.'l4 l .soc -7 .: ; SPECIAL NOTICES. APPOINTMENT EXTENDED TO JUNE FIRST. DRS. C. M. FITCH 4- J. W. SYKES, Will remain at their Office, No. 191 Penn street. OPPOSITE T. CLAIR HOTEL, iITTSBUIVIII, PA 'TILL JUNE FIRST, 185$. And may be consulted daily, (except Sundays) for CONSUL' , • BituNCIIITIS and ALL ~O NIC eO3IPLANTB ceruplicattd with, or caning pulmonary discate, including Catarrh, Heart Disease, Affections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Female Complaints, t tc. DRS. PITCH t RYSER would state that their treatment of Com ilium ion is haied noon the fact that the disease exists in t4e blood oral syzlens at large, both Wore and during its derelopmott in the lungs, and they therefore employ Mechan ical, Ili Bionic and Medical remedies to purify the blood and strengthen the system. these, they use mEmem, IN UALATION, which they value highly, but only as Pallier fives, which used alone have no' Coratice effects, and Inva lid! ere earnestly cannoned seitinht 'wasting the precious time of curability on any treatment hawed upon the plonsi hie, but false idea that the seat of the diseas , can be roeched In a direct wanner by Inhalation. .itar No charge fur consultatMn. A list of questions will be sent to those wishing to consult ns by letter. Address DRS. C. M. PITCH te J. W. SYKES, ISt Penn street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AMORE CURES.. PHILADELPIIIA, 3tl tub., 20, 18E0 Reeled Friend—l had for several years been afflicted with Dyspepsia, and occasionally a General Debility. I ac cidentally tried thy medicine, Hoofland's German Bitters, in the first place upon. a daughter, she having a severe spell of sickness. Thy Ilootland's German Bitters had such effect open her general debility, that I was induced to try it my self. I then got a bottle, and used it according to the direc tions, and It relieved me more than anything I had before used, giving gen.ral tone and strength to the stomach and system. lad fain had a very severe spell of the Ditarbo 3 at which Collt illtlOd for some time. My life, fur a a time, WWI despaired of. Thy bitters again being used, acted very hap pily upon the stMna:ll and iniestme•, and soon relieved me from the great pain I suffered, and gore me gcmeral health to the system. I consider it, doctor, one of the most valua ble medicines I ever Wed, and shall take !great pleasure iu recommending It to others. flogp .ctfully thy friend, SAMUEL BUTTON, Jeuningq Row, Catharine, above Third. To Dr. C. Jackson, 12.0 Arelietreet, Philadelphia. Sao advertisement. Erdo by PLIVzil T1P.;06. art:. Dr. ONO. ft MEV...IP:E. Pittahm la" A RECIPE THAT. RARELY EVER FAILS TO CURE A COLD.—Now, while winter, with its Mather' of Colds and Coughs, is with no, we think a remedy that will relieve snob visitations should he highly prized, and all who know the worth of this remedy, will do as we do—prize it doubly. Take n double dos., of Dr. Word's InaFgorator, and it will give greater relief than any other medicine wo ever I tied, for we have rarely to repeat the dose to be en tirely free from Cough, and us aeon as the lungs have time to throw off the collected matter, the cure is complete. As a family medicine, for the cure of Bowel Diseases, Worms, Derangement of the Stomach and Liver, we eau recommend it knowingly. mrl2.:lnidaw OFFICL ne rut PLTIKIIISALI L Boa-0:4 MlArr t o Co., Pittsburish, March 15, 1859. f NOTICE TO STOCUTIOLDERS.—The StockhoW erra of this Company are hereby notified that the number of sharea - into which the Capital Stoca is divided, has this day been hicrealed fron S a Thstuand to Twenty Thousand share., in puisuance of authority granted by the ' Legislature of Michigan. New certificates of stock in ex Imp for the old ones will be issued at the office oldie tiecret ary, in the city of Pitts burgh, on and aster the Ist day of April. No certificate will be Issued for the traction of a share, but parties entitled to fractional shares will be credited there with on the books of - the C mipany, and a certificate issued whenever assignments of such fractional credits are present ed to the Cecrotary as wilt amount to one or more shares. Holders of old certificates will please present them for ex change as early after the Ist of April as may bo convenient. TllO5. M. HOWE:, Secretary, Pittsburgh fi Bei-ton Mining Co. mr22:3w P9TTSBUIIGIi STEEL WORKS. ISAAC JONES JNO. L. BOYD IVM. McOULLOUGH JONES, BOYQ & CO. LILT' UPACTIIREDS OP €4ST STEEI.. ALSO, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross and First Streets, PITTSBURGH; PA 104./..0 D. D. Ei 00 tat D. 0. FLOG $S CO„, ILLIZOTAXTURED. 0.7? ROGER S' IMPROVED PATENT sTon CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER Ross AND FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURGH. PA JAMES A. PETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, WM TEE SUS OD Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of rin.rttet and First streets. PITTSBiI RGH, PA. Itsraa xo—Brancis G. Bailey, Dam., William Dilworth, Sr., -3. Cuthbert & Son, Pittib _ugh; Boyd & Ott, Heiskell Swoaringon, S. Brady, Coal , . 11. Sc Banh. List & Howell, !tangle & Co., George W Anderson, Donll ~ Paxton & Co. WbnPiing. TrlySenntf AILLLF.I3, Yhiln C. W. ItIOKETBSN, Pittefh TISHILLIER St, RICKIETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DIPORTERSOr BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS. Nos. '4lll and 223, Coiner of Laborty and Irwin ptrectst IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &c., ho., CONSTANTLY ON HAND H RDWA RE. AIIUEL FAIINESTOCK., No. 74 WOOD street, Pittsburgh, hal on hand a large STOCK OF HARDWARE, Wtiich 115 will sell very low for C 4.951. In addition to hip Licks, Hing3s, tinives and Forks, and Spoons, and a lonic attortmeut of .'":atpenter's Tools, he has received a large sun ply of Sartlage Gaiters and Staffers ; Shovels, Tongues and Pokers; Sleigh Bells, and Enameled Preserving Kettles. Office of Seater of Weights and - Measures. HEOFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASIIE ES, May be found henceforth, in Merry alley, batmen Third and Fourth Invents, when ordure may be left. uirlS:tf - CUARLES BARNETT. aPEItI?;...GRAND PIANO, FROM TUE MANUFACTORY OF STEINWAY & SONS,. • MEW YORK. t KLEBER & TAKE PLEAS ORB iu announcing to to the - Pnb. Ito that they have Just received a, splendidze4 GRAND PIANO, from.the Factory of Stein.o ; way A Sons. Now York, which for exquisite atesetuees and volume of tone, lightness and start:lefty of finch, and a mo.t tasteful and elegant exterior, is consider .-. 1 t he FLNE:3I7 attAND PIANO over'brougheto this city. The mechanism is a DOUBLE ILF,PEATLNG ACTION, u I.atented invention of Steinway A Sens, which combines with the utmost promptness ned delicacy of touch a degree of durability bat rarely attained. 1 0 - One of Steinway A Sou.' GRAND 'PIANOS has lately been performed on by S. Ihalbeig, in Baltimore, who sta ted that it was remarkable, even and pare in tone; power ful aid of fine touch. Ali th ?se who havo'heard this grand Vane, are unanimous that it is far superior to those clang abet.. William Macon and Gottschalk, the American Pi anists, who h ale lately played on Steinway dr. Sons GRAND PIANOS at their concerts, are of the same opinion. Mr. Satter, the eminent Pianist, late of Roston, who has tested all the grand planes now in this a:pantry, Is using Steinway & Sons' Grand Piano at his concerts in NeW York, in ',reference to any other. We respectfully invite the public, one and all, whether purchasers or not, to call and see this unrivalled instru ment. H. KLEBER & 8R0 . ., No. 53 Fifth Street, Sole Agents for Steinway A Sons. A ROMTECTU.BAL.- 171- BARR & IMOSELt, Arciatects, N 0.112 Smithfield Enna., Oppolito th 3 new Post:Ofdee, Execute Plane and Spocifications for all kinds of tntildingq, and superintend the erection of the same. Mr. Baun also continues to attend to the measuring of builders' work, and Mr. Mosta to the preparation of-patent papeie and drawing-i. mrliflnx se L. C. lIESPBUR,N, ATCORgii AT LASS AND CONVEYAN'Ora ortx..l Wall v. tom:scram • , • 9a. Wc=-1..% carne T & T. GROUVT,Jraporters of Brandies, t." • oiti; Win; sze: Derderii In flee Old Monongahela Bye Whisky; Pesch and Apple Brandy; also, REM - HITS AND DISTILLERS, corner of SMITEFELD and FRONT Streets. Pirtstrorob, Pa. , AVILILIA.M CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND R4TAIL LIQUOR MERCHANTS, Near Wood street, ' PITTSBURGH, PA. .sre- Always on hand, 'Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac Orandies, Obi • Nfonongabeic and Rectified Whisky, of the so test gm:OCT, doleydel! GONUDIE ROUGH PURPLE CHILI POTAT9EB.--This Potato has the reputation of ix lag the moot productive, and the heal table Potato of all the new varietio in use. The subscritar having cultivated them largely for four years has never known them to rot either in the ground or in store. A limited number .of can be had at a moderate Vpri ce LEM , bIN(.4y applying to BROS , N 0.14 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 27:3Wdtra p I MOT Y SEED-10 bush. Good Timothy Seed for dale by JAS. A. FETZER, Ina goratig Itai awl Motet as& %:,-;'--.-,":, -' , 1_, , -..'. 7 - • -.: , -,- ,.ef, '..,1-.. ~ .),7,,......t:!;,...c..i- ,. ,. . ... . fair . 26.2ardby PITTSBURGH, PA. NO. 37 DIAMOND ALLEY, Seed Potatoes. , , , • §:Arm*, Se:" MiI!IMIM=IM LOCAL AFFAIRS. Nesting of Stockholders of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail road Company. . SECOND DAY. • According to adjournment dm stockholders re-as sembled at half-past nine o'clock yesterday morning, and the regularly elected Secretary, T. D. Messier, Esq., being absent, Mr. Thomas Goodman, of Ohio, was appointed to fill his place. Mr. Donnelly offered the following resolution : Resolved, That no person shall be Oligible to the Directory of this Company who is not the owner of one hundred shares of stock and now stands credited upon the books of this Company with that number. • Gen. William Robinson explained that under the charter every stockholder is entitled to the Directory if elected, although he may own but one share of the stock, and that the passage of such a resolution would be inoperative. Mr. Hutchinson, f Allegheny, cast some imputa tions upon the motives of Eastern gentlemen in pre senting this resolution, to which Mr. Street, of Ohio, replied by saying that the resolution was out a mea sure originating with Eastern gentreumm• • After some remarks by Mr. Magarge, of Philadel phia, and Mr. Reynolds, of Cotton, Ohio, the rose lution was laid oil the table by a large majority. Mr. Case, the President . bf the Company, on be half of the Committee appointed on Monday for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of salaries paid to the officers of the Company during the last fiscal year, presented a report giving the required in formation, which was road and accepted. Mr. Zadock Street, of Salem, Ohio, presented a memorial to the Legislature of Pennsylvania from the Board of Directors relative to the Tonnage Tax, which was read by the Secretary. After a few elo• quent and pertinent remarks, Mr. Street offered the following rcsobitions : Resolved, That the tonnage duty or tax collected by the State of Pennsylvania through the agency of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Is, in the judgment of the share holders of this Company, andufringement upon the consti tution of the United States, a violation of comity between States, an injury to the citizens along the tine of this Com pany's Road, and a serious injury to our property, and that wo approve of the memorial addressed to the Legislature of Pennsylvania by the Board of Directors, asking fur a repeal of the tonnage tax. Resolved, That the President of the Company be directed to forward copies of the foregoing resolutions to the Legis• latore of Pennsylvania now in session. Mr. Errett, as the representative of the pity of Pittsburgh in this meeting, was opposed to sending forth any such, resolutions as the voice of the stock holders of this road. There are many large share. holders who are opposed to the repeal of the tonnage tax; the city of Pittsburgh was one of them, and as the representative of her stock, be solemnly protested against the passage of these resolutions. Mr. Dill, of Allegheny, said the course of Mr. Er rett was quite consistent with the course he had always` pursued towards this road in opposing its passage\acrsss Ponn street. Mr. Brooks, of Ohio, and Hon. Samuel Hanna, of Indiana, spoke in favor of the repeal of the tax, on the ground that this road ought to be placed on an equality with other lines in competition with it in carrying freight to and from the East. Mr. Kent Jarvis, of Massillon, thought that this body of stockholders ought to have, the privilege of expressing their opinion concerning these resolutions. lie said Pennsylvania was the only State in the Union that imposed such a tax on freight, which acts as an ,incubus not only on the Pennsylvania Railroad, but on every road, east or west, forming a connection with it. Mr. Errett made a motion .to lay the resolutions on the table, which was lost by an almost unanimous vote. The vote on the adoption of the resolutions being now taken, they were passed with only one dissenting voice. Mr. Errett requested to be allowed to enter his pro test, on behalf of the city of Pittsburgh, against these resolutions. The Chairman then announced that in pursuance of a resolution passed on Monday to institute an ex amination of the books and accounts of the "com pany for the past seventeen months, he had appointed the following commifteo : Alfred P. Edgerton, of In diana, Richard Matheany, of Ohio, and R. B. Ster ling, of Pittsburgh. It was then announced that stockholders could now have an opportunity of voting for cfficers of the com pany for the ensuing year. On motion, the meeting adjourned, to meet again on the first Wednesday of September next. The following is the result of the election for Di.. rectors, which closed at six o'clock last evening. The whole number of shares voted was 99,633. The following gentlemen were elected Directors for the ensuing year, by majorities of from 30,000 to 60,000: G.. W. Case, J. E. Thomson, Wm. Robinson, Jr., Wm. Wade, of Pennsylvania; C. M. Russell, G. W. Bailey, John Larwill, R. MoKelly, of Ohio; Saml. Hanna, Joseph K. Edgerton, J. L. Williams, A. L Wheeler, of Indiana; Wm. B. Ogden, John Evans, of Illinois; R. H. Winslow, of New York. .Tilysterious Circumstance. Yesterday morning, while the Mayor was engaged in trying the morning cases, a boy entered the office, bringing with him the arm of an infant, which he stated he found near the corner of Hand and Liberty streets. The limb had apparently belonged to a child about 'ix months old. Dr. Murdoch examined it, and declarod'his belief that it had boon cut off, not taken off by the wheel of a car, as might have boon supposed from the place in which it was found. It presents the appearance of having been backed off by a hatchet or other similar instrument. The Mayor and one or two police officers visited the locality, but could not obtain any information concerning the af fair. The arm has been Preserved in liquor, and is now at the Mayor's office. Any information corn. municated to the Mayor concerning this mysterious circumstance will be suitably rewarded. Theatre.—Mrs. M'Malion took a benefit at the Theatre last evening, and was not greeted by a very large or fashionable audience. She attempted to play Julia, but we would offer a word of friendly ad vice to the lady, viz : that she should either give up the stage, or apply herself to her profession until she has sufficiently improved to become .a passable ac tress. The bills of Monday evening announced her engagement for six nights, but the management very wisely curtail'd it to three. This evening we will be presented with more acceptable farces than the attempts at "heavy parts".by this lady. Mr. T. H. Hadaway, an old Pittsburgher, and a great favorite, will appear in " Paul Pry " and the "Dead Shot." Mr. J. G. Hanley also plays Plumper in "Cool as a Cucumber." Charge of Fraud.—A man named P. C. Wilson made information against James -Blakely and James C. Richey, formerly partners under the style of Blakely Richey, for obtaining money under false pretences. (he prosecutor states that he deposited with them the Rum of $258, for the purpose of en tering land for him in the West, which was to be ef fected in one month ; that he caned several times after the expiration of that time, and was always put cif with some excuse; that the land was never en tered, and that he believes the money was taken with the intention of defrauding him out of it. Messrs. Blakely and Richey both made their appearance be• fore the Mayor, and gave. bail to answer at Court. Convicted.—George Cooley, 'Patrick Mullen and David Porter, indicted for highway robbery, on oath of John Smail, were convicted on Tueplay of the charge. ' Yesterday, Cooley - plead guilty to four charges of larceny,' Porter to three, and, Mullen to one. This is a highly 'interesting:party of young thieves—and, they have - had justice meted out to them - quickly. Cooley and Porter were arrested on last Saturday and Mullen on Tuesday. They will be sentenced on Saturday, and next week will find them in the Penitentiary—ten days from the commission Of the offenses. Who says justice is tardy ? Sudden Death.—A man named George Craig, died suddenly in the Seventh Ward, on Tuesday. Ile had left home with the intention of driving a cow to pasture, but dropped dcwn dead on the way. Hit death was supposed to bo the result of a rush of blood to the head. lie was a young man, much re spected by all his acquaintances. A coroner's jtfry was called, who returned a verdict of death from The visitation of Ged. Identified.—The man whose body we noticed yes., terday as having been found in the Mississippi river, has been identified - as E. G. Kennedy, a plasterer by occupation, who lives at Tarentum.: He has a brother, residing in Birmingham, named David G. Kennedy, who`-had received a letter from Captain Cheover, stating that his brother's body would bo sent on as soon as found. The deceased left a wife and two children. AU Fool's Day.—This is All Fool's Day, when those who indulgo in practical jokes indulge their proolivities at jhe expanse of -their friends. We do not approve of the custom, but we would advise those who do not wish to be " sold " by some "art ful dodger" to be exceedingly cautious. We have many inveterate jokers amongst us who think it fine sport to play off their jokes on the unsuspecting. Not Forthcoming.—Patriik Doolan, who was con victed of assault and battery with intent to kill, on Tuesday, in tho Criminal Court, was not about 'when the verdict- the jury was rendered, and has not been seen since. It will be remembered he was one of the party engaged in the row in Allegheny about a month since, in which an Irishman was- so badly beaten with pickaxei, tr,c: Ea/ten—To-morrow will be Good Friday, and next Sunday . will be Easter Day. Easter is a moveablo feast, upon which all of the others depend. It is always the first Sunday after the full moon, which happens upon or next after the twenty first of Maroh. If the full moon happen upon a Sunday, Easter Day is the Sunday after. We understand that Governor Foster intends opening hie new Theatre on Saturday. the 10th of April, with a good stook company. On Monday Miss Jean U. Davenport, now playing in Cincinnati, will commence an engagement with him. Al the Mayor's Office yesterday morning there was the usual variety of cases, which were disposed of as usual. At the Aldermen's offices nothing worth reporting. """A man named Cornelius O'Brien was arrested and taken before Alderman Lewis CU Tuesday afternoon, charged with stealing a quantity of clothing from a person named James Rees. He was coaftnitted to jail to allover the charge. The Grand Jury -finished their labors yesterday and were discharged, after having acted on over area tuindn4 bills. ~' ....... -.~.... L ... Y.Ajj 1 ~~. ,'~w ~:~F'r:T':: .., d _~, _ , ~ z ~,. Pittsburgh Retell !I&rket• We publish this morning our regular weekly re port of family marketing, carefully corrected: OUR FAMILY MARKETING Beef Steak, Bret cut, " second " " Roaeta, Pork Steaks, " Roasts, Veal Cutlets, Mutton (lops, Quarter, Pigs Feet, don Tripe each. Pork Saueageg, Bologna Sausage Moat, Mince Liver Puddin4, Be:f Liver, 13 Pair , Salmon, 'ft string. Perch, •• Sucker, Lard, Leaf, licnder-d, Oni6ns, h'f 'otutoee, N este n' 11 band) " Radish, s, Beets, Onions, fresh, Carrots, 'arm Ds, hors yndieh, Pumpkins, Cabbage, Cranberries, White Beans, Hominy, Apple Rutter, Onions, seed, Spinnach, per handful, -Lettuce pea beak Applos, half peck. Dried Neches, Z 1 quart. " Apples, " Butter, Roll, Vlth.. doz.. First Arrival of Spring Goods at Carnaghan'e, Al legheny City.—A very full and elegant stook of cloths, new style cassimeres and vostings, furnishing goods, for men and boys' wear, are now opened, to which the attention of cash buyers is invited. Terms being strictly cash, buyers may rely on the prices being averable. THE GREAT POPULARITY OF HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS prepared by the eminent physician, Dr. J. Hostetter, is unbound.d. Daily does he receive the voluntary testimonials of the afflicted, who have been cure" of lout-standing diseases, through the use of the "Bitters," and daily the sale of this medicine is increasing, and extend ing its `sphere of usefulness among suffering humanity. For removing all mot bid mutter from the stomach, regulat ing the bowels; strengthening the ei4iro body, and impart ing vigor and toes to the entire human system, it cannot be equalled. We would recommend all who are afficted with any of these terrible disease', to immediately procure a bottle of the Bitters, and their ailments will vanquish like anew before u scorching sllll. 'Jr sale by druggists and dealers generally, every w bele, LIOSTEITTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Pruprietura, 58 Water and 68 'Front streets. ws27-Icf JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Warerooms, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDGE, tl - n* — In addition to the Furniture business, I also devote cation to UNDERTAKING. Maraca and Oairiages urnished. JAMES P. TANNER•, 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., IREIVIIIMMTMRIN!MTRIMMItirM ly, to We large stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, Bought direct frpru Manufacturers in Massachusetts, COMPRISING BROGANS, Ladies', Mi:/31-`6 ' and Children's BONNETS, FLATS out! NANCY lIAT6 \len, Boys and Youth's PA' M LEAF, LEGIIcRN, PA"'ANIA autl STItAW lIATS nut], Buys and limitled WOOL and FULL LISTS All of which Dill be f.,und iu great variety ail- Great inducements of to CASII and prompt TIME, BUYERS Orders solicited and carefully selected and packed mr27:dtiel—le China, Glass and Queensware SPRANG isTOOK JUST OPENED, .AT THE ,OLD ESTABLISHMENT 01 ME 3M le7 lEt. 7 7 . "... ME IG- 313 -sr 7 132 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. NikTIIO IS NOW RECEIVING FROM Europe and Eastern Cities, a choice assortment 01 articles in his line. comprising new and tastelnl shapes of Peed White Stone Tea. Dining and Toilet Ware, and the same in Plain, Gold, Lustre BAIA and Flowers; Fine White Vitrified Iron Stone Table Were, known to be the mcet der able now in use for Hotels aid Steamboats; French China of new styles, in Pure White and Gold Band, either in sets or single pieces; Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sets; Brit tannin and Plated Castors; German Silver Ten Table Spoons, ..oup Ladles, etc., plated with silver; fine ,Ivory Handled Carving, Tel and Table Knives and Fora% Tea Walters and Trays; shaker and Sese rags Table Mate, Jappaced and Dec orated Tin Tobet Set* Also, a csmplete and full assortment of all articles snita. ble for the C' , UNTRY ItEl7 AIL TRADE, at prices to pleme the public, who are respectfully invited to examine this tOC ti. mr27:3mdaw GO ARID _GEORGE P. IVERTZ'S EFlrst Premium Blind Factory, CORNER THIRD AND MARKET :as., PITTSBURGH. JHOSE WISHING TO FURNISH THEIR House with VENITIAN BLINDS, of the most exqui site and elaborate finish, will find it to their interests to giie me a call before purchasing elsewhere. My work is got up by the best mechanics (not apprentices.) Every attention is given to the wants of customers. Prices low. MI work ;Tenanted. No. 72 THIRD Street, Pittsburgh. knyB:lyis OBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale - :drwers,_Cuturuid3ion and Furaarding Merchants and Dealora iu Product) and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 251 Liberty "tr. - wt. Pith:bum)). Pa. cnr26•y. School for Young Ladies. WM. J. BAKEWELL, INTENDS TO open his Bch 01, on MONDAY, the sth of April. Teets, $l5 00 per quay ter. Residence at his son's house, 191 Second street. Rooms, Smithfield street, N. E. corner of Diamond alley. mr29:tf f k •A. MASON & CO., Agts., NO. 5 FIFTH STBEET, Are now opening Bich Printed Jaconets, Handsome French Chintzes, • • Fine Orghndi Lawns, Rich Cha D'Lainea, And other Itich Dress Goods. mr27 RESERVED GINGER,I ease in syrup Just received and for bale by REYMER & ANDERSON, No 89 Wood street. i ERRING -200 boi.ed Bailed; 200 do No. 1, Just received and for mile by RHYMER & ANDERSON, No. 20 Wood street. APPLES. -30 bbls. Green Apples receive this day and for axle by JAS. A. FETZER, mr27 Corner First and Market eta. EANS.-20 bbls. white Beans for sale b; JAB. A. IiSTZER, - Corner First and Market sta. CIGARS.- 6000 Ramis Priucipi Cigars ; 4 nr 4000 Croy & Son do do • 7000 Washington Regalia Cigars; ' 20,000 German Cigars, assorted brands; For sale by REY MER &,ANDERSON, No: 09 Wood street, mr27 Opposite St. Charles HoteL 100 BBLS. N. C. TAR, for sale by BAG/LEY, COSGRAVE & CO., Nos. 18 and 20 Wood street Qi BBLS. Potatoes, received and for sale by tJkl \ JAMES A. FETZER, Corner Market andrFiret streets. _QTORE ROOM ON FOURTH STREET ' FOR RENT.—A large Room and Cellar, between Mar ket and Wood etreeta. S. CUTHBERT k SON, Int3o 61 Market street. PIE.-200 bbk fresh Limo just received, .13 and for sale by Lmr29l H. 11 COLLINS. 300 1,3)( 0 1 E 5 WINDOWGLkSST !FURZE. STORY. • BRICK DWELLING HOUSE; FOR RENT—Situate on Marbary street, be• twra. Pq in and Liberty streets, containing a hall, 2 par lors;"o obeaubers, - dining room and kitchen. Rent, $2OO per year. • . •, 8. CUTHBERT & SON, -124411 61 Alaska stese4.7 . - . - :... F? .t. ? .';' :- . ,, .:!.'. - 7z.T.;•.;::: .. 2:::-:- -- ...„-',.:...,'.-.....' , .. : ... .--. ••,.. - -...... . . ,~` UVRT, SBURGii iIOAII.O OF TRADE, A3i.b3 9 © 10c El go 10 12 8 (g 10 .... 8 @ .... 9 § 11 8 (g. 9 . 7 (g 8 so 37 37 ig) 50 9 10 10 ay 12 12 4 12 12 00 12% 6 0 6 4 60 6 35 00 45 80 0 1,00 60 60 76 35 00 60 25 60 37 30 00 40 25 64 35 20 60 30 11 0 124 11 0 13 10 00 12 10 0 12% 8 00 10 8 00 10 5 @ 10 3 '0 , 4 6 @ 10 3 64 4 3 00 4 2 64 3 I 10 60 16 3 60 4 12%0 15_ 6 60 6 8 @ 10 10 00 16 12 @ 18 6 60 10 3 eo. 8 10 @ 12% 0 @ 12 % 9 @ 10 18 00 20 2t 60 25 10 60 12% PITTSBURGH, PA! rur22:dly-1c GAITERS, OPERA TIES, ETO ..,..::,,,,,,t,,,..7:•*i.44?,,;,4-- • •-•, 1 ,1 ;- -- - •-i - • • ..- ••••• • - 1.t.:1;g4-:::ei.4- glie,,L'l4;-•4;:,-7.,;_f??.e.C'''.-7;;.--ei '..t',--.-''-'NI -..;"' ,=,l•4t.ciiar.,o.'-'.inv.'iz-.:tf1e.•50g,!6..;..405- .': -.;•••.:(,'-.1...A....:..'.:,..,.:.:::!.'ef-:11...-7,174:-°.:':;;:.::','-'-'-i;f.,.,t•"---r-r!'!---,,--• . ... :.......„....• ......, .. ~:•:::-,--- . .. ~'l~'.~-',~,~t~s COMM_ER,CIAL, 7,2ERCBANTS , rea CHAPIO . President. a. lATTTJAMB, Pfesid.cnts. P. R BRUNOT, lest, ISAIAH DICKEY, 2d frearttrer. N. HOLNIEti, Superinterultnt. JOSEPG SNOWDEN. Committee of Arbitration for_ Mare. F. R. BRUNOT, Vice President, JOHN J. GILLESPIE, JOSEPII R. HUNTER, SAMUEL BGRPIEII, AUSTIN LOOMIS. PITTSCIUIWII MARKET IkrreJully Reperied by Josifa SNOwnan, Superintend on' of the Merchants' Exchange. Prrmasunun, March 31, 155.. FLUUR...SaIes 470.1ib15. viz :—From first baud • 34 b.. from wharf at:53,25 for superfine. From store: 145 Wile. at $3,60 for superfine, $1 for extra and $4,60 for extra mils; 200 bids. extra family on private terms. GRAIN...SaIes 700 bush. Oats from wharf at 27c., and 28 1 / 2 c. bush.; 350 bash. do. from stork at 23c ;60 bush. Rye from wharf at 30c.; 50 bush. ear Corn from wharf at 43c.; 60 bush, do. from store at 46c. HAY...Sales 4 loads from the scales at slopsl44t ton. SEEDS...SaIes 25 bush. Clover at $5 it bush. POTATOES—SaIes 1400 bush. Neshannocks from depot at 60c. -p bash.; 300 bash. Nash Innocke were offered from depot at 45c.; but not sold. GREEN APPLES...SaIes 23 bbls. at $2, and 125 bbls. a $2,123! y bbl. ASIIES...SaIes 310 cases Concentrated Lye at 14c..; tb. ROSIN...SaIe 16 bble. at $3,50 bbl. LlslE...Sales 21 bbls. Louisville at $1,25 i bbl. SALT...SaIes 60 bble. No. let $1,62% CL-1, bbl.; 80 sacks at $l,lO. FIRE-BRICK—Sales 2000 Bolivar at $33. SUGAR—SaIea 23 hhda. N. 0. at 7% to Sc. for fai• to ;MOLASSES—SaIes 93 bbls. N. O. at 35@36c. gallon. FlBll—pales 21 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel large at $11,50 bbl.; 10 bbls. Lake Superior White at $10; 12 half bbls. du. at $6 ci half bbl. BACON—Sales 4000 tbs. Shoulders at 7 1 4 c ; 5000 lbs. do. at same figures; 1000 the, do. 71.,/, ; 800 lbs. Hams at 834@1034e. 'fl EGGS...SaIes 1500 dozen flora wharf and btore at 10©11c. dozen. WHISKY...SaIes 111 bbls. rectified at 21Q22c. g 7 gallon Foreign ffiaxlieta. Per Steamer Persil.] LIVERPOOL, March 19.—Cotton bail declined %c during the week; sales 31,000 bales. Money Market unchanged. The bullion in the bank has increased 229,000 pounds. Consuls for money 96%; Tor ac count 90 3 4®967. STATE OF TRADE.—The advices from Manchester continue of au unfavorable character, all qualities having suffered a slight decline. HAVRE MARKET.—Orleans tres ordinaire at Havre quoted at 103 f. • • . LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFF'S AL/REM—The breadnltiffS market closed steady, with Borne large speculation purchases. The, market closed at the following quotations: Western 22(4)235; Philadelphia and Baltimore 22@235. Wheat closed dull at 6s©6B 3d for red, and 7s@7a 6d for - white. Corn closed steady, with an improved demand; mixeli and yellow quoted at 33s 13d@341. lavgagoot., March 19.—Cotton: The sales for the week were 31,000 bales, including 4,000 to speculators and 3000 to exporters. There has been a decline of 4 in all qualities, the market cirsing with a declining tendency. The sales today were 4000 bales; holders were pressing on the marl , et. The quotations are as follows: Fair Orleans 7%; middling 7X41 fair Mobile, 7%, middling 6%; fair uplands 7%; middling, - A. The stock in port 356,000 bales, including 243,000 American. New York Market. Nave YORE, Starch 31.—Cotton; sales of •600 bales at a decline of 96; the quotations are nominal; there is but little enquiry, and prices are weak. Flour firm; sales 12,000 bbls. Corn thin; 27,000 bush mixed Western sold at 67%. Beef firm at $12@13;60. Pork steady; prime $13,65®13,75. Hawn quiet. Butter, Tallow and Linseed steady. Lard lac lower ' sales at 41%©10 1 / 3 . Sugar heavy. Coffee quiet. Tea; the sale was flat; Oolong has slightly declined. Freights are drooping. Cincinnati Blaritot. Cmcirmen, March 31.—Flour doll and prices drooping; 2500 bble told at $3,55@3,66 for superfine. Whisky lower; sales of 1000 bbls sold at $16 1 ,4; receipts largo. Mess Pork higher; 1000 bbls sold at $lO, and 200 bble to be delivered on the first of Juno at $10,60. Bulk Sides advanced to Bc. Bacon Sides Uc a good demand for the former, There is nothing doing in Shoulders or Lard. New York Stook Market. ,New YORK, March 31.—Eeening.—Stocts are generally lower. Chicago and Rock Island 72; timberland Coal 18; Illinois Central 92 La Crosse and Milwaukee 8 1 / 3 ; Mich. Southern 22; N. Y. Central 85%; Reading 48%; Milwaukee and Mississippi 31; Cleveland and Pittsburgh 14. New York Cattle Inarket. Nxcv YoRE, March 31 —The nceipts wore Beeves 2100; Sheep 3930, no Swine. Beeves, owing to a decrease in sup plies, have advanced 4q sales at 104, average 83,4. flogs are quoted at 6©0% for corn fed; others unchanged. RIVER NEW S. HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eras Agents, Corner of First and Ferry streets. RIVER, WEATHER, Evo.—There was but 6 feet water in the channel last night and the river was still falling. From present appearances the river will get down mice more to its old standard, and shippers will have to pay living prices. We heard yesterday of a boat that was tal. - Ing freights at Bc. to Cincionati. This Is certainly below living prices. Business is again dull, and shipments are few, with more boats than freights to load them. The Alma 'left last night, with an excellent load, for New Orleans. The J. W. Hallman, W. H. Denny and Belmont left Cin cinnati for Ude port on Monday evming last, and may be expected hourly. POUT OF PITTSBURG:II 6 FEET A MOUES WATEN IN TUE CIIANNEL Steamer Lnr.urno, Jacobs, Brownsville. Cul. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. Ttlograpb. Woodward, Brownsville. " Judge APClnre, -,West Newtuo " Chevoit, Murray, Wheeling. DEPARTED. Steamer Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. " Telegraph, Woodward, Brownsville. Lucerne. Jacobs, Brownsville. " Judge ISPClure, -, West Newteo " Chevoit, Murray, Wheeling. Glenwood, Robinson, Nashville. " Defender, Evans, St. Louis. Hazel Dell, Reese, St. Paul. " Fulton City, Brickell, St. Louis. •• Economy, Beltzhoovor, Cincinnati. South America, Shepard, St. Lords. Alma, Robinson, New Orleans. " Rocket, Brown, St. Louis. STEAMBOATS. CINCINNATI. For Cincinnati. REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND k.INCINNATI PAOKET The elegant side wheel, passenger packet SUPERIOR—Capt. REDMOND J. GRAON—WiI leave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, every BATUR DAY, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Returning, will leave Cincinnat every TUESDAY MORNING. mr23 • . FLACK, BARNES t CO., Agents. ZMIESVILILIE. For Marlette and ZanaaviLle. Tho steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. Mot, t,4SAROL AYRES, will leave for the above and al g intermediate ports on every TUESDAY, a 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply on board St. LOUIS. For St. Louis, lEr.ookult, Burlington, fans eralue, noel". island and Davenport. The fine i;)tsenger steamer ABIZONIA— adCapt. linunun—will leave for the above and all intertnedlate ports on MONDAY, the 2nth instant, at 4 e'eloplr. P. M. mr24 FLACK, BARNES & CO., Agents. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.- We aro daily receiving from our own and Eastern factories, additions lo our stock, which consists in part of Floor Oii Cloths, Carriage Oil Cloths, garniture Oil Cloths, Table Oil Clothe, Crash Oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shades, Buff Hohands, and Shade. Trimmings Merchants, Housekeepers, and others, requiring any goods in our line, aro invited to call and examine the stock, and Judge for themselves in regard to the quality and prices. J. & H. PHILLIP'S, Nos. '26 and 28 St Clair street. THE 0H E A t i-LC,A .L OLIVE ERASIVE SOAP, manufactured by B. C. & J. 11: Sawyer, re. rezeives the preference over all other kinds ever offered for fanaily'use. , Its advantages over other Soaps are :—lst. It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. 2d. Ralf the time neo, only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in Oka of other Soap. 3d. Labor in washing can be nearly chspensed with, as the clothes will require little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-'board. 4th. ti Cling the clothes is unnecessary when this Soap is used, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. 11th. Printers, me hin'Ats, Painters and others, find it far superior to other Soaps. It speedily re moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-hoard, the following directions should be followed : :For the washing of eight or ten of a famllY, -take one pound of Soap, cat it into shavings, and dissolve In one gallon of hot water; put the clothes into a tab containing about -ten gallons of warm water; pear in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Lot them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out ; and rinse in warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease spas, may require a slight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be used in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. Ziy- Observe our name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, and at our works, opposite the Round House, Penn sylvania avenue. 13. C. & S H. SAWYER, fe23 No. 47 Wood street. TARCIL-300 bis. Rochester Pearl Starch 1,3 for ralfA be I isliel EFINSY B COLLINS. IOpUTTER.- 6 barrels prime Rolrßutter, rq ceivedand for eulle by JAS. A. FEVER; mr24 Corner Market and First streets. -DOTATOES.-80 sacks Red Potatoes. 100 sacia Neehannork do. 60 fa sacks Sad 80 bbls : do likceired and for ado by JAS. A. RAZZES, Yds• Oat= literi Yid Market s.ta P.1: 1 1 75,...F 4 7 ,;?,.!.:1 , ?'-: .:`,'.':V:7l,:':i',Tfi',-;,': - 7 AM U SEMEN 1 S PITTSBUitGH THEATRE. MJSB MIRKELLY. .... Lv..97x AND BIANAGERESE J. G. ........... &TANAGER. PRIOII3 OP ADMIaLOON: Bora 60c. Privet. Box., large 28 GC Second Tier .25c. Pri'olt. Box, email.— 600 Third Tier 15c. Colored Box 26e. Single Seats In Private Box, $l. I Colored Gallery —lse. ALTERATION OF TIME. , Doors open at 7 t'clock. Performanc to commence at 7% Box office, for sale or Tickebt, open from 10 to 8 o'clock. First night of the engagement of MR, T. H. HADAWAY THUR 9 DAY EVFNING, April let, 1858, will be acted the Coii e,ly of PAUL PRY. Paul Pry...llr.l'. 11. Hadaway. I Phool e...M.re. Van tiering To be follow. d with the petite Comedy. entitled ° COOL AS A CUCUMBER. Pluruper....Mr. J. G. Uanley. I Mixing To conclude with the laughable Farce, entitled THE P E A D S H O T. Hectcr "ringd..Mr. Halaway. I LOrifia ioViitriek..Ro3. Chine W. iIIreARTIEIY, ILL T I R wILL ATTEND lu THE POSTINU and DIST.B.IBUTIN i et all Finds 01 BILLS FOB. OGNOEEIn —a/TUBE:6, I.I.XILLBITIONS, All communication- either by mail, telegraph, or whie—directed to tho (Jake of the Horning Pont, will rezer.e promid att-entidn area' DAGUERB,EAS GALLERIES. AMBROTIPES— A BEAD ran, AND DURABLE PICTURE., WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AB AT ANY FIRST CLAS3 ESTABLISHMENT IN Tali COUNTRY, AT fuel wmums, N. will street. R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ambrotypislis, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 76 Fourth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, 6. W. cur. of Marlist street and Diamond, Pittsbargn. PRICES TO SUIT ALL. myl9rtf-3p EItEGERNI NEW DAGUERREAN AND AMBROTY SZY .AND biLDE-LIGHT Ai.o.LERY, IgTit tiTILE.MT,NEARLI: OPPOSITE TH. POST-OF Viol l'teTl.lltEd takeu to 01l the various styles, lc au) weather, and warranted to please, at reasonable rates. an... Sick or deceaand parsons taken at their reskleufo. an2o:l7dew-is WYKES' GALLERY OF ART, N . TO. GO MARKET STREET.-PICTURES A LNI taken at this Gallery by a new and improved process, giving the natural color of the hair, eyes, dress and complex ion. They are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be far superior to any pictures ever exhibited in this city. Citizens and strangers are invited to call and examine his large collections of specimens. His Gallery being orrthe second door, is easy of access. N. B.—Pictures of Children taken in two sxonds, at No, 60 Market street. nay27;tf 1.19 N. B. W Artict. NELSON'S lIIIBROTYPES. PRICES REDUCED. GALLERY CORNER OF THIRD AND MARKET STREETS, Entrance on Third street. Citizens and Strangers desiring AMBItOTYPES, executed in the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can be accommodated at short notice by milling at NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, THIRD STREET. Prices One Dollar and upward. - ap2B:ly2d pIIOTOQRAPHY.-'rats ART HAS BEEN brought to such perfection that pictures taken by this process have been pronounced pertect by the scientific world. They can be had in all their beauty and artistic elegance, at WALL'S nonfat GALLERY, on Fourth street, nes' Building. AUCTION SALES. DAILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Sales itk3OMS, No. 64, fifth street, every week day, are held public sales of goods in all variety, suited for the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that must be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., Dry Goods and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware" clothing; boots and shoes; ladies warn, &c. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Etowah°lll and kitchen furniture, new and second-hand beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron stone China ware stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical lustre meets; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, P. M. DAVIS, AueLs WtO PIANO FORTES; AT AUCTION.- - On MoNDAY AFTERNOON, April 6th, at 3 o'clock, st the Comm, rcial Sa.o3 .Eo,lloliii, No. 64 Fifth street, will be j so d, two handsome second-haud Pi-1110 Fortes. mr3o P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF STOCKS, AUSTIN LOOMIS & spupu. AND NOTE BROKERS, 58 MARKET STREET. frtilE EXECUTORS OF THE REVER ENDA. CHARLEA AVERY, will offer at public sale, at the MERCHANTS' EXOR A Nab% in the city of Pittsburgh, on THLUSDAY, the 15th of April, proximo, at 8 o'clock, P. , the following stocks, viz:— WAS shares of the Capital Stock of the Pittsburgh and 803- ton Mining Company, (Cliff Mine, Lake Superior) 1000 du of the Capital Stock of the National Alining Co. 5 do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 400 do Allegheny rank. 42 do Hand Street Bridge Company. 85 do • Monongahela do do. 153 do Monongahela Navigation ComPany_ til do Pitts'gh, Cin. and Louisville Telegraph Co. 50 do Allegheny Gas Company. 07 ao Pittsb'gh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Co. Dividend Scrip of ditto, of $72 40. • do Charters Valley Railroad Company. '2O do IVilkinslatirg and West Newton Plank Ruud Cu. I Scholarship Pittsburgh Female College THOMAS IL HOWE, WM 51 SHINN, Executors. nn2s:3w JOSIAH. KING, WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, No. 43 Fifth street, near Wood. REINENAN&NEYRAL WHOLESALE AND RLIAIL DEALERS IN FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. FAN CY GOODS. WATCHMAKERS' TOO WATCH MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. mrl3 Safety and. Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPHENE A.ND FLUID, when you can get a cheaper and batter light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Can nel Ccal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleas ant, and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and no danger of explosion ; more brilliant than gas, and quite as cheap; lamps of the most simple and easily managed construction. For sale by T. D. 4; G. HODIONSON, No. 79 Smithfield street. raj- Beware of a counterfeit already in the market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal Oil to scent it., [le27:ly 4 SPRING FASIIIONS. THE SPRING STYLE SILK lIAT, IS now ready, at C. H. PAULSON'S, atr'24 . 3w No. 73 Wood street. DAVID H. WTT.T.TASTS, ,('CIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR %j FOR THE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for from five burners and. upwards, and for Heating Buildings, public or private, by Steam, Hot Water or Furnaces. ayealyia PFLiSBURGEf.. PA. WINDOW GLASS.-5000 yards from 2 to 6 inch inch diameter, for sale by H. H. CO ',LIN/3. CHLMNEY LOPS of various patterns, for sale by [imro33 H. IL COLLINS. GROUND SCREENINGS. 100 sacks Ground Screenings to arrive on Emma Graham, and for sale, by JAMES A. FETZEB., mr29 Corner Market and First streets. - pp ED POTATOES.--130 Lacks Red Pota li,v, toes to arrive this day, and for sale by JAR. A. FETZER, Corner Market and First streets. QTARCII —3OO bag. Rochester Pearl Stare received and for eale by HENRY H. COLLINS. ))OTATOES.- 60 bnah.le Neahannock Potataes: 50 " Red " received and for (mr3o) HENRY EL COLLINS. I aOVERNMENT WAGONS.—We have re .ceived this day, a large lot of forty inch Dnok, the exact article required by the department for Coloring their Wagons. C. HANSON LOVE, (Formerly Lase Brothers,) tlro lifarket street HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING AND GLAZING—In all of its branches executed prompt ly audit' the beat manner, by & H. PHILLIPS, turf 23 and 28 St. Clair 'area. QTRANGE'S PENCIL SHARPENER, fo i•J sale by W. 8. HAVEN, I Larn SPRING AND SUMMER THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST RE TURNED from New York and Philadelphia, feels Master Lewis confident - that be can OFFER INDUCEMENTS TO PUB- CHASERS, BOTH IN STYLES, QUALITY AND PRICES, UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOUSE WEST OF THE DIODE• Miss Safford N BROCHE BORDERED STELLA SHAWLS, FRENCH' LACE AND CHANTILLA MANTLES, - From Three to Thirty Dollars. _ - ~~. MISGMALANEOUS. NEV DRY GOODS. RICH FANCY DRESS SILKS, RICH BLACK BANADERE DRESS SILKS, RICH BLACK SILK ROBES, " PLAIN BLACK SILKS, PRINTED BERAGES, ORGANDIE LAWNS, it .11 " ROBES. Also—OhaHies, Crape De &Tames, Lawns, &c. t.". 1 SHAWLS AND MANTLES. El PRINTED BORDERED STELLA SHAWLS, g Of every Style, Color and Quality, ra varying in prices from Two toll Fifteen Dollars NitEDLE WORK. E: HANDSOME SETT COLLARS AND SLEEVES, 111 VERY RICH REAL FRENCH WORK COLLARS, Ig EMBROIDERED LIN EN lIAN DKEROHIEFB, JACONET AND SWISS EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, AND FLOUNCINGS, WHITE GOODS • PIQUET CLOTH, FOR BASQUES, COLLARS AND SLEEVES, FRENCH AND ENGLISH BRILLIANTS AGO NETTS, NAINSOOKS. MULLS, SWISS, VICTORIA LAWNS, &c., PLAIN, PLAID, STRIPED AND FIGURED. HOSIERY. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASs SORTMENT MOURNING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GOODS FOR BOYS' WEAR. Biack, Blue, Green, Drab and Olive CLOTHS. Black, Blue, Green, Drab and Olive CASH MERETTS. Plaid, Plain and Striped CASSI ERES TWEEDS, MERINO; NA NKINETTS, OASSIALER!..S. Linen and Cotton Pant Stuffs, 40., DOMESTICS. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE A s many of the above Goods were bought o kIANUFACTURERSAND JOBBERS, And at the LARGE AUCTIONS, FOR CASH, WE ARE ENABLED TO SELL THEM AT EPIIIIICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. Call and Exasadue our Stock, be- fore PUTelilaSlElg Elsewhere. C. HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, and Young, Stevenson &'Love, SIGN OF THE ORIGINAL BEE-HI E M A RBLE ! Ely .5 tiri 0'.3 I: 0 ETAS A BEAIIMUL SAILSCT/ON Or • RIONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, Enclosures., Posle, Sc., &c. Pittglirargial Pa. Tho public an rodoortfallv Layited to tummino or dock. Piirel t 247 zad Nix 74 Market Street, ~:~.~;~~ DR. SANFORD'S ItirVIV.ORATOR, a. REQUIRED TO CURE ANY ONE troubled wig' Liver Complaints, ilea; the mat des• perato of cages, when the coma bottle sill, with scarce a single failure, re:dore the patient to health and vigor. We wish to call the attention of all to these Lima tharthe In vigorator iscoruporinded bye ph; sicinawhi, has used it in his practice for the past twenty jeors with a meccas almost c na, reftlo end that it to entirely vegetable, b:ing composed wholly of gams. Some idea of the strength of the. gums may be formed wham it is known one both of the Invigorator contains ea much strength as one hundred doselof Chlomel withoutall of its deleterious effects. _ . We know there is nothing now bJere the Ara,rican pub• tic, prepared with Each skill by a ecler.tificman, particularly for diikiasee of the Liver, an Dr. tianford's Invnzozator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply Lic-zariae it rest on its own merit. To convince all by trial that it is all its proprietors claim it to be, if any of ear readers aro suffering from such diseases as are describi-d in Dr. iSauforiTt advertisement, wo know of know remedy that will EU surely cure them as the Invigorator. The invigAitor turns Sick Headache. Take ono or,two teaspionfule st earl attack and it will soon disappear. Per an overloaded stom:,cii. or when food rises or sours, take the invigorator after eatitt:„ and it will not prove disagreeable or oppressive. For heartburn, Palpitation or Difficult Breathing, take a tva,poonful once or twice daily. For Lose of appetite, Lanitcor or Listlessness, the medicine is invalu able. It will restore the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, tate a teaspoonful-on retiring, and the demons of dream-laud will all bo fairies. After eating a hearty dinner, tas!'_ - ‘, s dose of Invigorator and it will relieve all oppression or fo oi es. o e Invigorator is a Liver Rome dy of unequaled virtue, acting directly on that organ, cur ing Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Billions Attacks, Dysentery, Piles, Worms, cud all Vensale Obstructions, for which it has no equal. , a ROBES, We know then: is nothing uuw before the American pub.‘, lie prepared with 8441„ skill, by a scientiftOmsn, particular. r Iy for diseases of thelliver, r. Sanford's Invigorator, or • Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply because it rests on its own • tu...rit, To convince all by trial that It is all its proprietors claim it to be, if auy of our readers are suffering from such diseases n,f are des-gibed in Dr. Sanford's advertisement s c••• tuow of no • remccly that will so slimly cure theta ^= tbc uvigurator. RoBE4, E There 13E63 lately been brought to our notice a medicine that seems to possesj wonderful, curative and healing pro perties in diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or gans. it cam,, to xis ith 60 many testimonials in its favor that we have noted its rtfects la some of the worst cases of continual dibility, muted by derange,l liver, and in every instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure, Dr. Sauford's Invigorator, or Liver Itemerly.is what wo re tr to. We always have been credulous about cures by pat ent medicines, but we aro convinced that this medicine, for family see, is not overrated by the host of recommebdatiot . , tt hare. Onr advice is, for all troubled with Indigestion,'_' • Unity or Bowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienced. ' . BLELSINGS TO THE iNVALIC,S who use Dr. Sanford's Invlgor , ator, for it will rslieve them of their pains as soon as it is taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator is use,i, for it will as surely drive them away, as daylight will banish darkness, of this there can b uo doubt to th ,00 v h, try it, for it carries conviction with ever]; dose taken. Anolher evidence is the thousands of certificates trout flues) who Ilse it or have been cured by it, if y one bottle, ii it does no: benefit, then we are mistaken. c ,, fes 0711 DDLLA.B. PEE. EaT7LN. Proprietors, 345 Broadway, New York for sale by G. li. F.1.;,"51:k, 140 W7cd street, Pitteburgi Jul,:nrisce!,tp , ILI, ti 5 .Ifij 1. 1 u E . •. A- 1 ,Il 4 , 47.117.7 - ohlt " 7 ' ty - ~, )''\ OF THE AGE. ..1 lif it. KENNEDY, of .Roxbury, has discov• ILL erect Jo ono of our common pasture weeds a remedy that. curos 211031 THE DOWN TO A COMMON DDIPLE. • ide has tried it in :171:1' ed..ven hundred Caa365 7 and never falls l excopt in two Ca:3;.,: t (both thunder humor.) He has now iu his poetzteiou cr.et oted hundred certilicatee of ita value, all within twenty miles in Beaton. Two bottled ore warranted to cure a unreing gore mouth. Oue to three bat:leis will care the worst kind of Pimples on the Paco. Two or titreo bottivs will clear Lhn qpitQm of bla. Two butti..3 ace warranted w onto the woret oankor lntho mouth or Eitomach. 'ihree to five, bott!:3 are v. e‘rranted to cure tile worst 'dad of Erysipelas. ene. bottles are warranted to cure running of the oars and blotches among the hair. four to six bottles la.) warre.utul to cure corrupt and running ulcers. Our bottle will cure scaly eruption of tha your food distrues - e yon, and you can only take certain kinds, and Even of that yurir cy stem d,a.a not get halt the flour's tinum t it cootaio a as the scridionous fluid of the ranker eats it up• ' thiai. your conflaetion fuses its bloom and be comes enllow or greenish, and your best day Is gone. For unot of nourishmont yvar system becomes loose and flabby, and to. fibres of your i.kely become relaxed. Then follow a train of a:sea-V.,. which the Me:lical Discovery i 3 peculiarly adapted to - _ _ . 1 rtiiidt....tion of the neart, 1):.lit in tho nide, weakness of the qpioeuoil small of tt,... 1.a.:;c 3 v-iin id tho hip joint whoa you r. , tlre, irregularity of too t,,v.ci.:4, null e.. 15,,, that moat eicrll• costing of disk: wJe.:, the - . „ you have outh inot enrotivo and the cure, with tido great and good quality, t bat it will Lt....a:, under any circumstances, do you any injury. Nti change of diet eve: net;r,,ry--,:tat the bt,lt you can get and enough of it. Din;ume:Bl+ol3. UJ2—ALlialto ono table spoonful per day— ' Children over telly eaes deatert spuoulnl--Children from rive .e eight years, tea sp,oului. is no directions can be appli :able . to all con,ti,utiuw., t..deu sufficient to operate on the , owch twice a day. YOUI'd truly, DUZiALD Kil-NNEDY. Price $l,OO 177 bvttle. Ear rale by Dr. tIED. U. 111:Y81:It, :No 140 Wood street. rittdhurßil, B 0 %Sr Al A N ' S V Er IBLE CoIIIPOUND ' - ' 414, ' - ''' ,- - 'IOL. '-' • :0T ,, ,,-7 "4,441::::::;:'?.r . ,-.•:',:;:' : ,, , 7 - : ,...... - .. - .... , .1 :-::. : :' , ? : ' ,- - , T , '::.r.04' , .._°* ,, 1iia- 4 4.4 , 44 ::.;` , .?-„,„*.,:''' - ' , '=•. - J.4',,''';‘ , ".: , '..-::. 1 1 . ?.-_'1 7, ..isA*19e.';,: -- -:'',1:- .- 44tz4 - '••• " ' - ~-. '",k , ,,' '. ,' ':', ' -', ' .'-'":.' 7, 7T - ' . :....;:.:. ;'...-•-•,::,,.:"-:..*%.'''' 72,14-:-"-04,04f* A v e A,. i .,- . , ,__,,,,,.., - ! ---4 , ,,...... : ,t- r is,k , z-- - -,.. s'-- , i , •:li't'- , :-:- , ' ,- ,- , f4mvp.. z - ,- 4511-,,:. -, ...,.. t er - . ' . ' , .: r :: . r , .:1: . : , ;':" .- :......T. : ,:,:,--.:V . .0 1 ,-r. , :... , .;7:n:174.1 - r , ‘ , . , ..7 . :_i:.;;.:4:.?...: . ..i... ?; , :.....- 11 K-- 11,-.N, MEDICAL. GMV , movamx, Evezy'zad. of Humor, Ozt. to two bottles urn wafratited to cure all humor intho Tift, or three vaura.ukyl to curo tho wort:Lich:ld of ringworm. Tao orthrco bol;tlos aro potato Caro of rhenuaati3m Threo to four Viar, - ; 1111,11 to cure eat -Rheum to eik - nt Lettl,3 will core the worst ease of ecrofnia. bUlltAtt i 3 air7tipi u . ..u.trrhaccil from the first bottle, till a ii , :rfect cure i 3 AlurrwAa-d. when the above quantity is taken. Ii.OXJ.IUItY, MASS the Medical Discuiery, ir. curius all lutd cf I.Lniaur, Lt, well established by the unonlawuo voice of all who !ca - := tg•or nßf.:d it, that 1. need nut sey anything on the su;,Ject, ts the won akilfuk phyar chine and tilt, I.ll'-et in the country ure IItILIGII3 Iu pre,reating tho .Hecriou, in,covery to your notico, I do it with u lull knewlease or :.lie cuturive power. ru relieving and curing rne.it of thi,Q .li2e.Y., , eu in which you urn an ru lintri.r. That milt exert:whiting &woe LO an hite-aiODIAte CTlOtitt,r, NURSING ,SURE Is card as if by a miracle; your own temper is rostorod to is natural 3Wbeti11.,..1.±, 4.11 d ;or:: Labe from short and frothil Daps to cnhn and i.woutClati)3l.7 ; and tho 31edical Discove ry boc.auea a lc:MIL:141 of blessing to your husband and household. La the more advance,: at.lgta of CANKER it ett, , nos to the stomach, canting DYSPEPSIA, which is tiothlag bat canker of the . stom hi then to the inieatinea and &UNE S, cri..atiug a filnklug, gone and an Iroilfforenct even the carol of your luau!). Your stomach in ItAW AND INFLAMED, CURE; iA. 1;.1 . Flow ninny tnouttro..l.i of po,r women are eutivring from this distinso and I,ining away a whittrablo lifo, and their next ILA know thc canoe. I wink to impress oo your nowt tact ovi i:rtatst o, ".&n ounce of proven ...son ha bettor than around of ciao." In the 1111.)10AL DIS;COVERY 1'11;11141c, Asthma, Inflammation of the:Lungs, Influenr.a, Croup, 110ard(Alift3, Bleeding of the Lungs, Consumption. For eale by And feleedAw GEO. EL ILEYSEILL, Pittsburgh, 3.t. L A4gherkY IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING MADE D . ..) ()EDER, OALLi'AT CLIEr3TEIII3. A brilliant amortment o 5E..1. - 3JNABLE PIECE GOOD 3 CLIESTEIVS GOTHIC BALL, . C.raor of ;,;ood btr,ttam4 Diamond al toy._ Wo 5t44.3, co hand at ( iioViri tSi, TaLEY'S SHOOTING GALLERY, No. 135 Wood street. J. H. E CiIIL4E R I=l TA, COPPER AM) SREET WAHL I :I uraittrace, Hardware, Bliitnise, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO. 180 PITYSI;LiRGH, PA, Keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment or 'flu Ware, Cop; of Nottl,,, ttc., gocil quality, at very law pricoa. Country tiir.rcli atLs tat, invited to call. cv' All Job Work, Re(11-117Z, etc, will to promptly 'at tended to. 'OOTASII.-40 cis on band and for ealo (.4-• r 0 7 .'.:;:•• ,,,, L?...t.1 , "`V1 , - . i C . • ZritUtr:it to cure the most aeu .oachitla, :',1..;1 , !._1:01 i7,2F..ZP,