~:,.fi-i4',.,‘4,*,17..".,,Z-..:‘,...+:',.,:Li-...1..: ..:;:).....:. ' ' .7:''''.::7-,',:','..),..:'::-.---.,'--,,,''..:',.:'-'- . --..''':"-: ''' L '''''' ' '''' . --''''''''' -'-':-I'-'''''''''..i'A'744loo44A SPECIAL NOTICES. air MORE CURES PSILADELPELL, &I mo., 20, 1850 Rerpedal Priaa—l had for several yearn' been afflicted with Dyspeptic:, and occasionally a General Debility. I ac. cidentally tried thy medicine, iloofiand's German Bitters, in the first place upon a daughter, she having a severe spell of s ickness. Thy iloofiand's German Bitters had such effect upon her general debility, that I was induced to try it my self. I then got a bottle, and used It according to the direc tions, and It relieved me more than anything I had b - fore used, giving general tone and strength to the stomach and s ystem. Last 101 l I had a very severe spell of the Dlartinna, which continued for some time. My life, for a a time, was despaired of. Thy bitters again being used, acted very hap pily upon the stomach and intestines, and soon relieved me from the great pain I suffered, and gave me general health to the system. I coutinlf r it, ducter, one of the most veins- Lie medicines I ever ad, and shall tetra !,great plaaiuro to reznunneudiug it to.nthers. Itospoctfully thy friend, 3.13.WEL aurroN, Nu. 6 Janalugs Row, Catharlt,n, abr,b o Thijd Tu Dr. C. Jack,:4,n, 11W btia,r, Phliade.ipLia &.•(% adv,rtisouluia ioraali• t.e,,v? v.: t!; IL a ifttit Pittehrsrwh /Kir A RECIPE. THAT RARELY EVER FAILS IL) CURE A COLD.—Now, nhtle whiter, with Ito Indium of Colds and Coughs, Is with us, we thin a remedy that will relieve each vialtatimoi should be highly prised, and all who know the worth of this remedy, will do as we do—prize it doubly. Take a double dose of Dr. Sinford'ir Invigorator, and it will give greater relief than any other medicine we over tried, for we have rarely to repeat the dose to be en tirely free (ram Cough, and as soon as the lungs have time to throw off the collected matter, the cure is complete. As a family medicine, for the cure of Bowel Diseases, Worms, Derangement of the Stomach and Liver, we can recommend it knowingly. mrl2:lmdew OPPIOI OP SHE PlTTBoov.na a lionos MINING C0.,1 Pittsburgh, 10, 1859. NOTION, TO STOCKHOLDERS —The Stockhold ers of this Company are hereby notified that, the number of ahares into which the Capital Stock is divided, has this day been increased from S x Th , stsand to Twenty Thousand share., in pursuance of authority granted by the Legislature of Michigan. New certificates of stock in exchange for that old ones will be tailed at nut office ofthe Bocretary, in the city of Pitts burgh, on end after the let day of April. No certificate will be issued Ca - the fraction of a Blear°, but parties entitled to fractional shares will be credited there with cv . ,t the books of the Company, and a certificate issued whenever assigroneetti of each fractional credits are present ed to the Secretary as will amount to one or mote eharee. Holders of old certificates will please presentihem for ex change as early after the let of April as may be convenient. THOS. M. ROWE, Secretary, Pittsburgh A Ito,ton Mining CO. rar22:accr trDAILY 11N10.4 PRAYER MEETING'S., warm have been hold at the Central Preab. Church, corner Sixth and Smithfield streets, will close this mond qt. The exercises will be conducted by Rev. Dr. HOWARD, of the Second Preab. Church, and Rev. 0. BYLLESBY, of St. James Episcopal Church. Hours from 11% t 01.2% o'clock. All are invited. imr22 OFFICE OP THE PITTSBURGH, PT. WAYNE & CHICAGO R. R. CO.,} Pittsburgh, March let, 1858. NOTICE TJ STOCKHOLDERS —The fired ana Op im meeting of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh, For Wayne and Ohicago Railroad COmpany will be held at the Rooms of the Baird of Trade in the city of Pittsburgh, on TUESDAY, the 38th day of March, at 2 o'clock, P at., at which time toe Report f the Directors and Officers, of the operation of the Company, for the first seventeen mouths of the consolidation, will be presented and read. The election for a new Board of Directors will be held at the same place, on WEDNESDAY, the 31st 1 et , between the bouts of 0 and 8 P. U. Stockholders, and tee reprosetitatives of comities holding stock, sill receive special FREE tickots to anti' from Mts. burgh, for toe occasion, on applicat.ou to the different Sta tion Aleuts. Blank feting of : proxies may b. , outained at the General Office in Pittsburgh, or at the office iu New York, No 37 William street. Stoctiholdera of either of thi three Companies now merged by the consolidation, who may nut have converted their stock, will not bo entitled to any votes at the above election The'triinsfer books will be cocci from the tiOth inst. to let prom: - fmrl3 , iff. ESSLER, Secretary. PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. MAC JONES JNO. L. BOYD Vir 4 9 McOULLOUCID JONES, BOYD & CO. ULT072.0713117EU3 07 CAST STEEL. ALSO, SPRING, PLOW AND A. B. STEEL, SPRINGS AND AXLES. Corner Ross and F.trst Streets, jy2b PITTSBURGH, PA. ceez.o JONES D. D. ROGER D. B. ROGEtaS & CO., itANIIPAOTUUEILEI OF ROGERS' IMPROVED PATENT STEEL CULTIVATOR TEETH, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA JAMES A. FETZER, Forwarding and Commission Merchant FOR THE t, A.lll OF Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Corner of Market and First otreeto. PITTS - 131i ilGtt, PA. Bina go—Francis G. Balluy, Due., William Dilworth, Sr., 3 . Cuthbert & Son,Pittsburgh; Boyd & Ott, Helskell & 3 wearingen , S. Bray, Owl.. M. & 111. Bank. List & Howell, Mangle & Co., George W Andersou, Denle Paxton & Co. Wheeling. mgrtittqutt plO - ORHEAD & Co., MANUFACTURER OF American, Pisan & Corrugated, GALVANIZED. SHEET IRON, For Roofing, Guttering, Spouting, ek.e. AGENTS FOR WOOD'S PATENT IMITATION RUSSIA SHEET IRON. Warehouse, No. 139 First street, mr26:ly le PITTSBURGH, PA. REMOVAL. J OLIN MOORIIEAD has removed to No. 74 Water etreet, below Market JOHN MOORHEAD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Fos Tll EMU OF PIC METAL AND BLOOMS. NO. 74 WATER STREET, BL L'IW ItIARKET, mrl9 PITTSBURGH, PA Wx. VI, PLils C. W. BIOZETS)N 2 Paten MILLER & RICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND IMPORTERS OP BRANDIES, WINES AND SEGARS. Nos. 231 and 223, Corner or Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILq, COTTON YARNS, Ao , Go., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. mr2 111A.RDWA RE. LAMIIEL FAIINESTOCK, No. 74 WOOl straet, Pittsburgh, has ou hand a largo STOCK OF HARDWARE, Which he will sell very law for BASIL In addition to his Locks, Hinges, Knives and Forks, and Spoons, and a large assortment of Ilurpenter's Tools, he has received a large sap. ply of Sausage Cutters and Striffers . • Shovels, Tongues and Pokers ; - Sleigh Bells, and Enameled Preserving Kettles. Office of Sealer of Weights anti Measuren. riIEIE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED, 11 REALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, May be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, beta.....,a Third and Fourth streets, where orders may be left. mrl3:tf CHARLES BARNETT. A RCHITECTURAL.- BARR Fs. MOSER, Architects, No. 112 Smithfield street, Opposite the now Post Office, ELecute Plans and Specifications for all kinds of buildings and superintend the erection of the same. Mr. Bann also continues to attend to the measuring o builders' work, and Mr. MOSER to the preparation of paten papers and drawings mrll:lm oc L.. C. fIEPISURN. ATroxxsv AT LAW AND CONVEYANCES. MIES WITEi U. EWEBEITLIT. Nft. Pz--rarth arca y & T. GROLITT, Importers of Brandies, .din, Win, Ac. Dealers in fine Old Monongahela Rye Whisky, roach and Apple Brandy; also, REOTIFIRRS AND DISTILLERS, corner of B.MITIIFELD and FRONT Stre<4l. Pittearoreh. Pa. WILLIAM CLAYTON & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR .MERCHANTS, NO. 1,1 DIAMOND ALLEY, Near Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA. frarAway on baud, Blackberry, Cherry, and Cognac tbsudies, Old Monongahela and Rectified WhLsky, of the balm quality. daleydel: DAVID H. WILLIAMS, ( - IIVIL ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR k) FOR THE ERECTION OF GAS WORKS, for iromilvo bunion! an 1 upward.% and for Heating Buildings, public or private, by iitealu, Hot Water or Fartutcee. PITTSBURGH, PA . _ _ --- - P OTATOES. -80 sacks Red Potatoes. 100 racks NoBbannock do 60 eacks and 80 bbie . d o Received and for side by JAS. A. FETZER, rnr 27 INE TOCACCO. 20 O ro4e Solace; 25 " Amulet ; 25 " Mu. Millen , Ju3t received and for sale by REYMER & ANDERSON, No. 89 Wood street, mrre2 Opposite. IL (Marto ilutel EMM LOCAL AFFAIRS. IA man named John Small made information against George Cooloy and three or four other mon, for highway robbery and assault and battery with intent to kill. From the information it appears that Small, who lives near Greensburg, Westmoreland county, came to the city from Kittanning, on Fri. day,"with the intention of going down the river. He was looking for a lumber me;ohnrit named Wyn. koop, formerly of Millstone, Clarion river, for whom he had onoo worked. He mot Cooloy on the street, and asked him if ho knew.Wynkoop; Cooley said ho did, and asked Smail to accompany him, and he would show him Mr. Wynkoop.. Cooly took him to several drinking shops, after which they went to a house and took supper, for which Smail paid. After supper, ho tmk Small to a place on the Mononga• bele river, near Soho Bridge; after walking for some distance up tho river, Small refused to go any fur ther. Cooley insisted in his going, when Small looked back and saw thremor four men walking rap idly towards them. As they arproached, Cooly turned around and struck Small in the eyo —another man striking him at the same time. He was felled to the earth; they commenced kicking and heating him, and he cried, "For God's aalro, don't kill EDO, and you may take all I have." Ono i - )1 them se.srebod his pockets and toek trom him his pocket book, con taining $5 in ail h, -4ben the , h, , le party took to their heels and ran down the' road. Small came to the Mayor's Offieo on Saturday more ing, and told his story . . Officers Reed and Knox were sent out, and soon afterwards returned with Cooly, having captured him eta house on the corner of Washington street and Pennsylvania avenue. When confronted with Cooley, Small identified him as the man who had knocked him down. Two formations were made against Cooley, as above, and he was committed to jail to answer the charges, in default of bail. Cooley is well known to the police, and he will now most probably serve a time in the Penitentiary. Small is badly bruised, end his face is very much swollen. —Since writing the above, David Porter has.boon arrested and committed to jail, charged with being an acoomplice in the assault. There aro also other charges against Porter, which we have noticed-in another item. tur96'2u - d&-. More Charges agallusr Cooley In another place we notice the arrest of tieorge Cooley for highway robbery, committed on. Friday evening. It seems that he was not satisfied with this achievement, but tried another tack to "raise the wind." On Saturday evening, a man named A. Bar• ker made information at the Mayor's Office to the effect that a leather trunk, valued at four dollars, containing wearing apparel, hair oil, &0., valued at twenty dollars, had been taken from his room at the boarding house of Mrs. Boles, No. 51 Third street, on Friday evening. The Mayor' police, in their search for Cooley on Saturday morning, went to the house of. Mrs Moffit, on Try street, and while thero ob served the missing trunk. It was taken to the May or's Office, and Barker being sent for, identified it as his property. Mrs. Moffit was sent for; and stated that Cooley, a young man named David Porter, and ano ther, took the trunk to her house, and asked her to keep it fur them. Porter was accordingly arrested and committed to jail on this charge. He is also implicated in the highway robbery, for which a com mitment was also lodged against him. The officers then went to Cooley's boarding house and brought his trunk and a pair of boots to the Mayor's Office. The boots are supposed to be stolen, though they have not been identified. They are calf skin boots, nearly new, laced at the top. He had on at the time of his arrest, a black coat, which with a black velvet cap and a vest found in his trunk, were identified by German named Philip Simmer, who testifies that they were taken from the house of John N. Baird, No. 186 Smithfield street, where he boarded. A oom mitment was also lodged a . gainst him on this charge. A black cloth overcoat was found at Beasley's pawn office, on Smithfield street, which bad been pawned there by Porter. It is supposed to be the property of George Bingham, Mq., though it has not yet been identified. It was taken from the hall of Henry S. King, on Third street. There are &- ready sufficient charges against this party to send them over the river for some timo. The officers en gaged in ferreting out these rogues deserve credit for their shrewdness. A coal-pit man named Owen Owens was killed on last, Tuesday evening, at six o'clock, at Cooke town. He had quit work as usual, and was return ing hOme, when he got on the track, on which be believed there was no train in motion, but unfortn • nately, before he had time to see and avoid his den gor, he was run over and shockingly mutilated. Ho died almost immediately. A notorious character, called "Kelly, the Pirate," has lived about Monongahela City for some time. Ho has been in the habit of drinking very hard, and abusing his wife and children. On last Tuesday evening he took one of his children, sick with scar let fever, from its bed, out into the night air, his wife was driven from the house and his other chil dren beaten. A few of the citizens becoming in censed at these outrages, took him out of bed and carried him down to the river, where he was thor oughly washed, ducked and splashed until, on a promise of amendment for the future, he was re leased. Served him right; but- it is not likely the bath will have much effect on him. The dwelling house of Mr. Thompson, situated at Pollock's Mills, in Cecil township, in Washington county, was totally destroyed by fire ou the night of Saturday, the 20th inst., toge'her with all its eon tents. It was a two story frame building, owned by Mr. James Pollock, in whose mill Vie occupant, Mr. Thompson, was employed. The origin of the fire can not be ascertained, as the family were absent at the time. The building is a total loss, as there was no insurance on the property. We learn from tha Connellsville "Enterprise" that a terrific, explosion took place at the tannery of John M'Beth, in Springfield, on Wednesday, the 17th inst. The explosion occurred while the hands were at din ner. One of the boilers blew entirely through the .stack, and lodged in a lot some two or three h...ndred yards from the building. The engine was consider ably damaged, and the building also. Fortunately, no one was injured, all being absent at the time. It will require about $l,OOO to cover the loss. A apeoial session of Court is to be held in Wash iogton county, commencing on Tuesday, the 6th of April. The case of George Harger, recently con victed of forgery, and a motion made for a new trial, will be disposed of to-day. On Saturday, the 20th instant, Mr. Lud hiyerhoof, of the coal firm of Allen Gibson le Co., of Elizabeth, narrowly escaped with his life. He is "pit boss," and was riding up the railway on an empty ear, when something above attracted his attention and he forgot the descending car, which struck him in the side, knocking him down and bruising him very much. His life was for a time despaired of, but he is now out of danger. A woman named Rush, says the "Connollsville Enterprise," was arrested in this place, Wednesday morning last, at the hotel of D. Phillips, for the larceny of a watch at Somerset. She was taken back to that place to answer to the charge. At the morning lovoe on Saturday, but six cases made their appearance before his Honor the Mayor. They wore all of the usual character; one was com mitted to jail; one was discharged; three paid their fines; and one, a woman named Catharine Wilson, who was arrested during Friday night for drunken news and disorderly conduct was sent to the Poor House. One or two other persons, who had not been able to pay their fines at the time of their arrest in Gallagher's cock-pit on Friday night, were released on paying over their $3 each. Gallagher, who had been held to bail for his appearance at nine o'clock on Saturday morning, was on hand at the appointed timo. The Mayor fined him $l4 and costs, which is the extent of the law for his offense, and after a good lecture, re leased him, on his making a solemn promise never to open another cock-pit in this city. Foul Ray Suspected.—J. B. Stoat, a well known and highly respectable citizen of Temperanoeville, has been missing for some days, and his friends are led to believe that he has been foully dealt with. He left his residence in Temperanceville on Saturday, 20th init., and while in the city entrusted a friend with some money, which was to be paid to some men in his employ. He requested his friend to inform his family that he had gone to Braddoc.t's Fields, and would be at home about twelve o'clock that (Satur• day)• night. He has not been heard of since, and it has been ascertained that he was not at Braddock's Fields. As he is known to have had a - considorable sum of money in his pomesion, fears that some thing serious has happened to him aro entertained by his family, who are in painful suspense.—Repoter. Theatre—A New Star.—Miss Kimberly, with a desire to gratify the public, worthy of imitation, an nounces for this evening a new star; ono, at least, who has never appeared before a Pittsburgh audience Mrs. M'Mahon. This lady COMICS to us with an en viable reputation, whioh wo believe her fully capable of sustaining. She makes her first appearance as Juliet, in Shakspeare's celebrated tragedy of " Romeo and Juliet." Miss Rosa Cline, a very popular come , . dienne and vocalist, makes her first appearance in the farce of the "New Footman," in which she will sing the ballad of "Gentle Annie." Mr.'T. IL Had away, a gentleman who performed on !our boards many yeire ago, and, who is an excellent comedian, is engaged and will appear in a short time. Robbery.—Three men, John Bird, John Cagey, and Peter Delaney, were arrested and taken before Alder man Rogers on Saturday, charged with robbing a man named Peter Smith of $l7B, on Wylie street, the night previous. It is probable Delaney is the thief, as a person who was with Smith declares posi tively that he eaw him taking hie hand out of Smith's pocket. The whole party were unmated to jail for further hearing. The result of Mr. Lowry's experiments with his new fire plug on Saturday was highly gratifying. A stream was thrown over one hundred and seventy feet through an inch and a quarter nozzle. The District Court and Court of Quarter Sessions were employod on trifling oases on Saturday, not worth impottlag. Highway Robbery. Country Items. .ftlayor , s Oirto e. • • -f '•' The Warren " Mail " says that Mr. Patrick, of Pittsburgh, has purchased a large portion of the stook of the Warren County Bank, and will soon assume control of that institution.—Gazette. —We do not know who is referred to in this item, unless it is Mr. Patrick, of the firm of R. Patrick Co., brokers, in the Post Buildings, and we are assured that tho rumor is without foundation. Coroner's Inquest. --An inquest waa held by Coro nor Alexander en Saturday, on. the body of a man who was found in the Ohio river, at Sewickley, on Friday. He appeared to have been in the eater some weeks; ha had on, when found, a dark cassia:tore coat, lined with red flannel, black velvet vest, and black oassimere pants. The jury rendered a verdict of death from drowning, and as the name) of the de.. ceased could not be ascertained, ho was buried at the expense of the county. Pigeorie.—Our country exchanges mention the riot that largo flocks of wild pigeons are to be seen wending their way north. This is said to be a sure indication of spring. We havo nut yet observed any in this vicinity, but we are informed that they Are abundant in some of the adjoining counties, and jail an easy prey to the guns of the sportsmen who etoose to go in pursuit of them. Pinit Atrival of Spring Goods at Carnaghias, Al. legheny City.—A very full and elegant stock of cloths, now style ca.3sitneres and vostings,. furnishing goods, e., for wen and boys' wear, are now opened, to which the attottion of cash buyers is Invited. Tennis being strictly oash, buyers may rely on the priees being - exorable. o Tit? GREAT POPULARITY OF IinSTETTE.R'S STOMACH BITTERS prepared by the eminent physician, Er. J. Hostetter, is unbounded. Daily does he receive the voluntary teatimanials of the abated, who have been cured of long-standing diseases, through the Ilse of the "Bitters," acid daily the sale of this medicine is increasing, and extend ing its sphere of usefulness among suffering humanity. For removing all mot bid matter from the stomach, regulat. lug the bowels; strengthening the entire body, and impart ing vigor and tone to the entire human system, it cannot be equalled. We would recommend a.i who are ablated with any of these terrible diseases, to immediately procure a bottle of the Bitters, and their ailments will vanquish like snow before a scorching sun. For sale by druggists arid dealers generally, every - where =STETTER & SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 58 Water and 68 Front streets. tur27-Icf JOSEPH MEYER, MANUFACTURER OF Fancy & Plain Furniture & Chairs, Wareroonis, 424 Penn street, ABOVE THE CANAL BRIDUB, PITTSBURGH, PA 4b3- In addition to the Furniture business, I alao devote attention tc, UNDERTAKING. Hearses and Carriages furnkh -d _ - JAMES P. TANNER, st; Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., lovit‘,3 attantion of hie cratotnera and buyers general- Iy, to Lis large stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, Itoughtet from Manufecturere fu Massachusetts, OOMPRISING 1311.c:0 ANS, GAITERS, Lathes', Misses' and Ceildren's BONNETS, FLATS and FANCY LIATd. Msrt, Boys and Youth's PA' M LEAF, LEG LI PAvANIA and STRAW lIALI. Mau, Buys and Youth's WOOL and' FUR tiaTB All of which will be found in great variety tie. Groat inducements offered to CASE and prompt TIME BUYERS Orders solicited and carefully selected and packed uir27:dtjel—ls China, Glasa and queensware. SPRING STOCK JUST OPENED, AT THE OLD ESTABLISILVENT OP 3E3E 3E3 mcr - 542 - 2E3E 3L (M- 3E3L "12' , 122 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. AT HO IS NOW RECEIVING FROM uropu and Eastern Cities, a choice assortment at witch s iu hie lino comprising row and ta.9teiul shappQ of Pearl White Stour Tea. Dieing and Toilet Ware, and the same iu P ate, Gold, Lnitre Rind and Flowers; Fine White Vitrified Iron Stone Table Ware, known to be the mrst dur able now In nse fur Hotels ant Steamboats; French China of. new styles, in Pure White and Gold Band, either In sets or single pieces; Richly Gilt and Decorated Toilet Sete; Brit. sums and Plaied Castors; German Silver Tea Table Spoons. map Ladles, etc., plated with silver; fine Ivory Handled Carving, Tel and Table Knives and Formic Tea Walters and Trap; rihakcr and Sea grass Table Mats; Jappaned and Dec orated Tin T._,l S'A• Aim), a c mp'ete and full assortmeut of all avticles suita ble for the C'UNTRY RETAIL TRADE, a: prices to pleaee the public, who are respectfulq invited to examine Vile ntocit. mr27:3mdaw A UCTION SALES. \AILY SALES AT NO. 54 FIFTH ST., At the new Commercial Sales K-mus, No. 64, Fifth street, every week day, are held public sales of goods in all variety, suited fur the trade and consumers, from a large stock which is constantly replenished with fresh consign ments, that mast be closed forthwith. AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., Dry Goode and fancy articles, comprising nearly everything needed in the line for personal and family use; table cut lery; hardware; clothing; bouts and shoes; ladies ware, Ac. AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Household and kitchen furniture, new and second-band; beds and bedding; carpets; elegant iron atone China ware; stoves; cooking utensils; groceries, &c. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., Fancy articles; watches; clocks; jewelry; musical instru ments; guns; clothing; dry goods; boots and shoes. book stationery, &c. [veil P. M. DAVIS, Auct.s TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT AUCTION —On WEDNESDAY MORNING, March 31st, at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Salve Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, will be sold. for account of whom it may concern, 15 boxes Brown's Ws, We, and 34 115. plug Tobacco; 20,000 Germain Cigars. Sale positive mr27 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. WATCHES, PAINTINGS, &c., AT AUC TION.—:Un TUESDAY EVENING, March 30th, at 7 o'clock, wili be cold at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 14 Vital street in the order of catalogue, a number of gold and silver open faced and hunting cased patent aud detached lovers and cylinder escapement Watches, Gold Vest and Guard Chains, with seals a d Keys, fine Oil Paintings, Steel Engravings, Ufa Glasses, Patent Revolvers, &c., Sold by order of an Eastern Pawn-roker. The above articles will be open for examination on Tues day morning. Catalog-nee can be had in the office on Monday. P. M. DAVIS, tur4 Autioneer. HOUSEB.OLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE AT AUCTION.—Ou TUESDAY MORNING, March 30th, at 10 o'clock, ut the Barnard HOll3O, No. 97 Fourth street, will be Bold the entire stock of Household and Kitshert , Furniture of that extensive establishment, among which are Mahogany Hair Seat Chairs, Tables, Bnreax, Washstands, High and Low Post Bedsteads, Feather Bede and Bedding, Mattresses, Carpets, Gilt Frame Looking Glasses, Window Blinds, Fire Irons, China Glass and Queens ware, large sheet Iron Cooking Stove, Furniture Kitchen nitctien Utensils, &c. P. Pd. DAVIS, mrl7 Auctioneer. VALUABLE STOOKS AT AUCTION.-- On TUESDAY EVENING, March 30th, 1858, a 7% o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 61 Fifth str.zt, will be sold:- 26 shares M. & M. Bank of Pittsburgh. 2 do old stock Allegheny Fridge Company. 20 do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh 20 shares Citizens' Bank of Pittsburgh, mr . 1.6 P. M. DAVIS, Atimlouner. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF STOCKS, AUSTIN Loomis & Co., "STOCI3. AND NOTE BROKEBS, 58 MARKET STREET. THE EXECUTORS OF THE REVER END CIIARLE 4 Avins, will offer at public sale, at the 151VRCUANTS' EXCIIAI GE. in the city of Pittsburgh, on THURSDAY, the 15th of April proximo, at 8 o'clock, P. 51., the following stocks, viz:- 2666 shares of the Capital Steck of the Pittsburgh and Bos ton Mining Company, (Cliff Mine,Lak6Superior) 1000 do of toe Capital Stock of the National Blindly Co. do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 400 do Allegheny flank. 32 du Rand Street Bridge. Company. 86 do Monongahela do do. 183 do Monongahela Navigation Company. 67 do Pitta'gh, Cin. and Lou i sville Telegraph Co. 50 do Allegheny Gas Company. 07 do Pittab'gh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad Co. Dividend Scrip of ditto, of $72 40. 20 do Chartlers Valley Railroad Company. 20 da Wilkinsburg and West Newton . Plank Road Co. 1 Scholarship Pittsburgh Female College THOMAS M. HOWE, WM M SHINN, Executors tur2s:3w JOSIAH RING, 28 S CHOICE LAND NEAR Bill MINGRAM, AT AUCTION.—O,, TfIESDAY EVEN. MG, March 10th, at 'll,', o'clock at the Commercial Soles Rooms, 1` c. Ot Filth street, will he sold, twenty-eight acres of excellent land, handsomely situated near the Borough of East Birmingham, adjoining lands of the heirs of Ormsby and McClurg, suitable for country seats and gardening pur poses. Persons wishing' to view the property, will call en Paulkner Davis, on the premises. Terms—one-third cash, realduo in one and two years with interest mr2.5 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. DRIED PEACHES.-20 bus. choice Dried Peaches to arrive this day, atd for sale by d.& A. FETZER, Career lifsairpt and litfrot street• FOTASH.-10 casks on hand and for sale by Pal6l e.LpALUMMIL QV. _ --, _ - 4'A . ' - .4'.:e .t: 4. ',4: iriOARD OF ',TRADE r7I El IP. it let, J•'H;.` J. GILLESPIE, SAMUEL SHRIVER, JOSEPH SNOWDEN, Superintendent of Excharvit. PITSEDLIIIb, March 27, 1828. FLOUR...The Bales that have transpired to-dey amount to 325 bbls viz :—From store 250 bbls. at $3,50 for , uperfine, $4 for extra, and $4,50 for. extr.S family ; 50 bbls. super fine at $3,50; 25 bbls. extra family at $4,50. We have no sales from first hand to report. GRAIN...SaIes 200 bush. Oats, to arrive, at 67c. ; 60 bush. do. for seed, from store at 31c ; 85 bush. do. from store at 27c.; 120 bush. Rye from store at 67c. V bush. POTATOES...SaIes 105 bush. Neshannoclos from store at 50®55c.; 26 bbls. white from store at $1,25 bbl. DRIED FRUIT...SaIes 200 bush. Apples at $1,33; 60 bush. do. at $1,40 ibnsh. BUTTER... dalesbbls. packed at 10c, and 6 ibis. roll at 15c. V ib. BACON...SaIes 3000 Ilea. Shoulders at 734; 6000 the, do. at 735; 2000 lbs. Sides at 934, LARD...SaIes 2000 tbs. Lard at 93z0, cash. SEEDS... Sales 80 bush. Common Titriothy at $1,76 V bush.; 10 bush. Clover at $5,25; 60 bush. Clover at $5 V bush. RAY—Sales 8 loads from the scales at sl2@sl4 V ton; 80 bales from store at $l5. SUGAR...SaIes 190 hhda. N 0. on private terms; 12 !Aids. prime N. 0. at Bc. V lb. MOLASSES...SaIe 10 bbls N. 0. to country at 38c.; 20 bbls. to country at 3735 c 73 gallon. COFFEE...SaIes 12 bags Rio at 12@)123* ID. ROSIN...SaIes 6 bbls. at $3 for No 1. FIRE-BRICK—Sales 2000 Bolivar at $2B. WRISRY—SaIes 16 bbls. raw at 19c.; 76 bbla. rectified at 20 ®22c.; 10 bbls new Rye at 38c. V gallon. NEW Timis, March 27.--Cotton; sales of 1600 bales; mar ket unchanged; mixed lots .declined Wai,fic. Flour heavy, except Southern, which Is steady; 8000 bbls gold. Wheat dull and heavy. Corn heavy; sale, 63,000 bush sold; white 63®68 1 ,41 yellow 68067; mixed Western 6714 Pork steady: prime has advanced 6c; sales at 13,70@13,16. Lard firm at 93.6@10 1 4:. Butter active at 13018 c. Whisky dullut 20c Linseed Oil advanced lc at 62063. Hides quiet at 17k. Leather lower. Tallow steady. Molasses very firm at 32@ 33. Freights dull; on Flour to Liverpool Is Eitlicla 9d. Cirscateren, March 27.—Flour steady; 2200 bbls sold at $3,60©3,70 for ordinary to choice superfine. There is no change in Grain. Whisky firm; sales 1600 rbbis at 17%. Provisions quiet; nothing of importance was done except sales of 700 bbls Lard at 9%c. Mess Pork is held at $15,75. Bacon Sides 9. Bulk Sides and Shoulders Wand 8 Sales 100 hhda Bacon Shoulders sold at 6Y 3 (4161/. Linseed Oil firm at 60c. tur22:dly—Lo NEw Yoix, March 27.—Evening.--Stocks dull and lower. Chicago and BOck Island 75; Mich. Southern 22; New York Central 70; Penna. Coal 70%; Reading 50; Galena and Chicago 113 X; Mich. Central 6634; Erie 24%; Cleveland and Toledo 44X; Cleveland. Columbus and Cincinnati 92%; La Cros , e grants 3.43.„,. HARDY & M'GREW, Steamboat and Gen eral Agents, Corner of Firat and Ferry streets. RIVER, WUTllkit, Elo.—The river is Mill tilling, with d feet 9 inches in the channel. The weather is v-ty warm and cloudy, with Indications of rain. Clouds of duet are circling through the murky atmosphere, rendering pedes trianism anything but pleasant. At the wharf treighte come down steadily, and hosts are receiving proportionately. pretty good loads. OPYIId TIN, ETC The Alma le reetivieg rapidly for New Weans, and will get away on iVedneaday evening. The South America Navas for St. Louis ou Tuesday eve uing, takiug freights for all intermediate ports. Capt. Cadman arrived. on Saturday with the Clara Dean and a good load. Our old friend, Sam Anderson, officiates iu the oftice. The Superior kit on Saturday evening ou her Bret trip to Cincinnati. The Fulton City ie taking on railroad Iron on the Alle gheny City aide. Almost the entire cargo of the St. Lawrence is being dupli plicated by the manufacturers of this city. The Lizzie Martin has made her last trip in the Muskingum river trade. She will go from Zanesville to the Upper Ilia wise ippi. ARRIVED. Steamer Lucerne, Jacobs, Brownsville. 001. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. "legraph,. Woodward, Bromtville. Rosalie, Doyle, Wheeling. " Fort Wayne, Mulford, New Orleans. " Potomac, Barry, Cincinnati. Clara Dean, Cadman, Louisville. DEPARTED. steamer Col. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth. •• Telegraph, Woodward, Brownsville. Luzerne, Jacobs, Brownsville. " Rosalie, Doyle, Wheeling. Superior, Grace, Cincinnati. • Dauatalt, Stockdale, St Louis. " Delegate, Manias, Louisville. " Dr. Kane. Schuman, St. Louis. J. S. Pringle, Brickell, CincinnatL " Lizzie Martin, Brown, Zanesville. For Now Orleans. LLMA J.tOBLKSON, Master. The light draught, fist running passtnger packet, A I.3.lA—ltearmsoN, Master—will leave f.r the above and all intermediate ports, on SATUIti•AY, the 27th instant, at 4 P. et. For freight or passage apply rn board, or to tor 24 FLACK, BA • NES & CO., Agents. REGULAR PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET The elegant side wheel, passenger packet SUPERlult—thipt. Itatmccw J. Gaeoz—will •eave Pittsburgh for Cincinnati, every t3ATUR DAY, at 10 o'clock, A. in. Returning, will leave Cincinnati every TUESDAY MORNING. mr23 FLACK, BARNES ts CO., Agents. For Marlette and Zanesville. The steamer EMMA GRAHAM, Capt. Moe. ftOE AYBS.S, will leave tor the above and. all intermediate porta on every TUESDAY, at 4 u'clock, P. M. For freight or pasaage apply on board. Da6 or St. Louis, K.eokuir, Burlington, Mus catine, Rook island and Davenport. The flue passenger eleamer AItIZONIA -66FU Capt. Haamten—will leave for the*above aria all Intermediate ports on Alt/NDAY, the 29th toataut, at 4 o'clock p. 151. mr24 FLACK, BARNES A CO., Agents. _ k`or St. Louie. lOWA Moon; Master. The light draught, fast running passenger packet lOWA, blooan, Master, will leave for the above and all intermediate ports, on THIS DAY, the 24th instant, at 4 o'clock P. M. For freight or plumage, having superior accomodations, apply on Lard, or to LLAMA & Sim;HEW, Agents, fe4 Corner First and Ferry streets. rrliE CHEMICAL OLIVE ERASIVL gSOAP, manufactured by B. J. tic J. tt. eawyer, re r,mives £tt preference over all other kinds ever offere.tl for family use. Its advantages over other Soaps are :—Lit. It is cheaper to use, one pound being equal to three of common rosin Soap. 2d. Half the time need only be occupied in washing when this Soap is used in place of other Soap. id. Labor in washing can ba nearly dispensed with, as the clothes will requite little if any rubbing, thus avoiding their wear on the wash-board. 4th. Soiling :he clothes Is unnecessary when this Soap is need, and hard or salt water answers equally as well as soft. sth. Printers, Machinists, Painters and others, dud it fox superior to other Soaps. It speedily re. moves grease, tar, paint, printers' ink and dirt from the hands, leaving the skin soft, and free from chapping. To avoid the labor of rubbing the clothes, and the use of the wash-board, the following directions should be followed : For the washing of eight or ten of a family, take one pound of Soap, cut it into shavings, and dissolve in one gallon of but water; put the clothes into tub Containing about ton gallons of warm water; pour in the dissolved Soap, and stir thoroughly. Let them soak twenty to thirty minutes, wring out, and rinse In warm water once, cold water twice. A very dirty wrist-band, or seam, or grease sp ts, may require a alight rubbing, but otherwise the clothes will come out clean and white, without rubbing or boiling. Cold water may be uiniti in place of hot, requiring about double time in soaking. Air Observe oar name on each bar. For sale, in any quantity, at our warehouse, No. 47 Wood street, dad at oar works, opposite the Round Rouse, Penn sylvania avenue. S. C. &J . EI. SAWYER, fe2d No. 47 Wood street. $12.500 TO LOAN, on good business or accommodation paper, in amounts from $lOO to $2OOO, having from one to nine months to run. Lenquire of J. K. 110.11 ANGE, No. 67 Fourth street, mail at* Next door to Mechanic's Bank. NEW GOODS FOR SPRING SALES.- We are daily receiving from our own and Eastern lactories, additions lo our stock, which consists in part of Floor ('ll Cloths, Carriage Oil Cloths, Vurnitaro Oil Cloths, Tab o Oil Cloth, Crash Oil Cloths, Transparent Oil Cloths, Transparent Window Shades, Buff Hoßands, and Shade Trimmings. Merchants, Housekeepers, and others, requir:ng any goods in our line, are invited to call and examine the stock, and judge for themselves in regard to the quality and prices. J. PHILLIPS, Nos. 28 and 23 St Clair street. J J . AND, LAND, LAND: acres of land situate in Woodbury county, lowa, for sale or ez ange for real estate in, or near the rAtiy, by eh OMB= BON 4/ *as& street. 4444 ‘"ik-'l5 41" E." CIAL. ki Ei r i'S 7 itl IV. 11. WILLIAM'S. V-ize. Fru-0412r. DIOKIIY, .Thensurer. H. HOLMES, J 2 Saperintere.dfne. JOSEPH SNOWDEN. Committee of Arbitration for March. P. R. BRUNOT, Vice President, JOSEPiI R. UUNTER, AUSTIN LOObIIS. PITTsBURGUI DIARKET. New York Market. Cincinnati Market. New York Stook Diarlaet. RIVER NEWS. PORT OP PITTSBURGH. nur.? 9 MCIREB W 41.12.13. 12i T2:11 C1L1N21.61. STEAMBOAT 6. NEW ORLEANS. CINCINNATI. For Cincinnati. ZANESVILLE. ST. LOUD. 44.A%,54 - ,..• , - z: ...,:.i.,?...7,-..,..,..„.:,,,,,,,;,,::,,-...:.,..,,,,-. AM tf SEMENI S PITTSBURGH THE BUSS KI6I.BEILLY 3. G. ..... biaarsa PUIOI2 OP Atlbfaisiotc: Boxes 50c. Private Box, lar $8 00 Second Tier .25c. Private Box, small 600 Third Tier 115 c. Chlor.d Box 25e. Single Seats in Private Box, $l. j Csl. , r.ad Gallery ..... ....15e. ALTERATION OF TIME. Doors open at 7 'clock. Perfonimuc .o commencs at 7% Box race, for sale of Ticket,, p. .n from 10 to 3 o'clock. The Dfanagerees takes great plaisure in announcing an engagement (or bix nicht!, with the young and talented American Tregedienne, MRB. AHON. First appearance of the popular Comedienne and Vocalist, MISS ROSA CLINE. SIONDAY EIJI:NINO, March 29th, 1858. will La acted Shakapear% Tragedy, la 5 Acta, entitled RUM E° AND JULIET Sicqation Romeo Ur. J. 3 Hanley To conclude with the laughable Farce, in 1 act, entitled THE NEW FOOTMAN. Polly Picnic, (fret appearance, .....Mies Rosa Cline, tar hiR T. 11. HADAWAY, the celebrated Comedian, has been engaged, and will shortly appear. The Beautiful Collection of Pa - nting,s, INCLUDING THE EASTERN SLAVE MARKET, CLEOPATRA, DEATH Cr'LEANDER, and the famous 011t0ABBLAN MODEL OF BEI lITY, Are uow on Free Exhibition at the TONT I NE ROUSE, No 93 Third Street. Call and see them. Jyl7 GEO. 80111\ eau., Proprietor. JOHN W. M'CARTHY, ILL POSTEIteI NITILL ATTEND 1.0 THE POSTING and DISTRIBUTIN'i of all kinds of BILLS FOR OONOERTIO i.a.:011111E'8, EXIMIITIONA, a, All communications- :either by mail, telegraph, or actin. vitae—directed to the office of the Warming Poet, will recelis prompt attention anT DAGUERREAN GALLERIES AMBROTYPES- A BEAUTIFUL AND DURABLE PICTURE, WARRANTED, CAN BE HAD AS LOW AB AT ANY FIRST CLAS3 ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY, AT fol 2 W ALL'S, V, atilt street. GRE ALT A T 11.-tAC) TION • AT NO. 60 MARKET ST., Where can be seen the largest collection of AR BItOTIP 1' if f (i 11 1 1 1 1' 11 SPE:III%I . En% EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS CITY. ..ger• Persons wishing Pictures of themselves or friends, are invited to call and examine beftals Setting eisswhei 0, as WE WARRANT PICTURES to any that can Le obtained west of the LikAllitalati uctS h. 13 WYKES, Artist. R. M. CARGO & CO., Photographers and Ant brotypist s, NEW YORK GALLERY, No. 78 Fourth street, and SUNBEAM GALLERY, S. W. cor. of Market street and Diamond, Pittabargn. PRICES TO SUIT ALL. myliktf-Sp a 0 G TS S NEW DAGUERREA.N AND AMBROTYPE SKY ...4_ND SIDS-LIGHT GALLER V FIFTLI STIMIT, NEARLY OPPOKTETIIII POST OVVION PICTUB.ES taken in all the various styled, in an; weather, and warranted to pleeee, at reasonable rate& Im.l3lek or d..,oesaa,l pencils taken at their residun.. aD2Olvdkw-18 WYKES' GALLERY OF ART, N 0.6 0 MARKET STREET.-PICTURES taken at this Gallery by a now and improved process, giving tho natural color of the hair, eyes, dregs and complex ion. They are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be far superior to any pictures eve. exhibited to this city. Citizens and etrangereare invited to call and examine his large collections of specimens. His Gallery being on the second floor, is easy of access. N. o.—Picturea of Children taken iu two anomie. at ho. 60 Market street. my 2i:tf is NELSON'S AMBROTYPES. PRICES REDUCED. GALLERY CORNER OF TECLRD AND MARKET STREETS ) Entrance on Third street. Citizens and Strangers desiring AMBROTYPES, executed in the highest degree of artistic beauty and perfection, can be accommodated at short notico by calling at • NELSON'S WELL KNOWN GALLERY, • - - THIRD STREET. Prices One Dollar and onward. aratly2tl p.110Tal; V? ADU NT rm. AHOTOGRARHY.—THis Awr HAS BEEN trotight to each perfection that pictures taken by :hie proceed have beeh pronounced pertect by the Beier' tine world. They can be hid in uN their beauty and artistic elegance, at WALL'S PICTURE GALLERY, OR Fourth street, Jnea' Building. mr27:lw WHOLESALE CLOCK DEPOT, No. 42 Fifth street, near Wood. REINENAN&KEYRAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. FANCY GO I.DS. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS A N D WATCH MATERIAL, AT EASTERN PRICES. tuna For Sale, AnTWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND SEWN-also, on the same lot a splen did Engine and Boiler compete, irom fourtein to eighteen horse power. Machinery of Wrought and Cast Iron Shafts, Cast Iron Bullies, Battings, etc. The subscriber will leave the city on the let of April next. If any person wishes to purchase, they will call soon, on J. GEORG ti BAWBERRY, Ohio street, between West and Middle streets, wed:44[4M tw—u Allegheny City. Saitely and Economy in Light. WHY WILL YOU BURN CAMPIIENE AND FLUID, when you can get a cheaper and better light. Pure Kerosene Oil, made from the gas of Can nel Coal, produces the cheapest, most brilliant, steady, pleas. act, and safe portable light ever offered to the public, and uo danger of explosion ; more brilliant than gas, and quite as cheap; lamps of the moat simple and easily managed construction. For sale by T. D. et 41. RODKINSON, No. 70 amithileld street. Jar' Beware of a counterfeit already in tne market, made from Camphene, with a little Coal Oil to scent it. Clahly SPRING FASMOINS. 4 rplIE SPRING STYLE SILK HAT, IS , now ready, at O. 11. PAULSON'S, mf24.3w No. 7.3 Wood street. DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING, Blanks, and Duncan's system of Penmanship, for sale by w. S. UAVEN, Corner Market and Second [treat/. 500 GROSS HAVEN'S No. ONE PENS. Jnat recelvad and foi sale by W. 8. HAVEN. Corner Ilartiet era Second street.. DERRY & CO.'S fine and extra fine Pens, for sale at W. 8. HAVEN 8 Stationery store, Nee. 31, 83 and 35 Markel Street 1. 0 BAGS Drie li cl AG A A pp y es, c f o oj on sal 6v e E bz oar mad Nos 18 aid 20 Wood street 10 SACKS FEATHERS, for sale by BAGALEY, COSOKAVE & CO., mr24 Nos. 18 and 20 Wood ntroat i L 0 DRUMS COD FISH, for sale by BAOALEY, coscia.A.vN & CO., mr24 Nos 18 and 20 Wood atrbot 100 BBLB. N II . AG C AL T MOs f e o a r Av sa E & CO., sale by mr24 Nos. 18 and 20 Woo; street 80 BBLS. Potatoes; received and for sale b y JAMES A. FETZER, mr24 Corner Market and First attests. APPLES. -24 barrels Green Apples, ree'd and for sale by JAS. A. FETZER, mrat Corner Market and Fiat etreeta. lITTER.-6 barrels prime Roll Rutter, ro 111 calved and for sale by JAS. A, YET 'ER, mr24 Corner Market and Firat etreeta. DI. CARB. SODA.-10 kegs on hand and for sale by (mr9) Lt L. BABARSTOCA CO.. INKSTANDS.—A M lazi . g • e jo v N af i l s eg i fo a r c ejt a le at deg Stationery Warehouse, 67 Wocui et. ABOUT THE LATE CONCERT.—Com fort, fit and fashion add much to our enjoyment. Thou whose feet rained them at the late concert from the er ects of bad fits, orivho needeomething new for spring wear to make them feel comfortable, should buy some of DIFFEN BACHER h CO.'B Fine French Slippers, Gaiters, Boots and Shoes, at the PEOPLieB SHOE STORE, mr2B No. 17 Fifth street, near Market. QTARCH.-300 big. Rochester Pearl Starch Sz inla bj (3419 J =NM a. wawa. n)_,0tk!r.? ,, • , :c ., ` , .,...,:... - ::::, , ,: SPfIING AND SUMMER fisHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST A.RE TURNED from .New York and Philadelphlz, feels onaildeut that ha can OFFEE INDUCEMENTS TO PUt. CHASERS, BOTH IN STYLES, QUALITY AND PRICES, UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOUSE WEST OF THE MOUN• TAINS. Miss Till nbull adi 4 c . . 1 0 ...:4' k 4 4 E. S. WYKES, Artist And at the MISCIaiItANIMia N E DRY GOODS. RICH FANCY DRESS SILKS, MOH BLACK BAYADERE - DRESS SILKS, RICH BLACK SILK ROBES, " PLAIN BLACK SILKS, ~ PRINTED BERAGE3, ORGANDIE LAWNS, " U " ROBES. Also—Ohallies, Crape De Espanees, Lawns, to. SHAWLS AND MANTLES' BROC HE BORDERED STELLA SHAWLS, PRINTED BORDERED STELLA SHAWLS, Of every Style, Color and Quality, varying in prices frOm Two to Fifteen Dollars FRENCH LACE AND CHANTILLA MANTLES, Finn Three to Thirty Dollars. NEEDLE WORK. HANDSOME SETT COLLARS AND SLEEVES, VERY RICH REAL FRENCH WORK COLLARS, EMBROIDERED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, JAIJUNET AND SWISS EDGINGS, INSERTINGS, AND PLOKNOINGS, WHITE GOODS. PIQUET CLOTH, FOR BASQUES, COLLARS AND SLEEVES, FRENCH AND ENGLISH BRILLIANTS, AOO NETTS, NAINSOOKS, MULLS, SWISS, VICTORIA LAWNS, Ike., PLAIN, PLAID, STRIPED AND FIGURED. HOSIERY. A FULL AND COMPLETE as SORTMENT MOURNING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. GOODS FOR BOYS' WEAR,. Black, Blue, Green, Drab and Olive CLOTHS. Black, Blue, Green, Drab and Olive CASHIIIERETTS. Plaid, Plain and, Striped OASSIMERBS TWE DS. MERINO, NA NIONETTS, OASSIMERY-S. Linea uud Cotton Pant Staffs, 40., DOMEsTICS. THE LAIWEST STOCK IN THE way of the above Goods were bought v‘,4 MANUFACYITHERS[AND JOIBBERs, LARGE AUCTIONS, FOR tCASH, WE ARE ENABLED TO BELL SMELL AT C THAT DEFY COMPETITION. • Call and Examine our Stook, loe,- fore Purchasing Elsewhere- C, HANSON LOVE, Formerly Love Brothers, and Yc 5t61761/89n & LOW, SIGN OF THE "ORIGINA.L BER.IIIVE M RBLE ! JO NA 01 CaRGO lIAB A BEAUTIFUL SZLECTION 08 MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES. Enclosures, Posts, ac., aie, • PlySiburg - fh • pa, Tha pabli o 2 r, rw a tful%i i ritail to ortaroble our dock. MS* VA?, LI LIEEM MK% Ne i , 74 Markc3t Street, itlf.Aumk ''''',li‘-.‘,;;;;,-,.''.,e • ~_,,,:m _ '''. 'i1f.:',:f..4:7i:7:,-'''''':',--:7.P..':;:•.-',:g-'...1i'4. '''''Zl.l,.'., 7 ',..,',-'l,''';',':: '. .:.:. : : '''''' ...• t.''..;.^;ATV —0 / Mt SANFORWS INVIGORATOR, is REQUIRED - TO CURE ANY ONE. troubled with Liver ClomPirdnta. =bee the moss des perste of cases, when the sae id bottle will, with scarce a single failure, restore the patient-to health and vigor. We wish to call the attention of all to these fief, that the In vigorator is compounded by • ph- Wien who has limed tt in his practice for the past twenty years with a imam almost credulous, and that it L 3 entirely vegetable, being composed wholly of gams. Some idea of the eta ength of these gime may be formed • when it is known one bottle of the Invigorator =talus as much strength as one hundred doses of Calomel without-ea y of ate deleterious effects. We know there is nothing now before the American pub • lie, prepared with such skill by a tsclentilic man, patticaly fordis:mees of the Liver, as Dr. Senfo - td's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the world, simply because it rust on its own merit. To convince all by trial. teat It is all MI proprietors claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from each diseases on are described in Dr. Eanford'a advertisement, we know of know remedy that will so surely cure them as the Invigorator. The Invigorator ccit. tuck • 'ha, ULle or two teaspoonfuls at each attack and it will soon disappear. 'Yor an overloaded stomach, or when fool rises or sours, take the Invigorator after eating, and it will not prove disagreeable or oppressive. For Boar:barn, Palpitatiom, or Difficult Breathing, take a tr . • ! , cenoal once 4Dr twice daily. }for Loss 01 appetite, Dengue. r L. , :tleemens, the medichie ia invaln• able. It will rade).s the appetite and make the food digest well. Nightmare, take a t,a3p,auful on retiring, and the demons of dreamland mill Mi. b fairies. 'After eating a hearty dinner, takes et lo 4 igoratorand it will relieve all oppression or itillu,l4 7'• clnvigorato;La Liver Rome dy of unequaled Tit toe, acting directly on that organ, cur- ing Dyspepsia, Jaunitze, isillious Attacks, Dysisntcry, Piles, Worms, and ell Petunia Ob,tructlans, for which it has no eqttal. " ROBES, We know there is nothing now before the eiderloan pub. lic prepared with such skill by a scientiflo man, particular ly for diseases of the Liver, as r. s.nford'a Invigorator ' or Liver Remedy. It has attained a reputation second to no other article in the word, simply because it rumen its owu merit. To convince all by trial that it is all its pruprietcas claim it to be, if any of our readers are suffering from inch diseases as are described in Dr. Sanford's advertisezaent. know of no remedy that will so surely care them as tri.. nvigurator. " ROBES, There has lately bean biought s our notice a medicine that 8813M8 to posse ni wonderful, curative and healing pro perties in diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Digestive Or gam. It came to ua with no many testimonials in Its laver that we have noted its effects in some of the worst cases as continual dibility, ceased by derange• liver, and in every instance the effect was to relieve or give a permanent cure. Dr. Sanford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy is what we re far to. We always have been credulous about cures by pat. ant medicines, but we are convinced that this medicine, for family usa, is not overrated by the host of recommesdatiol ,• It has. Our advice is, for all troubled with Indigestion ; r, bility or Bowel Complaint, to get a bottle and try it; our word for it, relief will be experienced. 8LE9311109 To TEL Inveuns who use Dr. Sanford'' Invigor • ator, for it will r Neve them of their pains as soon as it la taken into their stomach. Pain and misery cannot exist where the Invigorator to used, for it will as surely drive them away, as daylight will banish darkness, of this there can b , no doubt to th ,se who try iy for it carries conviction with every dose taken. Another evidence is the thousand' of certificates from those who use it or have been cured by it, Try one bottle, It it does no; benefit, then we era mistaksh. Paws om DOLLAR PER BOTTL.I. & CO., Proprietora,. 845 Broadway, New York i7or E 3.4 by G. H. NYSEII, G Weryi atrp t, Pittabttric,l. jal:2radz-4--2-p R. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, hue dieoov ered fu ouo of our common pasture woods a remedy that cares Every kind of Humor, PROM TUN WORST SCROFULA DOWN TO A COMMON PLIIPLE. lin has tried it in over eleven hundred C3See . , and never failed except In two cases, (both thunder humor.) lie had now in his possession over ono hundred certificates of Its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted fo care a nursing sore month. One to three bottles will care the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two or threo bottles will clear the system of bllee. Two bottles are warraotod to cure tat worst canker in the mouth or stomach. Three to Ilve bottle-3 aro warr...ated to ours the worst kind of Erysipelas. use to two bottles aro warmutod to ears all humor in the aye]. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears sad blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. Ono bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two or three bottles are via...rental to cure the woratkind of ringworm. Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the moat del paste case of rhenmatiem. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure Balt-Rheum. Five to eight bottled will cure the worst case of Bereft:du. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity la taken. ' ItOXBUIiY, MASB DEAII MADAIS,—The reputation of the Aleditad Discovery, in curing all kind of humors, is so Well'establialsed by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used It, that I need not any anything on the subject, as the moat skilfal physi clams and the moat careful Druggists in the country are un animorut in its praise. In presenting the Medical Diecovery to your notice, I do it with a hill knowledge of the curative power. in relieving all, and curing moat of those di.-wles in which you are an fortunately no liable. That moat oxen:whiting &wipe to all affectionate mother, NURSING SORB Is cured as if by a miracle; your own temper fa restored Ira its natural sweotnesi, and your babe from short and fratltil naps to calm and sweet slumbers ; and the Medical Macaw* ry becomes a fountain of bleating to your husband and household. In the more advanosd stages of CANKER it extends to the stomach, caning DYSPEPSIA, which is nothing but canker of the stow h; then to Ma intestines and creating a sinking, gone feeling, and ad indifference won 6* the cares of your famll3. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses you, and ;on can only take certain kinds, and even of that your system does not get half the nourishment it contains as the scrimonous Said of the canker eats it up; then your complexion loses its bloom and be comes sallow or greenish, and your best day is gone. For want of nourishment your system becomes loose and flabby, and the o.bres of your body become relaxed. Then follow a train of diseases which the Medical Discovery Is peculiarly adapted to CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the aide, weakness of the spine and small of the back, pain of the hip joint when you retire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that moat *neta elating of diseases, the 0 u) How many thousands of poor WOlllOll uro suffering from this diseaso and pining away a miserable life, and their next door neighbor does not know the cause. .1 wish to impress oo your mind that good old proverb, " d a ounce of proven• lion is•botter than a pound of cure." In the MEDICAL DISCOVERY you have both the preventative and the care, with this great and good quality, that it will never, under any circumstances. do you any injury. No change of diet ever necos.,ary—tat the boat yoncan gat and enough of it. Draionotv: Fon ows—Adults one table spoonful per day— Children over ton yeaes deaaert spoonful—Children from live to eight years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be appli cablegto all constitutions, • take sufficient to operate on the bowcle twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENNEDY. Price vi,ocr per bottle. For sale by Dr. OEO. EL KEYSER, No 110 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TIN COPPER AD SHEET IRON WARE, DEAI Eit IN - : -. t tA00:151 4414:0.,..,,,, i4 t13440';:= 5 4 4 . -1 :: k.:::: * - 0,....,...,...;! 1 . 1 ,7, : ..,..::.:- t ;:•, '1 . ,..; :. ;:t. i .1 .. ,7.4.;..;.'',,.:4:,;;.':.;''''': ' - '''''..:• - •:':'•: : = - P: , ...::..; , .. :::::'.'-.:e:". ... ... ._...,, MEDICAL_ • • EATEST ctfF. rr -2..03 DISCOVERY - OF THE AGE. KIDNEYS, PILES. tep :(11w B 0 IV Al A N ' VEGETAIILE OOMPOIIND IMME MEM Qui*, Iloareeneee, Dinedlug of the Lnage, Coneamptlon. For sale by And felo:dAer ULO. LL 15.12YESit, PittiOurgh, J. P. lii.Elll2lo. Allegbenyriky. IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, OALL:AT MESTER% b4 - filiaut assortment of SEASONABLE P/EOE GOODS OIIESTER'S 001'1110 HALL, C.rnar cC %%Mod ,tract and Diamond allay. kio - • W. Study to irk 3. on ta.. , 01 nt BOWN & TETLEY'S SHOOTING GALLERY, No. 136 Wood street. J. H. DEMMLER, PIANIIPACTIDIErt OP Rouse Furniture, Hardware, WHOLESALE ,A.ND RETAIL. NO. its 0 1111attTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA, Keeps coratantly on hand, a late assortment of Tin Wale, Copper Kettle!, etc., of goat quality, at very low- price.% Country utorchanta are invited to call co - Alt Jab Work, P.oofing, etc., will be promptly at. tended to. mr2o:lm* NESIIANNOCK POTATOES; --25 sacks received and fur bale, by mr2o lIENRY 11. COULNIB. Itrcuclaclo, Asthma, Taflammation of thaLuags, irattionza, ARBLE ! !