VOLUME XVI. Pvl"l"SittlEtAiil 11101iiiiiriti POST. R,01.2.13,4 tt,a , T2 jrA.Si:S P. BARB, 101•=1 - 1 Trig COanii, OF WOOD MID TIVTLI ~L^G:d"c.—•live a rear, payablo strictly in:vivant . . Biz Dollara invariably required ii not paid within tho yotr. lifir Single copies, Too CZYZ3—for tit the counter t dud by the NOWtI Bop. RATES uF ADVE Tel LINO. ;alty.lar'w.47:l; one insertion.... ..... .1 Two insertions Throe insertions One week. . Two weeks Three weeks One naonth- Two mouths Throe m0uth5....... ... Your months Vivo mouths... Biz months Nine m0uth5........... One year Banding Card, oil line I=l One square, per annn Marriage notice:l PITTSBURGH SATURDAY POST A MAMMOTH 'WEEKLY. ONLY ONE DOLL/Vg ?ER YEAR,' IN CLUBS .OF TEN." Single SubscriptiOnA, 02 per annum. CONTAINS ALL TIIE CURRENT NEWS OP THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agricultural, Commer cial, Local, Telegraphic and Miscellaneous. This Paper being of the LABGE.97 Biz; and neatly print() on fine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the subscriber to give better satiefa.itlon than any paper puolished in Pittsburgh. Those who wish to tate a. paper from Pittsburgh, will find the SATURDAY 'POST a safe and profitable investment. Addrus, . JAMES P. BARR ) , sepl7 liditor end Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS. JAM. P. 8411/11. nakata & MYERS' BOOK AND JOB MICA POST 23T- 7 / 7 ,-.1:0/14Catai, Corner of Fifth 4ml Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. unlieraigried liaviug made - extol:wive additioud ui the LATEST ANL IiANDBOIIEST fSTYLE3 F TYPE, and improved Machinery, to the MORNING POST JOB OFFICE, invite thos ituntion of nail Itoad Officers Merchants, business uo., and the public, generally, to their superior facilities for executing with dispatch, on reasonehie terms, all kinds GC zRAIL rAOAD,, ii/EitCA.NTIL - E, • LEGAL, AND EVERY OTIIIIR DESCRIPTION OF WAIN & FANCY PRINTING Our cisterns' being nearly 'all Stewywa can give` arian• ratios of tbu meat cornplau satisfaction, and solicit orders for IOKS, RAIL ROAD BILLS AND RANK CUL(BLS, BLANK • • LETTER READS, BILL LEADS, BILLS iLADING, OIROULARN, BUSINESS CARDS, PAPER BOOKS, DEEDS. . . MORTGAGES, BONDS, dec. 114- Particular attention will also be paid to the printing of Poeters, Progracurees, I.tc. lbr Concerts, Ezbibitione and BARR Et MYERS. Circuses HUFF , VeitedEßlC & CO. .FORWARDING AHD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DrALE.ns PRODUCE, FLOUR AND WOOL., No. 11.4 r bIiCAND STESST, Prrruntoloa, aaPIaZNORO: gpringor Ilarbaugli, Pittsburgh; Joseph E. Elder, St.Lonla ; Boone A. Wyle, Philadelphia; B. 11. Palmer, Carrot to Martin, McCandless, Meaas A Co., " James, Kent, Santee & Co." li. Childs to Co., " Keene, Sterling & Co., Bagaley, Coagrave to Co., " Yard, Gilmore & Co., . A. A. Mason to Co., " Edward T. Mott, . G. W. Smith, ‘Vheeling; Weaver & Graham, A. J. Wheeler, Banker, einclunati. The People's Shoe Store. I): S. DIEFFENBACHER &CO., Chem Cloth Donlore In all kinds of Fashionable BO T 6, SHOES AND GAITERS, For Gentlemen, Ladice, Youth! and Children, No. 17 Platt Street, near llretrket v ocB PI2TSBIIRGII, PA J. G. 11111.11111 WU. JOLINdOIi 8. A. JOIINSON PERRIN & JOHNSON, Pre,Printers of Childs & Patent. R.litatic Piro and Water Proof Cement Itoodng. 133 THIRD STREET. • tiftliAßS for ROOFING promptly and faith fully exact to,l, and all our wont warranted. Roofing material always on hand, and for sale, with di rections for nee. sop2tly JOB. F. HA.IIII.ILTON dr, CO., ENGINEERS AND ' MACHINISTS, Cornea . of First and Liberty streets, Piltibul glt, Pa. 1 UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES for oriBt b..) and Baw Mills, Breweries, Printing Establishments, Manufactories, kc., made to order. They also continue the manufacture of their Celebratal Machinista"rools, such us Turning Lathes, iron Planers, Boring and brining Machines, Lc. Also, Wrought Iron bhatting, with Pulloya, Hangers, c. &a. JaB:lyd ILOS.F.IIT JUAN TIIOMPSON JOHN THOMPSON fa, CO., HOUSE PAINTERS,GLAZIERS AND DRAINERS, No. 135 TWA street. SIGN PAiNT -INO executed with EltatLlCtil and devotee. Mixed Paints, Oh Turpentine Varnish, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Ville Moiataigne Ziucit, a very euperior article; Phil a. detphia and Pittebnrgh•White Lead always on hand and 1.,r sole. We aro prepared to grind colors for Painter; Drug gisto, or others, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill welch grinds by steam - Painters will save money 1 - 3 , get ting their colors ground with ua. manly GOLD AND SILVER - BPICTAOLES, T MANUFACTURER'S P.RIOES. HYDROMETERS or weighing apirits, tho oheaput end best art1e.16,3 ever brought to this city. IitIMIONISTEII2 AND BAROILETERH varying In pricy from FO 1,) 00 each. POCIS.ET COMPASSEC, ♦ND dUttVr;Yolt'3 COBIPAI3BII,ti, 1111 hand t it O. E. filleat'S, Practical Optician, 68 Fkfat 3,:reet. oppectlte 81=n1c Hall Mineral Water Depot. J. a BUFFUII Id. B. BUBIIEtt. eC. BUFFUM & CO., Manufacturers of • gureaparittn, Ilineral Water, Pop, Bottled Me an! Porter; also, Bottler:, of Wainwright's celebrated Vi'intertn, Ale. Warebonae, Itlarlaot street' PIISOBGA4EI, dor, - and ~ :I.lpped to aB 'parte of the country bortmst tiotirg: aplalydow B. C. & J. HI. SAWYER, IS ANU7I CS - J2E25 0 V LARD OIL, CA NDLES, PALM, TOILE r, AND ROSIN SOAPS . tit,. *7 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. t.LBWELT L. WELlit. A. L. WEBB & BRO. (Bocce-sore to ELDEA k WZAII,) GENERAL COMMISSION MEROHANTS ANL) AGF.NTS FOIL THE EAU OF DUPONT'S POWHES AND SAFETY FUSE Cornsi Pratt:and Commerce zit/roans, BALTIMORE, Bobceive on Consignment all kinds of Western Produce, and mate advances thereon. RDBERENCE Ono. W. Emith .5c Co., W Smith , W. 11. Garrard, Miller Back etson. mrtat-a-w,Bm F. J. Bustle., C. GUTENDORP BUSSIA. a GUTENDOILF, he AOIMAOIIIHERS OF r4TEAM LERS, And all kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Ponn street, near Water, Pittsburgh, Pa. Qatuiaa Mu tat AMOS) Lk2ki,y • • • , . . . . . . . . - - • -- - • ‘,,-, - . . • , • . • . ~..„. . . :,. v! •.. )• ..., ~, ~..._. A t ~.•.., . . ..., .. ~ . ,• , . 4 < j 2 . "..-.,,--. ... , ,:•• . 5,„,,, , ,5 4, ,- ...0 - --0,. •,,,, - • .c • .... . '•'• ''': 1 ' 4 ~,,.• ; _ r : 't ti: F , . . .7', 1 f • :.;:. . k,.. 4 ' i . . . ~, .. ~., v k ; '' ,, Z / M ' i'.,4 ~.... . -. ...... t -,,, ... . . , ..., in 19'kt paper. iiOrliker Irwin Street and Ituquenne IN ay, PITTSBURGH, PA. 0, ) O. MARKER, - - PROPRIETOR, 6 ,, (Formerly of the " slarher 1.1.0u..16,' Blairsville, Pa.) uo TH E SCOTT HOUSE IS NOW COM PLETED AND OPEN FOR GUESTS. It is situated .2, & I in a central part of the city, Laing convenient to all Railroad o c, Depots and Steamboat Landinge. 6 ,) The House was built in 1856, with all modern Irapr.ve b6o ineum, and fitted up in splendid style—the entire Furuitnre 65 0 being new—and will in every respect to a first class 1i0t.31. W Fine STABLES are attached to the premises. L 2 00 265 8 36 4 65 6 00 6 65 7 35 B 00 10 35 13 85 :9, per 1 50 , D o 2'60 3 60 4 50 5 00 6 60 6 00 8 GO 10 00 anon'. ED. A. ITZEAD -_--~ PUBLISHED DAILY BY JAMES P. BARR, AT THE a POST BUILDLNGS;" CORNER OF WOOD AND MTH STREF7r-i HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. • WISHINCITON HOUSE, COR. PENN'A AVENUE 4 - THIRD ST., WASEIir-ICTalt:, D. C .-k. F. BEVERIDGE SCOTT HOUSE, H. W. KANAGA 0 T ffi; BA 9 Opposite the Perma. Rallroad Depot, HARRISBURG, PA, [jinn WASHIENGTON HOTEL, FORMERLY 11. 8. HOUIL, PITTSBURGH, PA. JAMES CHATINON, Proprietor. HIS lIOUSE IS LOCATED ON TILE corner of and WASIIINGTON Streets, between the CENTRAL AND WESTERN RAILROAD DF.PtY2S, and hue undergone a thozough improvement, remodeled and furnished with new furniture, and ie now the moot conve nient. Hotel in Pitteburgh, for Travelers by Railr. nd, Eoot or West. - Excelsior Restaurant, o). "S. IT No. 111 WOOD Street, PITTSBURGH, PA , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAI,EIL IN LAIE.h ANL) EatiiTERN FISH The undersigned has just received fr. in i h... Faitern mar ket, selected with great care, :ill ELT, HALIBUT, HADDOOR, FRESH COD FISH, DAS 011101 kiSil, IiEVEItAL VA.HIETLc..t OF !ART: FISH, New York. Princes Bay, Egg island, Islgg Ilarbor, shell liyatora. ice finest eve: brought to this cics. Every deLiettcy et th vetuldu nerved spat t ho 11XUEL9IO3 1:4.1.11i,t: . • 1. mrl:clew COPILE 2.BESTAURA.N T. ELI YOUNU, Firma 'STREET. The ettoutiou ui ilerchanto , • aria others i 9 directed to this r• - • catabliehnieut, which ilea beau recently iltud op for 2110 porpu!u of aifordiqg a eliasTraq• BATLNO HOUR E IN .i. OL.NTLIAL Country folku attending market are particularly invitta t call;- sieverything pertaining to an BATING SALUuN ,always be found, of the irosbedt the market al - lords. apl:l3:lydaw ANSION HOUSE, OEOI.-LOE JUR ENIZ, puoriturrols, No. atr Liberty street, just beelde thz. :111:tleugur Depot of the Pennsylvania liailrowl, which mall . < it the most convenient house in the city for passongers arri • ving by that road. • . . ;I'M, proprietor having, at ounaiderahle expense, fitted ni , , in excellent style, the IILAMION fiOll2E, would respect fully solicit a share of public. patronage. There is attach: .1 a splendid STABLE and extetinive WAGON LAND, alfcri fag atnple accommodation to travelers and teamsters. Larder and Bar will be furnished with the host the nuirlt, t can afford. fehLy CIT. CLAIR - HOTEL, corner Penn and St. u Clair streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.—The undersigned : former ly of "13rown's Hotel," ...tilting taken this large anti Movie HOTEL, and having refitted it in nusguincent style, would respectfully invite his friends and the traveling public M give him a call. Assured, with the convenience of the house and his long experience in the tm.sifless : entire satisfaction, a ad his charges moderate. fabTl Wbl. u. CONNELLY. GROCERILeS. AMES PATTON, Jr., Federal street, Al e, lcsltony, Wholoaala Urocor and Tea Dealer, aud Lictub,d Liquor lllerchant. Dealer in Uover and Timothy t.oeu, Batter, Cll, ase, Lard, Bacon, Flour, bait, /tat, ac., and C,,uu. try Produce generally, uov2:3 JAMES PATTON, Js., - Federal street, Allegheny, re now receiving its store the fallowing, which he will Hell at the lowest cam priced, viz :- 123 bbla. new crop plantation Alolassw; 27 Ltda. '• " Sugar; BO Wild. Grocers Syrup; 10•bble. prime roll Butter ; &Iv lbs. Feathers; 120 boxed Cheeao ; • LW Bacon Hams; 40 half cheats Young llyson, Imperial , aul!geauitt, Old Couutry leas, with a punral assurtwent of the best awl largest stcca of Nataby Groceries to be had in the city,wtorb is for sale for. Cash—remember, PATTON'S, lel Federal street, Allegheny City. SUGAR.- ..L(1 bbla. Baltimore Yellow Sugar. b liheLLlsland 10 Will. Relined 10 " Loveriug asserted Received and for sale by JAM} PATTON, Jr., ncv2.3 Abo4tiony (Ja), ATTENTION, ALLE(IIIENY The subscriber would call your attention to hi. styes of FAMI.4.X (*Wk. 1118 bought, of late, in IN cw York, for OAI3II, Which he will sell at lower prlcos than tiny other house in the two cities, for C 1.01.. Como and eee the prices, as JASIEti PATTON'6, JR., Ft3derttl street' near the Diamond, ALLEUELENY CITY, A WORD TO TEA DKINK.E.ES. THE PEKIN TEA STOIll• no. 38 Fifth street, has imported into this market come i:; the meet grades of (iBEEAV AND BLACK TEAS, grown in the Celestial Empire, done up iu all the varlue: tansy packages which Chinese ingenuity can invent. It IS luZury and comfort to drink them. Proprietors of mean boats and hotels, and private Wallies are invited to can. oct7 KETCIIUPS.- 10 citizen Mushroom lietchup. 10 do Engbeh Walnut do. • 20 do Quetta Tomato do. 00 do Yenta do de. Nor sale by REY.II.EII b. ANDERSON, nov2l No 39 Wood street, opposite St. Charles LIMO Wheal, Rye and Corn Wanted, sTr..a.za BELLY ALLaiiitlNY CITY. . #ll -1 u E SUBSCRIBERS HAVE TAKEN the above establishment, and are prepared POI TEE 1110 REST MMJIT PRICILB IN CA till /Olt :25,000 BIinLIELS OF WORM:. 10,000 RYLVA 10,000. CORN. It is the intention cf the proprietors to otter E.1.141A rlllCtlf for any choise lots of White or tied Wheat. They intoral to make very snpurior Family Flour,-and are willing co pay a rentiarn tO the farmer, in the shape of an extra price, Co it, IUCU Will to raise a choice quality of IN , heat, and to bring it to market in good order. jylEglydrtsv T. KENNEDi h 1110. Lipplucott, Shorten & Jarnon, Liu. 104 WOOD STREET, NEAR MANUFACTURERS OF TRUNKS, Va lium, Fat and Emmet Boxes, Ladies Traveline Trunks, Carpet Bags, .Ic., keep conStantly 1.i., hand a 'erg.- qtook. We are prepared to do a wholesale trade, and hal , mg flicilities to turn cut good stock at reduced prices, v would invite the trade to call and examine our goods t, Core purchasing elaewhe. st .b. CHARLES LIVERY 'STABLES.-- The ntidersigned has bought - the lease of the above named Stables, gether with a portion of the Osten. sive stock of Rome and Carriages, late rue property of James Mathews, deceased. In addition to the stock before-mentioned, he has also added Et number nt VINE GORSES, BUGGIES A.ND CA.RILIA,GES, ahich were formerly employed at hLt Livery Stabile al Mud, below Wood street. An he gives his personal atten tion to the business, a continuance of tho patronage which he has hitherto received fren public is solicited. JACOB GAILDNER, Bt. Cherie. Livery Stables. ti. a.—A HEARSE and any number of CARRIAGES can always be procured tor Funerals. do:19 TEEL PENS. (iillot'a; Pratt's ; Per .) ry'o; Phincae; Jenny Liud; Cooper; American, iluodea h Sun's, and Haven',,, inat received by W. S. HAVEN, Corner Harker and Second eta QWEET GIDER.-4 bble. Sweet Cider, for NJ &du by JAltha A. FETZER, de24 69 Water area. CURISTMAS and NEW YEA/VS GIFTS ot every description in the Fancy Dr/ Goods lino.— Please call and see them. C.I.I.ANnON LOVE, .e r 1,325 Formerly LOVE BitOTEIERB, 74 Market St. fIOPPERAS.-10 bbls on hand and for sale - P PlifiNk'F' ,, VlCa < 7i) _DRESSED HOGS.-14 Dressed Hogs for ualc by HAI HENRY IL COLLINS. TARCII.--200 bss Rochester Pearl Starch 10 for sale by ldeal TINNILY EL COLLINS. DORT FOLIOS AND DESK PADS for sale by WAS. H. JOHNSTON & HO, dc9 67 Wood street. WHITE & CO. 'having complete 9 . R CO., thei; annual inventory, and redu^ed the cost price of . their goods, will tell their present aL:cli at a further reduction of prices. jail TARIEGATED SOAP.-25 boxes Varie gated Soap received, and fir sale cheap, by JAME§ A. BATZER., leloCorner Market - d First streets. • AN ED.-300 buß. good Dried Apples, by 11LS A RETZER, irra vtiPAie jLAOK LBAD.--5000 lba. on hand and for astimac - NrUi NALEIMISTOOK. 41; BOOKS AND STATIONERY. R OBERT A. LOOMIS, (Successor to B. T. C...llorgisu,) iiTATIONER AND DEALER IN BOOKS, PERIOpICAIS AND NEW;•zi..'APERS • No. 41 Fit th eseet, Pit - 68m gh, Co-Partnertglatp. THE undersigned have entered into Co- Partuerghip, under tho style Wts. O. Johnston & Co, SAMUEL IL JOHNSTON, JP.., WILLIAM G. JOE:ASTON. Pittsburgh, Septouthvr 5, 1557. PROPILLETILESB JOl3/SkSTON, Jlt TATIONERS, Blank Book Manufaoturerd, L sod JOB PRINTERS, No. 57 Wood street, t*tweeu Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa. se3o . BLANK BOOKS, Journals, . Day Books, ',edgers, Cash Books, Invoice, Books, &sok Books, Bill Books, Receipt Books. For sale by WM. U. JOHNSTON & CO., d 029 57 Wood street. PIANOS AND MUSIC. • - •. PIANOS' re . FULL uRAND PIANOS I PARLOR GRAND PIANOS ! • AND NEW STYLE SQUAIIE PIANOS,. fount the Slannfactrry of UrileliEßlNG tiesTON, just received from the manufactory of Chi...kering dons', Boston, the following desirable and elegant stock of their PLANO FORTES:— One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, with superbly carved cute. Price .tbUi) One Full seven octave Grand Piano Forte, elegant Rose wood case. Price $7O(/ One New Parlor Grand coven octave Piano, nark equal iu power to a full Grand, and occupying only the room.of an ordinary square Piano. Price i,CAY SQUARE P.IA.NUki I Two full carved Rosewood, Louis XPith, seven octaves, with carved Desk and Feet work. Two Rusewo,di seven octave--Clifford style. Two Rosewood, carved mouldings, :oven ectar.. Four Rosewood, plain round corners, seven UCLWN Turco Walnut, plain round front ruiners, seven oct:o , -- Pour 41. .• o tx, Four Rost wood " " 6 %; All of the above are of their NEW SCALE, and with toll non frames, and altar new Plitclit. kbese lusadineuts have been Ilinslied speelaily for fie subscriber, and will be w.trrantud a purcimstre. For :Ale at their reduced prb,.l. _JELLvii,, cl Woo.J. Stint, • 16:7 :Role E.gekit fir Chickering g Soue., ClurarleJLk.`7l7i•., Grebe, T.E.nodi;u.i 1 OF ..t a 1 4 P 11.41 lio, VEOL/N, uRc,AN ANCiEitiT AND iviCoUtitill LAIICLIAQES. An li,uck, tiorautu, Excuch, uuti 6patLibi3, Tau g ht by Caud. Euquiin ut tiro priaclpul Music 6fmrea. Idatrala TOBP.CCO AND SEGARS. & I). RINEHART, VV . SELLING OFF!! :sB,uou SOLD WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, AT N. BUSH'S, itio. 05 rilarked. otrect, riIITE GREATEST CTIANCE EVER O PEitED to the Ladies to buy ctle"p tho goods are all fresh and new, and of th« late,et uuportatler., consisting of Collars; 81eevea; Bands; Diginga , Setts; Lw,c‘A..; Trunixdug6 , Skirta; rfaints, !tibia:ad:land Vein; Anti will be sold without regard TO COST UOSIERY AND FANCY GOOD 2, Coma Gra', Come An, and don't miss the place, AT J. BUSH'S:, !!ark, street, hetwe.en Plied and:Fourth stre,ls AT IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, IN MECHANICAL, ARCIIITE'CTURAL, ski Itor further irkturnw... , ,,) it c ply to Mr. F. W. JEN {INS, • Principal of Iron City Commercial College, Fitts burgh. I novl4:drud. LARD. -13 pkgs. No. 1 received, and for flak by toil j LIENtLY U 0014.1Nii. - VINE FLOUR. 20 bble. Fine Flour in store, and for ealo by McI.ANDLESS, MEANS C CO, fe2o Corner of Wood and Wator strews,. wpvEN SHIRT BOSOMS—A first-rate article, all ready for use. A variety of styles re bed bt I tell)] 1101114 E'S, 77 Market street. LA,BD.—A Prime article of No. 1 Lard, in bairels aral kelp, jin.t received and for eale by MeCANDLE6S • MEANS CO., Ja23 C“ruer r and Water ctreeta. 4 ILOSJING 0 UT.—Wurnen's Leggings,Wool St, ckings Gloves, Milts, Comforts, Undershirts and Drawers ' and every oth,,warticl, in the of WOOLliti tIIIODZ for men, women Gnu children, will tie closed out vers cheap during the cold spell. JOi. HONE. fel9 77 Market creet. 1 4 11-lUlT.—Raisins, Currants, Cranberries, Figs, Hungarian cherries, Plume, Citron, urnr.gals, Demons, &C., ac., for Bole ut lottv3t figuret for C.ton, by JAMES PATTON, JA., de3il Htre{4, ALLEGHENY CITY. MUCILA.UE—For office utio, in convenient font ,fir stilt by tV U JOUN6TON & CO., &-‘) 67 .triAt+t *T 6 - 0( k FOR a two story frame dwelling touee and lot of gronod 60 feet by /00, pleat.. ntly Mutated on Slt. WaeWngt•..n. Terms easy. teti s CUTILItERT it J.:m, ta market I. ITOTIOE TO BUTCHERS.—Large Meat Cnttera and Sausage Ftilero, Va.rioll.9 eiZO3, at No. 47 Fifth °treat, Pittablargh. dna JAMES WARDRGP g • IX AND A QUARTER, CENTS PER 1„, YARD—Ow: Rale Crash, Just received, by wr9 TIANdOIi LOVE, 74 Ater2;et street. wooLLErs SALVEfur eels wholeslae and rota at the Drug Store of JOUN RAFT, JP., tIP23 Corner of Wood and Sixth as., Pittaburgh. 11 ENS' WOOL lIALF HOSE—Of a very 1, superior quality 11 o wor.l, and acid lust at Eaci l s. altr.si COST, at HORNE'S, . ta'26 ' 77 Martot street. IFOR SALE--A 0r0... Store ; located in 'one ' of the best situations le the city of Pittsburgh, for ether a jobbing, retail or prescription Imaines4. Parched era will fludau advautge of rare °court% noe. For tutorials, Con inquire of &MN HAFT, JR., No. 16d, corner Sixth and Wood streets, CPO Pittabar eh. A. TIME FOR ALL THINGS --Nosy ie the time to buy ;iiss,.; of every description oaz&P We are desirout to aat Out nor winter stock. which .ern prison Gents', Ladies'," Sob' Youth's end Childruns' Wady:- Kenaeluber, the place, •• The Pc..)ples' Eiteo Store," No. 17 rJlthStreet, ut-sr (: 1 1 1 rtmionnAoana a c.o. rioo LIVER OIL, by balk or dozen, ..freek, A„,,/ an hand and rur rain by • wr9 P. L ANNE9TOcK dry .LOCK AND LETTER SIGNS--;.-Of any atylo desired; in Gold or Plain Colors—mosrdaetnmi and pat up at short notice , by .1 4 H PHILLIPS, • iirtr9 - 28 aed Sr. Glair 9treet. DOUBLE MEDIUM, Double Crown, Medi um lied Crown. Straw and 'lag Wrapping Popov!, for sale by W. 3. Repgy , 143 C.:.7raia• Markr.t and graostri streets • LASS.-200 boxes window Glaas, for sale by Inovl7. URNRY COI lINB. CIORIANDER SEED.- Icask just received and for sale by • 13. L. FAHNEBTOCK & 00. lUIECHANIC CORSETS.—A frebh stock of ILL beet mavulactnre, and all the various else= of French Corsets, received by express, and far sale at the lowest prices. JOS. 110ii:•;E. mr2 71 Market street. ATHcaiivrr SHETLAND tlitslo,,roin gafuli m 7 p O iy iD a L. w. --e ite4 til m T sc e ; ond Facaoy,colora of EitlotlNA Wool a; LIORNE 7 o, aiiiket street:, PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY. MARCH 27. iB5B wlra. O. JOHNSTON 6s, CO., I=l TOBACCo, t - OlUirl.' AND CIGRS 183 WOOD STREAI' EiViiiiirAORAMEZEE6, P!TTE;BURCiIi. PA. 4a; AT FlitST DHAW,ING LESSONS, AND CRAYON DRAWING, -7.6 f By Jon?: rIIBILZ. BANKS a®ILII,Aa t 3 A 'farN GE4 II NIA • I Are. b Fourth &red, MIDDLE HOO5l, JONES' NEW WlLLl:drier, OPEN DAILY, from 9 to 2 o'olook ; also, on Wedneadm and Baturday evenings, froth May Ist to November let, from 7 to 9 o'cloca; and from November let to May let, from to 8 o'clock. Deposita received of all sums not less than•Ona Doth_aa, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a, year, in Jung end December. Interest was declared at the rate f six per cent, per annum, on the first of December, 1855; also in June and December, 1856, and in Juno and December, 1857. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same interest from Gm drat days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor .to call or even to'present his pass book. At this tate, money will double in less than twelve years, making in the aggregate EIGHT AND ONE-RAIA/ PER CENT. A 'Eras. Hooks containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules cod ite;, : a latli,na, furnished gratis, on application at the offs— President--GEORGE ALBRB E. vice PRESIDENTS. John H. 811oenh,1„::e., N. Grattan Mu/phi, Isaac M. Pennock, James D. Belly, James lierdman, John 8 °engrave, Hopewell Hepburn, James Bbidle, Alexander Bradley, Robert Robb, William B. Lave , ly, 11111 Burgwin, CM= William J. AuJecs3n. James W. Hallman, John G. backoten, Charles snap, Albert Culbertson, ' P. A. Madeira, John B. Canfield, John 11. Mellor, J. Gardiner Coffin, Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carriei, Wilson Miller. David Campbell. A. M. Pollock, M. D. Charles A.Uolton,j Henry L. itingwal t, William Douglass, John Al. Sawyer, Francis Felix, • George FL Bolden, George F..Gilimere, Alexander Tindlu. James S. Moon, Theottaid limbstaett,, William S. Haven, George It. White, Sterelary and 'Pre.. urer.— Wilt S. A. COLTON. BANK OF lOWA. ri. J. STEVENS - & CO., 1/111.11001:4-3, COLLECTIONS MADE and prompu i mitted. LANDS selected and locate Quintaliata washing, to make investments in the Weat, eau do no through this house. Correapoudenco solicited. On3r2l:6ra GU TL' LOubilD RDO.B. D. LDfDa, AUSTIN LOOMIS & CO., Dea!era in Promiadory Notee. h .tiondt4, 51urciag,2, awl atl Secttriti,.% tor .tioney. Mcazy Loaned on I)horhu ehurt date 4 with ocalatcral 9 cc:tatty. itNI)DILAFrti BOUGHT et)LD Fcnions desiring .Loans cuu na excoruniodan d on rcahunti. zlii ti3rna, and capitalist,' cull furrnthed with good securi• tlna at reni4aurutive Sinn, att - uud to tho :411u, iLt:smhi tuol ~f `stnio. Union, D:c. Ii0171.1:11 stiwt, otiose 1. c... 3.1 , Notary ruidio, HOLMES 6; i?iONS, liankei-ti and Ea change itreker, and Ilemiers ILI Nutea, Dralte, Ace... 14 ...oeJ, dell, wilier and Neter.. , - ... , seliange on the hd,11 , - orn and 0011tietiO..0 suede in all ay. L.1.401.1*11.011i the 1 3 / 1 11 , A1 , itaten. .14eponn3 re , cli vol.} in par lundi or currant paper, ho. i 7 starkat ctc,,et, Letwew., Thud bind Mourth utz. ijadikly r iio2ti.AN WUW)S, Ow/aneroid' Broker, and Do.ttivr ua Nutee.,:towl,,, iNo. 7e tiuurtit eittlanargb, Jui3s A0.11.N 'WOODS, 13ANZED, AND EXCLIA.N . Darta. Dealer to Aicttausb, Conunercial and Danl.. L,otra. nuhdt ounutd, and auld on commuistou. Collection, etrefolly aNtaidou co. Inters:a. paid uu Dopodta. Ao. JON.E.d. NAW ttkilLlltivu, COCIIM tdruot, jedo REAL E6TATE AGE.NTo. QSUN'S(II?FIi.)E, No. 51 . .M.Latten dLroet, tot Ululo uuu Vitreaur.o 01 itea, Le,LiTv, COutilig trol,lse., Lat.:LILO:Ig lu itiAlttliaCt: +ALIA relitars, übLEvainis lUaun UU oouire)- 411Cez, dn.‘l6, Luuda, 40.; leg,[ol, Wart correivaudiu. rIlUt VarLiennUnxitli 4e. oclb BELDEN BEIIIIOITh, "teal _Estate anti Insurance Agent, c VE LAN tit:l O. IterzneNt.z.l,-1103ar., haiku:., rsrot,on itobezt. Ytuk3, .:mi: VirIISTLIABY LANDS• ALLEXAKOLit IthAL Aitif..lX, NO. ‘,4-WATLt. I DLLWSLMID. OHIO, tins !or sals Lands in Illinois, Viledet“, ',al.:Livia cunt tio iviLl 0.-cusugo Lauds /11 ASC., lUT aIKU WI. City pruisni.). All ioctiirs ot inquiry annworoS gratis, ny tulareeltug me as above. Exohougo for City Property.— ILkall of ZI6U LiCa'cb, uu ihu Allegheuy river , new nairauning, WU acres CluLircaii dwelling house, Crarii ald or. chard; cu.il, 11111.401t0 and :run ore. Also, a LAM 01 aUU acres near the above. Also, n Itarrn of N.l° acres on Line ei our:, .1 Ludes from firrcarruing ; : - ,SU acres cleared ; two Liutitled, iaiLLl a MAW 111111 to 6uud running order ; n first rata lutaalula for business. r.aU acre, of land at niuutli of iteu Bank creek; 40 acres cleared rind in god oniur. Paw luw and ferias easy. Wlll be exclialatieci iLI whuie ur in parr, fur city pro petty. .S. 451 market ONLY $750 FOE, A TWO STORY Dwel -1,1, 'luau°, of 'lour wows, with iot of ground feet hunt uu Sioutcruy othuot, Alleoway City, oy lit) deep [(rim *suit 10 :laud, odaduce of vac, two Liuu thrco CUTIIILEISX & SUN, n 042,4. ti Market direct. FOR RENT.—Alargo dwelling hods°, on tat head of Ptlth, with nutuodiato posaes mod. Attlu. two anzall .I,nlav!i in ,Splane'ti Court. CUTillitint cc SON, uov23 ALorlioc ataoot. ft 4 l o.li, $730 will be sold a new two story itatuu douse, With ugood lot or gruuud, itr Allebltrny ct Ly. lila lot la %LI tout truur, Uu hiunturny street, oy Ito loot to uu ulluy. 11,rue! n o isy. S. OUTIIBIhT & SON, uuvl4 61 Margot street. 14 -1 0 Ult To FIVE IJOLLAItB PEE, AORTi.,' A: for several small lots ut laud, too miles trout Mcmuds. vat,' Muratail coauty, Va., tour miles from it. 11, Statiou. IGch soil and good timeor. Pries $4 to $5 par acre, or, time, trouts to 7 years, it destrod. Also 700 acres of good land, 3 miles front Cameron Stu don, 13. it., tor ado to suit purchasers, ut frUm $7 to $lO l er acts, 11111 uu easy 5. CIT.III3ERT 6: SON. novl.l 1,1 AttiAtet Street. VOR ItEN dwollibg house on Third. Street. Also, ono on Russ street, with imuletliato pots s.osion. . CUTOBERT k SON, uovl 51 Market street. 14 1 Uit SALE.—A Dwelling louse with a Ftied otoro :loom, situate uttliutuusou street near Fed rai,leglieuy city. Write low and terms easy. jell 8. CUTILLMItt SON, s.l.slarket OE , SAL} .—A comfortable dwelling house (fraluu) of hail and eight rmerun, portico in front, with lotof ground 76 feat front ou bonth avenue, Allegheny, by r.lt) deep to Rebecca ntrl;3t, ivlth fruit and shade tree 4, ribrubbery, H(411,1o, 410., hc. , i'ticu $1,600. 9. CCITILUENT it SON, nova 61 Market street. • NTEItCIIANTS' AND M.A.NUFACTU- P.LIIS' BANK 6TQUI.i . , or PARER, will be taken at par, in whole or to part pay for ekveral very deaira blolocatiune tor country residenced, aca the city. One lot 01 12 ttcreo, ono at 14, of 10 ilia l =ltd. ' For particulars call at our oflico. OtaillihatT dt BUN, - octl.l 5/ Merit ersesL ' W 014.511 .J NyEeiTION 0N lit;OTION, ClO F.1,0110N, G 0 t: EOTION,OONI EUTION,OUNII. I 0 N 0 r 4 IT 11 1'10:;(1 ONIEOS I ON,QO Nit.loT. ON CON/I ECTI 6 ONVEOT I ON rCIONFECITI 11. moat plesmnt, cafe and effectual Worm Reno..l) Iu neo. Prepared and eold, wholeaalo and retail, by ANGELL le HAer, Cor. Wood and .t3ixtb Pittsbnrg,L, P., Aud odd by Drerlidete :zerPrallv _ f 62/ NO.TICE. THE OLDES9 AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE In El& T 0 Eh _ the city of Pitteburgh. Extra -Due peror'd ChOp, th 6 beat Green Tea imported, Laing of gard , u growth. dleo, tho finest, quality of pure Oolong Tea : ,vsseseing a ..elicions fragrance only to be found in thoge.,uino article. No apices kept, or, anything that is injurious in the flavor of Teas. °Easterners can rely on get 114 a pure article of tie own flavor. !id - a. 7AVNRR. 4 ta r;rlh L"LANNELS.- White, Yellow Red Plata, of all grades, and at LOWER PitIOES awl they tan be got for at any other es tablishment in the city. O. anEt'ON LOVE, ftrmerly Lova 'Brothers °eta - No. 24 Misket street ASONABLE GOODS. 1.0 Gentlemen's under &meats; embracing ellk, lambs' vvoill, heavy merino and cotton under.shirts; drawers, of the best manufacture, and sold a; very reduced rates. - .3101.14tISON'8 ,Iargo(II3LERRATED lot of cravats, tics, pockethatc - 3.; eDarfs, &c" and all theruticlee in the line of Flu Digit r; 000 , 1 J, erdtabie for the season, at nova . 110i1NE'S. 77 Market etreot. WARRA.NTED TO SFIELL TWENTY BUBILUS PEE' HOUR IN THE LIANAS OF ONE MAN—the Corn Sheller now exhibiting at" No. 6d Filth groat. Now, don't ba ..scited if you have bean humbugged, but give this machine, a trial, and if it is an imposition, say to; but if thoroughly tail:fled that it Is the beat invention of the_ kind the age has produced, then_buy territory and make a fortune, and quit.your croaking.. Call and eao. T INE.-200 barrels fresh Lime, far sale by wu (143 - 11 &NEN IL COLLINS. p ROOM CORN.,-3 tons first quality rec'd LP and for sale l y [mrsj HENRY H. CO LINE. NIONS.-10 bbls. Onions for sale by mr2 EtENEY Fl. 41)1,L114B. lITNAM'S Improved, and other styles ,o Est Window 8 4ad° J l l 3 u z lTF tut 013 br 1' IL MUM' INSURANCE, Fl tiE IN.:STTRI'',.N()E, BY THE. Reliance Mutual insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. ON BUILDINGS, MUTED OR PERPETUAL, lIEROHAEi= Bum, FURNITURE, AO., IS TOWN OR 00II21TRY. Office, moo. 308 Walnut street. - . :• Co:z4TAR'S" ; - fiat, Roach 61. C., Elliterimallintor, CAPITAL, 1 5 177,9 . 90.. ... ... ~61S4'TS, $ 9851,485 89. I Invested as folLAva, viz:—,. ! Put up in 28a., 35c., !be . and $1 Boxed. For the Destrue. First Mortgaie on Improved City Property, worth tion of bats Mice: Ground or Cield Mice, Moles, Reaches, double tue amount ' $120,200 00 , , Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent: Mortgage . 1 Croton Bags, etc. boon, $30,0d0 cost 2.0,600 00 Allegheny County 0 per cent. Peun'a E. R. Loau 10.000 00 , ' Pennsylvania hailroad Co.'s Stock 4,000:00 -, Stock of the'Rclianca 'Mutual insulancs Ce 19,160 00 Stock of County Fire . lnsurance C 0..........:. 1,080 00 Scrip of Sundry Insurance u0mpanied..„,........... 476 SG Bilis Receiva , le, business paper '' '• • 62.711 60 Book Accounts, accrued interest, etc 3,336 10 Cash on band and in-Bank ' 16,048 20 $252,405 89 CLEM TINGLEY, l'reddent. DP3SCTOP.6. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, ' , avid S. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, H. L. Carson, Robert Toland, 0108 Johnson, Charles S. Wood, James S. Woodward, Enra B. . J. GAR mr3 North.east cur. MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE CO3, Ope—.. No. 10 51erchanta' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPEMIL--03PITAL 6560 1 u u . FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND RISKS TAKEN tiLLAS. WIAE, iii‘o .41,tektEll WhEKS, flucrutarl. .I.tIREOTOhe.. Ww. A. A. P. Lippbcott, Chas. J. Fiold, William Zeal, Cha:lea John P. tilmons, J. Rinaldo bank, Thomai Ben, M. liachard3 • Pittehargh ODlce, No. Water at, eta,., mrl7 BEM-, liEliiihNlS' , U51)11),.,‘.(13-COlit'AN.i., Of Philittekeiiviiiia. 11,411.1 , , rreilziau J..21VA.L.11:?, ..zux&ary. Amount cf Capital iStocti paid iu azicl inveot.cl...t.AN,U4lV vu 2urpitin 4110d,a0 do . Iniatud Cargo Elria.s oa the Clillo 2:llLllll43'irakiipl Eirord Lad tributaries. IrLairad against ruts ur donloy,4 by I;'i co, Also, agollust the Yenta ut Llle ten nua inluno Novlgatton ,nd Tranaporrauon. hlllEo2vv.tn Win. V. Pettit, I. O. Sloncgorunry, John M. iar d izoi D. J.M.cOntin, E. F. Warner, ham. unallun, 11. L. Woolptau, John .5. -Idaram , E, , Cam. nun; John J. Patterson, Elwood I'. t'usoy. OZS/CSJIS, V. fretiat;ll E. F. WEE2IEtt, V“,:t ,D. J. frIcCANIN, &cretary. . An .Phitarldphia': ;in. ..etataazip..* . . duigtyr, Lamb a C..., i ::DelianitY., 3 [LTC{Zo Z.. (....r., Trunt,l3ru. a Llo., .:, 'Ulu:kg., .uurgau z z,..ittiolv, A. T. Lan° a en., 1 l'i.a.A.Jruj t ~ ada, 6 vil a V.t. PlTTatalittiti OFele.l4 AU: n 7 11.t.1.t.,.n. zTi.....a..".L. an 7 .r... 1.1. Ytlii'l , r<..l. a:. ; .ta PILLLAD.t,LPHILI £i t: INSUILAINCEI COMPAA , Aio. 1401$ l%hoytaac. n.Jrcvs, Vpi• Joao Lilo tow:O.WD Li.4.;ure. W ILL MAKE ALLIS.IINI., • 6i either rerpauiii ileacript.tuu IJ/ Iroptirry ur dlnrc4uudtsn, al ! 10.1.41,11. , M CU::, of pronnuM. RVllliail! Y. kLikai, Y'reziauta. • NI. W. BALDWIA, V /CO erevud.tgat. 11.1.53272120 z. . : . (.I.l.lario Ilyee, .E.. rt. Ciwi, 2, is tiug12.312, enurgc VIF . Ltruvse, Y. J 3. eavery, U. Shormuze, . ' Jun" ult+),tort ; Y. J. lazgargoe. ..11._wilor.., ~ Y. 212,2.0i.nciami, Secrfiiary. • • .. J. 4i. 001 0 .2eiNi ligant, jy.i:ly Lloriwr Iltira ai.a Vi ova ocrmaz NETT UNE INS URAIII CSJAIPAIN , OF PtiILAI)ELPiiIA, /, 114 W Organized wider the General In.urte.uct Law, with is 0,11 thipttul of sltio,oets, privileged to morel:tee to *lOO ,000. 1.11. auras agninet loss or datz-ge NAVIUATION and 111,4tNOAPSTAT.1.1-ii."4. d/OZ.V.b H. 0. LAUGHLIN, Preeictemt. HICLUD OLLIIILDe, V. }sten' :. GEORGE :1007.1:, Se , crokiry. DULEOTOP.I3 : H. 0. Lauglan, D, tilittrwooe,, AluiltgualLi,v, W. 0. btoteebury, 11. 31. Curdle, ttlelitird nhieldn, It. F. bliewell, 0. 0. Butler, George dcott. TITS s lataliTEA, Agent; jel:y Ofilce Lafayette Hell, entr.ueu on PlTTSBUittili LIFE. FIRE ANIL) INSLIBANCE COMPANY, OORNER UM WATER AND MARKET r:TREaTR PITTSBURGH, PA. ItuBERT GALWAY, Pmaidc,r“ ALEX. BRADLEE, Vice President. F. A. Rinaneivr, Bucrotary. eirThia Company malted exery tndnrtinco appertaining to or connected with LIME itlsll.B. Also, against HULL AND CARGO RISIth on the (MU: raid Mississippi Rivera and tributaries, and ,11.%P.INIlliltlith generally. And against' Loos and Darangs by Fire, and against to Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety t all parties. DIRECTORS. Robert Galway, Samuel ll'Olurfian, Joseph P. Oazzarn, M.D., John Scutt , James Marshall, David Richey, James W. Ilailman, Charles Arbuthnot, Alexander Bradley, Joseph 8. Leech, John Fullerton,. li. E. Mart, David 11. Chambers, . Robert 11. Bartley, William Carr, j no. Mein!.,, - ;,2f . , , CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPAN OF PITTSBURGH. - WILLIAM BAGALEY, President, 13AMIIE.L L. MAP.9IIELL, kicnretary. OFFICE: IA Water area, between .Marleet and, ii - 14:4 slrerts Sig. Insures HULL AND CARGO IQ9ICY, on the and hilssiaxippi Mere and tribute.rics. illellloB against Lem or Dr.rnnge by FIRD. Also, against the Perils of the Sea and Inland 11.1% , .!wqttr.L and Transportation. DIBBOTORS William Ragaley, kuipt. Mark riwihog :'Ocurvuol Rea, ' ganiriel M. Kier ' James M. Coo . per, John S. Dilworth, James Park, Jr., granein Seller; Isaac M. Pennock, William B. .11ay. Springer Etarhaugh, john Sh'peon, Capt. Samuel C. Young, Walter Bryant, John Caldwell WEST BLANCH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY; LOGE: HAV.E.:IV, CLINTON COUNTY. WidSiTE.RED THS LPAIBLATURE, OP PZ141187L174/ILA $300,u00 I 1 v'anium N0g.5...032,843. COMPANY WILL INSURE ON A Bub:lir-A, Nerchandiz, Farniture, to., in Otvu oz c'Oilntry. DIECOTOIld: Lion. Jno.J.Pearce, HOEI. G. C. Harvey,lCharles 'A. Maier, John B. Hall, Charles Crlst. 'Peter hichiamm, T. T. Abrams, D K. Jackman, IW. Whin; Thomas Kitchen. RON. G. C. HARVEY, Pres ident. l'. T. sssve.i, Vice President. - Tues. Lirram, liecretary. an I'SRIINCESC. Samuel IL Lloyd, iDr. J isi Crawford. A. A. WU:Logan:Mar, John W. Maynard, A. Updeg, aft, L.. A. Mackey, , Ron. 6 Cameros, iamea A, uthstrut,,,.. A. White, . . Thos. Bewmea D.D, Wiluarn ketiruit, Jamas Qulggle, Wm Vanderhelt., HUB dim tildl , r, OVNICri—NO. dB _BIBI'II efishk.T, ?ITT:muscle de2Ltf - ' J. A. LI ~ Lai. Agent. THE FRANKLIN Fllll. COMPANY, OF, PlilliAllliliPELLS.. Ihra-CTOBS---Crharles Banctor, Thomas Uort, robias Wagner,Samuel Grant, Jacob lie &Mai, Lies. W liordecii D. Lewis, Adolphi E. Boris, David 8. Drowns*, lite . i. ria 'Patten/M. C 313. lisiiez.ro, President. Cita& G. Ilemsysu oec t etary. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or imoted c-. description of property, in town and ..v.pantry, at meets low as are consistent With security. - The Company have reserved a large- Continsout ,thich, with their capital and premium:s r safely inveets-i, ford ample protection to the asanred. The Assets of the Company, on January la1;1351, as pub. Relied agreea bly t o an Act of Assembly, were 83 follows, viz : Mortgage —1918,12 g 63 Bell! Estate*: • 84,31,7,78 Tomporary;Lcans.. 83,966 17 Stocks.. 61,889 0 0:44 - 34016 81-. Total - 41,7111,703 , Moe their incorporation, a period pt, ;wents 7 sue year;, th e y have paid upward.of Que Pillion four Hundred sand Dollars,l 66336 byAro, thereby-affording evidence of the advantages of ineurance, as well 'ea . thenbllty - ur.U. disporition to.meet with promptness all liabilities.. . J. GAIiDII-11:11 (*Fah. ATLI*, Office, northeast COT. Woad and Third et DOZ..WHITE, BLACK AND COLOR. v!Lf. H o 11:1 GLOVES, BiliCrUe beg._ .yea: day. , Drees Goode, etc.. EtAIiBON LOVI (Formerly Lave Brothem,) Nord Merket , PRUNI NG TOOLS—For the Garden and :_.otstard._.TlE-141wei, Chisels, 4thipe , Bhears, Berge albs W _U° O ar% ZrolO l ltuPil vi, 1 1 1 I , 4 lLreat VirietY. for by Frfiß DOLL Samuel Biaphana, -Robert - Steen, William Musser, - Benjamin WAingloY, Marshall Hill, Z Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting., Smith Bowen, Wm. M. Semple. Plust,'g . HINCHSSAN , af.eretary. 141. N E, COFFIN, Agent, • er Third "and Wood etreets 'AU rFitfl l l4A.AlMtOga ., Vg . qc. • z 4 NNUM. ;=4ISCELLANEOUS; e 4 Death to all Vectiiia.l". tlf11) 111;6. EXTERAINATOR. 1•41, op in 25c 60c, 715 c, and $1 Bottl(m. .4,tos3Aßis" EtIe.'CTRIC POWDER, t rut up in 150. and 50c. Bait. a. To Destroy Moths, Bad Bu &i, Busquitoes, • Ante, FlLas, Inaecta r Vennin on Fowls and Aufnutlo. The above are now acknowledged the Only Infallible Reanediee &Awn! Terms Cash. ttr - bio goods soot on commission. I.lb,rel wholesale rums made to l)rutiii.t, and Deal era everywhere. „pay- "Costar's" Private Circular to Druzgiste and Deal 'era cent by mail, on application. I ea - Sold, *hole:mkt and " COSTAR'S rr I Principal klepoto No. asps Broadway, New flealt, and by Druggists ,_rd Dealers everywhere. For the People- isil VicvartlaUM are Curttlin DoijEnction- to o v,,,ry apeci4 ot lie - ,aal,, a 114, Nt I.le/ biLi kliv •• ii, tro hailthi 4/3 the most ro, marlitale thecuittl(ls 01 the age A a conetqaence, the du. no rat il becoaluta haw, 1.,0 : • ~,,...,t .1.12 .itudind fairly, 1 end to meet alto, in a 1. bormi sprat, these ganorOu :13-orsdidn iliu may 'omit to test Illtdr niotib Irir tbealselyea and their '., neighbor..--1n new placca—i. 1,11. rt, to place them within i the reach of every body, ever .) :oleic. 1 I have 0f,,d16.1 a ecuiv i Fri.:4,4 “igd nVEA:tinGI/ a 111 ht 012 t. - I, fall to E.:, t the view a of all - IT. On Receipt, oe ti I'd kJ DOLLAR, I wi 1 1,,, ward by Lath (pool pail) a etaddeLL quantity et the liar., acacia, dc., 1.::-14 - --rminator to destroy ail . -- ,1 Ulla ciao cf vermin that 11)1, infest youriretainee. 1 .9it Receipt of Tv WO DOLLARS. I i will fertviird by man (postage paid) a entliclent lueotity of both the -KZ, Audi.A. ox Artcradat,:Jr and the Licc:nr. 1 - 'ouxter, Co6ettint' with k the premium 01 one ,jvat'a Nut4crigidoll to the iinal,:a"...Saks J 0211114 i :he largezt and nett conducted, monthly xtewtpapr : . In Lb bitaiz tZzacz. j iiii. On Receipt of vIIVIL noLL.a.EIS. .r , 114 1:,rm..4 Dy (Ala .c, (via-paying tha expreca CJa.rff,..3) R io y,vrth u teat, Roach., eiv., .E.Ztcruttndtor ti. Etta': lc rondo*, aLld asc Bed Bug Azar:* rtnincdur, Luz Ini,:nr 11:16 a 12qt.ta,Lesunat no aunt in tbannail,) and the atithuudn; away 3 - I.3ll j l3slll:MerlptiVll 'CO Cl 4. Jc“rna... 1V: Can nacelpc of TI; m DoLLARB. The dam, teruia Ds uasda as wade co Druaata kaalera.. taa Coatat'a Private+ Cirzalar to Drneziata and acalaca. ..I.I.,DL:LagI ull letzezo cowr.a9, PisINCIPAL DEPOT, are.d sr ay, New S oria= •7 a t..3,41-r-LWLStI.t., au. ttuautn: .V3 . 5.t).h., u p aw Laud the, Liakue Offle4', COMIty, d t3t.to. 14. 1:5. 6 ,4Eur y,mr .attar aud it will coma at my rink:Fr, ,I•4`i Ev.a.rn moue ) preferred, l o W ap l er • • Litai6 3 1,;19.64., Atv r n,li •r ac.,) tttai • .1:10111 ni,at3 eruill are y; r In 61.1:Ungtlynt lb° itiLlti TLtlu Iv-so tn Lilt n 11,1 U dr3ad." A ron qiltast: daya: Lt. 141.1./:, In :IL fn.:), ov,rryr. WILL ttinui, (rata, ry,ce, ) 11 - Ultl Inn u :We nnUln OL iii, chnjn: . " 1.11:1 rata ,Ual. Ill..) SP I.• 11.: :11. ula Li.a) boraru t7LUO Lli Oat nt.bin.' tii ❑au a tit