inevitable as were elected in the midst of a great financial eThat this discrimination operates upon Pitts things at present exist. Oar jail, originally crisis when the currency was tainted and busi- burgh interests injuriously, no one disputes. should designed for confining in single cells no more ness prostrated , and it was expected that they What policy should govern our business men— than fifty prisoners, is crowded at all times would take some decided steps to provide, so what up course, on the continua they pursue? If they insist tion of the State impost, they with at least one hundred and fifty, and gen- far as lay in their power, a remedy against must continue to foot the bills. While they gain erally a Much greater number. It is absolutely similar disasters in time to come. A reform nothing for themselves, they cripple the busi as of a roadultimately to become one cf the necessary that three and four prisoners should of the banking system of the State was, be- Hess arteries of trade and travel between Aft breathe the air of each of those seven by nine yond doubt, one of the measures which the extreme West and the Atlantic seaboard. If they cells. This is inhuman. It is not to be ex- people ltave expected from their representa- insist upon the tonnage impost as a measure of retaliation, the blow that they strike rebounds pected that the social intercourse among the tives. That our present system had defects upon themselves with increased momentum." conglomerate assemblage of burglars, garot- which might be remedied, was pretty generally This is certainly a common sense view of tare, thieves murderers, drunkards, bawds, selmitted, and some further legislation was the matter, and one which we presume will he should-r hitters, and other "dregsof the peo- deemed necessary to estill'sh a wider specie ably sustained by the senior edits'r of that ple," should be particularly polite,refined or basis and to restrict the EIMOIII3 of paper Mr• paper, who is ore of the most careful, hard moral, under the circumstances in which the culation. Thus, the people thought when the thinking and' hardworking members whom LAW places them. Wolves and lambs, foxes Legislature met ; but times • have got easier, Allegheny county has ever sent to the State and geese, are penned up together by law, and it money is plentier, the Relief Law of the Legislature, We regret that the crowded is idle to expect that they should constitute special session enabled the banks to reeestab. state of our columns prevents us from re- pro• a " happy family." The mere fact of the ex - lish their affairs and place theniselves in a cone clueing the Dispatch's article entire istence of such a system in a Christian land dition from which they never should have de' is an outrage upon comnon sense and hnmani- parted, and now there appears to be an apathy ty. The superfluous poison and corruption about giving the people an efficient security of society is poured into one common scoop- against future financial evils like those of the tacle, and it is idle to think it will purity past six months. The Relief Law was right itself. enough, and has enabled the banks to increase For many years out' ages of the kind of which their specie and reduce their circulation with the Gazette speak have occurred ithin the out oppression to their customers and the walls of our county prison. In Sheriff; Magill's business interests of the community. Now, time a boy was actually burned to death by let us have such laws as will keep them where some fiendish young dev le—h's cell mates they are and prevent an undue inflation. The The present custodians of the jail, Sheriff storm is over and the country is again become Patterson and Jailor Philips, are car: ful, in , ing prosperous—industry is reviving and pros. telligent, and woe - indefatigable officers, but pacts all look bright—but we want provision it iaot possible for them, nor for any man or for the future. It should be put out of the set of men to prevent such occurrences alto power of the banks to re-commit past errors, gether as long as they compelled to keep near and now is the time to do it. two hull ?red villians, vagabonds at.d unlortu • The insurance business also needs a those mites in apartments designed for not more ough overhauling, and some means should he than fifty. The Gazette does not directly devised for the public safety against frauds in throw the blame upon them, hut it leaves the this business, which is•a large, an increasing, inference that it is in their power to prevent the and an important one. • evil. Such is not the fact. They are officers The important questions of the sine of the of unusual efficiewcy, b t the best mechanic remainder of the Public 'Works, and the Res I cannot do geed work unless tarnished with peal of the Tonnage Tax, we presume will be the requisite machisely and tools. disposed of. It is time that the the public voiceNleinand- The bill introduced by Mr. Buckalew, rein. ed in tones too loud to be resisted, a total tive to railroad statistics, should be acted change of the present system. Give us a upon, and it would be greatly for the inter place where the vogabonds and criminals, este of the people of the State, and tend who now are supported by the tax-payers in most potently to develop() her resources, if a idleness, and are only made worse, instead of department were established for ascertaining tter by their punishinennshall be compelled and arranging and publishing the statistics of to earn their own livelihood, and their outs all the great sources of wealth which exist so rages may bo . prevented, but under the present abundantly in our State. system they have always from time to time There are many other subjects of general occurred, and will continue to occur, not witha interest which might have been properly standing all the vigilance of suchlexceUent brought before the present Legislature. We officers as we at present have. The-change need dein 'general and less special legishie will cost something at the outset, but it will tion, than we have had this winter. No be cheaper in the end, and public morality doubt the members think they have worked will be largely the gainer, hard, and earned that extra pay of two hun dred dollars, but the people think, too; and their thoughts are that they pay a good deal for a very little. Let the next three weeks show them that their servants have earned APRIL 2, 1858 The present week is devoted by the Catho lic Church to a variety of religious ceremo aials—it being the closing week of Lent—the penitential season. Yesterday was Holy Thursday. On this day the Catholic Church celebrates the insti tution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The oils which are used in the administration of the Sacraments and other ceremonies of the Church are blessed on this day It is one of the most imposing functions of the year. The ceremonies took place at the Cathedral .yesterday and were celebrated with great solemnity and magnificence. The celebrants on this occasion was the Right Reverend Dr. Leers, Bishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Right Reverend E. M'Mahon was Assistant Priest, Rev. R. Phelan, Deacon, and Mr. Sene ca, of St. Michael's Theological Stninary, Sub-Deacon. Nearly all the priests of Pitts• burgh did, environs were present, robed in their sacred vestments. The students of St. Michael's Sethinary also assisted in the cere monies. TOP , COUNTY 3Alt. VI K. Today is Good Friday-4he anniversary of the death of Christ. The ceremonies at the Cathedral to-day will be of the most solemn and 'imposing character, and are intended to represent the profound grief and sorrow that should afflict the Christian mind at the remem brance of the sufferings of the Redeemer, upon the anniversary of his passion. The services at St. Paul's will commence this morning at nine o'clock, and in the afternoon at 3 o'clock. Next Sunday will be Easter, the close of the long fast of Lent, and appropriate ceremonies will take place in the Cathedral to celebrate the occasion. TIM TONNAGE TAX AGAIN The Union asks , of us light relative to the commission agency of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company in this city. As we are not the agents of the company, we respectfully refer our neighbors to Messrs. Clark Co., who, we presume, will give them every satisfac• tion. The Pennsylvania Railroad pays agents, as do all other roads, to do business for them, and to secure freight for their line, but what th , y pay we never inquired. We do know, however, that freight is carried cheaper now om this city than ever before, and we do know that the Tonnage Tax is the cause of the discriminations against the local trade, which compels the road to charge the West. moreland farmer more to carry his wheat to Philadelphia than the Ohio farmer. We refer the Union to an article in yesterday's Disp atch, from which we make an extract in this morning's Port, for "further particulars." THE DI. AND M. BANK BILL SIGNED The Governor has signed the bill for the re% charter of the Merchants and Manufacturers' Bank, of this city, as we presuined he would, when we yesterday announced its final passage in the House. The successful result of the application of this institution for re•cbarter will be hailed with satisfaction by our entire business community. —A catamount, or American panther, wag captured a few days ago in Leavenworth county, Kansas, on the farm of It. 0. Foster, Esq., near Delaware. OUR LEGISLATURE. their money. In this connection, it is with pride and pleasure that we have remarked that during the entire session, the Senators and Delegates to the Assembly from our own county have been among the hardest workers at the Cap• Rat from any part of the State. We have nothing to complain of them They have been vigilant for the interests of their constituency, early and late in their seats, and unflinching from labor and investigation when required. The large legislative experience and great practical knowledge of our Senators, have been of immense value to us; and our Assem blymen, although most of them are new in legislative halls, have at once taken position among the most active and neful members. Our complaint is not special—it is general. We had hoped that the wise suggestion of Governer Packer, in his inaugural message, that the most important business of the ees• 'sion should not be deferred until the last, would have been more closely acted up to than is has been. We have spoken—and spo ken what the people hereabouts think. WESTLEY PROST We have observed that the Democratic journals of tie State spell the name of our candidate for Canal Commissioner differently some of them omitting the letter " T " in his first name. As the matter is one of impor tance—especially When the election tickets come to be printed, we give the following au thoritative orthogrophy of Mr. Frost's name: BROWN;;VILLE. March 30, 1858 Dear Sir see by your paper a difference of opinion in spelling my name. Please make the corrections, and spell it as signed below. Your friend, WEBTLEY FROST. JAMES P. BARR, Esv. Whe London Illustrated News. We have frequently spoken of the high degree of artistic skill exhibited in the embel lishments of this journal which also possesses a first rate Ute.tary character. Messrs. Hunt & Miner of the Periodical D p - . 1 in Masonic Hall, have just received a new number which is a perfect gem. Besides an un.usUai number of splendid wood illustrations, it contains au exquisitely finished lithograph. Call and buy a copy, It is worth ten times what it costs. What the New York Police Oosto. According to the report made to the Ldg ,, islature by the Metropolitan Police Commis siouers, the expenses of the department for less than five months is $477,864,24. As a large number of the old force, under Mayor Wood, are decided by the courts to have been illegally discharged, the city will have to pay them in full.of all demands. The number of policemen in the new department is not so large as the old force That cost on an aver age of $BOO,OOO. This year the Metropoli., tan Police will not cost less than $1,300,000. Blackwood Hunt & Miner have sent us the March num. ber of Leonard Scott & Co's republication of this old and sterling Magazine. The num:. her is a first rate one, and may be had at the great Periodical Depot, under Masonic Halt, Fifth Street. THE TONNAGE TAX QUESTION 0111.VALKY. The Hon, Mr. Smith, of Virginia, announc., ed on Saturday that he should make public use of any private conversation which any person might hold with him upon public af fairs if he thoeght it conducive to the public welfare, unless it was expressly eta' ed at the time that it was confidential. We suspeet says the New York Times, that this frank but slightly sneaking declaration will render Mr. W. Smith's acquaintances a little cautious in politics. After this, he will probably hear nothing 'worth reta'ling. Some men find it impossible to be patriots except by becom;ng spies. Mr. W. Smith should go to France. His ideas would exactly suit Napoleon 1 I l, Billy iloAvlegs Gives in AcCounts from Key West to the 21st state that there is atlast a prospect of the Indian war in Florida being brought to a conclusion. The Arkansas delegation of Seminoles had a talk with Billy Bowlegs on the 16th, when Billy expressed his determination to accept the oiler of the government to remove west ward as soon as it was 'made in due form- - that is, as soon as the money was placed in his hands. It was thought that Sam Jones, the head of the war party, was dead. The In dians would not, however, acknowledge it. Another talk was to take place on the 19th. Conversions. The New York Pot gives us the following AREPENTANt 1.)13Y Go oDS N 1 illteflA NT. —A we g the recent conversions was that of Mr --, large dry goods merchant. After his converbhaa he went to the neighborieg miu.i , ittr, and told him thero wars so many tricks iu the trade, that he was convinced th3t no man and obtain a living rj the sale - of dry goods "Then," said the minister. "I suppose you in tend to give up your busineL7.9, and go into thabe thing else." "Oh, no." replied the hoviefal convert: "I billet' attend only to the purchase of gootl4, and leave all toy selling to my clerks." A CHARITABLE SIBTEEL-A young lady, fond of the pomps and vanities of this world, had a beautiful set of jewelry. She became ~'convert ed." In relating her exporienoe,she said,•' When I had found the Lord, I was convinced that if I continued to wear the jewelry I should go to Hell, and so I took it all off, .and gave it to my sister." VA.R10173 THINGS. —The New York Evening Post thinks that the uncouth portrait on the cover of the Atlantic Monthly must be that of some rejected and cho leric contributor; it is vary much raffled. —Henry Ward Beecher having said that be does not believe in the doctrine of total deprav ity, is advised by the New York papers to go up to Albany, and take a look in the assembly chair. ber. —Counterfeit twenty dollar bills on the Mar ket Bank of Troy, and fives on the Onondaga Bank of Syracuse, have been put in circulation in New York. They are so well executed that savnl money brokers have pi onounced them genuine. —At Portland, Maine, a fire oompany hfs come within the influence of til2 revival,aud tak— en two seats at one of the churches in the nem e of the company, the rent of them to be paid cut of the funds of the company. —The.Chattauooga Advertiser states upS the authority of reports from different points of East Tennessee, that the wheat crop looks ul,- usually fine thus far. --WestPrn Metropolis is the name of a new pa per proposed to be started at %Vyandott, Kansas. The'Regiater and Citizen have both bead . disoon continued. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY OP RED.- Theodore Frank, Esq„ of the Pittsburgh said Steubenville Railroad Office, says : "For years I have been an invalid from Dyspepsia. With a hope of relic; I resorted to many advertised remedies, but failed in deriving the benefit sought fir, until I tried your HOLLAND BITTERS, the happy effects of which upon the digestive organs, and in restoring a debilitated system, causes me to recommend it confidently to all sufforin - 1 from Dye pepsin." Caution F—Be careful W ask for Brarkave'ir &Band Bitters. Sold at $1 per bottle, or six beta..., :or $5, by the sole 'Proprietors, lienjemin Page, Jr., 41. No. 37 Wood street, between First and Second streets, v.nd Drtt.r.zittte hPLANB'S VERIILFUGE, FLEMING BROS, SOLE PROPRIETORS.—No remedy ever invented hks been so suc cessful as the great worm 'medicine of Dr. APLaue, prepared by Fleming Bros. of Pittsburgh. All who have 'ailed it Lave been equally aatoniabed and delighted at Ito wonderful eu orgy and efficacy. To publish all the testimoulalo in lta favor will fill volumes ; we must therefore coutea: ourselves with a brief übatract of a few of them. Japhet C. Allen, of Amboy, gave a dose to a child dyeira old, and it brought away 83 wcrms. He soon after gave another d se to tee 8%121d child; which brought •away Gu more, making 133 worms in about 12 hours. Andrew Downin a. of Crenbery township, Venango ton u • ty. gave his child one tea•spounful, and the passed 117 worms. Nest morning, on repetition of the dose, she pase.- ed 113 more. Jonathan lloughman. ei West Union, Park county, Is., writes that 11, Is unable to supply the demand, as the peo ple in hie neighborhood say, after a trial of the ethers, that none is equal to Dv. Inane's Vermifuge. Messrs. D A J. W. Colton, of Winchester, Ind., happened last spring to get some of this Vermifuge. After selling a few bottles, the demand became so great for it that their stock was soon exhausted. They state that it has produced the best effect wherever used, and is very popular among the people. isa- Purchasers wil i bbe careful to ask for PR. M'LLNE'S CELEBRATED VERILLFUGE, manufactureikby FLEMING BROS. of Pittsburgh, P. All other Vermifuges In com parison are worthless. Dr. D.PLattea genuine Vermifuge also his celebrated Liver Pills, can now be bad at all 're speotable drug stores. ./Var.s genuine tae.hout Vie signature of ►3O) ap2.lwdavi FLEMING lat. 6 HOICE APPLES.-15 barrels received Dna forgalbby (t .r 31.) LIENttY U. COLLINS. TERRA COTTA OR STONE VVATER PIPES, From two to six inch calibre PRICES from 12 to 30 Cents per Foot ALSO--ROOHESTEP. PEARL STARCH bnc.r Salo Wholocale at fl anufacturer° Price° by HENRI' EL COLIIIN§, FORWARDING AND C 0 PA MEISSION MERCHANT, /.1 , 11) WBoLeel.a DE&L.I3 IN El:Sh, BUTTER, SEED, FISH, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 25 WOOD STREET, PITTBBDROB. ijot- mOORHEAD & CO., MANUFACTURIIR OF American, Plain 57., Corrugated, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON, For looting, Guttering, Spouting, &e. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHItET IRON. Warehouse, NO: 138 First street, mr26:ly-is PITTSBURGH, PA. A. H. 130010EIdIfilER BOOKEIAMMER & BUD D, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. AND DEALERS IN Fish, Cheese, Flour, Meats, and_ Produce Generally, Nos. 204 and 206 North Wharves, Third and fifth doors above Race street, PIIILADBLPIIIA., UAVE NOW IN STORE, AND TO AR RIVE, a full assortment of Mackerel, Cod Fish, and Herring, which they will dispose of at the very lowest mar ket rates. P. B.—Hams, Sides, Shoulders, Barreled Pork, or other Produce taken in exchange, or Bold ou commission. la ITII TO Jordon & Brother, Stroup & Bro., Wm. 6. 6mith & Co., Plitarn-2p MALEY, COSGAIVE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 1 and 20 Wood Street, W5l. H. SHITH W.M. H. SMITH & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, US Second P. 4. 1141 IFlrst std., PET I P3ETIRGE, PA mr '..6 A. A. CARIALFR & BRO., PITTSB \II R G 11 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCV Capital ltepreoetiltoti t 03,000,000. COLIPANIES OF HIGHEST STANDINO, Cliartsied I Pennsylvania and other States. rtR it, MARINE AND LIFE ItLSKS TAKEN, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. /Mo. 63 EPOURTiI. A A ueuataa. I. PITTSP. pA 9 i• A 1!EIVII deSt}ly I FitEMOVAL. j 011 N MoORIIEAD has removed to No. 73 Water'estreat, Gatuw MArk 3 41: Eft N 0 0 HI El A D COMMISSION MI,i'RCHANr. • PIC METAL AND BLOOMS . , NO. 74 WATER STREET, BELOW .41ARKEr, mrl9 PITTS'B UR 611, PA S IVI tiEL FAHNESTOCK IMPORTER & DEALER IN FoREIGN AND lOMESTI lIAII.IIWAgE. r4O. Wood street, between inansond alley and Vourat street, PITTSBUI2GIi, Y d. -Or Tau etil;dcilber is now opeulug u well eblectni) widen meat iureigu and Licanstic Hardware, all uuw,and will b, sold uu uH gaud terms us way other hUIIHU lu this city. fir v. 111 uiwuys heep un hand u general assortment of ti ItIAVA it CUTLERY, CARPEN`I'ERS' TOOLS, Ac., P whisk hu roupeettully invites the ettunticu PAHNIC6C7tiIi Jll. !Suet:mom; BLAICKPRORE lIHAVATT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Ptoduce it. Commission Merchants DEALERS IN BOAT STORES AND PITTSBUROII MANUFACTURED ARTICLEP, No. 10 Smithfield street, OPPOITE MONONGAHELA HCZSE, PITTSBURGH. PA WE CALL PARTICULAR ATTEN TION to our stack of the following articiss:— Manilla Ropes of all sizes and lengths. Best Navy qakura. far and Pitch. Finest qualities of Coffee's, Teas, and Su gars. Spices of every description. Beet brands of Family Hour—together with every description of articles for family use and boat stores. (ap]) BLArK MORE & DAVITT. WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, No. 421 Fifth. street, near Wood. REINEKAN&KEYRAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. FANCY GOODS. IVATCIIMAKERS"fOOLS WATCH MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. CIIANQE OF FIRM. y P. HITCHCOCK, having purchaged th. intorat of JACOB HUFFMAN, in the firm of Hui man, M'Creery & Co., the attic+ of the firm will h6leafter HFICHCOCH, 3I'CREERY & CO. Mr. Huffman will eta remain in the llonee , . HUFFAISN,,M'CREEIIY & CO iITCIIICOCK, RIPCREERY & (suoassoas 7o llumitr. m'cuala •& C 0.,) Fulwarding and Commission MaJhant:,, WatiLESA.LE LEALUREI ui PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL No, 11-1. Sy.corip SMUT, ETT.T9BMIGH, P➢Hlti disifißSNOia: Springer liartaugh ' Joseph E. Etld9r, t. PittsLurgh Fenton Bros, U. Childi A Cu, Cornell & Dorsey, Baltimai , Bagaley, Coagrace A Cu., " Garret .tMartimPhlladelphii, McCandless, Means a. Cu., " James, Kent, Sante & Co.'" G. W. Smith, & Co., Weaver & Graham, Coo. M.& L. Hotd,Cictiotiati iieeriu, Sterling & Car A. B. Fenton .k Yard, till/mire A Cu., " apl:tf China, Glass and Queensware STuOli JtlzT AT THE ,OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF pl.-sr mr ch- 9 1;42I Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lisg - Ho Is NOW RECEIVING FROM V Europe and Eastern Cities, a chuicelosertment ut articles in his line. comprising new and tastetul shapes of Pearl White Stone Tea. Dining and Toilet Ware, and the same in Plain, Gold, Lustre Band and ili:;wers; Flue White Vitrified Iron Stone Table Ware. known to bo the most dur able now in use for Hotels aid Steamboats; French China of• new styles, in Pure White and Gold Band, either in sets or single pieces; Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sets; 13r.t tannin and Plated Castors, German Silver,Tea Table Spoons. soup Ladies, etc., plated with silver; tine !Ivory Handled Carving, To and Table Knives and Form Tea Waiters and Trays ihater and Flea•grass Table Mats Jappaued and Dec-, orated Tin Tel et Set. Also, a c suplete and full assortment of all articles suita ble for the 0 1 IINTRY RETAIL TRADE, at prices to pleme the public, who are respectfully invals , l to eziu:due this utr27:3mdsw ROOMS. ---50 doz. ree'd and for sale by uas4 HElVity 41 001.L15.9. MC) C:11 4 ,1 C) ''Srl W LaI! M INDESTRUCTIBLE ROOFING. USS - ELL 9 S PATENT TIIE UNDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO COVER AND REPAIR ALL KINDS OF Roofs, with Russell's Mastic. This composition is adapted for all hinds of Boo's, tl ts. or ; It' can also be applied oc Tin, Iron, or o.d Shingles, making a perfect Jab. This composition is not effected by atmospheric changes it 1 neither crackinor run; it 15 impervious to water ; rllth PROOF and moro durable than any other kind of Roof ing. This roofing material is need In vas quantities throughout the United States, on Houses, Bridges, Bolling Mills, Railroad Cars, and Steamboats, giving entire satisfaction, and is considered a perfect protection from the &mews. Although this roofing was only introduced here in 1850, it can be seen on many of the tuildings In the city. Also, on most of the Railroads. 1 hero refer to a few places where this Rooting Is in use, and can be seen—Cleveland and Pittsburgh Ralroiol ; at Bella Ali; Bridgeport; 'Martinsville; Portland ; , I„rwange; Stenbenvihe • McCoy's; Wellsville; Liverpool and Rochester Sta• bons, and the Manchester Depot; Pennsylvania Central Railroad; Spruce Cre: k Astoria Station, Mill et Tipton and Par sonago at Altoona; Allegheny City, Westminster College, and many ctber Building; Pittsburgh, J McCully's Wars house; Ben. Trimble's Hotel; also, numerous others In tla's city. All orders left at No. - 247 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, (where samples of the ma erial oan be seen,) will receive prompt attention, by W. F. FAEINESTOCK Agent a.l In • S. JAYNES 9 AGENT, BY SPECIAL:. APPOINTMENT, FOR THE SALE OF DR. D. JAYNES' FAMILY MEDICINES, JOSEPH BUDD JAYNES' EXPECTORANT, for Coughs, Consumption, Asthma and other Pulmonary Affections. JAYNES' TONIC VERMIFUGE, for Worms, Dyspepsia, Piles, General Debility, ho. JAYNES' SPECIFIC, FOR TAPE WORM. It never fails. JAYNES' CARMINATIVE BALSAM, for Bowel and Summer Coillplaints, flholice Cramps, Cholera, /Po JAYNES' ALTERATIVE, for Scrofula, Goitre, Cancers, Diseases of the Skin and tones, eso. JAYNES' SANATIVE PILLS, a valuable Alterative and Purgative Medicine. JAYNES' AGUE MIXTURE, for the Cure of Fever and Ague. JAYNES' LINIMENT, OR COUNTER IRRITANT, for Sprains, Brans, au. JAYNES' HAIR TONIC, for the Preservation, Beauty, Growth, and Restoration of the Hair. JAYNES' LIQUID HAIR DYE, also, AMERICAN HAIRDYE, (in Powder,) each of which will ehang the Hair from any other color to a beautiful Black. ja9:3 m-2p PEKIN TEA STORE, N 0.4114 FIW u BTREET. Iticentcheon dc Collins, Coleman & Kelton, Bndd & Comty, PBTLlDliaNlilb PITTSBURGH Joe. R. HUNTER. J. C. DAVIIT ROOFIN CONSISTING OF CANVAS SA.TUHATED WITH RESINOUS SUBSTANCES, ETC, Xzp .636 'X" 30 IV °X' 30. =P NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N EW TRIMMINGS! NEW TRIMMIGS J. BUSH, • No. 65 Market street, Ladies, walk in and examine the New Spring Rock of TaLIEiIINIIB, B.IIBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, FLO WEBS, RUOLIES, HOSIERY, ilLoVEzi, JIUVINIB KID ()LOVES, UAUNTLETS, MISSES' EMBROIDERED hiARBEILLES MULTI+, EX.PANSION STEEL SPRINO SKIRTS, EMBROIDERED, MEWIANIO AND FRENCH CORSETS! INFANTS' FANCY CAPS, Aud HEAD-DRESSES, AT J. BUSH'S, No. 65 Market street UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE , ETC., AT A UOTION.—Oti MONDAY, April 12th, at 2 o'clock, P. at, at the Oomme:cial Sale; Rooms, N 0.54 Fifth Area., by order of Ph. Simpler, formerly of the Diamond Ileum, now of the National Hotel, will be sold for account whom it may concern to pay charges, S Trunks, A, Valises, and 21 Traveling liege, with their contents. Also, one Bat Box, 6 Corkinng Citiaela, and 4 Corking Hammers. ep 2 P. H. DAVIS. Auctioneer. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. , — Oa TUESDAY EVENING, April 6th, 1856, a , o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 54 Filth sliest, will tss sold:- 22 Shares Bank of Fittstrargh. 25, du Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburgh. to du Allegheny Bank of Allegheny. 40 du uld stock Allegheny Pridge Company. so do M. &M. Bonk of Pittsburgh. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. LEOAN'r STYLES OF FRESH SPRINU GOOD—on TUESDAY MORNING, April 6th, at 10 o'clock, Hill be sold, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, Ne. hi Fifth street, -It) , order of Underwriters, a choice stock of Ir,sh tug Dry tlOods lately selelted fur a Loh lockable la tail establishment, coutpri,ing a very elegant variety of styles and fine material for the present sesifion, all of whieb is to be sold by the pit,:e; among the articles are 13111 French Law us, in patterns; first and second mourning Lawnr, Tur key lied Oil Chintzes, Dress Ginghams, White Brilliants, 'ft/parlor Irbil Linens, Fine Shlrting Mnslins, French Brown Linen, Fancy Velvet, a valuable assortment of Sprague and other Print', Cashmeres, Hosiery, Patent Thread, Brown and Bleached Linen, Plus, Table Chlth-,l.luan Towels:Black Doeskin and fancy Cassinieras, Rep.llant Cloth, Satinet., Jeans, 6-4 Worsted Damask, Brown Drills, etc. The goods can bo examined en the morning of rho sale. aye P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. NEW ARRIVALS.—We are taking into eturd, (t 29 Wood street,) au tremens, stuck of fine Paper for Jobbing purposes ' • also, Letter, Cap and Note; Env lopes In great variety; Manilla Papers, of bir• ry size, and as cheap as they can be bought in the East, where cc offer wholesale Lr retell, very low fur Ca:4l, ap2 J 1 2 .0. M. PERKINS & CO, WATCHES, 0 UNS, MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS, ETD. AT AUCTION.—Thia (MIDAS?) Fuming, April 2d, at 7 tha Commarcial Palen liouwa, No 64 Plith street, will be soil; a 'quantity of sup.- dor go dity Lecond.hand cold and Watchea, Double Barrel &allot! Twiat Pilot Dune, Meu'e Fine Boots, Choi.- lug, fine hirt.3, Pupa Fatally Bibles, etc raidP. M. DAVIS, 6th:tic/lea. • GENTLEMEN'S LINEN.—Our stock of SHIRTS, is at p•esent complete, embracing awry slylo of LINEN CAMBRIC AND MARSEILLES, EITHER, FIGURED OR PLAIN, All,l made iu tho tuost-FASUIONADI E STYLES. SHIRTS AND COLLARS MADE TO ORDER. L.' lIIRSHIFELD dr, SON'S. apt No. 83 Wood street NEW STYLE 0 F DRESS GOODS.- Shawls, Mantles, House Furnishing Gcotli, White Goods, Mourning Goods. Needle Work, Domestic, etc., etc. : all of which will to sold Clu ap for Cash. 0. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Loge Brothers, aud No. 74 Market street. 1 • YONS' MAGNETIC POWDER—For the destructku of Insects, such as Bed•Bngs, Cockroach e'. Moths, Fleas, Ants, Mosquitoes, Mlles, Plant russets, Vermin on Fowls and anninrds--on hand and for sale by apt B. L. FAIINEkTOCII & CO. UM SHELLAC.-8 eases just read and for Bale by [ap2l B. L. VAIINESTOCK & CO. UININE.-600 oz. on hand anil.for sale ty [apt: 13. L. FAII3NESTOCII it CO. CONCENTRATED •LYE.-300 oases just received and for sale by a 2 B. L ➢dIiNBBTOOK & M. lILPH. MO R PHI A.-50 oz. just reo'd and Nip for sale by Lap2] R. L. FARMSTOCK A Cu, TO HOTEL KEEPERS, A RARE CHANCE. • The Tilionntain !Motels for Rent, THEMOUNTAIN HOTELS Ai' CRESSON, on the 'Pennsylvania Railroad, are oVered for lease for a term of ysars. These buildings which are large and commodious, ore situated near the tummit of the Allegheny Siouutains, in Cambria county. The salubrity of the ell mote--the pure water—the beauty of the Mountain Scenery —the facilitios for fishing and hunting, and all thcst eojoy. ments and recreations which g.vo health and vigor, hay rendered Cresson a popular place of Summer Emit tot visitors from all parts of the United Slates. The Pennsyl vania Railroad furnishes means of access daily, lions all the principal cities of the Union, and visitors while enjoying all the pleasures of country ite, can communicate with th: cities every few hours. The Hotels belong to "The Allegheny Mountain }lentil. Institute," with all the furniture and fixtures belong , ug to the Company. They are itt a suitable condition 'for the cam. fellable accommodation of over TWO HUNDRED goes s. To a competent manager, the chance is a most excelleat on 4. Add: ess, JOSEPH PrININOOK, Pres% Pittsburgh, Pa , Or, J. P. LESLEY, Chairman of Cmumittro, api' - Philadelphia, Pa. Aotice to Transporters. ill H E APPRAISERS OF DAMAGES Ja. appemted by the Governor ' in accordance with tl ct of Assembly, approved Match 19th, 1818, will meet to Hollidayaburg, on TUESDAY, the 13th of April, 18IS, a der anch claims as come within the meaning of said Att, and the Act of 18;9, relating thereto. apl.3t I:OILER YARD FOR RENT OR LEASE Jul —The Boiler Yard formerly eccno.ed by Jae night man, Water street, below Penn, will either he Leased ef Rent , d, with Tools and nachi.ntr.:;••• 73 Gt-illiV ENT4 in.. midiately. For partfctilcra enquire ec . 40141/ DALZELL, a L 6 Birmingham Ferry rcut EMOVAL.—The Office of the FITTS BURGH LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY is removed to No. pd Water attest, second floor mr3l:3t F. A. RHINERART, Se:rotary 1.7 1 0 R RENT—That large and oomfortable L' Dwelling House, eitaste op the Bank of the Monon gahela rivor, opposite the city, and at present in the (Axe. panpy of --- Marshall, En. canine fruit, shrubbery, et.:. in abnzdance and great variety. Apply to turBl S. CUTHDERT dr PDX, 61 Meikot et. Light Cream ale. PHE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECTFULLY aanottuce to their customers and the public, that ow ing to the price of Harley and Rope, and to snit the times. they are brewing a light and delicious Savor d IJILK,AId ALE, which they are selling La IVO barrel, and have SEOS OF TEN GALLONS each, to accorunandato urisate fernlike They have air), X ALE, at $6; XX at $7, and superior RENNET at $8 bbL, and smaller casks in proportlau. Also, excellent POitTER AND BROWN STOUT. iyyy• Otaers sent to their Brewery on PITT STREET, ree•Pro prompt attentron. . mr/Cam !OLUTION OF CITRATE OF MAGNE SLL—A cooling, purgative, mild Lu iC its vaatlon and pleasant to the taste, constantly on hand, fresh, at JOB. FLEMING'S, Corner Diamond and Market et. JADIES MeLAIUGIEILIN, AVANA CIGARS.—I will receive to MANUFACTUF.EIt juL day, by express, a large supply of genuine imp TC; - ,./ wiThing anything In ale line shocild -call niatlaiLe us. Arologn ALCOHOI Havana Cigars, of a new and finely flavored trend. imp e spirits and F& el 01E4 suck, bet re pnroballz t g elsewhere. JOfIEIGI FLEMING, Nod. 167 turd 170 Second Street.. • Goner Dpuuond and Marks{ meat. ap10.4.124 CONSISTING OF FARMERS & MEMIANICS. INSURANCE COMPANY, N. W. CORNER SECOND LED WALNUT STU THS following statement exhibits the business and condi tion of the Ooimpany to January Ist, 1858 : Premiums received for Marius itiSkti neither:at/L. ed in 1857 $99,211 Marine freruinum received during the your end ing December 31,186: ' 118,15 E Fire Premiums reeeived'during the year ending December 31st, 1817.. 199,656 86 Interest on Luaus . • sotte. ttt Total receipts fur the y tar. Paid Marine 1.8013d83 Paid Fire Expellees, Returned Premiums end Re insurance Salaries and Commiesious... Balance remaining with Company The ASSETS of the Company are as follows: Bonds and Mortgage; Ground Rents, Bank and ' other Stocks $212,450 00 . Loned on Stocks 37.660 tM Trust Fund iu Now York 33,161 till Deferred Payment ou Stock . 97.700 U 0 Bills Receivable T 4,404 0 Cash on hand and due Erma Agents-- .......... .1— 45,e60 3a Premium on Pellicles recently issued, and debts due the Company 30,.53a . 38 z01.0,M)-1 et The officers and Directors, of this Institution, ltw teat pleasure in laying before the public the above .- tatemeu I t with a view of ar.estmg their attention tithe great impun asice of Insuring their property. This Company has entered upon the third dear 1)1 it 4 (M• 'stance, during which period the Receipts ...L. - 4r.; dolma:n.l io eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars, nun paid Losses over situ hundred thousand dollars, vs.t.ou :ok equal IA respect to character of business to the very heal and oldie: offices. We append the names of a few largo and lnfinentlal chants of Philadelphia,who patronise the Company by givlhd,, it a large amount of their ltumnince, and to whom 1113 re• 'epectfully referred auy gentlemen who may wiah to Insure with thle Company. M. Baldwin, Steam Engine Manufacturer; David S. Brown ; Merchant;-John 11. Brown s Merchant; lhes. Sparks, Met. chant; T. & L. Tnompaou, Merchants; Faust 4 Winebreu. nor, Merchants ; 1/. P. Dearich, Gum Elastic Manufacturer; Michael Bouvier, 11Krchaut ; Buttner 41 Bros. Merchants; J. Van Brunt Manhunt ; Ww. &Gera, Coach ;later ; Gold. [smith Co., M. tkely Sou, Mexchtum;•Jee per Harding di Sou, Priutereq Ittce 3; Kelly, Plumbers; Wm. C. Potterall; P. Buehong C bona; &Intone .4 Taylor; John flare Powell; John L. ilruoina Co.; F. Ilughee• Bloom & liadiel; D. .1 C. Kelly, illaziuracturerii; Charlee L. Du te, Sugar llelluer. cm. The Oompauy Lava discoutinuud tho Ocean Idar/ua Witt/leas aluen August lat, 1667, and confine therubblven ex cluaively to Flra and Inland lnsurauce. fal9 lyetp SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, 1NC.,13.P01a TEL BY 'ME LEUISLATURE oB PENN z Y LVAIII2., 1835. • 01 0 1 , R1 E, S. E. CORNER TRIED AND WALNUT YIS INLAND INBUIthaiGE.4 On Goods, by River, Canals, Laken, an.d Land Csrriagee ti all parts of the Vition. FIRE INBGRANULS On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, de. ASSICTS OF THE COIWANY, November 2, 15457. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate... ........ 8101,350 94 Philadelphia City, and other Loans,. . . ..... 137,1)11 MIS stuck in Banks, Railroads and Insurance} Isa,aos 00 Companies Bills Receivable 240,291 US Cash on hand 39,894 68 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issned,on 9:1•73D 57 other debts due the Company Bubscrii,tion Notes, _ - WESTtRN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. GEORGE 6A.HSLE, .revident; P. 81, Gosport, Secretary. OM No. 02 Water .9 trebt, (Spang Co's Warehouse,) up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insure agaimit all lads of a IRh eau 3.l.ABakik ygg A Homo Institution, managed by Directora who are well known in tha community, and who are determined, by proruptr.ess and Liberality, to maintain the character which they have assumed, us °tiering the beat protection to thole who desire to be insured. ASSETS, OOTSJBEIi. alst, 1857 stock Accounts, Mortgage,. Dula Itcoiivable, Wilco Furniture, Open Accounts, Premium Notes, Bills Discounted, licorgii Daring, J. H; nutter, Jame) McAuley, Andrew Ackley, Nathaniel Holmes, D. M. Long, 0. W. lIC - ‘,kA • • • GEO. W. SMITE{ It CO. MASTIC 1. 0 ei 43 . X TiT INSURANCE. Philadelphia. THOU:AS 1. FLONENON, Presldbut, tIAVAILD K. 11E.LMBOLD, Secretary. JOHN TIIOSIA9uN, General Superintaide:a.. • PEWS. J. HUNTER, Apra, Yattiburgta, No. UO Ws.ter Went, DELAVVAiItE ISIITTVAIL PULLADELPHTA. MARINE INSURANCE. or VESSELS. } all karts or tra DjußoTOß.a.. James 0. Hand, Theophilus Parading, James Traquair, William Eyre, J . J. F. Parana,. Joshua P. P . „„cs.,, Barauel h , Ztok.e.r., Henry James B. Maarlax.k, Ttcataa 0. Han 4,, Robert Burt... - I,Js:., John B. dsraPie, enttabm gb D. T. Morgan, J. T. lg/411y_ , President... Ary._ Will us Martin, Joseph 11. Beal, _Edmund A. Bonder, John 0. Davis, John R. Penrose, George G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Huston, WWI rn 0. Ludwig, Hugh Craig, 13pancer Charles Kelley, H. Jones Brooks, Jacob P. Jones, Tuna. 0. ELM, Vlco Preil MUM kalltrilA &CUL P. A. MADEIRA, A.plts,, 95 Water stroot.EDalargib. Dascrotta a. 1134 A W :1 1 Fxal l1. 2 61thi n .u 7 W ki or ga ; r3 1 : 4 ; 101,,Do lie: ':41 : , • Beeman,• lIIONONGAIIELA INSURANCE COIVIpANY, OF .PITTSBURG.II. JAMS A. HUTCH:LSO; rir.3Bfdebt HENRY Id. ATWOOD, Buretary. OFFICE--No. 98 Waiter Street. Wil.L INSURE AGAINST AFL KINDS OF MD AhD 314V,/ND DISKS. Dosozoiks J.rats 4. UntelJaen. Wm. B. Holmes), George A. Berry, William Rea, Robert Daly.ell, Wilson Allll6t, Thomas S. Claska, John Bl'Devitt., • Wm. A. Caldwell. • ennsylvania Insurance Company, OF PITTSBURGH. , ...No. 63 Fourth otreet. DIREOTORBI Jacob Painter, ' J. P. Tanner, Geo. W. ikaici:... Body Patterson, C. A. Colton. A. J. J0r,..0, W. b. Mcßride, Jas. H. Ilopklna, Wado lairojaon, I. Grit r Sprat!, A. A. Carrier, Robert Patrick, A. U. Bampson, J. H. Jones, Jobn Vaggit rt. Floury Bpronl, hick's VoeghSly. Chartered Capital $000,00.4. WIRE AND MARINE RISKS TAKEN, of all dec:ripttu, 0171,10 E Elfl: President—A. A. CARILIER. Vice President—BODY P,e1.1.1.1t*0i , .. daa Secretary and Treaeinr.t.-,,a., $418,4,17 .5L22,010 U 9 ' i56,2N3 as . 64,218 68 . 8;468 88 ••••-•----...- .7 1.80.1,688 86 4118,80 133 i 100,000 00 70%),7b6 $121,500 00 2,180 00 4,161‘67. 240 001 6,478 0/. 14,841 46. 40,246 be„ /25,003 7t. *817,841 7t•