,r,„,-. :r ,: ~. ~ -•--• . ..-,..- -- '' :-• . . ..,:- - ,• - r. . ... . ~,,-...-.,...,-.....,•,,_ ~. ......,,,,-.. ~ ,:-• -.70,1-. -••••,,,- ,• • - .r. - .-k• ' ' - -' " -;' .:'-=' , :i'i; - '*4sl . :P7' ' '''''' ,.7 F. 7)7-7 '''' --,, -."1i"... - -;.'-'.' i'. •.. , , ;./.. - ,.. -. .% , 4F.: , . "P'."'.;:..i...... , . '- ':' . r .':- -c.L' , ' ..--,.,* 4, 1 , ..,4.- , i tj , .;•-•?.... - ' ~;'" : .- - . . , ,-.- • .1. v . , : 7. , .., •--- . .. ~. - . , - , .,.., , ; --..•i;:_y.,.jy -rr -" ':- : ~..". - ...!".•:,..,-,...bt',4 1 / 4 ,..1,;:.-.:. . . '.:', • . .1:. , ..k..,, J:.,'" ' '.. . '...' j---''''''''.-;•- i ; 4".' : • " r" , t. -,..- ~; ~, : t. , .§'7 , ‘- '''', ' "'" 2- f • 6 :'.'-' _'.l.;t l 4''-). ~,;'-'?, j fi.-i... :;iiit -:., . • . ...450 , , g0i ti..c.4 , 5. , :.:•,f ;1:12; ~- ' ...- . '..,, , ...a.1it'. / . • • • . . . . .iV..44.-''''.4:".s.: 7.-;:-;••,‘....stoEf.,..V.V..,JE'''. - 7. , • • ' -..:. :. - 4-n.7 ..:,--•,,- ~ - 2-;:,._ .... - : - .• - 7- . -7 - .•:. , ...- .....,.,,:..-.... _.,- ... „...,„,_ . BUSIV.EbS CA DS. f GROCERS. QA.muEt, C. WINGLI.RP, DAVID lii'CANDLE6S.. win i Art WEANS AI .i. COYFII: Si k 7 /LT TOI3,,TiIiVE Al. 4,..tri., M 9 CANDLESS, MEANS & CO., • , ~•tr - i•u , .alti, Pic.ilSE. i IMOCE:SORS TO IVION. a m'crittnises,) ..94r diFica, No. eel GRANT Dt.V6k.1.., 1 , ...ttC..:1 1iC. street , nii Diamond alley. spy r • i 'IA ROLEsAILE GROCERS, T-A.J.IES A. LOW RIE, Attorney at Law, I u „ace Fourth street, Pittsburgh, between Smithfield and DEAL.DIth IN Cherry alloy. deellily _ ~... IRON, NAILS. OLASS, COTTON YARNS, Alit, Surgeon Dentist, suocessor to G. \ Lk,. 11. Biddle, No.' 144 Smithfield street. . fllll. PITTi.PURLIE MANUFAOTWIES GENERALL Y, 41. 0 .- Office hours from Bto 1 o'clock, and from 2 to 8 o'cliica. 1 Corner of Wood and Water stieuts, foblinly PITTSBURGH, Pa. JSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors I _._ _ . . went of Market. DAVID DI CANDLLSS WILLIAMBIV.ANB l' A COYFIN tati - Office hours from 9 o'clock A. 111.. to 0 o'clock. I'. lil. NllMandless, Means & Co., decklOry (Successors to Wick Sr. 31'Condiess,) . IVITLIOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in 1 . , SCLLOONMAKER, Manufacturer of IRON, NAILS, GLA So., COTTON YARNS, and Pitts. It,P • White Load, Red Lead, Zinc, Paint, Litharge, Pretty, burgh Manufactures generally, corner of Wood and Water Ac. Wholesale dealer in Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine, t • Uts, Pittsburgh. EIS 8 &c., No. '2.1, 11 ood street, Pittsburgh. - my l . 2 _____ I U.SEPII FLEMING, successor to L. Wil- - Ur sox - ,i Co., corner of Market street and the Diamond, F OitWAR,DINii 'Oil) CUilfli‘l.ISSION. K.,. remelt on haul a full assortment of DRUGS, MEI). - - LOIN EN, MEDICINE CHESTS, PERFUMERY, and all orb. , 3 4.1111 Es COILAANS Iles pertaining to his bm.inesri.. ,tir Physicians' Prescriptions carefully compounded at all jeity - Cor vi anti ft , and Commission Merchants, , • sours. • . _ __cnornicTolifs or Ttli I W. CHADWICK, dealer 'in Kentucky ~ , ,_ „ ... mot, •oiiino vitlorourgn, isseauviiie co 1,.. Leaf TOBACCO, RAGS and PAPER, No. 149 Wood stmet, below Sixth, Pittsburgh. jap2o:ly CANAL LINES. am- The highest market price, iu cash, paid for ltas. Non. 114 AND 115 WATER STREET, PITTSBUREEI, PA. 11 7 ALTILic v. DIARBLIALL JOSEPH H. !WORLD ---...--. IiAT P. MARSHALL & Co., Importers and WI-LODES, Ili AGIE.N. & CO., • dealers in is tench sad Arurricau PAPER HANG r ORIVARDI Ng AND COMMISSION LUGS, No. 87 Weis' street, Pittsburgh. Kir-8 0 .,., agmita for the celebrated manufactures of Muslin.. fIiFiRCIPIANTS, Delicoort k Co., Paris. 431 aug7 No. :30 SYCAMORE Sr., CINCINNATI, O. [ jy29 D AVID CAIIPBELL & SAMUEL POL- --- CuAs. LIUMPEIRETS, C. J. lior tag, JOHN WRIGIIT LOCK have associated together nude'? the style of - LIA_MIIELL it POLLOCK, for the transaction of a geuerai llumphreys, ll o ffmo 1 & Variety and Dry Cloods business, and the manufacture of plain and Waved Line Gilt llouldingo. mlii9 TDILLID ILLY 111.1. LORI= J. ANDERSON . FLOUR 14:11 "J -1 10.1tS1 1) El TIER & ANtERSON, (suceessors to PRODUCE AND GE'NERAL .1.%) destine Itnodea & C 0.,) wholesale dealers in FOREIGN fRIIITS, NUTS, SPICES, CONFECTIONARY, SUGARS, riar., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 39 Wood street, opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Pitts ourgh. ap'.l. 75 NORTH WHARVES AND 155 NORTH WATER ST., I. J. OILLS.UPIII A. FLNKRINE. Above Vine Street, PHILADELPHIA. T J. GILLESPIE St CO., Locking lass Manufacturers, —.....____ O) • and dalliers in Looking i Glass Pia s, Plate Glass,. Eu- REFER To gratings, Combs and Fancy floods, N 0.70 Wood street, Pitts- Conrad, Thompson A Co., Philadelphia. burgh., Thompson, Clark & Young, Ou hand and made to order, Gilt Pier a.. Mantle Glasse., Biter, Price Jr. Co., Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut and Gilt Ft -rues, or Mould. Caleb Cope & Co., " Ing, of every description. Barcroft, Beaver A Co., ~ Air Steamboat Cabins cesorated and Gilt. [oct4 Canby, Neville s Hughes, ii OTTLERS.—Jom. OGDEN & Co., Botilers, E. M.: - Lewis, Cashier F. a: aM. Bank, Jos. (3. Mitchell, Cashier 11 rch's Bank. " N 0.187 First street, would respectfully inform the poi , Morris L. Hollowell & Cu., ~ pro that they have constantly on hand a largo supply of McCutcheon & Collins, ARSAPARILLA, MINERAL I'. ITER, ALE and PORTER, John M. Kennedy A Co., or the best quality. The attention of families is particularly directed to rue itaignel & Co. fact that they bottle WAINRIGII1" - ALE in its part state. Pickett, ll4thews &Co., Maysville,Ky. ShreiVebnry A Price, Madison, Ind Physicians recommend it to Camille on account oldie whole some and strengthening qualities. octElkly W. H. Langley & Sons, Gallipoli% Ohio. Lawrence & Mathias, Louisville, Ohio. . ' J. 51. IiAIITTLE, A. D. Bullock A Go., Cincinnati, Ohio. W. Holmes & Co., Pittsbargb, Pa. MERCHANT TAILOR. -nov18:1 Ripley, Cosgrove Sr. Cc., y* NO. 54: ST. CLAIR STREET, (Dr. Irish's New Lionaliaa-1 Matoota LERCH JOUN L. LEECH Josilu ...i..X.T.0 '?SOURGII. 1,1o12.:ly - JOSEPH. S, LEECH. &C ) ti- W. R.'ERR, ARCHITECT, REMOVED • , from sprfier of Fifth and Wood to Nos. 242 and 2414 Liberty si set, ...AIR STREET, Li Phillips' new nullding—continues to prepare Plans and PITTS/3E1310E1, PA., Speedieations of, and to Superintend the Erection of every description of Buildings. de'llkly. BVlffol4_ , l E Svi..Ert2E .GRe CE RS, A PUILI:O.N, BELL AND BRASS AND COMMISSION MERCUAN I f S. • FOUNDER, N 0.70 SECOND street, Pittsburgh, Pa., is prepared to furnish to order DEALERS IN CHURCH,. STEAMBOAT, FACTORY AND OTHER BULLS, FLOUR AND BACON, Of all sizes, from 10 to 10,000 lbs. TIN PLATE AND TINNERS' STOCK, AND onDul BELLS made to order. STOP and GAUGE COCKS of all sizes,' for Steamboats. PITTSBURGH PIANUFAUTILRES• MINERAL WATER PUMPS, COUNTER RAILINGS, and every variety of Brass Castings finished in the neatest lIIPAILPEN & CO., manner. GENERAL COMMISSION BAI3I3IT'S ANTI-ATTRITION METAL; FULTON'S PA TENT METALLIC PACKING, for Steam Engines. [rip'-'3.ly AND - LOUGIIRLDGE & MAXWELL, FORWARDING MERCHANTS , MANUFACTURERS oF OCalilMg -Glances, 1?).._ 'Aare Fraineo, and Levee and Warlangton Ave aue, L Bruen , : s ; WYANDOTTE CITY, KANSAS TERRITORY And Dealers in Clocks, Rouse Furnishing Goode, itrszazNors.--Joseph 8. Leech a CO, an i Pittsburgh So. LO. Ac. Merchants generally. jylliyile XO. lIIEr Wood street, above Fifth, v PITTSBURG/4 PA. LIENRY H. COLLINS, Forwarding and lig...Machine Brushes made to Order. cniii3:ly I a q CDIULDiEsiOII Merchant, and wholesale dealer iu FISH, --5am....01....- "rr'.."r= r'"'( -- -- - . -.-- ---, CHEEsE, BUTTER, SEEDS mid PRODUCE grinerally, No. " EDIJCATIOLNI AL. 35 Went street, Pittsburgh. morn _ 1 WINES PLND LAQ,U jitS, Vincent's College and Seminary, UNDER TEIi; CARE. or. THE UCttl DICTINE FATEIEP.S, Near Latrobe, Wesmorriaisit county, t-a. EN 'PIIE COLLEi4E AR' TAIIGHT initial breaches of In the 9}.;IIINAItY, the Alatueniaticii, Wintery, Rhetoric; Philosophy, etc., and the different branched •.I higher erudition IIeCI,IHRry or neethl to thode aiipiriug to Priesthood. The terms for hoard and Tuition are ¢.hu per year, to be 7 4paid semi-annually, strictly iu advance. /demons and FreucLittud other larti;ua,;es, Drawing, l'aiht lag and Mudic,furiu no extra charges,exceptlogieinie paeaatiou for the use of ludtrunteuts. Medicine, Washing., hooka, Stationery, etc., form 1 - 1/ rts charges. For particulure apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year begins on the let of September, ,nid build on the tid of July following. FAl:lll'it G. 1; Urqhl, l'irector of the St. Francis Academy tor Boys, UNDER THE CARE OF TIM FRANCISCAN BRONIERH LoreCt.°, Cambria County, Pa. rlll S INSTITUTION, NATURATA , Y . situated for Educational purposesolforda all int' in ducements that can be desired for a Catholic Ins' annum IL id located In the most healthy and picturesque p..rtion of the Alleghenies, distant four miles from Cresson Statin, the direct maltreat. , between Philadelphia and Fit•tsburgli. H.:4ol'l4in your commencing the first Monday in Septemie,r, will close the lbth of July following. The Terms for Board, including a thorough English Srien• title Course, are $lOO per annum. The Claaslc and Modern Languages form an extra ale,. ge - of $lO per annum. Washing and use of Bedding $lO. For further particulars apply to the superior of too Arlie dewy. Reference*. can tie made to the Rt.-Rev. Dr. (Matinee. ap3o:lyd& w DRY GOODS Retrench! Retrench!! - - A NOTHER CRASH-1N PRICES I—Be ing determined to sell our stock, though " the The. , are Tight," we hove made a general sweep-- REDUCED THE ENTIRE STOUR To still lower prices. ger Now is the time to bny "'ghee the assortment i., ;0: unbroken, and the Prices Put Down! Down!! oct29 JOS. DORN E, 77 Market err- •t. 'I"''LAST CIIANUE IN FIGUREL - ;.-- Itonw.t. Ribbons, worth 75 cents, at 62% per yard. du do do 62 at 50 do do du do 50 at 37% do do do do 37% at 25 dv JOSEPH "LORNE, . 77 Market street. ...._ i RIOII VELVET . yRIMMINus, AT REDUCED PRICK'. A choice assortment on hand and for sale et novll DORN 17.6', 77 Market sdr....t. GENTLEMEN ' S UNDER GARMENTS — Wool, Silk, Merino and lieavy Cotton Under Shirt, and Drawers—a fresh supply received •.:•• HORNE'S, del9 , 7 Market street. . _ FIVE Cents per Pound Reduction in the Price of BRADLEY'S YARNS.—Wholesale Dnycr~ and reddlare will be furnished with BRADLEY'S THREE-rALY KNITTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Cents per pound, by the bundle, after this HORNS, and Cash ouly. JOS. OE, 7 street, decl Agent for the Mann fact7:rer EMBROIDERIES.—Our excellent stock of French Embroideries, and the low prices at which they are marked, offers rare Inducements to ladles wishing to purchase the latest styles MONEY I MONEY II -PRICES MARK ED DOWN. Rif-Great reduction in the price of Embroideries. We have gone carefully over our handsome stock of FRENCLI-WORIiED COLLARS, UNDER SLEEVES, MUSLIN BANDS, etc , etc. Audit:l4 the prices to suit the "Ilard Times." The Ladles may rely on getting - bargains at oct:i !BORNE'S. 77 Market street. FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS. A large assortment, which wo are closing out VE,tl - FOR OASIS. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, N 0.74 Market eitrw virg WILL, SELL from the present timeln o3nuunly cheap FOR ()ASH. Please call and Inc our stock. C. I.I.ANSON LOVE, 0ct2.0 Formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Markvt et PRINTED FRENCH. MERINOES, for 62 and 75 cents, worth $1 and $1,25, the best asaurtuv at In the city. 0. HANSON LOVE, (formerly Love Brothers), No 74 Markel BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS. A fell aarnortmont, very cheap. C. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love 8r0th,, , .. 0et.21 No. 74 Market E .... .EVERY Ecocomical Purchaser of iir,;? , ()tau], Mant Ac.; also Domestic and La, ple Goods, will Mal it to their advantage to call and 03.L1111; our New Stock rf and Winter Dry Goods before parch.o. lag elaewhere. O. HANSON Lo E, 5e4.5 He. '74 QUAWLSI SIIAWLS!—WooI, Brocha, de., both long and square, the very hest in the city, and at eery low pricei for cash. 0. HANSON LOVE, formerly Love Bros., No. 74 Market str....t. PIQUE and MARSEILLES, Fleeced, {,,r malting (ifioNtio; A liirgo aisamtmeut tst. GVA). BONN E'l' V E 1, V ET.--Every variety of Ron not mott.r) Velvet,. and Noto,, for nal, at. novl3 1101:;;f:Ei. NEWBEDFORD SPERM CANDI,S.— !zo boss-i i i i-furVil sit c,,, 4'm. b'l Illi , i WU, SlP•rut I , tiiirs on band and and for auto by j 9.1 k. S 0 ---- ----- - A P S.• — . . 1000 bOXC' RO,liti Sung, In tb., 21n. and 3 th, 1...;a. k 100 " No. 1 Palm iloapv,lii Ili., 2 lb. and :4 41 . 4 bars 501 " Chemical Oliva Soap, in b. lump.; 200 " Olaina Oxide ,-, " 250 " Uorman 200 " Cagtilo - 227y7R.50,.• Purl Palm On band and for eat. by jail B. C. it J. H. " C OVER off LO, d C ow, L at .A. The ho CLOTH 100 ere Store," No, 17 Fifth atreet, near Market. DIFFENBACIIER .t fen w LaPP.fr treoh Smyras D Figs; ; 1 mats ates 600 0 boxes Malaga Mains, laphetbredsnd Car 50 Wood st, a= St. Market /1416. M. DEVLIN U. EtINE.I)I. DEVLIN & KENNEDY ; Wholesale Wine alt,l Liquor Merchunta and Distil teat, No. PiLtaborgh, l'a. ap3:ly El N G 0 E & CO., IML'OLLTEELS I,e Prench wad German Winos and 11.1.1m0r3, 161 Smithfield street, between 6th and 7th sits., wLS:lydrwjP/17astiailt, J'A . CUB-LING hORGA.ri D1T111,11112, 1157145 L. IatiGWLLT. fIUBLING, ROBERTSON & Ala:nu tqctrirb.;-e of cut, I'rtt.B.l and Plain Flint GLASSNVA W...re1t , .114 0 No. 17 Wood al rovt, corner ..1 Front, Pittsbur,4ll, 44.- Ail other kin& ail Glassware and Window 0111.15t1, at 1,), Market prim.t.. JAII.E. B. LEDIII, JOGOI'II J. CLIJkI. EDLIE (k, U LAM, Stke,cessors to Molvany manufacturuis of Cut, Moulded and Plain Flint - Fancy Colored 01.11SliWAltE, and dealers in all kinds of Window blade, Fluid:v., Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of and Wavter streets, Pittsbugh. tolid,ll4 - - iIARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. REMOVAL. -J. & li. PHILLIPS have removed to their new building, NOB. 26 and 28 BT. CLAIR titreet,' west side, between Penn Street and the Bridge. NUFACTUDERS OF FLOOR, FURNITURE,CARRI E TABLE, AND TRANBPAIENT & OPAQUE WINDOIFY SHADE ®EL CLOTER ! Of different Colors. Also, DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS it WINDOW SHADY:B, Of every description. Dealers in INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, made under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and New York Belting Companies, fot the sale of their INDIA RUB BER*BELTING, HOSE And PACKING. LEATHER BELT- ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality ; alto, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO FIRE-PROOF MINERAL PAINT. Dry and Mixed Paints, Varnishes, 081 Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING, iu all its ,branches, dole in the best and shortest time. I de2Mly ' .1. A. 11. PHILLIPS, acre Nos. 26 and 2 St. Clair street; Manufactory at I'hil ;lpsville, on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, &c., AT THE Fourth Street Carpet Store. W 1). & iI. AITALLIJINI respectfully isigto- the attention of their former customers and the public generally to their present stock, just eelecfed for spring sales, embracing the very latest styles of eureign and Home Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and Brussels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brus. , ls, Datuask,,Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. OIL CLOTILB FROM 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, Ruga, Math, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets ; Veuitiau Blinds; Painted, Buff rind Green Holland Shades. It will give us pleasure to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or puroha.sing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood. myl9ll W. 1). & H. WOALLUIL n th, CLOTH. CLOTHING—Of all kinds, black and yellow, fa Bole at the Lucite Rubber Depot and 28 St glair street. [dell) J. J; H. PRIMA PS. JO6EPII 11013. i .: 77 Mark* t sLret n a il, CLOTHS FOR THE FALL TRADE. Ajv We have on hand, and aio daily receiving additieue thereto from our own and other manufiattorles, a large EIZ,O7Ii of Floor Furniture„ Carriage Trimming,Tablo Cover, TuthE• parent, Green and Buff, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used lionsefarnishing and other purposes. Also, Transpa, tot Window Shades., of dry and oil finish—gold bordered and other styles, and Window Shade Trimmings. Merchants and others will find it to their advantage ex amine our stock and prices before making their pur.:bases elsewhere. PHILLIPs, 2010 28 and 28 St. Clair el rret. L'ILUOR OIL CLOTHS,- .I.L . Of our own an eastern manufacture—all widths, and cut to suit any size of rooms or halls—at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms, No. 26 and 28 St. Clair street. CI out= . H. PHILLIPS. A MILLIKEN & CO. have on hand, at o their extensive CABINET and CHAIR hiANUFAC TORY, No. 64 'lnithileld street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Pm attire, which they will aellls per cent. lower than customary rates. Terms, earth only. [dec27:y WOODW ELL'S FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, Wholesale and Retail, embracing every style of Furniture, in Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut, suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Dinitig Roams, equal to any in New Yorkor Philadelphia,and at lower prieea. Every article made by hand,gind warranted. Cabint-makers sup plied with any queaatit,f of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on reasonable terms. Hotels and Steamboats furnished at the shortest node*. Wareroome, N 08.77 and 7t THIRD Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 0c22 Improvement in Book Bißading. FirHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING obtained Letters Patent for Improvement in BOOR BLNDING, is prepared to furnish, the attachment to Podia now in use, or to apply the same to new Books. Order, for which are respectfully solicited at WELDIN A ROWAND'S Book Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, South-wort corner of THIRD and WOOD Streets. B. C. At 7.8. rAIN " in 3 Lb. nno " 1 " CHAMPAGNE, &0., Aco., GLASSWARE. J. &. H. PHILLIPS, FURNITURE. The above Improvement ecasists: Flrfo—Of a hletalic Spring clasping the back of the Book in such a manner es to prevent the leaves from sagging when the Book is atand lug In a vertical pcsition. Second—The carriage consists of Metalic Grooves, ou which are insert's] Boilers which will effectrtally prevent the from wearing or chafing In pla cing the same In its rearing plum. 102:tf A. F 3. ROWAND, Patentee M lS . S .d E s,, S l .l A2l c D be e p ll . l t Ll) th. R ve. Ei p NZ- s G hoc um s;o,, O , Over 17 Fifth :itreot, neat Market. .149 DIVIrENDAMIER & CO M.ENS' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes at DIFEENBACaIiiit & a 9 . No, 17 Fifth street. INDIA RUBBER BELTING.-1350 feet of .11. 31,,i nnd 4 inch-3 ply—jna received al,l for /lain by J. .1t H. PIILLLIPS, 18 and '2B St. Clair elreet. INDIA RUBBER GASKETS, Menholi Hinge, and square rope of all sizes at 2d and 29 St. Clair street. H PHILLIPS. 184 E —2OO bbla. fresh for sale by mrlB HENRY II COLLINS ~. TABOR. -,30 bona BachesteePearl Starch farealeby NM) UMW? X as m. .: Vie:. ._. -• MISCRILLANEWS. ynopsis of the President's Message IT is herein ordered that public sales of lauds Ion:Of - ere tin/Prod in th ~ State of lota, be he'd as follownt At the Land Office at Osage, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 185 s, of font townships, iu the counties 01 Worth and St ionelofgo. At the Ltvud Office at Fort Dodge, cemmenclug on Monday, the 14th of June, 1858, of twenty-one townships, and parts of townships in the counties of Wright, Ilinbolt, Calhoun and Pecahontaa. At the Land tithe , of Sioux City, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 1858, of twenty-nine townships, and pasts .of townships, in the counties of Pocahontas, Buena Vista - Sac, Olay, Ida and Cherokee. At the land Offi , eat Sioux City, commencing on Monday, the 21st of June, 1858, of forty.four townships, and parts • I i townships, in the counties of Woodbury. Cherokee, O'Brien, VI • mouth, Sioux and 13111300111 e. 1 A t the Land Office at thaticit Bluffs, commencing on Mon- I day, the 7th of Juild, 1858, of .twelve townshipsond pat ts I of townships, in the counties of Carroll, Shelby; Crawford, 1 Monona and Fremont. It is also ordered in the above mentioned Proclamation. No 593, that the vacant lands in the even-numbered section , which remain to the United elates, within sin miles on each ride of the undermentioned railroads, be offered at public, t sale on the days and at the places as follows: rho A 21st tshteolotif Juno, J ce Bs t , . F Ll .,r i t h A e si ,, ,y p e, n e b O u ll q llloLi a r n i a i tg p O ac ll a ft() a lt d a a i y l „ 4 - calL" •At the Laud Office at Sioux My, commencing on 'lhuri , day, this let of July, 1858, on the "Dubuque and Pacific Railroad," and on the " iowa Central Air Line Railroad." At the Laud Office at entracil Bluffs, commencing ou Mole day, the 14th o' June 1858, on the .` lowa Central Air Line I.ailruad," the "Mississippi and Missouri Railroad," and the "Burlington and Missouri River Railroad." At the Land - Office at Dubuque. commencing on Thursday, the let of Juno, 1858, on the - Dubuque and Pacific Rail road" and the "lowa- Central Air Line Railroad," At the Land Office at Fbrt Des Moines, commencing on Monday, the 14th of June, 1858, ou the "lowa Central Air Line Railroad " and the " Mississippi and Missouri Rail road." At the Land Office at Chariton, commencing en Monday, the 7th of June, 1858, ou the "Burlington and I jia9otlll River Railroad." The lands will be offered with the usual exceptions of school sectionts Ac., Ac. The can-nunittered sections within six miles on each side of the railroads, will be offered subfect, as required by lea, to a minimum of two dollars and fif ty cents per acre. The eaten will be kept open until the lauds are all offered, white is to be accomplished within two weeks, and no longer, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration Si the two weeks. Preemption claimants are required to establish their claims to the satisfaction of the proper register and receiver, and make payment for the same, on or before the day ap pointed for the commencement of the public sales, otherwise their claims will be forfeited. TllOB. A. 11.END1110E.8, annmissioner of the General Land Office. Linn OVPICE, Ithrtictry 17, 185 S. Great Chance to Blake Money. THE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU CATION OF THE TIMES—ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE.—Forty thoasand dollars , -,7 - fr-eo4. worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and'Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of Fancy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in forty thou sand shares, at one dollar per share, as follows ;--13pon the payment of ono dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to one share in the shove nneo vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notified of the fact, by mail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Philadelphia, and the whole of the profierty disposed of or distributed among them; in inch way as shall be determined upon by them; each Sharehold er shall bo entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, to conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions of the Shareholders, and I will then deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as the Shareholders may appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $2500, and two throe story 'brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear of all inc,tim bronco, and title indisputable; the other property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and for a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock consist ing of very tine Gold and Silver Hunting Case Lever Watch es, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, &e., &c., Gold, Silver and Steel Spec tacles, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Cups, Spoons,Knives, Forks, &c., &c. Also, French Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordeons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which aro devised to en trap the unwary, but is and will be a fair sale of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock has not boon purchased for the purpose of deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for fine Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pur chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress the sender, by return mail. Auy person sending ten dollars at one time, shall receive eleven separate receipts. iu as many separate names if desired. 0)„,.. In writing fur shares, please write the name of the Post Office, to which you wish the answer directed. This is the greatest chance of getting a large amount of valuable property, for a small sum, as has ever before been offered to the public. Send on your orders, us shares are selling rapid ly, and it ie confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted to pdrsons at a distance, will ho sent to thorn at their expense. te.. Agents wanted in every town and village. All com munications mast be addressed to L. H. BROOMALL, No. to South second street, above Chesndelphiut, Philadelphia CU'I'HBERT & SON, 5l Market street S o attend to the sale and purchase of Real Estate, rout ing Houses, aud collection of rents, insurance and repairs negotiating loans. making bills, conveyances, deeds, bonds• etc., writing letters and corresponding with persons abroad. All business atteliCted to promptly, and imstrict contidenee 51 Market street, Pittsburgh. Letters or inquiry must al; ways enclose a postage stamp to pay return postage 1.14- ROUSES FOR RENT— By S. ouratwar A. SON, 61 Market et. A comfortable two story dwelling hobs° on Rose e.reet,at head of Fifth—sl4 per month. A two story dwelling on Duquesne street--$lO per month. A convenient dwelling house on Logan etreet—slso per year. - A three story house of nine rooms,,, on Third at: cut, at $2OO per year. A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, on High street, Mount Washington, $llO per year. Two large warehouses on Third street, uear Market. Two small houses in Splane's Court, near Fith street, $6,25 per month. A two story frame house of four rooms, on Cat eon strei.t, South Pittsburgh, at $5 per month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees, etc., In Alle gheny city—s3oo per year. A store ,00m on Third street.—sl2s per year. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse on Market street, No. 25. A dwelling house on Wylie street— s'2oo per year. A large shop on Third street can be had for two years. A store and cellar , cerner Market and Third streets. etc DWELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON a EASY TERMS:— Grant street—Three three story houses, well arranged, each with back buildings. Third street—A three story house, large and convenient. Logan street—A dwelling house Of 7 rooms. ,Fulton street—Two three story dwelling lioness. South avenue -A two story brick house of 8 rooms, with large lot of ground, stable, carriage house, dm. Robinson street—A two story brick house. Franklin street—A good house of 8 rooms. Carson street—A two story house, and two lots of ground. Penn street—Throe large dwelling houses. Minersville—A house and one acre of ground—besides many others in Allegheny, South Pittsburgh, Ac. 41029 S. OUT (WERT A SON, 61 Market street. IVOR RENT.—A two-story Dwelling IlOuse (Gothic style), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washington ; contains seven rooms well arranged, carriage house, stable, and spring of good, soft water, convenient. Rent, $lOO per year. Also, can be had with the above, if desired, a Green Howse and Five Acres of Land in good state of cultivation, two acres of which are in strawberries of choice quaUty; the remainder is covered with Nursery Trees of all kinds, ready for tho gardener io get into a profitable business. The strawberry-plants and trees will be Bold on accommo dating terms, and a lows of the house and grounds can be Lad for a term of years. Apply to ja 21 B. OUTIIBERT dt SON, 51 Market street AGREAT BARGAIN.—For sale, a com fortable two story brick Derailing Howe, with two lota of ground, situate on Carson street, South Pittsburg, short dictance from the Monongahela Bridge. • eia.a S. ei.MHßic;tl' It SON. 61 Market rrWO LOTS, on Federal street, Allegheny city, for Rule by B. CEPTHBEIiT &S ON, • r 61 Market etre •t. ON THE CONEMAUGH RIVER.—For sale a Valuable Farm in WestmOieland county, 214 miles from Blairsville, oa the North Western Railroad, 12u acres of choice land, 00 acres In cultivation, a young orchard of 10 acres, 80 acres of ex 7;ellerit timber, a new dwelling house of 0 rooms—price, $7OO. Terms easy. Real estate In the city will be taken in part pay. Ja27 8. MITI] BART tc BON, 51 Market street. UENA VISTA.—For. Sale.—A two story II frame he of four room and kitchen, paled fence in front, a bake oven, Az. Lot 20 feet front on Monterey st., In Buena Vista, extension of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alloy. B. OUTILBELI.' T & BON, deal Ol Market street. - OnOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT.- %) A good brick dwelling, large and convenient, 10 rooms and kitchen wide hall, portico in front, good spring -house, stable, carriage house, etc; 24 acres of land, 8 in line MIA. dew; a good tenant house; garden and variety of fruit trees, grape vines and small fruits; a stone wall and iron railing in front of the honse; situate - at about two miles from the city, and in a very pleasant location. Apply to a2O 8. CUTHBERT & 80N, 51 Market t. TOCK CIIOI.OE—PRICES LOW I—NEW SO WINTER GOODS.—JOSEPII HURNE has Just return ed from the East, where he has purchased large additions to his already extensive stock. Trading directly with Frs..W CLASS IT:SPORTING douses and with the MANCIPAOSIMEas, for GASH exclusively, he is enabled to offer the best Bc,ieCtioll of Goode at the lowest possible prices. We are now opening, for daily display, the largest end cheapest stock of • DRESS TRIMMINGS, RICH. EMBROIDERIES, WINTERwoor.'i4N GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, ao., ao., Ever before exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are lava. ed to examine the goods, and learn the prices, at .10S. HORNE'S, 77 Market street. COMFORTABLEA. two story dwelling house e Carroll street, Allegheny, will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SON, 1012 6l Market str,et, NO. 593. CAN D LES.--200 bits. assorted sizes, ky n's and 42.'a adamantine Star Candle; on hand and for sale by B. C. & 3. U. SAWYER, No. 41 Wood strart. MEITSFOOT 01L.—Neatsfoot Oil, in quantitie3 to mut purcinwra, on tiand and for oak by B. C J. H. SAWYER" 1(48 No. 47 Wood ntrwt. ti. MOLASSES.-70 bbls. St. Jame la c 8.. H. Malas.9,-s, in afore and for Sale by 'MT rata & SICK ETSON; N 0.3. 721 and 223 Liberty street. WEET CIDER.--Few bbls. choice Swee thy Cider, on hand and for sale by JAM] A: MIZE% • C , irtier Market and Mired street, • FiG " TOI3ACCO.—A large supplyof Down's nalobrated Fig Loaf Tobacco, rocuived tb ia day by JOS. FLEMING, Corner Diamond and Market at. WINES AND LIQUORS.—The best qual ity of Brandy, Wino, Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Old Bye %la* , Irish and beatnik WbiAy, London Porter, Brown great, Champcgno Wine, on band and for sale by - paidzs PATTON, Jr. MOM Glitp, . .. . . - ..... ~... ...,...,,F,,,, ~- ; '.2. 7.. P. 1 .'.'tq., .. .4:W.F. , ..i-;', - '.A. . .. , i-.2: - .'.....;.•,:'.:; . ..'• .. - ';-I'. kA.:':',...:. ..--:......... • ?.....-...;', ...:'. ::-.'''• -"".. 1858. Summer Arrangement. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MARCH 29. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD aw .. 7 - 0 . SEVEN liiiAliiLli . 'n.'fitAl F SS. THE FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves the Passenger tion every morning, (except Sunday,) at 7:50 o'clock, Pittab.,.gh time, arriving in Philadelphia at 11:10 P.M. THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Station ovary evening at 9:50 o'clock. Stopping ouly at Uresusburg, Latrobe, Joh lit town, Willmore, Gallitzin, Altoona, Iw., connecting at Har risburg with the Train direct fur Baltimore. and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore at 1:00 o'clock, P. rd. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS: THE JOHNSTOWN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Stopping at all stations, and running as fai as Conacuangh. FIRST ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek Bridge leaves daily, (except Sunday,) et 10:40, A. 51. SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creek, Leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at 4.19:1 P. ii. THIRD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN for Turtle Creel, leaves daily, (except Sunday,) at f7.20,,,P. AL . RETURNING TRAINS arrive In Pittsburgh as follows: — Express, 1:45, p. a; Mail, 3:10 A. rat Johnstown Accommo dation, 11:00 A. m.; First Turtle Creek Accommodation, 6:5n; A. st.; Second Accouutiodation, i 10, P. at; Mir!). Accom modation, oelo, p. sl. Trains fur Blairsville and Indiana, connect at Illairsvilo Intersection with mail train East. Express train West., awl the , Johnstown acconiodatlon train Fast and West. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE TRAINS, Stopping at all Stations un the i ittaborgh and Cennells ville Road, leave daily, (Sunday excepted,) as follows: MAIL TRAIN - 7'oo A. 31 1 EXPRESS'PRAIN..4: 2 O P. at RET lIRNINO TILAINth from Pittsburgh and Connelleville Road, arrive at Pittsburgh, 1140 A. at. and &10 P. M. fa. The traveling public will Dud it roa.Hy to their in terest, in going East or West, to travel by the Peunsy .vaurti Railroad, as the accommodations now oflered cannot be sur passed on any other route. As the Road is ballasted' with stone, and is entirely free from dust, we can promise safety, speed and comfort to all who may favor this Road with their patronage. —FARE:— , To Now York 513,001 To Baltimore I " Philadelphia 10,00 1 " Lancaster, To Harrisburg, $7.46. Baggage checked to all Stations on the Penueylvania Rail road, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. Passengers purchasing tickets in care, will be charged tau cents in addition to the Station rates, except from Stations where the Company has no Agent. NOTICE.—In case of lose, the Company will hold them selves responsible for personal baggage only, and for au amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has beeu employed to convoy Passengers and Baggage to and from the Depot, at a charge not to exceed 25 cents for each passenger and ba,i gage. For tickets apply to J. STEWART, Agent, At the P. R. R. Passenger Station, on Liberty and Brant streets. _ Two Through Traiu, klach Way Sundayt3 xa mrls:6w eeling, Cleveland and Chicago, by the Ott tnd and Pittsburgh Railroad. COLUMBUS, OINOINNATI & ST. LOUIS BY TUE PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CINCINNATI RAIL ROAD LINE via, STEUBEATILLE. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad Companies ' having made an ar rangement with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, for thejoint use of their track bath eon Pittsburgh and Itochester, will run their trains tram Penn Street Station daily, Sundays excepted, commencing Mor.- day, March Sib, 1858. CLEVELAND,' WHEELING AND CINCINNATI MAIL, Leaves Pittsburgh:l Arrivos. 9:42 A. 1% 6:00 40 M. Through to Chi. ciunati with but one change circus. This Train to Cleveland has 30 minutes at Alliance, fur Dinner. CINCINNATI, CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO EXPRESS. Leaves Pittsburgh. 2:35 P. M. Through to Cin cinnati without chaugo of cars. Leaves Pittsburgh.{ 4:00 P. CONNECTIONS ARE MADE BY ABOVE TRAINS,AS FOLLOW liy tkOU A. m., and 4:00 P. at., At WfiEEIANU, fur Cumborlaud, ilarpor's Furry, lialtanord and Washington City. Oniy at BELLEAIR, fur Cambridge, Zanesville, Laucast,r, Circleville and Wilmington. • By 6:00 A. N., and 2:35 p. At XENIA., for Dayton Indianapolis, Mattoon, Cairo, ht. Lenin and New Orleans. By 6:00 A at., and:l:3s:r. at. At CINCINNATI, for Lexington, LOllitiVillo, Cairo, Bt. Louis and Novi Orleans. Only at BAYARD, for Carrolton, Waynesburg„ Dover hod New Philadelphia. Only at 111.3DSON, for Cuyahoga Ilallx, Akron, Clinton and New Portage. By 6:OU a. at., and 235 P. M. At CLEVELAND, fur Erie ' buffalo,Niagara Falls and VII, ik tin, Randusky, Detroit, Chicago, and all points in the North. west. rkir - The 4:00 P. at. Train elope at all Way...l-t.tioun on tlao Ei‘o r Returning Trains, EASTERN MAIL, VIA BTELGILN VILLE. Leaves Cincinnati tkOu A. M. Arrives ut Columbus lu:30 Do ' Steubenville stho P. M. Do Pittsburgh 8:55 r. ti. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING MAIL. Leaves Cleveland 1:00 r. M. Arrives at Weilsville 6:51 r. Do Wheeling • 8:46 P. M. Do Pittsburgh 8:55 P. m. PPIVSBURGH ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Belleair . 6:00 A. M. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling.— 6:15 A. st. Stops at all Stations Arrives at Pittsburgh 11:25 A. M. • 'WHEELING AND PITTSBU AGO MAIL. Leaves liellealr 4:30 1' N. Do Bridgeput t, opposite Wheeling... 4:43 P M. Arrives at Pittsburgh ° • 8:55 r. td. EASTERN EMPRESS, VIA STEC BEN V 11_,LE. Leaves Cincinnati 4:20 P. M. Arrives at Columbus , 10.00 P. es. Do Steubenville 4:45 A. it. Do Pittsburgh. 7.50 CHICAGO, BUFFALO AND rars.BUltiiii EX 2 II.LES. Leaves Cleveland 11r26 P. 41. Arrives at Wellsville 5:35 a_ Do Wheeling 11:05 A. C. Do Pittsburgh 7:5u 5. :a. Connections era made by the Mail and Express from same points when returning, as are formed as above when going from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, hew Yore and Boston. Thu above Trains will stop on signal of the Station Agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to hilt, up passengers going ou or beyond the line of these Roads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from these Roads, at any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chicago, or points bdyonii Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask for tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must ask for tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through to all principal points, mid transferred free of charge. Int. For tickets or information, apply to LEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street Station, Pittsburgh. F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent,Cl“vout l . 1. A G.UTCILINSON, General Ticket Agent, P., C ES FARME Columbus. JAMR, • Superintendent C. & P. IL It., Cleveland. W. W. BAGLEY, mrB I Superintendent P., 0 & C. R. R, Columbus. NEW WESTERN ROUTE, TO CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS VIA PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE and CHICAGO, AND CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON RAILROADS itta., Distance only 329 macs from Pittsburgh to Cincirana ts TIIIS LINE 'is composed of Roads of the First Class ' and is located throt“ti a beautiful and highly cultivated portion of the State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Misaimippi Railroad, (the tracks of the C. R. Er. D. & O. A Roads, being connected, for Louisville, Evansville, Memphis, Natchez, SL Louis, Cairo, Vicksburg, New Orleans. Connection made at St. Louis with the Pacific Itailr,id and MiseOlarl fiver Packets, for KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all points Wes:. Also connects at Cincinnati with Kentucky Centrid R. R., for Lexington, Danville, Frankf•trt and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station 89 follows : , Through to Cincinnati with 3.30 _tit • m but one change of cars, .r • riving at 6:46 P. 2-15 •. . Ezpreaa Passenger Train. ar riving in Crestline at 10 ; 05 A. M., Cin. 8:00 P? 5l BAGGAGE CHECKED THROIRIEL Fare as Lon , as any other Route. Per all Information, and Through Tickets, apply at the Ticket Office, corner rionunguhela if.(41130, or at Penn air-4 Station. trip . Passengers desirous of going thisvoute will col for Tickets via Delaware Cut-Off. H. MOORE, Supt. P. Ft. N. & U. IL it. DAN'L hicLAREN, Supt. C. H. It. It uov2i3 New Route via River and Railroad J... • indiatippolis . t Cincinnatiritailroad VON NECTINO AT INDIANAPOLIS with 4 60 0 Terre Haute and Terre Haute and Alton P.ailr, ride, to St. Lonia and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Albany and Salem, and Michigan Central Roads for CE_IIO 80011 ISLAND, BURLINGTO •, and all intermalhAu points. Through Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LANAYETTE, and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg In 1,3 time than any other route by 24 hours, and at as low tetra. The only road by-which shipments can be made front CIO.. dnnatt to the Wee., without. breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Oitriu. natl.; ot, W. B. ^HUM, Agent at Lawrenceburg, o tll receive prompt attention, and - no charge for commaolon ; no charge for dmyage or cosmistion at Lawrenceburg. For further information, apply to THOMAS 'RATTIG AN, (N 0.114. Water street) Agent of the Company, who in pn,. paled to give THBALIGH swans to Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle, Crawfords ville, Cnarieeton, Paris, and Mattoon. •• - • U. O. LORD, Proeidec t. Jl4O. F. CHEEK, Gang Freight Agent. inr3 tIiSTANDS.—A large variety for sale at vim. G. JONNSTON & &Wotan Wadi=Sas 67 Woad O. - la _~ RArt:ROADS. Steubenville Bridgport, opposite Wheeling BeHealy Columbus Cincinnati... Cleveland Buffalo Chicago Steubenville 6:50 P. DI. Newark 11:4t) P. it. Columbus L4O A. at. Cincinnati 8:07 A. hi. Cleveland 9.a0 e. hi Buffalo 6:00 A. ti Chicago *2:00 P. if 'LlasiG ACCOMMODATION, Wellsville.... litenbeuville Bridgeport.. Belleair VIA. DELAWARE CUT-011. RAILROAD NOTICE. The Pittsla, Ft. Wayne & Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY, W . ITU ITh AMPLE ROLLING STOCK V V auq. o,oo4u:wilt; aud its through couuectiolis,is pre pared to trausport l'aisungers and !'refight Crow P111LA 1ik.1.,P.111....i and l'lTTS.dUlltill to ClitUAtiU, ST. LOUIS, tiliitaN NATI, aud all places West and South west, with a great degree of regularity and expeditiou. The lact that this Itoacl berme a direct bud consolidated line between Yittslairgu and Chicago, is a - sufficient guar aut.., that its Trains will wake good tithe, and connections with Traius on other Road. YASSENt EH TRAIN 6 LEAVE 'Pittsburgh. CI edam°.i FL Viayue. U. S. 3:30 A. lit . 12:01 P.ll 7:00 P. M. xpress, P. 11. 10:Ua P.M I e,•.45 A.ll. HEAUH LatILIAGU—U. S. Mau dt 3:3L, A. d 4 Express at '4.I)U P. hl R,LAtIIICLNOLNNATI-U. 6. 51ai1 ut 7:53 1. Expreim 7:00 A. 5L All Trains utak° (Al/di! CWILIOCLiaIIt% t tirestliun fur Cululu- bus, Ciaciuthiti o Iluiutunpolis-hud ht. Lotus; also al, Fort Wuyuo with Trains ou Wabash dud Wootoru Railroad fur faiayoLL.,Lain; !thaws and St. ; ole.. ut 1.. oreaL with Trains ork the hi. IL It. L. R. fL ltErlll.ll`, Cluctsgu. I Ft.Vtitiyun. I 4...;rAti110. dirr.VtLdlig 9.15 V. 1. 14. I,uct, u,0r.1 A.. 11 I ZAKI, F. LI . than, I NI. 7::45 A .11 These . I:rania make close connections with fracas fur Mil. adolptua, Battalion, New York and Boston. Trains trunk ni...lootris,lnduanipulis, and Coluni nun tuuko cause coition:thins at i,restilue With all. returning Trail:le. At Pert ayno, Trains froth bt. LOIII% CouLal /lit mus, Lafayette, and internieduite connect with above Traais. At lorest, connections are wade with Triune to and trunk Ctuctntmu, nizingneld and Layton. ACCOAI3.I.ULA.LUN 12.0.A1Nn--.Leave New Brighton for Allegheny City at 7:00 A. 01., and 1:4:354'. 01. Louvo Alle gheny City„tur New Brighton at 10:00 and 4:10 P. 11. szconnuudato way travel, Yasaunger ears will he at tached to Freight Triune; leavrpg Pittaourgh tit 8:40 A. Al.; Crustliue for Alliance, at b:o.i A. a 1..; Alliauco for Ciestline, at tiAro A.. 214 and niltaucu for rittsOurgia at 7:41 A. OL 01/I.(In.ED I:ll.B.CLiulis, and no charge tor handling. Our 'iwicecs and further infornattion analy to GEOIII.IE Pa.ssempr 6tation., curlier Liberty and (Inuit streets, B. I. PATRICK, No. 80 .o..uMeru street, oppo site the Tremont House, Chicago, or to the Agents at the .Statious on the !me. TO 1;0Ni NI Ptii,J.E, UN I!eIUNDAY, March 29th, and continu until turilier notice. J. J. HOUSTON, Uou. Faais'r. and 'r't. Ag't L. W. bUSS, ksekuter. zur•l6 JOE. R. MOORE., Superint.w..teut. Tilt; PENNSYLVANIA itAlLitiiith. '2I.IEUREAT iti,u'rE,uouutictiug the Atlantic Cities wlth Westeru, ii el th-westeru hutl Juatu-western titates This &kid also COIIIIvett et Pittsburgh with Ul _ Steamers to all ports on the Wed .....o at Clove land and Sandusky with steamers to all ports on the North west/ire Lakes; making the most Diasvi, 5t1..:...u...;..5r and ast.taid-011OtiTs by which t' BEB.iiii: eau be torwarded to and Irons the (flax/. WES:. =lazes between Plailauelpillaa...Ptt.i.abarglx , . 21.G0T I..a.A.zb. Bouts, Shoes, Buts and I Caps, Books, Dry (loosts/(su boxes, bales tLijoo • r• ..., 4 1 , 0 1, and trunks,) Drugs, (iu uused.aud baton) 1 Yeatliero, cure, to. i SECOND CLASS—Luau:ado Sheeting, Slurt- I tug anti Ticking (us original ',ales), I Drugs (in casks), Hardware. 1...... mer (iu }lie. 11 100 IVA. rolls or boxes), W uol, and cdeep Volts, I . Bastward, Ac., tic. i 1111141) CLASS.—Anvils, stool, Chains vas I casks), Hemp, Bacon and Lore,, balledL . wc. , 44 10 , 1 b,,. (louse or us sacks), Tobacco, wanulac- I Lured, (except Uigat 6or out,) ,Sic., as. J 101J.8.T.U. CliA66--Corteu, iri6n, tknam, Beet 1 and Pori, (iiil.:l3,3kai or b111...141.4twArd.,) I L but. 1 , i , ii:v „ Lan., ..i ..d LarsLars Lni, iituLl,.)oda Aso, her- ' ~i - rush Clay, Tar, Pitch, huum, Sc.,,e. J .E.bUllit—yl,(lo 10 bob Luau. nuttier 'lotto.. GITAILI in car loads,.-15 cis. yl 100 ihs. until turtM:r mak.. CUIT.Lh.-41: '4;4 bale, nut exceeding boo IDs. Nveigui, titan further notice. /&*,,- In shipping Lioods Lana any point East tit eUlladet plaii,4lit parcictillir to marl,. packages "ens .1 - en,4yirvania. rtniiroatt. All hoods consigned to me Agents tit tins Bond at Punadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be Jur wardssi without det‘mii...,.. I.iislaiiT AOLNTS—Harris, Wortilloy 2t. Cu., Memphis, Tuna.; El. E. Staid a Co., St. Louis; e. G. tritiley d Co., Evausville, Ind.; Duluth:mu, 801 l Ii Cu., and Carter A Jewett, Louisville, liy.; It. C. Muldrum, Madison, led ; H. W. Brown A Co., and Irwin A Co., Ciucinuati; N. W. Lit - attain A Co" laue.vvillo, Ohio; Leech & Cu., No. b.l lisiby Street., &shoo iLuech a Cc., ,N o. 2. Astor HolltSes,,N New York; Nu. 1 William dtrout, and No. tl Eattory Place, New York; E. J. bneeder, kiiadelphlu; Magraw is Moons. Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. (leneral kl. LL .e lt rei U g U irt T f i' geut. • IL J. I.o.llllA_Esil, Lmyl ui.posintemieut, ..I..douaa, Va. 1/:06 A. rd. ~.11:20 A. I. 6:2, , P. ht. 10:10 P. et. t. 45 11:20 P. IL 8:01.1 A. M. 6 2 , P. 151 P. Ai 8:46 P. 51 9.0 U P. :l PITTSBURGH & CONNELLSVILLL a All. PHA HiLibur).l alai QontaillaNille Railroad in RUH 0pt.1110.1 for the trailapuitataial of pazacuglira and freight to awl twiti Yittebargli ahti couuukadug evtu the Pe4llS)l Vlllllll Contra/ lidinroad ut Briuton'd 6tation. Arraugeurouts have aldu use:. ine...10 with tiro Ponnaylvania Central ilailroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia aua lialtituote will be ranted trout putute ton the eillanuigh and Couuellaville tirillruall, by car loads, UII lavucable itIJNNINU OrtliVZ.—un and alter Monday, 28. of I.kceruber, the l'aaaoitgei Traina will be rim daily, cscepi buudays, as lollowa: MAIL will icavo the Yaseenger tttation of the Peurtaylvauia hailroad, at rittauurgli, et 7.CU o'clock, A. 11., arriving at kJouuellaville at 12:00 A. M. TRAIN, leaving Pithshurgh ht 4:20 o'clock, I'. M., and arriving at Louie,llavalc at ItEIT LJI \1 Oi BAIN will leave t,ounelt villa at d o'ctutii, A. Nl., connecting wait the Wan to: ill AccostallOtt,Llol.l Truth, on the k'euttNy l vacua ittutro:ut Wlin I aurprea at Pittsburgh at 11 A. AI IMMl==l totult , Ctu with Wr lirtutuu ALcul-auluthitiuu u Veraisylvaiint ituilread, which urrivee lu eittuburi.,it tit WA.) Freight to and front I'lltultuL4,ll, tied tfilltillrld ue Ito eiLt, laugh twit Counelinvillo "toad, will hu received until tioliveled lit blab:win Depot, uppeeitu Inuitieutio Depot, , am Liberty utreot. ituuting Coached ler Mt. Hets_taut, Uunallue. a, Froitburg, Cumberland, wall leave Couuellsy tile rogulur ly uu the urrioul of the treann. Mail Truitt coutiectu also ut Wool Nvwtou with couch', by the Piaui. Ituati, with illouut Piet:taunt, r;uuloreirt, tierliu tiatidpatch, Cutuberlaud, &h. licketa eau he had ithaiTieliht AgeliL at the Plieusyivalib Iltuirutid l'twsutigur Louput.. Wrlli LL. FILACKSTk. .14 r;, ti port al teutio Seventy-Five New and Second-Hand CARRIAGES AND BUGG' FUR SAL AT REPOSITO rpm; SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR A or exchange, on the must reasonable terms, 4 .r. a tine assortment of I",aroucties and second-Li,nd Buggies wade by Watson, et Philadelphia, beano but /tattle used. Also, twouty.outi uew Biiggies, made in my own shop, from the very best material purchased in Eastern market. A fine lot of Trotting Wagons, new and second baud. 'Also, a lot of Boat Way.us Jenny Germantown Wagons, Jerse, Wagons and ilirckaways, two fine Phadons, seats 1.. r fear persons, one of them Watson's make, and the utb'r Now York make. two fine Sulkies, one made by Mr. D. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Buggies, siiitabh, for light marketing. 'fhe subscriber flatters himself, that he con make It to the interest of persons wishing to pa, elltlltt, to give him a call. The establishment is convenient to the city, the Es Omnibus LineotConchee paming the door uvery tau wiuu mr23:lydikvi JUgHtql NV II IT:, QWEET POTATOES. - ky 40 bust,. Sweet Potatoes, just received and for sale I. cceali JAB. A. VETZEIL RP Wator 4tmat APPLES.- 29 bbls. extra fine Ranibo and Belieflower, 68 " Vandiver; 100 ltnssett Apples, just reed and for sale by JAB. A. Fti,TZlll, 89 Motor ktrevt pOTATOES.- 120 bus. Nosbannock Potatoes; 60 do Poach Bloasom Potatoes, just recx3ivcd and for sa'a by JAMES A. FETZER, lal9 ii: Water a tr.... f . YE FLOUR.— ..L - 19 lb bble. fresh ground Rye Flour, Just received for sale by JAMES A. FETZER Janl 89 Water street. GREEN APPLES.- 20 bble. green apples, jag received and for sale by 0ct2.0 JAB. A. PRIZE% RA Water ctrret. DERRY & CO.'S fine and extra fine Pens, for sale at W. S. HAVEN Stationery Ptore, Na.P 81, 83 and 85 Market street. 1. 0 BAGS Dried BAG Arl y es, c f o o s r ai s t a A l v e u bir melA Nos. 18 LILA '2O Wood street 1 0 SACKS FEATHERS, for eale by BAGALEX, COSGRLVE k GO LADIES, HAVE YOU SEEN THE RED PETTIOOATt—Just opened, an Invoi e of the et. la mmed "lied Fetticoa." Call and secure one soon at . JOS. HORNE'S, 77 Markdt street. I'RENCII PAPER lIANGINGS.—New de.igus and very beautiful—received by late arrh - als, for trde W P. MARBD ALL 6c CU., mrlls Importers and Dealers, 87 Wcod stree. CIASHMERE AND ORIENTAL TAPES TLY imitations on Wall Paper, of French and Ger, man manufacture, for axle by _ CHEAP WALL PAPEI - L—Thousands of rolls to sell at 8, 10 and 1214 cents. W. P. MAIIBIIALL &CO, No. 87 Wood street. AL IJM.-30 barrels for sale by B. A. PARNESTOCK !a Co Corner Wood and Fin3t inroad. GARDEN SE E D S.—The sub Ber ber Ilse just received from the celebrated gardens of Briggs Brother, Rochester, N. Y., a large msortment of eltrly Garden Sends. Warranted equ,l, if not superior, to any. For sale by JAS. - PATToN, Jr.. Federal street, Allegheny City. PEAS. -30 hall chests Young Hyson, Im perial, Gunpowder, Black Tens, in Lore and tur nth} JAMES PATTON, Jr., Allegheny City. TUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Blanks, an DllllCated system of Penmanship, for sale by W. S. HAVEN, Corner Market, and Second street.. 500 GROSS HAVEN'S - No. ONE PENS. Just received and foi eate by V. S. HAM,, Corner Market and Second strbeta. iMVi RAILROADS. MOM la 0 A . TWO MILE RUN, NEAR LAWRENCEVILLE Noa. lg and 26 Wond etrw-t W. P. MARSHALL b . CO, No. 87 Wood atrcet LOVERSEED.-25 sacks just receivc and for .ialo by I fall.] El 14.1qH If H. 001,1.1N,4 1 . 0 DRUMS COD FISH; for sale by BAGALEY, COS.G.BAVE & CO., Nos. 18 and 20 Wood stret.t. ripORPEDOES.-100,000 No. I,just receiv ed and ftir sale by - BRUM L ANDERSON, Li.. 09 Weed Md. • . ' MEDICAL. DOCTOR 11001'LAND!S CELEBRATED GERMAN 13.1LTT.Entis Pulsar:in By Da. O. M. JACKSON, Di=VS: PS, • Will effectufdly cu r J LIVER COMPIAINT,' DYSPEPSIA AUNDICE, 1410 OR rIP.IWOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES UP THE SIDNE S , And alt Mame,: ariziroAfrom a diaarderta' Lino. cr 1 ,- =•SrA, Such as Constipa• Eon, Inward Piles, Fullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nauseau, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, licalnesa or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructa• cations, Sinking, or 'Fluttering, at the Pit of the Ste- teach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Moult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensation when ha a lying posture,Dirmiess Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yell lowness of the Skin and Limbs, Pain n the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &a., Sudden }Rushee of heat barn.; lug in the Flesh, - constant • Imaginings of Evil, and great Depremion of OMIT B. in attributing such valuablepropertles to this remedy, uo rash or unwarrantable assertion is Mado,hut is simply state..? a fact; proven tiudenialily.and conclusively by the extreor. (Unary cured, and uenents derived from itallle, under the di rection of its illturtriona originator, Dr. kinotiand, arnor.g alt classes of Huropean socieq, Bud from the immense masa of testimony, from all parts of the Anteritna continent, acne mulated during the last ten years, In the hands of the prer..- eat proprietor. The prevalence of diseases to which the German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is al most universal; indeed there is scarcely a family throughout the whole extent of our country in which there cannot fumed ameng its members that peculiar sallow and languf.! appearance denoting a diseased Liver, or an :misdated and nattering Dyspeptic. Then of what neatens) Importanee'tct this class of that a certain and reliable remedy should be placed with' their reach; one in which no baneful or injurious drug en tern into its composition; a remedy on which the patient cat. rely with the utmost confidence and certainty, and be assured rem actual and tangible proofs that the article he ia wing fealty possesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a remit as ! . 1100FLAS1D'S 0111 114„.1..N BITTERS." Thousands t i dollars have been expendeirin its manufacture and diffusion taroughout - all parts of this, continent, and tho proprietor feels the greatest satisfaction in stating that there is no state, county, or oven village, where the Medicine has been intro:Weed, that there coenot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is used constantly In the practice of a large number ei the most prominent Physicians In the country, who MIN, also added their written testimony in evidence of its great virtues. in conclusion, then, we would respectfully ask of all those fait:tell with any of the above dis.ases to give the Bittern o - trial, and.rest assured it will cover be regretted. lu proof of we statements shore made, all are invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro prietor, fur Farmers and Famines, containing a great num ber of receipts, in addition to the tentunouy m facer of the Bitters, from the most prominent and well known in. dividtuals in all parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit tars are authorized to distribuce the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Office and Manufactory, fib Arch street, Philadel: plila, Pa. For nolo wholesale by Druggists in all cue principal cities, and at retail by Apothecaries and iitorelieepern - in every town In the United States and Canada, and by B. L. ZAHNESIOCII & CO. and Dr. 0110. H. KEY 5141..., Pittsburgh. yl2 ly anw NEW TarehiTAKENT, Private and Confidential Idedical Advice! AT TILE BUFFALO PRIVATE 110SPI TAL---Ethcablialaud for tho cure cf Sypiuii9, Soluinul We.:auetiA and the berm lufirinities of Youth and Aluturity, by llr. AII.LIS a SON, Buffalo, N. Y. 011icu corner of Hawn and Quay otreoto, (up attire.) A LOST 601EINTIK0 "INVENTION. An instrument for the care of Lieuital Debility, or Noctur nal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, tie,. Can be permanently cured in from fifteen to twenty days by the use of mid instrument, when used conjointly IDLING MEN TALE PAILTICULAIL NOTICE, Dr. AMOS A, SUN take pleasure in anuomici.4; that they have invented a most impel taut instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It 12.11 i been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia and New York.; it has been' declared the may useful instrument ever yet invented, fur the cure of Seminal Weakueas,or any ellsease of - the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. AMOS a SON, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instrenuent, pledge themselves that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the ii strument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful Instrument will observe that the price, with the accompanying directions, securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. NEW ittIMRDIES AND QUICii. CURES. Dr. AMOS ia SUN may be consulted from eight o'clock in the morning until nine at night, in every stags and eymp- LULU of the Venereal Disease, Uouurrlicea, Gloms, Secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Strictures of the Urethra, etc., with inviolable secrecy. The treatment they adopt is the reault et upward el thirty years' extensive and swami:slut practice iu London. The moat inveterate C.IthCS of Venereal Diseases eradiated in eight or nine days, and cases of a slight nature iu two or three days, at a mod erate expense. The cure effected without confinement or hindrance from liminess; also, nodes and pains in the bones and limbs, effectually eradicated. A CURS WARRANTED. ler. AMOS . SUN have devoted their attention exclusive ly to thin peculiar class of maladies, and the relief they have consequently, boon enabled to render to their fellow.creature a bully testined and greatfully acknowledged by C011V010:1• ieutpatients and others daily arriving in town trues all 1,10 /8 of tae country, fur the express purpose Only 01 COLllitatailLl,l while their exertions have been crowned with the most sig - nal advantages; yet from what they have experieuced i inquiring Into the causes of theee infections complaint (num their most sin.ple cranhciou to that of the moot den gereue and invoterated) they have always, entertained the possibility of their prevention and removal, and likewise in variably found that the moat horrible and manguant terms of disease could almost always be traced to one of the fol lowing causes :Iguerance,'fftglect, or the ill effects off nn skilful and improper treatment; therefore, hr. AM./06 ti SON have succeeued iu discovering, iu the selection of their remedies, u sets, effectual, and cautious course; omitting all combination of remedies which boar an equivocal character, as well as those wiles., premature or Injudicious application might be productive ut bad consequences in the hands of private individuals. In short, the laudible end of their re medies to the lessening u fa great mass of human misery by the atleulation, relict and preveutiun of those grievous at dictious that are in re .lily the secret too oisnd which, while they cc extremely surround call aloud our skill load interference for their extermination. • COUNTIIN INVALIDS. Portions fu any part of tito world may Po f , .7lccemfttl I y treated by foraturduig, a correct detail of their case, with a rowittuuco for mediame9, Addrees Dr. A1:1011 4 ., coruor'ltialu and Quay streeta, Buffalo, N. IL ju2datkv3 ly , UL aU dieeasea the groat, flr.t cuuau gpriaga tram neglect of Nature's Iwo s u 114 -1 ti 4,4 - 130 N frl ,, 7 WREN A CURE 18 UUAR,AI`.4TEED IN vaLL stages of Bell-Abuse, hor cons Debility, Btrictures, °leen!, Gravel, Diabries, Disea,..Ls of the liidueys and Bladder, Alereurial itheumatiom, Bcr. lola, emus in the Bones and Ankles, Distuses of the Lung . :, Throat, Nose and riyes, Ulcers upon the &slyer Limbo, Coil• Gera, Dropsy, e;pileptic Fite, St„. Vita's Dance, end all disca:oo arising from a derangement of the 80.tual Orgaud, such an nervous trembling, loss or memory, loss of power, general weakness, dimness ut vision with peculiar spots appear h, before the eyes, loss of eight, wakefulness, uyspei am, liver diseases, eruptions upuu the face, pain iu the hack and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both .30X01:1. 11 matters not from what cause the disewse urigiuu tad, however long 'Alluding or obstinate the case, recovery certain, and iu it shorter time than a permanent cure can be unected by auy other treatment, even after the distsse battled the skill of eminent physicians and restated ail the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without ed“r, causing no Sick litS3B cud free trout mercury or balsam. lug twenty years of practice, I have reacued tram the ja. of death many thousands, who, in the last stages ut the above mentioned diseased had been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants cue iu promising to the afflict, - . . why may place themeelves under my care, a peritSA a a I mutt speedy Cure. Secret diseases are the greinoi,t to health, as they are the first cause of Cousumption, &A o Mkt and many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely c I Olt, a majority of the cases falling into the Lidude of inceid paeut person- , who not only fail to cure the (Ilse:A-au but ruin the con stitution, tilting the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the satferer into a rave Consumption. Bat should the disease and the treatment not cause cleat: speedily, and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble constitatioi and the current of life corrupted by a virus which heti.; i itself In Scrofula, Totter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other an:-,. Cons of the skin ' oyes, throat and lungs, entailing apt,: them a brief tristence of suffering and consigning them t• an early grave. SELF ABUSE is another formidable enemy to health, nothing else in the dread catalogue of human disease:: cam., so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thou ' sands of victims through a few years of buttering down te. an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous eyeteau, rapist. wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangement prevents the proper development of the system, disqnallse ,, for marriage, society, business, and all -earthly happinc., and leaves the sufferer wretched in body and mind, prt.nt posed to Consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence I as. sure the unfortuuate victims of Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy Mile can be effected, and with the abandonn,ent of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robe::, vigorous health. Tue afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medi cines, for there are so many ingenious snares in the'c.ilum as of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers' that millions have their constitutions ruined by the Zile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nee titans vended as "Patent Medicines." 1 have carefully ana lysed many of these called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive Sublimate, which is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a dos,liy poison, which' instead of curing the dist:rate disables the tem for life. Throe-lot:tract of the patent nostrums now in use are 1 at up by unprincipled anti ignorant persons, who do not, unisr. stand even the alphabet of the materia medita,and are eqi li ly as destitute of any knowledge of the human aysti bay ing one object only in view, and that to make money mgt.:: less of consequences. irregularities and all di , setaes of males and females d on principles established by twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by thousands of the must remarkable CCU ea. Medicines, with full directions, sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating [Leo symptoins by letter. limimess correspondence strictly con fidential. Address J. SUMMKETLEIieI, M. Office No. 1131 filbert street, (Old lio. 1.6),) jyllily below Twelfth, Philadelphia MINERAL WATEItS.—IiIue Lick, Btd ford and Congress Waters constantly on hand at JOSEPH liLEMlNti's, fe9 Corner Diamond and Market t‘trer ‘ll.3dE'S Ferreted Tinot. Bark and Elixir .; Nj Bark, on hand and for sal+, by :40:0 r• 7 . i.T.Trert 5 n, d, p IANOS TO ItENT.—Two elegant Rose wood 6% txtavo Maws, vial bo rented to pricate ton ties oaly. Apply to JOHN IL MELLOIt, 10.3 KS Wood t. VICIIITS for Christmas and Now 1. ear. Best Layer Raisins; choice new Big, iu drums auil perboxes, Graf 18%C. Vi IIAWALITII, 8110 B it W DIA •n LLB'S. fp *N. r CIORN SIIELI,ERS.—Smith's Patent; ar .ranged for baud, bone or id earn rower, warrant..) j every reepeet, and will mboli fcr,vi ail Co 4) b^_ fl 4 pf•r hoar, „WM to. wdd i.y pARISIAN TOOLE!. PASTE, prepared under the auperlikon of Dr. liulDbeu, Surgeon Ih.n tiet, for sale by .306. ANOTHER supply of Low & boa's superior Londcir Tottet ii, , oapa received to-day, by -- JOS. Ft..E3IING, -. a Cotner Dianiond and Market Weil 11.1: OGS.—Dressed liege, just received au for ga!e by 0 , JAMES A. FETZER, so Vac asst•'. . - -- - - - t i ERFIIMERY—Of descriptions and prices, D 11.31.—Six tierces prime Rice, junt receiv 0 ,, T , be had at - j os. yi.F.NllNalg, jtV ed end for eels by MILLER & BICH hTSON, tl ' - iikan=Diamand and liariisn Garaa. SOW Lica.l2l and 2/3 Llatrt u y street. - _ MEDTCAT .L - ELELRATBU 1? Tkr, Itau. T 4 4 V 4.1 LEVER PitLLB„ 721715 tautt 4"A" They are not -eicor mended as Univen Cure-alls, but simply t kV hat their name pi nor!!. The V ILMYFUGF, cx f iciliog Worms frcs human system, 1: !:,o been administer the most satisfacv -_-cults to various anirt: . libject to Wormt .. The -LIVER PLUS) he cure of LIVES. CoM -- LAINT ) all BILIOUS DE - A NGEMENTS ) SICK HP-C) HE, &C. Purchasers will ph.;l b Qarticular to ask C. McLane's C. \TERMIFUGE P. i"ILL`.: C - 1) a ' , t 111.,11,1. 'T-c! 1 2 'L. 1 .:, FR , , - )PRIEToRs, i 'l', i - - 0.11-,y,h, Pa., and taktr. . ; ?thcr, as there are varit -•: !,lier preparations f-- re r.he public, p‘ i..)ortinv to lie Verrn;fu :t 11 Liver Phi.. c;thers, in cornpari , , ! I with Dr. MCLANE ' S ) sl" "VOrtkiless. A be GFNUINE IvicLa nc's .',76 rrnifurie and .' . v r' Pilhl can now be had -a -4-esnecta.ble D i - 11 4 7-71,77: - i'.) . ..'57.7:1C;. BRO'S. IVI'LANE'S VERMIFCGE AND Lila PILLS.-75 gross on hand and for halt , by B. L. FAIINESToryg % Co. novlB Oorner Wood and Fonrth Arcot!, DRIVATE DISEASES.—DR. BROWN',' MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, -t''',.::-`744.4 No. 50 SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts. ~ , : • e. 14 . 1. A burgh, Pa. ..4"", , - - ;.- - ,.." -- ",i DR. BROWN is an old citizen of Pato- -..:••.'., .:' , " - i• - t - ^..? f1..,7 •.' -4 , ; burgh, and has been in practice for the „„ • -•,.. - :,, , ,1 . •29%.,.. ... 3 , last twenty-fire years. His business has e," ? .% i r,,:.A"''',7 f f , been confined mostly to Private and Bur- Ti . 4."1"1. : :-t.4-'s ''''. gical Diseases. .... ,••••;'.-..,Val :1 CITIZENS AND STRANGERS ' -s v ,q , '- f .",e, , .- -- . ~,•• in need of a medical friend, should not tV 3 22 ,431 ' . .i '', '''''iv,';' , ' • • fail to Dud out the sure place of relief . --"' „„„•• 1 The Doctor is a regular graduate, and 3 t.r•LZ 3 , l ' his experience iu the treatment of a certain claw of dist.... :•s is a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtalutug perculd,, ~1 relief, by the use of h ROWNis remedies REMEDIES and following hie mit ~ • - • DR. B'S ... . never fall to cure the worst form of Venereal Di., ~11 Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all dk. 0,9 arising from a hereditary taint, which manifests itself 41 t“o form of a totter, psoriasis, and a great many buns of -diseases, the origin of which the patient is entirely igoornn To persons so afflicted,. Dr. B. offers hopes of a eti tied speedy recovery. SEMINAL WEARNESS Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, bi ht on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification I, i , .11 the young and weak-minded often give way tu,(to thf if .a destruction,) are the only reliable remedies known is i !if s country—they are safe, and make a speedy reetorat to health. RHEUMATISM Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this painfid •• e• ease in a few days—he will warrant a cure. lle o • •ds Piles, Oleet, Gonorrhata, Stricture, Urethral Dißtliiirp..l, tie male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseat,-. : Joints, Fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain iu the b 4 and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoniu, containing a ire, di rected to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, i•ittahm „u, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent t., address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 60 Smithfield (art i•t, burgh, Pa. IT IS RIOT A OWE. lira. S. World's 11 r Restorer. dIRAY lIAIRBD, BALD, or persookt - I,ith ‘,,A diseases of hair, or scaly, rosd the foliow lug audj,.,:ge of the articles: Biro. H. A. ALLEN'S ZIt'LOLIALSAhIU.M, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, is essential to ma v.ittt the RESTORER., and Is the beat Hair Dre.aing tor old .r young extant, being often efficacious in CIU/08 Of hair tall• ing, Xa, without the Restorer. • REV. H. V. DEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "Ws :an testify to its effects," Sic. PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L. D., Murfreesboro', Tine. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the falling off of I air ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," a c. REV. S. B. MORLEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. "Li 1,3 changed the "Crown of Glory," belonging to old n.eo, to the original hue of youth," Ac. BEV. M. THAelw.n, (60 years of age,) pitcher, ChenaL,go county New York. "My hair is now restored; It IS nothing like a dye," An. ' REV. D. T. WOOD,Middlotown, New York. " hiy own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thickoa• ed, where almost bald," Ire. REV. JAMES McKEE, New York city, recommends It, .to REV. W. PORTED:3, Stanwich, Conn. "It Lad met lay most sanguine expectations ac. REV. J. P. GRISWOLD, ii'ashington, N. H. "it Is really efficacious in restoring the hair," Ac. REV. G. M. SPRATT, Lowiaburgh, Pounaylvanla. can and do cheerfully reconauend it," Ac. REV. J. P. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Eatolica. "'its whit© hair has become obviated," An. REV. AMOS BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. B. "We thick very highly of sour preparation," Sic. REV. B. 0. SMITH., Prattaburgh, N. Y. "1 was eurpristd to s ilnd my hail turn as when I was young," 4,.c. REV C M. CLINK, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "It hasstop• ped my hair ialluig and caused a now growth." REV. A. PRINK, Chatanque county, New York. "I eila satisfied and recommend it." REY D. .110DaID, Cross River, Now York. "It la the lea preparation extant." REV. WILLI' AM CUTTER, =tor Mother's Mr.gel ine, New York. "Recommends it." far We might swell this list, but If not c ...laced, TRY IT. iVe export these preparationo to EaropO cv,.l, and are emporgeling all others theta as well a ill 010 U It dart not toil or :lain. Bald by all the pries ;poi whole• cala and retail merchants in the thaltsd Stat.., Cuba, or Canada. DEPOT 355 BROOD./ STREET, zi. V.; where, address all letters and ,=•• Some dealers try to sell articles inst.gy, ~r this, on which they make more profit. Write to DeTut =Mho. terms, and information. Genuine is signed, A. A . u m mitten fri ink. ifeware of counterfeits. fser,i;:u AIRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTOI:ER.---A largo unpply always on liand,antl for ealo I.y novlB B. L. BAHNEETuCh a Ca SUM. FAHNESTOCIi, No. 74 Wood street, Pittsburgh, lI.AS LA J USTD—. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MIGN WALDRON & GRIFFIN'S :Gums CORN AND GRAIN SCITIIE, (XiRN 110 ES ; PATENT AN D COMMON AN V I ; STEEL Tram very iiiiperkm Drawer LOCkB, eery eup,rior Qua Locks, Tinned and Emnamelled Sauce PALI, Baal Spoons, Brim Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, Bran S tdi r Rod., braces and Bits, Measuring Tapes, Superior Via te S, Olt ry C,eute„ Tuscan, Coil, Path, Tongued, Stretch ant Bre tht Ct uy, with a variety of other goods, all of which will hs 6.,41 at az..l. crate terms. 413 111.1-ITS! SKIRTS! Bishop's Skirts ; Quilted /looped Skirts Holmes' "looped Skirts; llisses? 0 , rded Skirts; Ladies' Corked and Quilted Skirts, vi lilts and colors 1; a I neer supply just opened, at JOB. 11011,,NE'si • iltl9 a Market atrebt • GLOVES.—A full supply of 'Tv Cloth, Silk and Morino, of valuta dam, at low prig EIORNE'3, 'VT 1.!•,1 t ar,t. prepares