77 - 7 . 77 7 - 4 :::417 1 77M. ' • ' • i • •- • • • ..21 •• • • • • • VOLUME X VI. PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. rabitthest every mending, Sittidayt e^ceptert itY JArtittilS P. BARR, Iv rai Sis.!ll . ll-7 001181tri OP WOOD CND PIM( kiralitra, TEP.M S.—Flvelh.llars a year, payable strictly in advauto Bit Dalian, itivarlahly required If out paid within the year. la- Single copies, Two 011410—for at the counter in t re itlV't) and by the News Boya. BATES OF ADVERTISING. rtt ux ,,. I 2)a ii i , Thrice' Tuneel Once a! in W'Ll.t. 'la weekla week) week.` paper. OLIO insertion-- ...... 501... ..• 50 Two insertions 75 -•• I Three insertions 1 00 - -- One week • 1 75 Two weeks 300 200 150 1 .1 30 1 Three weeks 400 265 200 125 One month 500 335 250 150 Two months - 700 465 360 285 Three months 900 000 460 a Do t Four months 10 00 665 500 335 Five mouths... 11 00 .7 35 550 365 Six months 12 00 800 600 4 00 Nine tuonths 16 00 10 as 80 0 638 One year 20 00 13 35 10 00 6 65, Sanding Card, six Linea or loss, per annum eiLINGIABLE ST pLEA9I7 S ‘3: Ono square, per annum, (exclusive of the paper,) 21 00 Marriage notices. 50 cents ; Death notices, 25 cents. pliT misßußGH . s u Rl:ay poST , :: 1, - A MAMMOTIII WEEKLY. ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR.. . , IN CLUBS OF TEN. ea par CONTAINS ALL THE CURRENT NEWS OF THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commer idol, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LIROXST sass, and neatly print° on fine white paper, in large, clear typo, will be found by the subscriber to give better satisfaction than any paper guolished in Pittsburgh. Those who wish to take a paper from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY POST a safe and profitable investment. Address, JANES P. BARR, sepl7 Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. 48. P. Ii&UP.. 0 ED. A. WILE ." & BOOK - AND JOB OFFICE, POST B'OI2.DINI B, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. TUT. .undersigned having made extensive additions of the LATEST AND HANDSOMEST STYLES F TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite the ttention of Rail Road Officers Merchants, business wen, and the public generally, to their superior facilities for executing with diepptch, on reasonable terms, all kinds of RAIL ROAD, MERCANTILE, LEGAL, 'AND EVERY °TILER DESCRIPTION OP PLAIN & FANCY PRINTING hart Our material being nearly all new, we can give assu rance of the most complete satisfaction, and solicit orders for BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, _ RAIL ROAD BILLS AND CARDS, BANK CHECKS, BLANK NOTES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, CIRCULARS, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES, BONDS, as .air'Particular attention will also be paid to the printing of Posters, Programmes, Sec. fur Concerts, Exhibitions and Circuses. BARB. A MYERS. —The reople'm Shoe Store. D. S. DIEFFENBACIIER & CO., Cheap Cash healers iu all kinds of Fashionable BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITEILS, Fur Gentlemen, Ladies, Youths and Children, No. 17 Fifth Street, near Market., ocki PITTSBURGH, PA. 1. 0. create wad. JOllliseN b. A. JOHNSON PERRIN & JOHNSON, Proprietors of Childs A Co.'s Patent. Elastic Fire.and Water Proof Cement Roofing. 133 THIRD STREET. ORDERS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully Clouted, and all our work warranted. Roofing material alwaysi I Dali, and for sale, with di rections tor rut,. sep2tly JOS: F. LIADIIII..TON 81. 00., ENGINEERS AND .MACIIINISTS, Corner of First and Liberty dtreets, Pittsburgh, Pa. QUPERI.OR STEAM ENGINES for Grist and Saw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establishments, Manufactories, Ac., made to order. They also continue tla manufacture of their Colebrat-dMachiulsts"fools, each es Turning Lathes, Iron Planore, Bering and Drilling Machines, Au. Also, Wrought Iron tihalting, with Pulleys, Hangers, Ac. Ac. • •JaB:lyd ' JOUN Trlol.lPtiON... ..... TaeltiPt3o^l D. 0. MILLER, Jonril TIIOMF'SON .S[, CO., - UOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS AND (MAINERS, No. 135 Third streitt. SIGN PAINT ING executed with. neatness and do-patch. Mixed Paints, Oils Turpeutine, Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ere,. Ville Montaigne, Zinck , a very superior article; Phila delphia and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and fur sale. We are prepsreil to grind colors for Painters, Drug gists, or oth'rs, at the shortest notice, its we have a Mill which grinds by steam Painters will save money by get ting their colors ground with us. tmrs:ly L - ••• ALD AND SILVER SP lICTACLES, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. HYDROMETERS or weighing spirits, the cheapest and boat articles eve. brought to this city. .TILERMOMETERS AND BAROMETERS, varying in price from $6 to $,30 each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, always on hand at G. D. SHAW'S, Practical Optician, 58 Fifth B:,reet. fie 22 oppoaito Masonic Haft Mineral Water Depot. J. O. BUFFUM H. S. BURKEL. EC. BUFFU3I & CO., Ilanufaoturers el • Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water,Pop, Bottled.,Ale. an: Porter: alio, Bottlers of Wainwrigtliriielibrated Wintertor Ale. Wareholse, 1170. 703 Ilmrket street, PII'2I3BIDIOII, Orden Mkt! and P I ic•d to all parts of the country hcirteet apl&lydkw B. C. & J. 11. SAVVIER, 316NUYACTOREREI OF LA-RD OIL, • CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, N0.:47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. LOIIIT L. 1511.133 A. WEBB & BRO. (9=c - ftßore to Etna d wi EB ) GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS • AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF DUPONT'S POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, CiOmar Pratt:and Commerce etreate, : BALTIMORE, Receive "on Cousignmolt all kinds of Western - Produco, and muko advances thereon. REPEREICCE Geo. W. Sruitb & Co., W H. Smith ec Co, w. H. Garrard, • Miller it Ficketaon. mnr42t•a-wvCm F. S. Burifie, Q. GIITEPDORP• itIISII.4. & GUTENDOUF, Y.APDPACIMIZILII OP S,TEA BOILERS, And all kinds of Sheet Iron: Work. Popn wtrtet, tie.tr Wator, Pittsburgh, Pa. SWPAIL Onnsuo Pre , aarrivlAwrsitmar,,,,n. (f. 9.5 D LACK C RAPE COLLARS—Choice styles —very cheap, at mrlB ' GGS.-5 bbls. Eggs just received and for sale by McCANDI;E:3B, MEANS & CO 4 , fe2o . Corner Wood and Water 'Area& T HERMOMETERS—For sale by W. 0. JOHNSTON & CO., Stationers. E. 7 Wood street. APPLES.-24 barrels Green Apples, rec'd and for snlo by Jr S. A. FETZER, tnr24 Cori er Market and Firnt streets. S - 0 - : SOO TO LOAN, on , good business accommotlntion paper, in amounts - MEW EXPANSION SKIRTS OF EX fr44a $ l OO to $2OOO, having from ouo to nine months to' run. QIIIBITH FORM, and of a =parlor quality of Steel li:enquire of J. K. MORANGE, ' Spring Hoop, In white and colored, received by No. 67 Fonrthetreet, z..f , JO& H0HN.13, - inr20:31 9 •Nott doOr to hiec4althee Bank. rZI = Market atm& Oorner Irwin Street. and Duquenno :Way, PITTSBURGH, PA. • 7 6 1 o,) B. D. MARKER, - - - PROPRIETOR, 60. (Formerly of the "Marker Llouae," Blairsville, Pa.) rf 13 E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM 1 L PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated 260 in a central part of the city, being convenient to all Railroad 300 Depots and steamboat Landings. 4 50' The Howe was built in 1150, with all modern improve , 660 amnia, and fitted up in splendid eiylt,—the entire Furniture 050 being new—and will in every respect be a first class Hotel. 500 Fine IiTAI3LES are attached to the premised. tiel2Ty 1200' - 10 00 - • •- AND ROSIN SOAPS or.uttax F. wzna 17011141Vg. 77 Market stmat ~ ,..---,i-:-..--.' i ,' : :' •. x. 4 ,A ,.•;4-I,'fsi, ; '.-4,:',,,.: . - ' ,:: : .•; :' , ! , .. ,, ';. 2 :' , ;'4.' , _V - t , i':v`,',."-- - ._._ PUBLISHED DADA BY JAMES P. SAAR, AT THE (I POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD &ND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. HOTELS & • RESTAURANTS. WASHINGTON HOUSE, COR. PENIV'A A VENUE 4 THIRD ST., WASH INWWO til. D. C. 4. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, H. W. KANAGA U. So 111/OTRILd 9 Opposite the 'Penna. Railroad Depot, HAIIRIBBIIREI, PA. [jul.s WASHINGTON noiroz., FORMERLY U. S. HOTEL, PITTSBURGH, PA. • JAMES SHANNON, Proprietor. THIS HOUSE IS LOCATED ON THE corner of PeINN and WASHINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DEPOTD, and has , undergone a thorough Improvement, remodeled and furnished 'With new furniture, and is now the most conve nient Hotel In Pittsburgh, for Travelers by Railroad, Pant or West. mys:ly iVv Excelsior Restaurant, No: 111 'WOOD &red, PITTaIItrEGLI, Ps., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN LAKE AND EASTERN FISH. The undersigned Lea just received frcm the Eastern titer hot, selected with great care, {MELT, HALIBUT, HADDOCK, .FRESH COD FISH, EASI'ERN SUN FISH, SEVERAL VARIETIES OF LAKE FISH, New York PrlooOs Bay, Egg Leland, Egg Barber, Shell Oysters. The finest Oren brought to this city. Every delicacy of the season served up ut the EXCELSIOR, RESTAURANT. B. STEINRUCE., mrl:dsw CORNUCOPIA?. RESTAURANT. BY ELI YOUNG, Fun( STAB/DT. The attention of Merchants and others is directed to this' establishment, which has been recently fitted rip- for the - purpose of affording a SUBSTAN TIAL EATING. ROUSE IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. Country folks attending market are particularly invited to call. Everything pertaining to an EATING SALOON will always be found, of the freshest the market affords. ap29ilydikw • 114 ANSION HOUSE, GEORGE AUB,ENTZ, PROPHIZTOII ..No. 344 Liberty street, just beside the Passenger Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which snakes It the most convenient house in the city for passengers arki• wing by that road. ElThe proprietor having, at considerable expense, fitted up, In excellent Style, .the MANSION HOUSE, would respect fully solicit a share of public patronage. There is attached a splendid STABLE and extensive WAGON YAltD,•alfurd lug ample accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Ills Larder and Bar will be fuPnished with the best the market can afford. QT. CL.AIR HOTEL, corner Penn and St. Claire treats, Pittsburgh, Pa The undersigned, former. ly of "Brown's Hotel," flaying taken this large and commo dious HOTEL, and having refitted it in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public to give him a call Assured, with the convenience of the house and hie long experience in the business, u give entire satisfaction, and hie charges moderate. feb22 • WM. 0. CONNELLY. GROCERIES. JAINIES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al t, legheny, WholeasileGrocer and Tea Dealer, and Licensed Liquor Merchant. Dealer in Clover and Timothy bef. , tl; Butter, Clue,,, Lard, Bacon, Flour, Salt, Fish, and Coun try Produce generally. • tiov23 ep tit s ES PATTON, JR., Federal street, Allegb...ny, ,is now receiving in store the following, which he will sell at.the lowest cash prices, viz 1 . 23 bbla. new crop plantation Molasses;, • C 27 hhda. " Sugar; 30 bids. Grocers Syrup; LlO Mils. prime roll Sutter ; 800 Ma. " Feathers; I'-1) boxes " Cheese ; tX) Bacon Rams; 40. halt chests Young lipon, Imperial, aud3genulu Old Country Teas, with a general assortment of the best an.l largest stmts. of FumnyOroceTies to be had in the eity,wh is tor sale for Cash—remember, PATTON'S, fel Federal street, Allegheny City. SUGAR.- 20 Lads. Baltimore Yellow finger. Wide. Leland 10 bble,.. Refined • 10 " Lovering assorted " Rocoivcd and for Bale by JAMB PATTON, Jr., nov23 Alteghtiay ihtv ArrENTION, ALLEGIIENY CI T Y The subscriber would call your attention to h[- stock of It'AlllbY bought,.of late, iu New York, for CASH, which he will sell at lower prices than un3 other house In the two cities, for OASII. Come and see tlo rices., a; dASIES rATTuN'B, Ja., Federal btreet, near the Diainui ALLECIFUNIi CiT flOll FISLI.-10 drums extra large and fine, 'kJ for nalo by Wlll. H. SMITH A CO., =EMMI=M2I RICE. -10 tierces prime, for sale by wm, ii. BMITEL a co .; tur2G 118 Second, aud 147 1. irat streoti UGAR.-50 hhde. prime N. U. sugar, jut. t r ee'd and for sale by . WM.II, 85.1.1Til 4 CO, 118 Fecond, and 147 First streets COFFEE. -200 bags Rio Coffee, for sale 1,,y WM. 11 sIMITH. do CO., mr26 118 Second, and 197 First streets. 'VINE FLOUR.-20 bble. Fine Flour in store, and for sale by • - McCANDLESS, ?SCANS ft CO., fe2o Corner of Wood and Water etreo.e. LARD: —A prime article of No. 1 Lard, in barrels and kegs, just received and for ealo by McCANDLESS, MEANS & 1E123 Corner of Wuod and Water streets. 111DICKLES.-6 bbls. Cucumber Pickles, re ;calved and for sale by .JAalblii A. FETZER, fe2o Corner Mark - et and First streets. EGIGS.-6 barrels fresh Eggs to arrive this day, and for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, turlB Corner Market and First gdieets. DLANTATION SUGAR & MOLASSES 100Jihdis. fully fair and prime N. 0. Sugar; 600 bbls.; oak cooperage ; prime N. 0. Molasses; St. Jamea S. it Molasses, now landing au, for eale, by MILLER & 1110KETSON, mr26 Nos. 221 and 2i3 Liberty etreet. SPICES.- 24 bags Pimento; 100 Grain Pepper, Just received and lot cal, by a MILLER & iIIOIiETSON. mr2s llce. 221. and 221 Liberty etreei. (10D 3 drums extra large Cod Fish; 3 " largo " " Just recei•ed and for gale, by MILLER k RICKETtiON, mr2s Nos. 221 and 723 Liberty area. TO LET.—A commodious three story Frame House, with Brick Basourout—eituated on Bedtere eireet--to rout, by /BILLER a RPM erTSON, mr26 Nos. 221 and 228 Liberty street. 25 dozen quart Tomato Ketchups; 25 " pint " 20 " quart Walnut " • 20 - pint " 10 " b3uehroom " Jut received an for sale by RHYMER & ANDELtSON, Nu. 89 Word street, mr2o Opposite kit. Charles Kota. ItIVINDOW GLASS.—An assail:meat of Country Glass, assorted sizes, for sale by WM. it. 851ITI1 tz CG, rur26 - 118 second, and 147 First streets, TOBACCO AND CIGARS.—A large assort ment of favorite brands, on band and for sale by WM. U. 8411T11 & CO, usr26 118 Second r and 147 First streets. ORANGES. -100 booms Messina Sweet Or angel, just received and for sale, by I'AR CORN.-500 bushels prime Ear Corn, received and for sale, by JAMBS A. FETZER, nir2l Corner Market and Finit btreeta. DLOCK AND LETTER SIGNS—of any styla desired, in Gold or Plain Colors—manufactured and put up at short notice, by J. 4 H PHILLIPS; 28 and 28 St. Clair street. DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Medi um and Crown; Straw and Rag Wrapping Papers, for sale by , W. 8. RAVIN, Ida Onnlar Market and Second atreata APPLES.- 30 barrds choice Bassett; 60 assortad Apples, received and for sale JAMES A-FETZER, 89 Water street. el - LEAVER'S HONEY. SOAPS.-50 gross assorted, on band and for sale by B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO, 'tarn . Garner cf flonrtle and Wood ■trod+.. PROPRIETUESS RHYMER. ,Sc ANDERSON, No.P;d Wood stroet BOOKS AND STATIONERY 1 OBERT A. LOOMIS, • a ° (Succeauor to B. T. C. norgan,) eawrioNEN. AND MAUER. IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS, N,. 4: viiih Pittiibmgh, Co- @-"aetnersitip. PHI: undersigned have entered into Co _E. Partnership, undsr the style uf Wm. C. Johnston & Co. SAMUEL It. JOIINSTON, JR., WILLIAM G. JOENSTON. SopttunLor 5, 1857. 11. H. JOLINVTON, .111 WM. G. JOI3NBTOIti. Wtil. G. JOl-114STON & CO., QTATIONERS, Blank. Book Manufacturerß, ►UU and JOB PRINTERS, N0.•52 Wood street, betweon Third and Fourth, Pittalutrgh, Pa. so3o PIANOS AND MUSIC. PIANO 8! L `t ni FULL GRAND PIANOSI hied PARLOR GRAND PIANOS 11 it ND NEW STYLE SQUARE PIANOS, ma foam the Manufactrry of 0111CliERING & SONS'. Bodies, just received from the manufactory of IJhickeriug & Sons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock of. their PIANO FORTES : one Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved case. Price $ 5 600 One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price $7OO One New Parlor Grandteven octave Piano, nearl s equal power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room of an ordinary square Piano. Price $5OO .SQUARE PIANOS! Two full carved Rosewood, Louis seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rosewood seven octave—Clifford style. Two Rosewood. carved mouldings, seven octave. . Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven octave. Three Walnut, plain round front corners, seven octaves. Four a a a a a 60 Four Rosewood " 6 All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with full iron frames, and their new Patent Action. These Instruments have been finished specially for the subscriber, and will be warranted to purchasers. For sale at their reduced prices. JOIISt IL MELLOR, No. 81 Wood street, Sole Agent for Chickering & Sons'. (;BICKERING & SONS' GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS. THE two magnificent Grand Pianos, used Bt the Concert of ThalLerg and Vieux- . on Thursday evening, at City are now offered for sale at the Piano Ware- - rooms of the subscriber. The - following tea- - t timonial to the merits of the Pianos of Chickering & Sons, has been nhcsitatingly given by Xi THALBEEG. Mr. Mellor:—Dear Sir—Since my arrival . in America, I have constantly used the PIANOS OF CUD:MERINO a SONS, and, I can only repast to you, while thankingyon for the Pianos you havo so kindly furnished for my Concert here, that which I have so often eai before, the instruments are the beat I have seen in the United Statos,' and will cote. pare favorablfwiih any I have ever known. Yours very truly, S. THALBERG. Person , ' wishing to purctose and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call and txamimo the GRANO PIANOS above mentioned, and also a splendid stock of SQUARE PIANOS from these world-renowned makers. JOHN H. MELLOR, Sole Agent for Chlckering & Son's, For Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, tnr27 No. 81-Wood street TOBACCO AND SEGARS. TIT &D. RINEHART, VV e LIANUFACTIIEZES !ND TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS COMMERCIAL COLLEGES who c • IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Pittsburgh, Pa.—Chartered, 1855 Board of 12 Trustees—Faculty of 14 Teachers 300 STUDRICTS ATTENDINg, JLIVIIA11.), 1858. riatng Men Prepared for Actual Duties of the aunting Ro INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN. SINGLE I. and Double4:uti y, as used in every de. par ment of Business. Commercial, A rithmetic, Rapid Busi ness Writing, Mercantile Con espondence, Commercial Law, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Political Economy, Elocution, Phonography, and aq other sut,jects necessary for the thor ough ethic thou of a practical business man. J. C. MEI di, A. 3f, Professor• of Book-Reoping and defence of Accounts, J. 0 PORTER, Prof of Matlienniiica ALEX COWLEY and A. T. DOUTJJETT, Profis of Pen• uiusliip—twelve Unit premiums over all competition for beet Pen and Ink Writing, AND . NOT FOR ENGRAVID WORK, -1341. Terms, dc—Full course, time nulitnited, enter ut auy —s3s. Averago time, 8 to 13 Beard about $2050. Entire cost, $6O to S7U. Ural itates insisted in . übtaiuing Pitnation. t.m:ciatens of an girdled writing and circulqrs sent tree. Address, F. W. JENKINS, ulna Pittsburgh, Penu,,ylvauia. DitA%V;ING LESSONS, AT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Ake IN MECHANICAL, ARCHITECTURAL, AND CRAYON DRAWING, -al? By JOHN iiLl R.Z. 4gs For further inforiuntiun apply to 11.1 r. F. W. JEN EIN23, Principal of iron eity Commercial College ; Pitts burgh. novl4:6ani. Wheat, Rye and Corn Wanted, SBA. L STEAM ME Li L 9 ALLEGHENY CITY. LI E SUBSCRIBER HAVE TAKEN A the above establiahrooht, and are prepared to PAY Val 11110llSaT blaidita pII.IOXB IN OASIS MR 2i),0110 BUSHELS 01' WHEAT. 10,000 RYE. 10,000 CORN. It is the intention tf the proprietors to offer YAM& 'mutt, for any choice lots of White or fled Wheat. They intend to make very superior Family Flora', and are willing to pay a prentivai to the farmer, in the shape of an ortra price, to in• deco him to tame a choice quality 01 VP heat, and to bring it to market in good artier. jy linlydetw 14. T. KiINNEDY t 13110. Lippincott, Sinorten & P:iarsnan, NO. 104 WOOD STIINIIT, NEAR MAN UF.A CT URERS OF TRUNKS, Va- Eat and Bounot _Boxes, Lalies Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c., keep constantly tu hand a iarge stock. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hav ing facilities to turn out good stock at reduced prices, we would invite the trade to call azid.examinfi. our goods be. fore purchasing elsewhe. T. CHARLES LIVERY STABLES.- ),7 The undersigned hue bought the lease 1-, of the above named Stables • gether with a portion of the eZton sive stock of Horses and Carriages, S-`s/ tata the property of Jamc Mathews, - deceased. in addition to the stock before-mentiom d, he Las also added a number of NINE HORSES, BUGOIES AND CAHRTAGES, xhich were formerly employed at his Livery Stables in Cuird, below Wood street. As he gives his 'personal atten- tion to the business, a continuance of the patronage which he has hitherto received frcri public ie solicited. . JACOB GARDNER, St. Charles Livery Stables. N. tl — A HEARSE and any onniber of CA8.1.1.1.AGE4 can alDays be procured fur Funerals. de29 NOTICE TO BIITC4ERS.—Large Meat 11 Cutters and Sausege Pilfers, of various sizes, at No. 43 Fifth street, Pittsburgh dvc4 QIN AND A QUARTER CENTS PER YAR.D--Uno Rale Crash, just received, by I=9 C. HANSON LOVE, 74 Market street. wOOLLEY'S SALVE for sale wholeslae and retail at the Drug Intore of JOHN ELAFT, Corner of Wood and Sixth at., Pittaburgh. MENS' WOOL HALF HOSE—Of a very superior quality lino wool, and sold lust at EAP.T. ERN COST, at HORNE'S, iFe26 77 Market street. fIOD LIVER OIL, by bulk or dozen, fresh, 1„," on hand and for guile by u.r9 B. L. PA 11 NRSTOCR 6t 00. r IPO-DAY, I WILL.OOMMENCE TO SELL . at greatly reduced rates, my stock of FALL AND WINTER 3001!6 AND SLIDES, In order to make room for Spring Goods. Look at these prices—Men.s Rip Boots worth $3 75 at $2 75; 6( 2 76 at' 2 25; Boys' 66 <4 ita 2 25 at 200 66 <4 200 at 1 75; Ladies' Heavy Boots, worth... 1 37 at 1 20; it 46 " " ••• 25 at 1 10, And all other hinds in proportion. BORLAND, No. 98 Marko it trak. two (Mori/from Fifth C INNAMON BARK.--400 lbs. just reo'd and for gab lay Lai aL. FALINWODIr CIO. ~, 7~_. Wit. ~ F;=.'/- PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY. APRIL 1. 1858 PITTaUr-ZiE4lllarch 25, 1858 DIALERS IN ALL HINDS Or No. 1 . 2. A WOOD STREET JLMI WARDItOP BANKS. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANES, No. 65 Fburth SYreet, MIDDLE BOOM, JONES' NEW BUILDING. OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'olook ; also, on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, from May let to November Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clocs; add from November let to May Ist, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums not less than ONE and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest was declared at the rate f six per cent. per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also in June add December, 1856 s and in June and December, 1857. Interest, If not drawn out, ia. placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from the •first days of Junetand December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call or even to present his pass book. At this rate, money will double In less than twelve years, making in the aggregate EMELT AND 2NC-11/LEP PEa CENT. A YEAR. Books containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and ElcF.l lotions, furnished gratis, on application at the office Preptdent--C4E011.010 ALBREE. vice PRE.SIDENTS. Hopewell Hepburn, Johu li. Shiamberger, James Shidle, N. Grattan Murphy, Alexander Bradley, Isom: 11. Pennock, Robert Robb, James D Kelly, WiWam 8. Lovely, James Hardman, [fill Burgwin, John 8. Cosgrove, TRUSTEES William J. Anderson. James W. Heilman, John G. Backofen, Charles Knap, Albert Culbertson, P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John H. Mellor, J. Gardiner Collin, Walter. P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. 9. M. Pollock - , M. D. Charles A.t.lolton,j Henry. L. King - watt, William Douglass, John M. Sawyer, Francis Felix, George S. Se'den, George F. Gillmore, Alexander Tindle. James S. Hoon, • Theobald Umbalsotter, William S. Haven, George it. White, 3rcretaryand Treaturcr—CllAS. A. COLTON. I, fo3 BANK OF lOWA. s. J. STEVE.NS,& CO., . DESS.IO.IN lid, irIOLLECTIONS MADE and prompt j Iv milted. LANDS selected and locate Uapitalists wishing to make investments in the West, can do so through this house. Correspondence solicited. bnylilitka AUSTIN Walla I'LlUd. D. Lo A USTLN LOOMIS & CO., Dealers in Promissory Notes,ißuntia, Mortgages, and all &curl Cie for money. Money Loaned on Checks at short dates, with collaterat socurity. NOTES AND DRAFTS BOUGHT ArlD SOLD. Persons desiring Loans can haaccommudated on reu.soua ble terms, and capitalists canto furnished with good Becuri ties at remunerative prices, Also, attend to the Fide, Renting and Leasing of here 01lice, No. 92 FOURTH street, above 114ac.d. AUBTIN WOW, Notary Public. ~ raa:3 N•HOLMES & SONS, 13ailkers and 'Ex . change liroker4 and Dealers ih Notes, irralts, AOcipt iineee, (Sold, bilver mid/441We Notes. Exchange on the .htatt.- ern uud Western Came coustantly•for sale. Oolleetione made in all the cities throughout the United htates. Deposita received in par Lunde or currant paper, No. tIT Maritet street, between Third and Fourth eta. 'a3U:ly rriIIOMAS WOODS, Commercial Broker, and Dealer in Notes, Bondi', Stocks, final intatu, ac., No. 7 o irqurth street, Pittsburgh, ris. JULIO OliN WOODS, BANKER % AND EXCHANGE (P lhossa, Dealer in Exchaugo, ommercial and:Bank Notes. stock bought and sold on compiasion. Collectious carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposits. No. 67 JONES' NEW BUILDING, Fourth street. je:3o REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Q CUTLIB.EKT & SUN'S OFFICE, No. 51 • •Ilarket street, for the bale and purchase of Real &mite, renting houses, attending to insurance and repair., obtaluiug loans on bonds, mortgages, 4c,; making convey - ances, deeds, bonds, &c.; writing letters and corresponding with parties abroad, Ice. eels BELDEN SEYMOUR, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. - ILeriazxces.—Messre. Hankie, Llarreteou Co., neberi Purko, Is'sq. Jyll:y WICSTEELN LAND`S• ALEXANDER GARRETT, ESTATE' - AGENT; NO. bO WAVER, ULLYELAND, 011.10, Its for stile Lauds in Illinois, Wisconsin, alinuesuta, lflicnigtiu and lowa, Lie will exchange Lauds to WidWIDIILI, Ac., fur Pittsburgh manufactures, and also for city property. All letters of inquiry answered gratis, by addressing are I.th above. aullay PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. Foit SALE.-45 acres of Land near 'dui: tou'd Statiuu, ou the Alieghouy Valley liauroad, 10 macs from the city. The laud id nit covered with due femme treed, winch makes it a desirable paten for a cuuutry rwi derco. Buildtog Lots, each 20 by 100 feet on POllll3. avenue rear Magee street. 5 do do on Vic(troy street, near Magee street. 14 do do on Maria stret.t, near Magee street. 3 dirt do on Bluff and Isabella areets, , In the fiigth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh. Also, 1 Lot on the corner of Penn and Marbury streets fronting 30 fret on Penn and 109 foot 1.0 , , , ,e 1 inches on Mar bury street, adjacent to the depot of the.Peausylvanta Han road. For terms; etc., inquire of I:3A Ili J mr29:ltri corner Roes and First etd., Pittetangb AHOUSE in good order, and lot of grounu on Monterey bt..eut, Allegheny, c.,u Le hula for ti. ewwt amount of sl.l&i. Torras easy. turd ts.Cb WER & :.ON, *frket nt. FOR. s6oo—two hundred in hand, tahinee ia-etio and two years, ..ill decuro a uwulliug house and lot of ground, on Alt Washington. un27 6. UUTIIIIIIIiT it SON, LI blardet et. • iiRARE CIIANCE to purehaee a guoll dwelling house and largo lot of ground; in nuarps nerg.. Kr price and terms, apply at our olllLe.. nir27 6.0.11:11.13611.1' a t_.. uN , of Slarket st. FURNISHED HOTEL FOR SALE THE RAIILEtOittn 11101.1 EL, AT LATROBE STATION, , on the Penn. sylvanat Railroad, lofty miler east of rILLaiIUrgLI, uwot of brick, three etories.itigu, 9d feet front, met neap, coutuien 40 tine large rooms newly aua completely lurinde ed, ready fur immediate uccupation. Tueru . ni a ifaLlle etable for thirty Lorded, couvenieut out-buddiega mid one acre of ground attached to the premised.' mice, including Cereal:ire, $1'2,000. untpludi may remain on ilmel auu Mortgage. It not sold before let of Apra, it will be reuted at $950 per annum. Addreee t). W. BARNES, tur2:lthei Latrobe, wo DW EL LIN Li 110 U 6ES, with large lot of ground to each house, situate oa Uardon eaten, south Pittsburgh, will bo told on favorable terms, by S. OUTLIBiIIiTot. nuN, 61 Market at reef GREE \, MARSRA_LL A.NI) . BOU/N E Counties, lowa—valuable lundn in these eountiis, for sate by . B.' C UlalliEttr ANEW FRAME HOUSE AND LOT O 1 Oroand, 50 by 100 feet, situate on rilt..:Watbiugtou, for agile to accommodating teraut, by tura S 0UT11131 , 1112 &.• SON, 51 Market at. FOR SALE—A Cottage House of hall and 4 rooms, kitchen and Gahm, portico in front, poach, apple, pear anitplam trees, stable, coal house, grape am r, etc., etc., tctuate on Mt. Washington. The owner's business requires him to remove, and a - good bargain will be given.. mr23 tiuN, 61 Market et. FARMS in Exchange for City Vroperty.— A farm of 350 acres, on the Allegheny river, near Kittanning, 130 acres cleared; dwelling house; barn and or chard ; coal, limestone - and iron ore,. Also; a farm of 100 acres near the above. Also, a farm of s 3. acres . on Pine creek, 4 miles from Ifittauning; 30 acres cleared; two houses, and a saw mill in good running order;a flnSt rate location for business. 250 acres of Lind at mouth of lied Bank creek; 40 acres cleared and in good order. Price low and terms "easy, W ill be exchanged In whole or in part for city pro perty. S. CUTEIBLIST; dt SUN, novlo . 11 Market Street. iniNLY $750 FOR A TWO STORY !)wel lingl., House, of four rooms, with lot of .ground '2O feet front on Monterey street, Allegheny city, by;110 deep to au alley. Terms, s4oolu hand, balance at one; two and three years, tl. OUTLIJi4III' 6c euN, nov24 61 Market eueet. IX -13(11.LDING LOES, on Overhill street. to Price, $4OO, each—for sale by mrl9 ti. CUTllttlOtti v dt)N, 61 Marltet street. FOR. SALE-A Drug Store, located in one of the best situations iu tho city of Pittsburgh, for either ajobbing, retail or prescription bueines4. Purchas ers will find an advantge of rare occur, nee. For informa lion inquire of JOHN lIAFT, J&, No. 168, corner Bath and Weed streets, fa • i Pittsbarg,h. AYRES' NOVO all CONPEO,TION, UNPEOTION,‘OO F . • ..EOTION,•ONP BUTTON, 010N.P . P. 0-TION, CONP,,E 0 T lON,U ONPEOT I ON,IOO - N'F.NOT O N,CON E BOT I 0 .11,GONPEOT lON 000.N.PBOTI. U, N . The most pleasant, safe and effectual Worm Remaly now la use. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A.NO.KLL JJAPP, Cor. Wood and .lath ate, Pittsburgh, Pa, And sold by Drog i Aele generally. 1 . la2l el" - 0RIANDER , SEED.- 1 cask just received endvv for wie by - B. L FAIINBSTOCK. Ar CO. FOREIGN FRUITS 1 REDUOTI.ON IN PRICES, AT THE - PAGODA TEA STORNI We are now selling Turkey Currants attic ip French and Zaute Currants, at 10c and Ih. New Valencia Raisins for cooking, at 1.2 %c New Malaga -•• `• at 15c "V lb.. . New. Smyrna Figs 12% and 15c 9lb. New German Prunes at 12%0 V lb• Aloe; Caren, Lamm and Orauge - Peela, Spices, etc; Raisins, t.urrants, Figsand Prunes, whole sale at the low est market price. HAWORTH, BRO. A DROWNLRE, ara Corm Diamond and Diamond alley. ' - • . • , + - 2 ,- . ~',,''..:•••.... 11,5.2,:.‘4;tR'..t.',:. INSURANCE. I4'l RE I NSUR A NCE, BY TIM Reliance Mutual insurance Co. • OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUIWNOB, LIMITED OR PERPETUAL, MERI:IAN- DISE, FURNITURE, SO., IN TOWN OR 00UNTRY Office, No. 308 'Walnut Street. CAPITAL, el 7'7,926 Invested to follows, viz:— First Alortgage on Improved City Pt °petty, worth double ire amount $120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Mortgage beau, $lO,OOO coat t 25,500 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent, Penn% &R. Loan. 10,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s Stock 4,000 00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual luso, alaCt , C. 19,150 00 Stock of County Fire Insurance Co 1,050 OU Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies bills Receivaqe; business paper Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc . Cash on baud and in Bank $252,468 89 CILESI TINGLEY, President. DIIIXOTOBB. Clam Tingley, William R. Thompson, Child 8. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John 8.. Worrell, B. L, Carson, Robert Toland, Modes Johnson, Charles 8. Wood, James 8. Woodward, mr3 B. J. GA mr3 North-east co MANUFACTCRERS' INSURECE Office—No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA.. CHARTER PERPETUAL—CAPITAL 3500,000. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND RISKS TAKEN WM. A. RHODES, _President. ELIAS. W.I9E, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. DIRECTORS Win. A. Rhodes, A. 8. Lippincott, James P. smith, Clias. J. Field, William Neal, Charles Wise, John P. Simons, J. Rinaldo Sank, ,Thomas Bell, M. Richards Mackie: Pittsburgh Office, No. 9d 'Water Street, mrl7 MM. G. _BELL, Agent. liElitliANTS' -11SUJIAIE. CO VAN V, Of Plultadelphia. WM. V. PETTIT, Presiden' D. J. AI'CANN, &crefary. Amount of Capital Stock paid in and inveated...r2uo,ooo 00 Surplus 11,128 3O pi3,4.7/8 I nerares Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera and tributaries. insures against loss or damage by Fire, Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Wand Navigation and Transportation. DIRE CT OHS: Wm. V. Pettit, J. 0. Montgomery, John M. Pumroy, D. J. McCann, E. F. Witmer, Rene Unillon, h. L. Wooleton, John A. Marehall, Chae. B. Wright, John J. Patterson, Elwood T. Pusey. 0/1f1OBRS: WILLIAM V. PETTIT, Presuient. F. WITMER, Vc.e Preeutent. D. J. MgCANN, Secretary. usrsitsuaks: ft; t in 1 - 'aitaaelphia: Seigur, Lamb Co., - Steinautz, Justice a Co., ' Truitt, Bro. & Ca., Buck, Morgan & SUM()Ie, I A. T. Laue & Co., . Pumroy, Caldwell A Co. PIisTSBURGIt OFFICE, NO. 87 WATER STREET. au7 R. W. POI_NDI',XTEIt, AE PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 149 Chesnut Street, Opp:mite the Diatom Route. WILL MAKE ALL KINDS OF INSU RANCE, either Perpetual or Limited, ou every deberiptiou of Property or hierchaudisse,at reaeouable ratty of premium. . _ BOBERT P. ICING, President. N. W. BALDWIN, Vice Prosident. vtucuroas. Charles Bayed, E. it. Cope, B. B English, - George W. Brown, P. B. Oavery, Joseph S. Paul, C. Sherman, John Clayton, S. J. Magurgee, E. Vidor. BLeCIELBUI,NE, Secretary. J. E. COFFIN, Agent, .154:13r., Corner Third and Wood dtreen NEPTUNE INSUROCE COAIPANIi, OF PIII.LADELPIIIA, FRANKLIN RUILLINGS, 414 WALNUT STREET. Organized under the General Insurance Law, with a Cash Capital of SIOU,OuO, privileged to increase to WO ' 000. In sures against lons or damage by FIRE, MARINE, INLAND NAVIGATION ancITRANSPORTATION. ° H. O. LAUGHLIN, Proside l n Y t l . ° _ Eß AH'D S W.FILIiS, V. Pres't. GEORGE scow., Secretary. 1413..ECT011.73: U. Or Laughlin, U. sharwood, D. Montgomery, W. O. Stotesbmy, It. M. Cathie, Richard Shields, It F. Showell, 0. C. Butler, William Osborne, George Scott. TETE GE:IFFEY, Agents, Jel:y Office Lafayette Hall, entrance un Wood at PITTSBURGiI LIFE. FIRE AND INSURAAVVE COMPANY, CORNER OP WATER AND MARKET BTREETP. PIT'I'SBIJIIGH, PA. RoBERT GALWAY, President ALEX. BRADLEY, Vice ?readout. F. A. RINEHART, 6ecratury. Uoinpany makes oxery insurance appertaining to or connected with LIFE RISES. Also, against BOLL AND UAithl 11.1filLS on tho Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tributaries, and MARINE ltlBiiii generally. And against Lbss and inunage by lire, and against the Perils of thy; then and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies b.3tied at the lowest rates consistent with safety to all parties. Dlllllol.oli.a. /tuber[ Galway, iSarunel 31'01nria.n, Joseph P. Gazzam, 51. 11., John &att., James Alarshall, David Richey, James W. Hallman, Charles Arbuthnot, 'Alexander Bradley, Joseph d. Leech, John - Fullerton, N. F. Hart, David U. Chamber®, . Robert IL llartley, William Carr. Jue. 5.1c/iill. ee'2,s CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPAN V OF PITTSBURGH. wiLLI ATi BAGALEY, President. SAMUEL L. MARSHELL, dccretary. OFFICE: 04..Watsr street, between Market and Wood areas Re-Insures HULL AND CARGO RISKS, on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers and tautarics. Insure@ against Loss or Damage by FIRE. Also, against the Perils of the Bea and Inland Navigation mud Transportation. Draw:ono. William /Meiley, Samuel Rea, James ➢L Cooper, James Park, Jr., , Isaac M. Pennock, Epringer Hurbangb, Capt. namnel C. Young, John Caldwell. WEST .13itANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LOOK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY. CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OP PENNSYLVANIA Cash capital— . .... $300,G00 I Premium N0te5...5132,343. plus COMPANY WILL INSURE ON Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Ac., in town or DIECZOTOBS: Hon. Jno. J. Pearce,l Hon. O. C. Harvey, Charles A. May er, John a Hall, Charles Crist, !Peter Dickinson,T. T. Abrams, D. K. Jackman, IW. White, Thomas Kitchen HON. G. C. HARVEY, President. T. T. AB B, Vice President. Taos. KLICIELE; Secretary. ttrininarions: Samuel H. Lloyd, 1 i A. A. Winegardner, John W. Maynard, L. A. Mackey, Hon. 8 Cameron, A. White, Thaa. Bowman D.D, Janice Quiggle, Win. Vanderbelt, OFFICE—NO. 65 FIFTH STAN LT, de2131 J. A. rrEIE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PIM DELPHIA. Dumevess—Charles W. Bancker, Thomas Hart, To Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob IL Smith, Geo. Richard.-, Mordecai 1). Lewis, Adolphi D. Dorie, David S. Browne, Mot. ris Patterson. Cats. N. Its.norra, President. tins& U Illavczan, Secretary. Continue to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property, in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. The Company have reserved a large Contingent Fund, Ihichowith their capital and premiu m s; Safely invested, at ford ample protection to the assured. The Assets of the Company, on January Ist, 1851, as pub. fished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as follows, viz: Mortgage $918,128 Ch Baal Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loans 83,980 17 _ 81,889 Oj Cash, `" 81,848 81 Total ' $1,919,708 44:1 Mee their incorporation, a period of twenty : one yearn, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou, aandDollars,l owe. by fire, thereby affording evidence of th 3 advantagee of inauratice, as well ea the ability and dispo , fition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER OOFFIN, Agent, °lnce, north-east cur. Wood and Third eta; I)RUNING TOOLS—For the Garden and orchard, viz. —say, Chisels, Grape Shears," Herge &tears, Priming Hooka, Knives, etc.,in great variety, tor cid t v ales waemeop. lAARD OIL.—We have commenced maim factaring Lard Oil, and Iva] be pleased to receive or ders for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar het. We will All barrels returned when deldred. a a a a. Hiralrof't stress. •-' , ?. , '•:•7 , 5:'.%.; . !i . i.-','- hi_i'A‘- - ;: - i4 ,ASSETS, (1362,405 Su. 475 00 62,711 60 3,3.36 19 16,043 20 Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Mraiser. Benjamin W. Tingley, liarehall Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, Win. M. Semple, Pittsb'g . HINCIINIAN, Secretary. is LNE, COFFIN, Agent, er Third and Wood atreete. Uapt. !dark Bterlink, Samuel M. liier, John 8. Dilworth, Francis Sellers, William B. Hays. John Shipton, Walter Bryant, .142 IDr. J. B. Crawford, A. gpdegraff, James -Armstrong, William Fesrun, Hun. Wm. Bigler, PUTSDUICOH. PPERT, Agent MOiM MEM MISCELLANEOUS 4 6 Death to all Ver !" !Plat, Roadli, Exterizatinator, Pat up In 20r..., and $1 Rotes. For this Dostruc tion eft:ate, Alice; Ground or Field Mice, stoles, Enacting, Croron rages, etc. "COSTARS" BED BUG EXTERMINATOR. Put op in 2.5 c., 50c., 75c., and tl Bottles. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC POW ER Put up in 25c. and We. Ilex .% To Destroy Moths, Bud Bugs, klusquitoes, Ants, leleas, c plant insects, Vermin on Fowls and Animals. The above are now acknowledged the Only Jilkßible Rwudies Known! ea... Terms Cash. .4;Qr , No goods sent on commission. - . *0- Liberal wboleside Terms made to Druggists and Deal era everywhere. "Costar's" Private Circular to Druggists and Deal ers.aout by mail, on application. - Q r . Said, vs holeaale 'and Retail, at ,6 COSTAR'S " Principal repot, :ie. 388 Broadway, New Plcktrft, awl by bruggists and Dealers everywhere. For lke People• My Prep%rations are certain Destruction to every species of Versate, and, wherever known, aro hailed as the most re markable discoveries of the age. .As a consequence,-the de. mt nd is becoming -Immense TJiiieet this demand fairly, and to meet also, in a liberal spirit, chose generous persons who may want to teat their merits ter themselves and their neighbort.—in new places—in short, to plaarthein within -the reach of every body, every where. I have arranged a settle of prices and Premiums that can't fail to mistth • of all ; / e " vi " 8 1. On f,ecieipt of ONE DOLLAR. wl. , ll,7rward by mail (post paid) a sufficient quantity of the _VA,. Roach, do., Exterminator to destroy all of this class of vermin that may infest your premises. 11. On Receipt of eWO DOLLARS. I will forward by mail (postage paid) a sufficient quantity of both the Rai; elonch, Entersiinater and the Electric . Brander, together with the premium of one year's subscription to the United Mates Journal, the largest and best conducted monthly newspaper in the United States. . 111. On-Receipt of FIVE, DOLLARS. I will forward by express (Prirpaying the express charges) $5 worth of Rat, Roach, tee; .Externitnator, the Elearm ..Powder, and the Bed Bug .Eastermierulttr, (this latter being a liqUid,tliatuot be Sent in the mall,) and the additional premium of ono year's subecription to the United Slates Journat. IV. On Receipt. of TEN DOLLARS.. The same terms will be made as made to Druggists and Dealers. ter See:_Costar's Private Circular to Druggists and Dealers. .A.DDB.E.ViI all letters to COSTAR'S PRINCIPAL DEPOT, .388 `Broadway, New York. tap To save mistakes and trouble: 1. Write lu a plain band the name of Post Office, County, and State. littgister your letter, and it will come at my risk. 3. New York and Eastern money preferred. b yt , V 4%. SEET ay: Fo L Low : Rats, Roaches, Gags, 54. c. What the Farmer A late wuier 8[46 that the various species of vermin are multiplying at a fearful rate throughout the laud. Their ravii.4oa have become a matter of serious dread." A Post . master in Illinois, writing to "Coatar's" Depot, says: " country is literally overrun, with- them, (rats, mice, Ac.") Another, from the same same State, says: " The rate pO6l. lively gnaw the halters Mr my horses while in the stable." An who correspondent remarks: "They (therats) are eve rywhere—in the house; the - barn ' and under every stump in the held." In the South it is still worse. A late order from the Navy Yard at Mobile was h for thirty pounds of the Rat Exterminator alone. , . What the itople :s NEW You; April 12,1856.6. Dear Sir :—Liaviug a great many rats around my stable and shop, 1 thought I. would try your Hut Exterminator, and bought one of your boxes, and fixed it according to your directions. The next morning 1 found over ono hundred and fifty dead rata. I take pleasure In saying. that it will du more than you say it wilt. 1 have also tried it on steam boats, and satisfied them that it is the greatest thing of the age. J. h. UNDERIiIEL, No. 435 10th street. exVr, ILL. June 2151,1867. • Dcar ar,-5.13 , brother, J. W. IL'Creer3, e. AI., purchased a box of your Rat Exterminator, and tonud it to be what 3 oterecommended it to be, a perlez.Rat.destroyer. 1 hero• with inclose $5 for more of it. Yours, &e n ABLLLEY hew You; Dec. 17 th, 1857. Sir,—* • • All this swouter 1. have even troubled with Roaches and Alice. I w,is uctu.illy ashamed of the house, for the Roaches were everywhere,and I don't know what 1 shonld save done by tel. woe. purchased a hex of your Exterminator uud tried it, and in ouu week there was not a Roach or Meuse in the !mule.. JOIIN B. GIIVE-NE, No. 94 Elm street. Moon's Wesits, Ohio, Jane 8, 1838. Dear 4r,-1 have used it (the Rai, Roach, se., Extermi ustor) three nights, audit id Making a sail havoc among the hat tribe. Yours, Am., J. P. BECuM. What the Dress say: We know, by actual experience, that "Costar's" prepara tions fur Hats, Roaches, Bed Bogs, and Insects geuerolly, are eumpleta and portent exterminators. Wherever "Costar's" Exterminators have been used, they have never tailed to perform all that is claimed for them. Housekeepers should not fail to try them.—. Yew York Atlas, May 17 tEstar's' Rat, Roach, itc, Exterminator is an iufalliblo destroyer of these pestilent creatures. Ilia Bed Bug hater minator is valued beyond measure by every housewile who has had or gaion to ustrit. 8u is his Electric Powder, which is certain Misfit to Mosquitoes, Moths, Files, Fleas, and ver. min of every Sort.../ittlionapornt (lied.) Ycrttinel What the DruyyLts .say: • A. J. BLOOKSuAT, (Tiruiiziat,) New Lisbon, 0. " Your la terminators provo eataalactury." 0. AL T. E. AVDONALD, (Drugguita,) .ffew Brunewick, N. J. "We tried the Rat, Roach, kc., Eztarminatur, aud it uu. swans a good purpose." U. B. CUNNINULI..9.If, (Druggist,) Bearer Dam, Ws. "It OLIO Rat, Roach, cc., I..x.ttamiziator) is highly satisfactory to those who have tried it." . 5.t.1.1.1Th1. HILL, (Dtuggita,) Dco . Creek, Pickaway county, 0. "Tito Buy Ittrach,Ac., lottormiukstor doed all tt is tecvm mended to do." - GULLEuIi.D LEMBERGEB., (Droggiate,) . Lebanon, Pa. "We are pleased Co'ilay tint whicn to twill gives satibfae tiou " GliO. ROSE, (Ortigniat,) amlington, 0. "It (tho Rat Ranch, &c , Exterminator) sells like hot eako-J, giving you oral aanstaoilou." IL KEYSER., Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. 13. L. FAIibLEnTUUK ti CO., No. 60 Wood, au Corner of Fourth it., 1 ittsburgh, Pa. rarklmdacv • • .. • [AMES INIILLING . DaNONGAIIELA er PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public that be has rebuilt sincO the lire, and having enlarged hie estabitshapant, and filled it with the newest and must ap• proved machinery, is now prepared td fantisti flooring and planed boards, scrowl sawing and resawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried, frame; moulding; box making, slc. South Pittsburgh, September 7,4857. WALES We, LEWIS, ALDEUMAN, And Ls-Officio Justice of the Peace, OFFICE ON THE CORNER OF WYLIE AND FIRTII §TILEETY3. All business connected with this Wilco Will be attended to with promptnem. Conveyanees of all kinds done with leti,Al accuracy—such as Leeds; Mortgages, Bonds, Powers of At torney, ad: - TILIF-3 tolttal Estate examined. the members of the Bar he tendeis his 'services as Com zuisq .ner to take Lepesitiontite be reed lathe. several Courts at chi t State, and elmwhere. Llie office L 3 one of the main Pole: Stations of the city, and . consequently his tunnies in ext,cting business of 4.101kin4 are very.dosirable. 110.1.0:1) WHOLESALE STATIONERY WRE -11011.2.E. WM. G. JOHNBTON t CO., tut3o •' • 67 Wood street. WHOLESALE PAPER- WAREHOUSE Wsi. G. JOTINSTON & CO., ; 57 Wood street WHOLESALE -BLANik:BOOK WARE - HOWIE. . WM. 0. - JOHNSTON dr. CO, . Ind° - 57 Wood greet. TiffILLINERY GOODS.i—Spring Ribbon, ANIL French and American Flowers, Crapes, dills, Ruches, Joined Blonds, eto r liew stock , now op. n , and for sale to 'milliners at low,priees. '• • 208 11.011N.E, . mr2o . :. • 77 Idarket street. . - .14EA.101.siS.-100 boxes _Lemons, just receiv eil and for sale by REY.N.ISII A L AN DER duN, alr26 • ' .;' t No. 89 Wood street. ELT ROOKS—Fop splicing India Rubber As or Leather pnpply of. tho different BiZas, Jut. received ar.d for sato, by - • J.. P/11LL1.1 . 4 meg . and ,23. dL Oh& Arcot. AVEN'S First Quality Lead Pencils, for ealeat the Stationery Warehouse of - W. 8. ILiNEN, mrl9 Dros.'3l, 33 anti 35 Market straot. $ 2 75 P A l n A el N egan O t B. F2ItI d E , z y tan l $175 band, PIANO FORTE In perfect order, which cost when rew, X 276 will be sold' for . $l7B. ' • CHARLOTTE BLIIIIE, Old Established Piano Depot, mrlft 118 Wood et-eat, second door above Fifth. - - TLIE PEOPLE'S &ROE STORE. NO. 71 PATH STREET. Now opening, a crinplote -assortinsnt of Spring Goods, new and latest styles of Ladies Fine French Congress Gaite4a, Worn. Celt Congress Gaiters, Glom. Calf Slippers, Ladies and Mines black and colored Heel Gaiters. - .DIVFENBACHER & CO. TIRESSED JILY For sale by :UE2 fIF H. IOOLLINEL VETE are now opening oar' 'second, and by • v v far the cheapest stock of Fall =Minter Dras Goode. Shawls, &c., that has ever been offered in this city. EIANSON LOVA novil Formerly Loye Brothers. 74 Market st. ..119tAZIN!S PERFUMERY.;--A complete as- A.ll sortmeat of Pontuidesgoilei Retetsctc,Pez tame Ratchets ebo., jut receited'auciTar tale by —• vard - B. I, MILNIZZOOK 41g C.O. f. 4519 '7llO. * - 4r. AR'S" NUMBER 144. THE DAILY POST. [Correspondence of the London Timea.l Execution of Orsini wad Pierri. THEIR BEHAVIOR AND APPE A RATIO B-110091140 BILLITARY DEMONSTRATION PARIS Saturday, March 13, Six P. nt.---At half•past five o'clock last evening the warrant to execute the sentence of the Court of Assize upon those convicted of the attempt in the Rue Lepelletier was received by the Procureur Gene ral. As I previously- announced to you, that warrant only included Orsini and Pierri. The punishment of Do Rudio is commuted into, penal servitude for life. Since - their condemnation it - was judged proper to employ the strait waistcoat with the three con victs as a precautionary measure against any possible act of violence either on themseliies or on those placed in contact with them. The re prieve of De Rndio readeredthat restraint no longer necessary, and the Governor did not delay a moment in giving orders to free him from it. When the turnkeys who were charged with the duty entered De Radio's cell, they found him buried in sleep. They shook him once or talk° before he awoke; when he opened hie eyes and sat up on his pallet, he stared fearfully at them, and for a moment appeared bewildered. He thought they came to announce that his last moment had arrived, and he recoiled from their touch. " Don't be afraid," they said, " don't be afraid, we are not going to, injure you; far from it. We bring you good. news; you are to have a commutation of punishment, and we are going to take off your camisole de force, (straight waistcoat)." You need hardly be told what the feelings of the poor wretch were. It is said that he hummed-an air during the operation. If the execution did not take place yesterday, instead of to-day, it was in no wise owing to the super stitious feeling about Friday ; but it happened that the Friday of this week followed the Thurs d ly of Hi- Careme (Ilid-Lent,) and it was very properly felt to be improper that two men should die on the scaffold at the same time, in the same suburb, and the same streets that were thronged with masks, revellers and mummers; that4orithin sight of the guillotine yawning for its prey the most fantastic costumes should figure; that the joyous sound of horns and trumpets, and the jibes and laughter of those' who were returning from festivities prolonged till the dawn, should contrast with the death knell of the prison chapel; that the Deseente de la Courtille should pass side by side with the scaffold. For these reasons the execution was postponed a day. Since the trial you are aware that the prisoners were transferred from the Conciergerie .the condemned prison known as the Nouveau Bieetre, in the Place de la Roquette. In former times the Place de la Greve, now Place do PHotel de Ville, was the spot where criminals were put to death. Indeed, it might well be called the Field of Blood; its pavement has been many times stained with the blood of the victims of all revo lutions, as well as of those who have fallen by the hand of justice. Since the completion of the two prisons at the extremity of the Rue de la Roquette, it is iu front of those buildings, and in the small square which separates them, that the guillotine is erected. The Rue de la Ro quette extends from the Place de la Bastile to the Barrierre d'Aunay on the extremeßoulevard, close to the famous burial-ground of Pere la Chaise. About half-way, and on the left, the Rue Popincourt joins it at right - angles, and is continued on the other side in a straight line in the Rue de Basfroid. From that point of inter section to its extremity nothing is calculated to inspire more melanotioly. thoughts than that street. You feel lung before you emerge on to the Boulevard -that you are approaching the great receptacle of the dead; more than half the upper part of La Roquette is filled with the shops of dealers in tombs, head-stones, coffins, and funeral garlands in endless variety. Farther on rise gloomily the two large prisons, and from the prisons to the cemetery is little more than a step. Tip population in this part of Paris is dense; the long streets of - Reuilly, Piopus, Chatenton, and last, not least, the famous fabourg and street of St. Antoine, with their many tributaries, con verge to the Place do la Bastile on one side, and the Boulevard Beaumarchais, with the numerous thoroughfares, debouches on the other; while the Rue de la Roquette, as a mid-channel, runs, as I have said, from the Bastile to the prisons. For the last two nights the Place de la Roquette and the streets contiguous were covered with a multitude, who braved the intense cold and wet to witness the execution; the crowds that held vigil the whole of last night were almost beyond calculatibm This morning the weather was bitterly cold, and the ground wet, from the snow which had fallen. The sky was covered with clouds of a slate Dolor, and under that dismal canopy, of dark gray mist, transparent like funeral crape, were drifting about. . The streets in the more distant part of the city were deserted, but as you neared the quarter contiguous to the prison, detached squads of sergente-do-villo might be seen mov ing towards the same direction, the occasional flash of bayonets in the gaslight was discernible, and nearer still 'tie vague mass, without form or outline, and heaving to and fro, showed that the awful moment was approaching. Now and then a butcher's or a marke. gardener's cart, with its red lamp in front, rolled heavily along, aud with difficulty made its way thraugh the crowd. Many of the spectators had brought their breakfasts with them ; they had their loaves under their arms, their pipes in their mouths. Some men were grave and serious, and spoke in a low tone of voice; others jested and laughed, and many observed that the prisoners well deserved their fate. About fifteen paces from the gate of the prison the scaffold was erected, and on it rose the instrument of death, the name of which re calls so many terrible associations. There it stood on its platform like a ladder without steps; the block, with the hole for the head to enter, at the lower end ; at the upper, the heavy knife of triangular shape, with its edge like a razor's; hard by it, the shell L,r the body after decapi tation; aud in front, the basket for the head; the cord by which the blade is kept suspended; the framework, painted a dull red, just discerned in the dismal glimmering of a winter's morning, all presented a most hideous spectacle. At five o'clock, the sound of bugles and drums was heard in all the passages issuing on the Place de la Roquette. In a few minutes several squad rons of cavalry were heard advancing, the men wrapped in their blue or white cloaks, and the dragoons' helmets gleaming in the lamplight. The whole of the 3d Hussars, two squadrons of heavy horse, two squadrons of mounted Gendar merie, issued from the aide streets on the square. They then wheeled round, and, separating into several detachments, swept the Place and the streets close to it, and quietly but firmly coin polled the multitude to fall back to the north side of the Rae St. Maur, and the south of the Rues Popincourt and Basfrcid, where they were kept at a respectful distance by two battalions of in fantry, supported by divers sections of cavalry and squads of sergens-de-ville. The place of execution was occupied by cavalry, as . well as the space which runs round both prisons. In less than half a n liourzumerons detachments of infantry, preceded by squads of sergens•de-ville to clear the way, took poBs2nioll -of all the points of Faubourg St. Antoine, issuing on the Roquette, and whoever chanced to pass in that direction was obliged to show satisfactorily that he was going on his lawful occupation". The armed force called into requisition on this occa sion was calculated at over five thousand men ; they were under the immediate command of a General of Brigade. Precisely at six o'clock, Orisiui and Pierri were awoke from their sleep by the Governor of the prison, who annouaced that their laS't hour was come. The Abbe Ragan, _chaplain. of the Ro quette, and the chaplain of the. Conciergerie, were present. Ido not profess to give particu lars of what passed within the walls of the cell, but may observe that the wretched mon appeared calm when the news, which could not have taken them by surprise, was announced to them. I am assured that they heani masa and received the communion with respect, if not devotion. soon after, they were taken to the. room called de la toilette, for change of dre.s. It is not large. Ou the present occasion it contained, be sides the chaputins and the Governor of the prison, about thirty persons, the principal among whom were the greffier,, or clerk, representing the Court of AsSize, and the hussier or usher, who was charged with reading the sentence on the scaffold. Me remainder .were apparently police agents. When the conviqta entered the