• --.. •awi: iiiMiii VOLUME XVI. HOTELS &. RESTAURANTS. WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENN A AVENUE 4- THIRD ST., WASIIINOTON,, D. A. F. BEVERIDGE PROPRIETILEB4. SCOTT HOUSE, Corner liivrin Street and Duquesue- Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. B. D. MARKER, - 7 - PROPRIETOR, (Formerly of the "Marker Hone," Pa.) H E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW -.CI(4M PLETHD AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated in a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The Rouse was built in 1856, with all modern Improve ments, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furniture being new—and will in every revert be a first clam Hotel. Fine STABLES are attached to the preinises. (jell: H, W. KANAGA S rr E 114 9 Opposite the Penna. Railroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA. WASHINGTON 111110T1E . 11., FORMERLY U. 8. HOTEL, . PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMS SHANNON, Proprietor. PHIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PxNN mid WASHINGTON Streets, betwoou the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTS, and has undergone a thorough nuprovement, remodeled and furnished with now furniture, cud .is now the most corm?. Went - Hotel In Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, East or West.' Excelsior .Restaurant,,r 4 ) • I . "' 111 WOOD S!ret,.., • ,P/TTBl3l=Oll, WHOLESALE AND P.ETAIL DEALER IN LAKE ANL EASTERN FISH The undersigned has just received frtan the Eabteru ket, selected with great care, SMELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, FRESH COD FISII, EASTERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIRI'LSS 01' LAKE FISTIi New York Prince's Bay, Egg Island, Egg Idarbor, Shell Oysters. The finest ever brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served np at the EXCELSIOR. ItEBfAURANT. mrlidew 8. STEINKUCK, CORNUCOPIAS RESTAURANT. BY ELF YOUNG, FIFTEL STREET. The attention of Merchants - • and othera 16 directed to this' T.I! , establishment, which has Insin recently atted up for the purpose of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING UOUdi IN A CENTRAL LOCATION . tkrantry folks attending market are particularly invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market alforcis. ap29:lyd&w AIIANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AURENTZ, Dnorannott ~:10. 344 Liberty street, just beside the anger Depot of the Ponneyivants Railroad, which makta , it the most convenient hone in the city for nastengere erri. wing by that road. a n te proprietor having, :It considerable expense, fitted np, excellent style,. the MANSION ROUSE, would respect fully eolielt a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid SABLE and extensive WAGON YARD, afford ing ample accommodation. to travelers and teamsters. Ilia Larder and Bar will be furnished with the best the market can afford,. febl:y QT. CLAIR. HOTEL, oortuir Penn and St. Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned, former ly oft Brown's HoMI," eaviug taken this largo end commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent etyle, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and Pis long experience in the business, am,. a n give entire satisfaction, and his ohergee moderate. Ibb22 WM. O. OONNI.MLY. GROCERIES. TAMES PATTON, Jr. Federal street, Al e, loghens,. Wholesale ad. ractr anTea Dealer and Licensed !Liquor Metunatit. Dealer in Glover and 'firnothy deed;. Butter, Cluese, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Bala, fish, Ito., and CuUll- I try Prodttee generally. nov23 [TAMES PATTON, JR., !1U Federal etreet, Allegheny, Is now receiving In store the following, which he will cell st(the lowest cash prices, via: I 123 bbia. new crop plantation Molasses; 1 .23' bhdo. " " Sugar; 31.1 bbls. Grocers Syrnp; 1, 10 bblo. prime roll flutter , • 801 Ibe. Feathers; 120 boxes " Cheese; 100 Bacon llama; 40 half chain Young Ilyson, imperial , and;geunine Old Country lsas, with a general asoortofent of the beat and . largest atom of Faulty tirocerlea to be had in the city,whah is for sale for Oalli—remember, PA'FTON'S, fol Federal street, Allegheny City 1J 20bbla. Baltimore Yellow Engel. 5 litle.lalaud 10 bbLy. Refined 10 " Lovering eseorted and for sale by JAMBS PATTON, Jr., uov23 Alie:theay City • A TTENTION, ALLEGHENY CIT Y.— sabocrther would call your attention to hie mama of FAMILY . GitOeEltLES bought, of late, in New York, for CASH, which he wilreell at lower prices than any other house to the two cities, for evil. Come and dee the price°, at JAMES - PATTON'S, Jo., Federal street, near the Diamond, ALLEGHENY ern. _ dew COD FISIL-10 drums extra large and fine, for salo by W.V. 11. 8511.01 s CO., mr2B 118 Second, and 147 First stroaB. ICE.-10 tierces prime, f'or sale by wis, a. small s CO., 118 Second, and 147 First etreets SUGAR. - 50 hhds. Trim() N. 0. Sugar, just reed and for sale by WM. U. SMITH & CO. • 118 Second, and 147 Firat strati; COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale by WM. II SMITH & CO., 118 Second, and 147 Pint streets. FINE FLOUR.-20 bble. Fine Flour in store, and for eale by MoCANDLESS, MEANS g CO., WI) Corner of Wood and Water streata:• ARD.—A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in ix barrels and kegs, jug received and for sale by Mot:WM.I2S, MANS & CO., Coruec of Wood and Water etreete. PICKLES. -6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re ceived and fur sale by JAME A. FETZER, le2o " oQlaer Market and First etrcots. EGGS. -6 barrels fresh Eggs to arrive this day, end for Bale by JAlttr.3 A. kErziat, yarn Corner Market and I , lrst atreete. PLANTATION SUGAR. & MOLASSES -IOU Mids. fully fair and prima N. 0. Sugar; 600 bble., oak cooperage, prima N. 0. Instance; 55 , 6 St. Janata S. it blolwetes, new landing and for alilo,.by MILLER itCOli]s .SON, mr2s Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty street. SPICES.- 23 bani Pbunnto; 100 " Grain Pepper, last 'received and for eale MILLER k RILIIETSOIC. 14%-s. 221 and 223 Liberty street. -COD 3 drums extra largo Cod Fish; 3 " largo " Just received and for sale, by 3.11LL.E.1 k ILICILETSON, inab Nos. 22L and 223 Liberty street. TO LET.—A commodious three story Frame Homo, with Brick Basement—situated on Bedlord street—to rent, by MILLER ILI.CIRRTSON, rur2s Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. KETCHUPS. - 2.5 dozen quart Tomato Ketchups; 2+5 " pint " ZO " quart Walnut .‘ ...1.) ' pint "" " 10 '. Mushroom " Just received az.d for sale by REIMER A ANDERSON, No, 39 Wood street, Opposite St. Charles Etotol. WINDOW GLASS.—An assortment of Count,} SLi In or ted aims, for sale by WM. FL SMITH d: 00., 118 Second, and 147 Firat etreete TOBACCO AND CIGARS.—A largo assort• went of favorite brands, on hand and for bale by WM. H. SMITH It CO, 118 second, and 147 firet etreeta. ORANGES. --100 boxes Messina SweeiVi angee,just received and for aide, by DINNER & ANDERSON, No. Ri Wood Arent. LIAR CORN.-500 bushels prime Ear Corn, AU received and for sale, by JANIRS A. FETZER, mr2.l ' Corner Market and First streets. 'BLOCK AND LETTER SIGNS—Of any style desired, to Gold or Plain Colorer-manufacturod and put up at abort notice, by J. &Fi PHILLIPS, I=9 28 and 28 Bt. (Hair street. DOUBLE MEDiIIM, Double Crown, Medi um and Crown, Straw and Rag Wrapping Papers, fbr gale by W. S. 11AVh'N, Dag Corner Market and Second meets. • A PPLE 6.- 20 barTils choice itussett; ,50 assorted Apples, received and fur sale JAMES A. VETZEII, 8S) Water street. NEW EXPAN-lON SKIRTS OF EX QUISITE FOR X, and of a superior quality of Steel Spring Hoop, in white and colored, received by JOB. HORNE, IT Market greet. .BEANS.-"-10 bags small stbite y y Bean, received and for gale by NoOANDLESS, kfRANS tt 00., Wises Wood ead Wata otroetof ~• ,.z, , - . .,:,., : .,-;. 1 .,,,,,.! : i,,:_5:,!,,,, ; , .aii, . i . , 'i'i'i-:.,'A'',.‘t:';'Nl.!..;--E-:'!.3T..:-,Z':-::::'.:'::,, SEIMESI . . . ... . . . 4. .., . 4_ ..."" . . * ~,,. .. . . 1 lie ' t h y ) i ' l ,' , li s .- - - ' y, •i ! / i . I S., 1 / g 1: . .4= li; r % ,', 4L '' ,t , . , '; 0 5 1 / ' 1 t , " 1 1 !..' If! - . --- .i. ' l ' , . :1 - - .- •:. :, ~ ' 1 : :: : :: : . 1: i v , .. - ,,,,,, 1-', 741 ) ~.. r, , i. .... --, v i - 4. i . r. ,-.„ • ~ . ... , • g ; ~ i.,.. I; - - . 1 ..*I .I. ( q 4 . .. - 1. , / .11; Y r . '4 RI( . ,1 . ... .... . C f q ' ' / .4.s' ... 3 d ' / 1 . ..:. ;.... 4 r , ~,,,.., . . k. ~.. PUBLISHED DAIlk, BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," OORNER OP WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. BOOKS AND STATIONERY ROBERROBERT A. LOOMIS, (Successor to B. T. 0. 51 orgatis T AND DEALER IN BOOBS, PiAIaDIC A Lti AND .NI3 I 76PAYEIB, No. 41 Fifth btr,ot, Pitbibingh, PA. u023:1 - Co-Parenersiiip. PIIE undersigned have 'entered into (3o- Partnership, under the Btylo of Wm. 0. Johnston 1t Co. SAMUEL R. JOHNSTON, JR., WILLIAM 0, JOENSTON. Pittiburgh, September 6, 1857. 8. FL JOIINSTON, JS VAL G. JWINSTOti. WBI. C 4. JOHNSTON dtc, CO., STATIONERS, Blank Book Manufacturers, and JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 'Wood street, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. soSO PIANOS AND MUSJO. PIANOS! i. fi aa N PULL tiIIAND PIANOS! teid'e PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 AND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, loom the Ilanufactrry of CRICKERING & SONS', Bosreli, Just received from the manufactory of Chickering & Sons',.Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock of their PIANO FORTES:— One Fall seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price si.oo One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose• wood case. Price .$7OO One New Parlor Grand seven octave Piano, nearly equal in power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of au ordinary square Plano. Price $6OO - - :SQUAW; PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XlVth, seven outs% es, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford Style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, seven octave. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnnt, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four a 4. ti H li 6 6 y “ Four Rosewood " it .It it " All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full Iron frames, and their new Patent Action. Theso Inotraments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For bale at their reduced prices. ' JOILN H. MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, dol7 Sole Agent for Chickering & SOW?. CRICKERING & SONS' GRA.ND AND SQU.tRE PIANOS. TIIE two magnificent Grand Pianos, used at the Concert of Thalberg and Vieux, ; temps, on Thursday evening, ac City , • era now offered for sato at the Piano Were. , rooms of the Huh:x.6l3er. The following tea• thrm! al to the merits of the Pianos or °Whoring l SOLO, has been unhesitatingly given by M. TLIALBEIta. P/TTSIMEGE4 March 25,1858. /ifr. Mellor:—Dear Sir—Since my arrival in Americo, I bate constantly.used the PIA.NOS OF 01.1WILFRINO It SONS, and, I can only repeat to you, while thanking you for the Plat:kis you have so kindly furnished for my Concert here, that which I have so often sal . before, the inetruments are the best l i have seen in the United States, And will com pare favorably with any 1 have over known. Yours very truly, S. THAIBERG. Pereout wishing to parch , ne and the pnblle generally, are respectfalty-invited to call and c xamitne the GRAND PIANOS abo&mentioned, and al.o a splendid stock of SQUARE e14N03 from these world-renowned makere. JOP.IN 11. MELLOR, • Sole Agent for Chiclerh3g a SOO% For Pitteburg . h and Weqtern Penney 11 Li, uir'27 No RI Word fur- et L $275 P A .l . A el N eg l t.a F9 ,e .ii,:ol.4'EB.:o O nd i $175 hand, PIANO FORTE in perfect order, which test wh.,n now, $275 will be sold for $175. CHARLOTTE BLURB, Old Established Piano Depot, , mriff • 118 Wood st ,, eet, second door above Fifth. • TOBACCO AND SEGARS. & D. RINEHART, VV [I.II:9IIP2.OIITRET3 At TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Clsartered, 1855 Board of 12 Trastees—Faoulty of 14 Teachers 300 8413DEC411 AVITarDING, JANILSEW, 1858. Young Men Prepared flit Actual Duties of the Counting Ito FNSTRUCTION GIVEN IN SINGLE I. and Double-Entry, Book. Keeping, as used in every do. par: meat of Engines& Commercial, Arithmetic, Rapid 811,91- uess Writing, Mercantile Correspondence, Commercial Law. Detecting Counterfeit Money, Pot t Mal Economy, Elocution, Phonozrapby, and ad other subjects necessary for the thor ough education of a practical business man. J. C. SMITH, A. ht., Professor of Book-Keeping and Science of Accounts. J. 0. PORTER, Prof. of Mathematics. ALEX COWLEY and A. T. DOUTHETT, Profs. of Pen manship—twelve first premiums over all competition for best ,Pen and Ink Writing, 4 AND NOT 7OR ENGRAVED WORK, Terms, de—Full course, Limo unlimited, enter at Any time —s3s. Average time, Bto 12 weeks. Board about $2,60 -Entire cost, $6O to $7O. Graduates 'assisted in obtaining a situation. Specimens of unequalled writing and circulars sent free. Address, F. W. JENKINS, mr27 Pittsburgh, PPnn DRAWING LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Jar. IN hiECIELANICAL, ARCEFITEOTURA_L, AND CRAYON DRAWING, Jay 15y itiERZ. J For further information apply to Mr. F. W. JEN KINS, Principal of 'rya Ctq cotutuercial College, Pitta burgh. [ novl4:63nd. Viheaat, Rye arid COWED WanEed, 44 EU PELS.RL STEaIiE WAWA' ALLEGHENY MTV, TiIESUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN theabove establlsbruent, and are prepared to a PAY TITS lIIGLIZST LLIALET PILIC29 111 Call PGA 415,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT. 10,000 44 RYE.. 10,000 CORN. It la the intention cf the proprletcra to oilier sstae YRICIII for any choiso lots of White or Red Wheat. They intend to make very superior Family Flour, and are willing to pay a renitunt to the farmer, in the shape of an extra price, to in duce him to raise a choice quality of Wheat, and to bring it to market in good order. vl5:1 (law R. T. RIINNEDY E 1111.0. Lippincott, Shorten & P .arson ' NO. 101 WOOD STRL'ET, NEAR :111H. MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va- Mee, Eat and Bonnet Boxes, Ladles Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c., keep constantly vri hand a 'urge stock. We are prepared to do a wholemie trade, and hay ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call and examine our goads be fore purchasing eleewtio. QT. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES,- Meundersigned has bought thelease 1444 of the above named Stables, to gother with a portion of the extort - - t. sive stock of Horses and Carriages imr!" taco tr.,' property of Jtvue3 Alathewe, decca.:ed. ln addition to the stock helot& mentioned, he has alto added a number of FINE HORSES, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Third, below Wood street. As he gives his personal often• den to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received frcu. public is solicited. JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. it.—A HEARSE. and any number of CARRIAGES can tittsys be procured for gm:Lerida. de29 NrOTICE TO BUTCHERS.—Large Meat NI Cation and Sewage Fillers, of various sices, at No. 47 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. deo4 JAMES WARDEOP QIX AND A QUARTER CENTS PER yean—one Bale Crash, just received, by mei 0. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market greet. WOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslae and retail at the Drag Store of JOIIN ELM, Tft, de23] Corner or Wood and Sinth ots., itittoburgh. MTN& WOOL HALF HOSE—Of a, very .01„L superior quality ene wool, and sold lust at EAST RN COST, at HORNE'S, te'26 77 Market street. PO-DAY, I WILL OOMMENCE TO SELL ut greatly reduced rates ' my stock of FALL AND WINTER BOOTS AND SHOES, to order to make room for Spring Goods. Look at thew prices:—Mena Rip Boots worth-....,.53 76 at $2 75; 2 76 at 2 26; „ B oy „ , it « 226 at 2 09; its 2 00 at 1 75 . ; Ladies' Heavy Boots, worth-. 1 87 at 1 20; it. if " " ••• 25 at 1 10, awl all other kinds In proportion. J. IL BORLAND, laria No. 98 Wicket tfatet, two doom from Ma. DEM. 2115 Alt WMS OD No. 229 WOOD STREET BANKS EDOLLAR SAk WINGS BANEi, A's. 65 Fburth Strut, MID DLL! BOOM, JONt:S' HIM BUILDING. OPEN - DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on Wednesdal and Saturday evenings, from May lot to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clocn; and from November Ist to slay Ist, faom 6 to B'o'clock. Deposits received of all earns not less than Otis Douse., end a dividend of the profits declared twice a year in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate of six per cont. per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also In Jane and December, 1850, and in Juno and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the first days of Juno and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present hie pass book. At this rate, money will double in lees that, twelve years, making.in the aggregate TIGHT AND ONII-LILLY PER CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Ravi. tattoos, furnished gratis, on application at the oalco. Preside:U.-GEORGIE ALEIBIKES, VICE rassrrmsrs. flOpuiioll Hepburn, John H. Shoenberger, James Shale, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isaac M. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D. /telly, William B. Lively, James Herdlitan, Hill Burgwin, John S Cosgrave, TREOTYIES. William. J. Anderson. James W. Mailman, John G. liackofen, Charles Knap, Albert Culbertson, • P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson - Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, AL D. Charles A. CoitonA Henry L. Ringwalt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George 8. Selden, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoou, Theobald Umbstaettei , William B. Haven, George R. White, Flectstavyand Treasurer--CHAB. A. COLTON. [lea BANK OF lOWA. J. STEVENS & CO., DEBMOLNEti, A ` (lOLLECTIONS MADE and prop:Tu. / a. .‘„or nutted. LANDS selected and locate:]. tJapiutlists winning to make investments in the West., can do so through this, truuse. Corresporaleuee solicited. LIlly21:6111 AUSTIN LOOXII USTIN LOO IS & CO., Dealers in .C 1). Prondasury Notes„Bunds, Mortgages, and all tiecuritie3 We .11oney. Mono)* Loaned on Chocku at short date 3, with collateral security. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUG:LT AND SOLD Persona desiring Loans can pa accommodated on roasona bio Lerma, and capitalists can be furnished with good tlocuri tioa at remanoratrie priced. Also,ottend to the dale, Renting qui Leasing of Roe Estate. adico, No. 82 FOURTH street, above Wood. trj_,. AUSTIN LUONLIr , Notary Public. talate I.IOIZIES & SONS, Bankers and Ex o change Brokers, and Pealere iu Notes, Drafts, Accept ance's, Gold, nilver and /Sauk Notes. Exchange on the East ern and Westeiir Cities constantly for sale. Collections made in ull the cities throughout the United States. Deposits roceivedla par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Third and Fourth eta. tjaaO:ly r filtiOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and a Dealer in Notes, Ponds, Stocks, Real Estate, &0., No. 7b rourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jana jiOLIN WOODS, BANK E 4 AND EXCHANGE Banana, Dealer in Fad:maga, Commercial and Bank Notes. stock bought and sold on COLlllllißtlioll. Collectiona carefully attended to. Interest paid on Depoeita. No. 137 JUNES' NEW 1115.11/DING; Fourth street. joad REAL ESTATE AGENTS. CLJTIIiBERT & SON'S OFFICE, No. 51 Market street, for the aide and purchase of Real r.;.tam, tenting houses, attending to insurance and repairs, obtaining loans on Londe, wortzagea, ax,; making convey. deeds, boucle, do.; writing Letter*, and corresponding partiee abrond, dc. oelb BELDEN St; Vll OUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, 01:110. riarana, GES/eteol/ a Co., Robert t'arke, Enq. JYII,Y WESTEEIN Ifati.NDS ALEXANDER GARRETT, AGENT, NO. fa) IYATEIt CLE V EL...1.N D, OHIO, .131 w fur sale Lauds in Illinois, Wiacuueio, Minnesota, 'dichigun and 'own. He wig or.cbange Lands to Whiconsin, etc., fur eitteeu,gb manuiactuxus,and also for city property. .-111 letters of inquiry anamirel girths, by adilieeeing me as .bovt. PitifrPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. 4 1 0 E, SALE,-45 aores of Land near Hal- Station. on tho Atiogheny Valloy hatiroAd, LU 14.0.5 froxn the city. Tot, land to all cover. d witti LI'LCS, Wit11:11 olakoa it a . duarablo patco fir a cuu.utry 2 Building Lots, each 20 by WO feet on Pound. avenue, red Singe, street. it do do uu ickroy street ; 'arty. Magee street. IA do du on ilderta strezt, titer abtgeu duties. 3 do do ou and Isabella .treeta, Lu the Eigth Ward of the ltity or Pittsburgh. Also, i Lot on the corner of Peuu and rdarbury streets, fronting 30 tent on Pent, and lu9 teat 10 , ,i iiictiee on -Mar bury straet, adjacent to the depot of the Peaneylvanta deal rood. Fur Lento', etc., uniutro of IsA•10 JONES, tur29,lat corner ttotu and Eliot eta, Pittehurgh. AllO U 6E in good order, and lot of ground ou Muut,roy street, Allc6uony, e o u De has for tOo ~,LUOULIG slt 66.45. Terrud easy. Mr-7 . . 66. CU .111:3111tr et r:ON, 51 Market wt. s6oo—two hundred in Mind, Lalance A: in one and tv.o yoarawin steuru a uwelling house and let of ground, on Mt. Waslougtuu. Lur27 d. cuTaßedia: ec SON, 51 Mardet et. A d. RARE CLAN to purchase a goo dwelling houao and largo lot of ground, in 6tuarpd wag,. For price and terns, apply at our °Mai. tur27 Ctl'ilittc.af a WIN, 51 Market et. • FLIENISEtED HOTEL FOR SALE. THE B.A.ELLROAD 111011E11., T LATROBE STATION, an the Penn hania Ituatroad, forty mites east of Pittsburgn, oio.t of brick, three stories high, 90 feet trent, 54 feat deep, centuple 40 line large rooms newly and completely laridnu td, ready ter nuin.difite octupntion. There is ediruine stable for thirty horses, convenient oat,tuuldings one acre or ground attached to the promises. Price, including furniture, $12,000. tine halt may remain on Bend and Mortgage. 11 not sold button Ist of April, it will be rented at VDU prr annum. Addrins 0. W. BA.Rtsik.S, mr2 lind Latrobe, Pa. IN U LD W ELLIN Ur 11UU 6ES, with larp^ lot of grouud to each houle, aztuate ou Carson Area, south Pittsburgh, will be twat on favorable terms, by 6. CUT/J.I3EIIT rarl7 61 Market street. GHEE \, MARSHALL AND 800 NE, low.—valnable lands in thuie oonntius, for 6. UUTIII3NHT & 6t A. NEW FRAME 110USF., AND LOT OE Ground, 00 by 100 feet., aituuto on Mt. Watalington, tor hale ,u nccommodatiug terms, by lur23 ai OUTI:113Mtl: & BON, 51 Market et. FUR SALE—A Cottage House of hall and 4 rooms, kitchen and Mini portico iu front, p6awl: 4 tipple, pear and plum trews, stable, coal house, grapo arb r, o In., 0b.., situ‘au on Mt. Washington. The owner's business regain): into to remove, bud a good barg.na will be given. iiir23 OLITHBLAT & S, , N, 61 Market at. FARMS in Exchange for City Property.— A forth of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, pear B..ittanning, 130 acme cleated; dwelling home, barn cud or. chard; coal, limestone and irun ore. Also, a farm of 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm or 83 acres on Pine creek, 4 miles from Kittanning; 30 acres cleared ; two homes, and a saw mill in good running order; a diet rate location for business. 250 acres of land at mouth of Red Bank creels; 40 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms easy. 1f ill be erchauged in whole or in part for city .pro perty. S. CUTHBERT & SUN, nuvlU 61 Market street. . NLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY Dwe11..." l..." ling House, of four rooms, with lot of ground 40 feet hoot on itonterey street, Allegheny city, by 110 deep to an alley. Terms, $4OO In hand, b4lanco at one, two and three years, • d. CUTHBERT Ct SON, nov24 51 Market street. IX 13 CILLDINU .LOTS, on Overbill street ktice, $4OO, each—fbr sale by mrl9 S. CUTII9 EAT 6 )N, M Market street. FOR 6A_LE—A Drug Store, located in one of t bast situations in the city of Pittsburgh, for tither ajolibing, mad or prescription basineeL Purcbaa era will liud an advantge of rare occurrtnco. Sur informa tion inquire p 1 JOILN HAFT, JB., No. 160, corner Sattt and Wocid a treats, fe9 Pittebsegh. WO fit C ONVE cia , I ON ,C ONFEC•TION,OO NFECTION,VION F NOTION,CONF NOTION,OONPE U TION, GONFE 0 T LON,C ()MOT I ON,IIOIO NVECT I O N, 4 CON b`"l.3OT 0 N ,CONBECT lON CONFILOTION The meet pleasant, cafe and effectual Worm Remedy now in nan. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by ANGELL . HAFT, Cor. Wood and Sixth ste., Pittsburgh, Pa, An d s o ld by Dirnggiato apnesallY. is2l FOREIGN FRUITS! AT THE 'PAGODA RED TEA &PORE.CTION IN PRICES, We are now selling Turkey entrants at 8c p .Ib. French and Ziluto Currants, at 100 audiiio New New Mala Valencia Raisins for cooking, at 1236 c V 3 lb. " at 16c lb. New Smyrna ga a Rigs 12% and 15c sit lb. New German Prunes at 12%c 'pill. • Also, Citron, Lemon and Orange Peels, Spicca, etc. Raisins, CurraMa, Pigs and Prunes, whole sale at the low. eat market price. HA WORTH, BRO. - i$ BROWNLEE, mrit Corner Diamond and Diamond alley. .14EMONS.-100 boxes Letrions, just receiv ed and for sale by lIETAIEU. & ANDES SON, fu) Wood Wed. PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY. APRIL 2. 1858 iteliancti Mutual IlEatillitlite Co. OF PHIL4DELPHIA. ON BUILDINGS, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, MERIJUAH Mau, PURNITUAR, &0., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. 0/Hoe, flo. 30S Walnut streek. CAPITAL, 0177,020 ASSETS,. 02551,46 a on. invested as (altars, viz : First Mortgage on Improved Citv,Proparty, wadi' double tne amount .$120,200 00 Pennsylvania Radioed Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage • Loan, $30,000 cost .... 25,500 05 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penn'a R. R. Loan. 10.000 00 Pennsylvania hallroad Co.'s Block 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual insurance C 0....— 19,150 00 Stock of. County Fir., Insurance Co 1,050 00 Scrip of sundry Insurance Companies 475 no Rilla Receiva ilea business paper 02711 50 Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc 3, 3 56 19 Cash on hand and to Bank 16,043 20 Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, David 9 Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John 8.. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Toland, !doses Johnson, Charles S. Wood, James S. Woodward, • mr3 B. J. GAR r 3 North-east cur. EINUFACTURERS' INSURANCE CO., Offlce—lo. 10 Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. UJIAX TEE PERPETIJAL—CAPIrA L $500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND RISKS TAKEN. WM.' a. RHODES, President. CHAS. WISE, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. . ntazoyntia: Wm. A. Rhodes, A. d Lippincott, Juana P. Smith, Otuis. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wise, John P. simons, J Bank, Thomas 13011, hi. Richards I.ltickle. Pitteburgh Office, No. 913 Water sticet, mrl7 EDW. G. BELL, Agent. Tilo9. D. LOOAUS IiEIiCIIANTS'- INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Phlfadelphaa. WM. V. PETTIT, President. D. J. M'CANN, Secretary. Amount of Capital stock paid in and invested-4200,000 oh Surplus 63,428 Sh $263,428 86 Insures Cargo Alike on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. insures againatloss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and inland Navigation and Transportation. DIE.UO TOES: Wm. V. Pettit, J. 0. hiontgotutry, John M. Pumroy, J . McCann, ' E. F. Witmer Roue tuition, 'E B. L. Wooleton, John A. ar:hall, Chas. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Paley. taPIOLLts; WILLIAM V. PETTIT, President. E. F. 'WITMER, Fice President. D. J. iIIcOANN, Secretary. BEFLRZNaIa: In Philadelphia': lin .Philadelphia: Beiger, Lamb A Co., I Steinmitz, Justice a Co., Truitt, Bro. A Co., Buck, Morgan A Stidfole, A. T. Lane A 00., Pumroy, Caldwell et-Co. FITTBISUItatt OFFIC.I4. NO. 1/7 WATER STREET. au7 - E. W. POINDEXTER, Al ' PHILADELPHIA FIRE /IND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 31.40 Chesnut. Street, • Opposite thn Custom flume. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF IN SU itANCE, either Pelyetual'or Limited, on every description of Property or Merchandise, at reasonable rates of premium. 110BEIPP I?. SING, President. hi. W. BALDWIN, Vico President, LIUCTOES. Charles Gaye; h F 5 Cope, B. El English, 'l2leorgu W. Brown, P. B. Savory, Joseph S. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J..liagargen, E. Wilor. P. BLeoraronsz, ilecretary. J. G. COFFIN, Agent, jy4:ly Corner Third and Wood strews NEPTUNE INSUItiIiNUE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, FRANKLIN BULLUINGS, 414 WALNUT STILEBT. Organized under the General insurance Law, with a Cash Capital of $lOO,OOO, privileged to increase to $50,000. 1n• urea against lose or damage by FUSE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION and MAN 62010:A/10N. 01PICZILS: kl. 0. LAIIQILLIN, President. .1.1.1011'D SHIELDS, V. Pres't. GEORGE SCOTT, Secretary. DIRE0101:3 : U. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, D. Montgomery, IV. 0. Stoteebury, B. AL Curiae, Richard Shields, It T. Showell, 0. 0. Butler, William Osborne, George Scott 14114 - 'E. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COXPA_NY, 001LNER OF WATER AND 111A1tILET BTREETB: PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT GALWAY, President, Alra„. BIL&DLZY, - ViCe President. F. A. RIAICIIMIT, Secretary. 4a - This Company makes exery insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISES. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RIBIIB on the Ohio. and Mississippi Riven' and tributaries, and MARINE 1118118 generally. And against Doss and Damage by Fire, and against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety to ell parties. Robert Galway, '.1 7 .3705eph P. Gazzam, M. D., James Marshall, James W. Hallman, Alexander Bradley, John Fullerton, David H. Chambers, : ra CITIZENS' INSURANCE CORIPAN V OF PITTSBURGH. WILLIAM BAGALEY, President. SAMUEL L. MARSHIOLL, Secretary. OFFICE: 94 Water sired, bilweas 2farket/and Wood :Greets .-Insures HULL AND ()ARGO ItISIIS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries. liisures against Loss or Damage by AIM. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, p:.: 5I • I 2 • 2 : : YU 'or PE. • BYLV. N Clash Capital $300,000 I Premium N0tt5...5132,343. THIS COMPANY WILL INSURE ON ,a,,. Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, it., in town or country. D IHEOT ORB: I Hon. Jno. J. Pearce, Hon. 0. 0. Harvey,' Charles A. Mayer, John B. Hall, Charles Orbit,/ 'Peter Dickinson, T. T. Abrams, D. H. Jackman, W. White, Thomas Kitchen. HON. G. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. AILHAEL3, Vice President. • Taos. KITCHEN, Secretary. an FEREFICE Et: Samuel H. Lloyd, 10r. J. S. Crawford, A. A. Wlnegardner, John W. Maynard, Updegraff, L. A. Slactey, Hon. S Cameron, James Armstrong, A. White, Thos. Bowman D.D, William F earop , James Quiggle, Wm. Vanderbelt, Hon. Wrp. Bigler, OSTIA:hi—NO. OS Farll STREET, Pirrastmaii. de2l:tf J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. TILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE A COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. Ditutmes.B—Charies W. Danaher, Thomas tiart, Tobias Wagner Samuel Grunt, Jacob IL Smith, Geo. ~ itmhard. :dordecai Di Lewis, Adolphi E. Bone, David S. Browne, Mut. tie Patterson. CHAS. h. B.ssonn, President. -_ca...Ab. G. Bemis; Secretary. ~Uoritinue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on ovary description of property, in town and country, at rates ea low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, . ‘ lbich, with their capital and premiums, safely invested, at ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January let, 1881, as pub lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 68 Real Estate.. 84,877 76 Temporary Loans 63,968 17 Stooks 61,880 0.1 Cash, 64,346 81 Total $1,212,708 44d Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-oneyears, they have paid upward of One ;anion Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars,i osaes by tire, thereby affording evidence of the advantagea of immrance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDENER COFFIN, Agent, noli Office, northeast cor. Wood and Third sta. TOOLS-For the Garden and .11., Orotarn ? vim—Bann, Chia°is, Grape aware, }forge Mears, Pruning Hooks, Knives, etc., in groat variety, for al• by f fen. 1 JAMES ISA itnri,op. . _ARD OIL.—We have con:permed manu -44 factoring Lard Oil, and w:11 be pleased to 'receive or ders for it. We will warrant it equal to any (hi in tho mar• ket. We will 011 barrels rettuned when desired. • ' B. O. &J. EL SAWYER,' 4418 - • 80. 47 Wood attest. ;r7 INSURANCE. Fi tE INSUR AN( BY ME $252,486 89 OLEM TINGLEY, President. trIEMITOILS. Samuel Biaphma, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benjamin W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, Z. Lathrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Win. M. Semple, Pittab'g Secretary. DINE CORBIN, Agent, . 4 or Third and Wood streets. TIDE E 011417 k, Agenne, Office Lafayette entrance on Wood et PITTSBURGIi DIRECTORS. Samtiol John Scott, David Richey, Charles Arbuthnot, Joeoph 8. Leech, N. 1. Hart, Robert H. Hartley, J no. Idol/111. se2ls D1811340E6. William Bagaley, ' Capt. Mark Sterling, Samuel Rea, Samuel M. Kier, James M. Cooper, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., Praueis Senora, Isaac M. Pennock, William B. Hays. Springer Harbangla, John Ehlpton, Capt. Samuel C. Young, Walter Bryant, . John Caldwell. J a 22. WEST BRANCH LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. a ~ ~ ~~ ~; ,~ ~, _ "COSTAR'S" Rat, Roach, Et,/,.ternikaator, Put up in 200., .95c Coe., and $l. Boxes. Por the De4truc. Lion of Itata, titc4iround or fluid Mice, Moles, Roschen, Croton Bugd, etc. BED BUG EXTERMINATOR. Put op in 26c., 60c., 76c., and $l. Bottle 3. ELECTRIC POWDER ) Put up in 25e. and 60c. Dario. To Di:stray Sloths, lied Bugs, Atuaquitoes Ante, Fiero, Plant insects, Vermin on Yowls and Animals. The above are now acknowledged thn Gaily rnfAilible Remedies Known 1 Terms Cash. Ake No goods Bent on commlisiou. Liberal wholesale Terms' made to Druggists and Deal ers everywhere. 4la- "Umtata" Privata Circular to Druggiats and Deal. ern sent by mail, on application. /Eel" sold, $4 boleaalo and Retail, at " COSTAR'S" Principal r)epeoti No. 8 Brundwity, New WelSral and by Drugglsts and Dealers everywhere. My Preparations are certain Destruction to every species ul Vermin, and, wherever known, are haled as the most re• markable discoveries of the age. Aa a coneiquence, the an nd is becoming immense. Tu meet this demand fairly, and to meet also, in a liberal those generous persons .Wlin may cant to tat their merits for LnOntitelVoB and their neighbors-1p new places—in short, to place them within the reach of every body, every whore. I have arranged a scale of prices and premiums that can't fail to met t the,views of all : 1. On Receipt of O,NiE DOLLAR. ' wi l tl - warci by mail (post paid)umullicient quantity of the Rat, /roach, dc., Ezterminalor to destroy ail of this class cf vermin that may infest your premises. 11. On Receipt of TWO DOLLARS. I will forward by mail (postage paid) a sufficient quantity of butte the Rat, stoucli, dk., Exterininatsr and the Electric I'y:oder, together with the premium of ono year's subscription to the United States Journal, the largest anti beet conducted monthly newspaper in the Unitol Staten. 111. On Receipt of FIVIf, DOLLARS. I will torwaid by express (pre-paying the express charges)ss worth of /tat, Roach, dv. , Eztenictitator, the Etectriz ittatlat, and the /kit Buy Exterininatiir, (this latter being a liquid, cannot be sent In the mail,) and the additional pi emiuru of one year's subscription to the United ,States Journui. IV. On Receipt of TEN DOLLARS. The same terms will be made as wads to Druggists and Dealers. shr See Costar's Private Circular to Druggists and Dealers. ADDELESO all letters to COSTAR'S PRINCIPAL DEPOT, abs Broadway, New Vora/. .tTe: To save mistakes and trouble: 1. Write in a pain hand the name of Post Office, County, and State. • 2. liegiecor your letter, ai.d it will come at my risk 3. Now York uud Eassern mousy preivriett. I t /"Ale _ Max kp. - TuEi , uumlN I Nl.l : Rats, Roaches, .21;ugs, Insects, Si.e. What the 114,-mcr ,Sup: A late miter says that the Ntirious species of vermin ace urultipiyiug at a - tearful rate tin oughout the land. Their ravu 4 es have become. a matt, r of venous dread." A Pest master in Mums, writing to - CoDtar's " Depot, says: " fhe country is literally overrun with them, (rats, Another, from the eame saws dtate, says: "The ruts pen, tively gnaw the halters oil my horses while in the stable." An Law ourespoudent remarts: They (the rats) are eve. rywhere—in the house, the barn, and under every atm', in the field." in the South it is still worse. A into order from the !Navy Yard at rdobile was, for thirty pounds of the Hut Exterminator alone.. Mara the Teopt,e lay:; Niztv Yon; April 12, 18;id..L Dear. :-13aving a great many ram around my stable and shop, I thoughtl would try your /tat Exterminator, and bought one of your boxes, and fixed it according to your directions. The next morning 1 touud over one hundred and fifty dead rate. I. take pleum, in saying that it will du more than you say it will. 1 have also tried it on rite ~C ll boats, and satisfied them that it is the greatest thing of the age. J. 6. 1 1 .N.Likati11id.., No. 4;35 10th street. Cwt, CLL. Juuo 2.lnt, 1857. Dear Sir,—My brother, J. W. YrCreery, e. M., purcuasea a box of your R. 4 Exterminator, and !utiud It to bo what you recommeudo it to bo, a pertec.. Rat destroyer. I here with inclose $5 for u ore of Yours, ASziLEY WCREERY. Navy Yon.; Dec. 17th, 1817. Sir,—* • * All this summer 1 lin,e A.,teu troubled wit, Roaches and I*.lic..t. 1 wan ectuAly anhazued of the house, .or the Roaches were everywhere, and 1 dou't kuow wool I etiould have duos by tui, [hue. 1 pu,cttsed a box of your k..xtermhaator and tried It, and iu week tame was not 44 Roach or Mouse in the hurve. JOLIN B. GIVENS, No. 91Elin strer,L Mount's SALT Woes,, Uly./0, June 8, .1808. Dear Sir,—l have used it (the ltat, Roach, ac., Ey.teum• fluor) dire_ nights, audit is rushing a sax havoc among the hat tribe. Yours, dc., J. V. BatjuM. What the Press soy: lVe know by actual expo , fence, that "Costar's" prepares. tious for Bats, Roaches, :10(1 Bugs, and Insects generally, are complete and perfect elteruduators. Wherever "Ouster e" Exterminators have been us-d, they have never failed to perform all that is claimed tar them. iimsekeepers should nut fail to try Iheru.—.Neto York Atlas, _Bay 17th. " (briar's" Rat, Roach, te,, Extermimitor is an infallible destroyer of these pestilent crsatines. iLi3 Bed Bug Ester minator is valued beyond measure by ovary laousewile who Lae had occasion to use it. do is his Electric Powder, whim is certain des th to Mosquitoes, Moths, Flies, Fleas, and ver. Mill of every sort.—Andidaapoits (And.) Sentinel. What the DruggUs say: A. J. BLOClidtiM, (inuggist,) New Lisbon, 0. "Your Ex- terminators prove satatiactor,y." U. it, T. E. liI'DUNALD, (Druggists,) New Brunswick, N. J. "Wo tried the Bat, Busch, dm Ezternunatur, and it au. ewers a good purpose." E. B. CllN.NlisitiliA3l, (Druggist,) Bearer Data, Wts. "It (the Bat, Botch, ac., Exterminator) is highly satisfactory to those who have tried ii." 3,IIIIUEL HILL, (Druggist,) Deer Creek, Fwd.:sway county, 0. "The Bat, Bosch, he., Exterminator does all it is recom mended to do." GUILFORD & LEMBURGER, (Druggiata,) Lebanon, Pa. "We are pleased t Bay that whica is'l3ol,l gived hatiatae tion " CIZO. ROSE, (Druggist) Cardin9ton, 0. "It (the Rat, Roach, ac.,Exteruartator) sells like not cakes, gyring gem" eral BatiSh10.1011." GEO. 11. KEYSER, Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. B. L. PM:MI:AC/L:li A CO, No. no Wood, und Corner of Fourth et., litteburgh, Pa. tarb:lmdkvr AMES MILL (JA E., MU>VUIVUAIira,A tir PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that he has rebuilt since the dre, awl havin g enlar g ed his Jstablishineut, and filled it with the nawest and must n e s. ,srovesl machinery, is now prepared to inruish floorin g and slanecl bokils, scrowl sawin g and res swin g , doom, ;sash and ihtittora, kiln dri e d, frames, mountin g s, box tuskin g , &o, :"outh Pittsbur g h, September 7, laa7. s• 10 CHARLES IV. LE Vilo, And Lx-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE thili,NE.H. OF IV I LIE AND HiliTH S TREETd. All business connected with this (ace will be attended to wipe promptness. Conveyances of all kinds done with led.; e.couracy—stich.as Leeds, slortgnges, Bands, Powers of AL torney, &c. Titles to it al Estate examined. To the members of the Bar he tender: his sat vi...es as Cons. misitoner to take Depositions to be read in the several Courts of thin State, and elsewhere. Ills office one of the testa Police tattoos of the city, and consequently his facilities in exucati.g btu:lnes - sof that lund are very desirable. lfelvily lIOLESALE STATIONERY IV% 1101:D3E. IN H. 13. JuliNti'CON k. wl3'i el Wood Street. W liOLE SALE PAPER WAREIWU WM. G. JO - "NSTON & tur2o b 7 'ilocd otrc,t. BLANK G K joII BOOK i 1 1 VA . , RE• us:2o 57 Wood Street. Ii LINERY GOODS.—Spring Rib boiap, French and Amorcnn lesVore, Cra: el, Silks, iluchrg, Jo,ned Blonde. etc—new 6t..,1: 120 op, n, and kr bwl‘• Millipore at low price. JUS. Li ter2o 77 ANTI...A Krt(.t.. PELT HOOKS—For splicing India Rubber . Let>ther Iseltingi supply of the different eines, j eat received aid for gale, by J. 1 PLULLIPd, te.r9 3 snd Yfs St. Clair etreet. IiAVEN'S First Quality Lead PenollB, fur sale at the Stationury ictulhonae of W. S. HAVEN, mr 19 Nos. 81,83 and 38 fdarnA atreet. efiHE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE. ' NO. 71 FIFTH. STREET Now opening, a c.mplete assortment of Epeing Goods, new and latest styles of Ladies Fine Frouch Congress Gaiters, Glom. Calf Congress Gaiters, Glom. Calf Flippers ; Ladios and Misses black arid colored Neel Gaiters. DIFFENBACIIER WE are now opening oar second, and by far the cheapen stock of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Shawls, &c., that lias over been offered in this city. C. LAWSON LOVE, novll Formerly Love Brothers, 74 Market .t. pit UFFALO SHOES.—A splendid article of il.1 1 ! Gents' and Ladiea Buffalo Over Shoes. Also, Gents' Calf Over Shoea, at the People's Shoe Store, No. 17 Filth street, nearMaxkot. novf.',l DIFFENBACItEII & CO. DRIED APPLES.-30 sacks prime Dried Apples received mid fur sale by VINE TOBACCO. • - 20 Gros . solace; 26" Amulet; 20: " •• lira. 111 Hors; . Jost received and for sato by . . - - R.IIIIER k ANDERSON, N 0.39 Wood stroot, . cuan Opposite Et. oblates noel. 108CELLANEOUS .fi heath to all Vermin !" "COSTAF2'ti" "COSTAR'S" For ffie People .I.IcCANDLLES, MEANS dr. CO, Corner of Wood and Water streets. .. ,...,,,1:•.:14i-4:,, t ,, .i:i' , 'i4:14 .!. :' - -.. .":.':-.T:.•"4., ,7 1 , 1,%',.1 , .',.t.-:..-.;'. -. :YY:..f. THE DAILY POST. ~ iOHMERCIAL '1"^:1 , 03 DI IS OA a g.) WiaA Dal ELMO A N'lt'S; luGilk h. IVILLT ;) 518 i fiat-Ft-10T, L .EOLM.E2, JOSEPH 'SNOWDEN. Cimaisittee of ArbiiniCion for March. P. R. BRUNOT, Vice President, J( 11:4 J. GILLESPIE, JOSEPII_R. GUNTEGt, SAMUEL Weekly Review of Pittsburgh Markets. The business of tho past week has been quite active. The arrivals of Predtice were quite large, and the prices, altho' not advanced, are well maintained, sales bring readily matte ou arrive. The transactions in Sugar and Molasses were quite heavy, several la,ge salts having been made on arri val and from store at advanced rates. A large number of steamers have arrived and departed with good loads, and frelght3 for the West, although yet diaproportioncd to thLe amount of tonnage in port, have greatly increased In amount. Our manufacturers are doing a good business, many heavy orders having been received from the West anti South. The Money market continuea easy, without any greatly iuereased demand, the banks readily discounting the good paper offered. The rates of exchange, are as follows:—Sight drafts on Philadelphia and New York, !,1 cent. premium for par, and 2. cent premium for currency; on Lattimore par is It cent premium; and on Cincinnati and Louisville par % 11 cent, discount. The following is the last official statement of banks of tho the city frr t.e week ending Saturday last, as compared with that of the previous week :• AtiSZTB. Loans and Discounts Due by other Banks ...... Novs, &c., of other Banks Specie LIABILITIEs Circulation ..... Deposites 1,290,030 41 1,289,702 89 Due to ether Banks 9:,,967 56 90,342 42 The above comparative statement exhibits the following. results Increase iu Loans and Discounts Increase in Amount due by other Banks A:crawl° in Notes and Checks of other Banks I), , crea..e in Stircie Increase in Circulation.— ............. Increase in Amount due to other Banks ASllE:T.—There is nothing doing in Pots, and our quota toms are nominal at 534 c.; P ails are also nominal at 6%c., en time; Soda Ash is steady at *lgic. ALKALI...Sites 280 cases of Concentrated Lyo at 14c. %.1 lb. Small case of eallitiO, Soda at 63.0 Lb. A PPLES—Thereis a good demand, but the. supplies aro rather light; some sales have been toads on arrival at $1,50 @V bbl. dcmand has been steady, and sales of prime roll la rye been made at 1.8Q16.1. lb., and common roll at 13@11e.; packed 1112.. BAC 18 ...The iienalud continues to improve and Tbrger lots .ru now sellinc to the trade; naive of Shoulders at 70 71-4,c. cash, the foznier fir 'Western and tho.iatter for city cured;,ides B%(giuc ; slams 9 1 ,6(&0:%':... for Western. and lilt, for city. :-14. , ar.ctired Hams 144:..c. packed. BEANS...The doimind 11 , 19 improved, and coesid table Solos have bi en made during the week at boc.'ii bus. for mi od, $1 for common white, and $1,121,25 for prime email white. BL:CKWHE PIT FL'AJR...The season being now over, there H bur little M ing; a few trilling sales have been made at $1td51.257:.3 100 lbs. litt'it . l 7 dS...There is a good .supply in market; sales of cm nilon are regularly made at $1,25 and for better kinds (.2; fancy lots command $2.25@52,50 %.1 dozen. BUCKETS AND TUBS...The Beaver manufacturers' prices are as follows: Buckets, common, $1,60 V doz.; . l3uckets, throe hoops, $1,76 V doz. Extra large Tuba, three hoops, $7,75 doz.; do. do. two hoops, $6,75 do.; No. 1 Tabs, $6,00 do. ; No. 2 do. $5,50 do.; No. 3 do. $4,75 do.; No. 4 do, $4,00 do.; No. 2 Keelers, $1,75 do.; Half littshels, $4,75 do.. CORDAGE... Manilla Rope, coil 13 lfb Manilla Rope, cut 14 -0 lb Tarred " " 14 ta lb White " " 16 lb Hemp " Ilb Tarred " " 15 Id lb Packing Yarn, fine 13 ql lb Packing Yarn, com 12'V lb BED Coans...Maniba $1,87, $2,81@53,75,1,1 dozen; Manilla, coil, 15c. 7,5 lb.; Hemp $ $2,75,©53,75 7 1 ,1 dozen; Hemp, 7 e. coil, 12c.11 lb. PLOUGH LlGl9...Manilla 87c. 7 45 dozen. Hemp 70c. per doz. COTTON CoarLl3x.2.Cotton Rope % and upwards, 20 do below %; 22; Bed Cord $1,50@t3,621,75 it dozen; Plow $1,25; dash Cords $6,50. IJANDLES...The following are now the current rates of city manufacturers: Moulds, 13c. lb.; Dlpa, 12%c.; Star ZO@22c. y), lb. ullkE9E...There is a full supply in the market, and the prices are lover; sales are now made of Western Reserve at tket,9%c. CRACK EltS...Th prices have undergone a further de cline. The qnc tatting are now re fellows:—Water Crackers lb fic ; Butter do. 6e.; Sugar 17, 2 :e.; bode 63. c.; Boston 6c. rilut Bread bbl. $l. CRA.'NBERRI.Ec...The sales are but light; the quotations being $7,60@8,50 bbl. DRIED F itUiT...There is still a good demand for Apples, but he transactions are diminished since our last. Some slight lots have been gold at $1,33@1,38. Peaches are ex• trernely scarce, and have been selling in small lots from store at $3,76©4 %1 bushel . EuGS...Taie market is now well supplied, and is rather dull. Sales are making at 10©10%c el dozen, packed. tiMED...There have been cuusideraniu sales at the mills and en arrival at from 40 to tic. 11100 Ma for Bran to Mid• FEATHERS...ReguIar stiles of prime Western are made at 50©53c. lb. FISH...No. 3 Mackerel, large, is now selling at $11,60 bbl ; Baltimore Herring, $7,50; Halifax do., $6,•46Q6 60; White Common, $11; Lake Superior Wbite, $l2; Tront s ;t0,50(e . 6510; in half barrels aboht 50c, per bbl. advance on these prices. Codfish 5@5%c. la lb. FIRE BRICK—Sales are regularly made at $28®40 141.; FLOUR...The market continues dull and depressed, with b' t few sales from first hands._ Superfine sells on arrival at $3V3,15, and extra at $3,37@3,50. From store, the quota tions are uncharged at $3,37(g13,60 for superilue s s3,B7%@sl. for extra, and $ t,37%©4,60 for extra finally. Rye Flour is gelling on arrival at $1,873053. Corn kloal 60©56c.iilbns. GRAIN—The receipts et Oats have been fair, with a steady market and good demand at 27@28c. on arrival; Corn ha improved a shade, and may now be quoted at: 40©45c. for intert tr and 45@4tSo. for prime. Wheat Continues steady at 70 to 850 for prime led to white, with light receipts. Rye steady at 60©52c. from first hands, and 65066 c. from store. Barley dull at 40@150. for fall and prime spring GROCERIES—There has been quite an active demand for Sugar and Molasses, and some heavy operations have been made at 7 1 / 2 eaBe., cash, for fair to prime Now Orleans Sugar, and 35©36c., cash, for Molaeses, with a tirnwarket. Coffee film at, 1.2@12„%c. Rice 6%@;5c.11 lb. HAY...Eiales froth the scales are made daily in fair quan tities at slo©l3 ten. HOMINY...There is a fair demand; a fow sales have been made to retail trade at $5 ? bbl. ,ELIDES...The market is firm at it. for Green, 6%c. for Salted, and 16©16c 11 lb for Dry Flint. IRON AND NAILS...The quotations of manufactured iron are us follows :--Common Bar 2% to 2%c. Ib t Nails are gelling at $3 }3,25 for 10d. to lid., according to quality; the terms are six months' credit, or 6 ?cent. discount for cash. r.ARD...The prices are firmer, although the demand is ,till light. Prime city No. lis quoted at 10c, and country at 9©9;.4c.11111). LEATHER—The prices have declined, with a quiet mar ket. The following are now the quotations:— Red epanish sole b 20© 25c. idianghtor 25( 27c. ekir tinness g 28 30c. Harness 24( 26c. Upper... ....... dozen 428 030 . Bridle- $ B6 ®42 41,31BI:ft—The following are the quotations of seasoned lumber, from the yards in the city : Common 1 inch Boards, vt 1000 feet. $l5 00 Clear do do • . 4 82 00 Flooring dreSSed do 22 00. 31, ingles, 131000 3 50 Lab, •• 2 25 oak flooring, dressed, 1 inch—p 1000 feet‹. 30 00 • du do 1 1 A da. ... 82 00 )IEB3 PORR—The d.mand is quits small; sales of small lots h eve been made at $13,25@16,50 y'3 bbL mETAL3...Pig Leadhas declined to 6, and Bal. to 6%@7. Sheet clopoor 854i.e305: tilsoPt Brass 32r- OlLS—Linseed Oil has advanced, and is firm at 60c. far W es - e rn Lard No. 1 8.5 c., and No. 2 7.5 c. gallon. HETAL—There have been some arrivals from up the Allegheny, but we have. no Biles ise'yet, to onto Buyers ara not offering over t. 25 tun for this description of Met d. PO 2ATOES....There have bsen very heavy receipts during the week, and tales have been made on araval at 45©50c. his. for Noshabnocks, and from Vote at rss. Reds are selling from store at 371 / 4D4-10c. - PAM-Wit—Tire price, nave advanced: Rlflo is now selliag at $7 per keg, and Blasting at $5. 3 REDS...There is not much doing, and sales to the trade of Cloverseed 'cannot be made at over $4,75? bushel. >Small lots from store are selling at ss@s ' 25. Timothy is dull at $2, end Flaxseed is in good demand at $1@1,05. SAND STONE...ll.ei;ular sales of Huntingdon county, at ton. SALT...A 'steady ilaniand, and sales at previous ratan; $l, 6'2 for No. I, and $1,7613 bbl. for extra. SAPS—The following are the mantithettirer's pricea be.;Rr in No.lfalm 4 1 ,4; Ctiemical64; Calthe and Toilet 10c. SU 11 E1VN131.4. and the following are now the it yard; Niagara 8111 c, . 5 to 10 1n- 22 ,•.4 23 ‘4 24 (4 .. 26 0 .. DeZWI YARN. No. 400, doz..- 12 (4 , arpetCh'n.as:col. 28 @ o. 609, '0 doz 11 0 ...I white23to3s 23 (4 No. 600 .....; 10 Q • " sUto 4 4 26 t N 0.700 9 ... twine 24 ,- No. Boo 8 Vatting,No.l 17 (3 No. 900 8 " No. 2...... 16 (4 No.looo 8 •0, -, Faintly Batting.,.. 'lB 0 • Coverlet Yarn,..— 29 (a ... 1 6. a , TA LLOW—The prices have advanced; we quote rough a' 714 c. Ib., and rendered at 10%c. s WillTE LEAD, LYTHARGE, &.o—White Lead 13 firm and in steady demand at $2,60 ra keg for. pure oil, and-dry 9 cents lb., subject to the usual discount Red Lead 9 1, 0 . • net,-and Lytharge _ . elusive ; %11b— Sol,. 11 and 12.. No. 13 —. No. LI WINDOW GLA`a...The _prices of city brands have ad= veined and we correct car quotations ea followa :-6xB and 7:9, 'it. box of SO feet, $1,60; 8:10, $2,15 Bxll , 0111, oxl2. and 10x12, $2,40; 8113, 9:13 and 9:14, s2,Bb; 10:15 tind 10:16, $2,75. 10 cent disconnt off. Country brands 50 cents lower _ WEIISKY.,.The market is steady at IVA©l9c. for raw, and 21©22c; for nodded. d.tr' rEdTAfI ItIOHLY, frcasurcs , EVIT3IIIIIIGFI, April 1, 1858 March 27. March 20: $5,367,713 76 $6,340,493 22 808,992 59 267,220 65 125,274 77 .126,002 06 1,233,838 26 L 271,835 63 1,192,786 00 1,163,251 00 427,2 9 0 44 .41,772 04 727 29 37,997 . 37 ,535 00 5,625 14 .The pri&er have declined rates: Eagle /Meetings 8,4",:o No. 16 7.7 No. 18.........._....20 (4 No. 10 90 0 31 (4 5""~ NUMBER 145 , Bates of Thursday. FLOUR—Sales 6.5 bbls from store at $3,50 for superfine, $4 for extra and $4,60 for extra family. iM bush. Rye from depot at +52c.• 100 bush. Oats, prime, at 30c.; 50 bush. ear Corn from wharf at 43c. • 200 bush. white Wheat at 96c. bush. ' POTATOES...SaIes 50 bush, reds from wharf at 35c. bush. • 150 bosh. do. from store at 35037 c. ft bush. SidW.-Sales 20 bush. Clover in small lots at $5,25'4 bush. 1110E...Sales 10 tierces at 6c. lb. • - COFFS34...SaIe 8 bags Rio at 1131yu. pound, cash.. FIIGAR...SaIes 49 hhds. N. O. prime at 7,5g47%42. cash; 81 bbls. fair and choke N. 0. at 80.; bbis. maple at 90. VI lb. .MOLASSEB...SaIas 109 bbls N. 0. at 35g86c. to tko trade„ and 37% - to country, cash; 10 bbls. No. 3 Baltituote Syrup at 45c. sts gallon. ASELES—SaIes 9 bags Nitrate of Soda 6 3 4 c. cash. HAY—Sales 6 loads from thq scales at ildgcsl4 Vi;ton. BACON—FaIos 6000 Ih3. Shoulders and Hass; city cured, at 7,3ig74 and 9%c. MEBS P JRA....Sales 10 bbls. at $16,5011 bbl. OlL—Sales 18 bbls. Lard No.l at 850.13 gallon. GREEN A.PPLES...:aIes 20 bbls. from store at $1,50@52 bbL ' FIB 25 bbl.e. dry Salt Herring P t $0 lilbbL PIG METAL...SaIe 100 tone "Maple Furnace" at S2S, four and six months WEBB Y... Sales 92 bbLa :rectified at 20©223;4 gallon; 100 bbla. Monongahela Bit; on private terms. ALLEGUIELVY CATTLE. 111.A.RFLET. (artfully Reported by JOSEPH Szvowerv, Superintendent of the lfrrchants' Exchange. ALIZGEIZRT Ora, April 1,1858. The quality of the Cattle offered at the markets this week was better and the prices well maintained. A. few head of very superior Beeves for Easter were eold to our city butchers at extra prices. The offerings amounted to 798 Beeves, 50 Mitch Cows, with Calve?, 1282 Sheep, 1223 Hogs and 125 Calves; of which were sold 507 Beeves, 25 Mich Cows, with Calve% 465 Sheep and 300 Hogs. The following schedule will exhibit the prices: ErifICEN YARDS, (isAcia's.) BEEVES. No. offered. Offered by 15 Marks JC Traurman IS lames Bullet. , 17 John M. Marshall d() J B Huff 16 J. Whittenberger 18 Crouse 1 Good 12 Jno. (Dais . 17 J. Young d J. Law..... 13 W Hh eee 10 A. Williamson 55 J. C. Copeland 12 IL Dalzell 18 G. Campbell.... 2 J. M - Quaide 5 Mr. Taylor 36 lames Aull 5 Jacob Borey 60 Myers lc Brother 32 Alexand r do Co 3 Sold to James Hoge, extra for Easter 30 Transient dealers 479 offered 364 116 sent east In addition to the above, Joseph Myers d Brother sold B very extra Cattle, viz; I miter, supposed to dress over 1000 ihs. meat, to Andrew Ackley, at tic. gross. This heifer was rai•ed by Mr. Camp.°ll, near Burgettstown, Washington comity, Pa. Two very flue oxen, which were sold to Mr. b ugh Richardson, at an extra price, fed by S. 51'Brida, Jr., of Washington county. Smith & Earl also bought some ox ra cattle for Easter, from Mr. Nicholas Carr. 31ILCII COWS Fifty Much Cows, with Calves, were offered at these yards; about ono-half of them were told at from $25@535, and the balance sent east. The offerings at thee,' yards amounted to 801 head, of which 400 were sold to our city butchers at 83 @4t% gross, and the balance eent east. At these yards6os bead wore offered ; EOO of which were sold to our city butchers and the stance shipped east; the prices ranging from 4 to 5 for common to prima. CALVES About 125 Calves were offered at these yards and at the platform, and sold at from $3 to $6 g 1 head. W:1. PEVN YARDS, (Aucttnaa's.) BREVES. No. offered. Otjered by No. sold, 26 It. 11. C0chran......... 12 gainnel Crowly 16 L. Wr., Meredith W. lil'olll 15 J. Whittenbarger 40 David Barton Jacob Swim 11 W. Neal 7 W. Scutt 51 W. Humes 26 Barton & Woodward. 34 G. limerick... ill W. Wart entz. 18 Levi (Maypole 29 B. Brilhart. 310 offered 143 Ll7B bent east Thd offorlngs at those yards amount to 1202 head, of which 65 were sold to c;ty bu,chors, part at $3,11.2 head and part 4c. gross. !IOU& The offerings amounted to 019 head, all of which wero sAit New York Market,. NEW Yonx, April 1 —Cott. n uuso.tled ; 1000 bales i old ; quotations nominal. Flour firm; .11,100 Ras. bold. Wheat quint; 4 500 bush. sold. Corn firm; 45,000 bush. mild at 09 446c..ibr boutheru. Prime Pork advvic....d 5c - sales at $13,- 7 Ciil3l6. Beef firm. Lard Steady at 10©10%. Whisky declined 0q sales fit 21%@22c. s . ..fgar dull. It.rice firm at au average of 10 0..0.. Bacon quiet. Tallow and Linseed unchanged. Freights dull ; cu Urain to Liverpool, in bulk, 4%,u. New York Stock Market. NEW Yoem, April 3.--Stocks firmer; Chicago and Rock bland 73%; Cumberland Coal 18; Michigan touthern 22y 4 ; N. Y. Contral, 'f,%; Pennsylvania Coat 09; Reading 47; Canton Co. 21%; Mis3ourl ti'a 82 ; Michigan Gown/ 133; Erie 21%; Cleveland and Toli.du .13%; Cleveland and Pitts burgh 31%. Baltimore Market. Ilmamon.e, April I.—Stour steady; iloward Street and Ohio $4,50 for choice. Wheat active and flrin; re- sl,gl,oc; white prime, $1,:..0©51,30. Corn uctivu and buoyant at oi@ 60 for white. Proviaants quiet. The People's Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACIIER etWal , Utah Dealer' in all Linda of FushiQuabio BOOTS, SHOES IND .GAITEILS, For Gentlemen, Ladles, Youths And Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near Market, oeB PrrISBURGH, PA PEIIRIN O. A. J011:1,10/1 PERRIN -& JOHNSON, 14eprlotors of Childs Jt Co.'s Patent Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement Roofing. 133 THIRD STILEEII%, ORDERS fol. ROOFING promptly and faith tally execs.:Jed, aid tsll ~or work warrauterf. Roofing motorail aluya ou hand, and for Bale, with dl. rortfons for ace. • - si,p2dy Jos. F. HAMILTON £ 00.1 ENGINEERS AND foIACUEVISTS, Corner of Fag and Libeyfy streets, Pittsburg% Bz. QUPERIOR STEAM ENGINES fur Gribt and Ems , Hill a, Breweries, Printing Patablishmento, 2.ftinufacturio, Lc., =do to onion They also continuo oianutacturo of their-Celebrakd Ilachintfts' Tools, such pa Turning Lathes, Iron Planers, Boring and trilling &c. Also, Wrought Iron Shafting, with Pulleys, Hangers. Au. Zce. JaB:lya JOIC.II TIIOIIIII'SON Si. CO., ROUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND URAL:LEI - IS, S. 13Zi TLii , d street. PION PAlNT excented with aeatcera and de•pa•ca. l!dired Paints, tits Turpentine; Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry i_ra. Ville 31entaigne Zincic a very superior article ;: Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead alwa) a on hand and kir tale. We are prepare.l to grind &lora for Painters, Drag gists, or others, at the ehortezt Loth°, as we 'lava a Mill which grinds by steam Panders will save money by get ting their colors ground with ui. trartnly ~ _- -- _ =- ;-- =- GOLD AND SILVEECSP'_:CIAOLES; iIIANUPACTIURER , S-PaliflESl HYDROMETERS • . or weighing apiriba, the chenpr4t dud Leaf atticled eror brought to this city. 111:ERMOnETIl2t8 AND IiAROMETER6, varying in price from to vo each. • POCKET COMPASSES, AND. S B.VEYOR's COMPASBEH,, ahvnys on 4latirl nt. 1 4 ,4 f ilic.al Optician, ES loifth oppetato Masonic Halt 11 Water Depot. J. O. BUPPUM U. B. BURLIER. u BUFt-mV C O., Manufacturers of U • Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water ' Poo, Bottled Ale aai -Porter; also, Bottlers of Walnwrizht's celebrated winterter ale. Warehouse, Vac). 116 Market. ntreat, Pow:iv/on, Ps, • Orders filled and shipped. to all parer of the Country , hortmt uotice. - • 41116.71ydaw LOAN. on good business . $12500 T P an comomtlAtion wiper, in omonuti from COO to VOW. having from ono to nine uiputhaiStnn. Eenqutra ot - • NtOItANGE, No. 57 Fourth street, not cloOt W hat unginte's , xar2e:at• INCESMII No. sold. 13W grass 4 , gra . 13 4%. . 11 8404 . 60 404 . 20 8.1. . .. 15 3%®4 " . 16 " .. 17 314(411, 1 1 3 10 41(.44, lent nut. 12 By, It s.nt east. ,1" " 5 8 " 26 3 4 04 <• 5 3 .41}4 ugi 60 8 4434 " sent east. 3 , IS 30 3©4 sent east 15 4 average. sent emit. lb 3% groats sent east. If 9 31 seat out. .... 21 E% 44 sent mt. 10 4 17 :J -- 38 29 3% MEM Cr - - _ _ __ ,- ...... ks. .- --- ..k. -- --f - •