BUSINESS CARDS 1AN1.17E1.4 C. -WIN(IAII , D, 41 6 1 , T131t231inc" I)lFik,T, No. cia strce-t, LL.;llCattlra lad Diumoud,talv). _ aptl - - - mk.l6 , A. LUW.M.I,_ Attorney at Law, efi oillcs, Fourth dtroct, tqlscburglt,betwecci bsultralold and Ober ry ' dociLly AUL, bargeun Dentist, successor to G. . 144 Solladleld etroct. 4.p - Uluce liourd [ruin d to 1 o'clock, and from t tub o'clock. feblitcly SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors t i r wt or niarkbt. Ate' &Mice hours Irmo E o'rloct. tl. t. SY. dor..A:y SetWONAIAKEit, auaufacturer of Whitt. isisti, Rod Load, Lit,c, Ptobt, Litlitirg,u, Putty, ac. Whiolesrou dealer ili tlila, Poluts, liaruishos,Turpeutior, . 1 1. c., No. 24, t uotl street, Pittsburgh. - _ osg,pti. F.LEMiNO, successor to L. Wil t/ COI oi curuer Mtaraut tltlevt and the Diamond, keepd coaatantly ou baud a full waturtmcnt of DItUGS, M.1.11r CIiE3T6, PERVILMIdIi, and rtl arti cica pertaining to lad bufatladz.. liar Y . 414011113' rmseriptious . ‘;;:aatully kkanputalaad at all /..011111. , i W. 011ADWICIi, dealer in lientuuay „i„. 'Aga . 4.013ACC0, 11AG6 and PAPER, No. 149 Woou street. below 6ixtli, l'iLteburgU. - AeGir The intlee. utartiet paid for a:aga_ ..Jo_thim n. Linanz, 4'.4 co., Importers and • dialers in tziincti anti Amerman PAPFIR HANG LN 2No. Fri Wood otroet, cltatamrgit. dapiits Cur the caflebratud LaaaufActurc3 0f . h206-irta Dchowari 3.• Paris. augi I)AVID eitiPBELL & SAMUEL PO.I LUCK have tt.iociat , d togottfor under the style or t.teaLBELL YoLLt.tfiii tor tit, transaction of a general Variety nut itry (fax'. lar.,tueas, and tiro atanufaccure of Hain and Waved Liao Wit .11.ouldiutp. fuLtl9 f ELLJP LUBIlla J. ANDIMSOri LIP EY & ANDERSON‘ (successors to .131.1 .1 9Si ua hatXlC: C 0.,) wholutinlv. oculars in VORE.1.01:: 11U11.76, SPICEE„ CoNitECTIONAI:I7, SOC.:AR:3, &c., 341 W 04.4.1 otroct, Oat, St. Charlet) Howl, ritts. twagh. - ap2 J. J. 01.1,146:111.G . • . . I J. OILLESPIE & C 0.,., Looking, tans Manufacturer*, 1) • and dealers in 14)4)1:ins Glass Fla .4), Plate (Haus, En gravings, Combs au.l Fancy Goods, No.7u Wood-street, burst). Inand'auti Inutto to order, tfut Pita alwatle 5141:wzanyi llosewoocl, Walnut and Gilt h) mos, or Moult', log, of o7ery clescriptlun. Sto.intboe OTI I LERS. --4 n OGDEN & Uo., Bottlerb, N0.1b7 First street, reopectfully iulurm the pub :co that they have cousur.itly itarrat a largo supply of iiA.2.EAPArti AL.N.EtteL tTlitt, ALE ao.d of the bixitl, qua li ty. The ....14.111ti:01.1 of larniLtod is pu...42:odiarly directed to the, ft.ct that ilioy trottio WAIN - Mt/11i S ALL in its purest state. Phyaii-,ittr..a,rtycnumeue. it to famillv oc scot.tut of its Whele -001310 aoa .16i. Caleb.' MERCHA.NT 'V AILOkt frrlpi FozDor of. h"ift,Li uud ViulA to vulidtog,—c-omtuat , io ptoyart. and L. du trit - itaWuct .ut of cv utle desVriptlo,l buildiuge. Ti Mira ' 7 12 ETON BELL e et - JUSDE , I.I, No. 13 prcp.3.y.,il to furws,.. to ,A l'AGTuLci 01:11111.1. all er 03, fr JID 10 to 10,0t,11 lbs. to orris:. bio2 AUGE OiJ et sil sic;.ls, .r St.c.,.lmb.osts. every ;ari..ty r.i brass utilsll,l 0 th, III,j.r(10r. , .rIJLIUN':" z TENT ILETALLIC l'ACii.lNti, for ic U011.13.1D(1 E MAXWELL, =Si e, 'Aire ;IF r 1.1a5.1c:s tr. tilooks, E.unse Furuisialag KO. ac. Wooa airovt: Ltull;hly lii twli,.ti E D UCATIOLN A.L4 lirtneent'ti (.',olliege and Se lousy, UPDSR 11112 anal; OF TEZ BrdiEDICITNE FATIIIIItB, hear last - Kobe, Verconioreland county, - EN THE COLLEGE ARE TAUGHT TIIE I, usual branches of lcoulish Education. la the SELIIIi:;ARY, thz: Classics, Mathematics, History, lihetorics; Phlloaophy, etc., and the different branchei el higher erudition necessary or useful to thee sapiring Priesthood. The terms for Board and Tuition hi v S,E; , ) per year, 1., la paid Elimd-auuncilly, strictly in edvauce. Gerinan and French and other Drawing, Paint ing and liltuilc,form no extra enargca,excepting some recom pensatlon for the use of instruments. Medicine, Washing, Boots . , Staticnery, etc., toile extra ~barges. For particular,: apply to the Director of the College. The Collegiate year begins on the Ist of September, and 6uds on the 3d of July following. F.L.7 HEE. il. 13 Mild, iirector of we Coilegc. St. FralleftS ACatieliCky for Boys, UNDER. TIIE CARE OF TILE FRANCISCAN BROTIIEe...i Loretto, Cambria County, Po.. r 111 S INSTITUTION, NATURA I .4 , Y situated ler Ldncational purposes, affords all me in. ducements that eau be desired for a Uatholic itution. it is located iii the most healthy and picturesque p_orlitai ut the Alleghenies, distant four miles from Cresson ;Station, the direct mad route between Philadelphia and Pittsburgn. scholastic year commencing the Bret Monday in Septeuther will clove the 15th el July following. The Terms for Board, iuclUding e ttic,rou,;l. Engit.,ll F :emu tifiC Course, are:Jou per atinnu. The Clozeio and Modern Lam:of:Q., term en extra ,horg, et $lO per annum. Washing and use of Bedding $lO. For further particulars apply to th, ui Lac he dewy. References can be made u lit. Rev. Dr. o'Copirom. apdOlyd&w DRY GOODS retrench! Retrench!! AN°THERCRASH—IN PRICES 1 -,Be iug determined to sell our stock, though Tivt, are Tight," we have made a general sweep-- . REDUCED THE ENTIRE STUCK To still lower prices. Atriir Now in the tithe to buy 1111011 the 11.3..i011111 ,, nt unbroken, and the Prices rut Lkwiu I Dowall 0ut2.9 JOS. LLORNE, 77 Markot sta pill; LAST CIIANGE IN EIGURE;-, .1. - Bonnet lilt:bowl, worth 75 couta, at 621,1 per yard do du do 023 at 60 do do do do 60 at 8734 do do do do 87% at 25' - do JOSEPII HORNE, 77 Market area. RICH VELVET,IRIMMINUS, AT REDUCED 1..1.11'.. - E cholostise. - ortniant oa baud and fur ealo at rovll klo;tlsi.E...i', 77 Mart•.. gtr.,.t. GENTLEMEN'S UNDER GARMENTS-- wool, bilk, Merino and ,:eavy Cot= Under ShlrtN and Drawers--a froth eupply received HUE NE'd, del9 7 Market street I'IVE Cents per Pound Reduction in tit, Price of BRADLEY'S YARNB.—Wholesale Buyer:: and Peddlara will be furnished with BRADLEY'S TL IiNiTTING YARNS at a reduction of Five Cents per pound. by the buud_b?, efttr this date, For Cash, and Cab oult Ju HORNE, 77 Market btreet, 1 Agent for the °QanufaCtrr•r IFIBROIDERIES.—Our excellent ;:took 124 Irrenct, Embroidering, aud the low price , at' wit. •. they are marked, afore rttre induce team to LAIOe. WlbiliLi to pm-chase the Murat litylta. .10.'3EPII. 1101.1.,E. 77 Niarlier.street. MONEY 1 JIONEY II —PRIDES MARI , - ED DCiWN. Aar Great reduction ua the price if tituorolderlea. We have gone carefully over our handsotne at.. fILENCII-WOII.IiED UNDER SLEEVE :3 MUSLIN I.I:NDL-., Anders:3 the prie.ea to auit the -11.ra Thu,s." The Ladies tuny rely on gLttiug LairKalue at e!ct27 11.011.11-28. 77 'aerket itrt-t FANCY BLACK DRESS SILKS. -. Largo a.-I.urtuivnt, which wn lire cloning Ot/ t V 1,1: 041.41.' NOB OA6II. 0. I.IAN6U:i LOVE, Forrabrly LOYn Brothel:. N 0.74 Market WE WILL SELL from tie present time commouly clicap I.tOR Pletint, call au..l . our aock. C. HANSON LOVE. • Ucri3O i.ramrly Lovc No. 74 Market .1 DI RINTED FINCH mEitnioEs, for 62 aud i 6 ceute, worth $1 and $1,45, bettworttuont to the cityC. liAbb'ON LOV, (formerly ieiTO Brothere), No Maritol au, BLACK AND FANCY. DRESS SILKS. A full assortrutnt, very cheap. C. .11 0 .1160:i LOVE, formerly eve Brody. rs Na. '74 ut. sta - .. - vf • 41v—ay C°9° lPtrcl er o - f 0 re'S ja(}Dods, Sh4wl4llsattea hoaiso Domestic trdFtl- pre Goods, will find it to their advantage to call and exam' our New atock rt Fall and Winter Dry Goodsbefore parch: a ing elsewhere. 0. ELANSON LOVE, aelf, irr,rum.. iv Love P. . a., No: 74 Market 4: 1.1 AWLS 1 SHAWLS 1 Wool, Chenille, Broths, ac., both luug uul ego,re, tha - gory best iu tho city, sad at very low prices for cash. C. IIANNON LOVE, formerly Lure 1- - No. 74 Market atre, t. A.R. PIQUE and IA S.:,II,LES, Fleeced, for matiug A. largo am,rtmont vi GEO. R. WHITE do ti.Ym - 13 — ONNE - T -- VELVET.—Evory variety of Bou ne; material, lialka, Velvets kind htainv, fra a ovl3 Soli. -• lik-TENV BEDFORD SPERM CANDLI.S.- II 20 boxes alaorted and i's, Sperm .111 w on hand and and for Halo by jai D. U. J. til• EAU' SOAPS.- - 1000 boxoa Rusin Soap, in lb., 2 lb. and a 11), 600 " No. 1 Palm &go, in lb., 2 lb. and bare 500 " Chemical Olive soup, iu lb. lnmpe 200 " Oleine Oxide " 260 " German 200 " _Castile talirT, 6o " Pure Pain, on hand and for sale by jail B. C. a J. ii. ife W YEA. GUM BUFFALO, CALF' AND CLOTH, OV.IO6HOES, offered low. at "The People,' She !alore," No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. felB DIFFENBACLIER .4 CO • _ E ' CROP.- 20fs dram. t, bulyrua Figs; 10 nista -o Dalai; 6 00 b o w malaco itaist!m k _iwn; socrod and for RBY.adzit a ANIMSEKIN_ , 419 Wood 4,,ogiadta BLCl:usleo flodri.r- :tt+cnt~~i unU Cilii. -YU. .1) 41 ST. C.L,.11-.: sriln MIME ritt.LairgL, '• hi 3 lb. tmrs in / to. GROCERS. DSVTD 6reinlX.3s WILLIhaI MEANS Si 11115CANIOLESS, MEANS Sir CO., bUCCEISO9IS 40 Ni/OZ O waAs...9e,l WHOLE - SALE GITOCERS, DEALL3a IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, - , PITTnSUP,OII MANUFACTURES GUNERALLI", Corner Wood and 'Wster strocti, :AVID LI CAIIDLESS WILTJA.II BILANS 11. A' coreiz• llPCandiess, Plea & Co., (Successors to Wick ac .31.'Citualesa,) VT 110LESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts. ,urgh 7daunfactures generally, corner of Wood and Water trects, Pittsburgh. tnyB 1 Po W A WANG P,N u COMMISSION. Ji Al;z3 COLILIiftS Forwarding and . • Cothll_iission Merchants, PEOPRIXTOIIS OPTan comma , Pittsburgh, tilealiv lila trz ErIP CANAL L'INES. Jo. 114 ADD 1.15 WA.TEp. BTBEIST, PITTEIDIIRGEI, PA h.LEIODES, RIAPIEN 14, CO., FORWARDING • AND COMMISSION PIERC II A N.V. St C. 30 SYCALIOI3.I: ST., CINCINNATI, 0.1)5,29 1111A.9. IiGLIPLIIIEV, 0. J. ji"Cli bR,. JOEIN WEIGEL? thaaphreyo,_ 6 Wright, FLOUR FA .i"IORS9 PROD ELJCE; ACID GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 75 N:)RTI1 WHARVES AND 153 NORTH WATER ST., Viue 6treet, it 1:F L. it 'l'o . . Conrad, Thompson & Co., Philadelphia. Thompson, Clark & Young, Styx, Price & Cu., Caleb Cope & Co., ltarcroft. Beaver 3. Co .. canny, Novato ::: iluglitv, L. M. Lewis, Cashier F. a.. d M. Bank, ‘• Jos. f.,. Mitchell, (Jashier M rch's Bank " Morris L. Ilalloweil &Co , McCutcheou b. John M. Itenuedy & Collins , C0.,0., .. Balguel & Co.. - . " Pickett, Math ' etra &Co., Maysville, Ky. Shrewsbury & Price, Madison Ind W. 11. Langley.A Pons, Gallipolis, Ohio. Lewrenco t Mathias, Louisville, Ohio. A. D. Bullock 4 Go., Cincinnati, Ohio W. "Joints & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bagaloy, C ,- ,e,grave Sr. C: , ., uovin:ly* . LA./ CLI J 05.Hc , EDO JthiERH S, LE: CH & C ) •7 - :and 24-3 Liberty pit r6U8,611, PA., t,t'5 ,4- Eil 11:4 1 24' G-12 C S, COMAiihtiitiN .SIERC;IAN D.13.4.Liiii.8 I.N iq A N D 13 ACON9 UIN t•LATE .AND bTOCi. .101) (. 1 G .11 N Z.l F T R S • Cz N E AL Lt 1 , 1 . MISSION AND - ..; : iir i v l i r AßDlNG MERCHANTS, 6iA(ll AV19.113.C.5 ANDOTTE , KANBAS TE"ftITORY --J..thepti 6. Nttaburgil -.l,lchist:t • generally. ty EIVIRY li. COLLINS, Forwarding and _Liot Com.mimiion Merchant, at,d wholasale dealer in .PI6II, GELEE6L, 1115T:TER, SEEDS and VP:A/DI:OE generally, :,tr, , er. tildir;l. tuna WINES l'iND LaltiiitS M. DEVLIN U. IL.74•INLIDI DEVLIN ScKENNEDY, Wholesale Wiue and Liquor 11Qrcbuirt6 uud tio,:tifyitig Distillers, Nu. US ESmithliad etreet, Pittsburgh, Pc6. , TIT ONEGGE It a, C . , 3111 input6l.,6, Freticra mykt: bierman Vinueu e. id higt•kes 0 Ll Afa PAO N &a., do„ eui titaithileld street, between 6th and 7th rehs:iyaa,v,) Piri.giluteati, TA GLASSWARE. Lt 11., U. CURLING ....... r.lonu.t.n aonh117::ul. Litrila L. 81:4 tiLLT. fIURLING ' ROBERTSON & CO. 111anu ‘..f Ncturers ofCut, Pr.&s.sed and Flint GLASSWAI.;..E, qarehou ,, Nu. 17 Wood stret.t, corner of Front, Pittelargh. .dZr. other kinds of .131 , 3°S'Artirb and Window Glass, at Minizet pricos.. . apll:dls IshugiCiLEDlla ' .706.6P8 J. UL M. EDL4E ca ULAN', Successors to Mulvany ILA zr. Ledlie, manufacturers tt Out, Moulded and Plain Flint and Faucy Colored ULAS6WAitE, and dealers in fdl kinds of Window Wass, Flasks, Vials and Bottles. Ware house corner of tfivket and Water -dreeta, Pittuldtgb. "airsZ,,dly OA. PETS AND OIL CLOTHS. EMOVAL.—J. & U. PHILLIPS have A.11,i removed to their oow building, Noa. 26 and 28 kiT CL6IR tariiet, westeide,batwowu Penh street and the Bridge. J. B. H. PHI.II4I.IPS, MA NUNACTURERS OF FLOOR., FURNITU RE, CARRIAO E, TABLE, AND TRANSPARENT A. OPAQUE WINDOW SHADE OIL CLOT Its Of different oc,lore. DEIALEItb IN OIL CLOTHS A WINDOW litiAD:ilS, Of every description. IXE:ices In INDIA RUBBER GOODS, of all kinds, male under Goodyear's Patent; Agents of the Boston and Now York Belting Companies, tot the sale of their INDIA RUB BER BELTING, ROSE and PACKING. LEATIINR. BELT ING of Eastern manufacture, a superior quality; also, Lace Leather and Rivets. Agents for the OHIO. FIRE-PROM' MINERAL PAINT. Dr) and 7.../..t.ed Paints, Varnishes, Gas, Turpentine, Brushes, Glass and Putty. HOUSE AND iN PAINTING AND GLAZING, iu all its brunches, iu the Milst and shortest lime. I dellfkly I J. & Nm.'2 , 6 and St. Clair street; Manufactory at Phil• LipsvilleN on the Ohio river, three miles below Pittsburgh. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, tko., AT THE 'fourth Street Carpet More. WD. & H. M'CALLUM respectfully a invite the attention of their former customers and the public gewirdly to their present stock, just selected for Spring sales, - enabracing the very latest styles of Foreign and Home Manufacture, consisting in part of Velvets and itrassels, Tapestry and Common Ingrain: also, Brussels, Damask, Twilled and Plain Stair CARPETS. COLL CLOTHS FROM 2 TO 24 FEET WIDE, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Canton and Cocoa Matting; List, Yarn and Rag Carpets ; Venitian Blinds; Painted, Bun and Green "Gotland Shades. It will give us plos.urs to show goods to all who may be desirous of looking or purchasing, and we are determined to offer inducements to any who may favor us with a call, at the old stand, No. 87 FOURTH Street, near Wood.' myltaly ... • W. D. dr. IL M'CALLUM. L CLOTH CLOTHING—Of a. _inds, and yellow, f .r asle ..flt the India Rubber Depot ar„.l :45 6t Clair street. Ldegi J. .t PS. OI W L UL e ~,OT.Ethal,Foa.Rd are daily y FA , .L i L srm 'l g . it ad A di p ti h w; ;hereto from our own and other manufactories, a large oi floor Furniture, Carriage Trimming,' able Cover. Trit!. , • parent, Groan and BUT, and all kinds of Oil Cloth, used flousefarnishing and other purposes. Also, Transpati.ot Window Shades, of dry and oil finish—gold bordered sad other styles, and Window. Shade Trimmings. . Merchants and others will find it to their advantage to cx ...mine our stock and prices before making their panthissae J. Pc 11. MILLI P echo 1B and 28 St. Clair pt r mot. lILOOR OIL IoLOTLIS, : Of our owu an I eastern manufacture--all widths, and cut to suit any hire of rooms or hallo—atthe Oil Cloth Ware rooms, No. 2f. mud 23 St. Clair street. octi J. & H. PHILLIPS. FURNIT URE. A IVIILLIKEN & CO. have 911 hand„ at . Web extensive OkIJINET and CHAIR MANI:11 M 4 0011 Y, No. 04 -raithfield street, a large assortment of Fancy and Plain Fut Aura, which they will sell lb per cent. lower ;ban ccstomary rates- Terms, cash only. [doc27:y DWELL' WS FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, Wholesale and Mull, embracing every style of Furniture, to Roam - nod, Mahogany and Walnut, =liable for Parlors, Chambers and Dining Rooms, equal to in New York or Philadelphia, and at lower prices. Every ,article made by hand, and warranted. Cablat-makere sup. died with any quantity of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, on reasonable temps. Hotels and Btramboats furnished at toe Bhortee, notice. Warerooras, Nos. 77 and 79 THIRD Stit,,A, Pittsburgh, Pa. ot Improveinent in BOOL rp HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING ja. obtained Letter. a Patent for Improvement in BOOK is prepared to fiarnieli the attachment to 1304 kg now iu U/343, or to apply the fame to new Books. Order. for which are respectfully .olicited at WELDIN § ROWt.trfl Book Bindery and Blank Book Manufactory, Sentb-weet corner of MAD and WOOD Streeta. The above ho- k •rovement conniete: Pint --Of 18 Maldie Spring clasping the back of the Book in such a manner ae to prevent the kW: PA from sagging when the Book is -tend ing In a vertical position. Second—The carriage consists of kletalic Groovel, on which are insetted Rollers, which will effectually prevent the Books from wailing c. chafing in Ide ate, the Herne in its resting place. t e 2.• 11. Patent.... MISSES' AND OHILDRENS' Gum, Over and Sandels, cheap, at the Peoples' hue Store, No. 17 Fifth street, near Market ENS' CALF, Buffalo and Gum Overshoes at DIBPENBAOHEIt u CO.'S, 7112 No, 17 I.fth street. risT DIA RUBBER BhLTiNGI.-1350 feet of 2. 3, 31,6 and 4 Inch-3 ply—Jost received aT d for sale by J. a H. PIiLLLIPB, 20 and 23 St. Clair street. INDIA RUBBER GASKETS, Manhole. nolo, and square rope et all sizes at 28 and 28 St. Clair street. J. At H PIIILLIP3. IME —2OO bbls. fresh for sale by 4,4 rarlB ELENRY 11. oouaNs. QTARCII. —3O be= Rochester Paul B • me w_ts by [zNW] HENRY B. 001ALIMEI. Synopsis of the President's Message NO. 593. NT is herein ordered that public sales of lands h , retofore ursfyfered in the State of lowa, be held as follows At the Land Office at Osage, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 1858, of four townships, in the counties of Worth end Winnebago. At the Lendpffice at Fort Dodge, commencing on Monday, the 14th of Jun the,lB, of Wright,p, and parts of townships, in countiee of Ilumbolt, Calhoun and Pocahontas. At the Land Office of Sic= City, commencing on Monday, the 7th of June, 1858, of twenty-nine townships and parts of townships, in the couutiea of Pocahontas, Buena Vista Sac, Clf.y. Ida and Cherokee. At the Land Office at Sioux City,comeencing on Monday, the' ast of June, 1858, of forty-four townships, and parts cl townships, in the counties of Woodbury;Chorokee, O'Brien, lymouth, Sioux and Buncoute. At the Land Office at aruncii Btuffscommencing on ',ion day, the 7th of June, 1858, of twelve townships, and parts of townships, in the conut'es of Carroll, Shelby, Crawford, Monona and Fremont. It is also ordered in the above mentioned Proclamation, No. 513, that the vacant lands in the even-numbered Eoctions which remain to the United States, wizkin six mffss en each side of the undermentioned railroads, be offered at public, sale on the days and at the places as follows: At the Land Office at P.m!. Dodge, commencing on Monday, the 21st of June, 185% ou the "Dubuque and Pacific Rail road" At the Land Office nt Sioux City, commencing on flhurs day, the let of July, 1858, on the "Dubuque and Pacific Railroad," and on the " lc wa Central Air Line RailroacL" At the Laud Office at ento.cil Biters commencing on Mon day, the 14th of Jamf 1858, en the lowa Central Air Line Railroad," the "Mississip,..i and Missouri Railroad," and the "Burlington and Missouri River Railroad." At the Land Office at Dubuque, commencing on Thursday, the let of June, ffssB, on the "Dubuque anti Pacific Rail road " and the "10.1.1 Central Air Line Railroad." At the Land Office at Raft Des Moines, commencing on Monday, the 14th of June, 1858, ou the "lowa Central Air Lino ILitroad " end the "Mississippi and Missouri Rail road." At the Land Office at Chariton, commencing cn Monday. the 7th of Jnne, 1858, on the "Burlington and Missouri River Railroad." The lauds will ho offered with the usual exceptions of school eeetioths Ste , &c. The even-numbered sections within six miles ca each side of the railroads, will be offered subleet, as required by law, to a minimum of two dollars and - fifty cents per acre. The sales will be kept open until the lands are all offered, which is to be accomphehed within two weeks, and no longer, and no private entry of any of the lands will be admitted until atter the expiration of the two week a. Pre-emption claimants are required to establish their claims to th - satisfaction of the proper register and receiver, and make payment for the came, on or before the day ap• pointed for the contm_mcoment of the public Soler, otherwise their claims will be forfeited, PITTSBURGH, PHILADEtILPHIA lk BE DIJIFBNBAOR2II & 00 MISCELLANEOUS. TIIOB. A. 11END1110H8, Comminiora7 of the Genera/ Land Office. Li XNEECAL LAND OYFICE, 17,18513. .Ftbrua77 ;Great Chance to Mahe Money. THE BEST AND MOST CERTAIN SPECU LATION OF THE TIMES—ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER SHAllll.—Porty thousand dollars worth of valuable Real Estate, Watches, Jewelry, 37. 4 „ . 0 0 , Silver and Silver Plated Ware, with a great variety of Saucy and Staple Goods; to be disposed of in fort thou sand shares, at one dollar per share, an follows :—Upo y n the payment of one dollar, I will send the payer a numbered re ceipt, which will entitle him to ono share in the above undi vided property. When the shares shall have been sold, the shareholders shall be notitled of the fact, by snail, or through the newspapers, and a meeting of the Shareholders shall then be held in the city of Ptillrdelphia, and the whole of the property disposed of or distributed among them; in such way as shall be determined upon by them ; each Sharehold er shall be entitled to one vote, a Committee to be selected by the Shareholders at said meeting, ft., conduct or superin tend the disposition of the property, according to the direc tions 01 the Shareholders, and I will thou deliver the pro perty to such person or persons as the Shareholders may -appoint to receive the same. The Real Estate consists of one three story brick dwelling house and lot, valued at $4500, - and two three story brick dwelling houses and lots valued at 2100 each, in the city of Philadelphia, clear ot all 'nem brance, and title indisputable; the that property consists of the whole stock and fixtures of one of the largest Watch and Jewelry Stores in the city of Philadelphia, now, and fur a long time past kept by the subscriber. The stock consist , Mg of very tine Gold mid Silver flouting Case Lever Watch es, very fine Gold and Silver Patent Lever, Lepine and other Watches, Gold Chains, Pencils, Seals, Lockets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Diamond and other Rings and Pine, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, kn., Ac., Gold, Silver and Steel Speo tacks, Odd nod Silver Thimbles, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, consisting of Tea Sets, Castors,Cake Baskets, Cups, ' Spoons Knives, Pocks, ac., Ac. Also, Clocks, Music Boxes, Accordoons, and a great variety of other goods. The above is not one of those schemes which are devised to en trap the unwary, hat is and will be a fair sale. of the entire property belonging to the subscriber, persons are positively assured the stock has not been purchased for the purpose cl deception, and to palm off Common Gilt and Plated Jewelry, for flee Gold, none such will be distributed, the most respect. able persons are given as references, to those disposed to pnr. chase shares. All orders by Mail enclosing the money will be promptly attended to, and receipts forwarded to the ad dress of the sender, by return mail. Any person senditig ten dollars at ono time, shall receive eleven separate receipts, in as many separate names It desired. +ZS. In writing for shares, please write the name of the Post Odle., to which you wish the answer directed. Thin in the greatest chance of getting a large afuoaut of valuable property, for a small sum, as has ever before been offered to the public. Send on your orders, as aharea are selling rapid ly, and it is confidently expected the distribution will soon be made. Articles allotted tope ase,. at a distance, will le, seat to them at their expense. Agents wanted in every town and village. All .0‘”- tanuications must be addressed b, L. R. BROOMALL, No. MI South Second street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia. CUTUBERT & SON, 51 Market street kl e attend to the wile and purchase of Real Estate, rent 1 lug Houses, and collectiou of rents, insuranco and repaii negotiating loans, making bills, conveyances, deeds, 'tends , etc., writing letters and corresponding with persona abroad' All business attended to promptly, and in etrict confidence• 61 Market street, Pittsburgh. Letters of inquiry must all ways enclose a pistaga stamp to pay return postage. (fel- OUSES FOR RENT— By S. CUTLIBt 7 titT A SON, 61 Market st. A comfortable two story dwelling house on Ross atreet,at head of Fifth—s l l per month. ' A two story dwelling on Duquesne street--$lO per month. A convenient dwelling house on began erreet—sl6o per year. A three story home of nine rooms, on Third street, at A dwelling house of four rooms and kitchen, with large lot of ground, on High street, Mount Washington, $lOO per year. Two large warehouses on Third street, near Market. Two small houses In Splane's Court, near Fith street, $6,26 per month. - A two story frame house of four rooms, on Careen sliest, South Pittsburgh, at $5 per-month. A large brick house with garden, fruit trees. etc., lu Alle gheny city—s33o per year. A store 100 M ou Third street—sl2s per s ear. A dwelling house on Third street, near Market. A warehouse on Market street; No. 25. A dwelling house on Wylie street—s2oo per year. A large shop on Third street can be had for two years. •o and cellar , corner Market and Third streets, rte WELLING HOUSES FOR SALE ON FdiElr TERMS . Grant street—Three three dory houses, well arranged , each with back buildings. Third street—A three story house large and convenient. Logan street—A of T.rooms.. Fulton street—Two three story dwelling houses. South avenue—A two story brick house of 8 rooms, ceitb Large lot of ground, stable, carriage house, &c. Robinson street—A two story brick hones. Franklin street—A good house of 8 rooms. . . Carson street—A two story house, and two lots of gtouial. Penn street—Three large dwelling houses. Minersville—A house and one' acre of ground—besides many others in Allegheny; South Pittsburgh, &c. - _ S. CUTHBERTMarket street. VOK RENT —A two-story Dwelling House (Gothic etyle), pleasantly situated on Mt. Washington ; contains seven rooms well arranged, carriagohonse stable, and spring of good, soft water, convenient. Rent, $lOO per year. Also, can be had with the above, if desired, a Green House and Five Acres of Land in good state of cultivation, two acres of which are in strawberries of choice quality; the remainder 1a covered with Nursery Trees of all kinds, ready for the gardener io get into a profitable business. The strawberry-plants and trees will be sold on accommo dating terms, and a lease of the house and grounds can be end for a term of years. Apply to ja 21 S. OUTHBBRT . SGN, 61 Market street. AGREAT BARGAIN.—For sale, a com fortable two story brick Dwelling House, with two lots of ground, situate on Careen etreot, South Pittsburg, short distance from the Bienonphela Bridge. &14 A. CrITURVER FiCtN.BI Market t' _ firWO LOTS, on Federal street, AllegheLty A. ray, for MOO by S. CUTHBERT & SON, 61 Market ,tree ON TILE CONEMAUGH RIVER:—For ealo a Valuable Farm in Weatmoreland county, 2IA taloa from Binlreville, on the North Western Railroad, 1'25 acres of choice land, 00 acres In cultivation, a young orchard oflo acres, 80 acres of ex iellent timber, a new dwelling 1101:03 of rooms—price, $7OO. Terms may. Real estate in the city will be taken in part pay. S. curl BERT it SON, 61 Market street BUENA VISTA.—For Sale.—A two story frame honde, of four rooms and kitchen; paled fence in front, a bake oven, &c. Lot 20 feet front on Monterey .it., in 13neua Vista, extension of Allegheny city, by 110 feet deep, to an alley. S. (lIITEIBEAT & BON, doc 4 . . 61 Market street. riOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR RENT.- A good brick dweliing,terge and convenient, 10 rodus and kitchen, wide hall, portico in front, good spring•hoose, stable, carriage liouse,_etc; 2,4 acres of land, 8 in flue ta-a dow; a good tenant DOUJ3I3; guidonand vari?ty of fruit grape vines and small fruits; a stone wall and iron railing in front of the house; sitnato at about two miles from the city, and in a very pleasant location. .Apply to ja3o • S. CIITHISLIIT s 8011, 81 Market it. QTOCKCHOICEI-PRICES LOW I-NEW WINTER GOODS.—•:.I ()SEMI HORNE has J net return od from the East, whereto hue purchased large addition. to his already extensive stock. Trading directly with Pi RS? CLUS DOOMING MUSE'S and with the MeNu9scstratms, Cut GASH exclusively, he iS enabled to offer the best isdeetiou of Goods at the lowest possible prices. We are now opening, for daily display, the large. cheapest stock of • ' DRESS TRIMMINGS, RICH EMBROIDERIES, WINTER. WOOLEN GOODS. . RIBBONS, GLOVES, HOSlkatif,. , Ever before exhibited in Pittsburgh. Purchasers are tu iit ed to examine the goods, and learn the prices; at • de9 JOS. lIORNE'S, 77 Slarket airs:[. A. COMFORTABLE two story dwelling b 91130 • Carroll Arent, Allegheny, will be sold at a great bargain. Apply to S. CIITIISCS.T & SON, fel2 61 Marker atrn.•t. QTAR CANDLES.-200 trzo. - asiorted :42es; Co, Ws end Ws Adamantine Star Candles, on hand and for sale by B. C. A J. H. SAWYER. folio No. 47 Wood street.. ATEATSFOOT OlL.—Neattifobt Oil, in .L.'4 quantities to snit purchasers, on nand and for tale by B. 0. It J. fl. BSWYEB telt! No. 47 Wood street. g, 11. MOLASSES.-70 bbls. St. James ICP4I S t A. Molasses, in store and fcr sale by MILLER. 4 itIOILETBON, r e ap Nos. 211 and =Liberty street. ~VEET CIDER.—Few. bble. choice Swee . Cider, on hand and for ealo by • JAMES A, FETZER, 4:nruer Market and iltst otruet. LEAF, TOBACCO--A large supply of soivo'e celobrated-E . ig . Totiacciii, tale rweived Oa da :3 .• ' JOB. PLRMTNO, mCorner Diamond and Market at. WINES AND LIQUORS.—The best qual ity of Brandy, Wins,Abilrainalca Spirits, Old Bye slat", kith end Search 4 , London porter, Brown Mont, tlite Wino, Oil end for sale by 5J.t 11121 PATTOB, Jr • MVO alkelbalf RAILROADS, Winter Arrangement. ON AND AirrEE. IiONDIY, JAN. 19 PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD • A' As ALINIS._, SElik E 4 A 1:111. FAST MALL Leuven Lilo ea.c.acia,•er 'ion every tuoratug, (oscciA buoday,) at bath o'clock, tun. arrient ,, iu i'lliladulkada nt .11:3u Y.ll. • • leavice too otatnin every evening at 9:50 o'clock. 6Lopiauz duly at lireeneburg, Latrobe, J °hue town, Willmore,Liallicatu, Altoilu, &C., connecting ut liar riabarg with the mum direct for kallililutO, and arriving 1u .einiailelpUlti or lialtinlOrti at Lee o'clock, P. :A. ACU0M.1.101).111.4.):i Tit Ai ki TILE JOLIN dio Salty [except,) u'eluch, P. M. ...topping at all stations, mtd running as tai as tAinoulaugh. • F' hi ACW.l.l.llwizatuki tur Turtle Orth. , . Bridge leaves itaily, [except nunda:,,) at 10:1U, A. ?T. nEtitiND ACCOMAIuiIATLUN.ThAIIs. for 'Turtle Ureea, Loaves daily, (except tsundayd at VA) r. n. 'llllth AUL'uhAtimiAlluisi Tlietthi fur Turtle GrUaL, leaves dully, (except ~I.lbl.liay,) at trl.o, P. a. latetsb urrivo is Pittsburgh OS i0110Wtl: .Expreso, lab, P. Ai.; Mall, U.uU A. M.; Johastown Ai:ova:am. datum, thud A. si.; First Turtle Creek. Accommodation, o:6u, nocond A.manutotiation, I'LAU, Y. A.; Third ACA:0111- modation, rah, P. M. Trains fur Blairsville and Indiana, connect at Buurevtlo intorsection with mail train hunt, Mrpresei train Weet, and the Johnstown aodumodatiun train .I.last and Writ. TitALIN stopping at ail iitaddoua on the rittsburgh and . Coattails villa Road, leave daiiy, L6uuday excepted,) as follows : ,tlAll. TitAIN, 7.0.1 A. M. 1..X.Y1tE136 TAAL:. 4..z0 Y. M. li.&Tt 1 iii ti 11t2.11,6 trout rittsuurGn aud t..onnelisrtno Road, arrive at igttsburgh, 11.0U,A, iU. autl.o:it.)l'. aa,. Thu travellue, pabLe will 1.11.1(1 it greatly to [LOC ill- Lere.t., iu going Nast or West, to envoi by rue I?euritiy.traut itaifroad, as tue tt.oudatodutious uow uuoroti canuut ue ear passed ura any cruet ruuto. As lido rivad is ballasted with atone, and ie ontiroly ire, trout dust, pro cau prowthe ettlety, and couitort to all who tatty trier wits their ietvieuttgo. lu New York.. .sl.auti lo itattnnore. 10,0 u Lancaster. Po liarrisuurg, 51.45. Baggage checked to au ovations on the reunayivaam itait road, and to ripip. , tlpina, Baltimore and Dlew lurk. Passengers purchasing tickets tu care, will be charged tmi cents in addition to the otatiou rates, except trout ei.:l4lml, where the Qoutpany use no Agont- A/—.1.0 case of loss, the t.n.outpaay will nuts them selves responsible for personal baggage only, and .tor an aniunnt uu, exceenuagidlltt. 111.T.C81.910r umnii , ns Line has busu employed to convey Passengers and Baggage to and trona tile Depot, at a charge not to exceed cents for cacti passenger met balk gage. Per tickets apply to J. isTLWART, Agent, At the P. A. S. Pasaunger btanum on Liberty and tirtint streets. Tyrvo Through Train Each Wa) Malty, Sundays Fat, IVheeling, ekveland and Chicago, by the Cie, cud and Pittsburgh _Railroad. COLUZILLSCS, CINCINNATI d ST. LOUIS • DT TUE PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS AND CLVCINNATI RAIL ROAD LINE via SCEUBEHTILLE. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh. Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad Companies, having made an ar rangement with the Pittsburgh% Fort Wayne and Climago Railroad company, for the joint use of their track bet veuu Pittsburgh and Rocheater, will run their trains from Penn Street Station daily, Sunays excepted, commencing Mon nay, March Bth, 1668. EELINtI AND CINCINN.ITi MAIL 0 LEVELAINiD, W Ltsavea Pittaburgh Steubenville. Brldgport, opposite Wheeling 11:01 A. re. Belleair 11:20 A. .Ih. -.Won:dram 6:20 P. t. 0:/1C1 , 1111 V 1 1 10:10 P. 11. Through to Cin , levelano ....i. 2: 46 P. 11. ciuuati with btu duffalo 11:30 P. it. one change of care ,li3icitE.o 8:00 A.. is, This Train to Cleveland has 30 minutes at Allianc.e, fot. Dinner. - CINCINNATI, CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO BXPREBB Li-aves Pittsburgh. 2:85 P . ivi .. 6:00 A. fil. 3teubenviUe . . 1.466 E. Li Newark 11.:40 I'..r Culumuun 1:40 4. n Jinciauar B:u7 A. la Clevokuail 9;01P. IL Through to Cin cinnati without change of oars. Buffalo 6:00 n. t)Bicago e. tt LING ACCOLLSIODATION, (.eaves Pit taburgh. 4:00 P. M. 'Steubenville Bridgeport.. Belleair DONNEOTIONS ARE MADE BY ABOVE TRAINS,AB FOLLOW n: By &GO A. aL., and 4.00 r. .i., At WHEELING, for Cumberland, liarper's Ferry, Baltiudoi and Washington City. Only at BELLEAIR, fur Cambridge, Zaintsville, Lancaster, Circleville and Wilmington. By 6:00A. a., and 21315 r. AL, At XENIA, fur Dayton Indianapolis, Ai ration, Cairo, L. Louis and Now Otloaoa. By &00 A M., and 2.25 P. M. At OINCLNNATI, for Lexington, Louisville, Cairo, Ft. Louis and New Orleans. Only at BAYARD, fat Carrolton, Wayntaburg, Dovnt nod Now Philadelphia. Only at HUDSON, fur Cuyahoga Palls, Akron, Clint..,, and New Portage. By (WU A. uud br.M. At CLEVELAND, for Eric, Buffalo Niagara Palls and Cai du, Sandusky, Tuladu, Detroit, Chicago, and all palate in the Noitluwest. Ale' The 4:00 r: at rirain stops at all Via2.-13tutious ou the ralver Division. Returning Trains. EASTERN SIML, VIA STEUL'DNVILLE. Leaves Cincinnati 6:00 A. Arrives at Columbus 10:80 P. n. Do Steubenville 6:50 P. :1. Do Pittsburgh 8:05 P. x. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING MAIL. Leaven Cleveland 1:00 P. u. Arrives at Wellsville 6:61 r. m. Do Wheeling 8:40 P. a. Do Pittsburgh 8:55 P. a. PITTSBURGH ACOOMMODATION. Leaves Belleair thou A. 0. Do Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling.... 6:10 A. sr. Stops at all Stations Arrives at Pittsburgh 11:20 A. a. WHEELING AND PITTSBURGH MAIL. Leaves lielleair 4:31 P. at. Do Bridge:twit, opposite Wheeling.... 4:43 r Arrives at Pittsburgh 8:56 P. st. EASTERN EIPRISS, VIA STEUBENVILLE. Leaves Cincinnati 4:20 P. at. Arrives at Columbus 10:00 P. M. Do Steubenville 4:45 A. M. Do Pittsburgh. 7:60 A. M. CHICAGO, BUFFALO AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Leaves Cleveland. 100 P. a. Arrives at Wellsville 5:30 A. ti. Do Whlng 11:05 A. m. Do Pittsburgh 7:50 a. m. Connections are made by the !Selland Express from same points when returning, as are formed a, above when going from Pittsburgh; also, with the Pennsylvania Railroad for Harrisburg, Lancaster, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Nev; Yora and Boston. The above Trains will stop on signal of the Station_Agent at any Station between Pittsburgh and Rochester, to tabs up passengers going on or beyond the line of these Roads. Trains will also stop to leave passengers coming from these Roads, at any Station between Rochester and Pittsburgh. Passengers desiring to go to Chhago or points beyond Chicago, via Cleveland, must ask tar tickets via Cleveland. Passengers desiring to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, etc., or any points beyond Columbus, via Steubenville, must ask for tickets via Steubenville. Baggage checked through to all principal points, end tranalerred free of charge. t)ZiN, For tickets or information, apply to U.EORGE PABISLN, Ticket Agent, Penn Street Station, Pittsburgh. F. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent, C. & P. R. R. Cleveland. L A LIIITCIIINSON, General Ticket Agint, P.; Cl. & C. R. R., Columba& JA!IES FARMER, Superintendent 0. & P. R. IL, Cleveland. W. W. BA.GLEY, mrBj Superintendent P., C & C. R. R., Colurobac NEW WIEStERN nOITTE, TO CINCINNATI," LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUD VIA PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE and CHICAGo, AND CINCINNATI, lI4MILTON . A DAYTON RAILRO2, I's VTA. DELAWARE OUT-OFF a. Di 3641144 only lID milli from Pittztrogh to Civic-Inn, rtilllS LINE is composed of Roads of the 11. First Class, and le located through a beautiful nod highly cultivated portion of he State. Direct connection is made at Cincinnati with the ohio sad Mississippi Railroad, (the tracks of the C. H. O. .1. Roads, being connected, for Louisville, St. Louis, Evansville, • Cairo, Memphis, Vicksburg, Natchez, New Orlezu.s Connection made at St. Louis with the Pacific italic , and Missouri River Packets, fur KANSAS AND NEBRASKA, And all whits Weer. Aleo connects at Cincinnati ). to Kentucky Central R. IL, for Lexington, Danville, Frank 1 . .., and all points in Central Kentucky. Trains leave Penn street Station as follows : 3:30 t. Through to Cincinnati v. dth but one change of care, a riving at 045 P. M. Expreca Passenger Train ar 2:15. 1 riving in Crestline at It. c 5• j A. 11., CM. MO P. LiAtICAGE CHECKED iEd3 Farb as Low as any other Route. Per all information, and Through Tickets, apply at the 'Picket Office, corner Mononizahela Rome, cr at Penn street Station. Passengent desirons et plug, this tout:. Will Veleta via Delaware Cutoff. J. IL MOORE, Said. P. let. W. S 0. it. it, • _CA I'L , Supt. 0- IL &D. Ft B. nuvin_ New Route via River and Railrchld Indianapolis it, 4Anninnatrllaiirehij CIONNEOTING AT INDIANAPOLIS with ik/ Terre Banta, and Terre - and Alton Railroads, to St. Louis and Lafayette and Indianapolis, New Albany and ?Mem, and Michigan Central Roads for CHIC tGro, ROOS ISLAND, BURLINGTOS, and all intermediate points. Thro4ll Freight Train to INDIANAPOLIS, TERRE HAUTE, LAFAYETTL', and PERU. Freight carried from Cincinnati or Lawrenceburg in lens time than may other route by 24 home, and at as low rates. The only road by which oldPments 'can be made from Cin. Mutual to the West, without breaking bulk. Consignments made to J. E. GIBBONS, Agent at Cinch. natl; at, W.-B. CUTTING, Agent at Lawrencetmrg, Rill receive prorapt Attention, and no charge for commission ; r. „ d ant f or drayggs or OXAMI:LaiI at Lawrenceburg. For further information; aPPIY to,THOMAS RA'rTIGAN, pie. ph Water atteet,YAgeptor the Con.mmy, who is pre pada Icr give' Tamar/ M.CEIP4I3 to' Indhumpolb, Tarte Haute, Lafayette, Chicago, Peru, Greencastle, Oraorfor&- villa, Charleston, Paris, and Mattoon. li. C. LORD, President. JNO. H. OBEETC, Gang Frel,ght Agent. by ly Bk essA, raa 4XIS;- -- -5 arriv - IYressixl - nom to e eil A ILEOADS. RAILROAD "NOTICE. The Pittsb'h, Ft. Wayne it, Chicago RAILROAD COMPANY, WITH. ITS AMPLE ROLLING STOCK and equipment, and its through connections is pre pared to transport Passengers and Sleight from 141ILA DELPHIA and PlTTDSChillito ORICAtIO, ST. LOUIS,IN DIAN APULLS, CINCINNATI, and all places West and douth viemt, with a great degree of regularity and expedition. The fact that this Road terms a direct and consolidated line between Pittsburgh and Chicago is a sufficient guar antee that its Traiu, will mate good time, and connections with Trains on other Road. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVI Pittsburgh. Olt:still/a. Ft. Wayne. U. 3. Mail,lB2 . 0 WM P.M! P. M. Nl:press,. 216 P. M. 10:05 P.M 6:45 A. M. LEACH CUICAGO—U. 8. Mali at 3:3.5 A. 4 Express at 2..1)0 P. M. REACII CINCINNATI—U. S. Mail at 7:63 P. M.; Express 7:00 A. IL AU 'ltial4 make close wunoctiune at Creatime for Colum bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis; also, at Fort Wavle with Trains on Wabash and Western Railroad fur Lafayette, Central Illinois and St. Louis ; also, at Forest with Trains on the M. R. & L. B. K. R. itRIURNING. 1 1 I From Chicago. FLWayue. Crestline. I arr.Pitab'g U.,8. himi,....b,45 P.ll. b:3O, A.M. 12:n5 P. It. 9.15 P. 11. Express, b,OO All '2;00, P. M. 10:05 P. M. 7:25 AII These Trains make close connections with Trains for Phil. adelphia, Baltimore New York and Boston. Trains from St. Lowe, Indianapolis, unicinuati and Coluni bus realm rinse connections at Cieetline with all returning Trains: At Fort Wayne; Trains front St. Louis, Central Mi aow, Lafayette, and intermediate places connect with above Trains. At Forest, connections are made with Trains to and from Cincinnati, Springfield and Dayton. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN'S-4.0/TO New Brighton for , Allegheny City at 7:1:0 A. IL, and 12:25 I'. M. Leave Alle gheny City for New Brighton at 10•X0 and 420 P. 51.. To accommodate way travel, Passenger Cars will be at tached to iqeight Trains; leaving Pittsburgh at 5:45 A. M. 4 Crestline for Alliance, at 6:55 A. M; A ilia-fca for Crestline, at 6:45 A. 114 and Alliance for Pittsburgh at 7:47 A.M. BAGGAGE; CHECKED TfilltitiCa, and no charge for handling. For Tickets and further information apply to GEORGE PARKIN, Passenger Station, corner Liberty and Grant dream; B. F. PATRICK, No. SO Dearborn street, oppo site the Tremont louse, Chicago, or to the Agents at the Stations on the line. TO COMM ENOR ON MONDAY, March 29th, and continue until further notice. . . J. J. 11013STON, Gen. Pass'r. and Fr't. Ag't. 1). W. BOSS, Pans'r. Agent, Chicago. JOS. K. MOORE, Superintendent. TILE PEDINSVIAA.1 4 11 A RAILitUAD • TUE WU:AT OEN VIAL itUUT.n, cunnevang the Atlantic Cities with Western, Northwestern elfin suuttewestern States by? continuums Railway direct. This liond ulna connects at Pittsburgh with of Steamers to all ports OU the Wee at Cleve land and Sandusky with eteamere to all ports on the North western Lakes;, making the most DlEiliCT, uuserrar and asi scorn by which can be turwarded to and from the GMAT Wasr. Lintels between Philadelphia et Pitts burgh FIRST CLASS. Boots, Shoes, Huts and I Caps, Books, Dry (hoods, (in boxes, bales Oro. %1 100 lbs. sins trunks,) Drugs, (in boxes,and Dales) leouthers, Ham, SECOND ClAhh—Lh.nues tic Sheeting, Shirt- tug and Ticking (in original ~ales), Drugs Ain casks), hardware, Leather (in ).75c. 11 1110 'lra. rolls or boSes), Wool, and hileep Pelts, Eastward, sic., ko. Talitll ULASS.—Auvils, heal, Chains (in casks), Dump, Bacon and Pori:, halted Uw me. (loose or in socks), Tobacco, mailine, l• • r (urea, (except Uigai is or cuy ) FO CRT Li ULASS----uottee, bleb, Bacnn.,Beel and Pork, Liu casks or boxes Eastward,) 60c. 100 lbs Lard and Lard Nails, Soda Ash, tier. , men Clay, Tar, each, ;twin, ac., So. J 111.,OUlt—fd,00 bbl. mini further notice. GRATE in car loads, 45 cis., PO 100 lbs. until tilithel ik.lit 1: A. al iiirrTUN—VZ itt Lain, hot bicoadvag fa) Itkr might, uut further lmen. . -1n shipping t.1,0,fa way poirli. twit .1 Par:ilia, plaltt o be particular to mark packaged "via ~,r4y.cvanto. ilattrow.i.." Ali :.oudigued to the Ag,cill.Ut tlild Ituao at i'biladelptua e. eir,:aburgb. will be torwaided withor.t ESIGII2 AGIIITI - 6 - 117.4?WOrlaidS &Co. ; Maraphas,'lonn R. F. dues 4 Co., lit. L,J1115; iyitimy at Ca, Ecausvill ind.; Burnesnil, Bell er Uo., and Carter et Jewatt, Lorusvilic tiy.; lt. C. Melanins, Madison, Ind ; H. W. Brown k. Co., an irwiu & Co ' einclunati; N. W. Graham It Co- ' Zaneavilt Gino, Leectid.C,., No. of nalby street, Boston ; Leech k Co No. 2 Astor House, New York; No.l William street, and N, 8 Battery Place, New ILA k ; E. J. need.or, PLuladelphi . Al.araw a Koons Baltimore; 0. Stewart, Pittsburgh H. H. litiUbTUri, General Freight Ageot. H. LoYIBABkVi, oolerir.teudent, Altoona, t'a. 6:.= r. L, 70.1 P. b 8.40 P .V MU P. El CONNELLSIALLE At 9 A IL 'fun Pittsburgh and Cununlluviitn Raiirc-al lu huw epena,. fur Me trauSpulltiliOU ul pannougern and troight to and tram Pittsburgh and Connellavillo, connecting with the Penns) vania Central Itnilroad ut Briuton'is Stanton. Arrangements have oleo beau made with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, by which through freight to Philadelphia and Baltimore will b, carried 'row manta on the Pitt3barg“ and Uouneltaville Railroad, by car loud; on favorable Leta.... ab"I"I.LAINS.—Ou ,end after Monday, 28m of December, the Peasenger 'Prahs will be Inn daily, I.7Tuept :311.1,11.48, as wllowa: TRA 17.4" will. leave the Paaa.mger Stntiou ut the l'unti.dylvaLia liallroad, at YittaLutgli, at u'clucir., A. arriving at t.:ounelliiville at 12:00 A M. 1311PitE8 P.A.zoil.):Libilt TRAIN, leaving Pittsburgh at 4:20 o'clock, P. M., and arriving at Connellaville at B:2u TItAIN will leave Cuulilli vine at 6 o'clock, A. M., connecting with the Illairaviiie Accommodation Train, uu the Peunaylvauia Railroad which arrives at Pittsburgh at 11 A. M. MAIL TRAIN , leaving aville at 2:00 P. M., and connects with the Brenton Accommodation Train, uu tne Pennsylvaniaitailroud, which arrivea in Pittsburgh at 6.U0 0. 111. Frei,,ht to and from Pittsburgh, and stations on the Pitte burgh and Connellsvilla load, xlll be received and delivered u; Bald Will Depot, oppos,te Duquesne Dept, en Liberty street.. _ . Bunting & Coachea for Mt. Plesiant, Uniontown, Froetburg, Cumberland, will Wove Counellovilie r.guloi on the arrival of the. trams. Mail Train connects also at West Newton with coacher, by Ws Plank Road, with Mount Pleasant, Somerset, Berlin, Sanap.atch, Cumberland, 'lc Tickets can no had from Ticket Agent at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Depot. mrl6 fl. BLAORUTUNE,Superintendent. Seventy-Five New and Second-Rand CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, FOR SA.L% AT VIII-TE'S REPOSITORY, TWO MILE RON, NEAR LA.WRENCEVIILE 91 1 HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE IL or exchange, on the most reasonable terms, a tine assortment of Baru - aches and second-hand Buggies made by Watson, oi Philadelphia, some out //We used. Also, twenty one new Buggies, made in my own shop, from the very best material purcns.sed in Eastern market. A tine lot of fretting Wagons ' new and second-hand. Also, a lot of Boat Wagons, Jenny Linde, Germantown Wagons, Jersey Wagons and Rockaways, two fine Pigetons, seats li.r four persons, ono of them 'Watson's make, and the other New Ycrk make. fwo flue Sulkies, one made by Mr. P. Rodgers, Philadelphia, and a few Common Buggies, suitall, for light marketing. The anbactiber flatters himself, that he can make it to the interest of persons wishing to par• chase, to give him a call. The establishment is convenient to the city, the Exciisi..r Omnibus Line of Coacues passing the doe , . every ten mum ws. m r23:ly dam JOSEPH WHITE. pOTATOES.- 129 bus. Neabaxtuock Potatoes; ISO do Pewit Blossom Potatoes, just recalved and for pie by JAME 2 A. FETZER, jalo Et Wirer et,4l. YE FUJUR.- 3. 16 bbla. fresh ground Rye Flour, Just recolved cud for sale by JAMES A. FETZER, jaul 89 Water street. GREEN APPLES.- 20 bbls. green apples, Jut received and for sale by octal JAB. A. .1/STZXI3., 89 Water street. QWEET POTATOES.- kJ 40 bush. Sweet Potatoes, ust received end fir ee.le by cct27 J.AS. A. TETzEit,g9 %War Otte!. PPLES.- 29 bb!& extra flue iteutibu and Rollo:lower; 68 " Vandiver; 100 " iiinseett. Apgles t Just reed and fur sale by JAS. A. 1 , E'rZElt, 80 Water street. blib. rholca Extra Supartlue; '6O " littpardna Flour, juat irrt• brat fur Mk by JIMES 9. F.ETZtut, delB . R. Water ed.v2.rt PLANK ,AQUOUSIT BOOKS.---A large, atcck of every description, tu store end fur sale I. ) W. 8. HAVRN, Curlier of St urkut aud Second street- grThIIDER. -10 Barrels Sweet Cider, for bale JAMES A:FETZER, INDIA RUBBER INKSTANDS lat of those airtight INKS, Just recniv,d for Eat© by s.IIFF AND FLEMING'S-Book-Keeping, for solo at W. 8. HAVEN'S, Stationery Warehouse, , In2B Corner idarkst and Second atztero. ENVELOPES. Butt Blue and White Laid, Adhesive, Cloth Lined and Parchment Papor do.; extra thick Creau, Laid do.; Legal do.; Note do.; ell atzt4 , .; for sale by W. S. H OVEN, octar Conner Market and Second et.. ASKET, Binders, Straw, Bonnet, e.ed la Fuller's Board, for sale by W. 8. HAVEN, :kw. 51, 38 and 35, o„iucr Market and 8e„ and streets. rfIIEAS.-30 4iliests Young Ilyson, ho g portal, thuipowder, Mack Teas, in store sod for JAMES PATTON, Jr., Alle2heny (21,t;,, tS,ATEST INDIA -PRESERVES.—IO doze❑ assorted, just received and for sale by RHYMER Er ANDERSON, dtfl Nn. era, ; 'lf ELLIES.-50 dozen Currant, Blackbery ty Grange, Quhice, Peach, and Grape dalliers, for sale by RHYMER & ANDERBO:•, E 9 Wood street, oppeafte SL Char , eis aO4O ICE•—Sig tierces prime Rice, just receiv ed and for Bale by vir,r,Ell & ILIOKETBON, rovl2 Noe. 221 and 223 Liberty street. CHEESE -60 hoses prime Western Reserve for tale bY Waal WM. U. FAMTM * 00. EJ,TZ A RETHAN.—A new Decorative Wall Paper, Elizabethan deelgnanat received, and for .I.le by W. P. MARSHALL A CO., ar goal Przt, FLOUR. -25 bbls. Superfine Flour received aid for ado by .McOANDLESS, MEANS A CO., fe2o Comex Wood and Water sixeel a 111 ENNEDY' MEDICAL DISCOVERY.- X4\ 10 dceou on baud and for ude by POc , r,i'CRTP.(I3-: A CM) fCLIRE.-50 barrels Americanand Franoh, areato by H. L. rtawarmeam a co. it A fa 81) Water etre,' EMB%UI Corner Mkttoad 9 coed strento. MFDICAL 1)00TOR 1100FLAIsID'S CELEBRATED GERMAN 1.111 1 TV,10.51 PASPaean BY Da. O. It. JAOKBON, Pat en's, Pi, Will effectually cure LIVER CODIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA JAUNDIOB, OHRO. DUO OP. HEX:VOUS DEBILITY, DIBEASEiI OP THE KIDNEYS, Alr, , J nil L'ae-satst rifirinfl i from a disordered Dfes'ar LMack; Stich as Constipa lion, Inward Piles, dullness, or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Neuman, Heartburn, Disguat far Food, Fullness' or weight in the Stomach, Sour Ihiacia tations, Sinking, or Fluttering at the Pit of the Sto mach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffc.eatius sensations when in a lying pesture,Diumem of liision,,A Dote or Webs before the Sight, Poser and Doll Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yeti lowness of the Skin and Bimini. Pain is the hide, Back t Chest, Limbs, Sudden Bushes of Heat burni lug in the Fleek, Constant jrnA G loingli 01 liivil, and great Wpm:et:on of 1. e b . In attributing such vabsanieproparsaus reLicd:;, na rash or unwarrantable assertion is madaginit is simply stated a fact; proven undeniably and conclusively by the t r.tra,si dir‘-y cures, and bmtents derived from its coo, under the di recnon of its illustrious originator, Dr. Hociland, among all classas of European society, and from the immense TELsali of testimony, from all parts of the American continent; acme• ululated during the last ten years, in the hands of the pres ant proprietor. The prevalence of disuses to which tab German Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow we say it, is most universal; indeed there is scarcely aftsueily throughout the whole extent of oar country in which there cannot be found among its members that peculiar sa/inta and Zany Lid appearance denoting a digaatied Liver, or en emaciated and suffering Dyspeptic. Then of what inatueinio importance to this claw of invalid that a certain and reliable remedy should ha placed wilbi then reach • ono in whicn no baneful or injurious drug en* tern into its composition; a remedy on which the patient can rely with the utmost coundence and certainty, and be moused • iota actual and tangible proofs that the article ho is acing faally poseesses the virtues attributed to it. Such a remedy as "kIOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS." Thousaude 0 dollars have been expended in its manufacture and diffusion throughout all parts of this continent, and the proprietot feels the greatest' satiSfaction in -. stating that there is ne state, county, or even village, whore the Medicine has boon introduced, that there cannot be found numbers willing testify to its virtues. It is need constantly in the practice cd a Large number o the meet prominent Physicians in the country, who have ati. , o added their written testimony in evidence of its great virtues. In conclusion, then, we would respectfully ask of all those of with any of the above &scales to give the Bitters a trial, and rest secured .it will never be regretted. In proof of the statements aboie made, all are invited to read attentively the Almanac published annually by the pro• prietor, for Partners and Families. ' con Ri , Uteg a great wan bar of useful receipts, iu addition to the testunony in Issue of the Bitterr., from the most prominent and well known ic • dividuals in all parts of the Union. All Agents for the Bit ters are authorized to distribute the Almanac gratuitously. Principal Office and Mannfe.ctory, 98 Arch Street, Philadel phia, Pa. For sale whelesale-hy Druggists in all the pitaclkel ' and at retail by Apothecaries end Storekeepers in every town in the United States and Canada, and by U. L. PAIMESTOCH a co. and Dr. GEO. ii. Pittsburgh. yU:lyULaa NEWT TE.VATMIrtni. Private and Confidential Medical Advice AT THE BUFFALO PRIVATE 110SPi- T.A.6—Establizhed for the cure of Syphilis, Seminal %i sew:Less and the Secret iffilrmitiee of Youth bud Maturity, by Dr. itaior3 et SON, Buffalo, N. Y. Office canter of Mehl end Quay streets, (up stairs.) A moa. 601 EN Tint) IN V.taVrION. Au instrument iur the cure of Genital Ideunity, Of Noctur nal Emiseionti, more properly known As ileminnt Waslcrims, .to. Can no permanently cured Lu iron titteen to twenty days, ny the use ul thin lusteunamt, when used conjointly Viral tosdicluea. • .1011iti itILN 'PAK i 2, HOPICE. . - Dr. AMOS & SON take pie - sante iu announetug that they have invented a most important instrument for tho cure 14 the above dieeaseo. It nag baDu subjected to a test by the .auot 011111101/i plusiziana in London. Paris, Philadelphia liott Nov Voile; it has been dsclared the only noeful instrument ever yet invented, for the cur.? of &mina Weakneso,or any disease of the genital organs, GUl:Matt by the sacret' habits et youth. . Dr. AMOS /s EON ; la order to satisfy the moat alieptiCal as to the merits of their instrument, pledge themselves Unit in any instante where they may prove unsatisfactory after tau' trial, the money will be refunded by intact:dog the in ointment in good. order. Persona Fishing the above noeful Instrument Fill obosry that the price, with the accompanying directions, occultly packed and asr.t by empieos, is ton dollars. NEW I=l.lsailEs AND QUICIi . Dr. AIIOS A SON may La consulted trorn eight h le tuo morning until nine at Light, in every stage and syniii torn of the Venereal Disease, fietiorrlnna, (Amite, secondary Symptoms, Seminal Weakness, impotence and Strictures of the Urethra, etc., with Inviolable cecresy. The treat:nun; they adopt 13 the result 01 upward of thirty years' extensive saal sCleCeaatill pruCtnx) in London. Thu moat inveterate cases of Venereal DIGIU/1403 eradiated in eight at nine days, and cases au slight nature iu two or three days, at a mod erate expense. The care effected without confinement or hindrance from litufines also, nodes and pains in the bones and limbo, effectually eradicated. A Utiittl WARRANTLI). Dr. A.llOB SON have devoted their attention exclueive ly to this peculiar ChM of maladies, and the relief they have consequently been enabled to reader to their fellow•creatnre s Cully teatided and greatielly acknowledged by con%alca ccutputients and others daily riving iu tuwo how all ph n.; of the country, tor the ezpi varpodeouiy ut CJLIANICILL,L Ll, while their everiione have Line Cr:AV [led with the moat dig nal adviniteges; yat from what they hare experienced iuquiring into the ca-lass of these inactions complaint (from their most of t.ple condition to that of the moat daft gerous and inveterated) they Lave always mitt:maned the p.:s,ibility et their preventien and removal, and liLewiseia variably found that the must horrible and noengnant forms of disease could aSmuat alwaye be traced to ono of the fol lowing cameo i—lgnerance, neglect, or the ill effects of un skilful and improper treatment; therefore, Dr. AfilOd SON Lave succeeaed in discovering, in the selection of their remedies, a safe, effectual, and cautious coarse; omitiing all combination of remedies which bear an equivocal character, as well as those whole premature or injudicious application might be productivi of bad consequences in the hands of private individuals. In snort, the laudible end of their re medies is the lessening of a great of human misery by the atleuiation, relief and prevention of those grievous af flictions that are in redity the secret foe of life, and which, while they so extremely surround us, call aloud for our skill and interference for their extermination. CIOUNIIIN INVALID& Poranna to any part of Lae maid niay be emcee:dully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their ease, with a retaittance for medicines, &e. Addreea Dr. AL.. 0 06 et riON, corner Main and Quay ntreet3, Buffalo. N. Y. joZ3cdtr.wly Of all diutnew the great, first cause Springs iron neglect of Nature's laws IF' E NDT WHEN A CURE IS QUAB,ANTEED IN all stages of SLORET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, ;Ner vous Debility, Strictures, Gluts, Gravel, Diabries, Discos ul the Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial Ithetusiatism, our, :Ma, Pains in the Bones and Anklet ' Diseases of the Lung , Throat, Ziusa and Eyee, Ulcers upontheßouyor Limbs, Cm, CUii, Dropsy, Epileptic Fits, Sr. Vita's Dance, and all diseases arising from a derangement of the Sexual Organs, each to nervous trembling, loss or memory, loss of power, general weakness, dtmnoss of vision with peculiar spots appear in before the eyes, loss of sight, wakefulness, dyspepsia, liver diseases, eruptions upon the face, pain in the back and head, female irregularities and all improper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease origin . .. ted, however long standing or obstinate the case, recovery :4 certain, and in a shorter tune than permanent can effected by any other treatment, even after the disetee hso battled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted ai/ the r means of cure. The medicines are pleasant without ode:, causing no sickness and tree from mercury or balsam. 110,-• ing twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the ;he of death many tbolisheids, ciao, in the lass stages of tie above mentioned diseheas had been given up to die by Out: maysicians, which warrants me he promising to the aulicted, who may place themselves under my core, a perk e most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enomi— to health, as they are the first cause of Consumption, Scr tuba and many other diseases, and should be a terror to human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever a majority of the emits falling into the hands of Llecein patent persons, who not only Jail to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer into a rep ti Consumption. But should the dimose and the treatment not cause speedily, and the victim marries, the disease Li natal's. upon the children, who aro born with faable coustitatium, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in Scrofula, Tatter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other mire tams of the skin, eyes, throat and lungs, entailing upe•t them a brief existence of suffering and consigning them an early grave. flail& ABUSE 13 another formidable enemy to health, i nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases cauh.e, so destructive a drain upon - the system, drawing ILI them sands of victims through a few years of sutlering dow Litt, ..s untimely grave. It destroys the nervous system, rapiat; wastes away the energies of life, causes mental derangemer c. prevents the proper development of the system, disynalif for marriage, society, business, and till earthly Lappin, e and leaves the sufferer wretched in belly anti mind, ',radii posed to Consumption unit a train of evils more to dreaded than death itself. With the fullest coutidence 's hi ante the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abaudeaust... of ruinous practices my patients can vigorous health. Taattillicted are cautioned 436uniet ile;nto. of P,it.ut ciniW, for there are au many iugenious sauce in the c‘duu..ll of the public prints to catch and rub the unwary sucierr,e that milllona have their consritntious ruined by the v compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous n..n trams vended as "Patent Medicines." I have caret - laity aLu lysed many of theca called Putout t.tudkines and tint dn«t nearly all of them contain Currusivo bublinuite ' Wbict, one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a dra,!, poison, which itittead of curing the ditei4a diedbied the tem for life. Three-fourths of the patent tiosti oast fLosi u. 1.0 p up by unpencipled and ignorant, who do not um:: stand even the alphabet of the matztia nwl.:Lat, end are eLp.. ly as destitute of any knowledge ut tne human sputa, ba fug one object only in view, and that to make money rev, leas of couefeluences. Irregularities and all dise.Ases of males end females trcL.t. on principles establieued by twenty years of precti.e, sanctioned by thousands of the must remarkable cal ,s. Medicinee, with lull directions, eent to any part et United btatea or Canades, by patients communiwatiug eytuptorns by letter. isusimes c‘srreepoodence ',CM. •I y L., ndential. Address J. 61131L1F.11. VI11.12„ al. 0., flfEce 11?1 Filbert erect, (Old loo ; ) below Tweitili, YLiladalpL I'hITERS.BIue Lick, BcA I -- Ilk ford and Conareza Watera cvnetantly on liaL.l ac JOSEPH PLEHINC'S, fa) Cul Lit/ Diamond and !garb:et e:rr f ‘IIIIIYB Ferratfyi 'find.. Bark and l'Aisir Vj Bark, ou kuud and for e: in by lAN US TO iU elegar,t a wood 0;,4 octavo Pianoi, will tn, rented to orivaLo la Ilia" only. Apply to JOHN H. 31£1,1-01., 143 B'2 Wocxl ntre,t VRUIT6 for Christmas and Now Year.— J 1: Beat Layer Pa ‘thins; Choice /Jew rigs, drOUIS per boxer, only lb., at BRO. a BD - )VirtiLli.l , ..' 2 l, TAR..,PT coRN- sli-ELLERs.—Smith's Patent, ur• ranged for hand, horra c,r otos= p.M . 01", warrt.nte , ! every respect, and will ehell trona CO to 40 bushels of t, rn Der hour. Will be :A LT ncr r,,, pARISIAN TOOTH PASYPT, prepared under the enperviaion of Dr. Hullihen, Surgeon 1).0 tiet, for Bale by JOS. FLEIIMG, _ A.NOTIIEIt-eupply of Low & Son's superior London Toilet. oups received to-day, by : -. JOE. Y.411.11D fete .. COrder Diamond and-Meate: etre, I 7 OGS.—Dressed lloga, jnet icleolfcd ttn 411 tor We by JAM A. YET ER, :t • • • tERFUNCERY—Of descriptions and prices, COD be had at JOB. BLEMIN II I 3 . Cae MeMZI£44 kliStOS dant.- MEDICAL, Dr. CELEBRATED'- V V,,R N.I-F.U.-.:0"It Lffii!M Vim) a ttse lac They are not recopy mended as Univers Cure—alls, but simply what their name ply r)orts. The VIIRMIFUGE ) 161 expelling Worma frac the human system, k' also been administer with the most satisfacto: results to various anima; subject to Worm, The LIVER PILLS, c the cure of LIVER COM - I' LAI NT ) all BILIOUG DI. - iINGEMENTS ) SICK HEAD ACHE, &C. Purchasers will pleas:. be particular to ask Dr: C. McLane's Cek i'rated VERMIFLIGE :2i;; LIVER PILLS, prepared 1) 7 1./VV‘4,l4 - at a, -107.1 SOLE PROPRIETORS, Pitt -4 burgh, Pa., and take )ther, as there are varieu;, other preparations now before the public, pm porting to be Vern - t:thic .J.ncl Liver Piii,. ~rher6, in compari-.on with .Dr. MCLANE'S ) are worthless. The GENUINE McLane'ti Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at , respectable Drug stores. LEMING BRO'S, WOOD ST., PITTSBUROTI, PA. M'LANE'S VERMIFUGE AND LIVE PILLS..-7.5 grow on hand and for elide by B. L. FAHNESTOCH 4 Corner Wood and Fourth efr-eeta. DEIVATE DISEASES.-DR. BROWN'S MEDICAL and SURGICAL Offices, No. BO SMITHFIELD Street, Pitts bnrgh, Pa. DR. BROWN in an old citizen of Pitts- - r:t;‘. 4 ".Ya'.l burgh, and has boon in practice for the 7-17 , last twenty-five years. His business has 't . 4 ": been confined mostly to Private and Sur gical Diseases. r s t CITIZENS AND STRANGERS in need of a medical friend, should not vvpilS • fail to find out the sure place of relief. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and his experience in the treatment of a certain class of dineses iv a sure guarantee to the sufferers of obtaintng permaneol relief, by the use of his remedies and following his advice. DR. BROWN'S REMEDIES never fail to cure the worst form of Venereal Disemes--1 , 1 Impurities and Scrofulous Affections. Also, all dima, arising from a hereditary taint, which manifests itself in t 144 form of a totter, psoriasis, and a great many fornm of cilia. disarms, the origin of which the patient is entirely ignorant To persons so afflicted, Dr. B. oilers hopes of a sure and speecly rocaTery. . . aIIMINAL WEABNEBB. Dr. Brown's remedies for this alarming trouble, brought on often by that solitary habit of sensual gratification N:liii4 the ycinng and weak-minded often give way to,(to their °Wu destraction,)are the only reliable remedies known it this, country—they ere safe, and make a speedy restoration ti health. RILEIIMATII3I4 Dr. Brown's remedies never fail to cure this pliant! ease in a few days—he will warrant a cure. Ile also tre.ti Piles, Gleet, Gonorrhea, Stricture, Urethral Dischargp, xe male Weakness, Monthly Suppressions, Diseases of the Joints, fistula in Ano, Nervous Affections, Pain in the Saes and Kidneys, Irritation of the Bladder, together with all diseases of an impure origin. A letter describing the symptoms, containing a vas, a. rented to DR. BROWN, No. 60 Smithfield street, PittaborEh, Pa., will be immediately answered. Medicine sent ts.., soy address, safely packed and secure from observation. Office and Private Rooms, No. 60 Smithfield street, t buigla, Pa. my:al ILT IS NOT A DYE. rs. S. A. Alien's World's. ➢inter Restorer. (1 HAIRED, BALD, or persona with ‘,..A diseases of hair, or scalp, road the foliowiag,uld jtdga of the cuticles: Jars. S. A. A.LI.E.BIS ZYLOBALEARIUDI, Or WORLD'S HAIR DRESSING, Is essential to ,no with the RESTORER, and is the twat Hair Dressing for old or young extant, being often efficacious in cases of hair ing, Ac., without the Restorer. - REV. H. V. BEGAN, Editor Guide to Holiness. "We cas testify to its effects," Ac. ' • PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L. D., Murfreesboro', Tour.. "Notwithstanding irregular use, the falling off of ha: r ceased, and my gray locks restored to original color," REV. S. B. MORLEY, Attleboro', Massachusetts. "it changed the "Crown of Glory," belonging to old men, to the original hue of youth," Ac. REV. M. THACKER, (60years of age,) Pitcher, eit3llarif46 county New York. "My hair is now .restored; it is nothing like a dye," Ac. REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown, New York. bMy own hair, and that of another of my family, has greatly thicken. ed, whore almost bald," Ac. REV. JAMES McKEE, New York city, recommends it, d c REV. W. POP.T.EIIB, Stanwich, Conn. "It has met thy moat sanguine expectations, Ac. REV. J. F. GRlSWOLD,Washington, N. H. "It is really efficacious in restorig the hair," Ac. REV. O. M. SPRATT, Lewisburgh, Pennsylvania. "V, can and do cheerfully recommend it," REV. J. P.. TUSTIN, Charlestown, South Cardin - a. " Thr - white hair has become obviated," .ac. REV. AMOS BLANCHARD, Meriden, N. H. "Ws think very highly;of your preparation," Ac. REV. B. O. SMITE, Prattsburgh, N. Y. " I ‘623 6=01531 to find my hair turn as whin I was yotmg," REV. 0 M. CLIME:, Lewiston, Pennsylvania. "It has stop ped my hair lall"ng and caused a now growth." REV. A. PRINK, Chataugue county, Now York. "I am satisfied and recommend it." REV D. MORRIS, Cross River, Now York. "i t l the best preparation extant." REV. WILLIAM CUTTER, Editor MOLltted Magazine, New York. "Recommends it." 40°' We might swell this list, but if Lot coLvittevd, TRY IT. We export these preparations to Europe C:1011, and are superseding all others there as well as to the U States. /2 dou not tog or stain. Sold by all the rricrq si whole. sale - and retail Merchants in tbo th.ited States, Cuba, or Canada. DEPOT 355 BROOD. STBEET, Fi , where address all letters and inquiries. ' , a-Soule dealers try to sell articles insteadct this, on which they make more profit. Write to Depot foi virccda r terms, and, information. Guanine is signed, ,t. Allen written in init. Beware of countorfeits. MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORER.--A large supply always o & n haral,andi for sale by L. YAHNESTOCIC .%. CO FLUNESTOCIi3 VI Wood street, Plitsbtirgh, ILTAS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM IZIOLLND - W ALM? ON St i.Cr i NN • CORN AND GRAIN SIATilt, CORN HOES; PATENT AND COMMON ANVILS; BriAL Traps, very superior' Drawer Locks, ctry stipui.r Gun Locks, Tinned and Enamelled Sauce Pans, Basting Spoons, Bran Candlesticks, Brass Cocks, Braes Stair Rods, Brew. and Bits,• Measuring Tapes, Superior Waiters, Curry Combs, Teaces, Coil, Plith, Tongues, Stretch and Breast Chains, with a variety of other goods, all of which, will be sold at mots. erate terms. splEt SKIRTS! SKIRTS!! Bishop's Skirts; • Quilted Hooped Skim; Holmes' Hooped Skirts; Miss& 0 Irded Stir ts ; Ledige Corked and Quilted Skirts, white and Colon I ; a new supply just opened, at JOS. BORNE'S, dig . 77 Market ar.ot. INTER GLOVES.—A lull supply of W. Cloth, 811 k, cad Marino, cf Vitious ohm, nt N low ori OU IT t 4tr,t. FeRIORPEDOES.-100,000 No. 1, just raoeiv. jj„ ad and for Weil t ft. SS Wag fittest, aTILta - ge,);ft